@phdthesis{Delfgaauw2003, author = {Delfgaauw, Jacqueline}, title = {Melanomspezifische Genexpression und Signaltransduktion bei Xiphophorus: Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors Mitf}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5217}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die Kenntnis der Transkriptionsregulationsmechanismen stellt eine wichtige biochemische Grundlage f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der molekularen Ereignisse, die der Krebsentstehung zugrunde liegen, dar. Eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle in der transkriptionellen Kontrolle der Genexpression spielen hierbei die Transkriptionsfaktoren. Diese sind nukle{\"a}re Proteine, die mit spezifischen DNA-Elementen interagieren und so die Transkription eines in cis-Position lokalisierten Zielgens regulieren. Da der "microphthalmia associated" Transkriptionsfaktor Mitf-M spezifisch in Melanozyten und Melanomzellen exprimiert wird, scheint er eine wichtige Rolle in der melanomspezifischen transkriptionellen Aktivierung zu spielen und war deshalb im Rahmen dieser Arbeit n{\"a}her untersucht worden. Das Xiphophorus Melanomsystem, ein genetisch gut charakterisiertes Modell, wurde herangezogen, um unter zu Hilfenahme des Tyrosinasegens des mit Xiphophorus nahe verwandten Medaka (Oryzias latipes) die Transkriptionsregulation im Melanom n{\"a}her zu untersuchen. Zuerst wurde gezeigt, dass der Medaka Tyrosinasepromotor spezifisch in einer Melanomzellinie von Xiphophorus (PSM Zellen) aktiviert wird. Eine 3,2 kb lange Sequenz, die 5´ zum Transkriptionsstart liegt, reicht dabei aus, eine extrem hohe, melanomspezifische Promotoraktivit{\"a}t zu erreichen. Dabei sind die Regionen, die sogenannte E-Boxen (CANNTG) enthalten, von besonderer Wichtigkeit f{\"u}r die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t in der Melanomzellinie, w{\"a}hrend sie in embryonalen Xiphophoruszellen (A2, als Kontrollzellen eingesetzt) keinen Einfluß auf die Expression haben. An diese E-Box-Sequenzen binden sogenannte b-HLH-Leuzinzipper Transkriptionsfaktoren. Es konnte auf indirektem Wege bewiesen werden, dass es das Protein Mitf sein muß, das an die E-Boxen im Tyrosinasegenpromotor bindet und somit die transkriptionelle Aktivierung aus{\"u}bt. In EMSA Studien wurde gezeigt, dass die E-Boxen ein Kernprotein aus PSM-Zellen binden, und das dieses spezifisch an diese 6 bp lange Sequenz bindet, da Mutationen der zentralen Oligonukleotid-Sequenz die Bindung zerst{\"o}rten. Ein weiterer indirekter Beweis f{\"u}r die Bindung von Mitf an diese E-Boxen konnte durch Co-Transfektionsexperimente erbracht werden. Auch in S{\"a}ugerfibroblastenzellen konnte ektopisch eingebrachtes Mitf-M die Medaka Tyrosinasegenpromotorkonstrukte durch Bindung an E-Boxen aktivieren und das Luciferasegen zur Expression bringen. Das heißt also, dass Mitf-M ausreicht um sogar in nicht-Melanomzellen den Tyrosinasegenpromotor zu transaktivieren. Aufgrund dieser verschiedenen Experimente konnte gefolgert werden, dass diese Mitf-Bindungsstellen essentiell f{\"u}r eine hohe melanom- oder pigmentzellspezifische Promotoraktivit{\"a}t sind. Die Bindungsstelle A, die nahe der Basalpromotorregion im Medaka Tyrosinasegen liegt (-126/-131), scheint hierbei besonders wichtig f{\"u}r die Promotoraktivit{\"a}t und vor allem auch f{\"u}r die Vermittlung der Zelltypspezifit{\"a}t zu sein. Promotorkonstrukte mit den drei E-Boxen A (-126/-131), B (-2651/-2656) und C (-2866/-2871) zeigten eine gegen{\"u}ber dem Konstrukt nur mit der A-Bindungsstelle h{\"o}here Aktivit{\"a}t. Es scheint sich ein additiver Effekt der Mitf-Bindungsstellen auszuwirken. Es konnte allerdings auch gezeigt werden, dass die E-Boxen nicht alleine verantwortlich f{\"u}r die Melanom- bzw. Pigmentzellspezifit{\"a}t sind. Neben den Mitf-Bindungsstellen gibt es noch weitere Elemente im Tyrosinasegenpromotor, die an der Bestimmmung der Spezifit{\"a}t beteiligt sind, und die zwar durch Deletionsreihen im Promotor eingegrenzt, dennoch noch nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden konnten. Die Wichtigkeit des Transkriptionsfaktors Mitf bzw. seiner Funktionen spiegelt sich auch in seiner starken Konservierung im Laufe der Evolution wider. Vergleichende Studien zeigten dass der Transkriptionsfaktor mit seinen verschiedenen Isoformen in S{\"a}ugern wie in Vertebraten gut konserviert wurde. N{\"a}here Analysen konnten das Vorhandensein zweier separater Gene f{\"u}r Mitf-M und Mitf-B bei Teleostiern nachweisen, w{\"a}hrend bei S{\"a}ugetieren und V{\"o}geln nur ein einziges Gen f{\"u}r die unterschiedlichen Mitf Proteine kodiert. F{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der molekularen Prozesse bei der Melanombildung von Xiphophorus war es wichtig die Rolle von Mitf in der Signaltransduktion zu analysieren. Es war m{\"o}glich einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen der in PSM Zellen exprimierten Rezeptortyrosinkinase Xmrk, dem Genprodukt des Tumor-induzierenden Onkogens von Xiphophorus, und dem Transkriptionsfaktor Mitf nachzuweisen und seine Regulation {\"u}ber Signaltransduktionswege n{\"a}her zu kl{\"a}ren. Die Regulation von Mitf {\"u}ber den MAPkinase-Weg, konnte durch Inhibitorexperimente nachgewiesen werden. Aufgrund der zahlreichen Aktivit{\"a}ten von Mitf innerhalb der Melanozyten, und seiner Aktivierungsfunktion f{\"u}r verschiedene Zielgene, ist dieser Transkriptionsfaktor von großer Bedeutung f{\"u}r sowohl Differentierung/Pigmentierung wie auch Proliferation/{\"U}berleben der Tumorzellen.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Maurus2016, author = {Maurus, Katja}, title = {Melanoma Maintenance by the AP1 Transcription Factor FOSL1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142995}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Identifying novel driver genes in cancer remains a crucial step towards development of new therapeutic approaches and the basic understanding of the disease. This work describes the impact of the AP1 transcription activator component FOSL1 on melanoma maintenance. FOSL1 is strongly upregulated during the progression of melanoma and the protein abundance is highest in metastases. I found that the regulation of FOSL1 is strongly dependent on ERK1/2- and PI3K- signaling, two pathways frequently activated in melanoma. Moreover, the involvement of p53 in FOSL1 regulation in melanoma was investigated. Elevated levels of the tumor suppressor led to decreased FOSL1 protein levels in a miR34a/miR34c- dependent manner. The benefit of elevated FOSL1 amounts in human melanoma cell lines was analyzed by overexpression of FOSL1 in cell lines with low endogenous FOSL1 levels. Enhanced levels of FOSL1 had several pro-tumorigenic effects in human melanoma cell lines. Besides increased proliferation and migration rates, FOSL1 overexpression induced the colony forming ability of the cells. Additionally, FOSL1 was necessary for anchorage independent growth in 3D cell cultures. Microarray analyses revealed novel downstream effectors of FOSL1. On the one hand, FOSL1 was able to induce the transcription of different neuron-related genes, such as NEFL, NRP1 and TUBB3. On the other hand, FOSL1 influenced the transcription of DCT, a melanocyte specific gene, in dependence of the differentiation of the melanoma cell line, indicating dedifferentiation. Furthermore, FOSL1 induced the transcription of HMGA1, a chromatin remodeling protein with reprogramming ability, which is characteristic for stem cells. Consequently, the influence of HMGA1 on melanoma maintenance was investigated. In addition to decreased proliferation and reduced anoikis resistance, HMGA1 knockdown reduced melanoma cell survival. Interestingly, the FOSL1 induced pro-tumorigenic effects were demonstrated to be dependent on the HMGA1 level. HMGA1 manipulation reversed FOSL1 induced proliferation and colony forming ability, as well as the anchorage independent growth effect. In conclusion, I could show that additional FOSL1 confers a clear growth benefit to melanoma cells. This benefit is attributed to the induction of stem cell determinants, but can be blocked by the inhibition of the ERK1/2 or PI3K signaling pathways.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlcantarinoMenescal2012, author = {Alcantarino Menescal, Luciana}, title = {In vivo characterization of genetic factors involved in Xmrk driven melanoma formation in Medaka (Oryzias latipes): a closer look at braf, Stat5 and c-myc}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Melanoma arises from the malignant transformation of melanocytes and is one of the most aggressive forms of human cancer. In fish of the genus Xiphophorus, melanoma development, although very rarely, happens spontaneously in nature and can be induced by interspecific crossing. The oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase, Xmrk, is responsible for melanoma formation in these fishes. Since Xiphophorus are live-bearing fishes and therefore not compatible with embryonic manipulation and transgenesis, the Xmrk melanoma model was brought to the medaka (Oryzias latipes) system. Xmrk expression under the control of the pigment cell specific mitf promoter leads to melanoma formation with 100\% penetrance in medaka. Xmrk is an orthologue of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and activates several downstream signaling pathways. Examples of these pathways are the direct phosphorylation of BRAF and Stat5, as well as the enhanced transcription of C-myc. BRAF is a serine-threonine kinase which is found mutated at high frequencies in malignant melanomas. Stat5 is a transcription factor known to be constitutively activated in fish melanoma. C-myc is a transcription factor that is thought to regulate the expression of approximately 15\% of all human genes and is involved in cancer progression of a large number of different tumors. To gain new in vivo information on candidate factors known to be involved in melanoma progression, I identified and analysed BRAF, Stat5 and C-myc in the laboratory fish model system medaka. BRAF protein motifs are highly conserved among vertebrates and the results of this work indicate that its function in the MAPK signaling is maintained in medaka. Transgenic medaka lines carrying a constitutive active version of BRAF (V614E) showed more pigmented skin when compared to wild type. Also, some transiently expressing BRAF V614E fishes showed a disrupted eye phenotype. In addition, I was able to identify two Stat5 copies in medaka, named Stat5ab/a and Stat5ab/b. Sequence analysis revealed a higher similarity between both Stat5 sequences when compared to either human Stat5a or Stat5b. This suggests that the two Stat5 copies in medaka arose by an independent duplication processes. I cloned these two Stat5 present in medaka, produced constitutive active and dominant negative gene versions and successfully established transgenic lines carrying each version under the control of the MITF promoter. These lines will help to elucidate questions that are still remaining in Stat5 biology and its function in melanoma progression, like the role of Stat5 phosphorylation on tumor invasiveness. In a third project during my PhD work, I analysed medaka C-myc function and indentified two copies of this gene in medaka, named c-myc17 and c-myc20, according to the chromosome where they are located. I produced conditional transgenic medaka lines carrying the c-myc17 gene coupled to the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor to enable specific transgene activation at a given time point. Comparable to human C-myc, medaka C-myc17 is able to induce proliferation and apoptosis in vivo after induction. Besides that, C-myc17 long-term activation led to liver hyperplasia. In summary, the medaka models generated in this work will be important to bring new in vivo information on genes involved in cancer development. Also, the generated transgenic lines can be easily crossed to the melanoma developing Xmrk medaka lines, thereby opening up the possibility to investigate their function in melanoma progression. Besides that, the generated medaka fishes make it possible to follow the whole development of melanocytes, since the embryos are transparent and can be used for high throughput chemical screens.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Teutschbein2008, author = {Teutschbein, Janka}, title = {Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Genen und Proteinen in der Xmrk-induzierten Entwicklung von Melanomen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27516}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Melanome stellen die gef{\"a}hrlichste Form von Hautkrebs mit der h{\"o}chsten Mortalit{\"a}tsrate dar. Der Transformation normaler Melanozyten zu malignen Melanomen liegen komplexe molekulare und biochemische Ver{\"a}nderungen zu Grunde. Im Xiphophorus-Melanom-Modell ist die onkogene Rezeptortyrosinkinase "Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase" (Xmrk) der alleinige Ausl{\"o}ser der Melanominitiation und -progression. Die Aufkl{\"a}rung der Xmrk-vermittelten Signaltransduktion kann zum besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis von Ereignissen, die auch bei der humanen Melanomentwicklung eine Rolle spielen, beitragen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe der Microarray-Technologie die Regulation der Genexpression durch Xmrk analysiert. Zu den nach Rezeptoraktivierung am st{\"a}rksten herabregulierten Genen geh{\"o}rten "son of sevenless homolog 1" (Sos1) und "ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I" (Ube2i); stark hochreguliert waren "early growth response 1" (Egr1), "cysteine-rich protein 61" (Cyr61), "dual-specificity phosphatase 4" (Dusp4), "fos-like antigen 1" (Fosl1), "epithelial membrane protein" (Emp1), Osteopontin (Opn), "insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3" (Igfbp3) und "tumor-associated antigen L6" (Taal6). Die f{\"u}r die Regulation dieser Gene verantwortlichen Signalwege wurden durch die Anwendung von niedermolekularen Inhibitoren und siRNA identifiziert, wobei f{\"u}r die SRC-Kinase FYN eine zentrale Bedeutung bei der Xmrk-abh{\"a}ngigen Regulation der Genexpression festgestellt wurde. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die Expression der Gene in humanen Melanomzelllinien im Vergleich zu normalen humanen Melanozyten untersucht. Als besonders vielversprechende Kandidaten stellten sich dabei DUSP4 und TAAL6 heraus, deren Rolle in der humanen Melanominduktion und -progression Gegenstand zuk{\"u}nftiger Studien sein wird. In einem anderen Ansatz zur Aufkl{\"a}rung des Signalnetzwerkes sollten Zielproteine von Xmrk durch Protein-Protein-Interaktionsstudien mit Hilfe des Split-Ubiquitin-Systems ermittelt werden. Aufgrund ung{\"u}nstiger Expressions- oder Faltungseigenschaften von Xmrk in diesem System war es aber nicht m{\"o}glich, den Rezeptor als K{\"o}derprotein einzusetzen. Das f{\"u}r die Xmrk-vermittelte Melanomentstehung zentrale Protein FYN konnte jedoch als K{\"o}der etabliert und seine Wechselwirkung mit der Tyrosinkinase FAK analysiert werden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der phosphorylierte Tyrosinrest an Position 397 von FAK f{\"u}r die Interaktion einer N-terminal trunkierten FAK-Variante mit FYN notwendig ist und dass diese Phosphorylierung in Hefe gew{\"a}hrleistet zu sein scheint. Die Suche nach neuen Interaktionspartnern von FYN mittels der Split-Ubiquitin-Technologie k{\"o}nnte Einblicke in weitere FYN-abh{\"a}ngige Ereignisse bieten, die zur Aufkl{\"a}rung seiner zentralen Rolle bei der Tumorentstehung dienen k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Staus2021, author = {Staus, Madlen}, title = {Glutathione-dependent reprogramming in melanoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16842}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168424}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {These days, treatment of melanoma patients relies on targeted therapy with BRAF/MEK inhibitors and on immunotherapy. About half of all patients initially respond to existing therapies. Nevertheless, the identification of alternative therapies for melanoma patients with intrinsic or acquired resistance is of great importance. In melanoma, antioxidants play an essential role in the maintenance of the redox homeostasis. Therefore, disruption of the redox homeostasis is regarded as highly therapeutically relevant and is the focus of the present work. An adequate supply of cysteine is essential for the production of the most important intracellular antioxidants, such as glutathione. In the present work, it was investigated whether the depletion of cysteine and glutathione is therapeutically useful. Depletion of glutathione in melanoma cells could be achieved by blocking cysteine supply, glutathione synthesis, and NADPH regeneration. As expected, this led to an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Surprisingly, however, these changes did not impair the proliferation and survival of the melanoma cells. In contrast, glutathione depletion led to cellular reprogramming which was characterized by the induction of mesenchymal genes and the repression of differentiation markers (phenotypic switch). This was accompanied by an increased migration and invasion potential which was favored by the induction of the transcription factor FOSL1. To study in vivo reprogramming, Gclc, the first and rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis, was knocked out by CRISPR/Cas9 in murine melanoma cells. The cells were devoid of glutathione, but were fully viable and showed a phenotypic switch, the latter only in MITF-expressing B16F1 cells and not in MITF-deficient D4M3A.781 cells. Following subcutaneous injection into immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice, Gclc knockout B16F1 cells grew more aggressively and resulted in an earlier tumor onset than B16F1 control cells. In summary, this work demonstrates that inhibition of cysteine supply and thus, glutathione synthesis leads to cellular reprogramming in melanoma. In this context, melanoma cells show metastatic capabilities, promoting a more aggressive form of the disease.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muench2023, author = {M{\"u}nch, Luca}, title = {Die Rolle transposabler Elemente in der Genese des malignen Melanom im Fischmodell Xiphophorus}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28922}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der Name der transposablen Elemente beruht auf ihrer F{\"a}higkeit, ihre genomische Position ver{\"a}ndern zu k{\"o}nnen. Durch Chromosomenaberrationen, Insertionen oder Deletionen k{\"o}nnen ihre genomischen Transpositionen genetische Instabilit{\"a}t verursachen. Inwieweit sie dar{\"u}ber hinaus regulatorischen Einfluss auf Zellfunktionen besitzen, ist Gegenstand aktueller Forschung ebenso wie die daraus resultierende Frage nach der Gesamtheit ihrer biologischen Signifikanz. Die Weiterf{\"u}hrung experimenteller Forschung ist unabdingbar, um weiterhin offenen Fragen nachzugehen. Das Xiphophorus-Melanom-Modell stellt hierbei eines der {\"a}ltesten Tiermodelle zur Erforschung des malignen Melanoms dar. Durch den klar definierten genetischen Hintergrund eignet es sich hervorragend zur Erforschung des b{\"o}sartigen schwarzen Hautkrebses, welcher nach wie vor die t{\"o}dlichste aller bekannten Hautkrebsformen darstellt. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Rolle transposabler Elemente in der malignen Melanomgenese von Xiphophorus.}, subject = {Transposon}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Laisney2010, author = {Laisney, Juliette Agn{\`e}s Genevi{\`e}ve Claire}, title = {Characterisation and regulation of the Egfr/Egfr ligand system in fish models for melanoma}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Fish of the genus Xiphophorus belong to the oldest animal models in cancer research. The oncogene responsible for the generation of spontaneous aggressive melanoma encodes for a mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) and is called xmrk for Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase. Xmrk constitutive activation mechanisms and subsequent signaling pathways have already been investigated and charaterized but it is still unknown if Egfr ligands may also play a role in Xmrk-driven melanoma formation. To investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I firstly analyzed the evolution of teleost and tetrapod Egfr/Egfr ligand systems. I especially focused on the analysis on the medaka fish, a closely related species to Xiphophorus, for which the whole genome has been sequenced. I could identify all seven Egfr ligands in medaka and could show that the two teleost-specific Egfr copies of medaka display dissimilar expression patterns in adult tissues together with differential expression of Egfr ligand subsets, arguing for subfunctionalization of receptor functions in this fish. Our phylogenetic and synteny analyses supported the hypothesis that only one gene in the chordate ancestor gave rise to the diversity of Egfr ligands found in vertebrate genomes today. I also could show that the Egfr extracellular subdomains implicated in ligand binding are not evolutionary conserved between tetrapods and teleosts, making the use of heterologous ligands in experiments with fish cells debatable. Despite its well understood and straight-forward process, Xmrk-driven melanomagenesis in Xiphophorus is problematic to further investigate in vivo. Our laboratory recently established a new melanoma animal model by generating transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka fishes, a Xiphophorus closely related species offering many more advantages. These fishes express xmrk under the control of the pigment-cell specific Mitf promoter. During my PhD thesis, I participated in the molecular analysis of the stably transgenic medaka and could show that the Xmrk-induced signaling pathways are similar when comparing Xiphophorus with transgenic mitf::xmrk medaka. These data together with additional RNA expression, protein, and histology analyses showed that Xmrk expression under the control of a pigment cell-specific promoter is sufficient to induce melanoma in the transgenic medaka, which develop very stereotyped tumors, including uveal and extracutaneous melanoma, with early onset during larval stages. To further investigate the potential role of Egfr ligands in Xmrk-driven melanoma, I made use of two model systems. One of them was the above mentioned mitf::xmrk medaka, the other was an in-vitro cell culture system, where the EGF-inducible Xmrk chimera HERmrk is stably expressed in murine melanocytes. Here I could show that HERmrk activation strongly induced expression of amphiregulin (Areg) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (Hbegf) in melanocytes. This regulation was dependent on the MAPK and SRC signaling pathways. Moreover, upregulation of Adam10 and Adam17, the two major sheddases of Egfr ligands, was observed. I also could demonstrate the functionality of the growth factors by invitro analyses. Using the mitf::xmrk medaka model I could also show the upregulation of a subset of ligand genes, namely egf, areg, betacellulin (btc) and epigen (epgn) as well as upregulation of medaka egfrb in tumors from fish with metastatic melanoma. All these results converge to support an Xmrk-induced autocrine Egfr ligand loop. Interestingly, my in-vitro experiments with conditioned supernatant from medaka Egf- and Hbegf-producing cells revealed that not only Xiphophorus Egfrb, but also the pre-activated Xmrk could be further stimulated by the ligands. Altogether, I could show with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that Xmrk is capable of inducing a functional autocrine Egfr ligand loop. These data confirm the importance of autocrine loops in receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent cancer development and show the possibility for a constitutively active RTK to strengthen its oncogenic signaling by ligand binding.}, subject = {Schwertk{\"a}rpfling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reinboth2012, author = {Reinboth, Jennifer}, title = {Cellular Factors Contributing to Host Cell Permissiveness in Support of Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Replication}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85392}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In initial experiments, the well characterized VACV strain GLV-1h68 and three wild-type LIVP isolates were utilized to analyze gene expression in a pair of autologous human melanoma cell lines (888-MEL and 1936 MEL) after infection. Microarray analyses, followed by sequential statistical approaches, characterized human genes whose transcription is affected specifically by VACV infection. In accordance with the literature, those genes were involved in broad cellular functions, such as cell death, protein synthesis and folding, as well as DNA replication, recombination, and repair. In parallel to host gene expression, viral gene expression was evaluated with help of customized VACV array platforms to get better insight over the interplay between VACV and its host. Our main focus was to compare host and viral early events, since virus genome replication occurs early after infection. We observed that viral transcripts segregated in a characteristic time-specific pattern, consistent with the three temporal expression classes of VACV genes, including a group of genes which could be classified as early-stage genes. In this work, comparison of VACV early replication and respective early gene transcription led to the identification of seven viral genes whose expression correlated strictly with replication. We considered the early expression of those seven genes to be representative for VACV replication and we therefore referred to them as viral replication indicators (VRIs). To explore the relationship between host cell transcription and viral replication, we correlated viral (VRI) and human early gene expression. Correlation analysis revealed a subset of 114 human transcripts whose early expression tightly correlated with early VRI expression and thus early viral replication. These 114 human molecules represented an involvement in broad cellular functions. We found at least six out of 114 correlates to be involved in protein ubiquitination or proteasomal function. Another molecule of interest was the serine-threonine protein kinase WNK lysine-deficient protein kinase 1 (WNK1). We discovered that WNK1 features differences on several molecular biological levels associated with permissiveness to VACV infection. In addition to that, a set of human genes was identified with possible predictive value for viral replication in an independent dataset. A further objective of this work was to explore baseline molecular biological variances associated with permissiveness which could help identifying cellular components that contribute to the formation of a permissive phenotype. Therefore, in a subsequent approach, we screened a set of 15 melanoma cell lines (15-MEL) regarding their permissiveness to GLV-1h68, evaluated by GFP expression levels, and classified the top four and lowest four cell lines into high and low permissive group, respectively. Baseline gene transcriptional data, comparing low and highly permissive group, suggest that differences between the two groups are at least in part due to variances in global cellular functions, such as cell cycle, cell growth and proliferation, as well as cell death and survival. We also observed differences in the ubiquitination pathway, which is consistent with our previous results and underlines the importance of this pathway in VACV replication and permissiveness. Moreover, baseline microRNA (miRNA) expression between low and highly permissive group was considered to provide valuable information regarding virus-host co-existence. In our data set, we identified six miRNAs that featured varying baseline expression between low and highly permissive group. Finally, copy number variations (CNVs) between low and highly permissive group were evaluated. In this study, when investigating differences in the chromosomal aberration patterns between low and highly permissive group, we observed frequent segmental amplifications within the low permissive group, whereas the same regions were mostly unchanged in the high group. Taken together, our results highlight a probable correlation between viral replication, early gene expression, and the respective host response and thus a possible involvement of human host factors in viral early replication. Furthermore, we revealed the importance of cellular baseline composition for permissiveness to VACV infection on different molecular biological levels, including mRNA expression, miRNA expression, as well as copy number variations. The characterization of human target genes that influence viral replication could help answering the question of host cell response to oncolytic virotherapy and provide important information for the development of novel recombinant vaccinia viruses with improved features to enhance replication rate and hence trigger therapeutic outcome.}, subject = {Vaccinia-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hokema2011, author = {Hokema, Anna}, title = {Beeinflussung der Genexpression verschiedener Gene durch Xmrk in Pigmentzelltumoren bei Oryzias latipes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndinis der molekularen Prozesse der Melanomentstehung und Tumorprogression zu gewinnen. Hierf{\"u}r wurde ein Tiermodell transgener Medakas (Oryzias latipes) verwendet, welche als stabiles Transgen das Konstrukt mitf::xmrk besitzen. Diese Fische entwickelten Pigmentzelltumore, welche f{\"u}r eine Microarrayanalyse herangezogen wurden. Aus diesem Microarraydatensatz wurden 11 Gene ausgew{\"a}hlt, welche in dieser Arbeit n{\"a}her untersucht wurden. Beobachtungen haben ergeben, dass sich bei transgenen Medakas, welche Xmrk exprimieren, verschiedene pigmentierte Hauttumore entwickeln. Diese Tumore wurden je nach ihrem verschiedenen Histiotyp klassifiziert und untersucht. Um einen Eindruck zu gewinnen, wie Xmrk die Transkription verschiedener Gene, welche in der Krebsentstehung und -progression eine wichtige Rolle spielen, beeinflusst, wurden pigmentierte Hauttumore transgener Medakas, so wie zu Vergleichszwecken hyperpigmentierte Haut transgener Medakas und Lymphome und gesunde Organe von Wildtyp-Medakas, untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Real-time-PCR's wurden die folgenden Gene untersucht: G6PC, GAMT, GM2A, MAPK3, NID1, SLC24A5, SPP1, PDIA4, RASL11B, TACC2 und ZFAND5. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Expression der Gene GM2A, MAPK3, NID1, PDIA4, RASL11B, SLC24A5 und ZFAND5 von Xmrk beeinflusst wird, w{\"a}hrend dies f{\"u}r die Gene G6PC, GAMT, SPP1 und TACC2 nicht zutrifft. Im Vergleich zu gesunder Haut werden GM2A, MAPK3, PDIA4, RASL11B, SLC24A5 und ZFAND5 in Tumoren h{\"o}her exprimiert. Die Gene G6PC, GAMT, NID1, SPP1 und TACC2 werden dagegen verglichen mit gesunder Haut unver{\"a}ndert oder niedriger exprimiert. Die Bedeutung der erh{\"o}hten Genexpression l{\"a}sst sich in vielen F{\"a}llen zurzeit nur theoretisch erfassen. Eine h{\"o}here Expression von SLC24A5 beispielsweise l{\"a}sst vermuten, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Melaninproduktion und der Zellproliferation besteht. Die {\"U}berexpression von GM2A weist dagegen auf eine Rolle von GM2A als Tumormarker hin. Dahingegen scheint die erniedrigte Expression von GAMT und G6PC Auskunft {\"u}ber den ver{\"a}nderten Stoffwechsel in Tumoren zu geben. Um diese Ergebnisse zu best{\"a}tigen und zu entschl{\"u}sseln wie genau Xmrk die Expression der getesteten Gene beeinflusst, sind allerdings noch weitere funktionelle Studien n{\"o}tig. Generell kommt man zu dem Schluss, dass die Genexpression sich in jedem Tumor unterscheidet. Daher scheint jeder Tumor seinen eigenen Evolutionsweg zu beschreiten.}, subject = {Japank{\"a}rpfling}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grimm2019, author = {Grimm, Johannes}, title = {Autocrine and paracrine effects of BRAF inhibitor induced senescence in melanoma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18116}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The FDA approval of targeted therapy with BRAFV600E inhibitors like vemurafenib and dabrafenib in 2011 has been the first major breakthrough in the treatment of metastatic melanoma since almost three decades. Despite increased progression free survival and elevated overall survival rates, complete responses are scarce due to resistance development approximately six months after the initial drug treatment. It was previously shown in our group that melanoma cells under vemurafenib pressure in vitro and in vivo exhibit features of drug-induced senescence. It is known that some cell types, which undergo this cell cycle arrest, develop a so-called senescence associated secretome and it has been reported that melanoma cell lines also upregulate the expression of different factors after senescence induction. This work describes the effect of the vemurafenib-induced secretome on cells. Conditioned supernatants of vemurafenib-treated cells increased the viability of naive fibroblast and melanoma cell lines. RNA analysis of donor melanoma cells revealed elevated transcriptional levels of FGF1, MMP2 and CCL2 in the majority of tested cell lines under vemurafenib pressure, and I could confirm the secretion of functional proteins. Similar observations were also done after MEK inhibition as well as in a combined BRAF and MEK inhibitor treatment situation. Interestingly, the transcription of other FGF ligands (FGF7, FGF17) was also elevated after MEK/ERK1/2 inhibition. As FGF receptors are therapeutically relevant, I focused on the analysis of FGFR-dependent processes in response to BRAF inhibition. Recombinant FGF1 increased the survival rate of melanoma cells under vemurafenib pressure, while inhibition of the FGFR pathway diminished the viability of melanoma cells in combination with vemurafenib and blocked the stimulatory effect of vemurafenib conditioned medium. The BRAF inhibitor induced secretome is regulated by active PI3K/AKT signaling, and the joint inhibition of mTor and BRAFV600E led to decreased senescence induction and to a diminished induction of the secretome-associated genes. In parallel, combined inhibition of MEK and PI3K also drastically decreased mRNA levels of the relevant secretome components back to basal levels. In summary, I could demonstrate that BRAF inhibitor treated melanoma cell lines acquire a specific PI3K/AKT dependent secretome, which is characterized by FGF1, CCL2 and MMP2. This secretome is able to stimulate other cells such as naive melanoma cells and fibroblasts and contributes to a better survival under drug pressure. These data are therapeutically highly relevant, as they imply the usage of novel drug combinations, especially specific FGFR inhibitors, with BRAF inhibitors in the clinic.}, subject = {Inhibitor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borst2017, author = {Borst, Andreas}, title = {Apoptosis \& senescence: cell fate determination in inhibitor-treated melanoma cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155085}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Neoplasms of the skin represent the most frequent tumors worldwide; fortunately, most of them are benign or semi-malignant and well treatable. However, the two most aggressive and deadly forms of malignant skin-neoplasms are melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), being responsible for more than 90\% of skin-cancer related deaths. The last decade has yielded enormous progress in melanoma therapy with the advent of targeted therapies, like BRAF or MEK inhibitors, and immune-stimulating therapies, using checkpoint antibodies targeting CTLA- 4, PD-1 or PD-L1. Very recent studies suggest that also MCC patients benefit from a treatment with checkpoint antibodies. Nevertheless, in an advanced metastatic stage, a cure for both of these aggressive malignancies is still hard to achieve: while only a subset of patients experience durable benefit from the immune-based therapies, the widely applicable targeted therapies struggle with development of resistances that inevitably occur in most patients, and finally lead to their death. The four articles included in this thesis addressed current questions concerning therapy and carcinogenesis of melanoma and MCC. Moreover, they are discussed in the light of the up-to-date research regarding targeted and immune-based therapies. In article I we demonstrated that besides apoptosis, MAPK pathway inhibition in BRAF-mutated melanoma cells also induces senescence, a permanent cell cycle arrest. These cells may provide a source for relapse, as even permanently arrested cancer cells can contribute to a pro-tumorigenic milieu. To identify molecular factors determining the differential response, we established M14 melanoma cell line derived single cell clones that either undergo cell death or arrest when treated with BRAF/MEK inhibitors. Using these single cell clones, we demonstrated in article IV that downregulation of the pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein BIK via epigenetic silencing is involved in apoptosis deficiency, which can be overcome by HDAC inhibitors. These observations provide a possible explanation for the lack of a complete and durable response to MAPK inhibitor treatment in melanoma patients, and suggest the application of HDAC inhibitors as a complimentary therapy to MAPK pathway inhibition. Concerning MCC, we scrutinized the interactions between the Merkel cell polyomavirus' (MCV) T antigens (TA) and the tumor suppressors p53 and Rb in article II and III, respectively. In article III, we demonstrated that the cell cycle master regulator Rb is the crucial target of MCV large T (LT), while it - in contrast to other polyomavirus LTs - exhibits much lower affinity to the related proteins p107 and p130. Knockdown of MCV LT led to proliferation arrest in MCC cells, which can be rescued by knockdown of Rb, but not by knockdown of p107 and p130. Contrary to Rb, restriction of p53 in MCC seems to be independent of the MCV TAs, as we demonstrated in article II. In conclusion, the presented thesis has revealed new molecular details, regarding the response of melanoma cells towards an important treatment modality and the mechanisms of viral carcinogenesis in MCC.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} }