@phdthesis{Foley2001, author = {Foley, Paul Bernard}, title = {Beans, roots and leaves}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The author presents the first detailed review of the pharmacological therapy of parkinsonism from ancient times until the near present (1980). It is not clear whether parkinsonism as it is now defined - a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the basal ganglia characterized by sharply reduced striatal dopamine levels, particularly in the striatum - has always affected a significant minority of aged persons, but suggestive evidence to this effect in the older literature is reviewed. The major discussion commences, however, with the administration of various plant alkaloids to parkinsonian patients in the second half of the 19th century. Antiparkinsonian therapy since this time may be divided into a number of phases: 1. The employment of alkaloids derived from solanaceous plants: initially hyoscyamine, then hyoscine/scopolamine and atropine. The discovery and characterization of these alkaloids, and the gradual recognition that other pharmacologically useful solanaceous alkaloids (such as duboisine) were identical with one or other of these three compounds, is discussed. 2. With the outbreak of encephalitis lethargica following the First World War, parkinsonian patient numbers increased dramatically, leading to a multiplicity of new directions, including the use of another solanaceous plant, stramonium, of extremely high atropine doses, and of harmala alkaloids. 3. The so-called "Bulgarian treatment" was popularized in western Europe in the mid-1930s. It was also a belladonna alkaloid-based therapy, but associated with greater efficacy and fewer side effects. This approach, whether as actual plant extracts or as defined combinations of belladonna alkaloids, remained internationally dominant until the end of the 1940s. 4. Synthetic antiparkinsonian agents were examined following the Second World War, with the aim of overcoming the deficiencies of belladonna alkaloid therapy. These agents fell into two major classes: synthetic anticholinergic (= antimuscarinic) agents, such as benzhexol, and antihistaminergic drugs, including diphenhydramine. These agents were regarded as more effective than plant-based remedies, but certainly not as cures for the disease. 5. A complete change in direction was heralded by the discovery in 1960 of the striatal dopamine deficit in parkinsonism. This led to the introduction of L-DOPA therapy for parkinsonism, the first approach directed against an identified physiological abnormality in the disorder. 6. Subsequent developments have thus far concentrated on refinement or supplementation of the L-DOPA effect. Recent attempts to develop neuroprotective or -restorative approaches are also briefly discussed. The thesis also discusses the mechanisms by which the various types of antiparkinsonian agent achieved their effects, and also the problems confronting workers at various periods in the design and assessment of novel agents. The impact of attitudes regarding the etiology and nature of parkinsonism, particularly with regard to symptomatology, is also considered. Finally, the history of antiparkinsonian therapy is discussed in context of the general development of both clinical neurology and fundamental anatomical, physiological and biochemical research. In particular, the deepening understanding of the neurochemical basis of central nervous system function is emphasized, for which reason the history of dopamine research is discussed in some detail. This history of antiparkinsonian therapy also illustrates the fact that the nature of experimental clinical pharmacology has markedly changed throughout this period: No longer the preserve of individual physicians, it is now based firmly on fundamental laboratory research, the clinical relevance of which is not always immediately apparent, and which is only later examined in (large scale) clinical trials. It is concluded that antiparkinsonian therapy was never irrational or without basis, but has always been necessarily rooted in current knowledge regarding neural and muscular function. The achievements of L-DOPA therapy, the first successful pharmacological treatment for a neurodegenerative disorder, derived from the fruitful union of the skills and contributions of different types by laboratory scientists, pharmacologists and clinicians.}, subject = {Parkinson-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foeger2000, author = {F{\"o}ger, Niko}, title = {Costimulatory function of CD44}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {T cell activation is supposed to require two signals via engagement of the TCR and a costimulatory molecule. However, the signaling cascade of costimulatory molecules has remained elusive. Here, I provide evidence that CD44 supports proliferation as well as apoptosis mainly, if not exclusively, by enhancing signal transduction via the TCR/CD3 complex. Blockade of CD44 interferes with mounting of an immune response. This has been demonstrated by the significantly decreased IL-2 production of a T helper line, when stimulated in the presence of a competing CD44 receptor globulin. To evaluate the underlying mechanism, CD44 was cross-linked by an immobilized antibody (IM7). Cross-linking of CD44 induces proliferation of peripheral T cells and apoptosis of thymocytes and a T helper line in the presence of subthreshold levels of anti-CD3. CD44-induced proliferation was accompanied by an upregulation of the activation markers CD25 and CD69 and an increased cytokine production. TCR-mediated apoptosis was accompanied by an upregulation of CD95 ligand and CD95 receptor, which could be greatly enhanced by costimulation via CD44. On the level of signal transduction, coligation of CD44 with CD3 resulted in a strong and sustained increase of early tyrosine phosphorylation events and upregulated downstream signal transduction pathways, such as the ras/ERK and the JNK signaling cascades. These pleiotropic effects of CD44 are due to its involvement in the most proximal events in TCR signaling, as demonstrated by a strong increase in the phosphorylation of the TCR z-chain and ZAP-70. Notably, cross-linking of CD44 was binding-site dependent and was only effective when supporting colocalization of the TCR/CD3 complex and CD44. Cross-linking of CD44 via immobilized IM7 also induced profound changes in cell morphology, characterized by strong adhesion, spreading and development of surface extensions, which were dependent on a functional tubulin and actin cytoskeleton. These cytoskeletal rearrangements were mediated by rac1, a small GTPase of the rho subfamily, and src-family kinases, two of which, fyn and lck, were found to be associated with CD44. By cross-linkage of CD44 these kinases were redistributed into so called lipid rafts. It is supposed that for T cell activation a relocation of the TCR/CD3 complex into the same membrane microdomains is required. The data are interpreted in the sense that the costimulatory function of CD44 relies on its cooperativity with the TCR. Most likely by recruitment of phosphokinases CD44 significantly lowers the threshold for the initiation of signaling via the TCR. The requirement for immobilized anti-CD44, the necessity for neighbouring anti-CD3 and the dependence on the binding site of CD44 strongly suggest that the costimulatory mechanism involves cytoskeletal rearrangements, which facilitate recruitment and redirection of src-family protein kinases in glycolipid enriched membrane microdomains.}, subject = {Antigen CD44}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eltz2001, author = {Eltz, Thomas}, title = {Ecology of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, and an evaluation of logging impact on populations and communities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The present thesis reports on four years of field research on stingless bee ecology in Sabah, Malaysia. Hereby, it was the main focus to evaluate the effect of selective logging for timber extraction on communities of bees, and to elucidate causative relationships involved in regulating bee populations. Included were background studies on resource use (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) and nesting biology (3.4) as well as comparative studies on stingless bee diversity and abundance in logged and unlogged lowland rainforest sites (4.1, 4.2). Stingless bees proved to be generalist foragers that used a large range of plant species as pollen sources. Nevertheless, different species of bees had rather distinct pollen diets, a findind that was independent of fluctuations in flowering activity in the habitat. At one particular point in time colonies of one species (Trigona collina)collected mold spores (Rhizopus sp.) as a pollen surrogate. In order to obtain low-effort estimates of meliponine pollen sources a new method was developed: Trapping of bee garbage (with funnel traps) and the quantitative analysis of pollen in garbage samples. Pollen in bee garbage reflected pollen import with a certain time lag and could therefore be used for an assessment of long-term pollen foraging (see below). The majority of stingless bee nests (275 nests of 12 species) were found in cavities in trunks or under the bases of large, living canopy trees. Nest trees mostly belonged to commercial species and were of the correct size and (partly) timber quality to warrant harvesting. It was estimated that roughly one third of stingless bee nests in an given forest area would be killed during a selective logging operation. Besides causing direct mortality, logging may also indirectly affect bee populations by reducing the availability of potential nest sites (trees). However, in a comparison of primary and differentially logged forest sites (10 to 30 years after logging) no effect of the degree of disturbance on meliponine nest density was found. Instead, the variation in nest density (0 to 16.2 nest/ha) was best explained by differences in the available floral resources (assessed by analysis of pollen in bee garbage). Bee populations in forest edge situations were favored: there was a positive correlation between nest density and the proportion of external non-forest pollen (e.g. from crop plants, road edge vegetation, mangroves) in the bees' diet. The highest nest density was found in a site bordering the mangroves in Sandakan Bay. Here, the mangrove tree Rhizophora apiculata represented a extraordinary large fraction of the pollen volume. Presumably, external pollen sources effectively supplement bee diets at times when little flowering occurs inside the forest, thus increasing overall bee carrying-capacity. The idea of differential pollen limitation was strengthened by direct measurements of pollen import and foraging activity over a period of five months. Both were elevated in colonies in a site with high bee density. It is concluded that the abundance of stingless bees in forests in Sabah is chiefly dependent on the local availability of food resources. Hereby, bee populations strongly benefit from edge effects and increased habitat diversity. Although direct negative effects of selective logging are strongly indicated by a close association of bee nests with commercial trees, no clear effects were detected in regenerating forests ten to 30 years after logging.}, subject = {Sabah}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dinev2001, author = {Dinev, Dragomir}, title = {Analysis of the role of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK5) in the differentiation of muscle cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1180481}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The MEK5/ ERK5 kinase module is a relatively new discovered mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway with a poorly defined physiological function. Since ERK5 and its upstream activator MEK5 are abundant in skeletal muscle a function of the cascade during muscle differentiation was examined. ERK5 becomes activated upon induction of differentiation in mouse myoblasts. The selective activation of the pathway results in promoter activation of differentiation-specific genes, such as the cdk-inhibitor p21 gene, the myosin light chain (MLC1A) gene, or an E-box containing promoter element, where myogenic basic-helix-loop-helix proteins such as MyoD or myogenin bind. Moreover, myogenic differentiation is completely blocked, when ERK5 expression is inhibited by antisense RNA. The effect can be detected also on the expression level of myogenic determination and differentiation markers such as p21, MyoD and myogenin. Another new finding is that stable expression of ERK5 in C2C12 leads to differentiation like phenotype and to increased p21 expression levels under growth conditions. These results provide first evidence that the MEK5/ERK5 MAP kinase cascade is critical for early steps of muscle cell differentiation.}, subject = {Muskelzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Daniels1999, author = {Daniels, Justin John Douglas}, title = {Interaction of Salmonella typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes with the murine host}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Food borne pathogens that cause systemic disease must cross the intestinal barrier. Many of these pathogens, eg Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella flexneri, use M cells, found only within the follicle associated epithelium (FAE) that overlies Peyer's patches and other lymphoid follicles, to enter the host. This study is primarily an investigation into the interaction of S. typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes with the intestinal epithelium, representing the early stage of an infection.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cseh1999, author = {Cseh, Richard}, title = {Adsorption of phloretin to lipid layers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1069}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1999}, abstract = {The mode of action of phloretin and its analogs on the permeability of natural membranes for neutral and charged molecules, such as urea, glucose and chloride has been characterized 25 years ago. In contrast to signal molecules with primary effects on transport systems of natural membranes, phloretin also affects model membranes, i.e., artificial membranes, which do not contain proteins. Since the dipole potential reducing effect of phloretin on mono- and bilayers has been found, it became clear that its primary effect must be a biophysical one: phloretin adsorbs to lipid layers and changes biophysical parameters of these layers. The aim of this work was the characterization of the interaction between the surface-active molecule phloretin and artificial lipid layers. We were able to describe structural and functional parameters of the model systems mono- and bilayer as functions of one or few variables. One of these parameters, the dipole potential, measured as a function of the aqueous phloretin concentration, allowed a critical examination of the Langmuir adsorption model that has been postulated for the interaction between phloretin and lipid layers. Surface pressure versus area per lipid molecule isotherms and surface (dipole) potential change versus area per lipid molecule isotherms, measured at lipid monolayers, allowed a structural description of the phloretin-lipid interaction: phloretin integrates into monolayers dependent on the surface pressure and the phase state of the lipid. Calorimetric measurements confirmed the integration of phloretin into membranes because of the strong decrease of the phase transition temperature, but they also showed that the cooperativity of phase transition is hardly affected, even at very high amounts of phloretin in the membrane. Obviously the interaction between phloretin and lipids is restricted to the head groups, an integration into the hydrocarbon layer is unlikely. 2H NMR measurements with spherical unilamellar vesicles of headgroup-deuterated lipid showed changed quadrupolar splittings indicating the interaction between phloretin and headgroups of the lipids.}, subject = {Phloretin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bruehl2001, author = {Br{\"u}hl, Carsten A.}, title = {Leaf litter ant communities in tropical lowland rain forests in Sabah, Malaysia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1042}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Large parts of the tropical lowland rain forests of Sabah (Malaysia) were transformed into secondary forests due to heavy logging. Additionally the remaining forest remnants are isolated from each other by large scale oil palm plantations. Biodiversity patterns and responses of the community of leaf litter ants were studied in anthropogenically disturbed habitats and primary forests of different size. In logged over forests, only 70 per cent of the species of a primary forest were present even 25 years after timber extraction. The ant communities were thinned and could be described by a lower species density producing lower species numbers and a different community composition. The similarity in species number and community composition between logged over forests of different degrees of disturbance was explained by source-sink dynamics within a heterogeneous forest matrix. Rain forest fragments displayed even higher reductions in species density, numbers and diversity due to a more pronounced thinning effect. Even forest isolates exceeding 4 000 ha in size did not support more than 50 per cent of the species of the leaf litter ant community of a contiguous primary rain forest. Additionally, an increase in tramp species was recorded with decreasing size of the forest fragments, leading to a very different community composition. Regarding the leaf litter ant community, the remaining rain forest fragments of Sabah are effectively isolated by a barrier of oil palm plantation, now stretching all over the lowlands of the east coast. Only 13 species, which belonged to the forest ant community in highly disturbed areas were collected in these plantations. Some of the 10 other species of the highly reduced ground-dwelling ant community in the plantations are known as invasive tramp species, forming large exclusive territories. Correlative evidence and a field experiment implied, that leaf litter humidity, volume and temperature affect the distribution and community composition of forest leaf litter ant species. The smaller primary forests and the most disturbed logged over forests in this study revealed higher temperatures and lower humidity levels and a reduction in leaf litter volume compared to a large primary forest or forests affected by a lower impact of timber harvesting. If the pattern for leaf litter ants is confirmed for other taxa, the implications for any efficient management design aiming to preserve the majority of the biodiversity of the country are tremendous and current concepts need rethinking.}, subject = {Sabah}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brembs2000, author = {Brembs, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {An Analysis of Associative Learning in Drosophila at the Flight Simulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1039}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Most natural learning situations are of a complex nature and consist of a tight conjunction of the animal's behavior (B) with the perceived stimuli. According to the behavior of the animal in response to these stimuli, they are classified as being either biologically neutral (conditioned stimuli, CS) or important (unconditioned stimuli, US or reinforcer). A typical learning situation is thus identified by a three term contingency of B, CS and US. A functional characterization of the single associations during conditioning in such a three term contingency has so far hardly been possible. Therefore, the operational distinction between classical conditioning as a behavior-independent learning process (CS-US associations) and operant conditioning as essentially behavior-dependent learning (B-US associations) has proven very valuable. However, most learning experiments described so far have not been successful in fully separating operant from classical conditioning into single-association tasks. The Drosophila flight simulator in which the relevant behavior is a single motor variable (yaw torque), allows for the first time to completely separate the operant (B-US, B-CS) and the classical (CS-US) components of a complex learning situation and to examine their interactions. In this thesis the contributions of the single associations (CS-US, B-US and B-CS) to memory formation are studied. Moreover, for the first time a particularly prominent single association (CS-US) is characterized extensively in a three term contingency. A yoked control shows that classical (CS-US) pattern learning requires more training than operant pattern learning. Additionally, it can be demonstrated that an operantly trained stimulus can be successfully transferred from the behavior used during training to a new behavior in a subsequent test phase. This result shows unambiguously that during operant conditioning classical (CS-US) associations can be formed. In an extension to this insight, it emerges that such a classical association blocks the formation of an operant association, which would have been formed without the operant control of the learned stimuli. Instead the operant component seems to develop less markedly and is probably merged into a complex three-way association. This three-way association could either be implemented as a sequential B-CS-US or as a hierarchical (B-CS)-US association. The comparison of a simple classical (CS-US) with a composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation and of a simple operant (B-US) with another composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation, suggests a hierarchy of predictors of reinforcement. Operant behavior occurring during composite operant conditioning is hardly conditioned at all. The associability of classical stimuli that bear no relation to the behavior of the animal is of an intermediate value, as is operant behavior alone. Stimuli that are controlled by operant behavior accrue associative strength most easily. If several stimuli are available as potential predictors, again the question arises which CS-US associations are formed? A number of different studies in vertebrates yielded amazingly congruent results. These results inspired to examine and compare the properties of the CS-US association in a complex learning situation at the flight simulator with these vertebrate results. It is shown for the first time that Drosophila can learn compound stimuli and recall the individual components independently and in similar proportions. The attempt to obtain second-order conditioning with these stimuli, yielded a relatively small effect. In comparison with vertebrate data, blocking and sensory preconditioning experiments produced conforming as well as dissenting results. While no blocking could be found, a sound sensory preconditioning effect was obtained. Possible reasons for the failure to find blocking are discussed and further experiments are suggested. The sensory preconditioning effect found in this study is revealed using simultaneous stimulus presentation and depends on the amount of preconditioning. It is argued that this effect is a case of 'incidental learning', where two stimuli are associated without the need of reinforcement. Finally, the implications of the results obtained in this study for the general understanding of memory formation in complex learning situations are discussed.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blatt2001, author = {Blatt, Jasmina}, title = {Haemolymph sugar homeostasis and the control of the proventriculus in the honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica L.)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-880}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The proventriculus regulates the food passage from crop to midgut. As the haemolymph provides a constantly updated indication of an insect's nutritional state, it is assumed that the factor controlling the proventri-culus activity is to be found in the haemolymph. The purpose of this doctoral thesis was to investigate how output (metabolic rate), input (food quality and food quantity) and internal state variables (haemolymph osmolarity and haemolymph sugar titer) affect each other and which of these factors controls the activity of the proventriculus in the honeybee. Therefore free-flying foragers were trained to collect con-trolled amounts of different sugar solutions. Immediately after feeding, metabolic rates were measured over different periods of time, then crop-emptying rates and haemolymph sugar titers were measured for the same individual bees. Under all investigated conditions, both the sugar transport rates through the proventriculus and the haemolyph sugar titers depended mainly on the metabolism. For bees collecting controlled amounts of 15 per cent, 30 per cent or 50 per cent sucrose solution haemolymph trehalose, glucose and fructose titers were constant for metabolic rates from 0 to 4.5 mlCO2/h. At higher metabolic rates, trehalose concentration decreased while that of glucose and fructose increased with the exception of bees fed 15 per cent sucrose solution. As the supply of sugar from the crop via the proventriculus was sufficient to support even the highest metabolic rates, the observed pattern must result from an upper limit in the capacity of the fat body to synthesise trehalose. The maximal rate of conversion of glucose to trehalose in the fat body was therefore calculated to average 92.4 µg glucose/min. However, for bees fed 15 per cent sucrose solution both the rate of conversion of glucose to trehalose and the rate of sugar transport from the crop to the midgut were limited, causing an overall decrease in total haemolymph sugar titers for metabolic rates higher than 5 mlCO2/h. Haemolymph sucrose titers were generally low but increased with increasing metabolic rates, even though sucrose was not always detected in bees with high metabolic rates. Though foragers were able to adjust their sugar transport rates precisely to their metabolic rates, a fixed surplus of sugars was transported through the proventriculus under specific feed-ing conditions. This fixed amount of sugars increased with increasing concentration and in-creasing quantity of fed sugar solution, but decreased with progressing time after feeding. This fixed amount of sugars was independent of the metabolic rates of the bees and of the molarity and viscosity of the fed sugar solution. As long as the bees did not exhaust their crop content, the haemolymph sugar titers were unaffected by the sugar surplus, by the time after feeding, by the concentration and by the viscosity of fed sugar solution. When bees were fed pure glucose (or fructose) solutions, un-usually little fructose (or glucose) was found in the haemolymph, leading to lower total haemolymph sugar titers, while the trehalose titer remained unaffected. In order to investigate the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the honeybee proven-triculus, foraging bees were injected either with metabolisable (glucose, fructose, trehalose), or non-metabolisable sugars (sorbose). Bees reacted to injections of metabolisable sugars with reduced crop-emptying rates, but injection of non-metabolisable sugars had no influence on crop emptying. Therefore it is concluded that the proventriculus regulation is controlled by the concentration of metabolisable compounds in the haemolymph, and not by the haemo-lymph osmolarity. A period of 10min was enough to observe reduced crop emptying rates after injections. It is suggested that glucose and fructose have an effect on the proventriculus activity only via their transformation to trehalose. However, when the bees were already in-jected 5min after feeding, no response was detectable. In addition it was investigated whether the overregulation is the result of feed-forward regulation for the imminent take-off and flight. In a first experiment, we investigated whether the bees release an extra amount of sugar solution very shortly before leaving for the hive. In a second experiment, it was tested whether the distance covered by the bees might have an influence on the surplus amount released prior to the take-off. In a third experiment, it was investigated if walking bees fail to release this extra amount of sugars, as they do not have to fly. Though we were not able to demonstrate that the overregulation is the result of feed-forward regulation for the imminent take-off and flight, it is conceivable that this phenome-non is a fixed reaction in foragers that can not be modulated. To investigate whether regulated haemolymph sugar titers are also observed in honeybee foragers returning from natural food sources, their crop contents and haemolymph sugar titers were investigated. While the quantity of the collected nectar was without influence on the haemolymph sugar titers, foragers showed increasing haemolymph sugar titers of glucose, fructose and sucrose with increasing sugar concentration of the carried nectar. In contrast no relationship between crop nectar concentrations and haemolymph trehalose titers was observed. We are sure that the regulation of food passage from crop to midgut is controlled by the trehalose titer. However, under some conditions the balance between consumption and income is not numerically exact. This imprecision depends on the factors which have an impact on the foraging energetics of the bees but are independent of those without influence on the foraging energetics. Therefore we would assume that the proventriculus activity is modulated by the motivational state of the bees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Keller2002, author = {Keller, Andreas}, title = {Genetic Intervention in Sensory Systems of a Fly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-680}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit vergleicht Transgene, die in Drosophila Neuronen exprimiert wurden, um diese abzut{\"o}ten oder zu blockieren. Tetanus Neurotoxin erwies sich als sehr effizient, um chemische Synapsen zu blockieren. Synapsen, die aus einer chemischen und einer elektrischen Komponente bestehen, ließen sich dagegen mit einem ektopisch exprimierten humanen Kalium-Kanal zuverl{\"a}ssiger ausschalten. Es wurden drei M{\"o}glichkeiten verglichen, eine zeitliche Kontrolle {\"u}ber die Funktion von Neuronen zu erlangen. Keines der getesteten Systeme erwies sich als universell anwendbar, aber die durch Rekombination induzierte Tetanus Neurotoxin Expression ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz. Die aus dieser vergleichenden methodischen Studie gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden angewendet, um die Rolle von Neuronen in sensorischen Systemen bei der Verarbeitung verschiedener sensorischer Informationen zu untersuchen. Chemische und mechanische Rezeptorneuronen konnten den olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhaltensweisen beziehungsweise den lokomotorischen Leistungen, denen sie zu Grunde liegen, zugeordnet werden. Hauptthema der Arbeit ist die Suche nach Neuronen, die an der Bewegungsdetektion im visuellen System beteiligt sind. Dabei zeigte sich, daß weder L2 noch L4 Neuronen im ersten visuellen Neuropil essentiell f{\"u}r die Detektion von Bewegung sind. Vielmehr deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, daß die Bewegungsdetektion {\"u}ber das Netzwerk der amacrinen Zellen (a) erfolgt. Die f{\"u}r vertikale Bewegung sensitiven VS Zellen in der Lobula Platte erwiesen sich als nicht notwendig f{\"u}r die Verhaltensreaktionen auf vertikale Bewegungsreize. Daraus folgt auch, daß in der Strukturmutante optomotor blind das Fehlen der VS Zellen nicht urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r die stark eingeschr{\"a}nkten Reaktionen auf vertikale Bewegung ist. Ein anderer Defekt in optomotor blind muß daf{\"u}r verantwortlich sein. Die Arbeit zeigt das große Potential der beschriebenen Methoden zur Untersuchung der Informationsverarbeitung im Nervensystem von Drosophila. Einzelne Neuronengruppen konnten komplexen Verhaltensweisen zugeordnet werden und Theorien {\"u}ber die Informationsverarbeitung konnten in Verhaltensexperimenten mit transgenen Fliegen getestet werden. Eine weitere Verfeinerung der Methodik zur genetischen Intervention wird das Drosophila Gehirn zu einem noch besseren Modell f{\"u}r die Informationsverarbeitung in Nervensystemen machen.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }