@phdthesis{Schneider2005, author = {Schneider, Gy{\"o}rgy}, title = {Studies on the architecture and on transferability of pathogenicity islands of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14231}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The establishment of genomic approaches including the sequence determination of complete bacterial genomes started a new era in microbiological research. Since then more than two hundred prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes have been completely sequenced, and there are additional complete genome projects including different bacterial species and strains in progress (http://www.tigr.org, http://www.sanger.ac.uk). The continously growing amount of bacterial DNA sequence information gives us also the possibility to gain deeper insight into bacterial pathogenesis. With the help of comparative genomics, microbiological research can focus on those DNA sequences that are present in pathogenic bacteria but are absent in non-pathogenic strains. With this knowledge and with the help of molecular biological methods such as PCR,DNA-chip technology, subtractive hybridisation, transcriptomics and proteomics we can analyse in detail what makes a particular bacterial strain pathogenic. This knowledge also gives us the possibility to develop new vaccines, therapeutic approaches or diagnostic tools. The aim of this work was the structural and functional analysis of DNA regions of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536 that belong to the flexible E. coli gene pool. The first part of this thesis focused on the identification and structural characterisation of pathogenicity island V of strain 536 (PAI V536). PAI V536 is integrated at the pheV tRNA gene at 64 minutes of the E. coli K-12 chromosome. In addition to the intact pheV tRNA gene, a truncated copy ('pheV) that represents the last 22 bp of this gene's 3'-end was identified 49 kb downstream of pheV on PAI V536. The analysis of the DNA sequence flanked by pheV and 'pheV revealed characteristics that are typical of PAIs. This DNA region exhibits homology to IS-elements and prophages and also comprises determinants coding for the Pix fimbriae, a phosphoglycerate transport system, an autotransporter, as well as for hypothetical proteins. Downstream of 'pheV, the K15 capsule determinant (kpsK15) of this strain is located. Structural analysis of the 20-kb kpsK15 locus revealed a so far unknown genetic organisation indicative of recombination events between a group 2 and group 3 capsule gene cluster. Downstream of the capsule determinant, the genes encoding a type II secretion system (general secretion pathway -GSP) are located on PAI V536. The K15 capsule locus was functionally characterized. Specific inactivation of each of the regions 1 to 3 of the kpsK15 gene cluster, and the use of a K15 capsule-specific antiserum demonstrated that this determinant is the functional K15 capsule locus of strain 536. It has been shown in an experimental murine model of ascending urinary tract infection with suckling mice that the K15 capsule contributes to urovirulence. Interestingly, the K15 capsule is not involved in serum resistance of strain 536. Inactivation of the PAI V536-encoded type II secretion system excluded a role of this general secretion pathway for capsule biosynthesis and virulence of strain 536 in the murine ascending urinary tract infection model. In the second part of the thesis, the transferability of PAIs was further investigated. Using PAI II536 as a model, mobilisation of this island from strain 536 into suitable recipient strains was investigated. For this purpose, an antibiotic resistance cassette, the R6K origin of replication as well as plasmid pGP704 carrying the mobilisation region of plasmid RP4 have been inserted into PAI II536. Transformation with the helper plasmid RP4, resulted a derivative of strain 536 that was used as a donor for conjugation experiments, while for recipient the pir + laboratory strain SY327 was used. After deletion the circularised PAI II536 was mobilised with the help of the conjugative helper plasmid (RP4) into the recipient laboratory strain SY327. The frequency of this event was about 10-8. It was also demonstrated that in the transconjugant strains the mobilized PAI II536 could be permanently present as a circular form and also can be integrated into the chromosome at the same chromosomal insertion site (leuX) as in the donor strain 536. Furthermore, after mobilisation and chromosomal integration of PAI II536 it was possible to remobilise this PAI back to a PAI II536-negative derivative of strain 536. The results obtained in this thesis increase our knowledge of the structure and function of a pathogenicity island of uropathogenic E. coli strain 536 and shed some light on the mechanisms contributing to genome plasticity and evolution of pathogenic E. coli variants.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2005, author = {M{\"u}ller, Claudia Maria}, title = {Studies on the Role of Histone-like Proteins in Gene Regulation in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolate 536}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this study, the role of histone-like proteins in gene regulation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolate 536 was monitored. The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein H-NS is a global regulator in Escherichia coli that has been intensively studied in non-pathogenic strains. No comprehensive study on the role of H-NS and it's homolog StpA on gene expression in a pathogenic E. coli strain has been carried out so far. Moreover, we identified a third, so far uncharacterized member of the H-NS-like protein family in uropathogenic E. coli isolate 536, which was designated Hlp (H-NS-like protein). Hlp is a 134-amino acid protein, which shares 58 \% sequence identity with H-NS. The gene coding for the Hlp protein, hlp, is found in several uropathogenic E. coli variants, but not in non-pathogenic E. coli K-12. In UPEC strains 536 and CFT073, Hlp is encoded on a possibly horizontally acquired 23-kb genomic region inserted into the serU locus. Studies on hlp transcription revealed, that the gene is transcribed monocistronically from a single promoter and that expression is repressed by H-NS. Purified Hlp protein was binding to its own and to the hns promoter, thereby mediating negative auto- and crossregulation. Furthermore, Hlp and H-NS were directly interacting, resulting in the formation of stable heteromers. Complementation studies with hns mutant strains in a K-12 background revealed that the Hlp protein had in vivo activity, being able to complement the lack of H-NS in terms of motility, growth, and repression of the proU, bgl, and clyA genes. When analyzing the role of the histone-like proteins in expression of virulence-associated genes by using DNA arrays and classical phenotypic assays, most of the observed effects were mediated by the H-NS protein alone. Expression profiling revealed that transcript level of more than 500 genes was affected by an hns mutation, resulting in increased expression of alpha-hemolysin, fimbriae and iron-uptake systems, as well as genes involved in stress adaptation. Furthermore, several other putative virulence factors were found to be part of the H-NS regulon. On the other hand, no effect of StpA alone was observed. An hns stpA double mutant, however, exhibited a distinct gene expression pattern that differed in great parts from that of the hns single mutant. This suggests a direct interaction between the two homologs and the existence of distinct regulons of H-NS and an H-NS/StpA heteromeric complex. Although the H-NS protein has - either as homomer or in complex with StpA - a marked impact on gene expression in pathogenic E. coli strains, its effect on urovirulence is ambiguous. At a high infection dose, hns mutants accelerate lethality in murine UTI and sepsis models relative to the wild type, probably due to increased production of alpha-hemolysin. At lower infectious dose, however, mutants lacking H-NS are attenuated through their impaired growth rate, which can only partially be compensated by the higher expression of numerous virulence factors. As seen with StpA, an hlp single mutant did not exhibit a notable phenotype under standard growth conditions. A severe growth defect of hns hlp double mutants at low temperatures, however, suggests a biological relevance of H-NS/Hlp heteromers under certain circumstances. Furthermore, these mutants expressed more capsular polysaccharide and curli fimbriae, thereby indicating a distinct role of H-NS and Hlp in regulation of these surface structures. The H-NS paralogs Hlp and StpA also modulated H-NS-mediated regulation of fimbrial adhesins, and are oppositely required for normal growth at low or high temperatures, respectively. Finally, expression levels of the three histone-like proteins H-NS, StpA and Hlp itself varied with different temperatures, thereby suggesting a flexible composition of the nucleoid-associated protein pool. Hence, we propose that the biological role of Hlp and StpA does not rely on a distinct function of the single protein, but rather on their interaction with the global regulator H-NS.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} }