@phdthesis{Esterlechner2013, author = {Esterlechner, Jasmina}, title = {Role of the DREAM complex in mouse embryonic stem cells and identification of ZO-2 as a new LIN9 interacting protein}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90440}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The DREAM complex plays an important role in regulation of gene expression during the cell cycle. It was previously shown that the DREAM subunits LIN9 and B-MYB are required for early embryonic development and for the maintenance of the inner cell mass in vitro. In this work the effect of LIN9 or B-MYB depletion on embryonic stem cells (ESC) was examined. It demonstrates that LIN9 and B-MYB knock down changes the cell cycle distribution of ESCs and results in an accumulation of cells in G2 and M and in an increase of polyploid cells. By using genome-wide expression studies it was revealed that the depletion of LIN9 leads to downregulation of mitotic genes and to upregulation of differentiation-specific genes. ChIP-on chip experiments determined that mitotic genes are direct targets of LIN9 while lineage specific markers are regulated indirectly. Importantly, depletion of LIN9 does not alter the expression of the pluripotency markers Sox2 and Oct4 and LIN9 depleted ESCs retain alkaline phosphatase activity. I conclude that LIN9 is essential for proliferation and genome stability of ESCs by activating genes with important functions in mitosis and cytokinesis. The exact molecular mechanisms behind this gene activation are still unclear as no DREAM subunit features a catalytically active domain. It is assumed that DREAM interacts with other proteins or co-factors for transcriptional activation. This study discovered potential binding proteins by combining in vivo isotope labeling of proteins with mass spectrometry (MS) and further analysed the identified interaction of the tight junction protein ZO-2 with DREAM which is cell cycle dependent and strongest in S-phase. ZO-2 depletion results in reduced cell proliferation and decreased G1 gene expression. As no G2/M genes, typical DREAM targets, are affected upon ZO-2 knock down, it is unlikely that ZO-2 binding is needed for a functional DREAM complex. However, this work demonstrates that with (MS)-based quantitative proteomics, DREAM interacting proteins can be identified which might help to elucidate the mechanisms underlying DREAM mediated gene activation.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2022, author = {Wagner, Martin}, title = {Zyto- und Gentoxizit{\"a}t von Zinkoxid-Nanopartikeln in humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen nach repetitiver Exposition und im Langzeitversuch}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27572}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275726}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Zinkoxid-Nanopartikel (ZnO-NP) finden in vielen Produkten des t{\"a}glichen Verbrauchs Verwendung. Daten {\"u}ber die toxikologischen Eigenschaften von ZnO-NP werden kontrovers diskutiert. Die menschliche Haut ist in Bezug auf die ZnO-NP Exposition das wichtigste Kontakt-Organ. Intakte Haut stellt eine suffiziente Barriere gegen{\"u}ber NP dar. Bei defekter Haut ist ein Kontakt zu den proliferierenden Stammzellen m{\"o}glich, sodass diese als wichtiges toxikologische Ziel f{\"u}r NP darstellen. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Bewertung der genotoxischen und zytotoxischen Effekte an humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen (hMSC) durch niedrig dosierte ZnO-NP nach 24 st{\"u}ndiger Exposition, repetitiven Expositionen und im Langzeitversuch bis zu 6 Wochen. Zytotoxische Wirkungen von ZnO-NP wurden mit 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromid-Test (MTT) gemessen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die Genotoxizit{\"a}t durch den Comet-Assay bewertet. Zur Langzeitbeobachtung bis zu 6 Wochen wurde die Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) verwendet. Zytotoxizit{\"a}t nach 24-st{\"u}ndiger ZnO-NP-Exposition war ab einer Konzentration von 50 µg/ml nachweisbar. Genotoxizit{\"a}t konnten bereits bei Konzentrationen von 1 und 10 µg/ml ZnO-NP beschrieben werden. Wiederholte Exposition verst{\"a}rkte die Zyto-, aber nicht die Genotoxizit{\"a}t. Eine intrazellul{\"a}re NP-Akkumulation mit Penetration der Zellorganelle wurde bei einer Exposition bis zu 6 Wochen beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf zytotoxische und genotoxisches Effekte von ZnO-NP hin. Bereits geringe Dosen von ZnO-NP k{\"o}nnen bei wiederholter Exposition toxische Wirkungen hervorrufen sowie eine langfristige Zellakkumulation. Diese Daten sollten bei der Verwendung von ZnO-NP an gesch{\"a}digter Haut ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden.}, subject = {nanoparticle}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gotthard2023, author = {Gotthard, Hannes}, title = {Targeting Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells with Hemibodies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The cancer stem cell hypothesis is a cancer development model which elicited great interest in the last decades stating that cancer heterogeneity arises from a stem cell through asymmetrical division. The Cancer Stem Cell subset is described as the only population to be tumorigenic and having the potential to renew. Conventional therapy often fails to eradicate CSC resulting in tumor relapse. Consequently, it is of great inter-est to eliminate this subset of cells to provide the best patient outcome. In the last years several approaches to target CSC were developed, one of them being immunotherapeu-tic targeting with antibodies. Since markers associated with CSC are also expressed on normal stem cells or healthy adjacent tissue in colorectal cancer, dual targeting strate-gies are preferred over targeting only a single antigen. Subsequently, the idea of dual targeting two CSC markers in parallel by a newly developed split T cell-engaging anti-body format termed as Hemibodies emerged. In a preliminary single cell RNA sequenc-ing analysis of colorectal cancer cells CD133, CD24, CD166 and CEA were identified as suitable targets for the combinatorial targeting strategy. Therefore, this study focused on trispecific and trivalent Hemibodies comprising a split binding moiety against CD3 and a binding moiety against either CD133, CD24, CD166 or CEA to overcome the occurrence of resistance and to efficiently eradicate all tumor cells including the CSC compartment. The study showed that the Hemibody combinations CD133xCD24, CD133xCD166 and CD133xCEA are able to eliminate double positive CHO cells with high efficacy while having a high specificity indicated by no killing of single antigen positive cells. A thera-peutic window ranging between one to two log levels could be achieved for all combina-tions mentioned above. The combinations CD133xCD24 and CD133xCD166 further-more proved its efficacy and specificity on established colorectal cancer cell lines. Be-sides the evaluation of specificity and efficacy the already introduced 1st generation of Hemibodies could be improved into a 2nd generation Hemibody format with increased half-life, stability and production yield. In future experiments the applicability of above-mentioned Hemibodies will be proven on patient-derived micro tumors to also include variables like tumor microenvironment and infiltration.}, subject = {Monoklonaler bispezifischer Antik{\"o}rper}, language = {en} }