@phdthesis{Agarwal2008, author = {Agarwal, Vaibhav}, title = {Role of PspC interaction with human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and Factor H in Streptococcus pneumoniae infections and host cell induced signalling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-36526}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Streptococcus pneumoniae ist ein Gram-positives Bakterium und ein Kommensale des humanen Nasenrachenraums. Pneumokokken sind andererseits auch die Verursacher schwerer lokaler Infektionen wie der Otitis media, Sinusitis und von lebensbedrohenden invasiven Erkrankungen. So sind Pneumokokken die wichtigsten Erreger einer ambulant erworbenen Pneumonie und sie sind h{\"a}ufige Verursacher von Septik{\"a}mien und bakteriellen Meningitiden. Die initiale Phase der Pathogenese ist verbunden mit der Besiedelung der mukosalen Epithelzellen des Rachenraumes. Diese Kolonisierung erleichtert die Aufnahme der Bakterien in die Zelle bzw. deren Dissemination in submukosale Bereiche und den Blutstrom. Die Konversion des Kommensalen zu einem invasiven Mikroorganismus ist assoziiert mit der Anpassung des Krankheitserregers an die verschiedenen Wirtsnischen und wird auf der Wirtsseite durch die Zerst{\"o}rung der transepithelialen Barriere begleitet. Die Anpassung des Erregers ist vermutlich ein in hohem Grade regulierter Prozess. Die Oberfl{\"a}che von Streptococcus pneumoniae ist mit Proteinen bedeckt, die kovalent oder nicht kovalent mit der Zellwand verkn{\"u}pft sind. Eine einzigartige Gruppe von Oberfl{\"a}chenproteinen in der Zellwand der Pneumokokken sind die cholinbindenden Proteine (CBPs). F{\"u}r einige der CBPs konnte bereits die Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Virulenz gezeigt werden. PspC, auch als SpsA oder CbpA bezeichnet, ist ein multifunktionales Oberfl{\"a}chenprotein, das als Adhesin und Faktor H-Bindungsprotein eine wichtige Rolle in der Pathogenese der Pneumokokken hat. PspC vermittelt als Adhesin die Anheftung der Bakterien an die mukosalen Epithelzellen, indem es human-spezifisch an die sekretorische Komponente (SC) des polymeren Immunoglobulinrezeptors (pIgR) bindet. SC ist die Ektodom{\"a}ne des pIgR und PspC kann ebenso die freie SC binden oder an die SC des sekretorischen IgA Molek{\"u}ls binden. PspC interagiert auch mit dem l{\"o}slichen Komplement Faktor H. Die SC und der Faktor erkennen zwei verschiedene Epitope im bakteriellen PspC Protein. Der genaue Mechanismus der jeweiligen Interaktionen unter physiologischen- bzw. wirtspezifischen Bedingungen ist noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig verstanden. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Auswirkung der PspC Interaktion mit dem humanen pIgR (hpIgR) bzw. dem Faktor H auf die Virulenz der Pneumokokken und die Wirtszellantwort, d.h. die induzierten Signalkaskaden in den eukaryotischen Zellen untersucht. Die molekulare Analyse und die Verwendung von spezifischen pharmakologischen Inhibitoren der Signalmolek{\"u}le zeigten, dass verschiedene Signalmolek{\"u}le an der PspC-pIgR vermittelten Internalisierung beteiligt sind. Die Aktivierung, d.h. die Phosphorylierung der Signalmolek{\"u}le wurde in Immunblots demonstriert. Die Studien zeigten, dass das Aktinzytoskelett und die Mikrotubuli f{\"u}r die bakterielle Aufnahme essentiell sind. Es konnte auch zum ersten Mal nachgewiesen werden, dass Cdc42 die entscheidende GTPase f{\"u}r die Invasion der Pneumokokken in die Wirtsepithelzellen, vermittelt {\"u}ber den PspC-hpIgR Mechanismus, ist. Der Einsatz von PI3-kinase und Akt Kinase Inhibitoren reduzierte signifikant die hpIgR-vermittelte Aufnahme der Pneumokokken in die Wirtszelle. Zus{\"a}tzlich durchgef{\"u}hrte Infektionen von hpIgR exprimierenden Zellen zeigten eine zeitabh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung von Akt und der p85\&\#945; Untereinheit der PI3-Kinase. Damit ist neben der GTPase Cdc42 der PI3K und Akt Signalweg entscheidend f{\"u}r die PspC-pIgR vermittelte Invasion der Pneumokokken. Des Weiteren sind an der Infektion mit Pneumokokken auch die Protein Tyrosin Kinasen Src, ERK1/2 und JNK beteiligt. Dabei wird die Src Kinase unabh{\"a}ngig von der PI3K in hpIgR exprimierenden Zellen aktiviert. Inhibitionsexperimente und genetische Knockdown Versuche mit siRNA bewiesen, dass die Endozytose der Pneumokokken {\"u}ber PspC-pIgR ein Clathrin und Dynamin abh{\"a}ngiger Mechanismus ist. Im weiterenn Teil der Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des PspC gebundenen Faktor H auf die Anheftung an und Invasion in die Epithelzellen analysiert. Die Bindung von Faktor H erfolgte unabh{\"a}ngig vom PspC-Subtyp. Die Bindungsversuche bewiesen, dass die Kapselmenge negativ korreliert mit der Bindung des Faktor H. Der Einsatz von Faktor H aus Maus oder Ratte zeigte keine typische Bindung. Daraus kann abgeleitet werden, dass diese Interaktion humanspezifisch ist. Die Infektionsexperimente demonstrierten, dass Faktor H die Adh{\"a}renz und die Invasion der Bakterien in die Nasenrachenraumzellen (Detroit562), alveol{\"a}ren Lungenepithelzellen (A549) und humanen Hirnendothelzellen (HBMEC) steigert. Der Faktor H hat Heparin Bindestellen. Diese Bindestellen vermitteln die Adh{\"a}renz der Faktor H gebundenen Pneumokokken mit Epithelzellen. Inhibitionsstudien mit spezifischen monoklonalen Antik{\"o}rpern, die gegen die short consensus repeats (SCRs) von Faktor H gerichtet waren, konnten die essentielle Bedeutung der SCR19-20 f{\"u}r die Anheftung der Pneumokokken {\"u}ber Faktor H an die Wirtszellen nachweisen. Die Faktor H vermittelte Assoziation der Pneumokokken an polymorphonukle{\"a}re Leukozyten (PMNs) erfolgt {\"u}ber das Integrin CD11b/CD18. Die weiteren Inhibitionsstudien zeigten dann auch zum ersten Mal den Einfluss des Aktinzytoskeletts der Wirtszelle auf die Faktor H-vermittelten bakterieller Internalisierung und den dabei bedeutsamen Signaltransduktionswegen in der eukaryotischen Zelle. Dabei wurden insbesondere die Proteintyrosinkinasen und die PI3K als wichtige Signalmolek{\"u}le f{\"u}r die Faktor H vermittelte Invasion der Pneumokokken identifiziert. Die in dieser Arbeit erhaltenen Resultate belegen, dass die Faktor H vermittelte Infektion der Zellen mit S. pneumoniae ein konzertierter Mechanismus ist, bei dem Oberfl{\"a}chen-Glycosaminoglycane, Integrine und Signaltransduktionswege der Wirtsepithelzellen involviert sind. Des Weiteren wurde aufgezeigt, dass die PspC-pIgR-vermittelte Invasion in mukosale Epithelzellen unterschiedliche Signalwege wie z.B. den PI3K und Akt Weg induziert und abh{\"a}ngig von Cdc42 und einer Clathrin vermittelten Endozytosemechanismus ist.}, subject = {Streptococcus pneumoniae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foertsch2012, author = {F{\"o}rtsch, Christina}, title = {Pneumolysin: the state of pore-formation in context to cell trafficking and inflammatory responses of astrocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70892}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Pneumolysin, a protein toxin, represents one of the major virulence factors of Streptococcus pneumoniae. This pathogen causes bacterial meningitis with especially high disease rates in young children, elderly people and immunosuppressed patients. The protein toxin belongs to the family of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins, which require membrane cholesterol in order to bind and to be activated. Upon activation, monomers assemble in a circle and undergo conformational change. This conformational change leads to the formation of a pore, which eventually leads to cell lysis. This knowledge was obtained by studies that used a higher concentration compared to the concentration of pneumolysin found in the cerebrospinal fluid of meningitis patients. Thus, a much lower concentration of pneumolysin was used in this work in order to investigate effects of this toxin on primary mouse astrocytes. Previously, a small GTPase activation, possibly leading to cytoskeletal changes, was found in a human neuroblastoma cell line. This led to the hypothesis that pneumolysin can lead to similar cytoskeletal changes in primary cells. The aim of this work was to investigate and characterise the effects of pneumolysin on primary mouse astrocytes in terms of a possible pore formation, cellular trafficking and immunological responses. Firstly, the importance of pore-formation on cytoskeletal changes was to be investigated. In order to tackle this question, wild-type pneumolysin and two mutant variants were used. One variant was generated by exchanging one amino acid in the cholesterol recognising region, the second variant was generated by deleting two amino acids in a protein domain that is essential for oligomerisation. These variants should be incapable of forming a pore and were compared to the wild-type in terms of lytic capacities, membrane binding, membrane depolarisation, pore-formation in artificial membranes (planar lipid bilayer) and effects on the cytoskeleton. These investigations resulted in the finding that the pore-formation is required for inducing cell lysis, membrane depolarisation and cytoskeletal changes in astrocytes. The variants were not able to form a pore in planar lipid bilayer and did not cause cell lysis and membrane depolarisation. However, they bound to the cell membrane to the same extent as the wild-type toxin. Thus, the pore-formation, but not the membrane binding was the cause for these changes. Secondly, the effect of pneumolysin on cellular trafficking was investigated. Here, the variants showed no effect, but the wild-type led to an increase in overall endocytotic events and was itself internalised into the cell. In order to characterise a possible mechanism for internalisation, a GFP-tagged version of pneumolysin was used. Several fluorescence-labelled markers for different endocytotic pathways were used in a co-staining approach with pneumolysin. Furthermore, inhibitors for two key-players in classical endocytotic pathways, dynamin and myosin II, were used in order to investigate classical endocytotic pathways and their possible involvement in toxin internalisation. The second finding of this work is that pneumolysin is taken up into the cell via dynamin- and caveolin-independent pinocytosis, which could transfer the toxin to caveosomes. From there, the fate of the toxin remains unknown. Additionally, pneumolysin leads to an overall increase in endocytotic events. This observation led to the third aim of this work. If the toxin increases the overall rate of endocytosis, the question arises whether toxin internalisation favours bacterial tissue penetration of the host or whether it serves as a defence mechanism of the cell in order to degrade the protein. Thus, several proinflammatory cytokines were investigated, as previous studies describe an effect of pneumolysin on cytokine production. Surprisingly, only interleukin 6-production was increased after toxin-treatment and no effect of endocytotic inhibitors on the interleukin 6-production was observed. The conclusion from this finding is that pneumolysin leads to an increase of interleukin 6, which would not depend on the endocytotic uptake of pneumolysin. The production of interleukin 6 would enhance the production of acute phase proteins, T-cell activation, growth and differentiation. On the one hand, this activation could serve pathogen clearance from infected tissue. On the other hand, the production of interleukin 6 could promote a further penetration of pathogen into host tissue. This question should be further investigated.}, subject = {Streptococcus pneumoniae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoer2020, author = {H{\"o}r, Jens}, title = {Discovery of RNA/protein complexes by Grad-seq}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21181}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211811}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Complex formation between macromolecules constitutes the foundation of most cellular processes. Most known complexes are made up of two or more proteins interacting in order to build a functional entity and therefore enabling activities which the single proteins could otherwise not fulfill. With the increasing knowledge about noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) it has become evident that, similar to proteins, many of them also need to form a complex to be functional. This functionalization is usually executed by specific or global RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that are specialized binders of a certain class of ncRNAs. For instance, the enterobacterial global RBPs Hfq and ProQ together bind >80 \% of the known small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), a class of ncRNAs involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. However, identification of RNA-protein interactions so far was performed individually by employing low-throughput biochemical methods and thereby hindered the discovery of such interactions, especially in less studied organisms such as Gram-positive bacteria. Using gradient profiling by sequencing (Grad-seq), the present thesis aimed to establish high-throughput, global RNA/protein complexome resources for Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae in order to provide a new way to investigate RNA-protein as well as protein-protein interactions in these two important model organisms. In E. coli, Grad-seq revealed the sedimentation profiles of 4,095 (∼85 \% of total) transcripts and 2,145 (∼49 \% of total) proteins and with that reproduced its major ribonucleoprotein particles. Detailed analysis of the in-gradient distribution of the RNA and protein content uncovered two functionally unknown molecules—the ncRNA RyeG and the small protein YggL—to be ribosomeassociated. Characterization of RyeG revealed it to encode for a 48 aa long, toxic protein that drastically increases lag times when overexpressed. YggL was shown to be bound by the 50S subunit of the 70S ribosome, possibly indicating involvement of YggL in ribosome biogenesis or translation of specific mRNAs. S. pneumoniae Grad-seq detected 2,240 (∼88 \% of total) transcripts and 1,301 (∼62 \% of total) proteins, whose gradient migration patterns were successfully reconstructed, and thereby represents the first RNA/protein complexome resource of a Gram-positive organism. The dataset readily verified many conserved major complexes for the first time in S. pneumoniae and led to the discovery of a specific interaction between the 3'!5' exonuclease Cbf1 and the competence-regulating ciadependent sRNAs (csRNAs). Unexpectedly, trimming of the csRNAs by Cbf1 stabilized the former, thereby promoting their inhibitory function. cbf1 was further shown to be part of the late competence genes and as such to act as a negative regulator of competence.}, subject = {Multiproteinkomplex}, language = {en} } @article{LieseSchoenvanderLindenetal.2019, author = {Liese, J. G. and Schoen, C. and van der Linden, M. and Lehmann, L. and Goettler, D. and Keller, S. and Maier, A. and Segerer, F. and Rose, M. A. and Streng, A.}, title = {Changes in the incidence and bacterial aetiology of paediatric parapneumonic pleural effusions/empyema in Germany, 2010-2017: a nationwide surveillance study}, series = {Clinical Microbiology and Infection}, volume = {25}, journal = {Clinical Microbiology and Infection}, doi = {10.1016/j.cmi.2018.10.020}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236866}, pages = {857-864}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objectives Parapneumonic pleural effusions/empyema (PPE/PE) are severe complications of community-acquired pneumonia. We investigated the bacterial aetiology and incidence of paediatric PPE/PE in Germany after the introduction of universal pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) immunization for infants. Methods Children <18 years of age hospitalized with pneumonia-associated PPE/PE necessitating pleural drainage or persisting >7 days were reported to the German Surveillance Unit for Rare Diseases in Childhood between October 2010 and June 2017. All bacteria detected in blood or pleural fluid (by culture/PCR) were included, with serotyping for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Results The median age of all 1447 PPE/PE patients was 5 years (interquartile range 3-10). In 488 of the 1447 children with PPE/PE (34\%), 541 bacteria (>40 species) were detected. Aerobic gram-positive cocci accounted for 469 of 541 bacteria detected (87\%); these were most frequently Streptococcus pneumoniae (41\%), Streptococcus pyogenes (19\%) and Staphylococcus aureus (6\%). Serotype 3 accounted for 45\% of 78 serotyped S. pneumoniae strains. Annual PPE/PE incidence varied between 14 (95\%CI 12-16) and 18 (95\%CI 16-21) PPE/PE per million children. Incidence of S. pneumoniae PPE/PE decreased from 3.5 (95\%CI 2.5-4.6) per million children in 2010/11 to 1.5 (95\%CI 0.9-2.4) in 2013/14 (p 0.002), followed by a re-increase to 2.2 (95\%CI 1.5-3.2) by 2016/17 (p 0.205). Conclusions In the era of widespread PCV immunization, cases of paediatric PPE/PE were still caused mainly by S. pneumoniae and, increasingly, by S. pyogenes. The re-increase in the incidence of PPE/PE overall and in S. pneumoniae-associated PPE/PE indicates ongoing changes in the bacterial aetiology and requires further surveillance.}, language = {en} }