@phdthesis{Werner2014, author = {Werner, Jan}, title = {Numerical Simulations of Heavy Fermion Systems: From He-3 Bilayers to Topological Kondo Insulators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112039}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Even though heavy fermion systems have been studied for a long time, a strong interest in heavy fermions persists to this day. While the basic principles of local moment formation, Kondo effect and formation of composite quasiparticles leading to a Fermi liquid, are under- stood, there remain many interesting open questions. A number of issues arise due to the interplay of heavy fermion physics with other phenomena like magnetism and superconduc- tivity. In this regard, experimental and theoretical investigations of He-3 can provide valuable insights. He-3 represents a unique realization of a quantum liquid. The fermionic nature of He-3 atoms, in conjunction with the absence of long-range Coulomb repulsion, makes this material an ideal model system to study Fermi liquid behavior. Bulk He-3 has been investigated for quite some time. More recently, it became possible to prepare and study layered He-3 systems, in particular single layers and bilayers. The pos- sibility of tuning various physical properties of the system by changing the density of He-3 and using different substrate materials makes layers of He-3 an ideal quantum simulator for investigating two-dimensional Fermi liquid phenomenology. In particular, bilayers of He-3 have recently been found to exhibit heavy fermion behavior. As a function of temperature, a crossover from an incoherent state with decoupled layers to a coherent Fermi liquid of composite quasiparticles was observed. This behavior has its roots in the hybridization of the two layers. The first is almost completely filled and subject to strong correlation effects, while the second layer is only partially filled and weakly correlated. The quasiparticles are formed due to the Kondo screening of localized moments in the first layer by the second-layer delocalized fermions, which takes place at a characteristic temperature scale, the coherence scale Tcoh. Tcoh can be tuned by changing the He-3 density. In particular, at a certain critical filling, the coherence scale is expected to vanish, corresponding to a divergence of the quasiparticle effective mass, and a breakdown of the Kondo effect at a quantum critical point. Beyond the critical point, the layers are decoupled. The first layer is a local moment magnet, while the second layer is an itinerant overlayer. However, already at a filling smaller than the critical value, preempting the critical point, the onset of a finite sample magnetization was observed. The character of this intervening phase remained unclear. Motivated by these experimental observations, in this thesis the results of model calcula- tions based on an extended Periodic Anderson Model are presented. The three particle ring exchange, which is the dominant magnetic exchange process in layered He-3, is included in the model. It leads to an effective ferromagnetic interaction between spins on neighboring sites. In addition, the model incorporates the constraint of no double occupancy by taking the limit of large local Coulomb repulsion. By means of Cellular DMFT, the model is investigated for a range of values of the chemical potential µ and inverse temperature β = 1/T . The method is a cluster extension to the Dy- namical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT), and allows to systematically include non-local correla- tions beyond the DMFT. The auxiliary cluster model is solved by a hybridization expansion CTQMC cluster solver, which provides unbiased, numerically exact results for the Green's function and other observables of interest. As a first step, the onset of Fermi liquid coherence is studied. At low enough temperature, the self-energy is found to exhibit a linear dependence on Matsubara frequency. Meanwhile, the spin susceptibility crossed over from a Curie-Weiss law to a Pauli law. Both observations serve as fingerprints of the Fermi liquid state. The heavy fermion state appears at a characteristic coherence scale Tcoh. This scale depends strongly on the density. While it is rather high for small filling, for larger filling Tcoh is increas- ingly suppressed. This involves a decreasing quasiparticle residue Z ∼ Tcoh and an enhanced mass renormalization m∗/m ∼ Tcoh-1. Extrapolation leads to a critical filling, where the co- herence scale is expected to vanish at a quantum critical point. At the same time, the effective mass diverges. This corresponds to a breakdown of the Kondo effect, which is responsible for the formation of quasiparticles, due to a vanishing of the effective hybridization between the layers. Taking only single-site DMFT results into account, the above scenario seems plausible. However, paramagnetic DMFT neglects the ring exchange interaction completely. In or- der to improve on this, Cellular DMFT simulations are conducted for small clusters of size Nc = 2 and 3. The results paint a different physical picture. The ring exchange, by favor- ing a ferromagnetic alignment of spins, competes with the Kondo screening. As a result, strong short-range ferromagnetic fluctuations appear at larger values of µ. By lowering the temperature, these fluctuations are enhanced at first. However, for T < Tcoh they are increas- ingly suppressed, which is consistent with Fermi liquid coherence. However, beyond a certain threshold value of µ, fluctuations persist to the lowest temperatures. At the same time, while not apparent in the DMFT results, the total occupation n increases quite strongly in a very narrow range around the same value of µ. The evolution of n with µ is always continuous, but hints at a discontinuity in the limit Nc → ∞. This first-order transition breaks the Kondo effect. Beyond the transition, a ferromagnetic state in the first layer is established, and the second layer becomes a decoupled overlayer. These observations provide a quite appealing interpretation of the experimental results. As a function of chemical potential, the Kondo breakdown quantum critical point is preempted by a first-order transition, where the layers decouple and the first layer turns into a ferromagnet. In the experimental situation, where the filling can be tuned directly, the discontinuous transition is mirrored by a phase separation, which interpolates between the Fermi liquid ground state at lower filling and the magnetic state at higher filling. This is precisely the range of the intervening phase found in the experiments, which is characterized by an onset of a finite sample magnetization. Besides the interplay of heavy fermion physics and magnetic exchange, recently the spin- orbit coupling, which is present in many heavy fermion materials, attracted a lot of interest. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry, due to spin-orbit coupling, there is the possibility of a topological ground state. It was recently conjectured that the energy scale of spin-orbit coupling can become dom- inant in heavy fermion materials, since the coherence scale and quasiparticle bandwidth are rather small. This can lead to a heavy fermion ground state with a nontrivial band topology; that is, a topological Kondo insulator (TKI). While being subject to strong correlation effects, this state must be adiabatically connected to a non-interacting, topological state. The idea of the topological ground state realized in prototypical Kondo insulators, in par- ticular SmB6, promises to shed light on some of the peculiarities of these materials, like a residual conductivity at the lowest temperatures, which have remained unresolved so far. In this work, a simple two-band model for two-dimensional topological Kondo insulators is devised, which is based on a single Kramer's doublet coupled to a single conduction band. The model is investigated in the presence of a Hubbard interaction as a function of interaction strength U and inverse temperature β. The bulk properties of the model are obtained by DMFT, with a hybridization expansion CTQMC impurity solver. The DMFT approximation of a local self-energy leads to a very simple way of computing the topological invariant. The results show that with increasing U the system can be driven through a topological phase transition. Interestingly, the transition is between distinct topological insulating states, namely the Γ-phase and M-phase. This appearance of different topological phases is possible due to the symmetry of the underlying square lattice. By adiabatically connecting both in- teracting states with the respective non-interacting state, it is shown that the transition indeed drives the system from the Γ-phase to the M-phase. A different behavior can be observed by pushing the bare position of the Kramer's doublet to higher binding energies. In this case, the non-interacting starting point has a trivial band topology. By switching on the interaction, the system can be tuned through a quantum phase transition, with a closing of the band gap. Upon reopening of the band gap, the system is in the Γ-phase, i. e. a topological insulator. By increasing the interaction strength further, the system moves into a strongly correlated regime. In fact, close to the expected transition to the M phase, the mass renormalization becomes quite substantial. While absent in the para- magnetic DMFT simulations conducted, it is conceivable that instead of a topological phase transition, the system undergoes a time-reversal symmetry breaking, magnetic transition. The regime of strong correlations is studied in more detail as a function of temperature, both in the bulk and with open boundary conditions. A quantity which proved very useful is the bulk topological invariant Ns, which can be generalized to finite interaction strength and temperature. In particular, it can be used to define a temperature scale T ∗ for the onset of the topological state. Rescaling the results for Ns, a nice data collapse of the results for different values of U, from the local moment regime to strongly mixed valence, is obtained. This hints at T ∗ being a universal low energy scale in topological Kondo insulators. Indeed, by comparing T ∗ with the coherence scale extracted from the self-energy mass renormalization, it is found that both scales are equivalent up to a constant prefactor. Hence, the scale T ∗ obtained from the temperature dependence of topological properties, can be used as an independent measure for Fermi liquid coherence. This is particularly useful in the experimentally relevant mixed valence regime, where charge fluctuations cannot be neglected. Here, a separation of the energy scales related to spin and charge fluctuations is not possible. The importance of charge fluctuations becomes evident in the extent of spectral weight transfer as the temperature is lowered. For mixed valence, while the hybridization gap emerges, a substantial amount of spectral weight is shifted from the vicinity of the Fermi level to the lower Hubbard band. In contrast, this effect is strongly suppressed in the local moment regime. In addition to the bulk properties, the spectral function for open boundaries is studied as a function of temperature, both in the local moment and mixed valence regime. This allows an investigation of the emergence of topological edge states with temperature. The method used here is the site-dependent DMFT, which is a generalization of the conventional DMFT to inhomogeneous systems. The hybridization expansion CTQMC algorithm is used as impurity solver. By comparison with the bulk results for the topological quantity Ns, it is found that the temperature scale for the appearance of the topological edge states is T ∗, both in the mixed valence and local moment regime.}, subject = {Fermionensystem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rothe2015, author = {Rothe, Dietrich Gernot}, title = {Spin Transport in Topological Insulators and Geometrical Spin Control}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125628}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the field of spintronics, spin manipulation and spin transport are the main principles that need to be implemented. The main focus of this thesis is to analyse semiconductor systems where high fidelity in these principles can be achieved. To this end, we use numerical methods for precise results, supplemented by simpler analytical models for interpretation. The material system of 2D topological insulators, HgTe/CdTe quantum wells, is interesting not only because it provides a topologically distinct phase of matter, physically manifested in its protected transport properties, but also since within this system, ballistic transport of high quality can be realized, with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and electron densities that are tunable by electrical gating. Extending the Bernvevig-Hughes-Zhang model for 2D topological insulators, we derive an effective four-band model including Rashba spin-orbit terms due to an applied potential that breaks the spatial inversion symmetry of the quantum well. Spin transport in this system shows interesting physics because the effects of Rashba spin-orbit terms and the intrinsic Dirac-like spin-orbit terms compete. We show that the resulting spin Hall signal can be dominated by the effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Based on spin splitting due to the latter, we propose a beam splitter setup for all-electrical generation and detection of spin currents. Its working principle is similar to optical birefringence. In this setup, we analyse spin current and spin polarization signals of different spin vector components and show that large in-plane spin polarization of the current can be obtained. Since spin is not a conserved quantity of the model, we first analyse the transport of helicity, a conserved quantity even in presence of Rashba spin-orbit terms. The polarization defined in terms of helicity is related to in-plane polarization of the physical spin. Further, we analyse thermoelectric transport in a setup showing the spin Hall effect. Due to spin-orbit coupling, an applied temperature gradient generates a transverse spin current, i.e. a spin Nernst effect, which is related to the spin Hall effect by a Mott-like relation. In the metallic energy regimes, the signals are qualitatively explained by simple analytic models. In the insulating regime, we observe a spin Nernst signal that originates from the finite-size induced overlap of edge states. In the part on methods, we discuss two complementary methods for construction of effective semiconductor models, the envelope function theory and the method of invariants. Further, we present elements of transport theory, with some emphasis on spin-dependent signals. We show the connections of the adiabatic theorem of quantum mechanics to the semiclassical theory of electronic transport and to the characterization of topological phases. Further, as application of the adiabatic theorem to a control problem, we show that universal control of a single spin in a heavy-hole quantum dot is experimentally realizable without breaking time reversal invariance, but using a quadrupole field which is adiabatically changed as control knob. For experimental realization, we propose a GaAs/GaAlAs quantum well system.}, subject = {Elektronischer Transport}, language = {en} }