@phdthesis{Betzold2022, author = {Betzold, Simon}, title = {Starke Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung und Polaritonkondensation in hemisph{\"a}rischen Mikrokavit{\"a}ten mit eingebetteten organischen Halbleitern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26665}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Kavit{\"a}ts-Exziton-Polaritonen (Polaritonen) sind hybride Quasiteilchen, die sich aufgrund starker Kopplung von Halbleiter-Exzitonen mit Kavit{\"a}tsphotonen ausbilden. Diese Quasiteilchen weisen eine Reihe interessanter Eigenschaften auf, was sie einerseits f{\"u}r die Grundlagenforschung, andererseits auch f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuartiger Bauteile sehr vielversprechend macht. Bei Erreichen einer ausreichend großen Teilchendichte geht das System in den Exziton-Polariton-Kondensationszustand {\"u}ber, was zur Emission von laserartigem Licht f{\"u}hrt. Organische Halbleiter als aktives Emittermaterial zeigen in diesem Kontext großes Potential, da deren Exzitonen neben großen Oszillatorst{\"a}rken auch hohe Bindungsenergien aufweisen. Deshalb ist es m{\"o}glich, unter Verwendung organischer Halbleiter selbst bei Umgebungsbedingungen {\"a}ußerst stabile Polaritonen zu erzeugen. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Umsetzung von integrierten opto-elektronischen Bauteilen basierend auf Polaritonen ist der kontrollierte r{\"a}umliche Einschluss sowie die Realisierung von frei konfigurierbaren Potentiallandschaften. Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und der Untersuchung geeigneter Plattformen zur Erzeugung von Exziton-Polaritonen und Polaritonkondensaten in hemisph{\"a}rischen Mikrokavit{\"a}ten, in die organische Halbleiter eingebettet sind.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Eyring2011, author = {Eyring, Stefan}, title = {Extremely Nonlinear Optics with wavefront controlled ultra-short laser pulses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72351}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This work deals with nonlinear optics with wavefront controlled ultra-short laser pulses. The effects studied are self-phase modulation due to filamentation of ultra-short laser pulses and high-order harmonic generation in a jet of noble gas. Additionally, a way to optimize the spectral brilliance of the high-order harmonic source is studied by measuring the spectrum and wavefront of the generated XUV beam.}, subject = {Nichtlineare Optik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerhard2011, author = {Gerhard, Sven}, title = {AlGaInP-Quantenpunkte f{\"u}r optoelektronische Anwendungen im sichtbaren Spektralbereich}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76174}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Herstellung und Charakterisierung von AlGaInP Quantenpunkten auf GaP und GaAs-Substrat. Auf Basis dieser Quantenpunkte wurden Halbleiterlaser auf GaAs hergestellt, welche bei Raumtemperatur zwischen 660 nm und 730 nm emittierten. Die Untersuchung von Breitstreifenlasern, welche aus diesen Strukturen gefertigt wurden, legen nahe, dass man mithilfe eines h{\"o}heren Aluminiumanteils in gr{\"o}ßeren Quantenpunkten bei vergleichbarer Wellenl{\"a}nge Laser mit besseren Eigenschaften realisieren kann. Weiterhin wurden in dieser Arbeit Quantenpunkten auf GaP-Substrat untersucht, welche in AlGaP eingebettet wurden. Da diese Quantenpunkte in Barrieren eingebettet sind, welche eine indirekte Bandl{\"u}cke besitzen, ergibt sich ein nicht-trivialer Bandverlauf innerhalb dieser Strukturen. In dieser Arbeit wurden numerische 3D-Simulationen verwendet, um den Bandverlauf zu berechnen, wobei Verspannung und interne Felder ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurden und auch die Grundzustandswellenfunktionen ermittelt wurden. Ein eingehender Vergleich mit dem Experiment setzt die gemessenen Emissionswellenl{\"a}ngen und -intensit{\"a}ten mit berechneten {\"U}bergangsenergien und {\"U}berlappintegralen in Verbindung.}, subject = {Quantenpunkt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Harder2022, author = {Harder, Tristan H.}, title = {Topological Modes and Flatbands in Microcavity Exciton-Polariton Lattices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25900}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The fascination of microcavity exciton-polaritons (polaritons) rests upon the combination of advanced technological control over both the III-V semiconductor material platform as well as the precise spectroscopic access to polaritonic states, which provide access to the investigation of open questions and complex phenomena due to the inherent nonlinearity and direct spectroscopic observables such as energy-resolved real and Fourier space information, pseudospin and coherence. The focus of this work was to advance the research area of polariton lattice simulators with a particular emphasis on their lasing properties. Following the brief introduction into the fundamental physics of polariton lattices in chapter 2, important aspects of the sample fabrication as well as the Fourier spectroscopy techniques used to investigate various features of these lattices were summarized in chapter 3. Here, the implementation of a spatial light modulator for advanced excitation schemes was presented. At the foundation of this work is the capability to confine polaritons into micropillars or microtraps resulting in discrete energy levels. By arranging these pillars or traps into various lattice geometries and ensuring coupling between neighbouring sites, polaritonic band structures were engineered. In chapter 4, the formation of a band structure was visualised in detail by investigating ribbons of honeycomb lattices. Here, the transition of the discrete energy levels of a single chain of microtraps to the fully developed band structure of a honeycomb lattice was observed. This study allows to design the size of individual domains in more complicated lattice geometries such that a description using band structures becomes feasible, as it revealed that a width of just six unit cells is sufficient to reproduce all characteristic features of the S band of a honeycomb lattice. In particular in the context of potential technological applications in the realms of lasing, the laser-like, coherent emission from polariton microcavities that can be achieved through the excitation of polariton condensates is intriguing. The condensation process is significantly altered in a lattice potential environment when compared to a planar microcavity. Therefore, an investigation of the polariton condensation process in a lattice with respect to the characteristics of the excitation laser, the exciton-photon detuning as well as the reduced trap distance that represents a key design parameter for polaritonic lattices was performed. Based on the demonstration of polariton condensation into multiple bands, the preferred condensation into a desired band was achieved by selecting the appropriate detuning. Additionally, a decreased condensation threshold in confined systems compared to a planar microcavity was revealed. In chapter 5, the influence of the peculiar feature of flatbands arising in certain lattice geometries, such as the Lieb and Kagome lattices, on polaritons and polariton condensates was investigated. Deviations from a lattice simulator described by a tight binding model that is solely based on nearest neighbour coupling cause a remaining dispersiveness of the flatbands along certain directions of the Brillouin zone. Therefore, the influence of the reduced trap distance on the dispersiveness of the flatbands was investigated and precise technological control over the flatbands was demonstrated. As next-nearest neighbour coupling is reduced drastically by increasing the distance between the corresponding traps, increasing the reduced trap distance enables to tune the S flatbands of both Lieb and Kagome lattices from dispersive bands to flatbands with a bandwidth on the order of the polariton linewidth. Additionally to technological control over the band structures, the controlled excitation of large condensates, single compact localized state (CLS) condensates as well as the resonant excitation of polaritons in a Lieb flatband were demonstrated. Furthermore, selective condensation into flatbands was realised. This combination of technological and spectroscopic control illustrates the capabilities of polariton lattice simulators and was used to study the coherence of flatband polariton condensates. Here, the ability to tune the dispersiveness from a dispersive band to an almost perfect flatband in combination with the selectivity of the excitation is particularly valuable. By exciting large flatband condensates, the increasing degree of localisation to a CLS with decreasing dispersiveness was demonstrated by measurements of first order spatial coherence. Furthermore, the first order temporal coherence of CLS condensates was increased from τ = 68 ps for a dispersive flatband, a value typically achieved in high-quality microcavity samples, to a remarkable τ = 459 ps in a flatband with a dispersiveness below the polarion linewidth. Corresponding to this drastic increase of the first order coherence time, a decrease of the second order temporal coherence function from g(2)(τ =0) = 1.062 to g(2)(0) = 1.035 was observed. Next to laser-like, coherent emission, polariton condensates can form vortex lattices. In this work, two distinct vortex lattices that can form in polariton condensates in Kagome flatbands were revealed. Furthermore, chiral, superfluid edge transport was realised by breaking the spatial symmetry through a localised excitation spot. This chirality was related to a change in the vortex orientation at the edge of the lattice and thus opens the path towards further investigations of symmetry breaking and chiral superfluid transport in Kagome lattices. Arguably the most influential concept in solid-state physics of the recent decades is the idea of topological order that has also provided a new degree of freedom to control the propagation of light. Therefore, in chapter 6, the interplay of topologically non-trivial band structures with polaritons, polariton condensates and lasing was emphasised. Firstly, a two-dimensional exciton-polariton topological insulator based on a honeycomb lattice was realised. Here, a topologically non-trivial band gap was opened at the Dirac points through a combination of TE-TM splitting of the photonic mode and Zeeman splitting of the excitonic mode. While the band gap is too small compared to the linewidth to be observed in the linear regime, the excitation of polariton condensates allowed to observe the characteristic, topologically protected, chiral edge modes that are robust against scattering at defects as well as lattice corners. This result represents a valuable step towards the investigation of non-linear and non-Hermitian topological physics, based on the inherent gain and loss of microcavities as well as the ability of polaritons to interact with each other. Apart from fundamental interest, the field of topological photonics is driven by the search of potential technological applications, where one direction is to advance the development of lasers. In this work, the starting point towards studying topological lasing was the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, since it combines a simple and well-understood geometry with a large topological gap. The coherence properties of the topological edge defect of an SSH chain was studied in detail, revealing a promising degree of second order temporal coherence of g(2)(0) = 1.07 for a microlaser with a diameter of only d = 3.5 µm. In the context of topological lasing, the idea of using a propagating, topologically protected mode to ensure coherent coupling of laser arrays is particularly promising. Here, a topologically non-trivial interface mode between the two distinct domains of the crystalline topological insulator (CTI) was realised. After establishing selective lasing from this mode, the coherence properties were studied and coherence of a full, hexagonal interface comprised of 30 vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) was demonstrated. This result thus represents the first demonstration of a topological insulator VCSEL array, combining the compact size and convenient light collection of vertically emitting lasers with an in-plane topological protection. Finally, in chapter 7, an approach towards engineering the band structures of Lieb and honeycomb lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites within each unit cell was presented. For Lieb lattices, this technique opens up a path towards controlling the coupling of a flatband to dispersive bands and could enable a detailed study of the influence of this coupling on the polariton flatband states. In an unbalanced honeycomb lattice, a quantum valley Hall boundary mode between two distinct, unbalanced honeycomb domains with permuted sites in the unit cells was demonstrated. This boundary mode could serve as the foundation for the realisation of a polariton quantum valley Hall effect with a truly topologically protected spin based on vortex charges. Modifying polariton lattices by unbalancing the eigenenergies of the sites that comprise a unit cell was thus identified as an additional, promising path for the future development of polariton lattice simulators.}, subject = {Exziton-Polariton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Larisch2011, author = {Larisch, Christina}, title = {Laser Mikrodissektion als Tool f{\"u}r gewebespezifische Expressionsanalysen in Pflanzen: Methodik und Anwendung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Laser Mikrodissektion konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit als geeignetes Tool f{\"u}r Expressionsanalysen pflanzlicher Gewebe weiterentwickelt werden. Nach einer umfangreichen Optimierung der Technik und Anpassung an die jeweiligen Gegebenheiten der zu analysierenden pflanzlichen Gewebe konnten unterschiedliche physiologische Fragestellungen an verschiedenen Pflanzen bearbeitet werden. Methodische Fortschritte Bei den Arbeiten an infiltrierten Arabidopsis-Pflanzen zeigten sich die methodischen Verbesserungen besonders deutlich: i. Die Zeit der Probengenerierung konnte um 60 80 \% reduziert werden, wobei gleichzeitig die Qualit{\"a}t und Quantit{\"a}t der isolierten RNA erheblich verbessert wurden. ii. Dadurch konnte auf die in Deeken et al. (2008) beschriebene Voramplifikation, die stets zum Verlust niedrig exprimierter Gene f{\"u}hrt, verzichtet und eine deutlich gr{\"o}ßere Zahl an im Phloem exprimierten Genen identifiziert werden. iii. Dass dabei 95 \% der bei Deeken et al. beschriebenen Phloem-Gene wiedergefunden wurden, zeigt die hohe Reproduzierbarkeit der LMPC-Technik, die durch die Optimierung erreicht werden konnte. Pathogenantwort im Arabidopsis-Phloem iv. Die Laser Mikrodissektion konnte entsprechend i iii eingesetzt werden, um Phloem-Proben von Arabidopsis-Bl{\"u}tenstielen nach Pathogenbefall zu sammeln. v. Bei der Suche nach entsprechenden Phloem-mobilen Signalen, die in systemischen Geweben zur Ausl{\"o}sung der SAR f{\"u}hren, zeigte sich, dass im Phloem der Arabidopsis-Bl{\"u}tenstiele v. a. der Jasmons{\"a}ureweg angeschaltet wird. SAR-Marker fanden sich kaum induziert. vi. Im Vergleich der Mikroarray- und qPCR-Ergebnisse wird deutlich, dass mittels LMPC die Vorg{\"a}nge im Phloem deutlich besser aufgel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen, da die Untersuchungen an kompletten Bl{\"u}tenstielen deutliche Abweichungen gegen{\"u}ber den Phloem-Arrays aufwiesen. Die Analysen der Mikroarrays sowie die zugeh{\"o}rigen Zeitreihenexperimente sind noch nicht abgeschlossen. Pappel-Holzstrahlen als Schaltstelle der saisonalen Umsteuerung vii. Die Laser Mikrodissektion kann alternativ auch in einem inversen Ansatz angewendet werden. viii. {\"U}ber auf diese Weise angereicherte Holzstrahlen der Pappel war es m{\"o}glich, tiefgreifende Einblicke in die Saisonalit{\"a}t der Pappel zu erlangen. ix. Zusammen mit Metabolit- und qPCR-Analysen lieferten diese Ergebnisse einen zeitlichen Ablaufplan der zugrundeliegenden physiologischen Prozesse, insbesondere bei der Umsteuerung von der Dormanz zur Wiederaufnahme des aktiven Wachstums im Fr{\"u}hjahr.}, subject = {Pappel}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lohbreier2008, author = {Lohbreier, Jan}, title = {Characterization and Optimization of High-order Harmonics after Adaptive Pulse Shaping}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-30474}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Umwandlung von ultrakurzen Laserpulsen in weiche R{\"o}ntgenpulse. Dabei geht es haupts{\"a}chlich um die adaptive Pulsformung des Laserpulses und dessen Einfluss auf die generierte harmonische Strahlung}, subject = {Titan-Saphir-Laser}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mahnkopf2005, author = {Mahnkopf, Sven}, title = {Photonic crystal based widely tunable laser diodes and integrated optoelectronic components}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13860}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In a first aspect of this work, the development of photonic crystal based widely tunable laser diodes and their monolithic integration with photonic crystal based passive waveguide and coupler structures is explored theoretically and experimentally. In these devices, the photonic crystal is operated in the photonic bandgap which can be used for the realization of effective reflectors and waveguide structures. Such tunable light sources are of great interest for the development of optical network systems that are based on wavelength division multiplexing. In a second aspect of this work, the operation of a photonic crystal block near the photonic band edge is investigated with respect to the so-called superprism effect. After a few introductory remarks that serve to motivate this work, chapter 3 recapitulates some aspects of semiconductor lasers and photonic crystals that are essential for the understanding of this work so that the reader should be readily equipped with the tools to appreciate the results presented in this work.}, subject = {Laserdiode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Papastathopoulos2005, author = {Papastathopoulos, Evangelos}, title = {Adaptive control of electronic excitation utilizing ultrafast laser pulses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12533}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The subject of this work has been the investigation of dynamical processes that occur during and after the interaction of matter with pulses of femtosecond laser radiation. The experiments presented here were performed in the gas phase and involve one atomic and several model molecular systems. Absorption of femtosecond laser radiation by these systems induces an electronic excitation, and subsequently their ionization, photofragmentation or isomerization. The specific adjustment of the excitation laser field properties offers the possibility to manipulate the induced electronic excitation and to influence the formation of the associated photoproducts. From the perspective of the employed spectroscopic methods, the development of photoelectron spectroscopy and its implementation in laser control experiments has been of particular interest in this thesis. This technique allows for a most direct and intuitive observation of electronic excitation dynamics in atomic as well as in complex polyatomic molecular systems. The propagation of an intermediate electronic transient state, associated to the formation of a particular photoproduct, can be interrogated by means of its correlation to a specific state of the atomic or molecular continuum. Such correlations involve the autoionization of the transient state, or by means of a second probe laser field, a structural correlation, as summarized by the Koopman's theorem (section 2.4.1). The technique of adaptive femtosecond quantum control has been the subject of development in our group for many years. The basic method, by which the temporal profile of near-infrared laser pulses at a central wavelength of 800 nm, can be adjusted, is a programmable femtosecond pulse-shaper that comprises of a zero dispersion compressor and a commercial liquid crystal modulator (LCD). This experimental arrangement was realized prior to this thesis and served as a starting point to extend the pulse-shaping technique to the ultraviolet spectral region. This technological development was realized for the purposes of the experiments presented in Chapter 5. It involves a combination of the LCD-pulse-shaper with frequency up-conversion techniques on the basis of producing specifically modulated laser pulses of central wavelength 266 nm. Furthermore, the optical method X-FROG had to be developed in order to characterize the often complex structure of generated ultraviolet pulses. In the adaptive control experiments presented in this work, the generated femtosecond laser pulses could be automatically adjusted by means of specifically addressing the 128 independent voltage parameters of the programmable liquid-crystal modulator. Additionally a machine learning algorithm was employed for the cause of defining laser pulse-shapes that delivered the desired (optimal) outcome in the investigated laser interaction processes. In Chapter 4, the technique of feedback-controlled femtosecond pulse shaping was combined with time-of-flight mass spectroscopy as well as photoelectron spectroscopy in order to investigate the multiphoton double ionization of atomic calcium. A pronounced absolute enhancement of the double ionization yield was obtained with optimized femtosecond laser pulses. On the basis of the measured photoelectron spectra and of the electron optimization experiments, a non-sequential process was found, which plays an important role in the formation of doubly charged Calcium ions. Then in Chapter 5, the dynamics following the pp* excitation of ethylene-like molecules were investigated. In this context, the model molecule stilbene was studied by means of femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy. Due to the simplicity of its chemical structure, stilebene is one of the most famous models used in experimental as well as theoretical studies of isomerization dynamics. From the time-resolved experiments described in that chapter, new spectroscopic data involving the second excited electronic state S2 of the molecule were acquired. The second ethylenic product was the molecule tetrakis (dimethylamino) ethylene (TDMAE). Due to the presence of numerous lone pair electrons on the four dimethylamino groups, TDMAE exhibits a much more complex structure than stilbene. Nevertheless, previously reported studies on the dynamics of TDMAE provided vital information for planning and conducting a successful optimisation control experiment of the wavepacket propagation upon the (pp*) S1 excited potential surface of the molecule. Finally, in Chapter 6 the possibility of employing femtosecond laser pulses as an alternative method for activating a metallocene molecular catalyst was addressed. By means of an adaptive laser control scheme, an optimization experiment was realized. There, the target was the selective cleavage of one methyl-ligand of the model catalyst (Cp)^2Zr(CH3)^2, which induces a catalytic coordination position on the molecule. The spectroscopic studies presented in that chapter were performed in collaboration to the company BASF A.G. and constitute a proof-of principle attempt for a commercial application of the adaptive femtosecond quantum control technique.}, subject = {Ultrakurzer Lichtimpuls}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seider2004, author = {Seider, David}, title = {Solving an eigenvalue problem in laser simulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10057}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this thesis a new and powerful approach for modeling laser cavity eigenmodes is presented. This approach is based on an eigenvalue problem for singularly perturbed partial differential operators with complex coefficients; such operators have not been investigated in detail until now. The eigenvalue problem is discretized by finite elements, and convergence of the approximate solution is proved by using an abstract convergence theory also developed in this dissertation. This theory for the convergence of an approximate solution of a (quadratic) eigenvalue problem, which particularly can be applied to a finite element discretization, is interesting on its own, since the ideas can conceivably be used to handle equations with a more complex nonlinearity. The discretized eigenvalue problem essentially is solved by preconditioned GMRES, where the preconditioner is constructed according to the underlying physics of the problem. The power and correctness of the new approach for computing laser cavity eigenmodes is clearly demonstrated by successfully simulating a variety of different cavity configurations. The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1 contains a short overview on solving the so-called Helmholtz equation with the help of finite elements. The main part of Chapter 2 is dedicated to the analysis of a one-dimensional model problem containing the main idea of a new model for laser cavity eigenmodes which is derived in detail in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 comprises a convergence theory for the approximate solution of quadratic eigenvalue problems. In Chapter 5, a stabilized finite element discretization of the new model is described and its convergence is proved by applying the theory of Chapter 4. Chapter 6 contains computational aspects of solving the resulting system of equations and, finally, Chapter 7 presents numerical results for various configurations, demonstrating the practical relevance of our new approach.}, subject = {Laser}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steinbauer2012, author = {Steinbauer, Michael Christoph}, title = {Ionen- und Elektronenimaging reaktiver Molek{\"u}le: Ethyl, Propargylen und Fulvenallenyl}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75649}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Bei Verbrennungsprozessen im Otto-Motor, beim Raffinationsprozess in Erd{\"o}lraffinerien, im interstellaren Raum oder in der Chemie der Erdatmosph{\"a}re spielen Molek{\"u}le, wie sie in dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden, eine wichtige Rolle. Allerdings stellt es eine große Herausforderung dar, solch reaktive Substanzen zu erzeugen und zu handhaben. Um das Ethyl-Radikal, ein wichtiges Intermediat z.B. in der Erzeugung von Ethylen, zu untersuchen, wurde eine bestehende Apparatur modifiziert. Diese erm{\"o}glicht es, die Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der Fragmente (Ionen oder Elektronen) zweidimensional aufzuzeichnen, die nach der Anregung mittels Laserlicht durch Photodissoziation entstehen. Diese velocity-map imaging Apparatur wurde in einem ersten Schritt mittels der Photodissoziation von Pyrrol bei 240 nm kalibriert. Cycloheptatrien konnte erfolgreich auf seine Photodissoziation untersucht werden, was als Test des VMI-Experiment genutzt wurde. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse stimmten mit Resultaten {\"u}berein, welche durch Doppler-Fragmentspektroskopie in dieser und fr{\"u}heren Arbeiten gewonnen wurden. Zwischen 11 und 13 \% der {\"U}berschussenergie gehen dabei in die Translation des H-Atoms. • Das Ethyl-Radikal zeigte, als das erste mit unserer VMI-Apparatur untersuchte Radikal, eine interessante Photodissoziation: Wird es bei 250 nm angeregt, ergeben sich zwei Dissoziationskan{\"a}le, wobei ein bekannter Kanal nach schneller interner Konversion in den Grundzustand Fragmente mit geringer Translationsenergie erzeugt. Der zweite Kanal zeigt anisotropes Verhalten und erzeugt Wasserstoffatome mit hoher Translationsenergie, die mehr als die H{\"a}lfte der {\"U}berschussenergie abf{\"u}hren. Die Erkl{\"a}rung dieses Prozesses erweist sich schwierig in Anbetracht von durchgef{\"u}hrten Isotopenmarkierungsexperimenten sowie der beobachteten Ratenkonstanten f{\"u}r die Photodissoziation. Eine Interaktion von Valenz- und Rydbergzust{\"a}nden im Ethyl-Radikal k{\"o}nnte eine Erkl{\"a}rung darstellen. In Zukunft kann beim VMI-Experiment in W{\"u}rzburg versucht werden, die Aufl{\"o}sung weiter zu verbessern. Dabei erg{\"a}ben sich im Idealfall zwei scharfe Ringe der H-Atome durch die Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltung von Brom, welche eine sehr genaue Kalibrierung erm{\"o}glichen. Neben den Ergebnissen auf dem Gebiet der Photodissoziation, die mit der VMI-Apparatur erzielt wurden, konnten mittels Synchrotronstrahlung und Aufzeichnen der Photoelektronen mittels VMI und der TPEPICO-Technik die folgenden Ergebnisse erhalten werden: • Von Propargylen, einem von drei C3H2 Isomeren, konnte die adiabatische Ionisierungsenergie (IEad) mit 8.99 eV bestimmt werden. Der Vorl{\"a}ufer Diazopropin, eine sehr instabile Substanz, wurde dazu synthetisiert und mit Synchrotronlicht untersucht. Allerdings war es nicht m{\"o}glich, die Schwingungen im Kation oder die dissoziative Photoionisation (DPI) des Carbens zu untersuchen, da Diazopropin seinerseits bereits bei Energien von 9 eV durch DPI zerf{\"a}llt. Allerdings konnte ein Peak im TPES des zyklischen Isomers aus einer fr{\"u}heren Messung eindeutig dem Propargylen zugeordnet werden. Ein Ausweg die DPI zu umgehen stellt die Verwendung eines anderen Vorl{\"a}ufers dar. Beispielsweise wurde dazu Propargylchlorid getestet, welches aber nicht das Propargylen erzeugt, sondern das zyklische Isomer Cyclopropenyliden. Daneben k{\"o}nnen durch ein Doppel-Imaging Experiment, bei dem die Ionen genauso wie die Elektronen mit einem bildgebenden Detektor aufgezeichnet werden, Ionen mit kinetischer Energie aus DPI von Ionen aus der Ionisation ohne kinetischer Energie unterschieden werden. • Von den substituierten Methyl-Radikalen Brommethyl sowie Cyanomethyl konnte die IEad (8.62 bzw. 10.28 eV) und vom Brommethyl die DPI (AE0K = 13.95 eV) bestimmt werden. Daraus konnte der Einfluss der Substituenten auf die IEad im Vergleich zum Methyl-Radikal (IE = 9.84 eV) gezeigt werden. Das zeigt, dass der Brom-Substituent das Kation, der Cyano-Rest dagegen das Radikal stabilisiert. Ebenso konnten aus den Ergebnissen beim Brommethyl thermodynamische Daten wie die Standardbildungsenthalpie des Radikals (ΔH0f= 174.5 kJ/mol) oder Bindungsenergien gewonnen werden. Letztere betragen 334 kJ/mol f{\"u}r die C-Br Bindung im Brommethyl-Radikal sowie 505 kJ/mol im Kation. • Das Fulvenallen (C7H6) wurde aus Phthalid durch Pyrolyse erzeugt und dessen IEad mit 8.22 eV bestimmt. Schwingungen konnten im Kation aufgel{\"o}st und zugeordnet werden. Außerdem konnte erstmals die IEad des Fulvenallenyl-Radikals (C7H5) mit 8.19 eV festgelegt werden. Im Vergleich zu fr{\"u}heren Messungen zeigte sich, dass aus Toluol in der Pyrolyse ebenfalls die beiden C7H5/C7H6 Isomere entstehen. Um verschiedene C7H5/C7H6 Isomere in einem Verbrennungsprozess zu unterscheiden, w{\"a}re es vorteilhaft, experimentell bestimmte Ionisierungsenergien von anderen Isomeren zu kennen.}, subject = {Radikal }, language = {de} }