@phdthesis{Renner2023, author = {Renner, Tobias}, title = {Neue adh{\"a}sive mineral-organische Knochenzemente auf Basis von Phosphoserin und Magnesiumphosphaten bzw. -oxiden}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32321}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323210}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Heutige chirurgische Situationen k{\"o}nnen zeitweise den Einsatz eines Knochenkleber erfordern, welcher sich jedoch noch nicht in der klinischen Praxis etablieren konnte. In j{\"u}ngster Vergangenheit haben mit Phosphoserin modifizierte Zemente (PMC) auf der Grundlage von Verbindungen zwischen o-Phosphoserin (OPLS) und Calciumphosphaten wie Tetracalciumphosphat (TTCP) oder α-Tricalciumphosphat (α-TCP) an Popularit{\"a}t gewonnen. Ebenso bekommen chelatbildende Magnesiumphosphatzemente als mineralische Knochenadh{\"a}sive mehr Zuspruch. In dieser Arbeit wurden neue mineralorganische Knochenzemente auf der Basis von Phosphoserin und Magnesiumphosphaten oder -oxiden untersucht, die hervorragende Hafteigenschaften besitzen. Diese wurden mittels R{\"o}ntgenbeugung, Fourier-Infrarot-Spektroskopie und Elektronenmikroskopie analysiert und mechanischen Tests unterzogen, um die Haftfestigkeit am Knochen nach Alterung unter physiologischen Bedingungen zu bestimmen. Die neuartigen biomineralischen Klebstoffe zeigen eine ausgezeichnete Haftfestigkeit an Knochen mit etwa 6,6-7,3 MPa unter Scherbelastung. Die Adh{\"a}sive sind auch aufgrund ihres koh{\"a}siven Versagensmusters und ihres duktilen Charakters vielversprechend. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die neuen adh{\"a}siven Zemente den derzeit vorherrschenden Knochenadh{\"a}siven {\"u}berlegen. Erg{\"a}nzend wurde versucht, dieses neue System mit unterschiedlichen Additiven zu modifizieren. Dabei wurde Mannit erfolgreich als Porogen verwendet. Dreiarmiges sternf{\"o}rmiges NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO) sollte die adh{\"a}siven Eigenschaften und das Leistungspotenzial unter Wasser verbessern. Zuletzt wurden mit Glycerol pr{\"a}fabrizierte Pasten hergestellt, welche gelagert werden k{\"o}nnen und bei Kontakt mit Wasser aush{\"a}rten. Generell ist zu betonen, dass k{\"u}nftige Bem{\"u}hungen um Knochenklebstoffe aus Phosphoserin und Mg2+ sehr lohnenswert erscheinen.}, subject = {Phosphoserin}, language = {de} } @article{KaiserAggensteinerHoltmannetal.2021, author = {Kaiser, Anna and Aggensteiner, Pascal-M. and Holtmann, Martin and Fallgatter, Andreas and Romanos, Marcel and Abenova, Karina and Alm, Barbara and Becker, Katja and D{\"o}pfner, Manfred and Ethofer, Thomas and Freitag, Christine M. and Geissler, Julia and Hebebrand, Johannes and Huss, Michael and Jans, Thomas and Jendreizik, Lea Teresa and Ketter, Johanna and Legenbauer, Tanja and Philipsen, Alexandra and Poustka, Luise and Renner, Tobias and Retz, Wolfgang and R{\"o}sler, Michael and Thome, Johannes and Uebel-von Sandersleben, Henrik and von Wirth, Elena and Zinnow, Toivo and Hohmann, Sarah and Millenet, Sabina and Holz, Nathalie E. and Banaschewski, Tobias and Brandeis, Daniel}, title = {EEG data quality: determinants and impact in a multicenter study of children, adolescents, and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)}, series = {Brain Sciences}, volume = {11}, journal = {Brain Sciences}, number = {2}, issn = {2076-3425}, doi = {10.3390/brainsci11020214}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228788}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Electroencephalography (EEG) represents a widely established method for assessing altered and typically developing brain function. However, systematic studies on EEG data quality, its correlates, and consequences are scarce. To address this research gap, the current study focused on the percentage of artifact-free segments after standard EEG pre-processing as a data quality index. We analyzed participant-related and methodological influences, and validity by replicating landmark EEG effects. Further, effects of data quality on spectral power analyses beyond participant-related characteristics were explored. EEG data from a multicenter ADHD-cohort (age range 6 to 45 years), and a non-ADHD school-age control group were analyzed (n\(_{total}\) = 305). Resting-state data during eyes open, and eyes closed conditions, and task-related data during a cued Continuous Performance Task (CPT) were collected. After pre-processing, general linear models, and stepwise regression models were fitted to the data. We found that EEG data quality was strongly related to demographic characteristics, but not to methodological factors. We were able to replicate maturational, task, and ADHD effects reported in the EEG literature, establishing a link with EEG-landmark effects. Furthermore, we showed that poor data quality significantly increases spectral power beyond effects of maturation and symptom severity. Taken together, the current results indicate that with a careful design and systematic quality control, informative large-scale multicenter trials characterizing neurophysiological mechanisms in neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan are feasible. Nevertheless, results are restricted to the limitations reported. Future work will clarify predictive value.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Renner2018, author = {Renner, Tobias}, title = {In vitro Testverfahren zur Qualifizierung von Knochenklebstoffen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161546}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Knochenklebstoffe, welche eine unkonventionelle M{\"o}glichkeit im Bereich der chirurgischen Frakturversorgung darstellen, m{\"u}ssen bereits in vitro eine Reihe an klinischen Anforderungen erf{\"u}llen. Hinsichtlich entsprechender Pr{\"u}fverfahren wurde noch keine Normierungsarbeit geleistet, weswegen Ergebnisse verschiedener Arbeiten schwierig vergleichbar sind. Ziel der Arbeit war es daher Pr{\"u}fverfahren vorzustellen, welche die Besonderheiten des „Werkstoffes Knochen" ber{\"u}cksichtigen. In diesem Rahmen werden zwei neuartigen Klebstoffsysteme, ein in situ h{\"a}rtender Knochenzement aus Trimagnesiumphosphat, Magnesiumoxid und organischer Phytins{\"a}ure und ein lichth{\"a}rtender Knochenklebstoff aus Polyethylenglycoldimethacrylat, NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO), Campherchinon und anorganischen Newberyit-F{\"u}llern, vorgestellt. Neben diesen sind drei kommerziell erh{\"a}ltliche Klebstoffe Gegenstand der Untersuchung. Dies sind zum einen Histoacryl® und TruGlue® Gewebekleber, zwei Klebstoffe auf Cyanoacrylat-Basis mit unterschiedlich langer Alkyl-Seitenkette, zum anderen Bioglue®, ein Gewebekleber aus Albumin und Glutaraldehyd. Bei den Klebstoffen wurde die Zug- und Scherfestigkeit unter Einfluss der physiologischen Klebstoffalterung, der Variation der Klebefugenbreite, der Variation von komplement{\"a}ren F{\"u}geteilen, sowie F{\"u}geteiloberfl{\"a}chen inspiziert. Makro- und mikroskopische, sowie elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchung der Bruchfl{\"a}chen auf mikrostrukturelle Besonderheiten und Versagemechanismus wurden angestellt. Die neuartigen Klebstoffsysteme unterliegen zwar den konventionellen Cyanoacrylaten hinsichtlich mechanischer Parameter, weisen aber dennoch ad{\"a}quate Klebefestigkeiten auf bei zugleich zahlreichen Vorteilen gegen{\"u}ber konventionellen Systemen im Umgang mit Knochen. Gerade der Magnesiumphosphatzement scheint auf Grund mechanischer Parameter und Vorz{\"u}gen wie der guten Biokompatibilit{\"a}t und biologischen Abbaubarkeit, Osteoinduktivit{\"a}t, Osteokonduktivit{\"a}t, der einfachen Applizierbarkeit, einem hohen Kosten-Nutzen-Faktor oder dem g{\"u}nstigen Verhalten in w{\"a}ssrigen Milieu vielversprechend.}, subject = {bone}, language = {de} } @article{GeisslerJansBanaschewskietal.2018, author = {Geissler, Julia and Jans, Thomas and Banaschewski, Tobias and Becker, Katja and Renner, Tobias and Brandeis, Daniel and D{\"o}pfner, Manfred and Dose, Christina and Hautmann, Christopher and Holtmann, Martin and Jenkner, Carolin and Millenet, Sabina and Romanos, Marcel}, title = {Individualised short-term therapy for adolescents impaired by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder despite previous routine care treatment (ESCAadol)-Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the consortium ESCAlife}, series = {Trials}, volume = {19}, journal = {Trials}, number = {254}, doi = {10.1186/s13063-018-2635-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176061}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Despite the high persistence rate of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) throughout the lifespan, there is a considerable gap in knowledge regarding effective treatment strategies for adolescents with ADHD. This group in particular often shows substantial psychosocial impairment, low compliance and insufficient response to psychopharmacological interventions. Effective and feasible treatments should further consider the developmental shift in ADHD symptoms, comorbidity and psychosocial adversity as well as family dysfunction. Thus, individualised interventions for adolescent ADHD should comprise a multimodal treatment strategy. The randomised controlled ESCAadol study addresses the needs of this patient group and compares the outcome of short-term cognitive behavioural therapy with parent-based telephone-assisted self-help. Methods/design: In step 1, 160 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years with a diagnosis of ADHD will undergo a treatment as usual (TAU) observation phase of 1 month. In step 2, those still severely affected are randomised to the intervention group with an Individualised Modular Treatment Programme (IMTP) or a telephone-assisted self-help programme for parents (TASH) as an active control condition. The IMTP was specifically designed for the needs of adolescent ADHD. It comprises 10 sessions of individual cognitive behavioural therapy with the adolescents and/or the parents, for which participants choose three out of 10 available focus modules (e.g. organisational skills and planning, emotion regulation, problem solving and stress management, dysfunctional family communication). TASH combines a bibliotherapeutic component with 10 counselling sessions for the parents via telephone. Primary outcome is the change in ADHD symptoms in a clinician-rated diagnostic interview. Outcomes are assessed at inclusion into the study, after the TAU phase, after the intervention phase and after a further 12-week follow-up period. The primary statistical analysis will be by intention-to-treat, using linear regression models. Additionally, we will analyse psychometric and biological predictors and moderators of treatment response. Discussion: ESCAadol compares two short-term non-pharmacological interventions as cost-efficient and feasible treatment options for adolescent ADHD, addressing the specific needs and obstacles to treatment success in this group. We aim to contribute to personalised medicine for adolescent ADHD intended to be implemented in routine clinical care.}, language = {en} } @article{BenderReschKleinetal.2012, author = {Bender, Stephan and Resch, Franz and Klein, Christoph and Renner, Tobias and Fallgatter, Andreas J. and Weisbrod, Matthias and Romanos, Marcel}, title = {Influence of Stimulant Medication and Response Speed on Lateralization of Movement-Related Potentials in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {7}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0039012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135262}, pages = {e39012}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: Hyperactivity is one of the core symptoms in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, it remains unclear in which way the motor system itself and its development are affected by the disorder. Movement-related potentials (MRP) can separate different stages of movement execution, from the programming of a movement to motor post-processing and memory traces. Pre-movement MRP are absent or positive during early childhood and display a developmental increase of negativity. Methods: We examined the influences of response-speed, an indicator of the level of attention, and stimulant medication on lateralized MRP in 16 children with combined type ADHD compared to 20 matched healthy controls. Results: We detected a significantly diminished lateralisation of MRP over the pre-motor and primary motor cortex during movement execution (initial motor potential peak, iMP) in patients with ADHD. Fast reactions (indicating increased visuo-motor attention) led to increased lateralized negativity during movement execution only in healthy controls, while in children with ADHD faster reaction times were associated with more positive amplitudes. Even though stimulant medication had some effect on attenuating group differences in lateralized MRP, this effect was insufficient to normalize lateralized iMP amplitudes. Conclusions: A reduced focal (lateralized) motor cortex activation during the command to muscle contraction points towards an immature motor system and a maturation delay of the (pre-) motor cortex in children with ADHD. A delayed maturation of the neuronal circuitry, which involves primary motor cortex, may contribute to ADHD pathophysiology.}, language = {en} } @article{HavikDegenhardtJohanssonetal.2012, author = {Havik, Bjarte and Degenhardt, Franziska A. and Johansson, Stefan and Fernandes, Carla P. D. and Hinney, Anke and Scherag, Andr{\´e} and Lybaek, Helle and Djurovic, Srdjan and Christoforou, Andrea and Ersland, Kari M. and Giddaluru, Sudheer and O'Donovan, Michael C. and Owen, Michael J. and Craddock, Nick and M{\"u}hleisen, Thomas W. and Mattheisen, Manuel and Schimmelmann, Benno G. and Renner, Tobias and Warnke, Andreas and Herpertz-Dahlmann, Beate and Sinzig, Judith and Albayrak, {\"O}zg{\"u}r and Rietschel, Marcella and N{\"o}then, Markus M. and Bramham, Clive R. and Werge, Thomas and Hebebrand, Johannes and Haavik, Jan and Andreassen, Ole A. and Cichon, Sven and Steen, Vidar M. and Le Hellard, Stephanie}, title = {DCLK1 Variants Are Associated across Schizophrenia and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {7}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0035424}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135285}, pages = {e35424}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Doublecortin and calmodulin like kinase 1 (DCLK1) is implicated in synaptic plasticity and neurodevelopment. Genetic variants in DCLK1 are associated with cognitive traits, specifically verbal memory and general cognition. We investigated the role of DCLK1 variants in three psychiatric disorders that have neuro-cognitive dysfunctions: schizophrenia (SCZ), bipolar affective disorder (BP) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We mined six genome wide association studies (GWASs) that were available publically or through collaboration; three for BP, two for SCZ and one for ADHD. We also genotyped the DCLK1 region in additional samples of cases with SCZ, BP or ADHD and controls that had not been whole-genome typed. In total, 9895 subjects were analysed, including 5308 normal controls and 4,587 patients (1,125 with SCZ, 2,496 with BP and 966 with ADHD). Several DCLK1 variants were associated with disease phenotypes in the different samples. The main effect was observed for rs7989807 in intron 3, which was strongly associated with SCZ alone and even more so when cases with SCZ and ADHD were combined (P-value = 4x10\(^{-5}\) and 4x10\(^{-6}\), respectively). Associations were also observed with additional markers in intron 3 (combination of SCZ, ADHD and BP), intron 19 (SCZ+BP) and the 3'UTR (SCZ+BP). Our results suggest that genetic variants in DCLK1 are associated with SCZ and, to a lesser extent, with ADHD and BP. Interestingly the association is strongest when SCZ and ADHD are considered together, suggesting common genetic susceptibility. Given that DCLK1 variants were previously found to be associated with cognitive traits, these results are consistent with the role of DCLK1 in neurodevelopment and synaptic plasticity.}, language = {en} }