@phdthesis{Thumbs2000, author = {Thumbs, Alexander}, title = {Modulation der Immunglobulinproduktion bei Ratten mit CD28-spezifischen monoklonalen Antik{\"o}rpern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1180774}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Einer der wichigsten co-stimulatorischen Rezeptoren auf T-Zellen ist CD28. In Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom TZR-Signal nimmt CD28 Einfluss auf die Th1/Th2-Differenzierung der Immunantwort. Die rattenspezifischen mAk JJ316 und JJ319 binden an das CD28-Molek{\"u}l und haben beide ein gleich starkes co-stimulatorisches Potential. Gabe des mitogenen CD28-spezifischen mAkJJ316 - und nicht des konventionellen mAk JJ319 - f{\"u}hrt auch ohne TZR-Signal in vitro zu Produktion und Proliferation der Zellen (Direkte Stimulation). In vivo f{\"u}hrt Gabe von JJ316 zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der Zellzahl in Milz und Lymphknoten mit einem Maximum nach drei Tagen. In vitro f{\"u}hrte Behandlung mi mAk JJ316 zu einem Anstieg Th2-spezifischer Immunglobuline. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Gabes des mitogenen CD28-spezifischen mAk JJ316 im Vergleich mit dem konventionellen CD28-spezifischen mAk JJ319 auch in vivo zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der Th2-spezifischen Immunglobuline (IgG1, IgG2a, IgE) bei Brown-Norway- und Lewis-Ratten f{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stehle2001, author = {Stehle, Jens}, title = {Der kolloidosmotische Druck von Blutplasma und Plasmaersatzmitteln unter Aspekten der Innenohrtherapie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit untersucht die meßtechnischen Voraussetzungen, Einfluß- und St{\"o}rfaktoren bei Messungen des kolloidosmotischen Druckes (KOD) und den circadianen Rhythmus des plasmatischen KOD. In Anlehnung an die Dissertation von R. Hampe [2000] werden die Ergebnisse der Messungen des KOD von {\"u}ber 200 Patienten mit Innenohrerkrankungen dargestellt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, daß ein erh{\"o}hter plasmatischer KOD f{\"u}r die Innenohrfunktion als Risikofaktor anzusehen ist. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden Molekulargewichtsverteilungen von Humanalbuminl{\"o}sungen, Humanserumpr{\"a}paraten, Probandenplasmen und nahezu 30 Plasmaersatzmitteln durch Messungen des KOD mit Membranen unterschiedlicher Porenweite (von 0,5kD bis 1000kD) abgesch{\"a}tzt und in einem „KOD-Profil" dargestellt. Damit wurde eine neuartige M{\"o}glichkeit zur Charakterisierung kolloidaler Plasmaersatzmittel geschaffen, durch die das am besten geeignete Pr{\"a}parat bei verschiedenen Indikationen bestimmt werden kann. Um bei akzeptablen Meßzeiten verl{\"a}ßliche KOD-Endwerte zu finden, wurde ein Extrapolationsprogramm entwickelt, das bei langsamen Kinetiken zur Errechnung eines Endwertes eingesetzt wurde.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Seyfarth2001, author = {Seyfarth, Tobias}, title = {Quantitative MR-Spektroskopie des menschlichen Herzens mittles SLOOP}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1182658}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist, die M{\"o}glichkeiten der Magnetresonanz Spektroskopie zur nichtinvasiven Diagnostik des Myokardstoffwechsels bei globalen Herzkrankheiten unter Verwendung neuer M{\"o}glichkeiten der Absolutquantifizierung von hochenergetischen Phosphaten zu beschreiben. Im Vordergrund dieser Arbeit stehen folgende Punkte: 1. Etablierung einer Methode zur Absolutquantifizierung von Metabolitenkonzentrationen aus dem menschlichen Myokard und Festlegung eines standardisierten Untersuchungsprotokolls 2. {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Methode auf Variabilit{\"a}ten durch Mehrfachauswertungen und Verlaufsuntersuchungen 3. Untersuchung der Altersabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Metabolitenkonzentrationen 4. Einsatz der Methode an Patienten mit globalen Herzerkrankungen; Herausstellung der metabolischen Unterschiede bei Hypertrophie und Dilatation.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoen2001, author = {Sch{\"o}n, Katrin}, title = {Coping Bew{\"a}ltigungsmuster bei PTCA-Patienten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1181809}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Die vorgestellte Arbeit ist eine Querschnittsstudie, deren Ziel es war, Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigungsmuster von PTCA-Patienten darzulegen. Es wurden 113 Patienten ({\"u}berwiegend M{\"a}nner, Durchschnittsalter 63 Jahre)am Vorabend einer PTCA untersucht. Patienten und Interviewer f{\"u}llten den Freiburger Fragebogen zur Krankheitsverarbeitung unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander aus. Zur Erfassung von Emotionen diente das State-Trait-Angstinventar (STAI) und die Skala zur „Depressivit{\"a}t" der Symptom-Checkliste (SCL-90R). Weiter wurde ein eigens erstellter Fragebogen zum Informationsbed{\"u}rfnis der Patienten angewandt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Beim Großteil der Teilnehmer fand sich ein aktiver Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigungsmodus. Die Form der depressiven Verarbeitung nahm hingegen einen deutlich kleineren Stellenwert ein. Insgesamt wurde die Krankheitsverarbeitung durch die Patienten selbst als aktiver eingesch{\"a}tzt als durch den Interviewer. Bei der „depressiven Verarbeitung" zeigten sich in den verschiedenen Einsch{\"a}tzungen keine Unterschiede. Entsprechend des Geschlechtsstereotyps stuften die weiblichen Teilnehmer ihre Verarbeitung deutlich depressiver ein als die m{\"a}nnlichen. Es wurde ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen depressiver Verarbeitung und situativer bzw. genereller Angst der Patienten festgestellt. Es muß jedoch weiterhin offen bleiben, ob die Emotionen nun die Art der Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigung bestimmen oder aber ob die Art der Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigung Einfluß auf die Emotionen nimmt. Signifikante Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen der Angst der Patienten und einem aktiven Bew{\"a}ltigungsmodus konnten jedoch nicht gefunden werden. Zwischen der Depressivit{\"a}t der Patienten und einem aktiven Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigungsmodus konnte ein schwach signifikanter Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Entgegen der aufgestellten Erwartung war dieser jedoch positiv. Mit den gefundenen Ergebnissen konnte ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Skala zur Erfassung der Depressivit{\"a}t der Patienten und einem depressiven Bew{\"a}ltigungsmodus best{\"a}tigt werden. Dieses Ergebnis muß aber unter dem Aspekt der Zirkularit{\"a}t gesehen werden. Eine klare Abgrenzung zwischen depressiver Verstimmung und depressiver Verarbeitung ist hierbei nicht m{\"o}glich. Dies bedeutet, daß Emotion und Coping so eng miteinander verbunden sind, daß sie sich gegenseitig bedingen. Zudem wurde die dargelegte Stichprobe auch nach den durch Krohne aufgestellten Streßbew{\"a}ltigungsmodi in vier Gruppen aufgeteilt und bez{\"u}glich der Krankheitsbew{\"a}ltigung untersucht. Besonders ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurde hierbei die kognitive Vermeidung. Die These jedoch, daß ein Patient, je eher er zum kognitiven Vermeiden neigt, auch um so eher eine aktive Bew{\"a}ltigungsstrategie w{\"a}hlt, konnte nicht best{\"a}tigt werden. Anders war dies mit der Erwartung, daß ein Patient, je eher er zum kognitiven Vermeiden neigt, auch weniger depressiv ist. Der Zusammenhang zwischen kognitiver Vermeidung und der Depressivit{\"a}t der Patienten war gegenl{\"a}ufig. Dieses Ergebnis konnte auch bei der depressiven Verarbeitung gefunden werden. Zuletzt wurden die Studienteilnehmer im Hinblick auf ihr Informationsbed{\"u}rfnis in Zusammenhang mit ihrer Angst untersucht: umso {\"a}ngstlicher die befragten Patienten sind, desto mehr wollen sie auch {\"u}ber den bevorstehenden Eingriff erfahren. Es konnte sogar gezeigt werden, daß je st{\"a}rker die Angst der Patienten ist, desto nerv{\"o}ser machte sie jede weitere Information {\"u}ber die PTCA.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Roeschard2002, author = {R{\"o}schard, Jacqueline}, title = {Cutter, carriers and bucket brigades ...}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {This study investigates the foraging behaviour of grass-cutting ants, Atta vollenweideri, with specific consideration of the following issues: (a) cutting behaviour and the determination of fragment size, (b) the effect of load size on transport economics, (c) division of labour and task-partitioning. Grass-cutting ants, Atta vollenweideri, harvest grass fragments that serve as substrate for the cultivation of a symbiotic fungus. Foragers were observed to cut grass fragments across the blade, thus resulting in longish, rectangular-shaped fragments in contrast to the semicircular fragments of leaf-cutting ants. Cutting was very time-consuming: In tough grasses like the typical grassland species Paspallum intermedium and Cyperus entrerrianus, cutting times lasted up to more than 20 minutes per fragment and roughly half of all initiated cutting attempts were given up by the ants. Foragers harvesting the softer grass Leersia hexandra were smaller than those foraging on the hard grasses. Fragment size determination and the extent of size-matching between ant body size and fragment size was investigated regarding possible effects of tissue toughness on decision-making and as a function of the distance from the nest. Tissue toughness affected decision-making such that fragment width correlated with ant body mass for the hard grass but not for the soft one, suggesting that when cutting is difficult, larger ants tend to select wider grasses to initiate cutting. The length of the fragments cut out of the two grass species differed statistically, but showed a large overlap in their distribution. Distance from the nest affected load size as well as the extent of size-matching: Fragments collected directly after cutting were significantly larger than those carried on the trail. This indicates that fragments were cut once again on their way to the nest. Size-matching depended on the trail sector considered, and was stronger in ants sampled closer to the nest, suggesting that carriers either cut fragments in sizes corresponding to their body mass prior transport, or transferred them to nestmates of different size after a short carrying distance. During transport, a worker takes a fragment with its mandibles at one end and carries it in a more or less vertical position. Thus, load length might particularly affect maneuverability, because of the marked displacement of the gravitational center. Conversely, based on the energetic of cutting, workers might maximise their individual harvesting rate by cutting long grass fragments, since the longer a grass fragment, the larger is the amount of material harvested per unit cutting effort. I therefore investigated the economics of load transport by focusing on the effects of load size (mass and length) on gross material transport rate to the nest. When controlling for fragment mass, both running speed of foragers and gross material transport rate was observed to be higher for short fragments. In contrast, if fragment mass was doubled and length maintained, running speed differed according to the mass of the loads, with the heavier fragments being transported at the lower pace. For the sizes tested, heavy fragments yielded a higher transport rate in spite of the lower speed of transport, as they did not slow down foragers so much that it counterbalanced the positive effects of fragment mass on material transport rate. The sizes of the fragments cut by grass-cutting ants under natural conditions therefore may represent the outcome of an evolutionary trade-off between maximising harvesting rate at the cutting site and minimising the effects of fragment size on material transport rates. I investigated division of labour and task partitioning during foraging by recording the behaviour of marked ants while cutting, and by monitoring the transport of fragments from the cutting until they reached the nest. A. vollenweideri foragers showed division of labour between cutting and carrying, with larger workers cutting the fragments, and smaller ones transporting them. This division was absent for food sources very close to the nest, when no physical trail was present. Along the trail, the transport of fragment was a partitioned task, i.e., workers formed bucket brigades composed of 2 to 5 carriers. This sequential load transport occurred more often on long than on short trails. The first carriers of a bucket brigade covered only short distances before dropping their fragments, turned back and continued foraging at the same food source. The last carriers covered the longest distance. There was no particular location on the trail for load dropping , i.e., fragments were not cached. I tested the predictions of two hypotheses about the causes of bucket brigades: First, bucket brigades might occur because of load-carriage effects: A load that is too big for an ant to be carried is dropped and carried further by nestmates. Second, fragments carried by bucket brigades might reach the nest quicker than if they are transported by a single carrier. Third, bucket brigades might enhance information flow among foragers: By transferring the load a worker may return earlier back to the foraging site and be able to reinforce the chemical trail, thus recruitment. In addition, the dropped fragment itself may contain information for unladen foragers about currently harvested sources and may enable them to choose between sources of different quality. I investigated load-carriage effects and possible time-saving by presenting ants with fragments of different but defined sizes. Load size did not affect frequency of load dropping nor the distance the first carrier covered before dropping, and transport time by bucket brigades was significantly longer than by single carriers. In order to study the information transfer hypothesis, I presented ants with fragments of different attractivity but constant size. Ants carrying high-quality fragments would be expected to drop them more often than workers transporting low-quality fragments, thus increasing the frequency of bucket brigades. My results show that increasing load quality increased the frequency of bucket brigades as well as it decreased the carrying distance of the first carrier. In other words, more attractive loads were dropped more frequently and after a shorter distance than less attractive ones with the first carriers returning to the foraging site to continue foraging. Summing up, neither load-carriage effects nor time-saving caused the occurrence of bucket brigades. Rather, the benefit might be found at colony level in an enhanced information flow.}, subject = {Atta}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dietemann2002, author = {Dietemann, Vincent}, title = {Differentiation in reproductive potential and chemical communication of reproductive status in workers and queens of the ant Myrmecia gulosa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Division of reproductive labour in societies represents a topic of interest in evolutionary biology at least since Darwin. The puzzle of how helpers can be selected for, in spite of their reduced fertility has found an explanation in the kin selection theory: workers can overcome the cost of helping and of forgiving direct reproduction by rearing sufficiently related individuals. However, in the Hymenoptera, little is known on the proximate mechanisms that regulate the division of labour in colonies. Our knowledge is based on several "primitive" ants from the subfamily Ponerinae and two highly eusocial Hymenoptera species. In the former, the dominance hierarchies allowing for the establishment of individuals as reproductives are well understood. In contrast, the pheromonal mechanisms that help maintain their reproductive status are not understood. Similarly in "higher" ants, pheromonal regulation mechanisms of worker reproduction by queens remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the modalities of production, distribution and action, as well as the identity of the queen pheromones affecting worker reproduction in the ant Myrmecia gulosa. This species belongs to the poorly studied subfamily Myrmeciinae, which is endemic to the Australian region. The subfamily represents, together with the Ponerinae, the most "primitive" ants: their morphology is close to that of the hypothetical ancestor of ants, and the specialisation of queens is weaker than that of "higher" ants. Simple regulation mechanisms were therefore expected to facilitate the investigation. The first step in this study was to characterise the morphological specialisation of queens and workers, and to determine the differences in reproductive potential associated with this specialisation. This study contributes to our understanding of the link between regulation of division of reproductive labour and social complexity. Furthermore, it will help shed light on the reproductive biology in the poorly known subfamily Myrmeciinae. Queens were recognised by workers on the basis of cuticular as well as gland extracts or products. What is the exact function of the multiple pheromones identified and how they interact remains to be determined. This could help understand why queen "signal" in a "primitive" ant with weakly specialised queens such as M. gulosa appears to be as complex as in highly eusocial species. Primer pheromones act on workers? physiology and have long-term effect. Whether workers of M. gulosa reproduce or not is determined by the detection of a queen pheromone of this type. Direct physical contact with the queen is necessary for workers to detect this pheromone. Thus, the colony size of M. gulosa is compatible with a simple system of pheromone perception by workers based on direct physical contact with the queen. When prevented from establishing physical contact with their queen, some workers start to reproduce and are policed by nestmates. The low volatility of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), their repartition over the entire cuticle and the existence of queen and worker specific CHC profiles suggest that these chemicals constitute a queen pheromone. Importance of HC versus non-HC compounds was confirmed by bioassaying purified fraction of both classes of chemicals. This study demonstrates for the first time that purified HCs indeed are at the basis of the recognition of reproductive status. This supports the idea that they are also at the basis of the recognition of queens by their workers. As CHCs profiles of workers and queens become similar with acquisition of reproductive status, they represent honest fertility markers. These markers could be used as signals of the presence of reproductives in the colonies, and represent the basis of the regulation of division of reproductive labour.}, subject = {Myrmecia gulosa}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kolmer2002, author = {Kolmer, Kerstin}, title = {Co-operation and conflict in societies of the ponerine ant genus Pachycondyla}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2153}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {A significant relatedness is of fundamental importance for the evolution and maintenance of social life (kin selection theory, Hamilton 1964a,b). Not only kin selection itself, but also more complex evolutionary theories make predictions on the occurrence of conflict and co-operation in animal societies. They all depend on the genetic relationships among individuals. Therefore, the study of unrelated, co-operating individuals provides a unique opportunity to critically test predictions based on these evolutionary theories. Using allozyme electrophoresis, the study species Pachycondyla villosa was found to represent three different species. Young queens in one of these species, provisionally called Pachycondyla cf. inversa, may co-operate during colony founding (pleometrosis). Approximately 50 per cent of all founding colonies collected near Itabuna, Brazil, consisted of two to five founding queens. Queens of P. cf. inversa have to forage for food (semi-claustral founding), and in founding associations only one queen specialised for this risky task. A microsatellite study showed that nestmate queens were typically not related. How can a division of labour be achieved, where one individual performs risky tasks to the favour of another individual to which it is not related? In contrast to the predictions made by group selectionists, this study provided clear evidence that the division of labour among co-foundresses of P. cf. inversa results from social competition: Co-foundresses displayed aggressive interactions and formed dominance hierarchies which predominantly served to force subordinates to forage. The frequency of queen antagonism increased with the duration since food was last added to the foraging arena. The social status was not, or only weakly associated with the reproductive status: As predicted by the reproductive skew theory, all foundresses laid eggs at similar rates, though the subordinate may be harassed during egg laying and occasionally, some of her eggs may be eaten by the dominant. The differential oophagy presumably was also reflected in a microsatellite study of foundress associations, which was conducted shortly after the first workers emerged: Here, the co-foundresses occasionally contributed unequally to the colony's workers. Conflicts among workers or between workers and queens, e.g. over the division of labour or sex ratio, strongly depend on the genetic relationships among members of a colony. The number of two to five co-founding queens in polygynous colonies of P. cf. inversa, and the lack of relatedness among them, should lead to a decrease in the relatedness of workers. However, nestmate workers were closely related. Furthermore, worker relatedness may decrease as several queens were found to be multiply inseminated. Inbreeding coefficients were significantly different from zero in both queens and workers. No evidence for a geographical substructuring of the population was found. The deviation from random mating presumably was probably due to small, localised nuptial flights. Virgin queens do not mate near their natal nest and disperse before founding colonies. The analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons obtained from live queens revealed consistent differences between the patterns of cuticular hydrocarbons of queens with high vs. low rank: only high-ranking queens showed considerable amounts of cuticular pentadecane (n-C15) and heptadecene (n-C17:1). The presence of the two substances apparently was not associated with reproductive status. It is not yet known, if the two substances indeed serve to communicate high social status in P. cf. inversa. In experimentally assembled associations of two founding queens, queens engaged in aggressive interactions which already within one to twenty minutes resulted in stable dominance hierarchies. The queens attacking first usually won the contest and became dominant. Nest ownership at least for a couple of days did not influence the outcome of dominance interactions in the laboratory experiments, whereas queen body size apparently played an important role: In all eight trials, the larger queen became dominant. However, dominant queens from natural foundress associations were on average not larger than subordinates, suggesting that in the field, resident asymmetries might override size asymmetries only after a more prolonged period of nest ownership. Sequencing of the COI/COII region of mitochondrial DNA displayed sufficient variability for the study of the sociogenetic structure of the secondarily polygynous ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis: Six different haplotypes could be distinguished among six workers of different colonies from one study population in Costa Rica. The variability of other methods which were established (RFLPs, microsatellites, allozymes, and multilocus DNA fingerprinting) was too low for a further study on the genetic structure in P. obscuricornis.}, subject = {Pachycondyla}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Raffelsbauer2001, author = {Raffelsbauer, Diana}, title = {Identification and characterization of the inlGHE gene cluster of Listeria monocytogenes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1180595}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {In the present study, a new gene cluster of Listeria monocytogenes EGD containing three internalin genes was identified and characterized. These genes, termed inlG, inlH and inlE, encode proteins of 490, 548 and 499 amino acids, respectively, which belong to the class of large, surface-bound internalins. Each of these proteins contains a signal peptide, two regions of repeats (Leucine-rich repeats and B repeats), an inter-repeat region and a putative cell wall anchor sequence containing the sorting motiv LPXTG. PCR analysis revealed the presence of the inlGHE gene cluster in most L. monocytogenes serotypes. A similar gene cluster termed inlC2DE localised to the same position on the chromosome was described in a different L. monocytogenes EGD isolate. Sequence comparison of the two clusters indicates that inlG is a new internalin gene, while inlH was generated by a site-specific recombination leading to an in-frame deletion which removed the 3'-terminal end of inlC2 and a 5'-portion of inlD. The genes inlG, inlH and inlE seem to be transcribed extracellularly and independent of PrfA. To study the function of the inlGHE gene cluster several in-frame deletion mutants were constructed which lack the genes of the inlGHE cluster individually or in combination with other inl genes. When tested in the mouse model, the inlGHE mutant showed a significant reduction of bacterial counts in liver and spleen in comparison to the wild type strain, indicating that the inlGHE gene cluster plays an important role in virulence of L. monocytogenes. The ability of this mutant to invade non-phagocytic cells in vitro was however two- to three-fold higher than that of the parental strain. To examine whether deletion of the single genes from the cluster has the same stimulatory effect on invasiveness as deletion of the complete gene cluster, the single in-frame deletion mutants inlG, inlH and inlE were constructed. These mutants were subsequently reverted to the wild type by introducing a copy of the corresponding intact gene into the chromosome by homologous recombination using knock-in plasmids. To determine a putative contribution of InlG, InlH and InlE in combination with other internalins to the entry of L. monocytogenes into mammalian cells, the combination mutants inlA/GHE, inlB/GHE, inlC/GHE, inlA/B/GHE, inlB/C/GHE, inlA/C and inlA/C/GHE were constructed. Transcription of the genes inlA, inlB and inlC in these mutants was studied by RT-PCR. Deletion of inlGHE enhances transcription of inlA and inlB, but not of inlC. This enhancement is not transient but can be observed at different time-points of the bacterial growth curve. Deletion of inlA also increases transcription of inlB and vice-versa. In contrast, the amounts of inlA and inlB transcripts in the single deletion mutants inlG, inlH and inlE were similar to those from the wild type.}, subject = {Listeria monocytogenes}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2001, author = {Schneider, Christian}, title = {Skala f{\"u}r Arbeitssucht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1182302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Es wurde in dieser Studie das Merkmal Arbeitssucht mittels eines 174 Items umfassenden Fragebogens an 263 zuf{\"a}llig aus der Normalbev{\"o}lkerung ausgew{\"a}hlten Probanden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden einer Faktorenanalyse unterzogen, die zeigte, daß das Merkmal Arbeitssucht Eindimensionalit{\"a}t besitzt, da nur ein inhaltlich homogener Faktor extrahiert werden konnte: Arbeitssucht als hohe Arbeitseinbezogenheit, die alle anderen Lebensbereiche dominiert, einhergehend mit Kontrollverlust {\"u}ber die Arbeitsmenge. Im n{\"a}chsten Schritt wurde aus den erhobenen Daten mit Hilfe einer Itemanalyse eine Skala entwickelt, wof{\"u}r die Items nach einem noch h{\"a}rteren Kriterium -n{\"a}mlich der Trennsch{\"a}rfe- selektiert wurden. Die Skala bestand nun aus den 20 Items, welche die h{\"o}chste Trennsch{\"a}rfe besaßen. Dabei zeigte die hohe Korrelation der Faktorwerte mit den Skalenwerten, daß der Genauigkeitsverlust durch die Itemreduktion sehr gering war. Um nun auch die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit dieser Skala nachzuweisen, wurde eine Reliabilit{\"a}tspr{\"u}fung angeschlossen, die zum einen die Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Skala von formalen Kriterien und dar{\"u}berhinaus von Alter und Geschlecht der Testpersonen nachwies, da zwischen den verschiedenen Kollektiven keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Beantwortung der Aussagen gefunden werden konnten. Zum anderen konnte die hohe Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit der Skala mittels Bestimmung des Reliabilit{\"a}tskoeffizienten Cronbach´s Alpha, der Split-half-Reliabilit{\"a}t und der Retest-Reliabilit{\"a}t als h{\"a}rtestem Kriterium gezeigt werden. Somit war eine sehr zuverl{\"a}ssige Skala entstanden, die die Grundlage f{\"u}r einen Kurzfragebogen zur differenzierten Erfassung von Arbeitssucht bildete. Dieser kann zusammen mit anderen Inventaren zu Neurotizismus, G{\"u}nstige/ Ung{\"u}nstige Prim{\"a}rsozialisation und Zielgerichtetheit zur biographischen Typologisierungen f{\"u}r Personenbefragungen in der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung oder bei anderen Fragestellungen auch allein zur Quantifizierung von Arbeitssucht herangezogen werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schauber2001, author = {Schauber, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Modulation von Zellzyklus- und Apoptoseregulation in humanen kolorektalen Karzinomzellen durch Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1179976}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Zahlreiche experimentelle und epidemiologische Studien schreiben der kurzkettigen Fetts{\"a}ure Butyrat und dem Cyclooxygenasehemmer Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure eine Schutzwirkung auf die Entstehung des kolorektalen Karzinoms zu. Die genauen Mechanismen hinter der Wirkung beider Substanzen sind ungekl{\"a}rt. Um die Effekte von Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure, sowie deren Kombination, auf das Wachstum, die Differenzierung und Apoptose von Kolonkarzinomzellen zu untersuchen, wurden Zellkulturexperimente und Western Blot Analysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Unter Butyratinkubation kam es zu einer Steigerung der Differenzierung von HT-29-Kolonkarzinomzellen, jedoch nicht von Caco-2 Zellen. Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure allein hatte keinen relevanten Effekt auf die Zelldifferenzierung und in Kombination konnte Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure die differenzierende Wirkung des Butyrats nicht verst{\"a}rken. Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure hemmten die Proliferation der untersuchten kolorektalen Karzinomzellen. Bei Inkubation mit einer Kombination von Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure wurde der antiproliferative Effekt der Einzelsubstanzen deutlich verst{\"a}rkt. Im Western-Blot konnte diese Beobachtung durch Untersuchung des Proliferationsmarkers PCNA best{\"a}tigt werden. Gleichzeitig ver{\"a}nderte sich das Expressionsmuster zellzyklusregulierender Proteine in den untersuchten Zellen: Die Cyclin D3-Expression wurde in Caco-2 Zellen sowie in HT-29 Zellen durch Butyratinkubation erh{\"o}ht. In Kombination mit Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure verst{\"a}rkte sich die Wirkung von Butyrat auf die Expression von p21Waf1/Cip1 und cdk2: Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure und Butyrat in h{\"o}heren Konzentrationen reduzierten die Expression von cdk2 in HT-29 Zellen, in niedrigen Konzentrationen f{\"u}hrte nur die Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure-Butyrat-Kombination zu einem Abfall des cdk2-Proteingehalts. Butyrat induzierte die Expression des cdk-Inhibitors p21Waf1/Cip1 in beiden Kolonkarzinomzellinien. Die Wirkung auf p21Waf1/Cip1 war hierbei p53-unabh{\"a}ngig, da es gleichzeitig zu einem Abfall der Konzentration an p53-Protein in HT-29 Zellen kam und in Caco-2 Zellen kein p53 nachweisbar war. Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure hatte erst in h{\"o}herer Konzentration einen Einfluss auf die p21Waf1/Cip1 Proteinexpression in HT-29 Zellen. Die Kombination von Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure {\"u}bertraf in ihrer Wirkung die des Butyrats schon bei Konzentrationen, bei denen die alleinige Butyratinkubation ohne Effekt blieb. Weiterhin induzierte Butyrat, {\"u}ber einen Anstieg der Expression des pro-apoptotischen Faktors Bak, Apoptose in den untersuchten Kolonkarzinomzellen, bei gleichzeitigem Abfall des anti-apoptotischen Bcl-XL. Bei Inkubation mit der Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure-Butyrat-Kombination kam es zu einer deutlichen Verst{\"a}rkung der Apoptoseinduktion, wobei Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure die Wirkung des Butyrats auf Bak und Bcl-XL jedoch nicht steigerte. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Effekt des Butyrats mit einer Inhibition der Phosphorylierung und Degradation von IkBa, und damit einer Verhinderung der Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFkB einhergeht, was die Wirkung von apoptose-induzierenden Substanzen verst{\"a}rken kann. Zusammenfassend zeigte sich bei Kombination der Einzelsubstanzen Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure eine Verst{\"a}rkung ihrer Wirkung auf die Zellproliferation, sowie die Apoptoseinduktion bei Kolonkarzinomzellen. Dieser Effekt wird durch unterschiedliche molekulare Mechanismen vermittelt, wobei mit p21Waf1/Cip1 und cdk2 erstmals Faktoren ermittelt wurden, auf deren Expression Butyrat und Acetylsalicyls{\"a}ure additive oder potentiell synergistische Effekte haben.}, language = {de} }