@phdthesis{Jazbutyte2007, author = {Jazbutyte, Virginija}, title = {Differential role of estrogen receptor isoforms in the cardiovascular system of young and senescent rats}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24247}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of mortality morbidity in both men and women in industrialized countries. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases in pre-menopausal women is lower compared to age-matched men but the risk of heart diseases increases dramatically after the onset of menopause.Therefore, it has been postulated that female sex hormones play an important role in cardiovascular health in pre-menopausal women. In contrast to clinical data, which failed to show positive estrogen effects on cardiovascular system of post- menopausal women, extensive experimental studies indicated cardioprotective effects of estrogens in laboratory animals. The majority of experimental estrogen substitution studies were performed with young individuals, thus the effects of ageing remain neglected and are poorly understood. The present project is the first attempt to study the cardiac effects of each estrogen receptor isoform (estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) and estrogen receptor beta (ERb)) in adult ("menopausal") and senescent ("post- menopausal") hypertensive rats. The female senescent spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) served as a model system for age- associated hypertension in females whereas young individuals were used for control experiments. Young and senescent SHR rats were treated with 17b- estradiol as well as new estrogen receptor isoform selective ligands 16a-LE2 (ERa agonist) and 8b-VE2 (ERb agonist). The results showed different functions of both estrogen receptor isoforms in cardiovascular system: ERa attenuated cardiac hypertrophy but not hypertension whereas ERb could significantly reduce both, blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy. Surprisingly, both agonists and 17b- estradiol were effective in young animals but not in senescent SHR rats. These findings match with the clinical data and could be related to altered estrogen metabolism in senescent rats, since estrogen plasma levels did not increase to measurable extent in senescent animals receiving estrogen. Estrogen is metabolized by several 17b- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoforms. In the current study, 17b- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 (17b- HSD10) was identified as a novel protein- protein interaction partner of estrogen receptor alpha ligand binding domain (ERaLBD) in human heart. Cellular localization experiments of ERa in the cardiac myocytes showed nuclear and cytosolic localization pattern which overlapped partially with that of cardiac mitochondria. 17b-HSD10 is localized only in mitochondria. Direct interaction of both proteins was confirmed by pull- down experiments where 17b-HSD10 could be co-precipitated with ERa. Interestingly, protein interaction could be detected only under estrogen- free conditions whereas the presence of estrogen in the system blocked this interaction. Enzymatic assay which was developed in our laboratory, helped to define functional relevance of this interaction. The data obtained from enzymatic assays and protein- protein interaction studies strongly suggest that estrogen receptor could play an important role in the control of intracellular (or mitochondrial) estogen metabolism. The second potential ERa interaction partner in the heart- bladder cancer associated protein 10 (BLCAP10) - was initially identified in non- invasive bladder cancer cell lines. BLCAP10 protein expression in the heart as well as its localization pattern in cardiac myocytes is shown in the last part of the theses. Due to perinuclear localization similarity with ERb, we conclude that BLCAP10 could interact with ERb rather than with ERa. Poor BLCAP10 protein overexpression and toxicity in both, bacteria and eukaryotic cells, suggested that BLCAP10 could be involved in cell- cycle and/ or protein expression control. In summary, the results showed that isoform selective activation of estrogen receptors exert divergent effects in the cardiovascular system both by upregulation of aMHC expression or by lowering blood pressure. Hormones were effective in young animals but had only minor effects in senescent rats. The new ERa protein- protein interaction partners identified during the project provide new information about estrogen receptor function in the heart and its possible role in the regulation of estrogen homeostasis.}, subject = {{\"O}strogene}, language = {en} } @misc{Lenhard2002, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Lenhard, Alexandra}, title = {Intra- and intermanual transfer of adaptation to unnoticed virtual displacement under terminal and continuous visual feedback}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23889}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Versuchspersonen trainierten mit der rechten Hand Zielbewegungen zu verschiedenen Zielen unter terminalem oder kontinuierlichem visuellem Feedback. F{\"u}r eines der Ziele wurde die visuelle R{\"u}ckmeldung so manipuliert, dass Bewegungen zu diesem Ziel k{\"u}rzer wirkten, als sie tats{\"a}chlich waren. Nach dem Training sollten die gleichen Ziele sowohl mit der trainierten rechten als auch mit der untrainierten linken Hand erreicht werden. Bewegungen der rechten Hand passten sich an die unbemerkte visuelle Transformation an. Die Adaptation war unter kontinuierlichem Feedback schw{\"a}cher als unter terminalem. Außerdem generalisierte die Adapation nur unter terminalem, aber nicht unter kontinuierlichem Feedback, auf andere Zielbewegungen in die gleiche Richtung, aber nicht auf Zielbewegungen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Bewegungen der untrainierten linken Hand zeigten qualitativ die gleichen adaptationsbedingten Ver{\"a}nderungen wie Bewegungen der rechten Hand. Die Ergebnisse sprechen f{\"u}r die Annahme, dass beim Training der rechten Hand eine effektorunabh{\"a}ngige r{\"a}umliche Repr{\"a}sentation ver{\"a}ndert wird, auf die bei der Steuerung beider H{\"a}nde zur{\"u}ckgegriffen wird.}, subject = {Motorisches Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Asher2006, author = {Asher, James}, title = {Inclusion of Dynamical Effects in Calculation of EPR Parameters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24078}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis describes the inclusion of dynamical effects in the theoretical calculation of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopic parameters. The studies were performed using Density Functional Theory (DFT) methodology and a perturbation-theoretical approach to g-tensor calculations. Hydrogen atoms trapped in octasilasesquioxane cages display unexpectly high, positive g-values. Computational simulation of these systems successfully reproduced the positive g-values and found them to arise from spin-orbit coupling around the oxygen nuclei. Dynamical effects were estimated by calculating the potential well in which the hydrogen atom moves. Semiquinone radical anions are important bioradicals that play a role in photosynthesis and respiration. The simplest and most prototypical, benzosemiquinone anion, was simulated both in the gas phase and in aqueous solution by Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD). The neutral benzoquinone was also simulated for comparison. The solvation environments of both the anionic and neutral molecules were analysed and compared. EPR parameters were calculated for the semiquinone, providing the first example of full inclusion of dynamic effects in g-tensor calculation. The effects of different solvation interactions on the g-tensor and hyperfine interactions were extensively examined. Additionally, static calculations (i.e., calculations not incorporating any dynamical effects) were performed. Comparison between these (and prior computational studies) and the dynamical system allowed an assessment of the effects of dynamics on solvation and EPR parameters. Ubisemiquinone radical anion, one of the most widely-occurring semiquinone radicals, was simulated in the aqueous phase using CPMD. The solvation environment was analysed and EPR parameters were calculated. The motion of the side-chain, and its effects on solvation and EPR parameters, were examined.}, subject = {Dichtefunktionalformalismus}, language = {en} } @misc{Selig2007, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Selig, Christian}, title = {The ITS2 Database - Application and Extension}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23895}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Der internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) des ribosomalen Genrepeats ist ein zunehmend wichtiger phylogenetischer Marker, dessen RNA-Sekund{\"a}rstruktur innerhalb vieler eukaryontischer Organismen konserviert ist. Die ITS2-Datenbank hat zum Ziel, eine umfangreiche Ressource f{\"u}r ITS2-Sequenzen und -Sekund{\"a}rstrukturen auf Basis direkter thermodynamischer als auch homologiemodellierter RNA-Faltung zu sein. Ergebnisse: (a) Eine komplette Neufassung der urspr{\"u}nglichen die ITS2-Datenbank generierenden Skripte, angewandt auf einen aktuellen NCBI-Datensatz, deckte mehr als 65.000 ITS2-Strukturen auf. Dies verdoppelt den Inhalt der urspr{\"u}nglichen Datenbank und verdreifacht ihn, wenn partielle Strukturen mit einbezogen werden. (b) Die Endbenutzer-Schnittstelle wurde neu geschrieben, erweitert und ist jetzt in der Lage, benutzerdefinierte Homologiemodellierungen durchzuf{\"u}hren. (c) Andere m{\"o}glichen RNA-Strukturaufkl{\"a}rungsmethoden (suboptimales und formenbasiertes Falten) sind hilfreich, k{\"o}nnen aber Homologiemodellierung nicht ersetzen. (d) Ein Anwendungsfall der ITS2-Datenbank in Zusammenhang mit anderen am Lehrstuhl entwickelten Werkzeugen gab Einblick in die Verwendung von ITS2 f{\"u}r molekulare Phylogenie.}, subject = {Phylogenie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lageman2007, author = {Lageman, Christian}, title = {Convergence of gradient-like dynamical systems and optimization algorithms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23948}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This work studies the convergence of trajectories of gradient-like systems. In the first part of this work continuous-time gradient-like systems are examined. Results on the convergence of integral curves of gradient systems to single points of Lojasiewicz and Kurdyka are extended to a class of gradient-like vector fields and gradient-like differential inclusions. In the second part of this work discrete-time gradient-like optimization methods on manifolds are studied. Methods for smooth and for nonsmooth optimization problems are considered. For these methods some convergence results are proven. Additionally the optimization methods for nonsmooth cost functions are applied to sphere packing problems on adjoint orbits.}, subject = {Dynamisches System}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wawrowsky2007, author = {Wawrowsky, Kolja Alexander}, title = {Analysis and Visualization in Multidimensional Microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23867}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The live sciences currently undergo a paradigm shift to computer aided discoveries. Discoveries in the live sciences were historically made by either direct observation or as a result of chemical assays. Today we see a growing shift toward computer aided analysis and visualization. This gradual process happens in microscopy. Multidimensional laser scanning microscopy can acquire very complex multichannel data from fixed or live specimen. New probes such as visible fluorescent proteins let us observe the expression of genes and track protein localization. Ion sensitive dyes change intensity with the concentration of ions in the cell. The laser scanning confocal allows us to record these processes in three dimensions over time. This work demonstrates the application of software analysis to multidimensional microscopy data. We introduce methods for volume investigation, ion flux analysis and molecular modeling. The visualization methods are based on a multidimensional data model to accommodate complex datasets. The software uses vector processing and multiple processors to accelerate volume rendering and achieve interactive rendering. The algorithms are based on human visual perception and allow the observer a wide range of mixed render modes. The software was used to reconstruct the pituitary development in zebrafish and observe the degeneration of neurons after injury in a mouse model. Calicum indicator dyes have long been used to study calcium fluxes. We optimized the imaging method to minimize impact on the cell. Live cells were imaged continuously for 45 minutes and subjected to increasing does of a drug. We correlated the amplitude of calcium oscillations to increasing doses of a drug and obtain single cell dose response curves. Because this method is very sensitive and measures single cell responses it has potential in drug discovery and characterization. Microtubules form a dynamic cytoskeleton, which is responsible for cell shape, intracellular transport and has an integral role in mitosis. A hallmark of microtubule organization is lateral interactions. Microtubules are bundles by proteins into dense structures. To estimate the contribution of this bundling process, we created a fractal model of microtubule organization. This model demonstrates that morphology of complex microtubule arrays can be explained by bundling alone. In summary we showed that advances in software for visualization, data analysis and modeling lead to new discoveries.}, subject = {Konfokale Mikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnone2007, author = {Arnone, Mario}, title = {Theoretical Characterization and Optimization of Photochemical Alkoxyl Radical Precursors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Oxygen-centered radicals are important intermediates in photobiological, mechanistic and synthetic studies. The majority of precursors of reactive oxyl radicals are labile and thus delicate to handle. Therefore N-(alkoxy)-pyridinethiones and N-(Alkoxy)-thiazolethiones have attracted attention as "mild'' photochemical source of alkoxyl radicals, in the last few years. A disadvantage of the pyridine compounds, is their sensibility to daylight. Despite of their similarities, both molecules behave surprisingly different, if photolyzed in the absence of trapping reagents. The pyridinethione compounds undergo highly efficient radical chain reactions under such conditions while the corresponding thiazolethiones react surprisingly sluggish and give rise to several unwanted side products. The properties of both compounds should be understood and optimized in the frame of this work. Additionally new compounds should be suggested that can also be applied in the photochemical alkoxyl radical generation. Some background information about the generation and application of alkoxyl radicals is provided in chapter 2. Electronic excitations and UV/vis spectroscopy together with a description of quantum chemical approaches that are able to calculate such phenomena are outlined in chapter 3. Chapter 4 deals with the description of the vertical excitation spectra. During the validation CASSCF, CASPT2, TD-DFT and RI-CC2 were tested with respect to their ability to describe the vertical excitations in both compounds. The CASPT2 approach gives accurate descriptions of the electronic excitation spectra of all compounds. The time-dependent DFT results are very sensitive on the choice of the functional and a validation of the results should be always done. On the basis of these computations the spectroscopic visible absorption bands of both compounds were assigned to a pi-->pi* transition in the thiohydroxamic acid functionality. In chapter 5 the mechanism of the thermally and the photochemically induced N,O homolysis in both compounds is unveiled. The near UV-induced N,O homolysis will start from the S2 state. The expected relaxation from the S2- to the S1-state and the dissociation process is expected to be very fast in the case of the thiazolethione compound. The potential surfaces of the pyridine compound in contrast point to a slower N,O bond dissociation. Due to the resulting faster dissociation process the excess energy which results from the photochemical activation is quenched only to small amounts. The maximal possible excess energy of the fragments is lower and a quenching is much more likely in the case of the pyridinethione compounds. This explaines the different reactivities of both compounds. For the also already successfully applied precursor system N-(alkoxy)-pyridineones the computed dissociation paths show courses that clearly predict a slow bond dissociation process. Chapter 6 deals with the tuning of the initial excitation wave length of the known pyridinethiones und thiazolethiones. In the first part the effects of substituents on the thiazolethione heterocycle was examined. The UV/vis spectra of 4 and 5 substituted thiazolethiones can be interpreted like the spectrum of the parent compound. The second part of chapter 6 deals with the identification of a substitution pattern on the pyridine heterocycle which induces a blue shift of the photo active band. The computations showed that electron rich and electron poor substituents result the same effects on the electronic excitation spectra. These substituent effects are additive, but the steric orientation of the substituents has to be taken into account. Chapter 7 describes a computer aided design of new alkoxyl radical precursors. Combining the advantages of both compounds the radical formation should be initiated by an irradiation with light at about 350 nm, and the amount of side products during the radical formation process should be small. To achieve this 18 test candidates were obtained by a systematic variation of the parent compound of the thiazolethione precursor. To identify the promising new precursor systems a screening of the lower electronic excitations of all resulting 18 systems was performed with TD-DFT. For promising systems the N,O or P,O dissociation paths, respectively, were analyzed according to the developed model. N-(methoxy)-azaphospholethione and N-(methoxy)-pyrrolethione seem to be the most promising candidates. The computations predict a strong absorption at about 350 nm respectively 320 nm. Due to the amounts of maximal excess energy and the shapes of the potential surfaces of the N,O bond dissociation paths their reactivity should resemble more the behavior of the pyridinethiones.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Benz2007, author = {Benz, Peter Michael}, title = {Cytoskeleton assembly at endothelial cell-cell contacts is regulated by Alpha-II-spectrin/vasp complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23802}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Directed cortical actin assembly is the driving force for intercellular adhesion. Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) participates in actin-fiber formation and VASP activity is regulated by phosphorylations. We screened for endothelial cell proteins, which bind to VASP dependent on its phosphorylation status. Differential proteomics identified \&\#945;II-spectrin as novel VASP-interacting protein. \&\#945;II-spectrin binds to the triple GP5-motif in VASP via its SH3 domain. cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated VASP phosphorylation at Ser157 inhibits \&\#945;II-spectrin/VASP complex formation. VASP becomes dephosphorylated upon formation of cell-cell contacts and in confluent but not in sparse endothelial cells \&\#945;II-spectrin colocalizes with non-phosphorylated VASP at cell-cell junctions. Ectopic expression of the \&\#945;II-spectrin SH3 domain fused to claudin-5 translocates VASP to cell-cell contacts and is sufficient to initiate the formation of cortical actin cytoskeletons. \&\#945;II-spectrin SH3 domain overexpression stabilizes cell-cell contacts and decreases endothelial permeability. Conversely, permeability of VASP-deficient endothelial cells is elevated. In a skin edema model, microvascular leakage is increased in VASP-deficient over wild-type mice. We propose that \&\#945;II-spectrin/VASP complexes regulate cortical actin cytoskeleton assembly with implications for formation of endothelial cell-cell contacts and regulation of vascular permeability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knaus2007, author = {Knaus, Anne Elizabeth}, title = {Pharmacological target proteins of alpha2-agonists in alpha2ABC-deficient mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23752}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Clonidine is an agonist at alpha2-adrenergic receptors that mediate a wide variety of the physiological responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine, such as inhibition of neurotransmitter release as well as sedation and analgesia. As with other therapeutically used alpha2-agonists such as moxonidine and rilmenidine, clonidine possesses an imidazoline structure and is believed to lower blood pressure not only via central and peripheral alpha2-receptors, but perhaps even more so by acting on central "imidazoline I1 receptors" in the brain stem. The molecular structure of these hypothetical "imidazoline I1 receptors" has not yet been identified. In order to test whether ligands with an imidazoline structure elicit pharmacological effects via alpha2-adrenergic receptors or via "imidazoline receptors", mice were generated with a targeted deletion of all three alpha2-adrenergic receptor subtypes (alpha2ABC-KO). These alpha2ABC-KO mice were an ideal model in which to examine the pharmacological effects of the centrally acting antihypertensives clonidine, moxonidine and rilmenidine in the absence of alpha2-adrenergic receptors. As expected, sedative and analgesic actions of clonidine were completely absent in alpha2ABC-KO mice, confirming the sole role of alpha2-receptors in these properties of clonidine. Clonidine significantly lowered heart rate in anesthetized alpha2ABC-KO and wild-type mice by up to 150 beats/min. A similar bradycardic effect of clonidine was observed in isolated spontaneously beating right atria from alpha2ABC-KO mice. After treatment with the specific If inhibitor ZD 7288, clonidine was no longer able to lower spontaneous beating frequency, suggesting a common site of action. Furthermore, in HEK293 cells stably transfected with HCN2 and HCN4, it could be shown that clonidine inhibits the If current via blockade of pacemaker channels with similar affinity as in isolated alpha2ABC-KO and wild-type atria. This inhibition was demonstrated again in isolated sinoatrial node (SAN) cells from alpha2ABC-KO mice and was identical in potency and efficacy to clonidine inhibition observed in isolated wild-type SAN cells, confirming that inhibition of atrial HCN channels constitutes the alpha2-independent bradycardic action of clonidine. Direct inhibition of cardiac HCN pacemaker channels contributes to the bradycardic effects of clonidine in gene-targeted mice. Thus clonidine-like drugs represent novel structures for future HCN channel inhibitors.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yang2007, author = {Yang, Shaoxian}, title = {The role of NFAT proteins in Rag and Nfatc1a Gene Regulation in Murine Thymus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23691}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In this thesis we have investigated the effect of NFAT (Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cell) transcription factors on the expression of Rag-(Recombination Activating Genes) genes in murine thymus. The protein products of Rag genes, RAG1 and RAG2, are critical for the recombination and generation of the TCR (T Cell Receptor) repertoire during thymocyte development, and their expression can be suppressed by the activity of NFAT factors. In thymus, the expression of Rag1 and Rag2 genes is induced at the double-negative (DN, CD4-8-) 3 stage, down-regulated at the DN4 stage, re-induced at the double-positive (DP, CD4+8+) stage, and suppressed again at the single-positive (SP, CD4+8- or CD4-8+) stage. Although it is known that TCR signaling suppresses the expression of Rag1 and Rag2 at the SP stage, the signals that mediate the Rag gene down-reulation remain elusive. Here we report that both the calcineurin-NFAT-signaling and MAPKinase signaling pathways, which are activated by TCR signaling during positive selection, mediate the Rag gene down-regulation in DP thymocytes. The calcineurin-NFAT pathway suppresses both the Rag1 and the Rag2 gene expression. This pathway has a stronger suppressive effect on the Rag1 than the Rag2 gene. A synergistic activity between the two NFAT factors NFATc2 and NFATc3 is essential for calcineurin-NFAT signaling to efficiently suppress the Rag gene expression in DP thymocytes. It is likely that the calcineurin-NFAT signaling down-regulates Rag gene expression by suppressing both the Rag anti-silencer element (ASE) activity and the Rag promoter activity. Similarly, MEK-ERK signaling of MAPK signaling pathway mediates the Rag gene suppression in DP thymocytes although the mechanism through which MEK-ERK mediates the Rag gene down-regulation has to be elucidated. In DN thymocytes, it appears that neither the calcineurin-NFAT signaling nor MAPK signaling is involved in the Rag gene down-regulation. However, a role for these two signaling pathways in the Rag gene up-regulation in DN thymocytes is not excluded. In DN thymocytes, pre-TCR signaling stimulates the expression both Nfatc1 and Nfatc2 genes but has no effect on Nfatc3 gene expression. In DN thymocytes, pre-TCR signaling activates Nfatc1\&\#945; expression but not Nfatc1ß expression, i.e. the two promoters controling Nfatc1 gene xpression are differently controled by pre-TCR signals. Nfatc1\&\#945; gene expression in DN thymocytes is mainly regulated by the MAPK signaling pathway because activation of Nfatc1\&\#945; is mediated by MEK-ERK signaling but opposed by JNK signaling. Calcineuirn-NFAT and p38 signaling pathways are not involved in Nfatc1\&\#945; promoter regulation in DN thymocytes. In DP thymocytes, TCR signaling up-regulates Nfatc1 and Nfatc2 expression but down-regulates Nfatc3 expression. In DP thymocytes, TCR signaling activates Nfatc1\&\#945; expression. The activation of Nfatc1\&\#945; in DP thymocytes is mediated by NFATc1, but not or to a less degree by NFATc2 and NFATc3. MEK-ERK, JNK, and p38 signaling pathways are involved in Nfatc1\&\#945; gene activation in DP thymocytes, probably by activating NFAT trans-activation activity. All these findings illustrate that in thymocytes the expression of NFAT transcription factors - which are essential for thymic development - is controled at multiple levels.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berner2007, author = {Berner, Michael P.}, title = {Sensory and motor components of highly skilled action sequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23324}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {A series of experiments was conducted in order to investigate motor contributions to learning highly skilled action sequences in contrast to sensory contributions. Experiments 1-4 made use of a bimanual-bisequential variant of the serial reaction time task: Presentation of imperative stimuli was arranged such that participants' left-hand and right-hand responses followed different sequences independently of one another, thus establishing a compound sequence spanning both hands. At least partly independent learning of the two concurrently implemented hand-related sequences was demonstrated after extensive practice under condi-tions of both simultaneous (Experiments 1 \& 2) and alternating (Experiments 3 \& 4) stimulus presentation and responding. It persisted when there was only one imperative stimulus for presenting both hand-related sequences (Experiments 2-4) instead of two separate imperative stimuli (Experiments 1 \& 2), one for each sequence, even when the hand-related sequences were correlated and massive integrated learning of the compound sequence occurred (Ex-periment 4). As for the nature of the independently acquired sequence representations, trans-ferable sequence knowledge was acquired only when there was a separate imperative stimulus for each sequence (Experiments 1 \& 2) but not otherwise (Experiments 2-4). The most likely stimulus-based representations which allow for intermanual transfer can be regarded as sen-sory components of highly skilled action sequences, whereas motor components can be con-sidered as being reflected in effector-specific, non-transferable sequence knowledge. The same decomposition logic applies to transferable and non-transferable sequence knowledge observed under conditions of unimanual practice of a single sequence (Experiments 6 \& 7). The advantage of practicing a key press sequence with fingers of one hand as opposed to practicing it with fingers of both hands (Experiment 5) also implicates a motor component as the two assignments were equivalent in all other respects. Moreover, Experiments 6 and 7 showed that hand-specific sequence knowledge can develop after relatively little practice (as little as approximately 120 sequence repetitions). Presumably, this occurs especially in tasks with particularly pronounced requirements for coarticulation between consecutive finger movements. In sum, the present series of experiments provides compelling evidence for an effector-specific component of sequence learning. Albeit relatively small in size, it emerged consistently under various conditions. By contributing to the refinement of sequential action execution it can play a role in attaining high levels of performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2007, author = {Schmitt, Susanne}, title = {Vertical microbial transmission in Caribbean bacteriosponges}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23621}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Bakterienhaltige Schw{\"a}mme sind durch große Mengen an morphologisch und phylogenetisch unterschiedlichen Mikroorganismen im Mesohyl gekennzeichnet. Diese mikrobiellen Konsortien sind permanent, stabil und hoch-spezifisch mit den Wirts-Schw{\"a}mmen assoziiert. {\"U}ber die Entstehung und die Aufrechterhaltung dieser Assoziation ist jedoch wenig bekannt. Es war das erste Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit, Co-Speziation zwischen mediterranen und karibischen Schw{\"a}mmen der Gattung Aplysina und assoziierten Cyanobakterien zu untersuchen. Die Wirtsphylogenie wurde sowohl mit 18S rDNA als auch mit ITS-2 Sequenzen erstellt. Das Alignment basierte auf der Sekund{\"a}rstruktur des jeweiligen molekularen Markers und jeder phylogenetische Stammbaum wurde mit 5 verschiedenen Algorithmen berechnet. Die Gattung Aplysina erschien monophyletisch. Die verschiedenen Arten konnten einer Karibik- und einer Mittelmeer-Gruppe zugeordnet werden und der Ursprung der Gattung Aplysina im Urmeer Tethys erscheint m{\"o}glich. Der Vergleich von Wirts- und Cyanobakterien-Phylogenie, welche auf 16S rDNA Sequenzen beruht, zeigte, dass die Topologie der Stammb{\"a}ume sich nicht spiegelbildlich gegen{\"u}bersteht. Es wird daher angenommen, dass keine Co-Speziation zwischen Aplysina Schw{\"a}mmen und Cyanobakterien und wahrscheinlich auch nicht mit anderen Schwamm-spezifischen Mikroorganismen vorliegt. Das zweite Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war, die vertikale Weitergabe von Mikroorganismen {\"u}ber Reproduktionsstadien in Schw{\"a}mmen zu untersuchen. Eine umfangreiche elektronenmikroskopische Studie zeigte eine klare Korrelation, da bakterienhaltige Schw{\"a}mme immer auch unterschiedliche mikrobielle Morphotypen in den Reproduktionsstadien aufwiesen, wohingegen in den Reproduktionsstadien bakterienarmer Schw{\"a}mme keine Mikroorganismen gefunden wurden. Aus diesen Ergebnissen wird die Weitergabe des mikrobiellen Konsortiums {\"u}ber Reproduktionsstadien bakterienhaltiger Schw{\"a}mme geschlossen. Basierend auf den vorherigen Ergebnissen wurde Ircinia felix f{\"u}r eine detaillierte Dokumentation der vertikalen Weitergabe von Mikroorganismen ausgew{\"a}hlt. Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen zeigten, dass die Larven von I. felix im zentralen Bereich große Mengen an extrazellul{\"a}ren Mikroorganismen enthielten w{\"a}hrend der {\"a}ußere Bereich nahezu frei von Mikroorganismen war. In I. felix Juvenilschw{\"a}mmen waren die Mikroorganismen zwischen eng gepackten Schwammzellen lokalisiert. Die mikrobiellen Profile von I. felix Adult, Larven und Juvenilen wurden mittels Denaturierender-Gradienten-Gel-Elektrophorese (DGGE) verglichen. {\"A}hnliche mikrobielle Diversit{\"a}tsmuster waren im Adultschwamm und den respektiven Larven vorhanden. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass ein großer Anteil des adulten mikrobiellen Konsortiums vertikal weitergegeben wird. Im Gegensatz dazu schienen die mikrobiellen Konsortien von Larven, die von unterschiedlichen Adultindividuen stammten, insgesamt variabler zu sein. Die Bandenmuster der Juvenilschw{\"a}mme waren eine Mischung aus Schwamm-spezifischen und Seewassermikroorganismen, was auf die Methodik der DNA-Extraktion zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Allerdings kann gesagt werden, dass mindestens die H{\"a}lfte des adulten mikrobiellen Konsortiums in der n{\"a}chsten Generation vorhanden war. Schließlich wurde eine umfangreiche phylogenetische Analyse mit Sequenzen aus Adultschw{\"a}mmen und Larven durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Sequenzen wurden durch Sequenzierung von ausgeschnittenen DGGE-Banden der bakterienhaltigen Schw{\"a}mme Agelas wiedenmayeri, I. felix und Smenospongia aurea gewonnen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden bislang unver{\"o}ffentlichte Sequenzen aus den Schw{\"a}mmen Ectyoplasia ferox und Xestospongia muta verwendet, die im Labor erstellt worden waren. Die Identifizierung von 24 "vertical transmission clusters" in mindestens 8 verschiedenen, eubakteriellen Phyla zeigt, dass ein komplexes, aber einheitliches, mikrobielles Konsortium {\"u}ber die Reproduktionsstadien weitergegeben wird. Der Prozess der vertikalen Weitergabe ist spezifisch, da Mikroorganismen der bakterienhaltigen Schw{\"a}mme, nicht aber Seewasser-Mikroorganismen weitergegeben werden. Zugleich scheint der Prozess der vertikalen Weitergabe nicht selektiv zu sein, da keine Unterscheidung zwischen einzelnen, Schwamm-spezifischen Mikroorganismen erfolgt. Insgesamt deutet vertikale Weitergabe auf eine mutualistische und seit langem bestehende Assoziation zwischen bakterienhaltigen Schw{\"a}mmen und komplexen, mikrobiellen Konsortien hin.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lim2007, author = {Lim, Hee-Young}, title = {Functional studies of GR and MR function by RNA interference}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23646}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Steroidhormone Corticosteron/Cortisol und Aldosteron werden in Folge von Stress oder eines ver{\"a}nderten Salz-Wasser-Haushalt durch die Nebenniere synthetisiert und sezerniert. Dies wird durch negative R{\"u}ckkopplungsmechanismen kontrolliert, die als HPA-Achse und RAAS bezeichnet werden. Die Aktivit{\"a}t dieser Steroidhormone wird durch den Glukokortikoid Rezeptor (GR) und den Mineralokortikoid-Rezeptor (MR) vermittelt, die im Zytosol als Komplex mit Hitze-Schock-Proteinen vorliegen. Sowohl der GR als auch der MR geh{\"o}ren zur Kern-Rezeptor Superfamilie und besitzen eine gemeinsame Proteinstruktur die aus drei verschiedenen Dom{\"a}nen besteht. Trotzdem haben sie verschiedene Affinit{\"a}ten f{\"u}r ihre Liganden, ihre Aktivit{\"a}t h{\"a}ngt von der Hormonkonzentration ab, sie werden durch Pr{\"a}-Rezeptor-Mechansimen wie der 11b-HSD2 reguliert und ihre Gewebeverteilung ist unterschiedlich. Aldosteron wirkt in epithelialen und nicht-epithelialen Zellen {\"u}ber den MR und reguliert den Salz-Wasser-Haushalt, die Herzfunktion, die neuronale Erregbarkeit und die Adipozyten-Differenzierung. Bislang war die Analyse der Geninaktivierung in vivo auf M{\"a}use beschr{\"a}nkt, obwohl Krankheitsmodelle in der Ratte die Verh{\"a}ltnisse im Menschen manchmal besser widerspiegeln. Da embryonale Stammzellen und damit die gezielte Genmanipulation in Ratten nicht verf{\"u}gbar sind, haben wir MR knock-down Ratten mittels lentiviral eingef{\"u}hrter shRNAs hergestellt. Die F1 Nachkommen der Gr{\"u}nder-Ratten zeigten unterschiedlich stark reduzierte MR mRNA und Protein Niveaus in Niere und Hippocampus, den Hauptexpressions-Regionen des MR. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Expression des GR unver{\"a}ndert, was die Spezifit{\"a}t der Geninaktivierung belegt. Die zwei MR Zielgene Sgk1 und ENaC waren hochreguliert w{\"a}hrend die mRNA Spiegel anderer Gene wie IK1 und SCD2 erniedrigt waren. {\"A}hnlich wie in den knock-out M{\"a}usen und Patienten zeigten die knock-down Ratten die typischen Merkmale des Pseudohypoaldosteronismus Typ I wie erh{\"o}hte Serumspiegel von Aldosteron und Renin sowie Wachstumsretardation. Weiterhin fanden wir einen linearen Zusammenhang zwischen der MR Expression in der Niere, den Serum Aldosteron-Werten und dem K{\"o}rpergewicht. Zusammengefasst sind unsere MR knock-down Ratten unter den ersten Beispielen f{\"u}r RNAi in vivo und belegen, dass diese Technik es erlaubt, abgestufte Auspr{\"a}gugen der Geninktivierung wie in humanen genetischen Erkrankungen zu erreichen. Weiterhin haben wir die Rolle des GR und des MR f{\"u}r die immunmodulatorische Aktivit{\"a}t der Glukokortikoide in peritonealen Makrophagen untersucht. GCs sind an der Kontrolle der Makrophagenfunktion beteiligt und regulieren so die Reaktion gegen{\"u}ber Pathogenen. Aus diesem Grund werden GCs weitverbreitet zur Behandlung von Enz{\"u}ndungen und Autoimmunerkrankungen eingesetzt. Allerdings ist bez{\"u}glich dieser GC Aktivit{\"a}ten weder bekannt welche Kontrolle die Hormonkonzentration spielt noch kennt man den differentiellen Beitrag des GR und des MR. Zuerst best{\"a}tigten wir die Expression beider Rezeptoren in peritonealen Makrophagen w{\"a}hrend die 11b-HSD2 nicht exprimiert war. Anschließend zeigten wir, dass niedrigte Corticosteron-Level die NO Produktion sowie die mRNA Expression von pro-inflammatorischen Zytokinen, Chemokinen und Enzymen die f{\"u}r die Mediator-Synthesee ben{\"o}tigt werden erh{\"o}hen. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Makrophagen Funktion bei hohen Corticosteron-Konzentrationen stark reprimiert. Eine wichtige Beobachtung war, dass die Inaktivierung des GR durch lentiviral eingef{\"u}hrte siRNAs sowohl die immunstimulatorischen als auch die immunsuppressiven GR Aktivit{\"a}ten aufhob w{\"a}hrend die Inaktivierung des MR keine Konsequenzen hatte. Weiterhin f{\"u}hrte der Verlust endogenener GCs nach Adrenalektomie in vivo zu einem pr{\"a}-aktivierten Zustand der Makrophagen, welcher durch Corticosteron moduliert werden konnte. Wir schließen hieraus, dass GCs in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von ihrer Konzentration unterschiedliche Effekte auf die Makrophagen Funktion haben und dass diese durch den GR vermittelt werden, obwohl der MR ebenfalls exprimiert ist. Zusammengefasst best{\"a}tigen unsere Ergebnisse dass die lenivirale Transduktion von shRNAs eine effiziente Methode zur Geninaktivierung in prim{\"a}ren Zellen und transgenen Ratten darstellt und es so erlaubt, funktionelle Studien durchzuf{\"u}hren die zuvor auf M{\"a}use beschr{\"a}nkt waren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hallhuber2007, author = {Hallhuber, Matthias}, title = {Inhibition of Nuclear Import of Calcineurin Prevents the Development of Myocardial Hypertrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23536}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The Calcineurin/NFAT signaling cascade is a crucial transducer of cellular function. It has recently been emerged that in addition to the transcription factor NFAT, the phosphatase Calcineurin is also translocated to the nucleus. Our traditional understanding of Calcineurin activation via sustained high Ca2+-levels was also advanced by recent findings from this working group (AG Ritter), which showed that Calcineurin is activated by proteolysis of the C-terminal autoinhibitory domain. This leads to the constitutive activation and nuclear translocation of Calcineurin. Therefore, Calcineurin is not only responsible for dephosphorylating of NFAT in the cytosol thus enabling its nuclear import, its presence in the nucleus is also significant in ensuring the full transcriptional activity of NFAT. Formation of complexes between transcription factors and DNA regulates the transcriptional process. Therefore, the time that transcription factors remain nuclear is a major determinant of transcriptional activity. The movement of proteins over ~40 kDa into and out of the nucleus is governed by the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Transcription factors and enzymes that regulate the activity of these proteins are shuttled across the nuclear envelope by proteins that recognize nuclear localization signals (NLS) and nuclear export signals (NES) within the amino acid sequence of these transcription factors. In this study, the precise mechanisms of Calcineurin nuclear import and export were identified. Additionally to the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and the nuclear export sequence (NES) within the sequence of Calcineurin, the respective nuclear cargo proteins, responsible for nuclear import, Importin\&\#946;1, and for nuclear export, CRM1, were identified. Inhibition of the Calcineurin/importin interaction by a competitive peptide, called Import Blocking Peptide (IBP), which mimicked the Calcineurin NLS, prevented nuclear entry of Calcineurin. A non-inhibitory control peptide showed no effect. Using this approach, it was able to prevent the development of myocardial hypertrophy. In Angiotensin II stimulated cardiomyocytes, both the transcriptional and the translational level was suppressed. Additionally, cell size and expression of Brain natriuretic peptide (as molecular marker for hypertrophy) were significantly reduced compared untreated controls. IBP worked dose-dependent, but did not affect the Calcineurin phosphatase activity. In conclusion, Calcineurin is not only capable of dephosphorylating NFAT, thus enabling its nuclear import, its presence in the nucleus is also important for full NFAT transcriptional activity. Using IBP to prevent the nuclear import of Calcineurin is a completely new approach to prevent the development of myocardial hypertrophy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruttor2006, author = {Ruttor, Andreas}, title = {Neural Synchronization and Cryptography}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Neural networks can synchronize by learning from each other. For that purpose they receive common inputs and exchange their outputs. Adjusting discrete weights according to a suitable learning rule then leads to full synchronization in a finite number of steps. It is also possible to train additional neural networks by using the inputs and outputs generated during this process as examples. Several algorithms for both tasks are presented and analyzed. In the case of Tree Parity Machines the dynamics of both processes is driven by attractive and repulsive stochastic forces. Thus it can be described well by models based on random walks, which represent either the weights themselves or order parameters of their distribution. However, synchronization is much faster than learning. This effect is caused by different frequencies of attractive and repulsive steps, as only neural networks interacting with each other are able to skip unsuitable inputs. Scaling laws for the number of steps needed for full synchronization and successful learning are derived using analytical models. They indicate that the difference between both processes can be controlled by changing the synaptic depth. In the case of bidirectional interaction the synchronization time increases proportional to the square of this parameter, but it grows exponentially, if information is transmitted in one direction only. Because of this effect neural synchronization can be used to construct a cryptographic key-exchange protocol. Here the partners benefit from mutual interaction, so that a passive attacker is usually unable to learn the generated key in time. The success probabilities of different attack methods are determined by numerical simulations and scaling laws are derived from the data. If the synaptic depth is increased, the complexity of a successful attack grows exponentially, but there is only a polynomial increase of the effort needed to generate a key. Therefore the partners can reach any desired level of security by choosing suitable parameters. In addition, the entropy of the weight distribution is used to determine the effective number of keys, which are generated in different runs of the key-exchange protocol using the same sequence of input vectors. If the common random inputs are replaced with queries, synchronization is possible, too. However, the partners have more control over the difficulty of the key exchange and the attacks. Therefore they can improve the security without increasing the average synchronization time.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pappert2007, author = {Pappert, Katrin}, title = {Anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As - Measurement, Control and Application in Novel Devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Ferromagnetic semiconductors (FS) promise the integration of magnetic memory functionalities and semiconductor information processing into the same material system. The prototypical FS (Ga,Mn)As has become the focus of semiconductor spintronics research over the past years. The spin-orbit mediated coupling of magnetic and semiconductor properties in this material gives rise to many novel transport-related phenomena which can be harnessed for device applications. In this thesis we address challenges faced in the development of an all-semiconductor memory architecture. A starting point for information storage in FS is the knowledge of their detailed magnetic anisotropy. The first part of this thesis concentrates on the investigation of the magnetization behaviour in compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As by electrical means. The angle between current and magnetization is monitored in magnetoresistance(MR) measurements along many in-plane directions using the Anisotropic MR(AMR) or Planar Hall effect(PHE). It is shown, that a full angular set of such measurements displayed in a color coded resistance polar plot can be used to identify and quantitatively determine the symmetry components of the magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As at 4 K. We compile such "anisotropy fingerprints" for many (Ga,Mn)As layers from Wuerzburg and other laboratories and find the presence of three symmetry terms in all layers. The biaxial anisotropy term with easy axes along the [100] and [010] crystal direction dominates the magnetic behaviour. An additional uniaxial term with an anisotropy constant of ~10\% of the biaxial one has its easy axis along either of the two <110> directions. A second contribution of uniaxial symmetry with easy axis along one of the biaxial easy axes has a strength of only ~1\% of the biaxial anisotropy and is therefore barely visible in standard SQUID measurements. An all-electrical writing scheme would be desirable for commercialization. We report on a current assisted magnetization manipulation experiment in a lateral (Ga,Mn)As nanodevice at 4 K (far below Tc). Reading out the large resistance signal from DW that are confined in nanoconstrictions, we demonstrate the current assisted magnetization switching of a small central island through a hole mediated spin transfer from the adjacent leads. One possible non-perturbative read-out scheme for FS memory devices could be the recently discovered Tunneling Anisotropic MagnetoResistance (TAMR) effect. Here we clarify the origin of the large amplification of the TAMR amplitude in a device with an epitaxial GaAs tunnel barrier at low temperatures. We prove with the help of density of states spectroscopy that a thin (Ga,Mn)As injector layer undergoes a metal insulator transition upon a change of the magnetization direction in the layer plane. The two states can be distinguished by their typical power law behaviour in the measured conductance vs voltage tunneling spectra. While all hereto demonstrated (Ga,Mn)As devices inherited their anisotropic magnetic properties from their parent FS layer, more sophisticated FS architectures will require locally defined FS elements of different magnetic anisotropy on the same wafer. We show that shape anisotropy is not applicable in FS because of their low volume magnetization. We present a method to lithographically engineer the magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As by submicron patterning. Anisotropic strain relaxation in submicron bar structures (nanobars) and the related deformation of the crystal lattice introduce a new uniaxial anisotropy term in the energy equation. We demonstrate by both SQUID and transport investigations that this lithographically induced uniaxial anisotropy overwrites the intrinsic biaxial anisotropy at all temperatures up to Tc. The final section of the thesis combines all the above into a novel device scheme. We use anisotropy engineering to fabricate two orthogonal, magnetically uniaxial, nanobars which are electrically connected through a constriction. We find that the constriction resistance depends on the relative orientation of the nanobar magnetizations, which can be written by an in-plane magnetic field. This effect can be explained with the AMR effect in connection with the field line patterns in the respective states. The device offers a novel non-volatile information storage scheme and a corresponding non-perturbative read-out method. The read out signal is shown to increase drastically in samples with partly depleted constriction region. This could be shown to originate in a magnetization direction driven metal insulator transition of the material in the constriction region.}, subject = {Anisotropie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reifenrath2007, author = {Reifenrath, Kerstin}, title = {Effects of variable host plant quality on the oligophagous leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae: Performance, host plant recognition and feeding stimulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Abiotic environmental stress, as evoked by short-term exposure of greenhousegrown plants to ambient ultraviolet radiation (UV), induces chemical and morphological adaptations of plants. Responses depend on the strength of stress and differ between species and tissues of variable age. In two Brassicaceae, Sinapis alba and Nasturtium officinale, stress responses towards short-term exposure to ambient radiation including or excluding UV reveal a high phenotypic plasticity, with strong differences their chemical composition compared to plants that remained in the greenhouse. The most pronounced defensive response against UV, the accumulation of flavonoid pigments, was strongest in young UV-exposed leaves, with an increase of the more effectice flavonol quercetin on the expense of less effectice kaempferol. Glucosinolates and myrosinase enzymes showed highly species-specific responses to UV-stress. Feeding behaviour and larval performance of the oligophagous Brassicaceae specialist, Phaedon cochleariae (Chrysomelidae; Coleoptera) were poorly affected by these differently UV-exposed host plants. Effects of plant stress on larval development were restricted to a minor variation in body mass due to variable food conversion of certain larval instars, which were compensated until pupation. Moreover, larval developmental times were unaffected by UV-exposure, but varied between species and leaves of different age. For P. cochleariae, this lack of variation in larval and pupal development towards UV-altered phytochemistry may suggest a strong genetic fixation of life history traits. In combination, the high plasticity towards variable food quality may correspond to the beetles's specialisation on a narrow range of chemically highly variable host plants. Apart from being involved in plant defence against generalist herbivores, glucosinolates may also act as recognition cues and feeding stimulants for specialist insects. In earlier studies, glucosinolates were assumed to stimulate feeding by P. cochleariae, and they were suggested to be present on outermost leaf surfaces. However, since these findings were based on crude extraction methods, the presence of feeding stimulants in epicuticular waxes of Brassicaceae was re-investigated. In our study, glucosinolates were not detectable in mechanically removed waxes in Brassica napus and N. officinale, whereas substrate concentrations in solvent leaf extracts corresponded to densities and closure of leaf surface stomata. Therefore, glucosinolates that originate from the mesophyll may have been washed out through open stomata. Neither leaf waxes, nor leaf waxes combined with sinigrin or pure sinigrin evoked feeding. Moreover, in choice tests, these leaf beetles clearly preferred to feed on de-waxed surfaces. Finally, the presence of feeding stimulants in epicuticular waxes is highly unlikely considering the physico-chemical properties of the plant cuticle. The lack of stimulants on the outermost surface corresponds to the plant's perspective, which should avoid easily accessible feeding stimulants. Nevertheless, the role of glucosinolates for feeding stimulation of P. cochleariae remained unclear. Therefore, S. alba leaf extracts of different polarities were tested in bioassays in order to identify which chemical leaf compounds act as stimulants. In bioassay-guided fractionations of methanol extracts by semi-preparative HPLC, two distinct fractions with stimulating activity were detected, whereas other fractions were not effective. Flavonoids were identified as main component in one stimulating fractions, the second fraction mainly contained glucosinolates, including sinalbin. The combination of both fractions was significantly more stimulating than each individual fraction, indicating additive effects of at least one compound of each fraction. However, since the combined fractions were less effective compared to the original extracts, other compounds may additionally be involved in the complex composition of leaf compounds acting as feeding stimulants for P. cochleariae. Finally, fractionated extracts of UV altered plants were used to test whether the strength of feeding responses depend on different ratios of glucosinolates and flavonoids. However, since the feeding behavior of this leaf beetle was not affected, such quantitative variations were concluded to be less important. The initiation of feeding behaviour may solely depend on the presence of stimulating compounds.}, subject = {Meerrettichk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeiner2007, author = {Zeiner, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Noncommutative Quantumelectrodynamics from Seiberg-Witten Maps to All Orders in Theta}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23363}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The basic question which drove our whole work was to find a meaningful noncommutative gauge theory even for the time-like case (\$\theta^{0 i} \neq 0\$). In order to be able to tackle questions regarding unitarity, it is not sufficient to consider theories which include the noncommutative parameter only up to a finite order. The reason is that in order to investigate tree-level unitarity or the optical theorem in loops one has to know the behavior of the noncommutative theory for center-of-mass energies much greater than the noncommutative scale. Therefore an effective theory, that is by construction only valid up to the noncommutative scale, isn't sufficient for our purpose. Our model is based on two fundamental assumptions. The first assumption is given by the commutation relations \eqref{eq:ncalg}. This led to the Moyal-Weyl star-product \eqref{eq:astproduct2} which replaces all point-like products between two fields. The second assumption is to assume that the model built this way is not only invariant under the noncommutative gauge transformation but also under the commutative one. In order to obtain an action of such a model one has to replace the fields by their appropriate \swms. We chose the gauge fixed action \eqref{eq:actioncgf} as the fundamental action of our model. After having constructed the action of the NCQED including the {\swms} we were confronted with the problem of calculating the {\swms} to all orders in \$\tMN\$. By means of \cite{bbg} we could calculate the {\swms} order by order in the gauge field, where each order in the gauge field contains all orders in the noncommutative parameter (\cf chapter \ref{chapter:swms}). By comparing the maps with the result we obtained from an alternative ansatz \cite{bcpvz}, we realized that already the simplest {\swm} for the gauge field is not unique. In chapter \ref{chapter:ambiguities} we examined this ambiguity, which we could parametrised by an arbitrary function \$\astf\$. The next step was to derive the Feynman rules for our NCQED. One finds that the propagators remain unchanged so that the free theory is equal to the commutative QED. The fermion-fermion-photon vertex contains not only a phase factor coming from the Moyal-Weyl star-product but also two additional terms which have their origin in the \swms. Beside the 3-photon vertex which is already present in NCQED without {\swms} and which has also additional terms coming from the \swms, too, one has a contact vertex which couples two fermions with two photons. After having derived all the vertices we calculated the pair annihilation scattering process \$e^+ e^- \rightarrow \gamma \gamma\$ at Born level. By choosing the parameter \$\kggg = 1\$ (\cf section \ref{sec:represent}), we found that the amplitude of the pair annihilation process becomes equal to the amplitude of the NCQED without \swms. This means that, at least for this process, the NCQED excluding {\swms} is only a special case of NCQED including \swms. On the basis of the pair annihilation process, we afterwards investigated tree-level unitarity. In order to satisfy the tree-level unitarity we had to constrain the arbitrary function \$\astf\$. We found that the series expansion of \$\astf\$ has to start with unity. In addition, the even part of the function must not increase faster than \$s^{-1/2} \log(s)\$ for \$s \rightarrow \infty\$, whereas the odd part of the \$\astf\$-function can't be constrained, at least by the process we considered. By assuming these constrains for the \$\astf\$-function, we could show that tree-level unitarity is satisfied if one incorporates the uncertainties present in the energy and the momenta of the scattered particles, \ie the uncertainties of the center-of-mass energy and the scattering angles. This uncertainties are not exclusively present due to the finite experimental resolution. A delta-like center-of-mass energy as well as delta-like momenta are in general not possible because the scattered particles are never exact plane waves.}, subject = {Raum-Zeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Milbrandt2007, author = {Milbrandt, Jens}, title = {Performance Evaluation of Efficient Resource Management Concepts for Next Generation IP Networks}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-1991}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23332}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Next generation networks (NGNs) must integrate the services of current circuit-switched telephone networks and packet-switched data networks. This convergence towards a unified communication infrastructure necessitates from the high capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX) due to the coexistence of separate networks for voice and data. In the end, NGNs must offer the same services as these legacy networks and, therefore, they must provide a low-cost packet-switched solution with real-time transport capabilities for telephony and multimedia applications. In addition, NGNs must be fault-tolerant to guarantee user satisfaction and to support business-critical processes also in case of network failures. A key technology for the operation of NGNs is the Internet Protocol (IP) which evolved to a common and well accepted standard for networking in the Internet during the last 25 years. There are two basically different approaches to achieve QoS in IP networks. With capacity overprovisioning (CO), an IP network is equipped with sufficient bandwidth such that network congestion becomes very unlikely and QoS is maintained most of the time. The second option to achieve QoS in IP networks is admission control (AC). AC represents a network-inherent intelligence that admits real-time traffic flows to a single link or an entire network only if enough resources are available such that the requirements on packet loss and delay can be met. Otherwise, the request of a new flow is blocked. This work focuses on resource management and control mechanisms for NGNs, in particular on AC and associated bandwidth allocation methods. The first contribution consists of a new link-oriented AC method called experience-based admission control (EBAC) which is a hybrid approach dealing with the problems inherent to conventional AC mechanisms like parameter-based or measurement-based AC (PBAC/MBAC). PBAC provides good QoS but suffers from poor resource utilization and, vice versa, MBAC uses resources efficiently but is susceptible to QoS violations. Hence, EBAC aims at increasing the resource efficiency while maintaining the QoS which increases the revenues of ISPs and postpones their CAPEX for infrastructure upgrades. To show the advantages of EBAC, we first review today's AC approaches and then develop the concept of EBAC. EBAC is a simple mechanism that safely overbooks the capacity of a single link to increase its resource utilization. We evaluate the performance of EBAC by its simulation under various traffic conditions. The second contribution concerns dynamic resource allocation in transport networks which implement a specific network admission control (NAC) architecture. In general, the performance of different NAC systems may be evaluated by conventional methods such as call blocking analysis which has often been applied in the context of multi-service asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. However, to yield more practical results than abstract blocking probabilities, we propose a new method to compare different AC approaches by their respective bandwidth requirements. To present our new method for comparing different AC systems, we first give an overview of network resource management (NRM) in general. Then we present the concept of adaptive bandwidth allocation (ABA) in capacity tunnels and illustrate the analytical performance evaluation framework to compare different AC systems by their capacity requirements. Different network characteristics influence the performance of ABA. Therefore, the impact of various traffic demand models and tunnel implementations, and the influence of resilience requirements is investigated. In conclusion, the resources in NGNs must be exclusively dedicated to admitted traffic to guarantee QoS. For that purpose, robust and efficient concepts for NRM are required to control the requested bandwidth with regard to the available transmission capacity. Sophisticated AC will be a key function for NRM in NGNs and, therefore, efficient resource management concepts like experience-based admission control and adaptive bandwidth allocation for admission-controlled capacity tunnels, as presented in this work are appealing for NGN solutions.}, subject = {Ressourcenmanagement}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sava2006, author = {Sava, Ramona-Mihaela}, title = {Quest and Conquest in the Fiction of David Lodge}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In spite of David Lodge's rejection of the theories labelled as poststructuralist, this thesis proves that his novels can be interpreted from a Foucauldian perspective. The concept of discourse, seen by the French philosopher as intricately linked with knowledge, power and truth, enables the distinction of four main discourses in Lodge's novels, religious, gender, ethnic and literary. The analysis reveals that in David Lodge's fiction there is a perpetual struggle for power illustrating Foucault's idea of the interdependence between power, knowledge, truth and discourses circulated by institutions.}, subject = {Lodge}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nitzsche2007, author = {Nitzsche, Thomas}, title = {Origin of magnetic anomalies in pyroclastic rocks of the Messel volcano : insights into a maar-diatreme-structure}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23231}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Im Jahre 2001 wurde im Zentrum der Grube Messel, ca. 25 km s{\"u}dlich von Frankfurt gelegen, eine 433 m tiefe Bohrung abgeteuft. Geowissenschaftliche Ergebnisse, die durch die Bohrung gewonnen wurden, konnten die Herkunft des rundlichen Beckens durch eine Maar-Diatrem-Struktur erkl{\"a}ren. Die erbohrten Kerne sind vom Hangenden zum Liegenden durch lakustrine Sedimente (0-240 m) und vulkaniklastische Gesteine gekennzeichnet, letztere werden durch Lapillituffe (240-373 m) and der Diatrem-Brekzie (373 433 m) beschrieben. Die Lapillituffe, auf die hier das Hauptaugenmerk gelegt wurde, sind makro- und mikroskopisch schwer differenzierbar und erscheinen als ein einzig massig auftretender, unsortierter vulkaniklastischer K{\"o}rper, der haupts{\"a}chlich aus millimeter- bis zentimeter-großen juvenilen Klasten und Nebengesteinsbruchst{\"u}cken aufgebaut ist. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit pr{\"a}sentiert die gesteinsmagnetischen Eigenschaften von Kernproben der Messel Vulkaniklastika und erkl{\"a}rt die Herkunft der magnetischen Anomalien, die w{\"a}hrend des Bohrprojekts 2001 detektiert wurden. Das magnetische Verhalten des eruptierten Materials bezieht sich auf feink{\"o}rnige und eisenreiche (Titano) Magnetite, die verteilt in den juvenilen Lapilli auftreten. Experimente der temperaturabh{\"a}ngigen Suszeptibilit{\"a}t sowie isothermale remanente Magnetisierungs- und Hystereseuntersuchungen an den vulkaniklastischen Proben zeigen im Sinne der Zusammensetzung, Koerzivit{\"a}t und Korngr{\"o}ße (Pseudo-Einbereichsteilchen) sehr {\"a}hnliche ferrimagnetische Eigenschaften. Das eruptierte Material mit seinen ferrimagnetischen Mineralen besaß bei der Ablagerung ein sehr {\"a}hnliches Potential zum prim{\"a}ren Remanenzerwerb. Entmagnetisierungsversuche offenbaren Unterscheide im magnetischen Stabilit{\"a}tsverhalten der erworbenen nat{\"u}rlich remanenten Magnetisierung (NRM). Aufheizexperimente beweisen die Akquisition einer thermisch remanenten Magnetisierung durch Temperatureffekte, die bei der Eruption und der Ablagerung des vulkanischen Gesteins im Diatrem auftraten. Die obere Lapillituffh{\"a}lfte wurde bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen (<300 °C), die unter H{\"a}lfte bei hohen Temperaturen (>>300 °C) abgelagert. Um den gesteinsmagnetischen Charakter der Messel Maar-Diatrem-Fazies besser zu verstehen, sind zus{\"a}tzlich die Partikelkorngr{\"o}ße, der relative Anteil und die Form der juvenilen Fragmente sowie deren chemische Zusammensetzung n{\"a}her untersucht und analysiert worden. Die Methodik der Bildanalyse sowie der Haupt- und Spurenelementanalyse des juvenilen Anteils erm{\"o}glicht eine klare Unterteilung der Lapillituffe. Die Kombination der Resultate der Partikelanalytik mit den gesteinsmagnetischen Befunden beg{\"u}nstigt die Einteilung der Vulkaniklastika in eine relativ heiße, geochemisch undifferenzierte und eine k{\"a}ltere, differenzierte Eruptionsphase. Somit liegt am Ende der vulkanischen Aktivit{\"a}t von Messel ein bivalentes Stadium zugrunde. Dabei sind die juvenilen Fragmente f{\"u}r die Temperaturentwicklung und W{\"a}rmebedingungen innerhalb des vulkaniklastischen Materials verantwortlich und tragen zur Herkunft der magnetischen Feldanomalien bei. Basierend auf gravimetrischen Parametern und den Ergebnissen der Magnetisierungs-eigenschaften der Pyroklastika erm{\"o}glicht ein 3D Potentialfeld-Modell der Messel Maar-Diatrem-Struktur die an der Erdoberfl{\"a}che gemessenen negativen Anomalien zu erkl{\"a}ren, sowie die Massen und Volumina der erbohrten Lithozonen zu berechnen.}, subject = {Messel Grube}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mishina2007, author = {Mishina, Tatiana E.}, title = {Mechanisms of local and systemic defences in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to host and non-host strains of Pseudomonas syringae}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23160}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Stickstoffmonooxid (NO) wird als wichtige Signalkomponente bei der Entwicklung der Hypersensitiven Reaktion beschrieben. Außerdem wird NO eine Rolle als Signalmolek{\"u}l bei der Expression von Abwehrgenen wie PR-1, PAL1 oder Chalkonsynthase (CHS) und bei der Akkumulation von Salicyls{\"a}ure zugeordnet (Durner et al., 1998). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden transgene Pflanzen mit ver{\"a}nderten endogenen NO-Spiegeln verwendet, um die Rolle von NO in Pflanze-Pathogen-Interaktionen zu untersuchen. Arabidopsis-Pflanzen, die aufgrund der Expression einer NO Dioxygenase erniedrigte NO-Gehalte aufweisen, zeigen nach einem Angriff avirulenter Pathogene einen abgeschw{\"a}chten oxidative burst und eine reduzierte Expression von Genen des Phenylpropanbiosyntheseweges. Weitere Experimente mit transgenen Pflanzen, die eine bakterielle NO-Synthase exprimieren, legen nahe, dass eine konstitutive Erh{\"o}hung der NO-Spiegel nicht zu einer konstitutiv verst{\"a}rkten Pathogenabwehr f{\"u}hrt. M{\"o}glicherweise ist eine graduelle Steigerung der NO-Gehalte nach Pathogenkontakt f{\"u}r die Induktion pflanzlicher Abwehrreaktionen erforderlich. Im Gegenteil, die NOS-exprimierenden Pflanzen waren anf{\"a}lliger gegen bakterielle Pathogene als Wildtyp-Pflanzen und zeigten eine abgeschw{\"a}chte SAR-Reaktion. Die Ergebnisse deuten auch darauf hin, dass NO eine wichtige Rolle bei der Regulation des Redoxstatus in der Pflanzenzelle spielt. Diese Funktion von NO ist wichtig beim Seneszenzvorgang. Entsprechend der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit kann NO als negativer Regulator der Blattseneszenz angesehen werden. Die Wirkungsweise von NO auf molekularer Ebene und die Signalkaskaden, in die NO involviert ist, sind immer noch nicht ausreichend verstanden. In zuk{\"u}nftigen Experimenten wird es notwendig sein, die selektive Quantifizierung von NO in intaktem Pflanzengewebe zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, die Proteintargets von NO zu identifizieren und die Struktur und Funktion NO-modifizierter Biomolek{\"u}le zu entschl{\"u}sseln, um die Rolle von NO in Pflanze-Pathogen-Wechselwirkungen besser verstehen zu lernen. Die Nichtwirtsresistenz beruht auf mehreren Verteidigungsebenen, welche konstitutive und induzierte Komponenten beinhalten. Die Bedeutung induzierter Abwehrreaktionen f{\"u}r die Nichtwirtsresistenz gegen bakterielle Pathogene ist nicht vollst{\"a}ndig klar. Die Daten der vorliegenden Arbeit legen nahe, dass das Wachstum von Nichtwirtsbakterien in Arabidopsis-Bl{\"a}ttern durch vorgebildete toxische Substanzen und durch induzierte Zellwandverst{\"a}rkungen gehemmt wird. Nichtwirtsbakterien verursachen eine schnelle Induktion der Expression der Ligninbiosynthesegene PAL1 und BCB, die unabh{\"a}ngig vom Typ III-Sekretionssystem ist und m{\"o}glicherweise zur Papillenbildung beitr{\"a}gt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist die {\"U}berlebensrate der Nichtwirtsbakterien in den extrazellul{\"a}ren R{\"a}umen der Arabidopsis pal1-Mutante h{\"o}her als in Wildtyp-Pflanzen, was die funktionelle Bedeutung der PAL1-Expression bei der Nichtwirtsresistenz verdeutlicht. Außerdem zeigen die Experimente, dass Nichtwirtsbakterien in {\"a}hnlicher Weise wie Wirtsbakterien die Akkumulation von Salicyls{\"a}ure und die Expression von PR-Genen induzieren. Die Induktion dieser Abwehrkomponenten ist abh{\"a}ngig von einem intakten Typ III-Sekretionssystem. Die Signalwege, auf denen nach Kontakt mit Nichtwirtsbakterien und Wirtsbakterien Abwehrreaktionen induziert werden, sind {\"a}hnlich. Es wurden jedoch zwischen zwei verschiedenen Nichtwirtsst{\"a}mmen auch unterschiedliche Signalwege aktiviert, was m{\"o}glicherweise auf ein unterschiedliches Repertoire von TypIII-Effektoren der beiden St{\"a}mme zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Trotz der Aktivierung dieser induzierten Abwehr zeigen Experimente mit klassischen Abwehrmutanten, dass SA- und JA-abh{\"a}ngige Abwehrreaktionen nicht direkt zur Nichtwirtsresistenz gegen P. syringae beitragen. Weiterhin zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die Nichtwirtsresistenz des Arabidopsis-{\"O}kotyps Col-0 effektiver ist als die des Ler-0-{\"O}kotyps, obwohl bei letzterem die Resistenz gegen virulente Bakterien h{\"o}her ist. Diese Unterschiede scheinen nicht mit der unterschiedlichen Glucosinolatzusammensetzung der beiden {\"O}kotypen im Zusammenhang zu stehen. Um das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Nichtwirtsresistenz von Arabidopsis gegen{\"u}ber P. syringae zu verbessern, k{\"o}nnen in zuk{\"u}nftigen Experimenten Doppel- und Triplemutanten hergestellt werden, die gleichzeitig Defekte in der zellwandabh{\"a}ngigen Abwehr (Lignin- und Callosebiosynthese) und in klassischen, SA-abh{\"a}ngigen Abwehrreaktionen aufweisen. Auch k{\"o}nnen Analysen des Genom-Polymorphismus und der Zusammensetzung von Sekund{\"a}rmetaboliten in den {\"O}kotypen Ler-0 und Col-0 zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Nichtwirtsresistenz f{\"u}hren. Die Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass ein lokaler, symptomfreier Kontakt von Arabidopsis-Bl{\"a}ttern mit Nichtwirtsbakterien, TTSS-defiziente Bakterien und allgemeine bakterielle Elicitoren (PAMPs) wie Flagellin und Lipopolysaccharide die systemisch erworbene Resistenz innerhalb der Gesamtpflanze hervorrufen. Die symptomlose systemische Resistenzreaktion findet in SAR-defizienten Mutanten nicht statt, wird jedoch in der Jasmonat-insensitiven jar1-Mutante, die keine ISR-Reaktion ausbilden kann, beobachtet. Durch Behandlung von Arabidopsis-Bl{\"a}ttern mit unterschiedlichen Inokuli von virulenten oder avirulenten P. syringae-St{\"a}mmen wurde auch eine deutliche Korrelation des Ausmaßes der SAR-Induktion mit der H{\"o}he der SA-Akkumulation oder der PR-Genexpression, aber nicht mit der Nekrosenbildung oder der JA-Produktion, am Infektionsort festgestellt. Diese Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass nicht die Hypersensitive Reaktion oder Gewebenekrosen, sondern m{\"o}glicherweise die St{\"a}rke bestimmter Abwehrreaktionen am Ort der Inokulation zur Ausl{\"o}sung der SAR beitragen. Die Befunde, dass die systemische Resistenz auch durch PAMPs und durch TTSS-defekte P. syringae-St{\"a}mme erh{\"o}ht wird, verdeutlicht die wichtige Rolle von allgemeinen Elicitoren bei der SAR-Induktion. In k{\"u}nftige Experimenten kann untersucht werden, ob verschiedene PAMPs die SAR in synergistischer Weise induzieren und ob allgemeine Elicitoren pilzlicher Herkunft SAR ausl{\"o}sen k{\"o}nnen. Weiterhin k{\"o}nnen die molekulare Prozesse spezifiziert werden, die stromabw{\"a}rts von PAMP-Erkennungsprozessen f{\"u}r die SAR-Ausbildung notwendig sind. In weiteren Experimenten k{\"o}nnte die Hypothese {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden, ob einzelner PAMPs als mobile SAR-Langstreckensignale fungieren k{\"o}nnen. Durch phytopathologische Charakterisierung von T-DNA-Knockout-Linien, die Defekte in Genen aufweisen, welche in Arabidopsis nach einer P. syringae-Infektion aufreguliert werden, konnte das FLAVIN-DEPENDENT MONOOXYGENASE1 (FMO1)-Gen als notwendige Komponente der SAR in Arabidopsis identifiziert werden. So bleiben die im Wildtyp induzierten systemischen Abwehrreaktionen und die Erh{\"o}hung der systemischen Resistenz nach lokaler Inokulation mit P. syringae in fmo1-Knockout-Pflanzen vollst{\"a}ndig aus. Weiterhin korreliert die systemische Expression des FMO1-Gens eng mit der SAR-Induktion. So gibt es bei allen Abwehrmutanten, die keine SAR nach Kontakt mit P. syringae ausbilden k{\"o}nnen, keine FMO1-Expression in distalen Bl{\"a}ttern inokulierter Pflanzen. Umgekehrt verh{\"a}lt es sich mit Arabidopsis-Linien, die die SAR ausbilden. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass FMO1 eine wichtige Komponente eines Signalverst{\"a}rkungszyklus darstellt, der in nichtinfizierten, systemischen Teilen der Pflanze wirkt, um die SAR zu erm{\"o}glichen. In k{\"u}nftigen Experimenten soll der postulierte Amplifizierungsmechanismus experimentell verifiziert werden. Die Konstruktion von transgenen Linien, die ein FMO1:GFP-Fusionsprodukt exprimieren, kann Informationen {\"u}ber die zellu{\"a}re Lokalisation des FMO1-Proteins liefern. Weiterhin k{\"o}nnen vergleichende Analysen der chemischen Zusammensetzung von Blattextrakten der fmo1 Knockout-Linien, von FMO1-{\"U}berexprimierern und von Wildtyp-Pflanzen zur Aufkl{\"a}rung der biochemischen Reaktion beitragen, die die FMO1-Monooxygenase katalysiert. In Anlehnung an die Funktion von yFMO, die die einzige Flavin-abh{\"a}ngige Monooxygenase der Hefe darstellt, kann {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden, ob FMO1 die korrekte Faltung von Proteinen am endoplasmatischen Retikulum vermittelt. Schließlich kann durch die Identifizierung weitere SAR-Gene nach der beschriebenen Strategie und durch funktionelle Charakterisierung der zugeh{\"o}rigen Proteine das Verst{\"a}ndnis der SAR-Reaktion auf molekularer Ebene weiter verbessert werden.}, subject = {Ackerschmalwand}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lee2006, author = {Lee, Sae Kyung}, title = {Interaction of Helicobacter pylori flagellins with the host innate immune system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19917}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative, microaerophilic, spiral-shaped bacterium. It resides in the gastric mucous layer and epithelial lining of the stomach, often clustering at the junction of epithelial cells. H. pylori colonization usually occurs during childhood, and, when left untreated, generally persists for the host's lifetime. Persistent H. pylori infection can cause chronic superficial gastritis and gastric duodenal ulcers, which is possibly linked to the development of gastric carcinoma and primary gastric lymphoma, especially of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type. It was recently defined as a class 1 carcinogen. The gastric inflammatory response to H. pylori infection is characterized by infiltration of the mucosa by neutrophils, T and B cells, plasma cells and macrophages. This reaction is initially induced by H. pylori attachment, followed by cytokine release by gastric epithelial cells. Epidemiological studies revealed that more than 50\% of adults are infected with H. pylori all over the world. However, interestingly, only a subset of individuals develops serious H. pylori-related disease, while most infected individuals show no clinical symptoms. Gastric epithelial cells, like intestinal epithelial cells, express a subset of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and similar pattern recognition receptors, which are important for the activation of the innate immune system. Bacterial components such as lipopeptides, peptidoglycan, LPS, flagellin, and CpG DNA are the ligands of TLRs. Thus, TLRs in gastric epithelial cells might be able to contribute to innate immune responses to H. pylori infection. However, there is scant knowledge about the mechanisms of innate immune response to acute and chronic H. pylori infection. This study is focused on host cell interaction with H. pylori flagellins, which are major components of the flagellar apparatus, and innate immune responses against them. The flagellins, which are essential for bacterial motility, are important for H. pylori to survive in the stomach mucus during the whole infectious cycle. Flagellins are known to act as the main determinant of many mucosal pathogenic bacteria that mediates proinflammatory signaling, including transcriptional factor NF-\&\#61547;B activation via TLR5. In the first part of the study, we investigated the effects of H. pylori flagellins on TLR5 expression, NF-\&\#61547;B activation and IL-8 production in various human intestinal and gastric epithelial cell lines by using Western blotting, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA. IL-8 is a potent neutrophil-activating chemokine expressed by gastric epithelial cells. When we stimulated the cells with the native form of or E. coli-expressed recombinant H. pylori flagellins, FlaA and FlaB, IL-8 was not induced in any case, while S. typhimurium flagellin (FliC) induced it significantly. H. pylori was able to modulate TLR5 protein expression and NF-\&\#61547;B activation in epithelial cells regardless of the presence of flagellins. Having established the finding that H. pylori flagellins have unusually low immune-stimulatory properties, we further investigated to find out possible reasons why H. pylori flagellins are distinct from other flagellins of pathogenic bacteria in terms of immune-stimulatory activity. From amino acid sequence comparisons, we found that some regions in the terminal D0D1 protein domains of H. pylori flagellins are different from flagellins of other pathogenic bacteria. D0D1 is the domain which is known to interact with TLR5 in Salmonella FliC. To examine whether the differences endow H. pylori flagellins with low immune-stimulatory properties, we created several mutated H. pylori flagellins (FlaA and FlaB) by site-directed mutagenesis that contain one to four epitopes of Salmonella flagellin D0D1 domain amino acid sequences. The mutant flagellins expressed both in H. pylori and E. coli were used to determine their influence on TLR5-signaling mediators and cytokines, such as MAPkinases, (ERK, p38), NF-\&\#61547;B, IL-8, and MIP-3\&\#61537;. Salmonella FliC expressed in E. coli induced activation of p38, I\&\#61547;B\&\#61537; and NF-\&\#61547;B leading to IL-8 and MIP-3\&\#61537; production in gastric epithelial cells. However, none of the H. pylori flagellin mutants activated MAP kinases or induced those cytokines. In a co-immunoprecipitation assay none of the recombinant wild type or mutated H. pylori flagellins showed any direct physical interaction with TLR5, while Salmonella FliC significantly co-precipitated with TLR5. Interestingly, we found H. pylori flagellins bind to the surface of gastric epithelial cells like FliC, although they do not bind to or stimulate TLR5. Based on the physical interaction of H. pylori flagellins and FliC with human gastric epithelial cells, we further analyzed transcriptional regulation by H. pylori flagellin in these host cells using microarray analysis. The result showed that H. pylori flagellins modulate host cell gene expression, and many of the identified regulation events overlap with the genes regulated by FliC. These findings imply that H. pylori flagellins do play a role in gene regulation of host cells probably through still unknown factors or receptors, although they do not trigger TLR5-related signaling pathways. The results of our study suggest that, in addition to the low immune-stimulatory activity of H. pylori LPS, the evolutionary reduction in stimulating activity of H. pylori flagellins on the local innate immune responses in the stomach in vivo might be a further strategy of this chronic mucosal pathogen to evade and minimize deleterious host responses, thereby promoting life-long persistence in the host, and possibly contributing to cancerogenesis.}, subject = {Helicobacter pylori}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Faber2007, author = {Faber, Johan Henrik}, title = {Naphthylisoquinoline Alkaloids : Structural Elucidation, Metabolism and Functional Analysis of their Bioactivities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22789}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This thesis deals with the isolation and structural elucidation of bioactive naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids and related analogs. The mode of action of the antiplasmodial activity exhibited by the naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids was explored and compared to that of the antimalarial drug chloroquine. Furthermore, the phase 1 and 2 metabolism of dioncophyllines A and C and dioncopeltine A were investigated. In detail the following results have been obtained: • From the leaves of the recently discovered East African liana A. tanzaniensis six naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids were isolated. • The leaves of a botanical yet undescribed Ancistrocladus species, collected by Prof. Dr. V. Mudogo in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the habitat Yeteto near the town Ikela, were analyzed for naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids for the first time. The isolation work led to the first identification of an N,C-coupled naphthyldihydroisoquinoline alkaloid; ancistrocladinium B. Phytochemical investigation of the roots of the Congolese Ancistrocladus species (habitat Yeteto), , afforded five new derivatives of known naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, namely 5'-O-demethylhamatine, 5'-O-demethylhamatinine, 6-O-demethylancistroealaine A, 6,5'-O,O-didemethylancistroealaine A, and 5-epi-6-O-methylancistrobertsonine A, along with six known naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids. • The antiplasmodial activity guided purification of 60Co irradiated samples containing commercially available naphthylisoquinoline related substances, afforded the isolation of the irradiation products 3,4-dihydro-1-isoquinolinone, 3,4-dihydro-1-isoquinolineamine, and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1,2-diazirino-isoquinoline. The compounds were found to be more active than the starting material, although only exhibiting weak antiplasmodial activity against P. falciparum. • The effect on the absorption spectrum of FPIX due to complex formation with the naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids dioncophyllines A and C, dioncopeltine A korupensamine A, and ancistrocladine was examined by a titration study. Job's plot analyses by UV-spectroscopy determined the stoichiometry for the complex formation of FPIX and naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids to be 2:1. Furthermore, the dissociation constants for the complexation with FPIX were determined for each of the naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids investigated. Dioncophylline C and dioncopeltine A were found to possess dissociation constants, which are comparable to the one reported for the antimalarial drug chloroquine. The ability of ESI to transfer noncovalent solution-phase assemblies intact into the gas phase, was conducted on solution mixtures of naphthylisoquinoline alkaloid and FPIX, as well as on mixtures of chloroquine and FPIX. The mass spectrometry analyses revealed several peaks, which corresponded to the complex formation of FPIX to the respective ligands investigated. The most interesting results obtained were the detection of peaks corresponding to the complex formation between a chelated dimer of FPIX and dioncophylline Cand of peaks corresponding to a double protonated tetramer of FPIX - consisting of two chelated \&\#61549;-oxo dimers of FPIX - in complex formation with two molecules of chloroquine. • Two phase 1 metabolism products of dioncophylline A were identified. Coelution in combination with HPLC-MS/MS, NMR, and CD investigations assigned the major metabolic product as 5'-O-demethyldioncophylline A. The minor metabolic product was only present in small amounts, which disabled an unambiguous structural characterization of the compound. However, as deduced from the mass spectrometry analyses and exclusion of a possible metabolic oxidation product by coelution with authentic reference material, the metabolite should possess a 4-hydroxylated isoquinoline portion and is assumed to be represented by structure. Dioncophylline C and dioncopeltine A were found to be stable to phase 1 metabolism reactions caused by rat liver microsomes.}, subject = {Naphthylisochinolinalkaloide}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jenett2007, author = {Jenett, Arnim}, title = {The Virtual Insect Brain Protocol : development and application of software for the standardization of neuroanatomy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22297}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Since the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster entered the laboratories as a model organism, new genetic, physiological, molecular and behavioral techniques for the functional analysis of the brain rapidly accumulated. Nowadays this concerted assault obtains its main thrust form Gal4 expression patterns that can be visualized and provide the means for manipulating -in unrestrained animals- groups of neurons of the brain. To take advantage of these patterns one needs to know their anatomy. This thesis describes the Virtual Insect Brain (VIB) protocol, a software package for the quantitative assessment, comparison, and presentation of neuroanatomical data. It is based on the 3D-reconstruction and visualization software Amira (Mercury Inc.). Its main part is a standardization procedure which aligns individual 3D images (series of virtual sections obtained by confocal microscopy) to a common coordinate system and computes average intensities for each voxel (volume pixel). The VIB protocol facilitates direct comparison of gene expression patterns and describes their interindividual variability. It provides volumetry of brain regions and helps to characterize the phenotypes of brain structure mutants. Using the VIB protocol does not require any programming skills since all operations are carried out at a (near to) self-explanatory graphical user interface. Although the VIB protocol has been developed for the standardization of Drosophila neuroanatomy, the program structure can be used for the standardization of other 3D structures as well. Standardizing brains and gene expression patterns is a new approach to biological shape and its variability. Using the VIB protocol consequently may help to integrate knowledge on the correlation of form and function of the insect brain. The VIB protocol provides a first set of tools supporting this endeavor in Drosophila. The software is freely available at http://www.neurofly.de.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitesser2006, author = {Mitesser, Oliver}, title = {The evolution of insect life history strategies in a social context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22576}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis extends the classical theoretical work of Macevicz and Oster (1976, expanded by Oster and Wilson, 1978) on adaptive life history strategies in social insects. It focuses on the evolution of dynamic behavioural patterns (reproduction and activity) as a consequence of optimal allocation of energy and time resources. Mathematical modelling is based on detailed empirical observations in the model species Lasioglossum malachurum (Halictidae; Hymenoptera). The main topics are field observations, optimisation models for eusocial life histories, temporal variation in life history decisions, and annual colony cycles of eusocial insects.}, subject = {Schmalbienen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Konrad2007, author = {Konrad, Christian}, title = {Molecular analysis of insulin signaling mechanisms in Echinococcus multilocularis and their role in the host-parasite interaction in the alveolar echinococcosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The insulin receptor ortholog EmIR of the fox-tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis displays significant structural homology to the human insulin receptor (HIR) and has been suggested to be involved in insulin sensing mechanisms of the parasite's metacestode larval stage. In the present work, the effects of host insulin on Echinococcus metacestode vesicles and the proposed interaction between EmIR and mammalian insulin have been studied using biochemical and cell-biological approaches. Human insulin, exogenously added to in vitro cultivated parasite larvae, (i) significantly stimulated parasite survival and growth, (ii) induced DNA de novo synthesis in Echinococcus, (iii) affected overall protein phosphorylation in the parasite, and (iv) specifically induced the phosphorylation of the parasite's Erk-like MAP kinase orthologue EmMPK1. These results clearly indicated that Echinococcus metacestode vesicles are able to sense exogenous host insulin which induces a mitogenic response. To investigate whether EmIR mediates these effects, anti-EmIR antibodies were produced and utilized in biochemical assays and immunohistochemical analyses. EmIR was shown to be expressed in the germinal layer of the parasite both on the surface of glycogen storing cells and undifferentiated germinal cells. Upon addition of exogenous insulin to metacestode vesicles, the phosphorylation of EmIR was significantly induced, an effect which was suppressed in the presence of specific inhibitors of insulin receptor-like tyrosine kinases. Furthermore, upon expression of EmIR/HIR receptor chimera containing the extracellular ligand binding domain of EmIR in HEK 293 cells, a specific autophosphorylation of the chimera could be induced through the addition of exogenous insulin. These results indicated the capability of EmIR to sense and to transmit host insulin signals to the Echinococcus signaling machinery. The importance of insulin signaling mechanisms for parasite survival and growth were underscored by in vitro cultivation experiments in which the addition of an inhibitor of insulin receptor tyrosine kinases led to vesicle degradation and death. Based on the above outlined molecular data on the interaction between EmIR and mammalian insulin, the parasite's insulin receptor orthologue most probably mediates the insulin effects on parasite growth and is, therefore, a potential candidate factor for host-parasite communication via evolutionary conserved pathways. In a final set of experiments, signaling mechanisms that act downstream of EmIR have been analyzed. These studies revealed significant differences between insulin signaling in Echinococcus and the related cestode parasite Taenia solium. These differences could be associated with differences in the organo-tropism of both species.}, subject = {Fuchsbandwurm}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Werner2006, author = {Werner, Mario}, title = {The stratigraphy, sedimentology, and age of the Late Palaeozoic Mesosaurus Inland Sea, SW-Gondwana : new implications from studies on sediments and altered pyroclastic layers of the Dwyka and Ecca Group (lower Karoo Supergroup) in southern Namibia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21757}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The Mesosaurus Inland Sea covered, in the Late Paleozoic, vast areas (~5 Mio km2) of the SW-Gondwanan continental interior. Major depocentres are represented by the Karoo basins of SW-Africa and the Paran{\´a} Basin in South America. These areas were interconnected prior to the break-up of Gondwana and the subsequent opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. In Namibia and South Africa deposits of the Mesosaurus Inland Sea are preserved in the successions of the glacial Dwyka Group and the postglacial Ecca Group (Karoo Supergroup). These deposits comprise the major part of a 60-70 Ma depositional cycle and are the main focus of this study. The large-scale transgressive part of this cycle started in the Late Carboniferous with continental glacial deposits followed by marine glacial and postglacial inland sea deposits. During the Early Permian the Mesosaurus Inland Sea reached its greatest extent, which was accompanied by widespread deposition of Corg-rich sediments. The large scale regressive part is recorded by successions ranging from deep water offshore pelites and turbidite sandstones to shallow water shoreface and deltaic sandstones, deposited in a brackish environment. Shallow water inland sea sediments are in turn overlain by fluvio-lacustrine deposits, which are assigned to the Beaufort Group and form the upper part of the cycle. This successive change in the depositional environment from marine to brackish to freshwater is also reflected in the fossil record. During Dwyka times a marine association of the Gondwana faunal province was able to colonize parts of the Mesosaurus Inland Sea. Later, during lower Ecca times, the connection to the Panthalassan Ocean became insufficient to retain normal marine conditions, leading to strong faunal endemism in an isolated and brackish inland sea environ¬ment. The most well-known and widespread representatives of this endemic fauna are mesosaurid vertebrates and megadesmid bivalves. Numerous altered tuffs occur as interlayers within argillaceous sediments of the Dwyka and Ecca Group of southern Namibia. The vast majority of these altered tuffs are represented by soft and crumbly to hard and indurated, clay-mineral-rich, bentonitic layers. Another, much rarer type is represented by very hard, chert-like tuff layers, which are predominantly albitic in composition. Furthermore, tuff layers within the Gai-As Formation of the Huab area are rich in potassium feldspar and have a porcelain-like appearance. The diagenetically modified matrix is mainly crypto- to microcrystalline. Polished tuff specimen show, in some tuffs, plane lamination or bedding with two or more subunits forming a tuff layer. Some display a weakly developed lamination. Only in very rare cases were structures reminiscent of sedimentary micro-cross lamination observed. The sedimentary textures and structures of the tuffs indicate that they have been deposited mainly as distal ash-fall layers by suspension settling in water. Some may have also been deposited or modified under the influence of weak bottom currents. The primary, pyroclastic macro-components of the tuffs are mainly represented by crystals of quartz, plagio¬clase, and biotite. In some thin sections pseudo¬morphs after pyroxene or hornblende were observed. Euhedral zircon and apatite crystals were observed in almost every tuff. Vitric or formerly vitric macro-components are very rare. The matrix of the majority of the investigated tuffs is predominantly composed of clay minerals. However, the matrix of the tuffs originally consisted most probably of fine vitric ash particles. Soon after deposition the volcanic ash was diagenetically altered to smectitic clay minerals. At a later stage smectite was progressively replaced by illite under prograde conditions. Nowadays the matrix of the bentonitic tuffs is strongly illite-dominated and only in the softer tuff layers a minor smectite content can be detected. Both the primary macrocrystic components as well as the geochemistry of the altered tuffs indicate that their source magmas were mainly of intermediate composition. The abundance of splintery quartz and feldspar crystal fragments within the tuffs hints at a highly explosive plinian or phreatoplinian eruption style of the source volcanoes, which were most probably located within a subduction-related volcanic arc region along the southern margin of Gondwana. New single zircon U-Pb SHRIMP datings of tuff layers provide a much more reliable age control of the investigated sedimentary succession. U-Pb SHRIMP ages for tuff layers from the glaciogenic Dwyka Group in southwestern Africa range from 302.0 ± 3.0 to 297.1 ± 1.8 Ma. The basal part of the early post-glacial Prince Albert Formation is dated at around 290 Ma. SHRIMP ages for tuff layers from the upper part of the Prince Albert Formation, the Whitehill Formation, and the middle part of the Collingham Formation indicate that the Mesosaurus Sea reached its greatest extent at around 280 Ma.}, subject = {Karru}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Strehl2006, author = {Strehl, Amrei}, title = {Studies on regulation and signaling of the platelet glycoproteins GPV and GPVI}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22283}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Bei Verletzung einer Gef{\"a}ßwand kommen Blutpl{\"a}ttchen in Kontakt mit den Substanzen des Subendothels; Die Pl{\"a}ttchen werden dadurch aktiviert, sie aggregieren und verschließen die Wunde, wodurch ein hoher Blutverlust verhindert wird. Unter pathologischen Bedingungen, bei Aufbrechen eines artherosklerotischen Plaques an der Gef{\"a}ßwand, k{\"o}nnen sich jedoch große Pl{\"a}ttchenaggregate, die Thromben, formen, die das Gef{\"a}ß verschließen, den Blutfluss stoppen und somit zu Schlaganfall und Herzinfarkt f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Die kontrollierte Regulation und Signaltransduktion von bzw. durch Pl{\"a}ttchenoberfl{\"a}chenrezeptoren ist wesentlich f{\"u}r das Funktionieren der Zellen und die intakte Balance zwischen physiologischer Pl{\"a}ttchen-Aktivierung und der pathologischen Bildung eines Thrombus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird {\"u}ber wichtige Aspekte dieser Signalwege, die in drei Unterprojekten untersucht worden sind, berichtet. In dem ersten Unterprojekt wurde die Regulation von Pl{\"a}ttchenoberfl{\"a}chenrezeptoren, den Glykoproteinen (GP) V und VI, bei M{\"a}usen analysiert. Hier wird beschrieben, dass GPV und GPVI von der Pl{\"a}ttchenoberfl{\"a}che durch Metalloproteinasen geschnitten werden. W{\"a}hrend physiologischer Stress, wie das Entkoppeln der oxidativen Phosphorylierung in den Mitochondrien, das Schneiden von GPVI durch eine unbekannte Proteinase ausl{\"o}st, verursacht die Aktivierung von Pl{\"a}ttchen mit bestimmten Agonisten das Schneiden von GPV. Die daf{\"u}r verantwortliche Metalloproteinase wurde als ADAM17 identifiziert. In dem zweiten Unterprojekt wurde die Rolle der Protein Kinase C (PKC) in der Pl{\"a}ttchenaktivierung einerseits und in der Pl{\"a}ttchen pro-koagulanten Aktivit{\"a}t andereseits untersucht. Die Konformations{\"a}nderung/Aktivierung von alphaIIbeta3-Integrinen und Sekretion von Granula sind charakteristisch f{\"u}r die Pl{\"a}ttchenaktivierung. Calcium-(Ca2+)-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphatidylserin (PS)- Expression auf der Pl{\"a}ttchenoberfl{\"a}che hingegen ist kennzeichnend f{\"u}r die pro-koagulante Aktivit{\"a}t. Der Beitrag von PKC zu den beschriebenen Pl{\"a}ttchenzust{\"a}nden war bisher unklar. In diesem Projekt wurde zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass PKC eine doppelte Funktion in den Pl{\"a}ttchen besitzt: einerseits f{\"o}rdert PKC die Pl{\"a}ttchen-Aktivierung und -Aggregation, andererseits unterdr{\"u}ckt PKC die pro-koagulant Aktivit{\"a}t. In dem dritten Unterprojekt wurde die Rolle der kleinen GTPase Rac1 in der Pl{\"a}ttchen- Aktivierung und -Aggregation in vitro und in vivo an konditionalen Rac1 M{\"a}usen analysiert. Es wird berichtet, dass Rac1 f{\"u}r die GPVI abh{\"a}ngige Aktivierung von alphaIIbbeta3-Integrinen und dem Freisetzen von Ca2+ in der Zelle, notwendig ist, sowie f{\"u}r GPVI abh{\"a}ngige Pl{\"a}ttchen-Aggregation und Thrombus Bildung. Hiermit wird die GTPase Rac1 zum ersten Mal in den Signalweg unterhalb von GPVI eingeordnet und ihr zudem dort eine essentielle Rolle zugeteilt.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HerreroGonzalez2007, author = {Herrero-Gonz{\´a}lez, Josep E.}, title = {Pathogenic relevance of autoantibodies to type XVII collagen from pemphigoid gestationis patients}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Pemphigoid gestationis (PG) and bullous pemphigoid (BP) are subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases characterized by self-reactive T and B cells specific for the transmembrane hemidesmosomal protein type XVII collagen/BP180. Major T and B cell epitopes are located within the immunodominant 16th non-collagenous domain A (NC16A) of type XVII collagen. It has been suggested that pathogenically relevant autoantibodies also bind to this immunodominant region. The aim of this study was to map the epitopes targeted by blister-inducing human autoantibodies. For this purpose, we used an in vitro model of autoantibody-induced leucocyte-dependent dermal-epidermal separation. In contrast to the majority of patients with BP (7 of 10), preadsorption against a recombinant form of the NC16A region abolished the blister-inducing potential of autoantibodies from all PG patients tested (n=5). Using overlapping synthetic peptides, we demonstrate that PG autoantibodies bind to 2 defined epitopes within the NC16A region (aa 500-514 and aa 511-523). Preadsorption using an affinity matrix containing these two epitopes completely abolished dermal-epidermal separation induced by PG autoantibodies (in 8 of 9 patients). These findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis of pemphigoid diseases and should prove helpful for the development of an antigen-specific immunoadsorption therapy in PG.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Afify2007, author = {Afify, Samar}, title = {Drug targeting delivery systems for treatment of Raf-1 induced lung tumors in mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22249}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The aim of the present study was to design different dosage forms as carrier systems to deliver sorafenib to the lung of BXB-23 transgenic mice using different routes of administration. Three dosage forms were used one of them was an oil-in-water emulsion and the oral route was chosen for this experiment. The other delivery system was a liposome preparation for intratracheal instillation. In this case the oral route was considered as a control experiment. The last dosage form was PLGA microspheres. Before sorafenib administration it was important to develop a HPLC method to assess sorafenib absorption after its administration and to determine its concentrations in mouse serum. The HPLC method allowed sorafenib quantification in small volumes (30 µl) of mouse serum and tissues. The developed HPLC method was validated resulting in satisfactory selectivity, good linearity, good accuracy and precision over the concentration range examined. Sorafenib was successfully incorporated in a fat emulsion (o/w) using a traditional method resulting in a white homogenous emulsion and no particle aggregation was observed. Sorafenib exhibited antitumor activity on the lung adenoma in BXB-23 transgenic mice when administered orally (2 mg sorafenib per mouse) in the emulsion preparation. The determined effect was an approximately 29 \% reduction in the tumor area of the adenoma foci and a proliferation reduction. In order to improve the pharmacological effects of sorafenib on the lung adenoma in BXB-23 mice, the targeting of sorafenib directly to the site of action (the lung) was an attractive concept. For this purpose the intratracheal route was used. Since sorafenib administration by instillation required incorporation of sorafenib in a dosage form suitable for its lipophilic nature, a liposome suspension was the second dosage form used. A lyophilization method was employed for sorafenib liposome preparation utilizing dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) which is safe and tolerable for the lung. Incorporation of sorafenib in the liposomes did not influence the particle size and its distribution. The sorafenib liposomes showed high encapsulation efficiency, good stability at 4 °C for one month and satisfactory in vitro release properties and inhibited Raf-1 mediated activation of ERK in cell culture assay. In a pharmacokinetic experiment sorafenib loaded liposomes were instilled directly into the lung. The results revealed that a significant level of sorafenib was achieved in the lung tissues after 2 hours and then reduced after 48 h and remained nearly constant for one week. On the other hand, only traces of sorafenib were found in the mice serum up to 48 h. Subsequently, the pharmacological activity of sorafenib (1 mg per mouse) was studied when delivered in a liposomal suspension intratracheally to treat the lung adenoma of BXB-23 mice. The data of this experiment demonstrated that sorafenib intratracheal instillation resulted in a reduction of tumor area of adenoma foci (67 \%) and an elevation of the percent of apoptotic cells. In contrast, prolongation of the treatment period did not further enhance sorafenib activity on the lung adenoma. This previous finding suggested a development of multidrug resistance (MDR) by the adenoma foci cells against sorafenib instillation, which was examined by immunohistochemistry staining. The percent of MDR positive cells was higher after two and three weeks sorafenib liposome instillation treatment than that after one week treatment. The last dosage form used for sorafenib was microspheres, which were prepared by emulsion-diffusion-evaporation method using biodegradable PLGA 50:50 resulting in a white lyophilized powder. The system was characterized physicochemically and revealed a good microspheres yield, high encapsulation efficiency, a homogenous particle size distribution and slow in vitro release of sorafenib. The other strategy studied in the present research project was gene delivery to target the lung bearing tumor of BXB-23 mice using a non-viral vector (polyethylenimine). Polyethylenimine (PEI) was used to investigate its efficiency in transfecting lung bearing tumor of BXB-23 mice model and its ability to transfect the adenoma foci cells. LacZ, which encodes Beta-galactosidase was used in the present study as a reporter gene and was complexed with PEI before delivered intravenously. A high LacZ expression in the alveolar region with some expression in the adenoma foci was observed. On contrary, a low LacZ expression in the alveoli and in the adenoma foci was achieved after instillation of the same polyplex intratracheally.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Walter2006, author = {Walter, Dominik}, title = {Adaptive Control of Ultrashort Laser Pulses for High-Harmonic Generation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The generation of high harmonics is an ideal method to convert frequencies of the infrared- or visible range into the soft x-ray range. This process demands high laser intensities that are nowadays supplied by femtosecond laser systems. As the temporal and spatial coherence properties of the laser are transferred during the conversion process, the generated high harmonics will propagate as a beam with high peak-brightness. Under ideal conditions the generation of soft-x-ray pulses shorter than one femtosecond is possible. These properties are exploited in many applications like time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy. The topic of this thesis is the generation and optimization of high harmonics. A variety of conversion setups is investigated (jet of noble gas atoms, gas-filled hollow-fiber, water microdroplets) and theoretical models present ideas to further enhance the conversion efficiency (using excited atoms or aligned molecules). In different setups the peak intensity of the fundamental laser pulses is increased by spectral broadening and subsequent temporal compression. This is achieved with the help of pulse shaping devices that can modify the spectral phase and therefore also the temporal intensity distribution of laser pulses. These pulse shaping devices are controlled by an evolutionary algorithm. With this setup not only adaptive compression of laser pulses is possible, but also the engineering of specific laser pulse shapes to optimize an experimental output. This setup was used to influence the process of high harmonic generation. It is demonstrated that the spectral distribution of the generated soft-x-ray radiation can be controlled by temporal pulse shaping. This method to tailor high harmonics is complemented by spatial shaping techniques. These findings demonstrate the realization of a tunable source of soft-x-ray radiation.}, subject = {Frequenzvervielfachung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JurakBegonja2007, author = {Jurak Begonja, Antonija}, title = {NO/cGMP and ROS Pathways in Regulation of Platelet Function and Megakaryocyte Maturation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Blutpl{\"a}ttchen spielen unter physiologischen Bedingungen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erhaltung der H{\"a}mostase. So verhindern sie ein andauerndes Bluten von Wunden, indem sie in Blutgef{\"a}ssen zwischen normalen Zellen des Endothels und besch{\"a}digten Bereichen unterscheiden und sich dort gezielt anheften k{\"o}nnen. Das Zusammenspiel der Pl{\"a}ttchenagonisten und den dazugeh{\"o}rigen Rezeptoren wird durch intrazellul{\"a}re Signalmolek{\"u}le kontrolliert, die die Aktivierung der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen regulieren. {\"A}usserst wichtige intrazellulare Signalmolek{\"u}le stellen dabei die zyklischen Nukleotide cGMP und cAMP dar, die bei der Hemmung der Pl{\"a}ttchen beteiligt sind. Die Bildung von cGMP und cAMP in den Blutpl{\"a}ttchen wird durch die aus dem Endothel freigesetzten Molek{\"u}le NO und Prostacyclin (PGI2) stimuliert, die ihrerseits Blutpl{\"a}ttchen hemmen, indem sie Proteinkinase G (PKG) und Proteinkinase A (PKA) aktivieren. Neuerdings wird vorgeschlagen, dass es sich bei ROS („reactive oxygen species") um einen neuen Modulator bei der Signaltransduktion zwischen verschiedenen Zelltypen handelt. Die hier zusammengefasste Arbeit beschreibt die Rolle der ROS-Produktion bei der Aktivierung von Blutpl{\"a}ttchen, die Beziehung zwischen dem NO/cGMP/PKG I Signalweg und der ROS bzw. MAP-Kinase Signaltransduktion, und die Rolle von zyklischen Nukleotiden bei der Entwicklung von Megakaryozyten und Blutpl{\"a}ttchen. Werden Blutpl{\"a}ttchen durch unterschiedliche Einfl{\"u}sse aktiviert, so produzieren sie {\"u}ber die Aktivierung von NAD(P)H-Oxidase nur intrazellul{\"a}res aber nicht extrazellul{\"a}res ROS. Dabei beinflusst das in den Blutpl{\"a}ttchen produzierte ROS signifikant die Aktivierung von \&\#945;IIb\&\#946;3 Integrin, nicht jedoch die Sekretion von alpha- bzw. dichten Granula oder die Gestalt der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen. Die Thrombin-induzierte Integrin \&\#945;IIb\&\#946;3-Aktivierung ist nach Behandlung der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen mit Hemmstoffen der NAD(P)H-Oxidase oder Superoxid-F{\"a}ngern signifikant reduziert. Diese Inhibitoren reduzieren auch die Aggregation der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen bzw. die Thrombusbildung auf Kollagen, wobei diese Effekte unabh{\"a}ngig vom NO/cGMP Signalweg vermittelt werden. Sowohl ADP, das von dichten Granula der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen sezerniert wird und zur Aktivierung von P2Y12-Rezeptoren f{\"u}hrt, als auch die Freigabe von Thromboxan A2 stellen wichtige, vorgeschaltete Vermittler bei der p38 MAP Kinase-Aktivierung durch Thrombin dar. Jedoch spielt die p38 MAP-Kinase-Aktivierung keine signifikante Rolle bei der Thrombin-induzierten Kalzium-Mobilisierung, P-Selektin Exprimierung, \&\#945;IIb\&\#946;3 Integrin Aktivierung oder Aggregation der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen. Abschliessend kann festgestellt werden, dass sich die Aktivierung der PKG insgesamt klar hemmend auf die p38 and ERK MAP-Kinasen in menschlichen Blutpl{\"a}ttchen auswirkt. Desweiteren zeigt diese Studie, dass zyklische Nukleotide nicht nur die Blutpl{\"a}ttchen hemmen, sondern auch einen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Megakaryozyten und Blutpl{\"a}ttchen haben, aber auf unterschiedliche Weise. cAMP ist an der Differenzierung von embryonalen h{\"a}matopoietischen Zellen zu Megakaryozyten beteiligt, wobei cGMP keine Rolle bei diesem Prozess spielt. W{\"a}hrend PKA in embryonalen Zellen schon vertreten ist, steigt beim Reifungsprozess der Megakaryozyten die Expression von Proteinen, die bei der cGMP Signalverbreitung („soluble guanylyl cyclase", sGC; PKG) mitwirken, stetig an. In der letzten Phase der Reifung von Megakaryozyten, die durch die Freisetzung der Blutpl{\"a}ttchen charakterisiert ist, zeigen cGMP und cAMP leicht divergierende Effekte: cGMP verst{\"a}rkt die Bildung von Blutpl{\"a}ttchen, w{\"a}hrend cAMP dieselbe reduziert. Dies deutet auf einen fein abgestimmten Prozess hin, abh{\"a}ngig von einem Stimulus, der von den benachbarten Zellen des Sinusoid-Endothels stammen k{\"o}nnte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation tragen zu einen besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis der Regulation von Blutpl{\"a}ttchen sowie der m{\"o}glichen molekularen Mechanismen bei, die eine Rolle bei der Reifung von Megakaryozyten im vaskularen Mikroumfeld des Knochenmarks innehaben.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2006, author = {Simon, Karoline}, title = {Development and Evaluation of a Generic HPLC-Tandem MS Screening Method for the Detection of Potential Biomarkers for Reactive Intermediates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Conjugation of reactive intermediates of drugs with proteins or DNA may result in toxic effects such as hepatotoxicity, agranulocytosis, allergies, tumors, etc. From 1975 to 1999, 2.9\% of drugs were withdrawn from the market due to such severe adverse drug reactions. Thus, formation of chemically reactive intermediates is a widely discussed problem in drug development processes. Early detection of potentially toxic compounds is required for drug discovery and drug development. Conjugation of such electrophilic compounds with glutathione (GSH) is one of the most important detoxifying reactions in vivo. Processing of these GSH-conjugates ultimately leads to the formation of renally cleared mercapturic acids, which may also be oxidized to sulfoxides. Thus, mercapturic acids may be generated and detected in vitro and non-invasively in vivo in urine to assess the reactivity of a compound in early stages of drug development processes. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop and evaluate a HPLC-MS/MS screening method for simple and rapid detection and characterization of known and unknown mercapturic acids and application of the method to several different matrices. Based on the common constant neutral loss (CNL) of 129 Da of all mercapturic acids tested (in negative ion mode), a CNL survey scan was performed using a linear ion trap instrument and was combined with two enhanced product ion (EPI) scans with different collision energies to characterize the detected signals. The CNL resulted from the cleavage between the sulfur and the carbon atom in the N-acetyl-L-cysteine moiety. After optimization of the experimental parameters, the detection limits of the reference substances in rat urine ranged from 0.3 to 15.5 pmol on column (i.e. 20 ng/ml to 800 ng/ml). For in vitro evaluation of the method, the model compounds acetaminophen, diclofenac, bifonazole, clozapine, troglitazone, carbamazepine, and bisphenol A were screened for formation of reactive intermediates and, hence, detection of the corresponding mercapturic acids. To determine possible species- and tissue-specific toxicities, the model compounds were incubated with stimulated neutrophils and with liver microsomes from rats and humans. Species-specific differences were observed in incubations of acetaminophen and diclofenac with rat and human hepatic microsomes. Tissue-specific differences in biotransformation of the model compounds in incubations with human neutrophils and human liver microsomes were observed for diclofenac, carbamazepine, clozapine, and bifonazole. The developed HPLC-MS/MS method was also evaluated in vivo by analysis of rat and human urine. Drug-related mercapturic acids were detected in urine of rats orally treated with acetaminophen (20 mg/kg and 640 mg/kg b.w.) or diclofenac (10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg b.w.). Human urine samples were analyzed before and after oral administration of a clinically used dose of 500 mg and 50 mg of acetaminophen. Besides detection of the mercapturic acid of N-acetylbenzoquinoneimine (AAP-MA), a second mercapturic acid with m/z 327 occurred dose-dependently in rat and human urine samples after administration of acetaminophen. Further investigations on identification of this metabolite using authentic compounds and comparing their MS/MS mass spectra demonstrated oxidation of AAP-MA to stereoisomeric sulfoxides in vivo. For diclofenac, a novel mercapturic acid with m/z 441 was detected in rat urine samples that was identical to a metabolite obtained in incubations with human neutrophils before. The in vivo formation of this diclofenac metabolite is described here for the first time. In addition, three endogenously formed mercapturic acids were detected and identified. In conclusion, the results of the in vitro and in vivo evaluation demonstrate the advantages of the rapid and generic HPLC-MS/MS screening method for the detection of mercapturic acids, that can be obtained with a minimum of sample preparation and a high throughput in diverse matrices.}, subject = {Acetylcysteinderivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pramanik2006, author = {Pramanik, Kallal}, title = {Stroma-leukaemic cell interactions : Analysis of stroma environment-induced effect on human acute myeloid leukaemic cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21893}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In spite of the progress made in deciphering regulatory networks of cancer cells on the molecular level, the interaction of tumour cells with their stroma has not been adequately analyzed. Earlier, we have addressed the hypothesis that the murine embryonic microenvironment can induce the differentiation of human tumour cells. To examine such interactions, human leukaemic AML cells were injected into pre-implantation murine blastocysts at embryonic day 3.5 of gestation. Analysis of developing mice revealed the presence of human AML cells in chimaeric embryos and adults and the appearance of haematopoietic differentiation markers on progeny of injected human AML cells. This finding strengthens the notion that the embryonic microenvironment is capable of regulating the proliferation and differentiation of leukaemic AML cells. Based on these results, I embarked to analyse the consequences of stromal environment-induced changes in human AML cells upon in vitro coculture with selected haematopoietic stromal cell lines in terms of changes in differentiation and proliferation properties of AML cells. For this purpose, established human AML cell lines were cocultured on a variety of mitotically inactivated stromal cell lines derived from different murine embryonic/foetal haematopoietic sites such as yolk sac, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region and foetal liver. To score for coculture-induced changes, I compared the morphology, histo-chemical properties, immunophenotype, proliferation rate, and gene expression profile in cocultured and non-cocultured AML cells. Results show that, upon coculture of Kasumi-1 cells- a cell line established from a FAB class M2 patient - with AGM-derived DAS 104-4, but not with other stromal cell lines, Kasumi-1 AML cells exibit decreased proliferation and colony formation capabilities and acquire differentiated morphologies. Along this line, coculturing of Kasumi-1 cells resulted in the up-regulation of the myelo-monocytic lineage cell surface markers CD11b and CD14. Coculture also resulted in increase in lysosomal marker CD68, a hallmark of myeloid differentiation. Interestingly, apart from cell lines, coculture on DAS 104-4 stroma was also efficient in inducing myeloid differentiation of patient derived primary M2-AML cells. Moreover, cocultivation of KG-1 cell line on DAS 104-4 showed activation of \&\#61538;-globin transcription and up-regulation of Glycophorin A on its surface, which indicate DAS 104-4 coculture-induced erythroid differentiation of KG-1 cells. Analysis of the proliferation rate of Kasumi-1 cells using the CFSE retention assay revealed that upon cocultivation on DAS 104-4, but not on NIH 3T3 cells, there is a decrease both in the proliferation rate and in the frequency of colony forming cells in clonogenic methyl cellulose cultures. Cell cycle analysis revealed the coculture-induced accumulation of G1-G0 stage cells. Gene-expression analysis by quantitative RT-PCR revealed a substantial decrease in the amount of AML1 and AML1-ETO fusion transcripts in parallel with an increase in p16, p21, C/EBP\&\#61537; and PU.1 transcription levels. Interestingly, AML1-ETO transcription down-regulation of AML cells needs direct contact with DAS 104-4 cells. Knocking down AML1-ETO expression by siRNA strategy led to reduction in proliferation and depletion of colony forming cells in Kasumi1 cell population. siRNA-mediated AML1-ETO knock-down Kasumi-1 cells showed increased susceptibility to stroma-induced myeloid differentiation. However, on its own, AML1-ETO down-regulation was not sufficient to induce myeloid differentiation. This indicates that AML1-ETO down-regulation may have an active role on the coculture-induced effect but in addition to AML1-ETO down-regulation, further stimuli are required for the coculture-induced myeloid differentiation in the AML cells. In summary, in the present study I established and characterised a coculture-based in vitro system, which is capable of reducing the proliferation while inducing differentiation of human AML cells. The concept emerging from the studies indicates that the stroma environment can affect leukaemic cell proliferation and differentiation in contact-dependent and CD44 activation-independent manner. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the role of AML1-ETO in AML and indicates that AML1-ETO down-regulation is involved in the stroma-induced differentiation of Kasumi-1 cells. The result described here encourages further investigation into the mechanistic details of molecular and cellular interactions between the leukaemic cells and their stroma, which in turn may lead to the identification of new paradigms for a knowledge-based control and reprogramming of leukaemic cells.}, subject = {Akute myeloische Leuk{\"a}mie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nickel2006, author = {Nickel, Horatiu-Lucian}, title = {Ludic Caribbean : Cultural Representations of Trinidad in V.S. Naipaul's Fiction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21715}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Trinidad, V.S. Naipaul's native island, is consistently represented in the 2001 Nobel Prize winner's fictional works, above all in "The Mystic Masseur" (1957), "The Suffrage of Elvira" (1958), "Miguel Street" (1959), "A House for Mr Biswas" (1961), "A Flag on the Island" (1967), "The Mimic Men" (1967), "In a Free State" (1971), "Guerrillas" (1975), "The Enigma of Arrival" (1987) and "A Way in the World" (1994). The present dissertation analyses representations of Trinidad as "play-culture" in the aforementioned writings by initiating a methodological dialogue between postcolonial/cultural studies on the one hand and performance studies, play theory, as well as cultural anthropology on the other hand. The study is divided into three parts corresponding to the three main facets of Trinidad as it appears in Naipaul's fiction: firstly, as a childish world; secondly, as a festive place and thirdly, as a playground for the western imagination. The image of Trinidad as a childish space stands at the intersection of the autobiographical genre with the colonial/Social Darwinist discourse of the so-called "child races". In both cases we have to do with a cultural construct of childhood whose main stereotypical features are smallness, imitation, irrationality and of course, playfulness. The second part of the dissertation focuses on the importance of rituals and festivals in shaping up Indian and African identities in Trinidad. Roughly, Hindu rituals are capital means to create diasporic Indias, whereas Carnival is a powerful symbol of the Afro-Trinidadian community. Nevertheless, they carry the potential of becoming genuine liminal spaces, where ethnic boundaries are transgressed. The third section is devoted to a discourse of play as imagination. In this respect, Trinidad appears as an adventure playground where the Westerner projects his/her desires, sometimes under the mask of scientific respectability. The eye of the European sees the tropical island as an exotic Garden of Eden, as an aesthetic space with strong pictorial and theatrical qualities. But if Trinidad occurs as an artistic, a fictional object, then Naipaul's novels and stories describing it are fiction about fiction, and so have a very important metafictional component. At this stage, since metafiction is also a capital element of postmodernism, I trace back Naipaul's ludic metaphors to the present-day Zeitgeist, pointing out the postmodern elements in his texts dealing with Trinidad.}, subject = {Naipaul}, language = {en} } @book{StrackArgyleSchwarz2007, author = {Strack, Fritz and Argyle, Michael and Schwarz, Norbert}, title = {Subjective well-being : an interdisciplinary perspective}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21703}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This volume brings together several authors from different areas of psychology and the neighbouring social sciences. Each one contributes their own perspective on the growing interest topic of subjective well-being. The aim of the volume is to present these divergent perspectives and to foster communication between the different areas. Split into three parts, this volume initially discusses the general perspectives of subjective well-being and addresses fundamental questions, secondly it discusses the dynamics of subjective well-being and more specific research issues to give a better understanding of the general phenomenon, and thirdly the book emphasizes the social context in which people experience and report their happiness and satisfaction. The book will be of great interest to social and clinical psychologists, students of psychology and sociology and health professionals.}, subject = {Wohlbefinden}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hanisch2006, author = {Hanisch, Anja}, title = {Regulation of mitotic progression : Focus on Plk1 function and the novel Ska complex at kinetochores}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21467}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {During mitosis the duplicated chromosomes have to be faithfully segregated into the nascent daughter cells in order to maintain genomic stability. This critical process is dependent on the rearrangement of the interphase microtubule (MT) network, resulting in the formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle. For proper chromosome segregation all chromosomes have to become connected to MTs emanating from opposite spindle poles. The MT attachment sites on the chromosomes are the kinetochores (KTs), which are also required to monitor the integrity of KT-MT interactions via the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). The first part of this work concerns the action of Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). Plk1 is one of the most prominent mitotic kinases and is involved in the regulation of multiple essential steps during mitosis consistent with its dynamic localisation to spindle poles, KTs and the central spindle. Despite a nice model of Plk1 targeting to different mitotic structures via its phosphopeptide binding Polo-box domain (PBD), the exact molecular details of Plk1 functioning, in particular at the KTs, remain obscure. By two different approaches we obtained cells with an unlocalised Plk1 kinase activity: first by generating stable HeLa S3 cell lines, which upon induction expressed the PBD and thus displaced endogenous Plk1 from its sites of action. Secondly, by rescuing cells RNAi-depleted of Plk1 with the catalytic Plk1 domain only. Centrosome maturation, bipolar spindle assembly and loss of cohesion between the chromatid arms proceeded normally in either cells, in contrast to Plk1-depleted cells, arguing that PBD-mediated targeting of Plk1 is less critical for the tested functions. Remarkably, however, both the PBD expressing as well as the Plk1-depleted cells rescued with the catalytic domain of Plk1 arrested in early mitosis in a SAC-dependent manner with uncongressed chromosomes. These data disclose a so far unrecognised role of Plk1 in proper chromosome congression and point at a particular requirement for PBD-mediated localised Plk1 activity at the KTs. In the second part of the thesis, we characterised a novel spindle and KT associated protein, termed Ska1, which was originally identified in a spindle inventory. Ska1 associated with KTs following MT attachment during prometaphase and formed a complex with at least another novel protein of identical localisation, called Ska2. Ska1 was required for Ska2 stability in vivo and depletion of either Ska1 or Ska2 resulted in the loss of both proteins from the KTs. The absence of Ska proteins did not disrupt overall KT structure but most strikingly induced cells to undergo a prolonged SAC-dependent delay in a metaphase-like state. The delay was characterised by weakened kinetochore-fibre stability, recruitment of Mad2 protein to a few KTs and the occasional loss of individual chromosomes from the metaphase plate. These data indicate that the Ska1/2 complex plays a critical role in the maintenance of a KT-MT attachments and/or SAC silencing.}, subject = {Mitose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tiurbe2006, author = {Tiurbe, George Christian}, title = {Characterization of immature rat bone marrow-derived dendritic cells : Evaluation of their phenotype and immunomodulatory properties in vitro and after organ transplantation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21429}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Solid organ transplantation is an established therapeutic approach in modern medicine to extend and to improve the life of patients in the final stages of organ failure. Transplantation between genetically non-identical individuals leads to the activation of the transplant recipient's immune system. This alloimmune response is a consequence of the recognition of foreign MHC molecules by alloreactive host T cells. To prevent their activation and the subsequently induced activation of further cell subsets (e.g. B cells, cytotoxic T cells, macrophages)immunosuppressive drugs are absolutely necessary in the clinic. However,permanent immunosuppression leads to severe side effects such as nephrotoxicity, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia, and a reduced immunity to infections and malignant diseases. At the moment, there is no real alternative to immunosuppression. The purpose of this study was to analyse the importance of rat dendritic cells with immune inhibitory properties to prevent the immune activation after experimental transplantation. The rat is one of the most important animal models for experimental organ transplantation in a clinic-relevant procedure. In order to modulate the immune response after transplantation in an antigenspecific manner, the strategy should include the alloantigens. These antigens have to be presented by immature dendritic cells in the absence of costimulatory signals in order to turn alloreactive T cells into anergic or regulatory T cells instead of effector T cells. For a certain rat model of allograft rejection,the immunodominant peptide P1 was identified as an important alloantigen which accelerates graft rejection. Such a model offers an attractive and practical approach to analyse the potential of host tolerogeneic dendritic cells pulsed with P1 to suppress the allograft-induced immune response in an antigen-specific manner without the need of chronic immunosuppression. A homogenous population of rat immature dendritic cells was generated from bone marrow precursors cultured with GM-CSF and IL-4 (= IL-4 DCs) or GM65 CSF and IL-10 (= IL-10 DCs). These cells with an identical immature phenotype showed no or a very low surface expression of costimulatory molecules like CD80 and CD86 and a 10-fold reduced expression of MHC class II molecules in comparison to mature splenic DCs. No obvious difference was observed between the phenotype of the IL-4 DCs and the IL-10 DCs. Neither IL-4 DCs nor IL-10 DCs were able to activate na{\"i}ve T cells or to restimulate antigen-specific T cells. This strong inhibitory effect, mediated within 24 hours, was dependent on the number of immature dendritic cells added to the proliferation assay. Antigen-specific T cells pre-incubated with IL-4 DCs and IL-10 DCs, respectively, were not able to proliferate in the presence of P1-pulsed mature DCs. This anergic state was reversible with the addition of exogenous IL-2. T cells incubated with IL-4 DCs (= IL-4 DC-Ts) were able to inhibit the T cell proliferation in a cell number dependent manner. In contrast, antigen-specific T cells pre-incubated with P1-pulsed IL-10 DCs (= IL-10 DC-Ts)showed no effect on the proliferation assay. This was the unique difference between IL-4 DCs and IL-10 DCs found in the present study. Immature DCs influenced also the immune response after transplantation. Different numbers of P1-loaded immature IL-4 DCs and IL-10 DCs were transferred intravenously into Lewis rats one day before transplantation. The best results were obtained with 30 million P1-pulsed immature DCs which prolonged the survival time to a median of 11.2 ± 1.6 days. In addition, the antigen specificity of this effect was demonstrated with a third-party graft from Brown Norway donors. These findings suggest that an antigen-specific modulation of the immune response is possible using immature dendritic cells loaded with the allogeneic antigens. Even more, the protocols described in the present study show that the immune system can be, at least temporarily, controlled after transplantation without the use of immunosuppressive drugs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maeurer2006, author = {M{\"a}urer, Andr{\´e} Germar Paul}, title = {Analysis of the Chlamydophila pneumoniae and host transcriptome in the acute and iron depletion-mediated persistent infection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The obligate intracellular gram-negative bacterium, Chlamydophila pneumoniae (Cpn), has a significant impact as an acute and chronic disease-causing pathogen. Its potential to undergo persistent infections has been linked to chronic diseases. Several in vitro cell culture models are used to study persistent conditions, mainly IFN_ stimulation, treatment with antibiotics and iron depletion. Little is known about changes in the Cpn transcriptome during the acute and persistent infection. Therefore, the Cpn transcriptome during its acute developmental cycle and iron depletion-mediated persistence was examined in this study. Based on expression profiles, genes with similar expression changes formed 12 clusters using the self-organizing map algorithm. While other studies define genes based on their onset of transcription, here the important feature for clustering was the expression profile. This turned out to be more appropriate for comparing the time specific relevance of a certain cluster of genes to their proposed functions in the cycle. The Cpn clusters were grouped into the 'Early', 'Mid' and 'Late' classes as described for Ctr. Additionally, a new gene expression class containing genes with steadily increasing expression at the end of the developmental cycle was defined and termed 'Tardy' class. Comparison of the Cpn clusters to published proteomics data showed that genes encoding elementary body (EB) proteins peaked in the 'Late' gene cluster. This indicated that genes of the 'Late' and 'Tardy' class have different roles in RB to EB re-differentiation. Moreover, using lexical comparison the EB mRNA profile was significantly linked to the 'Tardy' cluster class. This provided evidence that initial translation in the cycle might be directed from stable transcripts present in the infectious EB form. Based on these criteria the novel 'Tardy' class was separated from the 'Late' class. The gene ontologies were used to identify specific pathways and physiological functions active during the different phases of development. Additionally, the transcriptome of Cpn in the persistent stage was compared to that of the acute developmental cycle. The Cpn transcriptome was altered in the iron-depletion mediated persistence. Genes upregulated were linked to clusters at the beginning of the developmental cycle, and genes down-regulated were linked to clusters at the end of the developmental cycle. These data provided strong evidence that the Cpn transcriptome during persistence is a gene expression arrest in mid-development. In early acute infection convergently or divergently oriented gene pairs preferentially had an antagonistic expression profile, whereas tandemly oriented gene pairs showed a correlated expression profile. This suggests that the Cpn genome is organized mainly in tandemly arranged operons and in convergently or divergently oriented genes with favored antagonistic profiles. The microarray studies done with the Cpn strain CWL029 also showed expression signals for several genes annotated only for the Cpn strains AR39 and J138. BLAST comparison verified that these genes are also coded in the CWL029 genome. Several of these genes were convergently arranged with their neighboring gene and shared overlapping genome information. Among these were parB, involved in DNA segregation and rpsD, an alternative sigma factor responsible for the transcription at late stages of the developmental cycle. Both genes have been described to have major roles in the chlamydial cycle. These genes had an antagonistic expression profile at the beginning of the acute developmental cycle and in persistence, as described before to be predominant for convergently oriented genes. Real time RT-PCR analysis showed that full-length rpsD mRNA transcripts were down-regulated, whereas short-length rpsD mRNA transcripts were up-regulated during the persistent infection. This demonstrated that the rpsD promoter is activated during the persistent infection and that because of the collision of the RNA polymerases full length transcripts were down-regulated. This sigma factor-independent mechanism is known as 'Transcriptional Interference'. This is the first description on how the alternative sigma factor rpsD might be down-regulated during persistent infections. Finally, the host cell transcriptome was analyzed in the acute and persistent infection mediated by the depletion of iron. Cpn infection triggered the upregulation of relB, involved in an alternative NF-KB signaling pathway. Several genes coding for cell cycle proteins were triggered, including cyclin G2 and cyclin D1 and inhibitors of CDK4. Taken together, this work provides insights into the modulation of the pathogen and the host transcriptome during the acute infection and the iron mediated persistent infection.}, subject = {Chlamydia pneumoniae}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wu2007, author = {Wu, Rongxue}, title = {Treatment with integrin alpha v inhibitor abolishes compensatory cardiac hypertrophy due to altered signal transduction and ECM gene expression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21339}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Integrine sind Transmembranrezeptoren, welche mechanische Signale von der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix (ECM) zum Zytoskelett {\"u}bermitteln ("outside-in-signaling"). Viele molekulare Defekte in der Verbindung zwischen Zytoskelett und ECM erzeugen bekanntermaßen Kardiomyopathien. alpha v Integrin scheint eine Hauptrolle in verschiedenen Prozessen der kardialen Reorganisation zu spielen, wie z.B. Regulation der Zellproliferation, -migration und -differenzierung. Unsere Hypothese war, dass alpha v -Integrin-vermittelte Signale notwendig f{\"u}r die kompensatorische Hypertrophie nach Aortenkonstriktion sind und assoziiert mit der Modulation der Expression von ECM-Proteinen. Dazu wurden M{\"a}use mit einem spezifischen alpha v Integrin-Inhibitor behandelt und einer Aortenkonstriktion (AB) unterzogen. Nach zwei Tagen und nach sieben Tagen wurden die M{\"a}use echokardiographisch untersucht und eingehende h{\"a}modynamische Untersuchungen wurden durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Behandlung mit dem alpha v -Integrin-Inhibitor f{\"u}hrte zu einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie und Herzinsuffizienz in den AB-M{\"a}usen, gekennzeichnet durch einen dilatierten linken Ventrikel, schlechte linksventrikul{\"a}re Funktion und einer Lungenstauung, wohingegen die scheinbehandelten Tiere eine kompensatorische Hypertrophie des linken Ventrikels zeigten. Untersuchungen der beteiligten Signalwege zeigten eine Aktivierung des p38 MAP-Kinase-Signalwegs, von ERK 1 und -2, der Focal Adhesion Kinase FAK und Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung von c-Src in den Kontrollherzen, was in den Inhibitor-behandelten Herzen fehlte. mRNA-Expressionsanalysen f{\"u}r 96 Gene mittels "Micro-Arrays" ermittelten verschiedene genomische Ziele des alpha v -Integrin-aktivierten Signalwegs. 18 f{\"u}r ECM-Proteine codierende Gene wurden mehr als 2-fach hochreguliert, z.B. Kollagen (8,11-fach ± 2,2), Fibronectin (2,32 ± 094), SPARC (3,78 ± 0,12), ADAMTS-1 (3,51 ± 0,81) und TIMP2 (2,23 ± 0,98), wohingegen die Aktivierung dieser Gene in Inhibitor-behandelten Tieren aufgehoben war. Wir folgern daraus, dass Signalwege unterhalb von alpha v -Integrin, mediiert durch MAP-Kinasen, FAK und c-Src, zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Expression von ECM-Komponenten f{\"u}hrt, welche f{\"u}r die kompensatorische Antwort auf Druckbelastung n{\"o}tig sind.}, subject = {Antigen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Forster2006, author = {Forster, Wilhelmina Alison}, title = {Mechanisms of cuticular uptake of xenobiotics into living plants}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The objective of this Thesis was to progress the understanding of the mechanisms of cuticular uptake into living plant foliage, thereby enabling uptake of important compounds such as pesticides and pollutants to be modelled. The uptake of three model compounds, applied in the presence and absence of surfactants, into the leaves of three plant species (Chenopodium album L., Hedera helix L. and Stephanotis floribunda Brongn) was determined. The results with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DOG), 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D) and epoxiconazole in the presence of surfactants (the polyethylene glycol monododecyl ethers C12EO3, C12EO6, C12EO10, and a trisiloxane ethoxylate with mean ethylene oxide (EO) content of 7.5, all used at one equimolar concentration) illustrated that the initial dose (nmol mm-2) of xenobiotic applied to plant foliage was a strong positive determinant of uptake. Using this new approach for whole plant uptake, uptake on a per unit area basis was found to be related to initial dose of xenobiotic applied, by an equation of the form: Uptake(nmol mm-2) = a [ID]b at time t = 24 hours, where ID is the initial dose or the mass of xenobiotic applied per unit area (M(nmol xenobiotic applied)/A(droplet spread area)). Total mass uptake can then be calculated from an equation of the form: Total Uptake(nmol) = a [ID]b.A. In order to verify this relationship, further studies determined the uptake of three pesticides, applied as commercial and model formulations in the presence of a wide range of surfactants, into the leaves of three plant species (bentazone into Chenopodium album L. and Sinapis alba L., epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin into Triticum aestivum L.). The results confirmed that the initial dose (nmol mm-2) of xenobiotic applied to plant foliage is a strong, positive determinant of uptake. In a novel approach, further studies used this relationship (nmol mm-2 uptake versus ID; termed the uptake ratio) to establish the relative importance of species, active ingredient (AI), AI concentration (g L-1) and surfactant to uptake. Species, AI, its concentration, and surfactant all significantly affected the uptake ratio. Overall, 88\% of the deviance could be explained. More useful was the analysis of the individual xenobiotics, where the models explained 83\%, 85\%, and 94\% of the variance in uptake ratio for DOG, 2,4-D, and epoxiconazole, respectively. In all cases, species, surfactant, and AI concentration significantly affected the uptake ratio. However, there were differences in the relative importance of these factors among the xenobiotics studied. Concentration of AI increased in importance with increasing lipophilicity of AI, while species was much less important for the most lipophilic compound. Surfactant became less important with increasing AI lipophilicity, although it was always important. The preceding studies considered uptake at only one time interval (24 hours). Total uptake after 24 hours can be the same for a compound formulated with different surfactants, but rates of uptake (and therefore rain-fastness and subsequent translocation to target sites) can be quite different. Therefore, there was a requirement to be able to model uptake over time into whole plants. Hence, the objective of further studies was to determine whether a logistic-kinetic penetration model, developed using isolated plant cuticles, could be applied to whole plant uptake. Uptake over 24 hours was determined for three model compounds, applied in the presence and absence of surfactants, into the leaves of two plant species. Overall, the model fitted the whole plant uptake data well. Using the equations developed, based on initial dose, to calculate uptake at 24 hours, in conjunction with the logistic-kinetic model, has significantly progressed our understanding and ability to model uptake. The advantages of the models and equations described are that few variables are required, and they are simple to measure.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Busold2006, author = {Busold, Christian}, title = {Facilitating functional interpretation of microarray data by integration of gene annotations in Correspondence Analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21150}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {DNS-Chips ('Microarrays') haben sich zu einer der Standardmethoden zur Erstellung von genomweiten Expressionsstudien entwickelt. Mittlerweile wurden dazu eine Vielzahl von Methoden zur Identifizierung von differentiell regulierten Genen ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Ungeachtet dessen stellt die abschliessende funktionelle Interpretation der Ergebnisse einen der Engp{\"a}sse in der Analyse von Chip-Daten dar. Die Mehrzahl der Analysemethoden stellt die signifikant regulierten Gene in Listen dar, aus denen in einem weiteren Schritt gemeinsame funktionelle Eigenschaften abgeleitet werden m{\"u}ssen. Dies stellt nicht nur eine arbeitsintensive Arbeit dar, die mit steigender Anzahl an experimentellen Konditionen immer weniger praktikabel wird, sondern ist auch fehleranf{\"a}llig, da diese Auswertung im allgemeinen auf dem visuellen Vergleich von Listen beruht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Methoden f{\"u}r eine rechnergest{\"u}tzte Auswertung von funktionellen Geneigenschaften entwickelt und validiert. Hierzu wurde die 'Gene Ontology' als Quelle f{\"u}r die Annotationsdaten ausgew{\"a}hlt, da hier die Daten in einem Format gespeichert sind, das sowohl eine leichte menschliche Interaktion sowie die statistische Analyse der Annotationen erm{\"o}glicht. Diese Genannotation wurden als Zusatzinformationen in die Korrespondenzanalyse integriert, welches eine simultane Darstellung von Genen, Hybridisierungen und funktionellen Kategorien in einer Grafik erm{\"o}glicht. Aufgrund der st{\"a}ndig wachsenden Anzahl an verf{\"u}gbaren Annotationen und der Tatsache, daß zwischen den meisten experimentellen Bedingungen nur wenige funktionelle Prozesse differentiell reguliert sind, wurden Filter entwickelt, die die Anzahl der dargestellten Annotationen auf eine im gegebenen experimentellen Kontext relevante Gruppe reduzieren. Die Anwendbarkeit der Visualisierung und der Filter wurde auf Datens{\"a}tzen unterschiedlicher Komplexit{\"a}t getestet: beginnend mit dem gut verstandenen Glukosestoffwechsel im Modellorganismus S. cerevisiae, bis hin zum Vergleich unterschiedlicher Tumortypen im Menschen. In beiden F{\"a}llen generierte die Methode gut zu interpretierende Grafiken, in denen die funktionellen Hauptunterschiede durch die dargestellten Annotationen gut beschrieben werden [90]. W{\"a}hrend die Integration von Annotationsdaten wie GO die funktionelle Interpretation vereinfacht, fehlt die M{\"o}glichkeit zur Identifikation einzelner relevanter Schl{\"u}sselgene. Um eine solche Analyse zu erm{\"o}glichen, wurden Daten zum Vorkommen von Transskriptionsfaktorbindestellen in den 5'-Bereichen von Genen integriert. Auch diese Methode wurde an Datens{\"a}tzen von S. cerevisiae und vergleichenden Studien von humanen Krebszelllinien validiert.In beiden F{\"a}llen konnten Transkriptionsfaktoren identifiziert werden, die f{\"u}r die beobachteten transkriptionellen Unterschiede von entscheidender Bedeutung sind [206]. Zusammenfassend, erm{\"o}glicht die Integration von Zusatzinformationen in die Korrespondenzanalyse eine simultane Visualisierung von Genen, Hybridisierungen und Annotationsdaten in einer einzigen, gut zu interpretierenden Grafik. Dies erlaubt auch in komplexen experimentellen Bedingungen eine intuitive Identifizierung von relevanten Annotationen. Der hier vorgestellte Ansatz, ist nicht auf die gezeigten Datenstrukturen beschr{\"a}nkt, sondern kann auf die Mehrzahl der verf{\"u}gbaren Annotationsdaten angewendet werden.}, subject = {Microarray}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Slobodskyy2006, author = {Slobodskyy, Taras}, title = {Semimagnetic heterostructures for spintronics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {F{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Technologien ist die Erforschung von der verwendeten Teilchen n{\"o}tig. Spintronik ist ein modernes Gebiet der Physik, welches neben der Ladung auch die Spineigenschaften als zus¨atzlichen Freiheitsgrad nutzbar macht. Der "conductivity mismatch" stellt ein fundamentales Problem f{\"u}r elektrische Spininjektion aus einem ferromagnetischem Metal in einen diffusiven Halbleiter dar. Daher m{\"u}ssen andere Methoden f{\"u}r die Injektion spin-polarisierter Ladungstr{\"a}ger benutzt werden. Mit einem Tunnelkontakt ist es m{\"o}glich, eine hoch spin-polarisierte, Raumtemperatur Tunnel-Injektion zu erzielen. Wir benutzten einen neuen Ansatz und verwendeten magnetische RTDs zur Spinmanipulation. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften von magnetischen, resonanten Tunneldioden (RTDs) aus rheinen II-VI-Halbleitern in ihrer Verwendung f{\"u}r die Spintronik beschrieben. Wachstumsbedingungen wurden optimiert, um das Peak-to-Valley-Verh{\"a}ltnis zu vergr{\"o}ßern. Das Design der RTDs wurde optimiert, um spinbezogene Transporteffekte beobachten zu k{\"o}nen. Mit einem externen Magnetfeld war Spinmanipulation m{\"o}glich. Selbstorganisierte CdSe Quanten-Strukturen wurden hergestelt und mit optischen Techniken untersucht. Sie w{\"u}rden in (Zn,Be)Se Tunnelbarrieren eingebettet, so dass ihre Eigenschaften durch resonantes Tunneln zug{\"a}nglich wurden.}, subject = {Heterostruktur-Bauelement}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Atzmueller2006, author = {Atzm{\"u}ller, Martin}, title = {Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Mining - Techniques for Automatic and Interactive Discovery}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21004}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Data mining has proved its significance in various domains and applications. As an important subfield of the general data mining task, subgroup mining can be used, e.g., for marketing purposes in business domains, or for quality profiling and analysis in medical domains. The goal is to efficiently discover novel, potentially useful and ultimately interesting knowledge. However, in real-world situations these requirements often cannot be fulfilled, e.g., if the applied methods do not scale for large data sets, if too many results are presented to the user, or if many of the discovered patterns are already known to the user. This thesis proposes a combination of several techniques in order to cope with the sketched problems: We discuss automatic methods, including heuristic and exhaustive approaches, and especially present the novel SD-Map algorithm for exhaustive subgroup discovery that is fast and effective. For an interactive approach we describe techniques for subgroup introspection and analysis, and we present advanced visualization methods, e.g., the zoomtable that directly shows the most important parameters of a subgroup and that can be used for optimization and exploration. We also describe various visualizations for subgroup comparison and evaluation in order to support the user during these essential steps. Furthermore, we propose to include possibly available background knowledge that is easy to formalize into the mining process. We can utilize the knowledge in many ways: To focus the search process, to restrict the search space, and ultimately to increase the efficiency of the discovery method. We especially present background knowledge to be applied for filtering the elements of the problem domain, for constructing abstractions, for aggregating values of attributes, and for the post-processing of the discovered set of patterns. Finally, the techniques are combined into a knowledge-intensive process supporting both automatic and interactive methods for subgroup mining. The practical significance of the proposed approach strongly depends on the available tools. We introduce the VIKAMINE system as a highly-integrated environment for knowledge-intensive active subgroup mining. Also, we present an evaluation consisting of two parts: With respect to objective evaluation criteria, i.e., comparing the efficiency and the effectiveness of the subgroup discovery methods, we provide an experimental evaluation using generated data. For that task we present a novel data generator that allows a simple and intuitive specification of the data characteristics. The results of the experimental evaluation indicate that the novel SD-Map method outperforms the other described algorithms using data sets similar to the intended application concerning the efficiency, and also with respect to precision and recall for the heuristic methods. Subjective evaluation criteria include the user acceptance, the benefit of the approach, and the interestingness of the results. We present five case studies utilizing the presented techniques: The approach has been successfully implemented in medical and technical applications using real-world data sets. The method was very well accepted by the users that were able to discover novel, useful, and interesting knowledge.}, subject = {Data Mining}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peica2006, author = {Peica, Niculina}, title = {Vibrational spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations on biological molecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20913}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy are among the most widely used techniques in the physical and natural sciences today. Vibrational spectroscopy, including IR and Raman spectroscopy, has both a long and interesting history and an illustrious record of contributions to science. Spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical industry is dominated by techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) for the elucidation of chemical structures. Despite this, the versatility of infrared spectroscopy ensures it still remains a key technique in quality control laboratories, and in applications where solid form characterization or minimal sample preparation is a necessity. Raman spectroscopy has many uses in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, but its strengths is in solid form analysis. It is regularly used to identify compounds, and results are used in the release of pharmaceutical and chemical products. This work consists of 8 chapters, which cover the vibrational spectroscopy beginning with the theory and instrumentation, continuing with the experimental setup and probes description, and completing with results and discussions of the experiments. The first chapter of this work introduces Raman spectroscopy as a dominant technique used in pharmaceutical and chemical industry. The theoretical background regarding vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman) is accounted for in the second chapter of this work, while the samples presentation, the experimental procedures, and the description of the apparatus together with the computational details are briefly specified in the third chapter. The fourth chapter investigates the concentration dependent wavenumber shifts and linewidth changes of tetrahydrofuran in a binary system. Many of the applications in food science rely heavily on Raman spectroscopy, often preceding the biomedical applications. The characterization and identification of food additives using Raman, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations is in detail depicted in the fifth chapter, whereas in the sixth and seventh chapters the monitoring of several medicines and various lanthanide complexes with anticancer properties, respectively, employing IR and Raman techniques are treated. These last two chapters address applications of vibrational spectroscopy to pharmaceutical products, and include the use of vibrational spectroscopy in combinatorial chemistry and density functional theory, a modality increasingly used by the pharmaceutical industry for the discovery if new pharmacologically active substances.}, subject = {Schwingungsspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaltenpoth2006, author = {Kaltenpoth, Martin}, title = {Protective bacteria and attractive pheromones - symbiosis and chemical communication in beewolves (Philanthus spp., Hymenoptera, Crabronidae)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20867}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {BACTERIAL ENDOSYMBIONTS OF BEEWOLVES Symbiotic interactions between different species are ubiquitous and essential components of the natural world and have probably affected the evolution of every living organism. Insects are the most diverse metazoan class on earth, and they benefit from the extensive metabolic potential of microorganisms in a wide variety of symbiotic associations. The vast majority of well-studied insect-microbe symbioses to date are nutritional interactions in which the symbionts provide their hosts with essential nutrients. Some cases, however, have been described in which symbiotic bacteria play an important role in intraspecific olfactory communication or serve as a defense against pathogens or parasitoids. This thesis reports on a unique and highly specialized association between a digger wasp, the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), and actinomycete bacteria. In contrast to all other known symbioses, the beewolf bacteria are cultivated in the reservoirs of unique antennal glands in female beewolves. The female secretes the bacteria into its subterranean brood cells prior to oviposition. Several days later, when the beewolf larva has finished feeding on the paralyzed honeybees that had been provisioned by the mother, it takes up the bacteria and applies them to the cocoon silk during the spinning process. On the cocoon, the symbionts play an important role in reducing the incidence of fungal infestation and thereby significantly enhance the survival probability of the larva in the cocoon during the long and potentially very dangerous inactive phase of hibernation in the underground brood cell. Observations of beewolf larvae as well as experiments in which female beewolf larvae were reared in the absence of the bacteria suggest that the symbionts are transmitted vertically from mothers to daughters. Presumably, the bacteria are taken up from the cocoon during eclosion and incorporated into the antennal gland reservoirs. Phylogenetic analyses of hosts and symbionts as well as artificial transfer experiments are necessary to investigate whether horizontal transmission of bacteria between beewolf species may occasionally occur. Genetic analyses revealed that the symbionts constitute an undescribed species of the genus Streptomyces within the eubacterial family Actinomycetaceae. 16S rDNA primers and an oligonucletide probe were designed for the specific detection of the Philanthus endosymbionts by PCR and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). By PCR-based screening, closely related endosymbionts were found in 28 Philanthus species and subspecies. By contrast, no symbionts could be detected in closely related genera of the subfamily Philanthinae (Aphilanthops, Clypeadon, Cerceris), indicating that the symbiosis might be restricted to the genus Philanthus. Based on almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequence data, the symbionts of all analyzed Philanthus species formed a monophyletic clade within the genus Streptomyces, indicating that the symbiosis is highly specific and most likely the product of a long history of coevolution and cospeciation. Sequence divergences among symbionts suggest an origin of the Philanthus- Streptomyces association about 26-67 million years ago, which may have coincided with the origin of the genus Philanthus. On the basis of 16S rDNA sequences and ultrastructural data, the new taxon 'Candidatus Streptomyces philanthi' is proposed for the antennal symbionts of Philanthus species, with symbionts from different host species being treated as ecotypes and named according to their hosts (e.g. 'Candidatus Streptomyces philanthi triangulum'). It is not yet clear how the bacteria benefit from the association with Philanthus species. Certainly, they obtain an unoccupied and presumably competition-free niche in the beewolf antennae and a reliable transmission route to the next generation. Additionally, several pieces of evidence suggest that they may also receive nutrients from their host: (1) Females secrete massive amounts of bacteria into each brood cell and sometimes construct several brood cells per day; thus, the bacteria have to grow quickly inside the antennal gland reservoirs to replenish the stock for further brood cells. (2) The reservoirs are surrounded by class 3 gland cells that may supply the bacteria with nutrients (e.g. amino acids). (3) One of the walls bordering the antennal gland is of a net-like structure, thus, possibly allowing hemolymph to enter the reservoir lumen and provide nutrients to the symbionts. This possibility is further substantiated by chemical analyses of the hydrocarbon profile of the antennal gland secretion and female hemolymph, which revealed very similar compositions. The beewolf-Streptomyces symbiosis constitutes the first known case of bacteria being cultivated in insect antennae and one of the few examples involving the pharmaceutically important group of actinomycete bacteria as insect endosymbionts. Further studies on ecological and evolutionary aspects of the symbiosis will provide valuable insights into the importance of actinomycete bacteria for pathogen defense in insects and may also identify novel secondary metabolites with antibiotic properties that might prove useful for human medicine. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATION AND MATE CHOICE IN THE EUROPEAN BEEWOLF Chemical signals constitute both the most ancient and the most common form of communication among organisms. In insects, pheromones play an essential role in mediating intraspecific communication. Many recent studies have investigated the importance of insect olfactory signals in the context of courtship and mating. However, since most of these studies have focused on female pheromones, male sex pheromones have as yet received little attention despite their potential ecological as well as evolutionary importance for mate attraction and mate choice. Male European beewolves establish and defend small territories that they mark with a secretion from cephalic glands. Presumably, the secretion acts as a sex pheromone and attracts receptive females to the territory. Since male territories are clumped around female nesting sites, females have the opportunity to choose among potential mates. The marking pheromone of male beewolves varies with kinship, and it is demonstrated here that geographic origin, age and size also affect the amount and/or composition of the pheromone. Thus, the marking secretion contains information on a variety of male characters that may be important in the context of female choice. Both genetic distance ("optimal outbreeding") and overall genetic quality ("good genes") of a male might influence female mating decisions in the European beewolf. Polymorphic microsatellite markers are presented for the European beewolf that facilitate female choice experiments by genetic paternity analysis.}, subject = {Philanthus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pfannes2006, author = {Pfannes, Jan M. M.}, title = {Explosions of Rotating White Dwarfs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The impact of rapid rotation of the supernova progenitor star (white dwarf) on its explosion (type Ia supernova) is investigated. Different explosion mechanisms are employed.}, subject = {Weißer Zwerg}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breuer2006, author = {Breuer, Felix}, title = {Development and Applications of Efficient Strategies for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20683}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Virtually all existing MRI applications require both a high spatial and high temporal resolution for optimum detection and classification of the state of disease. The main strategy to meet the increasing demands of advanced diagnostic imaging applications has been the steady improvement of gradient systems, which provide increased gradient strengths and faster switching times. Rapid imaging techniques and the advances in gradient performance have significantly reduced acquisition times from about an hour to several minutes or seconds. In order to further increase imaging speed, much higher gradient strengths and much faster switching times are required which are technically challenging to provide. In addition to significant hardware costs, peripheral neuro-stimulations and the surpassing of admissable acoustic noise levels may occur. Today's whole body gradient systems already operate just below the allowed safety levels. For these reasons, alternative strategies are needed to bypass these limitations. The greatest progress in further increasing imaging speed has been the development of multi-coil arrays and the advent of partially parallel acquisition (PPA) techniques in the late 1990's. Within the last years, parallel imaging methods have become commercially available,and are therefore ready for broad clinical use. The basic feature of parallel imaging is a scan time reduction, applicable to nearly any available MRI method, while maintaining the contrast behavior without requiring higher gradient system performance. PPA operates by allowing an array of receiver surface coils, positioned around the object under investigation, to partially replace time-consuming spatial encoding which normally is performed by switching magnetic field gradients. Using this strategy, spatial resolution can be improved given a specific imaging time, or scan times can be reduced at a given spatial resolution. Furthermore, in some cases, PPA can even be used to reduce image artifacts. Unfortunately, parallel imaging is associated with a loss in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and therefore is limited to applications which do not already operate at the SNR limit. An additional limitation is the fact that the coil array must provide sufficient sensitivity variations throughout the object under investigation in order to offer enough spatial encoding capacity. This doctoral thesis exhibits an overview of my research on the topic of efficient parallel imaging strategies. Based on existing parallel acquisition and reconstruction strategies, such as SENSE and GRAPPA, new concepts have been developed and transferred to potential clinical applications.}, subject = {NMR-Bildgebung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mao2006, author = {Mao, Zhengrong}, title = {Clonality analysis in B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-CLL) associated with Richter's syndrome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20596}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die chronische lymphatische Leuk{\"a}mie vom B-Zell-Typ (B-CLL) macht ca. 90\% der chronischen lymphatischen Leuk{\"a}mien aus. Der klinische Verlauf der B-CLL ist heterogen, und bei 3-5\% der Patienten kommt es im Verlauf der Erkrankung zu einer Transformation in ein aggressives Lymphom, meist in ein diffuses großzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom (DLBCL) oder in ein Hodgkin-Lymphom (HL). Eine solche Transformation wird als Richter-Syndrom bezeichnet und ist mit einer ung{\"u}nstigen klinischen Prognose assoziiert. In B-Zell-Lymphomen (B-NHL) erm{\"o}glicht der Mutationsstatus der variablen Anteile der Immunglobulinschwerkettengene (IgVH) eine Aussage {\"u}ber das Entwicklungsstadium der B-Zelle, in dem sich die Transformation zu einem B-Zell-Lymphom ereignet hat. In der B-CLL stellt der Mutationsstatus auch einen bedeutenden prognostischen Faktor dar, wobei die Erkrankung bei Patienten mit unmutierten IgVH Genen meist einen ung{\"u}nstigen klinischen Verlauf zeigt. Die wenigen bisher durchgef{\"u}hrten molekularen Analysen an F{\"a}llen von Richter-Syndromen deuten darauf hin, dass ein Transformationsereignis sowohl bei B-CLL-Patienten mit mutierten als auch mit unmutierten IgVH Genen vorkommen kann, und dass die Tumorzellen des DLBCL oder HL sowohl klonal identisch mit dem B-CLL-Klon sein k{\"o}nnen als auch unabh{\"a}ngig als sekund{\"a}res Lymphom entstehen k{\"o}nnen. Um die klonale Beziehung zwischen DLBCL- bzw. Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg (HRS)-Zellen und den Zellen der vorbestehenden B-CLL zu analysieren, den Mutationsstatus des IgVH Gens sowie m{\"o}gliche prognostische Faktoren in B-CLL-F{\"a}llen mit Richter-Transformation zu identifizieren, wurde eine gr{\"o}ßere Fallserie mit Hilfe eines PCR-basierten GeneScan Ansatzes mit anschließender Sequenzierung der IgVH-Gene untersucht. In F{\"a}llen mit HRS bzw. HRS-{\"a}hnlichen Zellen wurden die CD30-positiven Tumorzellen mittels Laser-Capture Mikrodissektion (LCM) isoliert. Weiterhin erfolgte eine morphologische und immunhistochemische Analyse der F{\"a}lle. Insgesamt wurden 48 Patientenproben untersucht, darunter 40 F{\"a}lle mit Richter-Syndrom sowie weitere 8 B-CLL-F{\"a}lle mit CD30-positiven HRS-{\"a}hnlichen Zellen. Unter den 40 Proben mit Richter-Syndrom zeigten 34 B-CLL-F{\"a}lle eine Transformation in ein DLBCL, in 6 F{\"a}llen erfolgte eine Transformation in ein HL. In 23 F{\"a}llen mit B-CLL und DLBCL wurde eine Sequenzierung der IgVH Gene durchgef{\"u}hrt. In 18 F{\"a}llen waren B-CLL und DLBCL klonal identisch, in 5 F{\"a}llen war das DLBCL als klonal unabh{\"a}ngige Neoplasie entstanden. Unter den klonal verwandten Paaren zeigten 11 von 15 Paaren unmutierte IgVH-Gene sowohl in der B-CLL als auch im DLBCL, wohingegen 5 von 6 F{\"a}lle mit Transformation einer B-CLL in ein HL mutierte IgVH Gene trugen. HRS-Zellen in 2 F{\"a}llen und HRS-{\"a}hnliche Zellen in einem Fall waren klonal verschieden vom B-CLL-Zellklon. Die VH-Gene VH3-23, VH3-74, VH1-2 und VH3-9 waren {\"u}berproportional h{\"a}ufig in B-CLL F{\"a}llen mit einer sp{\"a}teren Transformation in ein DLBCL vertreten, wohingegen VH4-34 und VH3-48 in mehr als der H{\"a}lfte der F{\"a}lle mit Transformation zu einem HL nachgewiesen werden konnten. Der immunhistochemische Nachweis von ZAP70 zeigte eine signifikante Assoziation mit unmutierten IgVH-Genen in B-CLL mit nachfolgender Richter-Transformation. Bei 24 Patienten konnte der klinische Verlauf eruiert werden. Die mediane {\"U}berlebenszeit von Patienten mit B-CLL mit stattgehabter Transformation in ein DLBCL oder ein HL betrug 7 beziehungsweise 21 Monate. Es fanden sich weder signifikante Unterschiede der {\"U}berlebenszeit zwischen klonal verwandten und nicht verwandten F{\"a}llen, noch zwischen IgVH-mutierten und -unmutierten F{\"a}llen. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass bei der Richter-Transformation einer B-CLL in ein DLBCL dieses einerseits aus dem pr{\"a}existenten B-CLL-Klon entstehen kann, andererseits aber auch als unabh{\"a}ngige, klonal nicht verwandte Neoplasie auftreten kann. In der Mehrzahl der F{\"a}lle (78\% in dieser Serie) sind B-CLL und DLBCL jedoch klonal identisch und nur gelegentlich entsteht ein DLBCL ohne klonale Beziehung zur B-CLL als unabh{\"a}ngige, sekund{\"a}re Neoplasie. Eine klonale Transformation in ein DLBCL tritt vorwiegend bei B-CLL-Patienten mit unmutierten IgVH-Genen auf, wohingegen die Mehrzahl der B-CLL-Patienten mit einer Transformation in ein HL oder CD30-positive HRS-{\"a}hnliche Zellen mutierte IgVH-Gene aufweist. Dieser Befund l{\"a}sst auf unterschiedliche Transformationswege der beiden Subtypen des Richter-Syndroms schließen. Weiterhin existieren vermutlich wesentliche Unterschiede in der Pathogenese zwischen DLBCL-F{\"a}llen, die sich aus einer vorbestehenden B-CLL entwickelt haben, und de novo DLBCL-F{\"a}llen, da de novo DLBCL zumeist durch mutierte IgVH-Gene charakterisiert sind.}, subject = {B-Zell-Leuk{\"a}mie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{To2006, author = {To, Thuy Thanh}, title = {Pituitary-interrenal interactions in zebrafish (Danio rerio) interrenal organ development}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In mammals, the pituitary-derived neuropeptide adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a major regulator of adrenocortical steroidogenesis and hormone secretion. However, the mechanism by which adrenal growth is governed by pituitary signals and the role of the pituitary in early adrenal development remain to be investigated. In this work the model organism zebrafish was used to elucidate pituitary adrenal interactions during early vertebrate development. The adrenal homologue in zebrafish is located in the head kidney and termed interrenal organ. The work deals with the analysis of pituitary-interrenal interactions by using pituitary mutants, gene-knockdown embryos and pharmacological interventions. As prerequisite to the main study, zebrafish pomc gene was cloned and characterized and the interrenal organogenesis in wild-type zebrafish was analysed.}, subject = {Zebrab{\"a}rbling}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shatskaya2006, author = {Shatskaya, Natalia}, title = {Identification of amino acids within the substrate binding region of organic cation transporters (OCTZs) that are involved in binding of corticosterone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The polyspecific organic cation transporters (OCT) are involved in the elimination and distribution of drugs, environmental toxins, and endogenous organic cations including monoamine neurotransmitters. Steroid hormones inhibit organic cation transport by the three OCT subtypes with different affinities showing distinct species difference; for example, the IC50 values for corticosterone inhibition of cation uptake by transporters rOCT1 and rOCT2 are ~150\&\#956;M and ~4 \&\#956;M, respectively. By introducing domains and amino acids from rOCT2 into rOCT1, we identified three amino acids in the presumed 10th TMD of rOCT2 which are responsible for the higher affinity of corticosterone in comparison to rOCT1. This is the first study which revealed the components of the binding site for corticosterone in OCTs. The evidence is presented that these amino acids (alanine 443, leucine 447, and glutamine 448 in rOCT1 and isoleucine 443, tyrosine 447, and glutamate 448 in rOCT2) are probably located within the substrate binding region of OCTs since the affinity of transported cations was increased together with the affinity of corticosterone. In the double mutant rOCT1(L447Y/Q448E) the IC50 value for the inhibition of [3H]MPP (0.1 \&\#956;M) uptake by corticosterone (24 ± 4 \&\#956;M) was significantly higher compared to the IC50 value for inhibition of [14C]TEA (10 \&\#956;M) uptake (5.3 ± 1.7 \&\#956;M), indicating an allosteric interaction between transported substrate and corticosterone. The data suggest that more than one compound can bind simultaneously to the substrate binding region. These results confirm previous suggestion that binding of substrates and inhibitors to OCTs involves interaction with a comparatively large surface that may include multiple binding domains rather than with a structurally restricted single binding site.}, subject = {Kation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sturm2006, author = {Sturm, Christian}, title = {Theoretical Investigation of the Geometrical Arrangements of alpha-alanyl-peptide Nucleic Acid Hexamer Dimers and the Underlying Interstrand Binding Motifs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20363}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Funktionalit{\"a}ten der DNA oder RNA werden haupts{\"a}chlich durch die verschiedenen Wechselwirkungen der paarenden Nucleinbasen bestimmt. Um die komplexen Zusammenh{\"a}nge dieser verschiedenen Wechselwirkungen zu verstehen, werden Modellsysteme ben{\"o}tigt, die weniger Restriktionen durch das R{\"u}ckgrat besitzen. Ein Beispiel f{\"u}r solche Systeme sind Peptidnucleins{\"a}uren (PNA), in denen das Zuckerphosphatr{\"u}ckgrat der DNA oder RNA durch ein Peptidr{\"u}ckgrat ersetzt wird. Diederichsen et al. gelang es, eine große Anzahl solcher Systeme mit einen alpha-Alanyl-R{\"u}ckgrat zu synthetisieren, an das kanonische und nicht-kanonische Nucleins{\"a}uren gebunden sind. Diese Systeme aggregieren in verschiedenen Bindungsmotiven, die nicht in der DNA oder RNA auftauchen. Diese ungew{\"o}hnlichen Paarungsmotive k{\"o}nnten einen tiefen Einblick in das Zusammenspiel der Wechselwirkungen der Nucleinbasen geben, aber die geringen L{\"o}slichkeit der alpha-Alanyl-PNA Oligomere verhinderte eine experimentelle Charakterisierung der geometrischen Anordnung durch R{\"o}ntgenstruktur- oder NMR-Experimente. Lediglich die absolute Stabilit{\"a}t der verschiedenen Aggregate konnte durch Messungen der Schmelztemperatur mit Hilfe der UV-Spektroskopie bestimmt werden. Da die Kenntnis der geometrischen Strukturen sowie der ausgebildeten Bindungsmotive wichtig ist, um einen Einblick in das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Wechselwirkungen zu erlangen, besteht das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, solche Informationen mit der Hilfe von theoretischen Methoden zu erlangen. Zus{\"a}tzlich sind Effekte von Interesse, aus denen sich Trends bez{\"u}glich der Stabilit{\"a}t bestimmen lassen. Solche Untersuchungen sind einfacher zu realisieren als die Berechnung der absoluten Stabilit{\"a}ten, da viele Beitr{\"a}ge zur absoluten Energie f{\"u}r {\"a}hnliche Systeme (entropische und dynamische Effekte) in etwa gleich groß sind. Somit sind diese entropischen und dynamischen Effekte f{\"u}r das Ziel dieser Arbeit weniger wichtig. Zur Untersuchung der Bindungseigenschaften und der Stabilit{\"a}ten von alpha-Alanyl-PNA Oligomeren war es notwendig, bis dato nicht parametrisierte Nucleinbasen in den Parametersatz des Amber4.1 Kraftfelds zu integrieren. Die fehlenden Ladungen wurden durch Berechungen mit dem R.E.D-Programm-Paket ermittelt. Das Programm bestimmt aus dem elektrostatischen Potential einer optimierten Struktur die atomzentrierten Ladungen. Die fehlenden Bindungsparameter wurden der Literatur entnommen. Die Untersuchungen der einzelnen Dimere begannen jeweils mit der Konstruktion der alpha-Alanyl-PNAs f{\"u}r alle m{\"o}glichen Paarungsmodi. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass bestimmte Paarungsmodi aufgrund der geometrischen Gegebenheiten der Dimere und des R{\"u}ckgrats nicht realisierbar waren. F{\"u}r andere Dimere war ein Aufbau der alpha-Alanyl-PNA-Dimere zwar m{\"o}glich, jedoch zerfielen die Dimere wieder w{\"a}hrend einer ersten Geometrieoptimierung aufgrund der hohen Spannung im R{\"u}ckgrat. Die stabilen Systeme wurden zun{\"a}chst in verschiedenen Molekulardynamik-(MD)-L{\"a}ufen simuliert. Informationen {\"u}ber die Geometrie bei T=0 K wurden durch Geometrieoptimierungen erhalten, die an verschieden Punkten der MD L{\"a}ufe gestartet wurden. Die resultierenden Geometrien aus den verschiedenen Anfangspunkten waren identisch. F{\"u}r die geometrieoptimierten Strukturen wurden f{\"u}r das T=0 K Modell die Wechselwirkungsenergien zwischen den Nucleinbasen und der Einfluss der R{\"u}ckgrats auf die Stabilit{\"a}t der Dimer in zwei separaten Schritten bestimmt. Im ersten Schritt wurde das R{\"u}ckgrat entfernt und die Schnittstellen mit Methylgruppen abges{\"a}ttigt. Die Wechselwirkungsenergie zwischen den Nucleinbasen wurde durch die Differenz der Energien des gesamten Systems und der Summe der Energien der einzelnen Nucleinbasen in der Geometrie des Dimers bestimmt. Aufgrund der durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchungen und die sich daraus ergebenen Korrelation der berechneten Stabilisierungsenergien mit der Schmelztemperatur konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit der vorgeschlagenen Methode eine verl{\"a}ssliche Beschreibung der PNA Systeme m{\"o}glich ist. F{\"u}r eine weitere Verbesserung des vorgestellten Modells bedarf es zus{\"a}tzliche R{\"o}ntgenstruktur- oder NMR-Experimente, die zur Strukturaufkl{\"a}rung der alpha-Alanyl-PNA Dimere entscheidend beitragen. Weitere detaillierte Daten {\"u}ber die Enthalpiebeitr{\"a}ge zur absoluten Energie der verschiedenen Komplexe w{\"a}ren sehr hilfreich, um die vorgestellte Methode zu best{\"a}tigen und zu verbessern. Diese Informationen k{\"o}nnten zum einen durch die Auswertung der Form der Schmelzkurve sowie durch Mikrokalorimetrie erhalten werden. F{\"u}r den Fall, dass die Vorhersagen durch die experimentellen Befunde best{\"a}tigt w{\"u}rden, k{\"o}nnte der Ansatz auf verwandte Systeme wie zum Beispiel beta-Alanyl-PNA, DNA oder RNA angewandt werden. Durch diese weiteren Informationen k{\"o}nnte unser Ansatz zus{\"a}tzlich durch die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von dynamischen und/oder entropischen Effekte erweitert werden.}, subject = {Peptid-Nucleins{\"a}uren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Winterfeldt2006, author = {Winterfeldt, Carsten}, title = {Generation and control of high-harmonic radiation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20309}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {High-harmonic generation provides a powerful source of ultrashort coherent radiation in the XUV and soft-x-ray range, which also allows for the production of attosecond light pulses. Based on the unique properties of this new radiation it is now possible to perform time-resolved spectroscopy at high excitation energies, from which a wide field of seminal discoveries can be expected. Since the exploration and observation of the corresponding processes in turn are accompanied by the desire to control them, this work deals with new ways to manipulate and characterize the properties of these high-harmonic-based soft-x-ray pulses. After introductory remarks this work first presents a comprehensive overview over recent developments and achievements on the field of the control of high-harmonic radiation in order to classify the experimental results obtained in this work. These results include the control of high-harmonic radiation both by temporally shaping and by manipulating the spatial properties of the fundamental laser pulses. In addition, the influence of the conversion medium and of the setup geometry (gas jet, gas-filled hollow fiber) was investigated. Using adaptive temporal pulse shaping of the driving laser pulse by a deformable mirror, this work demonstrates the complete control over the XUV spectrum of high harmonics. Based on a closed-loop optimization setup incorporating an evolutionary algorithm, it is possible to generate arbitrarily shaped spectra of coherent soft-x-ray radiation in a gas-filled hollow fiber. Both the enhancement and suppression of narrowband high-harmonic emission in a selected wavelength region as well as the enhancement of coherent soft-x-ray radiation over a selectable extended range of harmonics (multiple harmonics) can be achieved. Since simulations that do not take into account spatial properties such as propagation effects inside a hollow fiber cannot reproduce the experimentally observed high contrast ratios between adjacent harmonics, a feedback-controlled adaptive two-dimensional spatial pulse shaper was set up to examine selective fiber mode excitation and the optimization of high-harmonic radiation in such a geometry. It is demonstrated that different fiber modes contribute to harmonic generation and make the high extent of control possible. These results resolve the long-standing issue about the controllability of high-harmonic generation in free-focusing geometries such as gas jets as compared to geometries where the laser is guided. Temporal pulse shaping alone is not sufficient. It was possible to extend the cutoff position of harmonics generated in a gas jet, however, selectivity cannot be achieved. The modifications of the high-harmonic spectrum have direct implications for the time structure of the harmonic radiation, including the possibility for temporal pulse shaping on an attosecond time scale. To this end, known methods for the temporal characterization of optical pulses and high-harmonic pulses (determination of the harmonic chirp on femtosecond and attosecond time scales) were introduced. The experimental progress in this work comprises the demonstration of different setups that are in principle suitable to determine the time structure of shaped harmonic pulses based on two-photon two-color ionization cross-correlation techniques. Photoelectron spectra of different noble gases generated by photoionization with high-harmonic radiation reproduce the spin-orbit splitting of the valence electrons and prove the satisfactory resolution of our electron time-of-flight spectrometer for the temporal characterization of high harmonics. Unfortunately no positive results for this part could be achieved so far, which can probably be attributed mainly to the lack of the focusability of the high harmonics and to the low available power of our laser system. However, we have shown that shaping the high-harmonic radiation in the spectral domain must result in modifications of the time structure on an attosecond time scale. Therefore this constitutes the first steps towards building an attosecond pulse shaper in the soft-x-ray domain. Together with the ultrashort time resolution, high harmonics open great possibilities in the field of time-resolved soft-x-ray spectroscopy, for example of inner-shell transitions. Tailored high-harmonic spectra as generated in this work and shaped attosecond pulses will represent a multifunctional toolbox for this kind of research.}, subject = {Frequenzvervielfachung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Valchanova2006, author = {Valchanova, Stamatova Ralitsa}, title = {Functional analysis of the murine cytomegalovirus genes m142 and m143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20215}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection causes clinical symptoms in immunocompromised individuals such as transplantant recipients and AIDS patients. The virus is also responsible for severe complications in unborn children and young infants. The species specificity of HCMV prevents the direct study of mechanisms controlling the infection in animal models. Instead, the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is used as a model system. Human and murine CMVs have large double-stranded DNA genomes, encoding nearly 170 genes. About 30\% of the genes are committed to essential tasks of the virus. The remaining genes are involved in virus pathogenesis or host interaction and are dispensable for virus replication. The CMV genes are classified in gene families, based on sequence homology. In the present work, the function of two genes of the US22 gene family was analyzed. The MCMV genes m142 and m143 are the only members of this family that are essential for virus replication. These genes also differ from the remaining ten US22 gene family members in that they lack 1 of 4 conserved sequence motifs that are characteristic of this family. The same conserved motif is missing in the HCMV US22 family members TRS1 and IRS1, suggesting a possible functional homology. To demonstrate an essential role of m142 and m143, the genes were deleted from the MCMV genome, and the mutants were reconstituted on complementing cells. Infection of non-complementing cells with the deletion mutants did not result in virus replication. Virus growth was rescued by reinsertion of the corresponding genes. Cells infected with the viral deletion mutants synthesized reduced amounts of viral DNA, and viral late genes were not expressed. However, RNA analyses showed that late transcripts were present, excluding a role of m142 and m143 in regulation of gene transcription. Metabolic labelling experiments showed that total protein synthesis at late times postinfection was impaired in cells infected with deletion mutants. Moreover, the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase R (PKR) and its target protein, the translation initiation factor 2\&\#945; (eIF2\&\#945;) were phosphorylated in these cells. This suggested that the m142 and m143 are required for blocking the PKR-mediated shut-down of protein synthesis. Expression of the HCMV gene TRS1, a known inhibitor of PKR activation, rescued the replication of the deletion mutants, supporting the observation that m142 and m143 are required to inhibit this innate immune response of the host cell.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ikwuagwu2006, author = {Ikwuagwu, Onwumere A.}, title = {INITIATION IN AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION : a systematic symbolic analysis, with special reference to aspects of Igbo Religion in Nigeria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {From the history of the Church, we gather that one of the most major tests that confronted the early Christian community was whether everyone who wanted to become a Christian also of necessity had to become a Jew as a pre-requisite for entrance into the new community of believers. The issue at stake is whether one qualifies to be a Christian through adherence to the Jewish identity, which centres on circumcision and the observance of the Mosaic legal code. The crisis resulted to the convocation of the Jerusalem Council (cf. Acts 15), which tasked itself with the definition of the Christian identity. The Council bases its definition of Christian identity, separable from adherence to the Jewish cultural practice (a form of cultural imperialism), solely on election by God in Jesus Christ. Moreover, the event of the Pentecost in Jerusalem demonstrated what the nature of the spreading of the message of this new community of believers in Jesus Christ should be: that people from other cultures, "Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Capadocia, Ponthus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylis, Egypt and the parts of Libya around Cyrene; as well as visitors from Rome, Jews and Proselytes alike, Cretans and Arabs" (Acts 2: 9-11), could understand the message that Peter communicated to them through the force of the breath of the risen Jesus in their own mother tongue, without first becoming Jews. Against the background of this crucial point in the history of the early Church and in consideration of the Second Vatican Council, this dissertation seeks to address the problem of identity, unity and diversity in the Christian religion with special reference to Africa. It proposes that the traditional African Rites of Initiation that mark the transition from one stage of life to the other and therefore the existential and essential transformation of the individual and group offer with their rich symbolisms a very fertile ground for dialogue with the Christian religion. It views the various Rites of Initiation (from birth and ritual circumcision over puberty and adult to marriage and funeral rites) as vital and immutable seminal points in the life of the individual African and his/her society at large. These Rites that express in various ways the African holistic view and conception of life and reality are, in terms of their religious symbolism, meaning and function, analogous to their Christian counterparts (such as baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, ordination, marriage) and can as a result be conveniently accepted or at least incorporated even if in modified forms as authentic African initiation rites for African Christians. Without being syncretistic, such an incorporation and modification at one and the same time recognizes and respects the cultural identity of the African and marks his/her transformation and acceptance of his/her new identity, modelled on Christ. In this way, the African Christian will be enabled to live, articulate and express his/her faith within his/her own historical-cultural milieu. On the whole, the presentation is predictive and prescriptive with regard to what the relationship and dialogue between Christianity and the African Traditional Religion should be or should not be. It is an honest effort to make the Christian message relevant to the African in his/her own perceptual and conceptual world-view. This task remains a steady challenge to African Christians who want to maintain at one and the same time and at the same level their African identity and their Christian calling. The balancing and reconciling of these two identities in a correlating rather than confrontational manner remains a task for the Church of today and tomorrow. The dissertation is a foundational contribution to building up and sharpening consciousness for this problem.}, subject = {Afrika}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2006, author = {Chen, Zhijian}, title = {pi-Stacks Based on Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimides : Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19940}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {As a traditional industrial pigment, perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes have found wide-spread applications. In addition, PBI dyes have been considered as versatile and promising functional materials for organic-based electronic and optic devices, such as transistors and solar cells. For these novel demands, the control of self-organization of this type of dye and the investigation of the relationship between the supramolecular structure and the relevant optical and electronic properties is of great importance. The objective of this thesis focuses on gaining a better understanding of structural and functional properties of pi-stacks based on self-assembling PBIs. Studies include the synthesis and characterization of new functional PBI dyes, their aggregation in solution, in liquid crystalline state and on surfaces, and their fluorescence and charge transport properties. An overview of the formation, thermodynamics and structures of pi-stacks of functional pi- conjugated molecules in solution and in liquid crystalline phases is given in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the pi-pi aggregates of new, highly fluorescent PBIs without core-substituents. In Chapter 3, the self-assembly of a PBI with tridodecylphenyl substituents at imide N atoms both in solution and condensed phase has been studied in great detail. In condensed state, the dye exhibits a hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline (LC) phase as confirmed by DSC, OPM and X-ray diffraction analysis. The columnar stacking of this dye has been further confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) where single columns could be well resolved The charge transport properties this dye have been investigated by pulse radiolysis-time resolved microwave conductivity (PR-TRMC) measurements. To shed more light on the nature of the pi-pi interaction of the unsubstituted PBIs, solvent depend aggregation properties have been investigated in Chapter 4. The studies are further extended from core-unsubstituted PBIs to core-substituted ones (Chapter 5 and 6). In Chapter 5, a series of highly soluble and fluorescent core-twisted PBIs that bear the same trialkylphenyl groups at the imide positions but different bay-substituents and were synthesized. These compounds are characterized by distortions of the perylene planes with dihedral angles in the range of 15-37° according to crystallographic data and molecular modeling studies. In contrast to the extended oligomeric aggregates formed for planar unsubstituted PBIs, this family of dyes formed discrete pi-pi-stacked dimers in apolar methylcyclohexane as concentration-dependent UV/Vis measurements and VPO analysis revealed. The Gibbs free energy of dimerization can be correlated with the twist angles of the dyes linearly. In condensed state, several of these PBIs form luminescent rectangular or hexagonal columnar liquid crystalline phases with low isotropization temperatures. The core-twisting effect on semiconducting properties has been examined in Chapter 6. In this chapter, a comparative study of the electrochemical and the charge transport properties of a series of non-substituted and chlorine-functionalized PBIs was performed. While Chapters 3-6 focus on one-component dye systems, Chapter 7 explored the possibility of a supramolecular engineering of co-aggregates formed by hydrogen-bonded 2:1 and 1:1 complex of oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)s (OPVs) and PBIs. Covalently linked donor-acceptor dye arrays have been prepared for comparison. Concentration and temperature-dependent UV/Vis spectroscopy revealed all hydrogen-bonded and covalent systems form well-ordered J-type aggregates in methylcyclohexane. With these hydrogen-bonded OPV-PBI complexes, fibers containing p-type and n-type molecules can be prepared on the nano-scale (1-20 nm). For the 2:1 OPV-PBI hydrogenbonded arrays hierarchically assembled chiral superstructures consisting of left-handed helical pi-pi co-aggregates (CD spectroscopy) of the two dyes that further assemble into right-handed nanometer-scale supercoils in the solid state (AFM study) have been observed. All of these well-defined OPV-PBI assemblies presented here exhibit photoinduced electron transfer on sub-ps timescale, while the electron recombination differs for different systems.Thus, it was suggested that such assemblies of p- and n-type semiconductors might serve as valuable nanoscopic functional units for organic electronics.}, subject = {Perylenderivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Remenyi2006, author = {Remenyi, Christian}, title = {Density Functional Studies on EPR Parameters and Spin-Density Distributions of Transition Metal Complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19848}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden EPR-Parameter und Spindichteverteilungen von {\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexen mit Hilfe der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) berechnet. Um das Potential der DFT bei der Beschreibung solcher Systeme zu zeigen, wurden mehrere Validierungsstudien durchgef{\"u}hrt, die in den Kapiteln 3-5 vorgestellt werden. Die Kapitel 6-8 besch{\"a}ftigen sich dagegen eher mit konkreten chemischen Fragestellungen, die einige biologisch relevante {\"U}bergangsmetallkomplexe betreffen.}, subject = {Dichtefunktionalformalismus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mayer2006, author = {Mayer, Eric}, title = {New Keynesian Perspectives on Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle in Closed Economies and Monetary Unions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19499}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Geldtheorie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eichler2005, author = {Eichler, Lars}, title = {Effects of desialyation on TCR-cross-linking and antigen sensitivity of CD8 positive T lymphocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The featured experiments focus on changes in T cell membrane glycosylation as a possible means of controlling TCR cross-linking. Taking the long known fact that activated T cells show decreased levels of surface sialic acid as a starting point, differences in ligand binding and cellular reaction upon in vitro stimulation were investigated in na{\"i}ve, activated and enzymatically desialyated CD8+, 2C TCR transgenic mouse lymphocytes. To detect differences in ligand binding lymphocytes were incubated with various concentrations of fluorescently labeled, soluble MHC/Ig fusion proteins until equilibrium was reached. Without previous washing, cells were analyzed by flow cytometry, determined MCF values were normalized to the plateau and fit to a mathematical model of equilibrium binding of divalent ligands to monomorphic receptors (Perelson 1984). Parameters derived from the model fit of binding data show, that neuraminidase treatment of T cells was sufficient to mimic a partially activated phenotype, showing enhanced TCR cross-linking. Enhanced TCR cross-linking was found to be dependent on the presence of CD8, as neuraminidase treatment of DN cells lead to decreased cross-linking. To elucidate the physiological relevance of desialyation induced increases in TCR cross-linking early tyrosine phosphorylation events and proliferative response upon in vitro stimulation of T cells were investigated. Both were found enhanced in neuraminidase treated cells, as compared to native cells. In conclusion the featured experiments suggest a role of surface sialic acid in controlling TCR cross-linking on na{\"i}ve and activated T cells.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tomašovych2006, author = {Tomašov{\´y}ch, Adam}, title = {Differential effects of environmental factors on ecology of brachiopods and bivalves during the Late Triassic and Jurassic}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19131}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The aim of this study was to assess distribution patterns of articulate brachiopods during the Mesozoic. Exploratory and confirmatory multivariate analyses in this study evaluate whether environmental preferences of brachiopods and bivalves are substantially distinct and whether structure of their communities significantly differ. Specifically, the hypothesis being tested is that differential abundances of Mesozoic brachiopods and bivalves are not related to varying substrate properties only, but also to varying food supply, turbidity and oxygen levels. This hypothesis was evaluated with quantitative data gathered in various field areas and time intervals. They include the Upper Triassic deposits of the West Carpathians and Eastern Alps, the Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of Morocco, the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits of the West Carpathians, the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Franconian and Swabian Alb, and the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Swiss Jura. The main conclusion is that brachiopod-dominated communities are characterized by a unique guild structure, with dominance of trophic groups with low metabolic requirements or adapted to nutrient-poor or oxygen-poor conditions. For example, brachiopod co-occured more commonly with epifaunal than with infaunal bivalves in soft-bottom environments. Abundances of brachiopods correlate mostly negatively with increasing proportions of terrigenous admixture (i.e., with increasing amount of land-derived nutrient supply and turbidity).}, subject = {Fossile Armf{\"u}ßer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mayer2006, author = {Mayer, Katrin Doris}, title = {Visualization of type I immunity using bicistronic IFN-gamma reporter mice in vitro and in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Typ I Immunantworten, wie z.B. gegen Influenza Virus, Sendai Virus aber auch gegen intrazellul{\"a}re Erreger wie Toxoplasma gondii sind klassischerweise durch robuste IFN-\&\#947; Expression gekennzeichnet. Th1 und CD8+ Effektor T Zellen z{\"a}hlen zu den Hauptproduzenten von IFN-\&\#947;. Im Zusammenhang mit Autoimmunerkrankungen, Immunpathologie aber auch Impfstoffentwicklung, ist es {\"u}beraus wichtig die Regulierung von IFN-\&\#947; zu verstehen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die IFN-\&\#947; Expression von CD4+ und CD8+ T Zellen detailliert charakterisiert. Des Weiteren wurde die Rolle des IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptors f{\"u}r die IFN-\&\#947; Expression von T Zellen untersucht. Unter Zuhilfenahme von bicistronischen IFN-\&\#947;-eYFP Reporter M{\"a}usen, welche die direkte Identifizierung und Isolierung von vitalen IFN-\&\#947; exprimierenden Zellen erm{\"o}glichen, wurde die Expression von IFN-\&\#947; in vitro und in vivo, nach Infektion mit den bereits erw{\"a}hnten Erregern,visualisiert. Die Expression des IFN-\&\#947;-eYFP Reporters zeichnete sich, sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo nach Infektion, durch ein {\"a}ußerst heterogenes Fluoreszenzspektrum aus. Die Helligkeit der Reporter Fluoreszenz korrelierte positiv mit der Menge an IFN-\&\#947; Transkripten und mit der Menge des sekretierten IFN-\&\#947; Proteins nach Stimulierung. Die Helligkeit des Reporters reflektierte das Potenzial zur IFN-\&\#947; Produktion, die eigentliche Sekretion war jedoch weitgehend abh{\"a}ngig von zus{\"a}tzlicher Stimulierung durch Antigen. Des Weiteren korrelierte die Helligkeit des Reporters mit der zunehmenden Produktion von weiteren proinflammatorischen Zytokinen und Chemokinen. Hoch fluoreszente Zellen exprimierten zudem vermehrt Marker auf ihrer Oberflache, die auf akute Aktivierung hinweisen. Die am hellsten eYFP fluoreszierenden Zellen waren im Allgemeinen weiter ausdifferenziert und ihre Pr{\"a}senz war auf bestimmte Organe beschr{\"a}nkt. Die anatomische Begrenzung wurde durch den Erreger bestimmt. IFN-\&\#947; exprimierende Zellen wurden nach Infektion mit Sendai Virus oder Toxoplasma gondii in IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptor defizienten Reporter M{\"a}usen generiert. Die Frequenz und die Helligkeit der eYFP Reporter Expression waren jedoch ver{\"a}ndert. Experimente mit dualen Knochenmarks-Chim{\"a}ren M{\"a}usen, welche mit Wild-Typ und IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptor defizientem Knochenmark rekonstituiert wurden, ergaben eine T Zell-intrinsische Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptor vermittelten Signalen f{\"u}r die Expression von IFN-\&\#947;. Die Helligkeit des Reporters dagegen wurde unabh{\"a}ngig von dem IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptor reguliert. Abschließend wurde ein Modell f{\"u}r die Expression von IFN-\&\#947; in CD4+ und CD8+ T Zellen entwickelt. Zusammenfassend f{\"u}hren diese Ergebnisse zu dem Schluss, dass die Expression von IFN-\&\#947; in CD4+ und CD8+ T Zellen und nach viraler oder parasit{\"a}rer Infektion unterschiedlich reguliert wird. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde gezeigt, dass der IFN-\&\#947; Rezeptor an der \&\#65279;Modulation der IFN-\&\#947; Expression beteiligt ist.}, subject = {Interferon }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HasenstabRiedel2006, author = {Hasenstab-Riedel, Sebastian}, title = {The Highest Oxidation States of the 5d Transition Metals : a Quantum-Chemical Study}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19402}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The theoretical work presented in this thesis is concerned with the highest possible oxidation states of the 5d transition metal row. Based on a validation study of several DFT functionals against accurate coupled-cluster CCSD(T) methods we will present calculations on a series of new high oxidation state HgIV species. Quantum-chemical calculations have also been applied to various fluoro complexes of gold in oxidation states +V through +VII to evaluate the previously claimed existence of AuF7. The calculations indicate clearly that the oxidation state (+V), e.g., in [AuF5]2, remains the highest well-established gold oxidation state. Further calculations on iridium in oxidation state (+VII) show that IrF7 and IrOF5 are viable synthetic targets, whereas higher oxidation states of iridium appear to be unlikely. Structures and stabilities of several osmium fluorides and oxyfluorides were also studied in this thesis. It is shown that homoleptic fluorides all the way up to OsF8 may exist. Combining the results of the most accurate quantum-chemical predictions of this thesis and of the most reliable experimental studies, we observe a revised trend of the highest oxidation states of the 5d transition metal row. From lanthanum (+III) to osmium (+VIII), there is a linear increase of the highest oxidation states with increasing atomic number. Thereafter, we observe a linear descent from osmium (+VIII) to mercury (+IV). We will also present a short outlook to the transition metals of the 3d and 4d row and their highest reachable oxidation states.}, subject = {Oxidationszahl}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Milenkovic2006, author = {Milenkovic, Vladimir M.}, title = {Structural and functional analysis of bestrophin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Morbus Best (OMIM 153700), auch als vitelliforme Makuladystrophie Typ 2 (VMD2) bezeichnet, ist eine autosomal dominant vererbte Makuladystrophie mit juvenilem Beginn. Die Erkrankung geht einher mit einer Ansammlung von Lipofuscin-{\"a}hnlichem Material im sowie unterhalb des retinalen Pigmentepithels (RPE). Das bei Morbus Best mutierte VMD2- Gen kodiert f{\"u}r ein 585 Aminos{\"a}uren langes Transmembranprotein, genannt Bestrophin, und wird vorwiegend im RPE exprimiert. Das Protein hat eine komplexe Membrantopologie mit 4-6 putativen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen (TMD) und ist vermutlich in den Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Transport von Chloridionen durch die Plasmamembran involviert. Die {\"u}berwiegende Mehrheit der krankheitsassoziierten Ver{\"a}nderungen bei M. Best Patienten sind Missense-Mutationen, die innerhalb der hochkonservierten N-terminalen H{\"a}lfte des Proteins nahe der mutmaßlichen Transmembrandom{\"a}nen akkumulieren. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Pathologie und identifizierter Mutationen bzw. der Chloridkanal- Funktion von Bestrophin-1 ist noch unklar. Um die biologische Funktion von Bestrohin-1 weiter aufzukl{\"a}ren und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen der BMD besser zu verstehen, wurde mit Hilfe des GAL4-basierenden Hefe-Zwei-Hybridsystems (Y2H) nach interagierenden Partnern von Bestrophin-1 gesucht. Ein Screen in einer bovinen RPE cDNABank mit verschiedenen verk{\"u}rzten Fragmenten von Bestrophin-1 ergab 53 m{\"o}gliche interagierende Partner. Allerdings schlossen anschließende Verifikationsexperimente die Kandidatengene aus. Somit deuten die Resultate dieser umfangreichen YH2-Studie daraufhin, dass Bestrophin f{\"u}r das herk{\"o}mmliche Zwei-Hybrid-System nicht geeignet ist. Zum einen k{\"o}nnte dies daran liegen, dass das Protein ein integraler Bestandteil der Membran ist und zum anderen, dass m{\"o}glicherweise der Transport der gew{\"a}hlten Bestrophin-Fragmente zum Nukleus nicht stattfindet. Dies gilt jedoch als Grundvoraussetzung f{\"u}r eine Proteininteraktion im Hefe-2-Hybridsystem. Bestrophin geh{\"o}rt zu einer großen Familie von integralen Membranproteinen, von der bis heute bereits {\"u}ber 100 Mitglieder bei verschiedenen Organismengruppen wie denS{\"a}ugern, Insekten und W{\"u}rmern identifiziert werden konnten. Als auff{\"a}lligste Besonderheit in der Familie der Bestrophine zeigt sich neben einer nicht-variablen RFP-Dom{\"a}ne (Arginin- Phenylalanin-Prolin) eine evolution{\"a}r hochkonservierte N-terminale Region. Um die phylogenetische Beziehung der Bestrophine zu untersuchen sowie den Aufbau und die Funktion von konservierten Motiven innerhalb der Familienmitglieder zu identifizieren, wurde diese konservierte N-terminale Region sowohl bioinformatisch wie auch Chapter Two: Zusammenfassung 4 phylogenetisch weiter untersucht. Die phylogenetische Analyse der Bestrophin Homologen brachte vier evolution{\"a}r konservierte Familienmitglieder in S{\"a}ugern hervor, die jeweils eine starke Homologie zu den Proteinen VMD2, VMD2-L1 bis VMD2-L3 des Menschen zeigen. Die signifikante {\"A}hnlichkeit der Proteinsequenz innerhalb der vier Familienmitglieder l{\"a}sst die Schlussfolgerungen zu, dass zum einen jedes einzelne Familienmitglied ihre eigene evolution{\"a}r konservierte Funktion hat und zum anderen dass die Divergenz des Bestrophins in verschiedene Familienmitglieder zeitlich vor der Divergenz der verschiedenen S{\"a}ugerspezien erfolgt sein muss.}, subject = {Makuladegeneration}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Landersdorfer2006, author = {Landersdorfer, Cornelia}, title = {Modern pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic techniques to study physiological mechanisms of pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions and disposition of antibiotics and to assess clinical relevance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19340}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {There are numerous areas of application for which PKPD models are a valuable tool. We studied dose linearity, bone penetration and drug-drug interactions of antibiotics by PKPD modeling. Knowledge about possible saturation of elimination pathways at therapeutic concentrations is important for studying the probability of successful treatment of dosage regimens via MCS at various doses, other modes of administration, or both. We studied the dose linearity of flucloxacillin and piperacillin. For data analysis of the dose linearity studies, population PK modeling and MCS was used. Population PK has been reported to detect saturable elimination at lower doses, and to estimate BSV more precisely than the STS approach. The variability in PK and the expected variability in PD are combined in a MCS to predict the probability of successful treatment. Flucloxacillin showed no saturation of elimination at the studied doses of 500 mg and 1000 mg. Comparison of various dosage regimens showed, that only one third of the daily dose is needed with prolonged or continuous infusion to achieve the same probability of successful treatment as short-term infusions at the full dose. For serious infections with sensitive staphylococci that are treated with intravenous flucloxacillin, prolonged infusion and continuous infusion are an appealing treatment option. Contrary to flucloxacillin, renal elimination and to a lesser extent also nonrenal elimination of piperacillin were saturable at therapeutic concentrations. Renal clearance decreased by 24\% (p = 0.02) after a dose of 3000 mg piperacillin compared to the 1500 mg dose. A model without saturable elimination predicted PTA expectation values that were 6 to 11\% lower for high dose short-term infusions and 2 to 5\% higher for low dose continuous infusions, compared to models with saturable elimination. These differences depend on the MIC distributions of the local hospital. However, more accurate estimates for the PTA expectation value can be obtained by including an existent saturable elimination pathway into the PK model. Developing a mechanistic model of an interaction allows one to predict the extent of the interaction for other doses of drug and inhibitor. We studied the interactions between gemifloxacin and probenecid, between ciprofloxacin, its metabolite M1 and probenecid, and between flucloxacillin and piperacillin. Mechanistic models for drug-drug interactions were developed by the STS approach. This approach directly accounts for the concentration dependence of an interaction and describes the full time course of an interaction. Probenecid significantly inhibited the renal elimination of gemifloxacin, ciprofloxacin and ciprofloxacin's metabolite M1, and slightly decreased nonrenal clearance of gemifloxacin. Piperacillin significantly decreased renal and nonrenal clearance of flucloxacillin, but hardly vice versa. For all three interactions competitive inhibition of a capacity-limited renal elimination pathway was identified as the most likely mechanism. As those drugs are all actively secreted in the renal tubules, competitive interaction is physiologically reasonable. Probenecid had a lower affinity to the renal transporter than gemifloxacin, ciprofloxacin and M1. Due to its substantially higher concentrations, probenecid inhibited the elimination of the quinolones. The affinity of piperacillin for the renal transporter was 13 times higher compared to flucloxacillin. Piperacillin PK was only slightly affected by flucloxacillin. PK interactions with piperacillin are likely to occur also with other betalactam combinations. PK interactions may be useful to improve the PD profile of an antibiotic, however possibly increased risks for side effects (e.g. risk of rash for gemifloxacin and probenecid) have to be considered.}, subject = {Populationskinetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bulitta2006, author = {Bulitta, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Innovative techniques for selecting the dose of antibiotics in empiric therapy - focus on beta-lactams and cystic fibrosis patients}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19353}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Background: Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) modeling and simulations were applied to identify optimal dosage regimens for antibiotics. As the emergence of bacterial resistance is increasing and as only a few new antibiotics became available during the last decade, optimal use of established agents and preserving their effectiveness seems vital. Objectives: 1) To find the descriptor of body size and body composition which allows to achieve target concentrations and target effects in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) most precisely. 2) To identify the mode of administration with the highest probability of successful treatment for intravenous beta-lactams. 3) To develop formulas for optimal dose selection for patients of various body size. General methods: Drug analysis in plasma and urine was performed by HPLC or LC-MS/MS in a single laboratory, at the IBMP. Drug analysis was not done by the author of this thesis. We used non-compartmental analysis and parametric population PK analysis for all studies. We used non-parametric bootstrapping to assess the uncertainty of PK parameters for our meta-analysis of the PK in CF-patients and healthy volunteers. Plasma concentration time profiles for several thousand virtual subjects were simulated by MCS which account for average PK parameters, their between subject variability (BSV), and patient specific demographic data. Convincing literature data show that the duration of non-protein bound concentration above MIC (fT>MIC) best predicts the microbiological and clinical success of beta-lactams and the area under the non-protein bound concentration curve divided by the MIC (fAUC/MIC) best predicts success for quinolones. We used PKPD targets from literature that were based on the fT>MIC or fAUC/MIC, respectively. Achieving a PKPD target was used as a surrogate measure for successful treatment. In our MCS, we calculated the fT>MIC or fAUC/MIC for all simulated concentration profiles and compared it to the value of the PKPD target. The fraction of subjects who achieved the target at the respective MIC approximates the probability of target attainment (PTA). The PTA can be interpreted as probability of successful treatment under certain assumptions. Studies in CF-patients Methods: We had data from ten studies (seven beta-lactams and three quinolones) in CF-patients which all included a healthy volunteer control group. Clinical procedures were very similar for all ten studies. Both subject groups had study conditions as similar as possible. We had data on 90 CF-patients (average +/- SD, age: 21+/-3.6 yrs) and on 111 healthy volunteers (age: 25+/-3.5 yrs). We compared the average clearance and volume of distribution between CF-patients and healthy volunteers for various body size descriptors including total body weight (WT), fat-free mass (FFM), and predicted normal weight (PNWT). We considered linear and allometric scaling of PK parameters by body size and used a meta-analysis based on population PK parameters for the comparison of CF-patients and healthy volunteers. Target concentrations can be achieved more precisely, if a size descriptor reduces the random, unexplained BSV. Therefore, we studied the reduction of unexplained BSV for each size descriptor relative to linear scaling by WT, since doses for CF-patients are commonly selected as mg/kg WT. Results: Without accounting for body size, average total clearance was 15\% lower (p=0.005) and volume of distribution at steady-state was 17\% lower (p=0.001) in CF-patients compared to healthy volunteers. For linear scaling by WT, average total clearance in CF-patients divided by total clearance in healthy volunteers was 1.15 (p=0.013). This ratio was 1.06 (p=0.191) for volume of distribution. A ratio of 1.0 indicates that CF-patients and healthy volunteers of the same body size have identical average clearances or volumes of distribution. For allometric scaling by FFM or PNWT, the ratio of total clearance and volume of distribution between CF-patients and healthy volunteers was within 0.80 and 1.25 for almost all drugs and the average ratio was close to 1. Allometric scaling by FFM or PNWT reduced the unexplained BSV in renal clearance by 24 to 27\% (median of 10 drugs) relative to linear scaling by WT. The unexplained BSV was reduced for seven or eight of the ten drugs by more than 15\% and the remaining two or three drugs had essentially unchanged (+/-15\%) unexplained BSVs in renal clearance. Conclusions: The PK in CF-patients was comparable to the PK in healthy volunteers after accounting for body size and body composition by allometric scaling with FFM or PNWT. Target concentrations and target effects in CF-patients can be achieved most precisely by dose selection based on an allometric size model with FFM or PNWT. Future studies are warranted to study the clinical superiority of allometric dosing by FFM or PNWT compared to dose selection as mg/kg WT in CF-patients.}, subject = {Populationskinetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gogishvili2006, author = {Gogishvili, Tea}, title = {Immunotherapy of allergic disorders in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Allergische Erkrankungen sind St{\"o}rungen, bei denen es zu Immunfehlregulationen kommt und die bei empf{\"a}nglichen Individuen zur Entstehung von Allergen spezifischen T-Helfer 2 (TH2) Immunantworten f{\"u}hren. Neuere Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass die f{\"u}r Soforttypallergien charakteristischen TH2 Immunantworten sowohl durch nat{\"u}rlich vorkommende CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T Zellen (Treg) als auch durch Antigen induzierte IL-10-secreting CD4+ regulatorische T Zellen kontrolliert werden k{\"o}nnen. Weiterhin gibt es Hinweise, dass eine erfolgreiche Allergen spezifische Immuntherapie {\"u}ber die Induktion von IL-10 sezernierenden T reg Zellen vermittelt wird. In ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Effizienz einer Allergen spezifischen Immuntherapie (SIT) in einem Mausmodel f{\"u}r allergische Atemwegsentz{\"u}ndung demonstriert. Als Allergieparameter wurden Allergen spezifisches IgE im Serum, verschiedene TH1 und TH2 Cytokine in der brochoalveol{\"a}ren Lavage Fl{\"u}ssigkeit und nach in vitro Restimulation in Milzzellen untersucht. Weiterhin wurden Histologien von Lungengewebe angefertigt, um das eosinophile Entz{\"u}ndungsinfiltrat und die Asthma typische Becherzellmetaplasie darzustellen. Weiterhin wurden durch FACS Untersuchungen regulatorische T Zellen nachgewiesen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass im Mausmodell die intranasale Applikationsform der SIT die allergischen Symptome effizienter bek{\"a}mpfen konnte, als die beim Menschen etablierte subcutane Applikationsform. Um Mechanismen zu definieren die eine SIT effizienter machen k{\"o}nnten wurde ein IL-4/IL13 Inhibitor (QY) als Adjuvans f{\"u}r die SIT benutzt. F{\"u}r den Zytokininhibitor konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei einer Applikation w{\"a}hrend der allergischen Sensibilisierung die Entstehung einer TH2 Immunantwort und die Ausbildung allergischer Symptome verhindert wird. Die Applikation des Inhibitors zusammen mit einer SIT zeigte jedoch keine zus{\"a}tzlichen signifikanten antiallergischen Effekte im Vergleich zur Durchf{\"u}hrung der SIT als Monotherapie. Diese Ergebnisse deuten m{\"o}glicherweise daraufhin , dass der bekannte Wechsel einer TH2 Immunantwort zu einer TH1 Antwort w{\"a}hrend der SIT nicht der Schl{\"u}sselmechanismus zu einer erfolgreichen Behandlung ist. Insbesondere weil unter der SIT auch in unserem Mausmodell die Induktion von IL-10 sezernierenden CD4+ T regulatorischen Zellen mit der Suppression der allergischen Atemwegsentz{\"u}dnung vergesellschaftet waren, so dass m{\"o}glicherwiese diese Zellen f{\"u}r den Therapieerfolg relevant sind . Um die Rolle regulatorischer T Zellen im Allergiemodell n{\"a}her zu beleuchten wurde im 2. Teil der Arbeit ein monoklonaler superagonistischer anti-CD28 Antik{\"o}rper benutzt, von dem bekannt ist dass T regulatorische Zellen in vivo induziert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Applikation des Antik{\"o}rpers w{\"a}hrend der allergischen Sensibilisierung die Etablierung einer TH2 Immunantwort verst{\"a}rkte. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden durch die therapeutische Applikation des anti CD28 Antik{\"o}rpers in einer etablierten Allergie, IL-10 sezernierende CD4+CD25+ T Zellen induziert, welches mit einer Abschw{\"a}chung der gemessenen Allergieparameter einherging.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jurak2006, author = {Jurak, Igor}, title = {The molecular mechanism of the Cytomegalovirus species specificity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19233}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Viruses have undergone a coevolution with their hosts, resulting in a specific adaptation to them. Consequently, many viruses have a limited host range. Occasionally, viruses acquire an adaptive mutation, which allows infection and replication in a different species as shown recently for the human immunodeficiency virus and influenza virus. Cross-species infections are responsible for the majority of emerging and re-emerging viral diseases. However, little is known about the mechanisms that restrict viruses to a certain host species, and the factors viruses need to cross the species barrier and replicate in a different host. Cytomegaloviruses are prototypes of the beta-herpesvirus subfamily and are highly species specific. They replicate only in cells of their own or a closely related species. The molecular mechanism underlying their species specificity is poorly understood and was investigated in this study. An initial observation showed that murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) can replicate in human 293 and 911 cells, but not in any other human cells tested. Both cell lines are transformed with adenoviral E1 genes that encode a transcriptional transactivator (E1A) and two suppressors of apoptosis (E1B-55k and E1B-19k). This has led to the hypothesis that these functions are required for MCMV replication in human cells. Further analysis revealed that normal human cells died rapidly after infection of caspase-9-mediated apoptosis. Apoptosis induced by MCMV can be suppressed by broad-spectrum caspase inhibitors, and virus replication can be rescued, indicating a major role of caspases in this process. Furthermore, over-expression of a mitochondria-localized inhibitor of apoptosis, a Bcl-2-like protein, prevented apoptosis induced by this virus. Human cells resistant to apoptosis allowed also an efficient MCMV replication. The important role of Bcl-2-like proteins for cytomegalovirus cross-species infections was subsequently confirmed by inserting the corresponding genes, and other inhibitors of apoptosis and control genes into the MCMV genome. Only recombinant viruses expressing a Bcl-2-like protein were able to replicate in human cells. A single gene of human cytomegalovirus encoding a mitochondrial inhibitor of apoptosis was sufficient to allow MCMV replication in human cells. Moreover, the same principle facilitated replication of the rat cytomegalovirus in human cells. Thus, induction of apoptosis limits rodent cytomegalovirus cross-species infection.}, subject = {Cytomegalie-Virus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bretz2006, author = {Bretz, Thomas}, title = {Observations of the Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES1218+304 with the MAGIC-telescope}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The astronomical exploration at energies between 30\,GeV and \$\lesssim\$\,350\,GeV was the main motivation for building the \MAGIC-telescope. With its 17\,m \diameter\ mirror it is the worldwide largest imaging air-Cherenkov telescope. It is located at the Roque de los Muchachos at the Canary island of San Miguel de La Palma at 28.8\$^\circ\$\,N, 17.8\$^\circ\$\,W, 2200\,m a.s.l. The telescope detects Cherenkov light produced by relativistic electrons and positrons in air showers initiated by cosmic gamma-rays. The imaging technique is used to powerfully reject the background due to hadronically induced air showers from cosmic rays. Their inverse power-law energy-distribution leads to an increase of the event rate with decreasing energy threshold. For \MAGIC this implies a trigger rate in the order of 250\,Hz, and a correspondingly large data stream to be recorded and analyzed. A robust analysis software package, including the general framework \MARS, was developed and commissioned to allow automation, necessary for data taken under variable observing conditions. Since many of the astronomical sources of high-energy radiation, in particular the enigmatic gamma-ray bursts, are of a transient nature, the telescope was designed to allow repositioning in several tens of seconds, keeping a tracking accuracy of \$\lesssim\,\$0.01\$^\circ\$. Employing a starguider, a tracking accuracy of \$\lesssim\,\$1.3\,minutes of arc was obtained. The main class of sources at very high gamma-ray energies, known from previous imaging air-Cherenkov telescopes, are Active Galactic Nuclei with relativistic jets, the so-called high-peaked Blazars. Their spectrum is entirely dominated by non-thermal emission, spanning more than 15 orders of magnitude in energy, from radio to gamma-ray energies. Predictions based on radiation models invoking a synchrotron self-Compton or hadronic origin of the gamma-rays suggest, that a fairly large number of them should be detectable by \MAGIC. Promising candidates have been chosen from existing compilations, requiring high (synchrotron) X-ray flux, assumed to be related to a high (possibly inverse-Compton) flux at GeV energies, and a low distance, in oder to avoid strong attenuation due to pair-production in interactions with low-energy photons from the extragalactic background radiation along the line of sight. Based on this selection the first \AGN, emitting gamma-rays at 100\,GeV, 1ES\,1218+304 at a redshift of \$z=0.182\$, was discovered, one of the two farthest known \AGN emitting in the TeV energy region. In this context, the automated analysis chain was successfully demonstrated. The source was observed in January 2005 during six moonless nights for 8.2\,h. At the same time the collaborating \KVA-telescope, located near the \MAGIC site, observed in the optical band. The lightcurve calculated showed no day-to-day variability and is compatible with a constant flux of \$F(\$\,\$>\$\,\$100\,\mbox{GeV})=(8.7\pm1.4) \cdot 10^{-7}\,\mbox{m}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\$ within the statistical errors. A differential spectrum between 87\,GeV and 630\,GeV was calculated and is compatible with a power law of \$F_E(E) = (8.1\pm 2.1) \cdot 10^{-7}(E/\mbox{250\,GeV})^{-3.0\pm0.4}\,\mbox{TeV}^{-1}\,\mbox{m}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\$ within the statistical errors. The spectrum emitted by the source was obtained by taking into account the attenuation due to pair-production with photons of the extragalactic background at low photon energies. A homogeneous, one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model has been fitted to the collected multi-wavelength data. Using the simultaneous optical data, a best fit model could be obtained from which some physical properties of the emitting plasma could be inferred. The result was compared with the so-called {\em Blazar sequence}.}, subject = {Aktiver galaktischer Kern}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kacprzak2006, author = {Kacprzak, Sylwia}, title = {Investigations of the EPR parameters of bioradicals by density functional methods}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19108}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die quantenchemische Modellierung von Parametern der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanz (EPR) stellt, in Kombination mit Daten aus modernen Hochfeld-/Hochfrequenz (HF) EPR-Techniken, eine {\"u}beraus wichtige analytische Methode dar, um Einblicke in die Radikal-Protein-Wechselwirkung zu gewinnen. Diese Wechselwirkung bestimmt zu einem großen Teil die Abl{\"a}ufe radikalischer biochemischer Prozesse. In dieser Arbeit untersuchten wir in einer Reihe von Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT)-Studien die EPR-Parameter diverser biologisch wichtiger Radikale sowie mehrerer durch Radikal-Protein-Wechselwirkungen im Photosystem I inspirierter Modellsysteme. Wir demonstrierten die Genauigkeit sowie die Kapazit{\"a}t unserer Methode, um Einblicke in die in vivo Umgebung und Reaktivit{\"a}t von Bioradikalen zu erhalten. Unser DFT-Ansatz zur Berechnung elektronischer g-Tensoren wurde auf Semichinonradikalanionen in verschiedenen Proteinumgebungen photosynthetischer Reaktionszentren angewandt. Supermolekulare Modelle wurden, basierend auf einer Kombination aus kristallographischen und quantenchemischen Strukturdaten, f{\"u}r die aktiven Zentren QA und QB bakterieller Reaktionszentren, f{\"u}r A1 des Photosystems I sowie f{\"u}r Ubisemichinon in gefrorenem 2-Propanol erstellt. Nach der Skalierung der berechneten \&\#8710;gx Komponenten um 0.92 stimmen die auf gradienten-korrigertem DFT-Niveau mit den bestenverf{\"u}gbaren Spin-Bahn-Operatoren berechneten Komponenten \&\#8710;gx sowie \&\#8710;gy mit den Hochfeld-EPR-Referenzdaten innerhalb der experimentellen Genauigkeit in allen vier untersuchten Systemen {\"u}berein. Der Einfluss verschiedener nichtkovalenter Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Semichinon und dem Protein wurde durch das sukzessive Verkleinern der Modellsysteme studiert. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass der Effekt der Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung zu den beiden Carbonyl-Sauerstoff-Atomen der Semichinone wegen der kompensierenden Spinpolarisationseffekte nicht additiv ist. Der Effekt der Tryptophan-Semichinon \&\#61552;-Stapelung hat auf QA und A1 unterschiedliche Auswirkungen. Dies konnte auf die andersartige Ausrichtung der wechselwirkenden Fragmente sowie auf die unterschiedliche Spinpolarisation zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Im n{\"a}chsten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden Semichinone der so genannten „hoch-affinen" Bindungsstelle der Chinoloxidase (QH) untersucht. Vor kurzem durchgef{\"u}hrte Multifrequenz-EPR-Studien der QH der Chinoloxidase legten asymmetrische Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen zum Semichinonradikalanion nahe. Eine einzelne Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung zum O1 des Carbonyls war ein weiteres vorgeschlagenes Strukturmerkmal, das allerdings im Gegensatz zu fr{\"u}heren experimentellen Hinweisen st{\"u}nde. Wir haben DFT Berechnungen der EPR-Parameter (g-Tensoren, 13C-, 1H- und 17O-Hyperfeinkopplungstensoren) einer großen Anzahl von supermolekularen Modellkomplexen durchgef{\"u}hrt, um detaillierte Einblicke in die Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen Struktur, Umgebung und EPR-Parametern von Ubisemichinon-Radikalanionen zu gewinnen. Ein Bindungsmodell, das nur eine einzige Wasserstoffbr{\"u}cke ber{\"u}cksichtigt, ist demnach weder in der Lage, die experimentell beobachteten niedrigen gx-Komponenten der g-Tensoren, noch die beobachtete große Asymmetrie von 13C-Carbonyl HFC-Tensoren zu erkl{\"a}ren. Basierend auf einem detaillierten Vergleich zwischen Rechnung und Experiment wurde ein Modell mit zwei Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen zu O1 und einer Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung zu O4 f{\"u}r QH vorgeschlagen. Ein Modell mit jeweils einer Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung mehr kann jedoch ebenfalls nicht v{\"o}llig ausgeschlossen werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden weitere erkannte Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen EPR-Parametern und Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen von Ubisemichinonen in Proteinen diskutiert. Theoretische Untersuchungen bez{\"u}glich des Mechanismus des Elektronentransfers im Photosystem I gaben den Anstoß, relativ kleine rotierende molekulare Motoren, bestehend aus intramolekular verbundenen Dyaden, welche eine Chinoneinheit sowie eine Pyrrol- oder Indoleinheit verkn{\"u}pfen, zu modellieren. Die Berechnungen zeigten, dass f{\"u}r einige Systeme, abh{\"a}ngig von der L{\"a}nge und den Ankn{\"u}pfungspunkten der verbundenen Ketten, eine Reduktion des Chinons zum Semichinonradikalanion oder Chinolatdianion mit einer reversiblen intramolekularen Neuorientierung weg von einer \&\#61552;-Stapelung und hin zu einer T-Stapelung auftritt. Durch die Umstrukturierung wird eine Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung der Pyrrol- oder Indol-N-H-Funktion zum Semichinon- oder Chinolat-\&\#61552;-Systems nach der Reduktion ausgebildet. In einigen Systemen bilden sich jedoch Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen zum Semichinon- oder Chinolat-Sauerstoffatom aus, die gegen{\"u}ber der T-Stapelung bevorzugt werden. Die intramolekularen Wechselwirkungen ver{\"a}ndern das Redoxpotential des Chinons. Der elektronische g-Tensor, welcher f{\"u}r die Semichinone berechnet wurde, beweist eindeutig das Vorhandensein dieser Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindung zum Semichinon. g-Tensoren stellen somit eine geeignete Kenngr{\"o}ße in der EPR Spektroskopie dar, um strittige Strukturen aufzukl{\"a}ren. Wir halten auch einen intramolekularer Protonentransfer im dianionischen Zustand f{\"u}r m{\"o}glich. Im Gegensatz zu Semichinonen welche paramagnetische Zust{\"a}nde von Enzymen-Cofaktoren darstellen sind Glyclradikale echte Proteinradikale. Als Schritt zum tiefer gehenden Verst{\"a}ndnis von EPR-Parametern des Glycylradikals in Proteinen wurden die Hyperfeinkopplungstensoren und insbesondere der g-Tensor des N-Acetylglycyls durch systematische hochgenaue quantenchemischen Berechnungen an diversen geeigneten Modellsystemen untersucht. Die quantitative Berechnung von g-Tensoren f{\"u}r solche Glycyl-{\"a}hnlichen Radikale ist eine enorme Herausforderung, insbesondere wegen der sehr kleinen g-Anisotropie. Diese ist zudem mit einer nichtsymmetrischen delokalisierten Spindichteverteilung auf verschiedene Atome des Molek{\"u}ls verbunden, die mit vergleichbaren Spinbahneffekten zum g-Tensor beitragen. Die Wahl eines geeigneten Eichursprungs des magnetischen Vektorpotentials und geeigneter Spin-Bahn-Operatoren, gestaltete sich weitaus anspruchsvoller als in vorausgegangen Arbeiten zu g-Tensoren organischer Radikale. Umgebungseffekte, die durch supermolekulare Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungs-Modelle ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurden, stellen sich hingegen als nicht so schwerwiegend heraus, zum Teil durch die gegenseitige Kompensierung des Einflusses von intramolekularen und intermolekularen Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen. Den gr{\"o}ßten Einfluss auf den g-Tensor {\"u}bt die Konformation des Radikals aus. Die angewendete DFT Methode {\"u}bersch{\"a}tzt systematisch sowohl die \&\#8710;gx als auch die \&\#8710;gy Komponente des g-Tensors. Dieses Ergebnis ist wichtig f{\"u}r Untersuchungen von Protein-Glycyl-Radikalen (siehe weiter unten). Die 1H\&\#61537; und 13C\&\#61537; Hyperfeinkopplungen h{\"a}ngen nur wenig von den gew{\"a}hlten supermolekularen Modellen ab und scheinen weniger empfindlich gegen{\"u}ber der genauen Struktur und Umgebung des Molek{\"u}ls zu sein. Die Anzahl der bekannten Enzyme, die als funktionelle Gruppe ein Glycyl-Radikal besitzen, wird immer gr{\"o}ßer. Wir f{\"u}hrten in dieser Arbeit eine systematische quantenchemische Studie zur Spindichteverteilung, elektronischem g-Tensor und Hyperfeinkopplungskonstanten diverser Modelle von Protein-gebundenen Glycylradikalen durch. Wie schon bei N-Acetylglycyl gesehen (siehe oben) stellt auch hier die geringe g-Anisotropie dieses delokalisierten, asymmetrischen Systems selbst f{\"u}r moderne Rechenmethoden eine betr{\"a}chtliche Herausforderung dar. Dies betrifft zum einen die Qualit{\"a}t der Strukturoptimierung, zum anderen die Wahl des Spin-Bahn-Operators und des Eichursprungs des magnetischen Vektorpotentials. Umgebungseffekte aufgrund der Ausbildung von Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen h{\"a}ngen in komplizierter Weise von den verschiedenen intramolekularen Wasserstoffbr{\"u}ckenbindungen verschiedener Konformationen des Radikals ab. Die jeweilige Konformation hat insgesamt gesehen die gr{\"o}ßte Auswirkung auf den berechneten g-Tensor (jedoch weniger auf den Hyperfeinkopplungstensor). Wir diskutierten dies im Zusammenhang verschiedener g-Tensoren, welche vor kurzem durch Hochfeld-EPR Messungen f{\"u}r drei verschiedene Enzyme erhalten wurden. Basierend auf den Resultaten der Kalibrierungsstudie an N-Acetylgylcyl, schlagen wir vor, dass das Glycylradikal, welches f{\"u}r die E.coli anaerobische Ribonucleotid Reductase (RNR) beobachtet wurde, eine gestreckte Konformation besitzt, die sich von derjenigen der entsprechenden Radikale der Pyruvat Format-Lyase (PFL) oder Benzylsuccinatsynthase (BSS) unterscheidet.}, subject = {Biologisches System}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heisswolf2006, author = {Heisswolf, Annette}, title = {The distribution of leaf beetles on multiple spatial scales : causes and consequences}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18945}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Herbivorous insects are the major link between primary producers and a multitude of animals at higher trophic levels. Elucidating the causes and consequences of their distribution patterns in the "green world" is thus essential for our understanding of numerous ecological processes on multiple spatial scales. We can ask where and why a certain herbivore can be found in the landscape, within the habitat, on which plant within the habitat and finally, where on that plant. Depending on spatial scale the distribution of herbivores is shaped by different processes (fitness considerations, physiological abilities, population dynamics, dispersal behavior, history of the landscape etc.). Scaling down from fragmented landscapes to individual host plants this thesis analyzes the distribution patterns of the strictly monophagous herbivore Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), which feeds and oviposits exclusively on meadow sage, Salvia pratensis L. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae), and compares it to those of the polyphagous tansy leaf beetle Galeruca tanaceti L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), which does not oviposit on its host plants, but on dry non-host structures. The specialist Cassida canaliculata depended on all spatial scales (fragmented landscape, microhabitat and host plant individual) mainly on the distribution and quality of its single host plant species Salvia pratensis, whereas enemy-free-space - i.e. avoidance of parasitism and predation of egg clutches, larvae, and pupae - seemed to influence oviposition site choice only on the scale of the host plant individual. On this spatial scale, offspring of Cassida canaliculata had a higher chance of survival on large host plant individuals, which were also preferred for oviposition by the females. In contrast, the distribution patterns of the generalist Galeruca tanaceti was shaped by the interaction with its parasitoid regarding both microhabitat choice and egg distribution within individual host plants. On the microhabitat scale, beetles could escape from their parasitoids by ovipositing into high and dense vegetation. Regarding oviposition site choice within a host plant individual, females oviposited as high as possible in the vegetation and could thus reduce both the risk of parasitism and the probability of winter mortality. The results of my thesis show that the degree of specificity of a herbivore is of central importance for the resulting egg distribution pattern on all spatial scales.}, subject = {Blattk{\"a}fer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nikolaev2005, author = {Nikolaev, Viacheslav}, title = {Development and application of fluorescent cAMP und cGMP biosensors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are two ubiquitous important second messengers, which regulate diverse physiological responses from vision and memory to blood pressure and thrombus formation. They act in cells via cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA and GK), cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and Epac. Although the concept of cyclic nucleotide signalling is well developed based on classical biochemical studies, these techniques have not allowed to analyze cAMP and cGMP in live cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to develop a technique for visualization of cAMP and cGMP in live cells and in vitro by means of fluorescent biosensors. Ligand-induced conformational change in a single nucleotide-binding domain flanked with green fluorescent protein mutants was used for dynamic, highly sensitive measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Such biosensors retained binding properties and chemical specificity of unmodified domains, allowing to image cyclic nucleotides in a physiologically relevant range of concentrations. To develop cAMP-sensors, binding domains of PKA, Epac and cAMP-gated HCN-channel were used. cGMP-sensors were based on single domains of GK and phosphodiesterases (PDEs). Sensors based on Epac were used to analyze spatio-temporal dynamics of cAMP in neurons and macrophages, demonstrating that cAMP-gradients travel with a high speed (~ 40 \&\#956;m/s) throughout the entire cytosol. To understand the mechanisms of cAMP-compartmentation, kinetics properties of phosphodi-esterase (PDE2) were, next, analyzed in aldosterone producing cells. PDE2 is able to rapidly hydrolyze extensive amounts of cAMP, so that the speed of cAMP-hydrolysis is much faster than that of its synthesis, which might serve as a basis of compartmentation. cAMP-sensors were also used to develop a clinically relevant diagnostic method for reliable detection of \&\#946;1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in cardiac myopathy patients, which has allowed to significantly increase the sensitivity of previously developed diagnostic approaches. Conformational change in a single binding domain of GK and PDE was, next, used to create novel fluorescent biosensors for cGMP. These sensors demonstrated high spatio-temporal resolution and were applied to analyze rapid dynamics of cGMP production by soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases as well as to image cGMP in mesangial cells. In summary, highly sensitive biosensors for cAMP and cGMP based on single cyclic nucleotide-binding domains have been developed and used in various biological and clinically relevant applications.}, subject = {Cyclo-AMP}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klug2006, author = {Klug, Andreas}, title = {Affine-Scaling Methods for Nonlinear Minimization Problems and Nonlinear Systems of Equations with Bound Constraints}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18851}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this thesis affine-scaling-methods for two different types of mathematical problems are considered. The first type of problems are nonlinear optimization problems subject to bound constraints. A class of new affine-scaling Newton-type methods is introduced. The methods are shown to be locally quadratically convergent without assuming strict complementarity of the solution. The new methods differ from previous ones mainly in the choice of the scaling matrix. The second type of problems are semismooth system of equations with bound constraints. A new affine-scaling trust-region method for these problems is developed. The method is shown to have strong global and local convergence properties under suitable assumptions. Numerical results are presented for a number of problems arising from different areas.}, subject = {Skalierungsfunktion}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MalkinOndik2006, author = {Malkin Ondik, Irina}, title = {Development, validation, and application of new relativistic methods for all-electron unrestricted two-component calculations of EPR parameters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18890}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this work we have developed the method of back-transfoprmation within the Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH) framework, which has simplified the picture-change consistent transformation of first-order property operators in the DKH approach, making the implementation feasible. This has enabled us to implement the first all-electron scalar relativistic calculations of hyperfine coupling tensors at DKH2 level. Furthemore we have presented a general, relativistic two-component DFT approach for the unrestricted calculations of electronic g-tensors, based on DKH Hamiltonian. Additionally we have derived the expressions for the evaluation of hyperfine structurs and two-component unrestricted treatment of g-tensor within the Resolution of Identity Dirac Kohn Sham method developed by Stanoslav Komorovsky and Michal Repisky in collaboration with other members of the group of V. G. Malkin. All these approaches have been extensively validated.}, subject = {Elektronenspinresonanz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Endler2006, author = {Endler, Annett}, title = {Regulation of reproductive division of labor in the ant Camponotus floridanus : behavioral mechanisms and pheromonal effects}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {A hitherto unresolved problem is how workers are prevented from reproducing in large insect societies. The queen informs about her fertility and health which ensures sufficient indirect fitness benefits for workers. In the ant Camponotus floridanus, I found such a signal located on eggs of highly fertile queens. Groups of workers were regularly provided with different sets of brood. Only in groups with queen eggs workers refrain from reproducing. Thus, the eggs seem to inform the workers about queen presence. The signal on queen eggs is presumably the same that enables workers to distinguish between queen and worker-laid eggs, latter are destroyed by workers. Queen and worker-laid eggs differ in their surface hydrocarbons in a similar way as fertile queens differ from workers in the composition of their cuticular hydrocarbons. When I transferred hydrocarbons from the queen cuticle to worker eggs the eggs were no longer destroyed, indicating that they now carry the signal. These hydrocarbons thus represent a queen signal that regulates worker reproduction in this species. But the signal is not present in all fertile queens. Founding queens with low egg-laying rates differ in the composition of cuticular hydrocarbons from queens with high productivity. Similar differences in the composition of surface hydrocarbons were present on their eggs. The queen signal develops along with an increasing fertility and age of the queen, and this is perceived by the workers. Eggs from founding queens were destroyed like worker eggs. This result shows that founding queens lack the appropriate signal. In these little colony foundations chemical communication of queen status may not be necessary to prevent workers from reproducing, since workers may benefit more from investing in colony growth and increased productivity of large colonies rather than from producing male eggs in incipient colonies. If the queen is missing or the productivity of the queen decreases, workers start laying eggs. There is some evidence from correlative studies that, under queenless conditions, worker police each other because of differences in individual odors as a sign of social status. It can be expressed as either aggressive inhibition of ovarian activity, workers with developed ovaries are attacked by nest-mates, or destruction by worker-laid eggs. I found that in C. floridanus workers, in contrast to known studies, police only by egg eating since they are able to discriminate queen- and worker-laid eggs. Workers with developed ovaries will never attacked by nest-mates. This is further supported by qualitative and quantitative differences in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of queens and workers, whereas profiles of workers with and without developed ovaries show a high similarity. I conclude that workers discriminate worker eggs on the basis of their hydrocarbon profile, but they are not able to recognize egg-laying nest-mates. Improving our knowledge of the proximate mechanisms of the reproductive division of labor in evolutionary derived species like C. floridanus will help to understand the evolution of extreme reproductive altruism involving sterility as a characteristic feature of advanced eusocial systems.}, subject = {Camponotus floridanus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meister2006, author = {Meister, Daniel}, title = {The complexity of membership problems for finite recurrent systems and minimal triangulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18837}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The dissertation thesis studies the complexity of membership problems. Generally, membership problems consider the question whether a given object belongs to a set. Object and set are part of the input. The thesis studies the complexity of membership problems for two special kinds of sets. The first problem class asks whether a given natural number belongs to a set of natural numbers. The set of natural numbers is defined via finite recurrent systems: sets are built by iterative application of operations, like union, intersection, complementation and arithmetical operations, to already defined sets. This general problem implies further problems by restricting the set of used operations. The thesis contains completeness results for well-known complexity classes as well as undecidability results for these problems. The second problem class asks whether a given graph is a minimal triangulation of another graph. A graph is a triangulation of another graph, if it is a chordal spanning supergraph of the second graph. If no proper supergraph of the first graph is a triangulation of the second graph, the first graph is a minimal triangulation of the second graph. The complexity of the membership problem for minimal triangulations of several graph classes is investigated. Restricted variants are solved by linear-time algorithms. These algorithms rely on appropriate characterisations of minimal triangulations.}, subject = {Komplexit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Petra2006, author = {Petra, Stefania}, title = {Semismooth least squares methods for complementarity problems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18660}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with numerical methods for solving nonlinear and mixed complementarity problems. Such problems arise from a variety of applications such as equilibria models of economics, contact and structural mechanics problems, obstacle problems, discrete-time optimal control problems etc. In this thesis we present a new formulation of nonlinear and mixed complementarity problems based on the Fischer-Burmeister function approach. Unlike traditional reformulations, our approach leads to an over-determined system of nonlinear equations. This has the advantage that certain drawbacks of the Fischer-Burmeister approach are avoided. Among other favorable properties of the new formulation, the natural merit function turns out to be differentiable. To solve the arising over-determined system we use a nonsmooth damped Levenberg-Marquardt-type method and investigate its convergence properties. Under mild assumptions, it can be shown that the global and local fast convergence results are similar to some of the better equation-based method. Moreover, the new method turns out to be significantly more robust than the corresponding equation-based method. For the case of large complementarity problems, however, the performance of this method suffers from the need for solving the arising linear least squares problem exactly at each iteration. Therefore, we suggest a modified version which allows inexact solutions of the least squares problems by using an appropriate iterative solver. Under certain assumptions, the favorable convergence properties of the original method are preserved. As an alternative method for mixed complementarity problems, we consider a box constrained least squares formulation along with a projected Levenberg-Marquardt-type method. To globalize this method, trust region strategies are proposed. Several ingredients are used to improve this approach: affine scaling matrices and multi-dimensional filter techniques. Global convergence results as well as local superlinear/quadratic convergence are shown under appropriate assumptions. Combining the advantages of the new methods, a new software for solving mixed complementarity problems is presented.}, subject = {Komplementarit{\"a}tsproblem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Polleichtner2006, author = {Polleichtner, Johann Georg}, title = {Studies of structure-function relationship of components of multidrug efflux pumps and type I secretion systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This work deals with channel-tunnel dependent multidrug efflux pumps and type I secretion systems, more concrete with the improved classification of the adaptor protein family, the characterization of the TolC-homologue protein HI1462 of Haemophilus influenzae, and the molecular characterization of the interaction between TolC and AcrA of Escherichia coli.}, subject = {Gram-negative Bakterien}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klueh2006, author = {Kl{\"u}h, Katharina}, title = {Primary Phosphine Halfsandwich Complexes of Iron and Ruthenium - Synthesis and Hydrophosphination Reactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Hydrophosphinierung stellt eine wertvolle Synthesem{\"o}glichkeit zum Aufbau von prim{\"a}ren, sekund{\"a}ren und terti{\"a}ren Phosphanen dar. In dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese verschiedener Prim{\"a}r-Phosphan-Komplexes des Eisens und Ruthenium beschrieben. Untersucht wurden ihre Reaktivit{\"a}t bez{\"u}glich Hydrophosphinierungsreaktionen sowie den Einfluss verschiedener Liganden z.B. bidentate Phosphanliganden und hemilabilen Liganden.}, subject = {Phosphine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prusko2006, author = {Prusko, Carsten Dietmar}, title = {Evolutionary Diversification of Protein Functions : From Translation in Prokaryotes to Innate Immunity in Invertebrates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {With the progress in sequencing of the honey bee genome new data become available which allows the search and identification of genes coding for homologous proteins found in other organism. Two genes coding for c-type lysozymes were identified in the genome of A. mellifera through an online-based BLAST search. Expression of both intron-less genes seems not to be under the regulatory control of either of the two pathways involved in humoral insect immunity, i.e. Toll and Imd, since no NF-\&\#954;B transcription factor binding sites are found upstream of the genes. The encoded Lys-1 and Lys-2 are 157 and 143 amino acid long, respectively, and share a sequence similarity of 90\%. Further in silico analysis revealed a signal peptidase cleavage site at the N-terminus of each amino acid sequence, strongly suggesting a secretion of the enzymes into the surrounding environment of the producing cells. Sequence alignments of both amino acid sequences with other c-type lysozymes identified the highly conserved active site glutamic acid (Glu32) as well as eight highly conserved cysteine residues. However, an important aspartic acid (Asp50) in the active site that helps to stabilize a substrate intermediate during catalysis is replaced by a serine residue in the lysozymes of A. mellifera. The replacement of the active site aspartic acid in the honey bee lysozymes suggests a different catalytic mechanism and/or a different substrate-specificity in respect to other c-type lysozymes. Furthermore, 3D-models of Lys-1 and Lys-2 were generated based on the sequence similarity of A. mellifera lysozymes with other c-type lysozymes. The published 3D structure of the lysozyme from the silkmoth Bombyx mori, which shares the highest sequence similarity of all available structures with A. mellifera lysozymes, was used as template for the construction of the 3D-models. The models of Lys-1 and Lys-2 suggest that both enzymes resemble, in large part, the structure of B. mori lysozyme. In order to identify the set of AMPs in the hemolymph of A. mellifera, hemolymph of immunized bees was analyzed. Applying SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry on hemolymph from immunized bees, three out of the four peptides were identified, i.e. abaecin, defensin 1 and hymenoptaecin. Furthermore, Lys-2 was identified in the hemolymph by mass spectrometry, conclusively demonstrating the presence of a lysozyme in the hemolymph of A. mellifera for the first time. However, the protein levels of Lys-2 were not affected by bacterial injection, suggesting that the gene expression of the putative antibacterial protein is not under the regulatory control of the Imd and/or Toll pathway. Besides the abovementioned antimicrobial peptides, the 76 kDa large transferrin was also identified. Transferrin is an iron-binding protein that has been implicated in innate immunity in the honey bee. Furthermore, the effect of pathogenic dose, the timeline of peptide induction and the age-related accumulation of the aforementioned AMPs were studied. The intensity of expression of the antimicrobial peptides, abaecin, defensin 1, and hymenoptaecin as well as transferrin increased proportionally with the amount of bacteria injected into the hemocoel. No such effect was observed for the protein levels of Lys-2. Furthermore, up-regulation of the three antibacterial peptides and transferrin was observed within the first 24 h following infection with E. coli (gram-). Infection with the gram+ bacterium Micrococcus flavus resulted in high and moderate protein levels for transferrin and abaecin, respectively, whereas hardly any accumulation of hymenoptaecin was observed, indicating that the gene expression of abaecin and transferrin is somehow positively correlated, and would suggest a shared regulatory pathway that differs from that of hymenoptaecin. Although bacterial infections didn't seem to stimulate the production of Lys-2, different concentrations in the hemolymph were observed in bees of different ages, suggesting a correlation between the expression of Lys-2 and the age-related division of labor of adult worker honey bees, also known as age polyethism. The results further allow a proposed causal connection between the age-dependent accumulation of Lys-2 and the hemolymph titer of the gonotrophic hormone juvenile hormone, which is the "behavioral pacemaker" in adult honey bees.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ernst2006, author = {Ernst, Raffael}, title = {Anuran communities on the cutting edge : Analysing patterns and processes in anthropogenically altered tropical forests - Studies from the Guiana Shield and West Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18373}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Summary Timber harvesting is currently the most common commercial utilisation activity in tropical forests. Assessing the effects of logging on different aspects of biodiversity and general ecosystem properties is hence of prime importance if the few remaining areas of intact tropical forest are to be protected effectively and efficiently. Tropical amphibian communities are an appropriate model system for studies on the impacts of human-induced environmental changes on the dynamics of complex biological systems. This thesis elaborates on patterns of diversity changes in tropical forest amphibian communities facing habitat alterations associated with selective logging in two globally important eco-regions (C{\^o}te d'Ivoire, Upper Guinea, West Africa and Guyana, the Guiana Shield, northern South America). The thesis is organised along two main themes. After a general introduction, a section on general methodology and an introduction to the model systems studied, the first theme moves from general patterns to underlying processes. A second theme running through both chapters carries from undisturbed systems to disturbed systems. A final section integrates findings and addresses implications for conservation management of anthropogenically altered tropical forests. Several case studies at the species- population and community level are being presented and data on the direct and indirect impacts of anthropogenic habitat alteration on respective organizational levels are provided. A key statement that is stressed on throughout the studies is the fact that common measures of diversity, such as species richness and species-diversity only inadequately reflect processes of diversity change following anthropogenic disturbance. They also fail to describe actual impacts on the dynamics of complex biological systems. It is argued that commonly used measures produce an incoherent and insufficient picture of diversity patterns and the underlying processes that shape these patterns. Thus, an understanding of higher levels of diversity, such as \&\#946;-diversity and functional diversity (and hence compositional patterns) appears to be the key to effectively mitigating the impacts of human-induced disturbance on amphibian communities. It is shown that the predictability of amphibian community composition depends on the respective level of anthropogenic disturbance imposed on a particular habitat. Hence, human activities that lead to changes in the structure of a forest, such as logging, not only alter simple system descriptors, such as the number of species in a given community, but rather alter the dynamics of the entire system. In this context, functional diversity is shown to be an important aspect underlying the actual mechanism that leads to the observed change of predictability patterns. Functional differences between species, rather than number of species per se appear to be the decisive factor in sustaining desirable ecosystem states and thus in maintaining important ecosystem services. Because biological diversity appears to play a substantial role in ecosystem resilience required to safeguard essential ecosystem functions in the face of environmental change, the thesis calls for a critical revision of common diversity assessments approaches. The studies advocate the reconsideration of the uncritical use of widespread measures and descriptors of biodiversity on grounds of inconsistent patterns found throughout numerous studies, including those presented herein.}, subject = {Tropischer Regenwald}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Michel2006, author = {Michel, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Simulation and Estimation in Multivariate Generalized Pareto Models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18489}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The investigation of multivariate generalized Pareto distributions (GPDs) in the framework of extreme value theory has begun only lately. Recent results show that they can, as in the univariate case, be used in Peaks over Threshold approaches. In this manuscript we investigate the definition of GPDs from Section 5.1 of Falk et al. (2004), which does not differ in the area of interest from those of other authors. We first show some theoretical properties and introduce important examples of GPDs. For the further investigation of these distributions simulation methods are an important part. We describe several methods of simulating GPDs, beginning with an efficient method for the logistic GPD. This algorithm is based on the Shi transformation, which was introduced by Shi (1995) and was used in Stephenson (2003) for the simulation of multivariate extreme value distributions of logistic type. We also present nonparametric and parametric estimation methods in GPD models. We estimate the angular density nonparametrically in arbitrary dimension, where the bivariate case turns out to be a special case. The asymptotic normality of the corresponding estimators is shown. Also in the parametric estimations, which are mainly based on maximum likelihood methods, the asymptotic normality of the estimators is shown under certain regularity conditions. Finally the methods are applied to a real hydrological data set containing water discharges of the rivers Altm{\"u}hl and Danube in southern Bavaria.}, subject = {Pareto-Verteilung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pahlen2005, author = {Pahlen, Federico von der}, title = {Polarization and Spin Effects in Production and Decay of Charginos and Neutralinos at a Muon Collider}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking is essential to provide masses to the W and Z gauge bosons and fermions of the SM. We hope to elucidate this mechanism at the next generation of colliders. While the SM has been tested with astonishing precision it is believed to be an effective theory of a more fundamental Great Unified Theory. SUSY is one of the most attractive extensions of the SM of particle physics. Therefore, the search for SUSY is a top priority at the next generation of colliders. Once Higgs bosons are discovered, a precise determination of their properties is necessary to differentiate between different models, in particular the MSSM. A muon collider, running at center of mass energies around the neutral Higgs boson resonances, would allow precise measurements of masses and widths, as well as the couplings to their decay products. In particular their couplings to supersymmetric particles are essential to probe SUSY. Therefore, we study the decays of the heavier CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons into lighter chargino or neutralino pairs. In this thesis we have analyzed the polarization effects of the beams and the charginos and neutralinos produced in mu+ mu- annihilation around the center of mass energies of the Higgs boson resonances H and A. For the production of equal charginos we have shown that the ratio of H-chargino and A-chargino couplings can be precisely determined independently of the chargino decay mechanism. This method avoids reference to other experiments and makes only a few model-dependent assumptions. Here we have analyzed the effect of the energy spread and of the error from the non-resonant channels, including an irreducible standard model background contribution. For small tan(beta) the process yields large cross sections of up to a pb. For the production of two different charginos we have shown that the H-A interference can be analyzed using asymmetries of the charge conjugated processes. The asymmetries depend on the muon longitudinal beam polarizations and vanish for unpolarized beams. For the chargino pair production with subsequent two-body decay of one of the charginos we have shown that charge and beam polarization asymmetries in the energy distributions of the decay particles are sensitive to the interference of scalar exchange channels with different CP quantum numbers. This process provides unique information on the interference of overlapping Higgs boson resonances. The effect is larger for regions of parameter space with intermediate values of tan(beta) and light sleptons or LSP neutralinos. For the chargino pair production with subsequent two-body decays of both charginos we have defined energy distribution and angular asymmetries in the final particles, in order to analyze the spin-spin correlations of the charginos. The transverse polarizations of the charginos are sensitive to the CP quantum number of the exchanged Higgs bosons and can thus be used to separate overlapping resonances, as well as to determine the CP quantum number of a single resonance. For equal charginos, these asymmetries are not sensitive to the interference of CP-even and CP-odd Higgs exchange channels. For the neutralino pair production in mu+ mu- annihilation we study similar processes as for chargino production. Line shape measurements of neutralino pair production allow to precisely determine the ratio of H-neutralino and A-neutralino couplings. Neutralino pair production with subsequent two-body decay of one of the neutralinos in the intermediate tan(beta) region is sensitive to the interference of H and A and may be measured with a large statistical significance. The Majorana nature of the neutralinos implies that the beam polarization asymmetries vanish for the remaining production channels. For neutralino pair production with subsequent two-body decays of both neutralinos we analyze similar observables as in chargino production. The main difference consists in the intrinsic relative CP quantum number of the neutralino pair, which depends on the chosen scenario. We have thus shown that the interaction of the Higgs bosons to the gaugino-higgsino sector can be probed at a muon collider in chargino and neutralino pair production, both analyzing the production line-shape around the resonances as well as studying the chargino and neutralino polarizations via their decays.}, subject = {Neutralino}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Slobodskyy2005, author = {Slobodskyy, Anatoliy}, title = {Diluted magnetic semiconductor Resonant Tunneling Structures for spin manipulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18263}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this work we investigate magnetic resonant tunneling diode (RTD) structures for spin manipulation. All-II-VI semiconductor RTD structures based on [Zn,Be]Se are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. We observe a strong, magnetic field induced, splitting of the resonance peaks in the I-V characteristics of RTDs with [Zn,Mn]Se diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) quantum well. The splitting saturates at high fields and has strong temperature dependence. A phonon replica of the resonance is also observed and has similar behaviour to the peak. We develop a model based on the giant Zeeman splitting of the spin levels in the DMS quantum well in order to explain the magnetic field induced behaviour of the resonance.}, subject = {Resonanz-Tunneldiode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cruz2006, author = {Cruz, Alexandre Bettencourt da}, title = {Molecular and functional characterization of the swiss-cheese and olk mutants in Drosophila melanogaster : two approaches to killing neurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this thesis two genes involved in causing neurodegenerative phenotypes in Drosophila are described. olk (omb-like), a futsch allele, is a micotubule associated protein (MAP) which is homologous to MAP1B and sws (swiss cheese) a serine esterase of yet unknown function within the nervous system. The lack of either one of these genes causes progressive neurodegeneration in two different ways. The sws mutant is characterized by general degeneration of the adult nervous system, glial hyperwrapping and neuronal apoptosis. Deletion of NTE (neuropathy target esterase), the SWS homolog in vertebrates, has been shown to cause a similar pattern of progressive neural degeneration in mice. NTE reacts with organophosphates causing axonal degeneration in humans. Inhibition of vertebrate NTE is insufficient to induce paralyzing axonal degeneration, a reaction called "aging reaction" is necessary for the disease to set in. It is hypothesized that a second "non-esterase" function of NTE is responsible for this phenomenon. The biological function of SWS within the nervous system is still unknown. To characterize the function of this protein several transgenic fly lines expressing different mutated forms of SWS were established. The controlled expression of altered SWS protein with the GAL4/UAS system allowed the analysis of isolated parts of the protein that were altered in the respective constructs. The characterization of a possible non-esterase function was of particular interest in these experiments. One previously described aberrant SWS construct lacking the first 80 amino acids (SWS\&\#916;1-80) showed a deleterious, dominant effect when overexpressed and was used as a model for organophosphate (OP) intoxication. This construct retains part of its detrimental effect even without catalytically active serine esterase function. This strongly suggests that there is another characteristic to SWS that is not defined solely by its serine esterase activity. Experiments analyzing the lipid contents of sws mutant, wildtype (wt) and SWS overexpressing flies gave valuable insights into a possible biological function of SWS. Phosphatidylcholine, a major component of cell membranes, accumulates in sws mutants whereas it is depleted in SWS overexpressing flies. This suggests that SWS is involved in phosphatidylcholine regulation. The produced \&\#945;-SWS antibody made it possible to study the intracellular localization of SWS. Images of double stainings with ER (endoplasmic reticulum) markers show that SWS is in great part localized to the ER. This is consistent with findings of SWS/ NTE localization in yeast and mouse cells. The olk mutant also shows progressive neurodegeneration but it is more localized to the olfactory system and mushroom bodies. Regarding specific cell types it seemed that specifically the projection neurons (PNs) are affected. A behavioral phenotype consisting of poor olfactory memory compared to wt is also observed even before histologically visible neurodegeneration sets in. Considering that the projection neurons connect the antennal lobes to the mushroom bodies, widely regarded as the "learning center", this impairment was expected. Three mutants where identified (olk1-3) by complementation analysis with the previously known futschN94 allele and sequencing of the coding sequence of olk1 revealed a nonsense mutation early in the protein. Consistent with the predicted function of Futsch as a microtubule associated protein (MAP), abnormalities are most likely due to a defective microtubule network and defects in axonal transport. In histological sections a modified cytoskeletal network is observed and western blots confirm a difference in the amount of tubulin present in the olk1 mutant versus the wt. The elaboration of neuronal axons and dendrites is dependent on a functional cytoskeleton. Observation of transport processes in primary neural cultures derived from olk1 mutant flies also showed a reduction of mitochondrial transport. Interaction with the fragile X mental retardation gene (dfmr1) was observed with the olk mutant. A dfmr1/ olk1 double mutant shows an ameliorated phenotype compared to the olk1 single mutant. tau, another MAP gene, was also shown to be able to partially rescue the olk1 mutant.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hartung2006, author = {Hartung, Anke}, title = {Localization of BMP receptors in distinct plasma membrane domains and its impact on BMP signaling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18360}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Endocytosis of growth factor receptors plays an important role in the activation and propagation as well as the attenuation of signaling pathways. Its malfunctioning can cause several pathologies, e.g. by controlling the level of receptors at the cell surface. BMPs are members of the TGF-ß superfamily and are involved in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, chemotaxis and apoptosis. BMP signaling is initiated at two types of transmembrane serine/threonine kinases, BRI and BRII. BMP receptor activation occurs upon ligand binding to preformed complexes (PFCs) or BMP2-induced signaling complexes (BISCs) composed of BRI and BRII. Binding of BMP2 to PFCs results in activation of the Smad pathway, whereas BISCs initiate the activation of Smad-independent pathways via p38 resulting in the induction of Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). BMP receptor endocytosis has not been extensively studied and the potential role of localization to different regions of the plasma membrane in determining the signaling pathways activated by PFCs and BISCs was not explored so far. In the present work, the localization of BMP receptors in distinct membrane domains and the consequential impact on BMP signaling were investigated. By separating detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) from cell lysates and subsequent gradient ultracentrifugation, it could be demonstrated that BRI and BRII cofractionate with cav-1, the marker protein of caveolae. Moreover, both receptor types interacted with cav-1 and showed a partially colocalization with cav-1 at the plasma membrane. Although these results point to a caveolar localization, BMP receptors cofractionated also with DRMs in cells exhibiting no caveolae, suggesting an additional non-caveolar raft localization. Beyond that, BRII could also be localized to clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) by means of immuno-electronmicroscopy studies. The second part of this thesis demonstrated that both membrane regions influence BMP signaling in distinct ways. Smad1/5 was shown to be phosphorylated independently of endocytic events at the cell surface. On the one hand, disruption of DRM regions by cholesterol depletion inhibited specifically BMP2-mediated ALP production, while Smad signaling was unaffected. On the other hand, inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis by specific inhibitors affected BMP2-induced Smad signaling as well as the induction of ALP, suggesting that both Smad-dependent and Smad-independent signaling pathways are required for BMP2 induced ALP production. These findings propose an important regulatory impact of different endocytic routes and membrane regions on BMP signaling as well as that a distinct membrane localization of BMP receptors account for specific signaling properties initiated at PFCs or BISCs.}, subject = {Knochen-Morphogenese-Proteine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xiang2006, author = {Xiang, Chaomei}, title = {The role of B-RAF in embryonic development of mouse forebrain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Familie der RAF-Kinasen umfasst drei Mitglieder, A-RAF, B-RAF und C-RAF. Nur f{\"u}r die B-RAF-Isoform wurde eine wichtige Funktion f{\"u}r die Entwicklung des Zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS) gefunden. Das Fehlen von B-RAF f{\"u}hrt bei neu generierten embryonalen Neuronen zum Zelltod, weil sie in vitro nicht auf {\"u}berlebensfaktoren reagieren k{\"o}nnen. Bei einer zweiten Zelllinie, die durch die Abwesenheit von B-RAF beeintr{\"a}chtigt ist, handelt es sich um endotheliale Zellen. Ihr Zelltod f{\"u}hrt zu inneren Blutungen und zu Letalit{\"a}t von B-RAF-/--M{\"a}usen zwischen Tag 10.5 (E10.5) und 12.5 (E12.5) der Embryonalentwicklung. Dies verhinderte bisher weitere Untersuchungen der neuralen B-RAF-Funktion bei sp{\"a}teren Stadien. Im Gegensatz zu B-RAF-/--M{\"a}usen {\"u}berleben B-RAFKIN/KIN-M{\"a}use die Mitte der Embryonalentwicklung, da ihre Endothelzellen vor Apoptose gesch{\"a}tzt sind. Diese Tiere besitzen kein B-RAF, stattdessen wird im B-RAF-Locus ein chim{\"a}res Protein exprimiert, das den N-Terminus von B-RAF sowie alle Dom{\"a}nen von A-RAF umfasst. Der Schutz vor abnormaler neuraler Apoptose im Vorderhirn macht diese Tiere zu einem potentiellen Modell zur Untersuchung der Proliferations- und Differenzierungsfunktion von B-RAF, die die Kinase neben der {\"U}berlebensfunktion in der ZNS-Entwicklung aus{\"u}bt. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der B-RAFKIN/KIN-Tiere konzentrierte sich auf die Entwicklung der Hirnrinde. Augenscheinlich waren kortikale Defekte im B-RAFKIN/KIN Vorderhirn: Der Verlust von B-RAF f{\"u}hrte zu einer starken Reduzierung von Brn-2 exprimierenden pyramidalen Projektions-Neuronen begleitet von einer St{\"o}rung der Dendritenbildung mit weniger und d{\"u}nneren Dendriten in diesen oberen Schichten. Weitere Untersuchungen mit BrdU-Markierungsexperimenten zeigten in der ventrikul{\"a}ren Schicht reduzierte Zellproliferation f{\"u}r E14.5-E16.5 der Mutantenembryonen und ein Migrationsdefizit der sp{\"a}tgebideten kortikalen Neuronen. W{\"a}hrend der Proliferationsdefekt der Hirnrinden-Vorl{\"a}uferzellen mit einer reduzierten ERK-Aktivierung einherging, bleibt der Mechanismus der gest{\"o}rten neuralen Migration zu erkl{\"a}ren. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass die subzellul{\"a}re Lokalisation von Phospho-ERK in den wandernden Hirnrinden-Neuronen der B-RAFKIN/KIN-M{\"a}use ver{\"a}ndert sein k{\"o}nnte. Zur Best{\"a}igung der in vivo-Funktion von B-RAF und weiteren Studien zu ihrer unbekannten Rolle in der embryonalen Neurogenese sowie anderen Morphogenesen w{\"a}re die konditionale B-RAF Inaktivierung erforderlich. Durch die Deletion des genetischen Materials bzw. die Inaktivierung der Genfunktion in ausgew{\"i}?'½hlten Zellen zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt ließen sich die Embryo-Letalit{\"a}t sowie unerw{\"u}nschte pleiotrope Nebeneffekte vermeiden und akkumulierende, kompensierende Entwicklungsver{\"a}nderungen von Beginn an ausschließen. Um die Cre Rekombinase-Methode einsetzen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden floxed B-RAF embryonale Stammzell (ES)-Zelllinien generiert. Außerdem wurde ein auf dem Tetrazyklin Operator basierendes Schaltallel in den B-RAF Genort von embryonalen Stammzellen integriert, so dass die B-RAF Expression konditional und reversibel durch die Zugabe von Doxyzyklin angeschaltet werden konnte. Bisher wurden hochgradige chim{\"a}re M{\"a}use nach Blastozysten-Injektion geboren. Die Keimbahn{\"u}bertragung dieser chim{\"a}ren M{\"a}use wird momentan untersucht. Wenn beide konditionale Mauslinien bereit sind, k{\"i}?'½nnte die Entwicklung ihres Zentralnervensystems untersucht werden, um die Rolle von B-RAF in der Entwicklung des Nervensystems herauszufinden.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegmeier2006, author = {Stegmeier, Johannes Friedrich}, title = {Study of Omp85 Family Proteins YaeT and YtfM and Multidrug Export Machineries in Escherichia coli}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this study the Omp85 family proteins YaeT and YtfM of Escherichia coli were investigated by using biochemical and electrophysiological methods as well as bioinformatical and structural analysis. In addition, knock-out strains were constructed to further study the relevance of these proteins in vivo. The prediction that Omp85 proteins are composed of two domains, a periplasmic amino-terminal POTRA (polypeptide translocation associated) domain and a carboxy-terminal domain anchoring these proteins in the outer membrane, was confirmed by the construction of mutants. It could be shown that the carboxy-terminal part of the proteins is able to insert into the outer bacterial membrane, even if the POTRA domain is removed. Furthermore, pore-forming activity in the black-lipid bilayer was observed for both full-length proteins as well as their carboxy-terminal membrane located parts. The channels formed by both proteins in the black lipid bilayer showed variable single channel conductance states rather than a defined value for conductance. In 1M KCl, e.g. YaeT forms pores with a channel conductance of 100 to 600 pS containing a most abundant value at 400 pS. This variability is at least reasonable for YaeT due to a prerequisite flexibility of its channel for OMP insertion. YaeT was identified to form a cation selective, YtfM an anion selective channel, which is less pH dependent than YaeT. Another feature of the YaeT channel is that its selectivity and conductance is influenced by charged detergent molecules indicating an accumulation of these molecules in hydrophobic pockets inside the compact channel. YaeT revealed heat-modifiable mobility in SDS-PAGE which is characteristic for \&\#946;-barrel OMPs, whereas YtfM did not show this behaviour. This result could be explained by sequence alignment and structural comparison of YaeT and YtfM via CD and FTIR spectra displaying much higher \&\#946;-strand content for the carboxy-terminal part of YaeT compared to YtfM. Since the carboxy-terminal parts were shown to have pore forming ability and are inserted in the OM in vivo, the substitution of the essential protein YaeT by its carboxy-terminal mutant was attempted in a yaeT knock-out strain. The carboxy-terminal half of YaeT was not sufficient to compensate depletion of the full-length protein indicating an important role of the amino-terminus for cell viability. In contrary, YtfM is shown to be a non-essential protein and lack of YtfM had no effects on the composition and integrity of the OM. However, chromosomal deletion of ytfM remarkably reduced the growth rate of cells. This study provides the first detailed investigation of the structure of YaeT and describes its electrophysiological behaviour, which could be a basis for further studies of YaeT and its substrate proteins. Furthermore, YtfM was characterised and its in vivo function was investigated revealing YtfM as the second Omp85 family protein of importance in E. coli. In a second part of this study assembly and function of multidrug efflux pumps were investigated. Drug efflux pumps are tripartite export machineries in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria conferring multidrug resistance and therefore causing severe problems for medical treatment of diseases. Protein structures of all three efflux pump components are solved, but the exact interaction sites are still unknown. Assembly of a hybrid exporter system composed of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa channel tunnel OprM, the E. coli adaptor protein AcrA and its associated transporter AcrB could be shown by chemical cross-linking, even though this efflux pump is not functional. Exchange of the hairpin domain of AcrA by the corresponding hairpin from the adaptor protein MexA of P. aeruginosa restored functionality tested by antibiotic sensitivity assays. This shows the importance of the MexA hairpin domain for functional interaction with the OprM channel tunnel. Interestingly, the hybrid protein was also able to assemble with TolC as outer membrane component to form a functional efflux pump indicating a higher flexibility of TolC compared to OprM concerning interaction partners. Based on these results, an interaction model of the hairpin domain and the channel tunnel on molecular level for AcrA and TolC as well as MexA and OprM, respectively, is presented. This model provides a basis for directed mutagenesis to reveal the exact contact sites of the hairpin of the adapter protein and the outer membrane component}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glos2006, author = {Glos, Julian}, title = {Amphibian communities of the dry forest of Western Madagascar : taxonomy, ecology and conservation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In meiner Arbeit habe ich taxonomische, gemeinschafts{\"o}kologische und aut{\"o}kologische Aspekte im westmadagassischen Trockenwald untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es Antworten auf die Fragen zu geben wie die einzelnen Arten die Habitate in Raum und Zeit nutzen, welchen Einfluss abiotische Parameter, Austrocknungsrisiko der Laichgew{\"a}sser und Mikrohabitat haben und wie Pr{\"a}datoren die Gemeinschaft und das Verhalten einzelner Arten beeinflussen. Somit tr{\"a}gt diese Arbeit dazu bei die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung einer Lebensgemeinschaft bestimmen. Im Einzelnen untersuchte ich hierzu folgende Fragestellungen: Aus welchen Arten bestehen die Anurengemeinschaften des westmadagassischen Trockenwaldes, und wie lassen sich diese Arten morphologisch voneinander abgrenzen? Welche Unterschiede finden sich zwischen den Arten bez{\"u}glich ihres Paarungssystems, ihrer life-history und ihrer Habitatwahl bzw. den Anpassungen an ihr Habitat? Gibt es spezifische Kaulquappengemeinschaften, die sich anhand biotischer und abiotischer Umweltvariablen vorhersagen lassen? Unterscheiden sich die Muster der Vorhersagbarkeit von Gemeinschaften zwischen unterschiedlichen Habitattypen innerhalb eines lokalen r{\"a}umlichen Skalenniveaus? Wie beeinflusst das Vorkommen von Raubfeinden die Verteilung von Kaulquappen und deren Verhalten auf der r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene einzelner Laichgew{\"a}sser? Anhand welcher Umweltvariablen l{\"a}sst sich die Laichplatzwahl von Anuren in diesem Habitat vorhersagen? Wie lassen sich die Ergebnisse nutzen, um Empfehlungen zum Schutz bedrohter Arten auszusprechen? In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich eine Froschart wissenschaftlich neu. Diese Art, Scaphiophryne menabensis, ist die seltenste Froschart in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet, und aus meiner Arbeit resultiert die dringende Empfehlung, sie in ein bestehendes Schutzkonzept f{\"u}r den Kirindy-Wald und seine Umgebung mit einzubeziehen. Weiterhin beschreibe ich wissenschaftlich erstmalig in dieser Arbeit f{\"u}nf Kaulquappenarten und pr{\"a}sentiere Daten zu {\"O}kologie, life-history und Verhalten dieser Arten. Die wissenschaftliche Beschreibung weiterer Frosch- und Kaulquappenarten ist Gegenstand noch andauernder Studien (Scaphiophryne sp., Heterixalus carbonei und H. tricolor; Revision der Kaulquappen von Scaphiophryne). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit stellen damit die Basis f{\"u}r alle weiteren {\"o}kologischen Studien an Fr{\"o}schen und Kaulquappen dieses {\"O}kosystems dar. FAZIT Die Amphibienfauna Madagaskars ist einzigartig, und sie stellt ein aufregendes Feld f{\"u}r {\"o}kologische Fragestellungen dar, sowohl als eigenst{\"a}ndiges System betrachtet als auch als Modell f{\"u}r andere Systeme. Umso mehr verwundert es, dass bislang kaum detaillierte {\"o}kologische Studien an diesem System durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit schafft zun{\"a}chst mit der taxonomischen Beschreibung der vorkommenden Arten die Basis f{\"u}r {\"o}kologische Fragestellungen und zeigt dann auf den Ebenen sowohl der Gemeinschaft als auch einzelner Arten, wie verschiedene Umweltfaktoren die Verteilung von Anuren in Raum und Zeit beeinflussen. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl statische Eigenschaften der Gew{\"a}sser als auch dynamische Faktoren wie Raubfeinde oder das Vorhandensein anderer Kaulquappen die Verteilung der Arten auf verschiedenen r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebenen sowie deren Verhalten beeinflussen. Somit tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dazu bei, die grundlegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, die die Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaften in diesem {\"O}kosystem bestimmen. Nicht zuletzt erm{\"o}glichen diese Erkenntnisse, geeignete, artenorientierte Schutzkonzepte f{\"u}r diese in ihrer Existenz stark bedrohte Anurengemeinschaft zu entwickeln und die Effekte von Habitatzerst{\"o}rung auf diese Gemeinschaft aufzuzeigen.}, subject = {Lurche}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thum2006, author = {Thum, Andreas Stephan}, title = {Sugar reward learning in Drosophila : neuronal circuits in Drosophila associative olfactory learning}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17930}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Genetic intervention in the fly Drosophila melanogaster has provided strong evidence that the mushroom bodies of the insect brain act as the seat of memory traces for aversive and appetitive olfactory learning (reviewed in Heisenberg, 2003). In flies, electroshock is mainly used as negative reinforcer. Unfortunately this fact complicates a comparative consideration with other inscets as most studies use sugar as positive reinforcer. For example, several lines of evidence from honeybee and moth have suggested another site, the antennal lobe, to house neuronal plasticity underlying appetitive olfactory memory (reviewed in Menzel, 2001; Daly et al., 2004). Because of this I focused my work mainly on appetitive olfactory learning. In the first part of my thesis, I used a novel genetic tool, the TARGET system (McGuire et al., 2003), which allows the temporally controlled expression of a given effector gene in a defined set of cells. Comparing effector genes which either block neurotransmission or ablate cells showed important differences, revealing that selection of the appropriate effector gene is critical for evaluating the function of neural circuits. In the second part, a new engram of olfactory memory in the Drosophila projection neurons is described by restoring Rutabaga adenlylate cyclase (rut-AC) activity specifically in these cells. Expression of wild-type rutabaga in the projection neurons fully rescued the defect in sugar reward memory, but not in aversive electric shock memory. No difference was found in the stability of the appetitive memories rescued either in projection neurons or Kenyon cells. In the third part of the thesis I tried to understand how the reinforcing signals for sugar reward are internally represented. In the bee Hammer (1993) described a single octopaminergic neuron - called VUMmx1 - that mediates the sugar stimulus in associative olfactory reward learning. Analysis of single VUM neurons in the fly (Selcho, 2006) identified a neuron with a similar morphology as the VUMmx1 neuron. As there is a mutant in Drosophila lacking the last enzymatic step in octopamine synthesis (Monastirioti et al., 1996), Tyramine beta Hydroxylase, I was able to show that local Tyramine beta Hydroxylase expression successfully rescued sugar reward learning. This allows to conclude that about 250 cells including the VUM cluster are sufficient for mediating the sugar reinforcement signal in the fly. The description of a VUMmx1 similar neuron and the involvement of the VUM cluster in mediating the octopaminergic sugar stimulus are the first steps in establishing a neuronal map for US processing in Drosophila. Based on this work several experiments are contrivable to reach this ultimate goal in the fly. Taken together, the described similiarities between Drosophila and honeybee regarding the memory organisation in MBs and PNs and the proposed internal representation of the sugar reward suggest an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for appetitive olfactory learning in insects.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bach2006, author = {Bach, Peter}, title = {Growth and characterization of NiMnSb-based heterostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17771}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this work heterostructures based on the half-Heusler alloy NiMnSb have been fabricated and characterized. NiMnSb is a member of the half-metallic ferromagnets, which exhibit an electron spin-polarization of 100\% at the Fermi-level. For fabrication of these structures InP substrates with surface orientations of (001),(111)A and (111)B have been used. The small lattice mismatch of NiMnSb to InP allows for pseudomorphic layers, the (111) orientation additionally makes the formation of a half-metallic interface possible. For the growth on InP(001), procedures for the substrate preparation, growth of the lattice matched (In,Ga)As buffer layer and of the NiMnSb layer have been developed. The effect of flux-ratios and substrate temperatures on the MBE growth of the buffer as well as of the NiMnSb layer have been investigated and the optimum conditions have been pointed out. NiMnSb grows in the layer-by-layer Frank-van der Merwe growth mode, which can be seen by the intensity oscillations of the RHEED specular spot during growth. RHEED and LEED measurements show a flat surface and a well-defined surface reconstruction. High resolution x-ray measurements support this statement, additionally they show a high crystalline quality. Measurements of the lateral and the vertical lattice constant of NiMnSb films on (001) oriented substrates show that layers above a thickness of 20nm exhibit a pseudomorphic as well as a relaxed part in the same layer. Whereas layers around 40nm show partly relaxed partitions, these partitions are totally relaxed for layers above 100nm. However, even these layers still have a pseudomorphic part. Depth-dependent x-ray diffraction experiments prove that the relaxed part of the samples is always on top of the pseudomorphic part. The formation and propagation of defects in these layers has been investigated by TEM. The defects nucleate early during growth and spread until they form a defect network at a thickness of about 40nm. These defects are not typical misfit dislocations but rather antiphase boundaries which evolve in the Mn/Sb sublattice of the NiMnSb system. Dependent on the thickness of the NiMnSb films different magnetic anisotropies can be found. For layers up to 15nm and above 25nm a clear uniaxial anisotropy can be determined, while the layers with thicknesses in between show a fourfold anisotropy. Notably the easy axis for the thin layers is perpendicular to the easy axis observed for the thick layers. Thin NiMnSb layers show a very good magnetic homogeneity, as can be seen by the very small FMR linewidth of 20Oe at 24GHz. However, the increase of the linewidth with increasing thickness shows that the extrinsic damping gets larger for thicker samples which is a clear indication for magnetic inhomogeneities introduced by crystalline defects. Also, the magnetic moment of thick NiMnSb is reduced compared to the theoretically expected value. If a antiferromagnetic material is deposited on top of the NiMnSb, a clear exchange biasing of the NiMnSb layer can be observed. In a further step the epitaxial layers of the semiconductor ZnTe have been grown on these NiMnSb layers, which enables the fabrication of NiMnSb/ZnTe/NiMnSb TMR structures. These heterostructures are single crystalline and exhibit a low surface and interface roughness as measured by x-ray reflectivity. Magnetic measurements of the hysteresis curves prove that both NiMnSb layers in these heterostructures can switch separately, which is a necessary requirement for TMR applications. If a NiMn antiferromagnet is deposited on top of this structure, the upper NiMnSb layer is exchange biased by the antiferromagnet, while the lower one is left unaffected. Furthermore the growth of NiMnSb on (111) oriented substrates has been investigated. For these experiments, InP substrates with a surface orientation of (111)A and (111)B were used, which were miscut by 1 to 2° from the exact orientation to allow for smoother surfaces during growth. Both the (In, Ga)As buffer as well as the NiMnSb layer show well defined surface reconstructions during growth. X-ray diffraction experiments prove the single crystalline structure of the samples. However, neither for the growth on (111)A nor on (111)B a perfectly smooth surface could be obtained during growth, which can be attributed to the formation of pyramid-like facets evolving as a result of the atomic configuration at the surface. A similar relaxation behavior as NiMnSb layers on (001) oriented InP could not be observed. RHEED and x-ray diffraction measurements show that above a thickness of about 10nm the NiMnSb layer begins to relax, but remnants of pseudomorphic parts could not be found. Magnetic measurements show that the misorientation of the substrate crystal has a strong influence on the magnetic anisotropies of NiMnSb(111) samples. In all cases a uniaxial anisotropy could be observed. The easy axis is always aligned parallel to the direction of the miscut of the substrate.}, subject = {Nickelverbindungen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Betz2005, author = {Betz, Christian}, title = {Scalable authoring of diagnostic case based training systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17885}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Diagnostic Case Based Training Systems (D-CBT) provide learners with a means to learn and exercise knowledge in a realistic context. In medical education, D-CBT Systems present virtual patients to the learners who are asked to examine, diagnose and state therapies for these patients. Due a number of conflicting and changing requirements, e.g. time for learning, authoring effort, several systems were developed so far. These systems range from simple, easy-to-use presentation systems to highly complex knowledge based systems supporting explorative learning. This thesis presents an approach and tools to create D-CBT systems from existing sources (documents, e.g. dismissal records) using existing tools (word processors): Authors annotate and extend the documents to model the knowledge. A scalable knowledge representation is able to capture the content on multiple levels, from simple to highly structured knowledge. Thus, authoring of D-CBT systems requires less prerequisites and pre-knowledge and is faster than approaches using specialized authoring environments. Also, authors can iteratively add and structure more knowledge to adapt training cases to their learners needs. The theses also discusses the application of the same approach to other domains, especially to knowledge acquisition for the Semantic Web.}, subject = {Computerunterst{\"u}tztes Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2005, author = {M{\"u}ller, Claudia Maria}, title = {Studies on the Role of Histone-like Proteins in Gene Regulation in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolate 536}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this study, the role of histone-like proteins in gene regulation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolate 536 was monitored. The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein H-NS is a global regulator in Escherichia coli that has been intensively studied in non-pathogenic strains. No comprehensive study on the role of H-NS and it's homolog StpA on gene expression in a pathogenic E. coli strain has been carried out so far. Moreover, we identified a third, so far uncharacterized member of the H-NS-like protein family in uropathogenic E. coli isolate 536, which was designated Hlp (H-NS-like protein). Hlp is a 134-amino acid protein, which shares 58 \% sequence identity with H-NS. The gene coding for the Hlp protein, hlp, is found in several uropathogenic E. coli variants, but not in non-pathogenic E. coli K-12. In UPEC strains 536 and CFT073, Hlp is encoded on a possibly horizontally acquired 23-kb genomic region inserted into the serU locus. Studies on hlp transcription revealed, that the gene is transcribed monocistronically from a single promoter and that expression is repressed by H-NS. Purified Hlp protein was binding to its own and to the hns promoter, thereby mediating negative auto- and crossregulation. Furthermore, Hlp and H-NS were directly interacting, resulting in the formation of stable heteromers. Complementation studies with hns mutant strains in a K-12 background revealed that the Hlp protein had in vivo activity, being able to complement the lack of H-NS in terms of motility, growth, and repression of the proU, bgl, and clyA genes. When analyzing the role of the histone-like proteins in expression of virulence-associated genes by using DNA arrays and classical phenotypic assays, most of the observed effects were mediated by the H-NS protein alone. Expression profiling revealed that transcript level of more than 500 genes was affected by an hns mutation, resulting in increased expression of alpha-hemolysin, fimbriae and iron-uptake systems, as well as genes involved in stress adaptation. Furthermore, several other putative virulence factors were found to be part of the H-NS regulon. On the other hand, no effect of StpA alone was observed. An hns stpA double mutant, however, exhibited a distinct gene expression pattern that differed in great parts from that of the hns single mutant. This suggests a direct interaction between the two homologs and the existence of distinct regulons of H-NS and an H-NS/StpA heteromeric complex. Although the H-NS protein has - either as homomer or in complex with StpA - a marked impact on gene expression in pathogenic E. coli strains, its effect on urovirulence is ambiguous. At a high infection dose, hns mutants accelerate lethality in murine UTI and sepsis models relative to the wild type, probably due to increased production of alpha-hemolysin. At lower infectious dose, however, mutants lacking H-NS are attenuated through their impaired growth rate, which can only partially be compensated by the higher expression of numerous virulence factors. As seen with StpA, an hlp single mutant did not exhibit a notable phenotype under standard growth conditions. A severe growth defect of hns hlp double mutants at low temperatures, however, suggests a biological relevance of H-NS/Hlp heteromers under certain circumstances. Furthermore, these mutants expressed more capsular polysaccharide and curli fimbriae, thereby indicating a distinct role of H-NS and Hlp in regulation of these surface structures. The H-NS paralogs Hlp and StpA also modulated H-NS-mediated regulation of fimbrial adhesins, and are oppositely required for normal growth at low or high temperatures, respectively. Finally, expression levels of the three histone-like proteins H-NS, StpA and Hlp itself varied with different temperatures, thereby suggesting a flexible composition of the nucleoid-associated protein pool. Hence, we propose that the biological role of Hlp and StpA does not rely on a distinct function of the single protein, but rather on their interaction with the global regulator H-NS.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wu2006, author = {Wu, Rongxue}, title = {Integrins and SPARC : potential implications for cardiac remodeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17531}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Der enorme Umbau des Herzgewebes, wie man ihn nach Druck{\"u}berlastung des Ventrikels oder MyokardInfarkt beobachten kann, gilt als eine der kausalen Ursachen des Herzversagens. Die Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Architektur des Herzens beeinflussen die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Herzmuskels, begr{\"u}ndet sind sie jedoch in Anpassungsprozessen auf der zellul{\"a}ren Ebene vor allem in einer Modulation der Expression bestimmter Gene. Gemeinsam mit Integrinen, den Transmembran-Rezeptoren, welche die extrazellul{\"a}re Umgebung mit dem intrazellul{\"a}ren Zytoskelett verbinden, geh{\"o}ren Proteine der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix (ECM) und matrizellul{\"a}re Proteine zu den Schl{\"u}sselkomponenten, die den Umbauprozess im Herzen steuern. Aus diesen Gr{\"u}nden hatte diese Doktorarbeit zum Ziel, die Rolle der Integrine f{\"u}r die Regulation der Genexpression und die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit des Herzmuskels w{\"a}hrend der durch Druck{\"u}berlastung oder myokardialen Infarkt (MI) hervorgerufenen Wundheilungsprozesse zu analysieren. Um die Beteiligung von Integrin Beta 1 zu untersuchen, wurde ein experimentelles Modell der Druck{\"u}berlastung im Mausherzen (aortic banding; Konstriktion der Aorta; AB) eingesetzt, wobei M{\"a}use mit einer konditionalen, Herz-spezifischen Deletion des Integrin Beta 1 Gens untersucht wurden. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde dabei auf die physiologischen Unterschiede und eine ver{\"a}nderte Genexpression im gestressten Herzen in An- oder Abwesenheit von Integrin Beta 1 gelegt. Interessanterweise wurden die M{\"a}use, welche eine Kombination aus Integrin knock-out Allel und dem Kardiomyozyten-spezifischen konditionalen knock-out Allel von Integrin Beta 1 aufwiesen im normalen Mendelschen Verh{\"a}ltnis geboren und wuchsen normal auf. Obwohl diese Tiere immer noch geringe Mengen von Integrin Beta 1 in ihrem Herzen aufwiesen (exprimiert von nicht-Myozyten), besaßen diese M{\"a}use eine ver{\"a}nderte Herzfunktion und waren sehr sensitiv gegen{\"u}ber AB. Im Gegensatz zu der kompensatorischen hypertrophischen Reaktion, die in Wildtyp M{\"a}usen zu beobachten war, zeigte sich in den Integrin Beta 1-defizienten Mausherzen kein Gewebeumbau. Auch die erh{\"o}hte Expression von verschiedenen ECM Proteinen, insbesondere die verst{\"a}rkte Expression des matrizellul{\"a}ren Proteins SPARC, unterblieb nach AB in den Integrin Beta 1-defizienten Tieren. Interessanterweise konnte auch eine transiente Erh{\"o}hung der SPARC mRNA w{\"a}hrend der Umbauprozesse im Herzen in Folge von myokardialem Infarkt (MI) mittels cDNA Makroarrays festgestellt werden. In der Tat fanden sich gr{\"o}ßere Mengen von SPARC bereits 2 Tage (~2,5-fach erh{\"o}ht), 7 Tage (~4-fach erh{\"o}ht) und 1 Monat (~2-fach erh{\"o}ht) nach MI, w{\"a}hrend ein spezifischer Inhibitor der Integrin alpha v Untereinheit diese Hochregulation von SPARC in vivo verhinderte. Immunfluoreszenz Untersuchungen von Herzgewebe verdeutlichten, dass sich die erh{\"o}hte Expression von SPARC auf das Infarktareal beschr{\"a}nkte, dass die Expression von SPARC nach einer anf{\"a}nglichen Erh{\"o}hung im Verlauf von 1 Monaten wieder auf das Anfangsniveau zur{\"u}ckging und dass die verst{\"a}rkte Expression von der Einwanderung von Fibroblasten in das isch{\"a}mische Herzgewebe begleitet war. In vitro stimulierten die Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-Beta 1 und PDGF-BB die Expression von SPARC durch Fibroblasten. Wie sich an Hand von ELISA und Western Blot Untersuchungen feststellen ließ, war die Inhibition von Integrin Beta v nicht in der Lage, die durch TGF-Beta 1 oder PDGF induzierte Sekretion von SPARC zu beeinflussen. Jedoch zeigte sich, dass Vitronektin, ein Ligand von Integrin alpha v, sowohl die Sekretion von TGF-Beta 1 als auch von PDGF-BB durch Kardiomyozyten induzierte und diese Reaktion wurde durch den Integrin alpha v Inhibitor komplett unterdr{\"u}ckt. In funktioneller Hinsicht wirkte SPARC auf die durch ECM Proteine induzierte Migration von Fibroblasten ein, so dass man davon ausgehen kann, dass die lokale Freisetzung von SPARC nach myokardialem Infarkt zur Wundheilung im Herzen beitr{\"a}gt. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}ßt die Kombination der in vivo und in vitro erhobenen experimentellen Daten den Schluss zu, dass mehrere Integrin Untereinheiten eine entscheidende Rolle w{\"a}hrend der Gewebeumbildung im Herzen spielen. Integrin-abh{\"a}ngige Genexpressionsereignisse wie beispielsweise die erh{\"o}hte Expression von SPARC nach MI sind entscheidend an der Koordination der Wundheilung beteiligt. Diese Prozesse scheinen auf einer komplexen Wechselwirkung und Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Zelltypen wie Kardiomyozyten und Fibroblasten zu beruhen, um lokal begrenzt eine Heilung und Vernarbung des verletzten Gewebes zu regulieren. Die Aufkl{\"a}rung des fein abgestimmten Wechselspiels zwischen Integrinen matrizellul{\"a}ren Proteinen wie SPARC und Wachstumsfaktoren wird sicherlich zu einem besseren und klinisch nutzbarem Verst{\"a}ndnis der molekularen Mechanismen des Gewebeumbaus im Herzen beitragen.}, subject = {Integrine}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Varadarajulu2006, author = {Varadarajulu, Jeeva}, title = {Integrin alpha(v) and Focal adhesion kinase - promising targets to limit smooth muscle cell migration}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17484}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Die Pr{\"a}vention einer Restenose nach PTCA ist eines der wichtigsten Ziele f{\"u}r Forscher und Kliniker. Etwa 1,5 Millionen Interventionen werden weltweit j{\"a}hrlich durchgef{\"u}hrt und mit Hilfe von Stentimplantationen k{\"o}nnen die meisten Patienten erfolgreich behandelt werden. Jedoch kommt es in bis zu 60 \% der F{\"a}lle zu einer Restenosierung des behandelten Gef{\"a}sses innerhalb von etwa 6 Monaten. F{\"u}r die Entwicklung der Neointima, Hauptursache der Restenose, sind Wanderung glatter Gef{\"a}ssmuskelzellen (GMZ) und Ablagerungen von Proteinen der extrazellul{\"a}ren Matrix (EZM) verantwortlich. Signalkaskaden, die {\"u}ber Integrin Rezeptoren vermittelt werden, spielen in der Migration von GMZ eine zentrale Rolle. Viele Integrine binden {\"u}ber eine spezifische Aminos{\"a}uresequenz, die sogenannte RGD Sequenz, die in verschiedenen EZM Proteinen und in auf Zelloberfl{\"a}chen gebundenen Immunglobulinen vorkommt. Bisher konnte von verschiedenen Integrinantagonisten, wie Antik{\"o}rpern, zyklischen Peptiden, Peptidomimetika und Nicht-Peptiden, gezeigt werden, dass die die pathologische Reaktion vermindern k{\"o}nnen, was auf die Bedeutung der Integrin vermittelten Signalkaskaden in der GMZ Migration hinweist. Wir konnten zeigen, dass die Wanderung von GMZ sowohl mit einem pharmakologischen Inhibitor, wie auch durch die endogene {\"U}berexpression eines FAK Inhibitors, der {\"u}ber ein AAV Vektorsystem {\"u}bertragen wurde, gehemmt werden konnte. So stellt die Blockade der Integrin vermittelten Signalkaskaden ein vielversprechendes Ziel f{\"u}r die Inhibition der Restenose nach PTCA dar. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit konnten wir nach Stimulation von humanen GMZ mit Vitronektin (VN) eine verst{\"a}rkte Tyrosinphosphorylierung (PTyr) verschiedener zellul{\"a}rer Proteine nachweisen. Dabei zeigte sich eine besonders signifikante Phosphorylierung eines Proteins, das mittels Immunpr{\"a}zipitation als "focal adhesion kinase" (FAK) identifiziert wurde. Die erh{\"o}hte PTyr zeigte sich auch am Tyrosinrest FAK Tyr-397, der Autophosphorylierungsstelle der Kinase. Die erh{\"o}hte PTyr von FAK war abh{\"a}ngig von der Stimulation durch VN und nicht zu beobachten, wenn die GMZ auf Poly-L-Lysin ohne spezifische Rezeptor Ligand Interaktion adh{\"a}rierten. Mit Hilfe eines Integrin \&\#61537;V Inhibitors konnte diese rezeptorvermittelte Aktivierung in einer dosisabh{\"a}ngigen Weise verhindert werden. Die Inhibition der durch VN stimulierten Migration (Haptotaxis) mit Hilfe des \&\#61537;V Inhibitors korrelierte mit der Reduktion der Aktivierung Integrin vermittelter Signalwege, im Besonderen der PTyr von FAK. Interessanterweise konnte die Blockade von Integrin \&\#61537;V nicht nur die durch VN stimulierte Haptotaxis, sondern auch die durch Wachstumsfaktoren induzierte Chemotaxis hemmen. Die Migrationsrate wurde mit Hilfe eines modifizierten Boyden-Migrationskammer Experiments ermittelt, das ein in vitro Modell zur Untersuchung von Zellwanderung darstellt. Der \&\#61537;V Inhibitor hemmte auch die Invasion der GMZ in eine Matrigel Matrix und die Sekretion der Matrixmetalloproteinase 2. Eine Apoptose wurde bei den verwendeten Konzentrationen nicht induziert. FAK stellt ein wichtiges Schl{\"u}sselprotein in vielen zellul{\"a}ren Mechanismen dar. So konnte die Beteiligung von FAK in der Regulation der Zellmigration an verschiedenen Zellarten gezeigt werden. Die {\"U}berexpression von FRNK, der C-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne von FAK, ist in der Lage die in vitro Migration von GMZ wie auch die Neointimabildung in einem Schweinemodell zur Entwicklung der Restenose zu verhindern. FAK stellt somit ein vielversprechendes Ziel f{\"u}r die Inhibition der Restenoseentwicklung nach PTCA dar. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Identifikation von Bindungspartnern der N-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne von FAK mit Hilfe eines bakteriellen „two hybrid" Systems. Es wurde als ein m{\"o}glicher Bindungspartner ein 17,9 kDa grosses Protein gefunden. Das humane Homolog ist als AGS4 bezeichnet und stellt einen GTPase Aktivator dar. Es zeigte sich, dass es in der Lage ist, mit der N-terminalen Dom{\"a}ne von FAK zu interagieren, und dass es stark in h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen exprimiert wird. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass unsere Ergebnisse FAK als ein vielversprechendes Ziel f{\"u}r die Inhibition der GMZ Migration erscheinen lassen. Das Vorliegen verschiedener induzierter Signalwege kann durch die Rolle der EZM Proteine und der Wachstumsfaktoren in der Zellmigration erkl{\"a}rt werden. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Signalkaskaden, die zu einer GMZ Migration und somit zu einer Restenose f{\"u}hren, zu unterbrechen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass \&\#61537;V Integrine und Signalkaskaden, die FAK vermittelt sind, wichtig f{\"u}r die Zellmigration sind. Die Unterbrechung dieser FAK vermittelten Signalwege, sei es durch einen pharmakologischen Inhibitor oder durch die {\"U}berexpression von FRNK f{\"u}hrte zu einer Inhibition der Migration.}, subject = {Restenose}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2006, author = {Wang, Dapeng}, title = {The mechanism of glucocorticoid induced murine thymocyte and peripheral T cell apoptosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Glucocordicoide sind kleine lipophile Verbindungen, die viele biologische Effekte verursachen, wenn sie an den intrazellul{\"a}ren Glukokortikoidrezeptor (GR) binden. Dieser wandert wiederum in den Nucleus, um dort direkt oder indirekt die Transkription der Gene zu regulieren. Glukokortikoide sind der Grundstein in der Behandlung f{\"u}r eine Anzahl von h{\"a}matologischen b{\"o}sartigen Erkrankungen, wie Leuk{\"a}mie, Lymphome und Myelome. In der Literatur wird beschrieben, dass Glukokortikoide {\"u}ber die Vermittlung von Apoptose wirken.die Wirkung. Trotz der enormen Fortschritte im Verst{\"a}ndnis des regulierten Zelltodes, ist der genaue Mechanismus, den Glukokortikoide bei der Apoptose vermitteln, unbekannt. Die Daten, die bis jetzt erzielt wurden, deuten stark darauf hin, dass Gentransaktivierung durch den GR f{\"u}r den Beginn der durch Glukokortikoide verursachten Thymozytenapoptose verantwortlich ist. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass das multikatalytische Proteasom, einige Mitglieder der BCL2-Familie, {\"A}nderungen im Kalziumfluss sowie Caspasen eine wichtige Rolle in der Durchf{\"u}hrungsphase des durch Glukokortikoide vermittelten Zelltodes spielen Jedoch ist die genaue Reihenfolge dieses Prozesses bisher nicht bekannt. Ein Hauptschwierigkeit der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Diskussion entsteht aus der Tatsache, dass unterschiedliche Zellarten, wie Thymozyten, reife T-Zellen und Lymphomzellen verglichen werden, ohne ihre unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften und Genexpressionsprofile zu beachten. Obwohl angenommen wird, dass Glukokortikoide Apoptose {\"u}ber einen konservierten Mechanismus, wird dies nicht durch irgendwelche Daten unterst{\"u}tzt. In anderen Worten, es ist m{\"o}glich, dass Apoptose in Thymozyten, reifen T-Zellen und Lymphomzellen {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Signalwege vermittelt wid. Wir fragten uns daher, ob ein einzelner durch Glukokoritkoide eingeleiteter Signaltransduktionsweg daf{\"u}r verantwortlich ist, dass Apoptose in allen T-Lamphozytenarten eingeleitet wird, oder ob noch andere Signalwege existieren. Daher verglichen wir die Rolle des Proteasomes, verschiedener Caspasen, des lysosomalen Kompartements und anderer Faktoren in der durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Apoptose in Mausthymozyten und pepripheren T-Zellen sowie T-ALL Lymphomzellen. Unsere Entdeckungen zeigen, dass die Anfangsphase der durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Apoptose unabh{\"a}ngig von der Differenzierungsstadien der Zelle ist. Apoptose wird sowohl in Thymozyten als auch in reifen T-Zellen durch den GR vermittelt und ist von der Gentranskription abh{\"a}ngig. Im Gegensatz dazu unterscheidet sich die Durchf{\"u}hrungsphase erheblich in ihren Anforderungen f{\"u}r eine Anzahl von Signaltransduktionskomponenten zwischen Thymozyten und peripheren T-Zellen. W{\"a}hrend in Thymozyten das Proteasom, die Caspasen 3, 8 und 9 sowie Cathepsin B eine wichtige Rolle in durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Zelltod spielen, sind diese Faktoren f{\"u}r die Induktion des Zell-Todes in peripheren T- Zellen entbehrlich. Im Gegensatz dazu scheinen {\"A}nderungen in der Expression und intrazellul{\"a}ren Lokalisation von Mitgliedern der Bcl-2 Familie nicht zum durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Zellltod beitzutragen, egal um welchen Zelltyp es sich handelt. Wir haben beobachtet, dass eine Behandlung von Thymozyten mit Glukokortikoiden zu einer Aktivierung der lysosomalen Protease Cathepsin B f{\"u}hrt. Dies ist ein essentieller Schritt zur Einleitung von Apoptose durch Glukortikoide und zeigt zum ersten Mal, dass der lysosomale Amplifikationsloop in diesen Prozess involviert ist. Die Analyse des durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Zelltodes in verschiedenen T-ALL Zelllinien deutet darauf hin, dass die durch Glukokortikoide induzierten Signalwege in Thymozyten und allen Lymphonzelllinien aber nicht in peripheren T Zellen {\"u}bereinstimmen. Da die hoch-dosierte Glukokortikoidbehandlung eine wichtige Rolle in der Behandlung von hematologischen b{\"o}sartigen Erkrankungen spielt, k{\"o}nnen unsere Beobachtungen eine Grundlage f{\"u}r eine neue Anti-Krebs-Stragie bilden, die darauf ausgelegt ist, spezifisch Tumorzellen zu eliminieren aber reife T-Zellen unber{\"u}hrt lassen.}, subject = {T-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Groh2005, author = {Groh, Claudia}, title = {Environmental influences on the development of the female honeybee brain Apis mellifera}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17388}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {F{\"u}r die Honigbiene spielt der Geruchssinn eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Kommunikation innerhalb des Sozialstaates. Kastenspezifische, auf uweltbedingten Einfl{\"u}ssen basierende sowie altersbedingte Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten liefern ein hervorragendes Modellsystem f{\"u}r diese Studie, um die Entwicklung und Funktion neuronaler Plastizit{\"a}t im olfaktorischen System zu untersuchen. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf Unterschiede zwischen K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen, den beiden weiblichen Kasten innerhalb des Bienestaates, sowie auf umweltbedingte Plastizit{\"a}t. Diploide Eier, aus denen sich K{\"o}niginnen und Arbeiterinnen entwickeln, sind genetisch identisch. Dennoch entwickeln sich K{\"o}niginnen wesentlich schneller zum Adulttier als Arbeiterinnen, sind als Imago gr{\"o}ßer, leben wesentlich l{\"a}nger und zeigen andere Verhaltensweisen. Diese Unterschiede werden durch eine differentielle larvale F{\"u}tterung initiiert. Im Anschluss an das Larvenstadium und somit nach erfolgter Kastendetermination, entwickeln sich die Bienen {\"u}ber eine Puppenphase (verdeckelte Phase) zum Imago. Adulte Bienen klimatisieren das zentrale Brutareal auf einer mittleren Temperatur von 35°C konstant. Bienen, die bei niedrigeren Temperaturen innerhalb des physiologisch relevanten Bereichs aufwachsen, weisen Defizite im olfaktorischen Lernverhalten und in der Tanzkommunikation auf. M{\"o}gliche neuronale Korrelate f{\"u}r altersbedingte, temperatur- und kastenspezifische Unterschiede im olfaktorisch gesteuerten Verhalten sollten in dieser Arbeit betrachtet werden. Die strukturellen Analysen konzentrierten sich dabei auf prim{\"a}re (Antennalloben) und sekund{\"a}re (Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces)olfaktorische Verarbeitungszentren im Gehirn von sich entwickelnden und adulten Tieren beider Kasten. Synchron verdeckelte Brutzellen beider Kasten wurden unter kontrollierten Bedingungen im Inkubator herangezogen. Neuroanatomische Untersuchungen wurden an fixierten Gewebeschnitten mittels einer Doppelfluoreszenzf{\"a}rbung mit Fluor-Phalloidin und anti-Synapsin Immuncytochemie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese Doppelmarkierung erm{\"o}glichte die Visualisierung und Quantifizierung individueller Synapsenkomplexe (Microglomeruli) im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx. Phalloidin bindet an verschiedene F-Aktin Isoformen und kann zum Nachweis von F-Aktin im Insektennervensystem verwendet werden. F-Aktin wird w{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung in Wachstumskegeln und in adulten Gehirnen in pr{\"a}synaptischen Endigungen und dendritischen Dornen exprimiert. Pr{\"a}synaptische Elemente wurden durch den Einsatz eines spezifischen Antik{\"o}rpers gegen das Drosophila-Vesikeltransportprotein Synapsin I charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe der konfokalen Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie wurde die exakte r{\"a}umliche Zuordnung der Fluoreszenzsignale anhand optischer Schnitte durch die Pr{\"a}parate realisiert. Anhand dieser Methodik konnten erstmals {\"u}ber reine Volumenanalysen hinausgehende Messungen zur synaptischen Strukturplastizit{\"a}t im Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyx durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die Untersuchungen an Gehirnen in den verschiedenen Puppenstadien zeigten Unterschiede im Entwicklungsverlauf der Gehirne mit dem Fokus auf die Bildung antennaler Glomeruli und calycaler Microglomeruli. Unterschiede in der Gehirnentwicklung verdeutlichten die ontogenetische Plastizit{\"a}t des Gehirns der Honigbiene. Entsprechend der k{\"u}rzeren Puppenphase der K{\"o}niginnen bildeten sich sowohl antennale Glomeruli als auch alle Untereinheiten (Lippe, Collar, Basalring) des Calyx etwa drei Tage fr{\"u}her aus. Direkt nach dem Schlupf zeigten quantitative Analysen innerhalb der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces eine signifikant geringere Anzahl an Microglomeruli bei K{\"o}niginnen. Diese neuronale Strukturplastizit{\"a}t auf verschiedenen Ebenen der olfaktorischen Informationsverarbeitung korreliert mit der kastenspezifischen Arbeitsteilung. Die Arbeit liefert Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Einfluss eines wichtigen kontrollierten Umweltparameters, der Bruttemperatur, w{\"a}hrend der Puppenphase auf die synaptische Organisation der adulten Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces. Bereits geringe Unterschiede in der Aufzuchtstemperatur (1°C) beeinflussten signifikant die Anzahl von Microglomeruli in der Lippenregion des Calyx beider weiblicher Kasten. Die maximale Anzahl an MG entwickelte sich bei Arbeiterinnen bei 34.5°C, bei K{\"o}niginnen aber bei 33.5°C. Neben dieser entwicklungsbedingten neuronalen Plastizit{\"a}t zeigt diese Studie eine starke altersbedingte Strukturplastizit{\"a}t der MG w{\"a}hrend der relativ langen Lebensdauer von Bienenk{\"o}niginnen. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Anzahl an MG in der olfaktorischen Lippenregion mit dem Alter anstieg (~55\%), in der angrenzenden visuellen Collarregion jedoch abnahm (~33\%). Die in der vorliegenden Arbeite erstmals gezeigte umweltbedingte Entwicklungsplastizit{\"a}t sowie altersbedingte synaptische Strukturplastizit{\"a}t in den sensorischen Eingangsregionen der Pilzk{\"o}rper-Calyces k{\"o}nnte kasten- und altersspezifischen Anpassungen im Verhalten zugrunde liegen.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thakar2006, author = {Thakar, Juilee}, title = {Computational models for the study of responses to infections}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In diesem Jahrhundert haben neue experimentelle Techniken und Computer-Verfahren enorme Mengen an Information erzeugt, die bereits viele biologische R{\"a}tsel enth{\"u}llt haben. Doch die Komplexit{\"a}t biologischer Systeme wirft immer weitere neue Fragen auf. Um ein System zu verstehen, bestand der Hauptansatz bis jetzt darin, es in Komponenten zu zerlegen, die untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. Ein neues Paradigma verkn{\"u}pft die einzelnen Informationsteile, um sie auf globaler Ebene verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen. In der vorgelegten Doktorarbeit habe ich deshalb versucht, infekti{\"o}se Krankheiten mit globalen Methoden („Systembiologie") bioinformatisch zu untersuchen. Im ersten Teil wird der Apoptose-Signalweg analysiert. Apoptose (Programmierter Zelltod) wird bei verschiedenen Infektionen, zum Beispiel bei Viruserkrankungen, als Abwehrmaßnahme eingesetzt. Die Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen, die ‚death' Dom{\"a}nen beinhalten, wurden untersucht, um folgende Fragen zu kl{\"a}ren: i) wie wird die Spezifit{\"a}t der Interaktionen erzielt? -sie wird durch Adapter erreicht, ii) wie werden Proliferation/ {\"U}berlebenssignale w{\"a}hrend der Aktivierung der Apoptose eingeleitet? - wir fanden Hinweise f{\"u}r eine entscheidende Rolle des RIP Proteins (Rezeptor-Interagierende Serine/Threonine-Proteinkinase 1). Das Modell erlaubte uns, die Interaktions-Oberfl{\"a}chen von RIP vorherzusagen. Der Signalweg wurde anschließend auf globaler Ebene mit Simulationen f{\"u}r verschiedene Zeitpunkte analysiert, um die Evolution der Aktivatoren und Inhibitoren des Signalwegs und seine Struktur besser zu verstehen. Weiterhin wird die Signalverarbeitung f{\"u}r Apoptosis-Signalwege in der Maus detailliert modelliert, um den Konzentrationsverlauf der Effektor-Kaspasen vorherzusagen. Weitere experimentelle Messungen von Kaspase-3 und die {\"U}berlebenskurven von Zellen best{\"a}tigen das Modell. Der zweite Teil der Resultate konzentriert sich auf das Phagosom, eine Organelle, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Eliminierung von Krankheitserregern spielt. Dies wird am Beispiel von M. tuberculosis veranschaulicht. Die Fragestellung wird wiederum in zwei Aspekten behandelt: i) Um die Prozesse, die durch M. tuberculosis inhibiert werden zu verstehen, haben wir uns auf das Phospholipid-Netzwerk konzentriert, das bei der Unterdr{\"u}ckung oder Aktivierung der Aktin-Polymerisation eine große Rolle spielt. Wir haben f{\"u}r diese Netzwerkanalyse eine Simulation f{\"u}r verschiedene Zeitpunkte {\"a}hnlich wie in Teil eins angewandt. ii) Es wird vermutet, dass Aktin-Polymere bei der Fusion des Phagosoms mit dem Lysosom eine Rolle spielen. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen, wurde ein in silico Modell von uns entwickelt. Wir fanden heraus, dass in der Anwesenheit von Aktin-Polymeren die Suchzeit f{\"u}r das Lysosom um das F{\"u}nffache reduziert wurde. Weiterhin wurden die Effekte der L{\"a}nge der Aktin-Polymere, die Gr{\"o}ße der Lysosomen sowie der Phagosomen und etliche andere Modellparameter analysiert. Nach der Untersuchung eines Signalwegs und einer Organelle f{\"u}hrte der n{\"a}chste Schritt zur Untersuchung eines komplexen biologischen Systems der Infektabwehr. Dies wurde am Beispiel der Wirt-Pathogen Interaktion bei Bordetella pertussis und Bordetella bronchiseptica dargestellt. Die geringe Menge verf{\"u}gbarer quantitativer Daten war der ausschlaggebende Faktor bei unserer Modellwahl. F{\"u}r die dynamische Simulation wurde ein selbst entwickeltes Bool'sches Modell verwendet. Die Ergebnisse sagen wichtige Faktoren bei der Pathologie von Bordetellen hervor, besonders die Bedeutung der Th1 assoziierten Antworten und dagegen nicht der Th2 assoziierten Antworten f{\"u}r die Eliminierung des Pathogens. Einige der quantitativen Vorhersagen wurden durch Experimente wie die Untersuchung des Verlaufs einer Infektion in verschiedenen Mutanten und Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die begrenzte Verf{\"u}gbarkeit kinetischer Daten war der kritische Faktor bei der Auswahl der computer-gest{\"u}tzten Modelle. Der Erfolg unserer Modelle konnte durch den Vergleich mit experimentellen Beobachtungen belegt werden. Die vergleichenden Modelle in Kapitel 6 und 9 k{\"o}nnen zur Untersuchung neuer Wirt-Pathogen Interaktionen verwendet werden. Beispielsweise f{\"u}hrt in Kapitel 6 die Analyse von Inhibitoren und inhibitorischer Signalwege aus drei Organismen zur Identifikation wichtiger regulatorischer Zentren in komplexen Organismen und in Kapitel 9 erm{\"o}glicht die Identifikation von drei Phasen in B. bronchiseptica und der Inhibition von IFN-\&\#947; durch den Faktor TTSS die Untersuchung {\"a}hnlicher Phasen und die Inhibition von IFN-\&\#947; in B. pertussis. Eine weitere wichtige Bedeutung bekommen diese Modelle durch die m{\"o}gliche Identifikation neuer, essentieller Komponenten in Wirt-Pathogen Interaktionen. In silico Modelle der Effekte von Deletionen zeigen solche Komponenten auf, die anschließend durch experimentelle Mutationen weiter untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Bordetella pertussis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duttu2005, author = {Duttu, Vallabhapurapu Subrahmanya}, title = {Regulation of B lymphocyte terminal differentiation and death by the transcription factor Blimp-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17158}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {B lymphocyte induced maturation protein-1 (Blimp-1) und X-box-binding protein-1" (XBP-1) sind als Transkriptionsfaktoren unverzichtbar f{\"u}r die terminale Differenzierung von B-Lymphozyten zu Immunglobulin (Ig)-sezernierenden Plasmazellen. Ebenso stellen die unfolded protein response (UPR) und das Spleißen von XBP-1, beides ausgel{\"o}st durch erh{\"o}hte Ig-Produktion, entscheidende Schritte auf dem Weg zur Plasmazellentstehung dar. Allerdings ist das Molek{\"u}l/ sind die Molek{\"u}le nach wie vor unbekannt, die diesen beiden Ereignissen in der Signalkaskade vorgeschaltet sind. Da die ektope Expression von Blimp-1 in B-Zellen hinreicht, diese zu Plasmazellen zu differenzieren, erscheint es plausibel, dass Blimp-1 das Molek{\"u}l sein k{\"o}nnte, das die Ausl{\"o}sung einer UPR und das Spleißen von XBP-1 steuert. Dieser M{\"o}glichkeit wurde durch ektope Expression von Blimp-1 in der Maus-B-Zell-Lymphomlinie WEHI 231 und in prim{\"a}ren B-Zellen aus der Milz von M{\"a}usen nachgegangen. Die ektope Expression von Blimp-1 f{\"u}hrte in beiden Zelltypen zur Erh{\"o}hung der Ig Produktion, zum Spleißen von XBP-1 und zur Sekretion von Immunglobulinen. Interessanterweise war der N-terminale Anteil von Blimp-1, bestehend aus den Aminos{\"a}uren 1-751, hinreichend, um diese Effekte auszul{\"o}sen, w{\"a}hrend der C-Terminus, der die Aminos{\"a}uren 465-856 umfaßte, keinen Effekt hatte. Dar{\"u}berhinaus, wurde die Expression von BIP, dessen Gen ein UPR-Zielgen ist, durch ektope Expression von Blimp-1 bzw. dessen N-Terminus in prim{\"a}ren B-Zellen erh{\"o}ht. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass Blimp-1, speziell dessen N-terminale Dom{\"a}ne, hinreichend ist, um eine UPR und die Prozessierung von XBP-1 auszul{\"o}sen, was zur Ig-Sekretion von B-Zellen f{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {B-Lymphozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Troesken2005, author = {Tr{\"o}sken, Eva-Regina}, title = {Toxicological evaluation of azole fungicides in agriculture and food chemistry}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17016}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Azole sind wichtige Chemikalien, die als Fungizide in der Landwirtschaft und der Medizin eingesetzt werden. Auch als Zytostatika in der Humanmedizin finden sie Anwendung. Die fungizide Wirkung beruht auf der Hemmung der Lanosterol-14\&\#945;-Demethylase (CYP51), die die Demethylierung von Lanosterol zum „Follicular Fluid Meiosis Activating Steroid (FF-MAS)" katalysiert. F{\"u}r Pilze ist das sp{\"a}ter resultierende Ergosterol ein essentieller Bestandteil der Zellmembran. Exponierten Pilzen fehlt Ergosterol was zu einem Zusammenbruch der Zellmembran f{\"u}hrt. S{\"a}ugetiere k{\"o}nnen Cholesterol, das sp{\"a}tere Produkt der Lanosterol-14\&\#945;-Demethylierung, das zur Synthese von z.B. Gallens{\"a}uren und Sexualhormonen n{\"o}tig ist, mit der Nahrung aufnehmen. FF-MAS und das resultierende T-MAS (Testis Meiosis Activating Steroids), die direkten Produkte der CYP51 katalysierten Reaktion, wirken als Meiose-aktivierende Steroide auf Ovarien und Hoden und werden nicht mit der Nahrung aufgenommen. Eine Hemmung der CYP51 Aktivit{\"a}t k{\"o}nnte das endokrine System beeinflussen und wird daher als unerw{\"u}nschte Nebenwirkung der Azole betrachtet. Aromatase (CYP19) katalysiert die Demethylierung von Testosteron zu {\"O}stradiol und wird durch Azole gehemmt. Die Verringerung der {\"O}strogenspiegel durch CYP19-Inhibition ist das Wirkprinzip der als Zytostatika genutzten Azole, bei den Fungiziden wird es als unerw{\"u}nschte Nebenwirkung angesehen. Ein ideales Azol sollte Pilz-CYP51 stark inhibieren, aber sowohl humanes CYP19 wie auch humanes CYP51 sollten durch ein solches Azol nicht inhibiert werden. Ein ideales Azol-Zytostatikum sollte eine starke inhibitorische Potenz gegen{\"u}ber humanem CYP19 aufweisen, hingegen sollten humanes und Pilz-CYP51 nicht inhibiert werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es nun festzustellen: sind Fungizide und Antimykotika starke Inhibitoren von Pilz-CYP51? Zeigen Fungizide und Antimykotika keine Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber humanem CYP19 und humanem CYP51? Sind Zytostatika starke Inhibitoren von humanem CYP19? Zeigen Zytostatika keine Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber humanem CYP51 und Pilz-CYP51? Die inhibitorische Potenz von 22 Azolen, aus den drei Anwendungsgebieten, wurden an vier Systemen getestet: i) an humanem CYP19 und einem fluoreszierenden Pseudosubstrat, ii) an CYP19 und Testosteron als Substrat, iii) an humanem CYP51 und iv) Candida albicans CYP51 und Lanosterol als Substrat. Die Produktbildung wurde mittels Hochdruckfl{\"u}ssigkeitschromatographie gekoppelter Tandem-Massenspektrometrie nach Photosprayionisation gemessen. Das humane CYP51 wurde von „BD Gentest Cooperation" zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt. Ein katalytisch aktiver Enzymkomplex bestehend aus der Lanosterol-14\&\#945;-Demethylase von Candida albicans und der Oxidoreduktase von Candida tropicalis, wurde im Baculovirussystem exprimiert. Ein Vergleich der inhibitorischen Wirkst{\"a}rke der Substanzen auf menschliches CYP19 und CYP51 und Pilz-CYP51 zeigt, dass einige Azole das erw{\"u}nschte Bild zeigen. Dazu geh{\"o}ren die beiden Zytostatika Fadrozol und Letrozol, sowie Fluconazol und Itraconazol, zwei Antimykotika aus der Humanmedizin, und einige Fungizide z.B. Cyproconazol und Hexaconazol. Ein unerw{\"u}nschtes Bild zeigen z.B. Prochloraz, Bifonazol, Ketoconazol und Miconazol. Sieben Azole weisen ein gemischtes Bild an inhibitorischen Wirkst{\"a}rken auf. Um einen modellartigen Eindruck der R{\"u}ckst{\"a}nde von Azolen in Lebensmitteln zu erhalten, wurde eine auf LC-ESI-MS/MS basierende R{\"u}ckstandsanalytik f{\"u}r Azole im Wein entwickelt. Alle gefunden R{\"u}ckst{\"a}nde lagen unterhalb der beh{\"o}rdlich festgelegten R{\"u}ckstandsh{\"o}chstmengen. Um die inhibitorische Wirkung der Azole auf die verschiedenen Enzymsysteme in einem gr{\"o}ßeren Zusammenhang zu bringen, wurden die IC50 Werte mit Expositionsdaten von Bauern, maximalen Plasmaspiegeln in Patienten nach der Einnahme von Antimykotika und mit Expositionsgrenzwerten f{\"u}r die Langzeitaufnahme von Pflanzenschutzmittelr{\"u}ckst{\"a}nden („Acceptable Daily Intake Levels", ADI) verglichen. Basierend auf den dargestellten Ergebnissen k{\"o}nnen folgende Schlussfolgerungen gezogen werden. Das Risiko f{\"u}r landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter durch Exposition gegen{\"u}ber Azolfungiziden kann im Bezug auf menschliches CYP19 und CYP51 als vernachl{\"a}ssigbar eingestuft werden, wenn die entsprechenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen getroffen werden. Im medizinischen Bereich muss grunds{\"a}tzlich der Einsatz von Bifonazol, Miconazol und Ketoconazol mit Blick auf die hohe inhibitorische Potenz gegen{\"u}ber menschlichem CYP19 und 51 kritisch betrachtet werden. Unter der Annahme, dass die ADI Werte eingehalten werden, stellen R{\"u}ckst{\"a}nde auf Lebensmitteln in Bezug auf die genannten Enzymsysteme keine Bedrohung f{\"u}r den Verbraucher da. Die Inhibition von CYP19 muss als St{\"o}rung des Hormonsystems angesehen werden. Die Bedeutung von FF-MAS und T-MAS im endokrinen System muss noch abschließend gekl{\"a}rt werden und damit auch die Frage, wie viel Bedeutung der Inhibition von menschlichem CYP51 beigemessen werden muss.}, subject = {Azole}, language = {en} }