@phdthesis{Shi2003, author = {Shi, Hongxia}, title = {Kommunikationsprobleme zwischen deutschen Expatriates und Chinesen in der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit -- Empirische Erfahrungen und Analyse der Einflußfaktoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5822}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die empirischen Erfahrungen und die Einflußfaktoren der Kommunikationsprobleme der deutschen Expatriates und Chinesen in der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einem Datenmaterial, das aus 86 Interviewgespr{\"a}chen mit Betroffenen besteht. Zentrale Fragestellungen der vorliegenden Arbeit sind: 1. Mit welchen Kommunikationsproblemen werden die befragten deutschen Expatriates und Chinesen in ihrer interkulturellen Kommunikation miteinander konfrontiert? 2. Was sind die Ursachen bzw. die Einflußfaktoren der genannten Probleme? 3. Welche Rolle spielen Sprache und Sprachkenntnisse in der Kommunikationsproblematik zwischen deutschen Expatriates und Chinesen? 4. Welche Unterschiede des Kommunikationsverhaltens werden von den befragten Deutschen und Chinesen beobachtet? 5. Welche Verbesserungsvorschl{\"a}ge k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r die Vorbereitung k{\"u}nftiger deutscher Expatriates gegeben werden? In Kapitel zwei werden die Grundbegriffe „Kommunikation", „Kultur" und „interkulturelle Kommunikation" erl{\"a}utert und einige h{\"a}ufig vorkommende Probleme in der interkulturellen Kommunikation dargestellt. Verschiedene theoretischen und methodologischen Ans{\"a}tze zur Untersuchung der interkulturellen Kommunikation werden vorgestellt. Das Kapitel drei befaßt sich mit der Methode der Arbeit. Nach der Darstellung einiger Grund{\"u}berlegungen {\"u}ber die Vorgehensweise der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden das Datenmaterial und die Erhebungsmethode vorgestellt. Anschließend werden die Untersuchungs- und Auswertungsmethode der Arbeit dargelegt: Zuerst wird die Wahl der qualitativ-interpretativen Auswertungsmethode begr{\"u}ndet. Dann werden die beiden konkreten Methoden f{\"u}r die Interpretation und Auswertung des Datenmaterials - die Kategorisierung und die Kontextualisierung der Aussagen - beschrieben. Abschließend wird die synthetische Analysenmethode der Untersuchung - die Integration von Darstellung, Interpretation und Erkl{\"a}ren - erl{\"a}utert. Die Kapitel vier, f{\"u}nf, sechs und sieben bilden den empirischen Teil der Arbeit. In Kapitel vier werden die deutschen Erfahrungen in der Kommunikation mit Chinesen untersucht. Zu Beginn wird ein Einzelfall pr{\"a}sentiert. Dann wird das gesamte deutsche Datenmaterial analysiert. Die von den deutschen Befragten beobachteten fremdartigen chinesischen Kommunikationsgewohnheiten und h{\"a}ufig erlebten interkulturellen Kommunikationsprobleme werden aufgezeigt und unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung relevanter sprachlicher und soziokultureller Einflußfaktoren analysiert. Die Meinungen und Erfahrungen der Befragten werden auch mit eigenen ethnographischen Beobachtungen und Untersuchungsergebnissen anderer Arbeiten verglichen. Das chinesische Datenmaterial wird in Kapitel f{\"u}nf ausgewertet. Neben der Darstellung der erlebten positiven und negativen interkulturellen Kommunikationserfahrungen werden die von den chinesischen Befragten beobachteten Unterschiede zwischen dem deutschen und dem chinesischen Kommunikationsverhalten beleuchtet. Im sechsten Kapitel werden die deutschen und die chinesischen Aussagen gegen{\"u}bergestellt. Das Gemeinsame und die Unterschiede in den Erfahrungen und Ansichten der beiden Seiten werden aufgezeigt. Dabei sollten die von den beiden Seiten erkannten Kommunikationsverhaltensunterschiede und unterschiedlichen Pr{\"a}ferenzen f{\"u}r bestimmte Kommunikationsstrategien verdeutlicht werden. In Kapitel sieben wird dann anhand des Datenmaterials eine exemplarische kontrastive Untersuchung {\"u}ber das Sprechverhalten der befragten Deutschen und Chinesen bei der Partnerbewertung durchgef{\"u}hrt, um zu veranschaulichen, welche tats{\"a}chlichen Unterschiede zwischen dem deutschen und dem chinesischen Sprechverhalten es gibt und ob die von den Befragten genannten unterschiedlichen Pr{\"a}ferenzen bestimmter Kommunikationsstrategien auch in ihrer eigenen Rede zu beobachten sind. Im letzten Kapitel werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse zusammengefaßt und die Fragestellungen der Arbeit abschließend beantwortet. Konkrete Verbesserungsvorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die Vorbereitung k{\"u}nftiger deutscher Expatriates in China und ein Ausblick auf die k{\"u}nftige Forschung in diesem Gebiet werden gegeben.}, subject = {Chinesen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{KoppMusick2005, author = {Kopp-Musick, Holger}, title = {Relative Gewinne als Kooperationshindernis in den Internationalen Beziehungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16584}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Untersuchungsgegenstand der Arbeit ist eine neorealistische Hypothese, wonach ein Staat in der Regel auf die Vorteile einer potentiellen Kooperation verzichtet, sollte sein Kooperationspartner einen gr{\"o}ßeren Vorteil - einen relativen Gewinn - aus der Zusammenarbeit erzielen als er selbst. Zeitweilig war dies ein dominierendes Thema in der politikwissenschaftlichen Theoriediskussion zwischen Vertretern des Neorealismus und Neoliberalismus, doch hat die Debatte um die Relevanz relativer Gewinne kein allgemein akzeptiertes Ergebnis erbracht. Unter Verwendung eines spieltheoretischen Instrumentariums werden daher die verbreitetsten theoretischen Darstellungen verglichen, um Hypothesen f{\"u}r die anschließende empirische {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung am Beispiel der amerikanisch-chinesischen Beziehungen zu gewinnen.}, subject = {Internationale Kooperation}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Hainzinger2008, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Hainzinger, Manuel}, title = {Hopfen in der Volksrepublik China - Struktur, Probleme und Entwicklungsstrategien der chinesischen Hopfenindustrie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36088}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In den letzten Jahren brachte die Berichterstattung deutscher Medien die Verknappung der Rohstoffe auf den Weltm{\"a}rkten zunehmend mit der Wirtschaftsmacht China in Zusammenhang. Schlagzeilen wie „China kauft den Stahlmarkt leer" und „China kauft Rohstoffm{\"a}rkte leer" sind Aufmacher f{\"u}r Meldungen die das „Reich der Mitte" als Hauptschuldigen dieser Tendenz ausmachen wollen und so auch den {\"o}ffentlichen Diskurs {\"u}ber die Volksrepublik China (VRC) pr{\"a}gen. Das Land erfuhr allgemeinhin seine Taufe als „hungriger Drache", laut Medienberichten beeinflusst seine Nachfrage sogar Lebensmittelpreise in Deutschland: So ist China f{\"u}r die Preissteigerung bei Milchprodukten , ja sogar f{\"u}r die Verteuerung „des Deutschen liebsten Getr{\"a}nks", des Biers, verantwortlich: „Die Chinesen machen das Bier teurer" Die Teuerung des Biers entsteht jedoch haupts{\"a}chlich durch die h{\"o}heren Produktionskosten der Brauindustrie, die wiederum durch die steigenden Energiekosten und die ebenfalls immer teurer werdenden Rohmaterialien verursacht werden. Hier ist es vorrangig der Hopfen der negativ zu Buche schl{\"a}gt, durch Produktionsengp{\"a}sse wurden in den Jahren 2005 und 2006 enorme Preiserh{\"o}hungen von bis zu 400\% verzeichnet. Dies ist eine Folge der Entwicklung des weltweiten Bierkonsums. Der Hopfen wird fast ausschließlich f{\"u}r die Bierherstellung produziert, so dass die Bierindustrie als Triebfeder f{\"u}r die Nachfrage dieses Agrarprodukts eine entscheidende Rolle einnimmt. Betrachtet man nun die Bierproduktion in der VRC, wird klar, dass 2007 die erneut betr{\"a}chtliche Steigerungsrate der Produktion in der Volksrepublik fast die H{\"a}lfte (46\%) des weltweiten Jahreszuwachses von 91 Mio. Hektolitern ausmacht. Dies setzt ebenfalls eine enorme Zunahme des Bierkonsums voraus. Daraus ergibt sich die Frage, wie und woher die chinesische Brauindustrie ihren den Bedarf an Hopfen deckt bzw. ob es in China selbst eine nationale Hopfenindustrie gibt. Und wenn ja: Verf{\"u}gt der „hungrige Drache" - im Ranking der hopfenproduzierenden L{\"a}nder, nach Deutschland und den USA, sowohl quantitativ als auch fl{\"a}chenm{\"a}ßig an dritter Position - {\"u}ber die Kapazit{\"a}ten dieser Marktsituation und dem damit verbundenen Wachstumspotential gerecht werden? Aus dieser Fragestellung leitet sich das Ziel dieser Arbeit ab, ein pr{\"a}ziseres Bild der chinesischen Hopfenindustrie zu liefern. Wie ist deren momentane Lage, {\"u}ber die absoluten Zahlen der Statistiken hinaus betrachtet? Grundlage dieser Arbeit ist die {\"U}bersetzung eines Artikels von Luo Xinchao aus dem Jahr 2004, dessen Hauptaugenmerk auf der Darstellung der Probleme dieses chinesischen Wirtschaftszweigs, der in der westlichen Wahrnehmung nur marginal auftritt, und m{\"o}glicher Entwicklungsstrategien liegt. Um jedoch die Schwierigkeiten bei der Produktion des Nischenprodukts Hopfen erfassen zu k{\"o}nnen, wird zun{\"a}chst eine allgemeine Einf{\"u}hrung gegeben, die sich mit den Charakteristika der Wirtschaftspflanze selbst, deren Anbau und den Anforderungen der Brauindustrie an den produzierten Hopfen besch{\"a}ftigt. Zusammen mit der Darstellung der historischen Entwicklung des Kulturhopfens in der VRC und den grundlegenden strukturellen Gegebenheiten der Erzeuger des Rohstoffs wird eine Basis zur kritischen Betrachtung erm{\"o}glicht. Die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Probleme dieser Branche werden im weiteren Verlauf offenkundig, und werden einer Liste von potentiellen Entwicklungsstrategien gegen{\"u}ber gestellt. Diese werden anhand der vorliegenden Informationen beurteilt, um so aktuelle Tendenzen aufzeigen zu k{\"o}nnen. Anschließend komplettiert ein Ausblick auf die Perspektiven der chinesischen Hopfenindustrie die {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber den „Hopfen in der VRC". Als limitierender Faktor im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stellt sich die problematische Quellenlage dar. Denn Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen zum Thema in westlichen Sprachen sind erstens nicht zahlreich, zweitens nicht aktuell (80er und 90er Jahren) und drittens oft nicht detailliert genug. Um diesem Mangel an verwertbarem Material zu begegnen wurde versucht, {\"u}ber die Recherche von Adressen Kontakte zu kn{\"u}pfen, um brauchbares Material „aus erster Hand" zu erhalten. So wurden Regierungsstellen in der VRC, verschiedene Institutionen und Hopfenhandelsfirmen angeschrieben, wobei sich die sich chinesischen Kontaktadressen zu fast hundert Prozent als falsch oder als Sackgasse erwiesen. Also orientiert sich diese Arbeit methodisch haupts{\"a}chlich an Auswertungen chinesischer Artikel aus entsprechenden Fachzeitschriften, Korrespondenz zu in China operierenden Handelsfirmen und Internetquellen.}, subject = {Hopfen}, language = {de} } @misc{Habich2008, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Habich, Sabrina}, title = {Corporate Social Responsibility in der chinesischen Textilindustrie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34463}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Das Konzept der Gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Unternehmen (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR) hat in den vergangenen Jahren in China zusehends an Bedeutung gewonnen. In den 1990er-Jahren durch westliche Unternehmen und internationale Organisationen ins Land eingef{\"u}hrt, wurde das Konzept zun{\"a}chst als Hemmnis der nationalen Wirtschaft angesehen. Erst in j{\"u}ngster Vergangenheit hat die chinesische Regierung begonnen, CSR zur Verfolgung innen- sowie außenpolitischer Ziele zu nutzen. Als eine der bedeutendsten Industrien Chinas wird dies insbesondere anhand der Einf{\"u}hrung des Konzepts in die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie deutlich. Damit sollen nicht nur die mehrheitlich kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen wettbewerbsf{\"a}higer gemacht, sondern ebenfalls die Bem{\"u}hungen der Regierung um eine st{\"a}rkere Regulierung der Arbeitsbeziehungen erg{\"a}nzt werden. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der allgemeinen CSR-Situation in China geht der Beitrag insbesondere auf die Entwicklung des Konzepts innerhalb der chinesischen Textilindustrie sowie auf den im Jahr 2005 eingef{\"u}hrten ersten chinesischen CSR-Standard CSC9000T ein. Es soll aufgezeigt werden, wie Regierung, NGOs und Unternehmen gemeinsam daran arbeiten, die Situation der Textilfabriken und ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verbessern. Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie wird ein Projekt vorgestellt, das einen Ansatz daf{\"u}r liefert, wie die schwierige Lage kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen in der Industrie gel{\"o}st werden kann. Unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Expertenmeinungen sowie aufgrund gesammelter Informationen w{\"a}hrend der Teilnahme an einer Schulung des Projektes in einem Unternehmen werden schließlich St{\"a}rken und Schw{\"a}chen dieses Ansatzes diskutiert und auf zuk{\"u}nftige Entwicklungen von CSR in der chinesischen Textilindustrie geschlossen. Das Projekt leistet zwar einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen und Managementf{\"a}higkeiten der beteiligten Unternehmen, stellt aber lediglich einen kleinen Schritt in Richtung einer ganzheitlichen Integration verantwortlicher Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung in der Industrie dar.}, subject = {China}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Rieger2008, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Rieger, Vanessa}, title = {The Challenge of Managerial Staff Shortage on the Chinese Labor Market - The Development of HRM in China}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34437}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {One of the major challenges today is the global shortage of managerial staff. Globalization and opening up of new markets lead to a steadily rising demand, but the supply of Western talent is decreasing. Now enterprises tend to seek skilled personnel in rapidly developing economies such as China. China as a fast growing economy is usually assumed to have a vast number of low-cost workers and a bountiful supply of talent. This perception is likely to turn out to be a miscalculation endangering efficiency, growth or even the existence of enterprises that are willing to enter the Chinese market. However, not only foreign enterprises located in China suffer from talent shortage. State enterprises are also affected by competition for managerial staff. The remains of the socialist era are not yet completely overcome, especially with respect to human resource management (HRM renli ziyuan guanli). Combined with the demographic shift towards an ageing society caused by the Cultural Revolution, the One-Child Policy and a higher life expectancy, the upcoming shortage could impede economic growth. It is the cause of an increase in wages and competition, as well as rapidly changing enterprise and HRM strategies. This thesis basically concentrates on the development of the HRM sector with regard to recruitment, retention, motivation and performance appraisal of managerial staff. The current situation of staff shortage also requires a closer look on the recruitment strategies for the future generation of leaders, which are today's young graduates. The thesis will not deal with the shortage of chief executive officers (CEO) as their turnover is closely related to shareholders and enterprise performance. Explaining this aspect would go beyond the scope of this thesis. Consequently, this thesis focuses on the central aspects of HRM under three main angles. First, HRM practice in China originated in the Mao era and in the shift from state control to reform and market liberalization. The Party planned every aspect of HRM and created a soft budget constraint. These factors prevented the development of efficient and profitable HRM strategies. Market liberalization and the state's retreat from labor market control led to the initiation of competition. In order to adapt to these changing conditions, enterprises had to rationalize production, financing and human resources. The responsibility was gradually handed over to the enterprises, which now have to cope with market mechanisms and emerging challenges. Then, the current challenge to HRM is subject to the second part of this thesis. Managerial staff shortage is influenced by policies adopted a long time ago, but also by long distances immobility of staff. This narrows down the number of suitable personnel despite the national supply and leads to a high competition between enterprises. Competition related problems are increasing wages, which trigger a high turnover rate. Companies in China need to find a solution to all these problems as to not endanger their economic achievements. Finally, the third part analyzes the development and new approaches of the HRM sector towards recruitment, retention, motivation and assessment. The future developments are uncertain and depend on the pace of adaptation to new challenges. In spite of that, the fourth part not only summarizes the main aspects of this thesis, but also tries to give an outlook. Concerning actuality and reliability of sources it has to be stressed, that the Chinese labor market has not been subject to studies on HRM for many years. Therefore, most of the references used in this thesis are newspaper articles and internet sources. They are most suitable to represent the current conditions on the labor market. In this respect the Hudson Reports and the study by Diana Farrell were important, as they are reliable sources for numerical data. The interview with Madelaine Pfau was essential for this thesis, since her experiences with the Chinese market offered insight into the subject. Several of her ideas and opinions were the basis for further research, such as the suggestion to take a look at the HRM of Haier. The minutes of this interview are attached to my thesis. The Chinese sources consist of two research studies, an internet newspaper article and a publication from BriTay. One of the research studies deals with the adaptation of the Behavioral Event Interview to the Chinese HRM. The other gives an introduction to the HRM strategies of Haier. The newspaper article covers the use of competency models in China and tries to give further suggestions to the topic in form of an interview. The last suitable Chinese source is also an internet source from BriTay. BriTay is a consulting and management service company that was acquired by the international consultancy MRI worldwide in 2002. Therefore, BriTay was considered to be another reliable source for this thesis.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Thuenken2008, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Th{\"u}nken, Florian}, title = {Internet Censorship in China - Recent Developments and Perception of Internet Censorship by Chinese Internet Users}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {With the launch of economic reforms and the opening up in 1978, China started to catch up with the industrial nations. During the 1980s and 90s great importance was attached to the development of the science and educational sector. Development of the first Chinese intranet and connection to the internet became a key to developing science and economy. In 1987 the China Academic Network (CAnet, Zhongguo xueshu wangluo) was established. In the same year the first e-mail was sent from China to the University of Karlsruhe. Full access to the internet was gained in 1994, and it took four more years until the internet business was booming. The growth rate of internet users is tremendous, and China soon will have the largest online community in the world. In January 2008 China had about 210 million internet users, being only second to the United States with 215 million users. Analysts often forget that Chinese internet users only constitute a small percentage of the population (about 16\% in December 2007). The internet penetration rate compared to countries like the USA or Japan (both above 65\% in July 2007) is still very low. The internet market will grow as a large part of the population still is not connected to the worldwide web, especially in the rural areas. But it should be kept in mind that today's surfers still represent an elite. A large proportion of internet users (about 36.2\% in 2007) hold academic degrees, while persons who enjoyed tertiary education only make up for 6,22\% of the populace. Besides economic aspects, western analyses often stress the aspect of censorship. Involvement of Western companies in content control and imprisonment of 'cyber dissidents', like Shi Tao, have been topics of discussion for a long time. Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International have recommended China to respect its citizens' freedom of speech. The USA, Germany and France have criticised China for its censorship policies. According to a proposal passed in February 2007 the European Union might consider internet censorship a trade barrier. This could affect future negotiations with the PRC. Literature on internet censorship in the PRC still holds the view that the Chinese government has successfully build a solid firewall, which can only be circumvented by using special software. Others hold the opinion that a system as complex as the internet cannot be censored in an effective way. As Bill Clinton put it once, trying to control the internet would be like 'trying to nail Jello to the wall'. Some are overly enthusiastic in regard to the possible impact which the internet might have on the process of democratisation, by stressing the importance of its 'feedback functionality' and the influx of foreign body of thought. Imperfect control would lead to a more open public discourse, which would eventually lead to the fall of China's authoritarian regime.The first part of the thesis will examine the status quo of internet censorship in the PRC. Mechanisms which the Chinese authorities employ to censor the web will be examined, but the focus will rest on the non-technical aspects internet censorship. It will be explored how mechanisms of censorship are becoming increasingly indirect, alongside taking a look at regulations and codes and the news monopoly of the Chinese state and its agencies, like Xinhua. The second part of the thesis will examine user's reactions to internet censorship, how they adapt to it, and if they circumvent technical barriers, or if they are aware of the existence of internet censorship. Special attention will be paid to self-censorship and self-seduction, by taking a look at online behaviour. To better put into perspective the topic of internet censorship I will use the concept of Panopticism, mediated by Michel Foucault, as well as media theories by Chomsky and Herman. The paper is based on articles and research papers, surveys, as well as online articles and papers. Online articles are used throughout the paper because of their timeliness and availability, as the latest changes in China's internet censorship cannot be found in traditional papers and articles.}, subject = {Zensur}, language = {en} } @book{Fahnemann2008, author = {Fahnemann, Stephan Georg}, title = {Die Pest in der Mandschurei in den Jahren 1910 bis 1914 und der Vergleich zu der SARS-Epidemie in China beginnend im Jahr 2002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-32784}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Darstellung von Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Maßnahmen sowohl von staatlicher als auch von medizinischer Seite gegen die Lungenpest-Epidemie in der Mandschurei 1910 bis 1914 und Vergleich des Handelns des Staates China damals und bei der SARS-Epidemie 2002.}, subject = {Pest}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wang2010, author = {Wang, Chenxing}, title = {Praktisches Bewertungsmodell von Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten f{\"u}r die Nutzung von Biogas im deutsch-chinesischen Vergleich}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49428}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In den Themenbereichen Klimawandel, Klimaschutz und Erneuerbare Energien wurden in den letzten Jahren zunehmend neue Bewertungsmethoden in der geowissenschaftlichen und umweltwissenschaftlichen Forschung eingesetzt. Mit Blick auf die Biogasnutzung kann festgestellt werden, dass diese aus Umwelt- und Klimaschutzgr{\"u}nden sehr wichtig ist, da die Verg{\"a}rung von Biomasse mit der nachfolgenden indirekten Erzeugung von Strom und W{\"a}rme {\"u}ber Blockheizkraftwerke, bzw. der direkten Nutzung des Biogases als Feuerungsgas bzw. als Treibstoff , einen besonderen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leistet. In Deutschland ist die Biogasnutzung heute einer der wichtigsten Erneuerbaren Energietr{\"a}ger geworden. In China hat die Biogasnutzung zudem ein riesiges Entwicklungspotenzial. Der Autor versucht, im interdisziplin{\"a}ren Themenkreis „Umwelt- und Klimaschutz" ein Bewertungsmodell f{\"u}r die Biogasnutzung zu entwickeln, um die tats{\"a}chlichen und potentiellen umwelt- und klimaschutzrelevanten Auswirkungen der Biogasnutzung zu bewerten. Um das Bewertungsmodell f{\"u}r die Biogasnutzung nach Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten m{\"o}glichst umfassend zu entwickeln, ist die Verzahnung der interdisziplin{\"a}ren umweltwissenschaftlichen, geowissenschaftlichen, rechtlichen, sowie lokal-, national- und internationalen politischen sowie technischen Faktoren mit ihren umweltbezogenen und klimabezogenen Auswirkungen von h{\"o}chster Bedeutung. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Bewertungsmodell erhebt den Anspruch, f{\"u}r den praktischen Einsatz vor Ort tauglich zu sein. Hierzu wurden umwelt- und klimaschutzrechtliche, sowie nationale und internationale politische Anforderungen zur Kategorisierung und Bewertung herangezogen und damit die Durchf{\"u}hrbarkeit gew{\"a}hrleistet. Der L{\"o}sungsweg zur Bewertung nach Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten f{\"u}hrt zum Einen {\"u}ber die Umwelt- und Klimaschutzbilanzierung und zum Anderen {\"u}ber eine Umweltrisikobewertung sowie eine umweltbezogene Standortbewertung. Anhand der praktischen Arbeit und der Analyse von insgesamt 23 Biogasprojekten aus Deutschland und China, konnten bestimmte Charakteristika der Biogasnutzung ermittelt werden. F{\"u}r die Ermittlung der Bewertungskriterien des Bewertungsmodells wurden insgesamt 3 Themenbereiche (Teil I: Substratversorgung; Teil II: Biogasanlagenbau; Teil III: Biogasverwertung) der Biogasnutzung unterschieden. Jene wurden hinsichtlich der technischen, rechtlichen und politischen Kriterien nach negativen Umwelt- und Klimaschutzauswirkungen {\"u}ber die verschiedenen Belastungspfade der Umweltmedien (Boden, Wasser und Luft) untersucht. Ziel dieser Studie war es auch, durch die Anwendung des Bewertungsmodells auf je drei deutsche und chinesische Fallbeispiele, die ausgereiften deutschen Erfahrungen, die deutsche Technologie und das Know-How der Biogasnutzung auf deren {\"U}bertragbarkeit auf die chinesischen Verh{\"a}ltnisse zu pr{\"u}fen.}, subject = {Klimaschutz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Geiger2010, author = {Geiger, Michael}, title = {Monetary Policy in China: Institutions, Targets, Instruments and Strategies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69945}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {China's monetary policy aims to reach two final targets: a paramount economical target (i.e. price stability) and a less important political target (i.e. economic growth). The main actor of monetary policy is the central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBC). But the PBC is a non-independent central bank. The State Council approves the goals of monetary policy. Very limited instrument independence means that interest rates cannot be set at the PBC's discretion, and in-sufficient personal independence fails to insulate central bank officials from political influence. Monetary policy in China applies to two sets of monetary policy instruments: (i) instruments of the PBC; and (ii) non-central bank policy instruments. The instruments of the PBC include price-based indirect and quantity-based direct instruments. Non-central bank policy instruments include price and wage controls. The simultaneous usage of all these instruments leads to various distortions that ultimately prevent the interest rate channel of monetary transmission from functioning. Moreover, the strong influences of quantity-based direct instruments and non-central bank policy instruments bring into question the approach of indirect monetary policy in general. The PBC officially follows the monetary targeting approach with monetary aggregates as intermediate targets. Domestic loan growth and the exchange rate are defined as additional intermediate targets. In an in-depth analysis of the intermediate targets two main issues are primarily explored: (i) Are the intermediate targets of the Chinese monetary policy controllable? (ii) Is a sufficient relationship between these targets and the inflation rate observable? It is then shown that monetary aggregates are very difficult to control, but they have a satisfactory relationship with the inflation rate. Similarly, domestic loan growth is difficult to control - a fact largely attributed to the interest rate elasticity of loans - while there is a particularly close relationship between credit growth and the inflation rate. The exchange rate as an intermediate target can be controlled through foreign exchange market interventions; at the same time the exchange rate appears to have a significant relationship to the domestic inflation rate. Discussing the special issue of sterilizing foreign exchange inflows, the study concludes that between 2002 and 2008 not only no costs were incurred by sterilization operations, but that the central bank was actually able to realize a profit through foreign exchange market interventions. Based on this, it is concluded that the exchange rate target has not adversely affected the domestic orientation of monetary policy on the whole. The final part of the study examines whether there are any alternative monetary policy approaches that may be able to describe the policy approach in China; special focus is placed on nominal GDP targeting, the Taylor rule, and inflation targeting. A literature review reveals that the concept of nominal GDP targeting may be able to detect inflationary tendencies in the economy and, in combination with other indicators, it could be a suitable concept to assess the overall economic situation. The author calculates a Taylor rule for China from 1994 to 2008 and concludes that there is no close relationship between the PBC lending and the Taylor rate. The author then designs an augmented Taylor rule expanded to include a credit component (credit-augmented Taylor rule). The study shows that the augmented Taylor rule does not perform much better than the original one, but that it maps high inflationary periods relatively well. This is attributed to direct interventions into the credit markets, which have played a major role in combating inflationary cycles over the past decades. The analysis ends with an introduction of the concept of inflation targeting and an examination of whether this could describe monetary policy in China. It is clear that the PBC does not currently follow the inflation targeting approach, although the Chinese authorities could actually be able to influence inflation expectations effectively, not least through direct instruments such as price controls. The author notes that the PBC indeed had a good track record of fighting inflation between 1994 and 2008, and that this may now indicate a good time to think about introducing inflation targeting in China. The central conclusion of the study is that the proven gradual approach to economic and monetary reforms in China is reaching its limit. To break the vicious cycle that relies on the continuous use of quantity-based instruments to compensate for the ineffective price-based instruments - which in turn arises from the simultaneous use of both types of instruments - a complete shift away from quantity-based instruments is needed. Only then the approach of indirect monetary policy, which was officially introduced in 1998, could come into full play.}, subject = {Geldpolitik}, language = {en} } @article{Lin2011, author = {Lin, Hang}, title = {A Mixed Bag of Results: Village Elections in Contemporary China}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68684}, year = {2011}, abstract = {While there is only little transformation to the absolute power of the party-state to be detected, some grassroots democratic experiments, however, are receiving enormous attention of the world, especially village elections. Nevertheless, this preliminary exercise of democracy is widely characterized as a mixed bag of results. Since its first conduction, it has experienced immense development and bought great impact not only on different rural political institutions, but also on common mass villagers, as well as changes to the local governance. But at the same time, the limitations of the factual effectiveness of these elections can hardly be underestimated and such aspects as the standardization of electoral procedures are still to be further improved. Moreover, given the wide variations across Chinese countryside and the strong oppositions from all levels, the future of China's village elections remain hard to gauge.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Heiser2011, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Heiser, Johanna}, title = {Chinesisch-europ{\"a}ische Joint-Venture Unternehmen - ein Auslaufmodell : Analyse der Gr{\"u}nde anhand ausgew{\"a}hlter Fallbeispiele}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83691}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Arbeit untersucht zwei besonders drastische Fallbeispiele gescheiterter europ{\"a}isch-chinesischer Equity Joint-Venture. Das des deutschen Mittelstandsunternehmens Vietz, welches im Pipelinebau aktiv ist, sowie ein Joint-Venture des franz{\"o}sischen Großkonzerns Danone mit der Wahaha Group. Besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Aspekten der Rechtsstaatlichkeit sowie Durchsetzung von Recht in China, das Management eines solchen transnationalen Unternehmens, die Bedeutung von Technologietransfer, sowie kulturelle Differenzen als Ausl{\"o}ser f{\"u}r Missverst{\"a}ndnisse und Konflikte. Abschließend wurden anhand einer vergleichenden Gegen{\"u}berstellung der beiden F{\"a}lle charakteristische Probleme eines Joint-Ventures herausgearbeitet.}, subject = {Gemeinschaftsunternehmen}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gerdau2011, author = {Gerdau, Ole}, title = {Applicability of Intrinsic Value Models at the Segmented Chinese Stock Market}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55652}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Anwendbarkeit intrinsischer Wertmodelle in dem nach inl{\"a}ndischen und ausl{\"a}ndischen Investoren segmentierten chinesischen Kapitalmarkt zu untersuchen. Innerhalb des Frameworks der internationalen Portfolio Investment Theorie werden segmentspezifische Preisunterschiede nicht irrationalem Verhalten zugeschrieben, sondern als in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit {\"o}konomischer Theorie angesehen. Der theoretische Vergleich von Gleichgewichts- und intrinsischen Wertmodellen l{\"a}sst letztere f{\"u}r das chinesische Marktumfeld geeigneter erscheinen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in dieser Arbeit die Relevanz intrinsischer Wertmodelle f{\"u}r chinesische Aktienpreise empirisch untersucht. Demnach sind Preisunterschiede auf ungleiche Investitionsm{\"o}glichkeiten und segmentspezifische Charakteristika zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Dennoch f{\"u}hren die Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf den inl{\"a}ndischen und Hongkong-chinesischen risikolosen Zinsproxys zu dem Schluss, dass intrinsische Wertmodelle gegen{\"u}ber linearen Faktormodellen nicht als geeigneter angesehen werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Spaar2011, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Spaar, Immanuel}, title = {Das moderne China und die Kategorisierung seiner Tradition : Eine Rezeption des Qing-Gelehrten Dai Zhen (1724-1777)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77647}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Dai Zhen (1724-1777) ist einer der Hauptvertreter der Textkritik-Schule (Kaojuxue), die in der Qing-Dynastie (1644-1911) unter den Kaisern Qianlong (r. 1736-1796) und Jiaqing (r. 1796-1821) ihre Bl{\"u}tezeit erfuhr. Anf{\"a}nge dieser Schule finden sich Ende der Ming-Dynastie (1368-1644), in der es im Rahmen eines neuen konfuzianischen Diskurses zu einer Ablehnung des Neo-Konfuzianismus der Song-Dynastie (960-1279) kam. Dabei wurden der Neo-Konfuzianismus, der sich in der von Zhu Xi (1130-1200) gepr{\"a}gten Interpretation durchgesetzt hatte, und seine spekulative Philosophie in einem neuen Licht betrachtet. Eine neue Methode zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der konfuzianischen Klassiker, welche die Song-zeitlichen Kommentare ablehnte, bildete sich mit der Zeit heraus und fand unter Dai Zhen einen H{\"o}hepunkt. Dai Zhen befasste sich auf vielen Gebieten mit der chinesischen Geistes- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte und verk{\"o}rperte auf diese Weise die neuen geistigen Impulse unter der konfuzianischen Gelehrtenschicht. Ihn interessierten Astronomie, Technologie, Mathematik, Geografie und Phonetik. Daneben befasste er sich mit dem konfuzianischen Kanon und der Frage, wie dieser richtig interpretiert werden sollte. In diesem Rahmen verfasste er die Schrift „Subkommentar mit Belegen zu Bedeutungen einzelner Begriffe im Buch Menzius" (Mengzi ziyi shuzheng), in welcher er entschieden dem von Zhu Xi vorgelegten Kommentar widersprach. Im Mengzi ziyi shuzheng und einigen anderen kleineren Arbeiten erarbeitete Dai Zhen seine eigene Philosophie. Die Abschlussarbeit befasst sich mit der Rezeption Dai Zhens im modernen China, ausgef{\"u}hrt anhand zweier wissenschaftlicher Texte, die auf Taiwan und in der Volksrepublik China ver{\"o}ffentlicht worden sind. Durch die Bearbeitung der beiden Texte wird die Frage er{\"o}rtert, mit welchen methodischen Hilfsmitteln die traditionelle chinesische Philosophie im modernen China sinnvoll organisiert und aufgearbeitet wird.}, subject = {Dai}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Kuhn2014, author = {Kuhn, Dieter}, title = {Emperor Huizong's (r. 1100-1126): Short-lived Earthly Paradise}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106115}, pages = {22}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Zhao Ji (1082-1135), better known as Emperor Huizong (r. 1100-1126) of the Southern Song Dynasty (960-1127) gained a reputation as supreme perfectionist as artist, art collector and connoisseur, a ruler devoted to the faith of Daoism, squandering a fortune on building palaces and halls and on landscape gardening. A famous example of his costly 'folie de grandeur' is the Sacred Northeast Mountain Peak Genyue, a gigantic rock garden in the northeast part of the Old City of the capital Kaifeng. The garden is described in sources such as the Huayanggong jishi (Description of the Florescent Solitary Palace) by the Buddhist monk Zu Xiu from 1127 and Zhang Hao's (ca. 1180-1250) Genyue ji (Record of the Northeast Marchmount). The project in search of auspicious blessing started in 1118, having originated in the emperor's conviction that the Daoist Immortals would descend to this exquisite paradise situated in the centre of the world, his capital. In his conviction the landscape garden that exceeded nature's beauty would prolong and glorify his rule for ten thousand years. The Genyue was completed in January 1123, and thus became part of Emperor Huizong's Divine Empyrean Daoist ideology of statecraft. Contrary to all auspicious symbolism, the Song's emblematic demonstrations of power, and the necessity to meet political expectations, Emperor Huizong proved incapable of finding a solution to the disastrous situation at the northern frontier with Jin troupes moving onto his capital. Completed in 1123 the Genyue Marchmount was destroyed in the cold winter of 1126/1127 by the inhabitants of Kaifeng in their desperate struggle for survival in their besieged town.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @article{Fischer2014, author = {Fischer, Doris}, title = {The Impact of Changing Incentives in China on International Cooperation in Social Science Research on China}, series = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs}, volume = {2}, journal = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs}, number = {2}, issn = {1868-4874}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120524}, pages = {33-46}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Over the past three decades, China's fast economic development has induced considerable changes in China's university and research institution landscape, research financing and academic career incentives. This paper argues that these changes have affected the motivation and the ways in which Chinese scholars engage in international research cooperation. Most recently it has been observed that strong pressures on scholars and scientists - especially at leading academic institutions - to excel in international publications while simultaneously fulfilling their obligation to generate income for their institutions can lead to a dilemma with regard to international research cooperation: Those institutions and scholars most interesting for foreign scholars to cooperate with may be the ones with the least amount of both incentive and time to enter into serious cooperation. This article invites us to reflect on the implications of these changes in the incentive structure for cooperation in social science research on China.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hardaker2015, author = {Hardaker, Sina}, title = {Development and Outlook for Grocery Retailing Internationalization in China: Competition and Format Expansion within a Geographical Context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123076}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {287}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Purpose - The purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the status quo of development of the grocery retailers' internationalization process in China as well as to model future trends, opportunities and challenges within a very competitive market. Using several, geographically distant cities as case studies, this paper focuses on the development and outlook of different store formats, along with the development of competition in this respect by explicitly treating China not as a single market. The study thereby analyses historical and geographical diffusion in regard to store formats. The impacts of the main factors of change are discussed. Design/methodology/approach - The dissertation reviews extensively the literature of grocery retail internationalization with special focus on China. In addition, it draws on primary research in the form of a wide range of expert interviews. As China´s 'supermarket revolution' is underway, an understanding of the local and foreign competition and the development of different store formats within different regions of China as well as their prospects, will be crucial to companies expanding into this area. Findings - The study explains how grocery retailers have already entered the Chinese market with different store formats and how competition has and will further develop. In addition, the study reveals challenges and obstacles in regard to future market strategies, especially in regard to store formats and geographical regions. Research limitations/implications - The study reveals the current landscape of the Chinese grocery retailing market and emphasizes important strategic pillars, modelling future implications and challenges for food retailers operating in China. Because China is a vast country this dissertation forms only a small part of the geographical evolution process in regard to store formats and competition. Practical implications - Explores current understanding of the internationalization process in China by considering different format choices. Supplementary, the dissertation proposes an outlook of competition enlargement, prospects of format development and therewith strategic implications within different regions as well as a future research agenda. Originality / value - Contributes to the understanding of the Chinese grocery retailing market. Furthermore, it is among the first to critically explore possible future developments in regard to store formats and competition within a geographical context in China}, subject = {Lebensmitteleinzelhandel}, language = {en} } @article{ClaussYanKuenzer2016, author = {Clauss, Kersten and Yan, Huimin and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {5}, doi = {10.3390/rs8050434}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180557}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rice is an important food crop and a large producer of green-house relevant methane. Accurate and timely maps of paddy fields are most important in the context of food security and greenhouse gas emission modelling. During their life-cycle, rice plants undergo a phenological development that influences their interaction with waves in the visible light and infrared spectrum. Rice growth has a distinctive signature in time series of remotely-sensed data. We used time series of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products MOD13Q1 and MYD13Q1 and a one-class support vector machine to detect these signatures and classify paddy rice areas in continental China. Based on these classifications, we present a novel product for continental China that shows rice areas for the years 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 at 250-m resolution. Our classification has an overall accuracy of 0.90 and a kappa coefficient of 0.77 compared to our own reference dataset for 2014 and correlates highly with rice area statistics from China's Statistical Yearbooks (R2 of 0.92 for 2010, 0.92 for 2005 and 0.90 for 2002). Moderate resolution time series analysis allows accurate and timely mapping of rice paddies over large areas with diverse cropping schemes.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ives2016, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Ives, Jaqueline May}, title = {The relevance of tax havens for China}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper examines the relevance of tax havens for China by determining which tax havens are important for China and to what extent. Furthermore, the motives for Chinese tax haven activity are analysed and compared to the motives of Western companies that primarily use tax havens for the purpose of tax arbitrage. An analysis of two listed Chinese companies, a private and a state-owned entity (SOE), exemplifies how Chinese businesses incorporate tax havens into their business structure and discusses differences between the motives of private and state-owned companies. The magnitude of tax havens found in the business structures emphasise the importance of tax havens for Chinese companies, irrespective of whether the company is an SOE or private, or conducts its business in China or internationally. While the reasons why the state-influenced company incorporated tax havens into their structure seemed to be related to legitimate business motives, the motives behind the structure of the private company seemed questionable. The assessment furthermore confirms that China's weak institutional framework and restricting business environment is a major push factor and gives companies plenty of incentive to go offshore.}, subject = {Steueroase}, language = {en} } @techreport{FischerHrsg2017, author = {Fischer (Hrsg.), Doris}, title = {Tourism in W{\"u}rzburg: Suggestions on how to enhance the travel experience for Chinese tourists}, edition = {1. Auflage}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143898}, pages = {64}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This report provides suggestions on how to enhance the travel experience for Chinese tourists in the German city of W{\"u}rzburg. Based on a user experience survey and a market research, this work includes a quantitative and competitive analysis. It further provides concrete and hands-on measurements for the city council to improve the experience of Chinese visitors coming to W{\"u}rzburg.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dettmer2017, author = {Dettmer, Isabel}, title = {HRM, Qualifizierung und Rekrutierung in China - das Mismatch-Problem dargestellt am Beispiel der Hotellerie}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-046-7 (print)}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-047-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {300}, year = {2017}, abstract = {"China im Wandel" ist das Schlagwort, wenn es um das "Reich der Mitte" geht. Prim{\"a}r war damit das rapide wirtschaftliche Wachstum {\"u}ber die letzten Jahrzehnte gemeint, aber auch zunehmend die Ver{\"a}nderungen in politischen und sozialen Bereichen. Der {\"o}konomische Transformationsprozess hat auch einen anhaltenden institutionellen Wandel in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hervorgerufen. F{\"u}r diese wirtschaftliche Transformation werden in China vor allem mehr qualifizierte Fachkr{\"a}fte ben{\"o}tigt, nach denen die ausl{\"a}ndischen wie inl{\"a}ndischen Unternehmen auf dem chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt oft vergeblich suchen. Rekrutierung und Mitarbeiterbindung sowie die steigenden Lohnkosten stellen seit Jahren die gr{\"o}ßten Herausforderungen auf dem chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt dar. Das Mismatch-Problem ist augenscheinlich. Um die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r diese Verzerrungen zu eruieren, setzt die vorliegende Studie dort an, wo Bildungsmarkt und Arbeitsmarkt aufeinandertreffen, und zwar dem Human Resource Management (HRM) von Unternehmen in China. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, einen Beitrag zur Diskussion {\"u}ber das Voranschreiten meritokratischer Verteilungsprozesse im {\"U}bergang von einer Plan- zur Marktwirtschaft in China zu leisten. Die Neue Institutionen{\"o}konomik (NI{\"O}) liefert mit der Signal- und Screeningtheorie (SST) Erkl{\"a}rungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r solche personal{\"o}konomischen Probleme zwischen AG und AN. Mit Hilfe dieses auf China angewandten Ansatzes konnten die relevanten "Signale" beider Parteien im Rekrutierungsprozess sowie die Problemfelder Chinas Hotellerie identifiziert und analysiert werden. Somit richtet sich diese Studie nicht nur an Sinologen, sondern ebenso an Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Praktiker mit Chinabezug.}, subject = {HRM}, language = {de} } @misc{Shane2017, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Shane, Nadine}, title = {The Country-of-Origin Effect and its Potential Impact on How German Consumers Perceive Chinese Luxury Goods}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153047}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This thesis investigates the impact of the country-of-origin effect on Chinese luxury brands which intend to enter the German luxury goods market. By means of a questionnaire and a quantitative analysis, possible threats to Chinese newcomers that derive from an unfavorable country image are illustrated. In fact, the Chinese origin of luxury goods has an impact on German consumers' perception.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wohlfart2018, author = {Wohlfart, Christian}, title = {The Yellow River Basin in Transition - Multi-faceted Land Cover Change Analysis in the Yellow River Basin in the Context of Global Change Using Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Imagery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163724}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {As a cradle of ancient Chinese civilization, the Yellow River Basin has a very long human-environment interrelationship, where early anthropogenic activities re- sulted in large scale landscape modifications. Today, the impact of this relationship has intensified further as the basin plays a vital role for China's continued economic development. It is one of the most densely-populated, fastest growing, and most dynamic regions of China with abundant natural and environmental resources providing a livelihood for almost 190 million people. Triggered by fundamental economic reforms, the basin has witnessed a spectacular economic boom during the last decades and can be considered as an exemplary blueprint region for contemporary dynamic Global Change processes occurring throughout the country, which is currently transitioning from an agrarian-dominated economy into a modern urbanized society. However, this resourcesdemanding growth has led to profound land use changes with adverse effects on the Yellow River social-ecological systems, where complex challenges arise threatening a long-term sustainable development. Consistent and continuous remote sensing-based monitoring of recent and past land cover and land use change is a fundamental requirement to mitigate the adverse impacts of Global Change processes. Nowadays, technical advancement and the multitude of available satellite sensors, in combination with the opening of data archives, allow the creation of new research perspectives in regional land cover applications over heterogeneous landscapes at large spatial scales. Despite the urgent need to better understand the prevailing dynamics and underlying factors influencing the current processes, detailed regional specific land cover data and change information are surprisingly absent for this region. In view of the noted research gaps and contemporary developments, three major objectives are defined in this thesis. First (i), the current and most pressing social-ecological challenges are elaborated and policy and management instruments towards more sustainability are discussed. Second (ii), this thesis provides new and improved insights on the current land cover state and dynamics of the entire Yellow River Basin. Finally (iii), the most dominant processes related to mining, agriculture, forest, and urban dynamics are determined on finer spatial and temporal scales. The complex and manifold problems and challenges that result from long-term abuse of the water and land resources in the basin have been underpinned by policy choices, cultural attitude, and institutions that have evolved over centuries in China. The tremendous economic growth that has been mainly achieved by extracting water and exploiting land resources in a rigorous, but unsustainable manner, might not only offset the economic benefits, but could also foster social unrest. Since the early emergence of the first Chinese dynasties, flooding was considered historically as a primary issue in river management and major achievements have been made to tame the wild nature of the Yellow River. Whereas flooding is therefore largely now under control, new environmental and social problems have evolved, including soil and water pollution, ecological degradation, biodiversity decline, and food security, all being further aggravated by anthropogenic climate change. To resolve the contemporary and complex challenges, many individual environmental laws and regulations have been enacted by various Chinese ministries. However, these policies often pursue different, often contradictory goals, are too general to tackle specific problems and are usually implemented by a strong top-down approach. Recently, more flexible economic and market-based incentives (pricing, tradable permits, investments) have been successfully adopted, which are specifically tailored to the respective needs, shifting now away from the pure command and regulating instruments. One way towards a more holistic and integrated river basin management could be the establishment of a common platform (e.g. a Geographical Information System) for data handling and sharing, possibly operated by the Yellow River Basin Conservancy Commission (YRCC), where available spatial data, statistical information and in-situ measures are coalesced, on which sustainable decision-making could be based. So far, the collected data is hardly accessible, fragmented, inconsistent, or outdated. The first step to address the absence and lack of consistent and spatially up-to-date information for the entire basin capturing the heterogeneous landscape conditions was taken up in this thesis. Land cover characteristics and dynamics were derived from the last decade for the years 2003 and 2013, based on optical medium-resolution hightemporal MODIS Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series at 250 m. To minimize the inherent influence of atmospheric and geometric interferences found in raw high temporal data, the applied adaptive Savitzky-Golay filter successfully smoothed the time series and substantially reduced noise. Based on the smoothed time series data, a large variety of intra-annual phenology metrics as well as spectral and multispectral annual statistics were derived, which served as input variables for random forest (RF) classifiers. High quality reference data sets were derived from very high resolution imagery for each year independently of which 70 \% trained the RF models. The accuracy assessments for all regionally specific defined thematic classes were based on the remaining 30 \% reference data split and yielded overall accuracies of 87 \% and 84 \% for 2003 and 2013, respectively. The first regional adapted Yellow River Land Cover Products (YRB LC) depict the detail spatial extent and distribution of the current land cover status and dynamics. The novel products overall differentiate overall 18 land cover and use classes, including classes of natural vegetation (terrestrial and aquatic), cultivated classes, mosaic classes, non-vegetated, and artificial classes, which are not presented in previous land cover studies so far. Building on this, an extended multi-faceted land cover analysis on the most prominent land cover change types at finer spatial and temporal scales provides a better and more detailed picture of the Yellow River Basin dynamics. Precise spatio-temporal products about mining, agriculture, forest, and urban areas were examined from long-trem Landsat satellite time series monitored at annual scales to capture the rapid rate of change in four selected focus regions. All archived Landsat images between 2000 and 2015 were used to derive spatially continuous spectral-temporal, multi-spectral, and textural metrics. For each thematic region and year RF models were built, trained and tested based on a stablepixels reference data set. The automated adaptive signature (AASG) algorithm identifies those pixels that did not change between the investigated time periods to generate a mono-temporal reference stable-pixels data set to keep manual sampling requirements to a minimum level. Derived results gained high accuracies ranging from 88 \% to 98 \%. Throughout the basin, afforestation on the Central Loess Plateau and urban sprawl are identified as most prominent drivers of land cover change, whereas agricultural land remained stable, only showing local small-scale dynamics. Mining operations started in 2004 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which resulted in a substantial loss of pristine alpine meadows and wetlands. In this thesis, a novel and unique regional specific view of current and past land cover characteristics in a complex and heterogeneous landscape was presented by using a multi-source remote sensing approach. The delineated products hold great potential for various model and management applications. They could serve as valuable components for effective and sustainable land and water management to adapt and mitigate the predicted consequences of Global Change processes.}, subject = {Fernerkundung}, language = {en} } @misc{Schaper2018, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Schaper, Anna-Katharina}, title = {Conquering China's Second-Tier Cities: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between a City's Degree of Internationalization and Foreign Companies' Market Entry Decisions in China's Second-Tier Cities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {China's emerging second-tier cities attract more and more foreign companies that are looking for business opportunities. Although much has been written about companies' internationalization strategies, including companies' market entry decisions and market entry mode strategies, research on the relationship between a city's degree of internationalization and foreign companies' market entry decisions and market entry mode strategies in second-tier cities in China is still relatively scarce. Thus, the central research question of this study is: Why and how does a second-tier city's degree of internationalization influence foreign companies' market entry decisions and market entry mode strategies in second-tier China? This study is based on a qualitative research approach; an embedded multiple-case study is applied and interviews with two different target groups are conducted. The first target group consists of foreign companies having established business operations in China's second-tier cities directly and have had no previous business operations in first-tier cites. The second group is made up of foreign companies that initially operated in first-tier China, and then moved to second-tier cities. The company sample compromises small- and medium-sized foreign companies with various industry backgrounds and market entry modes in Chengdu and Chongqing. Since 2015, Maxxelli has been publishing its China International City Index (CICI) on a yearly basis in which it measures and compares China's cities' degree of internationalization. Because Maxxelli revised this year's CICI methodology comprehensively, this study also aims at feedback to improve the overall CICI. This study concludes that a second-tier city's degree of internationalization is particularly important to foreign companies having first set up in Chinese first-tier cities. Companies having established themselves in second-tier cities directly, do not pay a lot of direct attention to a city's degree of internationalization and tend to base their market entry decisions more on business opportunities they identify in a city. In addition, this study argues that in most cases a city's degree of internationalization does not influence the type of market entry mode companies choose to enter second-tier China.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harbrecht2019, author = {Harbrecht, Isabelle}, title = {Entering Society - The Adolescence, Identity and Development of Vocational Education Students in Shanghai}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-096-2}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-097-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168626}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {xviii, 298}, year = {2019}, abstract = {With the late twentieth-century reform of the labour market and the abolition of the 'iron rice bowl' in China, jobs were no longer guaranteed by the government and higher education became more and more a requirement for even low-level positions. A surplus of academics and a lack of skilled workers became the long-term consequences. Since the early 2000s, the government has tried to mitigate this situation by promoting and developing vocational education. However, it is still considered to be a second class education, suitable only for weak students whose results are too low for an academic middle school. Based on the qualitative and quantitative data of a three-year panel study conducted in vocational schools in Shanghai, the present publication analyses the social environments, personalities, values and perceptions of students in vocational education - adolescents stigmatized by society. The results show how their attitudes change throughout their education, and which kinds of identities they form. Drawing on Ulrich Beck's thesis of individualization, this publication finds that adolescents in vocational education still hold on to the belief that good study results enable them to seize chances and avoid risks. Freedom of choice, feelings of success and a good relationship with parents support these positive attitudes towards learning. Family in particular turned out to not only be an important motivational factor but also the dominant value of the students. Vocational education is still, however, stigmatized and the adolescents try to bring that in line with their self-worth.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brzoska2020, author = {Brzoska, Jan}, title = {Market forecasting in China: An Artificial Neural Network approach to optimize the accuracy of sales forecasts in the Chinese automotive market}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20315}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203155}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sales forecasts are an essential determinant of operational planning in entrepreneurial organizations. However, in China, as in other emerging markets, monthly sales forecasts are particularly challenging for multinational automotive enterprises and suppliers. A chief reason for this is that conventional approaches to sales forecasting often fail to capture the underlying market dynamics. To that end, this dissertation investigates the application of Artificial Neural Networks with an implemented backpropagation algorithm as a more "unconventional" sales forecasting method. A key element of statistical modelling is the selection of superior leading indicators. These indicators were collected as part of the researcher's expert interviews with multinational enterprises and state associations in China. The economic plausibility of all specified indicators is critically explored in qualitative-quantitative pre-selection procedures. The overall objective of the present study was to improve the accuracy of monthly sales forecasts in the Chinese automotive market. This objective was achieved by showing that the forecasting error could be lowered to a new benchmark of less than 10\% in an out-of-sample forecasting application.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @misc{Hauser2020, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Hauser, Anna Si-Lu}, title = {A comparative approach to local organisation of the energy transition}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20210}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202109}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In recent years, numerous renewable energy cities were established worldwide, piloting different pathways to transition to clean energy. With the ability to address local needs more precisely in their unique geographic, social and economic contexts, cities play a vital role in implementing overall climate mitigation goals on the local level. In China, many renewable energy cities have emerged as well. However, official documents suggest that Chinese government authorities establish such renewable energy cities strategically, which leads to the assumption that the impulse to become renewable is different from other countries, where bottom-up initiatives are more common. Hence, this thesis explores answer to the question why and how the Chinese government promotes the energy transition of Chinese cities and regions. To explore the dynamics of local energy transition projects, this thesis adopts two frameworks from the field of sustainability transitions, the multi-level perspective and strategic niche management, and applies them to seven European and two Chinese case studies. The European sample includes the cities Graz, G{\"u}ssing, Freiburg, and Helsinki as well as the communities Feldheim, J{\"u}hnde and Murau. The Chinese sample consists of the bottom-up initiative Shaanxi Sunflower Project and the demonstration project Tongli New Energy Town. A comparative analysis evaluates in how far the cases correspond to the multi-level perspective or strategic niche management. The comparison of the case studies reveals that the development of renewable energy cities in China goes beyond a top-down vs. bottom-up logic. In the Chinese context, strategic niche management should be understood as experimentation under hierarchy, which serves at pretesting different approaches before rolling them out nationwide. In addition, the analysis shows that both the multi-level perspective and strategic niche management have their advantages and disadvantages for niche development. Niches following the logic of the multi-level perspective may result in higher stakeholder acceptance, whereas strategic niche management can in turn accelerate niche development. However, since natural niche development cannot be steered intentionally, decision-makers who intend to induce local renewable energy projects have no other option but to resort to strategic niche management. To increase stakeholder acceptance and thus to improve the project outcome, decision-makers are advised to accommodate sufficient room for stakeholder participation in the project design.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @techreport{AngnideBielitskaBorchertetal.2020, author = {Angnide, Enarile and Bielitska, Iryna and Borchert, Leon and Braun, Louisa and B{\"u}hler, Pascal and Chen, Xinyue and Ho, Katherina and Hofmann, Lena and Kebekus, Melvin and Kubsch, Torbj{\"o}rn and Li, Alexander and Lin, Simon and Mischer, Andreas and Mogus, Mateja and Schmid, Fabian and Schneidawind, Luisa and Voss, Manuela and Wilson, Claire and Wieteska, Filip and Yu, Linda}, title = {Chinese Entanglements in Lower Franconian Business}, editor = {Lindner, Jonas and Fischer, Doris}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20987}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209876}, pages = {219}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Using own survey data and interviews, this study analyzes how businesses in Lower Franconia (Unterfranken) are entangled with China. Starting with a bird's-eye-view of the current situation, the study goes on to provide valuable insights from five specific industries. The study shows that a majority of the analyzed firms have some sort of ties to China, be it through Chinese customers, import/export activities, or else.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @book{Alpermann2021, author = {Alpermann, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren}, edition = {1}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-162-4}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-163-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244128}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {VI, 262}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Situation in Chinas nordwestlicher Region Xinjiang hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmende internationale Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Berichte {\"u}ber Masseninternierungen von Uiguren und anderen ethnischen Gruppen in Umerziehungslagern, Zwangsarbeit, Zwangssterilisation und weitere Menschenrechtsverletzungen beherrschen die Schlagzeilen und belasten die Beziehungen zwischen China und seinen Kritikern. Die chinesische Regierung rechtfertigt ihr Vorgehen hingegen als Kampf gegen Terrorismus, islamistischen Extremismus und ethnischen Separatismus. „Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren" pr{\"a}sentiert erstmalig in deutscher Sprache eine tiefergehende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem kontroversen Thema. Pr{\"a}gnant und anschaulich f{\"u}hrt der erste Teil des Buchs in die komplexe Geschichte der Region ein. Der zweite Teil stellt die Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert dar. Hierbei zeigt sich ein facettenreiches Bild der sozio{\"o}konomischen Entwicklung, der ethnischen Identit{\"a}t sowie der Sprach- und Religionspolitik. Der dritte Teil hinterfragt die g{\"a}ngigen Deutungen des Xinjiang-Konflikts, analysiert Proteste und Terrorismus ebenso wie die staatlichen Repressionsmaßnahmen und die internationale Dimension der Auseinandersetzung. Quellennah, basierend auf den Ergebnissen der neuesten Forschung und in einem unaufgeregten Ton vermittelt „Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren" ein ausgewogenes Bild der aktuellen Konflikte.}, subject = {Sinkiang}, language = {de} } @techreport{FischerSchaper2021, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Fischer, Doris and Schaper, Anna-Katharina}, title = {Does Gender Matter for the Entrepreneurship Fairy Tale? An Analysis of Chinese Unicorn Start-ups}, series = {CBE Research Notes}, journal = {CBE Research Notes}, issn = {2747-8661}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24441}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244415}, pages = {9}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Start-up ecosystems around the world have created a large number of successful and innovative unicorn companies in recent years. Our research note focuses on the case of China and offers a global comparative perspective on the current status of Chinese unicorn start-ups and their founding structure. We identify a predominantly male unicorn founding structure and illustrate a worrying decline of female entrepreneurship in China.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KrauseFischer2021, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Krause, Theresa and Fischer, Doris}, title = {Data as the new driver for growth? European and Chinese perspectives on the new factor of production}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22979}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229794}, pages = {7}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Amidst an emerging international systemic competition between China and the Western world, China's sustained high economic growth rates, technological innovations and successful control of the corona pandemic have raised doubts over the West's systemic capabilities. In this context, data resources and regimes play an increasing role. This research note looks at data as present and future driver of innovation and economic growth in more detail. It compares the Chinese and the European perspective on data as well as their respective (planned) policy measures in order to draw tentative conclusions about their different approaches' implications.}, subject = {China}, language = {en} } @book{Alpermann2022, author = {Alpermann, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-190-7}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-190-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283044}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {X, 251}, year = {2022}, abstract = {La situation au Xinjiang, r{\´e}gion du Nord-Ouest de la Chine, a ces derni{\`e}res ann{\´e}es suscit{\´e} une attention internationale croissante. Les rapports sur les internements massifs de Ou{\"i}ghours et d'autres groupes ethniques dans des camps de r{\´e}{\´e}ducation, le travail forc{\´e}, les st{\´e}rilisations forc{\´e}es et autres atteintes aux droits humains font la une de l'actualit{\´e} et affectent les relations entre la Chine et ceux qui la critiquent. Le gouvernement chinois, en revanche, justifie sa mani{\`e}re d'agir par la lutte contre le terrorisme, l'extr{\´e}misme islamique et le s{\´e}paratisme ethnique. << Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours >> pr{\´e}sente pour la premi{\`e}re fois en fran{\c{c}}ais une analyse scientifique plus approfondie de ce sujet tr{\`e}s controvers{\´e}. La premi{\`e}re partie du livre constitue une introduction pr{\´e}gnante, claire et vivante de l'histoire complexe de la r{\´e}gion. La deuxi{\`e}me partie pr{\´e}sente l'{\´e}volution au XXIe si{\`e}cle, dressant un tableau {\`a} multiples facettes du d{\´e}veloppement {\´e}conomique, de l'identit{\´e} ethnique et de la politique linguistique et religieuse. La troisi{\`e}me partie remet en question les interpr{\´e}tations courantes du conflit au Xinjiang, analyse les protestations et les actes de terrorisme de m{\^e}me que les mesures de r{\´e}pression de l'{\´E}tat et la dimension internationale du conflit. Proche des sources, bas{\´e} sur les r{\´e}sultats de la recherche la plus r{\´e}cente et avec un souci constant de neutralit{\´e}, << Le Xinjiang - la Chine et les Ou{\"i}ghours >> offre une image {\´e}quilibr{\´e}e des conflits actuels.}, subject = {Sinkiang}, language = {fr} } @misc{Lan2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Lan, Kai-Yi}, title = {Gender and Medicine in the Ming Dynasty: Tan Yunxian's (1461-1556) Medical Case Book}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28886}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288862}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This project explores Tan Yunxian's journey of becoming a female doctor in the Ming dynasty. Among all the surviving Ming medical books, Tan Yunxian's medical case book is the only one that was written by a woman. It seems natural, considering she had both scholar-official and medical family backgrounds. Yet, social expectations consider it more suitable for a lady to remain in the household, and not treat patients outside. To legitimize Tan Yunxian's pursuit of a medical career, she applied several strategies to resolve potential criticism toward her and her family. These strategies are analyzed through her autobiographical preface in her medical case book. The project also explores Ming male literatis' perspectives toward Tan Yunxian, the factors that contributed to the preservation and publication of her medical case book, and examined her medical cases under the social-historical and micro-history contexts.}, language = {en} } @article{Yan2022, author = {Yan, Zhe}, title = {"I tried to control my emotions": nursing home care workers' experiences of emotional labor in China}, series = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology}, volume = {37}, journal = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1007/s10823-022-09452-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324295}, pages = {1-22}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Despite dramatic expansions in the Chinese nursing home sector in meeting the increasing care needs of a rapidly aging population, direct care work in China remains largely devalued and socially unrecognized. Consequently, scant attention has been given to the caregiving experiences of direct care workers (DCWs) in Chinese nursing homes. In particular, given the relational nature of care work, there is little knowledge as to how Chinese DCWs manage emotions and inner feelings through their emotional labor. This article examines the emotional labor of Chinese DCWs through ethnographic data collected with 20 DCWs in one nursing home located in an urban setting in central China. Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis and constant comparison. Participants' accounts of sustaining a caring self, preserving professional identity, and hoping for reciprocity revealed implicit meanings about the often-conflicting nature of emotional labor and the nonreciprocal elements of care work under constrained working conditions. Importantly, the moral-cultural notion of bao (报 norm of reciprocity) was found to be central among DCWs in navigating strained resources and suggested their agency in meaning-construction. However, their constructed moral buffers may be insufficient if emotional labor continues to be made invisible by care organizations.}, subject = {Gerontologie}, language = {en} } @techreport{BofingerGeissendoerferHaasetal.2023, author = {Bofinger, Peter and Geißend{\"o}rfer, Lisa and Haas, Thomas and Mayer, Fabian}, title = {Credit as an Instrument for Growth: A Monetary Explanation of the Chinese Growth Story}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32880}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-328804}, pages = {148}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This study describes the Chinese growth model over the past 40 years. We show that China's growth model, with its dominant role of the banking system and "the banker", is a perfect illustration of the necessity and power of Schumpeter's "monetary analysis". This approach has allowed us to elaborate theoretically and empirically the uniqueness of the Chinese model. In our empirical analysis, we use a new dataset of Chinese provincial data to analyze the impact of the financial system, especially banks, on Chinese economic development. We also empirically assess the role of the financial system in Chinese industrial policy and provide case studies of the effects of industrial policy in specific sectors. Finally, we also discuss macroeconomic dimensions of the Chinese growth process and lessons that can be drawn from the Chinese experience for other countries.}, subject = {Industriepolitik}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Schiffmann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schiffmann, Luisa}, title = {Medialer Konflikt um ein kulinarisches Kulturgut: Analyse des Diskurses zur Kimchi-/Paocai-Kontroverse in ausgew{\"a}hlten chinesischen und s{\"u}dkoreanischen Onlinezeitungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31191}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert die chinesisch-s{\"u}dkoreanische Kontroverse um die Herkunft von Kimchi (kimch'i 김치) beispielhaft f{\"u}r Dispute um kulturelle Eigenheiten anhand von Material aus Online-Medien. Mittels prim{\"a}r qualitativer und sekund{\"a}r auch quantitativer Methoden und einer wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse, die sich auf theoretische und methodische Konzepte von Agenda-Setting, Framing und Nationenbilder st{\"u}tzt, untersucht die Arbeit, welche Selbstbilder und Bilder des „Anderen" in englischsprachigen Berichten koreanischer und chinesischer Onlinezeitungen produziert werden. Besonders im Vordergrund stehen dabei die sprachlichen Mittel, argumentativen Strategien und diskursiven Praktiken, die bei der Darstellung der Ereignisse eingesetzt werden. Dabei erg{\"a}nzt die vorliegende Arbeit bisherige Forschung, die sich entweder auf die Metaebene bezieht oder aber ein nationales Publikum betrachtet, um die Perspektive des internationalen Publikums von Online-Medien. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein deutlicher Unterschied in der Agenda chinesischer und koreanischer Medien besteht, und zwar sowohl hinsichtlich der Inhalte, der Argumentationsstruktur, als auch des anvisierten Publikums.}, subject = {Diskursanalyse}, language = {de} } @misc{Schnermann2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Schnermann, Sophia Victoria}, title = {The impact of China's e-mobility development on German motor vehicle manufacturers}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35327}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-353276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Compared to other countries, China was particularly early in developing a comprehensive set of policies to promote electric mobility (e-mobility). The aim of this study is to examine how China's e-mobility development - through changes in formal institutions as well as market forces - has affected German passenger car manufacturers and their competitive environment and positions. The study is guided by two strands of research: new institutional economics and strategic management literature. A holistic multiple-case design is used to analyze five German case study firms. Qualitative interview data are collected through interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results show that the electric transformation in China has been shaped by changes in formal institutions at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Interestingly, the case study firms were affected not only by changes in China's formal institutions but also by disparities between institutions in China and Europe. Furthermore, the data suggest that German car manufacturers are facing an increasingly competitive environment in China: at least four forces in Porter's five-forces model seem to have intensified in recent years. The extent to which the case study firms have been affected by these developments may depend on the industry segments in which they are positioned. However, it can be argued that the electric transition has blurred the lines between traditional segments of the car industry to some extent. The interview data do not provide evidence that any of the German car brands have substantially changed their positioning, but they do suggest that some of the case study companies did not have an adequate offering for the Chinese market at the time of the interviews. In addition, the study finds that China's transition to e-mobility has led to changes in various parts of the German automakers' value chains, including production, sales, marketing, services, research and development, and procurement. Whether these changes will ultimately result in competitive advantage, parity, or disadvantage remains to be seen.}, subject = {Institutionen{\"o}konomie}, language = {en} }