@phdthesis{LieberothLeden2018, author = {Lieberoth-Leden, Dominik}, title = {Neuromuskul{\"a}res Assessment durch Bodenreaktionskraftanalysen im Rahmen der Sarkopeniediagnostik bei {\"a}lteren M{\"a}nnern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163280}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die dargelegte Arbeit befasst sich mit der Validierung und Anwendbarkeit der Sprunganalyse mittels Bodenreaktionskraftanalysen zur genaueren Quantifizierung neuromuskul{\"a}rer Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit in einer insbesondere f{\"u}r die Sarkopeniediagnostik, -screening und -pr{\"a}vention relevanten Kohorte, die sich durch ein m{\"o}glichst repr{\"a}sentatives Abbild in Haushalten lebender M{\"a}nner fortgeschrittenen Alters auszeichnet und damit auch mobilit{\"a}ts- und morbidit{\"a}tseingeschr{\"a}nkte Probanden umfasst. In der vorliegenden Studie konnte mithilfe der JM altersassoziiert dabei ein deutlicher Verlust, insbesondere der Sprungleistung, Geschwindigkeit und Sprungh{\"o}he bei gleichzeitig nur geringem Verlust der Sprungkraft, nachgewiesen werden. Gegen{\"u}ber Studienkollektiven mit einer deutlichen Positivselektion f{\"u}r gesunde, fitte Teilnehmer ließ sich ein signifikantes und deutliches Defizit f{\"u}r die Sprungleistung, -geschwindigkeit und -h{\"o}he aufzeigen. Es ergab sich diesen Vergleichsgruppen gegen{\"u}ber jedoch im hohen Alter kein {\"u}berproportionaler Abfall der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit. In Bezug auf die anthropometrischen Daten der Probanden ließ sich die Ergebnisse mit der bisherigen Erkenntnis in Einklang bringen, dass Muskelqualit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber der -quantit{\"a}t ausschlaggebend f{\"u}r neuromuskul{\"a}re Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit zu sein scheint. Die JM stellt daf{\"u}r eine geeignete Quantifizierungsm{\"o}glichkeit dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit erweist sich die Sprunganalyse des s2lj mithilfe einer GRFP im Allgemeinen insbesondere im h{\"o}heren Alter und dar{\"u}ber hinaus f{\"u}r mobilit{\"a}ts- und multimorbidit{\"a}tseingeschr{\"a}nkten M{\"a}nner als sichere und vielversprechende Methodik zur genaueren Quantifizierung neuromuskul{\"a}rer Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit. Dabei qualifiziert sich hierf{\"u}r in Zusammenschau mit bisherigen Studien die gewichtsadjustierte Sprungleistung (PPr) als aussagekr{\"a}ftigster Parameter. Zum einen wird das probandenindividuelle K{\"o}rpergewicht ber{\"u}cksichtigt, zum anderen zeigte sich in der vorliegenden Arbeit, dass sie zusammen mit der Sprungh{\"o}he sowie der Maximalgeschwindigkeit den deutlichsten altersassoziierten R{\"u}ckgang aufweist. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung ließen sich mit der JM bei den Sarkopenen zun{\"a}chst deutliche und signifikant geringere Parameterwerte als auf Seiten der nicht Sarkopenen finden. Die Defizite zeigten sich bei der Sprungleistung sowie Maximalgeschwindigkeit am deutlichsten. Der bisher vielversprechende Interventions- und Pr{\"a}ventionsansatz in Form regelm{\"a}ßiger sportlicher Aktivit{\"a}t zeigte in der vorliegenden Studie signifikant positive Auswirkungen auf die Sprungleistung und folglich neuromuskul{\"a}re Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit des untersuchten Gesamtkollektives. Unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Lebensalters stellt sich in der Untersuchung der Zusammenhang jedoch, alleine f{\"u}r sich betrachtet, als unerwartet gering dar. Sowohl f{\"u}r Sarkopene als auch nicht Sarkopene konnte zwar bei regelm{\"a}ßiger sportlicher Aktivit{\"a}t eine signifikant bessere Sprungleistung nachgewiesen werden, aber trotz regelm{\"a}ßiger sportlicher Aktivit{\"a}t Sarkopener konnten sie nur die Sprungleistung in H{\"o}he der nicht sporttreibenden Gesunden erzielen. Es best{\"a}tigt sich in der JM, dass regelm{\"a}ßige sportliche Aktivit{\"a}t auch bei als sarkopen klassifizierten Probanden mit besserer neuromuskul{\"a}rer Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit assoziiert ist. Ob sich dies auch tats{\"a}chlich als Intervention bzw. Therapie oder Pr{\"a}vention zur Verbesserung des mit der Sarkopenie einhergehenden neuromuskul{\"a}ren Leistungsverlustes eignet, wird sich mit der JM in longitudinalen Studien beweisen m{\"u}ssen. Weiterhin bleibt zu pr{\"u}fen, ob sich die hier dargelegten Erkenntnisse zur JM im Alter auch sowohl in regional abweichenden Kohorten Deutschlands, Europas und der Welt als auch bei Frauen best{\"a}tigen lassen und wenn nicht, wo und in welchem Ausmaß m{\"o}glicherweise regionale und insbesondere geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bestehen.}, subject = {Muskelatrophie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Braun2018, author = {Braun, Alexandra Carolin}, title = {Bioresponsive delivery of anticatabolic and anabolic agents for muscle regeneration using bioinspired strategies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169047}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and function poses a major threat to independence and quality of life, particularly in the elderly. To date, sarcopenia therapy consists of resistance exercise training in combination with protein supplementation due to the limited efficacy of available pharmacological options in counteracting the effects of muscle wasting. Therapeutic intervention with growth factors including insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) or inhibitors of myostatin  a potent suppressor of myogenesis  hold potential to rebalance the altered activity of anabolic and catabolic cytokines. However, dosing limitations due to acute side effects and disruptions of the homeostasis have so far precluded clinical application. Intending to provide a therapy with a superior safety and efficacy profile by directing drug release to inflamed tissue and minimizing off-target activity, we designed bioresponsive delivery systems for an anti-catabolic peptide and anabolic IGF-I responding to local flares of muscle wasting. In Chapter I, current concepts for bioorthogonal conjugation methods are discussed and evaluated based on various drug delivery applications. With a focus on protein delivery, challenges and potential pitfalls of each chemical and enzymatic conjugation strategy are analyzed and opportunities regarding their use for coupling of biomolecules are given. Based on various studies conjugating proteins to polymers, particles and biomaterials using different site-directed approaches, the chapter summarizes available strategies and highlights certain aspects requiring particular consideration when applied to biomolecules. Finally, a decision process for selection of an optimum conjugation strategy is exemplarily presented. Three of these bioorthogonal coupling reactions are applied in Chapter II detailing the potential of site-directed conjugation in the development of novel, homogenous drug delivery systems. The chapter describes the design of a delivery system of a myostatin inhibitor (MI) for controlled and local release counteracting myositis flares. MI release from the carrier is driven by increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) levels in compromised muscle tissues cleaving the interposed linker, thereby releasing the peptide inhibitor from the particulate carrier. Release experiments were performed to assess the response towards various MMP isoforms (MMP-1, -8, -9 and -13) - as upregulated during skeletal muscle myopathies - and the release pattern of the MI in case of disease progression was analyzed. By selection of the protease-sensitive linker (PSL) showing variable susceptibilities to proteases, release rates of the MI can be controlled and adapted. Immobilized MI as well as released MI as response to MMP upregulation was able to antagonize the effects of myostatin on cell signalling and myoblast differentiation. The approach of designing bioresponsive protein delivery systems was also applied to the anabolic growth factor IGF-I, as described in Chapter III. Numerous studies of PEGylated proteins or peptides reveal, that successful therapy is challenged by safety and efficacy issues, as polymer attachment considerably alters the properties of the biologic, thereby jeopardizing clinical efficacy. To this end, a novel promising approach is presented, intending to exploit beneficial effects of PEGylation on pharmacokinetics, but addressing the pharmacodynamic challenges by releasing the protein upon entering the target tissue. This was realized by integration of a PSL between the PEG moiety and the protein. The soluble polymer conjugate was produced by site-directed, enzymatic conjugation of IGF-I to the PSL, followed by attachment of a 30 kDa-PEG using Strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC). This strategy illustrates the potential of bioorthogonal conjugation (as described in Chapter I) for generation of homogenous protein-polymer conjugates with reproducible outcome, but also emphasizes the altered protein properties resulting from permanent polymer conjugation. As compared to wild type IGF-I, the PEGylated protein showed considerable changes in pharmacologic effects - such as impaired insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBPs) interactions, submaximal proliferative activity and altered endocytosis patterns. In contrast, IGF-I characteristics were fully restored upon local disintegration of the conjugate triggered by MMP upregulation and release of the natural growth factor. For successful formulation development for the proteins and conjugates, the careful selection of suitable excipients is crucial for a safe and reliable therapy. Chapter IV addresses one aspect by highlighting the chemical heterogeneity of excipients and associated differences in performance. Polysorbate 80 (PS80) is a surfactant frequently used in protein formulations to prevent aggregation and surface adsorption. Despite being widely deployed as a standard excipient, heterogeneous composition and performance entails the risk of eliciting degradation and adverse effects on protein stability. Based on a comprehensive study using different batches of various suppliers, the PS80 products were characterized regarding chemical composition and physicochemical properties, facilitating the assessment of excipient performance in a formulation. Noticeable deviations were recorded between different suppliers as well as between batches of the same suppliers. Correlation of all parameters revealed, that functionality related characteristics (FRCs) could be reliably predicted based on chemical composition alone or by a combination of chemical and physicochemical properties, respectively. In summary, this thesis describes and evaluates novel strategies for the targeted delivery and controlled release of biologics intended to counteract the imbalance of anabolic and catabolic proteins observed during aging and musculoskeletal diseases. Two delivery platforms were developed and characterized in vitro - (i) using anti-catabolic peptides immobilized on a carrier for local delivery and (ii) using soluble IGF-I polymer conjugates for systemic application. Both approaches were implemented by bioorthogonal coupling strategies, which were carefully selected in consideration of limitations, side reactions and efficiency aspects. Bioresponsive release of the active biomolecules following increased protease activity could be successfully realized. The therapeutic potential of these approaches was demonstrated using various cell-based potency assays. The systems allow targeted and controlled release of the growth factor IGF-I and anti-catabolic peptides thereby overcoming safety concerns of current growth factor therapy and thus positively impacting the benefit-risk profile of potent therapeutics. Taking potential heterogeneity and by-product concerns into account, comprehensive excipient characterization was performed and a predictive algorithm for FRCs developed, in order to facilitate formulation design and guarantee a safe and efficient therapy from start to finish.}, subject = {Muskelatrophie}, language = {en} }