@phdthesis{Macher2021, author = {Macher, Sven}, title = {On the Effects of Moisture on Polymer-Based Electrochromic Devices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24240}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The present work builds on a conjugated electrochromic polymer with a highly transmissive and colorless bright state and its application in electrochromic devices. The main body of this work focuses on the investigation of the influence of moisture on electrochromic devices and solutions to overcome possible degradation of these devices due to moisture ingress. Firstly, a series of EDOT derivatives with a terminal double bond in the lateral sidechain to potentially achieve a highly transmissive and fully colorless bright state was investigated. All of the EDOT derivatives were electrochemically polymerized and characterized by means of (in-situ) spectroelectrochemistry. The results highlight the dramatic influence of the terminal double bond on the improved visible light transmittance and color neutrality in the bright state. After detailed evaluation and comparison, the best performing compound, which contains a hexenyl sidechain (PEDOT-EthC6), was scaled-up by changing the deposition technique from an electrochemical to a chemical in-situ polymerization process on a R2R-pilot line in an industrially relevant environment. The R2R-processed PEDOTEthC6 half-cells were characterized in detail and provide enhanced electrochromic properties in terms of visible light transmittance and color neutrality in the bright state as well as short response times, improved contrast ratio, coloration efficiency and cycling stability (10 000 cycles).[21] In a second step, the novel PEDOT-EthC6 electrochromic polymer was combined with a Prussian Blue counter electrode and a solid polymer electrolyte to form an all-solid-sate ECDs based on complementary switching electrodes and PET-ITO as flexible substrates. The fabricated ECDs were optically and spectroelectrochemically characterized. Excellent functionality of the S2S-processed flexible ECDs was maintained throughout 10 000 switching cycles under laboratory conditions. The ECDs offer enhanced electrochromic properties in terms of visible light transmittance change and color neutrality in the bright state as well as contrast ratio, coloration efficiency, cycling stability and fast response times. Furthermore, the final device assembly was transferred from a S2S-process to a continuous R2R-lamination process.[238] In a third step, the PEDOT-EthC6/PB-based ECDs were submitted to conscious environmental aging tests. The emphasis of the research presented in this work, was mainly put at the influence of moisture and possible failure mechanisms regarding the PEDOT-EthC6/PB based ECDs. An intense brown coloration of the electrodes was observed while cycling the ECDs in humid atmospheres (90\% rH) as a major degradation phenomenon. The brown coloration and a thereby accompanied loss of conductivity of the PET-ITO substrates was related to significant degradation of the ITO layers, inserted as the conductive layers in the flexible ECDs. A dissolution of the ITO thin films and formation of metallic indium particles on the surface of the ITO layers was observed that harmed the cycling stability enormously. The conductive layers of the aged ECDs were investigated by XRD, UV-Vis, SEM and spectroelectrochemical measurements and validated the supposed irreversible reduction of the ITO layers.[279] In the absence of reasonable alternatives to PET-ITO for flexible (R2R-processed) ECDs, it is also important to investigate measures to avoid the degradation of ECDs. This is primarily associated with the avoidance of appropriate electrode potentials necessary for ITO reduction in humid atmospheres. As an intrinsic action point, the electrode potentials were investigated via electrochemical measurements in a three-electrode setup of an all-solid-state ECD. Extensive knowledge on the electrode potentials allowed the voltage-induced degradation of the ITO in flexible ECDs to be avoided through the implementation of an unbalanced electrode configuration (charge density ratio of working and counter electrode). It was possible to narrow the overall operational voltage window to an extent in which irreversible ITO reduction no longer occurs. The unbalanced electrode configuration lead to an improved cycling stability without harming other characteristics such as response time and light transmittance change and allows ECD operation in the presence of humidity.[279] The avoidance of the mentioned degradation phenomena is further associated with appropriate sealing methods and materials as well as appropriate electrode and device fabrication processes. Since a variety of sealing materials is commercially available, due to the commercial launch of organic photovoltaic (OPV) and light emitting diodes (OLEDs), the focus in the present work was put to water-free electrode fabrication. As an extrinsic action point, a novel preparation method of a nanoscale PEDOT-EthC6 dispersion based on organic solvents is presented here in a final step. The water-free processing method gives access to straightforward printing and coating processes on flexible PET-ITO substrates and thus represents a promising and simplified alternative to the established PEDOT:PSS. The resulting nano-PEDOT-EthC6 thin films exhibit enhanced color neutrality and transmissivity in the bright state and are comparable to the properties of the in-situ polymerized PEDOT-EthC6 thin films.[280]}, subject = {Elektrochromie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{daCruzGueerisoli2021, author = {da Cruz G{\"u}erisoli, Irene Maria}, title = {Investigating the murine meiotic telomere complex TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN: spatial organization and evolutionary history}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210562}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Einess der faszinierenden Merkmale der meiotischen Prophase I sind die hochkonservierten kr{\"a}ftigen Bewegungen homologer Chromosomen. Diese Bewegungen sind entscheidend f{\"u}r den Erfolg von Schl{\"u}sselereignissen wie die Ausrichtung, Paarung und Rekombination der homologen Chromosomen. Mehrere bisher untersuchte Organismen, darunter S{\"a}ugetiere, W{\"u}rmer, Hefen und Pflanzen, erreichen diese Bewegungen, indem sie die Chromosomenenden an spezialisierten Stellen in der Kernh{\"u}lle verankern. Diese Verankerung erfordert Telomer-Adapterproteine, die bisher in der Spalthefe und der Maus identifiziert wurden. Die meiosespezifischen Telomer-Adapterproteine der Maus, TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, sind an der Verankerung des ubiquit{\"a}ren Telomer-Shelterin-protein an den LINC-Komplex beteiligt, mit einem analogen Mechanismus, wie er die Spalthefe beschrieben wird. Obgleich die meiose-spezifischen TelomerAdapterproteine eine wesentliche Rolle spielen, ist der genaue Mechanismus der Verankerung der Telomere an die Kernh{\"u}lle sowie ihre evolution{\"a}re Geschichte bisher noch wenig verstanden. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Untersuchung der Organisation des meiosespezifischen TelomerAdapterkomplexes TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN der Maus und dessen Evolutionsgeschichte. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Organisation des TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN Komplexes mittels hochaufl{\"o}sender Mikroskopie (SIM), an Mausspermatozyten untersucht, sowie die Lokalisation in Bezug auf TRF1 des Telomer-ShelterinKomplexes und die telomerische DNA analysiert. In den Stadien Zygot{\"a}n und Pachyt{\"a}n zeigten die Fluoreszenzsignale eine starke {\"U}berlappung der Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine, wobei die Organisation von TERB2 an den Chromosomenenden heterogener war als die von TERB1 und MAJIN. Außerdem konnte die TRF1-Lokalisation an den Enden der Lateralelemente (LEs) mit einer griffartigen Anordnung um die TERB1- und MAJIN-Signale im Zygot{\"a}n- und Pachyt{\"a}n-Stadium gezeigt werden. Interessanterweise erwies sich die telomerische DNA als lateral verteilt und teilweise {\"u}berlappend mit der zentralen Verteilung der meiotischen Telomer-Komplex-Proteine an den Enden der LEs. Die Kombination dieser Ergebnisse erlaubte die Beschreibung eines alternativen Modells der Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle w{\"a}hrend der meiotischen Prophase I. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit analysiert die Evolutionsgeschichte der Mausproteine von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN. Die fehlende {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen den Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Adapteproteinen der Maus und der Spalthefe hat die Frage nach dem evolutionsbedingten Ursprung dieses spezifischen Komplexes aufgeworfen. Um vermeintliche Orthologen der Mausproteinevon TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN {\"u}ber Metazoen hinweg zu identifizieren, wurden computergest{\"u}tzte Verfahren und phylogenetische Analysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Expressionsstudien implementiert, um ihre potenzielle Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Meiose zu testen. Die Analysen haben ergeben, dass der Meiose-spezifische Telomer-Komplex der Maus sehr alt ist, da er bereits in den Eumetazoen entstand, was auf einen einzigen Ursprung hindeutet. Das Fehlen jeglicher Homologen des meiosespezifischen Telomerkomplexes in Nematoden und die einigen wenigen in Arthropoden nachgewiesenen Kandidaten, deuten darauf hin, dass die Telomer-Adapterproteine in diesen Abstammungslinien verloren/ersetzt oder stark diversifiziert worden sind. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigten Proteindom{\"a}nen von TERB1, TERB2 und MAJIN, die an der Bildung des Komplexes sowie an der Interaktion mit dem Telomer-Shelterin-Protein und den LINC-Komplexen beteiligt sind, eine hohe Sequenz{\"a}hnlichkeit {\"u}ber alle Kladen hinweg. Abschließend lieferte die Genexpression im Nesseltier Hydra vulgaris den Beweis, dass der TERB1-TERB2-MAJIN-Komplex selektiv in der Keimbahn exprimiert wird, was auf die Konservierung meiotischer Funktionen {\"u}ber die gesamte Metazoen-Evolution hinweg hindeutet. Zusammenfassend bietet diese Arbeit bedeutende neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Meiose-spezifischen Telomer-Adapterkomplex, seines Mechanismus zur Verankerung der Telomer an die Kernh{\"u}lle und die Entschl{\"u}sselung seines Ursprungs in den Metazoen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fritze2021, author = {Fritze, Lars}, title = {Ways to Novel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Applying New B-C Bond Formation Strategies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24217}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {π-Conjugated oligomers and polymers with tricoordinate boron centers incorporated into the main chain have attracted considerable attention as the interaction of the vacant p orbital on boron with an adjacent π system of the chain leads to conjugated materials with intriguing optical and electronic properties. This enables applicability in organic electronics and optoelectronics (OLEDs, OFETs, photovoltaics) or as sensory materials. The potential of our B-C coupling protocol using metal-free catalytic Si/B exchange condensation is demonstrated by the synthesis of a series of π-conjugated monodisperse (het)aryl oligoboranes. Variation of the (het)aryl moieties allowed for tunability of the optoelectronic properties of the materials. Additionally, catalytic C-C cross-coupling strategies were applied to synthesize oligofuryl-based mono- and bisboranes, as well as polymers. These studies led to very robust and highly emissive compounds (f up to 97 \%), which allow for tuning of their emission color from blue to orange. Furthermore, this work includes investigations of reaction routes to a kinetically stabilized tetraoxaporphyrinogen. Being a key aspect of this work, a full investigation of the mechanism of the catalytic Si/B exchange was carried out. Additionally, this work presents the use of borenium cations to perform B-C coupling via intermolecular electrophilic borylation. Similar to the Si/B exchange, this route is capable of giving access to diaryl(bromo)boranes.}, subject = {Konjugierte Polymere}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Raharja2021, author = {Raharja, Andreas Budi}, title = {Optimisation Problems with Sparsity Terms: Theory and Algorithms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-241955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The present thesis deals with optimisation problems with sparsity terms, either in the constraints which lead to cardinality-constrained problems or in the objective function which in turn lead to sparse optimisation problems. One of the primary aims of this work is to extend the so-called sequential optimality conditions to these two classes of problems. In recent years sequential optimality conditions have become increasingly popular in the realm of standard nonlinear programming. In contrast to the more well-known Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition, they are genuine optimality conditions in the sense that every local minimiser satisfies these conditions without any further assumption. Lately they have also been extended to mathematical programmes with complementarity constraints. At around the same time it was also shown that optimisation problems with sparsity terms can be reformulated into problems which possess similar structures to mathematical programmes with complementarity constraints. These recent developments have become the impetus of the present work. But rather than working with the aforementioned reformulations which involve an artifical variable we shall first directly look at the problems themselves and derive sequential optimality conditions which are independent of any artificial variable. Afterwards we shall derive the weakest constraint qualifications associated with these conditions which relate them to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker-type conditions. Another equally important aim of this work is to then consider the practicability of the derived sequential optimality conditions. The previously mentioned reformulations open up the possibilities to adapt methods which have been proven successful to handle mathematical programmes with complementarity constraints. We will show that the safeguarded augmented Lagrangian method and some regularisation methods may generate a point satisfying the derived conditions.}, subject = {Optimierungsproblem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rauschenberger2021, author = {Rauschenberger, Vera}, title = {Stiff-person syndrome - Pathophysiological mechanisms of glycine receptor autoantibodies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20958}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209588}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare autoimmune disease that is characterized by symptoms including stiffness in axial and limb muscles as well as painful spasms. Different variants of SPS are known ranging from moderate forms like the stiff-limb syndrome to the most severe form progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM). SPS is elicited by autoantibodies that target different pre- or postsynaptic proteins. The focus of the present work is on autoantibodies against the glycine receptor (GlyR). At start of the present thesis, as main characteristic of the GlyR autoantibody pathology, receptor cross-linking followed by enhanced receptor internalization and degradation via the lysosomal pathway was described. If binding of autoantibodies modulates GlyR function and therefore contributes to the GlyR autoantibody pathology has not yet been investigated. Moreover, not all patients respond well to plasmapheresis or other treatments used in the clinic. Relapses with even higher autoantibody titers regularly occur. In the present work, further insights into the disease pathology of GlyRα autoantibodies were achieved. We identified a common GlyRα1 autoantibody epitope located in the far N-terminus including amino acids A1-G34 which at least represent a part of the autoantibody epitope. This part of the receptor is easily accessible for autoantibodies due to its location at the outermost surface of the GlyRα1 extracellular domain. It was further investigated if the glycosylation status of the GlyR interferes with autoantibody binding. Using a GlyRα1 de-glycosylation mutant exhibited that patient autoantibodies are able to detect the de-glycosylated GlyRα1 variant as well. The direct modulation of the GlyR analyzed by electrophysiological recordings demonstrated functional alterations of the GlyR upon autoantibody binding. Whole cell patch clamp recordings revealed that autoantibodies decreased the glycine potency, shown by increased EC50 values. Furthermore, an influence on the desensitization behavior of the receptor was shown. The GlyR autoantibodies, however, had no impact on the binding affinity of glycine. These issues can be explained by the localization of the GlyR autoantibody epitope. The determined epitope has been exhibited to influence GlyR desensitization upon binding of allosteric modulators and differs from the orthosteric binding site for glycine, which is localized much deeper in the structure at the interface between two adjacent subunits. To neutralize GlyR autoantibodies, two different methods have been carried out. Transfected HEK293 cells expressing GlyRα1 and ELISA plates coated with the GlyRα1 extracellular domain were used to efficiently neutralize the autoantibodies. Finally, the successful passive transfer of GlyRα1 autoantibodies into zebrafish larvae and mice was shown. The autoantibodies detected their target in spinal cord and brain regions rich in GlyRs of zebrafish and mice. A passive transfer of human GlyRα autoantibodies to zebrafish larvae generated an impaired escape behavior in the animals compatible with the abnormal startle response in SPS or PERM patients.}, subject = {Glycinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mortimer2021, author = {Mortimer, Niall Patrick}, title = {ADHD Genetics in Mouse and Man}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23626}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with an estimated heritability of around 70\%. In order to fully understand ADHD biology it is necessary to incorporate multiple different types of research. In this thesis, both human and animal model research is described as both lines of research are required to elucidate the aetiology of ADHD and development new treatments. The role of a single gene, Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3 (ADGRL3) was investigated using a knockout mouse model. ADGRL3 has putative roles in neuronal migration and synapse function. Various polymorphisms in ADGRL3 have been linked with an increased risk of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in human studies. Adgrl3-deficient mice were examined across multiple behavioural domains related to ADHD: locomotive activity, visuospatial and recognition memory, gait impulsivity, aggression, sociability and anxiety-like behaviour. The transcriptomic alterations caused by Adgrl3-depletion were analysed by RNA-sequencing of three ADHD-relevant brain regions: prefrontal cortex (PFC), hippocampus and striatum. Increased locomotive activity in Adgrl3-/- mice was observed across all tests with the specific gait analysis revealing subtle gait abnormalities. Spatial memory and learning domains were also impaired in these mice. Increased levels of impulsivity and sociability accompanying decreased aggression were also detected. None of these alterations were observed in Adgrl3+/- mice. The numbers of genes found to exhibit differential expression was relatively small in all brain regions sequenced. The absence of large scale gene expression dysregulation indicates a specific pathway of action, rather than a broad neurobiological perturbation. The PFC had the greatest number of differentially expressed genes and gene-set analysis of differential expression in this brain region detected a number of ADHD-relevant pathways including dopaminergic synapses as well as cocaine and amphetamine addiction. The most dysregulated gene in the PFC was Slc6a3 which codes for the dopamine transporter, a molecule vital to current pharmacological treatment of ADHD. The behavioural and transcriptomic results described in this thesis further validate Adgrl3 constitutive knockout mice as an experimental model of ADHD and provide neuroanatomical targets for future studies involving ADGRL3 modified animal models. The study of ADHD risk genes such as ADGRL3 requires the gene to be first identified using human studies. These studies may be genome based such as genome wide association studies (GWAS) or transcriptome based using microarray or RNA sequencing technology. To explore ADHD biology in humans the research described in this thesis includes both GWAS and trancriptomic data. A two-step transcriptome profiling was performed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 143 ADHD subjects and 169 healthy controls. We combined GWAS and expression data in an expression-based Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) analysis in a total sample of 879 ADHD cases and 1919 controls from three different datasets. Through this exploratory study we found eight differentially expressed genes in ADHD and no support for the genetic background of the disorder playing a role in the aberrant expression levels identified. These results highlight promising candidate genes and gene pathways for ADHD and support the use of peripheral tissues to assess gene expression signatures for ADHD. This thesis illustrates how both human and animal model research is required to increase our understanding of ADHD. The animal models provide biological insight into the targets identified in human studies and may themselves provide further relevant gene targets. Only by combining research from disparate sources can we develop the thorough understanding on ADHD biology required for treatment development, which is the ultimate goal of translational science research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Michail2021, author = {Michail, Evripidis}, title = {Design and Development of a Two-Photon Absorption Induced Fluorescence Spectrometer and the Investigation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Chromophores}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24218}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242185}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Main objectives of the present dissertation can be divided in two parts. The first part deals with setting up a spectroscopic technique for reliable and accurate measurements of the two-photon absorption (2PA) cross section spectra. In the second part, this firmly established experimental technique together with conventional spectroscopic characterization, quantum-chemical computations and theoretical modelling calculations was combined and therefore used as a tool to gain information for the so-called structure-property relationship through several molecular compounds.}, subject = {Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schleier2021, author = {Schleier, Domenik}, title = {Using Photoionization to Investigate Reactive Boron Species and the Kinetics of Hydrocarbon Radicals}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242137}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This thesis highlights the importance of isomer-selective approaches for the complete analysis of chemical processes. The method of choice is photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy, which allows simultaneous detection of electrons and ions coming from a single ionization event. Ionization techniques are sensitive and can record multiple species simultaneously, rendering them ideal tools to probe molecular transformations. Coupling these setups to synchrotron radiation allows one to analyze complex mixtures with isomer selectivity, based on ionization energies and vibrational structure in the cation, without any prior separation steps. Only few setups exist that can be used to gather these data, although their impact and applicability is growing steadily in various fields. For closed-shell species an easier and more widely used method is gas-chromatography, but most open shell species would not survive the separation process. Due to the reactivity of radicals they have to be created by selectively converting stable precursor molecules. Depending on the radical generation method different properties can be investigated ranging from thermodynamic data, over concentrations in high temperature environments, to chemical kinetics. The first part of this thesis deals with the determination of bimolecular rate constants. Isomeric hydrocarbon radicals were generated by a high intense UV light pulses and their kinetics with oxygen was measured. The pressure dependence of different isomers in the falloff region was compared to theoretical models, and their reactivity could be explained. The second part deals with boron containing compounds in various electronic situations. The corresponding precursors were successfully synthesized or could be bought. They were subjected to fluorine atoms in chemical reactors or destroyed pyrolytically at high temperatures. Most investigated species exhibited vibronic effects that could be elucidated using high level computations.}, subject = {Biradikal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Santos2021, author = {Santos, Sara F. C.}, title = {Expanding the targetome of Salmonella small RNA PinT using MS2 affinity purification and RNA-Seq (MAPS)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bacterial small RNAs are key mediators of post-transcriptional gene regulation. An increasing number of sRNAs have been implicated in the regulation of virulence programs of pathogenic bacteria. Recently, in the enteric pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium, the PinT sRNA has gained increased importance as it is the most upregulated sRNA as Salmonella infects mammalian host cells (Westermann et al., 2016). PinT acts as a temporal regulator of Salmonella's two major pathogenicity islands, SPI-1 and SPI-2 (Kim et al., 2019; Westermann et al., 2016). However, the complete set of PinT targets, its role in Salmonella infection and host response is not yet fully understood. Building on the MS2 affinity purification and RNA- seq (MAPS) method (Lalaouna et al., 2015), we here set out to globally identify direct RNA ligands of PinT, relevant to Salmonella infection. We transferred the classical MAPS technique, based on sRNA-bait overexpression, to more physiological conditions, using endogenous levels of the sRNA. Making the henceforth identified targets, less likely to represent artefacts of the overexpression. More importantly, we progressed the MAPS technique to in vivo settings and by doing so, we were able pull-down bacterial RNA transcripts bound by PinT during macrophage infection. While we validate previously known PinT targets, our integrated data revealed novel virulence relevant target. These included mRNAs for the SPI-2 effector SteC, the PhoQ activator UgtL and the 30S ribosomal protein S22 RpsV. Next, we follow up on SteC, the best characterized virulence relevant PinT target. Using genetic and biochemical assays, we demonstrate that PinT represses steC mRNA by direct base-pairing and translational interference. PinT-mediated regulation of SteC leads to alterations in the host response to Salmonella infection. This regulation impacts the cytokine response of infected macrophages, by altering IL10 production, and possibly driving the macrophages to an anti-inflammatory state, more permise to infection. SteC is responsible for F-actin meshwork rearrangements around the SCV (Poh et al., 2008). Here we demonstrate that PinT-mediated regulation of SteC, impacts the formation of this actin meshwork in infected cells. Our results demonstrate that SteC expression is very tightly regulated by PinT in two layers; indirectly, by repressing ssrB and crp; and directly by binding to steC 5'UTR. PinT contributes to post-transcriptional cross-talk between invasion and intracellular replication programs of Salmonella, by controlling the expression of both SPI-1 and SPI-2 genes (directly and indirectly). Together, our collective data makes PinT the first sRNA in Gram-negatives with a pervasive role in virulence, at the center of Salmonella virulence programs and provide molecular input that could help explain the attenuation of pinT-deficient Salmonella strains in whole animal models of infection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MezaChincha2021, author = {Meza Chincha, Ana Lucia}, title = {Catalytic Water Oxidation with Functionalized Ruthenium Macrocycles}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20962}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209620}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In light of the rapidly increasing global demand of energy and the negative effects of climate change, innovative solutions that allow an efficient transition to a carbon-neutral economy are urgently needed. In this context, artificial photosynthesis is emerging as a promising technology to enable the storage of the fluctuating energy of sunlight in chemical bonds of transportable "solar fuels". Thus, in recent years much efforts have been devoted to the development of robust water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) leading to the discovery of the highly reactive Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylic acid) catalyst family. The aim of this thesis was the study of chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation with functionalized Ruthenium macrocycles to explore the impact of substituents on molecular properties and catalytic activities of trinuclear macrocyclic Ru(bda) catalysts. A further objective of this thesis comprises the elucidation of factors that influence the light-driven water oxidation process with this novel class of supramolecular WOCs.}, subject = {Rutheniumkomplexe}, language = {en} }