@phdthesis{Andlauer2013, author = {Andlauer, Till Felix Malte}, title = {Structural and Functional Diversity of Synapses in the Drosophila CNS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85018}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Large-scale anatomical and functional analyses of the connectivity in both invertebrate and mammalian brains have gained intense attention in recent years. At the same time, the understanding of synapses on a molecular level still lacks behind. We have only begun to unravel the basic mechanisms of how the most important synaptic proteins regulate release and reception of neurotransmitter molecules, as well as changes of synaptic strength. Furthermore, little is known regarding the stoichiometry of presynaptic proteins at different synapses within an organism. An assessment of these characteristics would certainly promote our comprehension of the properties of different synapse types. Presynaptic proteins directly influence, for example, the probability of neurotransmitter release as well as mechanisms for short-term plasticity. We have examined the strength of expression of several presynaptic proteins at different synapse types in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster using immunohistochemistry. Clear differences in the relative abundances of the proteins were obvious on different levels: variations in staining intensities appeared from the neuropil to the synaptic level. In order to quantify these differences, we have developed a ratiometric analysis of antibody stainings. By application of this ratiometric method, we could assign average ratios of presynaptic proteins to different synapse populations in two central relays of the olfactory pathway. In this manner, synapse types could be characterized by distinct fingerprints of presynaptic protein ratios. Subsequently, we used the method for the analysis of aberrant situations: we reduced levels of Bruchpilot, a major presynaptic protein, and ablated different synapse or cell types. Evoked changes of ratio fingerprints were proportional to the modifications we had induced in the system. Thus, such ratio signatures are well suited for the characterization of synapses. In order to contribute to our understanding of both the molecular composition and the function of synapses, we also characterized a novel synaptic protein. This protein, Drep-2, is a member of the Dff family of regulators of apoptosis. We generated drep-2 mutants, which did not show an obvious misregulation of apoptosis. By contrast, Drep-2 was found to be a neuronal protein, highly enriched for example at postsynaptic receptor fields of the input synapses of the major learning centre of insects, the mushroom bodies. Flies mutant for drep-2 were viable but lived shorter than wildtypes. Basic synaptic transmission at both peripheral and central synapses was in normal ranges. However, drep-2 mutants showed a number of deficiencies in adaptive behaviours: adult flies were locomotor hyperactive and hypersensitive towards ethanol-induced sedation. Moreover, the mutant animals were heavily impaired in associative learning. In aversive olfactory conditioning, drep-2 mutants formed neither short-term nor anaesthesia-sensitive memories. We could demonstrate that Drep-2 is required in mushroom body intrinsic neurons for normal olfactory learning. Furthermore, odour-evoked calcium transients in these neurons, a prerequisite for learning, were reduced in drep-2 mutants. The impairment of the mutants in olfactory learning could be fully rescued by pharmacological application of an agonist to metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Quantitative mass spectrometry of Drep-2 complexes revealed that the protein is associated with a large number of translational repressors, among them the fragile X mental retardation protein FMRP. FMRP inhibits mGluR-mediated protein synthesis. Lack of this protein causes the fragile X syndrome, which constitutes the most frequent monogenic cause of autism. Examination of the performance of drep-2 mutants in courtship conditioning showed that the animals were deficient in both short- and long-term memory. Drep-2 mutants share these phenotypes with fmrp and mGluR mutants. Interestingly, drep-2; fmrp double mutants exhibited normal memory. Thus, we propose a model in which Drep-2 antagonizes FMRP in the regulation of mGluR-dependent protein synthesis. Our hypothesis is supported by the observation that impairments in synaptic plasticity can arise if mGluR signalling is imbalanced in either direction. We suggest that Drep-2 helps in establishing this balance.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aso2010, author = {Aso, Yoshinori}, title = {Dissecting the neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis consists of three major chapters, each of which has been separately published or under the process for publication. The first chapter is about anatomical characterization of the mushroom body of adult Drosophila melanogaster. The mushroom body is the center for olfactory learning and many other functions in the insect brains. The functions of the mushroom body have been studied by utilizing the GAL4/UAS gene expression system. The present study characterized the expression patterns of the commonly used GAL4 drivers for the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, Kenyon cells. Thereby, we revealed the numerical composition of the different types of Kenyon cells and found one subtype of the Kenyon cells that have not been described. The second and third chapters together demonstrate that the multiple types of dopaminergic neurons mediate the aversive reinforcement signals to the mushroom body. They induce the parallel memory traces that constitute the different temporal domains of the aversive odor memory. In prior to these chapters, "General introduction and discussion" section reviews and discuss about the current understanding of neuronal circuit for olfactory learning in Drosophila.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Batsching2016, author = {Batsching, Sophie Johanna}, title = {Behavior under uncontrollable stress in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\) - Learned Helplessness revisited}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145416}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In order to select the appropriate behavior, it is important to choose the right behavior at the right time out of many options. It still remains unclear nowadays how exactly this is managed. To address this question, I expose flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to uncontrollable stress to study their behavior under restrictive circumstances by using the so-called shock box. Exposing animals to uncontrollable stress may have an impact on subsequent behavior and can last for some time. The animal learns that whatever it does, it cannot change the situation and therefore can develop something called learned helplessness. The term was first conceptualized by two American psychologists Maier and Seligman (1967), who discovered this phenomenon while doing experiments with dogs. They found out that dogs which are exposed to inescapable stress, later fail in a learning task ('shuttle box'). In this work the walking patterns of three different types of experimental flies, walking in a small dark chamber, were evaluated. Using the triadic design (Seligman and Maier, 1967), flies were either exposed to electric shock randomly (yoked), could turn it off by being active (master) or did not receive punishment at all (control). Master flies were shocked whenever they sat for more than 0.9 seconds. At the same time yoked flies received a shock as well independent of what they were doing, to ensure the same amount of shocks received and to create random punishment pattern for the yoked group. With this so-called no-idleness paradigm flies were conditioned either 10 minutes, which resulted in a short (3 minutes) after-effect, or 20 minutes that turned out to be more stable (10 minutes). In a second part, the behavior during the 20 minute conditioning and a 10 minutes post-test was described in detail. Female flies of the yoked group developed lower activity levels, longer pauses and walked more slowly than master and control flies during conditioning. In the time after the shocks while still in the box, the yoked flies also reduced the frequency and duration of walking bouts as well as their walking speed. Additionally, they took more time to resume walking after the onset of an electric shock than master flies (escape latency) and turned out to make less pauses lasting between 1-1.5 seconds which supports the finding concerning the escape latency. Male flies, tested under the same conditions, showed a slightly weaker after-effect regarding the difference between master and yoked during conditioning and post-test when compared to female flies. When comparing the 20 minutes conditioning with subsequent 10 minutes test in the heat and the shock box in parallel, one finds the same effect: Flies which do not have control over the shocks, lower their activity, make less but longer pauses and walk more slowly than their respective master flies. Despite the similar effect of heat and shock on the flies, some differences between the devices occurred, which can partly be explained by different humidity conditions as well as by different surfaces within the chambers. When the control over the shocks is given back to the yoked flies, it takes them about seven minutes to realize it. One could also show that dopamine levels in the brain were reduced in comparison to flies which did not receive shocks. Yoked flies also were impaired in a place learning task (place learning) and their reaction to light (exit from the box towards the light) directly after conditioning. After characterizing the walking behavior in the chambers, the study deals with the question whether the effects observed in the chambers transfer to different environments. In free walk they only differed from flies which did not receive electric shocks and no effect of uncontrollability was transferred to courtship behavior. Handling as the cause could be excluded. Since handling could be exclude to be the cause of losing the effect, I assumed that the behavior shown in the boxes are context depend. Not only were the after-effects of inescapable shock subject of the current research also the impact of the rearing situation on the response to electric shock was investigated in the present study. Flies which grew up in a single-reared situation turned out to be less affected by inescapable stress in both sexes. In the next part, the first steps to unravel the neuronal underpinning were taken. A mutant - fumin - which is defective in the dopamine re-uptake transporter showed less reaction to inescapable foot shocks, while a mutant for the gene which encodes an adenylate cyclase (rutabaga2080) resulted in a good score during conditioning, but showed no stable after-effect. Downregulating the expression of the adenylate cyclase gene (rutabaga) in different parts of the mushroom bodies showed, that rutabaga is necessary in the α'β'-lobes for expressing the differences between master and yoked flies in the no-idleness paradigm. The study further confirmed previous findings, that rutabaga is needed in operant but not in classical conditioning. As a result, the study could show that not the stimulus itself causes the state of uncontrollability but the fact that the fly learned that it was not in control of the stimulus. This state turned out to be context and time dependent.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bausenwein2000, author = {Bausenwein, Burkhard}, title = {Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Daughter of Sevenless}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-814}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Ein Weg, der von Rezeptor-Tyrosin-Kinasen benutzt wird um Signale auf "downstream" gelegene Effektormolek{\"u}le zu {\"u}bertragen, erfolgt {\"u}ber Adaptorproteine, die Bindungsstellen f{\"u}r verschiedene Proteine zur Verf{\"u}gung stellen. Das daughter of sevenless (dos) Gen wurde in einem Screen nach Downstream-Komponenten der Sevenless (Sev) Rezeptor-Tyrosin-Kinase gefunden. Dos besitzt eine N-terminale PH-Dom{\"a}ne und mehrere Tyrosinreste in Konsensussequenzen f{\"u}r SH2-Dom{\"a}nen Bindungsstellen von verschiedenen Proteinen. Die strukturellen Merkmale von Dos und Experimente, die zeigten, daß Tyrosine im Dos Protein nach der Aktivierung von Sev phosphoryliert werden, legen den Schluß nahe, daß Dos zur Familie der Multi-Adaptor-Proteine geh{\"o}rt. Zu dieser Familie werden die Insulin-Rezeptor-Substrat (IRS) Proteine, Gab1 und Gab2 gerechnet. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein monoklonaler Maus anti-Dos Antik{\"o}rper etabliert. Das Epitop dieses Antik{\"o}rpers liegt im Bereich der C-terminalen 416 Aminos{\"a}uren des Dos Proteins. Mittels Westernblot Analysen wurde f{\"u}r Dos ein Molekulargewicht von 115 kD ermittelt. Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbungen von wildtypischen Augenimaginalscheiben dritter Larven zeigten, daß das Dos Protein in Zellen in und posterior der morphogenetischen Furche exprimiert wird und in diesen Zellen apikal lokalisiert ist. Zur Charakterisierung des homozygot letalen dosR31 Allels, wurde der genomische Bereich sequenziert und die erhaltenen Daten mit der cDNA Sequenz verglichen. Die so etablierte Aminos{\"a}uresequenz f{\"u}r das DosR31 Protein hat sechs Aminos{\"a}uresubstitutionen, die m{\"o}glicherweise die Terti{\"a}rstruktur beeinflussen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein Stopcodon in Position 463 der Aminos{\"a}uresequenz gefunden. Bei dosR31 handelt es sich um ein "loss of function" Allel, das nicht in der Lage ist, die normale Dos Funktion zu erf{\"u}llen. Um die funktionelle Rolle der potentiellen SH2-Dom{\"a}nen Bindungsstellen f{\"u}r die Dos Funktion in der Rezeptor-Tyrosin-Kinasen vermittelten Signaltransduktion zu untersuchen, wurden mutierte dos Transgene in Fliegen exprimiert. Die potentiellen Bindungsstellen f{\"u}r die SH2-Dom{\"a}nen des SH2/SH3 Adaptorproteins Shc, der PhospholipaseC-g (PLCg), der regulatorische Untereinheit der Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3Kinase) und der Corkscrew (Csw) Tyrosin Phosphatase wurden durch den Austausch des f{\"u}r die Bindung wichtigen Tyrosins gegen ein Phenylalanin mutiert. Die ektopische Expression der mutierten Konstrukte ohne Bindungsstellen f{\"u}r die Shc, PLCg und PI3Kinasen SH2-Dom{\"a}nen konnte in Abwesenheit von endogenem Dos die fehlende Dos Funktion w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung vollst{\"a}ndig ersetzen. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Tyrosin 801 als nachgewiesene Bindungsstelle f{\"u}r Csw SH2-Dom{\"a}nen essentiell f{\"u}r die Funktion von Dos. Ektopische Expression von Transgene durch Hitzeschock kann zu ph{\"a}notypischen Effekten f{\"u}hren, die nicht auf das Transgen zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen wurde das endogene dos Enhancer/Promotor Element kloniert, damit die Funktion von mutierten Transgenen auch im endogenen Expressionsmuster untersucht werden konnte. Das klonierte genE-dos Minigen war in der Lage, den Verlust von endogenem Dos in dosR31 und dosP115 Tieren vollst{\"a}ndig zu ersetzen und zeigte eine v{\"o}llig wildtypische Expression in Augenimaginalscheiben. Zur Untersuchung, welche Rolle die mutierten SH2-Dom{\"a}nen Bindungsstellen bei der Dos Funktion in der Augenentwicklung spielen, wurde ein neues in vivo Testsystem basierend auf der Flp/FRT Flipase Rekombinase Technik etabliert. Dieses klonale Testsystem erlaubt die Expression mutierter Transgene unter der Kontrolle der dos Enhancer/Promotor Sequenzen in Klonen von Zellen, denen die endogene Dos Funktion fehlt. Die klonale Analyse der mutierten Konstrukte konnte zeigen, daß das Tyrosin 801, als Bindungsstelle f{\"u}r eine Csw SH2-Dom{\"a}ne, eine essentielle Rolle f{\"u}r die Dos Funktion spielt. Die Tyrosinreste in den potentiellen SH2-Dom{\"a}nen Bindungsstellen f{\"u}r Shc, PLCg und PI3Kinase spielen hingegen keine essentielle Rolle f{\"u}r die Dos Funktion bei der Augenentwicklung. Das etablierte klonale Testsystem kann allgemein zur Untersuchung der in vivo Funktion von potentiellen Protein-Protein Interaktionsregionen im Dos Protein bei der Augenentwicklung eingesetzt werden unabh{\"a}ngig von deren Erfordernis f{\"u}r andere Entwicklungsprozesse.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beck2016, author = {Beck, Katherina}, title = {Einfluss von RSK auf die Aktivit{\"a}t von ERK, den axonalen Transport und die synaptische Funktion in Motoneuronen von \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130717}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit sollte die Funktion von RSK in Motoneuronen von Drosophila untersucht werden. Mutationen im RSK2-Gen verursachen das Coffin-Lowry-Syndrom (CLS), das durch mentale Retardierung charakterisiert ist. RSK2 ist haupts{\"a}chlich in Regionen des Gehirns exprimiert, in denen Lernen und Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung stattfinden. In M{\"a}usen und Drosophila, die als Modellorganismen f{\"u}r CLS dienen, konnten auf makroskopischer Ebene keine Ver{\"a}nderungen in den Hirnstrukturen gefunden werden, dennoch wurden in verschiedenen Verhaltensstudien Defekte im Lernen und der Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung beobachtet. Die synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t und die einhergehenden Ver{\"a}nderungen in den Eigenschaften der Synapse sind fundamental f{\"u}r adaptives Verhalten. Zur Analyse der synaptischen Plastizit{\"a}t eignet sich das neuromuskul{\"a}re System von Drosophila als Modell wegen des stereotypen Innervierungsmusters und der Verwendung ionotroper Glutamatrezeptoren, deren Untereinheiten homolog sind zu den Untereinheiten der Glutamatrezeptoren des AMPA-Typs aus S{\"a}ugern, die wesentlich f{\"u}r die Bildung von LTP im Hippocampus sind. Zun{\"a}chst konnte gezeigt werden, dass RSK in den Motoneuronen von Drosophila an der pr{\"a}synaptischen Seite lokalisiert ist, wodurch RSK eine Synapsen-spezifische Funktion aus{\"u}ben k{\"o}nnte. Morphologische Untersuchungen der Struktur der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapsen konnten aufzeigen, dass durch den Verlust von RSK die Gr{\"o}ße der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse, der Boutons sowie der Aktiven Zonen und Glutamatrezeptorfelder reduziert ist. Obwohl mehr Boutons gebildet werden, sind weniger Aktive Zonen und Glutamatrezeptorfelder in der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse enthalten. RSK reguliert die synaptische Transmission, indem es die postsynaptische Sensitivit{\"a}t, nicht aber die Freisetzung der Neurotransmitter an der pr{\"a}synaptischen Seite beeinflusst, obwohl in immunhistochemischen Analysen eine postsynaptische Lokalisierung von RSK nicht nachgewiesen werden konnte. RSK ist demnach an der Regulation der synaptischen Plastizit{\"a}t glutamaterger Synapsen beteiligt. Durch immunhistochemische Untersuchungen konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass aktiviertes ERK an der pr{\"a}synaptischen Seite lokalisiert ist und diese synaptische Lokalisierung von RSK reguliert wird. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesen werden, dass durch den Verlust von RSK hyperaktiviertes ERK in den Zellk{\"o}rpern der Motoneurone vorliegt. RSK wird durch den ERK/MAPK-Signalweg aktiviert und {\"u}bernimmt eine Funktion sowohl als Effektorkinase als auch in der Negativregulation des Signalwegs. Demnach dient RSK in den Zellk{\"o}rpern der Motoneurone als Negativregulator des ERK/MAPK-Signalwegs. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnte RSK die Verteilung von aktivem ERK in den Subkompartimenten der Motoneurone regulieren. Da in vorangegangenen Studien gezeigt werden konnte, dass ERK an der Regulation der synaptischen Plastizit{\"a}t beteiligt ist, indem es die Insertion der AMPA-Rezeptoren zur Bildung der LTP reguliert, sollte in dieser Arbeit aufgekl{\"a}rt werden, ob der Einfluss von RSK auf die synaptische Plastizit{\"a}t durch seine Funktion als Negativregulator von ERK zustande kommt. Untersuchungen der genetischen Interaktion von rsk und rolled, dem Homolog von ERK in Drosophila, zeigten, dass die durch den Verlust von RSK beobachtete reduzierte Gesamtzahl der Aktiven Zonen und Glutamatrezeptorfelder der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse auf die Funktion von RSK als Negativregulator von ERK zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Die Gr{\"o}ße der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse sowie die Gr{\"o}ße der Aktiven Zonen und Glutamatrezeptorfelder beeinflusst RSK allerdings durch seine Funktion als Effektorkinase des ERK/MAPK-Signalwegs. Studien des axonalen Transports von Mitochondrien zeigten, dass dieser in vielen neuropathologischen Erkrankungen beeintr{\"a}chtigt ist. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchungen des axonalen Transports in Motoneuronen konnten eine neue Funktion von RSK in der Regulation des axonalen Transports aufdecken. In den Axonen der Motoneurone von RSK-Nullmutanten wurden BRP- und CSP-Agglomerate nachgewiesen. RSK k{\"o}nnte an der Regulation des axonalen Transports von pr{\"a}synaptischem Material beteiligt sein. Durch den Verlust von RSK wurden weniger Mitochondrien in anterograder Richtung entlang dem Axon transportiert, daf{\"u}r verweilten mehr Mitochondrien in station{\"a}ren Phasen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch der anterograde Transport von Mitochondrien durch den Verlust von RSK beeintr{\"a}chtigt ist.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beck2019, author = {Beck, Sebastian}, title = {Using optogenetics to influence the circadian clock of \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18495}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Almost all life forms on earth have adapted to the most impactful and most predictable recurring change in environmental condition, the cycle of day and night, caused by the axial rotation of the planet. As a result many animals have evolved intricate endogenous clocks, which adapt and synchronize the organisms' physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the daily change in environmental conditions. The scientific field researching these endogenous clocks is called chronobiology and has steadily grown in size, scope and relevance since the works of the earliest pioneers in the 1960s. The number one model organism for the research of circadian clocks is the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, whose clock serves as the entry point to understanding the basic inner workings of such an intricately constructed endogenous timekeeping system. In this thesis it was attempted to combine the research on the circadian clock with the techniques of optogenetics, a fairly new scientific field, launched by the discovery of Channelrhodopsin 2 just over 15 years ago. Channelrhodopsin 2 is a light-gated ion channel found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In optogenetics, researches use these light-gated ion channels like Channelrhodopsin 2 by heterologously expressing them in cells and tissues of other organisms, which can then be stimulated by the application of light. This is most useful when studying neurons, as these channels provide an almost non-invasive tool to depolarize the neuronal plasma membranes at will. The goal of this thesis was to develop an optogenetic tool, which would be able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster upon illumination. A phase shift is the adaptive response of the circadian clock to an outside stimulus that signals a change in the environmental light cycle. An optogenetic tool, able to influence and phase shift the circadian clock predictably and reliably, would open up many new ways and methods of researching the neuronal network of the clock and which neurons communicate to what extent, ultimately synchronizing the network. The first optogenetic tool to be tested in the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster was ChR2-XXL, a channelrhodopsin variant with dramatically increased expression levels and photocurrents combined with a prolonged open state. The specific expression of ChR2-XXL and of later constructs was facilitated by deploying the three different clock-specific GAL4-driver lines, clk856-gal4, pdf-gal4 and mai179-gal4. Although ChR2-XXL was shown to be highly effective at depolarizing neurons, these stimulations proved to be unable to significantly phase shift the circadian clock of Drosophila. The second series of experiments was conducted with the conceptually novel optogenetic tools Olf-bPAC and SthK-bPAC, which respectively combine a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel (Olf and SthK) with the light-activated adenylyl-cyclase bPAC. These tools proved to be quite useful when expressed in the motor neurons of instar-3 larvae of Drosophila, paralyzing the larvae upon illumination, as well as affecting body length. This way, these new tools could be precisely characterized, spawning a successfully published research paper, centered around their electrophysiological characterization and their applicability in model organisms like Drosophila. In the circadian clock however, these tools caused substantial damage, producing severe arrhythmicity and anomalies in neuronal development. Using a temperature-sensitive GAL80-line to delay the expression until after the flies had eclosed, yielded no positive results either. The last series of experiments saw the use of another new series of optogenetic tools, modelled after the Olf-bPAC, with bPAC swapped out for CyclOp, a membrane-bound guanylyl-cyclase, coupled with less potent versions of the Olf. This final attempt however also ended up being unsuccessful. While these tools could efficiently depolarize neuronal membranes upon illumination, they were ultimately unable to stimulate the circadian clock in way that would cause it to phase shift. Taken together, these mostly negative results indicate that an optogenetic manipulation of the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster is an extremely challenging subject. As light already constitutes the most impactful environmental factor on the circadian clock, the combination of chronobiology with optogenetics demands the parameters of the conducted experiments to be tuned with an extremely high degree of precision, if one hopes to receive positive results from these types of experiments at all.}, subject = {Chronobiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bertolucci2008, author = {Bertolucci, Franco}, title = {Operant and classical learning in Drosophila melanogaster: the ignorant gene (ign)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33984}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {One of the major challenges in neuroscience is to understand the neuronal processes that underlie learning and memory. For example, what biochemical pathways underlie the coincidence detection between stimuli during classical conditioning, or between an action and its consequences during operant conditioning? In which neural substructures is this information stored? How similar are the pathways mediating these two types of associative learning and at which level do they diverge? The fly Drosophila melanogaster is an appropriate model organism to address these questions due to the availability of suitable learning paradigms and neurogenetic tools. It permits an extensive study of the functional role of the gene S6KII which in Drosophila had been found to be differentially involved in classical and operant conditioning (Bertolucci, 2002; Putz et al., 2004). Genomic rescue experiments showed that olfactory conditioning in the Tully machine, a paradigm for Pavlovian olfactory conditioning, depends on the presence of an intact S6KII gene. This rescue was successfully performed on both the null mutant and a partial deletion, suggesting that the removal of the phosphorylating unit of the kinase was the main cause of the functional defect. The GAL4/UAS system was used to achieve temporal and spatial control of S6KII expression. It was shown that expression of the kinase during the adult stage was essential for the rescue. This finding ruled out a developmental origin of the mutant learning phenotype. Furthermore, targeted spatial rescue of S6KII revealed a requirement in the mushroom bodies and excluded other brain structures like the median bundle, the antennal lobes and the central complex. This pattern is very similar to the one previously identified with the rutabaga mutant (Zars et al., 2000). Experiments with the double mutant rut, ign58-1 suggest that both rutabaga and S6KII operate in the same signalling pathway. Previous studies had already shown that deviating results from operant and classical conditioning point to different roles for S6KII in the two types of learning (Bertolucci, 2002; Putz, 2002). This conclusion was further strengthened by the defective performance of the transgenic lines in place learning and their normal behavior in olfactory conditioning. A novel type of learning experiment, called "idle experiment", was designed. It is based on the conditioning of the walking activity and represents a purely operant task, overcoming some of the limitations of the "standard" heat-box experiment, a place learning paradigm. The novel nature of the idle experiment allowed exploring "learned helplessness" in flies, unveiling astonishing similarities to more complex organisms such as rats, mice and humans. Learned helplessness in Drosophila is found only in females and is sensitive to antidepressants.}, subject = {Klassische Konditionierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BlancoRedondo2014, author = {Blanco Redondo, Beatriz}, title = {Studies of synapsin phosphorylation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies from the W{\"u}rzburg Hybridoma Library in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-93766}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Synapsins are conserved synapse-associated hosphoproteins involved in the fine regulation of neurotransmitter release. The aim of the present project is to study the phosphorylation of synapsins and the distribution of phospho-synapsin in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster. Three antibodies served as important tools in this work, a monoclonal antibody (3C11/α-Syn) that recognizes all known synapsin isoforms and two antisera against phosphorylated synapsin peptides (antiserum PSyn(S6) against phospho-serine 6 and antiserum PSyn(S464) against phospho-serine 464). These antisera were recently generated in collaboration with Bertram Gerber and Eurogentec. ...}, subject = {Synapsine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BoltUlschmid2004, author = {Bolt-Ulschmid, Julia Katharina}, title = {Charakterisierung von Adenylatkinasen aus Plasmodium falciparum und Thioredoxinreduktase-assoziierten Proteinen aus Dipteren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10752}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In S{\"a}ugetieren existieren im wesentlichen zwei Abwehrsysteme gegen oxidativen Streß, in welchen die Glutathionreduktase (GR) und Thioredoxinreduktase (TrxR) Schl{\"u}sselenzyme sind. Ein einzelnes Gen der Taufliege, genannt dmtrxr-1, kodiert sowohl f{\"u}r die durch alternatives Splicing entstehende cytoplasmatische und mitochondriale Form der DmTrxR-1. Zum Teil innerhalb des dmtrxr-1-Gens findet sich auf dem Komplement{\"a}rstrang ein weiteres Gen, welches sniffer genannt wurde. In Kooperation wurde nachgewiesen, daß dieses Gen essentiell zur Verhinderung alterungsbedingter Neurodegeneration ist. Durch biochemische Charakterisierung konnte das rekombinant hergestellte Produkt dieses Gens in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Carbonylreduktase, ein zu den Kurzketten-Dehydrogenasen (short-chain dehydrogenases) geh{\"o}rendes Enzym, identifiziert werden. Sniffer weist das f{\"u}r Carbonylreduktasen typische Substratspektrum mit Phenanthrenequinone als bestem Substrat auf und wird von Flavonoiden wie Quercetin und Rutin sowie Hydroxymercuribenzoat gehemmt. In verschiedenen Ans{\"a}tzen konnten Kristalle des rekombinanten Proteins gewonnen werden, die inzwischen in Kooperation vermessen wurden und so zu einer Kristallstruktur mit einer Aufl{\"o}sung von 1,7 Angstr{\"o}m f{\"u}hrten. Durch diese Arbeiten konnte zum ersten Mal eine Verbindung zwischen einem charakterisierten Gen (snifffer), oxidativem Streß und neurodegenerativen Effekten auf molekularer Ebene nachgewiesen werden. Parasiten haben w{\"a}hrend ihres Lebenszyklus einen hohen Bedarf an Energie und sind abh{\"a}ngig von einer starken Syntheseleistung. Zur Bew{\"a}ltigung dieses Stresses ben{\"o}tigen sie hohe Aktivit{\"a}ten an Adenylatkinase (AK; ATP + AMP \&\#61683; 2 ADP) und GTP-AMP-Phosphotransferase (GAK; GTP + AMP \&\#61683; GDP + ADP). Beide Enzyme wurden in Blutstadien des Malariaparasiten Plasmodium falciparum identifiziert und die entsprechenden Gene der PfAK und PfGAK auf den Chromosomen 10 und 4 respektive lokalisiert. Klonierung und heterologe Expression in E. coli ergab enzymatisch aktive Proteine mit einer Gr{\"o}ße von 28,9 (PfAK), bzw. 28,0 kDa (PfGAK). Das rekombinante Protein der PfAK entspricht in seinen biochemischen Charakteristika denen der authentischen PfAK. Dies gilt auch f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche Assoziation mit einem stabilisierenden Protein mit einem Molekulargewicht von ca. 70 kDa und der hohen Substratspezifit{\"a}t f{\"u}r das Monophosphat-Nukleotid AMP. Die Spezifit{\"a}t f{\"u}r das Triphosphat-Substrat ist weniger stringent. Das beste Triphosphat-Substrat ist ATP mit einem Vmax-Wert von 75 U/mg und einem kcat von 2800 min-1. Die Sequenz der PfAK enth{\"a}lt eine amphiphatische Helix, welche als notwendig f{\"u}r die Translokation zytosolischer Adenylatkinasen in den Intermembranraum der Mitochondrien beschrieben wurde. Die PfGAK bevorzugt GTP und AMP als Substrat (100 U/mg; kcat = 2800 min-1 bei 25°C) und zeigt als Besonderheit keine messbare Aktivit{\"a}t mit ATP. Im Gegensatz zu ihrem Ortholog im Menschen (AK3) enth{\"a}lt die Sequenz der PfGAK ein Zinkfinger-Motiv und bindet Eisenionen. Erste Immunfluoreszenz-Analysen lokalisieren die PfGAK in den Mitochondrien. PfAK und PfGAK werden von den Dinukleosid-Pentaphosphat-Verbindungen AP5A beziehungsweise GP5A gehemmt. Die Ki-Werte liegen mit ca. 0.2 µM ungef{\"a}hr 250-fach niedriger als die KM-Werte der entsprechenden Nukleotidsubstrate. Zur L{\"o}sung der vor allem im Rahmen einer rationalen Medikamentenentwicklung notwendigen Kristallstruktur des Zielmolek{\"u}ls konnten bereits Kristalle der PfGAK erhalten werden.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Brembs2000, author = {Brembs, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {An Analysis of Associative Learning in Drosophila at the Flight Simulator}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1039}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Most natural learning situations are of a complex nature and consist of a tight conjunction of the animal's behavior (B) with the perceived stimuli. According to the behavior of the animal in response to these stimuli, they are classified as being either biologically neutral (conditioned stimuli, CS) or important (unconditioned stimuli, US or reinforcer). A typical learning situation is thus identified by a three term contingency of B, CS and US. A functional characterization of the single associations during conditioning in such a three term contingency has so far hardly been possible. Therefore, the operational distinction between classical conditioning as a behavior-independent learning process (CS-US associations) and operant conditioning as essentially behavior-dependent learning (B-US associations) has proven very valuable. However, most learning experiments described so far have not been successful in fully separating operant from classical conditioning into single-association tasks. The Drosophila flight simulator in which the relevant behavior is a single motor variable (yaw torque), allows for the first time to completely separate the operant (B-US, B-CS) and the classical (CS-US) components of a complex learning situation and to examine their interactions. In this thesis the contributions of the single associations (CS-US, B-US and B-CS) to memory formation are studied. Moreover, for the first time a particularly prominent single association (CS-US) is characterized extensively in a three term contingency. A yoked control shows that classical (CS-US) pattern learning requires more training than operant pattern learning. Additionally, it can be demonstrated that an operantly trained stimulus can be successfully transferred from the behavior used during training to a new behavior in a subsequent test phase. This result shows unambiguously that during operant conditioning classical (CS-US) associations can be formed. In an extension to this insight, it emerges that such a classical association blocks the formation of an operant association, which would have been formed without the operant control of the learned stimuli. Instead the operant component seems to develop less markedly and is probably merged into a complex three-way association. This three-way association could either be implemented as a sequential B-CS-US or as a hierarchical (B-CS)-US association. The comparison of a simple classical (CS-US) with a composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation and of a simple operant (B-US) with another composite operant (B, CS and US) learning situation, suggests a hierarchy of predictors of reinforcement. Operant behavior occurring during composite operant conditioning is hardly conditioned at all. The associability of classical stimuli that bear no relation to the behavior of the animal is of an intermediate value, as is operant behavior alone. Stimuli that are controlled by operant behavior accrue associative strength most easily. If several stimuli are available as potential predictors, again the question arises which CS-US associations are formed? A number of different studies in vertebrates yielded amazingly congruent results. These results inspired to examine and compare the properties of the CS-US association in a complex learning situation at the flight simulator with these vertebrate results. It is shown for the first time that Drosophila can learn compound stimuli and recall the individual components independently and in similar proportions. The attempt to obtain second-order conditioning with these stimuli, yielded a relatively small effect. In comparison with vertebrate data, blocking and sensory preconditioning experiments produced conforming as well as dissenting results. While no blocking could be found, a sound sensory preconditioning effect was obtained. Possible reasons for the failure to find blocking are discussed and further experiments are suggested. The sensory preconditioning effect found in this study is revealed using simultaneous stimulus presentation and depends on the amount of preconditioning. It is argued that this effect is a case of 'incidental learning', where two stimuli are associated without the need of reinforcement. Finally, the implications of the results obtained in this study for the general understanding of memory formation in complex learning situations are discussed.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }