@book{Licht1996, author = {Licht, Thomas}, title = {B{\"o}den, Flora und Fauna von Schafkoppeln}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243851}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {169}, year = {1996}, abstract = {{\"U}ber unterschiedlich lange Zeitr{\"a}ume mit unterschiedlicher Intensit{\"a}t als Schafrotationsweide genutzte ehemalige M{\"a}hwiesen wurden hinsichtlich - physikalischer Bodenparameter als Indikatoren f{\"u}r Verdichtungsvorg{\"a}nge, - vegetationskundlicher Unterschiede in Folge der Schnitt- und Beweidungsregime sowie - den Auswirkungen auf die Heuschrecken-, Laufk{\"a}fer- und Spinnengemeinschaften untersucht. Die allgemeine Beschreibung der B{\"o}den zeigt, daß sich die Fl{\"a}chen hinsichtlich ihrer Bodenbeschaffenheit und N{\"a}hrstoffversorgung nur in engen Grenzen unterscheiden. Lediglich die Kontrollfl{\"a}che hat einen deutlich erh{\"o}hten Feinsandanteil und weniger Ton als die Vergleichsfl{\"a}chen. Zusammenfassend werden die B{\"o}den als hydromorphe, allochthone Aueb{\"o}den beschrieben. Porosit{\"a}t und Permeabilit{\"a}t korrelieren wesentlich st{\"a}rker mit der Bodenart als - wie urspr{\"u}nglich vermutet - mit der Intensit{\"a}t der Beweidung. Bei der direkten Untersuchung einer bislang als M{\"a}hwiese genutzten Fl{\"a}che vor und nach einer Weidesaison konnte eine erh{\"o}hte Verdichtung im Bereich der Mittelporen nachgewiesen werden, die Permeabilit{\"a}t wurde dadurch jedoch nicht nachweisbar beeintr{\"a}chtigt. Frostlockerung und pedobiologische Aktivit{\"a}t außerhalb der Weidezeiten wirken diesem Prozeß entgegen, so daß sich {\"u}ber mehrere Jahre keine zunehmende Verdichtung auf den dauerhaft beweideten Fl{\"a}chen nachweisen l{\"a}ßt. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die Beweidung zu speziellen Strukturen, wie sie auf reinen M{\"a}hwiesen nicht gefunden werden k{\"o}nnen. Aufgrund der r{\"a}umlich differenzierten Nutzung der Fl{\"a}che durch die Schafe entstehen St{\"o}rstellen beispielsweise an derTr{\"a}nke oder dort, wo die Tiere Nacht f{\"u}r Nacht lagern. Diese St{\"o}rstellen sind bald von Vegetation entbl{\"o}ßt, stark durch den Kot und Urin der Tiere in ihrem Chemismus ver{\"a}ndert und deutlich verdichtet. Vegetationsaufnahmen nach BRAUN-BLJXNQUET und die Auswertung nach den {\"o}kologischen Zeigerwerten belegen die Nutzungsintensivierung durch die Schafrotationsweide. Die Wiesen verarmen an Kenn- und Differentialarten der Glatthafergesellschaften, daf{\"u}r finden sich mehr Ruderalisierungszeiger. Die Artenzahl nimmt kontinuierlich ab, und es erfolgt eine Verschiebung des Artenspektrums zu lichthungrigen D{\"u}ngezeigern mit hohem Regenerationsverm{\"o}gen. Hinzu kommt die Ausbreitung von Weideunkr{\"a}utern vor allem auf Fl{\"a}chen, die nicht regelm{\"a}ßig ausgem{\"a}ht werden. Die Fl{\"a}che "F7" stellt ein {\"U}bergangsstadium von der Wiese zur intensiven Rotationsweide dar, auf der sich vor{\"u}bergehend eine erh{\"o}hte Vielfalt aus Arten der Wiese und Weideunkr{\"a}utern eingestellt hat. Eine gleichgerichtete Vegetationsver{\"a}nderung nach der Umnutzung einer vormaligen zweisch{\"u}rigen M{\"a}hwiese in eine Schafrotationsweide belegt die Annahme, daß die Unterschiede in der Vegetation auf "FK", "F1 ", "F4", "F7" und "F15" nicht standortbedingt, sondern nutzungsbedingt sind. Dies k{\"o}nnte mittels einer Frequenzprozentanalyse auf "F1 " vor und nach einer dreij{\"a}hrigen Schafbeweidung im Vergleich zu der Kontrollfl{\"a}che "FK" belegt werden. Die Heuschreckenfauna wurde mittels lsolationsquadratf{\"a}ngen untersucht, die Erfassung der Laufk{\"a}fer- und Spinnenfauna erfolgte mit Barberfallen. Die h{\"o}chste lndividuendichte der Heuschrecken fand sich auf "FK" gefolgt von "F7". Aussagen zu Diversit{\"a}t und Evenness sowie Arten- und Dominanzidentit{\"a}t sind aufgrund der eingeschr{\"a}nkten Artenzahlen zwischen drei und sechs pro Fl{\"a}che nur unter Vorbehalten m{\"o}glich. Durchweg geringe Diversit{\"a}tswerte sind auf die Artenarmut zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren, da die Evenness aller Aufnahmen nahe bei 1 liegt. F{\"u}r die Gemeinschaften von "FK" und "F1 " zeigt sich eine große {\"U}bereinstimmung hinsichtlich der Arten- und Dominanzidentit{\"a}t. Eine hohe Anzahl Subadulter in den Barbeffallen der Fr{\"u}hsommerfangperioden auf "F1 " findet keinen Niederschlag in entsprechenden Abundanzen adulter Heuschrecken. Die Beweidung f{\"u}hrt demnach zu erh{\"o}hten Mortalit{\"a}tsraten der Larvalstadien. Das {\"A}hnlichkeitsdendrogramm best{\"a}tigt die große {\"A}hnlichkeit der Dominanzidentit{\"a}ten von "FK" und "F1 ", die Verschmelzungsniveaus f{\"u}r die {\"u}brigen Fl{\"a}chen liegen jedoch auch zwischen 55 und 70\%. Artenzahl und Aktivit{\"a}tsdichte der Laufk{\"a}fergemeinschaften weisen die Kontrollfl{\"a}che als die sowohl arten- als auch individuen{\"a}rmste Fl{\"a}che aus. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden dort 83\% aller Individuen von einer Art (Poecilus versicoloi) gestellt. Die h{\"o}chste Diversit{\"a}t findet sich auf "F4"; auf "F7" und "F15" sind die Diversit{\"a}tswerte niedriger, daf{\"u}r aber die Abundanzen wesentlich h{\"o}her. Mit 30 Arten ist "F4" am artenreichsten, w{\"a}hrend die gr{\"o}ßte Aktivit{\"a}tsdichte auf "F7" nachgewiesen werden konnte. {\"A}hnlich den Heuschreckengemeinschaften zeigt sich eine hohe {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen "FK" und "Fr, die Laufk{\"a}ferz{\"o}nosen der intensiver beweideten Fl{\"a}chen unterscheiden sich in Arten- und Dominanzidentit{\"a}t deutlich von den Z{\"o}nosen dieser Fl{\"a}chen. Die Auswertung der Spinnenf{\"a}nge unterst{\"u}tzt mit leichten Abweichungen die Ergebnisse aus der Analyse der Laufk{\"a}ferf{\"a}nge. "F7" ist die mit Abstand arten- und individuenreichste Fl{\"a}che. Erneut findet sich die niedrigste Aktivit{\"a}tsdichte auf "FK", wenngleich sich diese nur minimal von der auf "F4" unterscheiden. Deutlich zeigt das {\"A}hnlichkeitsdendrogramm zwei Gruppen von Spinnengemeinschaften: die der M{\"a}hwiesen und die der Weiden. W{\"a}hrend die Kontrollfl{\"a}che "FK" und die seit einem Jahr beweidete Fl{\"a}che "F1" durch arme Laufk{\"a}fer- und Spinnengesellschaften gekennzeichnet sind, auf denen wenige Arten extrem hohe Dominanzwerte erreichen, profitieren die genannten Gruppen offensichtlich von der Schafbeweidung. Der Vorteil wird auf den Fl{\"a}chen deutlicher, die nicht perfekt als Rotationsweide genutzt werden. Diverse St{\"o}rstellen und Kleinstrukturen schaffen {\"o}kologische Nischen, die von zus{\"a}tzlichen Arten besetzt werden. Lediglich die Heuschrecken werden durch diese Nutzungsform benachteiligt.}, subject = {Fuldatal}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Berghoff2002, author = {Berghoff, Stefanie M.}, title = {Sociobiology of the hypogaeic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Originally renowned for their spectacular epigaeic raids, army ants have captured scientific attention for almost two centuries. They now belong to one of the best studied group of ants. However, most of our knowledge about army ants was derived from the study of the minority of specialized, epigaeicly active species. These species evolved probably rather recently from hypogaeic ancestors. The majority of army ant species still leads a hypogaeic life and is almost completely unknown in its entire sociobiology. It thus remained speculative, whether the assumed 'general' characteristics of army ants represent an adaptation to epigaeic activity or apply also to the majority of hypogaeic species. Based on the recent observation that the hypogaeic Asian army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus recruits predictably to palm oil baits, I developed and tested an oil-baiting method for the study of hypogaeic (army)ants. Prior to my study, nothing was known about the sociobiology of the assumed rare D. laevigatus. Throughout my work, I showed D. laevigatus to be very common and abundant in a wide range of habitats in West-Malaysia and on Borneo. Investigating its foraging behavior, I revealed D. laevigatus to differ from epigaeicly active species in several ways. Never demonstrated for any of the epigaeic species, D. laevigatus established stable trunk trail systems. Such a trail system contradicted the perception of army ant foraging, which was believed to be characterized by raids with constantly alternating trail directions. The trunk trail system further enabled a near omnipresence of D. laevigatus within its foraging area, which was also believed to be atypical for an army ant. Raids differed in structure and composition of participating workers from those of epigaeic species. Also, bulky food sources could be exploited over long periods of time. The foraging system of D. laevigatus resembled in several ways that of e.g. leaf-cutter and harvester ants. Likewise contrary to the assumptions, D. laevigatus had a wide food spectrum and showed only little effect on local arthropod communities, even falling itself prey to other ants. Strong aggressive behavior was observed only towards ant species with similar lifestyles, enabling me to provide the first detailed documentation of interspecific fights between two sympatric Dorylus species. Similar to foraging habits or ecological impact, nothing was known about colony size and composition, nesting habits, or worker polymorphism for D. laevigatus or any other hypogaeic Dorylus species prior to my work. By observing and eventually excavating a colony, I showed D. laevigatus to have a much smaller colony size and to lack the large sized workers of epigaeic Dorylus species. Similar to epigaeic Dorylinae, I showed D. laevigatus to have a non-phasic brood production, to emigrate rarely, and to alter its nest form along with habitat conditions. Detailed morphological and geographical descriptions give an impression of the Asian Dorylus species and are expected to aid other researchers in the difficult species identification. The genetic analysis of a male collected at a light trap demonstrated its relation to D. laevigatus. Confirming the male and queen associations, D. laevigatus is now one of five Dorylus species (out of a total of 61), for which all castes are known. In cooperation with D. Kistner, I provide a morphological and taxonomical description of nine Coleopteran beetles associated with D. laevigatus. Behavioral observations indicated the degree of their integration into the colony. The taxonomic position of the beetles further indicated that D. laevigatus emigrated from Africa to Asia, and was accompanied by the majority of associated beetles. The diversity of D. laevigatus guests, which included a number of unidentified mites, was rather low compared to that of epigaeic species. Overall, I demonstrated the developed baiting containers to effectively enable the study of hypogaeic ants. I showed several other hypogaeic ant species to be undersampled by other methods. Furthermore, the method enabled me to documented a second hypogaeic Dorylus species on Borneo. A detailed description of this species' morphology, ecology, and interactions with D. laevigatus is provided. My study indicated D. laevigatus to be an ecologically important species, able to influence soil structure and organisms of tropical regions in many ways. Relating the observed traits of D. laevigatus to epigaeicly active species, I conclude that our assumption of 'general' army ant behavior is erroneous in several aspects and needs to be changed. The oil-baiting method finally provides a tool enabling the location and study of hypogaeic (army)ant species. This opens a broad field for future studies on this cryptic but nonetheless important group of ants.}, subject = {Borneo}, language = {en} } @article{RoederJeschkeKiehl2006, author = {R{\"o}der, Daniela and Jeschke, Michael and Kiehl, Kathrin}, title = {Vegetation und B{\"o}den alter und junger Kalkmagerrasen im Naturschutzgebiet "Garchinger Heide" im Norden von M{\"u}nchen}, doi = {10.3264/FG.2006.1013}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35397}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Das Naturschutzgebiet "Garchinger Heide" ist ein Relikt der ehemals ausgedehnten Kalkmagerrasen auf Pararendzinen {\"u}ber Niederterrassenschotter im Alpenvorland. Bei jahrhundertelanger extensiver Landnutzung hat sich auf trockenen n{\"a}hrstoffarmen B{\"o}den eine artenreiche Vegetation mit zahlreichen seltenen und gef{\"a}hrdeten Arten entwickelt. Die "Altheide", welche den gr{\"o}ßten Teil des Naturschutzgebiets einnimmt, ist gepr{\"a}gt durch flachgr{\"u}ndige, n{\"a}hrstoffarme B{\"o}den, welche eine geschlossene Vegetation mit einem hohen Anteil an Arten der Halbtrockenrasen (haupts{\"a}chlich Mesobromion erecti und Cirsio-Brachypodion) tragen. Das 1945 durch Oberbodenabtrag begonnene, aber nicht mehr ausgebaute und verwendete „Rollfeld" weist einen niedrigen Feinbodenanteil, welcher auf eine geringe Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit schließen l{\"a}sst, sowie niedrige Gehalte an Gesamtstickstoff und CAL-austauschbaren P2O5 auf. Die Vegetation ist l{\"u}ckig mit einem hohen Anteil an Trockenrasenarten (Xerobromion, Sedo-Scleranthetea, Sesleritalia albicantis). Das heutige Vorkommen zahlreicher Arten, welche in fr{\"u}heren Untersuchungen (1956 und 1986) nicht gefunden wurden, l{\"a}sst auf eine fortschreitende Sukzession der Vegetation des Rollfeldes hin zu der der Altheide schließen. Der 1959 zum Naturschutzgebiet hinzu gekaufte ehemalige Acker unterscheidet sich immer noch deutlich von der Altheide. Eine allm{\"a}hliche Ann{\"a}herung der Standortbedingungen ist jedoch zu beobachten. So sanken die Gehalte an CAL-austauschbarem P_ 2 O_5 und K_2 O im Vergleich zu Werten aus dem Jahr 1993 deutlich ab. Trotz des immer noch hohen Anteils an Gr{\"u}nlandarten (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) konnten sich im Vergleich zu 1986 mehr Magerrasenarten etablieren.}, subject = {Vegetation}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grohmann2010, author = {Grohmann, Constanze}, title = {Termite mediated heterogeneity of soil and vegetation patternsin a semi-arid savanna ecosystem in Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-54318}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Termites are the most important soil ecosystem engineers of semi-arid and arid habitats. They enhance decomposition processes as well as the subsequent mineralisation of nutrients by bacteria and fungi. Through their construction of galleries, nests and mounds, they promote soil turnover and influence the distribution of nutrients and also alter texture and hydrological properties of soils, thereby affecting the heterogeneity of their ecosystem. The main aim of the present thesis was to define the impact of termites on ecosys-tem functioning in a semi-arid ecosystem. In a baseline study, I assessed the diversity of termite taxa in relation to the amount of precipitation, the vegetation patterns and the land use systems at several sites in Namibia. Subsequently, I focussed on a species that is highly abundant in many African savannas, the fungus growing and mound building species Macro-termes michaelseni (Sj{\"o}stedt, 1914). I asked how this species influences the spatial hetero-geneity of soil and vegetation patterns. From repeated samplings at 13 sites in Namibia, I obtained 17 termite taxa of 15 genera. While the type of land use seems to have a minor effect on the termite fauna, the mean annual precipitation explained 96\% and the Simpson index of vascular plant diversity 81\% of the variation in taxa diversity. The number of termite taxa increased with both of these explanation variables. In contrast to former studies on Macrotermes mounds in several regions of Africa that I reviewed, soil analyses from M. michaelseni mounds in the central Namibian savanna revealed that they contain much higher nitrogen contents when compared to their parent material. Further analyses revealed that nitrate forms a major component of the nitrogen content in termite mounds. As nitrate solves easily in water, evaporation processes are most probably responsible for the transport of solved nitrates to the mound surface and their accumulation there. The analysed mounds in central Namibia contained higher sand propor-tions compared to the mounds of the former studies. Through the higher percentage of coarse and middle sized pores, water moves more easily in sandy soils compared to more clayey soils. In consequence, evaporation-driven nitrate accumulation can occur in the studied mounds at high rates. Hochgerechnet auf den Gesamtumfang der H{\"u}gel bedeckte das pro Jahr von einem bewohnten H{\"u}gel erodierte Material theoretisch einen 1 m breiten Kreisring um den Schwemmkegel des H{\"u}gels 2,4 mm hoch. Der entsprechende Wert f{\"u}r unbewohnte H{\"u}gel betrug 1,0 mm. To assess the amount of soil that erodes from termite mounds, I fastened four strong, 65 cm wide plastic bags at 14 mounds each and collected the soil that eroded during five rainfall events. Projected to the total mound circumference, the amount of soil eroded covers theoretically a 1 m wide circular ring around the pediment of an inhabited mound up to a height of 2.4 mm per year. For uninhabited mounds, the height of this soil layer would be 1.0 mm. Per hectare, roughly 245 kg eroded per year from the mounds. However, as the erosion rate depends on several factors such as rainfall intensity, soil texture and point of time within the rainy season, this is only a vague estimate. In order to determine up to which distance the soil erosion from the mounds still influences the chemical characteristics of the adjacent topsoil, I took samples from depth of 0-10 cm at 1, 5 and 25 m distances, respectively, from four different mounds and from the mounds themselves. The non-metric multidimensional scaling of the soil properties showed strong differences between mound and off-mound samples. Soil characteristics within the samples from the mounds did not differ largely. Similarly, I found no strong differences between the samples taken from the different distances from the mound. From these results I conclude that through the construction of foraging galleries and sheetings (soil constructions with which some termite species cover their food items), the soil eroding from termite mounds is quickly mixed with deeper soil layers. In consequence, mound material does not accumulate in the mound's vicinity. In order to reveal how plant growth is influenced by termite mound material, we assessed the number of grass and herb individuals as well as the biomass of plants growing in situ on the base of mounds compared to adjacent sites. While the numbers of both grass and herb individuals were significantly lower compared to adjacent sites, the total biomass of plants growing on the base of mounds was significantly higher. Reverse results were obtained by pot experiments with radish (Raphanus sativus subsp. sativus) and sorghum (Sorghum sp.) growth. Both species grew significantly weaker on mound soil compared to adjacent soil. The contradictory results concerning the biomass of in situ and pot experi-ments are most probably caused by the disturbance of the original soil structure during the potting process. The material was subsequently compacted through watering the plants. In contrast, Macrotermes mounds are pervaded by many macropores which seem to be essential for the plant roots to penetrate the soil. In the last part of this thesis, I posed the question how mounds of M. michaelseni are distributed and what factors might be responsible for this pattern. Former studies showed that mound size is correlated with the size of its inhabiting colony. With several multi-scale analyses, I revealed that larger inhabited mounds were regularly distributed. Additionally, mounds which were closer together tended to be smaller than on average. This indicates that intraspecific competition controls the distribution and size of colonies and their mounds. Former studies concerning Odontotermes mounds substantiated that they are local hotspots of primary productivity and animal abundance. Based on these findings, simulations revealed that a regular distribution of these mounds leads to a greater ecosystem-wide productivity compared to a random arrangement. As in the present study, plant biomass was higher at the mounds compared to off-mound sites, this might hold true for M. michaelseni mounds. From the results of this thesis, I draw the conclusion that through their mound building activities, M. michaelseni strongly influences the distribution patterns of soil nutrients within the central Namibian savanna. These termites create sharp contrasts in nutrient levels and vegetation patterns between mound soils and off-mound soils and enhance the heterogeneity of their habitats. Former studies revealed that habitat hetero-geneity is important in generating species diversity and species richness in turn is correlated positively with biomass production and positively affects ecosystem services. In conclusion, the present thesis underlines the importance of M. michaelseni for ecosystem functioning of the central Namibian savanna.}, subject = {Termiten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pielstroem2013, author = {Pielstr{\"o}m, Steffen}, title = {On the Role of Local Information in the Spatial Organisation of Collective Nest Digging in the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel, 1893)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79118}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Many ant species excavate underground nests. One of the most impressive examples is the Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri from the Gran Chaco region in South America. The nests excavated by the workers of that species are among the largest insect-built structures on the planet. They are ecavated over years possibly involving millions of working individuals. However, the mechanisms underlying the organisation of collective nest digging in ants remain largely unknown. Considering the sheer dimensions of the nest in comparison to the size and presumably limited perceptual and cognitive abilities of the single worker, the assumption can be made that organising mechanisms are mostly based on responses of individuals to local stimuli within their perceptual range. Among these local stimuli that guide nest digging we can expect environmental variables, stimuli that relate to the requirements of the colony, and stimuli related to the spatial coordination of collective effort. The present thesis investigates the role of local stimuli from these three categories in the organisation of collective digging behaviour in the Chaco leaf-cutting ant. It describes experiments on (1) how workers respond in the context of digging to differences in soil moisture, which comprises an important environmental variable; (2) how available nest space influences nest enlargement; (3) and how the spatial coordination of excavating workers is implemented by responding to stimuli arising from nest mates while engaged in digging behaviour. The experiments on soil water content show that workers prefer to dig in moist materials that allow for fast excavation and transport rates. Accordingly, an unequal distribution of water in the soil around a nest can influence how the nest shape develops. On the other hand, results also indicate that workers strongly avoid excavating in extremely moist materials. Regarding the abundant occurrence of flooding events in the Gran Chaco region, the latter can be interpreted as an adaptation to avoid water inflow into the nest. In the experiments on the effect of nest space, the ants excavated less when presented with larger nests. When a large amount of space was suddenly added to the nest during the digging process, excavation rates decreased according to the new volume. These observations confirm the hypothesis that digging activity is regulated according to space requirements, possibly because crowding conditions inside the nest influence excavation behaviour. However, observations also indicate an intrinsic decrease of digging motivation with time. Moreover, excavation rates correlate with nest size only when comparing nests of similar shape. Distributing a similar nest volume to three smaller chambers, instead of one, resulted in drastically decreased digging rates. A possible explanation for that observation lies in the distribution of workers inside the nest that may vary according to nest geometry: a different distribution of individuals can lead to in different local crowding conditions in similar nest volumes. Furthermore, two different stimuli are described that are used in the spatial coordination of collective digging effort. First, fresh soil pellets deposited close to the digging site on their way from the surface increase the probability that arriving workers join excavation efforts at the same site. The deposition of pellets on the way is a consequence of sequential task partitioning during soil transport. The pellets are carried in transport chains that closely resemble the modalities of leaf transport observed at the surface. Second, workers stridulate while digging. The short-ranged vibrational signals produced thereby also attract nest mates to excavate at the same location. Accordingly, two mutually complementing mechanisms are described that allow to concentrate excavators at one location. In both cases, a local stimulus that is generated by current close-by excavation activity increases the probability of the stimulus receiver to dig close to other excavators. In an environment otherwise poor in digging stimuli, these mechanisms can be especially important to give collective digging efforts a common direction. As a consequence it can be argued that the spatial organisation of collective digging is based on choice copying. Individuals copy nest mate decisions on where to excavate by responding to local stimuli provided by nest mate digging activity. Taken together, responses to local stimuli can determine the direction of nest growth, aid in preventing the inflow of surface water into the nest, guide the adjustment of nest size to colony requirements and spatially coordinate collective digging efforts. Even though it cannot be ruled out that digging responses based e.g. on spatial memory or long-term experience exist, the results presented here clearly demonstrate that responses to local information account for many important aspects of nest development.}, subject = {Blattschneiderameisen}, language = {en} }