@article{AbdullahiWesselHuberetal.2019, author = {Abdullahi, Sahra and Wessel, Birgit and Huber, Martin and Wendleder, Anna and Roth, Achim and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Estimating penetration-related X-band InSAR elevation bias: a study over the Greenland ice sheet}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {11}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {24}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs11242903}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193902}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Accelerating melt on the Greenland ice sheet leads to dramatic changes at a global scale. Especially in the last decades, not only the monitoring, but also the quantification of these changes has gained considerably in importance. In this context, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) systems complement existing data sources by their capability to acquire 3D information at high spatial resolution over large areas independent of weather conditions and illumination. However, penetration of the SAR signals into the snow and ice surface leads to a bias in measured height, which has to be corrected to obtain accurate elevation data. Therefore, this study purposes an easy transferable pixel-based approach for X-band penetration-related elevation bias estimation based on single-pass interferometric coherence and backscatter intensity which was performed at two test sites on the Northern Greenland ice sheet. In particular, the penetration bias was estimated using a multiple linear regression model based on TanDEM-X InSAR data and IceBridge laser-altimeter measurements to correct TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model (DEM) scenes. Validation efforts yielded good agreement between observations and estimations with a coefficient of determination of R\(^2\) = 68\% and an RMSE of 0.68 m. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the benefits of X-band penetration bias estimation within the application context of ice sheet elevation change detection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Abel2023, author = {Abel, Daniel Karl-Joseph}, title = {Weiterentwicklung der Bodenhydrologie des regionalen Klimamodells REMO}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31146}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Bodenfeuchte stellt eine essenzielle Variable f{\"u}r den Energie-, Feuchte- und Stoffaustausch zwischen Landoberfl{\"a}che und Atmosph{\"a}re dar. Ihre Auswirkungen auf Temperatur und Niederschlag sind vielf{\"a}ltig und komplex. Die in Klimamodellen verwendeten Schemata zur Simulation der Bodenfeuchte, auch bodenhydrologische Schemata genannt, sind aufgrund des Ursprungs der Klimamodelle aus Wettermodellen jedoch h{\"a}ufig sehr stark vereinfacht dargestellt. Bei Klimamodellen, die Simulationen mit einer groben Aufl{\"o}sung von mehreren Zehner- oder Hunderterkilometern rechnen, k{\"o}nnen viele Prozesse vernachl{\"a}ssigt werden. Da die Aufl{\"o}sung der Klimamodelle jedoch stetig steigt und mittlerweile beim koordinierten Projekt regionaler Klimamodelle CORDEX-CORE standardm{\"a}ßig bei 0.22° Kantenl{\"a}nge liegt, m{\"u}ssen auch h{\"o}her aufgel{\"o}ste Daten und mehr Prozesse simuliert werden. Dies gilt erst recht mit Blick auf konvektionsaufl{\"o}sende Simulationen mit wenigen Kilometern Kantenl{\"a}nge. Mit steigenden Modellaufl{\"o}sungen steigt zugleich die Komplexit{\"a}t und Differenziertheit der Fragestellungen, die mit Hilfe von Klimamodellen beantwortet werden sollen. An diesem Punkt setzt auch das Projekt BigData@Geo an, in dessen Rahmen die vorliegende Arbeit entstand. Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, hochaufgel{\"o}ste Klimainformationen f{\"u}r den bayerischen Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken f{\"u}r Akteure aus der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie dem Weinbau zur Verf{\"u}gung zu stellen. Auf diesen angewandten und grundlegenden Anforderungen und Zielsetzungen basierend, bedarf auch das in dieser Arbeit verwendete regionale Klimamodell REMO (Version 2015) der weiteren Entwicklung. So ist das Hauptziel der Arbeit das bestehende einschichtige bodenhydrologische Schema durch ein mehrschichtiges zu ersetzen. Der Vorteil mehrerer simulierter Bodenschichten besteht darin, dass nun die vertikale Bewegung des Wassers in Form von Versickerung und kapillarem Aufstieg simuliert werden kann. Dies geschieht auf der Basis bodenhydrologischer Parameter, deren Wert in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Boden und der Bodenfeuchte {\"u}ber die Wasserr{\"u}ckhaltekurve bestimmt wird. F{\"u}r diese Kurve existieren verschiedene Parametrisierungen, von denen die Ans{\"a}tze von Clapp-Hornberger und van Genuchten verwendet wurden. Außerdem kann die Bodenfeuchte nun bis zu einer Tiefe von circa 10 m beziehungsweise der Tiefe des anstehenden Gesteins simuliert werden. Damit besteht im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Schema, dessen Tiefe auf die Wurzeltiefe beschr{\"a}nkt ist, die M{\"o}glichkeit, dass Wasser auch unterhalb der Wurzeln zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen kann und somit die absolute im Boden verf{\"u}gbare Wassermenge zunimmt. Die Schichtung erlaubt dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Verdunstung aus unbewachsenem Boden lediglich auf Basis des in der obersten Schicht verf{\"u}gbaren Wassers. Ein weiterer Prozess, der dank der Schichtung und der weiter unten erl{\"a}uterten Datens{\"a}tze neu parametrisiert werden kann, ist die Infiltration. F{\"u}r die Verwendung des Schemas sind Informationen {\"u}ber bodenhydrologische Parameter, die Wurzeltiefe und die Tiefe bis zum anstehenden Gestein erforderlich. Entsprechende Datens{\"a}tze m{\"u}ssen hierf{\"u}r aufbereitet und in das Modell eingebaut werden. Bez{\"u}glich der Wurzeltiefe wurden drei sich bez{\"u}glich der Tiefe, der Definition und der verf{\"u}gbaren Aufl{\"o}sung stark voneinander unterscheidende Datens{\"a}tze verglichen. Letztendlich wird die Wurzeltiefe aus dem mit einer anderen REMO-Version gekoppelten Vegetationsmodul iMOVE verwendet, da zuk{\"u}nftig eine Kopplung dieses Moduls mit dem mehrschichtigen Boden geplant ist und die Wurzeltiefen damit konsistent sind. Zudem ist die zugrundeliegende Aufl{\"o}sung der Daten hoch und es werden maximale Wurzeltiefen ber{\"u}cksichtigt, die besonders wichtig f{\"u}r die Simulation von Landoberfl{\"a}che-Atmosph{\"a}re-Interaktionen sind. Diese Vorteile brachten die anderen Datens{\"a}tze nicht mit. In der finalen Modellversion werden f{\"u}r die Tiefe bis zum anstehenden Gestein und die Korngr{\"o}ßenverteilungen die Daten von SoilGrids verwendet. Ein Vergleich mit anderen Bodendatens{\"a}tzen fand in einer parallel laufenden Dissertation statt (Ziegler 2022). Bei SoilGrids ist hervorzuheben, dass die Korngr{\"o}ßenverteilungen in einer hohen r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung (1 km^2 oder h{\"o}her) und mit mehreren vertikalen Schichten vorliegen. Gegen{\"u}ber dem urspr{\"u}nglich in REMO verwendeten Datensatz mit einer Kantenl{\"a}nge von 0.5° und ohne vertikale Differenzierung ist dies eine starke Verbesserung der Eingangsdaten. Dazu kommt, dass die Korngr{\"o}ßenverteilungen die Verwendung kontinuierlicher Pedotransferfunktionen statt f{\"u}nf diskreter Texturklassen, denen f{\"u}r die bodenhydrologischen Parameter fixe Tabellenwerte zugewiesen werden, erm{\"o}glichen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einer deutlich besseren Differenzierung des heterogenen Bodens. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden insgesamt 19 Simulationen f{\"u}r Europa und ein erweitertes Deutschlandgebiet mit Aufl{\"o}sungen von 0.44° beziehungsweise 0.11° f{\"u}r den Zeitraum 2000 bis 2018 gerechnet. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Einf{\"u}hrung des mehrschichtigen Bodenschemas gegen{\"u}ber dem einschichtigen Schema zu einer Verringerung der Bodenfeuchte in der Wurzeltiefe f{\"u}hrt. Nichtsdestotrotz nimmt die absolute Wassermenge des Bodens durch die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Bodens unterhalb der Wurzelzone zu. Bezogen auf die einzelnen Schichten wird die Bodenfeuchte damit zwar untersch{\"a}tzt, im Laufe der Modellentwicklung kann jedoch eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zu ERA5 erzielt werden. Das neue Schema f{\"u}hrt zu einer Verringerung der Evapotranspiration, die {\"u}ber alle Schritte der Modellentwicklung und besonders w{\"a}hrend der Sommermonate auftritt. Im Vergleich zu Validationsdaten von ERA5 und GLEAM zeigt sich, dass dies eine Verbesserung dieser Gr{\"o}ße bedeutet, die sowohl in der Fl{\"a}che als auch beim Fehler und in der Verteilung auftritt. Gleiches l{\"a}sst sich f{\"u}r den Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss sagen. Hierf{\"u}r implementierte Schemata (Philip, Green-Ampt), die anders als das standardm{\"a}ßig verwendete Improved-Arno-Schema bodenhydrologische Parameter ber{\"u}cksichtigen, konnten eine weitere Verbesserung im Flachland zeigen. In Gebirgsregionen nahm der Fehler durch die nicht enthaltene Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Hangneigung jedoch zu, sodass in der finalen Modellversion auf das Improved-Arno-Schema zur{\"u}ckgegriffen wurde. Die Temperatur steigt durch die urspr{\"u}ngliche Version des mehrschichtigen Schemas zun{\"a}chst an, was zu einer {\"U}ber- statt der vorherigen Untersch{\"a}tzung gegen{\"u}ber E-OBS f{\"u}hrt. Die Modellentwicklung resultiert zwar in einer Reduzierung der Temperatur, jedoch f{\"a}llt diese zu stark aus, sodass der Temperaturfehler letztendlich gr{\"o}ßer als in der einschichtigen Modellversion ist. Da die Evapotranspiration jedoch maßgeblich verbessert wurde, kann dieser Fehler eventuell auf ein {\"u}berm{\"a}ßiges Tuning der Temperatur zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die Betrachtung von Hitzeereignissen am Beispiel der Sommer 2003 und 2018 hat gezeigt, dass die Modellentwicklung dazu beitr{\"a}gt, diese Ereignisse besser als das einschichtige Schema zu simulieren. Zwar trifft dies nicht auf das r{\"a}umliche Verhalten der mittleren Temperatur zu, jedoch auf deren zeitlichen Verlauf. Hinzu kommt die bessere Simulation der t{\"a}glichen Extrem- und besonders der Minimaltemperatur, was zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der t{\"a}glichen Temperaturspanne f{\"u}hrt. Diese wird von Klimamodellen in der Regel zu stark untersch{\"a}tzt. Durch die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der vertikalen Wasserfl{\"u}sse hat sich jedoch auch gezeigt, dass noch enormes Entwicklungspotenzial mit Blick auf (boden)hydrologische Prozesse besteht. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Simulationen mit konvektionserlaubender Aufl{\"o}sung. So sollten subskalige Informationen des Bodens und der Orographie ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Dies dient einerseits der Repr{\"a}sentation vorliegender Heterogenit{\"a}ten und kann andererseits, wie am Beispiel der Infiltrationsschemata dargelegt, zur Verbesserung bestehender Prozesse beitragen. Da die simulierte Drainage durch das mehrschichtige Bodenschema im gleichen Maße zu- wie der Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss abnimmt und das Wasser dem Modell in der Folge nicht weiter zur Verf{\"u}gung steht, sollte zuk{\"u}nftig auch Grundwasser im Modell ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Eine Vielzahl von Studien konnte einen Mehrwert durch die Implementierung dieser Variable und damit verbundener Prozesse feststellen. Mittelfristig ist jedoch insgesamt die Kopplung an ein hydrologisches Modell zu empfehlen, um die bei hochaufl{\"o}senden Simulationen relevanten Prozesse angemessen repr{\"a}sentieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Hierf{\"u}r bieten sich beispielsweise ParFlow oder mHM an. Insgesamt ist festzuhalten, dass das mehrschichtige Bodenschema einen Mehrwert liefert, da schwer zu simulierende und in der Postprozessierung zu korrigierende Variablen wie die Evapotranspiration und der Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss deutlich besser modelliert werden k{\"o}nnen als mit dem einschichtigen Schema. Dies gilt auch f{\"u}r die Extremtemperaturen. Beides ist klar auf die Schichtung des Bodens und damit einhergehender Prozesse zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Bez{\"u}glich der Daten zeigt sich, dass die Wurzeltiefe, die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von SoilGrids und die vertikale Bodeninformation f{\"u}r die weitere Optimierung verantwortlich sind. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist der h{\"o}here Informationsgehalt, der anhand der geschichteten Bodenfeuchte zur Verf{\"u}gung steht, ebenfalls als Mehrwert einzustufen.}, subject = {Klima}, language = {de} } @book{Acker2010, author = {Acker, Kristin}, title = {Die US-Expansion des deutschen Discounters Aldi - Eine Fallstudie zur Internationalisierung im Einzelhandel}, publisher = {L.I.S. Verlag}, address = {Passau}, isbn = {978-3-932820-35-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180668}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {267}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Internationalisierung im Einzelhandel ist eine vergleichsweise junge Entwicklung, die in den vergangenen beiden Dekaden stark vorangeschritten ist. Dabei haben viele Unternehmen die Erfahrung machen m{\"u}ssen, die Grundlage ihres im Heimatland erlangten Wettbewerbsvorteils zwar in einige M{\"a}rkte erfolgreich transferieren zu k{\"o}nnen, in andere M{\"a}rkte jedoch nicht. Worin liegen die Ursachen hierf{\"u}r? Trotz einer zunehmenden Zahl von Studien zur Internationalisierung im Einzelhandel gibt es immer noch ein mangelndes Verst{\"a}ndnis daf{\"u}r, unter welchen Bedingungen Unternehmen im Ausland erfolgreich sind, respektive wann sie scheitern. Einen theoretischen Rahmen zur Analyse der relevanten Erfolgsdeterminanten liefert die Institutionentheorie, die das Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Unternehmen und Gesellschaft betrachtet und gerade auch f{\"u}r interkulturelle Fragestellungen einen interessanten Untersuchungsansatz darstellt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die US-amerikanische Expansion des Discounters Aldi analysiert. Aldi bietet sich f{\"u}r eine solche Fallstudie an, da der Discounter sein an den deutschen Markt angepasstes Erfolgskonzept Ende der 1970er Jahre weitestgehend unver{\"a}ndert in die USA transferiert hat - in eine institutionelle Umwelt, die sich deutlich von der deutschen unterscheidet. Wie erfolgreich kann Aldi in dieser Umwelt agieren?}, subject = {Aldi (USA)}, language = {de} } @article{AichAkhundzadahKnuerretal.2017, author = {Aich, Valentin and Akhundzadah, Noor Ahmad and Knuerr, Alec and Khoshbeen, Ahmad Jamshed and Hattermann, Fred and Paeth, Heiko and Scanlon, Andrew and Paton, Eva Nora}, title = {Climate change in Afghanistan deduced from reanalysis and coordinated regional climate downscaling experiment (CORDEX)—South Asia Simulations}, series = {Climate}, volume = {5}, journal = {Climate}, number = {2}, issn = {2225-1154}, doi = {10.3390/cli5020038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198024}, pages = {38}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Past and the projected future climate change in Afghanistan has been analyzed systematically and differentiated with respect to its different climate regions to gain some first quantitative insights into Afghanistan's vulnerability to ongoing and future climate changes. For this purpose, temperature, precipitation and five additional climate indices for extremes and agriculture assessments (heavy precipitation; spring precipitation; growing season length (GSL), the Heat Wave Magnitude Index (HWMI); and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)) from the reanalysis data were examined for their consistency to identify changes in the past (data since 1950). For future changes (up to the year 2100), the same parameters were extracted from an ensemble of 12 downscaled regional climate models (RCM) of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-South Asia simulations for low and high emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5). In the past, the climatic changes were mainly characterized by a mean temperature increase above global level of 1.8 °C from 1950 to 2010; uncertainty with regard to reanalyzed rainfall data limited a thorough analysis of past changes. Climate models projected the temperature trend to accelerate in the future, depending strongly on the global carbon emissions (2006-2050 Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5/8.5: 1.7/2.3 °C; 2006-2099: 2.7/6.4 °C, respectively). Despite the high uncertainty with regard to precipitation projections, it became apparent that the increasing evapotranspiration is likely to exacerbate Afghanistan's already existing water stress, including a very strong increase of frequency and magnitude of heat waves. Overall, the results show that in addition to the already extensive deficiency in adaptation to current climate conditions, the situation will be aggravated in the future, particularly in regard to water management and agriculture. Thus, the results of this study underline the importance of adequate adaptation to climate change in Afghanistan. This is even truer taking into account that GSL is projected to increase substantially by around 20 days on average until 2050, which might open the opportunity for extended agricultural husbandry or even additional harvests when water resources are properly managed.}, language = {en} } @article{AkhundzadahSoltaniAich2020, author = {Akhundzadah, Noor Ahmad and Soltani, Salim and Aich, Valentin}, title = {Impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Kunduz River Basin, Afghanistan}, series = {Climate}, volume = {8}, journal = {Climate}, number = {10}, issn = {2225-1154}, doi = {10.3390/cli8100102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213199}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The Kunduz River is one of the main tributaries of the Amu Darya Basin in North Afghanistan. Many communities live in the Kunduz River Basin (KRB), and its water resources have been the basis of their livelihoods for many generations. This study investigates climate change impacts on the KRB catchment. Rare station data are, for the first time, used to analyze systematic trends in temperature, precipitation, and river discharge over the past few decades, while using Mann-Kendall and Theil-Sen trend statistics. The trends show that the hydrology of the basin changed significantly over the last decades. A comparison of landcover data of the river basin from 1992 and 2019 shows significant changes that have additional impact on the basin hydrology, which are used to interpret the trend analysis. There is considerable uncertainty due to the data scarcity and gaps in the data, but all results indicate a strong tendency towards drier conditions. An extreme warming trend, partly above 2 °C since the 1960s in combination with a dramatic precipitation decrease by more than -30\% lead to a strong decrease in river discharge. The increasing glacier melt compensates the decreases and leads to an increase in runoff only in the highland parts of the upper catchment. The reduction of water availability and the additional stress on the land leads to a strong increase of barren land and a reduction of vegetation cover. The detected trends and changes in the basin hydrology demand an active management of the already scarce water resources in order to sustain water supply for agriculture and ecosystems in the KRB.}, language = {en} } @article{AlavipanahWegmannQureshietal.2015, author = {Alavipanah, Sadroddin and Wegmann, Martin and Qureshi, Salman and Weng, Qihao and Koellner, Thomas}, title = {The role of vegetation in mitigating urban land surface temperatures: a case study of Munich, Germany during the warm season}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {7}, journal = {Sustainability}, doi = {10.3390/su7044689}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143447}, pages = {4689-4706}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Urban Heat Island (UHI) is the phenomenon of altered increased temperatures in urban areas compared to their rural surroundings. UHIs grow and intensify under extreme hot periods, such as during heat waves, which can affect human health and also increase the demand for energy for cooling. This study applies remote sensing and land use/land cover (LULC) data to assess the cooling effect of varying urban vegetation cover, especially during extreme warm periods, in the city of Munich, Germany. To compute the relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Land Use Land Cover (LULC), MODIS eight-day interval LST data for the months of June, July and August from 2002 to 2012 and the Corine Land Cover (CLC) database were used. Due to similarities in the behavior of surface temperature of different CLCs, some classes were reclassified and combined to form two major, rather simplified, homogenized classes: one of built-up area and one of urban vegetation. The homogenized map was merged with the MODIS eight-day interval LST data to compute the relationship between them. The results revealed that (i) the cooling effect accrued from urban vegetation tended to be non-linear; and (ii) a remarkable and stronger cooling effect in terms of LST was identified in regions where the proportion of vegetation cover was between seventy and almost eighty percent per square kilometer. The results also demonstrated that LST within urban vegetation was affected by the temperature of the surrounding built-up and that during the well-known European 2003 heat wave, suburb areas were cooler from the core of the urbanized region. This study concluded that the optimum green space for obtaining the lowest temperature is a non-linear trend. This could support urban planning strategies to facilitate appropriate applications to mitigate heat-stress in urban area.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alhussein2010, author = {Alhussein, Mohamad}, title = {Taxonomie und Pal{\"o}kologie der benthischen Foraminiferen aus dem Mitteljura des Kachchh-Beckens, westliches Indien}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49273}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Foraminiferenfaunen von 125 Proben, die aus drei Profilen des marinen Mitteljura (Bajocium bis Unteroxfordium) von Kachchh, West-Indien stammen, analysiert: Das Badi Nala-Jhura Village-Profil (ca. 550 m M{\"a}chtigkeit) und das Kamaguna-Profil (ca. 365 m M{\"a}chtigkeit) wurden am Jhura Hill (23°26'8'' N; 69°37'00'' E) ca. 17 km NW von Bhuj aufgenommen, w{\"a}hrend das dritte Profil durch den Jumara Dome (ca. 365 m M{\"a}chtigkeit) (23°40'40'' N; 69°04'00'' E) ca. 50 km NW des Jhura Hill liegt. Die Proben wurden lithologisch sowie nach ihren Foraminiferen-Vergesellschaftungen ausgewertet, welche wichtige Daten zur Pal{\"o}kologie lieferten. Die Profile umfassen die mitteljurassische Sedimentabfolge, die der Jhurio-, Patcham- und Chari-Formation des Jhura Dome und Jumara Dome angeh{\"o}rt. Die Schichtenfolge des Bajocium und Bathonium besteht aus Karbonaten und gemischt karbonatisch-siliziklastischen Sedimenten der Jhurio- und Patcham-Formation, w{\"a}hrend im Callovium die Chari-Formation siliziklastisch dominiert ist. Die sediment{\"a}re Abfolge des Kachchh-Beckens zeigt an der Bathonium-Callovium-Grenze signifikante Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Lithologie, im faunistischen Inhalt und in der Faunendiversit{\"a}t. Die lithologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen von einer Karbonat-dominierten Abfolge im mittleren und oberen Bathonium zu siliziklastischen Sedimenten im Callovium gehen mit einer Abnahme der zuvor hohen Diversit{\"a}t einher. Der Grund f{\"u}r den Faunenumschwung liegt vermutlich in einer deutlichen {\"A}nderung der Umweltbedingungen von sauerstoffreich im unteren zu sauerstoffarm im oberen Profilabschnitt, was sich in einem Wechsel von einer Kalkschaler- zu einer Sandschaler-dominierten Foraminiferenfauna dokumentiert. Eine weitere Ursache f{\"u}r den Fazies- und Faunenumschwung liegt in einer deutlichen Klima{\"A}nderung, indem heiße, aride Bedingungen im Bathonium von k{\"u}hleren, feuchteren Verh{\"a}ltnissen zu Beginn des Callovium abgel{\"o}st wurden. Taxonomisch konnten insgesamt 111 Foraminiferentaxa identifiziert werden, die 43 Gattungen angeh{\"o}ren. Insgesamt wurden 24 Sandschaler- und 85 benthische Kalkschaler-Taxa sowie 2 Arten planktischer Foraminiferen (Globuligerina) in den untersuchten Profilen bestimmt. Die benthischen Formen dominieren somit bei weitem an Diversit{\"a}t und H{\"a}ufigkeit, da die planktischen Protoglobigerinen im mittleren Jura global noch keine große Rolle spielten. Aufgrund der sp{\"a}rlich vorhandenen Literatur wurde jedes Taxon inklusive Synonymieliste beschrieben, durch rasterelektronen-mikroskopische Aufnahmen (REM) dokumentiert und auf 9 Tafeln illustriert. In der Foraminiferen-Gesamtfauna dominieren Vertreter der Familie Nodosariidae mit den Gattungen Lenticulina, Astacolus, Citharina, Lingulina, Marginulinopsis, Nodosaria und Vaginulina. Mit der zweitgr{\"o}ßten H{\"a}ufigkeit folgen die Familien Epistominidae, Textulariidae und Spirillinidae mit den Gattungen Epistomina, Spirillina sowie Reophax, Ammobaculites und Textularia. Die Arten Reophax sterkii, Triplasia althoffi, Verneuilinoides subvitreus, Nubeculinella bigoti, Dentalina filiformis, Saracenaria oxfordiana, Lingulina longiscata, Citharina flabellata, Palmula deslongchampsi, Vaginulina proxima, Ammodiscus asper, Ammodiscus siliceus, Triplasia bartensteini, Spirillina orbicula, Ophthalmidium carinatum, Tubinella inornata, Nodosaria fusiformis, Pyramidulina rara und Ramulina ascissa wurden erstmals in Gesteinen des Kachchh-Beckens nachgewiesen. Die dominierenden Taxa in den untersuchten Sedimenten sind epifaunale Formen, die einen hohen Sauerstoffgehalt im Bodenwasser ben{\"o}tigen. Infaunale, im Sediment lebende Arten treten dagegen etwas seltener auf. Diese lebten bevorzugt in sub- bis dysoxischen Milieus mit geringen Gehalten an gel{\"o}stem Sauerstoff im Bodenwasser und konnten auch Sauerstoffminima tolerieren. Aus der benthischen Foraminiferenfauna k{\"o}nnen folgende R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse gezogen werden: • Die wichtigsten Parameter f{\"u}r die Verbreitung der Foraminiferen sind Substrat, Energieniveau und Sauerstoffgehalt. • Die h{\"o}chste Diversit{\"a}t weisen die epifaunalen Vergesellschaftungen auf. • Mit zunehmender Sedimenttiefe nehmen H{\"a}ufigkeit und Diversit{\"a}t ab. • Die Diversit{\"a}t der Kalkschaler ist h{\"o}her als die der Sandschaler. • Minimale Diversit{\"a}ten liegen in Stressmilieus mit geringen Sauerstoffgehalten vor. • Die hohen Werte des Evenness-Index weisen auf eine ann{\"a}hernd gleichm{\"a}ßige Verteilung der benthischen Foraminiferen in den Profilen hin. • Epifaunale Arten werden von den physikochemischen Eigenschaften des Bodenwassers gesteuert. Sie sind auf partikul{\"a}res organisches Material und hohe Sauerstoffgehalte des Bodenwassers angewiesen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Probencluster gebildet, um Faunenassoziationen zu erfassen und danach die Umwelt- und Ablagerungsbedingungen zu rekonstruieren. Aus drei Profilen wurden 125 Proben f{\"u}r eine quantitative pal{\"o}kologische Analyse der Foraminiferen ausgew{\"a}hlt. Die W-mode Clusteranalyse zeigt eine große {\"A}hnlichkeit zwischen den Proben, die sich in zwei Hauptcluster mit insgesamt sechs Subclustern gruppieren lassen. Die dadurch gebildeten Probengruppen stellen verschiedene Foraminiferenassoziationen dar, die sich beschreiben und weitgehend interpretieren lassen. • Assoziation A zeichnet sich durch hohe Anteile der Gattung Epistomina mosquensis aus. Diese Assoziation repr{\"a}sentiert vollmarine Ablagerungsbedingungen mit normalmariner Salinit{\"a}t und guter Durchl{\"u}ftung des Bodenwassers. • Assoziation B wird durchweg von Reophax metensis dominiert. Die Assoziation charakterisiert einen niedrig-energischen und teilweise sauerstoffarmen Sedimentationsraum. • Assoziation C wird stark von Dorothia prekummi dominiert und kennzeichnet vollmarine Bedingungen. • Assoziation D ist von Lenticulina subalata beherrscht und charakterisiert gutdurchl{\"u}ftete Flachwasserbereiche. • Assoziation E wird von Spirillina polygyrata dominiert. Sie ist typisch f{\"u}r einen flachen Subtidalbereich unterhalb der Wellenbasis mit vollmarinen Bedingungen, normal mariner Salinit{\"a}t und gut durchl{\"u}ftetem Bodenwasser. • Assoziation F zeichnet sich durch hohe Gehalte an Lenticulina quenstedti aus. Die Assoziation charakterisiert Bereiche, die {\"u}berwiegend unterhalb der Sch{\"o}nwetter-Wellenbasis liegen und ein niedriges bis mittleres Sauerstoff-Niveau aufweisen. Aus einem Vergleich zwischen den Geh{\"a}usegr{\"o}ßen und der H{\"a}ufigkeit von Lenticulina subalata und Epistomina mosquensis in den karbonatischen und siliziklastischen Sedimenten ergab sich, dass die Geh{\"a}use von L. subalata und E. mosquensis in den Karbonaten gr{\"o}ßer sind als in den Siliziklastika. Die mitteljurassischen Ablagerungsr{\"a}ume des Kachchh-Beckens werden anhand der lithologischen und faunistischen Parameter rekonstruiert. Ferner werden die Foraminiferen-Vergesellschaftungen mit den von F{\"U}RSICH et al. (2004) beschriebenen Makrofauna-Assoziationen verglichen. Aus diesen Untersuchungen ergaben sich folgende Schlussfolgerungen: • Die Ablagerungen im Jhura-Profil sind in flacherem Wasser sedimentiert worden als im Kamaguna-Profil und Jumara-Profil. • Die Mikro- und Makrofauna in diesen Profilen f{\"u}hrt zu mehr oder weniger identischen pal{\"o}kologischen Schlussfolgerungen.}, subject = {Foraminiferen}, language = {de} } @article{AnsahAbuKleemannetal.2022, author = {Ansah, Christabel Edena and Abu, Itohan-Osa and Kleemann, Janina and Mahmoud, Mahmoud Ibrahim and Thiel, Michael}, title = {Environmental contamination of a biodiversity hotspot — action needed for nature conservation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {14}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {21}, issn = {2071-1050}, doi = {10.3390/su142114256}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297214}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Niger Delta belongs to the largest swamp and mangrove forests in the world hosting many endemic and endangered species. Therefore, its conservation should be of highest priority. However, the Niger Delta is confronted with overexploitation, deforestation and pollution to a large extent. In particular, oil spills threaten the biodiversity, ecosystem services, and local people. Remote sensing can support the detection of spills and their potential impact when accessibility on site is difficult. We tested different vegetation indices to assess the impact of oil spills on the land cover as well as to detect accumulations (hotspots) of oil spills. We further identified which species, land cover types, and protected areas could be threatened in the Niger Delta due to oil spills. The results showed that the Enhanced Vegetation Index, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index were more sensitive to the effects of oil spills on different vegetation cover than other tested vegetation indices. Forest cover was the most affected land-cover type and oil spills also occurred in protected areas. Threatened species are inhabiting the Niger Delta Swamp Forest and the Central African Mangroves that were mainly affected by oil spills and, therefore, strong conservation measures are needed even though security issues hamper the monitoring and control.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Appel2016, author = {Appel, Alexandra}, title = {Multi-Channel-Einzelhandel und Embeddedness - das Beispiel Migros Sanal Market in der T{\"u}rkei}, series = {Online-Handel ist Wandel}, booktitle = {Online-Handel ist Wandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182662}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {157-178}, year = {2016}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {de} } @article{AppelHardaker2021, author = {Appel, Alexandra and Hardaker, Sina}, title = {Strategies in Times of Pandemic Crisis — Retailers and Regional Resilience in W{\"u}rzburg, Germany}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {13}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {5}, issn = {2071-1050}, doi = {10.3390/su13052643}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233991}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Research on the COVID-19 crisis and its implications on regional resilience is still in its infancy. To understand resilience on its aggregate level it is important to identify (non)resilient actions of individual actors who comprise regions. As the retail sector among others represents an important factor in an urban regions recovery, we focus on the resilience of (textile) retailers within the city of W{\"u}rzburg in Germany to the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the identified research gap, this paper applies the concept of resilience. Firstly, conducting expert interviews, the individual (textile) retailers' level and their strategies in coping with the crisis is considered. Secondly, conducting a contextual analysis of the German city of W{\"u}rzburg, we wish to contribute to the discussion of how the resilience of a region is influenced inter alia by actors. Our study finds three main strategies on the individual level, with retailers: (1) intending to "bounce back" to a pre-crisis state, (2) reorganising existing practices, as well as (3) closing stores and winding up business. As at the time of research, no conclusions regarding long-term impacts and resilience are possible, the results are limited. Nevertheless, detailed analysis of retailers' strategies contributes to a better understanding of regional resilience.}, language = {en} } @article{AppelHardaker2022, author = {Appel, Alexandra and Hardaker, Sina}, title = {Einzelhandel als Katalysator f{\"u}r nachhaltige urbane Radlogistik? - W{\"u}Livery, ein Fallbeispiel aus W{\"u}rzburg}, series = {Standort}, volume = {46}, journal = {Standort}, number = {1}, issn = {1432-220X}, doi = {10.1007/s00548-021-00758-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268437}, pages = {9-15}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Covid-19-Pandemie gilt in vielen gesellschaftlichen Teilbereichen als Beschleuniger f{\"u}r Transformationsprozesse. Auch im Bereich der Organisation urbaner Logistik und Einzelhandelslandschaften etablieren sich neue Akteur*innen und Funktionen. Logistiker*innen integrieren lokale Onlinemarktpl{\"a}tze in ihre Profile und der station{\"a}re Einzelhandel generiert Wettbewerbsf{\"a}higkeit gegen{\"u}ber großen Onlineh{\"a}ndler*innen {\"u}ber die Nutzung lokaler Radlogistiknetzwerke, mittels derer Lieferungen noch am Tag der Bestellung (Same-Day-Delivery) verteilt werden k{\"o}nnen. Damit leisten die involvierten Akteur*innen potenziell auch einen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation im Bereich urbaner Logistiksysteme. Im Fokus steht das Fallbeispiel W{\"u}Livery, ein Kooperationsprojekt des Stadtmarketingvereins, der Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung, Radlogistiker*innen sowie Einzelh{\"a}ndler*innen in W{\"u}rzburg, welches w{\"a}hrend des zweiten coronabedingten Lockdowns im November 2020 umgesetzt wurde. Die entstehenden Dynamiken und Organisationsformen werden auf Basis von 11 Expert*inneninterviews dargestellt und analysiert. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass st{\"a}dtische Akteur*innen grundlegende Mediator*innen f{\"u}r Transformationsprozesse darstellen und Einzelh{\"a}ndler*innen und lokale Onlinemarktpl{\"a}tze als Katalysator*innen fungieren k{\"o}nnen. Das ist auch vor dem Hintergrund planerischer und politischer Kommunikationsprozesse zur Legitimation neuer Verkehrsinfrastrukturen nutzbar, da die einzelnen Akteur*innengruppen in Austausch kommen und ein gesteigertes Bewusstsein f{\"u}r die jeweiligen Bedarfe entsteht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Archuby2009, author = {Archuby, Fernando}, title = {Taphonomy and palaeoecology of benthic macroinvertebrates from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation, Neuqu{\´e}n Basin (Neuqu{\´e}n province, Argentina): sequence stratigraphic significance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37177}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The taphonomic and paleoecologic aspects of the Upper Hauterivian to Lower Barremian Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Neuqu{\´e}n Basin, Argentina) were studied in the frame of the sequence stratigraphic paradigm. The Agua de la Mula Member, a ca. 600 m thick succession of highly cyclic marine sediments was surveyed at two localities. Detailed bed-by-bed sedimentologic, stratigraphic, ichnologic, taphonomic and paleoecologic data collection allowed a precise paleoenvironmental, stratigraphic, taphonomic and synecologic interpretation, in a controlled sequence stratigraphic framework. The main architectural stratigraphic component is the Starvation-Dilution Sequence, interpreted as a the effect of a sixth-order, Milankovitch precession-driven cycle. Dilution hemisequences are siliciclastic-dominated and show evidence of depth changes. Starvation hemisequences show a diverse variation of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic facies that is linked to sequence stratigraphy. Ammonite-based biostratigraphy was revised and new knowledge proposed. The stratigraphic framework was improved by combining biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and event stratigraphy. Nine main sequences were described, linked to other stratigraphic markers and correlated with other sequence stratigraphic charts. Several orders of cyclicity were inferred. Third- and fourth-order sequences are the major sequences, not subordinated to higher hierarchies (lower order). Precession, obliquity, and short and long eccentricity cycles of the Milankovitch band are proposed. Among the different sequence stratigraphic models the transgression-regression model fits the majority of the sequences described in this work. The depositional-sequence model could be applied only to the first third-order sequence, in which the true sequence boundary is identifiable. Starvation-dilution sequences, however, are composed by to components that are not completely explained by those models. Starvation hemisequences developed in intermediate to deep settings record the transgressive phase as well as the earLy regressive one without visible stratigraphic boundaries. 112 samples with 22,572 individuals were grouped into fifteen fossil associations and one assemblage that reflect the interaction of different factors: age, position in major, medium and starvation dilution sequences and, linked to sequence stratigraphy, depth, oxygen availability, rate of terrigenous input, water agitation, and substrate conditions. Temporary possible reduction in oxygen content is inferred based on all sources of available evidence. Organic buildups are briefly described and their development interpreted in terms of the sequence stratigraphic framework. Vertical patterns of replacement of fossil associations are described and related to sequence stratigraphy. Five types of skeletal concentrations represent the diversity of coquinas decribed in this study. Type 1, 2, 4 and 5 correspond to starvation hemisequences deposited in progressively shallower settings, from basin to inner ramp. Type 3 is embedded into dilution hemisequences and inferred to be linked to shell bed type I of Kidwell (1985). Types 1 and 2 correspond to transgression, maximum flooding and early regression without distinction. Type 4A as well as Type 5 are interpreted as onlap shell beds (Kidwell 1991a) or early TST shell beds (F{\"u}rsich and Pandey 2003). Type 4B corresponds to the MFZ shell bed (F{\"u}rsich and Pandey 2003) or mid-cycle shell bed (Abbott 1997), while Type 4C to the downlap shell bed (Kidwell 1991a). Time-averaging of shell beds was assessed with precision as the time involved in the deposition of the starvation hemisequences could be inferred. All shell beds comprise within-habitat assemblages forming within a few thousand years, with little environmental condensation. The fossilization of the marine calcareous shells is modelled as a series of steps called windows: environmental, destructional, burial and diagenetic. The "diagenetic window" is the most relevant. Connected to this it is proposed that carbonate dissolution is the primary control on the development of shell beds, as has been proposed before (F{\"u}rsich 1982; F{\"u}rsich and Pandey 2003). The interpretative power resulting from combining several lines of evidence, e.g., facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, trace fossil analysis, paleoecology and taphonomy, and unravelling their multiple relationships, are the most relevant conclusions of this study.}, subject = {W{\"u}rzburg / Institut f{\"u}r Pal{\"a}ontologie}, language = {en} } @article{ArendtReinhardtImjelaSchulteetal.2021, author = {Arendt, Robert and Reinhardt-Imjela, Christian and Schulte, Achim and Faulstich, Leona and Ullmann, Tobias and Beck, Lorenz and Martinis, Sandro and Johannes, Petrina and Lengricht, Joachim}, title = {Natural pans as an important surface water resource in the Cuvelai Basin — Metrics for storage volume calculations and identification of potential augmentation sites}, series = {Water}, volume = {13}, journal = {Water}, number = {2}, issn = {2073-4441}, doi = {10.3390/w13020177}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223019}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Numerous ephemeral rivers and thousands of natural pans characterize the transboundary Iishana-System of the Cuvelai Basin between Namibia and Angola. After the rainy season, surface water stored in pans is often the only affordable water source for many people in rural areas. High inter- and intra-annual rainfall variations in this semiarid environment provoke years of extreme flood events and long periods of droughts. Thus, the issue of water availability is playing an increasingly important role in one of the most densely populated and fastest growing regions in southwestern Africa. Currently, there is no transnational approach to quantifying the potential storage and supply functions of the Iishana-System. To bridge these knowledge gaps and to increase the resilience of the local people's livelihood, suitable pans for expansion as intermediate storage were identified and their metrics determined. Therefore, a modified Blue Spot Analysis was performed, based on the high-resolution TanDEM-X digital elevation model. Further, surface area-volume ratio calculations were accomplished for finding suitable augmentation sites in a first step. The potential water storage volume of more than 190,000 pans was calculated at 1.9 km\(^3\). Over 2200 pans were identified for potential expansion to facilitate increased water supply and flood protection in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnegger2014, author = {Arnegger, Julius}, title = {Protected Areas, the Tourist Bubble and Regional Economic Development - Two Case Studies from Mexico and Morocco}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, isbn = {978-3-95826-001-6}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-001-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100928}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {248}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Nature-based tourism and ecotourism experienced a dynamic development over the past decade. While originally often described as specialized post-Fordist niche markets for ecologically aware and affluent target groups, in many regions they are nowadays characterized by a heterogeneous structure and the presence of a wide product range, from individual travels to package tours. The present dissertation analyzes the structure and economic importance of tourism in two highly frequented protected areas in middle income countries, the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve (SKBR) in Mexico and the Souss-Massa National Park (SMNP) in Morocco. Both areas are situated in close proximity to the most important package tour destinations Canc{\´u}n (Mexico) and Agadir (Morocco) and are subject to high touristic use and development pressure. So far, the planning of a more sustainable tourism development is hampered by the lack of reliable data. Based on demand-side surveys and income multipliers calculated with the help of regionalized input-output models, the visitor structure and economic impact of tourism in both protected areas are described. With regional income effects of approximately 1 million USD (SKBR) and approximately 1.9 million USD (SMNP), and resulting income equivalents of 1,348 and 5,218 persons, both the SKBR and the SMNP play an important—and often undervalued—role for the regional economies in underdeveloped rural peripheral regions of the countries. Detailed analyses of the visitor structures show marked differences with regard to criteria such as travel organization, nature/protected area affinity and expenditures. With regard to planning and marketing of nature-based tourism, protected area managers and political decision-takers are advised to focus on ecologically and economically attractive visitor groups. Based on the results of the two case studies as well as existing tourism typologies from the literature, a classification scheme is presented that may be used for a more target-oriented development and marketing of nature-based tourism products.}, subject = {{\"O}kotourismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Asam2014, author = {Asam, Sarah}, title = {Potential of high resolution remote sensing data for leaf area index derivation using statistical and physical models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Information on the state of the terrestrial vegetation cover is important for several ecological, economical, and planning issues. In this regard, vegetation properties such as the type, vitality, or density can be described by means of continuous biophysical parameters. One of these parameters is the leaf area index (LAI), which is defined as half the total leaf area per unit ground surface area. As leaves constitute the interface between the biosphere and the atmosphere, the LAI is used to model exchange processes between plants and their environment. However, to account for the variability of ecosystems, spatially and temporally explicit information on LAI is needed both for monitoring and modeling applications. Remote sensing aims at providing such information. LAI is commonly derived from remote sensing data by empirical-statistical or physical models. In the first approach, an empirical relationship between LAI measured in situ and the corresponding canopy spectral signature is established. Although this method achieves accurate LAI estimates, these relationships are only valid for the place and time at which the field data were sampled, which hampers automated LAI derivation. The physical approach uses a radiation transfer model to simulate canopy reflectance as a function of the scene's geometry and of leaf and canopy parameters, from which LAI is derived through model inversion based on remote sensing data. However, this model inversion is not stable, as it is an under-determined and ill-posed problem. Until now, LAI research focused either on the use of coarse resolution remote sensing data for global applications, or on LAI modeling over a confined area, mostly in forest and crop ecosystems, using medium to high spatial resolution data. This is why to date no study is available in which high spatial resolution data are used for LAI mapping in a heterogeneous, natural landscape such as alpine grasslands, although a growing amount of high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing data would allow for an improved environmental monitoring. Therefore, issues related to model parameterization and inversion regularization techniques improving its stability have not yet been investigated for this ecosystem. This research gap was taken up by this thesis, in which the potential of high spatial resolution remote sensing data for grassland LAI estimation based on statistical and radiation transfer modeling is analyzed, and the achieved accuracy and robustness of the two approaches is compared. The objectives were an ecosystem-adapted radiation transfer model set-up and an optimized LAI derivation in mountainous grassland areas. Multi-temporal LAI in situ measurements as well as time series of RapidEye data from 2011 and 2012 over the catchment of the River Ammer in the Bavarian alpine upland were used. In order to obtain accurate in situ data, a comparison of the LAI derivation algorithms implemented in the LAI-2000 PCA instrument with destructively measured LAI was performed first. For optimizing the empirical-statistical approach, it was then analyzed how the selection of vegetation indices and regression models impacts LAI modeling, and how well these models can be transferred to other dates. It was shown that LAI can be derived with a mean accuracy of 80 \% using contemporaneous field data, but that the accuracy decreases to on average 51 \% when using these models on remote sensing data from other dates. The combined use of several data sets to create a regression which is used for LAI derivation at different points in time increased the LAI estimation accuracy to on average 65 \%. Thus, reduced field measurement labor comes at the cost of LAI error rates being increased by 10 - 30 \% as long as at least two campaigns are conducted. Further, it was shown that the use of RapidEye's red edge channel improves the LAI derivation by on average 5.4 \%. With regard to physical LAI modeling, special interest lay in assessing the accuracy improvements that can be achieved through model set-up and inversion regularization techniques. First, a global sensitivity analysis was applied to the radiation transfer model in order to identify the most important model parameters and most sensitive spectral features. After model parameterization, several inversion regularizations, namely the use of a multiple sample solution, the additional use of vegetation indices, and the addition of noise, were analyzed. Further, an approach to include the local scene's geometry in the retrieval process was introduced to account for the mountainous topography. LAI modeling accuracies of in average 70 \% were achieved using the best combination of regularization techniques, which is in the upper range of accuracies that were achieved in the few existing other grassland studies based on in situ or air-borne measured hyperspectral data. Finally, further physically derived vegetation parameters and inversion uncertainty measures were evaluated in detail to identify challenging modeling conditions, which was mostly neglected in other studies. An increased modeling uncertainty for extremely high and low LAI values was observed. This indicates an insufficiently wide model parameterization and a canopy deviation from model assumptions on some fields. Further, the LAI modeling accuracies varied strongly between the different scenes. From this observation it can be deduced that the radiometric quality of the remote sensing data, which might be reduced by atmospheric effects or unexpected surface reflectances, exerts a high influence on the LAI modeling accuracy. The major findings of the comparison between the empirical-statistical and physical LAI modeling approaches are the higher accuracies achieved by the empirical-statistical approach as long as contemporaneous field data are available, and the computationally efficiency of the statistical approach. However, when no or temporally unfitting in situ measurements are available, the physical approach achieves comparable or even higher accuracies. Furthermore, radiation transfer modeling enables the derivation of other leaf and canopy variables useful for ecological monitoring and modeling applications, as well as of pixel-wise uncertainty measures indicating the robustness and reliability of the model inversion and LAI derivation procedure. The established look-up tables can be used for further LAI derivation in Central European grassland also in other years. The use of high spatial resolution remote sensing data for LAI derivation enables a reliable land cover classification and thus a reduced LAI mapping error due to misclassifications. Furthermore, the RapidEye pixels being smaller than individual fields allow for a radiation transfer model inversion over homogeneous canopies in most cases, as canopy gaps or field parcels can be clearly distinguished. However, in case of unexpected local surface conditions such as blooming, litter, or canopy gaps, high spatial resolution data show corresponding strong deviations in reflectance values and hence LAI estimation, which would be reduced using coarser resolution data through the balancing effect of the surrounding surface reflectances. An optimal pixel size with regard to modeling accuracy hence depends on the canopy and landscape structure. Furthermore, a reduced spatial resolution would enable a considerable acceleration of the LAI map derivation. This illustration of the potential of RapidEye data and of the challenges associated to LAI derivation in heterogeneous grassland areas contributes to the development of robust LAI estimation procedures based on new and upcoming, spatially and temporally high resolution remote sensing imagery such as Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2.}, subject = {Optische Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @article{AsamGessnerAlmengorGonzalezetal.2022, author = {Asam, Sarah and Gessner, Ursula and Almengor Gonz{\´a}lez, Roger and Wenzl, Martina and Kriese, Jennifer and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Mapping crop types of Germany by combining temporal statistical metrics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series with LPIS data}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {13}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14132981}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278969}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Nationwide and consistent information on agricultural land use forms an important basis for sustainable land management maintaining food security, (agro)biodiversity, and soil fertility, especially as German agriculture has shown high vulnerability to climate change. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data of the Copernicus program offer time series with temporal, spatial, radiometric, and spectral characteristics that have great potential for mapping and monitoring agricultural crops. This paper presents an approach which synergistically uses these multispectral and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time series for the classification of 17 crop classes at 10 m spatial resolution for Germany in the year 2018. Input data for the Random Forest (RF) classification are monthly statistics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series. This approach reduces the amount of input data and pre-processing steps while retaining phenological information, which is crucial for crop type discrimination. For training and validation, Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) data were available covering 15 of the 16 German Federal States. An overall map accuracy of 75.5\% was achieved, with class-specific F1-scores above 80\% for winter wheat, maize, sugar beet, and rapeseed. By combining optical and SAR data, overall accuracies could be increased by 6\% and 9\%, respectively, compared to single sensor approaches. While no increase in overall accuracy could be achieved by stratifying the classification in natural landscape regions, the class-wise accuracies for all but the cereal classes could be improved, on average, by 7\%. In comparison to census data, the crop areas could be approximated well with, on average, only 1\% of deviation in class-specific acreages. Using this streamlined approach, similar accuracies for the most widespread crop types as well as for smaller permanent crop classes were reached as in other Germany-wide crop type studies, indicating its potential for repeated nationwide crop type mapping.}, language = {en} } @article{AsareKyeiForkuorVenus2015, author = {Asare-Kyei, Daniel and Forkuor, Gerald and Venus, Valentijn}, title = {Modeling Flood Hazard Zones at the Sub-District Level with the Rational Model Integrated with GIS and Remote Sensing Approaches}, series = {Water}, volume = {7}, journal = {Water}, doi = {10.3390/w7073531}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151581}, pages = {3531 -- 3564}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Robust risk assessment requires accurate flood intensity area mapping to allow for the identification of populations and elements at risk. However, available flood maps in West Africa lack spatial variability while global datasets have resolutions too coarse to be relevant for local scale risk assessment. Consequently, local disaster managers are forced to use traditional methods such as watermarks on buildings and media reports to identify flood hazard areas. In this study, remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques were combined with hydrological and statistical models to delineate the spatial limits of flood hazard zones in selected communities in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin. The approach involves estimating peak runoff concentrations at different elevations and then applying statistical methods to develop a Flood Hazard Index (FHI). Results show that about half of the study areas fall into high intensity flood zones. Empirical validation using statistical confusion matrix and the principles of Participatory GIS show that flood hazard areas could be mapped at an accuracy ranging from 77\% to 81\%. This was supported with local expert knowledge which accurately classified 79\% of communities deemed to be highly susceptible to flood hazard. The results will assist disaster managers to reduce the risk to flood disasters at the community level where risk outcomes are first materialized.}, language = {en} } @article{AtaeeMaghsoudiLatifietal.2019, author = {Ataee, Mohammad Sadegh and Maghsoudi, Yasser and Latifi, Hooman and Fadaie, Farhad}, title = {Improving estimation accuracy of growing stock by multi-frequency SAR and multi-spectral data over Iran's heterogeneously-structured broadleaf Hyrcanian forests}, series = {Forests}, volume = {10}, journal = {Forests}, number = {8}, issn = {1999-4907}, doi = {10.3390/f10080641}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197212}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Via providing various ecosystem services, the old-growth Hyrcanian forests play a crucial role in the environment and anthropogenic aspects of Iran and beyond. The amount of growing stock volume (GSV) is a forest biophysical parameter with great importance in issues like economy, environmental protection, and adaptation to climate change. Thus, accurate and unbiased estimation of GSV is also crucial to be pursued across the Hyrcanian. Our goal was to investigate the potential of ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1's polarimetric features in combination with Sentinel-2 multi-spectral features for the GSV estimation in a portion of heterogeneously-structured and mountainous Hyrcanian forests. We used five different kernels by the support vector regression (nu-SVR) for the GSV estimation. Because each kernel differently models the parameters, we separately selected features for each kernel by a binary genetic algorithm (GA). We simultaneously optimized R\(^2\) and RMSE in a suggested GA fitness function. We calculated R\(^2\), RMSE to evaluate the models. We additionally calculated the standard deviation of validation metrics to estimate the model's stability. Also for models over-fitting or under-fitting analysis, we used mean difference (MD) index. The results suggested the use of polynomial kernel as the final model. Despite multiple methodical challenges raised from the composition and structure of the study site, we conclude that the combined use of polarimetric features (both dual and full) with spectral bands and indices can improve the GSV estimation over mixed broadleaf forests. This was partially supported by the use of proposed evaluation criterion within the GA, which helped to avoid the curse of dimensionality for the applied SVR and lowest over estimation or under estimation.}, language = {en} } @article{AyanuConradJentschetal.2015, author = {Ayanu, Yohannes and Conrad, Christopher and Jentsch, Anke and Koellner, Thomas}, title = {Unveiling undercover cropland inside forests using landscape variables: a supplement to remote sensing image classification}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0130079}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151686}, pages = {e0130079}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The worldwide demand for food has been increasing due to the rapidly growing global population, and agricultural lands have increased in extent to produce more food crops. The pattern of cropland varies among different regions depending on the traditional knowledge of farmers and availability of uncultivated land. Satellite images can be used to map cropland in open areas but have limitations for detecting undergrowth inside forests. Classification results are often biased and need to be supplemented with field observations. Undercover cropland inside forests in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia was assessed using field observed percentage cover of land use/land cover classes, and topographic and location parameters. The most influential factors were identified using Boosted Regression Trees and used to map undercover cropland area. Elevation, slope, easterly aspect, distance to settlements, and distance to national park were found to be the most influential factors determining undercover cropland area. When there is very high demand for growing food crops, constrained under restricted rights for clearing forest, cultivation could take place within forests as an undercover. Further research on the impact of undercover cropland on ecosystem services and challenges in sustainable management is thus essential.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bachmann2007, author = {Bachmann, Martin U. R.}, title = {Automatisierte Ableitung von Bodenbedeckungsgraden durch MESMA-Entmischung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26337}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Weltweit sind Trockengebiete in st{\"a}ndiger Ver{\"a}nderung, verursacht durch nat{\"u}rliche klimatische Schwankungen und oftmals durch Prozesse der Landdegradation. Auch weisen die meisten semi-ariden Naturr{\"a}ume eine große r{\"a}umliche Heterogenit{\"a}t auf, hervorgerufen durch ein kleinr{\"a}umiges Mosaik aus Gr{\"a}sern, kleineren Str{\"a}uchern und Bereichen offenliegenden Bodens. Die Dichte der Vegetation wird prim{\"a}r vom pflanzenverf{\"u}gbaren Wasser bestimmt, aber auch der Entwicklungs- und Degradationszustand der B{\"o}den sowie anthropogen bedingte Faktoren spielen hierbei eine Rolle. Zur Charakterisierung und Kartierung der Vegetation sowie zur Bewertung des Bodenerosionsrisikos und des Degradationszustands hat sich die Erhebung der Bedeckungsgrade von vitaler, photosynthetisch aktiver Vegetation (PV), von abgestorbener oder zeitweise vertrockneter und somit nicht photosynthetisch aktiver Vegetation (NPV) sowie von offenliegendem Boden als zweckm{\"a}ßig herausgestellt. Die Nutzung der Fernerkundung f{\"u}r diese Aufgabe erfolgt zumeist nur f{\"u}r kleinmaßst{\"a}bige Kartierungen und - im Falle von Multispektralsensoren - unter Vernachl{\"a}ssigung nicht-photosynthetisch aktiver Vegetation. Die r{\"a}umliche Variabilit{\"a}t der Vegetation-Boden-Mosaike liegt oftmals in der Gr{\"o}ßenordnung von wenigen Metern und somit unterhalb des r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sungsverm{\"o}gens von Fernerkundungssystemen. Um dennoch die verschiedenen Anteile innerhalb eines Pixels identifizieren und quantifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen, sind Methoden der Subpixel-Klassifikation notwendig. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur verbesserten und automatisierbaren Ableitung von Bodenbedeckungsgraden in semi-ariden Naturr{\"a}umen vorgestellt. Hierzu wurde ein Verfahren zur linearen spektralen Entmischung in Form einer Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) entwickelt und umgesetzt. Durch diese Methodik kann explizit die spektrale Variabilit{\"a}t von Vegetation und Boden in das Mischungsmodellmiteinbezogen werden, und quantitative Anteile f{\"u}r die funktionalen Klassen PV, NPV und Boden innerhalb eines Pixels erfasst werden. Durch die r{\"a}umliche Kartierung der verwendeten EM wird weiterhin eine thematische Klassifikation erreicht. Die hierf{\"u}r ben{\"o}tigten Informationen k{\"o}nnen - wie im Falle der Spektren reiner Materialien (EM-Spektren) - aus den Bilddaten selbst abgeleitet werden, oder k{\"o}nnen - wie ein Gel{\"a}ndemodell und die Information {\"u}ber den Scanwinkel - im Zuge der Vorprozessierung aus weiteren Datenquellen erzeugt werden. Hinsichtlich der automatisierten EM-Ableitung wird eine zweistufige Methodik eingesetzt, welche auf einer angepassten Version des Sequential Maximum Angle Convex Cone (SMACC)-Verfahrens sowie der Analyse einer ersten Entmischungsiteration basiert. Die Klassifikation der gefundenen potentiellen EM erfolgt durch ein merkmalsbasiertes Verfahren. Weiterhin weisen nicht-photosynthetisch aktive Vegetation und Boden eine hohe spektrale {\"A}hnlichkeit auf. Zur sicheren Trennung kann die Identifikation schmaler Absorptionsbanden dienen. Zu diesen z{\"a}hlen beispielsweise die Absorptionsbanden von Holozellulose und - je nach Bodentyp - Absorptionsbanden von Bodenmineralen. Auch die spektrale Variabilit{\"a}t der Klassen PV und NPV erfordert zur sicheren Unterscheidung die Verwendung biophysikalisch erkl{\"a}rbarer Merkmale im Spektrum. Hierzu z{\"a}hlen unter anderem die St{\"a}rke der Chlorophyll-Absorption, die Form und Lage der 'RedEdge' und das Auftreten von Holozellulosebanden. Da diese spektrale Information bei herk{\"o}mmlichen Entmischungsans{\"a}tzen nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigt wird, erfolgt {\"u}berwiegend eine Optimierung der Gesamtalbedo, was zu einer schlechten Trennung der Klassen f{\"u}hren kann. Aus diesem Grund wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit der MESMA-Ansatz dahingehend erweitert, dass spektrale Information in Form von identifizierten und parametrisierten Absorptionsbanden in den Entmischungsprozess mit einfließt und hierdurch das Potential hyperspektraler Datens{\"a}tze besser genutzt werden kann. Auch wird in einer zus{\"a}tzlichen Entmischungsiteration die r{\"a}umliche Nachbarschaft betrachtet, um insbesondere die Verwendung des sinnvollsten Boden-EMs zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Ein zus{\"a}tzliches Problemfeld stellt die numerische L{\"o}sung des {\"u}berbestimmten und oftmals schlecht konditionierten linearen Mischungsmodells dar. Hierzu kann durch die Verwendung des BVLS-Algorithmus und des Ausschlusses kritischer EM-Kombinationen eine numerisch stabile L{\"o}sung gefunden werden. Um die oftmals immense Rechenzeit von MESMA-Verfahren zu verk{\"u}rzen, besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit einer iterativen EM-Auswahl und somit die Vermeidung einer L{\"o}sung des Mischungssystems durch Berechnung aller EM-Kombinationen ('Brute-Force'-Ansatz). Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt ist die explizite pixelweise Angabe zur Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit der Entmischungsergebnisse. Dies erfolgt auf Basis des Mischungsmodells selbst, durch den Vergleich zu empirischen Regressionsmodellen, durch die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des lokalen Einfallswinkels sowie durch die Integration von Qualit{\"a}tsangaben der Ausgangsdaten. Um das Verfahren systematisch und unter kontrollierten Bedingungen zu verifizieren und um den Einfluss verschiedener externer Parameter sowie die typischen Genauigkeiten auf einer breiten Datenbasis zu ermitteln, wird eine Simulationskette zur Erzeugung synthetischer Mischungen erstellt. In diese Simulationen fließen Feldspektren von B{\"o}den und Pflanzen verschiedener semi-arider Gebiete mit ein, um m{\"o}glichst viele F{\"a}lle abdecken zu k{\"o}nnen. Die eigentliche Validierung erfolgt auf HyMap-Datens{\"a}tzen des Naturparks 'Cabo de Gata' in der andalusischen Provinz Almer{\´i}a sowie auf Messungen, die begleitend im Feld durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Hiermit konnte die Methodik auf ihre Genauigkeit unter den konkreten Anforderungen des Anwendungsbeispiels {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Die erzielbare Genauigkeit dieser automatisierten Methodik liegt mit einem mittleren Fehler um rund 10\% Abundanz absolut im selben Wertebereich oder nur geringf{\"u}gig h{\"o}her als die Ergebnisse publizierter manueller MESMA-Ans{\"a}tze. Weiterhin konnten die typischen Genauigkeiten der Verifikation im Zuge der Validierung best{\"a}tigt werden. Den limitierenden Faktor des Ansatzes stellen in der Praxis fehlerhafte oder unvollst{\"a}ndige EM-Modelle dar. Mit der vorgestellten Methodik ist somit die M{\"o}glichkeit gegeben, die Bedeckungsgrade quantitativ und automatisiert im Subpixelbereich zu erfassen.}, subject = {Optische Fernerkundung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bangelesa2022, author = {Bangelesa, Freddy Fefe}, title = {Impacts of climate variability and change on Maize (\(Zea\) \(mays\)) production in tropical Africa}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25934}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259347}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Climate change is undeniable and constitutes one of the major threats of the 21st century. It impacts sectors of our society, usually negatively, and is likely to worsen towards the middle and end of the century. The agricultural sector is of particular concern, for it is the primary source of food and is strongly dependent on the weather. Considerable attention has been given to the impact of climate change on African agriculture because of the continent's high vulnerability, which is mainly due to its low adaptation capac- ity. Several studies have been implemented to evaluate the impact of climate change on this continent. The results are sometimes controversial since the studies are based on different approaches, climate models and crop yield datasets. This study attempts to contribute substantially to this large topic by suggesting specific types of climate pre- dictors. The study focuses on tropical Africa and its maize yield. Maize is considered to be the most important crop in this region. To estimate the effect of climate change on maize yield, the study began by developing a robust cross-validated multiple linear regression model, which related climate predictors and maize yield. This statistical trans- fer function is reputed to be less prone to overfitting and multicollinearity problems. It is capable of selecting robust predictors, which have a physical meaning. Therefore, the study combined: large-scale predictors, which were derived from the principal component analysis of the monthly precipitation and temperature; traditional local-scale predictors, mainly, the mean precipitation, mean temperature, maximum temperature and minimum temperature; and the Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI), derived from the specific crop (maize) water balance model. The projected maize-yield change is forced by a regional climate model (RCM) REMO under two emission scenarios: high emission scenario (RCP8.5) and mid-range emission scenario (RCP4.5). The different effects of these groups of predictors in projecting the future maize-yield changes were also assessed. Furthermore, the study analysed the impact of climate change on the global WRSI. The results indicate that almost 27 \% of the interannual variability of maize production of the entire region is explained by climate variables. The influence of climate predictors on maize-yield production is more pronounced in West Africa, reaching 55 \% in some areas. The model projection indicates that the maize yield in the entire region is expected to decrease by the middle of the century under an RCP8.5 emission scenario, and from the middle of the century to the end of the century, the production will slightly recover but will remain negative (around -10 \%). However, in some regions of East Africa, a slight increase in maize yield is expected. The maize-yield projection under RCP4.5 remains relatively unchanged compared to the baseline period (1982-2016). The results further indicate that large-scale predictors are the most critical drivers of the global year-to-year maize-yield variability, and ENSO - which is highly correlated with the most important predictor (PC2) - seems to be the physical process underlying this variability. The effects of local predictors are more pronounced in the eastern parts of the region. The impact of the future climate change on WRSI reveals that the availability of maize water is expected to decrease everywhere, except in some parts of eastern Africa.}, language = {en} } @article{BanksMillardBehnamianetal.2017, author = {Banks, Sarah and Millard, Koreen and Behnamian, Amir and White, Lori and Ullmann, Tobias and Charbonneau, Francois and Chen, Zhaohua and Wang, Huili and Pasher, Jon and Duffe, Jason}, title = {Contributions of actual and simulated satellite SAR data for substrate type differentiation and shoreline mapping in the Canadian Arctic}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {9}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {12}, doi = {10.3390/rs9121206}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172630}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Detailed information on the land cover types present and the horizontal position of the land-water interface is needed for sensitive coastal ecosystems throughout the Arctic, both to establish baselines against which the impacts of climate change can be assessed and to inform response operations in the event of environmental emergencies such as oil spills. Previous work has demonstrated potential for accurate classification via fusion of optical and SAR data, though what contribution either makes to model accuracy is not well established, nor is it clear what shorelines can be classified using optical or SAR data alone. In this research, we evaluate the relative value of quad pol RADARSAT-2 and Landsat 5 data for shoreline mapping by individually excluding both datasets from Random Forest models used to classify images acquired over Nunavut, Canada. In anticipation of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), we also simulate and evaluate dual and compact polarimetric imagery for shoreline mapping. Results show that SAR data is needed for accurate discrimination of substrates as user's and producer's accuracies were 5-24\% higher for models constructed with quad pol RADARSAT-2 and DEM data than models constructed with Landsat 5 and DEM data. Models based on simulated RCM and DEM data achieved significantly lower overall accuracies (71-77\%) than models based on quad pol RADARSAT-2 and DEM data (80\%), with Wetland and Tundra being most adversely affected. When classified together with Landsat 5 and DEM data, however, model accuracy was less affected by the SAR data type, with multiple polarizations and modes achieving independent overall accuracies within a range acceptable for operational mapping, at 89-91\%. RCM is expected to contribute positively to ongoing efforts to monitor change and improve emergency preparedness throughout the Arctic.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumann2009, author = {Baumann, Sabine Christine}, title = {Mapping, analysis, and interpretation of the glacier inventory data from Jotunheimen, South Norway, since the maximum of the 'Little Ice Age'}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46320}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Glacier outlines during the 'Little Ice Age' maximum in Jotunheimen were mapped by using remote sensing techniques (vertical aerial photos and satellite imagery), glacier outlines from the 1980s and 2003, a digital terrain model (DTM), geomorphological maps of individual glaciers, and field-GPS measurements. The related inventory data (surface area, minimum and maximum altitude) and several other variables (e.g. slope, range) were calculated automatically by using a geographical information system. The length of the glacier flowline was mapped manually based on the glacier outlines at the maximum of the 'Little Ice Age' and the DTM. The glacier data during the maximum of the 'Little Ice Age' were compared with the Norwegian glacier inventory of 2003. Based on the glacier inventories during the maximum of the 'Little Ice Age', the 1980s and 2003, a simple parameterization after HAEBERLI \& HOELZLE (1995) was performed to estimate unmeasured glacier variables, as e.g. surface velocity or mean net mass balance. Input data were composed of surface glacier area, minimum and maximum elevation, and glacier length. The results of the parameterization were compared with the results of previous parameterizations in the European Alps and the Southern Alps of New Zealand (HAEBERLI \& HOELZLE 1995; HOELZLE et al. 2007). A relationship between these results of the inventories and of the parameterization and climate and climate changes was made.}, subject = {Gletscher}, language = {en} } @article{BaumhoerDietzKneiseletal.2019, author = {Baumhoer, Celia A. and Dietz, Andreas J. and Kneisel, C. and Kuenzer, C.}, title = {Automated Extraction of Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Fronts from Sentinel-1 Imagery Using Deep Learning}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {11}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs11212529}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193150}, pages = {2529}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Sea level rise contribution from the Antarctic ice sheet is influenced by changes in glacier and ice shelf front position. Still, little is known about seasonal glacier and ice shelf front fluctuations as the manual delineation of calving fronts from remote sensing imagery is very time-consuming. The major challenge of automatic calving front extraction is the low contrast between floating glacier and ice shelf fronts and the surrounding sea ice. Additionally, in previous decades, remote sensing imagery over the often cloud-covered Antarctic coastline was limited. Nowadays, an abundance of Sentinel-1 imagery over the Antarctic coastline exists and could be used for tracking glacier and ice shelf front movement. To exploit the available Sentinel-1 data, we developed a processing chain allowing automatic extraction of the Antarctic coastline from Seninel-1 imagery and the creation of dense time series to assess calving front change. The core of the proposed workflow is a modified version of the deep learning architecture U-Net. This convolutional neural network (CNN) performs a semantic segmentation on dual-pol Sentinel-1 data and the Antarctic TanDEM-X digital elevation model (DEM). The proposed method is tested for four training and test areas along the Antarctic coastline. The automatically extracted fronts deviate on average 78 m in training and 108 m test areas. Spatial and temporal transferability is demonstrated on an automatically extracted 15-month time series along the Getz Ice Shelf. Between May 2017 and July 2018, the fronts along the Getz Ice Shelf show mostly an advancing tendency with the fastest moving front of DeVicq Glacier with 726 ± 20 m/yr.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumhoer2021, author = {Baumhoer, Celia Am{\´e}lie}, title = {Glacier Front Dynamics of Antarctica - Analysing Changes in Glacier and Ice Shelf Front Position based on SAR Time Series}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24581}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245814}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The Antarctic Ice Sheet stores ~91\% of the global ice volume which is equivalent to a sea-level rise of 58.3 meters. Recent disintegration events of ice shelves and retreating glaciers along the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica indicate the current vulnerable state of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Glacier tongues and ice shelves create a safety band around Antarctica with buttressing effects on ice discharge. Current decreases in glacier and ice shelf extent reduce the effective buttressing forces and increase ice discharge of grounded ice. The consequence is a higher contribution to sea-level rise from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. So far, it is unresolved which proportion of Antarctic glacier retreat can be attributed to climate change and which part to the natural cycle of growth and decay in the lifetime of a glacier. The quantitative assessment of the magnitude, spatial extent, distribution, and dynamics of circum-Antarctic glacier and ice shelf retreat is of utmost importance to monitor Antarctica's weakening safety band. In remote areas like Antarctica, earth observation provides optimal properties for large-scale mapping and monitoring of glaciers and ice shelves. Nowadays, the variety of available satellite sensors, technical advancements regarding spatial resolution and revisit times, as well as open satellite data archives create an ideal basis for monitoring calving front change. A systematic review conducted within this thesis revealed major gaps in the availability of glacier and ice shelf front position measurements despite the improved satellite data availability. The previously limited availability of satellite imagery and the time-consuming manual delineation of calving fronts did neither allow a circum-Antarctic assessment of glacier retreat nor the assessment of intra-annual changes in glacier front position. To advance the understanding of Antarctic glacier front change, this thesis presents a novel automated approach for calving front extraction and explores drivers of glacier retreat. A comprehensive review of existing methods for glacier front extraction ascertained the lack of a fully automatic approach for large-scale monitoring of Antarctic calving fronts using radar imagery. Similar backscatter characteristics of different ice types, seasonally changing backscatter values, multi-year sea ice, and m{\´e}lange made it challenging to implement an automated approach with traditional image processing techniques. Therefore, the present abundance of satellite data is best exploited by integrating recent developments in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) research to derive circum-Antarctic calving front dynamics. In the context of this thesis, the novel AI-based framework "AntarcticLINES" (Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Front Time Series) was created which provides a fully automated processing chain for calving front extraction from Sentinel-1 imagery. Open access Sentinel-1 radar imagery is an ideal data source for monitoring current and future changes in the Antarctic coastline with revisit times of less than six days and all-weather imaging capabilities. The developed processing chain includes the pre-processing of dual-polarized Sentinel-1 imagery for machine learning applications. 38 Sentinel-1 scenes were used to train the deep learning architecture U-Net for image segmentation. The trained weights of the neural network can be used to segment Sentinel-1 scenes into land ice and ocean. Additional post-processing ensures even more accurate results by including morphological filtering before extracting the final coastline. A comprehensive accuracy assessment has proven the correct extraction of the coastline. On average, the automatically extracted coastline deviates by 2-3 pixels (93 m) from a manual delineation. This accuracy is in range with deviations between manually delineated coastlines from different experts. For the first time, the fully automated framework AntarcticLINES enabled the extraction of intra-annual glacier front fluctuations to assess seasonal variations in calving front change. Thereby, for example, an increased calving frequency of Pine Island Glacier and a beginning disintegration of Glenzer Glacier were revealed. Besides, the extraction of the entire Antarctic coastline for 2018 highlighted the large-scale applicability of the developed approach. Accurate results for entire Antarctica were derived except for the Western Antarctic Peninsula where training imagery was not sufficient and should be included in future studies. Furthermore, this dissertation presents an unprecedented record of circum-Antarctic calving front change over the last two decades. The newly extracted coastline for 2018 was compared to previous coastline products from 2009 and 1997. This revealed that the Antarctic Ice Sheet shrank 29,618±1193 km2 in extent between 1997-2008 and gained an area of 7,108±1029 km2 between 2009-2018. Glacier retreat concentrated along the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica. The only East Antarctic coastal sector primarily experiencing calving front retreat was Wilkes Land in 2009-2018. Finally, potential drivers of circum-Antarctic glacier retreat were identified by combining data on glacier front change with changes in climate variables. It was found that strengthening westerlies, snowmelt, rising sea surface temperatures, and decreasing sea ice cover forced glacier retreat over the last two decades. Relative changes in mean air temperature could not be identified as a driver for glacier retreat and further investigations on extreme events in air temperature are necessary to assess the effect of atmospheric forcing on frontal retreat. The strengthening of all identified drivers was closely connected to positive phases of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). With increasing greenhouse gases and ozone depletion, positive phases of SAM will occur more often and force glacier retreat even further in the future. Within this thesis, a comprehensive review on existing Antarctic glacier and ice shelf front studies was conducted revealing major gaps in Antarctic calving front records. Therefore, a fully automated processing chain for glacier and ice shelf front extraction was implemented to track circum-Antarctic calving front fluctuations on an intra-annual basis. The large-scale applicability was certified by presenting two decades of circum-Antarctic calving front change. In combination with climate variables, drivers of recent glacier retreat were identified. In the future, the presented framework AntarcticLINES will greatly contribute to the constant monitoring of the Antarctic coastline under the pressure of a changing climate.}, language = {en} } @article{BellKleinRieseretal.2023, author = {Bell, Alexandra and Klein, Doris and Rieser, Jakob and Kraus, Tanja and Thiel, Michael and Dech, Stefan}, title = {Scientific evidence from space — a review of spaceborne remote sensing applications at the science-policy interface}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {4}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15040940}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303925}, year = {2023}, abstract = {On a daily basis, political decisions are made, often with their full extent of impact being unclear. Not seldom, the decisions and policy measures implemented result in direct or indirect unintended negative impacts, such as on the natural environment, which can vary in time, space, nature, and severity. To achieve a more sustainable world with equitable societies requires fundamental rethinking of our policymaking. It calls for informed decision making and a monitoring of political impact for which evidence-based knowledge is necessary. The most powerful tool to derive objective and systematic spatial information and, thus, add to transparent decisions is remote sensing (RS). This review analyses how spaceborne RS is used by the scientific community to provide evidence for the policymaking process. We reviewed 194 scientific publications from 2015 to 2020 and analysed them based on general insights (e.g., study area) and RS application-related information (e.g., RS data and products). Further, we classified the studies according to their degree of science-policy integration by determining their engagement with the political field and their potential contribution towards four stages of the policy cycle: problem identification/knowledge building, policy formulation, policy implementation, and policy monitoring and evaluation. Except for four studies, we found that studies had not directly involved or informed the policy field or policymaking process. Most studies contributed to the stage problem identification/knowledge building, followed by ex post policy impact assessment. To strengthen the use of RS for policy-relevant studies, the concept of the policy cycle is used to showcase opportunities of RS application for the policymaking process. Topics gaining importance and future requirements of RS at the science-policy interface are identified. If tackled, RS can be a powerful complement to provide policy-relevant evidence to shed light on the impact of political decisions and thus help promote sustainable development from the core.}, language = {en} } @article{BenderRothJob2017, author = {Bender, Oliver and Roth, Charlotte E. and Job, Hubert}, title = {Protected areas and population development in the alps}, series = {eco.mont : Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management}, volume = {9}, journal = {eco.mont : Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management}, number = {Special issue}, doi = {10.1553/eco.mont-9-sis5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181901}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Nearly a quarter of the Alpine area is covered by a dense network of large protected areas (LPAs) of the four categories national park(NP), biosphere reserve (BR), nature park and world natural heritage site (WNHS). From the time of early industrialization, the Alpine area has undergone a mixed and increasingly polarized demographic development between the poles of immigration and emigration. This article investigates the possible mutual impact of population development and the existence of LPAs. The research design includes a quantitative survey of all Alpine LPAs in terms of their population development and the structure of immigration in the first decade of the 21st century. This will be linked with qualitative expert interviews in four selected NPs. The overall results allow an interpretation of the statistical correlations between type of LPA and migration.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2009, author = {Braun, Thomas}, title = {On the origin of seismic signals recorded on Stromboli volcano}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-33376}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Hauptaufgabe der Vulkanseismologie ist die qualitative and quantitative Beschreibung einer oder mehrerer unbekannter seismischer Quellen, die sich in einer unbekannten Tiefe unter dem Vulkan befinden. Auch wenn viele Vulkane der Erde {\"a}hnliche Signalcharakteristiken aufweisen, war es bis heute nicht m{\"o}glich, f{\"u}r Vulkane ein seismisches Standard-Quellmodell zu finden, analog dem Double- Couple in der Erdbebenseismologie. Kontinuierlich t{\"a}tige Vulkane, wie z.B. Stromboli (Italien), stellen f{\"u}r den Vulkanseismologen ein ideales nat{\"u}rliches Feldlabor dar, diese Fragestellung zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht auf Stromboli registrierte Explosionsbeben und vulkanischen Tremor in einem breiten Frequenzband und behandelt die Frage nach der Lage und dem Mechanismus der seismischen Quelle(n). Seismische und Infraschallmessungen von strombolischen Explosionsbeben zeigen, dass sich eine Hochfrequenz-Phase mit einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 330 m/s fortbewegt. Die seismische Quelle kann durch eine Explosion am oberen Ende der Magmas{\"a}ule erkl{\"a}rt werden, die durch aufsteigende Gasblasen verursacht wird. Sowohl die seismische P-Welle, als auch die Luftwelle werden zum gleichen Zeitpunkt an ein und demselben Ort generiert. Die verschiedenen Laufwege und Geschwindigkeiten der seismischen und der Luftwelle resultieren in einem Laufzeitunterschied dt, der zur Bestimmung des Magmenstandes und der Schallgeschwindigkeit in der Eruptionss¨aule im Schlotinnern genutzt werden kann. In Kratern{\"a}he installierte Stationen zeigen, dass Infraschall- und seismische Messungen des kurzperiodischen Tremors (> 1 Hz) den gleichen Frequenzgehalt und {\"a}hnliche Fluktuationen der seismischen Energie aufweisen. Daher wird der kurzperiodische vulkanische Tremor auf Stromboli durch das kontinuierliche Aufsteigen und Platzen kleiner Gasblasen im oberen Teil der Magmas{\"a}ule verursacht. Das Spektrum des auf Stromboli registrierten langperiodischen Tremors besteht haupts{\"a}chlich aus drei Maxima bei 4.8 s, 6 s und 10 s, deren Spektralamplitude mit der jeweiligen Wettersituation variieren. Sie werden daher nicht von einer lokalen vulkanischen Quelle erzeugt, sondern durch Meeresmikroseismik (MMS). Der Durchzug eines lokalen Tiefdruckgebietes scheint die Ursache f{\"u}r Spektralenergie bei 4.8 s and 10 s, die jeweils die Doppelte bzw. die Prim{\"a}re Frequenz der MMS darstellen. Als Ursache des spektralen Maximums bei 6 s k{\"o}nnte ein Tief nahe der Britischen Inseln in Frage kommen. Seismische Daten, die von dem ersten auf Stromboli installierten Breitband- Array registriert wurden, zeigten {\"u}berraschend einfache Wellenformen, die einen anf{\"a}nglich kontraktierenden Quellmechanismus anzeigen. Die Analyse der Partikelbewegung und die Anwendung seismischer Arraytechniken erm{\"o}glichten eine Lokalisierung der seismischen Quelle in Oberfl{\"a}chenn{\"a}he. Die Anwendung verschiedener Inversionsmethoden gestattete es, Eruptionsparameter und Charakteristiken der seismischen Quelle w{\"a}hrend der Strombolieruption am 5. April 2003 abzusch{\"a}tzen. Als Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass der paroxystische Ausbruch durch eine langsame {\"U}berschiebungsdislokation mit einer Momentenmagnitude von Mw = 3.0 verursacht wurde, ausgel{\"o}st durch einen vorher durch Dike-Intrusion verursachten Bruch. W{\"a}hrend des Paroxysmus konnte in den seismischen Signalen mindestens eine Blow-out Phase mit einer Momentenmagnitude von Mw = 3.7 identifiziert werden. Diese kann durch einen vertikalen linearen Vektordipol, zwei schw{\"a}chere horizontale lineare Dipole in entgegengesetzter Richtung, zuz{\"u}glich einer Vertikalkraft repr{\"a}sentiert werden. Seismische Messungen, die w{\"a}hrend kontrollierter und reproduzierbarer Blowout Experimente unter Verwendung von einem in einer Basaltschmelze eingeschlossenen Gasvolumen durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, ergaben folgende Ergebnisse: Monochromatische Signale sind Anzeiger f{\"u}r einen Blow-out in einem duktilen Regime, wohingegen ein breitbandigerer Frequenzgehalt auf einen Spr{\"o}dbruch hinweist. Je gr{\"o}sser die L{\"a}nge des Schmelztiegels ist, desto schw{\"a}cher sind die seismischen Signale. Ein gr{\"o}sser Gasdruck bewirkt eine st{\"a}rkere Fragmentation des Magmas, aber keine h{\"o}here Austrittsgeschwindigkeit des Magmapropfens und auch keine gr{\"o}ssere seismische Amplitude. Auch wenn die langperiodischen Signale, wie beispielsweise Tilt, im Labor nicht simuliert werden konnten, sind die Blow-out Experimente {\"u}berraschend gut in der Lage, die am Vulkan Stromboli registrierten kurzperiodischen seismischen Signale zu reproduzieren.}, subject = {Stromboli}, language = {en} } @book{Brauneck2010, author = {Brauneck, Jens}, title = {Late Quaternary climate changes in the Central Sahara : new evidence from palaeoenvironmental research in NE-Niger}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235146}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {XI, 158}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Surveys by the Universities of Wuerzburg and Berlin, starting in the 1970´s have revealed the existence of palaeolakes in remote areas in Niger. Initial research has shown that the sediments found are suitable for reconstructing its late quaternary palaeoenvironment. Although a high number of investigations focused on the succession of climatological conditions in the Central Sahara, some uncertainties still exist as the results show discontinuities and mostly are of low temporal and spatial resolution. Two expeditions in 2005 and 2006 headed to the northeastern parts of Niger to investigate the known remains of palaeolakes and search some new and undetected ones. Samples were taken at several study sites in order to receive a complete picture of the Late Quaternary environmental settings and to produce high-resolution proxies for palaeoclimate modelling. The most valuable and best-investigated study site is the sebkha of Seggedim, where a core of 15 meters length could be extracted which revealed a composition of high-resolution sections. Stratigraphical, structural and geochemical investigations as well as the analysis of thin sections allow the characterization of different environmental conditions from Early to Mid Holocene. Driven by climate and hydrogeological influence, the water body developed from a water pond of several metres depth within a stable, grass and shrub vegetated landscape, to an alternating freshwater lake in a more dynamic environmental setting. Radiocarbon dates set the beginning of the stage at about 10.6 ka cal BP, with an exceptionally stable regime to 6.6 ka cal BP (at 12.6 metres' depth), when a major change in the sedimentation regime of the basin is recorded in the core. Increased erosion, likely due to decreased vegetation cover within the basin, led to the siltation/filling of the lake within a few hundred years and the subsequent development of a sebkha/salt pan due to massive evaporation. Due to the lack of dateable material in the upper core section, the termination of the lake stage and the onset of the subsequent sebkha stage cannot be determined precisely but can be narrowed to a period around 6 ka BP. The results obtained from the core are compared with those from terrestrial and lacustrine sediments from outside the depression, situated a few hundred kilometres further to the north. These supplementary study sites are required to validate the information obtained from the coring. Within the plateau landscape of Djado, Mangueni and Tchigai, two depressions and a valley containing lacustrine deposits, were investigated for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Depending on modifying local factors, these sediment archives were of shorter existence than IX the lake, but reveal additional information about the landscape dynamics from Early to Mid Holocene. A damming situation within a small tributary at Enneri Achelouma led to lacustrine sedimentation conditions at Early Holocene in the upper reaches of the valley. The remnants of the lacustrine accumulations show distinct changes in the environmental conditions within the small catchment, as the archive immediately responded to local climate-induced changes of precipitation. Radiocarbon dating of the deposited sediments revealed ages from 8780 ± 260 cal a BP to 9480 ± 80 cal a BP. The sites of Yoo Ango and Fab{\´e}rg{\´e} show a completely different sedimentation milieu as they consist of basins within the foothills of the Tchigai. The study sites show increased catchment sizes, probably extending towards the Tchigai massif and are most likely influenced by groundwater charge. The widespread occurrence of wind shaped relicts and the limited amount of lacustrine remnants indicate a generally high aeolian activity in both areas. Only in wind sheltered spots, parts of the lacustrine sequences were preserved, that show ages spanning from Early to Mid Holocene (9440 ± 140 cal a BP - 6810 ±140 cal a BP) and give additional evidence of fires from pre-LGM periods. Although intensively weathered, all profiles indicate distinct changes in the sedimentation conditions by alternating geochemical values and the mineralogical composition. The information obtained from the records investigated in this work confirms the heterogeneity of reconstructed environmental succession in the Central Sahara. The Mid Holocene rapid (within decades) and uniform development from more humid to extremely arid environmental conditions cannot be confirmed for the Central Sahara. In addition, a division of Early and Mid Holocene wet periods cannot be confirmed, either. Actually, the evidences obtained from the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions revealed major variations in the timing and extend of lacustrine and aeolian periods. Evidently, a transitional time has existed between 7 to 5 ka BP where alternating influences prevailed. This is indicated by the varying sedimentation conditions in the Seggedim depression as well as the evidence of soil properties on a fossil dune, with a time of deposition dated to 6200 ± 400 cal a BP and the removal of lacustrine Sediments at the Seeterrassental at Mid Holocene. In respect to provide a complete picture of landscape succession and to avoid misinterpretation, the investigation of several dissimilar spots within a designated study area is prerequisite for further investigations.}, subject = {Pal{\"a}oklimatologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breitkreuz2008, author = {Breitkreuz, Hanne-Katarin}, title = {Solare Strahlungsprognosen f{\"u}r energiewirtschaftliche Anwendungen - Der Einfluss von Aerosolen auf das sichtbare Strahlungsangebot}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28200}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {F{\"u}r eine dauerhaft gesicherte und umweltgerechte Energieerzeugung kommt den erneuerbaren Energien in Zukunft eine immer gr{\"o}ßere Bedeutung zu. Dies stellt eine große Herausforderung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung zuk{\"u}nftiger Energiesysteme dar, da erneuerbare Energietr{\"a}ger zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich zumeist hoch variabel zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Eine effiziente Integration solar erzeugter Energie in das bestehende Energieversorgungsnetz ist daher nur m{\"o}glich, wenn verl{\"a}ssliche Nahe-Echtzeit-Vorhersagen der am Erdboden verf{\"u}gbaren Einstrahlung und ein- bis dreit{\"a}gige Vorhersagen von Energieproduktion und -nachfrage zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Vorhersage der solaren Strahlung f{\"u}r die n{\"a}chsten Tage und Stunden im Hinblick auf Anwendungen in der Energiewirtschaft. Der dominante Atmosph{\"a}renparameter f{\"u}r die Abschw{\"a}chung der solaren Einstrahlung ist die Bew{\"o}lkung. Das gr{\"o}ßte wirtschaftliche Potential der Solarenergie liegt jedoch in Zeitr{\"a}umen und Regionen, in denen wenig Bew{\"o}lkung auftritt. Im wolkenlosen Fall beeinflussen vor allem Aerosole, feste und fl{\"u}ssige Partikel in der Atmosph{\"a}re, die direkte und diffuse Strahlung am Erdboden. Aerosole sind durch eine hohe zeitliche und r{\"a}umliche Variabilit{\"a}t gekennzeichnet, die die Bestimmung ihrer raumzeitlichen Verteilung und damit ihres Einflusses auf die Strahlung erschwert und einen hohen Aufwand zu ihrer Prognose erforderlich macht. Am Beispiel eines f{\"u}nfmonatigen europ{\"a}ischen Datensatzes (Juli-November 2003) werden Prognosen der aerosoloptischen Tiefe bei 550 nm (AOT550) untersucht, die aus Aerosolvorhersagen eines Chemie-Transport-Modells stammen. Es zeigt sich, dass im Vergleich mit Bodenmessungen die Aerosolprognosen mit einer mittleren Untersch{\"a}tzung von -0,11 und einem RMSE von 0,20 die geforderte Genauigkeit nicht ganz erreichen. Dabei stellen insbesondere die unregelm{\"a}ßig auftretenden Saharastaubausbr{\"u}che {\"u}ber dem zentralen Mittelmeer eine im Modell bisher nicht erfassbare Quelle großer Ungenauigkeiten in der AOT- und damit auch in der Strahlungsvorhersage dar. Entsprechend der hohen regionalen Aerosol-Variabilit{\"a}t finden sich zudem signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Regionen, zum Beispiel eine deutliche Untersch{\"a}tzung des Aerosolaufkommens in der stark industriell belasteten Po-Ebene Norditaliens sowie gute Entsprechungen in abgelegenen Gegenden Nordeuropas. Basierend auf dieser Aerosol-Prognose und unter Einbeziehung weiterer Fernerkundungsdaten (Bodenalbedo, Ozon) und Parametern aus der numerischen Wetterprognose (Wasserdampf, Wolken) wird ein Prototyp f{\"u}r ein Vorhersagesystem der Solarstrahlung konzipiert und vorgestellt: das AFSOL-System (Aerosol-based Forecasts of Solar Irradiance for Energy Applications). An Hand der f{\"u}nfmonatigen Testepisode wird das AFSOL-System mit Vorhersagen des Europ{\"a}ischen Zentrums f{\"u}r Mittelfrist-Wettervorhersage (ECMWF), mit satellitenbasierten Beobachtungen der Solarstrahlung (Meteosat-7) und mit Bodenmessungen der Solarstrahlung verglichen. F{\"u}r den wolkenlosen Fall erzielt das AFSOL-Modellsystem eine deutliche Verbesserung der Direktstrahlungsprognosen gegen{\"u}ber den ECMWF-Vorhersagen, mit einer Reduktion des relativen Bias von -26\% auf +11\% und des relativen RMSE von 31\% auf 19\%. Dies kann auf die verbesserte Beschreibung des atmosph{\"a}rischen Aerosols zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, die sich im Vergleich zu den am ECMWF genutzten AOT-Klimatologien ergibt, auch wenn insbesondere bei der Behandlung von W{\"u}stenstaubepisoden weiterhin Probleme auftreten. Auch die Globalstrahlungsprognosen erreichen im wolkenlosen Fall eine h{\"o}here Genauigkeit als die operationell verf{\"u}gbaren ECMWF-Vorhersagen, was sich in einer Verringerung des relativen Bias von -10\% zu +5\% sowie des relativen RMSE von 12\% zu 7\% zeigt. Im bew{\"o}lkten Fall jedoch k{\"o}nnen die Vorhersagen des AFSOL-Systems erhebliche Ungenauigkeiten aufweisen, die sich auf Grund von Problemen bei der Wolkenprognose des zu Grunde liegenden numerischen Wettervorhersagemodells ergeben. Abschließend wird in einer Fallstudie zur Verwendung der Vorhersagen f{\"u}r die optimale Betriebsf{\"u}hrung eines solarthermischen Kraftwerks in Spanien beispielhaft gezeigt, dass die Nutzung der AFSOL-Prognose im wolkenlosen Fall eine deutliche Gewinnsteigerung bei der Einspeisung ins {\"o}ffentliche Stromnetz durch den Handel an der spanischen Stromb{\"o}rse erm{\"o}glicht.}, subject = {Aerosol}, language = {de} } @article{BucheltSkovRasmussenetal.2022, author = {Buchelt, Sebastian and Skov, Kirstine and Rasmussen, Kerstin Kr{\o}ier and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Sentinel-1 time series for mapping snow cover depletion and timing of snowmelt in Arctic periglacial environments: case study from Zackenberg and Kobbefjord, Greenland}, series = {The Cryosphere}, volume = {16}, journal = {The Cryosphere}, number = {2}, doi = {10.5194/tc-16-625-2022}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300139}, pages = {625 -- 646}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Snow cover (SC) and timing of snowmelt are key regulators of a wide range of Arctic ecosystem functions. Both are strongly influenced by the amplified Arctic warming and essential variables to understand environmental changes and their dynamics. This study evaluates the potential of Sentinel-1 (S-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series for monitoring SC depletion and snowmelt with high spatiotemporal resolution to capture their understudied small-scale heterogeneity. We use 97 dual-polarized S-1 SAR images acquired over northeastern Greenland and 94 over southwestern Greenland in the interferometric wide swath mode from the years 2017 and 2018. Comparison of S-1 intensity against SC fraction maps derived from orthorectified terrestrial time-lapse imagery indicates that SAR backscatter can increase before a decrease in SC fraction is observed. Hence, the increase in backscatter is related to changing snowpack properties during the runoff phase as well as decreasing SC fraction. We here present a novel empirical approach based on the temporal evolution of the SAR signal to identify start of runoff (SOR), end of snow cover (EOS) and SC extent for each S-1 observation date during melt using backscatter thresholds as well as the derivative. Comparison of SC with orthorectified time-lapse imagery indicates that HV polarization outperforms HH when using a global threshold. The derivative avoids manual selection of thresholds and adapts to different environmental settings and seasonal conditions. With a global configuration (threshold: 4 dB; polarization: HV) as well as with the derivative, the overall accuracy of SC maps was in all cases above 75 \% and in more than half of cases above 90 \%. Based on the physical principle of SAR backscatter during snowmelt, our approach is expected to work well in other low-vegetation areas and, hence, could support large-scale SC monitoring at high spatiotemporal resolution (20 m, 6 d) with high accuracy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Butzmann2017, author = {Butzmann, Elias}, title = {Natur- und {\"O}kotourismus im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden : Eine segment- und produktspezifische Analyse unter Anwendung der Product-based Typology for Nature-based Tourism}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-048-1 (print)}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-049-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {368}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Schutzgebiete und insbesondere Nationalparke haben nach den Richtlinien der IUCN ein Doppelmandat bzw. eine doppelte Funktion: Sie sollen zum einen R{\"a}ume f{\"u}r Natur- und Artenschutz und zum anderen f{\"u}r Erholung, Umweltbildung und Tourismus bieten und durch letztgenanntes zur St{\"a}rkung der Regional{\"o}konomie beitragen. Um diesen Spagat zu meistern, sollten sich Schutzgebiete bzw. deren Verwaltungen und kooperierende Destinationsmarketingorganisationen dar{\"u}ber im Klaren sein, welche Besuchersegmente bzw. Tourismusprodukte im Schutzgebiet anzutreffen sind, bzw. angeboten werden und welchen Einfluss diese auf die Erf{\"u}llung des Doppelmandates haben. Die deduktiv entworfene Product-based Typology for Nature-based Tourism von ARNEGGER et al. (2010) bietet hierf{\"u}r einen zweidimensionalen Analyserahmen, der die Angebots- und Nachfrageperspektive auf den Tourismus und dessen Produkte vereint und bisher noch nicht empirisch angewendet wurde, was das vorrangige Ziel dieser Studie ist. Hierf{\"u}r wurde von Theorien und empirischen Studien aus dem Kontext von Natur- und {\"O}kotourismus eine Operationalisierung der Typologie abgeleitet, die am Beispiel des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden eingesetzt wurde. Dabei wurden zwei Ans{\"a}tze verfolgt, eine angebotsseitige und eine nachfrageseitige Abgrenzung von Tourismusprodukten. Zur empirischen Erfassung von Tourismusprodukten wurde eine umfassende Besucherbefragung in der Sommersaison 2014 durchgef{\"u}hrt, bei der Informationen von rund 1.400 Besuchern des Nationalparks gesammelt werden konnten. Aus Sicht der Nachfrager wurden sechs Produkt-Cluster identifiziert, die sich bez{\"u}glich Reiseaktivit{\"a}ten und Motiven unterscheiden. Das mit der h{\"o}chsten Naturaffinit{\"a}t ist das Produkt-Cluster der „Naturbildungsurlauber" bzw. der „{\"O}kotouristen". Auf der anderen Seite des Spektrums stehen die „Passiven Erholungsurlauber" mit einer geringen Nationalparkaffinit{\"a}t. Des Weiteren wurden spezifische Tourismusprodukte aus der Angebotsperspektive, wie Exkursionen der Nationalparkverwaltung oder mehrt{\"a}gige gef{\"u}hrte Wanderungen von spezialisierten Nischenreiseveranstaltern, identifiziert. Nach der empirischen Abgrenzung der Produkte wurden diese dahingehend {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, ob sie sich bez{\"u}glich {\"o}konomischer und {\"o}kologischer Indikatoren unterscheiden, um zu eruieren, inwieweit die Segmente aus Sicht einer nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung bzw. aus Sicht des Doppelmandats zu beurteilen sind. Auch hier schneiden etwa die Naturbildungsurlauber relativ gut ab, da sie Muster von structured ecotourism aufweisen und sich durch eine hohe Naturaffinit{\"a}t, positive Einstellungen zu nachhaltigem Tourismus und relativ hohe Reiseausgaben auszeichnen. Bei drei Clustern zeigt sich ein gewisser trade-off: W{\"a}hrend die Bergsteiger aus {\"o}kologischer jedoch nicht aus {\"o}konomischer Perspektive interessant sind, ist dies bei den allgemeinen Vergn{\"u}gungs- und Naturerlebnisurlaubern und den passiven Erholungsurlaubern genau umgekehrt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen werden m{\"o}gliche Adaptionen der Typologie diskutiert und darauf aufbauend ein Analyserahmen f{\"u}r eine „Typologie f{\"u}r Nachhaltige Park-Tourismus Produkte" erarbeitet. Zudem werden theoretische und erste praktische Implikationen f{\"u}r das Management von Schutzgebiets-Destinationen diskutiert, um unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der trade-offs das Produktportfolio weiterzuentwickeln, das eine Destination auf den Pfad des sogenannten enlightened mass tourism bringen kann.}, subject = {{\"O}kotourismus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buedel2020, author = {B{\"u}del, Christian}, title = {Quaternary alluvial fan morphodynamics and basin sedimentation in North Iran}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-114-3}, issn = {0510-9833}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-115-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184508}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {XI, 124}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Several hundred meter thick alluvial fans are dominating the landscape of semiarid plains of north-eastern Iranian mountain-talus. These fans developed since Miocene times and are still prograding today. They are storing and transporting major amount of weathered debris from the mountain ranges and sediments are directed to the depressions of the endorheic basins. In this course, the debris gets increasingly weathered and abraded to sand silt and clay fractions, which finally constitute the fine loamy layers of the typical central playa lakes and playas. The study focused on the detailed investigation of a characteristic section of this prominent sediment cascades. The sediments were planned be comprehensively documented by using a fully analytical geomorphological mapping approach, also suitable for the classification of the sediment's geomorphological system contexts. Therefore, a geodatabase structure was developed, which is capable of managing and analyzing geomorphological data. The corresponding data was acquired using remote sensing imagery, digital elevation models and field mapping campaigns. Additionally, mapped sediments were selected and analyzed to reveal representative stratigraphic and sedimentologic characteristics. The fieldwork was conducted in Damghan Basin on sections in geomorphologically subdivided alluvial apron sediments. The corresponding, more regularly layered and partly laminated sediments from the central playa, were also investigated and comparably described. Attending to the preparation of profile sections and the percussion core probing, samples from both origins were taken. Detailed lithostratigraphical and geochemical analyses were carried out in the laboratory, in order to develop sound comparable sediment and sediment alteration indices. In addition, OSL sampling was done on distinct alluvial fan surfaces, and the samples were measured and dated in the laboratory in order to develop a functional chronostratigraphy. The results of the geomorphological and stratigraphical investigations reveal five classes of surface ages on the alluvial apron. Parallel to that observation, the ramming core samples exhibit four main phases of sediment development in the playa, each with internal differentiation. This brings up opportunities for a valid correlation of continuously deposited playa sediments, with widespread alluvial surfaces. By considering the OSL ages of selected terrestrial and lacustrine layers, the stratigraphy and relative chronological order of the studied sediments, are aligned to Pleistocene and mid to late Holocene periods. This is also confirmed by proxy ages from the chronological framework of the landscape development, within the basin. Geophysical and geochemical data reveals roughly cyclic sedimentation and sediment alteration that can also be observed in genetically differing geoarchives from alluvial fan surfaces to the playa sediments. These parallel developments are confirmed by the sequence-stratigraphic order of the archives which is derived from geomorphological mapping. We postulate a time span covered by the playa sediments from today to late Pleistocene times. Drying and Lake level retreat at the end of Pleistocene is documented in parallel geoarchives of terrestrial and lacustrine origin. Thus, geomorphologic landform-succession and alluvial fan morphogenesis, as well as geochemical and geophysical fingerprinting data of playa sediments characterize this development. Therefore, it is present in the two youngest generations of alluvial fans, which deposited at the toe of the alluvial apron and which incorporate reworked still water deposits of a former lake level terrace. The geochemical parameters, like pH-value and Ca/S-ratio, in both, sediments of a former lake level and those from the recent playa extent exhibit a similar development. In addition, Ti/Al-ratio shows the potential for quantifying lake level retreat, as it seems to be tightly depending on lake level and increasing transportation distances along the sediment cascade. Major Findings - Analytical geomorphological mapping is a key tool for understanding the sedimentation history of the Iranian Quaternary and for describing Quaternary stratigraphic units of North Iran. - The younger playa deposits in Damghan Basin cover a time span from today to late Pleistocene. They are 10 meters thick and reveal very low organic matter contents throughout the core. - Drying and Lake level retreat is documented in parallel geoarchives (1) in geomorphologic landform-succession and alluvial fan morphogenesis and (2) in geochemical and geophysical fingerprinting data of playa sediments - Sequences of torrential sedimentation are detectable signals and can be correlated in both: playa sediments and landform morphology}, subject = {Quart{\"a}rgeomorphologie}, language = {en} } @misc{Cammerer2009, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Cammerer, Holger}, title = {Minderung von Hochwassersch{\"a}den durch Fr{\"u}hwarnung und Eigenvorsorge - Eine statistische Analyse von Befragungen in Privathaushalten in Deutschland und {\"O}sterreich}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47314}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, anhand von aktuellen Hochwasserschadensdaten aus Telefonbefragungen in Privathaushalten in Deutschland und {\"O}sterreich die Minderung von Hochwassersch{\"a}den durch Fr{\"u}hwarnung und privater Eigenvorsorge zu quantifizieren. Im ersten Schritt wurden die Datens{\"a}tze aus den vier zugrunde liegenden Befragungen zu den Hochwasserereignissen der Jahre 2002, 2005 und 2006 zusammengef{\"u}hrt und die Hochwassersch{\"a}den auf das Referenzjahr 2007 angepasst. Um das Schadensminderungspotenzial von Fr{\"u}hwarnung und diversen Vorsorge-/ Notmaßnahmen beurteilen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurde der konsistente Datensatz nach verschiedenen schadensbestimmenden Faktoren (Wasserstand, Hochwassertyp, Kontaminationsart und Hochwassererfahrung) aufgeteilt. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass eine Hochwasserwarnung z.B. durch Beh{\"o}rden den Schaden am Geb{\"a}ude und Hausrat nur dann reduzieren kann, wenn der Fr{\"u}hwarnungsinhalt klar verst{\"a}ndlich oder das Wissen der Betroffenen ausreichend ist, wie man sich und seinen Haushalt vor dem Hochwasser sch{\"u}tzen kann (durch das Ergreifen von Notmaßnahmen). Der Nutzen einer langfristigen Vorsorge, insbesondere von baulichen Maßnahmen, wurde in dieser Studie sehr deutlich. Vor allem die geringwertige Nutzung der hochwassergef{\"a}hrdeten Stockwerke und die hochwasserangepasste Inneneinrichtung konnten die Sch{\"a}den am Geb{\"a}ude und Inventar erheblich reduzieren.}, subject = {Hochwasser}, language = {de} } @article{ClaussYanKuenzer2016, author = {Clauss, Kersten and Yan, Huimin and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {5}, doi = {10.3390/rs8050434}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180557}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rice is an important food crop and a large producer of green-house relevant methane. Accurate and timely maps of paddy fields are most important in the context of food security and greenhouse gas emission modelling. During their life-cycle, rice plants undergo a phenological development that influences their interaction with waves in the visible light and infrared spectrum. Rice growth has a distinctive signature in time series of remotely-sensed data. We used time series of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products MOD13Q1 and MYD13Q1 and a one-class support vector machine to detect these signatures and classify paddy rice areas in continental China. Based on these classifications, we present a novel product for continental China that shows rice areas for the years 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 at 250-m resolution. Our classification has an overall accuracy of 0.90 and a kappa coefficient of 0.77 compared to our own reference dataset for 2014 and correlates highly with rice area statistics from China's Statistical Yearbooks (R2 of 0.92 for 2010, 0.92 for 2005 and 0.90 for 2002). Moderate resolution time series analysis allows accurate and timely mapping of rice paddies over large areas with diverse cropping schemes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Colditz2007, author = {Colditz, Rene Roland}, title = {Time Series Generation and Classification of MODIS Data for Land Cover Mapping}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25908}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Processes of the Earth's surface occur at different scales of time and intensity. Climate in particular determines the activity and seasonal development of vegetation. These dynamics are predominantly driven by temperature in the humid mid-latitudes and by the availability of water in semi-arid regions. Human activities are a modifying parameter for many ecosystems and can become the prime force in well-developed regions with an intensively managed environment. Accounting for these dynamics, i.e. seasonal dynamics of ecosystems and short- to long-term changes in land-cover composition, requires multiple measurements in time. With respect to the characterization of the Earth surface and its transformation due to global warming and human-induced global change, there is a need for appropriate data and methods to determine the activity of vegetation and the change of land cover. Space-borne remote sensing is capable of monitoring the activity and development of vegetation as well as changes of the land surface. In many instances, satellite images are the only means to comprehensively assess the surface characteristics of large areas. A high temporal frequency of image acquisition, forming a time series of satellite data, can be employed for mapping the development of vegetation in space and time. Time series allow for detecting and assessing changes and multi-year transformation processes of high and low intensity, or even abrupt events such as fire and flooding. The operational processing of satellite data and automated information-extraction techniques are the basis for consistent and continuous long-term product generation. This provides the potential for directly using remote-sensing data and products for analyzing the land surface in relation to global warming and global change, including deforestation and land transformation. This study aims at the development of an advanced approach to time-series generation using data-quality indicators. A second goal focuses on the application of time series for automated land-cover classification and update, using fractional cover estimates to accommodate for the comparatively coarse spatial resolution. Requirements of this study are the robustness and high accuracy of the approaches as well as the full transferability to other regions and datasets. In this respect, the developments of this study form a methodological framework, which can be filled with appropriate modules for a specific sensor and application. In order to attain the first goal, time-series compilation, a stand-alone software application called TiSeG (Time Series Generator) has been developed. TiSeG evaluates the pixel-level quality indicators provided with each MODIS land product. It computes two important data-availability indicators, the number of invalid pixels and the maximum gap length. Both indices are visualized in time and space, indicating the feasibility of temporal interpolation. The level of desired data quality can be modified spatially and temporally to account for distinct environments in a larger study area and for seasonal differences. Pixels regarded as invalid are either masked or interpolated with spatial or temporal techniques.}, subject = {Zeitreihe}, language = {en} } @article{ConradFritschZeidleretal.2010, author = {Conrad, Christopher and Fritsch, Sebastian and Zeidler, Julian and R{\"u}cker, Gerd and Dech, Stefan}, title = {Per-Field Irrigated Crop Classification in Arid Central Asia Using SPOT and ASTER Data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68630}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The overarching goal of this research was to explore accurate methods of mapping irrigated crops, where digital cadastre information is unavailable: (a) Boundary separation by object-oriented image segmentation using very high spatial resolution (2.5-5 m) data was followed by (b) identification of crops and crop rotations by means of phenology, tasselled cap, and rule-based classification using high resolution (15-30 m) bi-temporal data. The extensive irrigated cotton production system of the Khorezm province in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, was selected as a study region. Image segmentation was carried out on pan-sharpened SPOT data. Varying combinations of segmentation parameters (shape, compactness, and color) were tested for optimized boundary separation. The resulting geometry was validated against polygons digitized from the data and cadastre maps, analysing similarity (size, shape) and congruence. The parameters shape and compactness were decisive for segmentation accuracy. Differences between crop phenologies were analyzed at field level using bi-temporal ASTER data. A rule set based on the tasselled cap indices greenness and brightness allowed for classifying crop rotations of cotton, winter-wheat and rice, resulting in an overall accuracy of 80 \%. The proposed field-based crop classification method can be an important tool for use in water demand estimations, crop yield simulations, or economic models in agricultural systems similar to Khorezm.}, subject = {Geologie}, language = {en} } @techreport{ConradMorperBuschNetzbandetal.2019, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Conrad, Christopher and Morper-Busch, Lucia and Netzband, Maik and Teucher, Mike and Sch{\"o}nbrodt-Stitt, Sarah and Schorcht, Gunther and Dukhovny, Viktor}, title = {Инструмент для выработки обоснованных решений в вопросах земле- и водопользования}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19200}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192006}, pages = {12}, year = {2019}, abstract = {WUEMoCA — научный инструмент веб-кар¬тографирования для мониторинга эф¬фек¬тивности земле- и водопользования на территориях орошаемого земледелия стран трансграничного бассейна Араль¬ского моря (Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Узбеки¬стана и Афганистана). Путём интеграции спутниковых данных по землепользованию, растениеводству и потреблению воды с гидрологическими и экономическими данными создаётся целый набор показателей. Инструмент полезен для выработки масштабных решений в вопросах распределения воды и землепользования, а также может применяться во многих практических сферах, в которых требуются независимые данные о конкретных обширных территориях.}, language = {ru} } @techreport{ConradMorperBuschNetzbandetal.2019, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Conrad, Christopher and Morper-Busch, Lucia and Netzband, Maik and Teucher, Mike and Sch{\"o}nbrodt-Stitt, Sarah and Schorcht, Gunther and Dukhovny, Viktor}, title = {WUEMoCA Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia Informed Decision-Making in Land and Water Resources Management}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19193}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191934}, pages = {1-12}, year = {2019}, abstract = {WUEMoCA is an operational scientific webmapping tool for the regional monitoring of land and water use efficiency in the irrigated croplands of the transboundary Aral Sea Basin that is shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. Satellite data on land use, crop pro-duction and water consumption is integrated with hydrological and economic information to provide of a set indicators. The tool is useful for large-scale decisions on water distribution or land use, and may be seen as demonstrator for numerous applications in practice, that require independent area-wide spatial information.}, subject = {Zentralasien}, language = {en} } @article{ConradSchoenbrodtStittLoewetal.2016, author = {Conrad, Christopher and Sch{\"o}nbrodt-Stitt, Sarah and L{\"o}w, Fabian and Sorokin, Denis and Paeth, Heiko}, title = {Cropping Intensity in the Aral Sea Basin and Its Dependency from the Runoff Formation 2000-2012}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {630}, doi = {10.3390/rs8080630}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147701}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This study is aimed at a better understanding of how upstream runoff formation affected the cropping intensity (CI: number of harvests) in the Aral Sea Basin (ASB) between 2000 and 2012. MODIS 250 m NDVI time series and knowledge-based pixel masking that included settlement layers and topography features enabled to map the irrigated cropland extent (iCE). Random forest models supported the classification of cropland vegetation phenology (CVP: winter/summer crops, double cropping, etc.). CI and the percentage of fallow cropland (PF) were derived from CVP. Spearman's rho was selected for assessing the statistical relation of CI and PF to runoff formation in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya catchments per hydrological year. Validation in 12 reference sites using multi-annual Landsat-7 ETM+ images revealed an average overall accuracy of 0.85 for the iCE maps. MODIS maps overestimated that based on Landsat by an average factor of ~1.15 (MODIS iCE/Landsat iCE). Exceptional overestimations occurred in case of inaccurate settlement layers. The CVP and CI maps achieved overall accuracies of 0.91 and 0.96, respectively. The Amu Darya catchment disclosed significant positive (negative) relations between upstream runoff with CI (PF) and a high pressure on the river water resources in 2000-2012. Along the Syr Darya, reduced dependencies could be observed, which is potentially linked to the high number of water constructions in that catchment. Intensified double cropping after drought years occurred in Uzbekistan. However, a 10 km × 10 km grid of Spearman's rho (CI and PF vs. upstream runoff) emphasized locations at different CI levels that are directly affected by runoff fluctuations in both river systems. The resulting maps may thus be supportive on the way to achieve long-term sustainability of crop production and to simultaneously protect the severely threatened environment in the ASB. The gained knowledge can be further used for investigating climatic impacts of irrigation in the region.}, language = {en} } @article{DechHolzwarthAsametal.2021, author = {Dech, Stefan and Holzwarth, Stefanie and Asam, Sarah and Andresen, Thorsten and Bachmann, Martin and Boettcher, Martin and Dietz, Andreas and Eisfelder, Christina and Frey, Corinne and Gesell, Gerhard and Gessner, Ursula and Hirner, Andreas and Hofmann, Matthias and Kirches, Grit and Klein, Doris and Klein, Igor and Kraus, Tanja and Krause, Detmar and Plank, Simon and Popp, Thomas and Reinermann, Sophie and Reiners, Philipp and Roessler, Sebastian and Ruppert, Thomas and Scherbachenko, Alexander and Vignesh, Ranjitha and Wolfmueller, Meinhard and Zwenzner, Hendrik and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Potential and challenges of harmonizing 40 years of AVHRR data: the TIMELINE experience}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {18}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13183618}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246134}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Earth Observation satellite data allows for the monitoring of the surface of our planet at predefined intervals covering large areas. However, there is only one medium resolution sensor family in orbit that enables an observation time span of 40 and more years at a daily repeat interval. This is the AVHRR sensor family. If we want to investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on our environment, we can only do so based on data that remains available for several decades. If we then want to investigate processes with respect to climate change, we need very high temporal resolution enabling the generation of long-term time series and the derivation of related statistical parameters such as mean, variability, anomalies, and trends. The challenges to generating a well calibrated and harmonized 40-year-long time series based on AVHRR sensor data flown on 14 different platforms are enormous. However, only extremely thorough pre-processing and harmonization ensures that trends found in the data are real trends and not sensor-related (or other) artefacts. The generation of European-wide time series as a basis for the derivation of a multitude of parameters is therefore an extremely challenging task, the details of which are presented in this paper.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dhillon2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh}, title = {Potential of Remote Sensing in Modeling Long-Term Crop Yields}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32258}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-322581}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Accurate crop monitoring in response to climate change at a regional or field scale plays a significant role in developing agricultural policies, improving food security, forecasting, and analysing global trade trends. Climate change is expected to significantly impact agriculture, with shifts in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events negatively affecting crop yields, soil fertility, water availability, biodiversity, and crop growing conditions. Remote sensing (RS) can provide valuable information combined with crop growth models (CGMs) for yield assessment by monitoring crop development, detecting crop changes, and assessing the impact of climate change on crop yields. This dissertation aims to investigate the potential of RS data on modelling long-term crop yields of winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550 km2 ), Germany. The first chapter of the dissertation describes the reasons favouring the importance of accurate crop yield predictions for achieving sustainability in agriculture. Chapter second explores the accuracy assessment of the synthetic RS data by fusing NDVIs of two high spatial resolution data (high pair) (Landsat (30 m, 16-days; L) and Sentinel-2 (10 m, 5-6 days; S), with four low spatial resolution data (low pair) (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16-days), MCD43A4 (500 m, one day), MOD09GQ (250 m, one-day), and MOD09Q1 (250 m, 8-days)) using the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM), which fills regions' cloud or shadow gaps without losing spatial information. The chapter finds that both L-MOD13Q1 (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 0.11) and S-MOD13Q1 (R2 = 0.68, RMSE = 0.13) are more suitable for agricultural monitoring than the other synthetic products fused. Chapter third explores the ability of the synthetic spatiotemporal datasets (obtained in chapter 2) to accurately map and monitor crop yields of WW and OSR at a regional scale. The chapter investigates and discusses the optimal spatial (10 m, 30 m, or 250 m), temporal (8 or 16-day) and CGMs (World Food Studies (WOFOST), and the semi-empiric light use efficiency approach (LUE)) for accurate crop yield estimations of both crop types. Chapter third observes that the observations of high temporal resolution (8-day) products of both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1 play a significant role in accurately measuring the yield of WW and OSR. The chapter investigates that the simple light use efficiency (LUE) model (R2 = 0.77 and relative RMSE (RRMSE) = 8.17\%) that required fewer input parameters to simulate crop yield is highly accurate, reliable, and more precise than the complex WOFOST model (R2 = 0.66 and RRMSE = 11.35\%) with higher input parameters. Chapter four researches the relationship of spatiotemporal fusion modelling using STRAFM on crop yield prediction for WW and OSR using the LUE model for Bavaria from 2001 to 2019. The chapter states the high positive correlation coefficient (R) = 0.81 and R = 0.77 between the yearly R2 of synthetic accuracy and modelled yield accuracy for WW and OSR from 2001 to 2019, respectively. The chapter analyses the impact of climate variables on crop yield predictions by observing an increase in R2 (0.79 (WW)/0.86 (OSR)) and a decrease in RMSE (4.51/2.57 dt/ha) when the climate effect is included in the model. The fifth chapter suggests that the coupling of the LUE model to the random forest (RF) model can further reduce the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) from -8\% (WW) and -1.6\% (OSR) and increase the R2 by 14.3\% (for both WW and OSR), compared to results just relying on LUE. The same chapter concludes that satellite-based crop biomass, solar radiation, and temperature are the most influential variables in the yield prediction of both crop types. Chapter six attempts to discuss both pros and cons of RS technology while analysing the impact of land use diversity on crop-modelled biomass of WW and OSR. The chapter finds that the modelled biomass of both crops is positively impacted by land use diversity to the radius of 450 (Shannon Diversity Index ~0.75) and 1050 m (~0.75), respectively. The chapter also discusses the future implications by stating that including some dependent factors (such as the management practices used, soil health, pest management, and pollinators) could improve the relationship of RS-modelled crop yields with biodiversity. Lastly, chapter seven discusses testing the scope of new sensors such as unmanned aerial vehicles, hyperspectral sensors, or Sentinel-1 SAR in RS for achieving accurate crop yield predictions for precision farming. In addition, the chapter highlights the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) or deep learning (DL) in obtaining higher crop yield accuracies.}, subject = {Ernteertrag}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dhillon2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh}, title = {Potential of Remote Sensing in Modeling Long-Term Crop Yields}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-33052}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-330529}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Accurate crop monitoring in response to climate change at a regional or field scale plays a significant role in developing agricultural policies, improving food security, forecasting, and analysing global trade trends. Climate change is expected to significantly impact agriculture, with shifts in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events negatively affecting crop yields, soil fertility, water availability, biodiversity, and crop growing conditions. Remote sensing (RS) can provide valuable information combined with crop growth models (CGMs) for yield assessment by monitoring crop development, detecting crop changes, and assessing the impact of climate change on crop yields. This dissertation aims to investigate the potential of RS data on modelling long-term crop yields of winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550 km2), Germany. The first chapter of the dissertation describes the reasons favouring the importance of accurate crop yield predictions for achieving sustainability in agriculture. Chapter second explores the accuracy assessment of the synthetic RS data by fusing NDVIs of two high spatial resolution data (high pair) (Landsat (30 m, 16-days; L) and Sentinel-2 (10 m, 5-6 days; S), with four low spatial resolution data (low pair) (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16-days), MCD43A4 (500 m, one day), MOD09GQ (250 m, one-day), and MOD09Q1 (250 m, 8-days)) using the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM), which fills regions' cloud or shadow gaps without losing spatial information. The chapter finds that both L-MOD13Q1 (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 0.11) and S-MOD13Q1 (R2 = 0.68, RMSE = 0.13) are more suitable for agricultural monitoring than the other synthetic products fused. Chapter third explores the ability of the synthetic spatiotemporal datasets (obtained in chapter 2) to accurately map and monitor crop yields of WW and OSR at a regional scale. The chapter investigates and discusses the optimal spatial (10 m, 30 m, or 250 m), temporal (8 or 16-day) and CGMs (World Food Studies (WOFOST), and the semi-empiric light use efficiency approach (LUE)) for accurate crop yield estimations of both crop types. Chapter third observes that the observations of high temporal resolution (8-day) products of both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1 play a significant role in accurately measuring the yield of WW and OSR. The chapter investigates that the simple light use efficiency (LUE) model (R2 = 0.77 and relative RMSE (RRMSE) = 8.17\%) that required fewer input parameters to simulate crop yield is highly accurate, reliable, and more precise than the complex WOFOST model (R2 = 0.66 and RRMSE = 11.35\%) with higher input parameters. Chapter four researches the relationship of spatiotemporal fusion modelling using STRAFM on crop yield prediction for WW and OSR using the LUE model for Bavaria from 2001 to 2019. The chapter states the high positive correlation coefficient (R) = 0.81 and R = 0.77 between the yearly R2 of synthetic accuracy and modelled yield accuracy for WW and OSR from 2001 to 2019, respectively. The chapter analyses the impact of climate variables on crop yield predictions by observing an increase in R2 (0.79 (WW)/0.86 (OSR)) and a decrease in RMSE (4.51/2.57 dt/ha) when the climate effect is included in the model. The fifth chapter suggests that the coupling of the LUE model to the random forest (RF) model can further reduce the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) from -8\% (WW) and -1.6\% (OSR) and increase the R2 by 14.3\% (for both WW and OSR), compared to results just relying on LUE. The same chapter concludes that satellite-based crop biomass, solar radiation, and temperature are the most influential variables in the yield prediction of both crop types. Chapter six attempts to discuss both pros and cons of RS technology while analysing the impact of land use diversity on crop-modelled biomass of WW and OSR. The chapter finds that the modelled biomass of both crops is positively impacted by land use diversity to the radius of 450 (Shannon Diversity Index ~0.75) and 1050 m (~0.75), respectively. The chapter also discusses the future implications by stating that including some dependent factors (such as the management practices used, soil health, pest management, and pollinators) could improve the relationship of RS-modelled crop yields with biodiversity. Lastly, chapter seven discusses testing the scope of new sensors such as unmanned aerial vehicles, hyperspectral sensors, or Sentinel-1 SAR in RS for achieving accurate crop yield predictions for precision farming. In addition, the chapter highlights the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) or deep learning (DL) in obtaining higher crop yield accuracies.}, subject = {Ernteertrag}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonDahmsKuebertFlocketal.2020, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Dahms, Thorsten and Kuebert-Flock, Carina and Borg, Erik and Conrad, Christopher and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {11}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12111819}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207845}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This study compares the performance of the five widely used crop growth models (CGMs): World Food Studies (WOFOST), Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)-Wheat, AquaCrop, cropping systems simulation model (CropSyst), and the semi-empiric light use efficiency approach (LUE) for the prediction of winter wheat biomass on the Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network (DEMMIN) test site, Germany. The study focuses on the use of remote sensing (RS) data, acquired in 2015, in CGMs, as they offer spatial information on the actual conditions of the vegetation. Along with this, the study investigates the data fusion of Landsat (30 m) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (500 m) data using the spatial and temporal reflectance adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) fusion algorithm. These synthetic RS data offer a 30-m spatial and one-day temporal resolution. The dataset therefore provides the necessary information to run CGMs and it is possible to examine the fine-scale spatial and temporal changes in crop phenology for specific fields, or sub sections of them, and to monitor crop growth daily, considering the impact of daily climate variability. The analysis includes a detailed comparison of the simulated and measured crop biomass. The modelled crop biomass using synthetic RS data is compared to the model outputs using the original MODIS time series as well. On comparison with the MODIS product, the study finds the performance of CGMs more reliable, precise, and significant with synthetic time series. Using synthetic RS data, the models AquaCrop and LUE, in contrast to other models, simulate the winter wheat biomass best, with an output of high R2 (>0.82), low RMSE (<600 g/m\(^2\)) and significant p-value (<0.05) during the study period. However, inputting MODIS data makes the models underperform, with low R2 (<0.68) and high RMSE (>600 g/m\(^2\)). The study shows that the models requiring fewer input parameters (AquaCrop and LUE) to simulate crop biomass are highly applicable and precise. At the same time, they are easier to implement than models, which need more input parameters (WOFOST and CERES-Wheat).}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonDahmsKuebertFlocketal.2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Dahms, Thorsten and Kuebert-Flock, Carina and Rummler, Thomas and Arnault, Joel and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Integrating random forest and crop modeling improves the crop yield prediction of winter wheat and oil seed rape}, series = {Frontiers in Remote Sensing}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in Remote Sensing}, issn = {2673-6187}, doi = {10.3389/frsen.2022.1010978}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301462}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The fast and accurate yield estimates with the increasing availability and variety of global satellite products and the rapid development of new algorithms remain a goal for precision agriculture and food security. However, the consistency and reliability of suitable methodologies that provide accurate crop yield outcomes still need to be explored. The study investigates the coupling of crop modeling and machine learning (ML) to improve the yield prediction of winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) and provides examples for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550 km2), Germany, in 2019. The main objectives are to find whether a coupling approach [Light Use Efficiency (LUE) + Random Forest (RF)] would result in better and more accurate yield predictions compared to results provided with other models not using the LUE. Four different RF models [RF1 (input: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)), RF2 (input: climate variables), RF3 (input: NDVI + climate variables), RF4 (input: LUE generated biomass + climate variables)], and one semi-empiric LUE model were designed with different input requirements to find the best predictors of crop monitoring. The results indicate that the individual use of the NDVI (in RF1) and the climate variables (in RF2) could not be the most accurate, reliable, and precise solution for crop monitoring; however, their combined use (in RF3) resulted in higher accuracies. Notably, the study suggested the coupling of the LUE model variables to the RF4 model can reduce the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) from -8\% (WW) and -1.6\% (OSR) and increase the R 2 by 14.3\% (for both WW and OSR), compared to results just relying on LUE. Moreover, the research compares models yield outputs by inputting three different spatial inputs: Sentinel-2(S)-MOD13Q1 (10 m), Landsat (L)-MOD13Q1 (30 m), and MOD13Q1 (MODIS) (250 m). The S-MOD13Q1 data has relatively improved the performance of models with higher mean R 2 [0.80 (WW), 0.69 (OSR)], and lower RRMSE (\%) (9.18, 10.21) compared to L-MOD13Q1 (30 m) and MOD13Q1 (250 m). Satellite-based crop biomass, solar radiation, and temperature are found to be the most influential variables in the yield prediction of both crops.}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonDahmsKuebertFlocketal.2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Dahms, Thorsten and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Liepa, Adomas and Rummler, Thomas and Arnault, Joel and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Impact of STARFM on crop yield predictions: fusing MODIS with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 NDVIs in Bavaria Germany}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {6}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15061651}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311092}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Rapid and accurate yield estimates at both field and regional levels remain the goal of sustainable agriculture and food security. Hereby, the identification of consistent and reliable methodologies providing accurate yield predictions is one of the hot topics in agricultural research. This study investigated the relationship of spatiotemporal fusion modelling using STRAFM on crop yield prediction for winter wheat (WW) and oil-seed rape (OSR) using a semi-empirical light use efficiency (LUE) model for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550 km\(^2\)), Germany, from 2001 to 2019. A synthetic normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series was generated and validated by fusing the high spatial resolution (30 m, 16 days) Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) (2001 to 2012), Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) (2012), and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) (2013 to 2019) with the coarse resolution of MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16 days) from 2001 to 2019. Except for some temporal periods (i.e., 2001, 2002, and 2012), the study obtained an R\(^2\) of more than 0.65 and a RMSE of less than 0.11, which proves that the Landsat 8 OLI fused products are of higher accuracy than the Landsat 5 TM products. Moreover, the accuracies of the NDVI fusion data have been found to correlate with the total number of available Landsat scenes every year (N), with a correlation coefficient (R) of +0.83 (between R\(^2\) of yearly synthetic NDVIs and N) and -0.84 (between RMSEs and N). For crop yield prediction, the synthetic NDVI time series and climate elements (such as minimum temperature, maximum temperature, relative humidity, evaporation, transpiration, and solar radiation) are inputted to the LUE model, resulting in an average R\(^2\) of 0.75 (WW) and 0.73 (OSR), and RMSEs of 4.33 dt/ha and 2.19 dt/ha. The yield prediction results prove the consistency and stability of the LUE model for yield estimation. Using the LUE model, accurate crop yield predictions were obtained for WW (R\(^2\) = 0.88) and OSR (R\(^2\) = 0.74). Lastly, the study observed a high positive correlation of R = 0.81 and R = 0.77 between the yearly R\(^2\) of synthetic accuracy and modelled yield accuracy for WW and OSR, respectively.}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonDahmsKuebertFlocketal.2022, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Dahms, Thorsten and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Zhang, Jie and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Spatiotemporal Fusion Modelling Using STARFM: Examples of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 NDVI in Bavaria}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {3}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14030677}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323471}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The increasing availability and variety of global satellite products provide a new level of data with different spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions; however, identifying the most suited resolution for a specific application consumes increasingly more time and computation effort. The region's cloud coverage additionally influences the choice of the best trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution, and different pixel sizes of remote sensing (RS) data may hinder the accurate monitoring of different land cover (LC) classes such as agriculture, forest, grassland, water, urban, and natural-seminatural. To investigate the importance of RS data for these LC classes, the present study fuses NDVIs of two high spatial resolution data (high pair) (Landsat (30 m, 16 days; L) and Sentinel-2 (10 m, 5-6 days; S), with four low spatial resolution data (low pair) (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 16 days), MCD43A4 (500 m, one day), MOD09GQ (250 m, one-day), and MOD09Q1 (250 m, eight day)) using the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM), which fills regions' cloud or shadow gaps without losing spatial information. These eight synthetic NDVI STARFM products (2: high pair multiply 4: low pair) offer a spatial resolution of 10 or 30 m and temporal resolution of 1, 8, or 16 days for the entire state of Bavaria (Germany) in 2019. Due to their higher revisit frequency and more cloud and shadow-free scenes (S = 13, L = 9), Sentinel-2 (overall R\(^2\) = 0.71, and RMSE = 0.11) synthetic NDVI products provide more accurate results than Landsat (overall R\(^2\) = 0.61, and RMSE = 0.13). Likewise, for the agriculture class, synthetic products obtained using Sentinel-2 resulted in higher accuracy than Landsat except for L-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.62, RMSE = 0.11), resulting in similar accuracy preciseness as S-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.68, RMSE = 0.13). Similarly, comparing L-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.60, RMSE = 0.05) and S-MOD13Q1 (R\(^2\) = 0.52, RMSE = 0.09) for the forest class, the former resulted in higher accuracy and precision than the latter. Conclusively, both L-MOD13Q1 and S-MOD13Q1 are suitable for agricultural and forest monitoring; however, the spatial resolution of 30 m and low storage capacity makes L-MOD13Q1 more prominent and faster than that of S-MOD13Q1 with the 10-m spatial resolution.}, language = {en} } @article{DhillonKuebertFlockDahmsetal.2023, author = {Dhillon, Maninder Singh and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Dahms, Thorsten and Rummler, Thomas and Arnault, Joel and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Ullmann, Tobias}, title = {Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data for accurate crop yield predictions: a case study using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germany}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs15071830}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311132}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The increasing availability and variety of global satellite products and the rapid development of new algorithms has provided great potential to generate a new level of data with different spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions. However, the ability of these synthetic spatiotemporal datasets to accurately map and monitor our planet on a field or regional scale remains underexplored. This study aimed to support future research efforts in estimating crop yields by identifying the optimal spatial (10 m, 30 m, or 250 m) and temporal (8 or 16 days) resolutions on a regional scale. The current study explored and discussed the suitability of four different synthetic (Landsat (L)-MOD13Q1 (30 m, 8 and 16 days) and Sentinel-2 (S)-MOD13Q1 (10 m, 8 and 16 days)) and two real (MOD13Q1 (250 m, 8 and 16 days)) NDVI products combined separately to two widely used crop growth models (CGMs) (World Food Studies (WOFOST), and the semi-empiric Light Use Efficiency approach (LUE)) for winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) yield forecasts in Bavaria (70,550 km\(^2\)) for the year 2019. For WW and OSR, the synthetic products' high spatial and temporal resolution resulted in higher yield accuracies using LUE and WOFOST. The observations of high temporal resolution (8-day) products of both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1 played a significant role in accurately measuring the yield of WW and OSR. For example, L- and S-MOD13Q1 resulted in an R\(^2\) = 0.82 and 0.85, RMSE = 5.46 and 5.01 dt/ha for WW, R\(^2\) = 0.89 and 0.82, and RMSE = 2.23 and 2.11 dt/ha for OSR using the LUE model, respectively. Similarly, for the 8- and 16-day products, the simple LUE model (R\(^2\) = 0.77 and relative RMSE (RRMSE) = 8.17\%) required fewer input parameters to simulate crop yield and was highly accurate, reliable, and more precise than the complex WOFOST model (R\(^2\) = 0.66 and RRMSE = 11.35\%) with higher input parameters. Conclusively, both S-MOD13Q1 and L-MOD13Q1, in combination with LUE, were more prominent for predicting crop yields on a regional scale than the 16-day products; however, L-MOD13Q1 was advantageous for generating and exploring the long-term yield time series due to the availability of Landsat data since 1982, with a maximum resolution of 30 m. In addition, this study recommended the further use of its findings for implementing and validating the long-term crop yield time series in different regions of the world.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dichtl2013, author = {Dichtl, Tobias}, title = {Eigent{\"u}mer von Handelsimmobilien als Schl{\"u}sselakteure f{\"u}r die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Innenstadt. Untersucht am Beispiel W{\"u}rzburg.}, publisher = {Verlag MetaGIS Infosysteme}, address = {Mannheim}, isbn = {978-3-936438-63-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180728}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {199}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Eine attraktive Innenstadt ist das Aush{\"a}ngeschild jeder Stadt, an deren Entwicklung eine Vielzahl von Akteuren beteiligt ist. Neben den Einzelh{\"a}ndlern und der Verwaltung wurden in den letzten Jahren auch die Immobilieneigent{\"u}mer als wichtige Akteure in der Stadtentwicklung erkannt. Sie bieten mit ihren Immobilien Standorte, an denen eine Ansiedlung von Einzelh{\"a}ndlern erfolgen kann und beeinflussen durch die Gestaltung ihrer Immobilien sowie durch die Wahl der Mieter und Nutzungen die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Innenst{\"a}dte. Die Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit konzentrieren sich auf die Bedeutung der Immobilieneigent{\"u}mer f{\"u}r die Einzelhandelsentwicklung und damit f{\"u}r die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Innenstadt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Einfluss des Eigent{\"u}mers auf die Handelsimmobilie und damit auf die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Innenstadt am Beispiel der Stadt W{\"u}rzburg genauer zu untersuchen. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Zusammenhang von Eigenschaften, Zielen und Motiven des Immobilieneigent{\"u}mers einerseits und dem Zustand der Immobilie andererseits. Die methodische Vorgehensweise gliedert sich dementsprechend in zwei Untersuchungsans{\"a}tze. Auf der einen Seite werden Informationen zu den Immobilieneigent{\"u}mern durch Grundbuchauswertungen und Befragungen erhoben, um eine Typisierung vornehmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Auf der anderen Seite werden die Anforderungen von Einzelh{\"a}ndlern an innerst{\"a}dtische Handelsimmobilien herausgearbeitet und in ein Bewertungsmodell {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt. Mit diesem werden die Immobilien im Untersuchungsgebiet hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung f{\"u}r den Einzelhandel bewertet. Aus der Verschneidung dieser beiden Ans{\"a}tze k{\"o}nnen dann Aussagen {\"u}ber den Einfluss der Eigent{\"u}mer auf die Handelsimmobilien und damit auch auf die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Innenstadt abgeleitet werden.}, subject = {W{\"u}rzburg}, language = {de} } @article{DietrichMeisterDietrichetal.2019, author = {Dietrich, Laura and Meister, Julia and Dietrich, Oliver and Notroff, Jens and Kiep, Janika and Heeb, Julia and Beuger, Andr{\´e} and Sch{\"u}tt, Brigitta}, title = {Cereal processing at Early Neolithic G{\"o}bekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {14}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0215214}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201504}, pages = {e0215214}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We analyze the processing of cereals and its role at Early Neolithic G{\"o}bekli Tepe, southeastern Anatolia (10th / 9th millennium BC), a site that has aroused much debate in archaeological discourse. To date, only zooarchaeological evidence has been discussed in regard to the subsistence of its builders. G{\"o}bekli Tepe consists of monumental round to oval buildings, erected in an earlier phase, and smaller rectangular buildings, built around them in a partially contemporaneous and later phase. The monumental buildings are best known as they were in the focus of research. They are around 20 m in diameter and have stone pillars that are up to 5.5 m high and often richly decorated. The rectangular buildings are smaller and-in some cases-have up to 2 m high, mostly undecorated, pillars. Especially striking is the number of tools related to food processing, including grinding slabs/bowls, handstones, pestles, and mortars, which have not been studied before. We analyzed more than 7000 artifacts for the present contribution. The high frequency of artifacts is unusual for contemporary sites in the region. Using an integrated approach of formal, experimental, and macro- / microscopical use-wear analyses we show that Neolithic people at G{\"o}bekli Tepe have produced standardized and efficient grinding tools, most of which have been used for the processing of cereals. Additional phytolith analysis confirms the massive presence of cereals at the site, filling the gap left by the weakly preserved charred macro-rests. The organization of work and food supply has always been a central question of research into G{\"o}bekli Tepe, as the construction and maintenance of the monumental architecture would have necessitated a considerable work force. Contextual analyses of the distribution of the elements of the grinding kit on site highlight a clear link between plant food preparation and the rectangular buildings and indicate clear delimitations of working areas for food production on the terraces the structures lie on, surrounding the circular buildings. There is evidence for extensive plant food processing and archaeozoological data hint at large-scale hunting of gazelle between midsummer and autumn. As no large storage facilities have been identified, we argue for a production of food for immediate use and interpret these seasonal peaks in activity at the site as evidence for the organization of large work feasts.}, language = {en} } @article{DietzConradKuenzeretal.2014, author = {Dietz, Andreas J. and Conrad, Christopher and Kuenzer, Claudia and Gesell, Gerhard and Dech, Stefan}, title = {Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {6}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {12}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs61212752}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114470}, pages = {12752-12775}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Central Asia consists of the five former Soviet States Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, therefore comprising an area of similar to 4 Mio km(2). The continental climate is characterized by hot and dry summer months and cold winter seasons with most precipitation occurring as snowfall. Accordingly, freshwater supply is strongly depending on the amount of accumulated snow as well as the moment of its release after snowmelt. The aim of the presented study is to identify possible changes in snow cover characteristics, consisting of snow cover duration, onset and offset of snow cover season within the last 28 years. Relying on remotely sensed data originating from medium resolution imagers, these snow cover characteristics are extracted on a daily basis. The resolution of 500-1000 m allows for a subsequent analysis of changes on the scale of hydrological sub-catchments. Long-term changes are identified from this unique dataset, revealing an ongoing shift towards earlier snowmelt within the Central Asian Mountains. This shift can be observed in most upstream hydro catchments within Pamir and Tian Shan Mountains and it leads to a potential change of freshwater availability in the downstream regions, exerting additional pressure on the already tensed situation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dirscherl2022, author = {Dirscherl, Mariel Christina}, title = {Remote Sensing of Supraglacial Lake Dynamics in Antarctica - Exploiting Methods from Artificial Intelligence for Derivation of Antarctic Supraglacial Lake Extents in Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27950}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-279505}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {With accelerating global climate change, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is exposed to increasing ice dynamic change. During 1992 and 2017, Antarctica contributed ~7.6 mm to global sea-level-rise mainly due to ocean thermal forcing along West Antarctica and atmospheric warming along the Antarctic Peninsula (API). Together, these processes caused the progressive retreat of glaciers and ice shelves and weakened their efficient buttressing force causing widespread ice flow accelerations. Holding ~91\% of the global ice mass and 57.3 m of sea-level-equivalent, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is by far the largest potential contributor to future sea-level-rise. Despite the improved understanding of Antarctic ice dynamics, the future of Antarctica remains difficult to predict with its contribution to global sea-level-rise representing the largest uncertainty in current projections. Given that recent studies point towards atmospheric warming and melt intensification to become a dominant driver for future Antarctic ice mass loss, the monitoring of supraglacial lakes and their impacts on ice dynamics is of utmost importance. In this regard, recent progress in Earth Observation provides an abundance of high-resolution optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data at unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage and greatly supports the monitoring of the Antarctic continent where ground-based mapping efforts are difficult to perform. As an automated mapping technique for supraglacial lake extent delineation in optical and SAR satellite imagery as well as a pan-Antarctic inventory of Antarctic supraglacial lakes at high spatial and temporal resolution is entirely missing, this thesis aims to advance the understanding of Antarctic surface hydrology through exploitation of spaceborne remote sensing. In particular, a detailed literature review on spaceborne remote sensing of Antarctic supraglacial lakes identified several research gaps including the lack of (1) an automated mapping technique for optical or SAR satellite data that is transferable in space and time, (2) high-resolution supraglacial lake extent mappings at intra-annual and inter-annual temporal resolution and (3) large-scale mapping efforts across the entire Antarctic continent. In addition, past method developments were found to be restricted to purely visual, manual or semi-automated mapping techniques hindering their application to multi-temporal satellite imagery at large-scale. In this context, the development of automated mapping techniques was mainly limited by sensor-specific characteristics including the similar appearance of supraglacial lakes and other ice sheet surface features in optical or SAR data, the varying temporal signature of supraglacial lakes throughout the year as well as effects such as speckle noise and wind roughening in SAR data or cloud coverage in optical data. To overcome these limitations, this thesis exploits methods from artificial intelligence and big data processing for development of an automated processing chain for supraglacial lake extent delineation in Sentinel-1 SAR and optical Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. The combination of both sensor types enabled to capture both surface and subsurface lakes as well as to acquire data during cloud cover or wind roughening of lakes. For Sentinel-1, a deep convolutional neural network based on residual U-Net was trained on the basis of 21,200 labeled Sentinel-1 SAR image patches covering 13 Antarctic regions. Similarly, optical Sentinel-2 data were collected over 14 Antarctic regions and used for training of a Random Forest classifier. Optical and SAR classification products were combined through decision-level fusion at bi-weekly temporal scale and unprecedented 10 m spatial resolution. Finally, the method was implemented as part of DLR's High-Performance Computing infrastructure allowing for an automated processing of large amounts of data including all required pre- and postprocessing steps. The results of an accuracy assessment over independent test scenes highlighted the functionality of the classifiers returning accuracies of 93\% and 95\% for supraglacial lakes in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, respectively. Exploiting the full archive of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, the developed framework for the first time enabled the monitoring of seasonal characteristics of Antarctic supraglacial lakes over six major ice shelves in 2015-2021. In particular, the results for API ice shelves revealed low lake coverage during 2015-2018 and particularly high lake coverage during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 melting seasons. On the contrary, East Antarctic ice shelves were characterized by high lake coverage during 2016-2019 and extremely low lake coverage during the 2020-2021 melting season. Over all six investigated ice shelves, the development of drainage systems was revealed highlighting an increased risk for ice shelf instability. Through statistical correlation analysis with climate data at varying time lags as well as annual data on Southern Hemisphere atmospheric modes, environmental drivers for meltwater ponding were revealed. In addition, the influence of the local glaciological setting was investigated through computation of annual recurrence times of lakes. Over both ice sheet regions, the complex interplay between local, regional and large-scale environmental drivers was found to control supraglacial lake formation despite local to regional discrepancies, as revealed through pixel-based correlation analysis. Local control factors included the ice surface topography, the ice shelf geometry, the presence of low-albedo features as well as a reduced firn air content and were found to exert strong control on lake distribution. On the other hand, regional controls on lake evolution were revealed to be the amount of incoming solar radiation, air temperature and wind occurrence. While foehn winds were found to dictate lake evolution over the API, katabatic winds influenced lake ponding in East Antarctica. Furthermore, the regional near-surface climate was shown to be driven by large-scale atmospheric modes and teleconnections with the tropics. Overall, the results highlight that similar driving factors control supraglacial lake formation on the API and EAIS pointing towards their transferability to other Antarctic regions.}, subject = {Optische Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @article{DirscherlDietzKneiseletal.2020, author = {Dirscherl, Mariel and Dietz, Andreas J. and Kneisel, Christof and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Automated mapping of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using a Machine Learning approach}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12071203}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203735}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Supraglacial lakes can have considerable impact on ice sheet mass balance and global sea-level-rise through ice shelf fracturing and subsequent glacier speedup. In Antarctica, the distribution and temporal development of supraglacial lakes as well as their potential contribution to increased ice mass loss remains largely unknown, requiring a detailed mapping of the Antarctic surface hydrological network. In this study, we employ a Machine Learning algorithm trained on Sentinel-2 and auxiliary TanDEM-X topographic data for automated mapping of Antarctic supraglacial lakes. To ensure the spatio-temporal transferability of our method, a Random Forest was trained on 14 training regions and applied over eight spatially independent test regions distributed across the whole Antarctic continent. In addition, we employed our workflow for large-scale application over Amery Ice Shelf where we calculated interannual supraglacial lake dynamics between 2017 and 2020 at full ice shelf coverage. To validate our supraglacial lake detection algorithm, we randomly created point samples over our classification results and compared them to Sentinel-2 imagery. The point comparisons were evaluated using a confusion matrix for calculation of selected accuracy metrics. Our analysis revealed wide-spread supraglacial lake occurrence in all three Antarctic regions. For the first time, we identified supraglacial meltwater features on Abbott, Hull and Cosgrove Ice Shelves in West Antarctica as well as for the entire Amery Ice Shelf for years 2017-2020. Over Amery Ice Shelf, maximum lake extent varied strongly between the years with the 2019 melt season characterized by the largest areal coverage of supraglacial lakes (~763 km\(^2\)). The accuracy assessment over the test regions revealed an average Kappa coefficient of 0.86 where the largest value of Kappa reached 0.98 over George VI Ice Shelf. Future developments will involve the generation of circum-Antarctic supraglacial lake mapping products as well as their use for further methodological developments using Sentinel-1 SAR data in order to characterize intraannual supraglacial meltwater dynamics also during polar night and independent of meteorological conditions. In summary, the implementation of the Random Forest classifier enabled the development of the first automated mapping method applied to Sentinel-2 data distributed across all three Antarctic regions.}, language = {en} } @article{DirscherlDietzKneiseletal.2021, author = {Dirscherl, Mariel and Dietz, Andreas J. and Kneisel, Christof and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {A novel method for automated supraglacial lake mapping in Antarctica using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and deep learning}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {2}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13020197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222998}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Supraglacial meltwater accumulation on ice sheets can be a main driver for accelerated ice discharge, mass loss, and global sea-level-rise. With further increasing surface air temperatures, meltwater-induced hydrofracturing, basal sliding, or surface thinning will cumulate and most likely trigger unprecedented ice mass loss on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. While the Greenland surface hydrological network as well as its impacts on ice dynamics and mass balance has been studied in much detail, Antarctic supraglacial lakes remain understudied with a circum-Antarctic record of their spatio-temporal development entirely lacking. This study provides the first automated supraglacial lake extent mapping method using Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery over Antarctica and complements the developed optical Sentinel-2 supraglacial lake detection algorithm presented in our companion paper. In detail, we propose the use of a modified U-Net for semantic segmentation of supraglacial lakes in single-polarized Sentinel-1 imagery. The convolutional neural network (CNN) is implemented with residual connections for optimized performance as well as an Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module for multiscale feature extraction. The algorithm is trained on 21,200 Sentinel-1 image patches and evaluated in ten spatially or temporally independent test acquisitions. In addition, George VI Ice Shelf is analyzed for intra-annual lake dynamics throughout austral summer 2019/2020 and a decision-level fused Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 maximum lake extent mapping product is presented for January 2020 revealing a more complete supraglacial lake coverage (~770 km\(^2\)) than the individual single-sensor products. Classification results confirm the reliability of the proposed workflow with an average Kappa coefficient of 0.925 and a F\(_1\)-score of 93.0\% for the supraglacial water class across all test regions. Furthermore, the algorithm is applied in an additional test region covering supraglacial lakes on the Greenland ice sheet which further highlights the potential for spatio-temporal transferability. Future work involves the integration of more training data as well as intra-annual analyses of supraglacial lake occurrence across the whole continent and with focus on supraglacial lake development throughout a summer melt season and into Antarctic winter.}, language = {en} } @article{DobińskiKneisel2021, author = {Dobiński, Wojciech and Kneisel, Christof}, title = {Permafrost and glaciers: perspectives for the Earth and planetary sciences — another step forward}, series = {Geosciences}, volume = {11}, journal = {Geosciences}, number = {2}, issn = {2076-3263}, doi = {10.3390/geosciences11020068}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228766}, year = {2021}, abstract = {No abstract available}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dolezal2018, author = {Dolezal, Sascha}, title = {Traditionelle Einkaufspassagen in Japans Einzelhandelslandschaft: R{\"a}umliche Strukturen, Prozesse und Konsequenzen.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156842}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Eine lange Tradition im japanischen Einzelhandel besitzen die oftmals schmalen und {\"u}berdachten Einkaufspassagen (Shoutengai). Charakteristisch ist die Aneinanderreihung von kleinfl{\"a}chigen, unabh{\"a}ngigen und oftmals familiengef{\"u}hrten Fachgesch{\"a}ften. Diese sind sowohl im Einzelhandel, Dienstleistungsgewerbe als auch in der Gastronomie angesiedelt und dienen nicht nur als zentrales Versorgungszentrum in Fußn{\"a}he, sondern sind auch Kommunikationsmittelpunkt einer Nachbarschaft oder eines Stadtbezirks. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Darstellung der momentanen Situation traditioneller Einkaufspassagen in Japan und welchen Herausforderungen diese aktuell und zuk{\"u}nftig gegen{\"u}berstehen. Mangelnde Kundennachfrage, erh{\"o}hte Konkurrenzsituation, steigende Steuerabgaben oder fehlende Nachfolger stehen beispielhaft f{\"u}r die Probleme, mit denen sich viele Inhaber konfrontiert sehen. Durch die empirische Untersuchung sollen Determinanten des Erfolgs bzw. Misserfolgs erarbeitet werden. Hierbei wurden von Juni 2015 bis Juli 2016 in Kyoto und Osaka 21 Einkaufspassagen mit insgesamt 3.469 Gesch{\"a}ftsfl{\"a}chen kartiert, von denen wiederum acht Einkaufspassagen n{\"a}her untersucht wurden. Dabei haben 513 Betriebe an einer standardisierten Befragung teilgenommen und es wurden mehrere Leitfadeninterviews mit Shoutengai-Vereinen sowie Stadtverwaltungen und Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderern gef{\"u}hrt. Als theoretische Grundlagen der vorliegenden Arbeit dient insbesondere die Akteurs- und Handlungstheorie und wie die Aktivit{\"a}ten der Gesch{\"a}ftsbetreiber die Passagen positiv bzw. negativ beeinflussen. Flankierenden Charakter besitzen zudem die Institutionentheorie, anhand derer der Einfluss politischer Entscheidungen er{\"o}rtert wird sowie zyklische Theorieans{\"a}tze, um eine Einordnung der traditionellen Einkaufspassagen in Japans Einzelhandelslandschaft durchzuf{\"u}hren. Seit {\"u}ber drei Jahrzehnten sinkt landesweit die Zahl der Einzelh{\"a}ndler, die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r den Niedergang sind vielf{\"a}ltig. Insbesondere Einzelgesch{\"a}fte mit einer niedrigen einstelligen Zahl an Mitarbeitern waren und sind auch weiterhin im R{\"u}ckgang inbegriffen. {\"U}ber ein Drittel der befragten Gesch{\"a}ftsinhaber planen in den n{\"a}chsten f{\"u}nf Jahren die Gesch{\"a}ftsf{\"u}hrung aufzugeben, zwei Drittel von ihnen haben keinen Nachfolger f{\"u}r ihr Gesch{\"a}ft. Zunehmende Schließungen tragen zu Trading-Down Prozessen der gesamten Passage bei. Hohe Leerstandsquoten von bis zu {\"u}ber 50 \%, verbunden mit ungepflegten Geb{\"a}udefassaden, einem schlechten Beleuchtungskonzept und begrenzter Produktauswahl f{\"u}hren zu einer unattraktiven Einkaufsatmosph{\"a}re, resultierend in einem Kundenmangel. Die Diversifizierung der Betriebsformen ab den 1960er Jahren und Deregulierungsprozesse der Binnenhandelspolitik bef{\"o}rderten die Konkurrenzsituation der Einkaufspassagen und bildeten die Grundlage dieser Abw{\"a}rtsentwicklung. Einige Immobiliengesellschaften nutzen dies f{\"u}r ihre Zwecke und erwerben einige Ladenzeilen, um diese großfl{\"a}chigen zu Wohnh{\"a}usern umzubauen. Die Einkaufspassagen erfahren dadurch einen Funktionswandel und verlieren zunehmend ihren urspr{\"u}nglichen Charakter. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, die aktuelle Einzelhandelslandschaft Japans zu erfassen und stadtplanerischen Instrumenten bei der k{\"u}nftigen Planung zu unterst{\"u}tzen.}, subject = {Einzelhandel}, language = {de} } @article{DongWurmTaubenboeck2022, author = {Dong, Ruirui and Wurm, Michael and Taubenb{\"o}ck, Hannes}, title = {Seasonal and diurnal variation of land surface temperature distribution and its relation to land use/land cover patterns}, series = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, volume = {19}, journal = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, number = {19}, issn = {1660-4601}, doi = {10.3390/ijerph191912738}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290393}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The surface urban heat island (SUHI) affects the quality of urban life. Because varying urban structures have varying impacts on SUHI, it is crucial to understand the impact of land use/land cover characteristics for improving the quality of life in cities and urban health. Satellite-based data on land surface temperatures (LST) and derived land use/cover pattern (LUCP) indicators provide an efficient opportunity to derive the required data at a large scale. This study explores the seasonal and diurnal variation of spatial associations from LUCP and LST employing Pearson correlation and ordinary least squares regression analysis. Specifically, Landsat-8 images were utilized to derive LSTs in four seasons, taking Berlin as a case study. The results indicate that: (1) in terms of land cover, hot spots are mainly distributed over transportation, commercial and industrial land in the daytime, while wetlands were identified as hot spots during nighttime; (2) from the land composition indicators, the normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) showed the strongest influence in summer, while the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) exhibited the biggest impact in winter; (3) from urban morphological parameters, the building density showed an especially significant positive association with LST and the strongest effect during daytime.}, language = {en} } @article{DubovykMenzConradetal.2012, author = {Dubovyk, Olena and Menz, Gunter and Conrad, Christopher and Kann, Elena and Machwitz, Miriam and Khamzina, Asia}, title = {Spatio-temporal analyses of cropland degradation in the irrigated lowlands of Uzbekistan using remote-sensing and logistic regression modeling}, series = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {185}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1007/s10661-012-2904-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129912}, pages = {4775-4790}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Advancing land degradation in the irrigated areas of Central Asia hinders sustainable development of this predominantly agricultural region. To support decisions on mitigating cropland degradation, this study combines linear trend analysis and spatial logistic regression modeling to expose a land degradation trend in the Khorezm region, Uzbekistan, and to analyze the causes. Time series of the 250-m MODIS NDVI, summed over the growing seasons of 2000-2010, were used to derive areas with an apparent negative vegetation trend; this was interpreted as an indicator of land degradation. About one third (161,000 ha) of the region's area experienced negative trends of different magnitude. The vegetation decline was particularly evident on the low-fertility lands bordering on the natural sandy desert, suggesting that these areas should be prioritized in mitigation planning. The results of logistic modeling indicate that the spatial pattern of the observed trend is mainly associated with the level of the groundwater table (odds = 330 \%), land-use intensity (odds = 103 \%), low soil quality (odds = 49 \%), slope (odds = 29 \%), and salinity of the groundwater (odds = 26 \%). Areas, threatened by land degradation, were mapped by fitting the estimated model parameters to available data. The elaborated approach, combining remote-sensing and GIS, can form the basis for developing a common tool for monitoring land degradation trends in irrigated croplands of Central Asia.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duerig2011, author = {D{\"u}rig, Tobias}, title = {Fracture dynamics in silicate glasses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73492}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Understanding the mechanisms of fragmentation within silicate melts is of great interest not only for material science, but also for volcanology, particularly regarding molten fuel coolant-interactions (MFCIs). Therefore edge-on hammer impact experiments (HIEs) have been carried out in order to analyze the fracture dynamics in well defined targets by applying a Cranz-Schardin highspeed camera technique. This thesis presents the corresponding results and provides a thorough insight into the dynamics of fragmentation, particularly focussing on the processes of energy dissipation. In HIEs two main classes of cracks can be identified, characterized by completely different fracture mechanisms: Shock wave induced "damage cracks" and "normal cracks", which are exclusively caused by shear-stresses. This dual fracture situation is taken into account by introducing a new concept, according to which the crack class-specific fracture energies are linearly correlated with the corresponding fracture areas. The respective proportionality constants - denoted "fracture surface energy densities" (FSEDs) - have been quantified for all studied targets under various constraints. By analyzing the corresponding high speed image sequences and introducing useful dynamic parameters it has been possible to specify and describe in detail the evolution of fractures and, moreover, to quantify the energy dissipation rates during the fragmentation. Additionally, comprehensive multivariate statistical analyses have been carried out which have revealed general dependencies of all relevant fracture parameters as well as characteristics of the resulting particles. As a result, an important principle of fracture dynamics has been found, referred to as the "local anisotropy effect": According to this principle, the fracture dynamics in a material is significantly affected by the location of directed stresses. High local stress gradients cause a more stable crack propagation and consequently a reduction of the energy dissipation rates. As a final step, this thesis focusses on the volcanological conclusions which can be drawn on the basis of the presented HIE results. Therefore fragments stemming from HIEs have been compared with natural and experimental volcanic ash particles of basaltic Grimsv{\"o}tn and rhyolitic Tepexitl melts. The results of these comparative particle analyses substantiate HIEs to be a very suitable method for reproducing the MFCI loading conditions in silicate melts and prove the FSED concept to be a model which is well transferable to volcanic fragmentation processes.}, subject = {Bruchmechanik}, language = {en} } @article{DuerigGudmundssonKarmannetal.2015, author = {D{\"u}rig, Tobias and Gudmundsson, Magn{\´u}s Tumi and Karmann, Sven and Zimanowski, Bernd and Dellino, Pierfrancesco and Rietze, Martin and B{\"u}ttner, Ralf}, title = {Mass eruption rates in pulsating eruptions estimated from video analysis of the gas thrust-buoyancy transition-a case study of the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallaj{\"o}kull, Iceland}, series = {Earth, Planets and Space}, volume = {67}, journal = {Earth, Planets and Space}, number = {180}, doi = {10.1186/s40623-015-0351-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138635}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano was characterized by pulsating activity. Discrete ash bursts merged at higher altitude and formed a sustained quasi-continuous eruption column. High-resolution near-field videos were recorded on 8-10 May, during the second explosive phase of the eruption, and supplemented by contemporary aerial observations. In the observed period, pulses occurred at intervals of 0.8 to 23.4 s (average, 4.2 s). On the basis of video analysis, the pulse volume and the velocity of the reversely buoyant jets that initiated each pulse were determined. The expansion history of jets was tracked until the pulses reached the height of transition from a negatively buoyant jet to a convective buoyant plume about 100 m above the vent. Based on the assumption that the density of the gas-solid mixture making up the pulse approximates that of the surrounding air at the level of transition from the jet to the plume, a mass flux ranging between 2.2 and 3.5 . 10\(^4\) kg/s was calculated. This mass eruption rate is in good agreement with results obtained with simple models relating plume height with mass discharge at the vent. Our findings indicate that near-field measurements of eruption source parameters in a pulsating eruption may prove to be an effective monitoring tool. A comparison of the observed pulses with those generated in calibrated large-scale experiments reveals very similar characteristics and suggests that the analysis of near-field sensors could in the future help to constrain the triggering mechanism of explosive eruptions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Emmert2020, author = {Emmert, Adrian Alexander}, title = {The Internal Structure of Periglacial Landforms - Assessments of Subsurface Variations in Permafrost-related and Frost-related Phenomena by Multi-dimensional Geophysical Investigations}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-138-9}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-139-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202437}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {xix, 167}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The internal structure of periglacial landforms contains valuable information on past and present environmental conditions. To benefit from this archive, however, an enhanced understanding of subsurface variations is crucial. This enables to assess the influence of the internal structure on prevailing process regimes and to evaluate the sensitivity of different landform units to environmental changes. This thesis investigates structural variations in the subsurface of (i) rock glaciers,(ii) solifluction lobes, (iii) palsas/ lithalsas and (iv) patterned ground, which occur between the different landform types, but also between landform units of the same type. Investigated variables comprise (i) the spatial distribution of permafrost, (ii) ground ice content, (iii) the origin of ground ice, (iv) thickness of the active layer and (v) frost table topography. Multi-dimensional investigations by the geophysical methods Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) were performed in six study areas (a-f): four of them are located in high-alpine environments in Switzerland and two of them are located in the subarctic highlands of Iceland. Additionally, surface and subsurface temperature values were continuously recorded at selected study sites. At one study site, pF-values, representing the matric potential (or water potential), were recorded. From a methodological view, this thesis focuses on the application of quasi-3-D ERI, an approach in which many two-dimensional data sets are combined to create one three-dimensional data set. This permits e.g., a three-dimensional delimitation of subsurface structures and a spatial investigation of the distribution of ground ice. Besides the analysis of field data, this thesis incudes a comparison between inversion models produced with different software products, based on two synthetic data sets. The detection of resistivity structures and reflection patterns provides valuable insights into the internal structure of the investigated landform units: At the high-alpine study site at (a) Piz Nair, a highly variable ice content indicates a complex development of the investigated rock glacier assembly. The local formation of ground ice is attributed to an embedding of surface patches of snow or ice into the subsurface by rockfall. Results of geoelectric monitoring surveys on selected rock glaciers show the influence of seasonal alterations in the internal structure on subsurface meltwater flow. At the study site at (b) Piz {\"U}ertsch, results indicate the occurrences of isolated ground ice patches in a significantly larger rock glacier. Detected characteristics of the internal structure enable to reconstruct the development of the rock glacier, in which a temporary override of an adjacent glacier tongue on the rock glacier is considered crucial for the current distribution of ground ice. However, results of this thesis clearly show the absence of buried glacier ice in the subsurface of the rock glacier. Results from a rock glacier near the (c) Las Trais Fluors mountain ridge affirm the existence of a water-permeable frozen layer, which was assumed in previous studies. Furthermore, results show that the rock glacier contains large amounts of rockfall deposits. A joint interpretation of ERI and GPR results from the investigated scree slope at the mountain (d) Blauberg (Furka Pass) reveals characteristic structures in the subsurface, which enable a differentiation between solifluction lobes and pebbly rock glaciers. At the subarctic study site (e) Orravatnsr{\´u}stir, results show that the internal structure of palsas can be used to deduce their current development stage and to assess past and future developments. Presented results affirm a long history of palsa development at the study site, as assumed in previous studies, but indicate recently changing environmental conditions. The investigated occurrences of patterned ground in the proglacial area of the glacier (f) Hofsj{\"o}kull are currently not influenced by the detected occurrence of permafrost, according to the presented results. Therefore, a temporary formation of pattered ground is assumed, which is linked to the retreat of the glacier. This thesis shows discrepancies between the internal structure of some of the investigated landform units and the recent environmental conditions. This indicates a delayed adaption and a low sensitivity of the landform units to environmental changes. Findings indicate that the future development of permafrost will be strongly affected by variations in snowfall. Furthermore, the detection of isolated occurrences of ground ice at several study sites contradicts the widely assumed effectivity of balancing heat fluxes to create homogenous subsurface conditions in relatively fine-grained subsurface materials.}, subject = {Permafrost}, language = {en} } @article{EmmertKneisel2017, author = {Emmert, Adrian and Kneisel, Christof}, title = {Internal structure of two alpine rock glaciers investigated by quasi-3-D electrical resistivity imaging}, series = {The Cryosphere}, volume = {11}, journal = {The Cryosphere}, doi = {10.5194/tc-11-841-2017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157569}, pages = {841-855}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Interactions between different formative processes are reflected in the internal structure of rock glaciers. Therefore, the detection of subsurface conditions can help to enhance our understanding of landform development. For an assessment of subsurface conditions, we present an analysis of the spatial variability of active layer thickness, ground ice content and frost table topography for two different rock glaciers in the Eastern Swiss Alps by means of quasi-3-D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI). This approach enables an extensive mapping of subsurface structures and a spatial overlay between site-specific surface and subsurface characteristics. At Nair rock glacier, we discovered a gradual descent of the frost table in a downslope direction and a constant decrease of ice content which follows the observed surface topography. This is attributed to ice formation by refreezing meltwater from an embedded snow bank or from a subsurface ice patch which reshapes the permafrost layer. The heterogeneous ground ice distribution at Uertsch rock glacier indicates that multiple processes on different time domains were involved in the development. Resistivity values which represent frozen conditions vary within a wide range and indicate a successive formation which includes several advances, past glacial overrides and creep processes on the rock glacier surface. In combination with the observed topography, quasi-3-D ERI enables us to delimit areas of extensive and compressive flow in close proximity. Excellent data quality was provided by a good coupling of electrodes to the ground in the pebbly material of the investigated rock glaciers. Results show the value of the quasi-3-D ERI approach but advise the application of complementary geophysical methods for interpreting the results.}, language = {en} } @article{EmmertKneisel2021, author = {Emmert, Adrian and Kneisel, Christof}, title = {Internal structure and palsa development at Orravatnsr{\´u}stir Palsa Site (Central Iceland), investigated by means of integrated resistivity and ground-penetrating radar methods}, series = {Permafrost and Periglacial Processes}, volume = {32}, journal = {Permafrost and Periglacial Processes}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1002/ppp.2106}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238933}, pages = {503 -- 519}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The natural cyclical development of palsas makes it difficult to use visible signs of decay as reference points for environmental change. Thus, to determine the actual development stage of a palsa, investigations of the internal structure are crucial. Our study presents 2-D and 3-D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) and 2-D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) results, measurements of surface and subsurface temperatures, and of the soil matric potential from Orravatnsr{\´u}stir Palsa Site in Central Iceland. By a joint interpretation of the results, we deduce the internal structure (i.e., thickness of thaw zone and permafrost, ice/water content) of five palsas of different size and shape. The results differentiate between initial and mature development stages and show that palsas of different development stages can exist in close proximity. While internal characteristics indicate undisturbed development of four palsas, one palsa shows indications of environmental change. Our study shows the value of the multimethod geophysical approach and introduces measurements of the soil matric potential as a promising method to assess the current state of the subsurface.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Engelbauer2023, author = {Engelbauer, Manuel}, title = {Global assessment of recent UNESCO Biosphere Reserve quality enhancement strategies and interlinkages with other UNESCO labels}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-196-9}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-197-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286538}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {XVI, 187}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In 1995, the Second International Biosphere Reserve Congress in Seville resulted in a set of new regulations that spurred a significant paradigm shift in the UNESCO Man and Bio-sphere (MAB) Programme, reconceptualizing the research programme as a modern instrument for the dual mandate of nature conservation and sustainable development. But almost 20 years later, a large proportion of biosphere reserves designated before 1996 still did not comply with the new regulations. In 2013, the International Coordination Council of the MAB Programme announced the 'Exit Strategy' to assess, monitor and improve the quality of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. However, the strategy also meant that 266 biosphere reserves in 76 member states were faced with the possibility of exclusion from the world network. This study presents a global assessment of the challenges that result from the Exit Strategy and the Process of Excellence and Enhancement that follows. Specifically, it investigates the differences in quality management strategies and the periodic review processes of various biosphere reserves, the effects of those quality management strategies on the MAB Programme and on the 76 directly affected member states, and the interlinkages between the MAB Programme and other UNESCO designations for nature conservation: the natural World Heritage Sites and the Global Geoparks. Semi-structured expert interviews were conducted with 31 participants in 21 different countries, representing all UN regions. To showcase the diversity of the World Network of Bio-sphere Reserves, 20 country-specific case studies are presented, highlighting the challenges of implementing the biosphere reserve concept and, more specifically, the periodic review process. Information gleaned from the experts was transcribed and evaluated using a qualitative content analysis method. The results of this study demonstrate major differences worldwide in the implementation biosphere reserves, especially in the case of the national affiliation of the MAB Programme, the legal recognition of biosphere reserves in national legislation, the usage of the term 'bio-sphere reserve' and the governance structures of the biosphere reserves. Of those represented by the case studies, the four countries with the highest number of voluntary biosphere reserves withdrawals after 2013, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria and the United States of America, show that the Exit Strategy contributed to the streamlining and quality enhancement of the world network. The biosphere reserves in those countries were strictly nature conservation areas without human settlements and were designated as such in the 1970s and 1980s. Only post-Seville biosphere reserves remain in those countries. Some experts have pointed out that there appears to be competition for political attention and funding between the three UNESCO labels for nature conservation. While a combination of the designation of biosphere reserves and World Heritage Sites in one place is favoured by experts, Global Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves are seen as being in competition with each other. This study concludes that quality enhancement strategies were fundamental to improving the credibility and coherence of the MAB Programme. Most pre-Seville biosphere reserves were adapted or the member states were encouraged to withdraw them voluntarily. Challenges in implementing the Exit Strategy were not unique to individual countries but applied equally to all member states with pre-Seville sites. Over the course of the quality enhancement process, many UNESCO member states have become more involved with the MAB Programme, which has led to rejuvenation of the national biosphere reserves network in many countries.}, subject = {Naturschutz}, language = {en} } @article{ErmertFinkMorseetal.2012, author = {Ermert, Volker and Fink, Andreas H. and Morse, Andrew P. and Paeth, Heiko}, title = {The Impact of Regional Climate Change on Malaria Risk due to Greenhouse Forcing and Land-Use Changes in Tropical Africa}, series = {Environmental Health Perspectives}, volume = {120}, journal = {Environmental Health Perspectives}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1289/ehp.1103681}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135562}, pages = {77-84}, year = {2012}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Climate change will probably alter the spread and transmission intensity of malaria in Africa. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we assessed potential changes in the malaria transmission via an integrated weather disease model. METHODS: We simulated mosquito biting rates using the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). The input data for the LMM were bias-corrected temperature and precipitation data from the regional model (REMO) on a 0.5 degrees latitude longitude grid. A Plasmodium falciparum infection model expands the LMM simulations to incorporate information on the infection rate among children. Malaria projections were carried out with this integrated weather disease model for 2001 to 2050 according to two climate scenarios that include the effect of anthropogenic land-use and land-cover changes on climate. RESULTS: Model-based estimates for the present climate (1960 to 2000) are consistent with observed data for the spread of malaria in Africa. In the model domain, the regions where malaria is epidemic are located in the Sahel as well as in various highland territories. A decreased spread of malaria over most parts of tropical Africa is projected because of simulated increased surface temperatures and a significant reduction in annual rainfall. However, the likelihood of malaria epidemics is projected to increase in the southern part of the Sahel. In most of East Africa, the intensity of malaria transmission is expected to increase. Projections indicate that highland areas that were formerly unsuitable for malaria will become epidemic, whereas in the lower-altitude regions of the East African highlands, epidemic risk will decrease. CONCLUSIONS: We project that climate changes driven by greenhouse-gas and land-use changes will significantly affect the spread of malaria in tropical Africa well before 2050. The geographic distribution of areas where malaria is epidemic might have to be significantly altered in the coming decades.}, language = {en} } @article{ErtlGiesterSchuessleretal.2013, author = {Ertl, Andreas and Giester, Gerald and Sch{\"u}ssler, Ulrich and Br{\"a}tz, Helene and Okrusch, Martin and Tillmanns, Ekkehart and Bank, Hermann}, title = {Cu- and Mn-bearing tourmalines from Brazil and Mozambique: crystal structures, chemistry and correlations}, series = {Mineralogy and Petrology}, volume = {107}, journal = {Mineralogy and Petrology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1007/s00710-012-0234-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127296}, pages = {265-279}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Cu- and Mn-bearing tourmalines from Brazil and Mozambique were characterised chemically (EMPA and LA-ICP-MS) and by X-ray single-crystal structure refinement. All these samples are rich in Al, Li and F (fluor-elbaite) and contain significant amounts of CuO (up to ~1.8 wt\%) and MnO (up to ~3.5 wt\%). Structurally investigated samples show a pronounced positive correlation between the distances and the (Li + Mn\(^{2+}\) + Cu + Fe\(^{2+}\)) content (apfu) at this site with R\(^2\) = 0.90. An excellent negative correlation exists between the distances and the Al\(_2\)O\(_3\) content (R\(^2\) = 0.94). The samples at each locality generally show a strong negative correlation between the X-site vacancies and the (MnO + FeO) content. The Mn content in these tourmalines depends on the availability of Mn, on the formation temperature, as well as on stereochemical constraints. Because of a very weak correlation between MnO and CuO we believe that the Cu content in tourmaline is essentially dependent on the availability of Cu and on stereochemical constraints.}, language = {en} } @article{FaOliveroRealetal.2015, author = {Fa, John E. and Olivero, Jes{\´u}s and Real, Raimundo and Farf{\´a}n, Miguel A. and M{\´a}rquez, Ana L. and Vargas, J. Mario and Ziegler, Stefan and Wegmann, Martin and Brown, David and Margetts, Barrie and Nasi, Robert}, title = {Disentangling the relative effects of bushmeat availability on human nutrition in central Africa}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {5}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {8168}, doi = {10.1038/srep08168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144110}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We studied links between human malnutrition and wild meat availability within the Rainforest Biotic Zone in central Africa. We distinguished two distinct hunted mammalian diversity distributions, one in the rainforest areas (Deep Rainforest Diversity, DRD) containing taxa of lower hunting sustainability, the other in the northern rainforest-savanna mosaic, with species of greater hunting potential (Marginal Rainforest Diversity, MRD). Wild meat availability, assessed by standing crop mammalian biomass, was greater in MRD than in DRD areas. Predicted bushmeat extraction was also higher in MRD areas. Despite this, stunting of children, a measure of human malnutrition, was greater in MRD areas. Structural equation modeling identified that, in MRD areas, mammal diversity fell away from urban areas, but proximity to these positively influenced higher stunting incidence. In DRD areas, remoteness and distance from dense human settlements and infrastructures explained lower stunting levels. Moreover, stunting was higher away from protected areas. Our results suggest that in MRD areas, forest wildlife rational use for better human nutrition is possible. By contrast, the relatively low human populations in DRD areas currently offer abundant opportunities for the continued protection of more vulnerable mammals and allow dietary needs of local populations to be met.}, language = {en} } @article{FakhriLatifi2021, author = {Fakhri, Seyed Arvin and Latifi, Hooman}, title = {A consumer grade UAV-based framework to estimate structural attributes of coppice and high oak forest stands in semi-arid regions}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {21}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13214367}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248469}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Semi-arid tree covers, in both high and coppice growth forms, play an essential role in protecting water and soil resources and provides multiple ecosystem services across fragile ecosystems. Thus, they require continuous inventories. Quantification of forest structure in these tree covers provides important measures for their management and biodiversity conservation. We present a framework, based on consumer-grade UAV photogrammetry, to separately estimate primary variables of tree height (H) and crown area (A) across diverse coppice and high stands dominated by Quercus brantii Lindl. along the latitudinal gradient of Zagros mountains of western Iran. Then, multivariate linear regressions were parametrized with H and A to estimate the diameter at breast height (DBH) of high trees because of its importance to accelerate the existing practical DBH inventories across Zagros Forests. The estimated variables were finally applied to a model tree aboveground biomass (AGB) for both vegetative growth forms by local allometric equations and Random Forest models. In each step, the estimated variables were evaluated against the field reference values, indicating practically high accuracies reaching root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.68 m and 4.74 cm for H and DBH, as well as relative RMSE < 10\% for AGB estimates. The results generally suggest an effective framework for single tree-based attribute estimation over mountainous, semi-arid coppice, and high stands.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fekete2018, author = {Fekete, Alexander}, title = {Urban Disaster Resilience and Critical Infrastructure}, isbn = {978-3-946573-13-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {89}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Urban areas are population, culture and infrastructure concentration points. Electricity blackouts or interruptions of water supply severely affect people when happening unexpected and at large scale. Interruptions of such infrastructure supply services alone have the potential to trigger crises. But when happening in concert with or as a secondary effect of an earthquake, for example, the crisis situation is often aggravated. This is the case for any country, but it has been observed that even highly industrialised countries face severe risks when their degree of acquired dependency on services of what is termed Critical Infrastructure results in even bigger losses when occurring unexpectedly in a setting that usually has high reliability of services.}, subject = {Risikomanagement}, language = {en} } @article{FekriLatifiAmanietal.2021, author = {Fekri, Erfan and Latifi, Hooman and Amani, Meisam and Zobeidinezhad, Abdolkarim}, title = {A training sample migration method for wetland mapping and monitoring using Sentinel data in Google Earth Engine}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {20}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13204169}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248542}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wetlands are one of the most important ecosystems due to their critical services to both humans and the environment. Therefore, wetland mapping and monitoring are essential for their conservation. In this regard, remote sensing offers efficient solutions due to the availability of cost-efficient archived images over different spatial scales. However, a lack of sufficient consistent training samples at different times is a significant limitation of multi-temporal wetland monitoring. In this study, a new training sample migration method was developed to identify unchanged training samples to be used in wetland classification and change analyses over the International Shadegan Wetland (ISW) areas of southwestern Iran. To this end, we first produced the wetland map of a reference year (2020), for which we had training samples, by combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images and the Random Forest (RF) classifier in Google Earth Engine (GEE). The Overall Accuracy (OA) and Kappa coefficient (KC) of this reference map were 97.93\% and 0.97, respectively. Then, an automatic change detection method was developed to migrate unchanged training samples from the reference year to the target years of 2018, 2019, and 2021. Within the proposed method, three indices of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and the mean Standard Deviation (SD) of the spectral bands, along with two similarity measures of the Euclidean Distance (ED) and Spectral Angle Distance (SAD), were computed for each pair of reference-target years. The optimum threshold for unchanged samples was also derived using a histogram thresholding approach, which led to selecting the samples that were most likely unchanged based on the highest OA and KC for classifying the test dataset. The proposed migration sample method resulted in high OAs of 95.89\%, 96.83\%, and 97.06\% and KCs of 0.95, 0.96, and 0.96 for the target years of 2018, 2019, and 2021, respectively. Finally, the migrated samples were used to generate the wetland map for the target years. Overall, our proposed method showed high potential for wetland mapping and monitoring when no training samples existed for a target year.}, language = {en} } @article{FisserKhorsandiWegmannetal.2022, author = {Fisser, Henrik and Khorsandi, Ehsan and Wegmann, Martin and Baier, Frank}, title = {Detecting moving trucks on roads using Sentinel-2 data}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14071595}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267174}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In most countries, freight is predominantly transported by road cargo trucks. We present a new satellite remote sensing method for detecting moving trucks on roads using Sentinel-2 data. The method exploits a temporal sensing offset of the Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument, causing spatially and spectrally distorted signatures of moving objects. A random forest classifier was trained (overall accuracy: 84\%) on visual-near-infrared-spectra of 2500 globally labelled targets. Based on the classification, the target objects were extracted using a developed recursive neighbourhood search. The speed and the heading of the objects were approximated. Detections were validated by employing 350 globally labelled target boxes (mean F\(_1\) score: 0.74). The lowest F\(_1\) score was achieved in Kenya (0.36), the highest in Poland (0.88). Furthermore, validated at 26 traffic count stations in Germany on in sum 390 dates, the truck detections correlate spatio-temporally with station figures (Pearson r-value: 0.82, RMSE: 43.7). Absolute counts were underestimated on 81\% of the dates. The detection performance may differ by season and road condition. Hence, the method is only suitable for approximating the relative truck traffic abundance rather than providing accurate absolute counts. However, existing road cargo monitoring methods that rely on traffic count stations or very high resolution remote sensing data have limited global availability. The proposed moving truck detection method could fill this gap, particularly where other information on road cargo traffic are sparse by employing globally and freely available Sentinel-2 data. It is inferior to the accuracy and the temporal detail of station counts, but superior in terms of spatial coverage.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Forkuor2014, author = {Forkuor, Gerald}, title = {Agricultural Land Use Mapping in West Africa Using Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108687}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Rapid population growth in West Africa has led to expansion in croplands due to the need to grow more food to meet the rising food demand of the burgeoning population. These expansions negatively impact the sub-region's ecosystem, with implications for water and soil quality, biodiversity and climate. In order to appropriately monitor the changes in croplands and assess its impact on the ecosystem and other environmental processes, accurate and up-to-date information on agricultural land use is required. But agricultural land use mapping (i.e. mapping the spatial distribution of crops and croplands) in West Africa has been challenging due to the unavailability of adequate satellite images (as a result of excessive cloud cover), small agricultural fields and a heterogeneous landscape. This study, therefore, investigated the possibilities of improving agricultural land use mapping by utilizing optical satellite images with higher spatial and temporal resolution as well as images from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems which are near-independent of weather conditions. The study was conducted at both watershed and regional scales. At watershed scale, classification of different crop types in three watersheds in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin was conducted using multi-temporal: (1) only optical images (RapidEye) and (2) optical plus dual polarimetric (VV/VH) SAR images (TerraSAR-X). In addition, inter-annual or short term (2-3 years) changes in cropland area in the past ten years were investigated using historical Landsat images. Results obtained indicate that the use of only optical images to map different crop types in West Africa can achieve moderate classification accuracies (57\% to 71\%). Overlaps between the cropping calendars of most crops types and certain inter-croppings pose a challenge to optical images in achieving an adequate separation between those crop classes. Integration of SAR images, however, can improve classification accuracies by between 8 and 15\%, depending on the number of available images and their acquisition dates. The sensitivity of SAR systems to different crop canopy architectures and land surface characteristics improved the separation between certain crop types. The VV polarization of TerraSAR-X was found to better discrimination between crop types than the VH. Images acquired between August and October were found to be very useful for crop mapping in the sub-region due to structural differences in some crop types during this period. At the regional scale, inter-annual or short term changes in cropland area in the Sudanian Savanna agro-ecological zone in West Africa were assessed by upscaling historical cropland information derived at the watershed scale (using Landsat imagery) unto a coarse spatial resolution, but geographically large, satellite imagery (MODIS) using regression based modeling. The possibility of using such regional scale cropland information to improve government-derived agricultural statistics was investigated by comparing extracted cropland area from the fractional cover maps with district-level agricultural statistics from Ghana The accuracy of the fractional cover maps (MAE between 14.2\% and 19.1\%) indicate that the heterogeneous agricultural landscape of West Africa can be suitably represented at the regional or continental scales by estimating fractional cropland cover on low resolution Analysis of the results revealed that cropland area in the Sudanian Savanna zone has experienced inter-annual or short term fluctuations in the past ten years due to a variety of factors including climate factors (e.g. floods and droughts), declining soil fertility, population increases and agricultural policies such as fertilizer subsidies. Comparison of extracted cropland area from the fractional cover maps with government's agricultural statistics (MoFA) for seventeen districts (second administrative units) in Ghana revealed high inconsistencies in the government statistics, and highlighted the potential of satellite derived cropland information at regional scales to improve national/sub-national agricultural statistics in West Africa. The results obtained in this study is promising for West Africa, considering the recent launch of optical (Landsat 8) and SAR sensors (Sentinel-1) that will provide free data for crop mapping in the sub-region. This will improve chances of obtaining adequate satellite images acquired during the cropping season for agricultural land use mapping and bolster opportunities of operationalizing agricultural land use mapping in West Africa. This can benefit a wide range of biophysical and economic models and improve decision making based on their results.}, subject = {Westafrika}, language = {en} } @article{ForkuorConradThieletal.2014, author = {Forkuor, Gerald and Conrad, Christopher and Thiel, Michael and Ullmann, Tobias and Zoungrana, Evence}, title = {Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West Africa}, doi = {10.3390/rs6076472}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113070}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Crop mapping in West Africa is challenging, due to the unavailability of adequate satellite images (as a result of excessive cloud cover), small agricultural fields and a heterogeneous landscape. To address this challenge, we integrated high spatial resolution multi-temporal optical (RapidEye) and dual polarized (VV/VH) SAR (TerraSAR-X) data to map crops and crop groups in northwestern Benin using the random forest classification algorithm. The overall goal was to ascertain the contribution of the SAR data to crop mapping in the region. A per-pixel classification result was overlaid with vector field boundaries derived from image segmentation, and a crop type was determined for each field based on the modal class within the field. A per-field accuracy assessment was conducted by comparing the final classification result with reference data derived from a field campaign. Results indicate that the integration of RapidEye and TerraSAR-X data improved classification accuracy by 10\%-15\% over the use of RapidEye only. The VV polarization was found to better discriminate crop types than the VH polarization. The research has shown that if optical and SAR data are available for the whole cropping season, classification accuracies of up to 75\% are achievable.}, language = {en} } @article{ForkuorHounkpatinWelpetal.2017, author = {Forkuor, Gerald and Hounkpatin, Ozias K.L. and Welp, Gerhard and Thiel, Michael}, title = {High resolution mapping of soil properties using remote sensing variables in south-western Burkina Faso: a comparison of machine learning and multiple linear regression models}, series = {PLOS One}, volume = {12}, journal = {PLOS One}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0170478}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180978}, pages = {21}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Accurate and detailed spatial soil information is essential for environmental modelling, risk assessment and decision making. The use of Remote Sensing data as secondary sources of information in digital soil mapping has been found to be cost effective and less time consuming compared to traditional soil mapping approaches. But the potentials of Remote Sensing data in improving knowledge of local scale soil information in West Africa have not been fully explored. This study investigated the use of high spatial resolution satellite data (RapidEye and Landsat), terrain/climatic data and laboratory analysed soil samples to map the spatial distribution of six soil properties-sand, silt, clay, cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen-in a 580 km2 agricultural watershed in south-western Burkina Faso. Four statistical prediction models-multiple linear regression (MLR), random forest regression (RFR), support vector machine (SVM), stochastic gradient boosting (SGB)-were tested and compared. Internal validation was conducted by cross validation while the predictions were validated against an independent set of soil samples considering the modelling area and an extrapolation area. Model performance statistics revealed that the machine learning techniques performed marginally better than the MLR, with the RFR providing in most cases the highest accuracy. The inability of MLR to handle non-linear relationships between dependent and independent variables was found to be a limitation in accurately predicting soil properties at unsampled locations. Satellite data acquired during ploughing or early crop development stages (e.g. May, June) were found to be the most important spectral predictors while elevation, temperature and precipitation came up as prominent terrain/climatic variables in predicting soil properties. The results further showed that shortwave infrared and near infrared channels of Landsat8 as well as soil specific indices of redness, coloration and saturation were prominent predictors in digital soil mapping. Considering the increased availability of freely available Remote Sensing data (e.g. Landsat, SRTM, Sentinels), soil information at local and regional scales in data poor regions such as West Africa can be improved with relatively little financial and human resources.}, language = {en} } @article{ForkuorUllmannGriesbeck2020, author = {Forkuor, Gerald and Ullmann, Tobias and Griesbeck, Mario}, title = {Mapping and monitoring small-scale mining activities in Ghana using Sentinel-1 time series (2015-2019)}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {6}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12060911}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203204}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Illegal small-scale mining (galamsey) in South-Western Ghana has grown tremendously in the last decade and caused significant environmental degradation. Excessive cloud cover in the area has limited the use of optical remote sensing data to map and monitor the extent of these activities. This study investigated the use of annual time-series Sentinel-1 data to map and monitor illegal mining activities along major rivers in South-Western Ghana between 2015 and 2019. A change detection approach, based on three time-series features — minimum, mean, maximum — was used to compute a backscatter threshold value suitable to identify/detect mining-induced land cover changes in the study area. Compared to the mean and maximum, the minimum time-series feature (in both VH and VV polarization) was found to be more sensitive to changes in backscattering within the period of investigation. Our approach permitted the detection of new illegal mining areas on an annual basis. A backscatter threshold value of +1.65 dB was found suitable for detecting illegal mining activities in the study area. Application of this threshold revealed illegal mining area extents of 102 km\(^2\), 60 km\(^2\) and 33 km\(^2\) for periods 2015/2016-2016/2017, 2016/2017-2017/2018 and 2017/2018-2018/2019, respectively. The observed decreasing trend in new illegal mining areas suggests that efforts at stopping illegal mining yielded positive results in the period investigated. Despite the advantages of Synthetic Aperture Radar data in monitoring phenomena in cloud-prone areas, our analysis revealed that about 25\% of the Sentinel-1 data, mostly acquired in March and October (beginning and end of rainy season respectively), were unusable due to atmospheric effects from high intensity rainfall events. Further investigation in other geographies and climatic regions is needed to ascertain the susceptibility of Sentinel-1 data to atmospheric conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{FrimmelChakravartiBasei2022, author = {Frimmel, Hartwig E. and Chakravarti, Rajarshi and Basei, Miguel A. S.}, title = {Detrital zircon ages from Archaean conglomerates in the Singhbhum Craton, eastern India: implications on economic Au-U potential}, series = {Mineralium Deposita}, volume = {57}, journal = {Mineralium Deposita}, number = {8}, issn = {0026-4598}, doi = {10.1007/s00126-022-01121-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324084}, pages = {1499-1514}, year = {2022}, abstract = {New U-Pb age and Hf isotope data obtained on detrital zircon grains from Au- and U-bearing Archaean quartz-pebble conglomerates in the Singhbhum Craton, eastern India, specifically the Upper Iron Ore Group in the Badampahar Greenstone Belt and the Phuljhari Formation below the Dhanjori Group provide insights into the zircon provenance and maximum age of sediment deposition. The most concordant, least disturbed \(^{207}\)Pb/\(^{206}\)Pb ages cover the entire range of known magmatic and higher grade metamorphic events in the craton from 3.48 to 3.06 Ga and show a broad maximum between 3.38 and 3.18 Ga. This overlap is also mimicked by Lu-Hf isotope analyses, which returned a wide range in \(_{εHf}\)(t) values from + 6 to - 5, in agreement with the range known from zircon grains in igneous and metamorphic rocks in the Singhbhum Craton. A smaller but distinct age peak centred at 3.06 Ga corresponds to the age of the last major magmatic intrusive event, the emplacement of the Mayurbhanj Granite and associated gabbro, picrite and anorthosite. Thus, these intrusive rocks must form a basement rather than being intrusive into the studied conglomerates as previously interpreted. The corresponding detrital zircon grains all have a subchondritic Hf isotopic composition. The youngest reliable zircon ages of 3.03 Ga in the case of the basal Upper Iron Ore Group in the east of the craton and 3.00 Ga for the Phuljhari Formation set an upper limit on the age of conglomerate sedimentation. Previously published detrital zircon age data from similarly Au-bearing conglomerates in the Mahagiri Quartzite in the Upper Iron Ore Group in the south of the craton gave a somewhat younger maximum age of sedimentation of 2.91 Ga. There, the lower limit on sedimentation is given by an intrusive relationship with a c. 2.8 Ga granite. The time window thus defined for conglomerate deposition on the Singhbhum Craton is almost identical to the age span established for the, in places, Au- and U-rich conglomerates in the Kaapvaal Craton of South Africa: the 2.98-2.78 Ga Dominion Group and Witwatersrand Supergroup in South Africa. Since the recognition of first major concentration of gold on Earth's surface by microbial activity having taken place at around 2.9 Ga, independent of the nature of the hinterland, the above similarity in age substantially increases the potential for discovering Witwatersrand-type gold and/or uranium deposits on the Singhbhum Craton. Further age constraints are needed there, however, to distinguish between supposedly less fertile (with respect to Au) > 2.9 Ga and more fertile < 2.9 Ga successions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fritsch2013, author = {Fritsch, Sebastian}, title = {Spatial and temporal patterns of crop yield and marginal land in the Aral Sea Basin: derivation by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data with alight use efficiency model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87939}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Irrigated agriculture in the Khorezm region in the arid inner Aral Sea Basin faces enormous challenges due to a legacy of cotton monoculture and non-sustainable water use. Regional crop growth monitoring and yield estimation continuously gain in importance, especially with regard to climate change and food security issues. Remote sensing is the ideal tool for regional-scale analysis, especially in regions where ground-truth data collection is difficult and data availability is scarce. New satellite systems promise higher spatial and temporal resolutions. So-called light use efficiency (LUE) models are based on the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR), a biophysical parameter that can be derived from satellite measurements. The general objective of this thesis was to use satellite data, in conjunction with an adapted LUE model, for inferring crop yield of cotton and rice at field (6.5 m) and regional (250 m) scale for multiple years (2003-2009), in order to assess crop yield variations in the study area. Intensive field measurements of FPAR were conducted in the Khorezm region during the growing season 2009. RapidEye imagery was acquired approximately bi-weekly during this time. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated for all images. Linear regression between image-based NDVI and field-based FPAR was conducted. The analyses resulted in high correlations, and the resulting regression equations were used to generate time series of FPAR at the RapidEye level. RapidEye-based FPAR was subsequently aggregated to the MODIS scale and used to validate the existing MODIS FPAR product. This step was carried out to evaluate the applicability of MODIS FPAR for regional vegetation monitoring. The validation revealed that the MODIS product generally overestimates RapidEye FPAR by about 6 to 15 \%. Mixture of crop types was found to be a problem at the 1 km scale, but less severe at the 250 m scale. Consequently, high resolution FPAR was used to calibrate 8-day, 250 m MODIS NDVI data, this time by linear regression of RapidEye-based FPAR against MODIS-based NDVI. The established FPAR datasets, for both RapidEye and MODIS, were subsequently assimilated into a LUE model as the driving variable. This model operated at both satellite scales, and both required an estimation of further parameters like the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) or the actual light use efficiency (LUEact). The latter is influenced by crop stress factors like temperature or water stress, which were taken account of in the model. Water stress was especially important, and calculated via the ratio of the actual (ETact) to the potential, crop-specific evapotranspiration (ETc). Results showed that water stress typically occurred between the beginning of May and mid-September and beginning of May and end of July for cotton and rice crops, respectively. The mean water stress showed only minor differences between years. Exceptions occurred in 2008 and 2009, where the mean water stress was higher and lower, respectively. In 2008, this was likely caused by generally reduced water availability in the whole region. Model estimations were evaluated using field-based harvest information (RapidEye) and statistical information at district level (MODIS). The results showed that the model at both the RapidEye and the MODIS scale can estimate regional crop yield with acceptable accuracy. The RMSE for the RapidEye scale amounted to 29.1 \% for cotton and 30.4 \% for rice, respectively. At the MODIS scale, depending on the year and evaluated at Oblast level, the RMSE ranged from 10.5 \% to 23.8 \% for cotton and from -0.4 \% to -19.4 \% for rice. Altogether, the RapidEye scale model slightly underestimated cotton (bias = 0.22) and rice yield (bias = 0.11). The MODIS-scale model, on the other hand, also underestimated official rice yield (bias from 0.01 to 0.87), but overestimated official cotton yield (bias from -0.28 to -0.6). Evaluation of the MODIS scale revealed that predictions were very accurate for some districts, but less for others. The produced crop yield maps indicated that crop yield generally decreases with distance to the river. The lowest yields can be found in the southern districts, close to the desert. From a temporal point of view, there were areas characterized by low crop yields over the span of the seven years investigated. The study at hand showed that light use efficiency-based modeling, based on remote sensing data, is a viable way for regional crop yield prediction. The found accuracies were good within the boundaries of related research. From a methodological viewpoint, the work carried out made several improvements to the existing LUE models reported in the literature, e.g. the calibration of FPAR for the study region using in situ and high resolution RapidEye imagery and the incorporation of crop-specific water stress in the calculation.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @article{FaethKunzKneisel2022, author = {F{\"a}th, Julian and Kunz, Julius and Kneisel, Christof}, title = {Monitoring spatiotemporal soil moisture changes in the subsurface of forest sites using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)}, series = {Journal of Forestry Research}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of Forestry Research}, number = {5}, issn = {1007-662X}, doi = {10.1007/s11676-022-01498-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324073}, pages = {1649-1662}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The effects of drought on tree mortality at forest stands are not completely understood. For assessing their water supply, knowledge of the small-scale distribution of soil moisture as well as its temporal changes is a key issue in an era of climate change. However, traditional methods like taking soil samples or installing data loggers solely collect parameters of a single point or of a small soil volume. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a suitable method for monitoring soil moisture changes and has rarely been used in forests. This method was applied at two forest sites in Bavaria, Germany to obtain high-resolution data of temporal soil moisture variations. Geoelectrical measurements (2D and 3D) were conducted at both sites over several years (2015-2018/2020) and compared with soil moisture data (matric potential or volumetric water content) for the monitoring plots. The greatest variations in resistivity values that highly correlate with soil moisture data were found in the main rooting zone. Using the ERT data, temporal trends could be tracked in several dimensions, such as the interannual increase in the depth of influence from drought events and their duration, as well as rising resistivity values going along with decreasing soil moisture. The results reveal that resistivity changes are a good proxy for seasonal and interannual soil moisture variations. Therefore, 2D- and 3D-ERT are recommended as comparatively non-laborious methods for small-spatial scale monitoring of soil moisture changes in the main rooting zone and the underlying subsurface of forested sites. Higher spatial and temporal resolution allows a better understanding of the water supply for trees, especially in times of drought.}, language = {en} } @book{Fuelling2022, author = {F{\"u}lling, Julia}, title = {Wonach schmeckt Herkunft? - {\"U}ber (Nicht-)Wissen beim Lebensmittelkonsum und die Bedeutung der Geographien und Biographien von frischem Obst und Gem{\"u}se}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-182-2}, issn = {2196-5811}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-183-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268869}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {x, 240}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Durch die globale Organisation von Lebensmittelwarenketten steht Konsument*innen heute ein vielf{\"a}ltiges, ganzj{\"a}hrig nahezu gleichbleibendes Angebot an frischem Obst und Gem{\"u}se im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel zur Verf{\"u}gung. Damit einher geht eine erh{\"o}hte Komplexit{\"a}t beim Lebensmitteleinkauf und ein ver{\"a}ndertes Wissen von Konsument*innen, {\"u}ber die Waren: Das eigene Erfahren der Lebensmittelproduktion ist im Alltag heute nicht mehr m{\"o}glich. Statt praktischem Wissen gewinnt damit explizites und objektiviertes Wissen {\"u}ber die Waren, z.B. in Form von Siegeln an Bedeutung. Viele Produkt- und Produktionseigenschaften entziehen sich zudem der Kenntnis der Konsument*innen, w{\"a}hrend gleichzeitig das Bewusstsein f{\"u}r Fragen sozialer und {\"o}kologischer Nachhaltigkeit steigt. Die vorliegende Studie geht vor diesem Hintergrund am Beispiel des Einkaufs von frischem Obst und Gem{\"u}se der Frage nach, welche Bedeutung die Herkunftsangabe als Hinweis auf die Geographien der Waren f{\"u}r die Bewertung von frischem Obst und Gem{\"u}se hat und welches Wissen Konsument*innen {\"u}ber Waren und deren Biographien haben. Es wird zudem aufgezeigt, welche Rolle Nichtwissen beim Lebensmittelkonsum spielt. Die Studie liefert Erkenntnisse f{\"u}r die bislang im deutschsprachigen Raum noch vergleichsweise wenig repr{\"a}sentierte Konsumgeographie und macht Konzepte aus der Wissens- und Organisationssoziologie f{\"u}r die wirtschaftsgeographische Forschung fruchtbar. Aus einer Praxisperspektive bietet sie Anschlusspunkte f{\"u}r Fragen des nachhaltigen Konsums sowie des Verbraucherschutzes.}, subject = {Konsum}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gerend2012, author = {Gerend, Jennifer}, title = {U.S. and German Approaches to Regulating Retail Development: Urban Planning Tools and Local Policies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70257}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This dissertation examines retail development regulation in the U.S. and in Germany, comparing the various urban planning tools and policies in use by municipal governments. These similarities and differences are explored through research into three case study cities in each country, with special attention paid to how these governments regulate large-scale or "big box" retail.}, subject = {Einzelhandel}, language = {en} } @article{GeyerLanding2021, author = {Geyer, Gerd and Landing, Ed}, title = {The Souss lagerstatte of the Anti-Atlas, Morocco: discovery of the first Cambrian fossil lagerstatte from Africa}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {11}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-82546-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259236}, pages = {3107}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Episodic low oxygenated conditions on the sea-floor are likely responsible for exceptional preservation of animal remains in the upper Amouslek Formation (lower Cambrian, Stage 3) on the northern slope of the western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. This stratigraphic interval has yielded trilobite, brachiopod, and hyolith fossils with preserved soft parts, including some of the oldest known trilobite guts. The "Souss fossil lagerstatte" (newly proposed designation) represents the first Cambrian fossil lagerstatte in Cambrian strata known from Africa and is one of the oldest trilobite-bearing fossil lagerstatten on Earth. Inter-regional correlation of the Souss fossil lagerstatte in West Gondwana suggests its development during an interval of high eustatic levels recorded by dark shales that occur in informal upper Cambrian Series 2 in Siberia, South China, and East Gondwana.}, language = {en} } @article{GeyerLandingMeieretal.2023, author = {Geyer, Gerd and Landing, Ed and Meier, Stefan and H{\"o}hn, Stefan}, title = {Oldest known West Gondwanan graptolite: Ovetograptus? sp. (lower Agdzian/lowest Wuliuan; basal Middle Cambrian) of the Franconian Forest, Germany, and review of pre-Furongian graptolithoids}, series = {Pal{\"a}ontologische Zeitschrift}, volume = {97}, journal = {Pal{\"a}ontologische Zeitschrift}, number = {4}, issn = {0031-0220}, doi = {10.1007/s12542-022-00627-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324099}, pages = {677-686}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The occurrence of a likely graptolite in lowest Wuliuan strata of the Franconian Forest almost certainly records the oldest known graptolithoid hemichordate in West Gondwana and possibly the oldest graptolite presently known. The fossil is a delicate, erect, apparently unbranched rhabdosome with narrow thecae tentatively assigned to the poorly known genus Ovetograptus of the Dithecodendridae. This report includes an overview of pre-Furongian graptolithoids with slight corrections on the stratigraphic position of earlier reported species.}, language = {en} } @article{GeyerPaisWotte2020, author = {Geyer, Gerd and Pais, Miguel Caldeira and Wotte, Thomas}, title = {Unexpectedly curved spines in a Cambrian trilobite: considerations on the spinosity in Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus sp. nov. from the Anti-Atlas, Morocco, and related Cambrian ellipsocephaloids}, series = {PalZ}, volume = {94}, journal = {PalZ}, issn = {0031-0220}, doi = {10.1007/s12542-020-00514-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231873}, pages = {645-660}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The new ellipsocephaloid trilobite species Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus has a spectacular morphology because of a unique set of two long and anteriorly recurved spines on the occipital ring and the axial ring of thoracic segment 8. Together with the long genal spines this whimsical dorsally directed spine arrangement is thought to act as a non-standard protective device against predators. This is illustrated by the body posture during different stages of enrolment, contrasting with the more sophisticated spinosities seen in later trilobites, which are discussed in brief. Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus from the lower-middle Cambrian boundary interval of the eastern Anti-Atlas in Morocco has been known for about two decades, with specimens handled as precious objects on the fossil market. Similar, but far less spectacular, spine arrangements on the thoracic axial rings are known from other ellipsocephaloid trilobites from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco and the Franconian Forest region of Germany. This suggests that an experimental phase of spine development took place within the Kingaspi-doides clade during the early-middle Cambrian boundary interval.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gessner2010, author = {Geßner, Ursula}, title = {R{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Muster der Vegetationsstruktur in Savannen des s{\"u}dlichen Afrika}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55128}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Ver{\"a}nderung der terrestrischen {\"O}kosysteme, ist ein grundlegendes Element des Globalen Wandels. In diesem Kontext unterliegt auch eines der gr{\"o}ßten Biome der Erde, die tropische und subtropische Savanne, immer st{\"a}rkeren Ver{\"a}nderungen. Dieses Biom in sozio{\"o}konomischer und {\"o}kologischer Hinsicht von besonderer Bedeutung. F{\"u}r einen rasch wachsenden Teil der Weltbev{\"o}lkerung bildet es die Grundlage f{\"u}r das Betreiben von Weidewirtschaft, Ackerbau und Tourismus. In nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprogrammen zum Globalen Wandel hat die Analyse von Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungs{\"a}nderungen in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Landbedeckungsdynamik von Savannen{\"o}kosystemen ist jedoch noch nicht hinreichend verstanden, so dass diese {\"O}kosysteme in globalen Studien nur ansatzweise ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden k{\"o}nnen. Besondere Herausforderungen bei der Erfassung der Landbedeckung und ihrer Dynamik liegen im Falle der Savannen in der heterogenen r{\"a}umlichen Verteilung der Wuchsformen, in den graduellen {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen Landbedeckungsklassen und in der hohen inner- und interannuellen Variabilit{\"a}t der Vegetationsdecke. Vor diesem Hintergrund besch{\"a}ftigt sich diese Dissertation mit der fernerkundungsbasierten Erfassung und Interpretation der Vegetationsstruktur und der Vegetationsdynamik von Savannen am Beispiel ausgew{\"a}hlter afrikanischer Untersuchungsregionen. Die Vegetationsstruktur wird in dieser Dissertation in Form von Bedeckungsgraden holziger Vegetation, krautiger Vegetation und vegetationsloser Fl{\"a}che erfasst. Es kommt ein mehrskaliges Verfahren zum Einsatz, in dem h{\"o}chstaufgel{\"o}ste IKONOS- und QuickBird-Daten, Landsat-Daten und annuelle MODIS-Zeitreihen ausgewertet werden. Der Ansatz basiert auf der Methodik der Ensemble-Regeressionb{\"a}ume und stellt eine Erweiterung und Optimierung der Herangehensweise des MODIS-Standardproduktes Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) nach Hansen et al. (2002) dar. Beim Vergleich mit unabh{\"a}ngigen Validierungsdaten der n{\"a}chst h{\"o}heren Aufl{\"o}sungsebene zeigt sich das Potenzial der vorgestellten Methodik. Die r{\"a}umliche {\"U}bertragbarkeit der Regressionsb{\"a}ume wird am Beispiel von zwei Vegetationstypen innerhalb der Zentralnamibischen Savanne dargestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigt sich der hohe Stellenwert einer optimalen Auswahl an Trainingsdaten mit einer repr{\"a}sentativen Abdeckung der Wertespanne aller existierenden Bedeckungsgrade. Die erarbeiteten Resultate unterstreichen, die optimale Eignung der Subpixel-Bedeckungsgrade, gerade zur Beschreibung von Savannenlandschaften. In der Kombination von herk{\"o}mmlichen, diskreten Landbedeckungs- oder Vegetationskarten mit Informationen zu Bedeckungsgraden wird ein besonderer Mehrwert f{\"u}r weiterf{\"u}hrende Analysen gesehen. Die Dynamik der Savannenvegetation wird in dieser Arbeit sowohl auf biannueller als auch auf mehrj{\"a}hriger Skala charakterisiert. Bei der biannuellen Analyse werden die Ver{\"a}nderungen der holzigen Vegetationsbedeckung zwischen den Jahren 2003/04 und 2006/07 erfasst. Hierf{\"u}r findet eine zeitliche {\"U}bertragung des zuvor vorgestellten Verfahrens zur Ableitung von Bedeckungsanteilen statt. Im Rahmen der biannuellen Untersuchungen k{\"o}nnen Ver{\"a}nderungsfl{\"a}chen identifiziert werden, ohne Einschr{\"a}nkung auf {\"U}berg{\"a}nge zwischen fest definierten Klassengrenzen. In Erg{\"a}nzung der biannuellen Analysen werden aus MODIS-EVI- und Niederschlagszeitreihen Maßzahlen abgeleitet, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Niederschlag und Vegetationsentwicklung, die Variabilit{\"a}t und die Trends der Vegetation {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von acht Jahren beschreiben. Hierbei kommen beispielsweise Korrelationsanalysen zwischen Vegetationsindex- und Niederschlagszeitreihen zum Einsatz. Zudem werden Trendanalysen der Vegetationsindex-Zeitreihen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Trends werden einerseits allein aus den Zeitreihen der Vegetationsindizes ermittelt, andererseits wird bei der Berechnung von Restrends (Residual Trends) der Einfluss des Niederschlags ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Neben den Korrelations- und Trendanalysen werden unterschiedliche Variabilit{\"a}tsmaße der Vegetationsindex-Zeitreihen genutzt, um die mehrj{\"a}hrige Vegetationsdynamik zu beschreiben. Durch die Kombination von Fernerkundungsdaten unterschiedlicher r{\"a}umlicher und zeitlicher Aufl{\"o}sungen wird in dieser Dissertation die heterogene Vegetationsstruktur und die komplexe Vegetationsdynamik ausgew{\"a}hlter afrikanischer Savannen{\"o}kosysteme beschreiben.}, subject = {Savanne}, language = {de} } @article{GhasemiLatifiPourhashemi2022, author = {Ghasemi, Marziye and Latifi, Hooman and Pourhashemi, Mehdi}, title = {A novel method for detecting and delineating coppice trees in UAV images to monitor tree decline}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {23}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14235910}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297258}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Monitoring tree decline in arid and semi-arid zones requires methods that can provide up-to-date and accurate information on the health status of the trees at single-tree and sample plot levels. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are considered as cost-effective and efficient tools to study tree structure and health at small scale, on which detecting and delineating tree crowns is the first step to extracting varied subsequent information. However, one of the major challenges in broadleaved tree cover is still detecting and delineating tree crowns in images. The frequent dominance of coppice structure in degraded semi-arid vegetation exacerbates this problem. Here, we present a new method based on edge detection for delineating tree crowns based on the features of oak trees in semi-arid coppice structures. The decline severity in individual stands can be analyzed by extracting relevant information such as texture from the crown area. Although the method presented in this study is not fully automated, it returned high performances including an F-score = 0.91. Associating the texture indices calculated in the canopy area with the phenotypic decline index suggested higher correlations of the GLCM texture indices with tree decline at the tree level and hence a high potential to be used for subsequent remote-sensing-assisted tree decline studies.}, language = {en} } @article{GhazaryanRienowOldenburgetal.2021, author = {Ghazaryan, Gohar and Rienow, Andreas and Oldenburg, Carsten and Thonfeld, Frank and Trampnau, Birte and Sticksel, Sarah and J{\"u}rgens, Carsten}, title = {Monitoring of urban sprawl and densification processes in Western Germany in the light of SDG indicator 11.3.1 based on an automated retrospective classification approach}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {9}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13091694}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236671}, year = {2021}, abstract = {By 2050, two-third of the world's population will live in cities. In this study, we develop a framework for analyzing urban growth-related imperviousness in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from the 1980s to date using Landsat data. For the baseline 2017-time step, official geodata was extracted to generate labelled data for ten classes, including three classes representing low, middle, and high level of imperviousness. We used the output of the 2017 classification and information based on radiometric bi-temporal change detection for retrospective classification. Besides spectral bands, we calculated several indices and various temporal composites, which were used as an input for Random Forest classification. The results provide information on three imperviousness classes with accuracies exceeding 75\%. According to our results, the imperviousness areas grew continuously from 1985 to 2017, with a high imperviousness area growth of more than 167,000 ha, comprising around 30\% increase. The information on the expansion of urban areas was integrated with population dynamics data to estimate the progress towards SDG 11. With the intensity analysis and the integration of population data, the spatial heterogeneity of urban expansion and population growth was analysed, showing that the urban expansion rates considerably excelled population growth rates in some regions in NRW. The study highlights the applicability of earth observation data for accurately quantifying spatio-temporal urban dynamics for sustainable urbanization and targeted planning.}, language = {en} } @book{Gotterbarm2004, author = {Gotterbarm, Cornelia}, title = {US-amerikanische Einzelhandelsunternehmen in Deutschland - Fakten, Trends und Theorien}, publisher = {L.I.S. Verlag}, address = {Passau}, isbn = {3-932820-28-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174474}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {222, IX}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die Internationalisierung des Einzelhandels hat in den letzten 20 Jahren und vor allem in den 1990er Jahren stark zugenommen. Auch in Deutschland ist diese Entwicklung deutlich wahrzunehmen. Insbesondere Einzelhandelsunternehmen aus den USA - wie beispielsweise Woolworth, Foot Locker, Toys R Us oder Staples - sind mit einer hohen Filialdichte in Deutschland vertreten. Ende 1997 betrat Wal-Mart - das mit Abstand gr{\"o}ßte Einzelhandelsunternehmen der Welt - den deutschen Markt. Der Markteintritt l{\"o}ste starke Reaktionen seitens des ans{\"a}ssigen Einzelhandels aus, die Medien verfolgten die ersten Schritte von Wal-Mart sehr genau. Nach sechs Jahren Pr{\"a}sens auf dem deutschen Markt hat Wal-Mart jedoch noch keine signifikante Position im Handelsgef{\"u}ge erreichen k{\"o}nnen. Fraglich ist, ob den zahlreichen strategischen und operativen Problemen nur eine unzureichende Marktanalyse zugrunde liegt oder ob US-amerikanische Einzelh{\"a}ndler auf dem deutschen Markt vor besondere Herausforderungen gestellt sind? Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit den Internationalisierungsstrategien US-amerikanischer Einzelhandelsunternehmen, die in Deutschland t{\"a}tig sind. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Untersuchung von Wal-Mart. St{\"a}rken und Schw{\"a}chen der Internationalisierung werden auf der Grundlage einer Analyse des Heimatmarktes USA herausgearbeitet. In einem internationalen Vergleich erfolgt die Ermittlung der Besonderheiten des deutschen Einzelhandelsmarktes f{\"u}r US-amerikanische Einzelh{\"a}ndler. Strategien des Markteintritts und der Marktdurchdringung sowie die Standortwahl und Diffusion stehen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung US-amerikanischer Einzelh{\"a}ndler in Deutschland.}, subject = {USA}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gradmann2016, author = {Gradmann, Rena}, title = {Analysis of Historical Islamic Glazes and the Development of a Substitution Material}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136233}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {11 Conclusion 11.1 Glaze compositions Glazes from tiles of imposing Islamic buildings and some tableware glazes of the medieval epoch in Central Asia, the Middle East, Asia Minor, and North Africa are analysed regarding their main composition and colouring agents. Three major production recipes can be distinguished, i.e. alkali glazes, alkali lead glazes, and lead glazes. In the work of Tite (2011), Islamic glazes from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Syria are subdivided into four groups of composition, being partly consistent with those of this work. The alkali lime glazes with <2 wt\% PbO correspond to the alkali glazes, but with higher content of CaO. The second and third group of low lead alkali and lead alkali glazes (2-10 wt\% PbO and 10-35 wt\% PbO) can be subsumed to the alkali lead group described here. Tite´s high lead group has PbO contents >35 wt\% and is comparable to the lead glazes (>30 wt\% PbO) of this study. The lead and the alkali oxides serve as a flux for the lowering the melting point. In the interaction of ceramic body and glaze, primarily an influence from Si, Al, and K is observed in the line scans from the cross section of ceramic and glaze. However, the input of ceramic material doesn't seem to be critical for the classification of glazes according to their alkali and alkali lead compositions. In every epoch and locality, except of the Ilkhanate dynasty in Iran, lead glaze samples can be verified. This is also observed in previous investigations e.g. from medieval Iraq, Jordan and Iran (McCarthy, 1996; Al-Saad, 2002; Holakooei et al., 2014). In the Moroccan and Bulgarian glazes, lead seems to be the only important flux. In part, the lead flux is supplemented by additional alkali contents. The lack of alkali and alkali lead glazes in Bulgarian and Moroccan glazes (assuming that the Ottoman alkali lead glazes are imported tableware) seems to affect the regions with Roman-influenced history and with geographical distance to the Near East alkali flux tradition. For the alkali lead glazes and alkali glazes, the overall characteristic is sodium dominated, although the absolute soda values are in part surprisingly low. Samples from Bukhara, Takht-i-Suleiman and the Turkish localities have the highest, but still moderate Na2O values up to 15 wt\%, compared to other analyses from e.g. India (Gill \& Rehren, 2011). The source of the alkali flux is either mineral natron or plant ash. The source can be determined regarding the MgO values, limited to 1.3 wt\% in mineral natron and exceeding 2.0 wt\% in the case of plant ashes. In the samples of the present study, the K2O component is not suitable for the indication of the flux-relevant alkali source due to its broad scattering. The P2O5 contents are also enhanced in the plant ash compositions but the data set is not sufficient for statistical evaluation. An influence of the ceramic body on the glaze composition is observed only for SiO2, Al2O3, and K2O in quartz frit ceramics with slight K-feldspar content. The earliest Uzbek tableware glazes from the 10th-11th century (Seljuq period) were generally produced using a lead flux. The same applies to part of the Uzbek tile glazes which were produced between the 13th and 16th century. In Iran, glazes from the 12th century (Khwarezmid period) are lead glazes, but also alkali-fluxed glazes with mineral natron characteristics can be found. Although the production of lead-rich glazes was established from the 8th-9th century on in Iraq, Syria, and Egypt (Henshaw, 2010; Tite et al., 2011), alkali glazes are found in almost all regions except of Bulgaria and Morocco. Plant ash-fluxed alkali glazes are found in 13th century glazes from Takht-i-Suleiman. The plant ash flux technology is assumed to be continuously used in Mesopotamia, Iran, and Central Asia (Sayre \& Smith, 1974; Henderson, 2009), but it could be shown that a parallel use of mineral natron parallel existed in the alkali glaze production from the 12th-15th century from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan. Mineral natron characteristics are also reported by Mason (2004) for Syrian and Iranian alkali glazes on lustre ware of the 8th-14th century. Tile glazes with partly mineral natron compositions are found in the Mughal architectural glazes from the 14th- 17th century from India (Gill et al., 2014). Alkali and alkali lead tile glazes from Samarkand from the 13th century (Mongolian period) have mineral natron flux characteristics, but samples from the 15th century (Timurid period) show plant ash signature. Alkali fluxed Uzbek glazes from Bukhara from the 16th century (Sheibanid dynasty) are also made by plant ash flux and are subdivided into two groups with high and low sodium oxide content. The Afghan alkali glazes have sodium oxide contents similar to the sodium-poor Uzbek subgroup, which points to a possible exchange of glaze makers or glaze making technology from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan in the 15th-17th century. Regarding the extensive exchange of Timurid craftsmen in Central Asia, this option seems to be even more likely (Golombek, 1996). One sample from the 15th century from Afghanistan with mineral natron reveals that this material was parallel used in these centuries. Concerning the colouring of the glazes, it has to be distinguished between pigments and colouring ions which are incorporated in the glassy matrix. The colouring agents for translucent glazes are cations of various transition metals. As ions, Co2+ (blue), Cu2+ (green in a lead rich matrix), Fe3+ (brown/black), Mn4+ (brown/black) and Mn3+ (violet) are determined by EPMA. For opaque yellow, white, and turquoise glazes, different pigments were used. The crystalline pigments are investigated by a µ XRD2 device with the result of SnO2, SiO2, and PbSiO4 as whitening agents. PbSiO4 and Pb2Sn2O6 are found in the yellow glaze, from which only the lead tin oxide causes the yellow colour. In the black glazes, different Cr-rich pigments, Cu-Cr-Mn-oxides and iron containing clinopyroxenes are found, even in samples of the same period and region. Cr-rich particles are also detected in two turquoise Afghan glazes from the 15th and 16th century. The use of the ions of Fe, Cu, Co, Cr, and Mn seems to be widely common in the Islamic glazes and corresponds to the described colouring agents in e.g. the study of Tite (2011). The use of opacifying SnO2 particles is widespread as it is reported from different Islamic glazes from Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and Syria (Henshaw, 2010; O´Kane, 2011; Tite, 2011). The colouring agents are known already from former, e.g. Egyptian, Roman and pre-islamic periods, but especially SnO2 pigments became increasingly widespread in the Islamic glazing tradition. The use of yellow and black pigments instead varies already within the buildings from Bukhara from Cr crystals and clino-pyroxenes in the mosque Khoja Zainuddin to a Cu-Cr-Mn-oxide in the madrassa Mir-i Arab of the same epoch. Regarding the matrix compositions connected with the colouring, a certain assignment within the different locations and epochs can be seen. It is noticeable that e.g. the content of lead in turquoise glazes in Uzbekistan is in the range of 0.0-9.2 wt\% Pb, whereas blue glazes are mostly alkali ones with PbO contents <2.0 wt\%. The turquoise glazes show, that this restriction is not influenced by any defaults of availability and processability. The assumption of common addition of lead and tin to the glaze, which is already described for Iranian glazes of the 13th century (Allan et al., 1973) cannot be confirmed by correlations of tin and lead oxide in the compositions. 11.2 Portable XRF measurement With the p-XRF, semi-quantitative information about the major element compositions is generated. The depth of the detectable signals depends on the analysed sample setup. The p-XRF data are collected with the XL3 Hybrid device of the company Analyticon Instruments. In the comparison of p-XRF results of the "mining" program from Uzbek glazes with EPMA results, the same major composition groups can be distinguished. The Moroccan glazes, all lead rich, are measured with the "mining" as well as with the "soil" program, revealing a better performance in the "mining" measurements. The deviations are nevertheless high, because of the high lead contents, which make the calculation of matrix correction difficult. The measurement of the colouring oxides MnO2, CoO, and CuO is satisfying with the internal calibration of the device and even improved with the "mining" program measurement, if compared to the results of the "soil" program. The measurements of glaze imitations lead to better results than that of bulk glass. This can be attributed to the smoother surface texture. In spite of the accuracy limits in the measurements of particular elements in glazes, the classification of flux composition into three groups could be confirmed with the p XRF analysis. The measurement precision is therefore sufficient for the semi-quantitative analysis of the flux characteristic of glazes. Especially for the on-site measurement of large sample quantities on historical buildings, the device is a suitable tool. 11.3 Restoration material The ORMOCER® fulfils the requirements of stability, reversibility, and transparency, which are imposed to a modern restoration material. As pigments, historically coloured glass, cobalt blue, Egyptian blue, lead tin yellow, manganese violet, iron oxide, copper oxide, and cassiterite were used. The metal compounds have higher colour intensities than the pigments of coloured glass. It has to be considered that the proportion of ORMOCER® in the batch must be high enough (70 vol\%) to guarantee the ORMOCER® properties of weathering and mechanical stability. The adhesion properties of the ORMOCER® and the homogeneity of the mixture are the best in a fraction of max. 30 vol\% particles per ORMOCER®. With integrated particles, the ORMOCER® G materials show homogeneous coatings, whereas the particles in the ORMCOER® E show more agglomeration. In the sedimentation and weathering experiments, the use of an ultrasonic finger in combination with a roller mill is favourable compared to the treatment with bead grinding mill. The treatments with ultrasonic finger and roller mill result in less sedimentation and better adhesion of the dispersions. The treatment of the dispersions in the bead grinding mill does not result in sufficient adhesion, certainly due to the sedimentation behaviour and a congregation of particles on the bottom of the coating. The modification of dispersed nano-particles by 3-methacryl-oxypropyltrimethoxysilan leads to a further homogenization in the sedimentation tests. It is therefore approved for the use in coloured glaze supplements. In weathered coatings of nano-particle compounds, the surface modification shows certainly no enhancement of stability. The treatment of pigmented coatings with an additional layer of pure ORMOCER® results in a bright and transparent appearing, which is closer to the original optical appearance of the glaze. A long-time test application on a historical building will be the next step to validate the suitability of the restoration material.}, subject = {Glasur}, language = {en} } @book{Guth2020, author = {Guth, Denis}, title = {Zur Sicherstellung der ‚Vertr{\"a}glichkeit' innerst{\"a}dtischer Einkaufszentren - Raumbezogene Diskurs- und Kalkulationsordnungen am Beispiel der Mainzer Innenstadt}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-130-3}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-131-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192670}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {248}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Der Begriff der ‚Vertr{\"a}glichkeit' spielt eine zentrale Rolle f{\"u}r die politisch-planerische Steuerung von Einzelhandels- und Stadtentwicklung. Besonders kontrovers wird v.a. seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre die Frage der ‚Vertr{\"a}glichkeit' innerst{\"a}dtischer Einkaufszentren diskutiert. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht anhand ehemaliger Shopping-Center-Planungen f{\"u}r die Mainzer Innenstadt, wie der Vertr{\"a}glichkeitsbegriff in der Praxis gef{\"u}llt wird und welche planerischen Steuerungslogiken hieraus hervorgehen. Die Arbeit setzt sich kritisch mit der Frage auseinander, auf welche normativen Wissensordnungen {\"u}ber den innerst{\"a}dtischen Raum sich die politisch-planerische Bearbeitung der Vertr{\"a}glichkeitsproblematik st{\"u}tzt und welche Machtwirkungen hiermit einhergehen. Ausgehend von einer poststrukturalistisch inspirierten, diskurstheoretischen Perspektive verschiebt die Studie damit den geographischen Blick auf die Vertr{\"a}glichkeitsfrage: Was ‚Vertr{\"a}glichkeit' f{\"u}r die politisch-planerische Praxis konkret bedeutet, ob ein geplantes Einkaufszentrum als ‚(innenstadt)vertr{\"a}glich' gelten kann bzw. welche konkreten Interventionen dies erfordert, h{\"a}ngt demzufolge weniger von objektiven {\"o}konomischen, r{\"a}umlichen oder st{\"a}dtebaulichen Gegebenheiten ab - vielmehr zeigt die Studie, dass eine ganzen Reihe von Techniken raumbezogener Wissensproduktion mobilisiert werden m{\"u}ssen, damit die Vertr{\"a}glichkeitsfrage {\"u}berhaupt als eine objektivierbare Frage erscheinen kann.}, subject = {Einkaufszentrum}, language = {de} } @article{HaHuthBachoferetal.2022, author = {Ha, Tuyen V. and Huth, Juliane and Bachofer, Felix and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {A review of Earth observation-based drought studies in Southeast Asia}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {15}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14153763}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286258}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Drought is a recurring natural climatic hazard event over terrestrial land; it poses devastating threats to human health, the economy, and the environment. Given the increasing climate crisis, it is likely that extreme drought phenomena will become more frequent, and their impacts will probably be more devastating. Drought observations from space, therefore, play a key role in dissimilating timely and accurate information to support early warning drought management and mitigation planning, particularly in sparse in-situ data regions. In this paper, we reviewed drought-related studies based on Earth observation (EO) products in Southeast Asia between 2000 and 2021. The results of this review indicated that drought publications in the region are on the increase, with a majority (70\%) of the studies being undertaken in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. These countries also accounted for nearly 97\% of the economic losses due to drought extremes. Vegetation indices from multispectral optical remote sensing sensors remained a primary source of data for drought monitoring in the region. Many studies (~21\%) did not provide accuracy assessment on drought mapping products, while precipitation was the main data source for validation. We observed a positive association between spatial extent and spatial resolution, suggesting that nearly 81\% of the articles focused on the local and national scales. Although there was an increase in drought research interest in the region, challenges remain regarding large-area and long time-series drought measurements, the combined drought approach, machine learning-based drought prediction, and the integration of multi-sensor remote sensing products (e.g., Landsat and Sentinel-2). Satellite EO data could be a substantial part of the future efforts that are necessary for mitigating drought-related challenges, ensuring food security, establishing a more sustainable economy, and the preservation of the natural environment in the region.}, language = {en} } @article{HaggMayrMannigetal.2018, author = {Hagg, Wilfried and Mayr, Elisabeth and Mannig, Birgit and Reyers, Mark and Schubert, David and Pinto, Joaquim G. and Peters, Juliane and Pieczonka, Tino and Juen, Martin and Bolch, Tobias and Paeth, Heiko and Mayer, Christoph}, title = {Future climate change and its impact on runoff generation from the debris-covered Inylchek glaciers, Central Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan}, series = {Water}, volume = {10}, journal = {Water}, number = {11}, issn = {2073-4441}, doi = {10.3390/w10111513}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197592}, pages = {1513}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The heavily debris-covered Inylchek glaciers in the central Tian Shan are the largest glacier system in the Tarim catchment. It is assumed that almost 50\% of the discharge of Tarim River are provided by glaciers. For this reason, climatic changes, and thus changes in glacier mass balance and glacier discharge are of high impact for the whole region. In this study, a conceptual hydrological model able to incorporate discharge from debris-covered glacier areas is presented. To simulate glacier melt and subsequent runoff in the past (1970/1971-1999/2000) and future (2070/2071-2099/2100), meteorological input data were generated based on ECHAM5/MPI-OM1 global climate model projections. The hydrological model HBV-LMU was calibrated by an automatic calibration algorithm using runoff and snow cover information as objective functions. Manual fine-tuning was performed to avoid unrealistic results for glacier mass balance. The simulations show that annual runoff sums will increase significantly under future climate conditions. A sensitivity analysis revealed that total runoff does not decrease until the glacier area is reduced by 43\%. Ice melt is the major runoff source in the recent past, and its contribution will even increase in the coming decades. Seasonal changes reveal a trend towards enhanced melt in spring, but a change from a glacial-nival to a nival-pluvial runoff regime will not be reached until the end of this century.}, language = {en} } @article{HalbgewachsWegmanndaPonte2022, author = {Halbgewachs, Magdalena and Wegmann, Martin and da Ponte, Emmanuel}, title = {A spectral mixture analysis and landscape metrics based framework for monitoring spatiotemporal forest cover changes: a case study in Mato Grosso, Brazil}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {8}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs14081907}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270644}, year = {2022}, abstract = {An increasing amount of Brazilian rainforest is being lost or degraded for various reasons, both anthropogenic and natural, leading to a loss of biodiversity and further global consequences. Especially in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, soy production and large-scale cattle farms led to extensive losses of rainforest in recent years. We used a spectral mixture approach followed by a decision tree classification based on more than 30 years of Landsat data to quantify these losses. Research has shown that current methods for assessing forest degradation are lacking accuracy. Therefore, we generated classifications to determine land cover changes for each year, focusing on both cleared and degraded forest land. The analyses showed a decrease in forest area in Mato Grosso by 28.8\% between 1986 and 2020. In order to measure changed forest structures for the selected period, fragmentation analyses based on diverse landscape metrics were carried out for the municipality of Colniza in Mato Grosso. It was found that forest areas experienced also a high degree of fragmentation over the study period, with an increase of 83.3\% of the number of patches and a decrease of the mean patch area of 86.1\% for the selected time period, resulting in altered habitats for flora and fauna.}, language = {en} } @misc{Halbleib2019, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Halbleib, Julia}, title = {Bodenerosion und ihre Modellierung auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Bodenabtragsgleichung (ABAG) - Erosionsabsch{\"a}tzung mittels AVErosion im Untersuchungsgebiet Biosph{\"a}renreservat Rh{\"o}n}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178811}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren zur Modellierung der Bodenerosion auf Ackerfl{\"a}chen in einem Untersuchungsgebiet im UNESCO-Biosph{\"a}renreservat Rh{\"o}n vorgestellt. Als Grundlage dienen fl{\"a}chendeckend verf{\"u}gbare, hochaufl{\"o}sende Datens{\"a}tzen zu allen relevanten Faktoren. Ziel ist es die Sensitivit{\"a}t des Modells gegen{\"u}ber verschiedenen Faktoren sowie die {\"U}bertragbarkeit des Verfahrens auf gr{\"o}ßere Untersuchungsgebiete zu testen. Die Modellierung findet dabei in ArcView 3.2 {\"u}ber die Extension AVErosion von SCH{\"A}UBLE (2005) statt, w{\"a}hrend die Vorprozessierung in ArcMap von ESRI durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. Zun{\"a}chst werden grundlegende Begriffe zu den Prozessen, Einflussfaktoren und Messmethoden von Bodenerosion erl{\"a}utert. Die von Bodenerosion verursachten Sch{\"a}den und m{\"o}gliche Schutzmaßnahmen werden aufgrund ihrer Relevanz, unter anderem f{\"u}r die betroffenen Landwirte, geschildert. Nach dem {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die wichtigsten Erosionsmodelle werden die hier verwendete Allgemeine Bodenabtragsgleichung (ABAG) und ihre einzelnen Berechnungsschritte vorgestellt. Das Modellierungstool AVErosion verwendet zus{\"a}tzlich Elemente der Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE87). Zur Bodenerosionsmodellierung stehen hochaufl{\"o}sende Datens{\"a}tze aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet zur Verf{\"u}gung, aus denen in der Vorprozessierung die Raster der Faktoren errechnet werden. Insgesamt werden zehn Szenarien mit verschiedenen C-Faktoren und zwei Szenarien mit variierendem R-Faktor modelliert. Daraufhin wird das Untersuchungsgebiet nach physisch-geographischen Gesichtspunkten beschrieben und die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung in der Region charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung zeigen, dass neben den Reliefeigenschaften die Bodenbewirtschaftung auf den Ackerfl{\"a}chen den gr{\"o}ßten Einfluss auf den Bodenabtrag hat. Die Variationen der Niederschlagssumme in den R-Faktor-Szenarien hat hingegen vergleichsweise wenig Auswirkungen auf das Modellierungsergebnis. Zwar konnte durch das Fehlen von aktuellen Bewirtschaftungsdaten keine Modellierung der tats{\"a}chlichen Bodenerosion erzielt werden, jedoch zeigen die verschiedenen C-Faktor-Szenarien den potentiellen Bodenabtrag bei unterschiedlicher Bewirtschaftung. Es wird deutlich, dass auf erosionsgef{\"a}hrdeten Fl{\"a}chen durch eine angepasste Form der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung geringere Abtragswerte in der Modellierung erreicht werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Methode l{\"a}sst sich gut auf das Untersuchungsgebiet im Biosph{\"a}renreservat Rh{\"o}n anwenden und zeigt Potential zur {\"U}bertragung auf gr{\"o}ßere Untersuchungsgebiete}, subject = {Bodenerosion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hannaa2010, author = {Hannaa, Wagih}, title = {Taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Cenomanian-Turonian macro-invertebrate from eastern Sinai, Egypt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54405}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The present study concerened with taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Cenomanian-Turonian macrobenthic fauna which includes bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, and coral. In addtion, cephalopods are also taken in consideration. 144 taxa are identified and systematically described. Palaeoecological and taphonomic anylsis of the statistically sampled macrobenthos are also discussed. The biostratigraphic sequences along the Cenomanian-Turonian rocks were carried out on the basis of ammonites and other macrobenthic fauna such as corals and bivalves. In order to reconstruct benthic association, 41 statistically sampled were subjected to cluster ananlysis by using Past Programm (Hammer et al., 2001). 10 association and three assemblages were described in order to reconstruct the different depositional enviroments.}, subject = {Pal{\"a}ontologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hardaker2015, author = {Hardaker, Sina}, title = {Development and Outlook for Grocery Retailing Internationalization in China: Competition and Format Expansion within a Geographical Context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123076}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {287}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Purpose - The purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the status quo of development of the grocery retailers' internationalization process in China as well as to model future trends, opportunities and challenges within a very competitive market. Using several, geographically distant cities as case studies, this paper focuses on the development and outlook of different store formats, along with the development of competition in this respect by explicitly treating China not as a single market. The study thereby analyses historical and geographical diffusion in regard to store formats. The impacts of the main factors of change are discussed. Design/methodology/approach - The dissertation reviews extensively the literature of grocery retail internationalization with special focus on China. In addition, it draws on primary research in the form of a wide range of expert interviews. As China´s 'supermarket revolution' is underway, an understanding of the local and foreign competition and the development of different store formats within different regions of China as well as their prospects, will be crucial to companies expanding into this area. Findings - The study explains how grocery retailers have already entered the Chinese market with different store formats and how competition has and will further develop. In addition, the study reveals challenges and obstacles in regard to future market strategies, especially in regard to store formats and geographical regions. Research limitations/implications - The study reveals the current landscape of the Chinese grocery retailing market and emphasizes important strategic pillars, modelling future implications and challenges for food retailers operating in China. Because China is a vast country this dissertation forms only a small part of the geographical evolution process in regard to store formats and competition. Practical implications - Explores current understanding of the internationalization process in China by considering different format choices. Supplementary, the dissertation proposes an outlook of competition enlargement, prospects of format development and therewith strategic implications within different regions as well as a future research agenda. Originality / value - Contributes to the understanding of the Chinese grocery retailing market. Furthermore, it is among the first to critically explore possible future developments in regard to store formats and competition within a geographical context in China}, subject = {Lebensmitteleinzelhandel}, language = {en} } @article{Hardaker2021, author = {Hardaker, Sina}, title = {Platform economy: (dis-) embeddedness processes in urban spaces}, series = {Urban Transformations}, volume = {3}, journal = {Urban Transformations}, issn = {2524-8162}, doi = {10.1186/s42854-021-00029-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271329}, pages = {1-13}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Digital platforms, understood as multi-sided matchmakers, have amassed huge power, reimagining the role of consumers, producers, and even ownership. They increasingly dictate the way the economy and urban life is organized. Yet, despite their influential and far-reaching role in shaping our economic as well as sociocultural world, our understanding of their embeddedness, namely how their activities are embedded in systems of social and societal relationships and how they conceptualize their main functions and actions in relation to their wider setting, remains rudimentary. Consequently, the purpose of this frontier paper is threefold. Firstly, it reveals the need to discuss and evaluate (dis-)embedding processes in platform urbanism in order to understand the underlying dynamics of platform power and urban transformation. Secondly, it aims to reveal the main reasons in regard to the difficulties in pinpointing digital platforms embeddedness. Thirdly, it seeks to propose future research unravelling the (dis-)embeddedness of the platform economy. This paper argues for three main reasons namely unawareness, unaccountability and non-transparency of digital platforms that drive the lack of embeddedness and reaffirms platform power. This is mainly based on the configuration of new commodities, platforms' strategic avoidance of labour protections and other regulatory frameworks as well as platforms' secrecy in which they operate. This frontier paper argues that transferring the concept of embeddedness to the platform economy might serve as a valuable tool to understand and pinpoint essential dynamics and relationships at play, therefore proposing embeddedness as a basis for future research on the platform economy. It strongly argues that a more detailed understanding is urgently needed, in order to be able to understand, accompany and actively influence the development of the platform economy in regulatory terms.}, language = {en} } @article{Hardaker2022, author = {Hardaker, Sina}, title = {More Than Infrastructure Providers - Digital Platforms' Role and Power in Retail Digitalisation in Germany}, series = {Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie}, volume = {113}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/tesg.12511}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287297}, pages = {310 -- 328}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digital platforms, such as Amazon, represent the major beneficiaries of the Covid-19 crisis. This study examines the role of digital platforms and their engagement in digitalisation initiatives targeting (small) brick-and-mortar retailers in Germany, thereby contributing to a better understanding of how digital platforms augment, substitute or reorganise physical retail spaces. This study applies a mixed-method approach based on qualitative interviews, participant observation as well as media analysis. First, the study illustrates the controversial role of digital platforms by positioning themselves as supporting partners of the (offline) retailers, while simultaneously shifting power towards the platforms themselves. Second, digital platforms have established themselves not only as infrastructure providers but also as actors within these infrastructures, framing digital as well as physical retail spaces, inter alia due to their role as publicly legitimised retail advisers. Third, while institutions want to help retailers to survive, they simultaneously enhance retailers' dependency on digital platforms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2022, author = {Hein, Niklas}, title = {Gesellschaftliche Implikationen nachhaltiger Nischenakteure - auf dem Weg in eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft?}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-178-5}, issn = {0510-9833}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-179-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-250737}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {VIII, 222}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die imperiale Lebensweise westlicher Industrienationen, die sich durch ein permanentes Streben nach Wirtschaftswachstum ausdr{\"u}ckt, bringt den Planeten an die Grenzen seiner Tragf{\"a}higkeit. In den letzten Jahren wurden jedoch - best{\"a}rkt durch die Weltwirtschaftskrise 2007/08 - Alternativen zum Modell des permanenten Wachstums immer popul{\"a}rer, die sich anstatt auf {\"o}konomischen Wohlstand vermehrt auf soziale und {\"o}kologische Belange des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens fokussierten. Unter dem Begriff der Postwachstumsbewegung sammelten sich Ans{\"a}tze, Ideen und Akteure, die gemeinsam f{\"u}r eine Zukunft fernab jeglicher Wachstumszw{\"a}nge und innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen k{\"a}mpfen. Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden sozialen und {\"o}kologischen Herausforderungen wurden nun erstmals sozial-{\"o}kologische Nischenakteure aus drei unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Postwachstumsbewegung gemeinsam in einem Forschungsvorhaben - unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung gesellschaftlicher, organisatorischer und territorialer Einbettungsprozesse - untersucht. Eingebettet ist diese Untersuchung in den theoretisch-konzeptionellen Ansatz der sozial-{\"o}kologischen Transformation, deren inkrementeller Wandel mithilfe der Multi-Level-Perspektive beschrieben werden kann. Die Kombination dieses spezifischen theoretisch-konzeptionellen Ansatzes und der empirischen Erhebung ist das Alleinstellungsmerkmal der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Es zeigte sich, dass alle untersuchten Nischenakteure eine deutlich progressive Unternehmungsphilosophie vertreten, die h{\"a}ufig in einer Unternehmungsorganisation mit flachen Hierarchien und konsensbasierten Entscheidungsfindungen m{\"u}ndet. Besonders gesellschaftliche Einbettungsprozesse bedingen den Erfolg oder Misserfolg der Nischenentwicklung. Organisatorische Einbettung kommt derweil vor allem im Aufbau weitreichender Netzwerkstrukturen zum Tragen, die die Innovationsf{\"a}higkeit und Stabilit{\"a}t der Nische unterst{\"u}tzen. Eine starke territoriale Einbettung steigert den lokal-regionalen Einfluss der Nischeninnovationen und generiert R{\"u}ckhalt in der Bev{\"o}lkerung.}, subject = {Transformation}, language = {de} } @article{HeinemannSiegmannThonfeldetal.2020, author = {Heinemann, Sascha and Siegmann, Bastian and Thonfeld, Frank and Muro, Javier and Jedmowski, Christoph and Kemna, Andreas and Kraska, Thorsten and Muller, Onno and Schultz, Johannes and Udelhoven, Thomas and Wilke, Norman and Rascher, Uwe}, title = {Land surface temperature retrieval for agricultural areas using a novel UAV platform equipped with a thermal infrared and multispectral sensor}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {12}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {7}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs12071075}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203557}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Land surface temperature (LST) is a fundamental parameter within the system of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, which can be used to describe the inherent physical processes of energy and water exchange. The need for LST has been increasingly recognised in agriculture, as it affects the growth phases of crops and crop yields. However, challenges in overcoming the large discrepancies between the retrieved LST and ground truth data still exist. Precise LST measurement depends mainly on accurately deriving the surface emissivity, which is very dynamic due to changing states of land cover and plant development. In this study, we present an LST retrieval algorithm for the combined use of multispectral optical and thermal UAV images, which has been optimised for operational applications in agriculture to map the heterogeneous and diverse agricultural crop systems of a research campus in Germany (April 2018). We constrain the emissivity using certain NDVI thresholds to distinguish different land surface types. The algorithm includes atmospheric corrections and environmental thermal emissions to minimise the uncertainties. In the analysis, we emphasise that the omission of crucial meteorological parameters and inaccurately determined emissivities can lead to a considerably underestimated LST; however, if the emissivity is underestimated, the LST can be overestimated. The retrieved LST is validated by reference temperatures from nearby ponds and weather stations. The validation of the thermal measurements indicates a mean absolute error of about 0.5 K. The novelty of the dual sensor system is that it simultaneously captures highly spatially resolved optical and thermal images, in order to construct the precise LST ortho-mosaics required to monitor plant diseases and drought stress and validate airborne and satellite data.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heldens2010, author = {Heldens, Wieke}, title = {Use of airborne hyperspectral data and height information to support urban micro climate characterisation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The urban micro climate has been increasingly recognised as an important aspect for urban planning. Therefore, urban planners need reliable information on the micro climatic characteristics of the urban environment. A suitable spatial scale and large spatial coverage are important requirements for such information. This thesis presents a conceptual framework for the use of airborne hyperspectral data to support urban micro climate characterisation, taking into account the information needs of urban planning. The potential of hyperspectral remote sensing in characterising the micro climate is demonstrated and evaluated by applying HyMap airborne hyperspectral and height data to a case study of the German city of Munich. The developed conceptual framework consists of three parts. The first is concerned with the capabilities of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to map physical urban characteristics. The high spatial resolution of the sensor allows to separate the relatively small urban objects. The high spectral resolution enables the identification of the large range of surface materials that are used in an urban area at up to sub-pixel level. The surface materials are representative for the urban objects of which the urban landscape is composed. These spatial urban characteristics strongly influence the urban micro climate. The second part of the conceptual framework provides an approach to use the hyperspectral surface information for the characterisation of the urban micro climate. This can be achieved by integrating the remote sensing material map into a micro climate model. Also spatial indicators were found to provide useful information on the micro climate for urban planners. They are commonly used in urban planning to describe building blocks and are related to several micro climatic parameters such as temperature and humidity. The third part of the conceptual framework addresses the combination and presentation of the derived indicators and simulation results under consideration of the planning requirements. Building blocks and urban structural types were found to be an adequate means to group and present the derived information for micro climate related questions to urban planners. The conceptual framework was successfully applied to a case study in Munich. Airborne hyperspectral HyMap data has been used to derive a material map at sub-pixel level by multiple endmember linear spectral unmixing. This technique was developed by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) for applications in Dresden and Potsdam. A priori information on building locations was used to support the separation between spectrally similar materials used both on building roofs and non-built surfaces. In addition, surface albedo and leaf area index are derived from the HyMap data. The sub-pixel material map supported by object height data is then used to derive spatial indicators, such as imperviousness or building density. To provide a more detailed micro climate characterisation at building block level, the surface materials, albedo, leaf area index (LAI) and object height are used as input for simulations with the micro climate model ENVI-met. Concluding, this thesis demonstrated the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing to support urban micro climate characterisation. A detailed mapping of surface materials at sub-pixel level could be performed. This provides valuable, detailed information on a large range of spatial characteristics relevant to the assessment of the urban micro climate. The developed conceptual framework has been proven to be applicable to the case study, providing a means to characterise the urban micro climate. The remote sensing products and subsequent micro climatic information are presented at a suitable spatial scale and in understandable maps and graphics. The use of well-known spatial indicators and the framework of urban structural types can simplify the communication with urban planners on the findings on the micro climate. Further research is needed primarily on the sensitivity of the micro climate model towards the remote sensing based input parameters and on the general relation between climate parameters and spatial indicators by comparison with other cities.}, subject = {Mikroklima}, language = {en} }