@phdthesis{Hipondoka2005, author = {Hipondoka, Martin H.T.}, title = {The development and evolution of Etosha Pan, Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {This study explores and examines the geomorphology of a large endorheic basin, approximately twice the size of Luxemburg, situated in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. The main focus is directed on how and when this depression, known as Etosha Pan, came into being. Geomorphological investigation was complemented and guided primarily by the application and interpretation of satellite-derived information. Etosha Pan has attracted scientific investigations for nearly a century. Unfortunately, their efforts resulted into two diverging and mutually exclusive views with respect to its development. The first and oldest view dates back to the 1920s. It hypothesized Etosha Pan as a desiccated palaeolake which was abandoned following the river capture of its major fluvial system, the Kunene River. The river capture was assumed to have taken place in the Pliocene/Early Pleistocene. In spite of the absence of fluvial input that the Kunene contributed, the original lake was thought to have persisted until some 35 ka ago, long after the Kunene severed its ties with the basin. The current size of the basin and its playa status was interpreted to have resulted from deteriorating climatic conditions. The opposing view emerged in the 1980s and gained prominence in the 1990s. This view assumed that there were an innumerable number of small pans on the then surface of what later to become Etosha Pan. Since the turn of the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, these individual pans started to experience a combined effect of fluvial erosion during the rainy season and wind deflation during the dry period. The climatic regime during that entire period was postulated to be semi-arid as today. This climatic status was used to rule out any existence of a perennial lake within the boundary of Etosha since the Quaternary. Ultimately, these denudational processes, taking place in a seasonal rhythm, caused the individual pans to deepen and widen laterally into each other and formed a super-pan that we call Etosha today. Thus the Kunene River had no role to play in the development of the Etosha Pan according to this model. However, proponents of this model acknowledged that the Kunene once fed into the Owambo Basin and assigned the end of the Tertiary to the terminal phase of that inflow. Findings of this study included field evidence endorsing the postulation that the Kunene River had once flowed into the Owambo Basin. Its infilled valley, bounding with the contemporary valley of the Kunene near Calueque, was identified and points towards the Etosha Pan. It is deliberated that a large lake, called Lake Kunene, existed in the basin during the time. Following the deflection of the Kunene River to the coast under the influence of river incision and neo-tectonic during the Late Pliocene, new dynamics were introduced over the Owambo Basin surface. After the basin was deprived of its major water and sediment budget that the Kunene River contributed, it was left with only smaller rivers, most notably the Cuvelai System, as the only remaining supplier. This resulted in the Cuvelai System concentrating and limiting its collective load deposition to a lobe of Lake Kunene basin floor. The accident of that lobe is unclear, but it is likely that it constituted the deepest part of the basin at the time or it was influenced by neo-tectonic that helped divert the Kunene River or both. Against the backdrop of fluvial action that was initiating the new lake, most parts of the rest of the basin, then denied of lacustrine activity, were intermittently riddled with a veneer of sediment, especially during phases of intensified aeolian activity. In the mean time, the area that was regularly receiving fluvial input started to shape up as a distinct lake with the depositions of sediments around the water-body, primarily via littoral action, serving as embankment. Gradually, a shoreline is formed and assisted in fixing and delineating the spatial extent of the new and much smaller lake, called Lake Etosha. That Lake Etosha is the predecessor of the modern day Etosha Pan. Indicators for a perennial lake found in this study at Etosha include fossil fragments of Clariidae species comparable to modern species measuring some 90 cm, and those of sitatunga dated to approximately 5 ka. None of these creatures exist today at Etosha because of their ecological requirements, which among others, include permanent water. The sitatunga, in addition, is known as the only truly amphibious antelope in the world. Since its inception, the new lake underwent a number of geomorphological modifications. A prominent character amongst these modifications is the orientation of the lake, which has its long-axis oriented in the ENE-WSW direction. It resulted from wave action affected by the prevailing dominant northeasterly wind, which is believed to have been in force since the Middle Pleistocene. Lake Etosha has also witnessed phases of waning and waxing under the influence of the prevailing climatic regime. Over the last 150 ka, the available data intercepted about seven phases of high lake levels. These data are generally in agreement with regional palaeoclimatic data, particularly when compared with those obtained from neighbouring Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana. The last recorded episode of the wet phase at Etosha was some 2,400 years before the present.}, subject = {Etoschapfanne}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strehl2005, author = {Strehl, Christoph-Peter}, title = {Evolution of colony characteristics in the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14324}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die Gattung Pogonomyrmex ist besonders gut geeignet, um die Evolution der Charakteristika von Ameisenkolonien allgemein zu untersuchen, und insbesondere deren soziogenetische Struktur, da die Biologie f{\"u}r einige ihrer Arten sehr gut bekannt ist, und eine Diversit{\"a}t an Paarungsh{\"a}ufigkeiten und K{\"o}nniginnenzahlen vorkommt. Diese Variation in der soziogenetischen Struktur der Kolonien erzeugt eine hohe Varianz an Verwandschaftsgraden innerhalb von Kolonien, und kann eine Hauptkomponente darstellen, welche die Evolution verschiedenster Koloniecharakteristika vorantreibt. Um die Variabilit{\"a}t intrakolonialer Verwandschaftsgrade innerhalb der Gattung Pogonomyrmex genau zu bestimmen, wurde f{\"u}r ausgew{\"a}hlte Mitglieder der Gattung, n{\"a}mlich f{\"u}r P. (sensu stricto) rugosus, P. (sensu stricto) badius and P. (Ephebomyrmex) pima, mit Hilfe der Technik des DNA-Fingerabdruckes die Anzahl an Matrilinien und Patrilinien bestimmt. Es wurde versucht die Evolution dieser Koloniecharakteristika vor dem Hintergrund einer Phylogenie zu erkl{\"a}ren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Gen-Stammbaum f{\"u}r 39 Arten der Gattung Pogonomyrmex erstellt. Die Artabdeckung betrug 83\% bei den Nord-Amerikanischen, und 43\% bei den S{\"u}d-Amerikanischen Arten. Effektive Mehrfachpaarung von K{\"o}niginnen wurde f{\"u}r P. rugosus (me=4.1) und P. badius (me=6.7) best{\"a}tigt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde gezeigt, dass beide Arten monogyn sind. Diese Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen Verhaltensbeobachtungen von Mehrfachpaarungen in diesen Arten. Mittlerweile ist Mehrfachpaarung in 9 Pogonomyrmex Arten bekannt (bei 3 Arten durch Verhaltensbeobachtungen - bei 6 Arten durch genetischen Nachweis). In P. (E.) pima hingegen waren alle der untersuchten K{\"o}niginnen einfach gepaart (me=1.0). Daher k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass Mehrfachpaarung entweder fr{\"u}h in der Evolution der Gattung Pogonomyrmex entstand und nachtr{\"a}glich in der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex verloren wurde (Plesiomorphie-Hypothese), oder sie entstand zum ersten mal in der Untergattung Pogonomyrmex sensu stricto (Apomorphie-Hypothese). In P. huachucanus, einer Art, die basal zu dem Nord-Amerikanischen sensu stricto Komplex ist, k{\"o}nnten die im Vergleich zu ihren sensu stricto Verwandten geringeren effektiven Paarungsh{\"a}ufigkeiten der K{\"o}niginnen (J. Gadau and C.-P. Strehl, unver{\"o}ffentlicht) einen Wechsel von Monandrie zu Polyandrie im Verlauf der Entstehung der fortschrittlicheren sensu stricto Arten widerspiegeln, was die Apomorphie-Hypothese unterst{\"u}tzen w{\"u}rde. Die intrakolonialen Verwandtschaftsgrade sind dennoch in P. (E.) pima niedrig. Dies ist m{\"o}glicherweise auf mehrere reproduktive K{\"o}niginnen (Polygynie) zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Polygynie ist ebenfalls dokumentiert f{\"u}r mindestens vier weitere Arten der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex, mit genetischer Evidenz allerdings bisher nur f{\"u}r P. (E.) pima. Es k{\"o}nnte sein, dass es einen evolution{\"a}ren Ausgleich (trade-off) zwischen Polyandrie und Polygynie innerhalb der Untergattung Ephebomyrmex gab, und daher beide Untergattungen eine hohe genetische Vielfalt innerhalb der Kolonien behielten. Diese hohe genetische Vielfalt k{\"o}nnte einer der Gr{\"u}nde sein f{\"u}r den Erfolg und die Radiation der Gattung Pogonomyrmex in Trockengebieten. Evolution k{\"o}nnte eine hohe genetische Vielfalt von Pogonomyrmex Kolonien beg{\"u}nstigt haben, da sie den Kolonien hilft die Organisation der Kolonie und die Effizienz mit der externe Aufgaben ausgef{\"u}hrt werden zu verbessern. Wenigstens in P. badius konnte eine Verkn{\"u}pfung zwischen Patrilinien und physischem Polyethismus gefunden werden, was auf eine Verbesserung der Kolonieorganisation mit Hilfe von Polyandrie hindeutet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnten die dargelegten extremen Polyandrie- Werte den P. badius-Weibchen helfen die M{\"o}glichkeit der Inzucht aufgrund eingeschr{\"a}nkter Ausbreitung zu bew{\"a}ltigen. Eine eingeschr{\"a}nkte Ausbreitung wird auch in P. (E.) pima durch fl{\"u}gellose, intermorphe K{\"o}niginnen beobachtet. Jedoch wird bei P. (E.) pima die Inzucht durch Auskreuzen mittels M{\"a}nnchen m{\"o}glicherweise verhindert, da keine signifikante Inzucht gefunden wurde. In den vorliegenden Gen-Stammb{\"a}umen war die Untergattung Pogonomyrmex Ephebomyrmex von der Untergattung Pogonomyrmex sensu stricto getrennt. Daher k{\"o}nnte es sein, dass P. Ephebomyrmex in den Status einer Gattung erhoben wird, auch aufgrund distinkter morphologischer und lebensgeschichtlicher Charaktere. F{\"u}r eine pr{\"a}zise taxonomische Revision m{\"u}sste allerdings eine breite Erg{\"a}nzung an Arten vorgenommen werden. Es wurde in P. rugosus Kolonien normalerweise eine geringe Anzahl von unverwandten Arbeiterinnen vorgefunden, die m{\"o}glicherweise aus Brutraub ausgewachsener Kolonien auf G{\"u}ndungs-Kolonien stammen. Es ist allseits bekannt, dass die meisten Gr{\"u}ndungskolonien von benachbarten, ausgewachsenen Kolonien der eigenen Art zerst{\"o}rt werden, aber es wurde bisher angenommen, dass die Brut dieser Kolonien ebenfalls zerst{\"o}rt wurde. Dieser oft vernachl{\"a}ssigte Aspekt k{\"o}nnte einen wichtigen St{\"a}rke-Bonus f{\"u}r ausgewachsene Kolonien darstellen.}, subject = {Pogonomyrmex}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlOuran2005, author = {Al-Ouran, Nedal}, title = {Environmental assessment, documentation and spatial modeling of heavy metal pollution along the Jordan Gulf of Aqaba using coral reefs as environmental indicator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Two phases of reef sampling were carried out. The first included regular samples taken along the coastline of Aqaba (27km long) at depths of 4-15m, and used to determine spatial distribution of pollution. The second phase included three 20cm-deep cores obtained from within the industrial zone. These cores were drilled from pre-dated communities, where the growth rate was determined earlier to be 10mm y-1, therefore the core obtained represented a period of 20 years (i.e. 1980-2000). The cores were used to reconstruct the metal pollution history at the most heavily used site along the coast (industrial zone).All samples were examined with respect to their metal content of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cr. Almost all of them have shown records above the calculated background values. Mean values of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr recorded along the coast were 1,25; 4,26; 9,76; 11,40; 2,29 and 10,522, µg g-1 respectively, and for core samples 1.4; 4.2; 5.7; 6.4; 2.3 and 8.21 µg g-1 respectively. Spatial distribution of metal enrichment in reef samples have shown a general and clear increasing trend towards the south. Same increasing trend was also in core samples where the six metals have shown a prominent increasing trend towards the core surface indicating an increase of coastal activities during the last twenty years. High and relatively high values were recorded at the oil port, the industrial area and main port, and thus categorized as highly impacted areas. Intermediate metal content were recorded in samples of the north beach, and thus classified as being relatively impacted, where the lowest metal concentrations were observed at the marine reserve, the least impacted site along the coast. The high enrichment of metal is attributed mainly to anthropogenic impacts. The natural inputs of the six metals studied in the Gulf of Aqaba are generally very low, due to the geographic positions and the absence of wadi discharge and as a result of low rainfall. Several potential sources of heavy metals were investigated. The industrial-related activities, port operations and phosphate dust were among the main sources currently threatening the marine ecosystem in Aqaba. Applying the Principle Components Analysis method (PCA) to all samples taken along the coastline has resulted in categorizing three different groups according to their metal enrichment, the first is composed of samples taken from the north beach and the main port with intermediate to high enrichment, the second joined the samples of the marine park and the marine reserve with low and relatively low enrichment, and the last group joined samples of the industrial zone and the oil port with high enrichment. The Principle Component Scores were also utilized to confirm the spatial distribution and relationships of the examined heavy metals along the coast. Two models (interpolated by SURFER \&\#61666; 7.0 and ArcView\&\#61666; 3.2a) were developed, the first was based on the PC scores of the first component, and shows clearly the positive anomalies in metal concentrations along the coast. The second model was developed by plotting the second factor scores on a landuse map of Aqaba. According to these models, it has shown that the positive anomalies are associated with three different zones; industrial area, the main port and the oil port. The results have shown that coral reefs can be used as good environmental indicator for assessments and monitoring processes, and they can provide data and information on both the spatial distribution of pollution and their history. The present work is the first to document the environmental status along the whole coast of Aqaba and the first to use coral reef as a tool/ indicator.}, subject = {Golf von Akaba}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huenten2005, author = {H{\"u}nten, Peter}, title = {Channel-forming proteins in the cell wall of amino acid-producing Corynebacteria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Corynebacterium glutamicum is together with C. callunae and C. efficiens a member of the diverse group of mycolic-acid containing actinomycetes, the mycolata. These bacteria are potent producer of glutamate, lysine and other amino acids on industrial scale. The cell walls of most actinomycetes contain besides an arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex large amounts of mycolic acids. This three-layer envelope is called MAP (mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan) complex and it represents a second permeability barrier beside the cytoplasmic membrane similar to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. In analogy to the situation in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, channels are present in the mycolic acid layer of the mycobacterial cell wall for the passage of hydrophilic solutes. Molecular studies have provided far-reaching findings on the amino acid flux and its balance in C. glutamicum in general, but the L-glutamate export still remains unknown. The properties of the outer layers, typical of mycolata, seem to be of major importance in this process, and diffusion seems to play a key role for this part of the cell wall. The major aim of this thesis was to identify and study novel channel-forming proteins of the amino acid producers C. glutamicum, C. callunae and C. efficiens. Cell wall extracts of the organisms were investigated and a novel pore-forming protein, named PorH, that is homologue in all three organisms, was detected and characterized. PorHC.glut was isolated from C. glutamicum cells cultivated in minimal medium. The protein was identified in lipid bilayer experiments and purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column. The purified protein forms cation-selective channels with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of about 2.5 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. Organic solvent extracts were used to study the permeability properties of the cell wall of C. callunae and C.efficiens. The cell extracts contained channel-forming activity, the corresponding proteins were purified to homogeneity by fast-protein liquid chromatography across a HiTrap-Q column and named PorHC.call and PorHC.eff. Channels formed by PorHC.call are cation-selective with a diameter of about 2.2 nm and an average single-channel conductance of 3 nS, whereas PorHC.eff forms slightly anion selective channels with an average single-channel conductance of 2.3 nS in 1 M KCl in the lipid bilayer assay. The PorH proteins were partially sequenced and the corresponding genes, which were designated as porH, were identified in the published genome sequence of C. glutamicum and C. efficiens. The chromosome of C. callunae is not sequenced, but PorHC.call shows a high homology to PorHC.eff and PorHC.glut. The proteins have no N-terminal extension, only the inducer methionine, which suggests that secretion of the proteins could be very similar to that of PorAC.glut of C. glutamicum. PorHC.glut is coded in the bacterial chromosome by a gene that is localized in the vincinity of the porAC.glut gene, within a putative operon formed by 13 genes that are encoded by the minus strand. Both porins are cotranscribed and coexist in the cell wall, which was demonstrated in RT-PCR and immunological detection experiments. The arrangement of porHC.glut and porAC.glut on the chromosome is similar to that of porBC.glut and porCC.glut and it was found that PorAC.glut, PorHC.glut, PorBC.glut and PorCC.glut coexist in the cell wall of C. glutamicum. The molecular mass of about 6 kDa of the PorH channel forming proteins is rather small and suggests that the cell wall channels are formed by oligomers. A possibly hexameric form was demonstrated for PorHC.glut in Western blot analysis with anti- PorHC.glut antibodies. Secondary structure predictions for PorHC.glut, PorHC.call and PorHC.eff predict that a stretch of about 42 amino acids of PorHC.glut and 28 amino acids of PorHC.call and PorHC.eff forms amphipathic \&\#61537;-helices with a total length of 6.3 nm and 4.2 nm respectively. This should be sufficient to cross the mycolic acid layer. Another objective of this work was to establish an heterologous expression system for corynebacterial channel-forming proteins, to investigate the channel-forming properties of the up to now only hypothetical porins PorA, PorB, PorC from C. efficiens and PorC from C. glutamicum. We could demonstrate with recombinant expression experiments in E. coli that porBC.eff and porCC.eff encode for channel-forming proteins. They are, like PorBC.glut, anion-selective with a similar single-channel conductance of 1 nS in 1 M KCl.}, subject = {Corynebacterium callunae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahnkopf2005, author = {Mahnkopf, Sven}, title = {Photonic crystal based widely tunable laser diodes and integrated optoelectronic components}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13860}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In a first aspect of this work, the development of photonic crystal based widely tunable laser diodes and their monolithic integration with photonic crystal based passive waveguide and coupler structures is explored theoretically and experimentally. In these devices, the photonic crystal is operated in the photonic bandgap which can be used for the realization of effective reflectors and waveguide structures. Such tunable light sources are of great interest for the development of optical network systems that are based on wavelength division multiplexing. In a second aspect of this work, the operation of a photonic crystal block near the photonic band edge is investigated with respect to the so-called superprism effect. After a few introductory remarks that serve to motivate this work, chapter 3 recapitulates some aspects of semiconductor lasers and photonic crystals that are essential for the understanding of this work so that the reader should be readily equipped with the tools to appreciate the results presented in this work.}, subject = {Laserdiode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FernandezMora2005, author = {Fern{\´a}ndez-Mora, Eugenia}, title = {Analysis of the maturation of Rhodococcus equi-containing vacuoles in macrophages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive intracellular pathogen which can cause severe bronchopneumonia in foals. In recent years, the role of this bacterium as human pathogen has been noted, as R.equi infections in humans have increase in frequency. This increase is associated with the rise in immunosupressed individuals, specially AIDS patients, where infection leads to symptoms and pathology similar to those seen in foals with a high mortality rate. Due to its capability to survive and multiply in murine and equine macrophages, R.equi has been classified as a facultative intracellular bacterium. R.equi is found frequently in macrophages in alveolar infiltrate from infected animals. The pathogenicity of R.equi depends on its ability to exist and multiply inside macrophages and has been associated with the presence of virulence plasmids. It has been observed that, inside foal alveolar macrophages, R.equi-containing vacuoles (RCVs) do not mature into phagolysosomes. However, most of the intracellular events during R.equi infection have not been investigated in detail. The aim of this study was to elucidate the intracellular compartmentation of R.equi and the mechanism by which the bacteria avoid destruction in host macrophages. The importance of the virulence-associated plasmids of R.equi for the establishment of RCVs was also evaluated. Furthermore, the intracellular fate of viable and non-viable R.equi was compared in order to study whether viability of R.equi influeciantes the establishment of RCVs. In this study, the RCV was characterized by using a variety of endocytic markers to follow the path of the bacteria trhough murine macropages. Transmission electron microscopy-base analysis showed that R.equi was found equally frequently in phagosomes with loosely or thightly apposed membranes, and RCV often contains numerous membranous vesicles. Laser scanning microscopy of infected macrophages showed that the majority of phagosomes containing R.equi acquired transiently the early endosomal markers Rab5, Ptlns3P, and EEA-1, suggesting initially undisturbed phagosome maturation. Although the RCV acquired some late endosomal markers, such as Rab7, LAMP-1, and Lamp-2, they did not acquired vATPase, did not interact with pre-labeled lysosomes, and failed to acidify. These data clearly suggest that the RCV is a compartment which has left vacuoles that resemble multivesicular body compartments (MVB), which are transport intermediates between early and late endosomes and display internal vesicles very similar to the ones observed within RCVs. Analyisis of several R.equi strains containing either VapA- or VapB-expressing plasmids or neither demonstrated that the possession of the virulence-associated plasmids does not affect phagosome trafficking over a two hour period of infection. The finding that non-viable R.equi was still able to inhibit phagosome maturation (although not to the same extent as viable R.equi did) suggests that heat-insensitive factors, such as cell periphery lipids, may play a major role in inhibition of phagosome maturation, although heat-sensitive factors may also be involved.}, subject = {Rhodococcus equi}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maksimenka2005, author = {Maksimenka, Raman}, title = {Techniques in frequency conversion and time-resolved spectroscopy with nonlinear optical processes in the femtosecond regime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Nichtlineare Frequenzumsetzung der niederenergetischen femtosekunden Laserpulsen wurde in den Festk{\"o}rpermitteln nachgeforscht. Ramanumwandlung im weiss-Licht-freien Regime des impulsiven stimulierten Raman Streuungs wurde erzielt, indem man KGW-Kristall mit den Bessel-Lichtstrahl pumpte. Leistungs-f{\"a}higes Superkontinuumerzeugung wurde f{\"u}r die sub-microjule Pulse demonstriert, die in Mikrostrukturfaser fokussiert wurden. Anwendung von Vier-Wellen-Mischung Techniken zur {\"U}berwachung der Aufregenzustandsdynamik in den mehratomigen Molek{\"u}len wurde demonstriert. Zeitkonstanten der Prozesse, die auf Schwingungsenergiewiederverteilung nach dem ursprunglichen Photoanregung von Stilben-3 bezogen wurden, wurden mittels der Pump-CARS Technik festgestellt, in der CARS-Prozess als wirkungsvoller Modus-vorgew{\"a}hlter Filter diente. Spektrale sowie zeitliche Eigenschaften der elektronischen Entspannungbahnen in den Azulenderivats wurden erforscht, indem man verg{\"a}nglichen-Bev{\"o}lkerungs-Gittern und Pump-Probe verg{\"a}nglichen Absorptions Techniken verwendete.}, subject = {Frequenzumsetzung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Joshi2005, author = {Joshi, Sanjeev}, title = {Preparation and characterization of CdS nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung CdS-Nanoteilchen mit Gr{\"o}ßen zwischen 1.1 und 4.2 nm wurden in {\"A}thanol und mit Thioglycerol (TG)-H{\"u}lle synthetisiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die nass-chemische Synthese ohne Wasser und die Verwendung von TG als H{\"u}lle folgende Vorteile bieten: Es konnten kleinere Teilchen hergestellt und eine schmalere Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung erzielt werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wird dem Altern der Teilchen vorgebeugt, und die Ergebnisse sind besser reproduzierbar. Hochaufgel{\"o}ste Photoemissions-Messungen an kleinen CdS-Teilchen (1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8; 1.8 nm mit Glutathion-H{\"u}lle) ergaben Beitr{\"a}ge von f{\"u}nf verschiedenen Schwefelatom-Typen zum S 2p-Gesamt Signal. Außerdem wurde beobachtet, dass Nanoteilchen unterschiedlicher Gr{\"o}ße und/oder mit unterschiedlichen H{\"u}llen-Substanzen verschiedene Photoemissionsspektren zeigen und verschieden starke Strahlensch{\"a}den aufweisen. Bei den 1.4 nm großen CdS-Teilchen entsprechen die Komponenten des S 2p-Signals entweder Schwefelatomen mit unterschiedlichen Cd-Nachbarn, Thiol-Schwefelatomen oder teilweise oxidiertem Schwefel. Die jeweilige Zuweisung der Schwefeltypen erfolgte {\"u}ber Intensit{\"a}ts-{\"A}nderungen der einzelnen S 2p-Komponenten als Funktion der Photonenenergie und des Strahlenschadens. Die Daten der 1.4 nm großen CdS-Teilchen wurden mit PES-Intensit{\"a}ts-Rechnungen verglichen, die auf einem neuen Strukturmodell-Ansatz basieren. Von den drei verwendeten CdS-Strukturmodellen konnte nur ein Modell mit 33 S-Atomen die Variation der experimentellen Intensit{\"a}ten richtig wieder geben. Modelle von gr{\"o}ßeren Nanoteilchen mit beispielsweise 53 S-Atomen zeigen Abweichungen von den experimentellen Daten der 1.4 nm-Teilchen. Auf diese Weise kann indirekt auf die Gr{\"o}ße der gemessenen Teilchen geschlossen werden. Die Intensit{\"a}tsrechnungen wurden zum einen „per Hand" zur groben Absch{\"a}tzung durchgef{\"u}hrt, zum anderen wurden exaktere Berechnungen mit einem von L. Weinhardt und O. Fuchs entwickelten Programm angestellt. Diese best{\"a}tigen die Ergebnisse der Absch{\"a}tzung. Zudem wurde festgestellt, dass die inelastische freie Wegl{\"a}nge \&\#955; keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Modellrechnungen hat. Die gemessenen Intensit{\"a}ts-{\"A}nderungen konnten zwar mit mehreren leicht verchiedenen Modellen erkl{\"a}rt werden, allerdings f{\"u}hrte nur ein kugelf{\"o}rmiges Teilchen-Modell auch zu den richtigen Intensit{\"a}tsverh{\"a}ltnissen der einzelnen S 2p-Komponenten. Weiterhin konnte beobachtet werden, dass die elektronische Bandl{\"u}cke gr{\"o}ßer ist als die optische Bandl{\"u}cke. Bei den PES-Messungen wurden einige wichtige Einfl{\"u}sse sichtbar. So spielen strahlenbedingte Effekte eine große Rolle. Kenntnisse {\"u}ber die Zeitskala solcher Effekte erm{\"o}glichen PES-Aufnahmen mit guter Signal-Qualit{\"a}t und erlauben eine Extraploation zur Situation ohne Strahlenschaden. Auch die D{\"u}nnschicht-Pr{\"a}paration beeinflusst die Spektren. Beispielsweise zeigten mit Elektrophorese hergestellte Filme Hinweise auf Agglomeration. Schichten, die per Tropfen-Deposition erzeugt wurden, weisen spektrale {\"A}nderungen am Rand der Probe auf, und Filme aus Nanoteilchen-Pulver waren nicht homogen. Mikro-Raman Experimente, die in Kollaboration mit Dr. M. Schmitt und Prof. W. Kiefer durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, ließen große Unterschiede in den Spektren von Nanoteilchen und TG in L{\"o}sung erkennen. Dies wurde vor allem auf das Fehlen von S - H -Bindungen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt und zeigt damit, dass alle TG-Molek{\"u}le verwertet oder ausgewaschen wurden.}, subject = {Cadmiumsulfid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bera2005, author = {Bera, Holger}, title = {Halfsandwich tungsten complexes with a silanol-functionalized cyclopentadienyl ligand : synthesis and reactivity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13778}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Within the studies concerning metallo-silanols, halfsandwich-tungsten complexes have been silanol-functionalized at the cyclopentadienyl ligand. The stability and the condensation behavior have been investigated. Thus, it was shown that these complexes are stable enough for isolation but they are reactiv enough for time-effective condensation reactions with diverse chlorosilanes, chlorostannanes or metalhalogenides. These processes are characterized by an increased reactivity in contrast to metallo-silanols with a direct metal-bonded silanol group and proves that the separation of the silanol group has to be regarded as a successful manipulation. In addition, this modification allows a wide variation of the ligand sphere of the metal which was shown by H/Cl exchange, methylation, silylation or phosphine substitution. These changes evoke a small but significant influence on the silanol group. For example leads an introduced phosphine to an enhanced stability of the silanol function. A further separation of the silanol group from the metal by an additional alkylidene spacer leads to the complete lost of the stabilizing effect of the metal fragment and generates silanols which show a condensation behavior very similar to those of ordinary organosilanols.}, subject = {Wolframkomplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Na2005, author = {Na, Shin-Young}, title = {PKB/Akt : a critical regulator of lymphocyte, development and function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13755}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Protein kinase B (PKB), a serine threonine kinase, is highly involved in the regulation of cellular proliferation and survival. To characterize PKB's function in lymphocyte development and activation, transgenic (tg) mice that express a membrane targeted constitutively active form of PKBa (myr PKB) in T and B cells were analysed. Thymocytes from myr PKB tg mice showed enhanced proliferation after T cell receptor (TCR) engagement compared to wild type (wt) mice. Astonishingly, myr PKB tg thymocytes were capable to proliferate in response to PMA only and were also less sensitive to inhibition by the calcineurin inhibitors CsA or FK506, which indicates the proliferative response of myr PKB tg T cells is relatively independent of calcium mobilisation and calcineurin activity. In addition, when TCR signalling was inhibited by the MEKinase inhibitor PD98059 or the Srckinase inhibitor PP1 myr PKB tg thymocytes again were more resistant to inhibition. Western blot analysis revealed myr PKB enhances activation of the kinases Lck, Raf and Erk after TCR/CD3 stimulation. Thus, myr PKB renders proliferative responses of thymocytes more sensitive to TCR signals by positive regulation of the Lck-Raf-MEK-Erk signalling pathway. Studies on the cellular location of the tg protein showed myr PKB is located in membrane socalled "lipid rafts". Furthermore, we found that after TCR/CD3 ligation endogenous cytoplasmic PKB moves into "lipid rafts", which highlights PKB as a crucial mediator of TCR proximal signalling events. Analysing three different TCR tg model systems for positive and negative selection of immature precursors in the thymus, we found myr PKB promotes positive selection of CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells. This most likely results from PKB's positive cross-talk on Lck-Raf-Erk signalling, which is known to influence thymocyte selection and CD4/CD8-lineage choice. Furthermore, myr PKB enhances phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), a negative regulator of the transcription factor NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and T cell activation, and of the adapter protein c-Cbl. Concerning negative selection, myr PKB enhanced (OT1 mice), reduced (HY mice) or had no influence (OT2 mice) on negative selection. Thus, myr PKB's effect on negative selection strongly depends on the model system analysed and this most likely results from differences in TCR affinity/avidity and TCR specificity for MHC. 106 Peripheral CD4+ T cells from myr PKB tg mice showed enhanced production of both Th1 and Th2 cytokines. Furthermore, after TCR/CD3 stimulation in the presence of TGF-b1, wt CD4+ T cells showed a drastic inhibition of proliferation, whereas myr PKB tg CD4+ T cells proliferated even better, i.e. they were resistant to the inhibitory TGF-b1 signals. Expression of myr PKB in B cells leads to reduced Ca2+ flux and proliferation after BCR stimulation, but activation of Lyn, SLP-65, c-Cbl and GSK-3 were enhanced. When we analysed B cell subsets in myr PKB tg mice, a decrease in immature and mature B cells became obvious, whereas cell numbers for marginal zone (MZ) B cells were normal. In aged myr PKB tg mice we detected a very strong reduction of pro/pre and immature B cell populations in the bone marrow, indicating PKB is very important for maintenance of B cell development. Furthermore, myr PKB also lead to a strong reduction of peritoneal B-1 cells. However, expression of NFATc1, which is required for B-1 cell development, was comparable between wt and myr PKB tg B-1 cells. To analyse the effect of myr PKB on immunoglobulin production, mice were immunized with thymus dependent (TD) and independent (TI) antigens. In both cases, B cell responses were strongly elevated in myr PKB tg mice. Finally, RT-PCR analyses of in vitro expanded B cells revealed increased Blimp-1 and Notch3 expression in myr PKB tg B cells, which might be primary candidates involved in their enhanced effector function. In summary, this study clearly shows an important cross-talk between PKB and various critical signalling molecules downstream of the TCR and BCR. Thereby active PKB modulates and regulates the thresholds for thymocyte selection and T cell activation as well as for B cell development and function.}, subject = {Proteinkinase B}, language = {en} }