@phdthesis{Hofmann2022, author = {Hofmann, Adrian}, title = {Challenges and Solution Approaches for Blockchain Technology}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28261}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The digital transformation facilitates new forms of collaboration between companies along the supply chain and between companies and consumers. Besides sharing information on centralized platforms, blockchain technology is often regarded as a potential basis for this kind of collaboration. However, there is much hype surrounding the technology due to the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This leads to potential issues being overlooked. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate, highlight, and address the current weaknesses of blockchain technology: Inefficient consensus, privacy, smart contract security, and scalability. First, to provide a foundation, the four key challenges are introduced, and the research objectives are defined, followed by a brief presentation of the preliminary work for this thesis. The following four parts highlight the four main problem areas of blockchain. Using big data analytics, we extracted and analyzed the blockchain data of six major blockchains to identify potential weaknesses in their consensus algorithm. To improve smart contract security, we classified smart contract functionalities to identify similarities in structure and design. The resulting taxonomy serves as a basis for future standardization efforts for security-relevant features, such as safe math functions and oracle services. To challenge privacy assumptions, we researched consortium blockchains from an adversary role. We chose four blockchains with misconfigured nodes and extracted as much information from those nodes as possible. Finally, we compared scalability solutions for blockchain applications and developed a decision process that serves as a guideline to improve the scalability of their applications. Building on the scalability framework, we showcase three potential applications for blockchain technology. First, we develop a token-based approach for inter-company value stream mapping. By only relying on simple tokens instead of complex smart-contracts, the computational load on the network is expected to be much lower compared to other solutions. The following two solutions use offloading transactions and computations from the main blockchain. The first approach uses secure multiparty computation to offload the matching of supply and demand for manufacturing capacities to a trustless network. The transaction is written to the main blockchain only after the match is made. The second approach uses the concept of payment channel networks to enable high-frequency bidirectional micropayments for WiFi sharing. The host gets paid for every second of data usage through an off-chain channel. The full payment is only written to the blockchain after the connection to the client gets terminated. Finally, the thesis concludes by briefly summarizing and discussing the results and providing avenues for further research.}, subject = {Blockchain}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bauer2021, author = {Bauer, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Automated Hybrid Time Series Forecasting: Design, Benchmarking, and Use Cases}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22025}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220255}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {These days, we are living in a digitalized world. Both our professional and private lives are pervaded by various IT services, which are typically operated using distributed computing systems (e.g., cloud environments). Due to the high level of digitalization, the operators of such systems are confronted with fast-paced and changing requirements. In particular, cloud environments have to cope with load fluctuations and respective rapid and unexpected changes in the computing resource demands. To face this challenge, so-called auto-scalers, such as the threshold-based mechanism in Amazon Web Services EC2, can be employed to enable elastic scaling of the computing resources. However, despite this opportunity, business-critical applications are still run with highly overprovisioned resources to guarantee a stable and reliable service operation. This strategy is pursued due to the lack of trust in auto-scalers and the concern that inaccurate or delayed adaptations may result in financial losses. To adapt the resource capacity in time, the future resource demands must be "foreseen", as reacting to changes once they are observed introduces an inherent delay. In other words, accurate forecasting methods are required to adapt systems proactively. A powerful approach in this context is time series forecasting, which is also applied in many other domains. The core idea is to examine past values and predict how these values will evolve as time progresses. According to the "No-Free-Lunch Theorem", there is no algorithm that performs best for all scenarios. Therefore, selecting a suitable forecasting method for a given use case is a crucial task. Simply put, each method has its benefits and drawbacks, depending on the specific use case. The choice of the forecasting method is usually based on expert knowledge, which cannot be fully automated, or on trial-and-error. In both cases, this is expensive and prone to error. Although auto-scaling and time series forecasting are established research fields, existing approaches cannot fully address the mentioned challenges: (i) In our survey on time series forecasting, we found that publications on time series forecasting typically consider only a small set of (mostly related) methods and evaluate their performance on a small number of time series with only a few error measures while providing no information on the execution time of the studied methods. Therefore, such articles cannot be used to guide the choice of an appropriate method for a particular use case; (ii) Existing open-source hybrid forecasting methods that take advantage of at least two methods to tackle the "No-Free-Lunch Theorem" are computationally intensive, poorly automated, designed for a particular data set, or they lack a predictable time-to-result. Methods exhibiting a high variance in the time-to-result cannot be applied for time-critical scenarios (e.g., auto-scaling), while methods tailored to a specific data set introduce restrictions on the possible use cases (e.g., forecasting only annual time series); (iii) Auto-scalers typically scale an application either proactively or reactively. Even though some hybrid auto-scalers exist, they lack sophisticated solutions to combine reactive and proactive scaling. For instance, resources are only released proactively while resource allocation is entirely done in a reactive manner (inherently delayed); (iv) The majority of existing mechanisms do not take the provider's pricing scheme into account while scaling an application in a public cloud environment, which often results in excessive charged costs. Even though some cost-aware auto-scalers have been proposed, they only consider the current resource demands, neglecting their development over time. For example, resources are often shut down prematurely, even though they might be required again soon. To address the mentioned challenges and the shortcomings of existing work, this thesis presents three contributions: (i) The first contribution-a forecasting benchmark-addresses the problem of limited comparability between existing forecasting methods; (ii) The second contribution-Telescope-provides an automated hybrid time series forecasting method addressing the challenge posed by the "No-Free-Lunch Theorem"; (iii) The third contribution-Chamulteon-provides a novel hybrid auto-scaler for coordinated scaling of applications comprising multiple services, leveraging Telescope to forecast the workload intensity as a basis for proactive resource provisioning. In the following, the three contributions of the thesis are summarized: Contribution I - Forecasting Benchmark To establish a level playing field for evaluating the performance of forecasting methods in a broad setting, we propose a novel benchmark that automatically evaluates and ranks forecasting methods based on their performance in a diverse set of evaluation scenarios. The benchmark comprises four different use cases, each covering 100 heterogeneous time series taken from different domains. The data set was assembled from publicly available time series and was designed to exhibit much higher diversity than existing forecasting competitions. Besides proposing a new data set, we introduce two new measures that describe different aspects of a forecast. We applied the developed benchmark to evaluate Telescope. Contribution II - Telescope To provide a generic forecasting method, we introduce a novel machine learning-based forecasting approach that automatically retrieves relevant information from a given time series. More precisely, Telescope automatically extracts intrinsic time series features and then decomposes the time series into components, building a forecasting model for each of them. Each component is forecast by applying a different method and then the final forecast is assembled from the forecast components by employing a regression-based machine learning algorithm. In more than 1300 hours of experiments benchmarking 15 competing methods (including approaches from Uber and Facebook) on 400 time series, Telescope outperformed all methods, exhibiting the best forecast accuracy coupled with a low and reliable time-to-result. Compared to the competing methods that exhibited, on average, a forecast error (more precisely, the symmetric mean absolute forecast error) of 29\%, Telescope exhibited an error of 20\% while being 2556 times faster. In particular, the methods from Uber and Facebook exhibited an error of 48\% and 36\%, and were 7334 and 19 times slower than Telescope, respectively. Contribution III - Chamulteon To enable reliable auto-scaling, we present a hybrid auto-scaler that combines proactive and reactive techniques to scale distributed cloud applications comprising multiple services in a coordinated and cost-effective manner. More precisely, proactive adaptations are planned based on forecasts of Telescope, while reactive adaptations are triggered based on actual observations of the monitored load intensity. To solve occurring conflicts between reactive and proactive adaptations, a complex conflict resolution algorithm is implemented. Moreover, when deployed in public cloud environments, Chamulteon reviews adaptations with respect to the cloud provider's pricing scheme in order to minimize the charged costs. In more than 400 hours of experiments evaluating five competing auto-scaling mechanisms in scenarios covering five different workloads, four different applications, and three different cloud environments, Chamulteon exhibited the best auto-scaling performance and reliability while at the same time reducing the charged costs. The competing methods provided insufficient resources for (on average) 31\% of the experimental time; in contrast, Chamulteon cut this time to 8\% and the SLO (service level objective) violations from 18\% to 6\% while using up to 15\% less resources and reducing the charged costs by up to 45\%. The contributions of this thesis can be seen as major milestones in the domain of time series forecasting and cloud resource management. (i) This thesis is the first to present a forecasting benchmark that covers a variety of different domains with a high diversity between the analyzed time series. Based on the provided data set and the automatic evaluation procedure, the proposed benchmark contributes to enhance the comparability of forecasting methods. The benchmarking results for different forecasting methods enable the selection of the most appropriate forecasting method for a given use case. (ii) Telescope provides the first generic and fully automated time series forecasting approach that delivers both accurate and reliable forecasts while making no assumptions about the analyzed time series. Hence, it eliminates the need for expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone procedures, such as trial-and-error searches or consulting an expert. This opens up new possibilities especially in time-critical scenarios, where Telescope can provide accurate forecasts with a short and reliable time-to-result. Although Telescope was applied for this thesis in the field of cloud computing, there is absolutely no limitation regarding the applicability of Telescope in other domains, as demonstrated in the evaluation. Moreover, Telescope, which was made available on GitHub, is already used in a number of interdisciplinary data science projects, for instance, predictive maintenance in an Industry 4.0 context, heart failure prediction in medicine, or as a component of predictive models of beehive development. (iii) In the context of cloud resource management, Chamulteon is a major milestone for increasing the trust in cloud auto-scalers. The complex resolution algorithm enables reliable and accurate scaling behavior that reduces losses caused by excessive resource allocation or SLO violations. In other words, Chamulteon provides reliable online adaptations minimizing charged costs while at the same time maximizing user experience.}, subject = {Zeitreihenanalyse}, language = {en} }