@phdthesis{Schneider2015, author = {Schneider, Gudrun}, title = {Effects of adjacent habitats and landscape composition on biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands and biological pest control in oilseed rape fields}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113549}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1) Modern European agricultural landscapes form a patchy mosaic of highly fragmented natural and semi-natural habitat remnants embedded in a matrix of intensively managed agricultural land. In those landscapes many organism frequently cross habitat borders including the crop - non-crop boundary, hereby connecting the biotic interactions of multiple habitat types. Therefore biodiversity and ecosystem functions within habitats are expected to depend on adjacent habitat types and the surrounding landscape matrix. In this thesis the biodiversity of non-crop habitats, and ecosystem services and disservices in crop habitats were studied in the human-dominated agricultural landscape in the district Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. First we examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on species composition, diversity and ecosystem functions in semi-natural calcareous grasslands, a biodiversity-rich habitat of high conservation value (chapter 2 and 3). Second we studied the effect of habitat composition in the landscape on herbivory, biological pest control and yield in oilseed rape fields (chapter 4). 2) We examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on the diversity of carabid beetles in 20 calcareous grasslands using pitfall traps. Half of the grasslands were adjacent to a coniferous forest and half to a cereal crop field. We found different species compositions of carabid beetles depending on adjacent habitat type. In addition calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields harboured a higher species richness and activity density but a lower evenness of carabid beetles than calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests. These differences can be explained by the spillover of carabid beetles from the adjacent habitats. After crop harvest carabid beetle activity density in crop fields decreased while in parallel the activity density in the calcareous grasslands adjacent to the crop fields increased, indicating an unidirectional carabid beetle spillover. Our results underline that type and management of adjacent habitats affect community composition and diversity in calcareous grasslands. Therefore nature conservation measures, which focused on the improvement of local habitat quality so far, additionally need to consider adjacent habitat type. 3) In addition to carabid beetle communities we also surveyed predation rates of ground-dwelling predators on the same calcareous grasslands in two study periods (June and late August). As ground-dwelling predators of forests or crop fields can move into adjacent calcareous grasslands we expected different predation rates depending on adjacent habitat type. We exposed in total 32.000 lady bird eggs as prey items on the calcareous grasslands in distances of 5 and 20m from the habitat border. We found higher predation rates on calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests than on calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields, but only on cool days. On warm days a very high extent (often 100\%) of the exposed prey items were consumed adjacent to both habitat types, which did not allow the detection of possible differences between the adjacent habitat types. Predation rates differed not between the two study periods or the two distances to the habitat edge. The higher predation rates adjacent to forests can be explained by the spillover of ground-dwelling predators from forests into calcareous grasslands. Our results show, that spillover into semi-natural habitats affects ecosystem functioning in addition to species composition and diversity. 4) In chapter 4 of this thesis we examined the effect of spatiotemporal changes in crop cover on pest - natural enemy interactions and crop yields. During two study years we surveyed the abundance of adult and larval pollen beetles, parasitism of pollen beetle larvae by a hymenopteran parasitoid and oilseed rape yields of 36 oilseed rape fields. The surrounding landscape of the fields (1 km radius) differed in the oilseed rape proportion and in the inter-annual change in the oilseed rape proportion since the previous year. We found a dilution effect, i.e. a decreasing abundance with increasing oilseed rape proportions, for pollen beetle larvae and parasitoids in both study years and for adult pollen beetles in one study year. Oilseed rape yields increased with increasing oilseed rape proportions. Inter-annual changes in oilseed rape proportions led to inter-annual crowding and dilution effects for pollen beetles, but had no effect on parasitism or yield. Our results indicate the potential to reduce pest loads and increase yields in intensively managed oilseed rape fields by a coordinated management of the spatiotemporal oilseed rape cover in the landscape. 5) In summary, we showed in this thesis that the biodiversity and functioning of crop and non-crop habitats within agricultural landscapes is affected by the spillover of organisms and thus by the habitat composition in the close surrounding and in the broader landscape context. Spillover affects also ecosystem services and disservices and therefore crop productivity. Thereby the spatial and temporal variation of specific crop types in the landscape can be of particular importance for crop yields. Thus a coordinated landscape wide management can help to optimize both biodiversity conservation and the delivery of ecosystem services and thus crop yields. Future studies integrating landscape effects across several ecosystem functions, multiple taxonomic groups and different crop types are necessary to develop definite landscape management schemes.}, subject = {Landschafts{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} } @article{KuhnGrippFliederetal.2015, author = {Kuhn, Joachim and Gripp, Tatjana and Flieder, Tobias and Dittrich, Marcus and Hendig, Doris and Busse, Jessica and Knabbe, Cornelius and Birschmann, Ingvild}, title = {UPLC-MRM Mass Spectrometry Method for Measurement of the Coagulation Inhibitors Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban in Human Plasma and Its Comparison with Functional Assays}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0145478}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136023}, pages = {e0145478}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Introduction The fast, precise, and accurate measurement of the new generation of oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran and rivaroxaban in patients' plasma my provide important information in different clinical circumstances such as in the case of suspicion of overdose, when patients switch from existing oral anticoagulant, in patients with hepatic or renal impairment, by concomitant use of interaction drugs, or to assess anticoagulant concentration in patients' blood before major surgery. Methods Here, we describe a quick and precise method to measure the coagulation inhibitors dabigatran and rivaroxaban using ultra-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) mode (UPLC-MRM MS). Internal standards (ISs) were added to the sample and after protein precipitation; the sample was separated on a reverse phase column. After ionization of the analytes the ions were detected using electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Run time was 2.5 minutes per injection. Ion suppression was characterized by means of post-column infusion. Results The calibration curves of dabigatran and rivaroxaban were linear over the working range between 0.8 and 800 mu g/L (r > 0.99). Limits of detection (LOD) in the plasma matrix were 0.21 mu g/L for dabigatran and 0.34 mu g/L for rivaroxaban, and lower limits of quantification (LLOQ) in the plasma matrix were 0.46 mu g/L for dabigatran and 0.54 mu g/L for rivaroxaban. The intraassay coefficients of variation (CVs) for dabigatran and rivaroxaban were < 4\% and 6\%; respectively, the interassay CVs were < 6\% for dabigatran and < 9\% for rivaroxaban. Inaccuracy was < 5\% for both substances. The mean recovery was 104.5\% (range 83.8-113.0\%) for dabigatran and 87.0\%(range 73.6-105.4\%) for rivaroxaban. No significant ion suppressions were detected at the elution times of dabigatran or rivaroxaban. Both coagulation inhibitors were stable in citrate plasma at -20 degrees C, 4 degrees C and even at RT for at least one week. A method comparison between our UPLC-MRM MS method, the commercially available automated Direct Thrombin Inhibitor assay (DTI assay) for dabigatran measurement from CoaChrom Diagnostica, as well as the automated anti-Xa assay for rivaroxaban measurement from Chromogenix both performed by ACL-TOP showed a high degree of correlation. However, UPLC-MRM MS measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban has a much better selectivity than classical functional assays measuring activities of various coagulation factors which are susceptible to interference by other coagulant drugs. Conclusions Overall, we developed and validated a sensitive and specific UPLC-MRM MS assay for the quick and specific measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban in human plasma.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brockmann2015, author = {Brockmann, Markus}, title = {Inhibition von Aurora-A als neue Therapiestrategie gegen MYCN-amplifizierte Neuroblastome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135951}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Im Neuroblastom ist die Amplifikation des MYCN-Gens, das f{\"u}r den Transkriptionsfaktor N-Myc kodiert, der klinisch bedeutendste Faktor f{\"u}r eine schlechte Prognose. Als Mitglied der onkogenen Myc-Familie induziert N-Myc die Expression von Genen, die in vielen biologischen Prozessen wie Metabolismus, Zellzyklusprogression, Zellwachstum und Apoptose eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Deregulation der MYCN-Expression f{\"u}hrt zu einem charakteristischen Genexpressionsprofil und einem aggressiven Phenotyp in den Tumorzellen. In normalen neuronalen Vorl{\"a}uferzellen wird N-Myc gew{\"o}hnlich sehr schnell proteasomal abgebaut. W{\"a}hrend der Mitose wird N-Myc an Serin 62 phosphoryliert. Diese Phosphorylierung dient als Erkennungssignal f{\"u}r die Kinase GSK3β, die die Phosphorylierung an Threonin 58 katalysiert. Das Phosphodegron wird von Fbxw7, einer Komponente des E3-Ubiquitinligase-Komplex SCFFbxw7, erkannt. Die anschließende Ubiquitinierung induziert den proteasomalen Abbau des Proteins. Die Reduktion der N-Myc-Proteinlevel erm{\"o}glicht den neuronalen Vorl{\"a}uferzellen den Austritt aus dem Zellzyklus und f{\"u}hrt zu einer terminalen Differenzierung. In einem shRNA Screen konnte AURKA als essentielles Gen f{\"u}r die Proliferation MYCN-amplifizierter Neuroblastomzellen identifiziert werden. Eine Aurora-A-Depletion hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf das Wachstum nicht-amplifizierter Zellen. W{\"a}hrend dieser Doktorarbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Aurora-A speziell den Fbxw7-vermittelten Abbau verhindert und dadurch N-Myc stabilisiert. F{\"u}r die Stabilisierung ist zwar die Interaktion der beiden Proteine von entscheidender Bedeutung, {\"u}berraschenderweise spielt die Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t von Aurora-A jedoch keine Rolle. Zwei spezifische Aurora-A-Inhibitoren, MLN8054 und MLN8237, sind allerdings in der Lage, nicht nur die Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t zu hemmen, sondern auch die N-Myc-Proteinlevel zu reduzieren. Beide Molek{\"u}le induzieren eine Konformations{\"a}nderung in der Kinasedom{\"a}ne von Aurora-A. Diese ungew{\"o}hnliche strukturelle Ver{\"a}nderung hat zur Folge, dass der N-Myc/Aurora-A-Komplex dissoziiert und N-Myc mit Hilfe von Fbxw7 proteasomal abgebaut werden kann. In MYCN-amplifizierten Zellen f{\"u}hrt diese Reduktion an N-Myc zu einem Zellzyklusarrest in der G1-Phase. Die in vitro Daten konnten in einem transgenen Maus-Modell f{\"u}r das MYCN-amplifizierte Neuroblastom best{\"a}tigt werden. Die Behandlung mit MLN8054 und MLN8237 f{\"u}hrte in den Tumoren ebenfalls zu einer N-Myc-Reduktion. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte ein prozentualer Anstieg an differenzierten Zellen, die vollst{\"a}ndige Tumorregression in der Mehrzahl der Neuroblastome und eine gesteigerte Lebenserwartung beobachtet werden. Insgesamt zeigen die in vitro und in vivo Daten, dass die spezifischen Aurora-A-Inhibitoren ein hohes therapeutisches Potential gegen das MYCN-amplifizierte Neuroblastom besitzen.}, subject = {N-Myc}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Scholl2015, author = {Scholl, Christina}, title = {Cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to behavioral transitions and learning in the honeybee}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The honeybee Apis mellifera is a social insect well known for its complex behavior and the ability to learn tasks associated with central place foraging, such as visual navigation or to learn and remember odor-reward associations. Although its brain is smaller than 1mm² with only 8.2 x 105 neurons compared to ~ 20 x 109 in humans, bees still show amazing social, cognitive and learning skills. They express an age - related division of labor with nurse bees staying inside the hive and performing tasks like caring for the brood or cleaning, and foragers who collect food and water outside the hive. This challenges foragers with new responsibilities like sophisticated navigation skills to find and remember food sources, drastic changes in the sensory environment and to communicate new information to other bees. Associated with this plasticity of the behavior, the brain and especially the mushroom bodies (MBs) - sensory integration and association centers involved in learning and memory formation - undergo massive structural and functional neuronal alterations. Related to this background my thesis on one hand focuses on neuronal plasticity and underlying molecular mechanisms in the MBs that accompany the nurse - forager transition. In the first part I investigated an endogenous and an internal factor that may contribute to the nurse - forager phenotype plasticity and the correlating changes in neuronal network in the MBs: sensory exposure (light) and juvenile hormone (JH). Young bees were precociously exposed to light and subsequently synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in the MBs or respectively hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) levels were quantified. The results show that light input indeed triggered a significant decrease in MG density, and mass spectrometry JH detection revealed an increase in JH titer. Interestingly light stimulation in young bees (presumably nurse bees) triggered changes in MG density and JH levels comparable to natural foragers. This indicates that both sensory stimuli as well as the endocrine system may play a part in preparing bees for the behavioral transition to foraging. Considering a connection between the JH levels and synaptic remodeling I used gene knockdown to disturb JH pathways and artificially increase the JH level. Even though the knockdown was successful, the results show that MG densities remained unchanged, showing no direct effect of JH on synaptic restructuring. To find a potential mediator of structural synaptic plasticity I focused on the calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in the second part of my thesis. CaMKII is a protein known to be involved in neuronal and behavioral plasticity and also plays an important part in structural plasticity reorganizing synapses. Therefore it is an interesting candidate for molecular mechanisms underlying MG reorganization in the MBs in the honeybee. Corresponding to the high abundance of CaMKII in the learning center in vertebrates (hippocampus), CaMKII was shown to be enriched in the MBs of the honeybee. Here I first investigated the function of CaMKII in learning and memory formation as from vertebrate work CaMKII is known to be associated with the strengthening of synaptic connections inducing long term potentiation and memory formation. The experimental approach included manipulating CaMKII function using 2 different inhibitors and a specific siRNA to create a CaMKII knockdown phenotype. Afterwards bees were subjected to classical olfactory conditioning which is known to induce stable long-term memory. All bees showed normal learning curves and an intact memory acquisition, short-term and mid-term memory (1 hour retention). However, in all cases long-term memory formation was significantly disrupted (24 and 72 hour retention). These results suggests the necessity of functional CaMKII in the MBs for the induction of both early and late phases of long-term memory in honeybees. The neuronal and molecular bases underlying long-term memory and the resulting plasticity in behavior is key to understanding higher brain function and phenotype plasticity. In this context CaMKII may be an important mediator inducing structural synaptic and neuronal changes in the MB synaptic network.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Konrad2015, author = {Konrad, Tillmann}, title = {Governance of Protected Areas in West Africa - The case of the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex in Benin and Burkina Faso}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Protected areas are the central strategy for preserving biodiversity in the face of overexploitation and global change. To ensure their long-term survival, however, these areas may not be regarded as last havens of wilderness, but as complex social-ecological systems. Modern approaches of protected area (PA) management support this view by balancing conservation and development issues in a sustainable way and adapted to the local context. However, success of these strategies in achieving their aims so far remains limited. This study therefore aimed at analysing processes and outcomes of PA co-management approaches implemented in a large transfrontier conservation area in West Africa. The W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) complex spans over more than 30.000 square km in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger and is composed of approximately 20 subunits. Due to national legal and administrative variety as well as a high diversity of local (project) implementation approaches, the general setting resembled a quasi-experimental design facilitating comparative studies. A mix of quantitative (e.g. survey of 549 households) and qualitative (e.g. expert interviews, literature review) methods was used to evaluate the institutional and organisational differences of PA management approaches implemented in the different parts of WAP belonging to Benin and Burkina Faso. I included an analysis of contextual factors (e.g. land-cover-change) and ecological data, but concentrated on the role of local resource users within the co-management arrangements and the effectiveness of governance regimes to deliver positive socio-economic outputs. Exploring the question whether promotion of development in PA surroundings indeed stipulates conservation success (and vice versa) remained challenging: the lack of sound ecological data, a general mismatch of spatial scale in existing data sets, as well as the high complexity of realities on the ground made me refrain from using simplified proxy indicators and (statistical) modelling approaches. I found that the Sudano-Sahelian context is a very difficult one for the implementation of effective participation approaches in the short-term. Political, demographic, socio-economic as well as ecological factors generated a very dynamic situation characterized by limited financial and natural resources as well as weak institutional and organisational settings. Arenas of interaction were often marked rather by a high degree of distrust and competition than by cooperation among actors. Amid all rhetoric, participation in most cases was hence limited to the transfer of (sparse) information, regulated resource access and financial funds. Options for participation of local resource users in decision-making arenas were generally scarce. Underlying processes were dominated by opacity and often low accountability of actors on all levels. Negative, but also positive affection of local residents by PA existence and management hence was high. Governance regimes of the complex performed very differently with regard to their ability of effectively empowering local village participatory bodies (vpb), generating and distributing benefits to individuals and village communities as well as providing mechanisms of conflict resolution. People around Pendjari enjoyed a relative wealth of high value benefits, while negative impacts caused by human-wildlife conflicts were widespread around the complex. Autochthonous farmers usually were better integrated in incentive schemes than were newcomers or herders. While there was functional separation of actors' roles in all parts of WAP, these roles differed significantly between blocks. Existence and functioning of village participatory bodies ameliorated the situation for local resource users fundamentally, as they acted as cut-points between different networks (governmental hierarchies, private concessionaires and local resource users). Vpbs in the Pendjari region proved to be most advanced in their capacity to push resource users' claims in action arenas on the micro-level. Via their union, these associations also managed to impact arenas on the meso- and the macro scale. Project interventions often had catalyst functions to empower local resource users and their vbps. However, they also contributed to social imbalance and intra-organisational competition. My results represent a snapshot of an ongoing process to establish effective co-governance regimes in the WAP-area. Though I identified a large scope of shortcomings, there were also very promising initiatives underway. This work is therefore meant to foster future research and further positive development by giving guidance scholars and decision-makers form the local to the global level alike.}, subject = {Gesch{\"u}tzte Natur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidinger2015, author = {Heidinger, Ina M. M.}, title = {Beyond metapopulation theory: Determinants of the dispersal capacity of bush crickets and grasshoppers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135068}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Habitat fragmentation and destruction due to anthropogenic land use are the major causes of the increasing extinction risk of many species and have a detrimental impact on animal populations in numerous ways. The long-term survival and stability of spatially structured populations in fragmented landscapes largely depends on the colonisation of habitat patches and the exchange of individuals and genes between patches. The degree of inter-patch dispersal, in turn, depends on the dispersal ability of a species (i.e. the combination of physiological and morphological factors that facilitate dispersal) and the landscape structure (i.e. the nature of the landscape matrix or the spatial configuration of habitat patches). As fragmentation of landscapes is increasing and the number of species is continuously declining, a thorough understanding of the causes and consequences of dispersal is essential for managing natural populations and developing effective conservation strategies. In the context of animal dispersal, movement behaviour is intensively investigated with capture-mark-recapture studies. For the analysis of such experiments, the influence of marking technique, handling and translocation of marked animals on movement pattern is of crucial importance since it may mask the effects of the main research question. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a capture-mark-recapture study investigating the effect of translocation on the movement behaviour of the blue-winged grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens. Transferring individuals of this grasshopper species to suitable but unfamilliar sites has a significant influence on their movement behaviour. Translocated individuals moved longer distances, showed smaller daily turning angles, and thus their movements were more directed than those of resident individuals. The effect of translocation was most pronounced on the first day of the experiment, but may persist for longer. On average, daily moved distances of translocated individuals were about 50 \% longer than that of resident individuals because they have been transferred to an unfamiliar habitat patch. Depending on experiment duration, this leads to considerable differences in net displacement between translocated and resident individuals. In summary, the results presented in chapter 2 clearly point out that translocation effects should not be disregarded in future studies on arthropod movement, respectively dispersal. Studies not controlling for possible translocation effects may result in false predictions of dispersal behaviour, habitat detection capability or habitat preferences. Beside direct field observations via capture-mark-recapture methods, genetic markers can be used to investigate animal dispersal. Chapter 3 presents data on the genetic structure of populations of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing-dimorphic bush cricket, in a spatially structured landscape with patches of suitable habitat distributed within a diverse matrix of different habitat types. Using microsatellite markers, the effects of geographic distance and different matrix types on the genetic differentiation among 24 local populations was assessed. The results of this study clearly indicate that for M. bicolor the isolation of local populations severely depends on the type of surrounding matrix. The presence of forest and a river running through the study area was positively correlated with the extent of genetic differentiation between populations. This indicates that both matrix types severely impede gene flow and the exchange of individuals between local populations of this bush cricket. In addition, for a subsample of populations which were separated only by arable land or settlements, a significant positive correlation between pairwise genetic and geographic distances exists. For the complete data set, this correlation could not be found. This is most probably due to the adverse effect of forest and river on gene flow which dominates the effect of geographic distance in the limited set of patches investigated in this study. The analyses in chapter 3 clearly emphasize the differential resistance of different habitat types on dispersal and the importance of a more detailed view on matrix 'quality' in metapopulation studies. Studies that focus on the specific dispersal resistance of different matrix types may provide much more detailed information on the dispersal capacity of species than a mere analysis of isolation by distance. Such information is needed to improve landscape oriented models for species conservation. In addition to direct effects on realised dispersal (see chapter 3), landscape structure on its own is known to act as an evolutionary selection agent because it determines the costs and benefits of dispersal. Both morphological and behavioural traits of individuals and the degree to which a certain genotype responds to environmental variation have heritable components, and are therefore expected to be able to respond to selection pressures. Chapter 4 analyses the influence of patch size, patch connectivity (isolation of populations) and sand dynamics (stability of habitat) on thorax- and wing length as proxies for dispersal ability of O. caerulescens in coastal grey dunes. This study revealed clear and sex-specific effects of landscape dynamics and patch configuration on dispersal-related morphology. Males of this grasshopper species were smaller and had shorter wings if patches were larger and less connected. In addition, both sexes were larger in habitat patches with high sand dynamics compared to those in patches with lower dynamics. The investments in wing length were only larger in connected populations when sand dynamics were low, indicating that both landscape and patch-related environmental factors are of importance. These results are congruent with theoretical predictions on the evolution of dispersal in metapopulations. They add to the evidence that dispersal-related morphology varies and is selected upon in recently structured populations even at small spatial scales. Dispersal involves different individual fitness costs like increased predation risk, energy expenditure, costs of developing dispersal-related traits, failure to find new suitable habitat as well as reproductive costs. Therefore, the decision to disperse should not be random but depend on the developmental stage or the physiological condition of an individual just as on actual environmental conditions (context-dependent dispersal, e.g. sex- and wing morph-biased dispersal). Biased dispersal is often investigated by comparing the morphology, physiology and behaviour of females and males or sedentary and dispersive individuals. Studies of biased dispersal in terms of capture-mark-recapture experiments, investigating real dispersal and not routine movements, and genetic proofs of biased dispersal are still rare for certain taxa, especially for orthopterans. However, information on biased dispersal is of great importance as for example, undetected biased dispersal may lead to false conclusions from genetic data. In chapter 5 of this thesis, a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses was used to investigate biased dispersal of M. bicolor. The presented results not only show that macropterous individuals are predestined for dispersal due to their morphology, the genetic data also indicate that macropters are more dispersive than micropters. Furthermore, even within the group of macropterous individuals, males are supposed to be more dispersive than females. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, the morphological data were compared with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are proved to be very good flyers. Based on the morphological data presented here, one can assume a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed in natural populations.}, subject = {Heuschrecken <{\"U}berfamilie>}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MontalbandelBarrio2015, author = {Montalb{\´a}n del Barrio, Itsaso}, title = {Immunosuppressive role of adenosine produced by ectonucleotidases CD39 and CD73 in ovarian cancer, tumor associated macrophages and the host immune system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133268}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Eierstockkrebs ist der Tumor mit der schlechtesten Heilungsprognose unter allen gyn{\"a}kologischen Malignomen. Allein in Deutschland verursacht er {\"u}ber 6000 Tote pro Jahr. Patienten mit Ovarialkarzinom zeigen erst in einem sehr fortgeschrittenen Stadium charakteristische Symptome. Die einzig m{\"o}glichen Behandlungsmethoden sind dann die operative Tumorentfernung und die Verabreichung von platinbasierter Chemotherapien sowie von Anthrazyklinen. Da die aktuelle 5-Jahres-{\"U}berlebensrate lediglich 20-40\% betr{\"a}gt, besteht ein dringender Bedarf an neuen therapeutischen Optionen. Seit herausgefunden wurde, dass immunologische Parameter das {\"U}berleben der Patienten beeinflussen, ist Immuntherapie zu einer der vielversprechendsten Behandlungsarten des Eierstockkrebs geworden. Das Ziel unserer Forschung ist die {\"U}berwindung der Immunevasion des Tumors durch ein Verhindern der immun-unterdr{\"u}ckenden Mechanismen des Tumors. Im Speziellen befasst sich diese Arbeit mit dem Einfluss von Adenosin, das durch die Ectonukleotidasen CD39 und CD73 in der Mikroumgebung des Tumors gebildet wird. Die CD39- und CD73-Expression der Zellen f{\"u}hrt zu Immunosuppression da diese Ectonukleotidasen immun-stimulierendes, extrazellul{\"a}res ATP in immunsuppressives Adenosin umwandeln. Dies wurde zuerst als Effektormechanismus f{\"u}r regulatorische T-Zellen beschrieben, kann aber auch im Tumormikromilieu von Bedeutung sein. Mit dem Wissen, dass Tumorzellen von Eierstockkrebs-Patientinnen große Mengen der ATP-unterdr{\"u}ckenden Ectonukleotidasen CD39 und CD73 bilden, analysierten wir die adenosinvermittelte Unterdr{\"u}ckendung von Immunantwortenin der Mikroumgebung der Tumorzellen. Im Vergleich zu regulatorischen T Zellen konnten wir bei Eierstockkrebs-Zelllinien und bei aus Aszites gewonnenen Krebszellen eine 30- bis 60-fache Adenosinproduktion messen. Um diesen mutmaßlichen Immunevasions-Mechanismus zu best{\"a}tigen, untersuchten wir seine Auswirkungen auf mehrere Immunzellenpopulationen. CSFE-basierte Experimente zeigten zum Beispiel eine Hemmung der CD4+ T-Zell-Proliferation durch Adenosin, welches von Eierstockkrebs-Zellen produziert wurde. In diesem Zusammenhang haben wir auch eine in-vitro Methode entwickelt, mit der wir die Beeinflussung von Makrophagen durch Eierstockkrebszellen analysieren und modulieren konnten. Neben seiner suppressiven Wirkung {\"u}bt Adenosin auch chemotaktische Effekte auf menschliche Monozyten aus und lockt wahrscheinlich myeloide Vorl{\"a}uferzellen zum Tumorgewebe. Anschließend differenzieren sich menschliche Monozyten in einer von Eierstockkrebszellen geformten Mikroumgebung zu M2 Makrophagen oder tumor-assoziierten Makrophagen (TAMs), die ihrerseits erhebliche Mengen der Adenosin-produzierenden Ectonukleotidasen CD39 und CD73 bilden. W{\"a}hrend wir die Regulierung der Ectonukleotidasen-Expression untersuchten, entdeckten wir auch, dass klinisch genutzte Techniken zur Behandlung von Eierstockkrebs (zum Beispiel die Anwendung von Doxorubicin oder Bestrahlung) in vitro das CD73- und CD39-Level von Eierstockkrebs- und Immunzellen beeinflussen. In dieser Studie zeigen wir, wie dieser behandlungsbedingte Wechsel des ATP/Adenosine-Verh{\"a}ltnisses die Effektorfunktion verschiedener Immunzellen moduliert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus untersuchen wir den potentiellen Vorteil von klinisch verf{\"u}gbaren, niedermolekularen Inhibitoren f{\"u}r CD39 und CD73, die die Immunsuppression in der Mikroumgebung des Tumors partiell aufheben k{\"o}nnten, und die vor allem in Kombination mit g{\"a}ngigen Behandlungsschemata von großem Interesse sein k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Eierstockkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiese2015, author = {Wiese, Katrin Evelyn}, title = {Sensing supraphysiological levels of MYC : mechanisms of MIZ1-dependent MYC-induced Apoptosis in Mammary Epithelial Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132532}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Deregulated MYC expression contributes to cellular transformation as well as progression and maintenance of human tumours. Interestingly, in the absence of additional genetic alterations, potentially oncogenic levels of MYC sensitise cells to a variety of apoptotic stimuli. Hence, MYC-induced apoptosis has long been recognised as a major barrier against cancer development. However, it is largely unknown how cells discriminate physiological from supraphysiological levels of MYC in order to execute an appropriate biological response. The experiments described in this thesis demonstrate that induction of apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells depends on the repressive actions of MYC/MIZ1 complexes. Analysis of gene expression profiles and ChIP-sequencing experiments reveals that high levels of MYC are required to invade low-affinity binding sites and repress target genes of the serum response factor SRF. These genes are involved in cytoskeletal dynamics as well as cell adhesion processes and are likely needed to transmit survival signals to the AKT kinase. Restoration of SRF activity rescues MIZ1- dependent gene repression and increases AKT phosphorylation and downstream function. Collectively, these results indicate that association with MIZ1 leads to an expansion of MYC's transcriptional response that allows sensing of oncogenic levels, which points towards a tumour-suppressive role for the MYC/MIZ1 complex in epithelial cells.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoecherl2015, author = {H{\"o}cherl, Nicole}, title = {Nesting behaviour of the paper wasp Polistes dominula - with special focus on thermoregulatory mechanisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Wasps of the genus Polistes comprise over 200 species and are nearly cosmopolitan. They show a lack of physiological caste differentiation and are therefore considered as primitively eusocial. Furthermore, paper wasps are placed between the solitary living Eumenidae and the highly social organized Vespinae. Hence, they are often called a "key genus" for understanding the evolution of sociality. Particularly, Polistes dominula, with its small easy manageable nests and its frequent occurrence and wide distribution range is often the subject of studies. In Europe, the invasion of this species into northern regions is on the rise. Since little was known about the nesting behaviour of P. dominula in Central Europe, the basic principles about nesting were investigated in W{\"u}rzburg, Germany (latitude 49°) by conducting a comprehensive field-study spanning three consecutive years. Furthermore, the thermoregulation of individual wasps in their natural habitat had not yet been investigated in detail. Therefore, their ability to respond to external hazards with elevated thorax temperatures was tested. In addition, different types of nest thermoregulation were investigated using modern methods such as infrared thermography and temperature data logger. In the present work, the investigation of basic nesting principles revealed that foundress groups (1-4 foundresses) and nests are smaller and that the nesting season is shorter in the W{\"u}rzburg area than in other regions. The mean size of newly founded nests was 83 cells and the average nesting season was around 4.6 months. The queens neither preferred single (54\%) nor multiple founding (46\%) in this study. The major benefit of multiple founding is an increased rate of survival. During the three years of observation, only 47\% of single-foundress colonies survived, whereas 100\% of colonies that were built by more than two queens, survived. However, an influence of the number of foundresses on the productivity of colonies in terms of number of cells and pupae per nest has not shown up. However, the length of the nesting season as well as the nest sizes varied strongly depending on the climatic conditions of the preceding winter during the three consecutive years. In order to investigate the thermoregulatory mechanisms of individual adult P. dominula wasps, I presented artificial threats by applying smoke or carbon dioxide simulating fire and predator attacks, respectively, and monitored the thorax temperature of wasps on the nest using infrared thermography. The results clearly revealed that P. dominula workers recognized smoke and CO2 and reacted almost instantaneously and simultaneously with an increase of their thorax temperature. The maximal thorax temperature was reached about 65 s after the application of both stressors, but subsequently the wasps showed a different behaviour pattern. They responded to a longer application of smoke with moving to the exit and fled, whereas in case of CO2 the wasps started flying and circling the nest without trying to escape. No rise of the thorax temperature was detectable after an air blast was applied or in wasps resting on the nest. Additionally, the thorax temperatures of queens were investigated during dominance battles. I found that the thorax temperature of the dominant queens rose up to 5°C compared to that of subordinate queens that attacked the former. The study of active mechanisms for nest thermoregulation revealed no brood incubation or clustering behaviour of P. dominula. Furthermore, I found out that wing fanning for cooling the nest was almost undetectable (4 documented cases). However, I could convincingly record that water evaporation is most effective for nest cooling. By the direct comparison of active (with brood and adults) and non-active (without brood and adults) nests, the start of cooling by water evaporation was detected above maximum outside temperatures of 25°C or at nest temperatures above 35°C. The powerful role of water in nest cooling was manifested by an average decrease of temperature of a single cell of about 8°C and a mean duration of 7 min until the cell reached again its initial temperature. The investigation of passive thermoregulatory mechanisms revealed that the nest site choice as well as nest orientation appears to be essential for P. dominula wasps. Furthermore, I was able to show that the architecture of the nests plays an important role. Based on the presented results, it can be assumed that the vertical orientation of cells helps maintaining the warmth of nests during the night, whereas the pedicel assists in cooling the nest during the day.}, subject = {Franz{\"o}sische Feldwespe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pusch2015, author = {Pusch, Tobias}, title = {The transcription factor NFATc1 mediates cytotoxic T cell function in vitro and in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123690}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {While numerous experiments on NFAT were already performed with CD4+ T cells showing defective cytokine release and a reduced T helper cell development, no detailed studies existed for CD8+ T cells. From this point, we wanted to examine the impact of NFATc1 and c2 on the physiological functions of CD8+ T cells in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, we used a murine infection model with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and mice in which NFATc1 was specifically depleted in the T cell compartment. Our first in vitro studies showed a typical NFATc1 and c2 nuclear translocation and changes on mRNA levels upon T cell activation similarly in CD4+ as well as in CD8+ T cells extracted from wild type mice. NFAT nuclear translocation is important for target gene activation and generation of effector functions. Stimulated T cell populations lacking NFATc1 and/or NFATc2 showed a markedly decreased expression of Th1/Tc1 cytokines, as e.g. IL 2 and IFNγ being important for the clearance of intracellular pathogens. From our in vitro model for the generation of allogenically reactive cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, we revealed a decreased killing and lytic granule-release capacity in Nfatc1 inactivated CD8+ T cells whereas NFATc2-/- cytotoxic T cells did not show an altered cytotoxic response compared to wild type cells. Interestingly, we found lytic granules accumulated and mitochondria not getting translocated to the immunological synapse upon re-stimulation in NFATc1-deficient CD8+ T cells. Together with results showing the CsA insensitivity of the CTL killing/degranulation capacities, we assume that some major cellular processes are affected by NFATc1 which are not directly linked to the TCR-induced signal transduction cascade. We also showed the importance of NFATc1 in T cells during intracellular infections with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes in an in vivo mouse model. After five days, only few bacteria were detected in wt mice whereas high amounts of Listeria particles were extracted from livers of Nfatc1fl/fl x Cd4 cre mice. Although the reactivity towards the pathogen was similar in both groups, a decreased cytokine expression in NFATc1-/- CD8+ T cells was observed together with an altered memory cell generation. Our results show the importance of NFATc1 in CD8+ T cells and give some clue for a possible connection to other basal cellular functions, as e.g. the formation of an immunological synapse.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gnamlin2015, author = {Gnamlin, Prisca}, title = {Use of Tumor Vasculature for Successful Treatment of Carcinomas by Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119019}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Tumor-induced angiogenesis is of major interest for oncology research. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the most potent angiogenic factor characterized so far. VEGF blockade was shown to be sufficient for angiogenesis inhibition and subsequent tumor regression in several preclinical tumor models. Bevacizumab was the first treatment targeting specifically tumor-induced angiogenesis through VEGF blockade to be approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for cancer treatment. However, after very promising results in preclinical evaluations, VEGF blockade did not show the expected success in patients. Some tumors became resistant to VEGF blockade. Several factors have been accounted responsible, the over-expression of other angiogenic factors, the noxious influence of VEFG blockade on normal tissues, the selection of hypoxia resistant neoplastic cells, the recruitment of hematopoietic progenitor cells and finally the transient nature of angiogenesis inhibition by VEGF blockade. The development of blocking agents against other angiogenic factors like placental growth factor (PlGF) and Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) allows the development of an anti-angiogenesis strategy adapted to the profile of the tumor. Oncolytic virotherapy uses the natural propensity of viruses to colonize tumors to treat cancer. The recombinant vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 was shown to infect, colonize and lyse several tumor types. Its descendant GLV-1h108, expressing an anti-VEGF antibody, was proved in previous studies to inhibit efficiently tumor induced angiogenesis. Additional VACVs expressing single chain antibodies (scAb) antibodies against PlGF and Ang-2 alone or in combination with anti VEGF scAb were designed. In this study, VACV-mediated anti-angiogenesis treatments have been evaluated in several preclinical tumor models. The efficiency of PlGF blockade, alone or in combination with VEGF, mediated by VACV has been established and confirmed. PlGF inhibition alone or with VEGF reduced tumor burden 5- and 2-folds more efficiently than the control virus, respectively. Ang-2 blockade efficiency for cancer treatment gave controversial results when tested in different laboratories. Here we demonstrated that unlike VEGF, the success of Ang-2 blockade is not only correlated to the strength of the blockade. A particular balance between Ang-2, VEGF and Ang-1 needs to be induced by the treatment to see a regression of the tumor and an improved survival. We saw that Ang-2 inhibition delayed tumor growth up to 3-folds compared to the control virus. These same viruses induced statistically significant tumor growth delays. This study unveiled the need to establish an angiogenic profile of the tumor to be treated as well as the necessity to better understand the synergic effects of VEGF and Ang-2. In addition angiogenesis inhibition by VACV-mediated PlGF and Ang-2 blockade was able to reduce the number of metastases and migrating tumor cells (even more efficiently than VEGF blockade). VACV colonization of tumor cells, in vitro, was limited by VEGF, when the use of the anti-VEGF VACV GLV-1h108 drastically improved the colonization efficiency up to 2-fold, 72 hours post-infection. These in vitro data were confirmed by in vivo analysis of tumors. Fourteen days post-treatment, the anti-VEGF virus GLV-1h108 was colonizing 78.8\% of the tumors when GLV-1h68 colonization rate was 49.6\%. These data confirmed the synergistic effect of VEGF blockade and VACV replication for tumor regression. Three of the tumor cell lines used to assess VACV-mediated angiogenesis inhibition were found, in certain conditions, to mimic either endothelial cell or pericyte functions, and participate directly to the vascular structure. The expression by these tumor cells of e-selectin, p-selectin, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, normally expressed on activated endothelial cells, corroborates our findings. These proteins play an important role in immune cell recruitment, and there amount vary in presence of VEGF, PlGF and Ang-2, confirming the involvement of angiogenic factors in the immuno-modulatory abilities of tumors. In this study VACV-mediated angiogenesis blockade proved its potential as a therapeutic agent able to treat different tumor types and prevent resistance observed during bevacizumab treatment by acting on different factors. First, the expression of several antibodies by VACV would prevent another angiogenic factor to take over VEGF and stimulate angiogenesis. Then, the ability of VACV to infect tumor cells would prevent them to form blood vessel-like structures to sustain tumor growth, and the localized delivery of the antibody would decrease the risk of adverse effects. Next, the blockade of angiogenic factors would improve VACV replication and decrease the immune-modulatory effect of tumors. Finally the fact that angiogenesis blockade lasts until total regression of the tumor would prevent the recovery of the tumor-associated vasculature and the relapse of patients.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2015, author = {Schmitt, Alexandra}, title = {Role of Peroxiredoxin 6 in human melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111465}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6) is a bifunctional enzyme comprising a peroxidase and a Ca2+-independent phospholipase (iPLA2) activity. This renders the enzyme capable of detoxifying reactive oxygen species (ROS) and of catalyzing the liberation of arachidonic acid (AA) from cellular membranes. Released AA can be further metabolized to bioactive lipids including eicosanoids, which are involved in inflammation, cell growth, differentiation, invasion and proliferation. Human melanoma cells are often characterized by imbalances in both ROS and lipid levels, which can be generated by oncogenic signaling, altered metabolism or UV irradiation. In previous studies, a comparative proteome analysis of the Xiphophorus fish melanoma model revealed a strong upregulation of Prdx6 in benign and malignant lesions compared to healthy skin. As the Xiphophorus melanoma model displays in many respects molecular characteristics that are similar to human melanoma, I investigated the functional role of PRDX6 in human melanoma cells. The first part of the study deals with the regulation of PRDX6 in melanocytes and human melanoma cells. I could demonstrate that the protein level of PRDX6 was strongly enhanced by the induction of the EGFR orthologue Xmrk from the Xiphophorus fish as well as the human EGFR. The upregulation of PRDX6 was further shown to be mediated in a PI3K-dependent and ROS-independent manner. The main part of the thesis comprises the investigation of the functional role of PRDX6 in human melanoma cells as well as the analysis of the underlying mechanism. I could show that knockdown of PRDX6 enhanced the oxidative stress response and led to decreased proliferation of melanoma cells. This cell growth effect was mainly mediated by the iPLA2 activity of PRDX6. Under conditions of strongly enhanced oxidative stress, the peroxidase activity became also important for cellular proliferation. Furthermore, the anti-proliferative effect in cells with lowered PRDX6 levels was the result of reduced cellular AA content and the decrease in the activation of SRC family proteins. Similarly, supplementation with AA led to regeneration of SRC family kinase activity and to an improvement in the reduced proliferation after knockdown of PRDX6. Since AA can be further processed into the prostaglandin PGE2, which has a pro-tumorigenic function in some cancer types, I further examined whether this eicosanoid is involved in the proliferative function of PRDX6. In contrast to AA, PGE2 was not consistently required for melanoma proliferation. In summary, I could demonstrate that PRDX6 plays a major role in AA-dependent lipid signaling in melanoma cells and thereby regulates proliferation. Interestingly, the proliferation relevant iPLA2 activity can be pharmacologically targeted, and melanoma cell growth was clearly blocked by the inhibitor BEL. Thus, I could identify the phospholipase activity of PRDX6 as a new therapeutically interesting target for melanoma treatment.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endt2015, author = {Endt, Daniela}, title = {Fanconi An{\"a}mie : Entwicklung von h{\"a}matopoetischen Mosaiken sowie funktionelle Studien von FANCO (RAD51C) und FANCN (PALB2)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Zur Wahrung der Genomstabilit{\"a}t entwickelten sich verschiedene Reparaturmechanismen, deren Defekte zu diversen Erkrankungen f{\"u}hren. Der 1927 erstmals beschriebenen Fanconi An{\"a}mie (FA) (Fanconi 1927) liegt eine fehlerhafte Reparatur der DNA-Doppelstrang-Quervernetzung zugrunde. Als Ursache wurden Defekte innerhalb des FA/BRCA-Weges lokalisiert, welche zur Chromosomeninstabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}hren. Das Krankheitsbild der autosomal rezessiven oder X-chromosomalen Erkrankung wird meist von kongenitalen Fehlbildungen, progressivem Knochenmarkversagen sowie bereits im jugendlichen Alter erh{\"o}hten Tumor-raten und An{\"a}mien gepr{\"a}gt. Bisher wurden Defekte in 19 verschiedenen Genen als urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r diese Erkrankung diskutiert. Anhand des betroffenen Gens k{\"o}nnen nur begrenzt R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Auspr{\"a}-gung des Ph{\"a}notyps geschlossen werden, vielmehr scheinen die Art der Mutation und deren Position im Gen mit der Schwere der Erkrankung zu korrelieren. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden immer mehr Patienten mit mild ausgepr{\"a}gtem Erkrankungsbild beobachtet. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung hierf{\"u}r liefern milde Mutationen, eine weitere das Vorhandensein von Mosaiken blutbildender Zellen. Zu letzterem f{\"u}hrt die Reversion einer der beiden Mutationen. Diese Art der „nat{\"u}rlichen Gentherapie" wurde bei 10-30\% der FA-Patienten beobachtet. Um die Entwicklung von Reversionen besser zu verstehen, erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Untersuchung verschiedener Zelllinien von 5 Patienten im Alter von 11 (Pat. 5) bis 33 (Pat. 4) Jahren. Die FA-A-Patienten 1 und 2 wurden bereits von Gross et al. 2002 als Mosaikpatienten beschrieben. F{\"u}r die weiteren Patienten f{\"u}hrten unterschiedliche Aspekte, wie normale Blutwerte, MMC-tolerante lympho-blastoide Zelllinien und gDNA-Analysen des Blutes zum Mosaikverdacht. N{\"a}here Analysen best{\"a}tigten f{\"u}r die FA-D2-Patienten (Pat. 4, 5) ebenfalls das Vorliegen einer Reversion in den Blutzellen. Allen Patienten gemein war die Reversion in Form einer R{\"u}ckmutation (Pat. 1: c.971T>G, Pat. 2: c.856 C>T, Pat. 4: c.3467-2A>G, Pat. 5: c.3707G>A), welche meist in einem oder in der N{\"a}he eines Mutationsmotives vorlag. Zur Einsch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus in den Patientenblutzellen wurden, neben der meist mehrj{\"a}hrigen Be-obachtung der Blutwerte (Thrombo-, Mono-, Granulo-, Lymphozyten, H{\"a}moglobin), gDNA-, Chromoso-menbruch- und Zellzyklusanalysen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Chromosomenbruchanalysen von Metaphasen der T-Lymphozyten der Patienten 4 und 5 zeigten nach MMC-Behandlung die mosaik-typische bimodale Vertei-lung der Chromosomenbruchraten. Die nur moderat erh{\"o}hten Bruchraten in Metaphasen des Patienten 1 sprachen f{\"u}r eine starke Reversion. Zur besseren Absch{\"a}tzung des Mosaikstatus wurden Zellzyklusanaly-sen an Mischungsreihen aus FA- und nicht FA- Blut durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Detektionsgrenze f{\"u}r FA-Mosaike lag bei einem Anteil von 30\% Zellen mit spontanem/MMC-induziertem G2-Phasen-Arrest. In Anlehnung an Mischungskurven wurden f{\"u}r die vier Patienten Reversionen von 0\% (Pat. 4) bis 90-95\% (Pat. 2) ange-nommen. Die gDNA-Analyse MACS-sortierter T-/B-Lympho-, Mono- und Granulozyten sowie von Fib-roblasten und lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien erm{\"o}glichte einen detaillierten Einblick in die Mosaikstatus auf molekularer Ebene. Wir fanden bei allen Patienten einen unterschiedlich stark ausgepr{\"a}gten Mosaikstatus ihrer Blutzellreihen. Tendenziell scheinen die Reversionsgrade mit der Zell-Lebensdauer korrelieren, hier-bei zeigen kurzlebige Zellen (Mono-, Granulo-, B-Lymphozyten) h{\"o}here Reversionsgrade als langlebige T-Lymphozyten. Das Auftreten von gleichen Reversionen in allen Zelllinien l{\"a}sst eine Reversion in einer gemeinsamen Vorl{\"a}uferzelle vermuten. Als Besonderheit fanden wir, unseren Erachtens erstmalig, eine komplette Reversion einer Knochenmark-Fibroblastenzelllinie (Pat. 1). H{\"a}ufig in Kultur stattfindende Re-versionen in lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien beobachteten wir f{\"u}r alle vier Patienten. Die Mosaikentstehung im Patientenblut konnte mit allen Methoden best{\"a}tigt werden. Jede Methode wies Vor- und Nachteile auf. Zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Mosaikstatus empfiehlt sich deshalb eine Kombination der Methoden. Ein weiteres Projekt besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit Interaktionen des FANCO (RAD51C) innerhalb der RAD51 Paraloge (RAD51B, -C, -D, XRCC2, XRCC3) und mit RAD51. Die Analysen erfolgten im Mammalian Two- und Three-Hybrid (M2H/M3H) System. Die Untersuchungen best{\"a}tigten die meisten der bisher detektierten Interaktionen, welche zur Ausbildung des RAD51C-XRCC3 Komplexes und des, aus den Subkomplexen RAD51B-RAD51C (BC) und RAD51D-XRCC2 (DX2) bestehenden, BCDX2-Komplex f{\"u}hren. Die M3H-Analysen weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle des RAD51B-Proteins bei der Auspr{\"a}gung dieses Komplexes hin. Es scheint die Ausbildung der RAD51C-RAD51D-Interaktion erst zu erm{\"o}glichen und zus{\"a}tzlich, anders als bisher beobachtet, auch mit XRCC2 zu interagieren. Diese Interaktion wiederum wird durch die Anwesenheit von RAD51D stark gef{\"o}rdert. Unsere M2H-/M3H-Beobachtungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der Subkomplexe f{\"u}r die Entstehung des BDCX2-Komplexes wichtig ist und dieser vermutlich als Ringstruktur vorliegt. Zus{\"a}tzlich fanden wir Hinweise auf m{\"o}gliche Wechselwir-kungen zwischen den BCDX2- und den XRCC3-Komplexproteinen. Aufgrund der Beteiligung der Protei-ne an der Doppelstrangl{\"a}sionsreparatur wurde die Auswirkung von MMC-induzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den un-tersucht. Diese f{\"u}hrten innerhalb der Subkomplexe zu gegens{\"a}tzlichen {\"A}nderungen der Interaktionsinten-sit{\"a}t. W{\"a}hrend die Substanz im DX2-Komplex zum Sinken der Interaktionsst{\"a}rke f{\"u}hrte, erh{\"o}hte sich diese im BC-Komplex. Die in der Literatur beschriebene und charakterisierte RAD51C-FANCN-Interation war im M2H-Test nicht darstellbar. M{\"o}glicherweise w{\"u}rde diese jedoch durch die Anwesenheit eines drit-ten Proteins gef{\"o}rdert werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde ein RAD51C-Protein, welches die Patientenmutation R258H enthielt, {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Es zeigte nur in der M3H-Analyse, mit pMRAD51D und nativem RAD51B, nach Behandlung mit MMC eine reduzierte Interaktionsst{\"a}rke im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Dies unter-streicht einmal mehr die als hypomorph beschriebene Mutation des Proteins. Das dritte Projekt, die angestrebte Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung des RAD51C-Proteins erwies sich als schwierig. Eine f{\"u}r eine Kristallisation ausreichende Proteinmenge konnte, weder im E. coli-System noch in Insektenzellen oder in Co-Expression mit seinem Interaktionspartner XRCC3, isoliert und aufgereinigt werden. Elektro-phoretische Mobility Shift Assays des CX3-Proteinkomplexes mit DNA-Strukturen (ssDNA, Open Fork, 3'-/ 5'-{\"U}berhang-Struktur), zeigten eine Bevorzugung des 3'-{\"U}berhang-DNA-Substrates. Diese Art der Analyse k{\"o}nnte in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analysen zur Absch{\"a}tzung der Auswirkung von Patientenmutationen herangezogen werden. bb}, subject = {Fanconi An{\"a}mie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Czakai2015, author = {Czakai, Kristin Bernadette}, title = {Interaktionen des humanpathogenen Pilzes Aspergillus fumigatus mit dem angeborenen Immunsystem und Thrombozyten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117496}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Pilze sind in unserer Umwelt allgegenw{\"a}rtig und besiedeln im Fall von Candida albicans (C. albicans) sogar bei {\"u}ber 50\% der Menschen die Schleimh{\"a}ute, w{\"a}hrend Sporen von Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) t{\"a}glich {\"u}ber die Atmung in die Lunge des Menschen gelangen. Dennoch sind Erkrankungen, die durch diese zwei Pilze ausgel{\"o}st werden, bei gesunden Menschen selten. Ist jedoch das Immunsystem beeintr{\"a}chtigt, k{\"o}nnen diese Pilze zu systemischen und damit lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankungen wie der invasiven Aspergillose und der systemischen Candidiasis f{\"u}hren. F{\"u}r eine Verbesserung der Behandlung solcher Infektionen ist das genaue Verst{\"a}ndnis der Immunabwehrmechanismen entscheidend. Da A. fumigatus {\"u}ber die Lunge in den K{\"o}rper gelangt, wurden in dieser Arbeit die h{\"a}ufigsten Immunzellen der Lunge, die Makrophagen, und deren Immunantwort auf A. fumigatus untersucht. Parallel hierzu wurden dendritische Zellen (DCs) verwendet, die als Br{\"u}cke zwischen dem angeborenen und adaptiven Immunsystem wirken. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde hierbei auf A. fumigatus induzierte Genexpressions{\"a}nderungen und deren Regulationsmechanismen gelegt. Dabei wurden kurze, regulatorische RNAs, die sogenannten miRNAs, untersucht, die eine wichtige Rolle in der post-transkriptionalen Genregulation spielen. Bislang ist nur wenig {\"u}ber die miRNA-abh{\"a}ngigen Genregulationen in DCs, die auf eine Infektion mit A. fumigatus oder C. albicans reagieren, bekannt. Um alle durch A. fumigatus und C. albicans regulierten miRNAs zu identifizieren, wurden DCs mit A. fumigatus und C. albicans ko-kultiviert und anschließend eine Komplettsequenzierung der kurzen RNAs durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Pilz-spezifische Induktion der miRNA-Regulation wurde zudem mit der miRNA-Regulation durch den bakteriellen Zellwandbestandteil Lipopolysaccharid verglichen. Durch die Stimulation mit Keimschl{\"a}uchen von A. fumigatus wurden die miRNAs miR-132-3p/5p, miR-155-5p, miR129-2-3p, miR-129-5p, miR-212-3p/5p und miR-9-5p in DCs induziert. Diese wurden ebenfalls durch C. albicans induziert, zudem noch die miRNAs miR-147a und miR-147b. Spezifisch f{\"u}r A. fumigatus war die Regulation der miR-129-2-3p. Neben dem miRNA-Profiling wurde auch das mRNA-Transkriptom {\"u}ber Microarrays analysiert und dadurch 18 potentielle Zielgene der Pilz-induzierten miRNAs identifiziert. Neben den Elementen der Translationsregulation wurden auch die Transkriptionsfaktoren untersucht. Als einziger unter den 60 regulierten Transkriptionsfaktoren zeigte KLF4 eine ver{\"a}nderte Expressionsrichtung in DCs, die mit Pilzen oder LPS behandelt waren. W{\"a}hrend die Stimulation mit LPS die Expression von KLF4 induzierte, wurde es durch die Pilze A. fumigatus und C. albicans reprimiert. In einer Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen A. fumigatus-Rezeptoren, wurde deren Einfluss auf die KLF4-Regulation gezeigt. W{\"a}hrend TLR4-Liganden KLF4 induzierten, f{\"u}hrten Liganden, die an die Rezeptoren TLR2/TLR1 und Dectin-1 binden, zu einer Reduktion von KLF4. Nach einem erfolgreich etablierten KLF4-knock-down mittels RNA-Interferenz wurden KLF4-Zielgene untersucht. W{\"a}hrend kein bzw. nur ein geringer Effekt auf die Genexpression von CCL2, RANTES, CXCL10 und TNF beobachtet wurde, sorgte der KLF4 knock-down f{\"u}r eine hoch signifikante Reduktion der IL6-Genexpression in LPS-stimulierten DCs. Um die KLF4-Regulation weiter zu untersuchen, wurde zudem eine weitere Zellpopulation des angeborenen Immunsystems, die Makrophagen, verwendet. Auch hier wurde die Immunantwort gegen A. fumigatus analysiert. Zudem wurde die Rolle der Thrombozyten als Immunmediatoren betrachtet. Zuerst wurde ein Zytokinprofil des pl{\"a}ttchenreichen Plasmas (PRP), das mit A. fumigatus stimuliert wurde, erstellt. In diesem konnte nur RANTES in hoher Konzentration nachgewiesen werden. Daraufhin wurde der Einfluss von PRP auf die Reifung von DCs, die Phagozytosef{\"a}higkeit von Makrophagen und DCs sowie der Einfluss von DCs und Makrophagen auf die metabolische Aktivit{\"a}t von A. fumigatus in An- und Abwesenheit von pl{\"a}ttchenreichem Plasma untersucht. Es konnte eine gering verst{\"a}rkte Reifung der DCs durch PRP gezeigt werden. Isolierte Thrombozyten konnten die Phagozytose von DCs steigern, w{\"a}hrend Makrophagen durch PRP verst{\"a}rkt Konidien phagozytierten. In einem genomweiten Transkriptomprofiling wurde die Immunantwort von DCs und Makrophagen verglichen. Zudem wurde untersucht, wie PRP die Immunantwort dieser Immunzellen beeinflusst. Es wurden 2 bzw. 24 Gene identifiziert, die signifikant in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs und Makrophagen reguliert waren. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass KLF4 durch die Zugabe von PRP herabreguliert wurde. Das zuvor beschriebene Zielgen IL6 wurde durch PRP in A. fumigatus-stimulierten DCs gegen{\"u}ber stimulierten DCs ohne PRP deutlich reduziert, wodurch sich eine immunmodulatorische F{\"a}higkeit des PRP zeigte. Die Induktion von IL-6, weiteren Zytokinen und der Reifemarker durch A. fumigatus in DCs wurden zudem in einem Booleschen Modell simuliert. Dieses Modell soll in Zukunft Vorhersagen {\"u}ber experimentelle Ergebnisse und dadurch eine optimale Versuchsvorbereitung erm{\"o}glichen.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {de} } @article{GalluzziBravoSanPedroVitaleetal.2015, author = {Galluzzi, L. and Bravo-San Pedro, J. M. and Vitale, I. and Aaronson, S. A. and Abrams, J. M. and Adam, D. and Alnemri, E. S. and Altucci, L. and Andrews, D. and Annicchiarico-Petruzelli, M. and Baehrecke, E. H. and Bazan, N. G. and Bertrand, M. J. and Bianchi, K. and Blagosklonny, M. V. and Blomgren, K. and Borner, C. and Bredesen, D. E. and Brenner, C. and Campanella, M. and Candi, E. and Cecconi, F. and Chan, F. K. and Chandel, N. S. and Cheng, E. H. and Chipuk, J. E. and Cidlowski, J. A. and Ciechanover, A. and Dawson, T. M. and Dawson, V. L. and De Laurenzi, V. and De Maria, R. and Debatin, K. M. and Di Daniele, N. and Dixit, V. M. and Dynlacht, B. D. and El-Deiry, W. S. and Fimia, G. M. and Flavell, R. A. and Fulda, S. and Garrido, C. and Gougeon, M. L. and Green, D. R. and Gronemeyer, H. and Hajnoczky, G. and Hardwick, J. M. and Hengartner, M. O. and Ichijo, H. and Joseph, B. and Jost, P. J. and Kaufmann, T. and Kepp, O. and Klionsky, D. J. and Knight, R. A. and Kumar, S. and Lemasters, J. J. and Levine, B. and Linkermann, A. and Lipton, S. A. and Lockshin, R. A. and L{\´o}pez-Ot{\´i}n, C. and Lugli, E. and Madeo, F. and Malorni, W. and Marine, J. C. and Martin, S. J. and Martinou, J. C. and Medema, J. P. and Meier, P. and Melino, S. and Mizushima, N. and Moll, U. and Mu{\~n}oz-Pinedo, C. and Nu{\~n}ez, G. and Oberst, A. and Panaretakis, T. and Penninger, J. M. and Peter, M. E. and Piacentini, M. and Pinton, P. and Prehn, J. H. and Puthalakath, H. and Rabinovich, G. A. and Ravichandran, K. S. and Rizzuto, R. and Rodrigues, C. M. and Rubinsztein, D. C. and Rudel, T. and Shi, Y. and Simon, H. U. and Stockwell, B. R. and Szabadkai, G. and Tait, S. W. and Tang, H. L. and Tavernarakis, N. and Tsujimoto, Y. and Vanden Berghe, T. and Vandenabeele, P. and Villunger, A. and Wagner, E. F. and Walczak, H. and White, E. and Wood, W. G. and Yuan, J. and Zakeri, Z. and Zhivotovsky, B. and Melino, G. and Kroemer, G.}, title = {Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015}, series = {Cell Death and Differentiation}, volume = {22}, journal = {Cell Death and Differentiation}, doi = {10.1038/cdd.2014.137}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121207}, pages = {58-73}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Cells exposed to extreme physicochemical or mechanical stimuli die in an uncontrollable manner, as a result of their immediate structural breakdown. Such an unavoidable variant of cellular demise is generally referred to as 'accidental cell death' (ACD). In most settings, however, cell death is initiated by a genetically encoded apparatus, correlating with the fact that its course can be altered by pharmacologic or genetic interventions. 'Regulated cell death' (RCD) can occur as part of physiologic programs or can be activated once adaptive responses to perturbations of the extracellular or intracellular microenvironment fail. The biochemical phenomena that accompany RCD may be harnessed to classify it into a few subtypes, which often (but not always) exhibit stereotyped morphologic features. Nonetheless, efficiently inhibiting the processes that are commonly thought to cause RCD, such as the activation of executioner caspases in the course of apoptosis, does not exert true cytoprotective effects in the mammalian system, but simply alters the kinetics of cellular demise as it shifts its morphologic and biochemical correlates. Conversely, bona fide cytoprotection can be achieved by inhibiting the transduction of lethal signals in the early phases of the process, when adaptive responses are still operational. Thus, the mechanisms that truly execute RCD may be less understood, less inhibitable and perhaps more homogeneous than previously thought. Here, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death formulates a set of recommendations to help scientists and researchers to discriminate between essential and accessory aspects of cell death.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bruttel2015, author = {Bruttel, Valentin Stefan}, title = {Soluble HLA-G binds to dendritic cells which likely suppresses anti-tumour immune responses in regional lymph nodes in ovarian carcinoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127252}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Einleitung HLA-G, ein nicht-klassisches HLA bzw. MHC Klasse Ib Molek{\"u}l, kann sowohl als membrangebundenes als auch als l{\"o}sliches Molek{\"u}l verschiedenste Immunzellpopulationen effektiv inhibieren. Unter physiologischen Bedingungen wird HLA-G vor allem in der Plazenta exprimiert, wo es dazu beitr{\"a}gt den semiallogenen Embryo vor einer Abstoßung durch das m{\"u}tterliche Immunsystem zu besch{\"u}tzen. Außerdem wird HLA-G in einer Vielzahl von Tumoren wie zum Beispiel in Ovarialkarzinomen {\"u}berexprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es besonders die Rolle von l{\"o}slichem HLA-G im Ovarialkarzinom und die Expression von HLA-G in verschiedenen Subtypen des Ovarialkarzinoms genauer zu untersuchen. Ergebnisse Anhand eines Tissue Microarrays wurde best{\"a}tigt dass HLA-G unter physiologischen Bedingungen nur in sehr wenigen Geweben wie Plazenta oder Testes exprimiert wird. Außerdem wurden erstmals auch im Nebennierenmark hohe Expressionslevel detektiert. Im Gegensatz zur physiologischen Expression wurde HLA-G in ser{\"o}sen, muzin{\"o}sen, endometrioiden und Klarzellkarzinomen und somit in Tumoren aller untersuchten Subtypen des Ovarialkarzinoms detektiert. Am h{\"a}ufigsten war HLA-G in hochgradigen ser{\"o}sen Karzinomen {\"u}berexprimiert. Hier konnte gezeigt werden dass auf Genexpressionslevel in Ovarialkarzinomen die Expression des immunsuppressiven HLA-G mit der Expression von klassischen MHC Molek{\"u}len wie HLA-A, -B oder -C hochsignifikant korreliert. Außerdem konnte in Aszitesproben von Patientinnen mit Ovarialkarzinomen hohe Konzentrationen von l{\"o}slichem HLA-G nachgewiesen werden. Auch auf metastasierten Tumorzellen in regionalen Lymphknoten war HLA-G nachweisbar. {\"U}berraschenderweise wurde aber besonders viel HLA-G auf Dendritischen Zellen in Lymphknoten detektiert. Da in Monozyten und Dendritischen Zellen von gesunden Spendern durch IL-4 oder IL-10 im Gegensatz zu Literatur keine Expression von HLA-G induzierbar war, untersuchten wir ob Dendritische Zellen l{\"o}sliches HLA-G binden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass besonders Dendritische Zellen die in Gegenwart von IL-4, IL-10 und GM-CSF aus Monozyten generiert wurden (DC-10) effektiv l{\"o}sliches HLA-G {\"u}ber ILT Rezeptoren binden. In Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von ihrer Beladung mit HLA-G hemmen auch fixierte DC-10 Zellen noch die Proliferation von zytotoxischen CD8+ T Zellen. Zudem wurden regulatorische T Zellen induziert. Schlussfolgerungen Besonders in den am h{\"a}ufigsten diagnostizierten hochgradigen ser{\"o}sen Ovarialkarzinomen ist HLA-G in den meisten F{\"a}llen {\"u}berexprimiert. Durch die Expression immunsuppressiver MHC Klasse Ib Molek{\"u}le wie HLA-G k{\"o}nnen wahrscheinlich auch Tumore wachsen, die noch klassische MHC Molek{\"u}le exprimieren und aufgrund ihrer Mutationslast eigentlich vom Immunsystem erkannt und eliminiert werden m{\"u}ssten. L{\"o}sliches HLA-G k{\"o}nnte zudem lokal Immunantworten gegen Tumorantigene unterdr{\"u}cken indem es an Dendritische Zellen in regionalen Lymphknoten bindet. Diese Zellen pr{\"a}sentieren nomalerweise zytotoxischen T Zellen Tumorantigene und spielen daher eine entscheidende Rolle in der Entstehung von protektiven Immunantworten. Mit l{\"o}slichem HLA-G beladene Dendritische Zellen hemmen jedoch die Proliferation von CD8+ T Zellen und induzieren regulatorische T Zellen. Dadurch k{\"o}nnten Ovarialkarzinome "aus der Ferne" auch in metastasenfreien Lymphknoten die Entstehung von gegen den Tumor gerichteten Immunantworten unterdr{\"u}cken. Dieser erstmals beschriebene Mechanismus k{\"o}nnte auch in anderen malignen Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen, da l{\"o}sliches HLA-G in einer Vielzahl von Tumorindikationen nachgewiesen wurde.}, subject = {HLA-G}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuger2015, author = {Kuger, Sebastian}, title = {Radiosensibilisierung humaner Tumorzelllinien unterschiedlicher Entit{\"a}ten durch den dualen PI3K/mTOR-Inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 alleine oder in Kombination mit dem MEK-Inhibitor AZD6244: Einfluss des Behandlungsschemas und der Hypoxie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126715}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Eine wichtige Standardtherapie in der modernen Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen ist die Strahlentherapie, in welcher Tumorzellen mittels ionisierender Strahlung gesch{\"a}digt und abget{\"o}tet werden. Dabei soll die Sch{\"a}digung des umgebenden Normalgewebes m{\"o}glichst gering gehalten und trotzdem eine maximale Sch{\"a}digung des Tumorgewebes erreicht werden. Deshalb sind neue Strategien zur Steigerung der Radiosensitivit{\"a}t des Tumorgewebes sehr wichtig, die es erlauben, bei gleicher Dosis eine verst{\"a}rkte Strahlenantwort im Tumorgewebe zu erreichen. Hier kommen zunehmend sog. Radiosensibilisatoren zum Einsatz, die unter anderem onkogene Signalwege in den Tumorzellen inhibieren. Der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg stellt hierbei einen wichtigen Ansatzpunkt dar, da er in vielen Tumorentit{\"a}ten dereguliert vorliegt und diese Signalkaskade bekanntermaßen einen Einfluss auf die zellul{\"a}re Strahlensensitivit{\"a}t hat. Obwohl es f{\"u}r diesen Signalweg schon eine Reihe von Inhibitoren gibt, f{\"u}r die bereits neben einer anti-proliferativen Wirkung auch ein radiosensibilisierender Effekt nachgewiesen wurde (z.B. Wortmannin und Rapamycin), machten eine geringe Spezifit{\"a}t, starke Nebenwirkungen und negative R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismen im Signalweg, die die Wirkung des Inhibitors kompensieren, die Entwicklung neuer Inhibitoren notwendig. Das Imidazoquinolinderivat NVP-BEZ235 inhibiert den PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg an mehreren Stellen gleichzeitig, indem es kompetitiv zu ATP das katalytische Zentrum von PI3K und mTOR blockiert. F{\"u}r diesen kleinmolekularen, dualen Inhibitor gibt es bereits erste vielversprechende Forschungsergebnisse hinsichtlich einer radiosensibilisierenden Wirkung, allerdings sind die zugrunde liegenden molekularbiologischen Mechanismen noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt. Deshalb war das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation, in drei Teilprojekten mehrere Aspekte der NVP-BEZ235-induzierten Radiosensibilisierung aufzukl{\"a}ren: a) Einfluss des Behandlungsschemas f{\"u}r NVP-BEZ235 in vier Glioblastomzelllinien mit unterschiedlichem PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus, b) Einfluss der Sauerstoffversorgung (Hypoxie, Normoxie, reoxygeniert nach Bestrahlung) auf die strahlensensibilisierende Wirkung von NVP-BEZ235 in zwei Mammakarzinomzelllinien, c) gleichzeitige Inhibierung des MAPK Signalwegs durch AZD6244 und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade durch NVP-BEZ235 in zwei Zelllinien mit unter-schiedlichem Mutationsstatus aus verschiedenen Tumorentit{\"a}ten, um synergistische Effekte zu untersuchen. Um diese Fragestellungen zu beantworten, wurde im Rahmen - 142 - der Dissertation eine Auswahl an humanen Tumorzelllinien mit unterschiedlich deregulierten Signalwegen bearbeitet. Dabei wurde die Expression von Schl{\"u}sselproteinen der MAPK/Erk und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalwege analysiert und mit zellbiologischen Daten verschiedener ph{\"a}notypischer Endpunkte nach Inhibitor Behandlung und Bestrahlung integriert (Proliferationsrate, klonogenes {\"U}berleben, Zellzyklusaberrationen, DNS-Sch{\"a}den und -Reparatur, Zelltod und Autophagie). Im Teilprojekt zum Behandlungsschema der NVP-BEZ235 Inhibierung und Bestrahlung konnte in vier Glioblastomzelllinien mit Behandlungsschema I (NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung 24 Stunden vor Bestrahlung) kein radiosensibilisierender Effekt hinsichtlich klonogenem {\"U}berleben nachgewiesen werden, wohingegen Behandlungsschema II (NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung 1 h vor und im Anschluss an die Bestrahlung) unabh{\"a}ngig vom Mutationsstatus in allen vier Zelllinien eine starke Radiosensibilisierung bewirkte. Auf molekularer Ebene war zwischen beiden Behandlungsschemata f{\"u}r das antiapoptotische Protein Akt ein großer Unterschied zu beobachten, welches bei Behandlung nach Schema I zum Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung {\"u}beraktiviert, nach Behandlung mit Schema II hingegen inhibiert war. Weiterhin resultierte Behandlungsschema I in einem erh{\"o}hten Anteil der Zellen in der radioresistenteren G1-Phase des Zellzyklus zum Zeit-punkt der Bestrahlung. Behandlungsschema II f{\"u}hrte hingegen nach Bestrahlung zu einer verminderten Expression des Reparaturproteins Rad51 und damit zu verminderter DNS-Schadensreparatur und schließlich zu einem stabilen Arrest in der G2/M-Phase des Zellzyklus sowie zu verst{\"a}rkter Apoptose (erh{\"o}hte Spaltung von PARP, erh{\"o}hter Anteil hypodiploider Zellen). Somit zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass unabh{\"a}ngig vom PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus eine Radiosensibilisierung nur durch das Behandlungsschema II erreicht werden konnte. Ferner deuten die Ergebnisse der Proteinexpression darauf hin, dass durch NVP-BEZ235 ein negativer R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismus ausgel{\"o}st wird, wodurch die PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade 24h nach Zugabe des Inhibitors aktiviert und synergistische Effekte mit ionisierender Bestrahlung aufgehoben wurden. Im Teilprojekt zur Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der NVP-BEZ235 Inhibition vom Sauerstoffgehalt wurden in den beiden Brustkrebszelllinien MCF-7 (ER-positiv) und TN MDA-MB-231 (TP53 mutiert) normoxische, hypoxische und nach Bestrahlung reoxygenierte Kulturbedingungen im Hinblick auf die Koloniebildungsf{\"a}higkeit nach NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung und Bestrahlung untersucht. Die beobachtete Radiosensibilisierung war unter allen getesteten Bedingungen auf gleichem Niveau. In beiden Zelllinien bewirkte NVP-BEZ235 eine Inhibition des antiapoptotischen HIF-1α Proteins, eine stabile Inaktivierung des PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweges und eine Aktivierung der Autophagie. Nach Bestrahlung waren zudem erh{\"o}hte residuale DNS-Sch{\"a}den und ein stabiler Arrest in der G2/M-Phase des Zellzyklus unter allen Oxygenierungsbedingungen in beiden Zelllinien zu beobachten. Eine Apoptose Induktion (Spaltung von PARP, hypodiploide Zellen) trat nur in der TP53 wildtypischen MCF-7 Zelllinie nach NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung auf. Somit konnte in beiden Zelllinien in allen pathophysiologisch relevanten Oxygenierungszust{\"a}nden eine sauerstoffunabh{\"a}ngige Radiosensibilisierung durch NVP-BEZ235 gezeigt werden. Der bisher nicht erforschte Aspekt zur synergistischen Wirkung des MEK Inhibitors AZD6244 und des dualen PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitors NVP-BEZ235 nach Bestrahlung wurde an der Glioblastomzelllinie SNB19 und der Lungenkarzinomzelllinie A549 anhand der Koloniebildungsf{\"a}higkeit der behandelten Zellen untersucht. Eine Behandlung mit dem MEK Inhibitor bewirkte lediglich eine moderate Radiosensibilisierung, wohin-gegen der duale PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitor beide Zelllinien in st{\"a}rkerem Maße sensibilisierte. Eine Kombination beider Inhibitoren resultierte bei keiner Zelllinie in einer Verst{\"a}rkung der durch NVP-BEZ235 induzierten Radiosensibilisierung. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die fehlende Synergie im Bezug auf die Radiosensibilisierung k{\"o}nnen die gegens{\"a}tzlichen Effekte der beiden Inhibitoren auf den Zellzyklus sein. Auf Proteinebene f{\"u}hrte eine simultane Behandlung mit beiden Substanzen zur Inhibition beider Signalwege. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus war in SNB19 Zellen eine verst{\"a}rkte Dephosphorylierung von Rb und ein erh{\"o}hter Anteil an G1-Phase Zellen bei kombinierter Gabe der Inhibitoren zu beobachten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte somit die radiosensibilisierende Wirkung von NVP-BEZ235 in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Behandlungsschema gezeigt werden. Ferner wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Radiosensibilisierung unabh{\"a}ngig von der Sauerstoffversorgung sowie von den PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus der Tumorzellen ist. Die kombinierte Inhibition der MAPK und PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalwege resultierte zwar in einem verst{\"a}rkten zytostatischen, aber nicht in einem verst{\"a}rkten radiosensibilisierenden Effekt. Da allerdings eine große Anzahl verschiedener Inhibitoren der MAPK/Erk und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade verf{\"u}gbar sind, sollte die kombinatorische Inhibition dieser Signalwege systematisch weiter verfolgt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert auch weitere grundlegende Erkenntnisse zu den molekularen Mechanismen der Radiosensibilisierung durch NVP-BEZ235, die auch auf Verkn{\"u}pfungen und Wechselwirkungen mit anderen als den bisher bekannten Proteinen hindeuten, die f{\"u}r jeden Inhibitor aufgekl{\"a}rt werden m{\"u}ssen, um eine effektive radiosensibilisierende Wirkung vorher-sagen zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Strahlensensibilisator}, language = {de} } @article{StrubeBlossBrownSpaetheetal.2015, author = {Strube-Bloss, Martin F. and Brown, Austin and Spaethe, Johannes and Schmitt, Thomas and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang}, title = {Extracting the Behaviorally Relevant Stimulus: Unique Neural Representation of Farnesol, a Component of the Recruitment Pheromone of Bombus terrestris}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0137413}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125875}, pages = {e0137413}, year = {2015}, abstract = {To trigger innate behavior, sensory neural networks are pre-tuned to extract biologically relevant stimuli. Many male-female or insect-plant interactions depend on this phenomenon. Especially communication among individuals within social groups depends on innate behaviors. One example is the efficient recruitment of nest mates by successful bumblebee foragers. Returning foragers release a recruitment pheromone in the nest while they perform a 'dance' behavior to activate unemployed nest mates. A major component of this pheromone is the sesquiterpenoid farnesol. How farnesol is processed and perceived by the olfactory system, has not yet been identified. It is much likely that processing farnesol involves an innate mechanism for the extraction of relevant information to trigger a fast and reliable behavioral response. To test this hypothesis, we used population response analyses of 100 antennal lobe (AL) neurons recorded in alive bumblebee workers under repeated stimulation with four behaviorally different, but chemically related odorants (geraniol, citronellol, citronellal and farnesol). The analysis identified a unique neural representation of the recruitment pheromone component compared to the other odorants that are predominantly emitted by flowers. The farnesol induced population activity in the AL allowed a reliable separation of farnesol from all other chemically related odor stimuli we tested. We conclude that the farnesol induced population activity may reflect a predetermined representation within the AL-neural network allowing efficient and fast extraction of a behaviorally relevant stimulus. Furthermore, the results show that population response analyses of multiple single AL-units may provide a powerful tool to identify distinct representations of behaviorally relevant odors.}, language = {en} } @article{LichtensteinSommerlandtSpaethe2015, author = {Lichtenstein, Leonie and Sommerlandt, Frank M. J. and Spaethe, Johannes}, title = {Dumb and Lazy? A Comparison of Color Learning and Memory Retrieval in Drones and Workers of the Buff-Tailed Bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, by Means of PER Conditioning}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0134248}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125832}, pages = {e0134248}, year = {2015}, abstract = {More than 100 years ago, Karl von Frisch showed that honeybee workers learn and discriminate colors. Since then, many studies confirmed the color learning capabilities of females from various hymenopteran species. Yet, little is known about visual learning and memory in males despite the fact that in most bee species males must take care of their own needs and must find rewarding flowers to obtain food. Here we used the proboscis extension response (PER) paradigm to study the color learning capacities of workers and drones of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris. Light stimuli were paired with sucrose reward delivered to the insects' antennae and inducing a reflexive extension of the proboscis. We evaluated color learning (i.e. conditioned PER to color stimuli) in absolute and differential conditioning protocols and mid-term memory retention was measured two hours after conditioning. Different monochromatic light stimuli in combination with neutral density filters were used to ensure that the bumblebees could only use chromatic and not achromatic (e.g. brightness) information. Furthermore, we tested if bees were able to transfer the learned information from the PER conditioning to a novel discrimination task in a Y-maze. Both workers and drones were capable of learning and discriminating between monochromatic light stimuli and retrieved the learned stimulus after two hours. Drones performed as well as workers during conditioning and in the memory test, but failed in the transfer test in contrast to workers. Our data clearly show that bumblebees can learn to associate a color stimulus with a sugar reward in PER conditioning and that both workers and drones reach similar acquisition and mid-term retention performances. Additionally, we provide evidence that only workers transfer the learned information from a Pavlovian to an operant situation.}, language = {en} } @article{SalatWinklerUrlaubetal.2015, author = {Salat, Daniela and Winkler, Anja and Urlaub, Henning and Gessler, Manfred}, title = {Hey bHLH Proteins Interact with a FBXO45 Containing SCF Ubiquitin Ligase Complex and Induce Its Translocation into the Nucleus}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0130288}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125769}, pages = {e0130288}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Hey protein family, comprising Hey1, Hey2 and HeyL in mammals, conveys Notch signals in many cell types. The helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain as well as the Orange domain, mediate homo- and heterodimerization of these transcription factors. Although distinct interaction partners have been identified so far, their physiological relevance for Hey functions is still largely unclear. Using a tandem affinity purification approach and mass spectrometry analysis we identified members of an ubiquitin E3-ligase complex consisting of FBXO45, PAM and SKP1 as novel Hey1 associated proteins. There is a direct interaction between Hey1 and FBXO45, whereas FBXO45 is needed to mediate indirect Hey1 binding to SKP1. Expression of Hey1 induces translocation of FBXO45 and PAM into the nucleus. Hey1 is a short-lived protein that is degraded by the proteasome, but there is no evidence for FBXO45-dependent ubiquitination of Hey1. On the contrary, Hey1 mediated nuclear translocation of FBXO45 and its associated ubiquitin ligase complex may extend its spectrum to additional nuclear targets triggering their ubiquitination. This suggests a novel mechanism of action for Hey bHLH factors.}, language = {en} } @article{SickelAnkenbrandGrimmeretal.2015, author = {Sickel, Wiebke and Ankenbrand, Markus J. and Grimmer, Gudrun and Holzschuh, Andrea and H{\"a}rtel, Stephan and Lanzen, Jonathan and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Keller, Alexander}, title = {Increased efficiency in identifying mixed pollen samples by meta-barcoding with a dual-indexing approach}, series = {BMC Ecology}, volume = {15}, journal = {BMC Ecology}, number = {20}, doi = {10.1186/s12898-015-0051-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125730}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background Meta-barcoding of mixed pollen samples constitutes a suitable alternative to conventional pollen identification via light microscopy. Current approaches however have limitations in practicability due to low sample throughput and/or inefficient processing methods, e.g. separate steps for amplification and sample indexing. Results We thus developed a new primer-adapter design for high throughput sequencing with the Illumina technology that remedies these issues. It uses a dual-indexing strategy, where sample-specific combinations of forward and reverse identifiers attached to the barcode marker allow high sample throughput with a single sequencing run. It does not require further adapter ligation steps after amplification. We applied this protocol to 384 pollen samples collected by solitary bees and sequenced all samples together on a single Illumina MiSeq v2 flow cell. According to rarefaction curves, 2,000-3,000 high quality reads per sample were sufficient to assess the complete diversity of 95\% of the samples. We were able to detect 650 different plant taxa in total, of which 95\% were classified at the species level. Together with the laboratory protocol, we also present an update of the reference database used by the classifier software, which increases the total number of covered global plant species included in the database from 37,403 to 72,325 (93\% increase). Conclusions This study thus offers improvements for the laboratory and bioinformatical workflow to existing approaches regarding data quantity and quality as well as processing effort and cost-effectiveness. Although only tested for pollen samples, it is furthermore applicable to other research questions requiring plant identification in mixed and challenging samples.}, language = {en} } @article{Meierjohann2015, author = {Meierjohann, Svenja}, title = {Hypoxia independent drivers of melanoma angiogenesis}, series = {Frontiers in Oncology}, volume = {5}, journal = {Frontiers in Oncology}, number = {120}, doi = {10.3389/fonc.2015.00102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125586}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Tumor angiogenesis is a process which is traditionally regarded as the tumor's response to low nutrient supply occurring under hypoxic conditions. However, hypoxia is not a pre-requisite for angiogenesis. The fact that even single tumor cells or small tumor cell aggregates are capable of attracting blood vessels reveals the early metastatic capability of tumor cells. This review sheds light on the hypoxia-independent mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis in melanoma.}, language = {en} } @article{SubbarayalKarunakaranWinkleretal.2015, author = {Subbarayal, Prema and Karunakaran, Karthika and Winkler, Ann-Cathrin and Rother, Marion and Gonzalez, Erik and Meyer, Thomas F. and Rudel, Thomas}, title = {EphrinA2 Receptor (EphA2) Is an Invasion and Intracellular Signaling Receptor for Chlamydia trachomatis}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {11}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1004846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125566}, pages = {e1004846}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis invades into host cells to replicate inside a membrane-bound vacuole called inclusion. Multiple different host proteins are recruited to the inclusion and are functionally modulated to support chlamydial development. Invaded and replicating Chlamydia induces a long-lasting activation of the PI3 kinase signaling pathway that is required for efficient replication. We identified the cell surface tyrosine kinase EphrinA2 receptor (EphA2) as a chlamydial adherence and invasion receptor that induces PI3 kinase (PI3K) activation, promoting chlamydial replication. Interfering with binding of C. trachomatis serovar L2 (Ctr) to EphA2, downregulation of EphA2 expression or inhibition of EphA2 activity significantly reduced Ctr infection. Ctr interacts with and activates EphA2 on the cell surface resulting in Ctr and receptor internalization. During chlamydial replication, EphA2 remains active accumulating around the inclusion and interacts with the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K to support the activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway that is required for normal chlamydial development. Overexpression of full length EphA2, but not the mutant form lacking the intracellular cytoplasmic domain, enhanced PI3K activation and Ctr infection. Despite the depletion of EphA2 from the cell surface, Ctr infection induces upregulation of EphA2 through the activation of the ERK pathway, which keeps the infected cell in an apoptosis-resistant state. The significance of EphA2 as an entry and intracellular signaling receptor was also observed with the urogenital C. trachomatis-serovar D. Our findings provide the first evidence for a host cell surface receptor that is exploited for invasion as well as for receptor-mediated intracellular signaling to facilitate chlamydial replication. In addition, the engagement of a cell surface receptor at the inclusion membrane is a new mechanism by which Chlamydia subverts the host cell and induces apoptosis resistance.}, language = {en} } @article{HerterStauchGallantetal.2015, author = {Herter, Eva K. and Stauch, Maria and Gallant, Maria and Wolf, Elmar and Raabe, Thomas and Gallant, Peter}, title = {snoRNAs are a novel class of biologically relevant Myc targets}, series = {BMC Biology}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Biology}, number = {25}, doi = {10.1186/s12915-015-0132-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124956}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background Myc proteins are essential regulators of animal growth during normal development, and their deregulation is one of the main driving factors of human malignancies. They function as transcription factors that (in vertebrates) control many growth- and proliferation-associated genes, and in some contexts contribute to global gene regulation. Results We combine chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIPseq) and RNAseq approaches in Drosophila tissue culture cells to identify a core set of less than 500 Myc target genes, whose salient function resides in the control of ribosome biogenesis. Among these genes we find the non-coding snoRNA genes as a large novel class of Myc targets. All assayed snoRNAs are affected by Myc, and many of them are subject to direct transcriptional activation by Myc, both in Drosophila and in vertebrates. The loss of snoRNAs impairs growth during normal development, whereas their overexpression increases tumor mass in a model for neuronal tumors. Conclusions This work shows that Myc acts as a master regulator of snoRNP biogenesis. In addition, in combination with recent observations of snoRNA involvement in human cancer, it raises the possibility that Myc's transforming effects are partially mediated by this class of non-coding transcripts.}, language = {en} } @article{AdolfiCarreiraJesusetal.2015, author = {Adolfi, Mateus C. and Carreira, Ana C. O. and Jesus, L{\´a}zaro W. O. and Bogerd, Jan and Funes, Rejane M. and Schartl, Manfred and Sogayar, Mari C. and Borella, Maria I.}, title = {Molecular cloning and expression analysis of dmrt1 and sox9 during gonad development and male reproductive cycle in the lambari fish, Astyanax altiparanae}, series = {Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1186/1477-7827-13-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126486}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background The dmrt1 and sox9 genes have a well conserved function related to testis formation in vertebrates, and the group of fish presents a great diversity of species and reproductive mechanisms. The lambari fish (Astyanax altiparanae) is an important Neotropical species, where studies on molecular level of sex determination and gonad maturation are scarce. Methods Here, we employed molecular cloning techniques to analyze the cDNA sequences of the dmrt1 and sox9 genes, and describe the expression pattern of those genes during development and the male reproductive cycle by qRT-PCR, and related to histology of the gonad. Results Phylogenetic analyses of predicted amino acid sequences of dmrt1 and sox9 clustered A. altiparanae in the Ostariophysi group, which is consistent with the morphological phylogeny of this species. Studies of the gonad development revealed that ovary formation occurred at 58 days after hatching (dah), 2 weeks earlier than testis formation. Expression studies of sox9 and dmrt1 in different tissues of adult males and females and during development revealed specific expression in the testis, indicating that both genes also have a male-specific role in the adult. During the period of gonad sex differentiation, dmrt1 seems to have a more significant role than sox9. During the male reproductive cycle dmrt1 and sox9 are down-regulated after spermiation, indicating a role of these genes in spermatogenesis. Conclusions For the first time the dmrt1 and sox9 were cloned in a Characiformes species. We show that both genes have a conserved structure and expression, evidencing their role in sex determination, sex differentiation and the male reproductive cycle in A. altiparanae. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation in fish.}, language = {en} } @article{LakovicPoethkeHovestadt2015, author = {Lakovic, Milica and Poethke, Hans-Joachim and Hovestadt, Thomas}, title = {Dispersal timing: Emigration of insects living in patchy environments}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0128672}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126466}, pages = {e0128672}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Dispersal is a life-history trait affecting dynamics and persistence of populations; it evolves under various known selective pressures. Theoretical studies on dispersal typically assume 'natal dispersal', where individuals emigrate right after birth. But emigration may also occur during a later moment within a reproductive season ('breeding dispersal'). For example, some female butterflies first deposit eggs in their natal patch before migrating to other site(s) to continue egg-laying there. How breeding compared to natal dispersal influences the evolution of dispersal has not been explored. To close this gap we used an individual-based simulation approach to analyze (i) the evolution of timing of breeding dispersal in annual organisms, (ii) its influence on dispersal (compared to natal dispersal). Furthermore, we tested (iii) its performance in direct evolutionary contest with individuals following a natal dispersal strategy. Our results show that evolution should typically result in lower dispersal under breeding dispersal, especially when costs of dispersal are low and population size is small. By distributing offspring evenly across two patches, breeding dispersal allows reducing direct sibling competition in the next generation whereas natal dispersal can only reduce trans-generational kin competition by producing highly dispersive offspring in each generation. The added benefit of breeding dispersal is most prominent in patches with small population sizes. Finally, the evolutionary contests show that a breeding dispersal strategy would universally out-compete natal dispersal.}, language = {en} } @article{WeissSchultz2015, author = {Weiß, Clemens Leonard and Schultz, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Identification of divergent WH2 motifs by HMM-HMM alignments}, series = {BMC Research Notes}, volume = {8}, journal = {BMC Research Notes}, number = {18}, doi = {10.1186/s13104-015-0981-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126413}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background The actin cytoskeleton is a hallmark of eukaryotic cells. Its regulation as well as its interaction with other proteins is carefully orchestrated by actin interaction domains. One of the key players is the WH2 motif, which enables binding to actin monomers and filaments and is involved in the regulation of actin nucleation. Contrasting conserved domains, the identification of this motif in protein sequences is challenging, as it is short and poorly conserved. Findings To identify divergent members, we combined Hidden-Markov-Model (HMM) to HMM alignments with orthology predictions. Thereby, we identified nearly 500 proteins containing so far not annotated WH2 motifs. This included shootin-1, an actin binding protein involved in neuron polarization. Among others, WH2 motifs of 'proximal to raf' (ptr)-orthologs, which are described in the literature, but not annotated in genome databases, were identified. Conclusion In summary, we increased the number of WH2 motif containing proteins substantially. This identification of candidate regions for actin interaction could steer their experimental characterization. Furthermore, the approach outlined here can easily be adapted to the identification of divergent members of further domain families.}, language = {en} } @article{AndronicShirakashiPickeletal.2015, author = {Andronic, Joseph and Shirakashi, Ryo and Pickel, Simone U. and Westerling, Katherine M. and Klein, Teresa and Holm, Thorge and Sauer, Markus and Sukhorukov, Vladimir L.}, title = {Hypotonic Activation of the Myo-Inositol Transporter SLC5A3 in HEK293 Cells Probed by Cell Volumetry, Confocal and Super-Resolution Microscopy}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0119990}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126408}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Swelling-activated pathways for myo-inositol, one of the most abundant organic osmolytes in mammalian cells, have not yet been identified. The present study explores the SLC5A3 protein as a possible transporter of myo-inositol in hyponically swollen HEK293 cells. To address this issue, we examined the relationship between the hypotonicity-induced changes in plasma membrane permeability to myo-inositol Pino [m/s] and expression/localization of SLC5A3. Pino values were determined by cell volumetry over a wide tonicity range (100-275 mOsm) in myo-inositol-substituted solutions. While being negligible under mild hypotonicity (200-275 mOsm), Pino grew rapidly at osmolalities below 200 mOsm to reach a maximum of ∼3 nm/s at 100-125 mOsm, as indicated by fast cell swelling due to myo-inositol influx. The increase in Pino resulted most likely from the hypotonicity-mediated incorporation of cytosolic SLC5A3 into the plasma membrane, as revealed by confocal fluorescence microscopy of cells expressing EGFP-tagged SLC5A3 and super-resolution imaging of immunostained SLC5A3 by direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). dSTORM in hypotonic cells revealed a surface density of membrane-associated SLC5A3 proteins of 200-2000 localizations/μm2. Assuming SLC5A3 to be the major path for myo-inositol, a turnover rate of 80-800 myo-inositol molecules per second for a single transporter protein was estimated from combined volumetric and dSTORM data. Hypotonic stress also caused a significant upregulation of SLC5A3 gene expression as detected by semiquantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. In summary, our data provide first evidence for swelling-mediated activation of SLC5A3 thus suggesting a functional role of this transporter in hypotonic volume regulation of mammalian cells.}, language = {en} } @article{BrillMeyerRoessler2015, author = {Brill, Martin F. and Meyer, Anneke and Roessler, Wolfgang}, title = {It takes two—coincidence coding within the dual olfactory pathway of the honeybee}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, number = {208}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2015.00208}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126179}, year = {2015}, abstract = {To rapidly process biologically relevant stimuli, sensory systems have developed a broad variety of coding mechanisms like parallel processing and coincidence detection. Parallel processing (e.g., in the visual system), increases both computational capacity and processing speed by simultaneously coding different aspects of the same stimulus. Coincidence detection is an efficient way to integrate information from different sources. Coincidence has been shown to promote associative learning and memory or stimulus feature detection (e.g., in auditory delay lines). Within the dual olfactory pathway of the honeybee both of these mechanisms might be implemented by uniglomerular projection neurons (PNs) that transfer information from the primary olfactory centers, the antennal lobe (AL), to a multimodal integration center, the mushroom body (MB). PNs from anatomically distinct tracts respond to the same stimulus space, but have different physiological properties, characteristics that are prerequisites for parallel processing of different stimulus aspects. However, the PN pathways also display mirror-imaged like anatomical trajectories that resemble neuronal coincidence detectors as known from auditory delay lines. To investigate temporal processing of olfactory information, we recorded PN odor responses simultaneously from both tracts and measured coincident activity of PNs within and between tracts. Our results show that coincidence levels are different within each of the two tracts. Coincidence also occurs between tracts, but to a minor extent compared to coincidence within tracts. Taken together our findings support the relevance of spike timing in coding of olfactory information (temporal code).}, language = {en} } @article{KlammertMuellerHellmannetal.2015, author = {Klammert, Uwe and M{\"u}ller, Thomas D. and Hellmann, Tina V. and Wuerzler, Kristian K. and Kotzsch, Alexander and Schliermann, Anna and Schmitz, Werner and Kuebler, Alexander C. and Sebald, Walter and Nickel, Joachim}, title = {GDF-5 can act as a context-dependent BMP-2 antagonist}, series = {BMC Biology}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Biology}, number = {77}, doi = {10.1186/s12915-015-0183-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125550}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and growth and differentiation factor (GDF)-5 are two related transforming growth factor (TGF)-β family members with important functions in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. BMP-2 is best known for its osteoinductive properties whereas GDF-5—as evident from its alternative name, cartilage derived morphogenetic protein 1—plays an important role in the formation of cartilage. In spite of these differences both factors signal by binding to the same subset of BMP receptors, raising the question how these different functionalities are generated. The largest difference in receptor binding is observed in the interaction with the type I receptor BMPR-IA. GDF-5, in contrast to BMP-2, shows preferential binding to the isoform BMPR-IB, which is abrogated by a single amino acid (A57R) substitution. The resulting variant, GDF-5 R57A, represents a "BMP-2 mimic" with respect to BMP receptor binding. In this study we thus wanted to analyze whether the two growth factors can induce distinct signals via an identically composed receptor. Results Unexpectedly and dependent on the cellular context, GDF-5 R57A showed clear differences in its activity compared to BMP-2. In ATDC-5 cells, both ligands induced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression with similar potency. But in C2C12 cells, the BMP-2 mimic GDF-5 R57A (and also wild-type GDF-5) clearly antagonized BMP-2-mediated ALP expression, despite signaling in both cell lines occurring solely via BMPR-IA. The BMP-2- antagonizing properties of GDF-5 and GDF-5 R57A could also be observed in vivo when implanting BMP-2 and either one of the two GDF-5 ligands simultaneously at heterotopic sites. Conclusions Although comparison of the crystal structures of the GDF-5 R57A:BMPR-IAEC- and BMP-2:BMPR-IAEC complex revealed small ligand-specific differences, these cannot account for the different signaling characteristics because the complexes seem identical in both differently reacting cell lines. We thus predict an additional component, most likely a not yet identified GDF-5-specific co-receptor, which alters the output of the signaling complexes. Hence the presence or absence of this component then switches GDF-5′s signaling capabilities to act either similar to BMP-2 or as a BMP-2 antagonist. These findings might shed new light on the role of GDF-5, e.g., in cartilage maintenance and/or limb development in that it might act as an inhibitor of signaling events initiated by other BMPs.}, language = {en} } @article{FalibeneRocesRoessler2015, author = {Falibene, Agustina and Roces, Flavio and R{\"o}ssler, Wolfgang}, title = {Long-term avoidance memory formation is associated with a transient increase in mushroom body synaptic complexes in leaf-cutting ants}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, number = {84}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00084}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125522}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Long-term behavioral changes related to learning and experience have been shown to be associated with structural remodeling in the brain. Leaf-cutting ants learn to avoid previously preferred plants after they have proved harmful for their symbiotic fungus, a process that involves long-term olfactory memory. We studied the dynamics of brain microarchitectural changes after long-term olfactory memory formation following avoidance learning in Acromyrmex ambiguus. After performing experiments to control for possible neuronal changes related to age and body size, we quantified synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in olfactory regions of the mushroom bodies (MBs) at different times after learning. Long-term avoidance memory formation was associated with a transient change in MG densities. Two days after learning, MG density was higher than before learning. At days 4 and 15 after learning—when ants still showed plant avoidance—MG densities had decreased to the initial state. The structural reorganization of MG triggered by long-term avoidance memory formation clearly differed from changes promoted by pure exposure to and collection of novel plants with distinct odors. Sensory exposure by the simultaneous collection of several, instead of one, non-harmful plant species resulted in a decrease in MG densities in the olfactory lip. We hypothesize that while sensory exposure leads to MG pruning in the MB olfactory lip, the formation of long-term avoidance memory involves an initial growth of new MG followed by subsequent pruning.}, language = {en} } @article{OttDorschFraunholzetal.2015, author = {Ott, Christine and Dorsch, Eva and Fraunholz, Martin and Straub, Sebastian and Kozjak-Pavlovic, Vera}, title = {Detailed Analysis of the Human Mitochondrial Contact Site Complex Indicate a Hierarchy of Subunits}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0120213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125347}, pages = {e0120213}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Mitochondrial inner membrane folds into cristae, which significantly increase its surface and are important for mitochondrial function. The stability of cristae depends on the mitochondrial contact site (MICOS) complex. In human mitochondria, the inner membrane MICOS complex interacts with the outer membrane sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) complex, to form the mitochondrial intermembrane space bridging complex (MIB). We have created knockdown cell lines of most of the MICOS and MIB components and have used them to study the importance of the individual subunits for the cristae formation and complex stability. We show that the most important subunits of the MIB complex in human mitochondria are Mic60/Mitofilin, Mic19/CHCHD3 and an outer membrane component Sam50. We provide additional proof that ApoO indeed is a subunit of the MICOS and MIB complexes and propose the name Mic23 for this protein. According to our results, Mic25/CHCHD6, Mic27/ApoOL and Mic23/ApoO appear to be periphery subunits of the MICOS complex, because their depletion does not affect cristae morphology or stability of other components.}, language = {en} } @article{GuptaKupperRatzkaetal.2015, author = {Gupta, Shishir K. and Kupper, Maria and Ratzka, Carolin and Feldhaar, Heike and Vilcinskas, Andreas and Gross, Roy and Dandekar, Thomas and F{\"o}rster, Frank}, title = {Scrutinizing the immune defence inventory of Camponotus floridanus applying total transcriptome sequencing}, series = {BMC Genomics}, volume = {16}, journal = {BMC Genomics}, number = {540}, doi = {10.1186/s12864-015-1748-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125279}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background Defence mechanisms of organisms are shaped by their lifestyle, environment and pathogen pressure. Carpenter ants are social insects which live in huge colonies comprising genetically closely related individuals in high densities within nests. This lifestyle potentially facilitates the rapid spread of pathogens between individuals. In concert with their innate immune system, social insects may apply external immune defences to manipulate the microbial community among individuals and within nests. Additionally, carpenter ants carry a mutualistic intracellular and obligate endosymbiotic bacterium, possibly maintained and regulated by the innate immune system. Thus, different selective forces could shape internal immune defences of Camponotus floridanus. Results The immune gene repertoire of C. floridanus was investigated by re-evaluating its genome sequence combined with a full transcriptome analysis of immune challenged and control animals using Illumina sequencing. The genome was re-annotated by mapping transcriptome reads and masking repeats. A total of 978 protein sequences were characterised further by annotating functional domains, leading to a change in their original annotation regarding function and domain composition in about 8 \% of all proteins. Based on homology analysis with key components of major immune pathways of insects, the C. floridanus immune-related genes were compared to those of Drosophila melanogaster, Apis mellifera, and other hymenoptera. This analysis revealed that overall the immune system of carpenter ants comprises many components found in these insects. In addition, several C. floridanus specific genes of yet unknown functions but which are strongly induced after immune challenge were discovered. In contrast to solitary insects like Drosophila or the hymenopteran Nasonia vitripennis, the number of genes encoding pattern recognition receptors specific for bacterial peptidoglycan (PGN) and a variety of known antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes is lower in C. floridanus. The comparative analysis of gene expression post immune-challenge in different developmental stages of C. floridanus suggests a stronger induction of immune gene expression in larvae in comparison to adults. Conclusions The comparison of the immune system of C. floridanus with that of other insects revealed the presence of a broad immune repertoire. However, the relatively low number of PGN recognition proteins and AMPs, the identification of Camponotus specific putative immune genes, and stage specific differences in immune gene regulation reflects Camponotus specific evolution including adaptations to its lifestyle.}, language = {en} } @article{PaschLinkBecketal.2015, author = {Pasch, Elisabeth and Link, Jana and Beck, Carolin and Scheuerle, Stefanie and Alsheimer, Manfred}, title = {The LINC complex component Sun4 plays a crucial role in sperm head formation and fertility}, series = {Biology Open}, volume = {4}, journal = {Biology Open}, doi = {10.1242/bio.015768}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125212}, pages = {1792-1802}, year = {2015}, abstract = {LINC complexes are evolutionarily conserved nuclear envelope bridges, physically connecting the nucleus to the peripheral cytoskeleton. They are pivotal for dynamic cellular and developmental processes, like nuclear migration, anchoring and positioning, meiotic chromosome movements and maintenance of cell polarity and nuclear shape. Active nuclear reshaping is a hallmark of mammalian sperm development and, by transducing cytoskeletal forces to the nuclear envelope, LINC complexes could be vital for sperm head formation as well. We here analyzed in detail the behavior and function of Sun4, a bona fide testis-specific LINC component. We demonstrate that Sun4 is solely expressed in spermatids and there localizes to the posterior nuclear envelope, likely interacting with Sun3/Nesprin1 LINC components. Our study revealed that Sun4 deficiency severely impacts the nucleocytoplasmic junction, leads to mislocalization of other LINC components and interferes with the formation of the microtubule manchette, which finally culminates in a globozoospermia-like phenotype. Together, our study provides direct evidence for a critical role of LINC complexes in mammalian sperm head formation and male fertility.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grimmig2015, author = {Grimmig, Tanja Maria}, title = {Immunity, Inflammation and Cancer: The role of Foxp3, TLR7 and TLR8 in gastrointestinal cancer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Regulatory T cells (Treg) expressing the transcription factor forkhead box protein P3 (Foxp3) have been demonstrated to mediate evasion from anti-tumor immune responses during tumor progression. Moreover, Foxp3 expression by tumor cells themselves may allow them to counteract effector T cell responses, resulting in a survival benefit of the tumor. For gastrointestinal cancers, in particular pancreatic and colorectal cancer (CRC), the clinical relevance of Foxp3 is not clear to date. Therefore the aim of this study was to analyze its impact in CRC and pancreatic cancer. To determine the relevance of Foxp3 for tumor progression and patient survival, gene and protein analysis of human pancreatic and colon cancer cell lines as well as tumor tissues from patients with CRC was performed. The results derived from the patients with CRC were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and patients' overall survival. Cancer cell mediated Foxp3 expression in vitro was demonstrated in human pancreatic cancer cell lines PANC1, PaCa DD 135, PaCa DD 159 and PaCa DD 185 as well as in human colon cancer cell lines SW480 and SW620. Additionally, Foxp3 expressing cancer cells were found in ex vivo tumor tissue samples of patients with CRC. The percentage of Foxp3+ cancer cells increased from stages UICC I/II to UICC III/IV compared to normal tissue. Moreover, high tumor cell mediated Foxp3 expression was associated with poor prognosis compared to patients with low Foxp3 expression. In contrast, low and high Foxp3 level in tumor infiltrating Treg cells demonstrated no significant differences in patients' overall survival. Correlation analysis demonstrated a significant association of Foxp3 cancer cell expression with the expression of immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β. These findings suggest that Immunosuppressive cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-β released by rather Foxp3+ cancer cells than Foxp3+ Treg cells may inhibit the activation of naive T cells, hence limiting antitumor immune responses and favoring tumorigenesis and progression. Chronic inflammation has been shown to be an important epigenetic and environmental factor in numerous tumor entities. Recent data suggest that tumorigenesis and tumor progression may be associated with inflammation-triggered activation of Toll-like receptors (TLR). In this study, the specific impact of both TLR7 and TLR8 expression and signaling on tumor cell proliferation and chemoresistance is analyzed in inflammation linked CRC and pancreatic cancer. By gene and protein expression analysis of human pancreatic and colon cancer cell lines TLR7 and TLR8 expression was determined in vitro. Additionally, expression of TLR7/TLR8 in UICC stage I-IV pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis and normal pancreatic tissue was examined. For in vitro/in vivo studies TLR7/TLR8 overexpressing PANC1 cell lines were generated and analyzed for effects of TLR expression and stimulation on tumor cell proliferation and chemoresistance. Cancer cell mediated TLR7 and TLR8 expression in vitro was demonstrated in human colon cancer cell lines SW480, SW620 and HT-29 as well as in primary pancreatic cancer cell lines PaCa DD 135, PaCa DD 159 and PaCa DD 185. Additionally, TLR7 and TLR8 expressing tumor cells were found in ex vivo tissue samples of patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. Significantly elevated expression levels of TLR7 and TLR8 were found in advanced tumor stages (UICC III) compared to early tumor stages (UICC II) and chronic pancreatitis. No or occasionally low expression was detected in normal pancreatic tissue. In contrast to the tissues from patients with pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis, established pancreatic tumor cell lines express only very low levels of TLR7 and TLR8. Therefore, for in vitro and xenograft studies TLR7 or TLR8 overexpressing PANC1 cells were generated. Proliferation promoting effects of TLR7 and TLR8 expression and stimulation with R848 were detected in vitro. Additionally, increased tumor growth of TLR expressing PANC1 cells was demonstrated in subcutaneously injected Balb/c nude mice. Interestingly, activation of TLR7 or TLR8 induced not only an increase in tumor cell proliferation but also a strong chemoresistance of PANC1 cells against 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Moreover, treatment with R848 resulted in elevated expression levels of NF-κB, COX-2 and inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8 and TNF-α, suggesting TLR7/8 signaling to contribute to an inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and proliferation promoting tumor microenvironment. These findings emphasize the particular role of TLR7 and TLR8 in inflammation related cancers and their relevance as potential targets for cancer therapy.  }, subject = {Bauchspeicheldr{\"u}senkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dusik2015, author = {Dusik, Verena}, title = {Immunhistochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Mitogen-aktivierten Proteinkinase p38 in der inneren Uhr von Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Circadianes und Stress-System sind zwei physiologische Systeme, die dem Organismus helfen sich an Ver{\"a}nderungen ihrer Umwelt anzupassen. W{\"a}hrend letzteres spontane und schnelle Antworten auf akute, unvorhersehbare Umweltreize liefert, sagt das circadiane System t{\"a}glich wiederkehrende Ereignisse vorher and bereitet den Organismus so vorzeitig auf diese nahende Umweltver{\"a}nderung vor. Dennoch, trotz dieser unterschiedlichen Reaktionsmechanismen agieren beide Systeme nicht komplett autonom. Studien der vergangen Jahre belegen vielmehr eine Interaktion beider Systeme. So postulieren sie zum einem Unterschiede in der Stressantwort in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Tageszeit zu der der Reiz auftritt und weisen zugleich auf eine Zunahme von gest{\"o}rten biologischen Tagesrhythmen, wie zum Beispiel Schlafst{\"o}rungen, in Folge von unkontrollierten oder exzessiven Stress hin. Ebenso liefern k{\"u}rzlich durchgef{\"u}hrte Studien an Vertebraten und Pilzen Hinweise, dass mit p38, eine Stress-aktivierte Kinase, an der Signalweiterleitung zur inneren Uhr beteiligt ist (Hayashi et al., 2003), sogar durch dieses endogene Zeitmesssystem reguliert wird (Vitalini et al., 2007; Lamb et al., 2011) und deuten damit erstmals eine m{\"o}gliche Verbindung zwischen Stress-induzierten und regul{\"a}ren rhythmischen Anpassungen des Organismus an Umweltver{\"a}nderungen an. Molekulare und zellul{\"a}re Mechanismen dieser Verkn{\"u}pfung sind bisher noch nicht bekannt. W{\"a}hrend die Rolle von p38 MAPK bei der Stress- und Immunantwort in Drosophila melanogaster gut charakterisiert ist, wurden Expression und Funktion von p38 in der inneren Uhr hingegen bislang nicht untersucht. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit hatte daher zum Ziel mittels immunhistochemischer, verhaltensphysiologischer und molekularer Methoden eine m{\"o}gliche Rolle der Stress-aktivierten Kinase im circadianen System der Fliege aufzudecken. Antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbungen sowie Studien mit Reporterlinien zeigen deutliche F{\"a}rbesignale in den s-LNv, l-LNv und DN1a und erbringen erstmals einen Nachweis f{\"u}r p38 Expression in den Uhrneuronen der Fliege. Ebenso scheint die Aktivit{\"a}t von p38 MAPK in den DN1a uhrgesteuert zu sein. So liegt p38 vermehrt in seiner aktiven Form in der Dunkelphase vor und zeigt, neben seiner circadian regulierten Aktivierung, zus{\"a}tzlich auch eine Inaktivierung durch Licht. 15-Minuten-Lichtpulse in der subjektiven Nacht f{\"u}hren zu einer signifikanten Reduktion von aktivierter, phosphorylierter p38 MAPK in den DN1a von Canton S Wildtypfliegen im Vergleich zu Fliegen ohne Lichtpuls-Behandlung. Aufzeichnungen der Lokomotoraktivit{\"a}t offenbaren zus{\"a}tzlich die Notwendigkeit von p38 MAPK f{\"u}r wildtypisches Timing der Abendaktivit{\"a}t sowie zum Erhalt von 24-Stunden-Verhaltensrhythmen unter konstanten Dauerdunkel-Bedindungen. So zeigen Fliegen mit reduzierten p38 Level in Uhrneuronen einen verz{\"o}gerten Beginn der Abendaktivit{\"a}t und stark verl{\"a}ngerte Freilaufperioden. In {\"U}bereinstimmung mit Effekten auf das Laufverhalten scheint dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Expression einer dominant-negativen Form von p38b in Drosophila's wichtigsten Uhrneuronen eine versp{\"a}tete nukle{\"a}re Translokation von Period zur Folge zu haben. Westernblots legen zus{\"a}tzlich einen Einfluss von p38 auf den Phosphorylierungsgrad von Period nahe und liefern damit einen m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r den versp{\"a}teten Kerneintritt des Uhrproteins. Abschließende St{\"u}tzung der Westernblotergebnisse bringen in vitro Kinasenassays und deuten auf p38 als eine potentielle „Uhrkinase" hin, welche auch in vivo Period an Serin 661 sowie weiteren potentiellen Phosphorylierungsstellen phosphorylieren k{\"o}nnte. Zusammengenommen deuten die Ergebnisse der hier vorliegenden Arbeit eindeutig auf eine bedeutende Rolle von p38, neben dessen Funkion im Stress-System, auch im circadianen System der Fliege hin und offenbaren damit die M{\"o}glichkeit, dass p38 als Schnittstelle zwischen beider Systeme fungiert.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Frank2015, author = {Frank, Nicolas Clemens}, title = {Lokale axonale Wirkungen der CNTF-STAT3 Signalkaskade in Motoneuronen der pmn Maus - einem Mausmodel f{\"u}r die Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1. Zusammenfassung W{\"a}hrend der Embryogenese und nach Verletzungen von Nerven regulieren neurotrophe Faktoren Signalwege f{\"u}r Apoptose, Differenzierung, Wachstum und Regeneration von Neuronen. In vivo Experimente an neugeborenen Nagern haben gezeigt, dass der Verlust von Motoneuronen nach peripherer Nervenl{\"a}sion durch die Behandlung mit GDNF, BDNF, und CNTF reduziert werden kann In der pmn-Mausmutante, einem Modell f{\"u}r die Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose, f{\"u}hrt die Gabe von CNTF, nicht aber von GDNF zu einem verz{\"o}gerten Krankheitsbeginn und einem verlangsamten Fortschreiten der Motoneuronendegeneration. Ausl{\"o}ser der Motoneuronendegeneration in der pmn-Maus ist eine Mutation im Tubulin spezifischen Chaperon E (Tbce) Gen, das f{\"u}r eines von f{\"u}nf Tubulin spezifischen Chaperonen (TBCA-TBCE) kodiert und an der Bildung von -Tubulinheterodimeren beteiligt ist. Diese Arbeit sollte dazu beitragen, die CNTF-induzierten Signalwege zu entschl{\"u}sseln, die sich lindernd auf den progredienten Verlauf der Motoneuronendegeneration in der pmn-Maus auswirken. Prim{\"a}re pmn mutierte Motoneurone zeigen ein reduziertes Axonwachstum und eine erh{\"o}hte Anzahl axonaler Schwellungen mit einer anomalen H{\"a}ufung von Mitochondrien - ein fr{\"u}hes Erkennungsmerkmal bei ALS-Patienten. Die Applikation von CNTF nicht aber von BDNF oder GDNF, kann in vitro die beobachteten Wachstumsdefekte und das bidirektionale axonale Transportdefizit in pmn mutierten Motoneurone verhindern. Aus {\"a}lteren Untersuchungen war bekannt, dass CNTF {\"u}ber den dreiteiligen transmembranen Rezeptorkomplex, bestehend aus CNTFR, LIFR und gp130, Januskinasen aktiviert, die STAT3 an Tyrosin 705 phosphorylieren (pSTAT3Y705). Ich konnte beobachten, dass axonales fluoreszenzmarkiertes pSTAT3Y705 nach CNTF-Gabe nicht retrograd in den Nukleus transportiert wird. Stattdessen f{\"u}hrt die CNTF-induzierte Phosphorylierung von STAT3 an Tyrosin 705 zu einer transkriptionsunabh{\"a}ngigen lokalen Reaktion im Axon. Diese pSTAT3Y705 abh{\"a}ngige Reaktion ist notwendig und ausreichend, um das reduzierte Axonwachstum pmn mutierter Motoneurone zu beheben. Wie die Kombination einer CNTF Behandlung mit dem shRNA vermittelten knock-down von Stathmin in pmn mutierten Motoneuronen zeigt, zielt die CNTF-STAT3 Signalkaskade auf die Stabilisierung axonaler Mikrotubuli ab und wirkt sich positiv auf die anterograde und retrograde Mobilit{\"a}t von axonalen Mitochondrien aus. Interessanter Weise konnte ich außerdem feststellen, dass eine akute Gabe von CNTF das mitochondriale Membranpotential in Axonen prim{\"a}rer pmn mutierter und wildtypischer Motoneurone erh{\"o}ht und einen Anstieg von ATP ausl{\"o}st. Meine Beobachtungen legen nahe, dass CNTF unerwarteter Weise auch eine transiente Phosphorylierung an STAT3 Serin 727 (pSTAT3S727) ausl{\"o}st, die zur anschließenden Translokation von pSTAT3S727 in Mitochondrien f{\"u}hrt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass STAT3 mehrere lokale Ziele im Axon besitzt, n{\"a}mlich axonale Mikrotubuli und Mitochondrien.}, subject = {Motoneuron}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jaenicke2015, author = {J{\"a}nicke, Laura Annika}, title = {Regulation of MYC Activity by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123339}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The oncogenic MYC protein is a transcriptional regulator of multiple cellular processes and is aberrantly activated in a wide range of human cancers. MYC is an unstable protein rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Ubiquitination can both positively and negatively affect MYC function, but its direct contribution to MYC-mediated transactivation remained unresolved. To investigate how ubiquitination regulates MYC activity, a non-ubiquitinatable MYC mutant was characterized, in which all lysines are replaced by arginines (K-less MYC). The absence of ubiquitin-acceptor sites in K-less MYC resulted in a more stable protein, but did not affect cellular localization, chromatin-association or the ability to interact with known MYC interaction partners. Unlike the wild type protein, K-less MYC was unable to promote proliferation in immortalized mammary epithelial cells. RNA- and ChIP-Sequencing analyses revealed that, although K-less MYC was present at MYC-regulated promoters, it was a weaker transcriptional regulator. The use of K-less MYC, a proteasomal inhibitor and reconstitution of individual lysine residues showed that proteasomal turnover of MYC is required for MYC target gene induction. ChIP-Sequencing of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) revealed that MYC ubiquitination is dispensable for RNAPII recruitment and transcriptional initiation but is specifically required to promote transcriptional elongation. Turnover of MYC is required to stimulate histone acetylation at MYC-regulated promoters, which depends on a highly conserved region in MYC (MYC box II), thereby enabling the recruitment of BRD4 and P-TEFb and the release of elongating RNAPII from target promoters. Inhibition of MYC turnover enabled the identification of an intermediate in MYC-mediated transactivation, the association of MYC with the PAF complex, a positive elongation factor, suggesting that MYC acts as an assembly factor transferring elongation factors onto RNAPII. The interaction between MYC and the PAF complex occurs via a second highly conserved region in MYC's amino terminus, MYC box I. Collectively, the data of this work show that turnover of MYC coordinates histone acetylation with recruitment and transfer of elongation factors on RNAPII involving the cooperation of MYC box I and MYC box II.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Larsen2015, author = {Larsen, Mirjam}, title = {Zur genetischen Heterogenit{\"a}t der Muskeldystrophien: alternative genetische Ursachen der Myotonen Dystrophie und FSHD}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123431}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die klinische Symptomatik verschiedener erblicher Muskelerkrankungen verl{\"a}uft oft erstaunlich {\"a}hnlich mit Muskelschw{\"a}che und -schwund als den hervorstechenden Alltagsproblemen. Dem gegen{\"u}ber sind die genetischen Grundlagen sehr vielf{\"a}ltig mit > 250 bisher identifizierten Genen (musclegenetable.org). Auch innerhalb eines definierten Krankheitsbildes werden verschiedene genetische Ursachen nebeneinander gefunden, was durch die Verkn{\"u}pfung in einem gemeinsamen Pathomechanismus begr{\"u}ndet sein kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten dieser genetischen Heterogenit{\"a}t am Beispiel der beiden h{\"a}ufigen Muskelerkrankungen Myotone Dystrophie (DM) und Facioscapulohumerale Muskeldystrophie (FSHD), bei denen alternative genetische Ursachen, sowie ankn{\"u}pfende Fragestellungen untersucht wurden. Das erste Projekt dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit Fragestellungen, welche die DM betreffen. Die DM Typ 1 und Typ 2 (DM1 und DM2) bilden zusammen die h{\"a}ufigste Muskelerkrankung im Erwachsenenalter. Sie ist durch die gemeinsamen Symptome Myotonie, Muskelschw{\"a}che und Katarakt sowie die Beteiligung weiterer Organsysteme gekennzeichnet, was sie zu einer multisystemischen Erkrankung macht. Die genetische Ursache liegt f{\"u}r beide Formen in einer Repeatexpansion eines Mikrosatelliten in der untranslatierten Region zweier Gene (DMPK in DM1, CNBP in DM2). Dem gemeinsamen Pathomechanismus liegt eine toxische Funktionsgewinn-Mutation des expandierten RNA-Transkripts zugrunde. Die beiden bekannten Formen der DM sind ph{\"a}notypisch h{\"a}ufig nicht unterscheidbar, weshalb in vielen F{\"a}llen beide Erkrankungen molekulargenetisch untersucht werden m{\"u}ssen. Dabei ist die Diagnostik der DM durch die Notwendigkeit des Nachweises von sehr großen Repeatexpansionen recht aufw{\"a}ndig und die Bestimmung der Repeatl{\"a}nge im Fall der DM2 nur eingeschr{\"a}nkt m{\"o}glich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Test zum Nachweis der Repeatexpansionen auf der Basis der Methode des Molecular Combing entwickelt, welche den gleichzeitigen Nachweis der beiden Loci von DM1 und DM2 erlaubt und zus{\"a}tzlich eine direkte Messung der Repeatl{\"a}nge erm{\"o}glicht. Das Molecular Combing ist eine fluoreszenz-mikroskopische Einzelmolek{\"u}l-Analysemethode, durch die es erstmals m{\"o}glich wurde, die vermutete somatische Instabilit{\"a}t bei DM2 darzustellen. Das zweite DM-Teilprojekt besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Identifikation m{\"o}glicher alternativer genetischer Ursachen f{\"u}r die Erkrankung. Dies wurde anhand einer Kohorte von 138 DM1- und DM2-negativen Indexpatienten mit dem typischen DM-Ph{\"a}notyp untersucht. Ausgehend von dem gemeinsamen Pathomechanismus wurden die prim{\"a}ren Krankheitsgene DMPK und CNBP, sowie CELF1 und MBNL1, welche wichtige Rollen auf sekund{\"a}rer Ebene des Pathomechanismus spielen, mittels Next Generation Sequencing untersucht. Dabei wurde eine auff{\"a}llige Variante in DMPK gefunden, keine Varianten in CNBP oder CELF1 und drei Varianten in MBNL1, was auf MBNL1 als Kandidatengen einer alternativen Ursache f{\"u}r DM hinweist. MBNL1 ist ein gewebespezifischer Spleißregulator, welcher einen Wechsel von einem fetalen zu einem adulten Spleißmuster im Muskel steuert. Die Pathogenit{\"a}t einer der Varianten wurde in einem RNA-Spleißassay mit MBNL1-Targetgenen untersucht. Dabei konnten keine spezifischen Spleiß-Effekte festgestellt werden, aber eine Verminderung des Expressionsniveaus im Sinne einer Haploinsuffizienz. Die 3D-Modellierung dieser Variante deutet auf {\"A}nderungen der Oberfl{\"a}chenladungen in MBNL1 hin. Der Nachweis der Pathogenit{\"a}t der Varianten und somit die Urs{\"a}chlichkeit von MBNL1-Mutationen f{\"u}r DM konnte hiermit nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden. Die gefundenen Ergebnisse regen jedoch hoffentlich zu nachfolgenden Studien an. Das zweite Projekt dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit Fragestellungen um die FSHD. Diese bildet die dritth{\"a}ufigste Muskelerkrankung, charakterisiert durch eine oft asymmetrische Schw{\"a}che der Muskulatur von Gesicht, Schulterg{\"u}rtel und Oberarmen. Genetisch ist die FSHD Typ 1 (FSHD1) mit einer Kontraktion des Makrosatelliten D4Z4 verkn{\"u}pft, was eine Relaxation der Chromatinstruktur der Region mit sich bringt und damit die ektopische Expression des apoptotisch wirkenden Proteins DUX4 erm{\"o}glicht. Die pathogene Auspr{\"a}gung dieser Funktionsgewinn-Mutation findet dabei nur in Verbindung mit einem FSHD-permissiven Haplotyp statt. Auf der Grundlage des gleichen Pathomechanismus wurde eine zweite Form der FSHD (FSHD2) vorgestellt, bei der die Chromatinrelaxation unabh{\"a}ngig von der L{\"a}nge von D4Z4 durch einen Defekt in dem an der DNA-Methylierung beteiligten Gen SMCHD1 assoziiert sein soll. Die Vererbung von FSHD2 verl{\"a}uft digenisch mit Mutationen in SMCHD1 und dem FSHD-permissiven Haplotyp auf zwei unabh{\"a}ngigen Loci. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Kohorte von 55 FSHD1-negativen Patienten mit dem typischen FSHD-Ph{\"a}notyp untersucht. Dabei wurden der Haplotyp, die Methylierung von D4Z4 sowie das SMCHD1-Gen analysiert. Es konnten neun Patienten mit einem Defekt in SMCHD1 identifiziert werden. In einer zweiten Kohorte von 45 FSHD1-positiven Patienten wurde untersucht, ob SMCHD1-Mutationen auch in Kombination mit einer Kontraktion von D4Z4 vorkommen. Dieser Fall von FSHD1+2 konnte f{\"u}r drei Patienten gezeigt werden, welche außerdem einen auff{\"a}llig schweren Ph{\"a}notyp zeigten. SMCHD1 kann also als Modifier-Gen f{\"u}r die Schwere der Erkrankung bei FSHD1 angesehen werden. Damit wurden insgesamt zw{\"o}lf SMCHD1-Mutationstr{\"a}ger identifiziert, davon sind zehn der Varianten noch nicht beschrieben worden. F{\"u}r alle erkrankten Mutationstr{\"a}ger konnte eine Methylierung von D4Z4 ≤ 20 \% ermittelt werden, was als diagnostisches Kriterium verwendet werden kann. Mit einem Anteil von 16,3 \% Mutationstr{\"a}ger in der FSHD1-negetiven Kohorte bildet FSHD2 einen bedeutenden Anteil an dem Krankheitsbild der FSHD, weshalb die entwickelten Analysen in die Routinediagnostik eingegliedert wurden. Das zweite Teilprojekt der FSHD besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Funktion des SMCHD1-Gens bei der X-Inaktivierung (XI). Es ist bekannt, dass SMCHD1 bei weiblichen M{\"a}usen an der Aufrechterhaltung der XI mitwirkt. Die Untersuchung der XI bei FSHD2-Frauen ergab eine extreme Verschiebung der erwarteten XI von 50:50 auf 0:100 oder 100:0 bei sechs von 13 Patientinnen. Die {\"u}brigen sieben zeigten eine XI im Normalbereich von > 20:80 oder < 80:20. Der Befund der einseitigen Verschiebung k{\"o}nnte auf einen negativen Selektionsdruck gegen{\"u}ber Zellen mit unvollst{\"a}ndiger XI hindeuten. Es w{\"a}re interessant zu untersuchen, ob sich der gleiche Effekt auch in einer gr{\"o}ßeren Kohorte wiederfindet und ob er sich mit der Art der Mutation korrelieren l{\"a}sst.}, subject = {Myotonische Dystrophie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fliesser2015, author = {Fließer, Mirjam}, title = {Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α modulate the immune response of human dendritic cells against Aspergillus fumigatus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The mold Aspergillus fumigatus causes life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients. Over the past decade new findings in research have improved our understanding of A. fumigatus-host interactions. One of them was the detection of localized areas of tissue hypoxia in the lungs of mice infected with A. fumigatus. The transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF 1α) is known as the central regulator of cellular responses to hypoxia. Under normoxia, this constitutively expressed protein is degraded by oxygen-dependent mechanisms in most mammalian cell types. Interaction with pathogens can induce HIF 1α stabilization under normoxic conditions in innate immune cells. Bacterial infection models revealed that hypoxic microenvironments and signaling via HIF 1α modulate functions of host immune cells. Moreover, it was recently described that in murine phagocytes, HIF 1α expression is essential to overcome an A. fumigatus infection. However, the influence of hypoxia and the role of HIF 1α signaling for anti-A. fumigatus immunity is still poorly understood, especially regarding dendritic cells (DCs), which are important regulators of anti-fungal immunity. In this study, the functional relevance of hypoxia and HIF 1α signaling in the response of human DCs against A. fumigatus has been investigated. Hypoxia attenuated the pro-inflammatory response of DCs against A. fumigatus during the initial infection as shown by genome-wide microarray expression analyses and cytokine quantification. The up-regulation of maturation-associated molecules on DCs stimulated with A. fumigatus under hypoxia was reduced; however, these DCs possessed an enhanced capacity to stimulate T cells. This study thereby revealed divergent influence of hypoxia on anti-A. fumigatus DC functions that included both, inhibiting and enhancing effects. HIF-1α was stabilized in DCs following stimulation with A. fumigatus under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This stabilization was partially dependent on Dectin-1, the major receptor for A. fumigatus on human DCs. Using siRNA-based HIF 1α silencing combined with gene expression microarrays, a modulatory effect of HIF-1α on the anti-fungal immune response of human DCs was identified. Specifically, the transcriptomes of HIF-1α silenced DCs indicated that HIF-1α enhanced DC metabolism and cytokine release in response to A. fumigatus under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This was confirmed by further down-stream analyses that included quantification of glycolytic activity and cytokine profiling of DCs. By that, this study demonstrated functional relevance of HIF 1α expression in DCs responding to A. fumigatus. The data give novel insight into the cellular functions of HIF 1α in human DCs that include regulation of the anti-fungal immune response under normoxia and hypoxia. The comprehensive transcriptome datasets in combination with the down-stream protein analyses from this study will promote further investigations to further characterize the complex interplay between hypoxia, activation of Dectin-1 and HIF-1α signaling in host responses against A. fumigatus.}, subject = {Immunologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2015, author = {Fischer, Robin}, title = {Generating useful tools for future studies in the center of the circadian clock - defined knockout mutants for PERIOD and TIMELESS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {To unravel the role of single genes underlying certain biological processes, scientists often use amorphic or hypomorphic alleles. In the past, such mutants were often created by chance. Enormous approaches with many animals and massive screening effort for striking phenotypes were necessary to find a needle in the haystack. Therefore at the beginning chemical mutagens or radiation were used to induce mutations in the genome. Later P-element insertions and inaccurate jump-outs enabled the advantage of potential larger deletions or inversions. The mutations were characterized and subsequently kept in smaller populations in the laboratories. Thus additional mutations with unknown background effects could accumulate. The precision of the knockout through homologous recombination and the additional advantage of being able to generate many useful rescue constructs that can be easily reintegrated into the target locus made us trying an ends-out targeting procedure of the two core clock genes period and timeless in Drosophila melanogaster. Instead of the endogenous region, a small fragment of approximately 100 base pairs remains including an attP-site that can be used as integration site for in vitro created rescue constructs. After a successful ends-out targeting procedure, the locus will be restored with e.g. flies expressing the endogenous gene under the native promoter at the original locus coupled to a fluorescence tag or expressing luciferase. We also linked this project to other research interests of our work group, like the epigenetic related ADAR-editing project of the Timeless protein, a promising newly discovered feature of time point specific timeless mRNA modification after transcription with yet unexplored consequences. The editing position within the Timeless protein is likewise interesting and not only noticed for the first time. This will render new insights into the otherwise not-satisfying investigation and quest for functional important sequences of the Timeless protein, which anyway shows less homology to other yet characterized proteins. Last but not least, we bothered with the question of the role of Shaggy on the circadian clock. The impact of an overexpression or downregulation of Shaggy on the pace of the clock is obvious and often described. The influence of Shaggy on Period and Timeless was also shown, but for the latter it is still controversially discussed. Some are talking of a Cryptochrome stabilization effect and rhythmic animals in constant light due to Shaggy overexpression, others show a decrease of Cryptochrome levels under these conditions. Also the constant light rhythmicity of the flies, as it was published, could not be repeated so far. We were able to expose the conditions behind the Cryptochrome stabilization and discuss possibilities for the phenomenon of rhythmicity under constant light due to Shaggy overexpression.}, subject = {Biologische Uhr}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RamosTirado2015, author = {Ramos Tirado, Mario}, title = {Stammzellbasierte Behandlungsstrategien zur Stimmlippenaugmentation und laryngealen Defektrekonstruktion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117528}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Kehlkopf ist ein stimmerzeugendes knorpelhaltiges Organ und spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Atemfunktion und beim aspirationsfreien Schluckakt. Funktionsst{\"o}rungen des Kehlkopfs wie Stimmbandl{\"a}hmungen werden durch Sch{\"a}digungen des Kehlkopfnervs nach operativen Eingriffen und Halsverletzungen hervorgerufen. Des Weiteren f{\"u}hren durch Traumen, Teil- und komplette Resektionen verursachte Substanzdefekte des Kehlkopfs zu Funktionsverlusten. Die hierf{\"u}r notwendigen und komplexen Rekonstruktionen werden durch das schlechte Regenerationspotential von Knorpelgewebe eingeschr{\"a}nkt und k{\"o}nnen nur bedingt durch synthetische Ersatzmaterialen oder k{\"o}rpereigenes Ersatzgewebe bewerkstelligt werden. Ist es m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares Knorpelersatzgewebe herzustellen, welches zur dauerhaften Wiederherstellung der Kehlkopffunktionen eingesetzt werden kann? Die zus{\"a}tzliche Markierung von Stammzellen mit superparamagnetischen Eisenoxidnanopartikeln (VSOP) als Zellmarker bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit der Detektion und der Verfolgung der Zellen mittels nicht-invasiver Nachweismethoden nach deren Implantation. Ist die Verwendung dieser Nanopartikel ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r die Stammzellen m{\"o}glich und sind diese f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Laryngologie geeignet? Fettgewebsstammzellen (ASC) wurden aus humanem Liposuktionsmaterial und Kaninchen-Nackenfett isoliert und expandiert. Die Zellen wurden in Hydrogelkombinationen aus Kollagen Typ-I, Agarose, Fibrin und Hyalurons{\"a}ure eingebettet und mit den chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-β3, BMP-6 und IGF-I {\"u}ber 14 Tage differenziert. Anschließend wurden diese Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte bez{\"u}glich Morphologie, extrazellul{\"a}rer Matrixanreicherung und knorpelspezifischer Genexpression histologisch, immunhistochemisch und molekularbiologisch analysiert. In einem weiteren Schritt wurden die Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in natives Knorpelgewebe sowie die Defektdeckung in einem in vitro- und einem in vivo-Knorpeldefektmodell mit vor- und nicht-vordifferenzierten Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten untersucht. Die Analyse m{\"o}glicher zyto- und genotoxischer Effekte von VSOP sowie des Einflusses der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential erfolgte nach der Markierung der Zellen mit unterschiedlichen VSOP-Konzentrationen. Außerdem wurden VSOP-markierte ASC in Kaninchenstimmlippen injiziert und die Nachweisbarkeit dieser Zellen im Injektionsareal histologisch und mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Nach 14-t{\"a}giger chondrogener Differenzierung wurde in den Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukten eine knorpel{\"a}hnliche Morphologie, die Anreicherung knorpelspezifischer Matrixproteine und die Expression chondrogener Markergene nachgewiesen. Die Kombination der chondrogenen Wachstumsfaktoren zeigte keinen verst{\"a}rkenden Einfluss auf die Chondrogenese von ASC. Hydrogele aus Kollagen Typ I und Hyalurons{\"a}ure wiesen die st{\"a}rkste extrazellul{\"a}re Matrixanreicherung auf. Bei den agarosefreien Hydrogelen war eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Gelschrumpfung auff{\"a}llig. In den beiden Knorpeldefektmodellen konnte weder eine Integration der Zell-Hydrogelkonstrukte in den Nativknorpel noch eine vollst{\"a}ndige Defektdeckung nachgewiesen werden. Nach der Markierung von ASC mit VSOP zeigte sich bei der h{\"o}chsten Konzentration von 1,5 mM eine genotoxische Wirkung. Zytotoxische Effekte sowie Einfl{\"u}sse der Markierung auf die Proliferation, Migration und das Multidifferenzierungspotential von ASC waren nicht nachweisbar. VSOP-markierte ASC konnten nach deren Injektion in Kaninchenstimmlippen im Injektionsareal nur vereinzelt mittels MRT und histologisch nachgewiesen werden. Es ist m{\"o}glich, mit Hilfe des Tissue Engineerings aus k{\"o}rpereigenen Stammzellen und biokompatiblen Tr{\"a}germaterialien implantierbares knorpel{\"a}hnliches Gewebe herzustellen. Dabei beg{\"u}nstigen agarosefreie Tr{\"a}germaterialien die chondrogene Differenzierung von ASC. Diese k{\"o}nnte durch die jeweilige Erh{\"o}hung der Zelldichte und Wachstumsfaktorkonzentrationen sowie die Verl{\"a}ngerung der Induktionszeit verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine m{\"o}gliche klinische Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe in der Laryngologie ist jedoch durch deren Schrumpfung wie auch mangelnde Integration und Defektdeckung noch weit entfernt. Aufgrund ihrer genotoxischen Wirkung kann eine Verwendung von VSOP als Zellmarker auch unterhalb von 1,5 mM ohne negative Folgen f{\"u}r den Organismus nicht sicher ausgeschlossen werden. Der inhomogene Gewebekontrast im Kehlkopf, die schlechte Aufl{\"o}sung im MRT und die geringe Gr{\"o}ße von VSOP erschweren die Nachweisbarkeit und Verfolgung markierter Zellen mittels MRT. Daher sind andere nicht-invasive Nachweismethoden f{\"u}r die Verwendung von VSOP im Kehlkopf zu evaluieren. Der m{\"o}glichen Anwendung dieser knorpel{\"a}hnlichen Gewebe und VSOP in der rekonstruktiven Laryngologie muss eine erfolgreiche Optimierung und ausf{\"u}hrliche positive Validierung in klinischen Tests vorausgehen.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Graver2015, author = {Graver, Shannon}, title = {Molecular and cellular cross talk between angiogenic, immune and DNA mismatch repair pathways}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {VEGF is a main driver of tumor angiogenesis, playing an important role not only in the formation of new blood vessels, but also acts as a factor for cell migration, proliferation, survival and apoptosis. Angiogenesis is a universal function shared by most solid tumors and its inhibition was thought to have the potential to work across a broad patient population. Clinical evidence has shown that inhibiting pathological angiogenesis only works in a subset of patients and the identification of those patients is an important step towards personalized cancer care. The first approved antiangiogenic therapy was bevacizumab (Avastin®), a monoclonal antibody targeting VEGF in solid tumors including CRC, BC, NSCLC, RCC and others. In addition to endothelial cells, VEGF receptors are present on a number of different cell types including tumor cells, monocytes and macrophages. The work presented in this thesis looked at the in vitro cellular changes in tumor cells and leukocytes in response to the inhibition of VEGF signaling with the use of bevacizumab. In the initial experiments, VEGF was induced by hypoxia in tumor cells to evaluate changes in survival, proliferation, migration and changes in gene or protein expression. There was a minimal direct response of VEGF inhibition in tumor cells that could be attributed to bevacizumab treatment, with minor variations in some of the cell lines screened but no uniform or specific response noted. MMR deficiency often results in microsatellite instability (MSI) in tumors, as opposed to microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors, and accounts for up to 15\% of colorectal carcinomas (CRCs). It has been suggested in clinical data that MMR deficient tumors responded better to bevacizumab regimens, therefore further research used isogenic paired CRC tumor cell lines (MMR deficient and proficient). Furthermore, a DNA damaging agent was added to the treatment regimen, the topoisomerase inhibitor SN-38 (the active metabolite of irinotecan). Inhibiting VEGF using bevacizumab significantly inhibited the ability of MMR deficient tumor cells to form anchor dependent colonies, however conversely, bevacizumab treatment before damaging cells with SN-38, showed a significant increase in colony numbers. Moreover, VEGF inhibition by bevacizumab pretreatment also significantly increased the mutation fraction in MMR deficient cells as measured by transiently transfecting a dinucleotide repeat construct, suggesting VEGF signaling may have an intrinsic role in MMR deficient cells. A number of pathways were analyzed in addition to changes in gene expression profiles resulting in the identification of JNK as a possible VEGF targeted pathway. JUN expression was also reduced in these conditions reinforcing this hypothesis, however the intricate molecular mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In order to remain focused on the clinical application of the findings, it was noted that some cytokines were differentially regulated by bevacizumab between MMR proficient and deficient cells. Treatment regimens employed in vitro attempted to mimic the clinical setting by inducing DNA damage, then allowing cells to recover with or without VEGF using bevacizumab treatment. Inflammatory cytokines, CCL7 and CCL8, were found to have higher expression in the MMR deficient cell line with bevacizumab after DNA damage, therefore the cross talk via tumor derived factors to myeloid cells was analyzed. Gene expression changes in monocytes induced by tumor conditioned media showed CCL18 to be a bevacizumab regulated gene by MMR deficient cells and less so in MMR proficient cells. CCL18 has been described as a prognostic marker in gastric, colorectal and ovarian cancers, however the significance is dependent on tumor type. CCL18 primarily exerts its function on the adaptive immune system to trigger a TH2 response in T cells, but is also described to increase non-specific phagocytosis. The results of this study did show an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages in the presence of bevacizumab that was significantly more apparent in MMR deficient cells. Furthermore, after DNA damage MMR deficient cells treated with bevacizumab released a cytokine mix that induced monocyte migration in a bevacizumab dependent manner, showing a functional response with the combination of MMR deficiency and bevacizumab. In summary, the work in this thesis has shown evidence of immune cell modulation that is specific to MMR deficient tumor cells that may translate into a marker for the administration of bevacizumab in a clinical setting. VEGF ist ein zentraler Regulator der Tumor-Angiogenese, und spielt eine wichtige Rolle nicht nur in der Bildung von neuen Blutgef{\"a}ßen, sondern ist auch f{\"u}r die Migration, Proliferation, das {\"U}berleben und Apoptose von Tumorzellen essentiell. Angiogenese ist eine der universellen Funktionen, welche das Wachstum der meisten soliden Tumoren charakterisiert. Eine der klassischen therapeutischen Ideen wurde auf der Basis entwickelt, dass die spezifische Hemmung der Angiogenese das Potenzial hat in einer breiten Patientenpopulation einen klinischen Effekt zu zeigen. Die klinische Erfahrung und Anwendung hat jedoch gezeigt, dass die Hemmung der pathologischen Angiogenese nur in einem Teil der Patienten einen therapeutischen Nutzen aufweist. Somit stellt die Identifikation derjenigen Patienten, welche von der anti-angiogenen Therapie profitieren, einen wichtiger Schritt zur personalisierten Krebsbehandlung dar. Die erste zugelassene antiangiogene Therapie war Bevacizumab (Avastin®), ein monoklonaler Antik{\"o}rper gegen VEGF, welcher unter anderem in soliden Tumoren wie CRC, BC, nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC) und dem Nierenzellkarzinom angewandt wird. VEGF-Rezeptoren befinden sich nicht nur auf Endothelzellen, sondern sind auch auf einer Anzahl von verschiedenen Zelltypen, einschließlich Tumorzellen, Monozyten und Makrophagen nachweisbar. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse befassen sich mit den zellul{\"a}ren Ver{\"a}nderungen an Tumorzellen und Leukozyten als Reaktion auf die Hemmung der VEGF-Signalkaskade durch Bevacizumab in-vitro. In den Initialen Experimenten wurde VEGF durch Hypoxie in Tumorzellen induziert und Ver{\"a}nderungen der {\"U}berlebensrate, der Proliferation, Migration als auch in der Gen- oder Protein-Expression gemessen. Es konnte eine minimale direkte Reaktion der VEGF-Hemmung auf Tumorzellen beobachtet werden, welche auf die Bevacizumab Behandlung zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnte. Es zeigten sich aber auch geringf{\"u}gige Abweichungen in einigen der verwendeten Zellinien, die keine einheitliche Interpretation erlauben oder auf eine uniformelle Reaktion hinweisen w{\"u}rden. Das ph{\"a}notypische Korrelat einer „Mismatch" Reparatur (MMR)-Defizienz ist die Mikrosatelliteninstabilit{\"a}t im Gegensatz zu mikrosatellitenstabilen Tumoren und findet sich bei bis zu 15\% der kolorektalen Karzinomen (CRC) wieder. Klinischen Daten deuten daraufhin, dass Bevacizumab besser in MMR-defizienten Tumoren wirkt. Daher wurden die weiteren Untersuchungen in gepaarten MMR stabilen und MMR instabilen CRC-Tumorzelllinien (MMR defizient und kompetent) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Weiterhin wurde ein DNA-sch{\"a}digendes Agens, SN-38, ein Topoisomerase-Inhibitor (der aktive Metabolit von Irinotecan) dem Behandlungsschema zugef{\"u}gt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Hemmung von VEGF mittels Bevacizumab die F{\"a}higkeit der MMR defizienten Tumorzellen Kolonien zu bilden signifikant inhibiert. Im Gegensatz dazu, hatte die Behandlung von Bevacizumab vor der Zugabe des DNA sch{\"a}digenden Agens zu einer vermehrten Kolonienzahl gef{\"u}hrt. Außerdem erh{\"o}hte die Vorbehandlung mit Bevacizumab deutlich die Mutationsrate in MMR-defizienten Zellen, was durch die transiente Transfektion eines Dinukleotid-Repeat-Konstrukts nachgewiesen werden konnte. Dies deutete darauf hin, dass VEGF eine intrinsische Rolle in der Signalkaskade des MMR-Systems haben k{\"o}nnte. Deshalb wurde eine Anzahl von Signalalkaskaden zus{\"a}tzlich zu Ver{\"a}nderungen von Genexpressionsprofilen untersucht und JNK als m{\"o}gliche Verbindungsstelle der beiden Signalkaskaden, VEGF und MMR, identifiziert. Diese Hypothese wurde zus{\"a}tzlich unterst{\"u}tzt durch die Tatsache, dass die JUN Expression unter diesen experimentellen Bedingungen reduziert war. Die Aufkl{\"a}rung der komplexen molekularen Mechanismen der potentiellen Interaktion bleibt zuk{\"u}nftigen Untersuchungen vorbehalten. In Hinblick auf die klinische Konsequenz der erhaltenen Ergebnisse war es auff{\"a}llig, dass einige Zytokine durch Bevacizumab in den MMR defizienten Zellen im Gegensatz zu den MMR kompetenten Zellen unterschiedlich reguliert wurden. Die in-vitro verwendeten Behandlungsschemata waren den klinisch zur Anwendung kommenden Protokollen nachempfunden. Zuerst wurde ein DNA-Schaden gesetzt, und den Zellen erm{\"o}glicht, sich mit oder ohne Bevacizumab zu erholen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die inflammatorischen Zytokine CCL7 und CCL8 eine h{\"o}here Expression in der MMR-defiziente Zelllinie in Kombination mit Bevacizumab aufweisen. Daher wurde ein m{\"o}glicher Crosstalk zwischen von Tumorzellen sezernierten Faktoren und myeloischen Zellen weiter verfolgt. Ver{\"a}nderungen der Genexpression in Monozyten durch Tumorzell- konditionierte Medien zeigte CCL18 als ein Bevacizumab reguliertes Gen in MMR-defizienten Zellen, aber nicht in MMR kompetenten Zellen. CCL18 {\"u}bt seine Funktion prim{\"a}r im adaptiven Immunsystems aus um eine TH2-Antwort in T-Zellen auszul{\"o}sen Ausserdem wird eine Erh{\"o}hung der nicht-spezifische Phagozytose als weitere Funktion beschrieben. CCL18 wurde bereits als prognostischer Marker in Magen-, Dickdarm- und Eierstockkrebsarten beschrieben; die klinische Bedeutung ist jedoch abh{\"a}ngig von Tumortyp. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Erh{\"o}hung der phagozytischen Aktivit{\"a}t von Makrophagen in Gegenwart von Bevacizumab wesentlich deutlicher in MMR-defizienten Zellen ausgepr{\"a}gt war. Weiterhin wurde gefunden, dass nach DNA-Sch{\"a}digung in Bevacizumab behandelten MMR-defizienten Zellen Zytokine freigesetzt werden, welche eine Monozytenmigration in einer Bevacizumab-abh{\"a}ngigen Weise induzieren. Dies weist auf eine funktionelle Interaktion von MMR-Defizienz und Bevacizumab hin. Zus{\"a}tzlich zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit eine Immunzellmodulation, die spezifisch f{\"u}r Mismatch-Reparatur defiziente Tumorzellen ist und in der klinischen Praxis als Marker f{\"u}r die Verabreichung von Bevacizumab verwendet werden k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Vascular endothelial Growth Factor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhu2015, author = {Zhu, Ana Cheng}, title = {Metagenomic analysis of genetic variation in human gut microbial species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Microbial species (bacteria and archaea) in the gut are important for human health in various ways. Not only does the species composition vary considerably within the human population, but each individual also appears to have its own strains of a given species. While it is known from studies of bacterial pan-genomes, that genetic variation between strains can differ considerably, such as in Escherichia coli, the extent of genetic variation of strains for abundant gut species has not been surveyed in a natural habitat. This is mainly due to the fact that most of these species cannot be cultured in the laboratory. Genetic variation can range from microscale genomic rearrangements such as small nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) to macroscale large genomic rearrangements like structural variations. Metagenomics offers an alternative solution to study genetic variation in prokaryotes, as it involves DNA sequencing of the whole community directly from the environment. However, most metagenomic studies to date only focus on variation in gene abundance and hence are not able to characterize genetic variation (in terms of presence or absence of SNPs and genes) of gut microbial strains of individuals. The aim of my doctorate studies was therefore to study the extent of genetic variation in the genomic sequence of gut prokaryotic species and its phenotypic effects based on: (1) the impact of SNP variation in gut bacterial species, by focusing on genes under selective pressure and (2) the gene content variation (as a proxy for structural variation) and their effect on microbial species and the phenotypic traits of their human host. In the first part of my doctorate studies, I was involved in a project in which we created a catalogue of 10.3 million SNPs in gut prokaryotic species, based on metagenomes. I used this to perform the first SNP-based comparative study of prokaryotic species evolution in a natural habitat. Here, I found that strains of gut microbial species in different individuals evolve at more similar rates than the strains within an individual. In addition, I found that gene evolution can be uncoupled from the evolution of its originating species, and that this could be related to selective pressure such as diet, exemplified by galactokinase gene (galK). Despite the individuality (i.e. uniqueness of each individual within the studied metagenomic dataset) in the SNP profile of the gut microbiota that we found, for most cases it is not possible to link SNPs with phenotypic differences. For this reason I also used gene content as a proxy to study structural variation in metagenomes. In the second part of my doctorate studies, I developed a methodology to characterize the variability of gene content in gut bacterial species, using metagenomes. My approach is based on gene deletions, and was applied to abundant species (demonstrated using a set of 11 species). The method is sufficiently robust as it captures a similar range of gene content variability as has been detected in completely sequenced genomes. Using this procedure I found individuals differ by an average of 13\% in their gene content of gut bacterial strains within the same species. Interestingly no two individuals shared the same gene content across bacterial species. However, this variation corresponds to a lower limit, as it is only accounts for gene deletion and not insertions. This large variation in the gene content of gut strain was found to affect important functions, such as polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) and capsular polysaccharide synthesis (CPS), which are related with digestion of dietary fibers. In summary, I have shown that metagenomics based approaches can be robust in characterizing genetic variation in gut bacterial species. I also illustrated, using examples both for SNPs and gene content (galK, PULs and CPS), that this genetic variation can be used to predict the phenotypic characteristics of the microbial species, as well as predicting the phenotype of their human host (for example, their capacity to digest different food components). Overall, the results of my thesis highlight the importance of characterizing the strains in the gut microbiome analogous to the emerging variability and importance of human genomics.}, subject = {Darmflora}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muenz2015, author = {M{\"u}nz, Thomas Sebastian}, title = {Aspects of neuronal plasticity in the mushroom body calyx during adult maturation in the honeybee Apis mellifera}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Division of labor represents a major advantage of social insect communities that accounts for their enormous ecological success. In colonies of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, division of labor comprises different tasks of fertile queens and drones (males) and, in general, sterile female workers. Division of labor also occurs among workers in form of an age-related polyethism. This helps them to deal with the great variety of tasks within the colony. After adult eclosion, workers spend around three weeks with various duties inside the hive such as tending the brood or cleaning and building cells. After this period workers switch to outdoor tasks and become foragers collecting nectar, pollen and water. With this behavioral transition, workers face tremendous changes in their sensory environment. In particular, visual sensory stimuli become important, but also the olfactory world changes. Foragers have to perform a completely new behavioral repertoire ranging from long distance navigation based on landmark orientation and polarized-skylight information to learning and memory tasks associated with finding profitable food sources. However, behavioral maturation is not a purely age-related internal program associated with a change, for example, in juvenile hormone titers. External factors such as primer pheromones like the brood pheromone or queen mandibular pheromone can modulate the timing of this transition. In this way colonies are able to flexibly adjust their work force distribution between indoor and outdoor tasks depending on the actual needs of the colony. Besides certain physiological changes, mainly affecting glandular tissue, the transition from indoor to outdoor tasks requires significant adaptations in sensory and higher-order integration centers of the brain. The mushroom bodies integrate olfactory, visual, gustatory and mechanosensory information. Furthermore, they play important roles in learning and memory processes. It is therefore not surprising that the mushroom bodies, in particular their main input region, the calyx, undergo volumetric neuronal plasticity. Similar to behavioral maturation, plastic changes of the mushroom bodies are associated with age, but are also to be affected by modulating factors such as task and experience. In my thesis, I analyzed in detail the neuronal processes underlying volumetric plasticity in the mushroom body. Immunohistochemical labeling of synaptic proteins combined with quantitative 3D confocal imaging revealed that the volume increase of the mushroom body calyx is largely caused by the growth of the Kenyon cell dendritic network. This outgrowth is accompanied by changes in the synaptic architecture of the mushroom body calyx, which is organized in a distinct pattern of synaptic complexes, so called microglomeruli. During the first week of natural adult maturation microglomeruli remain constant in total number. With subsequent behavioral transition from indoor duties to foraging, microglomeruli are pruned while the Kenyon cell dendritic network is still growing. As a result of these processes, the mushroom body calyx neuropil volume enlarges while the total number of microgloumeruli becomes reduced in foragers compared to indoor workers. In the visual subcompartments (calyx collar) this process is induced by visual sensory stimuli as the beginning of pruning correlates with the time window when workers start their first orientation flights. The high level of analysis of cellular and subcellular process underlying structural plasticity of the mushroom body calyx during natural maturation will serve as a framework for future investigations of behavioral plasticity in the honeybee. The transition to foraging is not purely age-dependent, but gets modulated, for example, by the presence of foragers. Ethyl oleate, a primer pheromone that is present only in foragers, was shown to delay the onset of foraging in nurse bees. Using artificial application of additional ethyl oleate in triple cohort colonies, I tested whether it directly affects adult neuronal plasticity in the visual input region of the mushroom body calyx. As the pheromonal treatment failed to induce a clear behavioral phenotype (delayed onset of foraging) it was not possible to show a direct link between the exposure to additional ethyl oleate and neuronal plasticity in mushroom body calyx. However, the general results on synaptic maturation confirmed my data of natural maturation processes in the mushroom body calyx. Given the result that dendritic plasticity is a major contributor to neuronal plasticity in the mushroom body calyx associated with division of labor, the question arose which proteins could be involved in mediating these effects. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) especially in mammals, but also in insects (Drosophila, Cockroach), was shown to be involved in facilitating learning and memory processes like long-term synaptic potentiation. In addition to presynaptic effects, the protein was also revealed to directly interact with cytoskeleton elements in the postsynapse. It therefore is a likely candidate to mediate structural synaptic plasticity. As part of my thesis, the presence and distribution of CaMKII was analyzed, and the results showed that the protein is highly concentrated in a distinct subpopulation of the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, the noncompact Kenyon cells. The dendritic network of this population arborizes in two calyx subregions: one receiving mainly olfactory input - the lip - and the collar receiving visual input. This distribution pattern did not change with age or task. The high concentration of CaMKII in dendritic spines and its overlap with f-actin indicates that CaMKII could be a key player inducing structural neuronal plasticity associated with learning and memory formation and/or behavioral transitions related to division of labor. Interestingly CaMKII immunoreactivity was absent in the basal ring, another subregion of the mushroom body calyx formed almost exclusively by the inner compact Kenyon cells and known to receive combined visual and olfactory input. This indicates differences of this mushroom body subregion regarding the molecular mechanisms controlling plastic changes in corresponding Kenyon cells. How is timing of behavioral and neuronal plasticity regulated? The primer pheromone ethyl oleate was found in high concentrations on foragers and was shown to influence behavioral maturation by delaying the onset of foraging when artificially applied in elevated concentrations. But how is ethyl oleate transferred and how does it shift the work force distribution between indoor and outdoor tasks? Previous work showed that ethyl oleate concentrations are highest in the honeycrop of foragers and suggested that it is transferred and communicated inside the colony via trophallaxis. The results of this thesis however clearly show, that ethyl oleate was not present inside the honey crop or the regurgitate, but rather in the surrounding tissue of the honey crop. As additionally the second highest concentration of ethyl oleate was measured on the surface of the cuticle of forgers, trophallaxis was ruled out as a mode of transmission. Neurophysiological measurements at the level of the antennae (electroantennogram recordings) and the first olfactory neuropil (calcium imaging of activity in the antennal lobe) revealed that the primer pheromone ethyl oleate is received and processed as an olfactory stimulus. Appetitive olfactory conditioning using the proboscis extension response as a behavioral paradigm showed that ethyl oleate can be associated with a sugar reward. This indicates that workers are able to perceive, learn and memorize the presence of this pheromone. As ethyl oleate had to be presented by a heated stimulation device at close range, it can be concluded that this primer pheromone acts via close range/contact chemoreception through the olfactory system. This is also supported by previous behavioral observations. Taken together, the findings presented in this thesis revealed structural changes in the synaptic architecture of the mushroom body calyx associated with division of labor. For the primer pheromone ethyl oleate, which modulates the transition from nursing to foraging, the results clearly showed that it is received via the olfactory system and presumably acts via this pathway. However, manipulation experiments did not indicate a direct effect of ethyl oleate on synaptic plasticity. At the molecular level, CaMKII is a prime candidate to mediate structural synaptic plasticity in the mushroom body calyx. Future combined structural and functional experiments are needed to finally link the activity of primer pheromones like ethyl oleate to the molecular pathways mediating behavioral and synaptic plasticity associated with division of labor in Apis mellifera. The here identified underlying processes will serve as excellent models for a general understanding of fundamental mechanisms promoting behavioral plasticity.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoll2015, author = {Stoll, Georg}, title = {Identification of the mRNA-associated TOP3β- TDRD3-FMRP (TTF) -complex and its implication for neurological disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111440}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The propagation of the genetic information into proteins is mediated by messenger- RNA (mRNA) intermediates. In eukaryotes mRNAs are synthesized by RNA- Polymerase II and subjected to translation after various processing steps. Earlier it was suspected that the regulation of gene expression occurs primarily on the level of transcription. In the meantime it became evident that the contribution of post- transcriptional events is at least equally important. Apart from non-coding RNAs and metabolites, this process is in particular controlled by RNA-binding proteins, which assemble on mRNAs in various combinations to establish the so-called "mRNP- code". In this thesis a so far unknown component of the mRNP-code was identified and characterized. It constitutes a hetero-trimeric complex composed of the Tudor domain-containing protein 3 (TDRD3), the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) and the Topoisomerase III beta (TOP3β) and was termed TTF (TOP3β-TDRD3-FMRP) -complex according to its composition. The presented results also demonstrate that all components of the TTF-complex shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but are predominantly located in the latter compartment under steady state conditions. Apart from that, an association of the TTF-complex with fully processed mRNAs, not yet engaged in productive translation, was detected. Hence, the TTF-complex is a component of „early" mRNPs. The defined recruitment of the TTF-complex to these mRNPs is not based on binding to distinct mRNA sequence-elements in cis, but rather on an interaction with the so-called exon junction complex (EJC), which is loaded onto the mRNA during the process of pre-mRNA splicing. In this context TDRD3 functions as an adapter, linking EJC, FMRP and TOP3β on the mRNP. Moreover, preliminary results suggest that epigenetic marks within gene promoter regions predetermine the transfer of the TTF-complex onto its target mRNAs. Besides, the observation that TOP3β is able to catalytically convert RNA-substrates disclosed potential activities of the TTF-complex in mRNA metabolism. In combination with the already known functions of FMRP, this finding primarily suggests that the TTF-complex controls the translation of bound mRNAs. In addition to its role in mRNA metabolism, the TTF-complex is interesting from a human genetics perspective as well. It was demonstrated in collaboration with researchers from Finland and the US that apart from FMRP, which was previously linked to neurocognitive diseases, also TOP3β is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. Understanding the function of the TTF-complex in mRNA metabolism might hence provide important insight into the etiology of these diseases.}, subject = {Messenger-RNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhtz2015, author = {Kuhtz, Juliane}, title = {Epimutationen humaner Keimzellen und Infertilit{\"a}t}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108248}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Infertilit{\"a}t stellt in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft ein zunehmendes Problem dar. Bei der Suche nach den der Infertilit{\"a}t zugrunde liegenden Ursachen ger{\"a}t immer mehr die Epigenetik in den Fokus. Epigenetische Prozesse sind nicht nur in die Embryo-nalentwicklung und Wachstumsprozesse des Kindes involviert, sondern auch in korrekte Funktionsweisen von Gameten. St{\"o}rungen k{\"o}nnen die Fertilit{\"a}t beeintr{\"a}ch-tigen. Eine besondere Rolle spielen gepr{\"a}gte Gene, die auf einem ihrer Allele, je nach parentaler Herkunft, ein Imprint in Form von DNA-Methylierung tragen. Fehl-regulationen solcher gepr{\"a}gter Gene k{\"o}nnen zu Imprinting-Erkrankungen f{\"u}hren. Seit Einf{\"u}hrung der In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) wurden verschiedene assistierte Re-produktionstechniken (ART) entwickelt, um infertilen Paaren zu helfen. Die Sicher-heit dieser Techniken ist nicht abschließend gekl{\"a}rt. Immer wieder wird von nach ART-Behandlung geh{\"a}uft auftretenden Imprinting-Erkrankungen berichtet. Diese Erkrankungen stehen jedoch eher in Zusammenhang mit der zugrunde liegenden Infertilit{\"a}t, als mit ART selbst. Dennoch ist es notwendig zu untersuchen inwieweit sich ART eventuell auf den Gesundheitszustand dieser Kinder auswirken k{\"o}nnte. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wurde der Zusammenhang von Epigenetik, Infertilit{\"a}t und ART von verschiedenen Standpunkten aus beleuchtet. In humanen Spermien wurde die DNA-Methylierung verschiedener gepr{\"a}gter Gene hinsichtlich Epimutationen untersucht. ICSI (intracytoplasmatic sperm injection) und IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) sind verschiedene Techniken zur Selektion von Spermien f{\"u}r eine ART-Behandlung. Hier wurde un-tersucht, ob IMSI epigenetisch bessere Spermien selektiert als die konventionelle ICSI-Methode. Außerdem ist bekannt, dass in Spermienk{\"o}pfen fertiler und infertiler M{\"a}nner Vakuolen vorkommen k{\"o}nnen, deren epigenetische Bedeutung jedoch un-bekannt ist. Ob diese Vakuolen in Zusammenhang mit Epimutationen stehen k{\"o}nn-ten, wurde ebenfalls {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Dazu wurde bisulfitkonvertierte DNA weniger Sper-mien (11 je Probe) mithilfe der Limiting Dilution (LD)-Technik und Pyrosequenzie-rung analysiert. Insgesamt standen 880 Spermien f{\"u}r diese Untersuchung zur Ver-f{\"u}gung. Es konnte kein Unterschied zwischen IMSI- und ICSI-selektierten Spermien gefunden werden. Vorhandene Vakuolen im Spermienkopf beeintr{\"a}chtigten nicht die DNA-Methylierung der Gene hGTL2, hLIT1 und hPEG3. Ein weiteres Projekt befasste sich mit der Frage, inwieweit die Technik der In-vitro-Maturation (IVM) DNA-Methylierung in humanen Oocyten beeinflussen k{\"o}nnte. Bisulfitkonvertierte DNA einzelner humaner Oocyten wurde mit LD und Pyrose-quenzierung analysiert. Verglichen wurden IVM und in vivo gereifte Oocyten. Hier-f{\"u}r standen 139 Oocyten zur Verf{\"u}gung, wovon 90 mittels IVM und 49 in vivo gereift waren. Untersucht wurden vier gepr{\"a}gte Gene (hGTL2, hLIT1, hPEG3 und hSNRPN) und drei nicht gepr{\"a}gte Gene (hDNMT3Lo, hNANOG und hOCT4). Es konnten keine IVM-bedingten Epimutationen gefunden werden. Im dritten Projekt wurde untersucht, ob sich die DNA-Methylierung normaler Sper-mien von Spermien aus Oligozoospermie-Asthenozoospermie-Teratozoospermie (OAT)-Syndrom-Patienten unterscheidet. Eine weitere Frage war, ob Epimutationen einen Einfluss auf den ART-Ausgang haben. Untersucht wurden 54 Spermienpro-ben von Paaren in ART-Behandlung. Zur Untersuchung der DNA-Methylierungsmuster der gepr{\"a}gten Gene hGTL2 und hPEG3 sowie der beiden nicht gepr{\"a}gten Pluripotenzgene hNANOG und hOCT4 wurde die Methode Deep Bisulfite Sequencing (DBS) verwendet. Dies ist eine Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-Technik, angewandt an bisulfitkonvertierter DNA. Diese Technik erm{\"o}glicht es mehrere Proben sowie Gene gleichzeitig zu analysieren. Es zeigte sich, dass OAT-Spermien, die zu einer Lebendgeburt gef{\"u}hrt hatten, sich epigenetisch nicht von normalen Spermien unterschieden. Besonders viele Epimutationen konnten hingegen in OAT-Spermien gefunden werden, die zu keiner Schwangerschaft ge-f{\"u}hrt hatten. Zwischen Spermien die zu einer Lebendgeburt oder keiner Schwan-gerschaft gef{\"u}hrt hatten, zeigten sich Unterschiede in der H{\"a}ufigkeit von hGTL2-Epimutationen. {\"U}ber die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Epimutationen konnte eine pr{\"a}diktive Aus-sage zum ART-Ausgang getroffen werden. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit festgestellt werden, dass sich eine H{\"a}u-fung von Epimutationen darauf auswirkt, ob eine Schwangerschaft erreicht werden kann oder nicht. Diese Epimutationen liegen bereits im parentalen Genom vor. Sie werden nicht durch ART verursacht. Allerdings muss man Techniken finden, mit denen man Gameten mit m{\"o}glichst wenig Epimutationen selektiert, um eine {\"U}ber-tragung solcher auf das Kind zu verhindern.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {de} }