@phdthesis{Fasemore2023, author = {Fasemore, Akinyemi Mandela}, title = {Genomic and internet based analysis of \(Coxiella\) \(burnetii\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29663}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Coxiella burnetii, a Gram negative obligate intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of Q fever. It has a world wide distribution and has been documented to be capable of causing infections in several domestic animals, livestock species, and human beings. Outbreaks of Q fever are still being observed in livestock across animal farms in Europe, and primary transmission to humans still oc- curs especially in animal handlers. Public health authorities in some countries like Germany are required by law to report human acute cases denoting the significance of the challenge posed by C. burnetii to public health. In this thesis, I have developed a platform alongside methods to address the challenges of genomic analyses of C. burnetii for typing purposes. Identification of C. burnetii isolates is an important task in the laboratory as well as in the clinics and genotyping is a reliable method to identify and characterize known and novel isolates. Therefore, I designed and implemented several methods to facilitate the genotyping analyses of C. burnetii genomes in silico via a web platform. As genotyping is a data intensive process, I also included additional features such as visualization methods and databases for interpretation and storage of obtained results. I also developed a method to profile the resistome of C. burnetii isolates using a machine learning approach. Data about antibiotic resistance in C. burnetii are scarce majorly due to its lifestyle and the difficulty of cultivation in laboratory media. Alternative methods that rely on homology identification of resistance genes are also inefficient in C. burnetii, hence, I opted for a novel approach that has been shown to be promising in other bacteria species. The applied method relied on an artificial neural network as well as amino acid composition of position specific scoring matrix profile for feature extraction. The resulting model achieved an accuracy of ≈ 0.96 on test data and the overall performance was significantly higher in comparison to existing models. Finally, I analyzed two new C. burnetii isolates obtained from an outbreak in Germany, I compared the genome to the RSA 493 reference isolate and found extensive deletions across the genome landscape. This work has provided a new digital infrastructure to analyze and character- ize C. burnetii genomes that was not in existence before and it has also made a significant contribution to the existing information about antibiotic resistance genes in C. burnetii.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZeeshangebMajeed2014, author = {Zeeshan [geb. Majeed], Saman}, title = {Implementation of Bioinformatics Methods for miRNA and Metabolic Modelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Dynamic interactions and their changes are at the forefront of current research in bioinformatics and systems biology. This thesis focusses on two particular dynamic aspects of cellular adaptation: miRNA and metabolites. miRNAs have an established role in hematopoiesis and megakaryocytopoiesis, and platelet miRNAs have potential as tools for understanding basic mechanisms of platelet function. The thesis highlights the possible role of miRNAs in regulating protein translation in platelet lifespan with relevance to platelet apoptosis and identifying involved pathways and potential key regulatory molecules. Furthermore, corresponding miRNA/target mRNAs in murine platelets are identified. Moreover, key miRNAs involved in aortic aneurysm are predicted by similar techniques. The clinical relevance of miRNAs as biomarkers, targets, resulting later translational therapeutics, and tissue specific restrictors of genes expression in cardiovascular diseases is also discussed. In a second part of thesis we highlight the importance of scientific software solution development in metabolic modelling and how it can be helpful in bioinformatics tool development along with software feature analysis such as performed on metabolic flux analysis applications. We proposed the "Butterfly" approach to implement efficiently scientific software programming. Using this approach, software applications were developed for quantitative Metabolic Flux Analysis and efficient Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis (MIDA) in metabolic modelling as well as for data management. "LS-MIDA" allows easy and efficient MIDA analysis and, with a more powerful algorithm and database, the software "Isotopo" allows efficient analysis of metabolic flows, for instance in pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Listeria). All three approaches have been published (see Appendices).}, subject = {miRNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cecil2012, author = {Cecil, Alexander [geb. Schmid]}, title = {Metabolische Netzwerkanalysen f{\"u}r den Weg von xenobiotischen zu vertr{\"a}glichen antibiotischen Substanzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Durch das Auftreten neuer St{\"a}mme resistenter Krankheitserreger ist die Suche nach neuartigen Wirkstoffen gegen diese, sich st{\"a}ndig weiter ausbreitende Bedrohung, dringend notwendig. Der interdisziplin{\"a}re Sonderforschungsbereich 630 der Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg stellt sich dieser Aufgabe, indem hier neuartige Xenobiotika synthetisiert und auf ihre Wirksamkeit getestet werden. Die hier vorgelegte Dissertation f{\"u}gt sich hierbei nahtlos in die verschiedenen Fachbereiche des SFB630 ein: Sie stellt eine Schnittstelle zwischen Synthese und Analyse der Effekte der im Rahmen des SFB630 synthetisierten Isochinolinalkaloid-Derivaten. Mit den hier angewandten bioinformatischen Methoden wurden zun{\"a}chst die wichtigsten Stoffwechselwege von S. epidermidis R62A, S. aureus USA300 und menschlicher Zellen in sogenannten metabolischen Netzwerkmodellen nachgestellt. Basierend auf diesen Modellen konnten Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten f{\"u}r verschiedene Szenarien an zugesetzten Xenobiotika berechnet werden. Die hierf{\"u}r ben{\"o}tigten Daten wurden direkt aus Genexpressionsanalysen gewonnen. Die Validierung dieser Methode erfolgte durch Metabolommessungen. Hierf{\"u}r wurde S. aureus USA300 mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen von IQ-143 behandelt und gem{\"a}ß dem in dieser Dissertation vorgelegten Ernteprotokoll aufgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse hieraus lassen darauf schließen, dass IQ-143 starke Effekte auf den Komplex 1 der Atmungskette aus{\"u}bt - diese Resultate decken sich mit denen der metabolischen Netzwerkanalyse. F{\"u}r den Wirkstoff IQ-238 ergaben sich trotz der strukturellen {\"A}hnlichkeiten zu IQ-143 deutlich verschiedene Wirkeffekte: Dieser Stoff verursacht einen direkten Abfall der Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten in der Glykolyse. Dadurch konnte eine unspezifische Toxizit{\"a}t dieser Stoffe basierend auf ihrer chemischen Struktur ausgeschlossen werden. Weiterhin konnten die bereits f{\"u}r IQ-143 und IQ-238 auf Bakterien angewandten Methoden erfolgreich zur Modellierung der Effekte von Methylenblau auf verschiedene resistente St{\"a}mme von P. falciparum 3D7 angewandt werden. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass Methylenblau in einer Kombination mit anderen Pr{\"a}paraten gegen diesen Parasiten zum einen die Wirkung des Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}parates verst{\"a}rkt, zum anderen aber auch in gewissem Maße vorhandene Resistenzen gegen das Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}parat zu verringern vermag. Somit konnte durch die vorgelegte Arbeit eine Pipeline zur Identifizierung der metabolischen Effekte verschiedener Wirkstoffe auf unterschiedliche Krankheitserreger erstellt werden. Diese Pipeline kann jederzeit auf andere Organismen ausgeweitet werden und stellt somit einen wichtigen Ansatz um Netzwerkeffekte verschiedener, potentieller Medikamente aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Stoffwechsel}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Philippi2011, author = {Philippi, Nicole}, title = {Modellierung von Signalwegen in verschiedenen biologischen Systemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57690}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Apoptose der Leberzellen ist abh{\"a}ngig von externen Signalen wie beispielsweise Komponenten der Extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix sowie anderen Zell-Zell-Kontakten, welche von einer Vielfalt und Vielzahl an Knoten verarbeitet werden. Einige von ihnen wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auf ihre Systemeffekte hin unter- sucht. Trotz verschiedener {\"a}ußerer Einfl{\"u}sse und nat{\"u}rlicher Selektion ist das System daraufhin optimiert, eine kleine Anzahl verschiedener und klar voneinander unterscheidbarer Systemzust{\"a}nde anzunehmen. Die verschiedenartigen Einfl{\"u}sse und Crosstalk-Mechanismen dienen der Optimierung der vorhandenen Systemzust{\"a}nde. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Modell zeigt zwei apoptotische sowie zwei nicht-apoptotische stabile Systemzust{\"a}nde, wobei der Grad der Aktivierung eines Knotens bis zu dem Moment stark variieren kann, in welchem der absolute Systemzustand selbst ver{\"a}ndert wird (Philippi et al., BMC Systems Biology,2009) [1]. Dieses Modell stellt zwar eine Vereinfachung des gesamten zellul{\"a}ren Netzwerkes und seiner verschiedenen Zust{\"a}nde dar, ist aber trotz allem in der Lage, unabh{\"a}ngig von detaillierten kinetischen Daten und Parametern der einzelnen Knoten zu agieren. Gleichwohl erlaubt das Modell mit guter qualitativer {\"U}bereinstimmung die Apoptose als Folge einer Stimulation mit FasL zu modellieren. Weiterhin umfasst das Modell sowohl Crosstalk-M{\"o}glichkeiten des Collagen-Integrin-Signalwegs, ebenso ber{\"u}cksichtigt es die Auswirkungen der genetischen Deletion von Bid sowie die Konsequenzen einer viralen Infektion. In einem zweiten Teil werden andere Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten dargestellt. Hormonale Signale in Pflanzen, Virusinfektionen und intrazellul{\"a}re Kommunikation werden semi-quantitativ modelliert. Auch hier zeigte sich eine gute Ubereinstimmung der Modelle mit den experimentellen Daten.}, subject = {Systembiologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Blenk2007, author = {Blenk, Steffen}, title = {Bioinformatical analysis of B-cell lymphomas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Background: The frequency of the most observed cancer, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), is further rising. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the NHLs. There are two subgroups of DLBCL with different gene expression patterns: ABC ("Activated B-like DLBCL") and GCB ("Germinal Center B-like DLBCL"). Without therapy the patients often die within a few months, the ABC type exhibits the more aggressive behaviour. A further B-cell lymphoma is the Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). It is rare and shows very poor prognosis. There is no cure yet. Methods: In this project these B-cell lymphomas were examined with methods from bioinformatics, to find new characteristics or undiscovered events on the molecular level. This would improve understanding and therapy of lymphomas. For this purpose we used survival, gene expression and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data. In some clinical studies, you get large data sets, from which one can reveal yet unknown trends. Results (MCL): The published proliferation signature correlates directly with survival. Exploratory analyses of gene expression and CGH data of MCL samples (n=71) revealed a valid grouping according to the median of the proliferation signature values. The second axis of correspondence analysis distinguishes between good and bad prognosis. Statistical testing (moderate t-test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) showed differences in the cell cycle and delivered a network of kinases, which are responsible for the difference between good and bad prognosis. A set of seven genes (CENPE, CDC20, HPRT1, CDC2, BIRC5, ASPM, IGF2BP3) predicted, similarly well, survival patterns as proliferation signature with 20 genes. Furthermore, some bands could be associated with prognosis in the explorative analysis (chromosome 9: 9p24, 9p23, 9p22, 9p21, 9q33 and 9q34). Results (DLBCL): New normalization of gene expression data of DLBCL patients revealed better separation of risk groups by the 2002 published signature based predictor. We could achieve, similarly well, a separation with six genes. Exploratory analysis of gene expression data could confirm the subgroups ABC and GCB. We recognized a clear difference in early and late cell cycle stages of cell cycle genes, which can separate ABC and GCB. Classical lymphoma and best separating genes form a network, which can classify and explain the ABC and GCB groups. Together with gene sets which identify ABC and GCB we get a network, which can classify and explain the ABC and GCB groups (ASB13, BCL2, BCL6, BCL7A, CCND2, COL3A1, CTGF, FN1, FOXP1, IGHM, IRF4, LMO2, LRMP, MAPK10, MME, MYBL1, NEIL1 and SH3BP5; Altogether these findings are useful for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy (cytostatic drugs).}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pils2005, author = {Pils, Birgit}, title = {Insights into the evolution of protein domains give rise to improvements of function prediction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-16805}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The growing number of uncharacterised sequences in public databases has turned the prediction of protein function into a challenging research field. Traditional annotation methods are often error-prone due to the small subset of proteins with experimentally verified function. Goal of this thesis was to analyse the function and evolution of protein domains in order to understand molecular processes in the cell. The focus was on signalling domains of little understood function, as well as on functional sites of protein domains in general. Glucosaminidases (GlcNAcases) represent key enzymes in signal transduction pathways. Together with glucosamine transferases, they serve as molecular switches, similar to kinases and phosphatases. Little was known about the molecular function and structure of the GlcNAcases. In this thesis, the GlcNAcases were identified as remote homologues of N-acetyltransferases. By comparing the homologous sequences, I was able to predict functional sites of the GlcNAcase family and to identify the GlcNAcases as the first family member of the acetyltransferase superfamily with a distinct catalytic mechanism, which is not involved in the transfer of acetyl groups. In a similar approach, the sensor domain of a plant hormone receptor was studied. I was able to predict putative ligand-binding sites by comparing evolutionary constraints in functionally diverged subfamilies. Most of the putative ligand-binding sites have been experimentally confirmed in the meantime. Due to the importance of enzymes involved in cellular signalling, it seems impossible to find substitutions of catalytic amino acids that turn them catalytically inactive. Nevertheless, by scanning catalytic positions of the protein tyrosine phosphatase families, I found many inactive domains among single domain and tandem domain phosphatases in metazoan proteomes. In addition, I found that inactive phosphatases are conserved throughout evolution, which led to the question about the function of these catalytically inactive phosphatase domains. An analysis of evolutionary site rates of amino acid substitutions revealed a cluster of conserved residues in the apparently redundant domain of tandem phosphatases. This putative regulatory center might be responsible for the experimentally verified dimerization of the active and inactive domain in order to control the catalytic activity of the active phosphatase domain. Moreover, I detected a subgroup of inactive phosphatases, which presumably functions in substrate recognition, based on different evolutionary site rates within the phosphatase family. The characterization of these new regulatory modules in the phosphatase family raised the question whether inactivation of enzymes is a more general evolutionary mechanism to enlarge signalling pathways and whether inactive domains are also found in other enzyme families. A large-scale analysis of substitutions at catalytic positions of enzymatic domains was performed in this work. I identified many domains with inactivating substitutions in various enzyme families. Signalling domains harbour a particular high occurrence of catalytically inactive domains indicating that these domains have evolved to modulate existing regulatory pathways. Furthermore, it was shown that inactivation of enzymes by single substitutions happened multiple times independently in evolution. The surprising variability of amino acids at catalytic positions was decisive for a subsequent analysis of the diversity of functional sites in general. Using functional residues extracted from structural complexes I could show that functional sites of protein domains do not only vary in their type of amino acid but also in their structural location within the domain. In the process of evolution, protein domains have arisen from duplication events and subsequently adapted to new binding partners and developed new functions, which is reflected in the high variability of functional sites. However, great differences exist between domain families. The analysis demonstrated that functional sites of nuclear domains are more conserved than functional sites of extracellular domains. Furthermore, the type of ligand influences the degree of conservation, for example ion binding sites are more conserved than peptide binding sites. The work presented in this thesis has led to the detection of functional sites in various protein domains involved in signalling pathways and it has resulted in insights into the molecular function of those domains. In addition, properties of functional sites of protein domains were revealed. This knowledge can be used in the future to improve the prediction of protein function and to identify functional sites of proteins.}, subject = {Dom{\"a}ne }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FadlElMola2003, author = {Fadl El Mola, Faisal Mohamed}, title = {Bioinformatic and molecular approaches for the analysis of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transcriptome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {There is substantial interest in the identification of genes underlying susceptibility to complex human diseases because of the potential utility of such genes in disease prediction and therapy. The complex age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of legal blindness in industrialized countries and predominantly affects the elderly population over 75 years of age. Although vision loss in AMD results from photoreceptor cell death in the central retina, the initial pathogenesis likely involves processes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Liang and Godley, 2003). The goal of the current study was to identify and characterize genes specifically or abundantly expressed in the RPE in order to determine more comprehensively the transcriptome of the RPE. In addition, our aim was to assess the role of these genes in AMD pathogenesis. Towards this end, a bovine cDNA library enriched for RPE transcripts was constructed in-house using a PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique (Diatchenko et al., 1996, 1999), which normalizes for sequence abundance and achieves high enrichment for differentially expressed genes. CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) was used to assemble the high quality sequences of all the 2379 ESTs into clusters or singletons. 1.2\% of the 2379 RPE-ESTs contains vector sequences and was excluded from further analysis. 5\% of the RPE-ESTs showed homology to multipe chromosomes and were not included in further assembly process. The rest of the ESTs (2245) were assembled into 175 contigs and 509 singletons, which revealed approximately 684 unique genes in the dataset. Out of the 684, 343 bovine RPE transcripts did not align to their human orthologues. A large fraction of clones were shown to include a considerable 3´untranslated regions of the gene that are not conserved between bovine and human. It is the coding regions that can be conserved between bovine and human and not the 3' UTR (Sharma et al., 2002). Therefore, more sequencing from the cDNA library with reclustering of those 343 ESTs together with continuous blasting might reveal their human orthologoues. To handle the large volume of data that the RPE cDNA library project has generated a highly efficient and user-friendly RDBMS was designed. Using RDBMS data storage can be managed efficiently and flexibly. The RDBMS allows displaying the results in query-based form and report format with additional annotations, links and search functions. Out of the 341 known and predicted genes identified in this study, 2 were further analyzed. The RPE or/and retina specificity of these two clones were further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis in adult human tissues. Construction of a single nucleotide polymphism (SNP) map was initiated as a first step in future case/control association studies. SNP genotyping was carried out for one of these two clones (RPE01-D2, now known as RDH12). 12 SNPs were identified from direct sequencing of the 23.4-kb region, of which 5 are of high frequency. In a next step, comparison of allele frequencies between AMD patients and healthy controls is required. Completion of the expression analysis for other predicted genes identified during this study is in progress using real time RT-PCR and will provide additional candidate genes for further analyses. This study is expected to contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of RPE function and to clarify the role of the RPE-expressed genes in the predisposition to AMD. It may also help reveal the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in the development of AMD or other retinal dystrophies.}, subject = {Senile Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} }