@phdthesis{Sauer2000, author = {Sauer, Christina}, title = {Charakterisierung intrazellul{\"a}rer, bakterieller Endosymbionten im Mitteldarm von Ameisen der Gattung Camponotus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1940}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden verschiedene Themenbereiche bearbeitet, die zur Charakterisierung der intrazellul{\"a}ren, bakteriellen Endosymbionten im Mitteldarm von Ameisen der Gattung Camponotus beitrugen. Es wurden phylogenetische Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der 16S rDNA-Sequenzen der Symbionten und der Sequenzen der Cytochrom-Oxidase-Untereinheit I (COI-Sequenzen) ihrer Wirte durchgef{\"u}hrt, die zur n{\"a}heren Kl{\"a}rung der Fragen zu {\"U}bertragungsweg und Stellung der Camponotus-Endosymbionten verhalfen. Untersuchungen an dreizehn verschiedenen Camponotus-Arten brachten folgende Ergebnisse. Die intrazellul{\"a}ren Bakterien der Ameisen geh{\"o}ren zur g-Subklasse der Proteobakterien. Innerhalb des 16S-Stammbaumes der Symbionten kann man drei Untergruppen unterscheiden, in denen die einzelnen Arten enger miteinander verwandt sind. Bei den n{\"a}chstverwandten Bakteriennachbarn der Camponotus-Endosymbionten handelt es sich um die ebenfalls symbiontisch lebenden Bakterien der Gattungen Wigglesworthia und Buchnera. Die Ameisen-Symbionten besitzen in ihren rrs-Genen intervenierende DNA-Sequenzen (IVS), die stabile Sekund{\"a}rstrukturen ausbilden k{\"o}nnen. Ihre 16S-Gene sind nicht strangaufw{\"a}rts von den 23S-Genen lokalisiert. Durch diese genetische Besonderheit {\"a}hneln die Camponotus-Symbionten den Buchnera-Symbionten, deren rRNA-Gene auf zwei Transkriptionseinheiten verteilt sind. Innerhalb des Stammbaumes der untersuchten Wirtsameisen existieren ebenfalls drei Untergruppen, deren einzelne Arten enger miteinander verwandt sind. Die direkte Gegen{\"u}berstellung des Symbionten-Stammbaumes mit dem der Ameisen zeigt ein weitgehend gleiches Verzweigungsmuster. Beide Dendrogramme zeigen signifikante {\"U}bereinstimmungen bez{\"u}glich ihrer taxonomischen Beziehungen und legen eine kongruente Entwicklung von Symbionten und Wirten, die nur durch einen vertikalen {\"U}bertragungsweg erzeugt werden kann, nahe. Einzige Ausnahme bildete hierbei der C. castaneus-Symbiont, bei dem ein horizontaler Transfer von Symbionten nicht g{\"a}nzlich ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgef{\"u}hrten phylogenetischen Untersuchungen erm{\"o}glichten die Benennung einer neuen Symbiontengattung innerhalb der gamma-Subgruppe der Proteobakterien: "Candidatus Blochmannia spp." Histologische Studien der Endosymbiose mit Hilfe von licht- und elektronenmikroskopischen Methoden sollten Fragen zur Symbiontenlokalisation innerhalb adulter Individuen beantworten und die Ergebnisse zum {\"U}bertragungsweg der intrazellul{\"a}ren Bakterien festigen. Die Endosymbionten sind in den Mitteldarmepithelien von Arbeiterinnen, K{\"o}niginnen und M{\"a}nnchen in Myzetozytenzellen lokalisiert, die in das Mitteldarmepithel interkalieren. Diese spezialisierten Zellen besitzen kaum Vesikel und tragen keinen Mikrovillisaum. In den Oozyten der Ovarien von K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen wurden ebenfalls große Symbiontenmengen gefunden. Die Spermatheka der K{\"o}niginnen und die Geschlechtsorgane der M{\"a}nnchen waren symbiontenfrei. Die Abwesenheit von Symbionten innerhalb dieser beiden Organe zeigt, dass eine Bakterieninfektion der weiblichen Tiere nicht durch die M{\"a}nnchen stattfindet, sondern wie schon in den phylogenetischen Untersuchungen postuliert, ein rein maternaler {\"U}bertragungsweg der Symbionten vorliegt. Die Detektion der Bakterien in Eiern und Larven der Ameisen mittels In situ-Hybridisierungen trugen zur Aufkl{\"a}rung des Weges der Endosymbionten w{\"a}hrend der Embryogenese bei. W{\"a}hrend sich im abgelegten Ei ein Ring aus Symbionten bildete, kam es in den Larvenstadien 1 bis 3 zur Auswanderung der Bakterien in Meso- bzw. Ektoderm. Im gr{\"o}ßten untersuchten Larvenstadium 4, das kurz vor der Verpuppung stand, konnten die Symbionten ausschließlich in den Myzetozyten des Mitteldarmes detektiert werden. Die Behandlung der Ameisen mit Antibiotika erm{\"o}glichte es, symbiontenfreie Ameisen zu erzeugen, die {\"u}ber einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum weiterlebten, ohne ihre Symbionten zu regenerieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gelang es erstmals, die intrazellul{\"a}ren Bakterien intakt aus dem sie umgebenden Mitteldarmgewebe zu isolieren. Somit konnten gereinigte Symbionten f{\"u}r Kultivierungs- und Infektionsversuche verwendet werden. Diese Versuche die mit Hilfe von Bakterienn{\"a}hrmedien und Insektenzelllinien durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, zeigten jedoch sehr deutlich, dass es nicht m{\"o}glich ist, die Camponotus-Symbionten außerhalb ihrer Wirte zu kultivieren.}, subject = {Rossameise}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Paul2001, author = {Paul, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {The Mouthparts of Ants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1179130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Ant mandible movements cover a wide range of forces, velocities and precision. The key to the versatility of mandible functions is the mandible closer muscle. In ants, this muscle is generally composed of distinct muscle fiber types that differ in morphology and contractile properties. Volume proportions of the fiber types are species-specific and correlate with feeding habits. Two biomechanical models explain how the attachment angles are optimized with respect to force and velocity output and how filament-attached fibers help to generate the largest force output from the available head capsule volume. In general, the entire mandible closer muscle is controlled by 10-12 motor neurons, some of which exclusively supply specific muscle fiber groups. Simultaneous recordings of muscle activity and mandible movement reveal that fast movements require rapid contractions of fast muscle fibers. Slow and accurate movements result from the activation of slow muscle fibers. Forceful movements are generated by simultaneous co-activation of all muscle fiber types. For fine control, distinct fiber bundles can be activated independently of each other. Retrograde tracing shows that most dendritic arborizations of the different sets of motor neurons share the same neuropil in the suboesophageal ganglion. In addition, some motor neurons invade specific parts of the neuropil. The labiomaxillary complex of ants is essential for food intake. I investigated the anatomical design of the labiomaxillary complex in various ant species focusing on movement mechanisms. The protraction of the glossa is a non muscular movement. Upon relaxation of the glossa retractor muscles, the glossa protracts elastically. I compared the design of the labiomaxillary complex of ants with that of the honey bee, and suggest an elastic mechanism for glossa protraction in honey bees as well. Ants employ two different techniques for liquid food intake, in which the glossa works either as a passive duct (sucking), or as an up- and downwards moving shovel (licking). For collecting fluids at ad libitum food sources, workers of a given species always use only one of both techniques. The species-specific feeding technique depends on the existence of a well developed crop and on the resulting mode of transporting the fluid food. In order to evaluate the performance of collecting liquids during foraging, I measured fluid intake rates of four ant species adapted to different ecological niches. Fluid intake rate depends on sugar concentration and the associated fluid viscosity, on the species-specific feeding technique, and on the extent of specialization on collecting liquid food. Furthermore, I compared the four ant species in terms of glossa surface characteristics and relative volumes of the muscles that control licking and sucking. Both probably reflect adaptations to the species-specific ecological niche and determine the physiological performance of liquid feeding. Despite species-specific differences, single components of the whole system are closely adjusted to each other according to a general rule.}, subject = {Ameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2004, author = {Hein, Silke}, title = {The survival of grasshoppers and bush crickets in habitats variable in space and time}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die zunehmende Nutzung von Landschaften f{\"u}hrt zu einer steigenden Fragmentierung sch{\"u}tzenswerter Fl{\"a}chen. Damit verbunden ist eine Zerschneidung von großen Populationen in Metapopulationen. In solchen F{\"a}llen bestimmt das Gleichgewicht zwischen Aussterben und Besiedlung von Habitaten die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Arten. Um diese bestimmen, braucht man ein gutes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Habitatanspr{\"u}che der Arten, sowie Informationen {\"u}ber ihr Ausbreitungsverhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, geeignete Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer Landschaft identifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen, sowie einen Beitrag zur Quantifizierung der Erreichbarkeit einzelner Fl{\"a}chen durch Individuen zu leisten. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Quantifizierung der Habitateignung von Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken. Dazu habe ich statistische Habitateignungsmodelle mittels logistischer Regression erstellt, evaluiert und validiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die Habitatwahl der Heuschrecken auf einer mittleren r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene erfolgt. Dies steht mit der beobachteten Ausbreitungsdistanz der Tiere im Einklang. Neben dem nur grob klassifizierten Landschaftsfaktor „Biotoptyp" korrelieren vor allem strukturelle Faktoren sowie abiotische Faktoren mit dem Vorkommen der Heuschreckenarten. Bei der Bestimmung eines gemeinsamen Models f{\"u}r alle drei Heuschreckenarten erwies sich das Model der Art S. lineatus mit den Parametern Biotoptyp und Vegetationsh{\"o}he als am besten geeignet zur Vorhersage der Vorkommen der anderen Heuschreckenarten. Um zu testen, ob auch die Vorkommen von Arten unterschiedlicher Tiergruppen mittels eines gemeinsamen Modells vorhergesagt werden k{\"o}nnen, habe ich sowohl die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose von Faltervorkommen getestet, als auch Modelle f{\"u}r Falter auf Heuschrecken {\"u}bertragen. Dabei erwiesen sich die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose der anderen Arten weniger geeignet als das Modell f{\"u}r das Widderchen Z. carniolica in das der Anteil an geeignetem Habitat sowie die Vorkommen der beiden Saugpflanzen C. jacea und S. columbaria einfließen. Diese Art wird als standorttreu eingestuft und repr{\"a}sentiert damit auch die anderen Arten, die typisch f{\"u}r S{\"a}ume und Halbtrockenrasen sind. Die erh{\"o}hte Mobilit{\"a}t von Z. carniolica im Vergleich zu den Heuschrecken garantiert gleichzeitig auch die Erreichbarkeit aller geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen im Gebiet und damit ein Modell, das nur unwesentlich durch Zufallseffekte bei der Besiedlung beeinflusst wird. Neben der Habitatqualit{\"a}t/-quantit{\"a}t spielt vor allem der Austausch zwischen Fl{\"a}chen eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Metapopulation. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich mich sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch, mit dem Ausbreitungsverhalten von Heuschrecken besch{\"a}ftigt. In Freilandexperimenten konnte ich zeigen, dass die Annahme eines dichotomen Bewegungsverhaltens f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer realen Landschaft nicht zutrifft. Vielmehr wird die Bewegung in einer Fl{\"a}che besser als Kontinuum beschrieben das durch strukturelle Resistenz, Temperatur, Mortalit{\"a}tsrisiko und Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit bestimmt wird. Die jeweilige Kombination dieser Parameter veranlasst die Tiere dann zu einem entsprechenden Bewegungsmuster, das sich zwischen den beiden Extremen gerichteter und zuf{\"a}lliger Lauf bewegt. In Experimenten zum Grenzverhalten von Heuschrecken best{\"a}tigte sich dieses Ergebnis. F{\"u}r verschiedene Grenzstrukturen konnte ich unterschiedliche {\"U}bertrittswahrscheinlichkeiten nachweisen. Weiterhin konnte ich feststellen, dass Heuschrecken geeignete Habitate aus einer gewissen Entfernung detektieren k{\"o}nnen. Da das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Tieren in theoretischen Modellen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, k{\"o}nnen diese empirischen Daten zur Parametrisierung dieser Modelle verwendet werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zum Einfluss des Laufmusters der Tiere auf die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Habitate, zeigte sich in den von mir durchgef{\"u}hrten Simulationsstudien deutlich, dass der landschaftliche Kontext, in dem die Ausbreitung stattfindet, die Erreichbarkeit einzelner Habitate beeinflusst. Dieser Effekt ist zus{\"a}tzlich abh{\"a}ngig von der Mortalit{\"a}tsrate beim Ausbreitungsvorgang. Mit den Ergebnissen aus den Untersuchungen zur Habitateignung lassen sich die f{\"u}r Heuschrecken geeigneten Habitate in einer Landschaft identifizieren. Somit l{\"a}sst sich die potentielle Eignung einer Fl{\"a}che als Habitat, basierend auf Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die {\"A}nderung des Biotoptyps durch ein Managementverfahren, vorhersagen. Diese Information allein reicht aber nicht aus, um die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit einer Art bestimmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Meine Untersuchungen zum Ausbreitungsverhalten zeigen deutlich, dass die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Fl{\"a}chen von der r{\"a}umlichen Anordnung der Habitate und der Struktur der Fl{\"a}chen, die zwischen Habitaten liegen, abh{\"a}ngt. Zus{\"a}tzlich spielen individuenspezifische Faktoren wie Motivation und physiologische Faktoren eine ausschlaggebende Rolle f{\"u}r die Erreichbarkeit von geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen.}, subject = {Naturschutzgebiet Hohe Wann}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{TraversMartin2007, author = {Travers-Martin, Nora Verena}, title = {The role of the glucosinolate-myrosinase system for the interaction of Brassicaceae with the turnip sawfly Athalia rosae(L.)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25335}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Brassicaceae and a few related plant families are characterized by possession of the glucosinolate-myrosinase system. Glucosinolates are amino-acid derived allelochemicals which are hydrolysed upon tissue damage by myrosinase enzymes to produce various degradation products which can be toxic for generalist insects. The larvae of the crucifer-specialist Athalia rosae, the turnip sawfly, sequester glucosinolates into their haemolymph. The role of the glucosinolate-myrosinase system for the interaction of the turnip sawfly with Brassicaceae was examined in this study from two different perspectives: variation within individual plants and between plant species. The plant responses to the feeding by herbivores and the short-term effects this induction had on insect behaviour were investigated in white mustard. Furthermore, plants can use multiple defences. Hence correlations of glucosinolates and myrosinase activities with other defences and nutritional quality and their long-term effects on the development of the insects were investigated in seven different plant species.}, subject = {Glucosinolate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zube2008, author = {Zube, Christina}, title = {Neuronal representation and processing of chemosensory communication signals in the ant brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-30383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Ants heavily rely on olfaction for communication and orientation and ant societies are characterized by caste- and sex-specific division of labor. Olfaction plays a key role in mediating caste-specific behaviours. I investigated whether caste- and sex-specific differences in odor driven behavior are reflected in specific differences and/or adaptations in the ant olfactory system. In particular, I asked the question whether in the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus, the olfactory pathway exhibits structural and/or functional adaptations to processing of pheromonal and general odors. To analyze neuroanatomical specializations, the central olfactory pathway in the brain of large (major) workers, small (minor) workers, virgin queens, and males of the carpenter ant C. floridanus was investigated using fluorescent tracing, immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy and 3D-analyzes. For physiological analyzes of processing of pheromonal and non-pheromonal odors in the first odor processing neuropil , the antennal lobe (AL), calcium imaging of olfactory projection neurons (PNs) was applied. Although different in total glomerular volumes, the numbers of olfactory glomeruli in the ALs were similar across the female worker caste and in virgin queens. Here the AL contains up to ~460 olfactory glomeruli organized in 7 distinct clusters innervated via 7 antennal sensory tracts. The AL is divided into two hemispheres regarding innervations of glomeruli by PNs with axons leaving via a dual output pathway. This pathway consists of the medial (m) and lateral (l) antenno-cerebral tract (ACT) and connects the AL with the higher integration areas in the mushroom bodies (MB) and the lateral horn (LH). M- and l-ACT PNs differ in their target areas in the MB calyx and the LH. Three additional ACTs (mediolateral - ml) project to the lateral protocerebrum only. Males had ~45\% fewer glomeruli compared to females and one of the seven sensory tracts was absent. Despite a substantially smaller number of glomeruli, males possess a dual PN output pathway to the MBs. In contrast to females, however, only a small number of glomeruli were innervated by projection neurons of the m-ACT. Whereas all glomeruli in males were densely innervated by serotonergic processes, glomeruli innervated by sensory tract six lacked serotonergic innervations in the female castes. It appears that differences in general glomerular organization are subtle among the female castes, but sex-specific differences in the number, connectivity and neuromodulatory innervations of glomeruli are substantial and likely to promote differences in olfactory behavior. Calcium imaging experiments to monitor pheromonal and non-pheromonal processing in the ant AL revealed that odor responses were reproducible and comparable across individuals. Calcium responses to both odor groups were very sensitive (10-11 dilution), and patterns from both groups were partly overlapping indicating that processing of both odor classes is not spatially segregated within the AL. Intensity response patterns to the pheromone components tested (trail pheromone: nerolic acid; alarm pheromone: n-undecane), in most cases, remained invariant over a wide range of intensities (7-8 log units), whereas patterns in response to general odors (heptanal, octanol) varied across intensities. Durations of calcium responses to stimulation with the trail pheromone component nerolic acid increased with increasing odor concentration indicating that odor quality is maintained by a stable pattern (concentration invariance) and intensity is mainly encoded in the response durations of calcium activities. For n-undecane and both general odors increasing response dynamics were only monitored in very few cases. In summary, this is the first detailed structure-function analyses within the ant's central olfactory system. The results contribute to a better understanding of important aspects of odor processing and olfactory adaptations in an insect's central olfactory system. Furthermore, this study serves as an excellent basis for future anatomical and/or physiological experiments.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drechsler2008, author = {Drechsler, Patrick Hans}, title = {Mechanics of adhesion and friction in stick insects and tree frogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Many arthropods and vertebrates can cling to surfaces using adhesive pads on their legs. These pads are either smooth and characterised by a specialised, soft cuticle or they are hairy, i.e. densely covered with flexible adhesive setae. Animals climbing with adhesive organs are able to control attachment and detachment dynamically while running. The detailed mechanisms of how tarsal pads generate adhesive and frictional forces and how forces are controlled during locomotion are still largely unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the attachment mechanism of smooth adhesive pads as present in many insects and tree frogs. To understand the function of these fluid-based adhesive systems, I characterized their performance under standardized conditions. To this end, experiments were conducted by simultaneously measuring adhesion, friction, and contact area in single adhesive pads. The first result of this study showed that friction in stick insect attachment pads is anisotropic: Attachment pads regularly detached when slid away from the body. Further analyses of "immobilized" arolia revealed that this anisotropy is not caused by an increased shear stress in the proximal direction, but by the instability of the tarsus when pushed distally. In the second part of this study, I analysed the role of the pad secretion present in insects and tree frogs. In stick insects, shear stress was largely independent of normal force and increased with velocity, seemingly consistent with the viscosity effect of a continuous fluid film. However, measurements of the remaining force two minutes after a sliding movement showed that adhesive pads could sustain considerable static friction in insects and tree frogs. Repeated sliding movements and multiple consecutive pull-offs of stick insect single legs to deplete adhesive secretion showed that on a smooth surface, friction and adhesion strongly increased with decreasing amount of fluid in insects. In contrast, stick insect pull-off forces significantly decreased on a rough substrate. Thus, the secretion does not generally increase attachment but does so only on rough substrates, where it helps to maximize contact area. When slides with stick insect arolia were repeated at one position so that secretion could accumulate, sliding shear stress decreased but static friction remained clearly present. This suggests that static friction in stick insects, which is biologically important to prevent sliding, is based on non-Newtonian properties of the adhesive emulsion rather than on a direct contact between the cuticle and the substrate. \% Analogous measurements in toe pads of tree frogs showed that they are also able to generate static friction, even though their pads are wetted by mucus. In contrast to the mechanism proposed for insects, static friction in tree frogs apparently results from the very close contact of toe pads to the substrate and boundary lubrication. In the last section of this study, I investigated adhesive forces and the mode of detachment by performing pull-off measurements at different velocities and preloads. These experiments showed that preload has only an increasing effect on adhesion for faster pull-offs. This can be explained by the viscoelastic material properties of the stick insect arolium, which introduce a strong rate-dependence of detachment. During fast pull-offs, forces can spread over the complete area of contact, leading to forces scaling with area. In contrast, the pad material has sufficient time to withdraw elastically and peel during slow detachments. Under these conditions the adhesive force will concentrate on the circumference of the contact area, therefore scaling with a length, supporting models such as the peeling theory. The scaling of single-pad forces supported these conclusions, but large variation between pads of different stick insects did not allow statistically significant conclusions. In contrast, when detachment forces were quantified for whole insects using a centrifuge, forces scaled with pad contact area and not with length.}, subject = {Biomechanik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhlmann2009, author = {Kuhlmann, Franziska}, title = {The influence of ultraviolet radiation on plant-insect interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39608}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Plants must respond to multiple stimuli in a natural environment. Therefore they need the ability to rapidly reorganise and specifically build up appropriate metabolites to adapt to their environment. Abiotic cues, such as ambient solar radiation, influence the next trophic level directly, but also an altered plant composition triggered by these environmental cues can have an effect on the behaviour of herbivores. The aim of this study was to test effects of the important ultraviolet (UV) radiation on plants and on plant-insect interactions using multi-level investigations. The focus was on the conduction of controlled experiments with broccoli plants in highly engineered greenhouses covered with innovative materials, which only differed in their UV-B transmission. For the first time in this controlled environment the plant-mediated UV-B effects on phloem-feeding aphids were studied. Broccoli plants (Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis, Brassicaceae) were under filter tents either exposed to (inclusion, +UV) or not exposed to (exclusion, -UV) UV-A / UV-B radiation. In greenhouses covered with new, innovative materials transmitting high (80\%), medium (23\%) or low (4\%) levels of ambient solar UV-B radiation, in particular the influence of UV-B radiation on broccoli was examined. Plants respond highly specific to environmental stimuli such as UV-B radiation and herbivory. UV-B radiation has a strong impact on the plants' architecture and flavonoid contents, which can in turn influence plant-insect interactions. Phloem-feeding aphids can be negatively affected by UV-B mediated plant changes. However, a direct effect of UV radiation on the behaviour of herbivores is also evident. Mainly the number, composition and quality of herbivorous species as well as an exceeding of a certain infestation threshold determine the mode of plant changes. In conclusion, UV-B radiation has the potential to harden plants against herbivores and simultaneously increases the concentrations of valuable secondary metabolites for human nutrition in important crop species such as broccoli.}, subject = {ultraviolette Strahlung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menzel2009, author = {Menzel, Florian}, title = {Mechanisms and adaptive significance of interspecific associations between tropical ant species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Aggression between ants from different colonies or species is ubiquitous. Exceptions to this rule exist in the form of supercolonies (within a species) and interspecific associations (between species). Probably the most intimate interspecific association is the parabiosis, where two ant species live together in a common nest. They keep their brood separate but jointly use trails and often share food resources. Parabioses are restricted to few species pairings and occur in South American and Southeast Asian rainforests. While the South American parabioses have been studied, albeit poorly, almost nothing is known about their Southeast Asian counterparts. My PhD project focuses on Southeast Asian parabioses between the myrmicine Crematogaster modiglianii Emery 1900 and the considerably larger formicine Camponotus rufifemur Emery 1900. The two species frequently nest together in hollow trees in the tropical lowland rainforest of Borneo. The basic question of my PhD project is why these two species live together. I investigated both proximate and ultimate aspects of this question. For comparative purposes, I included studies on a trail-sharing association in the same habitat. On the proximate level, I investigated which mechanisms facilitate tolerance towards hetero-spe¬ci¬fic nestmates. Ants generally discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates via cuticular hydro¬carbons that function as colony recognition cues. I studied the specificity of nestmate recognition within and between the two parabiotic species. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), I analyzed the cuticular substances in both ant species to find potential differences to non-parabiotic species, and to estimate the substance overlap among the two species. A high substance overlap would e.g. suggest that interspecific tolerance is caused by chemical mimicry. Finally, bioassays were conducted to evaluate the function of different cuticular compounds. Interspecific tolerance in the two parabiotic species was species-specific but not colony-specific. Ca. rufifemur tolerated all Cr. modiglianii individuals, even those from foreign colonies, but strongly attacked workers of other Crematogaster species. Cr. modiglianii, in turn, tolerated Ca. rufifemur workers of certain foreign colonies but attacked those of others. Chemical analyses revealed two sympatric, chemically distinct Ca. rufifemur varieties ('red' and 'black') with almost no hydrocarbon overlap. Cr. modiglianii only tolerated foreign Ca. rufifemur workers if they belonged to the same chemical variety as their own Ca. rufifemur partner. It also attacked other, non-parabiotic Camponotus species. Thus, reciprocal interspecific tolerance was restricted to the species Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur. Ca. rufifemur frequently tolerated conspecific non-nestmates of the same chemical variety. Minor workers were more often tolerated than majors, possibly because they possess two to three times lower hydrocarbon quantities per body surface than majors. In contrast, Cr. modiglianii nearly always attacked conspecific non-nestmates. Both species possessed hydrocarbons with considerably higher chain lengths than congeneric, non-parabiotic ant species. Long-chain hydrocarbons are less volatile than shorter ones and thus harder to perceive. They may thus considerably facilitate interspecific tolerance. Moreover, up to 98\% of the cuticular hydrocarbons in Ca. rufifemur were methylbranched alkenes, which are highly unusual among insect cuticular hydrocarbons. Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur had almost no hydrocarbons in common, refuting chemical mimicry as a possible cause of interspecific tolerance. The only hydrocarbons common to both species were two methylbranched alkenes, which constituted 89\% of the 'red' Ca. rufifemur hydrocarbon profile and also occurred in those Cr. modiglianii colonies that lived together with this Ca. rufifemur variety. Cr. modiglianii presumably acquired these two compounds from its red Ca. rufifemur partner. Cr. modiglianii was significantly less aggressive towards foreign Cr. modiglianii workers that were associated with the same Ca. rufifemur variety than to those associated with the respective other one. Hence, this species seemed to use recognition cues acquired from its parabiotic partner. Apart from hydrocarbons, both species possessed a set of hitherto unknown substances on their cuticle. The quantitative composition of the unknown compounds varied between parabiotic nests but was similar among the two species of a nest. They are probably produced in the Dufour glanf of Cr. modiglianii and transferred to their Ca. rufifemur partner. Possible transfer mechanisms include interspecific trophallaxis and 'mounting behaviour', where Cr. modiglianii climbed onto Ca. rufifemur workers without being displaced. Although the composition of the unknown compounds greatly varied between nests, they did not function as nestmate recognition cues since both species used hydrocarbons for nestmate recognition. However, the unknown compounds significantly reduced aggression in Ca. rufifemur. The ultimate, i.e. ecological and evolutionary aspects of my PhD research deal with potential costs and benefits that Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur may derive from the parabiotic association, their interactions with other species, and population genetic analyses. Additional studies on a trail-sharing association between three other ant species deal with two possible mechanisms that may cause or facilitate trail-sharing. Whether parabioses are parasitic, commensalistic, or mutualistic, is largely unknown and depends on the costs and benefits each party derives from the association. I therefore investigated food competition (as one of the most probable costs), differentiation of foraging niches (which can reduce competition), and several potential benefits of the parabiotic way of life. Besides, I studied interactions between the ant species and the hemiepiphyte Poikilospermum cordifolium. The foraging niches of the two species differed regarding foraging range, daily activity pattern, and food preferences. None of the two species aggressively displaced its partner species from baits. Thus, interference competition for food seemed to be low or absent. For both ant species, a number of benefits from the parabiotic lifestyle seem possible. They include interspecific trail-following, joint nest defence, provision of nest space by the partner species, food exchange via trophallaxis, and mutual brood care. If an ant species follows another species' pheromone trails, it can reach food resources found by the other species. As shown by artificial extract trails, Ca. rufifemur workers indeed followed trails of Cr. modiglianii but not vice versa. Thus, Ca. rufifemur benefited from Cr. modiglianii's knowledge on food sources (informational parasitism). In turn, Cr. modiglianii seemed to profit from nest defence by Ca. rufifemur. Ca. rufifemur majors are substantially larger than Cr. modiglianii workers. Although Cr. modiglianii often effectively defended the nest as well, it seemed likely that this species derived a benefit from its partner's defensive abilities. In neotropical parabioses (ant-gardens), mutualistic epiphytes play an important role in providing nest space. The neotropical Camponotus benefits its Crematogaster partner by planting epiphyte seeds, for which Crematogaster is too small. Similarly, the Bornean parabioses often were inhabited by the hemiepiphyte Poikilospermum cordifolium (Barg.-Petr.) Merr (Cecropiaceae). P. cordifolium seedlings, saplings and sometimes larger indivi¬duals abundantly grew at the entrances of parabiotic nests. However, P. cordifolium provides no additional nest space and, apart from nutritive elaiosomes, perianths, and extrafloral nectar probably plays a less important role for the ants than the neotropical epiphytes. In conclusion, the parabiosis is probably beneficial to both species. The main benefits seem to be nest defence (for Cr. modiglianii) and interspecific trail-following (for Ca. rufifemur). However, Ca. rufifemur seems to be more dependent on its partner than vice versa. For both parabiotic species, I analyzed mitochondrial DNA of ants from different regions in Borneo. My data suggest that there are four genetically and chemically distinct, but closely related varieties of Camponotus rufifemur. In contrast, Crematogaster modiglianii showed high genetic differentiation between distant populations but was not differentiated into genetic or chemical varieties. This argues against variety-specific cocladogenesis between Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur, although a less specific coevolution of the two species is highly likely. In Bornean rainforests, trail-sharing associations of Polyrhachis (Polyrhachis) ypsilon Emery 1887 and Camponotus (Colobopsis) saundersi Emery 1889 are common and often include further species such as Dolichoderus cuspidatus Smith 1857. I investigated a trail-sharing association between these three species and studied two mechanisms that may cause or facilitate these associations: interspecific trail-following, i.e. workers following another species' pheromone trail, and differential inter¬specific aggression. In trail-following assays, D. cuspidatus regularly followed extract trails of the other two species, thus probably parasitizing on their information on food sources. In contrast, only few P. ypsilon and Ca. saundersi workers followed hetero¬speci¬fic extract trails. Hence, the association between P. ypsilon and Ca. saundersi cannot be ex¬plained by foragers following heterospecific trails. In this case, trail-sharing may originate from few scout ants that do follow heterospecific pheromone trails and then lay their own trails. Interspecific aggression among P. ypsilon, Ca. saundersi and D. cuspidatus was strongly asymmetric, Ca. saundersi being submissive to the other two species. All three species discriminated between heterospecific workers from the same and a distant trail-sharing site. Thus, it seems likely that the species of a given trail-sharing site habituate to one another. Differential tolerance by dominant ant species may be mediated by selective habituation towards submissive species, and thereby influence the assembly of trail-sharing associations.}, subject = {Ameisen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brill2013, author = {Brill, Martin Fritz}, title = {Processing and plasticity within the dual olfactory pathway in the honeybee brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In their natural environment animals face complex and highly dynamic olfactory input. This requires fast and reliable processing of olfactory information, in vertebrates as well as invertebrates. Parallel processing has been shown to improve processing speed and power in other sensory systems like auditory or visual. In the olfactory system less is known about olfactory coding in general and parallel processing in particular. With its elaborated olfactory system and due to their specialized neuroanatomy, honeybees are well-suited model organism to study parallel olfactory processing. The honeybee possesses a unique neuronal architecture - a dual olfactory pathway. Two mirror-imaged output projection neuron (PN) pathways connect the first olfactory processing stage, the antennal lobe (analog to the vertebrates olfactory bulb, OB), with the second, the mushroom body (MB) known to be involved in orientation and learning and memory, and the lateral horn (LH). The medial antennal lobe-protocerebral tract (m-APT) first innervates the MB and thereafter the LH, while the other, the lateral-APT (l-APT) projects in opposite direction. The neuroanatomy and evolution of these pathways has been analyzed, yet little is known about its physiology. To analyze the function of the dual olfactory pathway a new established recording method was designed and is described in the first chapter of this thesis (multi-unit-recordings). This is now the first time where odor response from several PNs of both tracts is recorded simultaneously and with high temporal precision. In the second chapter the PN odor responses are analyzed. The major findings are: both tracts responded to all tested odors but with differing characteristics. Since recent studies describe the input to the two tracts being rather similar, the results now indicate differential odor processing along the tracts, therefore this is a good indicator for parallel processing. PNs of the m-APT process odors in a sparse manner with delayed response latencies, but with high odor-specificity. PNs of the l-APT in contrast respond to several odor stimuli and respond in general faster. In some PN originating from both tracts, characteristics of odor-identity coding via response latencies were found. Analyzing the over-all dynamic range of the PNs both l- and m-APT PNs were tested over a large odor concentration range (10-6 to 10-2) (3. chapter). The PNs responded with linear and non-linear correlation of the response strength to the odor concentration. In most cases the l-APT is comparatively more sensitive to low odor concentrations. Response latency decreases with increasing odor concentration in both tracts. Alternative coding principles and elaboration on the hypothesis whether the dual olfactory pathway may contribute coincidental innervation to the next higher-order neurons, the Kenyon cells (KC), is subject of the 4. chapter. Cross-correlations and synchronous responses of both tracts show that in principle odors may be coded via temporal coding. Results suggest that odor processing is enhanced if both tracts contribute to olfactory coding together. In another project the distribution of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) was measured in the bee's MB during adult maturation (5. chapter). GABAergic inhibition is of high importance in odor coding. An almost threefold decrease in the total amount of GABAergic innervation was found during adult maturation in the l- and m-APT target region, in particular at the change in division of labor during the transition from a young nurse bee to an older forager bee. The results fit well into the current understanding of brain development in the honeybee and other social insects during adult maturation, which was described as presynaptic pruning and KC dendritic outgrowth. Combining anatomical and functional properties of the bee's dual olfactory pathway suggests that both rate and temporal coding are implemented along two parallel streams. Comparison with recent work on analog output pathways of the vertebrate's OB indicates that parallel processing of olfactory information may be a common principle across distant taxa.}, subject = {Tierphysiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leingaertner2013, author = {Leing{\"a}rtner, Annette}, title = {Combined effects of climate change and extreme events on plants, arthropods and their interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Global climate change directly and indirectly influences biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. Changes in abiotic ecosystem components caused by climate change comprise temperature increases, precipitation changes and more frequently occurring extreme events. Mediated by these abiotic changes, biotic ecosystem components including all living organisms will also change. Expected changes of plants and animals are advanced phenologies and range shifts towards higher latitudes and altitudes which presumably induce changes in species interactions and composition. Altitudinal gradients provide an optimal opportunity for climate change studies, because they serve as natural experiments due to fast changing climatic conditions within short distances. In this dissertation two different approaches were conducted to reveal species and community responses to climate change. First, species richness and community trait analyses along an altitudinal gradient in the Bavarian Alps (chapters II, III) and second, climate change manipulation experiments under different climatic contexts (chapters IV, V, IV). II. We performed biodiversity surveys of butterfly and diurnal moth species on 34 grassland sites along an altitudinal gradient in the National Park Berchtesgaden. Additionally, we analysed the dominance structure of life-history traits in butterfly assemblages along altitude. Species richness of butterflies and diurnal moths decreased with increasing altitude. The dominance of certain life-history-traits changed along the altitudinal gradient with a higher proportion of larger-winged species and species with higher egg numbers towards higher altitudes. However, the mean egg maturation time, population density and geographic distribution within butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing altitude. Our results indicate that butterfly assemblages were mainly shaped by environmental filtering. We conclude that butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes will presumably lack adaptive capacity to future climatic conditions, because of specific trait combinations. III. In addition to butterfly and diurnal moth species richness we also studied plant species richness in combination with pollination type analyses along the altitudinal gradient. The management type of the alpine grasslands was also integrated in the analyses to detect combined effects of climate and management on plant diversity and pollination type. Plant species richness was highest at intermediate altitudes, whereby the management type influenced the plant diversity with more plant species at grazed compared to mown or non-managed grasslands. The pollination type was affected by both the changing climate along the gradient and the management type. These results suggest that extensive grazing can maintain high plant diversity along the whole altitudinal gradient. With ongoing climate change the diversity peak of plants may shift upwards, which can cause a decrease in biodiversity due to reduced grassland area but also changes in species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. IV. We set up manipulation experiments on 15 grassland sites along the altitudinal gradient in order to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events (extreme drought, advanced and delayed snowmelt) and elevation on the nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants. The leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratio and the plant damage through herbivores were not significantly affected by the simulated extreme events. However, elevation influenced the CN ratios and herbivory rates of alpine plants with contrasting responses between plant guilds. Furthermore, we found differences in nitrogen concentrations and herbivory rates between grasses, legumes and forbs, whereas legumes had the highest nitrogen concentrations and were damaged most. Additionally, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Contrasting altitudinal responses of grasses, legumes and forbs presumably can change the dominance structure among these plant guilds with ongoing climate change. V. In this study we analysed the phenological responses of grassland species to an extreme drought event, advanced and delayed snowmelt along the altitudinal gradient. Advanced snowmelt caused an advanced beginning of flowering, whereas this effect was more pronounced at higher than at lower altitudes. Extreme drought and delayed snowmelt had rather low effects on the flower phenology and the responses did not differ between higher and lower sites. The strongest effect influencing flower phenology was altitude, with a declining effect through the season. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data suggest that plant species at higher altitudes may be more affected by changes in snowmelt timing in contrast to lowland species, as at higher altitudes more severe changes are expected. However, the risk of extreme drought events on flowering phenology seems to be low. VI. We established soil-emergence traps on the advanced snowmelt and control treatment plots in order to detect possible changes in abundances and emergence phenologies of five arthropod orders due to elevation and treatment. Additionally, we analysed the responses of Coleoptera species richness to elevation and treatment. We found that the abundance and species richness of Coleoptera increased with elevation as well as the abundance of Diptera. However, the abundance of Hemiptera decreased with elevation and the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera showed no elevational patterns. The advanced snowmelt treatment increased the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera. The emergence of soil-hibernating arthropods was delayed up to seven weeks at higher elevations, whereas advanced snowmelt did not influence the emergence phenology of arthropods immediately after snowmelt. With climate change earlier snowmelt will occur more often, which especially will affect soil-hibernating arthropods in alpine regions and may cause desynchronisations between species interactions. VII. In conclusion, we showed that alpine ecosystems are sensitive towards changing climate conditions and extreme events and that many alpine species in the Bavarian Alps are endangered. Many alpine species could exist under warmer climatic conditions, however they are expected to be outcompeted by more competitive lowland species. Furthermore, host-parasite or predator-prey interactions can be disrupted due to different responses of certain guilds to climate change. Understanding and predicting the complex dynamics and potential risks of future climate change remains a great challenge and therefore further studies analysing species and community responses to climate change are needed.}, subject = {Insekten}, language = {en} }