@phdthesis{Wagh2005, author = {Wagh, Dhananjay Anil}, title = {"Bruchpilot" -molecular and functional characterization of a novel active zone protein at the Drosophila synapse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Chemical neurotransmission is a complex process of central importance for nervous system function. It is thought to be mediated by the orchestration of hundreds of proteins for its successful execution. Several synaptic proteins have been shown to be relevant for neurotransmission and many of them are highly conserved during evolution- suggesting a universal mechanism for neurotransmission. This process has checkpoints at various places like, neurotransmitter uptake into the vesicles, relocation of the vesicles to the vicinity of calcium channels in order to facilitate Ca2+ induced release thereby modulating the fusion probability, formation of a fusion pore to release the neurotransmitter and finally reuptake of the vesicles by endocytosis. Each of these checkpoints has now become a special area of study and maintains its own importance for the understanding of the overall process. Ca2+ induced release occurs at specialized membrane structures at the synapse known as the active zones. These are highly ordered electron dense grids and are composed of several proteins which assist the synaptic vesicles in relocating in the vicinity of Ca2+ channels thereby increasing their fusion probability and then bringing about the vesicular fusion itself. All the protein modules needed for these processes are thought to be held in tight arrays at the active zones, and the functions of a few have been characterized so far at the vertebrate active zones. Our group is primarily interested in characterizing the molecular architecture of the Drosophila synapse. Due to its powerful genetics and well-established behavioural assays Drosophila is an excellent system to investigate neuronal functioning. Monoclonal antibodies (MABs) from a hybridoma library against Drosophila brain are routinely used to detect novel proteins in the brain in a reverse genetic approach. Upon identification of the protein its encoding genetic locus is characterized and a detailed investigation of its function is initiated. This approach has been particularly useful to detect synaptic proteins, which may go undetected in a forward genetic approach due to lack of an observable phenotype. Proteins like CSP, Synapsin and Sap47 have been identified and characterized using this approach so far. MAB nc82 has been one of the shortlisted antibodies from the same library and is widely used as a general neuropil marker due to the relative transparency of immunohistochemical whole mount staining obtained with this antibody. A careful observation of double stainings at the larval neuromuscular junctions with MAB nc82 and other pre and post-synaptic markers strongly suggested an active zone localization of the nc82 antigen. Synaptic architecture is well characterized in Drosophila at the ultrastructural level. However, molecular details for many synaptic components and especially for the active zone are almost entirely unknown. A possible localization at the active zone for the nc82 antigen served as the motivation to initiate its biochemical characterization and the identification of the encoding gene. In the present thesis it is shown by 2-D gel analysis and mass spectrometry that the nc82 antigen is a novel active zone protein encoded by a complex genetic locus on chromosome 2R. By RT-PCR exons from three open reading frames previously annotated as separate genes are demonstrated to give rise to a transcript of at least 5.5 kb. Northern blots produce a prominent signal of 11 kb and a weak signal of 2 kb. The protein encoded by the 5.5 kb transcript is highly conserved amongst insects and has at its N-terminus significant homology to the previously described vertebrate active zone protein ELKS/ERC/CAST. Bioinformatic analysis predicts coiled-coil domains spread all over the sequence and strongly suggest a function involved in organizing or maintaining the structure of the active zone. The large C-terminal region is highly conserved amongst the insects but has no clear homologues in veretebrates. For a functional analysis of this protein transgenic flies expressing RNAi constructs under the control of the Gal4 regulated enhancer UAS were kindly provided by the collaborating group of S.Sigrist (G\&\#1616;ttingen). A strong pan-neuronal knockdown of the nc82 antigen by transgenic RNAi expression leads to embryonic lethality. A relatively weaker RNAi expression results in behavioural deficits in adult flies including unstable flight and impaired walking behavior. Due to this peculiar phenotype as observed in the first knockdown studies the gene was named "bruchpilot" (brp) encoding the protein "Bruchpilot (BRP)" (German for crash pilot). A pan-neuronal as well as retina specific downregulation of this protein results in loss of ON and OFF transients in ERG recordings indicating dysfunctional synapses. Retina specific downregulation also shows severely impaired optomotor behaviour. Finally, at an ultrastructural level BRP downregulation seems to impair the formation of the characteristic T-shaped synaptic ribbons at the active zones without significantly altering the overall synaptic architecture (in collaboration with E.Asan). Vertebrate active zone protein Bassoon is known to be involved in attaching the synaptic ribbons to the active zones as an adapter between active zone proteins RIBEYE and ERC/CAST. A mutation in Bassoon results in a floating synaptic ribbon phenotype. No protein homologous to Bassoon has been observed in Drosophila. BRP downregulation also results in absence of attached synaptic ribbons at the active zones. This invites the speculation of an adapter like function for BRP in Drosophila. However, while Bassoon mutant mice are viable, BRP deficit in addition to the structural phenotype also results in severe behavioural and physiological anomalies and even stronger downregulation causes embryonic lethality. This therefore suggests an additional and even more important role for BRP in development and normal functioning of synapses in Drosophila and also in other insects. However, how BRP regulates synaptic transmission and which other proteins are involved in this BRP dependant pathway remains to be investigated. Such studies certainly will attract prominent attention in the future.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Motsch2005, author = {Motsch, Isabell}, title = {Lamin A and lamin C are differentially dysfunctional in autosomal dominant Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15360}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by early contractures of the elbows, Achilles tendons and spine, slowly progressive muscle wasting and cardiomyopathy associated with cardiac conduction defect. The autosomal dominant form is caused by mutations in the LMNA gene which gives rise to lamin A and lamin C proteins by alternative splicing. These A-type lamins, together with B-type lamins, form the nuclear lamina, a network of intermediate filament proteins underlining the nuclear envelope. In order to ascertain the role lamin A and C separately contribute to the molecular phenotype, we analysed ten LMNA mutations and one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in transfection studies in COS7 fibroblasts and, partially, in C2C12 myoblasts. The EGFP or DsRed2 tagged lamins were exogenously expressed either individually or both A-types together and examined by light and electron microscopy. The protein mobility of lamin A mutants was determined by FRAP analysis. Additionally, a co-immunoprecipitation binding assay of in vitro synthesised A-type lamins and emerin was performed.Eight of the LMNA mutations (R50S, R133P, E358K, E358K+CG, Pat. 2: c.856 C>T, Pat. 4: c.3467-2A>G, Pat. 5: c.3707G>A), welche meist in einem oder in der N{\"a}he eines Mutationsmotives vorlag. Zur Einsch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus in den Patientenblutzellen wurden, neben der meist mehrj{\"a}hrigen Be-obachtung der Blutwerte (Thrombo-, Mono-, Granulo-, Lymphozyten, H{\"a}moglobin), gDNA-, Chromoso-menbruch- und Zellzyklusanalysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Chromosomenbruchanalysen von Metaphasen der T-Lymphozyten der Patienten 4 und 5 zeigten nach MMC-Behandlung die mosaik-typische bimodale Vertei-lung der Chromosomenbruchraten. Die nur moderat erh{\"o}hten Bruchraten in Metaphasen des Patienten 1 sprachen f{\"u}r eine starke Reversion. Zur besseren Absch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus wurden Zellzyklusanaly-sen an Mischungsreihen aus FA- und nicht FA- Blut durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Detektionsgrenze f{\"u}r FA-Mosaike lag bei einem Anteil von 30\% Zellen mit spontanem/MMC-induziertem G2-Phasen-Arrest. In Anlehnung an Mischungskurven wurden f{\"u}r die vier Patienten Reversionen von 0\% (Pat. 4) bis 90-95\% (Pat. 2) ange-nommen. Die gDNA-Analyse MACS-sortierter T-/B-Lympho-, Mono- und Granulozyten sowie von Fib-roblasten und lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien erm{\"o}glichte einen detaillierten Einblick in die Mosaikstatus auf molekularer Ebene. Wir fanden bei allen Patienten einen unterschiedlich stark ausgepr{\"a}gten Mosaikstatus ihrer Blutzellreihen. Tendenziell scheinen die Reversionsgrade mit der Zell-Lebensdauer korrelieren, hier-bei zeigen kurzlebige Zellen (Mono-, Granulo-, B-Lymphozyten) h{\"o}here Reversionsgrade als langlebige T-Lymphozyten. Das Auftreten von gleichen Reversionen in allen Zelllinien l{\"a}sst eine Reversion in einer gemeinsamen Vorl{\"a}uferzelle vermuten. Als Besonderheit fanden wir, unseren Erachtens erstmalig, eine komplette Reversion einer Knochenmark-Fibroblastenzelllinie (Pat. 1). H{\"a}ufig in Kultur stattfindende Re-versionen in lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien beobachteten wir f{\"u}r alle vier Patienten. Die Mosaikentstehung im Patientenblut konnte mit allen Methoden best{\"a}tigt werden. Jede Methode wies Vor- und Nachteile auf. Zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Mosaikstatus empfiehlt sich deshalb eine Kombination der Methoden. Ein weiteres Projekt besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit Interaktionen des FANCO (RAD51C) innerhalb der RAD51 Paraloge (RAD51B, -C, -D, XRCC2, XRCC3) und mit RAD51. Die Analysen erfolgten im Mammalian Two- und Three-Hybrid (M2H/M3H) System. Die Untersuchungen best{\"a}tigten die meisten der bisher detektierten Interaktionen, welche zur Ausbildung des RAD51C-XRCC3 Komplexes und des, aus den Subkomplexen RAD51B-RAD51C (BC) und RAD51D-XRCC2 (DX2) bestehenden, BCDX2-Komplex f{\"u}hren. Die M3H-Analysen weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle des RAD51B-Proteins bei der Auspr{\"a}gung dieses Komplexes hin. Es scheint die Ausbildung der RAD51C-RAD51D-Interaktion erst zu erm{\"o}glichen und zus{\"a}tzlich, anders als bisher beobachtet, auch mit XRCC2 zu interagieren. Diese Interaktion wiederum wird durch die Anwesenheit von RAD51D stark gef{\"o}rdert. Unsere M2H-/M3H-Beobachtungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der Subkomplexe f{\"u}r die Entstehung des BDCX2-Komplexes wichtig ist und dieser vermutlich als Ringstruktur vorliegt. Zus{\"a}tzlich fanden wir Hinweise auf m{\"o}gliche Wechselwir-kungen zwischen den BCDX2- und den XRCC3-Komplexproteinen. Aufgrund der Beteiligung der Protei-ne an der Doppelstrangl{\"a}sionsreparatur wurde die Auswirkung von MMC-induzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den un-tersucht. Diese f{\"u}hrten innerhalb der Subkomplexe zu gegens{\"a}tzlichen {\"A}nderungen der Interaktionsinten-sit{\"a}t. W{\"a}hrend die Substanz im DX2-Komplex zum Sinken der Interaktionsst{\"a}rke f{\"u}hrte, erh{\"o}hte sich diese im BC-Komplex. Die in der Literatur beschriebene und charakterisierte RAD51C-FANCN-Interation war im M2H-Test nicht darstellbar. M{\"o}glicherweise w{\"u}rde diese jedoch durch die Anwesenheit eines drit-ten Proteins gef{\"o}rdert werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein RAD51C-Protein, welches die Patientenmutation R258H enthielt, {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Es zeigte nur in der M3H-Analyse, mit pMRAD51D und nativem RAD51B, nach Behandlung mit MMC eine reduzierte Interaktionsst{\"a}rke im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Dies unter-streicht einmal mehr die als hypomorph beschriebene Mutation des Proteins. Das dritte Projekt, die angestrebte Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung des RAD51C-Proteins erwies sich als schwierig. Eine f{\"u}r eine Kristallisation ausreichende Proteinmenge konnte, weder im E. coli-System noch in Insektenzellen oder in Co-Expression mit seinem Interaktionspartner XRCC3, isoliert und aufgereinigt werden. Elektro-phoretische Mobility Shift Assays des CX3-Proteinkomplexes mit DNA-Strukturen (ssDNA, Open Fork, 3'-/ 5'-{\"U}berhang-Struktur), zeigten eine Bevorzugung des 3'-{\"U}berhang-DNA-Substrates. Diese Art der Analyse k{\"o}nnte in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analysen zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Auswirkung von Patientenmutationen herangezogen werden. bb}, subject = {Fanconi An{\"a}mie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bertho2016, author = {Bertho, Sylvain}, title = {Biochemical and molecular characterization of an original master sex determining gene in Salmonids}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Sexual development is a fundamental and versatile process that shapes animal morphology, physiology and behavior. The underlying developmental process is composed of the sex determination and the sex differentiation. Sex determination mechanisms are extremely labile among taxa. The initial triggers of the sex determination process are often genetics called sex determining genes. These genes are expressed in the bipotential gonad and tilt the balance to a developmental program allowing the differentiation of either a testis or an ovary. Fish represent a large and fascinating vertebrate group to study both sex determination and sex differentiation mechanisms. To date, among the known sex determining genes, three gene families namely sox, dmrt and TGF-β factors govern this developmental program. As exception to this rule, sdY "sexually dimorphic on the Y" does not belong to one of these families as it comes from the duplication / evolution of an ancestor gene related to immunity, i.e., the interferon related factor 9, irf9. sdY is the master sex determining gene in salmonids, a group of fishes that include species such as rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. The present study was aimed to firstly characterize the features of SdY protein. Results indicate that SdY is predominantly localized in the cytoplasm tested in various fish and mammalian cell lines and confirmed by different methods. Predictive in silico analysis revealed that SdY is composed of a β-sandwich core surrounded by three α-helices as well specific characteristics conferring a putative protein-protein interaction site. Secondly, the study was aimed to understand how SdY could trigger testicular differentiation. SdY is a truncated divergent version of Irf9 that has a conserved protein-protein domain but lost the DNA interaction domain of its ancestor gene. It was then hypothesized that SdY could initiate testicular differentiation by protein-protein interactions. To evaluate this we first conducted a yeast-two-hybrid screen that revealed a high proportion of transcription factors including fox proteins. Using various biochemical and cellular methods we confirm an interaction between SdY and Foxl2, a major transcription factor involved in ovarian differentiation and identity maintenance. Interestingly, the interaction of SdY with Foxl2 leads to nuclear translocation of SdY from the cytoplasm. Furthermore, this SdY translocation mechanism was found to be specific to fish Foxl2 and to a lesser extend Foxl3 and not other Fox proteins or mammalian FoxL2. In addition, we found that this interaction allows the stabilization of SdY and prevents its degradation. Finally, to better decipher SdY action we used as a model a mutated version of SdY that was identified in XY females of Chinook salmon natural population. Results show that this mutation induces a local conformation defect obviously leading to a misfolded protein and a quick degradation. Moreover, the mutated version compromised the interaction with Foxl2 defining a minimal threshold to induce testicular differentiation. Altogether results from my thesis propose that SdY would trigger testicular differentiation in salmonids by preventing Foxl2 to promote ovarian differentiation. Further research should be now carried out on how this interaction of SdY and Foxl2 acts in-vivo.}, subject = {Lachsartige }, language = {en} }