@phdthesis{Hildebrandt2004, author = {Hildebrandt, Sabine}, title = {Spontane Regression experimenteller Gliome - Vergleich des Spontanverlaufes intracerebraler Gliome bei immunkompetenten und thymektomierten Ratten anhand immunhistologischer und MRT-Studien im Rahmen der C6-Gliomsph{\"a}roidimplantation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Beschreibung einer in fr{\"u}heren Versuchsserien zuf{\"a}llig gemachten Beobachtung, dass es zu einer Spontanregression experimenteller Gliome kommt. Dies geschah mittels eines Vergleichs des Spontanverlaufs intracerebraler Gliome bei immunkompetenten und thymektomierten Ratten anhand immunologischer und MRT- Studien. Verwendet wurden C6-Rattengliomzellen. Daraus wurden ca. 300 \&\#61549;m große Tumorsph{\"a}roide hergestellt, die beiden Rattenst{\"a}mmen (16 immunkompetenten und 16 immunsupprimierten Sprague- Dawley-Ratten) in den Kortex des linken Frontallappens implantiert wurden. Mittels der MR-Tomographie wurden die Tiere an definierten Terminen auf das Tumorwachstum hin untersucht. Anschließend wurde jeweils eine bestimmte Anzahl an Tumorproben entnommen und mittels der H{\"a}matoxylin- Eosin- bzw. immunhistochemischen F{\"a}rbungen aufgearbeitet. Mittels der Kernspintomographie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die thymektomierten Ratten um 31 \% gr{\"o}ßere Tumoren aufweisen als die immunkompetenten Ratten. Dies wird ebenso bei der histologischen Auswertung der Tumorvolumina (anhand von HE- Schnitten) verdeutlicht. Ebenso konnte aber auch gezeigt werden, dass die Tumorvolumina nach Erreichen des Volumenmaximums (zwischen dem 28.- 30. Tag nach Implantation) in beiden Populationen stark r{\"u}ckl{\"a}ufig sind, um nach dem 72. Tag nach Implantation fast vollst{\"a}ndig zu verschwinden. Im Hinblick auf m{\"o}gliche immunologische Einflussfaktoren, die bislang noch nicht gekl{\"a}rt werden konnten, sind folgende Ergebnisse zu nennen: Zytotoxische T- Zellen sind in immunkompetenten Ratten in etwas h{\"o}herer Anzahl nachzuweisen als in thymektomierten Ratten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Munt2011, author = {Munt, Meike}, title = {Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit eines neuen anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rpers in Kombination mit Rapamycin beim Pankreaskarzinom im C57BL/6-Mausmodell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70854}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Das Pankreaskarzinom stellt aufgrund seiner hohen Letalit{\"a}t ein bisher ungel{\"o}stes Behandlungs¬problem dar. Da die Erkrankung meist erst in einem sp{\"a}ten Stadium erkannt wird, sehr aggressiv verl{\"a}uft und effektive systemische Therapien bisher fehlen, betr{\"a}gt die 5-Jahres{\"u}berlebensrate nur etwa 1-4 \%. Daher ist die Entwicklung neuer Therapie¬strategien dringend notwendig. Geeignet daf{\"u}r sind neuartige Ans{\"a}tze einer gezielten Krebstherapie, die sich speziell gegen die tumorbiologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Pankreas¬karzinoms richten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die beiden Wirkstoffe Rapamycin und anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper allein und in Kombination auf ihre antitumor{\"o}sen Eigenschaften gegen{\"u}ber Panc02-Tumor¬zellen in drei aufeinander folgenden Versuchsans{\"a}tzen an einem Metasta¬sierungs¬modell in vivo zu unter¬suchen. Beurteilt wurden dabei zun{\"a}chst die {\"U}ber¬lebens¬zeit der Tiere und die Tumor¬aus¬dehnung in der Leber. Anschließend wurden anhand einer quantitativen PCR und der Immun¬histo¬logie die Auswirkungen des Tumors auf verschiedene Zellmarker und Zytokine im Milz-, Leber- und Tumorgewebe bestimmt. Aus den erhobenen Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass mit der Kombinationsbehandlung aus Rapa¬mycin (1,5 mg/kg/d) und anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper das beste Tumor¬an¬sprechen mit einer der l{\"a}ngsten {\"U}berlebens¬zeiten und einem sehr geringen Tumor¬befall zu erreichen war. Die Monotherapie mit Rapa¬mycin zeigte zwar ebenfalls im Vergleich zu den anderen Behandlungsgruppen einen geringeren Tumorbefall, war aber mit einer k{\"u}rzeren {\"U}berlebenszeit assoziiert. Ein Grund f{\"u}r ein einge¬schr{\"a}nktes {\"U}berleben der mit Rapamycin behandelten Tiere k{\"o}nnte das Neben¬wirkungs¬profil von Rapa¬mycin sein. Die Behandlung mit dem anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper erzielte weder hinsichtlich der {\"U}ber¬lebens¬zeit noch bez{\"u}glich des Tumorbefalls {\"u}berzeugende Ergebnisse. Der fehlende Antitumoreffekt der anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper¬therapie k{\"o}nnte in der kurzen Behandlungsdauer des Antik{\"o}rpers begr{\"u}ndet sein. Bei der {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Dosierung von Rapamycin schnitt die Gruppe mit der niedrigsten Rapa¬mycindosis von 0,75 mg/kg/d am besten ab. Neben der l{\"a}ngsten {\"U}berlebenszeit wies sie ver¬glichen mit den anderen Gruppen den geringsten Tumorbefall auf. Ein erneuter Versuchsansatz mit der Kombination aus der reduzierten Rapamycin¬dosis (0,75 mg/kg/d) und dem anti-VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper konnte den zuvor erzielten Vorteil der Kombi¬nations¬behandlung nicht vollends best{\"a}tigen. Die Tumor¬aus¬breitung entsprach zwar dem Ergebnis der in der zweiten Versuchsreihe am besten abge¬schnittenen Gruppe, die {\"U}ber¬lebenszeit lag aber deutlich unter der der Vergleichs¬gruppen. In der Real-Time PCR ergab sich hinsichtlich des lymphozyt{\"a}ren Infiltra¬tions¬musters folgendes Bild: Im Milz-, Leber- und Tumorgewebe lag die Zahl der zyto¬toxischen T-Zellen {\"u}ber der der T-Helferzellen. Vor allem im Tumor¬gewebe war die Gen¬expression von CD8 deutlich erh{\"o}ht und teilweise mit einem besseren Tumor¬ansprechen assoziiert. Dies k{\"o}nnte auf eine effiziente Tumorimmunantwort der zyto¬toxischen T-Zellen hindeuten. Die Expression von CD4 war dagegen in allen drei Geweben relativ gering. Ferner konnte in der Real-Time PCR und in der Immun¬histo¬logie eine Steigerung der CD25-Genexpression im Leber- und Tumorgewebe im Vergleich zum Milzgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Dies k{\"o}nnte auf eine Ansammlung supprimierender regulatorischer T-Zellen im Tumor und damit eine ineffizientere Tumor¬immunantwort hindeuten. H{\"a}ufig liegt in Tumoren ein {\"U}berwiegen der Th2-Zellen vor. In unserer Studie zeigten die Th1-Zytokine wie IL-2, IFN-gamma or TNF-alpha eine heterogene Expression, sodass eine definitive Aussage {\"u}ber einen Th1/Th2-Shift nicht getroffen werden kann. Des Weiteren wurden die Auswirkungen des Tumors auf B7-H1 und PD-L2 sowie auf PD-1, einen ihrer Rezeptoren, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen die Theorie des Tumorimmunescape-Mechanismus. Die in dieser Arbeit erhobenen Ergebnisse sollten nun dazu verwendet werden, gezielt neue immuno¬logische und anti¬angio¬genetische Therapiestrategien f{\"u}r die Behandlung des Pankreas¬karzinoms in der Klinik zu entwickeln. Allerdings zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit auch Ans{\"a}tze und Probleme auf, die zun{\"a}chst in weiteren Studien zu l{\"o}sen sind. So stellten beispielsweise die Neben¬wirkungen der Rapamycinbehandlung einen limitierenden Faktor in der Behandlung der Tiere dar. Auch sollte gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob der schwache Effekt der anti-VEGF-Anti¬k{\"o}rper¬behand¬lung in dieser Arbeit mit der kurzen Behandlungsdauer erkl{\"a}rt werden kann und m{\"o}glicherweise eine l{\"a}ngere Anwendung der VEGF-Antik{\"o}rper bessere Resultate erzielt.}, subject = {Sirolimus}, language = {de} } @article{MonteliusLjungbergHornetal.2012, author = {Montelius, Mikael and Ljungberg, Maria and Horn, Michael and Forssell-Aronsson, Eva}, title = {Tumour size measurement in a mouse model using high resolution MRI}, series = {BMC Medical Imaging}, volume = {12}, journal = {BMC Medical Imaging}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2342-12-12}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124049}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background Animal models are frequently used to assess new treatment methods in cancer research. MRI offers a non-invasive in vivo monitoring of tumour tissue and thus allows longitudinal measurements of treatment effects, without the need for large cohorts of animals. Tumour size is an important biomarker of the disease development, but to our knowledge, MRI based size measurements have not yet been verified for small tumours (10-2-10-1 g). The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of MRI based tumour size measurements of small tumours on mice. Methods 2D and 3D T2-weighted RARE images of tumour bearing mice were acquired in vivo using a 7 T dedicated animal MR system. For the 3D images the acquired image resolution was varied. The images were exported to a PC workstation where the tumour mass was determined assuming a density of 1 g/cm3, using an in-house developed tool for segmentation and delineation. The resulting data were compared to the weight of the resected tumours after sacrifice of the animal using regression analysis. Results Strong correlations were demonstrated between MRI- and necropsy determined masses. In general, 3D acquisition was not a prerequisite for high accuracy. However, it was slightly more accurate than 2D when small (<0.2 g) tumours were assessed for inter- and intraobserver variation. In 3D images, the voxel sizes could be increased from 1603 μm3 to 2403 μm3 without affecting the results significantly, thus reducing acquisition time substantially. Conclusions 2D MRI was sufficient for accurate tumour size measurement, except for small tumours (<0.2 g) where 3D acquisition was necessary to reduce interobserver variation. Acquisition times between 15 and 50 minutes, depending on tumour size, were sufficient for accurate tumour volume measurement. Hence, it is possible to include further MR investigations of the tumour, such as tissue perfusion, diffusion or metabolic composition in the same MR session.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Linder2012, author = {Linder, Bastian}, title = {Systemischer Spleißfaktormangel im Zebrafisch Danio rerio - Etablierung und Charakterisierung eines Tiermodells f{\"u}r Retinitis pigmentosa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69965}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) ist eine vererbte Form der Erblindung, die durch eine progressive Degeneration von Photorezeptorzellen in der Retina verursacht wird. Neben „klassischen" RP-Krankheitsgenen, die direkt oder indirekt mit dem Sehprozess und der Aufrechterhaltung der Photorezeptoren in Verbindung stehen, k{\"o}nnen auch Mutationen in Genen f{\"u}r konstitutive Spleißfaktoren zur Photorezeptordegeneration f{\"u}hren. RP kann daher als Paradebeispiel einer Erkrankung mit paradoxer Gewebespezifit{\"a}t angesehen werden: Defekte in essentiellen und ubiquit{\"a}r exprimierten Genen f{\"u}hren zu einem Ph{\"a}notyp, der nur wenige Zelltypen betrifft. Um Einblicke in diesen außergew{\"o}hnlichen Pathomechanismus zu erhalten, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Tiermodell f{\"u}r Spleißfaktor-vermittelte RP im Zebrafisch Danio rerio etabliert. Zun{\"a}chst wurde gezeigt, dass eine RP verursachende Punktmutation des Spleißfaktors Prpf31 auch in dessen Zebrafisch-Homolog zu einem Verlust der physiologischen Aktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. Als Modell f{\"u}r die Prpf31-Mangelsituation diente dann die durch ein Antisense-Morpholino induzierte partielle Reduktion der Prpf31-Expression in Zebrafischlarven. Konsistent mit einem RP-Ph{\"a}notyp zeigte sich in diesen Larven eine starke Beeintr{\"a}chtigung des Sehverm{\"o}gens. Sie wurde - ebenfalls analog zu RP - durch defekte Photorezeptoren verursacht, die bei ansonsten normal entwickelter Retina eine deutlich ver{\"a}nderte Morphologie aufwiesen. Daraufhin konnten in einer genomweiten Transkriptomanalyse der Augen von Prpf31-defizienten Larven erstmals in vivo photorezeptorspezifische Gene identifiziert werden, deren Expression durch den Mangel an Prpf31 beeintr{\"a}chtigt war. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob es neben den bereits bekannten RP-Krankheitsgenen weitere Spleißfaktoren gibt, deren Defekt die Degeneration von Photorezeptoren ausl{\"o}sen kann. Dazu wurde in Zebrafischlarven ein Mangel an Prpf4 erzeugt, einem Spleißfaktor, der bislang nicht mit RP in Verbindung gebracht worden war. Der Ph{\"a}notyp dieser Fische war nicht von dem des Prpf31 RP-Modells zu unterscheiden. Dies lieferte einen Hinweis darauf, dass auch Defekte in Prpf4 in der Lage sein k{\"o}nnten, RP auszul{\"o}sen. Tats{\"a}chlich konnte durch genetisches Screening ein RP-Patient mit einer Punktmutation in Prpf4 identifiziert werden (Kollaboration mit Hanno Bolz, Universit{\"a}t K{\"o}ln). Die biochemische Analyse dieser Mutation zeigte, dass sie zu einem Defekt der Integration von Prpf4 in spleißosomale Untereinheiten und zu dessen Funktionsverlust in vivo f{\"u}hrt. Mit dem in dieser Arbeit etablierten Tiermodell konnte zum ersten Mal in vivo ein von Spleißfaktor-Mutationen verursachter Pathomechanismus von Retinitis pigmentosa nachvollzogen werden. Die vom Prpf31-Mangel betroffenen Photorezeptortranskripte stellen vielversprechende Kandidaten f{\"u}r die Vermittlung der Gewebespezifit{\"a}t dar und unterst{\"u}tzen die Hypothese, dass ihre ineffiziente Prozessierung den RP-Ph{\"a}notyp ausl{\"o}st. Die Entdeckung eines weiteren Spleißfaktors, dessen Defizienz ebenfalls zu defekten Photorezeptoren f{\"u}hrt, zeigt, dass offenbar der Funktionsverlust des Spleißosoms generell in der Lage ist, die Degeneration dieser Zellen zu verursachen. Dies ist nicht zuletzt auch von klinischer Relevanz, da vermutet werden kann, dass sich unter den vielen bisher nicht identifizierten RP-Krankheitsgenen weitere Spleißfaktoren befinden.}, subject = {RNS-Spleißen}, language = {de} } @article{SchickBaarFlemmingetal.2014, author = {Schick, Martin A. and Baar, Wolfgang and Flemming, Sven and Schlegel, Nicolas and Wollborn, Jakob and Held, Christopher and Schneider, Reinhard and Brock, Robert W. and Roewer, Norbert and Wunder, Christian}, title = {Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by standardized colon ascendens stent peritonitis in rats - a simple, reproducible animal model}, series = {Intensive Care Medicine Experimental}, volume = {2}, journal = {Intensive Care Medicine Experimental}, number = {34}, doi = {10.1186/s40635-014-0034-x}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126111}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Background Up to 50\% of septic patients develop acute kidney injury (AKI). The pathomechanism of septic AKI is poorly understood. Therefore, we established an innovative rodent model to characterize sepsis-induced AKI by standardized colon ascendens stent peritonitis (sCASP). The model has a standardized focus of infection, an intensive care set up with monitoring of haemodynamics and oxygenation resulting in predictable impairment of renal function, AKI parameters as well as histopathology scoring. Methods Anaesthetized rats underwent the sCASP procedure, whereas sham animals were sham operated and control animals were just monitored invasively. Haemodynamic variables and blood gases were continuously measured. After 24 h, animals were reanesthetized; cardiac output (CO), inulin and PAH clearances were measured and later on kidneys were harvested; and creatinine, urea, cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) were analysed. Additional sCASP-treated animals were investigated after 3 and 9 days. Results All sCASP-treated animals survived, whilst ubiquitous peritonitis and significantly deteriorated clinical and macrohaemodynamic sepsis signs after 24 h (MAP, CO, heart rate) were obvious. Blood analyses showed increased lactate and IL-6 levels as well as leucopenia. Urine output, inulin and PAH clearance were significantly decreased in sCASP compared to sham and control. Additionally, significant increase in cystatin C and NGAL was detected. Standard parameters like serum creatinine and urea were elevated and sCASP-induced sepsis increased significantly in a time-dependent manner. The renal histopathological score of sCASP-treated animals deteriorated after 3 and 9 days. Conclusions The presented sCASP method is a standardized, reliable and reproducible method to induce septic AKI. The intensive care set up, continuous macrohaemodynamic and gas exchange monitoring, low mortality rate as well as the opportunity of detailed analyses of kidney function and impairments are advantages of this setup. Thus, our described method may serve as a new standard for experimental investigations of septic AKI.}, language = {en} } @article{BahnikStuchlik2015, author = {Bahn{\´i}k, Štěp{\´a}n and Stuchl{\´i}k, Aleš}, title = {Temporal and spatial strategies in an active place avoidance task on Carousel: a study of effects of stability of arena rotation speed in rats}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {3}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e1257}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.1257}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141931}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The active place avoidance task is a dry-arena task used to assess spatial navigation and memory in rodents. In this task, a subject is put on a rotating circular arena and avoids an invisible sector that is stable in relation to the room. Rotation of the arena means that the subject's avoidancemust be active, otherwise the subject will be moved in the to-be-avoided sector by the rotation of the arena and a slight electric shock will be administered. The present experiment explored the effect of variable arena rotation speed on the ability to avoid the to-be-avoided sector. Subjects in a group with variable arena rotation speed learned to avoid the sector with the same speed and attained the same avoidance ability as rats in a group with a stable arena rotation speed. Only a slight difference in preferred position within the room was found between the two groups. No difference was found between the two groups in the dark phase, where subjects could not use orientation cues in the room. Only one rat was able to learn the avoidance of the to-be-avoided sector in this phase. The results of the experiment suggest that idiothetic orientation and interval timing are not crucial for learning avoidance of the to-be-avoided sector. However, idiothetic orientation might be sufficient for avoiding the sector in the dark.}, language = {en} } @article{DietlSchwinnDietletal.2016, author = {Dietl, Sebastian and Schwinn, Stefanie and Dietl, Susanne and Riedl, Simone and Deinlein, Frank and Rutkowski, Stefan and von Bueren, Andre O. and Krauss, J{\"u}rgen and Schweitzer, Tilmann and Vince, Giles H. and Picard, Daniel and Eyrich, Matthias and Rosenwald, Andreas and Ramaswamy, Vijay and Taylor, Michael D. and Remke, Marc and Monoranu, Camelia M. and Beilhack, Andreas and Schlegel, Paul G. and W{\"o}lfl, Matthias}, title = {MB3W1 is an orthotopic xenograft model for anaplastic medulloblastoma displaying cancer stem cell- and Group 3-properties}, series = {BMC Cancer}, volume = {16}, journal = {BMC Cancer}, number = {115}, doi = {10.1186/s12885-016-2170-z}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145877}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and can be divided in different molecular subgroups. Patients whose tumor is classified as a Group 3 tumor have a dismal prognosis. However only very few tumor models are available for this subgroup. Methods We established a robust orthotopic xenograft model with a cell line derived from the malignant pleural effusions of a child suffering from a Group 3 medulloblastoma. Results Besides classical characteristics of this tumor subgroup, the cells display cancer stem cell characteristics including neurosphere formation, multilineage differentiation, CD133/CD15 expression, high ALDH-activity and high tumorigenicity in immunocompromised mice with xenografts exactly recapitulating the original tumor architecture. Conclusions This model using unmanipulated, human medulloblastoma cells will enable translational research, specifically focused on Group 3 medulloblastoma.}, language = {en} } @article{ReadMillsJohnsonetal.2016, author = {Read, Hannah M. and Mills, Grant and Johnson, Sarah and Tsai, Peter and Dalton, James and Barquist, Lars and Print, Cristin G. and Patrick, Wayne M. and Wiles, Siouxsie}, title = {The in vitro and in vivo effects of constitutive light expression on a bioluminescent strain of the mouse enteropathogen Citrobacter rodentium}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {4}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e2130}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.2130}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166576}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Bioluminescent reporter genes, such as those from fireflies and bacteria, let researchers use light production as a non-invasive and non-destructive surrogate measure of microbial numbers in a wide variety of environments. As bioluminescence needs microbial metabolites, tagging microorganisms with luciferases means only live metabolically active cells are detected. Despite the wide use of bioluminescent reporter genes, very little is known about the impact of continuous (also called constitutive) light expression on tagged bacteria. We have previously made a bioluminescent strain of Citrobacter rodentium, a bacterium which infects laboratory mice in a similar way to how enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infect humans. In this study, we compared the growth of the bioluminescent C. rodentium strain ICC180 with its non-bioluminescent parent (strain ICC169) in a wide variety of environments. To understand more about the metabolic burden of expressing light, we also compared the growth profiles of the two strains under approximately 2,000 different conditions. We found that constitutive light expression in ICC180 was near-neutral in almost every non-toxic environment tested. However, we also found that the non-bioluminescent parent strain has a competitive advantage over ICC180 during infection of adult mice, although this was not enough for ICC180 to be completely outcompeted. In conclusion, our data suggest that constitutive light expression is not metabolically costly to C. rodentium and supports the view that bioluminescent versions of microbes can be used as a substitute for their non-bioluminescent parents to study bacterial behaviour in a wide variety of environments.}, language = {en} } @article{AnStrisselAlAbboodietal.2022, author = {An, Ran and Strissel, Pamela L. and Al-Abboodi, Majida and Robering, Jan W. and Supachai, Reakasame and Eckstein, Markus and Peddi, Ajay and Hauck, Theresa and B{\"a}uerle, Tobias and Boccaccini, Aldo R. and Youssef, Almoatazbellah and Sun, Jiaming and Strick, Reiner and Horch, Raymund E. and Boos, Anja M. and Kengelbach-Weigand, Annika}, title = {An innovative arteriovenous (AV) loop breast cancer model tailored for cancer research}, series = {Bioengineering}, volume = {9}, journal = {Bioengineering}, number = {7}, issn = {2306-5354}, doi = {10.3390/bioengineering9070280}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278919}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Animal models are important tools to investigate the pathogenesis and develop treatment strategies for breast cancer in humans. In this study, we developed a new three-dimensional in vivo arteriovenous loop model of human breast cancer with the aid of biodegradable materials, including fibrin, alginate, and polycaprolactone. We examined the in vivo effects of various matrices on the growth of breast cancer cells by imaging and immunohistochemistry evaluation. Our findings clearly demonstrate that vascularized breast cancer microtissues could be engineered and recapitulate the in vivo situation and tumor-stromal interaction within an isolated environment in an in vivo organism. Alginate-fibrin hybrid matrices were considered as a highly powerful material for breast tumor engineering based on its stability and biocompatibility. We propose that the novel tumor model may not only serve as an invaluable platform for analyzing and understanding the molecular mechanisms and pattern of oncologic diseases, but also be tailored for individual therapy via transplantation of breast cancer patient-derived tumors.}, language = {en} } @article{FiedlerMuellenbachRolfesetal.2022, author = {Fiedler, Mascha O. and Muellenbach, Ralf M. and Rolfes, Caroline and Lotz, Christopher and Nickel, Felix and M{\"u}ller-Stich, Beat P. and Supady, Alexander and Lepper, Philipp M. and Weigand, Markus A. and Meybohm, Patrick and Kalenka, Armin and Reyher, Christian}, title = {Pumpless extracorporeal hemadsorption technique (pEHAT): a proof-of-concept animal study}, series = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, volume = {11}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, number = {22}, issn = {2077-0383}, doi = {10.3390/jcm11226815}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297347}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Extracorporeal hemadsorption eliminates proinflammatory mediators in critically ill patients with hyperinflammation. The use of a pumpless extracorporeal hemadsorption technique allows its early usage prior to organ failure and the need for an additional medical device. In our animal model, we investigated the feasibility of pumpless extracorporeal hemadsorption over a wide range of mean arterial pressures (MAP). Methods: An arteriovenous shunt between the femoral artery and femoral vein was established in eight pigs. The hemadsorption devices were inserted into the shunt circulation; four pigs received CytoSorb\(^®\) and four Oxiris\(^®\) hemadsorbers. Extracorporeal blood flow was measured in a range between mean arterial pressures of 45-85 mmHg. Mean arterial pressures were preset using intravenous infusions of noradrenaline, urapidil, or increased sedatives. Results: Extracorporeal blood flows remained well above the minimum flows recommended by the manufacturers throughout all MAP steps for both devices. Linear regression resulted in CytoSorb\(^®\) blood flow [mL/min] = 4.226 × MAP [mmHg] - 3.496 (R-square 0.8133) and Oxiris\(^®\) blood flow [mL/min] = 3.267 × MAP [mmHg] + 57.63 (R-square 0.8708), respectively. Conclusion: Arteriovenous pumpless extracorporeal hemadsorption resulted in sufficient blood flows through both the CytoSorb\(^®\) and Oxiris\(^®\) devices over a wide range of mean arterial blood pressures and is likely an intriguing therapeutic option in the early phase of septic shock or hyperinflammatory syndromes.}, language = {en} } @article{RolfesRuckDavidetal.2022, author = {Rolfes, Leoni and Ruck, Tobias and David, Christina and Mencl, Stine and Bock, Stefanie and Schmidt, Mariella and Strecker, Jan-Kolja and Pfeuffer, Steffen and Mecklenbeck, Andreas-Schulte and Gross, Catharina and Gliem, Michael and Minnerup, Jens and Schuhmann, Michael K. and Kleinschnitz, Christoph and Meuth, Sven G.}, title = {Natural Killer Cells Are Present in Rag1\(^{-/-}\) Mice and Promote Tissue Damage During the Acute Phase of Ischemic Stroke}, series = {Translational Stroke Research}, volume = {13}, journal = {Translational Stroke Research}, number = {1}, issn = {1868-4483}, doi = {10.1007/s12975-021-00923-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-308924}, pages = {197-211}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Rag1\(^{-/-}\) mice, lacking functional B and T cells, have been extensively used as an adoptive transfer model to evaluate neuroinflammation in stroke research. However, it remains unknown whether natural killer (NK) cell development and functions are altered in Rag1\(^{-/-}\) mice as well. This connection has been rarely discussed in previous studies but might have important implications for data interpretation. In contrast, the NOD-Rag1\(^{null}\)IL2rg\(^{null}\) (NRG) mouse model is devoid of NK cells and might therefore eliminate this potential shortcoming. Here, we compare immune-cell frequencies as well as phenotype and effector functions of NK cells in Rag1\(^{-/-}\) and wildtype (WT) mice using flow cytometry and functional in vitro assays. Further, we investigate the effect of Rag1\(^{-/-}\) NK cells in the transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) model using antibody-mediated depletion of NK cells and adoptive transfer to NRG mice in vivo. NK cells in Rag1\(^{-/-}\) were comparable in number and function to those in WT mice. Rag1\(^{-/-}\) mice treated with an anti-NK1.1 antibody developed significantly smaller infarctions and improved behavioral scores. Correspondingly, NRG mice supplemented with NK cells were more susceptible to tMCAO, developing infarctions and neurological deficits similar to Rag1-/- controls. Our results indicate that NK cells from Rag1-/- mice are fully functional and should therefore be considered in the interpretation of immune-cell transfer models in experimental stroke. Fortunately, we identified the NRG mice, as a potentially better-suited transfer model to characterize individual cell subset-mediated neuroinflammation in stroke.}, language = {en} } @article{SilwedelHuettenSpeeretal.2023, author = {Silwedel, Christine and H{\"u}tten, Matthias C. and Speer, Christian P. and H{\"a}rtel, Christoph and Haarmann, Axel and Henrich, Birgit and Tijssen, Maud P. M. and Alnakhli, Abdullah Ahmed and Spiller, Owen B. and Schlegel, Nicolas and Seidenspinner, Silvia and Kramer, Boris W. and Glaser, Kirsten}, title = {Ureaplasma-driven neonatal neuroinflammation: novel insights from an ovine model}, series = {Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology}, volume = {43}, journal = {Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1007/s10571-022-01213-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324285}, pages = {785-795}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ureaplasma species (spp.) are considered commensals of the adult genitourinary tract, but have been associated with chorioamnionitis, preterm birth, and invasive infections in neonates, including meningitis. Data on mechanisms involved in Ureaplasma-driven neuroinflammation are scarce. The present study addressed brain inflammatory responses in preterm lambs exposed to Ureaplasma parvum (UP) in utero. 7 days after intra-amniotic injection of UP (n = 10) or saline (n = 11), lambs were surgically delivered at gestational day 128-129. Expression of inflammatory markers was assessed in different brain regions using qRT-PCR and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by multiplex immunoassay. CSF was analyzed for UP presence using ureB-based real-time PCR, and MRI scans documented cerebral white matter area and cortical folding. Cerebral tissue levels of atypical chemokine receptor (ACKR) 3, caspases 1-like, 2, 7, and C-X-C chemokine receptor (CXCR) 4 mRNA, as well as CSF interleukin-8 protein concentrations were significantly increased in UP-exposed lambs. UP presence in CSF was confirmed in one animal. Cortical folding and white matter area did not differ among groups. The present study confirms a role of caspases and the transmembrane receptors ACKR3 and CXCR4 in Ureaplasma-driven neuroinflammation. Enhanced caspase 1-like, 2, and 7 expression may reflect cell death. Increased ACKR3 and CXCR4 expression has been associated with inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) diseases and impaired blood-brain barrier function. According to these data and previous in vitro findings from our group, we speculate that Ureaplasma-induced caspase and receptor responses affect CNS barrier properties and thus facilitate neuroinflammation.}, language = {en} } @article{XuFahmyGarciaWesdorpetal.2023, author = {Xu, Jietao and Fahmy-Garcia, Shorouk and Wesdorp, Marinus A. and Kops, Nicole and Forte, Lucia and De Luca, Claudio and Misciagna, Massimiliano Maraglino and Dolcini, Laura and Filardo, Giuseppe and Labbert{\´e}, Margot and Vanc{\´i}kov{\´a}, Karin and Kok, Joeri and van Rietbergen, Bert and Nickel, Joachim and Farrell, Eric and Brama, Pieter A. J. and van Osch, Gerjo J. V. M.}, title = {Effectiveness of BMP-2 and PDGF-BB adsorption onto a collagen/collagen-magnesium-hydroxyapatite scaffold in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing osteochondral defect bone repair: in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo evaluation}, series = {Journal of Functional Biomaterials}, volume = {14}, journal = {Journal of Functional Biomaterials}, number = {2}, issn = {2079-4983}, doi = {10.3390/jfb14020111}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304019}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Despite promising clinical results in osteochondral defect repair, a recently developed bi-layered collagen/collagen-magnesium-hydroxyapatite scaffold has demonstrated less optimal subchondral bone repair. This study aimed to improve the bone repair potential of this scaffold by adsorbing bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) and/or platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) onto said scaffold. The in vitro release kinetics of BMP-2/PDGF-BB demonstrated that PDGF-BB was burst released from the collagen-only layer, whereas BMP-2 was largely retained in both layers. Cell ingrowth was enhanced by BMP-2/PDFG-BB in a bovine osteochondral defect ex vivo model. In an in vivo semi-orthotopic athymic mouse model, adding BMP-2 or PDGF-BB increased tissue repair after four weeks. After eight weeks, most defects were filled with bone tissue. To further investigate the promising effect of BMP-2, a caprine bilateral stifle osteochondral defect model was used where defects were created in weight-bearing femoral condyle and non-weight-bearing trochlear groove locations. After six months, the adsorption of BMP-2 resulted in significantly less bone repair compared with scaffold-only in the femoral condyle defects and a trend to more bone repair in the trochlear groove. Overall, the adsorption of BMP-2 onto a Col/Col-Mg-HAp scaffold reduced bone formation in weight-bearing osteochondral defects, but not in non-weight-bearing osteochondral defects.}, language = {en} }