@techreport{BofingerHaas2023, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Bofinger, Peter and Haas, Thomas}, title = {R-Star: A new approach to estimate the polar star of monetary policy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32739}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327394}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The necessary adjustments to prominent measures of the neutral rate of interest following the COVID pandemic sparked a wide-ranging debate on the measurement and usefulness of r-star. Due to high uncertainty about relevant determinants, trend patterns and the correct estimation method, we propose in this paper a simple alternative approach derived from a standard macro model. Starting from a loss function, neutral periods can be determined in which a neutral real interest rate is observable. Using these values, a medium-term trend for a neutral interest rate can be determined. An application to the USA shows that our simple calculation of a neutral interest rate delivers comparable results to existing studies. A Taylor rule based on our neutral interest rate also does a fairly good job of explaining US monetary policy over the past 60 years.}, subject = {Zins}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2021, author = {Simon, Camilla}, title = {Financial Market Effects of Macroeconomic Policies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21765}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Within three self-contained studies, this dissertation studies the impact and interactions between different macroeconomic policy measures in the context of financial markets empirically and quantitatively. The first study of this dissertation sheds light on the financial market effects of unconventional central bank asset purchase programs in the Eurozone, in particular sovereign bond asset purchase programs. The second study quantifies the direct implications of unconventional monetary policy on decisions by German public debt management regarding the maturity structure of gross issuance. The third study provides novel evidence on the role of private credit markets in the propagation of public spending toward private consumption in the U.S. economy. Across these three studies a set of different time-series econometric methods is applied including error correction models and event study frameworks to analyze contemporaneous interactions in financial and macroeconomic data in the context of unconventional monetary policy, as well as vector auto regressions (VARs) and local projections to trace the dynamic consequences of macroeconomic policies over time.}, subject = {Geldpolitik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maas2018, author = {Maas, Daniel Peter}, title = {Currency Areas, Monetary Policy, and the Macroeconomy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Hauptgegenstand der Dissertation ist die Analyse der makro{\"o}konomischen Auswirkungen der Gr{\"u}ndung der Eurozone auf die Mitgliedsstaaten. Diese Analyse umfasst zwei Studien, die sich der Fragestellung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven n{\"a}hern. Die erste Studie unternimmt einen Vergleich der Geldpolitik von EZB und von ausgew{\"a}hlten Zentralbanken des Europ{\"a}ischen W{\"a}hrungssystems (EWS). Es wird untersucht, inwiefern sich bei makro{\"o}konomischen Nachfrage- und Angebotsschocks die systematischen Reaktionen der EZB von denen der vier wichtigsten nationalen Zentralbanken des EWS (Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien) unterscheiden. In der zweiten Studie werden die Ursachen f{\"u}r den Aufbau interner und externer Ungleichgewichte in Spanien, d.h. auf dem Immobilienmarkt und in der Leistungsbilanz, im Vorfeld der Finanzkrise 2007/08 analysiert. Dabei wird zwischen Spanien-spezifischen und Eurozonen-spezifischen Ursachen unterschieden und deren Erkl{\"a}rungsgehalt empirisch quantifiziert. In der dritten und letzten Studie der Dissertation wird ein preistheoretisches Kreditangebotsmodell entwickelt und empirisch gesch{\"a}tzt. Als Basis f{\"u}r die empirische Sch{\"a}tzung werden Daten des Kreditmarktes f{\"u}r deutsche Unternehmen verwendet. Die methodische Vorgehensweise beinhaltet in allen Studien zeitreihen{\"o}konometrische Ans{\"a}tze wie beispielsweise (Mehrl{\"a}nder-)Vektorautoregressionen (VARs) und Zeitreihenregressionen.}, subject = {Geldpolitik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rueth2017, author = {R{\"u}th, Sebastian}, title = {Monetary Policy, Housing Market Dynamics, and the Propagation of Shocks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137221}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This dissertation studies the interrelations between housing markets and monetary policy from three different perspectives. First, it identifies housing finance specific shocks and analyzes their impact on the broader economy and, most importantly, the systematic monetary policy reaction to such mortgage sector disturbances. Second, it investigates the implications of the institutional arrangement of a currency union for the potential buildup of a housing bubble in a member country of the monetary union by, inter alia, fostering border-crossing capital flows and ultimately residential investment activity. This dissertation, third, quantifies the effects of autonomous monetary policy shifts on the macroeconomy and, in particular, on housing markets by conditioning on financial sector conditions. From a methodological perspective, the dissertation draws on time-series econometrics like vector autoregressions (VARs) or local projections models.}, subject = {Geldpolitik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koepke2016, author = {Koepke, Robin}, title = {Capital Flows and Financial Stability in Emerging Markets: the Role of U.S. Monetary Policy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140524}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit den Triebkr{\"a}ften der internationalen Kapitalstr{\"o}me in Schwellenl{\"a}nder sowie den Determinanten von Krisen in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der Rolle der Geldpolitik in den USA. Die Dissertation besteht aus drei eigenst{\"a}ndigen Kapiteln. Kapitel 1 nimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme der umfangreichen empirischen Literatur zu den Triebkr{\"a}ften von Kapitalstr{\"o}men in Schwellenl{\"a}nder vor. Die empirische Evidenz hinsichtlich dieser Triebkr{\"a}fte ist entlang mehrer Dimensionen strukturiert. So werden die Triebkr{\"a}fte entsprechend des etablierten Paradigmas eingeordnet, nachdem zwischen externen Faktoren (z.B. US-Geldpolitik) und internen Faktoren (z.B. Wachstum in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern) unterschieden wird (Calvo et al. 1993). Eine umfassende Auswertung der empirischen Literatur zeigt, dass externe Faktoren Portfolioinvestitionen am meisten beeinflussen, gefolgt von Zufl{\"u}ssen von Banken. F{\"u}r Direktinvestitionen hingegen ist die empirische Evidenz hinsichtlich einer Reihe externer Faktoren nicht eindeutig. Interne Faktoren sind f{\"u}r alle drei Arten von Kapitalstr{\"o}men von erheblicher Bedeutung, insbesondere f{\"u}r Zufl{\"u}sse von Banken. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus unterscheidet die vorliegende Studie zwischen zyklischen und strukturellen Faktoren, die Kapitalstr{\"o}me beeinflussen. Eine historische Analyse deutet darauf hin, dass die Literatur die Bedeutung von zyklischen Faktoren zulasten l{\"a}ngerfristiger struktureller Trends {\"u}berbewertet hat. Kapitel 2 nimmt eine empirische Analyse der Triebkr{\"a}fte von Portfolioinvestitionen in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern vor, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Rolle der Geldpolitik der US-Zentralbank. Dabei werden zwei unterschiedliche Datens{\"a}tze zu hochfrequenten Portfolioinvestitionen mit Hilfe eines Zeitreihenmodells analysiert. Die empirische Analyse zeigt, dass Portfolioinvestitionen erheblich vom {\"U}berraschungsmoment der US-Geldpolitik getrieben werden. Wenn Marktteilnehmer ihre Erwartungen bez{\"u}glich des k{\"u}nftigen Pfades der Leitzinsen ver{\"a}ndern, dann hat dies direkte Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten von Portfolio-Kapitalstr{\"o}men. Eine Verschiebung der erwarteten Leitzinsen nach unten [nach oben] erh{\"o}ht [vermindert] die Portfoliozufl{\"u}sse in Schwellenl{\"a}nder. Dieses Ergebnis legt eine neue Interpretation der Rolle der US-Geldpolitik nahe. In der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Literatur besteht die zentrale {\"U}berzeugung hinsichtlich der Rolle der US-Geldpolitik darin, dass sich eine Erh{\"o}hung der Leitzinsen negativ auf Kapitalfl{\"u}sse in Schwellenl{\"a}nder auswirkt, unabh{\"a}ngig davon wie schnell die Leitzinsen erh{\"o}ht werden (z.B. Fernandez-Arias 1996). Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit hingegen deuten darauf hin, dass eine Straffung der US-Geldpolitik sich nicht notwendigerweise negativ auf Portfolioinvestitionen auswirkt. Negative Effekte bleiben insbesondere dann aus, wenn eine Zinserh{\"o}hung von den Marktteilnehmern bereits erwartetet und somit eingepreist war. Eine Erh{\"o}hung der Leitzinsen kann sogar mit positiven Effekten auf Kapitalstr{\"o}me einhergehen, n{\"a}mlich dann, wenn sie von einer Abw{\"a}rtsbewegung im erwarteten Pfad der Leitzinsen begleitet ist (zum Beispiel weil die Zentralbank signalisiert, dass weitere Zinserh{\"o}hungen nicht zu erwarten sind). Umgekehrt kann die US-Geldpolitik Portfolioinvestitionen auch ohne eine Erh{\"o}hung der Leitzinsen beeintr{\"a}chtigen, n{\"a}mlich dann, wenn Marktteilnehmer ihre Erwartungen hinsichtlich der k{\"u}nftigen Leitzinsen nach oben revidieren. Kapitel 3 untersucht die Rolle der US-Geldpolitik hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf das Auftreten von Krisen in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern. Es werden ein negativ-binomisches Z{\"a}hlmodell und ein Panel-Logitmodell {\"o}konometrisch gesch{\"a}tzt, um die Determinanten von W{\"a}hrungskrisen, Bankenkrisen und Staatsbankrotten in 27 Schwellenl{\"a}ndern zu analysieren. Die Sch{\"a}tzergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Krisen wesentlich h{\"o}her ist, (1) wenn die US-Leitzinsen {\"u}ber ihrem nat{\"u}rlichen Niveau liegen, (2) w{\"a}hrend Zinsanhebungszyklen, und (3) wenn Marktteilnehmer von Signalen {\"u}berrascht werden, dass die US-Zentralbank die Leitzinsen schneller als erwartet anheben wird. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Gegensatz zur bestehenden Literatur, die interne Faktoren in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern als die dominante Ursache von Krisen ansieht (z.B. Gourinchas und Obstfeld 2012). Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie weisen auch auf ein erh{\"o}htes Risiko von Krisen in Schwellenl{\"a}ndern in den kommenden Jahren hin, wenn die US-Zentralbank wie erwartet die Leitzinsen weiterhin graduell anheben wird.}, subject = {Internationale Kapitalbewegung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gareis2012, author = {Gareis, Johannes}, title = {Housing, Consumption Dynamics, and Monetary Policy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70842}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This dissertation provides both empirically and theoretically new insights into the economic effects of housing and housing finance within NK DSGE models. Chapter 1 studies the drivers of the recent housing cycle in Ireland by developing and estimating a two-country NK DSGE model of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It finds that housing preference (demand) and technology shocks are the most important drivers of real house prices and real residential investment. In particular, housing preference shocks account for about 87\% of the variation in real house prices and explain about 60\% of the variation in real residential investment. A robustness analysis finally shows that a good part of the variation of the estimated housing preference shocks can be explained by unmodeled demand factors that have been considered in the empirical literature as important determinants of Irish house prices. Chapter 2 deals with the implications of cross-country mortgage market heterogeneity for the EMU. The chapter shows that a change in cross-country institutional characteristics of mortgage markets, such as the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, is likely to be an important driver of an asymmetric development in the housing market and real economic activity of member states. Chapter 3 asks whether monetary policy shocks can trigger boom-bust periods in house prices and create persistent business cycles. The chapter addresses this question by implementing behavioral expectations into an otherwise standard NK DSGE model with housing and a collateral constraint. Key to the approach in chapter 3 is that agents form heterogeneous and biased expectations on future real house prices. Model simulations and impulse response functions suggest that these assumptions have strong implications for the transmission of monetary policy shocks. It is shown that monetary policy shocks might trigger pronounced waves of optimism, respectively, pessimism that drive house prices and the broader economy, all in a self-reinforcing fashion. The chapter shows that in an environment in which behavioral mechanisms play a role an augmented Taylor rule that incorporates house prices is superior, because it limits the scope of self-fulfilling waves of optimism and pessimism to arise. Chapter 4 challenges the view that the observed negative correlation between the Federal Funds rate and the interest rate implied by consumption Euler equations is systematically linked to monetary policy. Using a Monte Carlo experiment based on an estimated NK DSGE model, this chapter shows that risk premium shocks have the capability to drive a wedge between the interest rate targeted by the central bank and the implied Euler equation interest rate, so that the correlation between actual and implied rates is negative. Chapter 4 concludes by arguing that the implementation of collateral constraints tied to housing values is a promising way to strengthen the empirical performance of consumption Euler equations.}, subject = {Kreditmarkt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Geiger2010, author = {Geiger, Michael}, title = {Monetary Policy in China: Institutions, Targets, Instruments and Strategies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69945}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {China's monetary policy aims to reach two final targets: a paramount economical target (i.e. price stability) and a less important political target (i.e. economic growth). The main actor of monetary policy is the central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBC). But the PBC is a non-independent central bank. The State Council approves the goals of monetary policy. Very limited instrument independence means that interest rates cannot be set at the PBC's discretion, and in-sufficient personal independence fails to insulate central bank officials from political influence. Monetary policy in China applies to two sets of monetary policy instruments: (i) instruments of the PBC; and (ii) non-central bank policy instruments. The instruments of the PBC include price-based indirect and quantity-based direct instruments. Non-central bank policy instruments include price and wage controls. The simultaneous usage of all these instruments leads to various distortions that ultimately prevent the interest rate channel of monetary transmission from functioning. Moreover, the strong influences of quantity-based direct instruments and non-central bank policy instruments bring into question the approach of indirect monetary policy in general. The PBC officially follows the monetary targeting approach with monetary aggregates as intermediate targets. Domestic loan growth and the exchange rate are defined as additional intermediate targets. In an in-depth analysis of the intermediate targets two main issues are primarily explored: (i) Are the intermediate targets of the Chinese monetary policy controllable? (ii) Is a sufficient relationship between these targets and the inflation rate observable? It is then shown that monetary aggregates are very difficult to control, but they have a satisfactory relationship with the inflation rate. Similarly, domestic loan growth is difficult to control - a fact largely attributed to the interest rate elasticity of loans - while there is a particularly close relationship between credit growth and the inflation rate. The exchange rate as an intermediate target can be controlled through foreign exchange market interventions; at the same time the exchange rate appears to have a significant relationship to the domestic inflation rate. Discussing the special issue of sterilizing foreign exchange inflows, the study concludes that between 2002 and 2008 not only no costs were incurred by sterilization operations, but that the central bank was actually able to realize a profit through foreign exchange market interventions. Based on this, it is concluded that the exchange rate target has not adversely affected the domestic orientation of monetary policy on the whole. The final part of the study examines whether there are any alternative monetary policy approaches that may be able to describe the policy approach in China; special focus is placed on nominal GDP targeting, the Taylor rule, and inflation targeting. A literature review reveals that the concept of nominal GDP targeting may be able to detect inflationary tendencies in the economy and, in combination with other indicators, it could be a suitable concept to assess the overall economic situation. The author calculates a Taylor rule for China from 1994 to 2008 and concludes that there is no close relationship between the PBC lending and the Taylor rate. The author then designs an augmented Taylor rule expanded to include a credit component (credit-augmented Taylor rule). The study shows that the augmented Taylor rule does not perform much better than the original one, but that it maps high inflationary periods relatively well. This is attributed to direct interventions into the credit markets, which have played a major role in combating inflationary cycles over the past decades. The analysis ends with an introduction of the concept of inflation targeting and an examination of whether this could describe monetary policy in China. It is clear that the PBC does not currently follow the inflation targeting approach, although the Chinese authorities could actually be able to influence inflation expectations effectively, not least through direct instruments such as price controls. The author notes that the PBC indeed had a good track record of fighting inflation between 1994 and 2008, and that this may now indicate a good time to think about introducing inflation targeting in China. The central conclusion of the study is that the proven gradual approach to economic and monetary reforms in China is reaching its limit. To break the vicious cycle that relies on the continuous use of quantity-based instruments to compensate for the ineffective price-based instruments - which in turn arises from the simultaneous use of both types of instruments - a complete shift away from quantity-based instruments is needed. Only then the approach of indirect monetary policy, which was officially introduced in 1998, could come into full play.}, subject = {Geldpolitik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brause2010, author = {Brause, Alexander F.}, title = {Foreign Exchange Market Interventions: New Empirical Views of Emerging Markets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55207}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Since the beginning, central banks have used a wide range of instruments to achieve their ultimate purpose of price stability. One measure in the authoritiesÂ’ toolbox is a foreign exchange market intervention. The discussion about this instrument has come a long way. So far, the discussion relied mainly on industrialized countries'Â’ experiences. The negative outcomes of most studies with respect to the effectiveness of the intervention tool, opened up a discussion, whether interventions should be used by the authorities to manage exchange rate aspects. Consequently, the question about the dynamics of foreign exchange market interventions is now open to the subject-matter of developing and emerging market countries. Monetary policy in those countries often constitutes an active management of exchange rates. However, the basic discussions about intervention dynamics have had one essential drawback. Neither the primary literature of industrialized countries nor studies dealing with developing countries have considered the fact that intervention purposes and the corresponding effects are likely to vary over time. This thesis is designed to provide the reader with essential issues of central bank interventions, and aims to give further, as well as new contributions, in terms of empirical research on interventions in emerging markets. The main objectives of this study are the analysis of central bank intervention motives, and the corresponding effects on exchange rates in emerging markets. The time dependency of both issues is explicitly considered, which states a novelty in academic research of central bank interventions. Additionally, the outcomes are discussed against the background of underlying economic and monetary policy fundamentals. This could well serve as a starting point for further research.}, subject = {Schwellenl{\"a}nder}, language = {en} }