@unpublished{Dandekar2023, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {A modified inflation cosmology relying on qubit-crystallization: rare qubit interactions trigger qubit ensemble growth and crystallization into "real" bit-ensembles and emergent time}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32177}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321777}, pages = {42}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In a modified inflation scenario we replace the "big bang" by a condensation event in an eternal all-compassing big ocean of free qubits in our modified cosmology. Interactions of qubits in the qubit ocean are rare. If they happen, they provide a nucleus for a new universe as the qubits become decoherent and freeze-out into defined bit ensembles. Second, we replace inflation by a crystallization event triggered by the nucleus of interacting qubits to which rapidly more and more qubits attach (like in everyday crystal growth) - the crystal unit cell guarantees same symmetries everywhere. Hence, the textbook inflation scenario to explain the same laws of nature in our domain is replaced by the crystal unit cell of the crystal formed. We give here only the perspective or outline of this modified inflation theory, as the detailed mathematical physics behind this has still to be formulated and described. Interacting qubits solidify, quantum entropy decreases (but increases in the ocean around). The interacting qubits form a rapidly growing domain where the n**m states become separated ensemble states, rising long-range forces stop ultimately further growth. After that very early events, standard cosmology with the hot fireball model takes over. Our theory agrees well with lack of inflation traces in cosmic background measurements, but more importantly can explain well by such a type of cosmological crystallization instead of inflation the early creation of large-scale structure of voids and filaments, supercluster formation, galaxy formation, and the dominance of matter: no annihilation of antimatter necessary, rather the unit cell of our crystal universe has a matter handedness avoiding anti-matter. We prove a triggering of qubit interactions can only be 1,2,4 or 8-dimensional (agrees with E8 symmetry of our universe). Repulsive forces at ultrashort distances result from quantization, long-range forces limit crystal growth. Crystals come and go in the qubit ocean. This selects for the ability to lay seeds for new crystals, for self-organization and life-friendliness. The phase space of the crystal agrees with the standard model of the basic four forces for n quanta. It includes all possible ensemble combinations of their quantum states m, a total of n**m states. Neighbor states reach according to transition possibilities (S-matrix) with emergent time from entropic ensemble gradients. However, this means that in our four dimensions there is only one bit overlap to neighbor states left (almost solid, only below h dash liquidity left). However, the E8 symmetry of heterotic string theory has six rolled-up, small dimensions which help to keep the qubit crystal together and will never expand. Finally, we give first energy estimates for free qubits vs bound qubits, misplacements in the qubit crystal and entropy increase during qubit decoherence / crystal formation. Scalar fields for color interaction and gravity derive from the permeating qubit-interaction field in the crystal. Hence, vacuum energy gets low inside the qubit crystal. Condensed mathematics may advantageously help to model free (many states denote the same qubit) and bound qubits in phase space.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Dandekar2023, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Analysing the phase space of the standard model and its basic four forces from a qubit phase transition perspective: implications for large-scale structure generation and early cosmological events}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29858}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298580}, pages = {42}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The phase space for the standard model of the basic four forces for n quanta includes all possible ensemble combinations of their quantum states m, a total of n**m states. Neighbor states reach according to transition possibilities (S-matrix) with emergent time from entropic ensemble gradients. We replace the "big bang" by a condensation event (interacting qubits become decoherent) and inflation by a crystallization event - the crystal unit cell guarantees same symmetries everywhere. Interacting qubits solidify and form a rapidly growing domain where the n**m states become separated ensemble states, rising long-range forces stop ultimately further growth. After that very early events, standard cosmology with the hot fireball model takes over. Our theory agrees well with lack of inflation traces in cosmic background measurements, large-scale structure of voids and filaments, supercluster formation, galaxy formation, dominance of matter and life-friendliness. We prove qubit interactions to be 1,2,4 or 8 dimensional (agrees with E8 symmetry of our universe). Repulsive forces at ultrashort distances result from quantization, long-range forces limit crystal growth. Crystals come and go in the qubit ocean. This selects for the ability to lay seeds for new crystals, for self-organization and life-friendliness. We give energy estimates for free qubits vs bound qubits, misplacements in the qubit crystal and entropy increase during qubit decoherence / crystal formation. Scalar fields for color interaction and gravity derive from the permeating qubit-interaction field. Hence, vacuum energy gets low only inside the qubit crystal. Condensed mathematics may advantageously model free / bound qubits in phase space.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Dandekar2022, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Qubit transition into defined Bits: A fresh perspective for cosmology and unifying theories}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26641}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266418}, pages = {42}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this view point we do not change cosmology after the hot fireball starts (hence agrees well with observation), but the changed start suggested and resulting later implications lead to an even better fit with current observations (voids, supercluster and galaxy formation; matter and no antimatter) than the standard model with big bang and inflation: In an eternal ocean of qubits, a cluster of qubits crystallizes to defined bits. The universe does not jump into existence ("big bang") but rather you have an eternal ocean of qubits in free super-position of all their quantum states (of any dimension, force field and particle type) as permanent basis. The undefined, boiling vacuum is the real "outside", once you leave our everyday universe. A set of n Qubits in the ocean are "liquid", in very undefined state, they have all their m possibilities for quantum states in free superposition. However, under certain conditions the qubits interact, become defined, and freeze out, crystals form and give rise to a defined, real world with all possible time series and world lines. GR holds only within the crystal. In our universe all n**m quantum possibilities are nicely separated and crystallized out to defined bit states: A toy example with 6 qubits each having 2 states illustrates, this is completely sufficient to encode space using 3 bits for x,y and z, 1 bit for particle type and 2 bits for its state. Just by crystallization, space, particles and their properties emerge from the ocean of qubits, and following the arrow of entropy, time emerges, following an arrow of time and expansion from one corner of the toy universe to everywhere else. This perspective provides time as emergent feature considering entropy: crystallization of each world line leads to defined world lines over their whole existence, while entropy ensures direction of time and higher representation of high entropy states considering the whole crystal and all slices of world lines. The crystal perspective is also economic compared to the Everett-type multiverse, each qubit has its m quantum states and n qubits interacting forming a crystal and hence turning into defined bit states has only n**m states and not more states. There is no Everett-type world splitting with every decision but rather individual world trajectories reside in individual world layers of the crystal. Finally, bit-separated crystals come and go in the qubit ocean, selecting for the ability to lay seeds for new crystals. This self-organizing reproduction selects over generations also for life-friendliness. Mathematical treatment introduces quantum action theory as a framework for a general lattice field theory extending quantum chromo dynamics where scalar fields for color interaction and gravity have to be derived from the permeating qubit-interaction field. Vacuum energy should get appropriately low by the binding properties of the qubit crystal. Connections to loop quantum gravity, string theory and emergent gravity are discussed. Standard physics (quantum computing; crystallization, solid state physics) allow validation tests of this perspective and will extend current results.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Dandekar2021, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Our universe may have started by Qubit decoherence}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23918}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239181}, pages = {54}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Our universe may have started by Qubit decoherence: In quantum computers, qubits have all their states undefined during calculation and become defined as output ("decoherence"). We study the transition from an uncontrolled, chaotic quantum vacuum ("before") to a clearly interacting "real world". In such a cosmology, the Big Bang singularity is replaced by a condensation event of interacting strings. This triggers a crystallization process. This avoids inflation, not fitting current observations: increasing long-range interactions limit growth and crystal symmetries ensure the same laws of nature and basic symmetries over the whole crystal. Tiny mis-arrangements provide nuclei of superclusters and galaxies and crystal structure allows arrangement of dark (halo regions) and normal matter (galaxy nuclei) for galaxy formation. Crystals come and go: an evolutionary cosmology is explored: entropic forces from the quantum soup "outside" of the crystal try to dissolve it. This corresponds to dark energy and leads to a "big rip" in 70 Gigayears. Selection for best growth and condensation events over generations of crystals favors multiple self-organizing processes within the crystal including life or even conscious observers in our universe. Philosophically this theory shows harmony with nature and replaces absurd perspectives of current cosmology. Independent of cosmology, we suggest that a "real world" (so our everyday macroscopic world) happens only inside a crystal. "Outside" there is wild quantum foam and superposition of all possibilities. In our crystallized world the vacuum no longer boils but is cooled down by the crystallization event, space-time exists and general relativity holds. Vacuum energy becomes 10**20 smaller, exactly as observed in our everyday world. We live in a "solid" state, within a crystal, the n quanta which build our world have all their different m states nicely separated. There are only nm states available for this local "multiverse". The arrow of entropy for each edge of the crystal forms one fate, one world-line or clear development of our world, while layers of the crystal are different system states. Mathematical leads from loop quantum gravity (LQG) point to required interactions and potentials. Interaction potentials for strings or loop quanta of any dimension allow a solid, decoherent state of quanta challenging to calculate. However, if we introduce here the heuristic that any type of physical interaction of strings corresponds just to a type of calculation, there is already since 1898 the Hurwitz theorem showing that then only 1D, 2D, 4D and 8D (octonions) allow complex or hypercomplex number calculations. No other hypercomplex numbers and hence dimensions or symmetries are possible to allow calculations without yielding divisions by zero. However, the richest solution allowed by the Hurwitz theorem, octonions, is actually the observed symmetry of our universe, E8. Standard physics such as condensation, crystallization and magnetization but also solid-state physics and quantum computing allow us to show an initial mathematical treatment of our new theory by LQG to describe the cosmological state transformations by equations, and, most importantly, point out routes to parametrization of free parameters looking at testable phenomena, experiments and formulas that describe processes of crystallization, protein folding, magnetization, solid-state physics and quantum computing. This is presented here for LQG, for string theory it would be more elegant but was too demanding to be shown here. Note: While my previous Opus server preprint "A new cosmology of a crystallization process (decoherence) from the surrounding quantum soup provides heuristics to unify general relativity and quantum physics by solid state physics" (https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-23076) deals with the same topics and basic formulas, this new version is improved: clearer in title, better introduction, more stringent in its mathematics and improved discussion of the implications including quantum computing, hints for parametrization and connections to LQG and other current cosmological efforts. This 5th of June 2021 version is again an OPUS preprint, but this will next be edited for Archives https://arxiv.org.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Dandekar2019, author = {Dandekar, Thomas}, title = {Biological heuristics applied to cosmology suggests a condensation nucleus as start of our universe and inflation cosmology replaced by a period of rapid Weiss domain-like crystal growth}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-183945}, pages = {24}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Cosmology often uses intricate formulas and mathematics to derive new theories and concepts. We do something different in this paper: We look at biological processes and derive from these heuristics so that the revised cosmology agrees with astronomical observations but does also agree with standard biological observations. We show that we then have to replace any type of singularity at the start of the universe by a condensation nucleus and that the very early period of the universe usually assumed to be inflation has to be replaced by a period of rapid crystal growth as in Weiss magnetization domains. Impressively, these minor modifications agree well with astronomical observations including removing the strong inflation perturbations which were never observed in the recent BICEP2 experiments. Furthermore, looking at biological principles suggests that such a new theory with a condensation nucleus at start and a first rapid phase of magnetization-like growth of the ordered, physical laws obeying lattice we live in is in fact the only convincing theory of the early phases of our universe that also is compatible with current observations. We show in detail in the following that such a process of crystal creation, breaking of new crystal seeds and ultimate evaporation of the present crystal readily leads over several generations to an evolution and selection of better, more stable and more self-organizing crystals. Moreover, this explains the "fine-tuning" question why our universe is fine-tuned to favor life: Our Universe is so self-organizing to have enough offspring and the detailed physics involved is at the same time highly favorable for all self-organizing processes including life. This biological theory contrasts with current standard inflation cosmologies. The latter do not perform well in explaining any phenomena of sophisticated structure creation or self-organization. As proteins can only thermodynamically fold by increasing the entropy in the solution around them we suggest for cosmology a condensation nucleus for a universe can form only in a "chaotic ocean" of string-soup or quantum foam if the entropy outside of the nucleus rapidly increases. We derive an interaction potential for 1 to n-dimensional strings or quantum-foams and show that they allow only 1D, 2D, 4D or octonion interactions. The latter is the richest structure and agrees to the E8 symmetry fundamental to particle physics and also compatible with the ten dimensional string theory E8 which is part of the M-theory. Interestingly, any other interactions of other dimensionality can be ruled out using Hurwitz compositional theorem. Crystallization explains also extremely well why we have only one macroscopic reality and where the worldlines of alternative trajectories exist: They are in other planes of the crystal and for energy reasons they crystallize mostly at the same time, yielding a beautiful and stable crystal. This explains decoherence and allows to determine the size of PlanckĀ“s quantum h (very small as separation of crystal layers by energy is extremely strong). Ultimate dissolution of real crystals suggests an explanation for dark energy agreeing with estimates for the "big rip". The halo distribution of dark matter favoring galaxy formation is readily explained by a crystal seed starting with unit cells made of normal and dark matter. That we have only matter and not antimatter can be explained as there may be right handed mattercrystals and left-handed antimatter crystals. Similarly, real crystals are never perfect and we argue that exactly such irregularities allow formation of galaxies, clusters and superclusters. Finally, heuristics from genetics suggest to look for a systems perspective to derive correct vacuum and Higgs Boson energies.}, language = {en} }