@phdthesis{Riegler2011, author = {Riegler, Andreas}, title = {Ferromagnetic resonance study of the Half-Heusler alloy NiMnSb : The benefit of using NiMnSb as a ferromagnetic layer in pseudo-spin-valve based spin-torque oscillators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66305}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Seit der Entdeckung des Spin-Torque durch Berger und Slonczewsky im Jahre 1996 gewann dieser Effekt immer mehr an Einfluss in dem Gebiet der Spintronic. Dies geschah besonders durch den Einfluss des Spin-Torque auf die Informationsspeicher und Kommunikationstechnologien (z.B. die M{\"o}glichkeit einen magnetischen Zustand eines Speicherelementes mit Hilfe von Strom und nicht wie bisher durch das Anlegen eines magnetischen Feldes zu {\"a}ndern, oder die Realisierung eines hochfrequenten Spin-Torque-Oszillator (STO). Aufgrund des direkten Zusammenhangs zwischen der D{\"a}mpfung in Ferromagneten und der kritischen Stromdichte, die n{\"o}tig ist um ein Spin-Ventil zu schalten oder ein Pr{\"a}zidieren der Magnetisierung zu induzieren, wurde die Forschung an Ferromagneten mit geringer D{\"a}mpfung zunehmend forciert. In dieser Arbeit werden Studien der ferromagnetischen Resonanz (FMR) von NiMnSb Schichten und Transportmessungen an NiMnSb basierten Spin-Ventilen pr{\"a}sentiert. Das Halbmetall NiMnSb ist mit einer theoretischen 100\%igen Spinpolarisation pr{\"a}destiniert f{\"u}r die Verwendung in GMR Elementen. Neben der theoretisch vorhergesagten hohen Spinpolarisation zeigen die durchgef{\"u}hrten FMR Messungen einen {\"u}beraus geringen D{\"a}mpfungsfaktor f{\"u}r dieses Material. Dieser liegt in der Gr{\"o}ßenordnung von wenigen 10-3. Somit ist die D{\"a}mpfung in NiMnSb um den Faktor zwei geringer als in Permalloy und gut vergleichbar mit epitaktisch gewachsenen Eisen-Schichten. Neben den guten D{\"a}mpfungseigenschaften zeigen jedoch theoretische Modelle den Verlust der 100\%igen Spinpolarisation durch das Brechen der Translationssymmetrie an Grenzfl{\"a}chen und das Kollabieren der Aufspaltung im Minorit{\"a}ts-Spin-Band. Da ein Wachstum in (111) Richtung diesen Prozess entgegen wirken kann, werden in dieser Arbeit zudem auf (111)(In,Ga)As gewachsene NiMnSb Schichten mittels FMR untersucht. Die Messungen an diesen Proben zeigen, im Vergleich zu (001) orientierten Schichten, eine erh{\"o}hte D{\"a}mpfung. Zudem kann bei diesen Schichten eine schichtdickenabh{\"a}ngige uni-direktionale magnetische Anisotropie gemessen werden. Im Hinblick auf den m{\"o}glichen industriellen Einsatz in Speicherelementen werden {\"u}berdies Messungen an Sub-Mikrometer großen NiMnSb Elementen auf (001) orientierten Substraten pr{\"a}sentiert. Die Elemente wurden mittels Elektronenstrahllithographie hergestellt und mittels FMR vermessen. Auch die so prozessierten Schichten zeigen einen D{\"a}mpfungsfaktor im unteren 10-3 Bereich. Das Auftreten von magnetostatischen Moden in den Messungen ist ein weiterer indirekter Nachweis der hohen Qualit{\"a}t der NiMnSb-Schichten. Im Jahre 2001 wurde von Mizukamie und seinen Kollegen eine dickenabh{\"a}ngige Erh{\"o}hung der Gilbertd{\"a}mpfung bei, mit Metallen bedeckten, Permalloy-Schichten beobachtet. Im Jahr darauf wurde von Tserkovnyak, Brataas und Bauer eine Theorie erarbeitet die dieses Ph{\"a}nomen auf ein Pumpen von Spins aus dem Ferromagneten in die Metalschicht zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrt. Aus diesem Grund werden Messungen von NiMnSb Schichten, die mit verschiedenen Metallen und Isolatoren in-situ vor Oxidation gesch{\"u}tzt wurden, pr{\"a}sentiert. Nach diesen materialspezifischen Voruntersuchungen werden auf NiMnSb und Permalloy basierte Pseudo-Spin-Ventile unter Verwendung eines selbst ausrichtenden lithographischen Prozesses hergestellt. Transportmessungen an den Proben zeigen ein GMRVerh{\"a}ltnis von 3,4\% bei Raumtemperatur und fast das doppelte bei tiefen Temperaturen. Diese sind sehr gut vergleichbar mit den besten ver{\"o}ffentlichten GMR-Verh{\"a}ltnissen f{\"u}r Einzelschichtsysteme. {\"U}berdies kann in den Experimenten eine viel versprechend geringe kritische Stromdichte, die n{\"o}tig ist, um die magnetische Orientierung zu {\"a}ndern, gemessen werden. Diese ist vergleichbar mit kritischen Stromdichten aktuellster metallbasierter GMR-Elemente oder auf dem Tunneleffekt basierenden Spin-Ventilen. Das eigentliche Potential der auf NiMnSb basierenden Spin-Ventile wird erst ersichtlich wenn diese als STO zum Emittieren hochfrequenter, durchstimmbarer und schmalbandiger elektromagnetischer Wellen verwendet werden. Auf Heusler basierende STO zeigen einen {\"u}berdurchschnittlich hohen q-Faktor von 4180, sogar im Betrieb ohne extern angelegtes Magnetfeld. Dieser ist um mehr als eine Gr{\"o}ßenordnung h{\"o}her als der h{\"o}chste ver{\"o}ffentliche q-Faktor eines ohne externes Feld arbeitenden STO. W{\"a}hrend die Heusler basierten STO ebenso wie alle anderen STO unter einer geringen Ausgangsleistung leiden, machen die Maßst{\"a}be im Sub-Mikrometer Bereich eine On-Chip Herstellung m{\"o}glich. Somit kann durch ein Parallelschalten von gekoppelten Oszillatoren eine Erh{\"o}hung der Ausgangsleistung erzielt werden.}, subject = {Nickelverbindungen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Issing2011, author = {Issing, Sven}, title = {Correlation between Lattice Dynamics and Magnetism in the Multiferroic Manganites}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66283}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis a systematic analysis of the correlation effects between lattice dynamics and magnetism in the Multiferroic Manganites RMnO3 with Pnma structure was conducted. For this task, Raman and FT-IR Spectroscopy were employed for an investigation of all optically accessible lattice vibrations, i.e. phonons. To study the correlation effects as well as their specific connections to symmetry and compositional properties of the Multiferroic Manganites, the polarisation and temperature dependence of the phonons were considered explicitly. In combination with lattice dynamical calculations based on Density Functional Theory, two coupling effects - Spin-Phonon Coupling and Electromagnon-Phonon Coupling - were systematically analysed.}, subject = {FT-IR-Spektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pahl2011, author = {Pahl, Mario}, title = {Honeybee Cognition: Aspects of Learning, Memory and Navigation in a Social Insect}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Honeybees (Apis mellifera) forage on a great variety of plant species, navigate over large distances to crucial resources, and return to communicate the locations of food sources and potential new nest sites to nest mates using a symbolic dance language. In order to achieve this, honeybees have evolved a rich repertoire of adaptive behaviours, some of which were earlier believed to be restricted to vertebrates. In this thesis, I explore the mechanisms involved in honeybee learning, memory, numerical competence and navigation. The findings acquired in this thesis show that honeybees are not the simple reflex automats they were once believed to be. The level of sophistication I found in the bees' memory, their learning ability, their time sense, their numerical competence and their navigational abilities are surprisingly similar to the results obtained in comparable experiments with vertebrates. Thus, we should reconsider the notion that a bigger brain automatically indicates higher intelligence.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Nassourou2011, author = {Nassourou, Mohamadou}, title = {Computing Generic Causes of Revelation of the Quranic Verses Using Machine Learning Techniques}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66083}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Because many verses of the holy Quran are similar, there is high probability that, similar verses addressing same issues share same generic causes of revelation. In this study, machine learning techniques have been employed in order to automatically derive causes of revelation of Quranic verses. The derivation of the causes of revelation is viewed as a classification problem. Initially the categories are based on the verses with known causes of revelation, and the testing set consists of the remaining verses. Based on a computed threshold value, a na{\"i}ve Bayesian classifier is used to categorize some verses. After that, using a decision tree classifier the remaining uncategorized verses are separated into verses that contain indicators (resultative connectors, causative expressions…), and those that do not. As for those verses having indicators, each one is segmented into its constituent clauses by identification of the linking indicators. Then a dominant clause is extracted and considered either as the cause of revelation, or post-processed by adding or subtracting some terms to form a causal clause that constitutes the cause of revelation. Concerning remaining unclassified verses without indicators, a naive Bayesian classifier is again used to assign each one of them to one of the existing classes based on features and topics similarity. As for verses that could not be classified so far, manual classification was made by considering each verse as a category on its own. The result obtained in this study is encouraging, and shows that automatic derivation of Quranic verses' generic causes of revelation is achievable, and reasonably reliable for understanding and implementing the teachings of the Quran.}, subject = {Text Mining}, language = {en} } @misc{Wenzel2011, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Wenzel, Frank}, title = {Smell and repel: Resin based defense mechanisms and interactions between Australian ants and stingless bees}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Bees are subject to permanent threat from predators such as ants. Their nests with large quantities of brood, pollen and honey represent lucrative targets for attacks whereas foragers have to face rivalry at food sources. This thesis focused on the role of stingless bees as third party interactor on ant-aphid-associations as well as on the predatory potential represented by ants and defense mechanisms against this threat. Regular observations of an aphid infested Podocarpus for approaching stingless bees yielded no results. Another aim of this thesis was the observation of foraging habits of four native and one introduced ant species for assessment of their predatory potential to stingless bees. All species turned out to be dietary balanced generalists with one mostly carnivorous species and four species predominantly collecting nectar roughly according to optimal foraging theory. Two of the species monitored, Rhytidoponera metallica and Iridomyrmex rufoniger were considered potential nest robbers. As the name implies, stingless bees lack the powerful weapon of their distant relatives; hence they specialized on other defense strategies. Resin is an important, multipurpose resource for stingless bees that is used as material for nest construction, antibiotic and for defensive means. For the latter purpose highly viscous resin is either directly used to stick down aggressors or its terpenic compounds are included in the bees cuticular surface. In a feeding choice experiment, three ant species were confronted with the choice between two native bee species - Tetragonula carbonaria and Austroplebeia australis - with different cuticular profiles and resin collection habits. Two of the ant species, especially the introduced Tetramorium bicarinatum did not show any preferences. The carnivorous R. metallica predominantly took the less resinous A. australis as prey. The reluctance towards T. carbonaria disappeared when the resinous compounds on its cuticle had been washed off with hexane. To test whether the repulsive reactions were related to the stickiness of the resinous surface or to chemical substances, hexane extracts of bees' cuticles, propolis and three natural tree resins were prepared. In the following assay responses of ants towards extract treated surfaces were observed. Except for one of the resin extracts, all tested substances had repellent effects to the ants. Efficacy varied with the type of extract and species. Especially to the introduced T. bicarinatum the cuticular extract had no effect. GCMS-analyses showed that some of the resinous compounds were also found in the cuticular profile of T. carbonaria which featured reasonable analogies to the resin of Corymbia torelliana that is highly attractive for stingless bees. The results showed that repellent effects were only partially related to the sticky quality of resin but were rather caused by chemical substances, presumably sesqui- and diterpenes. Despite its efficacy this defense strategy only provides short time repellent effects sufficient for escape and warning of nest mates to initiate further preventive measures.}, subject = {Stachellose Biene}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Nassourou2011, author = {Nassourou, Mohamadou}, title = {Philosophical and Computational Approaches for Estimating and Visualizing Months of Revelations of Quranic Chapters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65784}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The question of why the Quran structure does not follow its chronology of revelation is a recurring one. Some Islamic scholars such as [1] have answered the question using hadiths, as well as other philosophical reasons based on internal evidences of the Quran itself. Unfortunately till today many are still wondering about this issue. Muslims believe that the Quran is a summary and a copy of the content of a preserved tablet called Lawhul-Mahfuz located in the heaven. Logically speaking, this suggests that the arrangement of the verses and chapters is expected to be similar to that of the Lawhul-Mahfuz. As for the arrangement of the verses in each chapter, there is unanimity that it was carried out by the Prophet himself under the guidance of Angel Gabriel with the recommendation of God. But concerning the ordering of the chapters, there are reports about some divergences [3] among the Prophet's companions as to which chapter should precede which one. This paper argues that Quranic chapters might have been arranged according to months and seasons of revelation. In fact, based on some verses of the Quran, it is defendable that the Lawhul-Mahfuz itself is understood to have been structured in terms of the months of the year. In this study, philosophical and mathematical arguments for computing chapters' months of revelation are discussed, and the result is displayed on an interactive scatter plot.}, subject = {Text Mining}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Nassourou2011, author = {Nassourou, Mohamadou}, title = {Computer-based Textual Documents Collation System for Reconstructing the Original Text from Automatically Identified Base Text and Ranked Witnesses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65749}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Given a collection of diverging documents about some lost original text, any person interested in the text would try reconstructing it from the diverging documents. Whether it is eclecticism, stemmatics, or copy-text, one is expected to explicitly or indirectly select one of the documents as a starting point or as a base text, which could be emended through comparison with remaining documents, so that a text that could be designated as the original document is generated. Unfortunately the process of giving priority to one of the documents also known as witnesses is a subjective approach. In fact even Cladistics, which could be considered as a computer-based approach of implementing stemmatics, does not present or recommend users to select a certain witness as a starting point for the process of reconstructing the original document. In this study, a computational method using a rule-based Bayesian classifier is used, to assist text scholars in their attempts of reconstructing a non-existing document from some available witnesses. The method developed in this study consists of selecting a base text successively and collating it with remaining documents. Each completed collation cycle stores the selected base text and its closest witness, along with a weighted score of their similarities and differences. At the end of the collation process, a witness selected more often by majority of base texts is considered as the probable base text of the collection. Witnesses' scores are weighted using a weighting system, based on effects of types of textual modifications on the process of reconstructing original documents. Users have the possibility to select between baseless and base text collation. If a base text is selected, the task is reduced to ranking the witnesses with respect to the base text, otherwise a base text as well as ranking of the witnesses with respect to the base text are computed and displayed on a bar diagram. Additionally this study includes a recursive algorithm for automatically reconstructing the original text from the identified base text and ranked witnesses.}, subject = {Textvergleich}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Nassourou2011, author = {Nassourou, Mohamadou}, title = {Design and Implementation of a Model-driven XML-based Integrated System Architecture for Assisting Analysis, Understanding, and Retention of Religious Texts:The Case of The Quran}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65737}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Learning a book in general involves reading it, underlining important words, adding comments, summarizing some passages, and marking up some text or concepts. Once deeper understanding is achieved, one would like to organize and manage her/his knowledge in such a way that, it could be easily remembered and efficiently transmitted to others. This paper discusses about modeling religious texts using semantic XML markup based on frame-based knowledge representation, with the purpose of assisting understanding, retention, and sharing of knowledge they contain. In this study, books organized in terms of chapters made up of verses are considered as the source of knowledge to model. Some metadata representing the multiple perspectives of knowledge modeling are assigned to each chapter and verse. Chapters and verses with their metadata form a meta-model, which is represented using frames, and published on a web mashup. An XML-based annotation and visualization system equipped with user interfaces for creating static and dynamic metadata, annotating chapters' contents according to user selected semantics, and templates for publishing generated knowledge on the Internet, has been developed. The system has been applied to the Quran, and the result obtained shows that multiple perspectives of information modeling can be successfully applied to religious texts, in order to support analysis, understanding, and retention of the texts.}, subject = {Wissensrepr{\"a}sentation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dieler2011, author = {Dieler, Alica Christina}, title = {Investigation of variables influencing cognitive inhibition: from the behavioral to the molecular level}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The present work investigated the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive inhibition/thought suppression in Anderson's and Green's Think/No-Think paradigm (TNT), as well as different variables influencing these mechanisms at the cognitive, the neurophysiological, the electrophysiological and the molecular level. Neurophysiological data collected with fNIRS and fMRI have added up to the existing evidence of a fronto-hippocampal network interacting during the inhibition of unwanted thoughts. Some evidence has been presented suggesting that by means of external stimulation of the right dlPFC through iTBS thought suppression might be improved, providing further evidence for an implication of this region in the TNT. A combination of fNIRS with ERP has delivered evidence of a dissociation of early condition-independent attentional and later suppression-specific processes within the dlPFC, both contributing to suppression performance. Due to inconsistencies in the previous literature it was considered how stimulus valence would influence thought suppression by manipulating the emotional content of the to-be-suppressed stimuli. Findings of the current work regarding the ability to suppress negative word or picture stimuli have, however, been inconclusive as well. It has been hypothesized that performance in the TNT might depend on the combination of valence conditions included in the paradigm. Alternatively, it has been suggested that inconsistent findings regarding the suppression of negative stimuli or suppression at all might be due to certain personality traits and/or genetic variables, found in the present work to contribute to thought inhibition in the TNT. Rumination has been shown to be a valid predictor of thought suppression performance. Increased ruminative tendencies led to worse suppression performance which, in the present work, has been linked to less effective recruitment of the dlPFC and in turn less effective down-regulation of hippocampal activity during suppression trials. Trait anxiety has also been shown to interrupt thought suppression despite higher, however, inefficient recruitment of the dlPFC. Complementing the findings regarding ruminative tendencies and decreased thought inhibition a functional polymorphism in the KCNJ6 gene, encompassing a G-to-A transition, has been shown to disrupt thought suppression despite increased activation of the dlPFC. Through the investigation of thought suppression at different levels, the current work adds further evidence to the idea that the TNT reflects an executive control mechanism, which is sensitive to alterations in stimulus valence to some extent, neurophysiological functioning as indicated by its sensitivity to iTBS, functional modulations at the molecular level and personality traits, such as rumination and trait anxiety.}, subject = {Kognitiver Prozess}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElHajj2011, author = {El Hajj, Nady}, title = {Epimutations in Germ-Cell and Embryo Development: Possible Consequences for Assisted Reproduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65995}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) emerged in the late 1970's as a therapy for human infertility. Up till now more than 3 million babies have been conceived through ART, demonstrating the safety and efficiency of the technique. Published reports showed an increase in the rate of imprinting disorders (Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, etc.) in babies born after ART. What are the effects imposed through ART and should researchers reassess its safety and implications on the future offspring? Throughout this thesis, I analyzed the methylation patterns of germ cells and embryos to determine whether in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization have a negative impact on the epigenetic patterns. Furthermore, DNA methylation was compared between sperm of infertile and presumably fertile controls in order to understand whether epigenetic disturbances lead to infertility at the first place. The occurrence of methylation aberrations in germ cells of infertile patients could be transmitted to new-borns and then cause epigenetic disorders. In order to elucidate the imprinting status within single cells, I developed a new technique based on limiting dilution where bisulfite treated DNA is distributed across several wells before amplification. This allowed methylation measurement at the single allele level as well parent of origin detection. In a total of 141 sperm samples from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) including 106 with male factor or combined infertility and 28 with female infertility, I detected a significant correlation between lower quality of semen parameters (sperm count, percentage of abnormal sperm, and percentage of motile sperm) and the rate of imprinting errors. ALU repeats displayed a higher methylation in sperm DNA of patients leading to a pregnancy and live birth, compared to patients in which pregnancy was not achieved or a spontaneous abortion occurred. A discriminant analysis based on ALU methylation allowed correct classification of >70\% of cases. Preliminary data from illumina methylation arrays where more than 27,000 CpGs were analyzed determined that only a single CpG site from the open reading frame C14orf93 was significantly different between the infertile and presumably fertile control group. However, further improvements on data normalization might permit detection of other differentially methylated regions. Comparison of embryos after natural conception, in vitro fertilized embryos from superovulated oocytes, and embryos achieved through fertilization of in vitro cultured oocytes revealed no dramatic effect on the imprinting patterns of Igf2r, H19, and Snrpn. Oocyte cryotop vitrification did not result in a dramatic increase of imprinting mutations in oocytes even though the rate of sporadic methylation errors in single Snrpn CpGs were higher within the in-vitrified group. Collectively, the results I will present within this thesis suggest an increase in the rate of imprinting errors within the germ cells of infertile patients, in addition to a decrease in genome wide methylation of ALU repetitive elements. I did not observe a detrimental effect on the methylation patterns of oocytes and the resulting embryos using in vitro maturation of oocytes and/or standard IVF with in vivo grown superovulated oocytes.}, subject = {Reproduktionsmedizin}, language = {en} }