@phdthesis{Aulenbach2014, author = {Aulenbach, Julia}, title = {T-Zell-Zytokinexpression bei gestillten vs. nicht-gestillten Kindern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117775}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Das Bestreben, den Aufbau, die Funktion sowie die Entwicklung des Immunsystems zu verstehen, steht schon lange Zeit im Zentrum des Interesses vieler Forschungsarbeiten, insbesondere um auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse neue Behandlungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r immunologisch relevante Krankheitsbilder zu entwickeln. Stillen k{\"o}nnte ein wichtiger Faktor sein, der bei der Entwicklung und Differenzierung von T-Zell-Subpopulationen und Zytokinmustern im S{\"a}uglings- und Kindesalter eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. Die Zielsetzung der hier vorgelegten Promotionsarbeit war es, den potentiellen Effekt des Faktors Stillen auf die Entwicklung, die Verteilung und die Differenzierung von Zell-populationen sowie die Expression von Zytokinen bei gesunden Kindern zu untersuchen. Dies geschah insbesondere im Hinblick auf einen m{\"o}glicherweise vorhandenen Shift der relativen Verteilung der TH1- und TH2-Zytokinen, da in retrospektiven Kohortenstudien bereits gezeigt werden konnte, dass gestillte Kinder eine geringere Anf{\"a}lligkeit gegen{\"u}ber schwerwiegenden bakteriellen Infektionen (BACHRACH ET AL., 2003) sowie einer verminderten Inzidenz von Autoimmunerkrankungen (KOLETZKO ET AL., 1989; PISACANE ET AL., 1994) aufweisen. Die Studienkohorte bestand aus 196 gesunden Kindern im Alter zwischen 26 Tagen und 12 Jahren und 352 Tagen. Diese wurde in vier Altersgruppen unterteilt (<1, 1- <3, 3- <6 und 6-<13 Jahre) und mittels eines Fragebogens im Hinblick auf ein m{\"o}glicherweise vorhandenes Bias bez{\"u}glich exogener Einflussfaktoren wie Impfungen, Nikotinexposition (FELESZKO ET AL., 2006) und allergische Erkrankungen in der Familie (HRD{\´Y} ET AL., 2010), die in diesem Zusammenhang diskutiert werden, {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dabei zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unter-schiede zwischen den Gruppen. Alle immunologischen Parameter wurden in peripherem, heparinisiertem Blut ermittelt. Zun{\"a}chst wurde mittels Durchflusszytometrie (FACS) eine Ph{\"a}notypisierung, anhand von antik{\"o}rpermarkierten Oberfl{\"a}chenantigenen der T-, B- und NK-Zellpopulationen („Immun-status"), durchgef{\"u}hrt. Des Weiteren wurden die mononuklearen Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMC) mittels PMA und Ionomycin stimuliert und die Zytokinsekretion durch Brefeldin blockiert. Durch FACS-Analyse wurde die nach 20-24 st{\"u}ndiger Anregung in der Kultur vorhandene intrazellul{\"a}rer Zytokinexpression von IL2, IFNγ, TNFα, IL4, IL10, TGFβ und IL17 in den T-Zellpopulationen ermittelt. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde der Quotient aus IFNγ und IL4 berechnet, um das Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen TH1 und TH2 zu analysieren. Das Datenmaterial zeigt die Entwicklung der T-Zell-Subpopulationen mit dem Alter. Junge Kinder zeigen eine durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) bzw. TH0-Zellen vorherrschende TGFβ und IL2-Expression, w{\"a}hrend {\"a}ltere Kinder das gesamte Repertoire an TH1 (IFNγ, TNFα) und TH2-Zytokinen (IL4), insbesondere durch T-Ged{\"a}chtniszellen, exprimieren. Diese Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten bereits zuvor beschriebene - vom Faktor Stillen unabh{\"a}ngige - altersabh{\"a}ngige Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zellpopulationen und der Zytokinexpression. Aus diesem Grund konnte von einer „normalen Verteilung" der Studienkohorte ausgegangen werden. Zwischen gestillten und nicht-gestillten Kindern hat sich gezeigt, dass sich die Gr{\"o}ße und das Verh{\"a}ltnis der {\"u}bergeordneten Zellpopulationen (T-Helferzellen, zytotoxische T-Zellen) sowie die Reifung der T-Zellen (naive T-Zellen, T-Ged{\"a}chtniszellen) bezogen auf das Alter nicht unterscheiden. Hingegen zeigt der Faktor Stillen in der Tat einen Einfluss auf die TH1/TH2-Balance. Bei gestillten Kindern l{\"a}sst sich eine st{\"a}rkere Gewichtung in Richtung der TH2-Zytokine feststellen (niedrigere IFNγ/IL4-Ratio), so dass davon auszugehen ist, dass Stillen einen so genannten TH2-Shift induziert. Dieses gegen{\"u}ber nicht-gestillten Kindern „verschobene" Gleichgewicht bleibt bis zur Altersgruppe der 6-13 J{\"a}hrigen konstant. Gestillte Kinder haben zudem, im Vergleich zu Formula-ern{\"a}hrten Kindern, ein h{\"o}heres Verm{\"o}gen TH1-Zytokine wie TNFα und IFNγ zwischen dem dritten und sechsten Lebensjahr zu bilden. Diese Daten entsprechen nicht einem vorherrschenden TH2-Muster und einer Allergiedisposition, aber sie k{\"o}nnen die geringere Inzidenz von bakteriellen Infektionen im Vorschulalter (TH1-Antworten ben{\"o}tigt) und von TH1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen bei gestillten Kindern erkl{\"a}ren. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse wird deutlich, dass Muttermilch einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf das Immunsystem hat. Insbesondere konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Einfluss der Muttermilchern{\"a}hrung {\"u}ber den eigentlichen Zeitraum des Stillens hinausreicht. Eine Pr{\"a}gung des Immunsystems durch die Muttermilch, w{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Kindheit, erscheint deshalb sehr wahrscheinlich. Diese Ergebnisse sollten selbstverst{\"a}ndlich durch weiterreichende Studien, die eventuell vorhandene weitere St{\"o}rgr{\"o}ßen wie genetische Pr{\"a}dispositionen oder auch Umwelttoxine einschließen, verifiziert werden. Zudem w{\"a}re es von Interesse welche in der Muttermilch enthaltene Stoffe zu diesem TH2-Shift beitragen oder ob es sich bei den Einflussfaktoren vielmehr um in der Muttermilch nicht enthaltene Stoffe handelt, die in Formula-Nahrung enthalten sind, wie zum Beispiel Kuhmilchantigene. Schlussendlich bleibt festzuhalten, dass Muttermilch erwiesene positive Vorteile mit sich bringt, wie geringere Infektionsraten (Atemwegsinfektionen, Otitis media) und eine Risiko-verminderung f{\"u}r bestimmte Erkrankungen (Diabetes mellitus Typ1, Morbus Crohn, Multiple Sklerose) im sp{\"a}teren Leben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit k{\"o}nnen best{\"a}tigen, dass das Stillen mit Muttermilch tats{\"a}chlich einen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des individuellen Immunsystems hat, der auch nach dem Abstillen weiter anh{\"a}lt. Eine wichtige Rolle kann diese Erkenntnis bei der Beratung werdender M{\"u}tter spielen, gerade in Hinblick auf ein gegebenenfalls erh{\"o}htes endogenes famili{\"a}res Risiko f{\"u}r beispielsweise Autoimmunerkrankungen. Folgearbeiten sind sicher w{\"u}nschenswert, um den pathophysiologischen Hintergrund dieser beobachteten Daten besser zu verstehen.}, subject = {Zytokine}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Emmert2010, author = {Emmert, Wulf-Kristian}, title = {Rachitis-{\"a}hnliche Symptome bei nigerianischen Kindern aus der Ethnie der Gbagyi in der s{\"u}dwestlichen Region Kadunas: Identifizierung des biochemischen Defekts, Sammeln von epidemiologischen Daten und Beschreibung des klinischen Bildes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48354}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Zielsetzung: In einer Population im Westen der nigerianischen Stadt Kaduna wurden seit 20-30 Jahren vermehrt Kinder mit einer deformierenden Knochenerkrankung registriert. Ziel der Studie war, eine Diagnose zu stellen und Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Erkrankung zu identifizieren. Studiendesign: 26 Familien aus 20 D{\"o}rfern wurden in die Studie einbezogen. In einer nicht-randomisierten Fall-Kontroll-Studie wurden 53 erkrankte Kinder mit 48 gesunden sowie 16 fraglich erkrankten Geschwistern anhand ihrer Ergebnisse aus Anamnese, klinischer Untersuchung und Laborchemie miteinander verglichen. Ebenfalls wurden Daten von 24 V{\"a}tern und 36 M{\"u}ttern ausgewertet. Weitere Untersuchungen umfassten Ern{\"a}hrung, Anthropometrie, Umweltfaktoren und Genetik der teilnehmenden Familien. Ergebnisse: Die betroffenen Kinder wiesen deutliche Rachitissymptome auf, bei allen lag eine Kalzium-defiziente Rachitis vor. Zwischen den Laborergebnissen von Fall- und Kontrollgruppe bestanden signifikante Unterschiede, nicht jedoch zwischen der Gruppe der fraglichen F{\"a}lle und der Kontrollgruppe. In der Fallgruppe waren die Serumspiegel von Kalzium und 25-Vit. D signifikant niedriger, die Serumspiegel von 1,25-Vit. D, ALP und PTH signifikant h{\"o}her als in der Kontrollgruppe. Bei den Eltern zeigten die M{\"u}tter insbesondere in der Stillzeit signifikant niedrigere Kalzium- und signifikant h{\"o}here 1,25- Vit. D- und PTH-Serumspiegel als die V{\"a}ter. Als Ursache f{\"u}r den Kalziummangel der Studienteilnehmer konnte eine kalziumarme und phytatreiche Di{\"a}t der Familien identifiziert werden. Hinweise auf einen gesunkenen Lebensstandard und eine Abnahme der Bodenqualit{\"a}t erkl{\"a}ren die in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark gestiegene Pr{\"a}valenz der Erkrankung. Bei weitgehend gleichen Ern{\"a}hrungs- und Umweltfaktoren innerhalb einer Familie konnten keine individuellen Faktoren identifiziert werden, die bei einzelnen Familienmitgliedern zum Ausbruch der Erkrankung f{\"u}hrten. Trotz einzelner Hinweise auf eine m{\"o}gliche genetische Pr{\"a}disposition war kein einheitliches Vererbungsmuster in den Stammb{\"a}umen der Familien erkennbar. Schlussfolgerung: Neben dem Hauptfaktor einer kalziumarmen Ern{\"a}hrung m{\"u}ssen weitere Faktoren f{\"u}r eine Kalzium-defiziente Rachitis vorliegen. Mehrere Hinweise deuten auf eine multifaktorielle Genese der Erkrankung hin. Die noch offenstehenden Fragen sollten durch weitere Studien gekl{\"a}rt werden, um die richtigen Maßnahmen f{\"u}r Pr{\"a}vention und Therapie zu treffen.}, subject = {Rachitis}, language = {de} } @article{GrundMuellerRuedenauerSpaetheetal.2020, author = {Grund-Mueller, Nils and Ruedenauer, Fabian A. and Spaethe, Johannes and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Adding amino acids to a sucrose diet is not sufficient to support longevity of adult bumble bees}, series = {Insects}, volume = {11}, journal = {Insects}, number = {4}, issn = {2075-4450}, doi = {10.3390/insects11040247}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203866}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Dietary macro-nutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, protein, and fat) are important for bee larval development and, thus, colony health and fitness. To which extent different diets (varying in macro-nutrient composition) affect adult bees and whether they can thrive on nectar as the sole amino acid source has, however, been little investigated. We investigated how diets varying in protein concentration and overall nutrient composition affected consumption, longevity, and breeding behavior of the buff-tailed bumble bee, Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Queenless micro-colonies were fed either natural nutrient sources (pollen), nearly pure protein (i.e., the milk protein casein), or sucrose solutions with low and with high essential amino acid content in concentrations as can be found in nectar. We observed micro-colonies for 110 days. We found that longevity was highest for pure pollen and lowest for pure sucrose solution and sucrose solution supplemented with amino acids in concentrations as found in the nectar of several plant species. Adding higher concentrations of amino acids to sucrose solution did only slightly increase longevity compared to sucrose alone. Consequently, sucrose solution with the applied concentrations and proportions of amino acids or other protein sources (e.g., casein) alone did not meet the nutritional needs of healthy adult bumble bees. In fact, longevity was highest and reproduction only successful in micro-colonies fed pollen. These results indicate that, in addition to carbohydrates and protein, adult bumble bees, like larvae, need further nutrients (e.g., lipids and micro-nutrients) for their well-being. An appropriate nutritional composition seemed to be best provided by floral pollen, suggesting that pollen is an essential dietary component not only for larvae but also for adult bees.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HoeggerXiao2015, author = {H{\"o}gger, Petra and Xiao, Jianbo}, title = {Abstracts of the International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121585}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (ISPMF2015), organized by the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) and the Phytochemical Society of Asia (PSA), was held June 26-29, 2015, in Shanghai of China. This was the first time that a PSE meeting has been held in Asia and a PSE-PSA joint symposium provided an opportunity for communication between scientists from Europe and Asia and other continents. ISPMF2015 has been jointly sponsored by Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Guizhou Medical University, Shanghai Normal University, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University, and Fudan University. More than 270 scientists from 48 countries attended this meeting and presented their research and opinions on phytochemistry, phytomedicine and phytoneering. The international organizing committee and scientific advisory board of ISPMF 2015 comprised of outstanding scientists from around the globe. Dr. Jianbo Xiao was the chairman of the International Organizing Committee of ISPMF2015 and moderated the open address on June 26. The organizing committee of ISPMF2015 assembled an exciting and diverse program, featuring 16 sessions including 12 plenary lectures, 20 invited talks, 55 short oral presentations, and more than 130 posters, which were dedicated to creating a podium for exchanging the latest research results in the phytochemicals for food and human health.}, language = {en} } @article{Jacka2013, author = {Jacka, Felice N.}, title = {Nutritional Psychiatry: Inaugural Meeting in Tokyo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101072}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR). It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to join with colleagues working in this new and exciting field of research. Although there has long been interest in the links between nutritional deficiencies and psychiatric illness, as well as interest in the role of food allergies in such illnesses, the last five years has seen a significant and notable growth in this nascent field of research, with an accompanying impact on the viewpoints and practices of scientists and clinicians working in mental health. In my particular field of interest - that of the role of overall dietary quality in the common mental disorders, depression and anxiety - there has been an exponential growth in the literature since the end of 2009. It is exciting and gratifying to see concordant results from across the globe, in young children and adolescents through to older adults, and from countries as diverse as Norway and Taiwan. The study of the efficacy of nutritional interventions in psychiatric illness is also developing rapidly, with high quality randomised controlled trials now being conducted in multiple settings and with outcomes that include cognition as well as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Another important development in this field is the rapidly growing recognition that nutrition is of central importance in the risk for cognitive decline and dementia. As this new recognition filters through to clinical researchers, I look forward to seeing new interventions in this area. Another area of research with significant interest and activity grows from the understanding of the centrality of physical health to mental health and vice versa. There are many nutrition researchers, dietitians and other health practitioners working to address the physical health of patients with mental illness; acting on the recognition that physical and mental health are closely related and mutually reinforcing. There is no doubt that the formation of an international society is timely; we now have the opportunity to join forces to share knowledge and build important collaborations. Building capacity in this field by sharing our knowledge with students and early career researchers will be another important activity of our society, as will building the credibility of nutritional psychiatry research through a clear understanding and implementation of best practice scientific methodology. I welcome each of you to extend the invitation to join our new ISNPR to colleagues and students in your networks. I would also encourage you to contribute to the discussions and sharing of knowledge by contributing short pieces to our newsletter, which will be disseminated by the end of this year. For those who are unable to attend this year's meeting, we hope that 2014 may present a possibility for attendance. Our aim is conduct our first Annual General Meeting before the end of July 2013 via teleconference and I welcome agenda items from those interested. With very best wishes Felice Jacka President ISNPR}, subject = {Omega-3-Fetts{\"a}uren}, language = {en} } @article{MengerLeeNotzetal.2022, author = {Menger, Johannes and Lee, Zheng-Yii and Notz, Quirin and Wallqvist, Julia and Hasan, M. Shahnaz and Elke, Gunnar and Dworschak, Martin and Meybohm, Patrick and Heyland, Daren K. and Stoppe, Christian}, title = {Administration of vitamin D and its metabolites in critically ill adult patients: an updated systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials}, series = {Critical Care}, volume = {26}, journal = {Critical Care}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1186/s13054-022-04139-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299700}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background The clinical significance of vitamin D administration in critically ill patients remains inconclusive. The purpose of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to investigate the effect of vitamin D and its metabolites on major clinical outcomes in critically ill patients, including a subgroup analysis based on vitamin D status and route of vitamin D administration. Methods Major databases were searched through February 9, 2022. Randomized controlled trials of adult critically ill patients with an intervention group receiving vitamin D or its metabolites were included. Random-effect meta-analyses were performed to estimate the pooled risk ratio (dichotomized outcomes) or mean difference (continuous outcomes). Risk of bias assessment included the Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials. Results Sixteen randomized clinical trials with 2449 patients were included. Vitamin D administration was associated with lower overall mortality (16 studies: risk ratio 0.78, 95\% confidence interval 0.62-0.97, p = 0.03; I2 = 30\%), reduced intensive care unit length of stay (12 studies: mean difference - 3.13 days, 95\% CI - 5.36 to - 0.89, n = 1250, p = 0.006; I2 = 70\%), and shorter duration of mechanical ventilation (9 studies: mean difference - 5.07 days, 95\% CI - 7.42 to - 2.73, n = 572, p < 0.0001; I2 = 54\%). Parenteral administration was associated with a greater effect on overall mortality than enteral administration (test of subgroup differences, p = 0.04), whereas studies of parenteral subgroups had lower quality. There were no subgroup differences based on baseline vitamin D levels. Conclusions Vitamin D supplementation in critically ill patients may reduce mortality. Parenteral administration might be associated with a greater impact on mortality. Heterogeneity and assessed certainty among the studies limits the generalizability of the results.}, language = {en} } @article{RuedenauerRaubenheimerKessnerBeierleinetal.2020, author = {Ruedenauer, Fabian A. and Raubenheimer, David and Kessner-Beierlein, Daniela and Grund-Mueller, Nils and Noack, Lisa and Spaethe, Johannes and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Best be(e) on low fat: linking nutrient perception, regulation and fitness}, series = {Ecology Letters}, volume = {23}, journal = {Ecology Letters}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/ele.13454}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208709}, pages = {545-554}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Preventing malnutrition through consuming nutritionally appropriate resources represents a challenge for foraging animals. This is due to often high variation in the nutritional quality of available resources. Foragers consequently need to evaluate different food sources. However, even the same food source can provide a plethora of nutritional and non-nutritional cues, which could serve for quality assessment. We show that bumblebees, Bombus terrestris , overcome this challenge by relying on lipids as nutritional cue when selecting pollen. The bees 'prioritised' lipid perception in learning experiments and avoided lipid consumption in feeding experiments, which supported survival and reproduction. In contrast, survival and reproduction were severely reduced by increased lipid contents. Our study highlights the importance of fat regulation for pollen foraging bumblebees. It also reveals that nutrient perception, nutrient regulation and reproductive fitness can be linked, which represents an effective strategy enabling quick foraging decisions that prevent malnutrition and maximise fitness.}, language = {en} } @article{RoemerAguilarMeyeretal.2022, author = {R{\"o}mer, Daniela and Aguilar, Gonzalo Pacheco and Meyer, Annika and Roces, Flavio}, title = {Symbiont demand guides resource supply: leaf-cutting ants preferentially deliver their harvested fragments to undernourished fungus gardens}, series = {The Science of Nature}, volume = {109}, journal = {The Science of Nature}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1007/s00114-022-01797-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325080}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Leaf-cutting ants are highly successful herbivores in the Neotropics. They forage large amounts of fresh plant material to nourish a symbiotic fungus that sustains the colony. It is unknown how workers organize the intra-nest distribution of resources, and whether they respond to increasing demands in some fungus gardens by adjusting the amount of delivered resources accordingly. In laboratory experiments, we analyzed the spatial distribution of collected leaf fragments among nest chambers in Acromyrmex ambiguus leaf-cutting ants, and how it changed when one of the fungus gardens experienced undernourishment. Plant fragments were evenly distributed among nest chambers when the fungal symbiont was well nourished. That pattern changed when one of the fungus gardens was undernourished and had a higher leaf demand, resulting in more leaf discs delivered to the undernourished fungus garden over at least 2 days after deprivation. Some ants bypassed nourished gardens to directly deliver their resource to the chamber with higher nutritional demand. We hypothesize that cues arising from that chamber might be used for orientation and/or that informed individuals, presumably stemming from the undernourished chamber, may preferentially orient to them.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruedenauer2021, author = {R{\"u}denauer, Fabian}, title = {Nutrition facts of pollen: nutritional quality and how it affects reception and perception in bees}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21254}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212548}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Nutrients belong to the key elements enabling life and influencing an organism's fitness. The intake of nutrients in the right amounts and ratios can increase fitness; strong deviations from the optimal intake target can decrease fitness. Hence, the ability to assess the nutritional profile of food would benefit animals. To achieve this, they need the according nutrient receptors, the ability to interpret the receptor information via perceptive mechanisms, and the ability to adjust their foraging behavior accordingly. Additionally, eventually existing correlations between the nutrient groups and single nutrient compounds in food could help them to achieve this adjustment. A prominent interaction between food and consumer is the interaction between flowering plants (angiosperms) and animal pollinators. Usually both of the interacting partners benefit from this mutualistic interaction. Plants are pollinated while pollinators get a (most of the times) nutritional reward in form of nectar and/or pollen. As similar interactions between plants and animals seem to have existed even before the emergence of angiosperms, these interactions between insects and angiosperms very likely have co-evolved right from their evolutionary origin. Therefore, insect pollinators with the ability to assess the nutritional profile may have shaped the nutritional profile of plant species depending on them for their reproduction via selection pressure. In Chapter I of this thesis the pollen nutritional profile of many plant species was analyzed in the context of their phylogeny and their dependence on insect pollinators. In addition, correlations between the nutrients were investigated. While the impact of phylogeny on the pollen protein content was little, the mutual outcome of both of the studies included in this chapter is that protein content of pollen is mostly influenced by the plant's dependence on insect pollinators. Several correlations found between nutrients within and between the nutrient groups could additionally help the pollinators to assess the nutrient profile of pollen. An important prerequisite for this assessment would be that the pollinators are able to differentiate between pollen of different plant species. Therefore, in Chapter II it was investigated whether bees have this ability. Specifically, it was investigated whether honeybees are able to differentiate between pollen of two different, but closely related plant species and whether bumblebees prefer one out of three pollen mixes, when they were fed with only one of them as larvae. Honeybees indeed were able to differentiate between the pollen species and bumblebees preferred one of the pollen mixes to the pollen mix they were fed as larvae, possibly due to its nutritional content. Therefore, the basis for pollen nutrient assessment is given in bees. However, there also was a slight preference for the pollen fed as larvae compared to another non-preferred pollen mix, at least hinting at the retention of larval memory in adult bumblebees. Chapter III looks into nutrient perception of bumblebees more in detail. Here it was shown that they are principally able to perceive amino acids and differentiate between them as well as different concentrations of the same amino acid. However, they do not seem to be able to assess the amino acid content in pollen or do not focus on it, but instead seem to focus on fatty acids, for which they could not only perceive concentration differences, but also were able to differentiate between. These findings were supported by feeding experiments in which the bumblebees did not prefer any of the pollen diets containing less or more amino acids but preferred pollen with less fatty acids. In no choice feeding experiments, bumblebees receiving a diet with high fatty acid content accepted undereating other nutrients instead of overeating fat, leading to increased mortality and the inability to reproduce. Hence, the importance of fat in pollen needs to be looked into further. In conclusion, this thesis shows that the co-evolution of flowering plants and pollinating insects could be even more pronounced than thought before. Insects do not only pressure the plants to produce high quality nectar, but also pressure those plants depending on insect pollination to produce high quality pollen. The reason could be the insects' ability to receive and perceive certain nutrients, which enables them to forage selectively leading to a higher reproductive success of plants with a pollinator-suitable nutritional pollen profile.}, subject = {Pollen}, language = {en} } @article{SchilcherHilsmannAnkenbrandetal.2022, author = {Schilcher, Felix and Hilsmann, Lioba and Ankenbrand, Markus J. and Krischke, Markus and Mueller, Martin J. and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Scheiner, Ricarda}, title = {Honeybees are buffered against undernourishment during larval stages}, series = {Frontiers in Insect Science}, volume = {2}, journal = {Frontiers in Insect Science}, issn = {2673-8600}, doi = {10.3389/finsc.2022.951317}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304646}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The negative impact of juvenile undernourishment on adult behavior has been well reported for vertebrates, but relatively little is known about invertebrates. In honeybees, nutrition has long been known to affect task performance and timing of behavioral transitions. Whether and how a dietary restriction during larval development affects the task performance of adult honeybees is largely unknown. We raised honeybees in-vitro, varying the amount of a standardized diet (150 µl, 160 µl, 180 µl in total). Emerging adults were marked and inserted into established colonies. Behavioral performance of nurse bees and foragers was investigated and physiological factors known to be involved in the regulation of social organization were quantified. Surprisingly, adult honeybees raised under different feeding regimes did not differ in any of the behaviors observed. No differences were observed in physiological parameters apart from weight. Honeybees were lighter when undernourished (150 µl), while they were heavier under the overfed treatment (180 µl) compared to the control group raised under a normal diet (160 µl). These data suggest that dietary restrictions during larval development do not affect task performance or physiology in this social insect despite producing clear effects on adult weight. We speculate that possible effects of larval undernourishment might be compensated during the early period of adult life.}, language = {en} } @article{SchreierBinnsHoeggeretal.2013, author = {Schreier, Peter and Binns, Colin and H{\"o}gger, Petra and Wu, Dayong}, title = {It began with citrus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74918}, year = {2013}, abstract = {First Editorial of Open Access Journal "Nutrition and Medicine (NUME)" published by W{\"u}rzburg University Press: http://nume.de}, subject = {Ern{\"a}hrung}, language = {en} } @article{SchreierBinnsWu2014, author = {Schreier, Peter and Binns, Colin and Wu, Dayong}, title = {To surrender or to persevere?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101096}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Second Editorial of Open Access Journal "Nutrition and Medicine (NUME)" published by W{\"u}rzburg University Press: http://nume.de}, subject = {Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten}, language = {en} } @article{SprengerMuesseHartkeetal.2021, author = {Sprenger, Philipp P. and M{\"u}sse, Christian and Hartke, Juliane and Feldmeyer, Barbara and Schmitt, Thomas and Gebauer, Gerhard and Menzel, Florian}, title = {Dinner with the roommates: trophic niche differentiation and competition in a mutualistic ant-ant association}, series = {Ecological Entomology}, volume = {46}, journal = {Ecological Entomology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1111/een.13002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228215}, pages = {562 -- 572}, year = {2021}, abstract = {1. The potential for competition is highest among species in close association. Despite net benefits for both parties, mutualisms can involve costs, including food competition. This might be true for the two neotropical ants Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior, which share the same nest in a presumably mutualistic association (parabiosis). 2. While each nest involves one Crematogaster and one Camponotus partner, both taxa were recently found to comprise two cryptic species that show no partner preferences and seem ecologically similar. Since these cryptic species often occur in close sympatry, they might need to partition their niches to avoid competitive exclusion. 3. Here, we investigated first, is there interference competition between parabiotic Camponotus and Crematogaster, and do they prefer different food sources under competition? And second, is there trophic niche partitioning between the cryptic species of either genus? 4. Using cafeteria experiments, neutral lipid fatty acid and stable isotope analyses, we found evidence for interference competition, but also trophic niche partitioning between Camponotus and Crematogaster. Both preferred protein- and carbohydrate-rich baits, but at protein-rich baits Ca. femoratus displaced Cr. levior over time, suggesting a potential discovery-dominance trade-off between parabiotic partners. Only limited evidence was found for trophic differentiation between the cryptic species of each genus. 5. Although we cannot exclude differentiation in other niche dimensions, we argue that neutral dynamics might mediate the coexistence of cryptic species. This model system is highly suitable for further studies of the maintenance of species diversity and the role of mutualisms in promoting species coexistence.}, language = {en} } @article{SteijvenSpaetheSteffanDewenteretal.2017, author = {Steijven, Karin and Spaethe, Johannes and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and H{\"a}rtel, Stephan}, title = {Learning performance and brain structure of artificially-reared honey bees fed with different quantities of food}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {5}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e3858}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.3858}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170137}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background Artificial rearing of honey bee larvae is an established method which enables to fully standardize the rearing environment and to manipulate the supplied diet to the brood. However, there are no studies which compare learning performance or neuroanatomic differences of artificially-reared (in-lab) bees in comparison with their in-hive reared counterparts. Methods Here we tested how different quantities of food during larval development affect body size, brain morphology and learning ability of adult honey bees. We used in-lab rearing to be able to manipulate the total quantity of food consumed during larval development. After hatching, a subset of the bees was taken for which we made 3D reconstructions of the brains using confocal laser-scanning microscopy. Learning ability and memory formation of the remaining bees was tested in a differential olfactory conditioning experiment. Finally, we evaluated how bees reared with different quantities of artificial diet compared to in-hive reared bees. Results Thorax and head size of in-lab reared honey bees, when fed the standard diet of 160 µl or less, were slightly smaller than hive bees. The brain structure analyses showed that artificially reared bees had smaller mushroom body (MB) lateral calyces than their in-hive counterparts, independently of the quantity of food they received. However, they showed the same total brain size and the same associative learning ability as in-hive reared bees. In terms of mid-term memory, but not early long-term memory, they performed even better than the in-hive control. Discussion We have demonstrated that bees that are reared artificially (according to the Aupinel protocol) and kept in lab-conditions perform the same or even better than their in-hive sisters in an olfactory conditioning experiment even though their lateral calyces were consistently smaller at emergence. The applied combination of experimental manipulation during the larval phase plus subsequent behavioral and neuro-anatomic analyses is a powerful tool for basic and applied honey bee research.}, language = {en} } @article{TrinklKaluzaWallaceetal.2020, author = {Trinkl, Moritz and Kaluza, Benjamin F. and Wallace, Helen and Heard, Tim A. and Keller, Alexander and Leonhardt, Sara D.}, title = {Floral Species Richness Correlates with Changes in the Nutritional Quality of Larval Diets in a Stingless Bee}, series = {Insects}, volume = {11}, journal = {Insects}, number = {2}, issn = {2075-4450}, doi = {10.3390/insects11020125}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200605}, pages = {125}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Bees need food of appropriate nutritional quality to maintain their metabolic functions. They largely obtain all required nutrients from floral resources, i.e., pollen and nectar. However, the diversity, composition and nutritional quality of floral resources varies with the surrounding environment and can be strongly altered in human-impacted habitats. We investigated whether differences in plant species richness as found in the surrounding environment correlated with variation in the floral diversity and nutritional quality of larval provisions (i.e., mixtures of pollen, nectar and salivary secretions) composed by the mass-provisioning stingless bee Tetragonula carbonaria (Apidae: Meliponini). We found that the floral diversity of larval provisions increased with increasing plant species richness. The sucrose and fat (total fatty acid) content and the proportion and concentration of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid decreased, whereas the proportion of the omega-3 fatty acid linolenic acid increased with increasing plant species richness. Protein (total amino acid) content and amino acid composition did not change. The protein to fat (P:F) ratio, known to affect bee foraging, increased on average by more than 40\% from plantations to forests and gardens, while the omega-6:3 ratio, known to negatively affect cognitive performance, decreased with increasing plant species richness. Our results suggest that plant species richness may support T. carbonaria colonies by providing not only a continuous resource supply (as shown in a previous study), but also floral resources of high nutritional quality.}, language = {en} } @article{Truswell2013, author = {Truswell, Arthur Stewart}, title = {Medical history of obesity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78910}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This paper contains the following sections, in approximate chronological order: Early years, Scientific research on energy metabolism, Clinical teaching, Evidence on health risks, Slow recognition of obesity in diabetes, Depression and war, some Obesity research continued in the 1950s and 1960s, New approaches to management, a Universal standard weight for height, Luxuskonsumption, Calories (incompletely) replaced by Joules, Food intakes of obese people, Genetics, unexpected Surge of obesity from 1980, Diabetes, Scarcity of effective, safe drugs for obesity, Leptin and Ghrelin stimulate basic research, Why has the obesity epidemic happened? What is the best weight-reducing diet? Bariatric surgery}, subject = {Fettsucht}, language = {en} }