@article{Biedermann2020, author = {Biedermann, Peter H. W.}, title = {Cooperative Breeding in the Ambrosia Beetle Xyleborus affinis and Management of Its Fungal Symbionts}, series = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, issn = {2296-701X}, doi = {10.3389/fevo.2020.518954}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215662}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Fungus-farming is known from attine ants, macrotermites, and ambrosia beetles (Scolytinae, Platypodinae). Farming ant and termite societies are superorganismal and grow fungal cultivars in monocultures. Social organization of ambrosia beetle groups and their farming systems are poorly studied, because of their enigmatic life within tunnel systems inside of wood. Ambrosia beetle-fungus symbioses evolved many times independently in both the beetles and their fungal cultivars. Observations suggest that there is evolutionary convergence between these lineages, but also a high variation in the degree of sociality and the modes of fungiculture. Using a laboratory observation technique, I here tried to give insights into the social system and fungus symbiosis of the sugar-cane borer, Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff (Scolytinae: Curculionidae), a currently poorly studied ambrosia beetle. The study revealed a cooperatively breeding system characterized by delayed dispersal of adult daughters, alloparental brood care by larvae and adults, and about half of the totipotent adult daughters laying eggs within the natal nest. Most interesting, there was a tendency of egg-laying females to engage more commonly in mutually beneficial behaviors than non-egg-layers. Fungus gardens covering gallery walls composed of five different filamentous fungi. A Raffaelea isolate was predominant and together with an unidentified fungus likely served as the main food for adults and larvae. Three isolates, a Mucor, a Fusarium and a Phaeoacremonium isolate were most abundant in the oldest gallery part close to the entrance; Mucor, Fusarium and the Raffaelea isolate in diseased individuals. Additionally, there was correlative evidence for some fungal isoaltes influencing beetle feeding and hygienic behaviors. Overall, X. affinis is now the second ambrosia beetle that can be classified as a cooperative breeder with division of labor among and between adults and larvae.}, language = {en} } @article{GrubbsSurupBiedermannetal.2020, author = {Grubbs, Kirk J. and Surup, Frank and Biedermann, Peter H. W. and McDonald, Bradon R. and Klassen, Jonathan L. and Carlson, Caitlin M. and Clardy, Jon and Currie, Cameron R.}, title = {Cycloheximide-Producing Streptomyces Associated With Xyleborinus saxesenii and Xyleborus affinis Fungus-Farming Ambrosia Beetles}, series = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, volume = {11}, journal = {Frontiers in Microbiology}, doi = {10.3389/fmicb.2020.562140}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212449}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Symbiotic microbes help a myriad of insects acquire nutrients. Recent work suggests that insects also frequently associate with actinobacterial symbionts that produce molecules to help defend against parasites and predators. Here we explore a potential association between Actinobacteria and two species of fungus-farming ambrosia beetles, Xyleborinus saxesenii and Xyleborus affinis. We isolated and identified actinobacterial and fungal symbionts from laboratory reared nests, and characterized small molecules produced by the putative actinobacterial symbionts. One 16S rRNA phylotype of Streptomyces (XylebKG-1) was abundantly and consistently isolated from the galleries and adults of X. saxesenii and X. affinis nests. In addition to Raffaelea sulphurea, the symbiont that X. saxesenii cultivates, we also repeatedly isolated a strain of Nectria sp. that is an antagonist of this mutualism. Inhibition bioassays between Streptomyces griseus XylebKG-1 and the fungal symbionts from X. saxesenii revealed strong inhibitory activity of the actinobacterium toward the fungal antagonist Nectria sp. but not the fungal mutualist R. sulphurea. Bioassay guided HPLC fractionation of S. griseus XylebKG-1 culture extracts, followed by NMR and mass spectrometry, identified cycloheximide as the compound responsible for the observed growth inhibition. A biosynthetic gene cluster putatively encoding cycloheximide was also identified in S. griseus XylebKG-1. The consistent isolation of a single 16S phylotype of Streptomyces from two species of ambrosia beetles, and our finding that a representative isolate of this phylotype produces cycloheximide, which inhibits a parasite of the system but not the cultivated fungus, suggests that these actinobacteria may play defensive roles within these systems.}, language = {en} } @article{HartkeWaldvogelSprengeretal.2021, author = {Hartke, Juliane and Waldvogel, Ann-Marie and Sprenger, Philipp P. and Schmitt, Thomas and Menzel, Florian and Pfenninger, Markus and Feldmeyer, Barbara}, title = {Little parallelism in genomic signatures of local adaptation in two sympatric, cryptic sister species}, series = {Journal of Evolutionary Biology}, volume = {34}, journal = {Journal of Evolutionary Biology}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/jeb.13742}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228355}, pages = {937 -- 952}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Species living in sympatry and sharing a similar niche often express parallel phenotypes as a response to similar selection pressures. The degree of parallelism within underlying genomic levels is often unexplored, but can give insight into the mechanisms of natural selection and adaptation. Here, we use multi-dimensional genomic associations to assess the basis of local and climate adaptation in two sympatric, cryptic Crematogaster levior ant species along a climate gradient. Additionally, we investigate the genomic basis of chemical communication in both species. Communication in insects is mainly mediated by cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), which also protect against water loss and, hence, are subject to changes via environmental acclimation or adaptation. The combination of environmental and chemical association analyses based on genome-wide Pool-Seq data allowed us to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with climate and with chemical differences. Within species, CHC changes as a response to climate seem to be driven by phenotypic plasticity, since there is no overlap between climate- and CHC-associated SNPs. The only exception is the odorant receptor OR22c, which may be a candidate for population-specific CHC recognition in one of the species. Within both species, climate is significantly correlated with CHC differences, as well as to allele frequency differences. However, associated candidate SNPs, genes and functions are largely species-specific and we find evidence for minimal parallel evolution only on the level of genomic regions (J = 0.04). This highlights that even closely related species may follow divergent evolutionary trajectories when expressing similar adaptive phenotypes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Junker2010, author = {Junker, Robert R.}, title = {Scents as Floral Defence : Impact on Species and Communities, Mechanisms and Ecological Consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Floral scents are compositions of diverse volatile substances. Despite the chemical complexity, the interpretation of their ecological relevance was mostly confined to the attractive function facilitating interactions with pollinators. However, the negative impact on plants' reproduction by non-pollinating flower visitors is pronounced and demands floral adaptations that exclude antagonists. The aim of this dissertation was to explore the defensive properties of floral odours and to imbed them into ecological contexts. The thesis covered four scopes: the scents' impact on individual species and on flower-visitor communities, the mechanisms that explain the dual function of floral volatiles (attraction and defence), and the ecological consequences of missing defences for plants and pollinators. The most important floral antagonists that are known to reduce the reproductive fitness of plants were identified and their responses towards floral scents were examined. We found that representatives of non-pollinating florivores (bush crickets), predators that lure for pollinators (spiders), and microorganisms that potentially colonize petals were repelled, deterred or inhibited in their growth by floral secondary metabolites. An earlier study revealed the same effect on nectar thieving ants. These experimental studies clearly demonstrate that scents universally serve as floral defences that have the potential to reduce or even prevent the visitation and exploitation of flowers by these antagonists. Within diverse communities, we tested whether species-specific responses to odours reflect the structure of naturally occurring flower-visitor interactions in order to examine the ecological importance of defensive floral scents. On three Hawaiian Islands, ant-flower interactions involving co-occurring native and introduced plants were observed. Ants were historically absent from the geographically isolated Hawaiian archipelago. Thus, we hypothesized that native Hawaiian plants lack floral features that exclude ants and therefore would be heavily exploited by introduced, invasive ants. We quantified the residual interaction strength of each pair of ant/plant species as the deviation of the observed interaction frequency from a null-model prediction based on available nectar sugar in a local plant community and local ant activity at sugar baits. As predicted, flowers of plants that are endemic or indigenous to Hawaii were stronger exploited by ants than flowers of co- occurring introduced plants, which share an evolutionary history with ants. We showed experimentally that the absence of ants on flowers of most introduced and few native plants species was due to morphological barriers and/or repellent floral scents, examined in a mobile olfactometer. Analysis of floral volatiles, however, revealed no consistent ant- repellent "syndrome", probably due to the high chemical variability within the floral scent bouquets. On a fallow land in Germany, we linked the responses of receivers (flower visitors) towards signals (flower scent) with the structure of a highly diverse natural flower-insect network. For each interaction, we defined link temperature - a newly developed metric - as the deviation of the observed interaction strength from neutrality, assuming that animals randomly interact with flowers. Link temperature was positively correlated to the specific visitors' responses to floral scents. Thus, communication between plants and consumers via phytochemical signals reflects a significant part of the microstructure in a complex network. Negative as well as positive responses towards floral scents contributed to these results, where individual experience was important, apart from innate behaviour. The demonstration of the contrasting functions of floral scents that control the visitor spectrum of flowers represents the first evidence that floral scents act as filters allowing access to some flower visitors but simultaneously exclude others. These findings raise the central question of this thesis: what evolutionary mechanism explains the dual function of floral scents? The view of flower visitors as mutualistic and antagonistic agents considers primarily the interest of plants. A classification emphasizing the consumer's point of view, however, may be more useful when considering adaptations of animals to flower visits. Therefore, we introduced a novel classification that acknowledges the consumers' interest in the interaction: some animals evolved an obligate dependence on floral resources, others use nectar and pollen as supplement to their diet and are thus regarded as facultative flower visitors. In a meta-analysis covering 18 studies on the responses of animals to floral scents, we assigned the animals to the categories of obligate or facultative flower visitors. Their responses to floral scents were compared. On average, obligate flower visitors, often corresponding to pollinators, were attracted to floral scent compounds. In contrast, facultative and mainly antagonistic visitors were strongly repelled by flower odours. The findings confirm that floral scents have a dual function both as attractive and defensive cues. Whether an animal depends on floral resources determines its response to these signals, suggesting that obligate flower visitors evolved a tolerance against primarily defensive compounds. These findings were confirmed in an experimental study. We conclude that floral scents protect flowers against visitors that would otherwise reduce the reproductive success of plants. In Hawaii, where flowers do not have defensive means against ants, we studied the impact of ants on the pollination effectiveness of endemic and introduced bees and on the fruit set of an endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae). Ants were dominant nectar-consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar-foraging bees strongly decreased on ant-visited flowers, whereas pollen-collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were much poorer pollinators than introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera). The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant-visited and ant-free inflorescences. A second Hawaiian plant species, Vaccinium reticulatum (Ericaceae), was visited by the caterpillars of an introduced plume moth (Stenoptilodes littoralis) that destroyed buds and flowers of this species. The ants' presence on flowers strongly reduced flower parasitism by the caterpillars and consequently decreased the loss of flowers and buds. This is, to our knowledge, the first documented mutualism between invasive ants and an endemic plant species in Hawaii. Thus, ants that have been shown to be detrimental flower visitors elsewhere, had neutral (M. polymorpha) or even positive (V. reticulatum) effects on endemic Hawaiian plants. However, their overall negative effect on the Hawaiian flora and fauna should not be disregarded.}, subject = {Bl{\"u}te}, language = {en} } @article{SchenkKraussHolzschuh2018, author = {Schenk, Mariela and Krauss, Jochen and Holzschuh, Andrea}, title = {Desynchronizations in bee-plant interactions cause severe fitness losses in solitary bees}, series = {Journal of Animal Ecology}, volume = {87}, journal = {Journal of Animal Ecology}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1111/1365-2656.12694}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228533}, pages = {139-149}, year = {2018}, abstract = {1. Global warming can disrupt mutualistic interactions between solitary bees and plants when increasing temperature differentially changes the timing of interacting partners. One possible scenario is for insect phenology to advance more rapidly than plant phenology. 2. However, empirical evidence for fitness consequences due to temporal mismatches is lacking for pollinators and it remains unknown if bees have developed strategies to mitigate fitness losses following temporal mismatches. 3. We tested the effect of temporal mismatches on the fitness of three spring-emerging solitary bee species, including one pollen specialist. Using flight cages, we simulated (i) a perfect synchronization (from a bee perspective): bees and flowers occur simultaneously, (ii) a mismatch of 3days and (iii) a mismatch of 6days, with bees occurring earlier than flowers in the latter two cases. 4. A mismatch of 6days caused severe fitness losses in all three bee species, as few bees survived without flowers. Females showed strongly reduced activity and reproductive output compared to synchronized bees. Fitness consequences of a 3-day mismatch were species-specific. Both the early-spring species Osmia cornuta and the mid-spring species Osmia bicornis produced the same number of brood cells after a mismatch of 3days as under perfect synchronization. However, O.cornuta decreased the number of female offspring, whereas O.bicornis spread the brood cells over fewer nests, which may increase offspring mortality, e.g. due to parasitoids. The late-spring specialist Osmia brevicornis produced fewer brood cells even after a mismatch of 3days. Additionally, our results suggest that fitness losses after temporal mismatches are higher during warm than cold springs, as the naturally occurring temperature variability revealed that warm temperatures during starvation decreased the survival rate of O.bicornis. 5. We conclude that short temporal mismatches can cause clear fitness losses in solitary bees. Although our results suggest that bees have evolved species-specific strategies to mitigate fitness losses after temporal mismatches, the bees were not able to completely compensate for impacts on their fitness after temporal mismatches with their food resources.}, subject = {pollination}, language = {en} } @article{SteinCoulibalyBalimaetal.2020, author = {Stein, Katharina and Coulibaly, Drissa and Balima, Larba Hubert and Goetze, Dethardt and Linsenmair, Karl Eduard and Porembski, Stefan and Stenchly, Kathrin and Theodorou, Panagiotis}, title = {Plant-pollinator networks in savannas of Burkina Faso, West Africa}, series = {Diversity}, volume = {13}, journal = {Diversity}, number = {1}, issn = {1424-2818}, doi = {10.3390/d13010001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220157}, year = {2020}, abstract = {West African savannas are severely threatened with intensified land use and increasing degradation. Bees are important for terrestrial biodiversity as they provide native plant species with pollination services. However, little information is available regarding their mutualistic interactions with woody plant species. In the first network study from sub-Saharan West Africa, we investigated the effects of land-use intensity and climatic seasonality on plant-bee communities and their interaction networks. In total, we recorded 5686 interactions between 53 flowering woody plant species and 100 bee species. Bee-species richness and the number of interactions were higher in the low compared to medium and high land-use intensity sites. Bee- and plant-species richness and the number of interactions were higher in the dry compared to the rainy season. Plant-bee visitation networks were not strongly affected by land-use intensity; however, climatic seasonality had a strong effect on network architecture. Null-model corrected connectance and nestedness were higher in the dry compared to the rainy season. In addition, network specialization and null-model corrected modularity were lower in the dry compared to the rainy season. Our results suggest that in our study region, seasonal effects on mutualistic network architecture are more pronounced compared to land-use change effects. Nonetheless, the decrease in bee-species richness and the number of plant-bee interactions with an increase in land-use intensity highlights the importance of savanna conservation for maintaining bee diversity and the concomitant provision of ecosystem services.}, language = {en} }