@phdthesis{Hirschbeck2012, author = {Hirschbeck, Maria Wenefriede}, title = {Structure-based drug design on the enoyl-ACP reductases of Yersinia pestis and Burkholderia pseudomallei}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Spreading drug resistances among Gram-negative pathogens and the paucity of new agents on the antibacterial drug market against these tenacious bacteria create a pressing need for the development of new antibiotics. The bacterial fatty acid biosynthesis pathway FAS-II, especially the enoyl-ACP reductase catalyzing the last step of the elongation cycle, is an established drug target against tuberculosis but has not been extensively exploited for drug design against other bacterial pathogens. In this thesis the enoyl-ACP reductases of the Gram-negative biothreat organisms Burkholderia pseudomallei and Yersinia pestis were targeted in a structure-based drug design approach. The structure of the most recently identified enoyl-ACP isoenzyme FabV was characterized by X-ray crystallography and could be determined in three different states. FabV from B. pseudomallei was obtained in the apo-form of the enzyme, whereas FabV from Y. pestis was characterized in a binary complex with the cofactor NADH as well as in a ternary complex with NADH and the triclosan-based 2-pyridone inhibitors PT172 and PT173. Analysis of the FabV structure revealed the typical fold of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily with the NADH-binding Rossmann fold and a substrate-binding pocket with a conserved active site geometry compared to the related isoenzyme FabI. Additional structural elements of FabV are located around the active site. The monomeric form of the enzyme is thereby stabilized and the substrate-binding loop is kept in a closed, helical conformation. The ternary complexes of FabV exhibited a similar inhibitor-binding mode as observed for triclosan inhibition in FabI and point to a potential substrate-binding mechanism. B. pseudomallei possesses FabI as an additional enoyl-ACP reductase isoenzyme, which was structurally characterized in the apo form and in ternary complexes with NAD+ and the diphenyl ether inhibitors triclosan, PT02, PT12 or PT404 as well as the 4-pyridone inhibitor PT155. The structural data of the ternary enoyl-ACP reductases complexes of B. pseudomallei and Y. pestis hold the promise for the possibility to develop antibacterials targeting FabV or even both isoenzymes, FabI and FabV, based on the triclosan scaffold.}, subject = {Yersinia}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hu2012, author = {Hu, Wanning}, title = {Organometal half-sandwich complexes and their bioconjugates: Biological activity on cancer cells and potential applications in biolabelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87899}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In summary, structure-activity relationships in peptide and dendrimer carriers modified with different organometal complexes were studied on a human breast cancer cell line. Variation of the organometal cargo and carrier can significantly influence their biological properties and might open the way to new approaches in chemotherapy. Furthermore, the incorporation of complexes with different C≡O vibrational signatures in a model peptide was explored to examine information encoding in biomolecules in a barcoding strategy for potential imaging applications. In particular for the latter, additional stable metal-carbonyl markers need to be prepared in future work to expand the pool of vibrational labels available.}, subject = {Konjugate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2012, author = {Schmidt, Traudel}, title = {Establishment of Hey-triple-KO-ES cells and characterisation of Bre, a Hey binding partner}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Hey1, Hey2 and HeyL are downstream effectors of the Notch signalling pathway. Hey genes play decisive roles during embryonic development for example in cardiovascular development. However, the precise transcriptional programmes and genes, which are affected by each single Hey gene, are still poorly understood. One drawback for the analysis of Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL single gene function is that these genes are co-expressed in many tissues and share a high degree of functional redundancy. Thus, it was necessary to establish a system, which is either devoid of Hey expression, or just comprises one single Hey gene family member. For this, Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- as well as Hey-triple- knock out (KO)-ES cells (embryonic stem cells) were generated in this work, because ES cells and their differentiation as EBs (embryoid bodies) represent a valuable tool for the in vitro analysis of embryonic developmental processes. After the establishment of Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- and Hey-triple- KO-ES cells, it could be seen by ALP staining and pluripotency marker expression that loss of Hey expression did not affect ES cell pluripotency features. Thus, these ES cells represent bona fide ES cells and could be further used for the differentiation as EBs. Here, differences in gene expression between Hey1(fl/fl)/Hey2(-/-)/HeyL(-/-)- and Hey-triple- KO-ES cells (after the loss of Hey1) could be observed in realtime-RT-PCR analysis for the endodermal marker AFP as well as for neural and myogenic markers in d10 EBs. However, the establishment of inducible Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL ES cell lines will be essential to confirm these findings and to search for novel Hey target genes. To get further insight into the mode of Hey action, the analysis of Hey interaction partners is necessary. One such binding partner, the Bre protein, has previously been found in a yeast-two-hybrid screen. Bre has been described to be a member of two distinct complexes (i.e. the nuclear BRCA1-A complex with a function in DNA damage response and the cytoplasmic BRISC complex), to directly interact with the TNF-receptor and Fas and to interfere with apoptotic signalling. The Hey-Bre interaction could be further corroborated in this work; yet, it was not possible to narrow down the interaction site of Bre with Hey1. It rather seems that non-overlapping parts of the Bre protein may bind to Hey. This interaction may be direct- pointing to more than one interaction site inside the Bre protein - or via a common binding partner such as the endogenous Bre protein itself. Besides the interaction studies, functional assays were performed for a more detailed characterisation of Hey1 and Bre interaction. Here, it could be shown that Hey1 over-expression did not have any influence on Bre sub-cellular localisation. Interestingly, it could be demonstrated that Bre positively interfered with Hey1 repressive function in luciferase assays at three of four promoters analysed. Moreover, interaction with Bre seems to lead to a stabilisation of Hey1. As Bre has been described to modulate the E3-ligase activity intrinsic to the BRCC complex it was analysed whether Bre over-expression results in an ubiquitination of Hey1. Yet, this could not be observed in the present work. Furthermore, an interaction of Bre with ubiquitinated proteins could not be demonstrated in an ubiquitin binding assay. To obtain a better insight into Bre function, Bre LacZ gene trap-ES cells and animals were generated. However, realtime-RT-analyses revealed that these cells and mice did not show a loss of Bre expression on mRNA level indicating that insertion mutagenesis did not occur as expected. However, embryos derived from these mice could nevertheless be used for the detection of tissues with Bre expression by β-galactosidase staining. Bre deficiency on mRNA levels was only achieved after the deletion of the floxed exon 3 resulting in the generation of Bre del-mice. Bre del-mice were fertile and without any obvious phenotype and they were used for the generation of Bre del- and wt-MEFs (murine embryonic fibroblasts). Characterisation of these cells showed that proliferation was not affected after loss of Bre (neither under normal nor under stress conditions). However, loss of Bre notably resulted in a reduction in the BRCA1 DNA damage response, in a slightly increased sensitivity towards apoptosis induction by FasL treatment and in an increase in the K63-poly-ubiquitin content in Bre del-cytoplasmic fractions, probably linked to a change in the BRISC de-ubiquitinase activity. Even though these results have the same tendencies as observed in former studies, the effects in the present work are less striking. Further studies as well as intercrossing of Bre del- to Hey KO-animals will be necessary to further understand the functional relevance of Hey and Bre interaction.}, subject = {Embryonale Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ratzka2012, author = {Ratzka, Carolin}, title = {Immune responses of the ant Camponotus floridanus towards pathogens and its obligate mutualistic endosymbiont Blochmannia floridanus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69350}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Ants of the species Camponotus floridanus live in huge colonies composed of genetically identical or closely related animals, which should predispose them to an increased vulnerability towards infection by pathogens (Cremer et al. 2007). Therefore the question is how ants (or social insects in general) can nevertheless efficiently combat infections. In order to investigate the immune response of the ant C. floridanus, the present study initially focused on the identification of possible immune factors, encoded by the ant´s genome. By using the method "suppression subtractive hybridization" as well as by Illumnia sequencing technology, several immune-related genes could be identified. Among these were genes encoding proteins involved in pathogen recognition, signal transduction, antimicrobial activity, or general stress response. In accordance with the ant´s genome sequence (Bonasio et al. 2010), only three antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes could be identified in C. floridanus. The gene and cDNA sequences of these AMPs were established and their expression was shown to be induced by microbial challenge. Two different defensin genes (type 1 and 2) were characterized. A detailed characterization of the mRNA and gene sequence of the other AMP, a hymenoptaecin, revealed a special repeat structure. The C. floridanus hymenoptaecin has a signal and a pro-sequence followed by a hymenoptaecin-like domain and six directly repeated hymenoptaecin domains (HDs). Since each HD is flanked by two known processing sites, proteolytic processing of the precursor protein may generate several mature AMPs. Bioinformatical analyses revealed the presence of hymenoptaecin genes with similar multipeptide precursor structure in genomes of other ant species suggesting an evolutionary conserved important role of this gene in ant immunity. C. floridanus ants harbor the obligate intracellular bacterium, Blochmannia floridanus, in specialized cells (so-called bacteriocytes), which are intercalated between midgut cells as well as in ovaries of females (Blochmann 1882; Sauer et al. 2002; Schr{\"o}der et al. 1996). Ant hosts face the problem that on the one hand they have to maintain the beneficial symbiotic bacteria and on the other hand they need to raise an immune response against harmful pathogenic bacteria during an infection. It was investigated, if endosymbionts are actually detected by the host immune system. Injection of B. floridanus induced an immune response of its host C. floridanus, which was comparable to the one towards pathogens. This means that, despite the evolutionary established cooperation of the endosymbionts and their hosts, these bacteria are still recognized as „non-self" by the host immune system. This finding led to the question, if the ant immune system might be involved in regulation of the endosymbiont number in the midgut tissue in order to avoid their uncontrolled replication. During the holometabolous life cycle of the ant hosts the distribution of bacteriocytes and of Blochmannia endosymbionts is remarkably dynamic and peaks in late pupal stages, in which the entire midgut is transformed into a symbiotic organ (Stoll et al. 2010). It was hypothesized that hosts could regulate the number of endosymbionts present in their tissues via the innate immune system. A quantitative gene expression analysis of assumed symbiosis-relevant candidate genes revealed distinct expression patterns of some genes according to developmental stage and tissue. Moreover, the immune gene expression in response to bacterial challenge was investigated in the pupal stage. By an artificial immune-challenge of pupae it was confirmed that in fact the immune response of the endosymbiont-bearing midgut tissue differs from that of other body parts. The data support a key role for amidase peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), especially PGRP-LB, in endosymbiont tolerance and suggest an involvement of the lysosomal system in control of Blochmannia endosymbionts. In sum, this thesis provides a first description of the immune response of the ant C. floridanus. A comprehensive set of immune-relevant genes was determined. Especially, the identification and molecular characterization of the hymenoptaecin gene delivered new insights into the immune competence of ants in general. Moreover, first indications could be gathered for the involvement of the immune system in controlling the endosymbiont B. floridanus.}, subject = {Humorale Immunit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boyanova2012, author = {Boyanova, Desislava Veselinova}, title = {Systems biological analysis of the platelet proteome and applications of functional module search in proteome networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Recent development of proteomic approaches and generation of large-scale proteomic datasets calls for new methods for biological interpretation of the obtained results. Systems biological approaches such as integrated network analysis and functional module search have become an essential part of proteomic investigation. Proteomics is especially applied in anucleate cells such as platelets. The underlying molecular mechanisms of platelet activation and their pharmacological modulation are of immense importance for clinical research. Advances in platelet proteomics have provided a large amount of proteomic data, which has not yet been comprehensively investigated in a systems biological perspective. To this end, I assembled platelet specific data from proteomic and transcriptomic studies by detailed manual curation and worked on the generation of a comprehensive human platelet repository for systems biological analysis of platelets in the functional context of integrated networks (PlateletWeb) (http:/PlateletWeb.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de). I also added platelet-specific experimentally validated phosphorylation data and generated kinase predictions for 80\% of the newly identified platelet phosphosites. The combination of drug, disease and pathway information with phosphorylation and interaction data makes this database the first integrative platelet platform available for platelet research. PlateletWeb contains more than 5000 platelet proteins, which can also be analyzed and visualized in a network context, allowing identification of all major signaling modules involved in platelet activation and inhibition. Using the wealth of integrated data I performed a series of platelet-specific analyses regarding the platelet proteome, pathways, drug targets and novel platelet phosphorylation events involved in crucial signaling events. I analyzed the statistical enrichment of known pathways for platelet proteins and identified endocytosis as a highly represented pathway in platelets. Further results revealed that highly connected platelet proteins are more often targeted by drugs. Using integrated network analysis offered by PlateletWeb, I analyzed the crucial activation signaling pathway of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), visualizing how the signal flow from receptors to effectors is maintained. My work on integrin inside-out signaling was also based on the integrated network approach and examined new platelet-specific phosphorylation sites and their regulation using kinase predictions. I generated hypothesis on integrin signaling, by investigating the regulation of Ser269 phosphorylation site on the docking protein 1 (DOK1). This phosphorylation site may influence the inhibiting effect of DOK1 on integrin a2bb3. Extending the integrated network approach to further cell lines, I used the assembled human interactome information for the analysis of functional modules in cellular networks. The investigation was performed with a previously developed module detection algorithm, which finds maximum-scoring subgraphs in transcriptomic datasets by using assigned values to the network nodes. We extended the algorithm to qualitative proteomic datasets and enhanced the module search by adding functional information to the network edges to concentrate the solution onto modules with high functional similarity. I performed a series of analyses to validate its performance in small-sized (virus-infected gastric cells) and medium-sized networks (human lymphocytes). In both cases the algorithm extracted characteristic modules of sample proteins with high functional similarity. The functional module search is especially useful in site-specific phosphoproteomic datasets, where kinase regulation of the detected sites is often sparse or lacking. Therefore, I used the module detection algorithm in quantitative phosphoproteomic datasets. In a platelet phosphorylation dataset, I presented a pipeline for network analysis of detected phosphorylation sites. In a second approach, the functional module detecting algorithm was used on a phosphoproteome network of human embryonic stem cells, in which nodes represented the maximally changing phosphorylation sites in the experiment. Additional kinases from the human phosphoproteome in PlateletWeb were included to the network to investigate the regulation of the signal flow. Results indicated important phosphorylation sites and their upstream kinases and explained changes observed in embryonic stem cells during differentiation. This work presents novel approaches for integrated network analysis in cells and introduces for the first time a systematic biological investigation of the human platelet proteome based on the platelet-specific knowledge base PlateletWeb. The extended methods for optimized functional module detection offer an invaluable tool for exploring proteomic datasets and covering gaps in complex large-scale data analysis. By combining exact module detection approaches with functional information data between interacting proteins, characteristic functional modules with high functional resemblance can be extracted from complex datasets, thereby focusing on important changes in the observed networks.}, subject = {Netzwerkanalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haydn2012, author = {Haydn, Johannes}, title = {Regulation of ERK1/2 signaling in melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85727}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die Mechanismen in einer Zelle, die die Genexpression und somit den Stoffwechsel, das Wachstum und das gesamte Zellverhalten steuern, sind ebenso bedeutsam f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der grundlegenden Biologie einer lebenden Zelle wie f{\"u}r die Vorg{\"a}nge der Krebsentstehung. Dabei bilden hochvernetzte, und strikt regulierte Signaltransduktionswege die Basis f{\"u}r ein belastbares und zugleich hochflexibles regulatorisches Netzwerk. Die St{\"o}rung solcher Signalkaskaden kann zum einen urs{\"a}chlich aber auch modifizierend auf die Bildung von Tumoren wirken. Die von Rezeptortyrosinkinasen (RTK) und RAS abh{\"a}ngigen Signalwege, die zur Aktivierung von AKT und ERK1/2 f{\"u}hren, sind hierbei von besonderem Interesse f{\"u}r die Entstehung des malignen Melanoms. Mutationen in Komponenten dieser Wege (z.B. NRAS, BRAF oder PTEN), die die Signalst{\"a}rke erh{\"o}hen kommen in Melanomen sehr h{\"a}ufig vor. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die unterschiedlichen und vielf{\"a}ltigen Funktionen von MKP2, einem Feedbackregulator des ERK1/2-Weges, unter verschiedenen zellul{\"a}ren Rahmenbedingungen, untersucht. Des Weiteren wird eine Funktion des zum AP1-Komplex geh{\"o}renden FOSL1, einem unter transkriptioneller Kontrolle des ERK1/2-Weges stehendem Transkriptionsfaktors, hinsichtlich der Steuerung der Zell-Proliferation gezeigt. Weiterhin habe ich Aspekte der direkten pharmakologischen Inhibition des ERK1/2-Weges hinsichtlich ihres Effekts auf die Ausl{\"o}sung von Apoptose untersucht. Aufgrund der H{\"a}ufigkeit von Mutationen in Genen, die f{\"u}r Proteine des ERK1/2-Weges kodieren (z.B. NRASQ61K, BRAFV600E), gilt die Inhibition dieses Signalwegs als vielversprechende Strategie zur Behandlung des Melanoms. Auch wenn klinische Studien, die Inhibitoren f{\"u}r MEK oder RAF als Einzelmedikamente verwenden, bei mehrmonatiger Behandlung sehr erfolgreich sind, konnten so keine langfristigen Erfolge erzielt werden. Aus diesem Grund werden nun Kombinationstherapien, die einen Inhibitor des ERK1/2-Weges und eine weitere Form der Therapie kombinieren, untersucht. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschreibt, dass der spezifische MEK Inhibitor PD184352 Melanomzellen vor der Apoptosewirkung von Cisplatin sch{\"u}tzen kann. Einzelbehandlung mit Cisplatin f{\"u}hrt hierbei zur Akkumulation von DNA Sch{\"a}den, die wiederum Caspase-abh{\"a}ngig Apoptose induzieren. Zus{\"a}tzliche Anwendung des MEK Inhibitors verringerte jedoch in einigen Zelllinien das Potential von Cisplatin, Apoptose auszul{\"o}sen. Diese Zellen zeigten eine verst{\"a}rkte Aktivierung der Serin/Threonin-KInase AKT nach MEK Inhibition. Diese AKT Aktivierung f{\"u}hrte zur Inaktivierung der FOXO Transkriptionsfaktoren, was wiederum die Expression des pro-apoptotischen BH3-only Proteins PUMA verringerte. PUMA selbst ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Apoptose Maschinerie, die durch Cisplatin aktiviert wird. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erhaltenen Befunde deuten darauf hin, dass RTKs, im besonderen EGFR, bei diesem Crosstalk eine Rolle spielen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Inhibition des RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK Signalweges im Melanom nicht zwangsl{\"a}ufig von Vorteil sein muss, falls die Zellen gleichzeitig mit einem genotoxischen Medikament behandelt werden. Hier kann sie sogar die {\"U}berlebensf{\"a}higkeit von Melanomzellen unter Apoptose induzierenden Bedingungen verbessern.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nilla2012, author = {Nilla, Jaya Santosh Chakravarthy}, title = {An Integrated Knowledgebase and Network Analysis Applied on Platelets and Other Cell Types}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85730}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Systems biology looks for emergent system effects from large scale assemblies of molecules and data, for instance in the human platelets. However, the computational efforts in all steps before such insights are possible can hardly be under estimated. In practice this involves numerous programming tasks, the establishment of new database systems but as well their maintenance, curation and data validation. Furthermore, network insights are only possible if strong algorithms decipher the interactions, decoding the hidden system effects. This thesis and my work are all about these challenges. To answer this requirement, an integrated platelet network, PlateletWeb, was assembled from different sources and further analyzed for signaling in a systems biological manner including multilevel data integration and visualization. PlateletWeb is an integrated network database and was established by combining the data from recent platelet proteome and transcriptome (SAGE) studies. The information on protein-protein interactions and kinase-substrate relationships extracted from bioinformatical databases as well as published literature were added to this resource. Moreover, the mass spectrometry-based platelet phosphoproteome was combined with site-specific phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation information and then enhanced with data from Phosphosite and complemented by bioinformatical sequence analysis for site-specific kinase predictions. The number of catalogued platelet proteins was increased by over 80\% as compared to the previous version. The integration of annotations on kinases, protein domains, transmembrane regions, Gene Ontology, disease associations and drug targets provides ample functional tools for platelet signaling analysis. The PlateletWeb resource provides a novel systems biological workbench for the analysis of platelet signaling in the functional context of protein networks. By comprehensive exploration, over 15000 phosphorylation sites were found, out of which 2500 have the corresponding kinase associations. The network motifs were also investigated in this anucleate cell and characterize signaling modules based on integrated information on phosphorylation and protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, many algorithmic approaches have been introduced, including an exact approach (heinz) based on integer linear programming. At the same time, the concept of semantic similarities between two genes using Gene Ontology (GO) annotations has become an important basis for many analytical approaches in bioinformatics. Assuming that a higher number of semantically similar gene functional annotations reflect biologically more relevant interactions, an edge score was devised for functional network analysis. Bringing these two approaches together, the edge score, based on the GO similarity, and the node score, based on the expression of the proteins in the analyzed cell type (e.g. data from proteomic studies), the functional module as a maximum-scoring sub network in large protein-protein interaction networks was identified. This method was applied to various proteome datasets (different types of blood cells, embryonic stem cells) to identify protein modules that functionally characterize the respective cell type. This scalable method allows a smooth integration of data from various sources and retrieves biologically relevant signaling modules.}, subject = {Systembiologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nono2012, author = {Nono, Justin}, title = {Immunomodulation through Excretory/Secretory Products of the parasitic Helminth Echinococcus multilocularis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85449}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die Alveol{\"a}re Echinokokkose (AE) ist eine lebensbedrohliche Zoonose, die durch das Metazestoden-Larvenstadium des Fuchsbandwurms Echinococcus multilocularis ausgel{\"o}st wird. Nach Eintritt des Parasiten in den Zwischenwirt wird zun{\"a}chst eine potentiell anti-parasitische, Th1-dominierte Immunantwort ausgel{\"o}st, welche anschließend in der chronischen Phase graduell durch eine permissive, Th2-dominierte Antwort ersetzt wird. Als Ergebnis einer zugrunde liegenden Immunmodulation durch den Parasiten k{\"o}nnen Echinococcus-Larven f{\"u}r Jahre bis Jahrzehnte im Wirt persistieren und verhalten sich {\"a}hnlich einem perfekt transplantierten Organ. {\"U}ber die molekulare Basis der Immunmodulation durch den Parasiten ist derzeit wenig bekannt. In dieser Arbeit wurden geeignete Kultursysteme f{\"u}r verschiedene E. multilocularis Larvenstadien verwendet, um den Einfluss exkretorisch/sekretorischer Metaboliten (E/S-Produkte) auf Wirts-Immuneffektor-Zellen zu studieren. E/S-Produkte kultivierter Larven, die die fr{\"u}he (Prim{\"a}rzellen) und chronische (Metazestode) Phase der Infektion repr{\"a}sentieren induzierten Apoptose und tolerogene Eigenschaften in Dendritischen Zellen (DC) des Wirts, w{\"a}hrend solche von Kontroll-Larven (Protoskolizes) keine derartigen Effekte zeigten. Dies zeigt, dass die fr{\"u}hen infekti{\"o}sen Stadien von E. multilocularis in DC ein tolerierendes Milieu erzeugen, welches sehr wahrscheinlich die initiale Etablierung des Parasiten in einer Phase beg{\"u}nstigt, in der er h{\"o}chst sensitiv gegen{\"u}ber Wirtsangriffen ist. Interessanterweise f{\"o}rderten E/S-Produkte des Metazestoden in vitro die Konversion von CD4+ T-Zellen in Foxp3+, regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) w{\"a}hrend E/S-Produkte von Prim{\"a}rzellen oder Protoskolizes dies nicht vermochten. Da Foxp3+ Tregs generell als immunosuppressorisch bekannt sind, deuten diese Daten an, dass der Metazestode aktiv eine Induktion von Tregs herbeif{\"u}hrt, um eine permissive Immunsuppression w{\"a}hrend einer Infektion zu erreichen. Eine substantielle Zunahme von Anzahl und Frequenz Foxp3+ Tregs konnte zudem in Peritoneal-Exsudaten von M{\"a}uuen nach intraperitonealer Injektion von Parasitengewebe gemessen werden, was anzeigt, dass eine Expansion von Foxp3+ Tregs auch w{\"a}hrend der in vivo Infektion von Bedeutung ist. Interessanterweise konnte in dieser Arbeit ein Activin-Orthologes des Parasiten, EmACT, identifiziert werden, weleches vom Metazestoden sekretiert wird und {\"a}hnlich wie humanes Activin in der Lage ist, eine TGF-β-abh{\"a}ngige Expansion von Tregs in vitro zu induzieren. Dies zeigt an, dass E. multilocularis evolutionsgeschichtlich konservierte Zytokine nutzt, um aktiv die Wirts-Immunantwort zu beeinflussen. Zusammenfassend deuten die gewonnenen Daten auf eine wichtige Rolle Foxp3+ Tregs, welche u.a. durch EmACT induziert werden, im immunologischen geschehen der AE hin. Ein weiterer Parasiten-Faktor, EmTIP, mit signifikanten Homologien zum T-cell Immunomodulatory Protein (TIP) des Menschen wurde in dieser Arbeit n{\"a}her charakterisiert. EmTIP konnte in der E/S-Fraktion von Prim{\"a}rzellen nachgewiesen werden und induzierte die Freisetzung von IFN-γ in CD4+ T-Helferzellen. Durch Zugabe von anti-EmTIP-Antik{\"o}rpern konnte zudem die Entwicklung des Parasiten zum Metazestoden in vitro gehemmt werden. EmTIP d{\"u}rfte daher einerseits bei der fr{\"u}hen Parasiten-Entwicklung im Zwischenwirt eine Rolle spielen und k{\"o}nnte im Zuge dessen auch die Auspr{\"a}gung der fr{\"u}hen, Th-1-dominierten Immunantwort w{\"a}hrend der AE beg{\"u}nstigen. Zusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei E. multilocularis E/S-Faktoren identifiziert, EmACT und EmTIP, die ein hohes immunmodulatorisches Potential besitzen. Die hier vorgestellten Daten liefern neue, fundamentale Einsichten in die molekularen Mechanismen der Parasiten-induzierten Immunmodulation bei der AE und sind hoch relevant f{\"u}r die Entwicklung anti-parasitischer Immuntherapien.}, subject = {Immunmodulation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmid2012, author = {Schmid, Benedikt}, title = {Relation between cerebral arterio-venous transit time and neuropsychological performance in patients with vascular dementia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71234}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Dementia, or any form of degenerative cognitive decline, is one of the major problems in present, and even more will be in future medicine. With Alzheimer's disease (AD) being the most prevalent, Vascular Dementia is the second most entity of dementing processes in the elderly. As diagnostic criteria are still imprecise and in many cases do not embrace early stages of the disease, recent studies have proposed more detailed classifications of the newly created condition Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI). Of all conditions subsumed under this term, subcortical small-vessel alterations are the most common cause for cognitive decline. The diagnosis of dementia / cognitive impairment is presently often made in late stages of the disease, when therapeutical options are poor. Thus, early detection of changes of the subcortical small vessels is desirable, when there is still time to identify and aggressively treat risk factors and underlying conditions like diabetes, hyper- or hypotension, and hyperlipidemia. This study aimed to evaluate whether cTT correlates to cognitive dysfunction, i.e. if cTT is fit as an early diagnostic tool for VCI. The study cohort included 38 patients from the Neurological Clinic of the W{\"u}rzburg University hospital admitted due to diagnoses other than dementia or stroke. As a result of this study it turned out that cTT is certainly capable of fulfilling the task to easily and effectively detect and evaluate possible microvascular lesions of the brain with respect to the actual clinical relevance for the patient. When compared to the other proposed diagnostic tools, neuropsychological testing and MRI, the advantages of cTT are obvious: its measurement is a low-cost and quick procedure which would spare both patients and examiners a long neuropsychological exam or complement it. cTT is safe to assess as the only possible risks derive from the use of the contrast agent, which are rare and easily manageable. It has also proven to be more accurate in showing the extent of cognitive impairment than MRI. Finally, it is widely available. The only prerequisite is an ultrasound machine capable of transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. No cost-intensive procedures like MRI are needed. So, with neuropsychological testing remaining the gold standard, cTT here proved to be a reliable alternative which is more time- and cost-effective than MRI.}, subject = {Demenz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foerster2012, author = {F{\"o}rster, Sabine}, title = {Nuclear Hormone Receptors and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling in Echinococcus multilocularis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85832}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Parasitic helminths share a large degree of common genetic heritage with their various hosts. This includes cell-cell-communication mechanisms mediated by small peptide cytokines and lipophilic/steroid hormones. These cytokines are candidate molecules for host-parasite cross-communication in helminth diseases. In this work the function of two evolutionary conserved signaling pathways in the model cestode Echinococcus multilocularis has been studied. First, signaling mechanisms mediated through fibroblast growth factors (FGF) and their cognate receptors (FGFR) which influence a multitude of biological functions, like homeostasis and differentiation, were studied. I herein investigated the role of EmFR which is the only FGFR homolog in E. multilocularis. Functional analyses using the Xenopus oocyte expression system clearly indicate that EmFR can sense both acidic and basic FGF of human origin, resulting in an activation of the EmFR tyrosine kinase domain. In vitro experiments demonstrate that mammalian FGF significantly stimulates proliferation and development of E. multilocularis metacestode vesicles and primary cells. Furthermore, DNA synthesis and the parasite's Erk-like MAPK cascade module was stimulated in the presence of exogenously added mammalian FGF. By using the FGFR inhibitor BIBF1120 the activity of EmFR in the Xenopus oocyte system was effectively blocked. Addition of BIBF1120 to in vitro cultivated Echinococcus larval material led to detrimental effects concerning the generation of metacestode vesicles from parasite stem cells, the proliferation and survival of metacestode vesicles, and the dedifferentiation of protoscoleces towards the metacestode. In conclusion, these data demonstrate the presence of a functional EmFR-mediated signaling pathway in E. multilocularis that is able to interact with host-derived cytokines and that plays an important role in larval parasite development. Secondly, the role of nuclear hormone receptor (NHR) signaling was addressed. Lipophilic and steroid hormone signaling contributes to the regulation of metazoan development. By means of in silico analyses I demonstrate that E. multilocularis expresses a set of 17 NHRs that broadly overlaps with that of the related flatworms Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum, but also contains several NHR encoding genes that are unique to this parasite. One of these, EmNHR1, is homolog to the DAF-12/HR-96 subfamily of NHRs which regulate cholesterol homeostasis in metazoans. Modified yeast-two hybrid analyses revealed that host serum contains a ligand which induces homodimerization of the EmNHR1 ligand-binding domain. Also, a HNF4-like homolog, EmHNF4, was characterized. Human HNF4 plays an important role in liver development. RT-PCR experiments showed that both isoforms of the EmHNF4 encoding gene are expressed stage-dependently suggesting distinct functions of the two isoforms in the parasite. Moreover, specific regulatory mechanisms on the convergence of NHR signaling and TGF-β/BMP signaling pathways in E. multilocularis have been identified. On the one hand, EmNHR1 directly interacted with the EmSmadC and on the other hand EmHNF4b interacted with EmSmadD, EmSmadE which are all downstream signaling components of the TGF-β/BMP signaling pathway. This suggests cross-communication in order to regulate target gene expression. With these results, further studies on the role of NHR signaling in the cestode will be facilitated. Also, the first serum-free in vitro cultivation system for E. multilocularis was established using PanserinTM401 as medium. Serum-free co-cultivation with RH-feeder cells and an axenic cultivation method have been established. With the help of this serum-free cultivation system investigations on the role of specific peptide hormones, like FGFs, or lipophilic/steroid hormones, like cholesterol, for the development of helminths will be much easier.}, subject = {Signaltransduktion}, language = {en} }