@phdthesis{Bruening2006, author = {Br{\"u}ning, Tanja}, title = {Biomechanik des Wachslaufens bei Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Partnerameisen von Macaranga-B{\"a}umen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Durch die vorliegende Arbeit konnte die große Bedeutung biomechanischer Faktoren f{\"u}r die {\"O}kologie und Evolution von Insekten-Pflanzen-Interaktionen, am Beispiel des Ameisenpflanzen-Mutualismus' Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Macaranga aufgezeigt werden. Viele Macaranga-Ameisenpflanzen besitzen Sproßachsen mit einem {\"U}berzug epikutikul{\"a}rer Wachskristalle. Nur die Ameisenpartner wachsbereifter Pflanzen k{\"o}nnen sich problemlos auf den Oberfl{\"a}chen ihrer Wirtspflanzen fortbewegen. Durch die rutschigen, wachsbereiften Sproßachsen werden generalistische Ameisenarten ferngehalten und damit die wachslaufenden Ameisenpartner vor Fraßfeinden und Konkurrenz gesch{\"u}tzt. Die Wachsbarrieren f{\"o}rdern zudem die Wirtsspezifit{\"a}t innerhalb dieser Ameisen-Pflanzen-Symbiose und funktionieren so als {\"o}kologischer Isolationsmechanismus. Die mechanische Barrierefunktion der Wachsbereifung birgt eine Vielzahl {\"o}kologischer Konsequenzen f{\"u}r beide Mutualismuspartner. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die proximaten Einzelmechanismen dieser {\"o}kologisch wichtigen Barriere aufzukl{\"a}ren, d. h. die Ursache der Rutschigkeit wachsbereifter Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen und den Mechanismus der Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit der spezialangepaßten Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Ameisen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten mehrere Mechanismen der Rutschigkeit wachsbereifter Macaranga-Sproßoberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Insekten aufgezeigt werden. Durch die Fortbewegung von Insekten auf epikutikul{\"a}ren Wachskristallen werden Kristalle aus ihrem Verbund herausgebrochen und kontaminieren die Insektentarsen. Auf der Oberfl{\"a}che der Haftorgane (Arolien) werden die Wachskristalle durch die Haftfl{\"u}ssigkeit partiell angel{\"o}st. Hierdurch entsteht ein amorpher Schmierfilm, der wahrscheinlich zu einer Verschlechterung der Haftleistung f{\"u}hrt. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, daß unabh{\"a}ngig vom Abbrechen der Kristalle und der Kontamination der Tarsen auch die Mikrorauhigkeit der Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen zu einer Rutschigkeit der Sproßachse f{\"u}hren kann. Sie besitzt einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Haft- und Lokomotionsf{\"a}higkeit von Insekten. Die Rauhigkeit von Oberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}hrt zu einer Reduzierung der effektiven Kontaktfl{\"a}che des Aroliums und verringert dadurch die Haftkr{\"a}fte von Insekten. Die genannten Mechanismen der Rutschigkeit schließen sich nicht gegenseitig aus, sondern k{\"o}nnen einen synergistischen, bzw. additiven Effekt haben. Bei der Untersuchung der Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit der spezialisierten Macaranga-Partnerameisen zeigte sich, daß der unterschiedliche Lauferfolg verschiedener Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Morphospezies nicht auf einer gr{\"o}ßeren Haftung beruht, sondern vor allem auf einer g{\"u}nstigeren Laufkinematik der Wachsl{\"a}ufer. Durch morphometrische Untersuchungen an acht Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Arten konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, daß Wachsl{\"a}ufer l{\"a}ngere Beine haben als Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufer. Diese l{\"a}ngeren Beine k{\"o}nnen zu einem mechanischen Vorteil beim Klettern auf senkrechten Oberfl{\"a}chen f{\"u}hren, da sie zum einen ein weiteres Herumgreifen um den Ast erm{\"o}glichen und zum anderen aufgrund des l{\"a}ngeren Hebelarms die auf die Vorderbeine wirkenden Zugkr{\"a}fte reduzieren. Amputationsexperimente zeigten eindeutig, daß die pr{\"a}tarsalen Krallen entscheidend f{\"u}r das Laufen auf wachsbereiften Macaranga-Oberfl{\"a}chen sind, die pr{\"a}tarsalen Haftorgane (Arolien) hingegen nicht. Es ist zu vermuten, daß die Krallen durch das Eintauchen der Krallenspitzen in die Wachskristallschicht Halt finden, wodurch sie theoretisch auf senkrechten Oberfl{\"a}chen jeden Durchmessers Halt finden k{\"o}nnen. Obwohl quantitative Unterschiede in der Krallenmorphologie (H{\"o}he, L{\"a}nge und Kr{\"u}mmungsdurchmesser) zwischen Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern und -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern nachgewiesen werden konnten, bleibt unklar, ob diese {\"u}berhaupt eine Rolle f{\"u}r die unterschiedliche Wachslauff{\"a}higkeit spielen oder ob eher das Bewegungsmuster w{\"a}hrend des Einsatzes der Krallen entscheidend ist. Auch bei Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern kommt es zu einem Abbrechen von Wachskristallen und einer Kontamination der Tarsen. Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufer zeigen im Vergleich zu -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern ein bisher nicht in der Literatur beschriebenes, Putzverhalten der Vorderbeine. Dieses Putzverhalten ist zeitsparend und effektiv in die Lokomotion der Tiere eingebunden und schließt selektiv nur die Reinigung der laufoberfl{\"a}chenkontaktierenden Tarsussegmente ein. Die hier beschriebenen Unterschiede in Morphologie, Kinematik und Verhalten zwischen Crematogaster (Decacrema)-Wachsl{\"a}ufern und -Nichtwachsl{\"a}ufern bringen funktionelle Vorteile der Wachsl{\"a}ufer auf den von ihnen besiedelten, wachsbereiften Macaranga-Pflanzenoberfl{\"a}chen mit sich. Die epikutikul{\"a}re Wachsbereifung kann als biomechanischer Schl{\"u}sselmechanismus angesehen werden, der im Rahmen der Evolution zu diesen vielschichtigen Ver{\"a}nderungen gef{\"u}hrt hat. Die vorliegende Arbeit konnte zugrundeliegende biomechanische Faktoren, die auf beiden Seiten des Mutualismus' eine Rolle spielen, aufkl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Crematogaster}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoiss2013, author = {Hoiß, Bernhard}, title = {Effects of climate change, extreme events and management on plants, pollinators and mutualistic interaction networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Climate change comprises average temperatures rise, changes in the distribution of precipitation and an increased amount and intensity of extreme climatic events in the last decades. Considering these serious changes in the abiotic environment it seems obvious that ecosystems also change. Flora and fauna have to adapt to the fast changing conditions, migrate or go extinct. This might result in shifts in biodiversity, species composition, species interactions and in ecosystem functioning and services. Mountains play an important role in the research of these climate impacts. They are hotspots of biodiversity and can be used as powerful natural experiments as they provide, within short distances, the opportunity to research changes in the ecosystem induced by different climatic contexts. In this dissertation two approaches were pursued: i) surveys of biodiversity, trait dominance and assembly rules in communities depending on the climatic context and different management regimes were conducted (chapters II and III) and ii) the effects of experimental climate treatments on essential ecosystem features along the altitudinal gradient were assessed (chapters IV, V and VI). II. We studied the relative importance of management, an altitudinal climatic gradient and their interactions for plant species richness and the dominance of pollination types in 34 alpine grasslands. Species richness peaked at intermediate temperatures and was higher in grazed grasslands compared to non-managed grasslands. We found the climatic context and also management to influence the distribution and dominance structures of wind- and insect-pollinated plants. Our results indicate that extensive grazing maintains high plant diversity over the full subalpine gradient. Rising temperatures may cause an upward shift of the diversity peak of plants and may also result in changed species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. III. On the same alpine grasslands we studied the impact of the climatic context along an altitudinal gradient on species richness and community assembly in bee communities. Species richness and abundance declined linearly with increasing altitude. Bee species were more closely related at high altitudes than at low altitudes. The proportion of social and ground-nesting species, as well as mean body size and altitudinal range of bees, increased with increasing altitude, whereas the mean geographic distribution decreased. Our results suggest that community assembly at high altitudes is dominated by environmental filtering effects, while the relative importance of competition increases at low altitudes. We conclude that ongoing climate change poses a threat for alpine specialists with adaptations to cool environments but low competitive capacities. IV. We determined the impacts of short-term climate events on flower phenology and assessed whether those impacts differed between lower and higher altitudes. For that we simulated advanced and delayed snowmelt as well as drought events in a multi site experiment along an altitudinal gradient. Flower phenology was strongly affected by altitude, however, this effect declined through the season. The manipulative treatments caused only few changes in flowering phenology. The effects of advanced snowmelt were significantly greater at higher than at lower sites, but altitude did not influence the effect of the other treatments. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data indicate a rather low risk of drought events on flowering phenology in the Bavarian Alps. V. Changes in the structure of plant-pollinator networks were assessed along an altitudinal gradient combined with the experimental simulation of potential consequences of climate change: extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt. We found a trend of decreasing specialisation and therefore increasing complexity in networks with increasing altitude. After advanced snowmelt or drought networks were more specialised especially at higher altitudes compared to control plots. Our results show that changes in the network structures after climate manipulations depend on the climatic context and reveal an increasing susceptibility of plant-pollinator networks with increasing altitude. VI. The aim of this study was to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events and altitude on leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratios and herbivory rates in different plant guilds. We found no overall effect of climate manipulations (extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt) on leaf CN ratios and herbivory rates. However, plant guilds differed in CN ratios and herbivory rates and responded differently to altitude. CN ratios of forbs (legume and non-legume) decreased with altitude, whereas CN ratios of grasses increased with altitude. Further, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Insect herbivory rates were driven by food plant quality. Contrasting altitudinal responses of forbs versus grasses give reason to expect changed dominance structures among plant guilds with ongoing climate change. VII. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of factors that determine the composition and biotic interactions of communities in different climates. The results presented indicate that warmer climates will not only change species richness but also the assembly-rules for plant and bee communities depending on the species' functional traits. Our investigations provide insights in the resilience of different ecosystem features and processes towards climate change and how this resilience depends on the environmental context. It seems that mutualistic interactions are more susceptible to short-term climate events than flowering phenology and antagonistic interactions such as herbivory. However, to draw more general conclusions more empirical data is needed.}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Junker2010, author = {Junker, Robert R.}, title = {Scents as Floral Defence : Impact on Species and Communities, Mechanisms and Ecological Consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Floral scents are compositions of diverse volatile substances. Despite the chemical complexity, the interpretation of their ecological relevance was mostly confined to the attractive function facilitating interactions with pollinators. However, the negative impact on plants' reproduction by non-pollinating flower visitors is pronounced and demands floral adaptations that exclude antagonists. The aim of this dissertation was to explore the defensive properties of floral odours and to imbed them into ecological contexts. The thesis covered four scopes: the scents' impact on individual species and on flower-visitor communities, the mechanisms that explain the dual function of floral volatiles (attraction and defence), and the ecological consequences of missing defences for plants and pollinators. The most important floral antagonists that are known to reduce the reproductive fitness of plants were identified and their responses towards floral scents were examined. We found that representatives of non-pollinating florivores (bush crickets), predators that lure for pollinators (spiders), and microorganisms that potentially colonize petals were repelled, deterred or inhibited in their growth by floral secondary metabolites. An earlier study revealed the same effect on nectar thieving ants. These experimental studies clearly demonstrate that scents universally serve as floral defences that have the potential to reduce or even prevent the visitation and exploitation of flowers by these antagonists. Within diverse communities, we tested whether species-specific responses to odours reflect the structure of naturally occurring flower-visitor interactions in order to examine the ecological importance of defensive floral scents. On three Hawaiian Islands, ant-flower interactions involving co-occurring native and introduced plants were observed. Ants were historically absent from the geographically isolated Hawaiian archipelago. Thus, we hypothesized that native Hawaiian plants lack floral features that exclude ants and therefore would be heavily exploited by introduced, invasive ants. We quantified the residual interaction strength of each pair of ant/plant species as the deviation of the observed interaction frequency from a null-model prediction based on available nectar sugar in a local plant community and local ant activity at sugar baits. As predicted, flowers of plants that are endemic or indigenous to Hawaii were stronger exploited by ants than flowers of co- occurring introduced plants, which share an evolutionary history with ants. We showed experimentally that the absence of ants on flowers of most introduced and few native plants species was due to morphological barriers and/or repellent floral scents, examined in a mobile olfactometer. Analysis of floral volatiles, however, revealed no consistent ant- repellent "syndrome", probably due to the high chemical variability within the floral scent bouquets. On a fallow land in Germany, we linked the responses of receivers (flower visitors) towards signals (flower scent) with the structure of a highly diverse natural flower-insect network. For each interaction, we defined link temperature - a newly developed metric - as the deviation of the observed interaction strength from neutrality, assuming that animals randomly interact with flowers. Link temperature was positively correlated to the specific visitors' responses to floral scents. Thus, communication between plants and consumers via phytochemical signals reflects a significant part of the microstructure in a complex network. Negative as well as positive responses towards floral scents contributed to these results, where individual experience was important, apart from innate behaviour. The demonstration of the contrasting functions of floral scents that control the visitor spectrum of flowers represents the first evidence that floral scents act as filters allowing access to some flower visitors but simultaneously exclude others. These findings raise the central question of this thesis: what evolutionary mechanism explains the dual function of floral scents? The view of flower visitors as mutualistic and antagonistic agents considers primarily the interest of plants. A classification emphasizing the consumer's point of view, however, may be more useful when considering adaptations of animals to flower visits. Therefore, we introduced a novel classification that acknowledges the consumers' interest in the interaction: some animals evolved an obligate dependence on floral resources, others use nectar and pollen as supplement to their diet and are thus regarded as facultative flower visitors. In a meta-analysis covering 18 studies on the responses of animals to floral scents, we assigned the animals to the categories of obligate or facultative flower visitors. Their responses to floral scents were compared. On average, obligate flower visitors, often corresponding to pollinators, were attracted to floral scent compounds. In contrast, facultative and mainly antagonistic visitors were strongly repelled by flower odours. The findings confirm that floral scents have a dual function both as attractive and defensive cues. Whether an animal depends on floral resources determines its response to these signals, suggesting that obligate flower visitors evolved a tolerance against primarily defensive compounds. These findings were confirmed in an experimental study. We conclude that floral scents protect flowers against visitors that would otherwise reduce the reproductive success of plants. In Hawaii, where flowers do not have defensive means against ants, we studied the impact of ants on the pollination effectiveness of endemic and introduced bees and on the fruit set of an endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae). Ants were dominant nectar-consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar-foraging bees strongly decreased on ant-visited flowers, whereas pollen-collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were much poorer pollinators than introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera). The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant-visited and ant-free inflorescences. A second Hawaiian plant species, Vaccinium reticulatum (Ericaceae), was visited by the caterpillars of an introduced plume moth (Stenoptilodes littoralis) that destroyed buds and flowers of this species. The ants' presence on flowers strongly reduced flower parasitism by the caterpillars and consequently decreased the loss of flowers and buds. This is, to our knowledge, the first documented mutualism between invasive ants and an endemic plant species in Hawaii. Thus, ants that have been shown to be detrimental flower visitors elsewhere, had neutral (M. polymorpha) or even positive (V. reticulatum) effects on endemic Hawaiian plants. However, their overall negative effect on the Hawaiian flora and fauna should not be disregarded.}, subject = {Bl{\"u}te}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kehrberger2021, author = {Kehrberger, Sandra}, title = {Effects of climate warming on the timing of flowering and emergence in a tritrophic relationship: plants - bees - parasitoids}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21393}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The right timing of phenological events is crucial for species fitness. Species should be highly synchronized with mutualists, but desynchronized with antagonists. With climate warming phenological events advance in many species. However, often species do not respond uniformly to warming temperatures. Species-specific responses to climate warming can lead to asynchrony or even temporal mismatch of interacting species. A temporal mismatch between mutualists, which benefit from each other, can have negative consequences for both interaction partners. For host-parasitoid interactions temporal asynchrony can benefit the host species, if it can temporally escape its parasitoid, with negative consequences for the parasitoid species, but benefit the parasitoid species if it increases synchrony with its host, which can negatively affect the host species. Knowledge about the drivers of phenology and the species-specific responses to these drivers are important to predict future effects of climate change on trophic interactions. In this dissertation I investigated how different drivers act on early flowering phenology and how climate warming affects the tritrophic relationship of two spring bees (Osmia cornuta \& Osmia bicornis), an early spring plant (Pulsatilla vulgaris), which is one of the major food plants of the spring bees, and three main parasitoids of the spring bees (Cacoxenus indagator, Anthrax anthrax, Monodontomerus). In Chapter II I present a study in which I investigated how different drivers and their change over the season affect the reproductive success of an early spring plant. For that I recorded on eight calcareous grasslands around W{\"u}rzburg, Germany the intra-seasonal changes in pollinator availability, number of co-flowering plants and weather conditions and studied how they affect flower visitation rates, floral longevity and seed set of the early spring plant P. vulgaris. I show that bee abundances and the number of hours, which allowed pollinator foraging, were low at the beginning of the season, but increased over time. However, flower visitation rates and estimated total number of bee visits were higher on early flowers of P. vulgaris than later flowers. Flower visitation rates were also positively related to seed set. Over time and with increasing competition for pollinators by increasing numbers of co-flowering plants flower visitation rates decreased. My data shows that a major driver for early flowering dates seems to be low interspecific competition for pollinators, but not low pollinator abundances and unfavourable weather conditions. Chapter III presents a study in which I investigated the effects of temperature on solitary bee emergence and on the flowering of their food plant and of co-flowering plants in the field. Therefore I placed bee cocoons of two spring bees (O. cornuta \& O. bicornis) on eleven calcareous grasslands which differed in mean site temperature. On seven of these grasslands the early spring plant P. vulgaris occurred. I show that warmer temperatures advanced mean emergence in O. cornuta males. However, O. bicornis males and females of both species did not shift their emergence. Compared to the bees P. vulgaris advanced its flowering phenology more strongly with warmer temperatures. Co-flowering plants did not shift flowering onset. I suggest that with climate warming the first flowers of P. vulgaris face an increased risk of pollinator limitation whereas for bees a shift in floral resources may occur. In Chapter IV I present a study in which I investigated the effects of climate warming on host-parasitoid relationships. I studied how temperature and photoperiod affect emergence phenology in two spring bees (O. cornuta \& O. bicornis) and three of their main parasitoids (C. indagator, A. anthrax, Monodontomerus). In a climate chamber experiment with a crossed design I exposed cocoons within nest cavities and cocoons outside of nest cavities to two different temperature regimes (long-term mean of W{\"u}rzburg, Germany and long-term mean of W{\"u}rzburg + 4 °C) and three photoperiods (W{\"u}rzburg vs. Sn{\aa}sa, Norway vs. constant darkness) and recorded the time of bee and parasitoid emergence. I show that warmer temperatures advanced emergence in all studied species, but bees advanced less strongly than parasitoids. Consequently, the time period between female bee emergence and parasitoid emergence decreased in the warm temperature treatment compared to the cold one. Photoperiod influenced the time of emergence only in cocoons outside of nest cavities (except O. bicornis male emergence). The data also shows that the effect of photoperiod compared to the effect of temperature on emergence phenology was much weaker. I suggest that with climate warming the synchrony of emergence phenologies of bees and their parasitoids will amplify. Therefore, parasitism rates in solitary bees might increase which can negatively affect reproductive success and population size. In this dissertation I show that for early flowering spring plants low interspecific competition for pollinators with co-flowering plants is a major driver of flowering phenology, whereas other drivers, like low pollinator abundances and unfavourable weather conditions are only of minor importance. With climate warming the strength of different drivers, which act on the timing of phenological events, can change, like temperature. I show that warmer temperatures advance early spring plant flowering more strongly than bee emergence and flowering phenology of later co-flowering plants. Furthermore, I show that warmer temperatures advance parasitoid emergence more strongly than bee emergence. Whereas temperature changes can lead to non-uniform temporal shifts, I demonstrate that geographic range shifts and with that altered photoperiods will not change emergence phenology in bees and their parasitoids. In the tritrophic system I investigated in this dissertation climate warming may negatively affect the reproductive success of the early spring plant and the spring bees but not of the parasitoids, which may even benefit from warming temperatures.}, subject = {Biene }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menzel2009, author = {Menzel, Florian}, title = {Mechanisms and adaptive significance of interspecific associations between tropical ant species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37251}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Aggression between ants from different colonies or species is ubiquitous. Exceptions to this rule exist in the form of supercolonies (within a species) and interspecific associations (between species). Probably the most intimate interspecific association is the parabiosis, where two ant species live together in a common nest. They keep their brood separate but jointly use trails and often share food resources. Parabioses are restricted to few species pairings and occur in South American and Southeast Asian rainforests. While the South American parabioses have been studied, albeit poorly, almost nothing is known about their Southeast Asian counterparts. My PhD project focuses on Southeast Asian parabioses between the myrmicine Crematogaster modiglianii Emery 1900 and the considerably larger formicine Camponotus rufifemur Emery 1900. The two species frequently nest together in hollow trees in the tropical lowland rainforest of Borneo. The basic question of my PhD project is why these two species live together. I investigated both proximate and ultimate aspects of this question. For comparative purposes, I included studies on a trail-sharing association in the same habitat. On the proximate level, I investigated which mechanisms facilitate tolerance towards hetero-spe¬ci¬fic nestmates. Ants generally discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates via cuticular hydro¬carbons that function as colony recognition cues. I studied the specificity of nestmate recognition within and between the two parabiotic species. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), I analyzed the cuticular substances in both ant species to find potential differences to non-parabiotic species, and to estimate the substance overlap among the two species. A high substance overlap would e.g. suggest that interspecific tolerance is caused by chemical mimicry. Finally, bioassays were conducted to evaluate the function of different cuticular compounds. Interspecific tolerance in the two parabiotic species was species-specific but not colony-specific. Ca. rufifemur tolerated all Cr. modiglianii individuals, even those from foreign colonies, but strongly attacked workers of other Crematogaster species. Cr. modiglianii, in turn, tolerated Ca. rufifemur workers of certain foreign colonies but attacked those of others. Chemical analyses revealed two sympatric, chemically distinct Ca. rufifemur varieties ('red' and 'black') with almost no hydrocarbon overlap. Cr. modiglianii only tolerated foreign Ca. rufifemur workers if they belonged to the same chemical variety as their own Ca. rufifemur partner. It also attacked other, non-parabiotic Camponotus species. Thus, reciprocal interspecific tolerance was restricted to the species Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur. Ca. rufifemur frequently tolerated conspecific non-nestmates of the same chemical variety. Minor workers were more often tolerated than majors, possibly because they possess two to three times lower hydrocarbon quantities per body surface than majors. In contrast, Cr. modiglianii nearly always attacked conspecific non-nestmates. Both species possessed hydrocarbons with considerably higher chain lengths than congeneric, non-parabiotic ant species. Long-chain hydrocarbons are less volatile than shorter ones and thus harder to perceive. They may thus considerably facilitate interspecific tolerance. Moreover, up to 98\% of the cuticular hydrocarbons in Ca. rufifemur were methylbranched alkenes, which are highly unusual among insect cuticular hydrocarbons. Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur had almost no hydrocarbons in common, refuting chemical mimicry as a possible cause of interspecific tolerance. The only hydrocarbons common to both species were two methylbranched alkenes, which constituted 89\% of the 'red' Ca. rufifemur hydrocarbon profile and also occurred in those Cr. modiglianii colonies that lived together with this Ca. rufifemur variety. Cr. modiglianii presumably acquired these two compounds from its red Ca. rufifemur partner. Cr. modiglianii was significantly less aggressive towards foreign Cr. modiglianii workers that were associated with the same Ca. rufifemur variety than to those associated with the respective other one. Hence, this species seemed to use recognition cues acquired from its parabiotic partner. Apart from hydrocarbons, both species possessed a set of hitherto unknown substances on their cuticle. The quantitative composition of the unknown compounds varied between parabiotic nests but was similar among the two species of a nest. They are probably produced in the Dufour glanf of Cr. modiglianii and transferred to their Ca. rufifemur partner. Possible transfer mechanisms include interspecific trophallaxis and 'mounting behaviour', where Cr. modiglianii climbed onto Ca. rufifemur workers without being displaced. Although the composition of the unknown compounds greatly varied between nests, they did not function as nestmate recognition cues since both species used hydrocarbons for nestmate recognition. However, the unknown compounds significantly reduced aggression in Ca. rufifemur. The ultimate, i.e. ecological and evolutionary aspects of my PhD research deal with potential costs and benefits that Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur may derive from the parabiotic association, their interactions with other species, and population genetic analyses. Additional studies on a trail-sharing association between three other ant species deal with two possible mechanisms that may cause or facilitate trail-sharing. Whether parabioses are parasitic, commensalistic, or mutualistic, is largely unknown and depends on the costs and benefits each party derives from the association. I therefore investigated food competition (as one of the most probable costs), differentiation of foraging niches (which can reduce competition), and several potential benefits of the parabiotic way of life. Besides, I studied interactions between the ant species and the hemiepiphyte Poikilospermum cordifolium. The foraging niches of the two species differed regarding foraging range, daily activity pattern, and food preferences. None of the two species aggressively displaced its partner species from baits. Thus, interference competition for food seemed to be low or absent. For both ant species, a number of benefits from the parabiotic lifestyle seem possible. They include interspecific trail-following, joint nest defence, provision of nest space by the partner species, food exchange via trophallaxis, and mutual brood care. If an ant species follows another species' pheromone trails, it can reach food resources found by the other species. As shown by artificial extract trails, Ca. rufifemur workers indeed followed trails of Cr. modiglianii but not vice versa. Thus, Ca. rufifemur benefited from Cr. modiglianii's knowledge on food sources (informational parasitism). In turn, Cr. modiglianii seemed to profit from nest defence by Ca. rufifemur. Ca. rufifemur majors are substantially larger than Cr. modiglianii workers. Although Cr. modiglianii often effectively defended the nest as well, it seemed likely that this species derived a benefit from its partner's defensive abilities. In neotropical parabioses (ant-gardens), mutualistic epiphytes play an important role in providing nest space. The neotropical Camponotus benefits its Crematogaster partner by planting epiphyte seeds, for which Crematogaster is too small. Similarly, the Bornean parabioses often were inhabited by the hemiepiphyte Poikilospermum cordifolium (Barg.-Petr.) Merr (Cecropiaceae). P. cordifolium seedlings, saplings and sometimes larger indivi¬duals abundantly grew at the entrances of parabiotic nests. However, P. cordifolium provides no additional nest space and, apart from nutritive elaiosomes, perianths, and extrafloral nectar probably plays a less important role for the ants than the neotropical epiphytes. In conclusion, the parabiosis is probably beneficial to both species. The main benefits seem to be nest defence (for Cr. modiglianii) and interspecific trail-following (for Ca. rufifemur). However, Ca. rufifemur seems to be more dependent on its partner than vice versa. For both parabiotic species, I analyzed mitochondrial DNA of ants from different regions in Borneo. My data suggest that there are four genetically and chemically distinct, but closely related varieties of Camponotus rufifemur. In contrast, Crematogaster modiglianii showed high genetic differentiation between distant populations but was not differentiated into genetic or chemical varieties. This argues against variety-specific cocladogenesis between Cr. modiglianii and Ca. rufifemur, although a less specific coevolution of the two species is highly likely. In Bornean rainforests, trail-sharing associations of Polyrhachis (Polyrhachis) ypsilon Emery 1887 and Camponotus (Colobopsis) saundersi Emery 1889 are common and often include further species such as Dolichoderus cuspidatus Smith 1857. I investigated a trail-sharing association between these three species and studied two mechanisms that may cause or facilitate these associations: interspecific trail-following, i.e. workers following another species' pheromone trail, and differential inter¬specific aggression. In trail-following assays, D. cuspidatus regularly followed extract trails of the other two species, thus probably parasitizing on their information on food sources. In contrast, only few P. ypsilon and Ca. saundersi workers followed hetero¬speci¬fic extract trails. Hence, the association between P. ypsilon and Ca. saundersi cannot be ex¬plained by foragers following heterospecific trails. In this case, trail-sharing may originate from few scout ants that do follow heterospecific pheromone trails and then lay their own trails. Interspecific aggression among P. ypsilon, Ca. saundersi and D. cuspidatus was strongly asymmetric, Ca. saundersi being submissive to the other two species. All three species discriminated between heterospecific workers from the same and a distant trail-sharing site. Thus, it seems likely that the species of a given trail-sharing site habituate to one another. Differential tolerance by dominant ant species may be mediated by selective habituation towards submissive species, and thereby influence the assembly of trail-sharing associations.}, subject = {Ameisen}, language = {en} }