@phdthesis{Obier2010, author = {Obier, Nadine}, title = {Defining the end of pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53722}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Stammzellen mit ihrer besonderen F{\"a}higkeit sich selbst zu erneuern und zu differenzieren stellen einen faszinierenden Zelltyp f{\"u}r Grundlagenforschung und angewandte Wissenschaften dar. Pluripotente embryonale Stammzellen (ES Zellen), die aus Zellen der inneren Zellmasse von Pr{\"a}implantationsembryonen etabliert werden, k{\"o}nnen ekto-, meso- und endodermale Zelltypen sowie Keimzellen hervorbringen. Im Gegensatz dazu sind multipotente adulte Stammzellen in ihrem Entwicklungspotential eingeschr{\"a}nkt, sie differenzieren sich zu allen Zelltypen ihres Gewebes. Zum Beispiel h{\"a}matopoetische Stammzellen (HSZs), die sich in Blut-bildenden Geweben wie dem Knochenmark befinden, verm{\"o}gen sich in alle Blutzellen zu differenzieren. W{\"a}hrend der Differenzierung von Stammzellen {\"a}ndert sich nicht deren Genom, sondern ihre epigenetische Regulation. Durch epigenetische Mechanismen werden Zelltypen mit verschiedensten Ph{\"a}notypen und Funktionen generiert. F{\"u}r Stammzelltherapien ist ein tieferes Verst{\"a}ndnis des Zusammenhangs von Epigenom und zellul{\"a}rer Funktion wichtig. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation war es mein Ziel, differenzierende Stammzellkulturen auf ihre Genexpression, ihre Chromatinregulation und ihr Differenzierungspotiential hin zu analysieren. Um Histonmodifikationen, die einen m{\"o}glichen Mechanismus epigenetischer Regulation darstellen, global untersuchen zu k{\"o}nnen, sind zun{\"a}chst, durchusszytometrische Protokolle etabliert worden, die die Analyse einzelner Zellen erm{\"o}glichen sollten. Mit dieser Methode konnten reduzierte Levels von Histonazetylierung in differenzierten ES Zellen gezeigt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu beobachtete ich vergleichbare Levels von Histonazetylierung in unreifen und reifen Knochenmarkzellen. Zus{\"a}tzlich untersuchte ich die Wirkung des Histondeazetylase-Inhibitors (HDI) Trichostatin A (TSA) auf Knochenmarkzellkulturen, in denen auch HSZs enhalten sind. Nach Behandlung mit TSA erh{\"o}hte sich der Anteil von Zellen mit in vitro und in vivo h{\"a}matopoetischer Aktivit{\"a}t, w{\"a}hrend vor allem differenzierte Zellen in Apoptose gingen. Außerdem wurde der Verlust der Pluripotenz in differenzierenden ES Zellkulturen untersucht. Marker-basierte Analysen und funktionelle Tests wurden mit ES Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt, die kurzfristig in vitro differenziert wurden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass nach funktionellen Gesichtspunkten die Pluripotenz bereits nach 2 Tagen Differenzierung deutlich reduziert war, beurteilt anhand der F{\"a}higkeit Kolonien zu bilden, embryoide K{\"o}rperchen (EK) zu formieren und zu kontrahierenden Herzmuskelzelltypen zu differenzieren. Im Gegensatz dazu verringerte sich die Expression von Pluripotenzmarkern erst zu sp{\"a}teren Zeitpunkten. Ich habe weiterhin beobachten k{\"o}nnen, dass die Wahl des Differenzierungssystems (Aggregations-EK, klonale EKs oder als adh{\"a}rente Einzelzellschicht) einen Einfluss auf den Fortschritt und die Homogenit{\"a}t der Differenzierung hatte. Um das Ende der Pluripotenz genauer zu untersuchen, wurden differenzierte ES Zellen zur{\"u}ck in ES Zellkulturbedingungen gebracht. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass 3 Tage differenzierte ES Zellen einen Punkt {\"u}berschritten haben, an dem eine R{\"u}ckkehr zur Pluripotenz allein durch Kulturbedingungen noch m{\"o}glich ist. Durch die Behandlung mit HDIs starben selektiv differenzierte ES Zellen. Des Weiteren war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, den Einuss von EED - einer essentiellen Untereinheit des Histon-methylierenden Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) - auf das Chromatin und die Funktion von ES Zellen hin zu analysieren. ES Zellen ohne EED wiesen neben dem bereits bekannten Verlust der Trimethylierung von Histon 3 an Lysin 27 (H3K27me3), global reduzierte H3K9me3 Levels sowie erh{\"o}hte Histonazetylierung auf. Trotz typischer ES Zell-Morphologie und normaler Expression von Pluripotenzgenen, besaßen EED knockout (KO)ES Zellen eine ver{\"a}nderte Organisation der Heterochromatinstruktur im Zellkern, eine verlangsamte Chromatinmobilit{\"a}t und Probleme bei der Differenzierung. Zusammenfassend gew{\"a}hren meine Daten Einblick in die epigenetische Regulation von Stammzellen. Im Besonderen konnte ich zeigen, dass die Behandlung mit HDIs f{\"u}r differenzierende Knochenmarkzellen und differenzierende ES Zellen nachteilig war und zu deren selektivem Zelltod f{\"u}hrte. Die hier durchgef{\"u}hrten Analysen ergaben, dass ES Zellen nach 3 Tagen Differenzierung das Ende der Pluripotenz erreicht hatten. Schließlich zeigten die Versuche mit EED KO ES Zellen, dass sie sich zwar selbst erneuerten und morphologisch identisch mit wildtypischen ES Zellen waren, jedoch Defekte bei der Differenzierung besaßen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass EED nicht nur f{\"u}r undifferenzierte ES Zellen wichtig ist, sondern auch w{\"a}hrend der Differenzierung von Bedeutung ist.}, subject = {Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jakob2012, author = {Jakob, Sissi}, title = {Molecular mechanisms of early-life stress in 5-Htt deficient mice: Gene x environment interactions and epigenetic programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74150}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Early-life stress has been shown to influence the development of the brain and to increase the risk for psychiatric disorders later in life. Furthermore, variation in the human serotonin transporter (5-HTT, SLC6A4) gene is suggested to exert a modulating effect on the association between early-life stress and the risk for depression. At the basis of these gene x environment (G x E) interactions, epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA-methylation, seem to represent the primary biological processes mediating early-life programming for stress susceptibility or resilience, respectively. The exact molecular mechanisms however remain to be elucidated, though. In the present study, we used two different stress paradigms to assess the molecular mechanisms mediating the relationship between early-life stress and disorders of emotion regulation later in life. First, a 5-Htt x prenatal stress (PS) paradigm was applied to investigate whether the effects of PS are dependent on the 5-Htt genotype. For this purpose, the effects of PS on cognition and anxiety- / depression-related behavior were examined using a maternal restraint stress paradigm of PS in C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and heterozygous 5-Htt deficient (5-Htt+/-) mice. Additionally, in female offspring, a genome-wide hippocampal gene expression and DNA methylation profiling was performed using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array and the AffymetrixGeneChip® Mouse Promoter 1.0R Array. Some of the resulting candidate genes were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. Further, the gene expression of these genes was measured in other brain regions of the PS animals as well as in the hippocampus of offspring of another, 5-Htt x perinatal stress (PeS) paradigm, in which pregnant and lactating females were stressed by an olfactory cue indicating infanticide. To assess resilience to PS and PeS, correlation studies between gene expression and behaviour were performed based on an initial performance-based LIMMA analysis of the gene expression microarray. 5-Htt+/- offspring of the PS paradigm showed enhanced memory performance and signs of reduced anxiety as compared to WT offspring. In contrast, exposure of 5-Htt+/- mice to PS was associated with increased depression-like behavior, an effect that tended to be more pronounced in female offspring. Further, 5-Htt genotype, PS and their interaction differentially affected the expression and DNA methylation of numerous genes and related pathways within the female hippocampus. Specifically, MAPK and neurotrophin signaling were regulated by both the 5-Htt+/- genotype and PS exposure, whereas cytokine and Wnt signaling were affected in a 5-Htt genotype x PS manner, indicating a gene x environment interaction at the molecular level. The candidate genes of the expression array could be validated and their expression patterns were partly consistent in the prefrontal cortex and striatum. Furthermore, the genotype effect of XIAP associated factor 1 (Xaf1) was also detected in the mice of the PeS paradigm. Concerning resilience, we found that the expression of growth hormone (Gh), prolactin (Prl) and fos-induced growth factor (Figf) were downregulated in WTPS mice that performed well in the forced swim test (FST). At the same time, the results indicated that Gh and Prl expression correlated positively with adrenal weight, whereas Figf expression correlated positively with basal corticosteron concentration, indicating an intricate relationship between depression-like behavior, hippocampal gene expression and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity. Correlation studies in the PeS animals revealed a link between Gh / Prl expression and anxiety-like behavior. In conclusion, our data suggest that although the 5-Htt+/- genotype shows clear adaptive capacity, 5-Htt+/- mice, particularly females, appear to be more vulnerable to developmental stress exposure when compared to WT offspring. Moreover, hippocampal gene expression and DNA methylation profiles suggest that distinct epigenetic mechanisms at the molecular level mediate the behavioral effects of the 5-Htt genotype, PS exposure, and their interaction. Further, resilience to early-life stress might be conferred by genes whose expression is linked to HPA axis function.}, subject = {Stressreaktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schraut2015, author = {Schraut, Karla-Gerlinde}, title = {Epigenetic programming by prenatal stress in female serotonin transporter deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120270}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Early life stress, including exposure to prenatal stress (PS), has been shown to affect the developing brain and induce severe effects on emotional health in later life, concomitant with an increased risk for psychopathology. However, some individuals are more vulnerable to early-life stress, while others adapt successfully, i.e. they are resilient and do not succumb to adversity. The molecular substrates promoting resilience in some individuals and vulnerability in other individuals are as yet poorly investigated. A polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene (5­HTT/SLC6A4) has been suggested to play a modulatory role in mediating the effects of early-life adversity on psychopathology, thereby rendering carriers of the lower-expressing short (s)-allele more vulnerable to developmental adversity, while long (l)-allele carriers are relatively resilient. The molecular mechanisms underlying this gene x environment interaction (GxE) are not well understood, however, epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modifications have been discussed to contribute as they are at the interface of environment and the genome. Moreover, developmental epigenetic programming has also been postulated to underlie differential vulnerability/resilience independent of genetic variation. The present work comprises two projects investigating the effects of prenatal maternal restraint stress in 5-HTT deficient mice. In the first study, we examined to which extent previously observed changes in behavior and hippocampal gene expression of female 5-Htt+/- prenatally stressed (PS) offspring were associated with changes in DNA methylation patterns. Additionally, we investigated the expression of genes involved in myelination in hippocampus and amygdala of those animals using RT-qPCR. The genome-wide hippocampal DNA methylation screening was performed using methylated-DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) on Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse Promoter 1.0R arrays. In order to correlate individual gene-specific DNA methylation, mRNA expression and behavior, we used hippocampal DNA from the same mice as assessed before. 5-Htt genotype, PS and their interaction differentially affected the DNA methylation signature of numerous genes, a part of which were also differentially expressed. More specifically, we identified a differentially methylated region in the Myelin basic protein (Mbp) gene, which was associated with Mbp expression in a 5-Htt-, PS- and 5-Htt x PS-dependent manner. Subsequent fine-mapping linked the methylation status of two specific CpG sites in this region to Mbp expression and anxiety-related behavior. We furthermore found that not only the expression of Mbp but of large gene set associated with myelination was affected by a 5-Htt x PS interaction in a brain-region specific manner. In conclusion, hippocampal DNA methylation patterns and expression profiles of female PS 5-Htt+/- mice suggest that distinct molecular mechanisms, some of which are associated with changes in gene promoter methylation, and processes associated with myelination contribute to the behavioral effects of the 5-Htt genotype, PS exposure, and their interaction. In the second study, we aimed at investing the molecular substrates underlying resilience to PS. For this purpose, we exposed 5-Htt+/+ dams to the same restraint stress paradigm and investigated the effects of PS on depression- and anxiety-like behavior and corticosterone (CORT) secretion at baseline and after acute restraint stress in female 5-Htt+/+ and 5-Htt+/- offspring. We found that PS affected the offspring's social behavior in a negative manner. When specifically examining those PS animals, we grouped the PS offspring of each genotype into a social, resilient and an unsocial, vulnerable group. While anxiety-like behavior in the EPM was reduced in unsocial, but not social, PS 5-Htt+/+ animals when compared to controls, this pattern could not be found in animals of the other genotype, indicating that social anxiety and state anxiety in the EPM were independent of each other. We then assessed genome-wide hippocampal gene expression profiles using mRNA sequencing in order to identify pathways and gene ontology (GO) terms enriched due to 5-Htt genotype (G), PS exposure (E) and their interaction (GxE) as well as enriched in social, but not unsocial, PS offspring, and vice versa. Numerous genes were affected by 5-Htt genotype, PS and most of all a GxE-interaction. Enrichment analysis using enrichr identified that the genotype affected mitochondrial respiration, while GxE-interaction-affected processes associated primarily with myelination and chromatin remodeling. We furthermore found that 5-Htt+/- mice showed profound expression changes of numerous genes in a genomic region located 10 mio kb upstream of the 5 Htt locus on the same chromosome. When looking at social vs. unsocial mice, we found that a much higher number of genes was regulated in 5 Htt+/- animals than in 5-Htt+/+ animals, reflecting the impact of GxE-interaction. Double the number of genes was regulated in social PS vs. control mice when compared to unsocial PS vs. control in both genotypes, suggesting that the successful adaption to PS might have required more active processes from the social group than the reaction to PS from the unsocial group. This notion is supported by the up-regulation of mitochondrial respiration in social, but not in unsocial, PS 5-Htt+/- mice when compared to controls, as those animals might have been able to raise energy resources the unsocial group was not. Next to this, processes associated with myelination seemed to be down-regulated in social 5-Htt+/- mice, but not in unsocial animals, when compared to controls. Taken together, PS exposure affected sociability and anxiety-like behavior dependent on the 5-Htt genotype in female offspring. Processes associated with myelination and epigenetic mechanisms involved in chromatin remodeling seemed be affected in a GxE-dependent manner in the hippocampus of these offspring. Our transcriptome data furthermore suggest that mitochondrial respiration and, with this, energy metabolism might be altered in 5-Htt+/- offspring when compared to 5-Htt+/+ offspring. Moreover, myelination and mitochondrial respiration might contribute to resilience towards PS exposure in 5-Htt+/- offspring, possibly by affecting brain connectivity and energy capabilities.}, subject = {Stress}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2016, author = {Ziegler, Christiane}, title = {Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Anxiety Disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Anxiety disorders (AD) are common, disabling mental disorders, which constitute the most prevalent mental health condition conveying a high individual and socioeconomic burden. Social anxiety disorder (SAD), i.e. fear in social situations particularly when subjectively scrutinized by others, is the second most common anxiety disorder with a life time prevalence of 10\%. Panic disorder (PD) has a life time prevalence of 2-5\% and is characterized by recurrent and abrupt surges of intense fear and anticipatory anxiety, i.e. panic attacks, occurring suddenly and unexpected without an apparent cue. In recent years, psychiatric research increasingly focused on epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation as a possible solution for the problem of the so-called "hidden heritability", which conceptualizes the fact that the genetic risk variants identified so far only explain a small part of the estimated heritability of mental disorders. In the first part of this thesis, oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene methylation was investigated regarding its role in the pathogenesis of social anxiety disorder. In summary, OXTR methylation patterns were implicated in different phenotypes of social anxiety disorder on a categorical, neuropsychological, neuroendocrinological as well as on a neural network level. The results point towards a multilevel role of OXTR gene hypomethylation particularly at one CpG site (CpG3, Chr3: 8 809 437) within the protein coding region of the gene in SAD. The second part of the thesis investigated monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene methylation regarding its role in the pathogenesis of panic disorder as well as - applying a psychotherapy-epigenetic approach - its dynamic regulation during the course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in PD patients. First, MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be associated with panic disorder as well as with panic disorder severity. Second, in patients responding to treatment MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be reversible up to the level of methylation in healthy controls after the course of CBT. This increase in MAOA methylation along with successful psychotherapeutic treatment was furthermore shown to be associated with symptom improvement regarding agoraphobic avoidance in an independent replication sample of non-medicated patients with PD. Taken together, in the future the presently identified epigenetic patterns might contribute to establishing targeted preventive interventions and personalized treatment options for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder, respectively.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pennington2018, author = {Pennington, Laura Sophie}, title = {The role of Cadherin-13 in serotonergic neurons during different murine developmental stages}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Abstract Background: Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ranges among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders worldwide with a prevalence of 3-12\% in childhood and 1-5\% for adults. Over the last decade extensive genetic research has been conducted in order to determine its causative genetic factors. None of the so far identified susceptibility genes, however, could explain the estimated ADHD heritability of 76\%. In this thesis one of the most promising candidates -Cadherin 13 (Cdh13) - was examined in terms of its influence on the central serotonergic (5-HT) system. In addition to that, the Cdh13 protein distribution pattern was analysed over time. Methods: The developing serotonergic system was compared over three embryonic and postnatal stages (E13.5, E17.5 and P7) in different Cdh13 genotypes (WT, HZ and KO) using immunohistochemistry and various double staining protocols. Results: The raphe nuclei of the 5-HT system develop in spite of Cdh13 absence and show a comparable mature constellation. The cells in the KO, however, are slightly more scattered than in the WT. Furthermore the dynamics of their formation is altered, with a transient delay in migration at E13.5. In early developmental stages the total amount of serotonergic cells is reduced in KO and HZ, though their proportional distribution to the raphe nuclei stays constant. Strikingly, at P7 the absolute numbers are comparable again. Concerning the Cdh13 protein, it shows high concentrations on fibres running through hindbrain and midbrain areas at E13.5. This, however, changes over time, and it becomes more evenly spread until P7. Furthermore, its presence in serotonergic cells could be visualised using confocal microscopy. Since the described pattern is only in parts congruent to the localisation of serotonergic neurons, it is most likely that Cdh13 is present in other developing neurotransmitter systems, such as the dopaminergic one, as well. Conclusion: It could be proven that Cdh13 is expressed in serotonergic cells and that its knockout does affect the developing serotonergic system to some degree. Its absence, however, only slightly and transiently affects the measured parameters of serotonergic system development, indicating a possible compensation of CDH13 function by other molecules in the case of Cdh13 deficiency. In addition further indicators could be found for an influence of Cdh13 on outgrowth and path finding of neuronal processes.}, subject = {Cadherine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wedel2018, author = {Wedel, Carolin}, title = {The impact of DNA sequence and chromatin on transcription in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173438}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {For cellular viability, transcription is a fundamental process. Hereby, the DNA plays the most elemental and highly versatile role. It has long been known that promoters contain conserved and often well-defined motifs, which dictate the site of transcription initiation by providing binding sites for regulatory proteins. However, research within the last decade revealed that it is promoters lacking conserved promoter motifs and transcribing constitutively expressed genes that constitute the majority of promoters in eukaryotes. While the process of transcription initiation is well studied, whether defined DNA sequence motifs are required for the transcription of constitutively expressed genes in eukaryotes remains unknown. In the highly divergent protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, most of the proteincoding genes are organized in large polycistronic transcription units. The genes within one polycistronic transcription unit are generally unrelated and transcribed by a common transcription start site for which no RNA polymerase II promoter motifs have been identified so far. Thus, it is assumed that transcription initiation is not regulated but how transcription is initiated in T. brucei is not known. This study aimed to investigate the requirement of DNA sequence motifs and chromatin structures for transcription initiation in an organism lacking transcriptional regulation. To this end, I performed a systematic analysis to investigate the dependence of transcription initiation on the DNA sequence. I was able to identify GT-rich promoter elements required for directional transcription initiation and targeted deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z, a conserved component during transcription initiation. Furthermore, nucleosome positioning data in this work provide evidence that sites of transcription initiation are rather characterized by broad regions of open and more accessible chromatin than narrow nucleosome depleted regions as it is the case in other eukaryotes. These findings highlight the importance of chromatin during transcription initiation. Polycistronic RNA in T. brucei is separated by adding an independently transcribed miniexon during trans-splicing. The data in this work suggest that nucleosome occupancy plays an important role during RNA maturation by slowing down the progressing polymerase and thereby facilitating the choice of the proper splice site during trans-splicing. Overall, this work investigated the role of the DNA sequence during transcription initiation and nucleosome positioning in a highly divergent eukaryote. Furthermore, the findings shed light on the conservation of the requirement of DNA motifs during transcription initiation and the regulatory potential of chromatin during RNA maturation. The findings improve the understanding of gene expression regulation in T. brucei, a eukaryotic parasite lacking transcriptional Regulation.}, subject = {Transkription}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kollert2021, author = {Kollert, Leonie}, title = {Epigenetics of anxiety and depression - a differential role of TGFB-Inducible Early Growth Response Protein 2 gene promoter methylation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21126}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211268}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Among mental disorders, panic disorder (PD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders characterized by recurring and unexpected episodes of extreme fear i.e. panic attacks. PD displays lifetime prevalence rates in the general population between 2.1-4.7 \% and in about 30 to 40 \% occurs comorbid with major depressive disorder (MDD). Differential methylation levels of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene have previously been associated with the etiology of both PD and MDD. The TGFB-Inducible Early Growth Response Protein 2 (TIEG2; alias KLF11), an activating transcription factor of the MAOA gene, has been reported to be increased in MDD, but has not yet been investigated in PD on any level. Therefore, in an attempt to further define the role of an impaired TIEG2-MAOA pathway in anxiety and affective disorders, in the present thesis TIEG2 promoter DNA methylation was analyzed in two independent samples of I) PD patients with or without comorbid MDD in a case/control design and II) MDD patients with and without anxious depression. Additionally, in PD patients of sample I), TIEG2 methylation was correlated with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) scores. Finally, in a third independent healthy control sample, correlation of TIEG2 promoter methylation levels with Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) scores as a PD-related measure was analyzed. No overall association of TIEG2 promoter methylation with PD was detected. However, PD patients with comorbid MDD showed significant TIEG2 hypomethylation compared to PD patients without comorbid MDD (p=.008) as well as to healthy controls (p=.010). In addition, MDD patients without anxious features displayed a statistical trend in decreased TIEG2 methylation in comparison to MDD patients with anxious depression (p=.052). Furthermore, TIEG2 methylation was negatively correlated with BDI-II scores in PD patients (p=.013) and positively correlated with ASI scores in the healthy control sample (p=.043). In sum, the current study suggests TIEG2 promoter hypomethylation as a potential epigenetic marker of MDD comorbidity in PD or of non-anxious depression, respectively. If replicated and verified in future studies, altered TIEG2 methylation might therefore represent a differential pathomechanism of anxiety and mood disorders.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Riemens2023, author = {Riemens, Renzo J. M.}, title = {Neuroepigenomics in Alzheimer's disease: The single cell ADds}, isbn = {978-94-6423-524-1}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25457}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Forschung, die in dieser Arbeit zusammengestellt wird, kann in zwei Teile geteilt werden. Der erste Teil, bestehend aus vier Kapiteln, konzentriert sich auf die Rolle der epigenetischen Dysregulation in der {\"A}tiopathophysiologie der sporadischen Alzheimer-Krankheit (sAD). Neben Einblicken in die neuesten Entwicklungen in neuroepigenomischen Studien zu dieser Krankheit geht der erste Teil der Arbeit auch auf verbleibende Herausforderungen ein und gibt einen Ausblick auf m{\"o}gliche Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet. Der zweite Teil, der drei weitere Kapitel umfasst, konzentriert sich auf die Anwendung von auf induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPSC) basierenden Krankheitsmodellen f{\"u}r das Studium der AD, einschließlich, aber nicht beschr{\"a}nkt auf mechanistische Studien zur epigenetischen Dysregulation unter Verwendung dieser Plattform. Neben der Skizzierung der bisherigen Forschung mit iPSC-basierten Modellen f{\"u}r sAD gibt der zweite Teil der Arbeit auch Einblicke in die Gewinnung krankheitsrelevanter Nervenkulturen auf Basis der gezielten Differenzierung von iPSCs und beinhaltet dar{\"u}ber hinaus einen experimentellen Ansatz f{\"u}r den Aufbau eines solchen Modellsystems.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {en} }