@phdthesis{Brill2013, author = {Brill, Martin Fritz}, title = {Processing and plasticity within the dual olfactory pathway in the honeybee brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In their natural environment animals face complex and highly dynamic olfactory input. This requires fast and reliable processing of olfactory information, in vertebrates as well as invertebrates. Parallel processing has been shown to improve processing speed and power in other sensory systems like auditory or visual. In the olfactory system less is known about olfactory coding in general and parallel processing in particular. With its elaborated olfactory system and due to their specialized neuroanatomy, honeybees are well-suited model organism to study parallel olfactory processing. The honeybee possesses a unique neuronal architecture - a dual olfactory pathway. Two mirror-imaged output projection neuron (PN) pathways connect the first olfactory processing stage, the antennal lobe (analog to the vertebrates olfactory bulb, OB), with the second, the mushroom body (MB) known to be involved in orientation and learning and memory, and the lateral horn (LH). The medial antennal lobe-protocerebral tract (m-APT) first innervates the MB and thereafter the LH, while the other, the lateral-APT (l-APT) projects in opposite direction. The neuroanatomy and evolution of these pathways has been analyzed, yet little is known about its physiology. To analyze the function of the dual olfactory pathway a new established recording method was designed and is described in the first chapter of this thesis (multi-unit-recordings). This is now the first time where odor response from several PNs of both tracts is recorded simultaneously and with high temporal precision. In the second chapter the PN odor responses are analyzed. The major findings are: both tracts responded to all tested odors but with differing characteristics. Since recent studies describe the input to the two tracts being rather similar, the results now indicate differential odor processing along the tracts, therefore this is a good indicator for parallel processing. PNs of the m-APT process odors in a sparse manner with delayed response latencies, but with high odor-specificity. PNs of the l-APT in contrast respond to several odor stimuli and respond in general faster. In some PN originating from both tracts, characteristics of odor-identity coding via response latencies were found. Analyzing the over-all dynamic range of the PNs both l- and m-APT PNs were tested over a large odor concentration range (10-6 to 10-2) (3. chapter). The PNs responded with linear and non-linear correlation of the response strength to the odor concentration. In most cases the l-APT is comparatively more sensitive to low odor concentrations. Response latency decreases with increasing odor concentration in both tracts. Alternative coding principles and elaboration on the hypothesis whether the dual olfactory pathway may contribute coincidental innervation to the next higher-order neurons, the Kenyon cells (KC), is subject of the 4. chapter. Cross-correlations and synchronous responses of both tracts show that in principle odors may be coded via temporal coding. Results suggest that odor processing is enhanced if both tracts contribute to olfactory coding together. In another project the distribution of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) was measured in the bee's MB during adult maturation (5. chapter). GABAergic inhibition is of high importance in odor coding. An almost threefold decrease in the total amount of GABAergic innervation was found during adult maturation in the l- and m-APT target region, in particular at the change in division of labor during the transition from a young nurse bee to an older forager bee. The results fit well into the current understanding of brain development in the honeybee and other social insects during adult maturation, which was described as presynaptic pruning and KC dendritic outgrowth. Combining anatomical and functional properties of the bee's dual olfactory pathway suggests that both rate and temporal coding are implemented along two parallel streams. Comparison with recent work on analog output pathways of the vertebrate's OB indicates that parallel processing of olfactory information may be a common principle across distant taxa.}, subject = {Tierphysiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leingaertner2013, author = {Leing{\"a}rtner, Annette}, title = {Combined effects of climate change and extreme events on plants, arthropods and their interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Global climate change directly and indirectly influences biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. Changes in abiotic ecosystem components caused by climate change comprise temperature increases, precipitation changes and more frequently occurring extreme events. Mediated by these abiotic changes, biotic ecosystem components including all living organisms will also change. Expected changes of plants and animals are advanced phenologies and range shifts towards higher latitudes and altitudes which presumably induce changes in species interactions and composition. Altitudinal gradients provide an optimal opportunity for climate change studies, because they serve as natural experiments due to fast changing climatic conditions within short distances. In this dissertation two different approaches were conducted to reveal species and community responses to climate change. First, species richness and community trait analyses along an altitudinal gradient in the Bavarian Alps (chapters II, III) and second, climate change manipulation experiments under different climatic contexts (chapters IV, V, IV). II. We performed biodiversity surveys of butterfly and diurnal moth species on 34 grassland sites along an altitudinal gradient in the National Park Berchtesgaden. Additionally, we analysed the dominance structure of life-history traits in butterfly assemblages along altitude. Species richness of butterflies and diurnal moths decreased with increasing altitude. The dominance of certain life-history-traits changed along the altitudinal gradient with a higher proportion of larger-winged species and species with higher egg numbers towards higher altitudes. However, the mean egg maturation time, population density and geographic distribution within butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing altitude. Our results indicate that butterfly assemblages were mainly shaped by environmental filtering. We conclude that butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes will presumably lack adaptive capacity to future climatic conditions, because of specific trait combinations. III. In addition to butterfly and diurnal moth species richness we also studied plant species richness in combination with pollination type analyses along the altitudinal gradient. The management type of the alpine grasslands was also integrated in the analyses to detect combined effects of climate and management on plant diversity and pollination type. Plant species richness was highest at intermediate altitudes, whereby the management type influenced the plant diversity with more plant species at grazed compared to mown or non-managed grasslands. The pollination type was affected by both the changing climate along the gradient and the management type. These results suggest that extensive grazing can maintain high plant diversity along the whole altitudinal gradient. With ongoing climate change the diversity peak of plants may shift upwards, which can cause a decrease in biodiversity due to reduced grassland area but also changes in species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. IV. We set up manipulation experiments on 15 grassland sites along the altitudinal gradient in order to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events (extreme drought, advanced and delayed snowmelt) and elevation on the nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants. The leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratio and the plant damage through herbivores were not significantly affected by the simulated extreme events. However, elevation influenced the CN ratios and herbivory rates of alpine plants with contrasting responses between plant guilds. Furthermore, we found differences in nitrogen concentrations and herbivory rates between grasses, legumes and forbs, whereas legumes had the highest nitrogen concentrations and were damaged most. Additionally, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Contrasting altitudinal responses of grasses, legumes and forbs presumably can change the dominance structure among these plant guilds with ongoing climate change. V. In this study we analysed the phenological responses of grassland species to an extreme drought event, advanced and delayed snowmelt along the altitudinal gradient. Advanced snowmelt caused an advanced beginning of flowering, whereas this effect was more pronounced at higher than at lower altitudes. Extreme drought and delayed snowmelt had rather low effects on the flower phenology and the responses did not differ between higher and lower sites. The strongest effect influencing flower phenology was altitude, with a declining effect through the season. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data suggest that plant species at higher altitudes may be more affected by changes in snowmelt timing in contrast to lowland species, as at higher altitudes more severe changes are expected. However, the risk of extreme drought events on flowering phenology seems to be low. VI. We established soil-emergence traps on the advanced snowmelt and control treatment plots in order to detect possible changes in abundances and emergence phenologies of five arthropod orders due to elevation and treatment. Additionally, we analysed the responses of Coleoptera species richness to elevation and treatment. We found that the abundance and species richness of Coleoptera increased with elevation as well as the abundance of Diptera. However, the abundance of Hemiptera decreased with elevation and the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera showed no elevational patterns. The advanced snowmelt treatment increased the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera. The emergence of soil-hibernating arthropods was delayed up to seven weeks at higher elevations, whereas advanced snowmelt did not influence the emergence phenology of arthropods immediately after snowmelt. With climate change earlier snowmelt will occur more often, which especially will affect soil-hibernating arthropods in alpine regions and may cause desynchronisations between species interactions. VII. In conclusion, we showed that alpine ecosystems are sensitive towards changing climate conditions and extreme events and that many alpine species in the Bavarian Alps are endangered. Many alpine species could exist under warmer climatic conditions, however they are expected to be outcompeted by more competitive lowland species. Furthermore, host-parasite or predator-prey interactions can be disrupted due to different responses of certain guilds to climate change. Understanding and predicting the complex dynamics and potential risks of future climate change remains a great challenge and therefore further studies analysing species and community responses to climate change are needed.}, subject = {Insekten}, language = {en} }