@phdthesis{OenalHartmann2011, author = {{\"O}nal-Hartmann, Cigdem}, title = {Emotional Modulation of Motor Memory Formation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Hintergr{\"u}nde: Wie eine Vielzahl von Studien belegt, kann das explizite Ged{\"a}chtnis, das die bewusste Erinnerung an enkodierte Informationen beinhaltet, durch Emotionen beeinflusst werden, und zwar {\"u}ber den Einfluss auf verschiedene Verarbeitungsebenen (Enkodierung, Konsolidierung, Abruf usw.). Bisher wenig untersucht ist, ob und wie Emotionen Vorg{\"a}nge der motorischen Ged{\"a}chtnisbildung, die nicht auf bewusster Erinnerung beruhen und sich stattdessen durch Ver{\"a}nderungen im Verhalten darstellen, modulieren. Experiment 1: Das Ziel des ersten Experimentes war es, den Einfluss von Emotionen auf motorisches Lernen zu untersuchen. Vier Gruppen von Probanden mussten in einer motorischen Lernaufgabe schnelle, seitliche Bewegungen mit dem Daumen ausf{\"u}hren. W{\"a}hrend dieser Aufgabe h{\"o}rten die Probanden emotionale Kl{\"a}nge, die in Valenz und Arousal variierten: 1. Valenz negativ/ Arousal niedrig (V-/A-), 2. Valenz negativ/ Arousal hoch (V-/A+), 3. Valenz positiv/ Arousal niedrig (V+/A-), 4. Valenz positiv/ Arousal hoch (V+/A+). Die deskriptive Analyse aller Daten sprach f{\"u}r beste Ergebnisse f{\"u}r das motorische Lernen in der Bedingung V-/A-, aber die Unterschiede zwischen den Bedingungen waren nicht signifikant. Die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Arousal emotionaler T{\"o}ne scheint demnach motorische Enkodierungsprozesse zu modulieren, jedoch m{\"u}ssen zuk{\"u}nftige Studien mit unterschiedlichen emotionalen Stimuli die Annahme weiter untersuchen, dass negative Stimuli mit niedrigem Arousal w{\"a}hrend der Enkodierung einen f{\"o}rdernden Effekt auf das motorische Kurzzeitged{\"a}chtnis haben. Experiment 2: Die Absicht des zweiten Experimentes war es, die Auswirkungen emotionaler Interferenzen auf die Konsolidierung beim Sequenzlernen zu untersuchen. Sechs Gruppen von Probanden trainierten zuerst in getrennten Sitzungen eine SRTT-Aufgabe (serial reaction time task). Um die Konsolidierung der neu erlernten Fertigkeit zu modulieren, wurden die Probanden nach dem Training einer von drei unterschiedlichen Klassen emotionaler Stimuli (positiv, negativ oder neutral) ausgesetzt. Diese bestanden aus einem Set emotionaler Bilder, die mit emotional kongruenten Musikst{\"u}cken oder neutralen Kl{\"a}ngen kombiniert waren. Bei den Probandengruppen wurde die emotionale Interferenz nach zwei unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen realisiert, entweder direkt nach der Trainingssitzung oder sechs Stunden sp{\"a}ter. 72 Stunden nach der Trainingssitzung wurde jede Gruppe erneut mit der SRTT-Aufgabe getestet. Die Leistung in diesem Nachtest wurde mittels Reaktionszeit und Genauigkeit bei der Ausf{\"u}hrung der Zielsequenz analysiert. Die emotionale Interferenz beeinflusste weder die Nachtestergebnisse f{\"u}r die Reaktionszeit noch die f{\"u}r die Genauigkeit. Allerdings konnte eine Steigerung der expliziten Sequenzerkennung durch erregende negative Stimuli festgestellt werden, wenn diese direkt nach der ersten Trainingseinheit (0h) dargeboten wurden. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Konsolidierung der expliziten Aspekte prozeduralen Lernens in einer st{\"a}rkeren Wechselwirkung mit emotionalen Interferenzen stehen k{\"o}nnte als die der impliziten Aspekte. Die Konsolidierung unterschiedlicher Ebenen des Fertigkeitserwerbs k{\"o}nnte demnach von unterschiedlichen Mechanismen gesteuert werden. Da Performanz und explizites Sequenzerkennen nicht korrelierten, vermuten wir, dass implizite und explizite Modalit{\"a}ten bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung der SRTT-Aufgabe nicht komplement{\"a}r sind. Experiment 3: Es sollte untersucht werden, ob es eine Pr{\"a}ferenz der linken Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Flexionsreaktionen auf positive Stimuli gibt und der rechten Hemisph{\"a}re bei der Kontrolle von Extensionsreaktionen auf negative Stimuli. Zu diesem Zweck sollten rechtsh{\"a}ndige Probanden einen Joystick zu sich ziehen oder von sich weg dr{\"u}cken, nachdem sie einen positiven oder negativen Stimulus in ihrem linken oder rechten Gesichtsfeld gesehen hatten. Die Flexionsreaktionen waren bei positiven Stimuli schneller, Extensionsreaktion hingegen bei negativen Stimuli. Insgesamt war die Performanz am schnellsten, wenn die emotionalen Stimuli im linken Gesichtsfeld pr{\"a}sentiert wurden. Dieser Vorrang der rechten Gehirnhemisph{\"a}re war besonders deutlich f{\"u}r negative Stimuli, wohingegen die Reaktionszeiten auf positive Bilder keine hemisph{\"a}rische Differenzierung zeigten. Wir konnten keine Interaktion zwischen Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp belegen, auch fand sich keine Dreifachinteraktion zwischen Valenz, Gesichtsfeld und Reaktionstyp. In unserem experimentellen Kontext scheint die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und Gesichtsfeld st{\"a}rker zu sein als die Interaktion zwischen Valenz und motorischem Verhalten. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse vermuten wir, dass unter gewissen Bedingungen eine Hierarchisierung der asymmetrischen Muster Vorrang hat, die m{\"o}glicherweise andere vorhandene Asymmetrien maskieren k{\"o}nnte.}, subject = {Motorisches Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zundler2019, author = {Zundler, Matthias}, title = {Einfluss der Phosphoglykolat-Phosphatase auf den Metabolismus von Signal-, Membran- und Speicherlipiden in murinen Embryonen und Lymphozyten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16844}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168442}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die Phosphoglykolat-Phosphatase PGP (fr{\"u}her auch als AUM bezeichnet) wurde in unserem Labor als Mitglied der HAD-Typ-Phosphatasen identifiziert. Die genetische Inaktivierung des Enzyms im gesamten Mausorganismus f{\"u}hrt ab E8.5 zu einer Wachstumsverz{\"o}gerung muriner Embryonen und bis E12.5 schließlich zu deren Tod. Im Gegensatz dazu sind M{\"a}use mit einer PGP-Inaktivierung in h{\"a}matopoetischen Zellen und im Endothel lebensf{\"a}hig und ph{\"a}notypisch unauff{\"a}llig. Neue Erkenntnisse schreiben dem Enzym neben einer Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Phosphoglykolat auch Aktivit{\"a}ten gegen{\"u}ber Glycerin-3-phosphat (G3P), P-Erythronat und P-Lactat zu. Da diese Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}ten Auswirkungen auf den Lipidstoffwechsel nahelegen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit mittels massenspektrometrischer Methoden der Einfluss der Phosphoglykolat-Phosphatase auf den Metabolismus von Signal-, Membran- und Speicherlipiden in murinen Embryonen und Lymphozyten untersucht. Nach Inaktivierung der PGP im gesamten Organismus wurden in E8.5-Embryonen erh{\"o}hte Diacylglycerin (DG)-, Triacylglycerin (TG)- und Sphingomyelin (SM)-Spiegel gemessen, w{\"a}hrend niedrigere Phosphatidylcholin (PC)-Level vorlagen. In PGP-inaktivierten Lymphozyten waren G3P-, DG-, TG-, PC- und SM-Level nicht ver{\"a}ndert. Daf{\"u}r kam es zu signifikanten Erh{\"o}hungen der Phosphatidylglycerol (PG*)- und Cardiolipin (CL)-Spiegel. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass die PGP in unterschiedlichen Geweben differenzielle Effekte auf die Spiegel verschiedener Lipide hat. Dies deckt neue Funktionen der PGP f{\"u}r die Regulation des Lipidmetabolismus auf. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt somit die Grundlage f{\"u}r weitere Untersuchungen {\"u}ber die genauen Ursachen und Folgen dieser Regulation dar und l{\"a}sst auf eine wichtige Rolle der PGP als metabolische Phosphatase im Organismus schließen.}, subject = {Phosphoglykolatphosphatase}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zugelder2019, author = {Zugelder, Laurens}, title = {Etablierung eines stabilen induzierbaren Multikassetten-Systems f{\"u}r shRNA-Knockdown-Konstrukte in Myelom Zelllinien und Anwendung zur Analyse des NFκB-Signalwegs}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18837}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188377}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das Multiple Myelom muss trotz stetiger Fortschritte im Hinblick auf die verf{\"u}gbaren Therapieoptionen und die Krankheitsprognose weiterhin im Wesentlichen als eine unheilbare Erkrankung angesehen werden. Dies kann vor allem auf die große inter- und intraindividuelle Heterogenit{\"a}t des MM zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, welche die Entwicklung gezielter molekularer Therapiestrategien erheblich erschwert. Hierbei stellen loss-of-function- Experimente, welche die Identifikation einzelner oder mehrerer potenziell therapeutisch relevanter Zielstrukturen durch die (kombinierte) Depletion von Proteinen erm{\"o}glichen, eine wichtige S{\"a}ule dar, f{\"u}r deren Durchf{\"u}hrung verschiedene Systeme mit jeweils eigenen Vor- und Nachteilen zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Etablierung eines auf RNA-Interferenz basierenden stabilen und induzierbaren Knockdownsystems durch Elektroporation von MM Zelllinien mit Einzel- und Mehrfach-shRNA-Vektoren abgeschlossen werden. Die Transfektion von tet-Repressor-exprimierenden Zellinien mit einer oder mehreren shRNAExpressionskassetten innerhalb eines Plasmidvektors erm{\"o}glicht durch die vollst{\"a}ndige Repression der shRNA-Transkription im nicht-induzierten Zustand die Selektion erfolgreich transponierter Zellen ohne Effekt-vermittelte Bias und die Generierung großer Zellmengen f{\"u}r Versuchsreihen in vergleichsweise kurzer Zeit. Die Induktion der verschiedenen in dieser Arbeit evaluierten Einzel- und Mehrfach-shRNA-Konstrukte gegen (Kombinationen von) Zielstrukturen im Ras/MAPK- sowie im NFκB-Signalsystem mittels Doxyzyklin als Induktionsagens zeigte durchweg deutliche und den Erwartungen aus transienten Experimenten entsprechende Knockdownergebnisse. Auch die Resultate hinsichtlich funktioneller Readouts und zellphysiologischer Effekte der induzierten Knockouts stehen im Einklang mit vorangegangenen Experimenten und best{\"a}tigen somit die {\"A}quivalenz des stabilen induzierbaren Systems zu transienten Ans{\"a}tzen auf RNAi-Basis oder zu pharmakologischen Inhibitoren. Der hierbei erzielte hypomorphe Ph{\"a}notyp innerhalb einer polyklonalen Zellpopulation bildet die Realit{\"a}t einer medikament{\"o}sen Blockade einer oder weniger Zielstrukturen einer heterogenen MM Tumorpopulation n{\"a}herungsweise ab, weshalb das vorgestellte System ein hilfreiches, kosteneffizientes und leicht zu handhabendes Werkzeug f{\"u}r die Identifikation potenziell relevanter Zielstrukturen f{\"u}r molekulare Therapieans{\"a}tze im Multiplen Myelom darstellt}, subject = {Plasmozytom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zude2014, author = {Zude, Ingmar}, title = {Characterization of virulence-associated traits of Escherichia coli bovine mastitis isolates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-100934}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Bacterial mastitis is caused by invasion of the udder, bacterial multiplication and induction of inflammatory responses in the bovine mammary gland. Disease severity and the cause of disease are influenced by environmental factors, the cow's immune response as well as bacterial traits. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the main causes of acute bovine mastitis, but although pathogenic E. coli strains can be classified into different pathotypes, E. coli causing mastitis cannot unambiguously be distinguished from commensal E. coli nor has a common set of virulence factors been described for mastitis isolates. This project focussed on the characterization of virulence- associated traits of E. coli mastitis isolates in comprehensive analyses under conditions either mimicking initial pathogenesis or conditions that E. coli mastitis isolates should encounter while entering the udder. Virulence-associated traits as well as fitness traits of selected bovine mastitis or faecal E. coli strains were identified and analyzed in comparative phenotypic assays. Raw milk whey was introduced to test bacterial fitness in native mammary secretion known to confer antimicrobial effects. Accordingly, E. coli isolates from bovine faeces represented a heterogeneous group of which some isolates showed reduced ability to survive in milk whey whereas others phenotypically resembled mastitis isolates that represented a homogeneous group in that they showed similar survival and growth characteristics in milk whey. In contrast, mastitis isolates did not exhibit such a uniform phenotype when challenged with iron shortage, lactose as sole carbon source and lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP) as a main defensin of milk. Reduced bacterial fitness could be related to LAP suggesting that bacterial adaptation to an intramammary lifestyle requires resistance to host defensins present in mammary secretions, at least LAP. E. coli strain 1303 and ECC-1470 lack particular virulence genes associated to mastitis isolates. To find out whether differences in gene expression may contribute to the ability of E. coli variants to cause mastitis, the transcriptome of E. coli model mastitis isolates 1303 and ECC-1470 were analyzed to identify candidate genes involved in bacterium-host interaction, fitness or even pathogenicity during bovine mastitis. DNA microarray analysis was employed to assess the transcriptional response of E. coli 1303 and ECC-1470 upon cocultivation with MAC-T immortalized bovine mammary gland epithelial cells to identify candidate genes involved in bacterium-host interaction. Additionally, the cell adhesion and invasion ability of E. coli strain 1303 and ECC-1470 was investigated. The transcriptonal response to the presence of host cells rather suggested competition for nutrients and oxygen between E. coli and MAC-T cells than marked signs of adhesion and invasion. Accordingly, mostly fitness traits that may also contribute to efficient colonization of the E. coli primary habitat, the gut, have been utilized by the mastitis isolates under these conditions. In this study, RNA-Seq was employed to assess the bacterial transcriptional response to milk whey. According to our transcriptome data, the lack of positively deregulated and also of true virulence-associated determinants in both of the mastitis isolates indicated that E. coli might have adapted by other means to the udder (or at least mammary secretion) as an inflammatory site. We identified traits that promote bacterial growth and survival in milk whey. The ability to utilize citrate promotes fitness and survival of E. coli that are thriving in mammary secretions. According to our results, lactoferrin has only weak impact on E. coli in mammary secretions. At the same time bacterial determinants involved in iron assimilation were negatively regulated, suggesting that, at least during the first hours, iron assimilation is not a challenge to E. coli colonizing the mammary gland. It has been hypothesized that cellular iron stores cause temporary independency to extracellular accessible iron. According to our transcriptome data, this hypothesis was supported and places iron uptake systems beyond the speculative importance that has been suggested before, at least during early phases of infection. It has also been shown that the ability to resist extracytoplasmic stress, by oxidative conditions as well as host defensins, is of substantial importance for bacterial survival in mammary secretions. In summary, the presented thesis addresses important aspects of host-pathogen interaction and bacterial conversion to hostile conditions during colonization of the mastitis inflammatory site, the mammary gland.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zoran2022, author = {Zoran, Tamara}, title = {Multilevel analysis of the human immune response to \(Aspergillus\) \(fumigatus\) infection: Characteristic molecular signatures and individual risk factors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298512}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Although the field of fungal infections advanced tremendously, diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in immunocompromised patients continues to be a challenge. Since IPA is a multifactorial disease, investigation from different aspects may provide new insights, helpful for improving IPA diagnosis. This work aimed to characterize the human immune response to Aspergillus fumigatus in a multilevel manner to identify characteristic molecular candidates and risk factors indicating IPA, which may in the future support already established diagnostic assays. We combined in vitro studies using myeloid cells infected with A. fumigatus and longitudinal case-control studies investigating patients post allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) suffering from IPA and their match controls. Characteristic miRNA and mRNA signatures indicating A. fumigatus-infected monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) demonstrated the potential to differentiate between A. fumigatus and Escherichia coli infection. Transcriptome and protein profiling of alloSCT patients suffering from IPA and their matched controls revealed a distinctive IPA signature consisting of MMP1 induction and LGAL2 repression in combination with elevated IL-8 and caspase-3 levels. Both, in vitro and case-control studies, suggested cytokines, matrix-metallopeptidases and galectins are important in the immune response to A. fumigatus. Identified IPA characteristic molecular candidates are involved in numerous processes, thus a combination of these in a distinctive signature may increase the specificity. Finally, low monocyte counts, severe GvHD of the gut (grade ≥ 2) and etanercept administration were significantly associated with IPA diagnosis post alloSCT. Etanercept in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) infected with A. fumigatus downregulates genes involved in the NF-κB and TNF-α pathway and affects the secretion of CXCL10. Taken together, identified characteristic molecular signatures and risk factors indicating IPA may in the future in combination with established fungal biomarkers overcome current diagnostic challenges and help to establish tailored antifungal therapy. Therefore, further multicentre studies are encouraged to evaluate reported findings.}, subject = {Aspergillus fumigatus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZinkgebSondergeld2015, author = {Zink [geb. Sondergeld], Thomas Gerd}, title = {Der Cofilin-Signalweg im Glioblastoma multiforme - Ursachen f{\"u}r den Verlust von Chronophin und Einfluss von LIM-Kinase-Inhibitoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Das invasive Potential maligner Gliome beeinflusst maßgeblich die schlechte Prognose dieser Tumorentit{\"a}t. Migration und Invasion von Tumorzellen werden entscheidend durch die Cofilin-vermittelte Umstrukturierung des Aktin-Zytoskeletts gepr{\"a}gt, die durch die Aktivit{\"a}t antagonistischer Cofilin-Kinasen und -Phosphatasen reguliert wird. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ein progressiver Expressionsverlust der Cofilin-Phosphatase Chronophin mit ansteigendem Malignit{\"a}tsgrad astrozyt{\"a}rer Gliome aufgezeigt werden, der mit einer Zunahme der Phosphorylierung von Cofilin einhergeht. In den entsprechenden Gewebeproben gelang gleichzeitig der Nachweis einer gesteigerten Expression der Cofilin-Kinase LIMK-2. Genetische und epigenetische Analysen des Chronophin-Locus konnten eine Hypermethylierung im Bereich der Promotorregion der Phosphatase identifizieren, die m{\"o}glicherweise dem Verlust von Chronophin in Glioblastom-Gewebeproben zugrunde liegt. In Glioblastom-Zelllinien, die unterschiedliche Expressionsmuster von Chronophin aufwiesen, konnten hingegen keine molekularen Alterationen festgestellt werden. Untersuchungen des Einflusses von ROCK- und LIMK-Inhibitoren auf Glioblastomzellen konnten ausgepr{\"a}gte Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zellmorphologie dokumentieren, wobei erstmals die Induktion eines stellate cell-Ph{\"a}notyps unter Einfluss des LIMK-Inhibitors BMS-5 beschrieben wird. W{\"a}hrend ROCK- und LIMK-Inhibitoren keinen Einfluss auf die 2D-Motilit{\"a}t der Tumorzellen hatten, wiesen die Glioblastomzellen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit ihrer basalen Cofilin-Aktivit{\"a}t eine verst{\"a}rkte bzw. verminderte 3D-Invasivit{\"a}t auf. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit unterstreichen die Bedeutung des Cofilin-Signalweges f{\"u}r die Migration und Invasion von Gliomzellen, zeigen neue Angriffspunkte in der Therapie maligner Gliome auf und warnen zugleich vor einem unkritischen Einsatz neuer Wirkstoffe.}, subject = {Cofilin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zimniak2024, author = {Zimniak, Melissa Maria}, title = {Der Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer Fluoxetin inhibiert die SARS-CoV-2-Replikation}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34719}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die COVID-19 Pandemie ist die bisher verheerendste Pandemie des 21. Jahrhunderts. Durch die Einf{\"u}hrung neuer mRNA-basierter Impfstoffe sowie der hohen Rate nat{\"u}rlicher Infektionen konnte die weltweite SARS-CoV-2-Immunit{\"a}t gesteigert werden. Trotz aller Erfolge zur Eind{\"a}mmung der Pandemie kann eine Infektion auch heute noch zu schweren Verl{\"a}ufen und Tod f{\"u}hren. Eine ad{\"a}quate COVID-19-Therapie ist folglich auf potente Virostatika angewiesen. Eine durch Umgehung zeitaufw{\"a}ndiger klinischer Studien schnell verf{\"u}gbare Alternative zu neu entwickelten Arzneimitteln ist die Anwendung etablierter Medikamente. Wir isolierten und charakterisierten ein von einem Patienten stammendes SARS-CoV-2-Virus. Dieses Virusisolat wurde bisher in elf Publikationen verwendet. Mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-Polymerasekettenreaktion untersuchten wir eine Substanzbibliothek mit mehr als 300 neuen und bereits zugelassenen Wirkstoffen auf ihre Wirksamkeit gegen SARS-CoV-2. Dabei konnten wir zeigen, dass der selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer Fluoxetin die SARS-CoV-2-Replikation ab einer Dosis von 0,8 μg/ml signifikant inhibiert, einer bei der Behandlung von Depressionen h{\"a}ufig angewandten Dosierung. Der EC50-Wert lag bei 387 ng/ml. Die Behandlung mit Fluoxetin resultierte in einer reduzierten Zahl an Virusprotein-produzierenden Zellen, was darauf hindeutet, dass es die virale Reinfektion und/oder Proteinexpression inhibiert. Fluoxetin ist ein racemisches Gemisch, wobei das (S)-Enantiomer der potentere Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer ist. Wir konnten zeigen, dass beide Enantiomere einen vergleichbaren antiviralen Effekt gegen SARS-CoV-2 aufweisen, wodurch das (R)-Enantiomer bei virologischer Indikation gegebenenfalls pr{\"a}feriert werden sollte. Fluoxetin hat keinen Einfluss auf die Replikation des Tollwut-Virus und des Humanen Respiratorischen Synzytial-Virus, was auf eine Virusspezifit{\"a}t hindeutet. Weitere aus der Bibliothek stammende signifikante Inhibitoren der SARS-CoV-2-Replikation sind die am Institut f{\"u}r Organische Chemie W{\"u}rzburg entwickelten Substanzen AKS 232 und AKS 128. Neben der medikament{\"o}sen Therapie ist die akkurate Bestimmung neutralisierender Antik{\"o}rper gegen SARS-CoV-2 zur Quantifizierung des bestehenden (Re-) Infektionsschutzes sowie zur Planung zuk{\"u}nftiger Impfstrategien von großer Bedeutung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten wir unter Verwendung der quantitativen Echtzeit-Polymerasekettenreaktion erfolgreich ein zuverl{\"a}ssiges Testverfahren zur Detektion neutralisierender anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antik{\"o}rper.}, subject = {Fluoxetin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{ZimmermannneePapp2024, author = {Zimmermann [n{\´e}e Papp], Lena}, title = {Platelets as modulators of blood-brain barrier disruption and inflammation in the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302850}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ischemia-reperfusion injury (I/R injury) is a common complication in ischemic stroke (IS) treatment, which is characterized by a paradoxical perpetuation of tissue damage despite the successful re-establishment of vascular perfusion. This phenomenon is known to be facilitated by the detrimental interplay of platelets and inflammatory cells at the vascular interface. However, the spatio-temporal and molecular mechanisms underlying these cellular interactions and their contribution to infarct progression are still incompletely understood. Therefore, this study intended to clarify the temporal mechanisms of infarct growth after cerebral vessel recanalization. The data presented here could show that infarct progression is driven by early blood-brain-barrier perturbation and is independent of secondary thrombus formation. Since previous studies unravelled the secretion of platelet granules as a molecular mechanism of how platelets contribute to I/R injury, special emphasis was placed on the role of platelet granule secretion in the process of barrier dysfunction. By combining an in vitro approach with a murine IS model, it could be shown that platelet α-granules exerted endothelial-damaging properties, whereas their absence (NBEAL2-deficiency) translated into improved microvascular integrity. Hence, targeting platelet α-granules might serve as a novel treatment option to reduce vascular integrity loss and diminish infarct growth despite recanalization. Recent evidence revealed that pathomechanisms underlying I/R injury are already instrumental during large vessel occlusion. This indicates that penumbral tissue loss under occlusion and I/R injury during reperfusion share an intertwined relationship. In accordance with this notion, human observational data disclosed the presence of a neutrophil dominated immune response and local platelet activation and secretion, by the detection of the main components of platelet α-granules, within the secluded vasculature of IS patients. These initial observations of immune cells and platelets could be further expanded within this thesis by flow cytometric analysis of local ischemic blood samples. Phenotyping of immune cells disclosed a yet unknown shift in the lymphocyte population towards CD4+ T cells and additionally corroborated the concept of an immediate intravascular immune response that is dominated by granulocytes. Furthermore, this thesis provides first-time evidence for the increased appearance of platelet-leukocyte-aggregates within the secluded human vasculature. Thus, interfering with immune cells and/or platelets already under occlusion might serve as a potential strategy to diminish infarct expansion and ameliorate clinical outcome after IS.}, subject = {Schlaganfall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zillig2024, author = {Zillig, Anna-Lena Christina}, title = {Einfluss von Sicherheit auf die Schmerzverarbeitung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35928}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359282}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im Rahmen des interdisziplin{\"a}ren Promotionsschwerpunkts Resilienzfaktoren der Schmerzverarbeitung des evangelischen Studienwerks in Zusammenarbeit mit der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg und der Otto-Friedrich-Universit{\"a}t Bamberg untersuche ich in diesem Promotionsprojekt den Einfluss von Sicherheit auf die Schmerzverarbeitung. Es ist bekannt, dass die Schmerzverarbeitung durch Emotionen moduliert werden kann. Man geht davon aus, dass negative Emotionen den Schmerz in der Regel verst{\"a}rken, w{\"a}hrend positive Emotionen zu einer Schmerzreduktion f{\"u}hren. Fr{\"u}here Studien fanden heraus, dass die Erwartung eines aversiven Ereignisses zu Bedrohung und st{\"a}rkeren Schmerzen f{\"u}hrt. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob das Gegenteil von Bedrohung, n{\"a}mlich Sicherheit, zu einer Verringerung der Schmerzen f{\"u}hren kann. Um diese Hypothese zu untersuchen, habe ich drei Experimente an gesunden ProbandInnen durchgef{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {Sicherheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2016, author = {Ziegler, Christiane}, title = {Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Anxiety Disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Anxiety disorders (AD) are common, disabling mental disorders, which constitute the most prevalent mental health condition conveying a high individual and socioeconomic burden. Social anxiety disorder (SAD), i.e. fear in social situations particularly when subjectively scrutinized by others, is the second most common anxiety disorder with a life time prevalence of 10\%. Panic disorder (PD) has a life time prevalence of 2-5\% and is characterized by recurrent and abrupt surges of intense fear and anticipatory anxiety, i.e. panic attacks, occurring suddenly and unexpected without an apparent cue. In recent years, psychiatric research increasingly focused on epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation as a possible solution for the problem of the so-called "hidden heritability", which conceptualizes the fact that the genetic risk variants identified so far only explain a small part of the estimated heritability of mental disorders. In the first part of this thesis, oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene methylation was investigated regarding its role in the pathogenesis of social anxiety disorder. In summary, OXTR methylation patterns were implicated in different phenotypes of social anxiety disorder on a categorical, neuropsychological, neuroendocrinological as well as on a neural network level. The results point towards a multilevel role of OXTR gene hypomethylation particularly at one CpG site (CpG3, Chr3: 8 809 437) within the protein coding region of the gene in SAD. The second part of the thesis investigated monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene methylation regarding its role in the pathogenesis of panic disorder as well as - applying a psychotherapy-epigenetic approach - its dynamic regulation during the course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in PD patients. First, MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be associated with panic disorder as well as with panic disorder severity. Second, in patients responding to treatment MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be reversible up to the level of methylation in healthy controls after the course of CBT. This increase in MAOA methylation along with successful psychotherapeutic treatment was furthermore shown to be associated with symptom improvement regarding agoraphobic avoidance in an independent replication sample of non-medicated patients with PD. Taken together, in the future the presently identified epigenetic patterns might contribute to establishing targeted preventive interventions and personalized treatment options for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder, respectively.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegenhals2018, author = {Ziegenhals, Thomas}, title = {The role of the miR-26 family in neurogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {For the differentiation of a embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to neuronal cells (NCs) a complex and coordinated gene regulation program is needed. One important control element for neuronal differentiation is the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) complex, which represses neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. Crucial effector proteins of the REST complex are small phosphatases such as the CTDSPs (C-terminal domain small phosphatases) that regulate polymerase II activity by dephosphorylating the C-terminal domain of the polymerase, thereby repressing target genes. The stepwise inactivation of REST, including the CTDSPs, leads to the induction of a neuron-specific gene program, which ultimately induces the formation of neurons. The spatio-temporal control of REST and its effector components is therefore a crucial step for neurogenesis. In zebrafish it was shown that the REST-associated CTDSP2 is negatively regulated by the micro RNA (miR) -26b. Interestingly, the miR-26b is encoded in an intron of the primary transcript of CTDSP2. This gives the fundament of an intrinsic regulatory negative feedback loop, which is essential for the proceeding of neurogenesis. This feedback loop is active during neurogenesis, but inactive in non-neuronal cells. The reason for this is that the maturation of the precursor miR (pre-miR) to the mature miR-26 is arrested in non neuronal cells, but not in neurons. As only mature miRs are actively repressing genes, the regulation of miR-26 processing is an essential step in neurogenesis. In this study, the molecular basis of miR-26 processing regulation in the context of neurogenesis was addressed. The mature miR is processed from two larger precursors: First the primary transcript is cleaved by the enzyme DROSHA in the nucleus to form the pre-miR. The pre-miR is exported from the nucleus and processed further through the enzyme DICER to yield the mature miR. The mature miR can regulate gene expression in association with the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Multiple different scenarios in which miR processing was regulated were proposed and experimentally tested. Microinjection studies using Xenopus leavis oocytes showed that slowdown or blockage of the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport are not the reason for delayed pre-miR-26 processing. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo miR-processing assays showed that maturation is most likely regulated through a in trans acting factor, which blocks processing in non neuronal cells. Through RNA affinity chromatographic assays using zebrafish and murine lysates I was able to isolate and identify proteins that interact specifically with pre-miR-26 and could by this influence its biogenesis. Potential candidates are FMRP/FXR1/2, ZNF346 and Eral1, whose functional characterisation in the context of miR-biogenesis could now be addressed. The second part of my thesis was executed in close colaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Albrecht M{\"u}ller. The principal question was addressed how miR-26 influences neuronal gene expression and which genes are primarily affected. This research question could be addressed by using a cell culture model system, which mimics ex vivo the differentiation of ESCs to NCs via neuronal progenitor. For the functional analysis of miR-26 knock out cell lines were generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. miR-26 deficient ESC keep their pluripotent state and are able to develop NPC, but show major impairment in differentiating to NCs. Through RNA deep sequencing the miR-26 induced transcriptome differences could be analysed. On the level of mRNAs it could be shown, that the expression of neuronal gene is downregulated in miR-26 deficient NCs. Interestingly, the deletion of miR-26 leads to selectively decreased levels of miRs, which on one hand regulate the REST complex and on the other hand are under transcriptional control by REST themself. This data and the discovery that induction of miR-26 leads to enrichment of other REST regulating miRs indicates that miR-26 initiates neurogenesis through stepwise inactivation of the REST complex.}, subject = {miRNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhu2020, author = {Zhu, Mo}, title = {Germination and differentiation of \(Blumeria\) \(graminis\) ascospores and effects of UV-C and white light irradiation on \(B.\) \(graminis\) conidial prepenetration}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16647}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Blumeria graminis, the obligate biotrophic grass powdery mildew, is a highly pathogenic fungus capable of inflicting foliar diseases and of causing severe yield losses. There is asexual and sexual propagation in the life cycle of B. graminis. In the epidemiological processes of this pathogen, both types of spores - asexual conidia and sexual ascospores - are crucial. Conidia of B. graminis are demonstrated to perceive cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes as molecular signal substances notably promoting germination and differentiation of the infection structure (the appressorium) - the prepenetration processes - in a concentration- and chain-length-dependent manner. Conidial germination and appressorium formation are known to be dramatically impeded by the presence of free water on the host surface. However, sexually formed ascospores are reported to easily germinate immersed in water. There are abundant assays on conidial prepenetration processes. However, with respect to the stimulating effects of very-long-chain aldehydes and to the influence of the presence of free water, ascosporic prepenetration processes are still obscure. In order to study the effects of very-long-chain aldehydes on the ascosporic prepenetration processes of wheat powdery mildew fungus B. graminis f. sp. tritici, Formvar®-based in vitro systems were applied to exclude the secondary host effects (such as host resistance) and to reproducibly provide homogeneous hydrophobic substratum surfaces. By the presence of even-numbered very-long-chain aldehydes (C22 - C30), the appressorium formation of the ascospores was notably triggered in a chain-length dependent manner. N-octacosanal (C28) was the most inducing aldehyde tested. Unlike conidia, ascospores could easily differentiate immersed in water and showed a more variable differentiation pattern even with a single germ tube differentiating an appressorium. To evaluate the alternative management against barley powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, the suppressing effects of UV-C irradiation on the developmental processes of conidia on artificial surfaces (in vitro) and on host leaf surfaces (in vivo) were assayed. In vitro and in vivo, a single dose of 100 J m-2 UV-C was adequate to decrease conidial germination to < 20 \% and to reduce appressorium formation to values < 5 \%. UV-C irradiation negatively affected colony pustule size and vegetative propagation. Under photoperiodic conditions of 2h light/16h dark, 6h dark/12h light or 6h dark/18h light, UV-C-treated conidia showed photoreactivation (photo-recovery). White light-mediated photoreactivation was most effective immediately after UV-C irradiation, suggesting that a prolonged phase of darkness after UV-C application increased the efficacy of management against B. graminis. UV-C irradiation increased transcript levels of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis, indicating those were probably involved in photoreactivation processes. However, mere white light or blue light (wavelength peak, 475 nm) could not induce the up-regulation of these genes. To determine whether visible light directly impacted the prepenetration and penetration processes of this powdery mildew pathogen, conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici were inoculated onto artificial surfaces and on host leaf surfaces. Samples were analyzed after incubation periods under light conditions (white light intensity and spectral quality). Increasing white light intensities directly impaired conidial prepenetration processes in vitro but not in vivo. Applying an agar layer under the wax membrane compensated for conidial water loss as a consequence of high white light irradiation. Light stimulated in vitro and in vivo the appressorium elongation of B. graminis in a wavelength-dependent manner. Red light was more effective to trigger the elongation of appressorium than blue light or green light assayed. Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrate that 1) a host surface recognition principle based on cuticular very-long-chain aldehydes is a common feature of B. graminis f. sp. tritici ascospores and conidia; 2) the transcriptional changes of three putative photolyase genes in B. graminis are mediated in a UV-C-dependent manner; 3) light directly affected the (pre)penetration processes of B. graminis.}, subject = {Blumeria graminis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zheng2012, author = {Zheng, Peilin}, title = {Ptpn22 silencing in the NOD model of type 1 diabetes indicates the human susceptibility allele of PTPN22 is a gain-of-function variant}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {PTPN22 encodes the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase Lyp that can dephosphorylate Lck, ZAP-70 and Fyn to attenuate TCR signaling. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (C1858T) causes a substitution from arginine (R) to tryptophan (W) at 620 residue (R620W). Lyp-620W has been confirmed as a susceptible allele in multiple autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes (T1D). Several independent studies proposed that the disease-associated allele is a gain-of-function variant. However, a recent report found that in human cells and a knockin mouse containing the R620W homolog that Ptpn22 protein degradation is accelerated, indicating Lyp-620W is a loss-of-function variant. Whether Lyp R620W is a gain- or loss-of-function variant remains controversial. To resolve this issue, we generated two lines (P2 and P4) of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice in which Ptpn22 can be inducibly silenced by RNAi. We found long term silencing of Ptpn22 increased spleen cellularity and regulatory T (Treg) cell numbers, replicating the effect of gene deletion reported in the knockout (KO) B6 mice. Notably, Ptpn22 silencing also increased the reactivity and apoptotic behavior of B lymphocytes, which is consistent with the reduced reactivity and apoptosis of human B cells carrying the alleged gain-of-function PTPN22 allele. Furthermore, loss of Ptpn22 protected P2 KD mice from spontaneous and Cyclophosphamide (CY) induced diabetes. Our data support the notion that Lyp-620W is a gain-of-function variant. Moreover, Lyp may be a valuable target for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.}, subject = {Diabetes mellitus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhang2024, author = {Zhang, Tengyu}, title = {Development of Modified polylysine based antibody conjugated nanoparticles with tumor-restricted, FcγR-independent stimulatory activity by targeting Fn14}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In this study, we developed an innovative nanoparticle formulation to facilitate the delivery of antitumor antibodies to tumor sites. The study commenced with the utilization of 13 bispecific antibody fusion proteins, which targeted the Fn14 receptor, thereby validating the pivotal role of crosslinking in Fn14 receptor activation. Subsequently, gold nanoparticles were activated using COOH-PEG-SH in combination with EDC/NHS, and subsequently conjugated with two Fn14-targeting antibodies, PDL192 and 5B6. Following this, a pH-sensitive shell was generated on the outer layer of the antibody-coupled gold nanoparticles through the application of chemically modified polylysine. The resultant complexes, termed MPL-antibody-AuNP, demonstrated a release profile reminiscent of the tumor microenvironment (TME). Notably, these complexes released antibody-AuNPs only in slightly acidic conditions while remaining intact in neutral or basic environments. Functionality analysis further affirmed the pH-sensitive property of MPL-antibody-AuNPs, demonstrating that the antibodies only initiated potent Fn14 activation in slightly acidic environments. This formulation holds potential for applicability to antibodies or ligands targeting the 80 TNFRSF family, given that gold nanoparticles successfully served as platforms for antibody crosslinking, thereby transforming these antibodies into potent agonists. Moreover, the TME disintegration profile of MPL mitigates the potential cytotoxic effects of antibodies, thereby circumventing associated adverse side effects. This study not only showcases the potential of nanoparticle formulations in targeted therapy, but also provides a solid foundation for further investigations on their clinical application in the context of targeting category II TNFRSF receptors with antibodies or ligands.}, subject = {Immuntherapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhang2012, author = {Zhang, Guoliang}, title = {Phytochemical Research on Two Ancistrocladus Species, Semi-Synthesis of Dimeric Naphthylisoquinoline Alkaloids, and Structure Optimization of Antitumoral Naphthoquinones}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Plant-derived natural products and their analogs continue to play an important role in the discovery of new drugs for the treatment of human diseases. Potentially promising representatives of secondary metabolites are the naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, which show a broad range of activities against protozoan pathogens, such as plasmodia, leishmania, and trypanosoma. Due to the increasing resistance of those pathogens against current therapies, highly potent novel agents are still urgently needed. Thus, it is worthy to discover new naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids hopefully with pronounced bioactivities by isolation from plants or by synthesis. The naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids are biosynthetically related to another class of plant-derived products, the naphthoquinones, some of which have been recently found to display excellent anti-multiple myeloma activities without showing any cytotoxicities on normal blood cells. Multiple myeloma still remains incurable, although remissions may be induced with co-opted therapeutic treatments. Therefore, more potent naphthoquinones are urgently required, and can be obtained by isolation from plants or by synthesis. In detail, the results in this thesis are listed as follows: 1) Isolation and characterization of naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids from the stems of a Chinese Ancistrocladus tectorius species. Nine new naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, named ancistectorine A1 (60), N-methylancistectorine A1 (61), ancistectorine A2 (62a), 5-epi-ancistectorine A2 (62b), 4'-O-demethylancistectorine A2 (63), ancistectorine A3 (64), ancistectorine B1 (65), ancistectorine C1 (66), and 5-epi-ancistrolikokine D (67) were isolated from the Chinese A. tectorius and fully characterized by chemical, spectroscopic, and chiroptical methods. Furthermore, the in vitro anti-infectious activities of 60-62 and 63-66 have been tested. Three of the metabolites, 61, 62a, and 62b, exhibited strong antiplasmodial activities against the strain K1 of P. falciparum without showing significant cytotoxicities. With IC50 values of 0.08, 0.07, and 0.03 μM, respectively, they were 37 times more active than the standard chloroquine (IC50 = 0.26 μM). Moreover, these three compounds displayed high antiplasmodial selectivity indexes ranging from 100 to 3300. According to the TDR/WHO guidelines, they could be considered as lead compounds. In addition, seven alkaloids, 69-74 (structures not shown here), were isolated from A. tectorius that were known, but new to the plant, together with another fourteen known compounds (of these, only the structures of the three main alkaloids, 5a, 5b, and 78 are shown here), which had been previously found in the plant. The three metabolites ancistrocladine (5a), hamatine (5b), and (+)-ancistrocline (78) were found to show no or moderate activities against the MM cell lines. 2) Isolation and characterization of naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids from the root bark of a new, botanically yet undescribed Congolese Ancistrocladus species. An unprecedented dimeric Dioncophyllaceae-type naphthylisoquinoline alkaloid, jozimine A2 (84), as first recognized by G. Bauckmann from an as yet undescribed Ancistrocladus species, was purified and characterized as part of this thesis. Its full structural assignment was achieved by spectroscopic and chiroptical methods, and further confirmed by an X-ray diffraction analysis, which had never succeeded for any other dimeric naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids before. Structurally, the dimer is composed of two identical 4'-O-demethyldioncophylline A halves, coupled through a sterically hindered central axis at C-3',3'' of the two naphthalene moieties. Pharmacologically, jozimine A2 (84) showed an extraordinary antiplasmodial activity (IC50 = 1.4 nM) against the strain NF54 of P. falciparum. Beside jozimine A2 (85), another new alkaloid, 6-O-demethylancistrobrevine C (84), and four known ones, ancistrocladine (5a), hamatine (5b), ancistrobrevine C (86), and dioncophylline A (6) were isolated from the Ancistrocladus species, the latter in a large quantity (~500 mg), showing that the plant produces Ancistrocladaceae-type, mixed-Ancistrocladaceae/Dioncophyllaceae-type, and Dioncophyllaceae-type naphthyl- isoquinoline alkaloids. Remarkably, it is one of the very few plants, like A. abbreviatus, and A. barteri, that simultaneously contain typical representatives of all the above three classes of alkaloids. 3) Semi-synthesis of jozimine A2 (85), 3'-epi-85, jozimine A3 (93) and other alkaloids from dioncophylline A (6). The dimeric naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, jozimine A2 (85) and 3'-epi-85, constitute rewarding synthetic targets for a comparative analysis of their antiplasmodial activities and for a further confirmation of the assigned absolute configurations of the isolated natural product of 85. They were semi-synthesized in a four-step reaction sequence from dioncophylline A (6) in cooperation with T. B{\"u}ttner. The key step was a biomimetic phenol-oxidative dimerization at C-3' of the N,O-dibenzylated derivative of 89 by utilizing Pb(OAc)4. This is the first time that the synthesis of such an extremely sterically hindered (four ortho-substituents) naphthylisoquinoline alkaloid - with three consecutive biaryl axes! - has been successfully achieved. A novel dimeric naphthylisoquinoline, jozimine A3 (93), bearing a 6',6''-central biaryl axis, was semi-synthesized from 5'-O-demethyldioncophylline A (90) by a similar biomimetic phenol-oxidative coupling reaction as a key step, by employing Ag2O. HPLC analysis with synthetic reference material of 3'-epi-85 and 93 for co-elution revealed that these two alkaloids clearly are not present in the crude extract of the Ancistrocladus species from which jozimine A2 (85) was isolated. This evidences that jozimine A2 (85) is very specifically biosynthesized by the plant with a high regio- and stereoslectivity. Remarkably, the two synthetic novel dimeric naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids 3'-epi-85 and 93 were found to display very good antiplasmodial activities, albeit weaker than that of the natural and semi-synthetic product 85. Additionally, the two compounds 3'-epi-85 and 93 possessed high or moderate selectivity indexes, which were much lower than that of 85. However, they can still be considered as new lead structures. Two unprecedented oxidative products of dioncophylline A, the diastereomeric dioncotetralones A (94a) and B (94b), were synthesized from dioncophylline A (6) in a one-step reaction. Remarkably, the aromatic properties in the "naphthalene" and the "isoquinoline" rings of 94a and 94b are partially lost and the "biaryl" axis has become a C,C-double bond, so that the two halves are nearly co-planar to each other, which has never been found among any natural or synthetic naphthylisoquinoline alkaloid. Their full structural characterization was accomplished by spectroscopic methods and quantum-chemical CD calculations (done by Y. Hemberger). The presumed reaction mechanism was proposed in this thesis. In addition, one of the two compounds, 94a, exhibited a highly antiplasmodial activity (IC50 = 0.09 μM) with low cytotoxicity, and thus, can be considered as a new promising lead structure. Its 2'-epi-isomer, 94b, was inactive, evidencing a significant effect of chirality on the bioactivity. Of a number of naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids tested against the multiple-myeloma cell lines, the three compounds, dioncophylline A (6), 4'-O-demethyldioncophylline A (89), and 5'-O-demethyldioncophylline A (90) showed excellent activities, even much stronger than dioncoquinones B (10), C (102), the epoxide 175, or the standard drug melphalan. 4) Isolation and characterization of bioactive naphthoquinones from cell cultures of Triphyophyllum peltatum. Three new naphthoquinones, dioncoquinones C (102), D (103), and E (104), the known 8-hydroxydroserone (105), which is new to this plant, and one new naphthol dimer, triphoquinol A (107), were isolated from cell cultures of T. peltatum in cooperation with A. Irmer. Dioncoquinone C (102) showed an excellent activity against the MM cells, very similar to that of the previously found dioncoquinone B (10), without showing any inhibitory effect on normal cells. The other three naphthoquinones, 103105, were inactive or only weakly active. 5) Establishment of a new strategy for a synthetic access to dioncoquinones B (10) and C (102) on a large scale for in vivo experiments and for the synthesis of their analogs for first SAR studies. Before the synthesis of dioncoquinone B (10) described in this thesis, two synthetic pathways had previously been established in our group. The third approach described here involved the preparation of the joint synthetic intermediate 42 with the previous two routes. The tertiary benzamide 135 was ortho-deprotonated by using s-BuLi/TMEDA, followed by transmetallation with MgBr2▪2Et2O, and reaction with 2-methylallyl bromide (139). It resulted in the formation of ortho-allyl benzamide 140, which was cyclized by using methyl lithium to afford the naphthol 42. This strategy proved to be the best among the established three approaches with regard to its very low number of steps and high yields. By starting with 136, this third strategy yielded the related bioactive natural product, dioncoquinone C (102), which was accessed by total synthesis for the first time. To identify the pharmacophore of the antitumoral naphthoquinones, a library of dioncoquinone B (10) and C (102) analogs were synthesized for in vitro testing. Among the numerous naphthoquinones tested, the synthetic 7-O-demethyldioncoquinone C (or 7-O-hydroxyldioncoquinone B) (145), constitutes another promising basic structure to develop a new anti-MM agent. Furthermore, preliminary SAR results evidence that the three hydroxy functions at C-3, C-5, and C-6 are essential for the biological properties as exemplarily shown through the compounds 10, 102, and 145. All other mixed OH/OMe- or completely OMe-substituted structures were entirely inactive. By a serendipity the expoxide 175 was found to display the best anti-MM activity of all the tested isolated metabolites from T. peltatum, the synthesized naphthoquinones, and their synthetic intermediates. Toxic effects of 175 on normal cells were not observed, in contrast to the high toxicities of all other epoxides. Thus, the anti-MM activity of 175 is of high selectivity. The preliminary SAR studies revealed that the 6-OMe group in 175 is required, thus differed with the above described naphthoquinones (where 6-OH is a requisite in 10, 102, and 145), which evidenced potentially different modes of action for these two classes of compounds. 6) The first attempted total synthesis of the new naturally occurring triphoquinone (187a), which was recently isolated from the root cultures of T. peltatum in our group. A novel naphthoquinone-naphthalene dimer, 187a (structure shown in Chapter 10), was isolated in small quantities from the root cultures of T. peltatum. Thus, its total synthesis was attempted for obtaining sufficient amounts for selected biotestings. The key step was planned to prepare the extremely sterically hindered (four ortho-substituents) binaphthalene 188 by a coupling reaction between the two 2-methylnaphthalene derivatives. Test reactions involving a system of two simplified 2-methylnaphthylboron species and 2-methylnaphthyl bromide proved the Buchwald ligand as most promising. The optimized conditions were then applied to the two true - highly oxygenated - coupling substrates, between the 2-methylnaphthylboron derivatives 210, 211, 213, or 214 and the 2-methylnaphthyl iodides (or bromides) 215 (206), 215 (206), 212 (205), or 212 (205), respectively. Unfortunately, this crucial step failed although various bases and solvent systems were tested. This could be due to the high electron density of the two coupling substrates, both bearing strongly OMOM/OMe-donating function groups. Therefore, a more powerful catalyst system or an alternative synthetic strategy must be explored for the total synthesis of 187a. 7) Phytochemical investigation of the Streptomyces strain RV-15 derived from a marine sponge. Cyclodysidins A-D (216-219), four new cyclic lipopeptides with a- and ß-amino acids, were isolated from the Streptomyces strain RV15 derived from a marine sponge by Dr. U. Abdelmohsen. Their structures were established as cyclo-(ß-AFA-Ser-Gln-Asn-Tyr-Asn-Ser-Thr) by spectroscopic analysis using 2D NMR techniques and CID-MS/MS in the course of this thesis. In conclusion, the present work contributes to the discovery of novel antiplasmodial naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids and antitumoral naphthoquinones, which will pave the way for future studies on these two classes of compounds.}, subject = {Ancistrocladus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZelmanFemiak2011, author = {Zelman-Femiak, Monika}, title = {Single Particle Tracking ; Membrane Receptor Dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65420}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Single-molecule microscopy is one of the decisive methodologies that allows one to clarify cellular signaling in both spatial and temporal dimentions by tracking with nanometer precision the diffusion of individual microscopic particles coupled to relevant biological molecules. Trajectory analysis not only enables determination of the mechanisms that drive and constrain the particles motion but also to reveal crucial information about the molecule interaction, mobility, stoichiometry, all existing subpopulations and unique functions of particular molecules. Efficacy of this technique depends on two problematic issues the usage of the proper fluorophore and the type of biochemical attachment of the fluorophore to a biomolecule. The goal of this study was to evolve a highly specific labeling method suitable for single molecule tracking, internalization and trafficking studies that would attain a calculable 1:1 fluorophore-to-receptor stoichiometry. A covalent attachment of quantum dots to transmembrane receptors was successfully achieved with a techinque that amalgamates acyl carrier protein (ACP) system as a comparatively small linker and coenzyme A (CoA)-functionalized quantum dots. The necessity of optimization of the quantum dot usage for more precise calculation of the membrane protein stoichiometries in larger assemblies led to the further study in which methods maximizing the number of signals and the tracking times of diverse QD types were examined. Next, the optimized techniques were applied to analyze behavior of interleukin-5 β-common chain receptor (IL-5Rβc) receptors that are endogenously expressed at low level on living differentiated eosinophil-like HL-60 cells. Obtained data disclosed that perused receptors form stable and higher order oligomers. Additionally, the mobility analysis based on increased in number (>10\%) uninterrupted 1000-step trajectories revealed two patterns of confined motion. Thereupon methods were developed that allow both, determination of stoichiometries of cell surface protein complexes and the acquisition of long trajectories for mobility analysis. Sequentially, the aforementioned methods were used to scrutinize on the mobility, internalization and recycling dynamics characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs), the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR1) and several bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), a member of the TGF-beta superfamily of receptors. These receptors are two important representatives of two varied membrane receptor classes. BMPs activate SMAD- and non-SMAD pathways and as members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily are entailed in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, chemotaxis, and apoptosis. For effective ligand induced and ligand independent signaling, two types of transmembrane serine/threonine kinases, BMP type I and type II receptors (BMPRI and BMPRII, respectively) are engaged. Apparently, the lateral mobility profiles of BMPRI and BMPRII receptors differ markedly, which determinate specificity of the signal. Non-SMAD signaling and subsequent osteoblastic differentiation of precursor cells particularly necessitate the confinement of the BMP type I receptor, resulting in the conclusion that receptor lateral mobility is a dominative mechanism to modulate SMAD versus non-SMAD signaling during differentiation. Confined motion was also predominantly observed in the studies devoted to, entailed in the regulation of calcium homeostasis and in bone remodeling, the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR1), in which stimulation with five peptide ligands, specific fragments of PTH: hPTH(1-34), hPTHrP(107-111)NH2; PTH(1-14); PTH(1-28) G1R19, bPTH(3-34), first four belonging to PTH agonist group and the last to the antagonist one, were tested in the wide concentration range on living COS-1 and AD293 cells. Next to the mobility, defining the internalization and recycling rates of the PTHR1 receptor maintained in this investigation one of the crucial questions. Internalization, in general, allows to diminish the magnitude of the receptor-mediated G protein signals (desensitization), receptor resensitization via recycling, degradation (down-regulation), and coupling to other signaling pathways (e.g. MAP kinases). Determinants of the internalization process are one of the most addressed in recent studies as key factors for clearer understanding of the process and linking it with biological responses evoked by the signal transduction. The internalization of the PTH-receptor complex occurs via the clathrin-coated pit pathway involving β-arrestin2 and is initiated through the agonist occupancy of the PTHR1 leading to activation of adenylyl cyclase (via Gs), and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase Cβ (via Gq). Taken together, this work embodies complex study of the interleukin-5 β-common chain receptor (IL-5Rβc) receptors, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and the parathyroid hormone receptor with the application of single-molecule microscopy with the newly attained ACP-quantum dot labeling method and standard techniques.}, subject = {Einzelmolek{\"u}lmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeller2013, author = {Zeller, Mario}, title = {Dichtegewichtete Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung mit Multi-Echo-Sequenzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-84142}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Das Signal-zu-Rausch-Verh{\"a}ltnis (SNR) stellt bei modernen Bildgebungstechniken in der Magnetresonanz-Tomographie heutzutage oftmals die entscheidende Limitation dar. Eine Verbesserung durch Modifikation der Hardware ist kostspielig und f{\"u}hrt meistens zu einer Verst{\"a}rkung anderer Probleme, wie zum Beispiel erh{\"o}hte Energiedeposition ins Gewebe. Im Gegensatz dazu ist Dichtegewichtung eine Methode, die eine SNR-Erh{\"o}hung durch Modifikation der Aufnahmetechnik erm{\"o}glicht. In der MR-Bildgebung erfolgt oftmals eine retrospektive Filterung des aufgenommenen Signalverlaufs, beispielsweise zur Artefaktreduktion. Damit einhergehend findet eine Ver{\"a}nderung der Modulationstransferfunktion (MTF) bzw. ihrer Fouriertransformierten, der r{\"a}umlichen Antwortfunktion (SRF), statt. Optimales SNR wird nach dem Matched Filter-Theorem erzielt, wenn die nachtr{\"a}gliche Filterung dem aufgenommenen Signalverlauf proportional ist. Dies steht dem Ziel der Artefaktreduktion entgegen. Bei Dichtegewichtung steht durch nicht-kartesische Abtastung des k-Raums mit der k-Raum-Dichte ein zus{\"a}tzlicher Freiheitsgrad zur Verf{\"u}gung. Dieser erm{\"o}glicht es, im Falle eines konstanten Signalverlaufs eine gew{\"u}nschte MTF ohne Filterung zu erreichen. Bei ver{\"a}nderlichem Signalverlauf kann ein SNR Matched Filter angewendet werden, dessen negative Einfl{\"u}sse auf die MTF durch Dichtegewichtung kompensiert werden. Somit erm{\"o}glicht Dichtegewichtung eine vorgegebene MTF und gleichzeitig ein optimales SNR. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Dichtegewichtung erstmals bei den schnellen Multi-Echo-Sequenzen Turbo-Spin-Echo und Echoplanar-Bildgebung (EPI) angewendet. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Implementierungen muss hier der Signalabfall durch T2- bzw. T2*-Relaxation ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Dies f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass eine prospektiv berechnete dichtegewichtete Verteilung nur bei einer Relaxationszeit optimal ist. Bei Geweben mit abweichenden Relaxationszeiten k{\"o}nnen sich wie auch bei den kartesischen Varianten dieser Sequenzen {\"A}nderungen an SRF und SNR ergeben. Bei dichtegewichteter Turbo-Spin-Echo-Bildgebung des Gehirns konnte mit den gew{\"a}hlten Sequenzparametern ein SNR-Vorteil von 43 \% gegen{\"u}ber der kartesischen Variante erzielt werden. Die Akquisition wurde dabei auf die T2-Relaxationszeit von weißer Substanz optimiert. Da die meisten Gewebe im Gehirn eine {\"a}hnliche Relaxationszeit aufweisen, blieb der visuelle Gesamteindruck identisch zur kartesischen Bildgebung. Der SNR-Gewinn konnte in der dichtegewichteten Implementierung zur Messzeithalbierung genutzt werden. Dichtegewichtete EPI weist eine hohe Anf{\"a}lligkeit f{\"u}r geometrische Verzerrungen, welche durch Inhomogenit{\"a}ten des Hauptmagnetfeldes verursacht werden, auf. Die Verzerrungen konnten erfolgreich mit einer Conjugate Phase-Methode korrigiert werden. Dazu muss die r{\"a}umliche Verteilung der Feldinhomogenit{\"a}ten bekannt sein. Dazu ist zus{\"a}tzlich zur eigentlichen EPI-Aufnahme die zeitaufwendige Aufnahme einer sogenannten Fieldmap erforderlich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte eine Methode entwickelt werden, welche die zur Erlangung einer Fieldmap notwendige Aufnahmedauer auf wenige Sekunden reduziert. Bei dieser Art der Fieldmap-Aufnahme m{\"u}ssen jedoch durch Atmung hervorgerufene Effekte auf die Bildphase ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Die Fieldmap-Genauigkeit kann durch Aufnahme unter Atempause, Mittelung oder retrospektiver Phasenkorrektur erh{\"o}ht werden. F{\"u}r die gew{\"a}hlten EPI-Sequenzparameter wurde mit Dichtegewichtung gegen{\"u}ber der kartesischen Variante ein SNR-Gewinn von 14 \% erzielt. Anhand einer funktionellen MRT (fMRI)-Fingertapping-Studie konnte demonstriert werden, dass die SNR-Steigerung auch zu einer signifikant erh{\"o}hten Aktivierungsdetektion in Teilen der Hirnareale f{\"u}hrt, die bei der Fingerbewegung involviert sind. Die Verwendung von zus{\"a}tzlicher EPI-Phasenkorrektur und iterativer Optimierung der dichtegewichteten k-Raum-Abtastung f{\"u}hrt zu weiteren Verbesserungen der dichtegewichteten Bildgebung mit Multi-Echo-Sequenzen.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zanucco2011, author = {Zanucco, Emanuele}, title = {Role of oncogenic and wild type B-RAF in mouse lung tumor models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Von Wachstumsfaktoren regulierte Signalkaskaden sind Schl{\"u}sselelemente in der Gewebeentwicklung und Geweberegeneration. Eine Deregulation dieser Kaskaden f{\"u}hrt zu Entwicklungsst{\"o}rungen und neoplastischen Krankheiten. F{\"u}r viele humane Krebsformen sind aktivierende Mutationen der Kinasen der RAF Familie verantwortlich. Das erste Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit fokussiert auf der Rolle des B-RAF V600E, welches als eine der am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommenden Mutantionen in humanen Krebszellen identifiziert worden ist. Um die onkogene Funktion des B-RAF V600E zu untersuchen, haben wir transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, welche das aktivierte Onkogen spezifisch in alveolaren Lungenepithelzellen des Typ II exprimieren. Konstitutive Expression des B-RAF V600E f{\"u}hrte zu einer abnormen alveolaren Epithelzellbildung und zu Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen. Diese L{\"a}sionen wiesen Zeichen einer Gewebsumstrukturierung auf, oft in Assoziation mit chronischer Inflammation und geringer Inzidenz von Lungentumoren. Die Infiltration der entz{\"u}ndlichen Zellen erfolgte erst nach der Entstehung von Emphysem-{\"a}hnlichen L{\"a}sionen und k{\"o}nnte zur sp{\"a}teren Tumorbildung beigetragen haben. Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen ein Modell, in welchem der kontinuierliche regenerative Prozess eine tumorf{\"o}rdernde Umgebung schafft. Dabei induziert die Aktivit{\"a}t des onkogenen B-RAF eine alveolare St{\"o}rung, welche urs{\"a}chlich verantwortlich ist f{\"u}r den kontinuierlichen regenerativen Prozess. Das zweite Projekt fokussiert auf die Rolle von endogenem (wildtypischen) B-RAF in einem durch onkogenes C-RAF induzierten Maus Lungentumormodell. F{\"u}r unsere Untersuchungen haben wir eine Mauslinie geschaffen, in welcher B-RAF in den C-RAF Lungentumoren konditionell eliminiert werden kann. Eine konditionelle Eliminierung des B-RAF hat die Entstehung von Lungentumoren nicht blockiert, aber zu reduziertem Tumorwachstum gef{\"u}hrt. Dieses reduzierte Tumorwachstum konnte auf eine reduzierte Zellproliferation zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Außerdem konnten wir durch die B-RAF Elimination eine Reduktion der Intensit{\"a}t der mitogenen Signalkaskade beobachten. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das onkogene Potential von C-RAF in vivo unabh{\"a}ngig von B-RAF ist und eine Kooperation von B-RAF und C-RAF jedoch f{\"u}r die vollst{\"a}ndige Aktivierung der mitogenen Signalkaskade wichtig ist.}, subject = {Lungenkrebs}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zancolli2013, author = {Zancolli, Giulia}, title = {Amphibian diversity along the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro: from species to genes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-91792}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {1. Since the early nineteenth century describing (and understanding) patterns of distribution of biodiversity across the Earth has represented one of the most significant intellectual challenges to ecologists and biogeographers. Among the most striking patterns of species richness are: the latitudinal and elevational gradients, with peaks in number of species at low latitudes and somewhere at mid altitudes, although other patterns, e.g. declines with increasing elevation, are often observed. Even in highly diverse tropical regions, species richness is not evenly distributed but there are "hotspots" of biodiversity where an exceptional number of species, especially endemics, are concentrated. Unfortunately, such areas are also experiencing dramatic loss of habitat. Among vertebrate taxa, amphibians are facing the most alarming number of extinctions. Habitat destruction, pollution and emergence of infectious diseases such as chytridiomycosis, are causing worldwide population declines. Responses to these drivers can be multidirectional and subtle, i.e. they may not be captured at the species but at the genetic level. Moreover, present patterns of diversity can result from the influence of past geological, climatic and environmental changes. In this study, I used a multidisciplinary and multilevel approach to understand how and to which extent the landscape influences amphibian diversity. Mount Kilimanjaro is an exceptional tropical region where the landscape is rapidly evolving due to land use changes; additionally, there is a broad lack of knowledge of its amphibian fauna. During two rainy seasons in 2011, I recorded anurans from the foothills to 3500 m altitude; in addition, I focused on two river frog species and collected tissue samples for genetic analysis and swabs for detection of chytridiomycosis, the deadly disease caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). 2. I analyzed how species richness and composition change with increasing elevation and anthropogenic disturbance. In order to disentangle the observed patterns of species diversity and distribution, I incorporated inferences from historical biogeography and compared the assemblage of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru (both recent volcanoes) with those of the older Eastern Arc Mountains. Species richness decreased with elevation and locally increased in presence of water bodies, but I did not detect effects of either anthropogenic disturbance or vegetation structure on species richness and composition. Moreover, I found a surprisingly low number of forest species. Historical events seem to underlie the current pattern of species distribution; the young age of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the complex biogeographic processes which occurred in East Africa during the last 20 million years prevented montane forest frogs from colonizing the volcano. 3. I focused on the genetic level of biodiversity and investigated how the landscape, i.e. elevation, topographic relief and land cover, influence genetic variation, population structure and gene flow of two ecologically similar and closely related river frog species, namely Amietia angolensis and Amietia wittei. I detected greater genetic differentiation among populations in the highland species (A. wittei) and higher genetic variation in the lowland species (A. angolensis), although genetic diversity was not significantly correlated with elevation. Importantly, human settlements seemed to restrict gene flow in A. angolensis, whereas steep slopes were positively correlated with gene flow in A. wittei. This results show that even ecologically similar species can respond differently to landscape processes and that the spatial configuration of topographic features combined with species-specific biological attributes can affect dispersal and gene flow in disparate ways. 4. River frogs of the genus Amietia seem to be particularly susceptible to chytridiomycosis, showing the highest pathogen load in Kenya and other African countries. In the last study, I collected swab samples from larvae of A. angolensis and A. wittei for Bd detection. Both species resulted Bd-positive. The presence of Bd on Mt. Kilimanjaro has serious implication. For instance, Bd can be transported by footwear of hikers from contaminated water and soil. Tourists visiting Mt. Kilimanjaro may translocate Bd zoospores to other areas such as the nearby Eastern Arc Mts. where endemic and vulnerable species may still be na{\"i}ve to the fungus and thus suffer of population declines. 5. My study significantly contributed to the knowledge of the amphibian fauna of Mt. Kilimanjaro and of East Africa in general, and it represents a valuable tool for future conservation actions and measures. Finally, it highlights the importance of using a multidisciplinary (i.e. community ecology, historical biogeography, landscape genetics, disease ecology) and multilevel (i.e. community, species, population, gene) approach to disentangle patterns of biodiversity.}, subject = {Kilimandscharo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yurdadogan2020, author = {Yurdadogan, Tino}, title = {Endorganschaden und Gef{\"a}ßalter bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die nicht-invasive Gef{\"a}ßdiagnostik stellt einen wichtigen Pfeiler in der Pr{\"a}vention von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen dar. W{\"a}hrend lange Zeit die sonographische Messung der cIMT, als morphologisches Korrelat der Gef{\"a}ßalterung, als Goldstandard galt, ist in den letzten Jahren in Gestalt der Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung eine Technik weiterentwickelt worden, die, als funktionelles Korrelat der Gef{\"a}ßalterung, aufgrund der leichteren Durchf{\"u}hrbarkeit und geringerer Untersucherabh{\"a}ngigkeit und Kosten vielversprechend ist. So erlaubt die Messung der Pulswelle mittels gew{\"o}hnlicher Blutdruckmanschetten, genau wie die cIMT, die Berechnung des individuellen Gef{\"a}ßalters und die Diagnostik f{\"u}r das Vorliegen eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße. Um die Messergebnisse der beiden Untersuchungen miteinander zu vergleichen, wurden beide in der EUROASPIRE-IV Studie an Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Auswertung der Messergebnisse der mit dem Vascular Explorer durchgef{\"u}hrten Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung ergab {\"u}berraschenderweise, dass die Mehrheit der herzkranken Patienten weder eine vaskul{\"a}re Voralterung noch einen Endorganschaden der Blutgef{\"a}ße aufweisen. Im Falle der cIMT-Messung war Gegenteiliges der Fall, was trotz der medikament{\"o}sen Therapie der Patienten so zu erwarten war. Weiterhin zeigte sich lediglich eine geringe Korrelation zwischen den Messergebnissen beider Untersuchungen. Die Determinanten der einzelnen Messwerte aus cIMT und Pulswellenanalyse/PWV-Messung waren deckungsgleich mit den in der Literatur beschriebenen Faktoren, wenn auch viele der sonst signifikanten Regressoren das Signifikanzniveau in unserer Auswertung nicht unterschritten. Eine Limitation der funktionellen Gef{\"a}ßdiagnostik liegt derzeit darin, dass die Messergebnisse stark von dem verwendeten Messger{\"a}t abh{\"a}ngen. Es liegen noch zu wenig Vergleichsstudien vor, um die Messergebnisse, speziell von neueren Ger{\"a}ten wie dem Vascular Explorer, auf andere zu {\"u}bertragen. Bei der Berechnung des Gef{\"a}ßalters sollten daher optimalerweise ger{\"a}tespezifische Normwerte vorliegen, was beim Vascular Explorer nicht der Fall ist. Gleiches gilt f{\"u}r die Verwendung des PWVcf-Grenzwerts f{\"u}r die Diagnose eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße. Analog hat auch die Messung der cIMT gewisse Einschr{\"a}nkungen. So w{\"a}re eine weitere Standardisierung der Messorte (A. carotis communis vs Bulbus vs A. carotis interna), zwischen denen sich die durchschnittliche cIMT erheblich unterscheidet, sowie der Messparameter (Minimal- vs Maximal- vs Mittelwert) w{\"u}nschenswert. Die universelle Anwendung eines cIMT-Grenzwerts zur Diagnose eines Endorganschadens der Blutgef{\"a}ße ist daher kritisch zu sehen. Dies zeigt sich auch darin, dass in den neuesten Leitlinien der bislang geltende Grenzwert angezweifelt und kein aktuell g{\"u}ltiger Grenzwert mehr genannt wird. Wir interpretieren unsere Ergebnisse dahingehend, dass unsere Messung der cIMT die zu erwartende pathologische Gef{\"a}ßalterung bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit besser widerspiegelt als die Messung der Pulswelle mit dem Vascular Explorer. Welche der beiden Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der prognostischen Wertigkeit {\"u}berlegen ist, muss im Rahmen von L{\"a}ngsschnittstudien gekl{\"a}rt werden.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yuan2023, author = {Yuan, Xidi}, title = {Aging and inflammation in the peripheral nervous system}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237378}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Aging is known to be a risk factor for structural abnormalities and functional decline in the nervous system. Characterizing age-related changes is important to identify putative pathways to overcome deleterious effects and improve life quality for the elderly. In this study, the peripheral nervous system of 24-month-old aged C57BL/6 mice has been investigated and compared to 12-month-old adult mice. Aged mice showed pathological alterations in their peripheral nerves similar to nerve biopsies from elderly human individuals, with nerve fibers showing demyelination and axonal damage. Such changes were lacking in nerves of adult 12-month-old mice and adult, non-aged humans. Moreover, neuromuscular junctions of 24-month-old mice showed increased denervation compared to adult mice. These alterations were accompanied by elevated numbers of macrophages in the peripheral nerves of aged mice. The neuroinflammatory conditions were associated with impaired myelin integrity and with a decline of nerve conduction properties and muscle strength in aged mice. To determine the pathological impact of macrophages in the aging mice, macrophage depletion was performed in mice by oral administration of CSF-1R specific kinase (c-FMS) inhibitor PLX5622 (300 mg/kg body weight), which reduced the number of macrophages in the peripheral nerves by 70\%. The treated mice showed attenuated demyelination, less muscle denervation and preserved muscle strength. This indicates that macrophage-driven inflammation in the peripheral nerves is partially responsible for the age-related neuropathy in mice. Based on previous observations that systemic inflammation can accelerate disease progression in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases, it was hypothesized that systemic inflammation can exacerbate the peripheral neuropathy found in aged mice. To investigate this hypothesis, aged C57BL/6 mice were intraperitoneally injected with a single dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 500 μg/kg body weight) to induce systemic inflammation by mimicking bacterial infection, mostly via activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Altered endoneurial macrophage activation, highlighted by Trem2 downregulation, was found in LPS injected aged mice one month after injection. This was accompanied by a so far rarely observed form of axonal perturbation, i.e., the occurrence of "dark axons" characterized by a damaged cytoskeleton and an increased overall electron density of the axoplasm. At the same time, however, LPS injection reduced demyelination and muscle denervation in aged mice. Interestingly, TREM2 deficiency in aged mice led to similar changes to LPS injection. This suggests that LPS injection likely mitigates aging-related demyelination and muscle denervation via Trem2 downregulation. Taken together, this study reveals the role of macrophage-driven inflammation as a pathogenic mediator in age-related peripheral neuropathy, and that targeting macrophages might be an option to mitigate peripheral neuropathies in aging individuals. Furthermore, this study shows that systemic inflammation may be an ambivalent modifier of age-related nerve damage, leading to a distinct type of axonal perturbation, but in addition to functionally counteracting, dampened demyelination and muscle denervation. Translationally, it is plausible to assume that tipping the balance of macrophage polarization to one direction or the other may determine the functional outcome in the aging peripheral nervous system of the elderly.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yu2024, author = {Yu, Yanying}, title = {Applied machine learning for the analysis of CRISPR-Cas systems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-320219}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Among the defense strategies developed in microbes over millions of years, the innate adaptive CRISPR-Cas immune systems have spread across most of bacteria and archaea. The flexibility, simplicity, and specificity of CRISPR-Cas systems have laid the foundation for CRISPR-based genetic tools. Yet, the efficient administration of CRISPR-based tools demands rational designs to maximize the on-target efficiency and off-target specificity. Specifically, the selection of guide RNAs (gRNAs), which play a crucial role in the target recognition of CRISPR-Cas systems, is non-trivial. Despite the fact that the emerging machine learning techniques provide a solution to aid in gRNA design with prediction algorithms, design rules for many CRISPR-Cas systems are ill-defined, hindering their broader applications. CRISPR interference (CRISPRi), an alternative gene silencing technique using a catalytically dead Cas protein to interfere with transcription, is a leading technique in bacteria for functional interrogation, pathway manipulation, and genome-wide screens. Although the application is promising, it also is hindered by under-investigated design rules. Therefore, in this work, I develop a state-of-art predictive machine learning model for guide silencing efficiency in bacteria leveraging the advantages of feature engineering, data integration, interpretable AI, and automated machine learning. I first systematically investigate the influential factors that attribute to the extent of depletion in multiple CRISPRi genome-wide essentiality screens in Escherichia coli and demonstrate the surprising dominant contribution of gene-specific effects, such as gene expression level. These observations allowed me to segregate the confounding gene-specific effects using a mixed-effect random forest (MERF) model to provide a better estimate of guide efficiency, together with the improvement led by integrating multiple screens. The MERF model outperformed existing tools in an independent high-throughput saturating screen. I next interpret the predictive model to extract the design rules for robust gene silencing, such as the preference for cytosine and disfavoring for guanine and thymine within and around the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequence. I further incorporated the MERF model in a web-based tool that is freely accessible at www.ciao.helmholtz-hiri.de. When comparing the MERF model with existing tools, the performance of the alternative gRNA design tool optimized for CRISPRi in eukaryotes when applied to bacteria was far from satisfying, questioning the robustness of prediction algorithms across organisms. In addition, the CRISPR-Cas systems exhibit diverse mechanisms albeit with some similarities. The captured predictive patterns from one dataset thereby are at risk of poor generalization when applied across organisms and CRISPR-Cas techniques. To fill the gap, the machine learning approach I present here for CRISPRi could serve as a blueprint for the effective development of prediction algorithms for specific organisms or CRISPR-Cas systems of interest. The explicit workflow includes three principle steps: 1) accommodating the feature set for the CRISPR-Cas system or technique; 2) optimizing a machine learning model using automated machine learning; 3) explaining the model using interpretable AI. To illustrate the applicability of the workflow and diversity of results when applied across different bacteria and CRISPR-Cas systems, I have applied this workflow to analyze three distinct CRISPR-Cas genome-wide screens. From the CRISPR base editor essentiality screen in E. coli, I have determined the PAM preference and sequence context in the editing window for efficient editing, such as A at the 2nd position of PAM, A/TT/TG downstream of PAM, and TC at the 4th to 5th position of gRNAs. From the CRISPR-Cas13a screen in E. coli, in addition to the strong correlation with the guide depletion, the target expression level is the strongest predictor in the model, supporting it as a main determinant of the activation of Cas13-induced immunity and better characterizing the CRISPR-Cas13 system. From the CRISPR-Cas12a screen in Klebsiella pneumoniae, I have extracted the design rules for robust antimicrobial activity across K. pneumoniae strains and provided a predictive algorithm for gRNA design, facilitating CRISPR-Cas12a as an alternative technique to tackle antibiotic resistance. Overall, this thesis presents an accurate prediction algorithm for CRISPRi guide efficiency in bacteria, providing insights into the determinants of efficient silencing and guide designs. The systematic exploration has led to a robust machine learning approach for effective model development in other bacteria and CRISPR-Cas systems. Applying the approach in the analysis of independent CRISPR-Cas screens not only sheds light on the design rules but also the mechanisms of the CRISPR-Cas systems. Together, I demonstrate that applied machine learning paves the way to a deeper understanding and a broader application of CRISPR-Cas systems.}, subject = {Maschinelles Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yu2019, author = {Yu, Sung-Huan}, title = {Development and application of computational tools for RNA-Seq based transcriptome annotations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In order to understand the regulation of gene expression in organisms, precise genome annotation is essential. In recent years, RNA-Seq has become a potent method for generating and improving genome annotations. However, this Approach is time consuming and often inconsistently performed when done manually. In particular, the discovery of non-coding RNAs benefits strongly from the application of RNA-Seq data but requires significant amounts of expert knowledge and is labor-intensive. As a part of my doctoral study, I developed a modular tool called ANNOgesic that can detect numerous transcribed genomic features, including non-coding RNAs, based on RNA-Seq data in a precise and automatic fashion with a focus on bacterial and achaeal species. The software performs numerous analyses and generates several visualizations. It can generate annotations of high-Resolution that are hard to produce using traditional annotation tools that are based only on genome sequences. ANNOgesic can detect numerous novel genomic Features like UTR-derived small non-coding RNAs for which no other tool has been developed before. ANNOgesic is available under an open source license (ISCL) at https://github.com/Sung-Huan/ANNOgesic. My doctoral work not only includes the development of ANNOgesic but also its application to annotate the transcriptome of Staphylococcus aureus HG003 - a strain which has been a insightful model in infection biology. Despite its potential as a model, a complete genome sequence and annotations have been lacking for HG003. In order to fill this gap, the annotations of this strain, including sRNAs and their functions, were generated using ANNOgesic by analyzing differential RNA-Seq data from 14 different samples (two media conditions with seven time points), as well as RNA-Seq data generated after transcript fragmentation. ANNOgesic was also applied to annotate several bacterial and archaeal genomes, and as part of this its high performance was demonstrated. In summary, ANNOgesic is a powerful computational tool for RNA-Seq based annotations and has been successfully applied to several species.}, subject = {Genom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Youssef2022, author = {Youssef, Almoatazbellah}, title = {Fabrication of Micro-Engineered Scaffolds for Biomedical Application}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23545}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235457}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Thermoplastic polymers have a history of decades of safe and effective use in the clinic as implantable medical devices. In recent years additive manufacturing (AM) saw increased clinical interest for the fabrication of customizable and implantable medical devices and training models using the patients' own radiological data. However, approval from the various regulatory bodies remains a significant hurdle. A possible solution is to fabricate the AM scaffolds using materials and techniques with a clinical safety record, e.g. melt processing of polymers. Melt Electrowriting (MEW) is a novel, high resolution AM technique which uses thermoplastic polymers. MEW produces scaffolds with microscale fibers and precise fiber placement, allowing the control of the scaffold microarchitecture. Additionally, MEW can process medical-grade thermoplastic polymers, without the use of solvents paving the way for the production of medical devices for clinical applications. This pathway is investigated in this thesis, where the layout is designed to resemble the journey of a medical device produced via MEW from conception to early in vivo experiments. To do so, first, a brief history of the development of medical implants and the regenerative capability of the human body is given in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, a review of the use of thermoplastic polymers in medicine, with a focus on poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), is illustrated, as this is the polymer used in the rest of the thesis. This review is followed by a comparison of the state of the art, regarding in vivo and clinical experiments, of three polymer melt AM technologies: melt-extrusion, selective laser sintering and MEW. The first two techniques already saw successful translation to the bedside, producing patient-specific, regulatory-approved AM implants. To follow in the footsteps of these two technologies, the MEW device parameters need to be optimized. The MEW process parameters and their interplay are further discussed in Chapter 3 focusing on the importance of a steady mass flow rate of the polymer during printing. MEW reaches a balance between polymer flow, the stabilizing electric field and moving collector to produce reproducible, high-resolution scaffolds. An imbalance creates phenomena like fiber pulsing or arcing which result in defective scaffolds and potential printer damage. Chapter 4 shows the use of X-ray microtomography (µCT) as a non-destructive method to characterize the pore-related features: total porosity and the pore size distribution. MEW scaffolds are three-dimensional (3D) constructs but have long been treated in the literature as two-dimensional (2D) ones and characterized mainly by microscopy, including stereo- and scanning electron microscopy, where pore size was simply reported as the distance between the fibers in a single layer. These methods, together with the trend of producing scaffolds with symmetrical pores in the 0/90° and 0/60/120° laydown patterns, disregarded the lateral connections between pores and the potential of MEW to be used for more complex 3D structures, mimicking the extracellular matrix. Here we characterized scaffolds in the aforementioned symmetrical laydown patterns, along with the more complex 0/45/90/135° and 0/30/60/90/120/150° ones. A 2D pore size estimation was done first using stereomicroscopy, followed by and compared to µCT scanning. The scaffolds with symmetrical laydown patterns resulted in the predominance of one pore size, while those with more complex patterns had a broader distribution, which could be better shown by µCT scans. Moreover, in the symmetrical scaffolds, the size of 3D pores was not able to reach the value of the fiber spacing due to a flattening effect of the scaffold, where the thickness of the scaffold was less than the fiber spacing, further restricting the pore size distribution in such scaffolds. This method could be used for quality assurance of fabricated scaffolds prior to use in in vitro or in vivo experiments and would be important for a clinical translation. Chapter 5 illustrates a proof of principle subcutaneous implantation in vivo experiment. MEW scaffolds were already featured in small animal in vivo experiments, but to date, no analysis of the foreign body reaction (FBR) to such implants was performed. FBR is an immune reaction to implanted foreign materials, including medical devices, aimed at protecting the host from potential adverse effects and can interfere with the function of some medical implants. Medical-grade PCL was used to melt electrowrite scaffolds with 50 and 60 µm fiber spacing for the 0/90° and 0/60/120° laydown patterns, respectively. These implants were implanted subcutaneously in immunocompetent, outbred mice, with appropriate controls, and explanted after 2, 4, 7 and 14 days. A thorough characterization of the scaffolds before implantation was done, followed by a full histopathological analysis of the FBR to the implants after excision. The scaffolds, irrespective of their pore geometry, induced an extensive FBR in the form of accumulation of foreign body giant cells around the fiber walls, in a manner that almost occluded available pore spaces with little to no neovascularization. This reaction was not induced by the material itself, as the same reaction failed to develop in the PCL solid film controls. A discussion of the results was given with special regard to the literature available on flat surgical meshes, as well as other hydrogel-based porous scaffolds with similar pore sizes. Finally, a general summary of the thesis in Chapter 6 recapitulates the most important points with a focus on future directions for MEW.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ye2013, author = {Ye, Yuxiang}, title = {Molecular and Cellular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Myocardial Infarct Healing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72514}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Myokardinfarkte (MI) sind eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Eine rechtzeitige Wiederherstellung des koronaren Blutflusses im isch{\"a}mischen Myokard reduziert signifikant die Sterblichkeitsrate akuter Infarkte und vermindert das ventrikul{\"a}re Remodeling. {\"U}berlebende MI-Patienten entwickeln jedoch h{\"a}ufig eine Herzinsuffizienz, die mit einer reduzierten Lebensqualit{\"a}t, hohen Sterblichkeitsrate (10\% j{\"a}hrlich), sowie hohen Kosten f{\"u}r das Gesundheitssystem einhergeht. Die Entwicklung der Herzinsuffizienz nach einem MI ist auf den hohen Verlust kontraktiler Kardiomyozyten, w{\"a}hrend der Isch{\"a}mie-Reperfusion zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Anschließende komplexe strukturelle und funktionelle Ver{\"a}nderungen resultieren aus Modifikationen des infarzierten und nicht infarzierten Myokards auf molekularer und zellul{\"a}rer Ebene. Die verbesserte {\"U}berlebensrate von Patienten mit akutem MI und das Fehlen effizienter Therapien, die die Entwicklung und das Fortschreiten des ventrikul{\"a}ren Remodelings verhindern, f{\"u}hren zu einer hohen Pr{\"a}valenz der Herzinsuffizienz. Die kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) ist eine wichtige Methode zur Diagnose und Beurteilung des Myokardinfarktes. Mit dem technologischen Fortschritt wurden die Grenzen der MRT erweitert, so dass es heute m{\"o}glich ist, auch molekulare und zellul{\"a}re Ereignisse in vivo und nicht-invasiv zu untersuchen. In Kombination mit kardialer Morphologie und Funktion k{\"o}nnte die Visualisierung essentieller molekularer und zellul{\"a}rer Marker in vivo weitreichende Einblicke in den Heilungsprozess infarzierter Herzen liefern, was zu neuen Erkenntnissen f{\"u}r ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis und bessere Therapien des akuten MI f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnte. In dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden f{\"u}r die molekulare und zellul{\"a}re kardiale MRT-Bildgebung der Inflammation und des Kalziumstroms im Heilungsprozess des akuten Myokardinfarktes in vivo in einem Rattenmodel mit klinischer Relevanz etabliert.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ye2023, author = {Ye, Liqing}, title = {RNA-RNA interactions in viral genome packaging}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29636}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296361}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {RNA is one of the most abundant macromolecules and plays essential roles in numerous biological processes. This doctoral thesis consists of two projects focusing on RNA structure and RNA-RNA interactions in viral genome packaging. In the first project I developed a method called Functional Analysis of RNA Structure (FARS-seq) to investigate structural features regulating genome dimerization within the HIV-1 5'UTR. Genome dimerization is a conserved feature of retroviral replication and is thought to be a prerequisite for binding to the viral structural protein Pr55Gag during genome packaging. It also plays a role in genome integrity and evolution through recombination, and is linked to a structural switch that may regulate genome packaging and translation within cells. Despite its importance for HIV-1 replication, the RNA signals regulating genome dimerization, and the molecular mechanism leading to the selection of the genome dimer over the monomer for packaging are incompletely understood. The FARS-seq method combines RNA structural information obtained by chemical probing with single nucleotide resolution profiles of RNA function obtained by mutational interference. In this way, we found nucleotides that were critical for dimerization, especially within the well-characterized dimerization motif within stem-loop 1 (SL1). We also found stretches of nucleotides that enhanced genome dimerization upon mutation, suggesting their role in negatively regulating dimerization. A structural analysis identified distinct structural signatures within monomeric and dimeric RNA. The dimeric conformation displayed the canonical transactivation response (TAR), PolyA, primer binding site (PBS), and SL1-SL3 stem-loops, and contained a long range U5-AUG interaction. Unexpectedly, in monomeric RNA, SL1 was reconfigured into long- and short-range base-pairings with PolyA and PBS, respectively. Intriguingly, these base pairings concealed the palindromic sequence needed for dimerization and disrupted the internal loop in SL1 previously shown to contain the major packaging motif for Pr55Gag. We therefore rationally introduced mutations into PolyA and PBS, and showed how these regions regulate genome dimerization, and the binding of Pr55Gag in vitro, as well as genome packaging into virions. These findings give insights into late stages of the HIV-1 life cycle and a mechanistic explanation for the link between RNA dimerization and packaging. In the second project, I developed a proximity ligation and high-throughput sequencing-based method, RNA-RNA seq, which can measure direct (RNA-RNA) and indirect (protein-mediated) interactions. In contrast to existing methods, RNA-RNA seq is not limited by specific protein or RNA baits, nor to a particular crosslinking reagent. The genome of influenza A virus contains eight segments, which assemble into a "7+1" supramolecular complex. However, the molecular details of genome assembly are poorly understood. Our goal is to use RNA-RNA seq to identify the sites of interaction between the eight genomic RNAs of influenza, and to use this information to define the quaternary RNA architecture of the genome. We showed that RNA-RNA seq worked on model substrates, like the HIV-1 Dimerization Initiation Site (DIS) RNA and purified ribosome, as well as influenza A virus infected cells.}, subject = {RNS-Viren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yang2015, author = {Yang, Zhenghong}, title = {A systematic study of learned helplessness in Drosophila melanogaster}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112424}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The learned helplessness phenomenon is a specific animal behavior induced by prior exposure to uncontrollable aversive stimuli. It was first found by Seligman and Maier (1967) in dogs and then has been reported in many other species, e.g. in rats (Vollmayr and Henn, 2001), in goldfishes (Padilla, 1970), in cockroaches (Brown, 1988) and also in fruit flies (Brown, 1996; Bertolucci, 2008). However, the learned helplessness effect in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) has not been studied in detail. Thus, in this doctoral study, we investigated systematically learned helplessness behavior of Drosophila for the first time. Three groups of flies were tested in heatbox. Control group was in the chambers experiencing constant, mild temperature. Second group, master flies were punished in their chambers by being heated if they stopped walking for 0.9s. The heat pulses ended as soon as they resumed walking again. A third group, the yoked fly, was in their chambers at the same time. However, their behavior didn't affect anything: yoked flies were heated whenever master flies did, with same timing and durations. After certain amount of heating events, yoked flies associated their own behavior with the uncontrollability of the environment. They suppressed their innate responses such as reducing their walking time and walking speed; making longer escape latencies and less turning around behavior under heat pulses. Even after the conditioning phase, yoked flies showed lower activity level than master and control flies. Interestingly, we have also observed sex dimorphisms in flies. Male flies expressed learned helplessness not like female flies. Differences between master and yoked flies were smaller in male than in female flies. Another interesting finding was that prolonged or even repetition of training phases didn't enhance learned helplessness effect in flies. Furthermore, we investigated serotonergic and dopaminergic nervous systems in learned helplessness. Using genetic and pharmacological manipulations, we altered the levels of serotonin and dopamine in flies' central nervous system. Female flies with reduced serotonin concentration didn't show helpless behavior, while the learned helplessness effect in male flies seems not to be affected by a reduction of serotonin. Flies with lower dopamine level do not display the learned helplessness effect in the test phase, suggesting that with low dopamine the motivational change in learned helplessness in Drosophila may decline faster than with a normal dopamine level.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yang2021, author = {Yang, Tao}, title = {Functional insights into the role of a bacterial virulence factor and a host factor in Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20895}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) is a human specific pathogenic bacterium. Currently, N. gonorrhoeae developed resistance to virtually all the available antibiotics used for treatment. N. gonorrhoeae starts infection by colonizing the cell surface, followed by invasion of the host cell, intracellular persistence, transcytosis and exit into the subepithelial space. Subepithelial bacteria can reach the bloodstream and disseminate to other tissues causing systemic infections, which leads to serious conditions such as arthritis and pneumonia. A number of studies have well established the host-pathogen interactions during the initial adherence and invasion steps. However, the mechanism of intracellular survival and traversal is poorly understood so far. Hence, identification of novel bacterial virulence factors and host factors involved in the host-pathogen interaction is a crucial step in understanding disease development and uncovering novel therapeutic approaches. Besides, most of the previous studies about N. gonorrhoeae were performed in the conventional cell culture. Although they have provided insights into host-pathogen interactions, much information about the native infection microenvironment, such as cell polarization and barrier function, is still missing. This work focused on determining the function of novel bacterial virulence factor NGFG_01605 and host factor (FLCN) in gonococcal infection. NGFG_01605 was identified by Tn5 transposon library screening. It is a putative U32 protease. Unlike other proteins in this family, it is not secreted and has no ex vivo protease activity. NGFG_01605 knockout decreases gonococcal survival in the epithelial cell. 3D models based on T84 cell was developed for the bacterial transmigration assay. NGFG_01605 knockout does not affect gonococcal transmigration. The novel host factor FLCN was identified by shRNA library screening in search for factors that affected gonococcal adherence and/or internalization. We discovered that FLCN did not affect N. gonorrhoeae adherence and invasion but was essential for bacterial survival. Since programmed cell death is a host defence mechanism against intracellular pathogens, we further explored apoptosis and autophagy upon gonococcal infection and determined that FLCN did not affect apoptosis but inhibited autophagy. Moreover, we found that FLCN inhibited the expression of E-cadherin. Knockdown of E- cadherin decreased the autophagy flux and supported N. gonorrhoeae survival. Both non-polarized and polarized cells are present in the cervix, and additionally, E-cadherin represents different polarization properties on these different cells. Therefore, we established 3-D models to better understand the functions of FLCN. We discovered that FLCN was critical for N. gonorrhoeae survival in the 3-D environment as well, but not through inhibiting autophagy. Furthermore, FLCN inhibits the E-cadherin expression and disturbs its polarization in the 3-D models. Since N. gonorrhoeae can cross the epithelial cell barriers through both cell-cell junctions and transcellular migration, we further explored the roles FLCN and E-cadherin played in transmigration. FLCN delayed N. gonorrhoeae transmigration, whereas the knockdown of E-cadherin increased N. gonorrhoeae transmigration. In summary, we revealed roles of the NGFG_01605 and FLCN-E-cadherin axis play in N. gonorrhoeae infection, particularly in relation to intracellular survival and transmigration. This is also the first study that connects FLCN and human-specific pathogen infection.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yang2020, author = {Yang, Manli}, title = {\(Chlamydia\) \(trachomatis\) metabolism during infection and metatranscriptome analysis in \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\) coinfected STD patients}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18499}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184993}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) is an obligate intracellular human pathogen. It causes blinding trachoma and sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease and lymphogranuloma venereum. Ct has a unique biphasic development cycle and replicates in an intracellular vacuole called inclusion. Normally it has two forms: the infectious form, elementary body (EB); and the non-infectious form, reticulate body (RB). Ct is not easily amenable to genetic manipulation. Hence, to understand the infection process, it is crucial to study how the metabolic activity of Ct exactly evolves in the host cell and what roles of EB and RB play differentially in Ct metabolism during infection. In addition, Ct was found regularly coinfected with other pathogens in patients who got sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A lack of powerful methods to culture Ct outside of the host cell makes the detailed molecular mechanisms of coinfection difficult to study. In this work, a genome-scale metabolic model with 321 metabolites and 277 reactions was first reconstructed by me to study Ct metabolic adaptation in the host cell during infection. This model was calculated to yield 84 extreme pathways, and metabolic flux strength was then modelled regarding 20hpi, 40hpi and later based on a published proteomics dataset. Activities of key enzymes involved in target pathways were further validated by RT-qPCR in both HeLa229 and HUVEC cell lines. This study suggests that Ct's major active pathways involve glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycerolphospholipid biosynthesis and pentose phosphate pathway, while Ct's incomplete tricarboxylic acid cycle and fatty acid biosynthesis are less active. EB is more activated in almost all these carbohydrate pathways than RB. Result suggests the survival of Ct generally requires a lot of acetyl-CoA from the host. Besides, both EB and RB can utilize folate biosynthesis to generate NAD(P)H but may use different pathways depending on the demands of ATP. When more ATP is available from both host cell and Ct itself, RB is more activated by utilizing energy providing chemicals generated by enzymes associated in the nucleic acid metabolism. The forming of folate also suggests large glutamate consumption, which is supposed to be converted from glutamine by the glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (glmS) and CTP synthase (pyrG). Then, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data analysis was performed by me in a coinfection study. Metatranscriptome from patient RNA-seq data provides a realistic overview. Thirteen patient samples were collected and sequenced by our collaborators. Six male samples were obtained by urethral swab, and seven female samples were collected by cervicovaginal lavage. All the samples were Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) positive, and half of them had coinfection with Ct. HISAT2 and Stringtie were used for transcriptomic mapping and assembly respectively, and differential expression analysis by DESeq2, Ballgown and Cuffdiff2 are parallelly processed for comparison. Although the measured transcripts were not sufficient to assemble Ct's transcriptome, the differential expression of genes in both the host and GC were analyzed by comparing Ct positive group (Ct+) against Ct-uninfected group. The results show that in the Ct+ group, the host MHC class II immune response was highly induced. Ct infection is associated with the regulation of DNA methylation, DNA double-strand damage and ubiquitination. The analysis also shows Ct infection enhances host fatty acid beta oxidation, thereby inducing mROS, and the host responds to reduce ceramide production and glycolysis. The coinfection upregulates GC's own ion transporters and amino acid uptake, while it downregulates GC's restriction and modification systems. Meanwhile, GC has the nitrosative and oxidative stress response and also increases the ability for ferric uptake especially in the Ct+ group compared to Ct-uninfected group. In conclusion, methods in bioinformatics were used here in analyzing the metabolism of Ct itself, and the responses of the host and GC respectively in a coinfection study with and without Ct. These methods provide metabolic and metatranscriptomic details to study Ct metabolism during infection and Ct associated coinfection in the human microbiota.}, subject = {chlamydia trachomatis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yadav2016, author = {Yadav, Preeti}, title = {Studying Neuronal Cytoskeleton Defects and Synaptic Defects in Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138093}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy are the two most common motoneuron diseases. Both are characterized by destabilization of axon terminals, axon degeneration and alterations in neuronal cytoskeleton. Accumulation of neurofilaments has been observed in several neurodegenerative diseases but the mechanisms how elevated neurofilament levels destabilize axons are unknown so far. Here, I show that increased neurofilament expression in motor nerves of pmn mutant mice causes disturbed microtubule dynamics. Depletion of neurofilament by Nefl knockout increases the number and regrowth of microtubules in pmn mutant motoneurons and restores axon elongation. This effect is mediated by interaction of neurofilament with the stathmin complex. Depletion of neurofilament increases stathmin-Stat3 interaction and stabilizes the microtubules. Consequently, the axonal maintenance is improved and the pmn mutant mice survive longer. We propose that this mechanism could also be relevant for other neurodegenerative diseases in which neurofilament accumulation is a prominent feature. Next, using Smn-/-;SMN2 mouse as a model, the molecular mechanism behind synapse loss in SMA is studied. SMA is characterized by degeneration of lower α-motoneurons in spinal cord; however, how reduction of ubiquitously expressed SMN leads to MN-specific degeneration remains unclear. SMN is involved in pre-mRNA splicing (Pellizzoni, Kataoka et al. 1998) and its deficiency in SMA affects the splicing machinery. Neuromuscular junction denervation precedes neurodegeneration in SMA. However, there is no evidence of a link between aberrant splicing of transcripts downstream of Smn and reduced presynaptic axon excitability observed in SMA. In this study, we observed that expression and splicing of Nrxn2, that encodes a presynaptic protein is affected in the SMA mouse and that Nrxn2 could be a candidate that relates aberrant splicing to synaptic motoneuron defects in SMA.}, subject = {Neurofilament}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xu2022, author = {Xu, Wenshan}, title = {Regulation of the DNA Damage Response by the Ubiquitin System}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-160064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {DNA damage occurs frequently during normal cellular progresses or by environmental factors. To preserve the genome integrity, DNA damage response (DDR) has evolved to repair DNA and the non-properly repaired DNA induces human diseases like immune deficiency and cancer. Since a large number of proteins involved in DDR are enzymes of ubiquitin system, it is critical to investigate how the ubiquitin system regulates cellular response to DNA damage. Hereby, we reveal a novel mechanism for DDR regulation via activation of SCF ubiquitin ligase upon DNA damage. As an essential step for DNA damage-induced inhibition of DNA replication, Cdc25A degradation by the E3 ligase β-TrCP upon DNA damage requires the deubiquitinase Usp28. Usp28 deubiquitinates β-TrCP in response to DNA damage, thereby promotes its dimerization, which is required for its activity in substrate ubiquitination and degradation. Particularly, ubiquitination at a specific lysine on β-TrCP suppresses dimerization. The key mediator protein of DDR, 53BP1, forms oligomers and associates with β-TrCP to inhibit its activity in unstressed cells. Upon DNA damage, 53BP1 is degraded in the nucleoplasm, which requires oligomerization and is promoted by Usp28 in a β-TrCP-dependent manner. Consequently, 53BP1 destruction releases and activates β-TrCP during DNA damage response. Moreover, 53BP1 deletion and DNA damage promote β-TrCP dimerization and recruitment to chromatin sites that locate in the vicinity of putative replication origins. Subsequently, the chromatin-associated Cdc25A is degraded by β-TrCP at the origins. The stimulation of β-TrCP binding to the origins upon DNA damage is accompanied by unloading of Cdc45, a crucial component of pre-initiation complexes for replication. Loading of Cdc45 to origins is a key Cdk2-dependent step for DNA replication initiation, indicating that localized Cdc25A degradation by β-TrCP at origins inactivates Cdk2, thereby inhibits the initiation of DNA replication. Collectively, this study suggests a novel mechanism for the regulation of DNA replication upon DNA damage, which involves 53BP1- and Usp28-dependent activation of the SCF(β-TrCP) ligase in Cdc25A degradation.}, subject = {DNS-Sch{\"a}digung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xiao2023, author = {Xiao, Yin}, title = {Lack of NFATc1 SUMOylation prevents autoimmunity and alloreactivity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32105}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321054}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {SUMOylation, as a post-translational modification, plays a crucial role in several biological processes. Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins can be reversibly linked to the lysine residues located within specific motifs on numerous target proteins, leading to the change of stability, localization, activity of target proteins, mostly by promoting or interfering with the interaction with other molecules. Consequently, it can regulate gene transcription, migration, cell cycle progression, cellular responses to stress, and tumorigenesis. NFATc1 belongs to the Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells (NFAT) transcription factor family, which is dephosphorylated and translocates to the nucleus upon cell stimulation, which provokes Ca2+ signalling. NFAT plays a crucial role in the development and function of the immune system. NFATc1 has three SUMOylation sites at the position of aa 349, 702, and 914. In our previous study, we demonstrated that point mutations performed on the SUMOylation sites on all three or only at the lysine residues K702 and K914 lead to enhanced expression of IL-2 in vitro. To evaluate the function of SUMOylation of NFATc1 on T cell-mediated immunity in vivo, we not only generated a transgenic mouse strain (NFATc1/ΔS+ mouse) by point mutations from Lysine to Arginine on the two SUMOylation sites within exon 10 of Nfatc1 to prevent their SUMOylation, but in combination created another mouse strain (NFATc1/ΔBC+ mouse) that is completely Nfatc1 exon 10-ablated by using the LoxP/Cre system. In NFATc1/ΔS+ T cells, we observed enhanced IL-2 production and less IL-17A and IFN-γ expression. In line with exon 10 bearing the relevant SUMO sites, NFATc1/ΔBC+ CD4+ T cells behaved similarly as NFATc1/ΔS+ ones. The mechanism is that elevated IL-2 secretion can counteract the expression of IL-17A and IFN-γ via STAT5 and Blimp-1 induction. Afterwards, Blimp-1 suppressed IL-2 itself as well as Bcl2A1. Next, we performed two disease models with our NFATc1/ΔS+ mice. In a major mismatch model for acute graft-versus-host disease, we found that the mice transplanted with NFATc1/ΔS+ CD3+ T cells developed less severe disease, and T cells proliferated less due to increased Tregs. Moreover, when transferring 2D2.NFATc1/ΔS+ Th1 plus Th17 cells to Rag1-/- mice to induce experimental autoimmune encephalitis, we also observed ameliorated disease compared to animals with transferred WT T cells as well as increased Tregs. Taking all data together, the deficiency in SUMOylation of NFATc1 leads to an elevated IL-2 secretion in T cells and subsequent activation of STAT5, which competes with STAT3 to inhibit IL-17A production and promotes Treg expansion, as well as to an enforcement of Blimp-1 expression, which suppresses IFN-γ and IL-2 expression. Consequently and despite a short phase of enhanced IL-2 secretion, the deficiency of SUMOylation on NFATc1 can protect from autoreactive and alloreactive diseases. Moreover, to further understand the function of SUMOylation of NFATc1 in humans, we started by establishing an in vitro 3D culture system for tonsil organoids, which was successful in the presence of feeder cells, along with IL-4 and IL-7 cytokines. To confirm that our 3D tonsil organoids can respond to real antigens, we used CMV peptides and peptides of spike proteins from Covid-19 as real antigens, and co-cultured with tonsil organoids, which indeed can generate memory cells and plasmablasts. In the end, we also compared 3D to 2D cultures. Although the total numbers of all B cell subsets were much less in 3D culture than that in 2D culture, still, it indicates that this in-vitro culture system has its limitation, while being usable to produce the similar results as 2D did. Therefore, this 3D culture system can be used as a platform to investigate NFATc1/ΔS+ or NFATc1/ΔBC+ TFH and TFR cells in the dynamic of human GC responses.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{XavierdeSouza2024, author = {Xavier de Souza, Aline}, title = {Ecophysiological adaptations of the cuticular water permeability within the Solanaceae family}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22539}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225395}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The cuticle, a complex lipidic layer synthesized by epidermal cells, covers and protects primary organs of all land plants. Its main function is to avoid plant desiccation by limiting non-stomatal water loss. The cuticular properties vary widely among plant species. So far, most of the cuticle-related studies have focused on a limited number of species, and studies addressing phylogenetically related plant species are rare. Moreover, comparative studies among organs from the same plant species are still scarce. Thus, this study focus on organ-specificities of the cuticle within and between plant species of the Solanaceae family. Twenty-seven plant species of ten genera, including cultivated and non- cultivated species, were investigated to identify potential cuticular similarities. Structural, chemical and functional traits of fully expanded leaves, inflated fruiting calyces, and ripe fruits were analyzed. The surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Leaves were mainly amphistomatic and covered by an epicuticular wax film. The diversity and distribution of trichomes varied among species. Only the leaves of S. grandiflora were glabrous. Plant species of the Leptostemonum subgenus had numerous prickles and non-glandular stellate trichomes. Fruits were stomata-free, except for S. muricatum, and a wax film covered their surface. Last, lenticel- like structures and remaining scars of broken trichomes were found on the surface of some Solanum fruits. Cuticular water permeability was used as indicators of the cuticular transpiration barrier efficiency. The water permeability differed among plant species, organs and fruit types with values ranging up to one hundred-fold. The minimum leaf conductance ranged from 0.35 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. grandiflora to 31.54 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. muricatum. Cuticular permeability of fruits ranged from 0.64 × 10-5 m s-1 in S. dulcamara (fleshy berry) to 34.98 × 10-5 m s-1 in N. tabacum (capsule). Generally, the cuticular water loss of dry fruits was about to 5-fold higher than that of fleshy fruits. Interestingly, comparisons between cultivated and non-cultivated species showed that wild species have the most efficient cuticular transpiration barrier in leaves and fruits. The average permeability of leaves and fruits of wild plant species was up to three-fold lower in comparison to the cultivated ones. Moreover, ripe fruits of P. ixocarpa and P. peruviana showed two-times lower cuticular transpiration when enclosed by the inflated fruiting calyx. The cuticular chemical composition was examined using gas chromatography. Very-long-chain aliphatic compounds primarily composed the cuticular waxes, being mostly dominated by n- alkanes (up to 80\% of the total wax load). Primary alkanols, alkanoic acids, alkyl esters and branched iso- and anteiso-alkanes were also frequently found. Although in minor amounts, sterols, pentacyclic triterpenoids, phenylmethyl esters, coumaric acid esters, and tocopherols were identified in the cuticular waxes. Cuticular wax coverages highly varied in solanaceous (62- fold variation). The cuticular wax load of fruits ranged from 0.55 μg cm-2 (Nicandra physalodes) to 33.99 μg cm-2 (S. pennellii), whereas the wax amount of leaves varied from 0.90 μg cm-2 (N. physalodes) to 28.42 μg cm-2 (S. burchellii). Finally, the wax load of inflated fruiting calyces ranged from 0.56 μg cm-2 in P. peruviana to 2.00 μg cm-2 in N. physalodes. For the first time, a comparative study on the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier in different plant organs of closely related plant species was conducted. Altogether, the cuticular chemical variability found in solanaceous species highlight species-, and organ-specific wax biosynthesis. These chemical variabilities might relate to the waterproofing properties of the plant cuticle, thereby influencing leaf and fruit performances. Additionally, the high cuticular water permeabilities of cultivated plant species suggest a potential existence of a trade-off between fruit organoleptic properties and the efficiency of the cuticular transpiration barrier. Last, the high cuticular water loss of the solanaceous dry fruits might be a physiological adaptation favouring seed dispersion.}, subject = {Kutikula}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wussmann2024, author = {Wußmann, Maximiliane}, title = {Humane organotypische 3D Modelle des Malignen Melanoms als in vitro Testsystem f{\"u}r die Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von anti-Tumor Therapeutika}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36100}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das maligne Melanom, eine der seltensten, aber gleichzeitig auch die t{\"o}dlichste dermatologische Malignit{\"a}t, gekennzeichnet durch die Neigung zu einer fr{\"u}hen Metastasierung sowie die rasche Entwicklung von Therapieresistenzen, z{\"a}hlt zu den Tumorentit{\"a}ten mit dem h{\"o}chsten Anstieg der Inzidenz weltweit. Mausmodelle werden h{\"a}ufig verwendet, um die Melanomagenese zu erforschen und neue effektive therapeutische Strategien zu entwickeln, spiegeln die menschliche Physiologie allerdings nur unzureichend wider. In zweidimensionalen (2D) Zellkulturen mangelt es dagegen an wichtigen Komponenten der Mikroumgebung des Tumors und dem dreidimensionalen Gewebekontext. Um dieses Manko zu beheben und die Entwicklung von auf den Menschen {\"u}bertragbaren Tumormodellen in der onkologischen Forschung voranzutreiben, wurde als Alternative zu Zellkulturen und Tierversuchen humane organotypische dreidimensionale (3D) Melanom-Modelle als in vitro Testsystem f{\"u}r die Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von anti-Tumor Therapeutika entwickelt. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit konnte das in vitro Melanom-Modell entscheidend weiterentwickelt werden. So konnten Modelle unterschiedlichster Komplexit{\"a}t etabliert werden, wobei abh{\"a}ngig von der Fragestellung einfachere epidermale bis hin zu unterschiedlich komplexen Vollhautmodellen Anwendung finden. Durch Simulation der Tumor-Mikroumgebung eignen sich diese zur pr{\"a}klinischen Validierung neuer Tumor-Therapeutika, sowie der Erforschung pathologischer Vorg{\"a}nge, von der Tumor-Formierung bis zur Metastasierung. Zudem konnten erfolgreich unterschiedlichste humane Melanomzelllinien ins Modell integriert werden; dadurch, dass sich diese durch ihre Treibermutationen, die zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen, unterscheiden, stellen sie unterschiedliche Anspr{\"u}che an potentielle therapeutische Angriffspunkte und erm{\"o}glichen das Widerspiegeln vieler Melanom-Subtypen im Modell. Ferner ist es m{\"o}glich, verschiedene Stadien der Tumor-Entwicklung {\"u}ber die Zugabe von Melanomzellen in Einzelsuspension bzw. von Melanom-Sph{\"a}roiden widerzuspiegeln. Es konnte f{\"u}r bestimmte Therapie-Ans{\"a}tze, wie zielgerichtete Therapien, z.B. die Gabe von sich in der Klinik im Einsatz befindlicher BRAF-/MEK-Inhibitoren, gezeigt werden, dass sich die etablierten Modelle hervorragend als pr{\"a}klinische Testsysteme zur Wirksamkeitsbewertung eignen. Zudem bieten sich einzigartige M{\"o}glichkeiten, um die Interaktion humaner Tumorzellen und gesunder Zellen in einem Gewebeverband zu untersuchen. Ferner konnten drei neue technische Analyse-Verfahren zur nicht-invasiven Detektion der Tumor- Pro- und Regression, Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit von potenziellen Anti-Tumor-Therapien sowie der Evaluierung des Tumor-Metabolismusses implementiert werden. Perspektivisch erm{\"o}glichen immun-kompetente Melanom-Modelle die Austestung neuer Immun- und Zelltherapien in einem voll humanen System; gleichzeitig leisten die etablierten Modelle einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Reduktion von Tierexperimenten.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wurst2021, author = {Wurst, Catherina}, title = {Eingeschr{\"a}nktes Furchtlernen bei {\"a}ngstlich und nicht-{\"a}ngstlich depressiven Patienten}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20503}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-205034}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Depressionen und Angstst{\"o}rungen sind die beiden h{\"a}ufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen. F{\"u}r Angstst{\"o}rungen wurde in zahlreichen Untersuchungen die Bedeutung ver{\"a}nderter Muster in den basalen emotional-assoziativen Lernprozessen f{\"u}r die {\"A}tiologie und Aufrechterhaltung der Erkrankung gezeigt. Hierzu z{\"a}hlen eine verst{\"a}rkte Akquisitionsreaktion auf den konditionierten Stimulus, Defizite in der Inhibition der Furchtreaktion auf den Sicherheit signalisierenden Stimulus, {\"U}bergeneralisierung und Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen in der Extinktion konditionierter Reaktionen. Aufgrund der hohen Pr{\"a}valenzen einer Komorbidit{\"a}t mit Depressionen r{\"u}ckte in den letzten Jahren zunehmend die Untersuchung der genannten Prozesse bei Depressionen in den Fokus. Hierf{\"u}r konnten bisher keine einheitlichen Ergebnisse gezeigt werden. Weiterhin wird der Subtyp der {\"a}ngstlichen Depression einerseits mit hohen Pr{\"a}valenzen beschrieben, andererseits zeigen Untersuchungen eine schlechtere Prognose, st{\"a}rkere Einschr{\"a}nkungen in der Funktionalit{\"a}t und ein schlechteres Ansprechen auf die Therapie im Vergleich zu depressiven Patienten ohne hohes {\"A}ngstlichkeitsniveau. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Akquisition, Generalisierung und Extinktion in einem differentiellen Konditionierungsparadigma bei schwer depressiven {\"a}ngstlichen und nicht {\"a}ngstlich-depressiven Patienten sowie einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe untersucht. {\"A}ngstliche und nicht {\"a}ngstlich-depressive Patienten zeigten ein beeintr{\"a}chtigtes Sicherheitslernen in der Akquisition und Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen in der Extinktion der konditionierten Furcht. Es ergaben sich keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich der St{\"a}rke der Generalisierung zwischen Patienten und den gesunden Kontrollen und es konnten keine differenzierenden Muster zwischen den {\"a}ngstlich- und den nicht {\"a}ngstlich-depressiven Patienten gezeigt werden. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse auf Ver{\"a}nderungen im Furchtlernen bei Patienten mit Depressionen hin. Es konnten keine Belege f{\"u}r unterschiedliche Mechanismen im Furchtlernen von {\"a}ngstlich- und nicht {\"a}ngstlich-depressiven Patienten gefunden werden. Unsere Ergebnisse st{\"u}tzen somit die Klassifikation der {\"a}ngstlichen Depression als Subtyp der Depression. Weiterhin weisen die Ergebnisse der beeintr{\"a}chtigten Extinktion bei Patienten mit Depressionen darauf hin, dass Expositionselemente, welche bei der Therapie von Angstst{\"o}rungen als Verfahren der Wahl eingesetzt werden, auch bei der Behandlung von Depressionen integriert werden sollten, um so den Therapieerfolg zu verbessern.}, subject = {Depression}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wunsch2019, author = {Wunsch, Marie}, title = {Das enterische Nervensystem als m{\"o}gliche Zielstruktur der Autoimmunreaktion in der Multiplen Sklerose}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175888}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Bei der Multiplen Sklerose (MS) handelt es sich um eine Autoimmunerkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS). Abh{\"a}ngig von der betroffenen ZNS-Region kann es zu vielf{\"a}ltigen Symptomen kommen. Neben neurologischen Symptomen verursacht durch ZNS-L{\"a}sionen leidet ein Großteil der MS-Patienten auch unter gastrointestinalen Funktionsst{\"o}rungen. Diese gastrointestinalen Symptome wurden bisher eher auf L{\"a}sionen im R{\"u}ckenmark zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt und nicht direkt in Verbindung mit der autoimmunen {\"A}tiologie der Erkrankung gebracht. In dieser Studie wurde das enterische Nervensystem (ENS) in einem B-Zell- und Antik{\"o}rper-abh{\"a}ngigen Mausmodell der MS untersucht. Daf{\"u}r wurde der Autoimmunprozess durch Immunisierung mit MP4, einem Fusionsprotein aus dem Myelin-Basischen-Protein (MBP) und dem Proteolipid-Protein (PLP), ausgel{\"o}st. Das ZNS und ENS wurden in den unterschiedlichen Erkrankungsstadien immunhistochemisch und elektronenmikroskopisch analysiert. Neben der Immunpathologie des ZNS konnte dabei eine Degeneration des ENS schon vor dem Einsetzen der ersten neurologischen Defizite nachgewiesen werden. Die ENS-Pathologie war antik{\"o}rper-mediiert und ging einher mit einer verringerten gastrointestinalen Motilit{\"a}t sowie mit einer Gliose und Neurodegeneration des ENS. Mithilfe von Immunpr{\"a}zipitation und Massenspektrometrie konnten im ENS vier m{\"o}gliche Zielstrukturen des Autoimmunprozesses identifiziert werden, was auf sog. epitope spreading hindeutet. Auch im Plasma von MS-Patienten konnten Antik{\"o}rper gegen drei dieser Antigene nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren zeigten sich in Kolon-Resektaten von MS-Patienten erste Ans{\"a}tze einer Neurodegeneration und Gliose des ENS. In dieser Studie wurde zum ersten Mal ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Autoimmunreaktion gegen das ZNS und einer simultanen Reaktion gegen das ENS gezeigt. Dies kann einen Paradigmenwechsel im Verst{\"a}ndnis der Immunpathogenese der MS anstoßen und neue therapeutische und diagnostische Ans{\"a}tze initiieren.}, subject = {Multiple Sklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wu2013, author = {Wu, Lingdan}, title = {Emotion Regulation in Addicted Smokers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85471}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Nicotine addiction is the most prevalent type of drug addiction that has been described as a cycle of spiraling dysregulation of the brain reward systems. Imaging studies have shown that nicotine addiction is associated with abnormal function in prefrontal brain regions that are important for cognitive emotion regulation. It was assumed that addicts may perform less well than healthy nonsmokers in cognitive emotion regulation tasks. The primary aims of this thesis were to investigate emotional responses to natural rewards among smokers and nonsmokers and to determine whether smokers differ from nonsmokers in cognitive regulation of positive and negative emotions. To address these aims, two forms of appraisal paradigms (i.e., appraisal frame and reappraisal) were applied to compare changes in emotional responses of smokers with that of nonsmokers as a function of appraisal strategies. Experiment 1: The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate whether and how appraisal frames preceding positive and negative picture stimuli affect emotional experience and facial expression of individuals. Twenty participants were exposed to 125 pairs of auditory appraisal frames (either neutral or emotional) followed by picture stimuli reflecting five conditions: unpleasant-negative, unpleasant-neutral, pleasant-positive, pleasant-neutral and neutral-neutral. Ratings of valence and arousal as well as facial EMG activity over the corrugator supercilii and the zygomaticus major were measured simultaneously. The results indicated that appraisal frames could alter both subjective emotional experience and facial expressions, irrespective of the valence of the pictorial stimuli. These results suggest and support that appraisal frame is an efficient paradigm in regulation of multi-level emotional responses. 8 Experiment 2: The second experiment applied the appraisal frame paradigm to investigate how smokers differ from nonsmokers on cognitive emotion regulation. Sixty participants (22 nonsmokers, 19 nondeprived smokers and 19 12-h deprived smokers) completed emotion regulation tasks as described in Experiment 1 while emotional responses were concurrently recorded as reflected by self-ratings and psychophysiological measures (i.e., facial EMG and EEG). The results indicated that there was no group difference on emotional responses to natural rewards. Moreover, nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers performed as well as nonsmokers on the emotion regulation task. The lack of group differences in multiple emotional responses (i.e., self-reports, facial EMG activity and brain EEG activity) suggests that nicotine addicts have no deficit in cognitive emotion regulation of natural rewards via appraisal frames. Experiment 3: The third experiment aimed to further evaluate smokers' emotion regulation ability by comparing performances of smokers and nonsmokers in a more challenging cognitive task (i.e., reappraisal task). Sixty-five participants (23 nonsmokers, 22 nondeprived smokers and 20 12-h deprived smokers) were instructed to regulate emotions by imagining that the depicted negative or positive scenario would become less negative or less positive over time, respectively. The results showed that nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers responded similarly to emotional pictures and performed as well as nonsmokers in down-regulating positive and negative emotions via the reappraisal strategy. These results indicated that nicotine addicts do not have deficit in emotion regulation using cognitive appraisal strategies. In sum, the three studies consistently revealed that addicted smokers were capable to regulate emotions via appraisal strategies. This thesis establishes the groundwork for therapeutic use of appraisal instructions to cope with potential self-regulation failures in nicotine addicts.}, subject = {Gef{\"u}hl}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolter2015, author = {Wolter, Patrick}, title = {Characterization of the mitotic localization and function of the novel DREAM target GAS2L3 and Mitotic kinesins are regulated by the DREAM complex, often up-regulated in cancer cells, and are potential targets for anti-cancer therapy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122531}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The recently discovered human DREAM complex (for DP, RB-like, E2F and MuvB complex) is a chromatin-associated pocket protein complex involved in cell cycle- dependent gene expression. DREAM consists of five core subunits and forms a complex either with the pocket protein p130 and the transcription factor E2F4 to repress gene expression or with the transcription factors B-MYB and FOXM1 to promote gene expression. Gas2l3 was recently identified by our group as a novel DREAM target gene. Subsequent characterization in human cell lines revealed that GAS2L3 is a microtubule and F-actin cross-linking protein, expressed in G2/M, plays a role in cytokinesis, and is important for chromosomal stability. The aim of the first part of the study was to analyze how expression of GAS2L3 is regulated by DREAM and to provide a better understanding of the function of GAS2L3 in mitosis and cytokinesis. ChIP assays revealed that the repressive and the activating form of DREAM bind to the GAS2L3 promoter. RNA interference (RNAi) mediated GAS2L3 depletion demonstrated the requirement of GAS2L3 for proper cleavage furrow ingression in cytokinesis. Immunofluorescence-based localization studies showed a localization of GAS2L3 at the mitotic spindle in mitosis and at the midbody in cytokinesis. Additional experiments demonstrated that the GAS2L3 GAR domain, a putative microtubule- binding domain, is responsible for GAS2L3 localization to the constriction zones in cytokinesis suggesting a function for GAS2L3 in the abscission process. DREAM is known to promote G2/M gene expression. DREAM target genes include several mitotic kinesins and mitotic microtubule-associated proteins (mitotic MAPs). However, it is not clear to what extent DREAM regulates mitotic kinesins and MAPs, so far. Furthermore, a comprehensive study of mitotic kinesin expression in cancer cell lines is still missing. Therefore, the second major aim of the thesis was to characterize the regulation of mitotic kinesins and MAPs by DREAM, to investigate the expression of mitotic kinesins in cancer cell line panels and to evaluate them as possible anti-cancer targets. ChIP assays together with RNAi mediated DREAM subunit depletion experiments demonstrated that DREAM is a master regulator of mitotic kinesins. Furthermore, expression analyses in a panel of breast and lung cancer cell lines revealed that mitotic kinesins are up-regulated in the majority of cancer cell lines in contrast to non-transformed controls. Finally, an inducible lentiviral-based shRNA system was developed to effectively deplete mitotic kinesins. Depletion of selected mitotic kinesins resulted in cytokinesis failures and strong anti-proliferative effects in several human cancer cell lines. Thus, this system will provide a robust tool for future investigation of mitotic kinesin function in cancer cells.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolski2011, author = {Wolski, Stefanie Carola}, title = {Structural and functional characterization of nucleotide excision repair proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67183}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {XPD is a 5'-3' helicase of the superfamily 2. As part of the transcription factor IIH it functions in transcription initiation and nucleotide excision repair. This work focus on the role of XPD in nucleotide excision repair. NER is a DNA repair pathway unique for its broad substrate range. In placental mammals NER is the only repair mechanism able to remove lesions induced by UV-light. NER can be divided into four different steps that are conserved between pro- and eukaryotes. Step 1 consists of the initial damage recognition, during step 2 the putative damage is verified, in step 3 the verified damage is excised and in the 4th and final step the resulting gap in the DNA is refilled. XPD was shown to be involved in the damage verification step. It was possible to solve the first apo XPD structure by a MAD approach using only the endogenous iron from the iron sulfur cluster. Based on the apo XPD structure several questions arise: where is DNA bound? Where is DNA separated? How is damage verification achieved? What is the role of the FeS cluster? These questions were addressed in this work. Hypothesis driven structure based functional mutagenesis was employed and combined with detailed biochemical characterization of the variants. The variants were analyzed by thermal unfolding studies to exclude the possibility that the overall stability could be affected by the point mutation. DNA binding assays, ATPase assays and helicase assays were performed to delineate amino acid residues important for DNA binding, helicase activity and damage recognition. A structure of XPD containing a four base pair DNA fragment was solved by molecular replacement. This structure displays the polarity of the translocated strand with respect to the helicase framework. Moreover the properties of the FeS cluster were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance to get insights into the role of the FeS cluster. Furthermore XPD from Ferroplasma acidarmanus was investigated since it was shown that it is stalled at CPD containing lesions. The data provide the first detailed insight into the translocation mechanism of a SF2B helicase and reveal how polarity is achieved. This provides a basis for further anlayses understanding the combined action of the helicase and the 4Fe4S cluster to accomplish damage verification within the NER cascade.}, subject = {DNS-Reparatur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wittmann2014, author = {Wittmann, Tanja}, title = {Die Bedeutung von Phospholamban Pentameren f{\"u}r die Phospholamban-Phosphorylierung und die Regulation der SERCA2a-Aktivit{\"a}t}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108286}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Phospholamban (PLN) reguliert in der Herzmuskelzelle die Aktivit{\"a}t der Kalzium-ATPase SERCA2a und damit maßgeblich die Kinetik des myozyt{\"a}ren Kalzium-Kreislaufs. PLN liegt im Herz in Form von Monomeren und Pentameren vor, wobei angenommen wird, dass nur die Monomere die Aktivit{\"a}t der SERCA2a durch direkte Interaktion hemmen. Die Funktion der Pentamere ist noch immer unklar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob PLN-Pentamere f{\"u}r die PKA-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphorylierung des PLN und damit f{\"u}r die Regulation der PLN-Aktivit{\"a}t von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnen. Mit Hilfe transfizierter HEK293AD-Zellen und verschiedener PLN-Mutanten wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl PLN-Monomere als auch -Pentamere durch die PKA phosphoryliert werden, wobei die Phosphorylierung der Monomere in Anwesenheit von Pentameren geringer ist und verz{\"o}gert abl{\"a}uft. Ohne Pentamer war die Phosphorylierung der Monomere dagegen bereits basal und nach moderater PKA-Stimulation st{\"a}rker. Ursache daf{\"u}r schien eine h{\"o}here Affinit{\"a}t der PKA f{\"u}r PLN-Pentamere als f{\"u}r Monomere zu sein. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass nicht nur PLN-Monomere sondern auch das PLN-Pentamer mit der SERCA2a interagieren und das Oligomer im Gegensatz zum PLN-Monomer nach PLN-Phosphorylierung zu einem kleinen Anteil an die SERCA2a gebunden bleibt. Auch spiegelten sich die unterschiedlichen Phosphorylierungsmuster von PLN-Pentamer und Monomer in den SERCA2a-Aktivit{\"a}ten wieder. Messungen der SERCA2a-Aktivit{\"a}t in M{\"a}useherzen mit (Wildtyp und TgPLN) und ohne (TgAFA-PLN) PLN-Pentamere zeigten, dass Wildtyp-PLN und TgPLN die SERCA2a st{\"a}rker inhibieren als TgAFA-PLN, was auf die st{\"a}rkere basale Phosphorylierung des TgAFA-PLN zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren war. Nach PKA-Stimulation war der Anstieg der Enzymaktivit{\"a}t in Anwesenheit von TgPLN fast dreimal h{\"o}her als in TgAFA-PLN. Analog zeigte TgPLN eine deutlichere Steigerung der Phosphorylierung der PLN-Monomere als TgAFA-PLN. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass PLN-Pentamere durch Hemmung der Monomer-Phosphorylierung deren Aktivit{\"a}t erh{\"o}hen mit der Folge einer verst{\"a}rkten Inhibition der SERCA2a. Da die inhibitorische Wirkung durch PKA-Stimulation vollst{\"a}ndig aufgehoben werden kann, erh{\"o}hen die Pentamere die Regulationsm{\"o}glichkeiten der SERCA2a-Aktivit{\"a}t.}, subject = {Phospholamban}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wippel2012, author = {Wippel, Carolin}, title = {Alterations of brain dendrite and synapse structure by the Streptococcus pneumoniae neurotoxin pneumolysin - Insights and pharmacological modulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72016}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) is one of the leading causes of childhood meningitis,pneumonia and sepsis. Despite the availability of childhood vaccination programs and antimicrobial agents, childhood pneumococcal meningitis is still a devastating illness with mortality rates among the highest of any cause of bacterial meningitis. Especially in low-income countries, where medical care is less accessible, mortality rates up to 50 \% have been reported. In surviving patients, neurological sequelae, including hearing loss, focal neurological deficits and cognitive impairment, is reported in 30 to 50 \%. Growing resistance of pneumococci towards conventional antibiotics emphasize the need for effective therapies and development of effective vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae. One major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the protein toxin Pneumolysin (PLY). PLY belongs to a family of structurally related toxins, the so-called cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs). Pneumolysin is produced by almost all clinical isolates of the bacterium. It is expressed during the late log phase of bacterial growth and gets released mainly through spontaneous autolysis of the bacterial cell. After binding to cholesterol in the host cell membranes, oligomerization of up to 50 toxin monomers and rearrangement of the protein structure, PLY forms large pores, leading to cell lysis in higher toxin concentrations. At sub-lytic concentrations, however, PLY mediates several other effects, such as activation of the classic complement pathway and the induction of apoptosis. First experiments with pneumococcal strains, deficient in pneumolysin, showed a reduced virulence of the organism, which emphasizes the contribution of this toxin to the course of bacterial meningitis and the urgent need for the understanding of the multiple mechanisms leading to invasive pneumococcal disease. The aim of this thesis was to shed light on the contribution of pneumolysin to the course of the disease as well as to the mental illness patients are suffering from after recovery from pneumococcal meningitis. Therefore, we firstly investigated the effects of sub-lytic pneumolysin concentrations onto primary mouse neurons, transfected with a GFP construct and imaged with the help of laser scanning confocal microscopy. We discovered two major morphological changes in the dendrites of primary mouse neurons: The formation of focal swellings along the dendrites (so-called varicosities) and the reduction of dendritic spines. To study these effects in a more complex system, closer to the in vivo situation, we established a reproducible method for acute brain slice culturing. With the help of this culturing method, we were able to discover the same morphological changes in dendrites upon challenge with sub-lytic concentrations of pneumolysin. We were able to reverse the seen alterations in dendritic structure with the help of two antagonists of the NMDA receptor, connecting the toxin´s mode of action to a non-physiological stimulation of this subtype of glutamate receptors. The loss of dendritic spines (representing the postsynapse) in our brain slice model could be verified with the help of brain slices from adult mice, suffering from pneumococcal meningitis. By immunohistochemical staining with an antibody against synapsin I, serving as a presynaptic marker, we were able to identify a reduction of synapsin I in the cortex of mice, infected with a pneumococcal strain which is capable of producing pneumolysin. The reduction of synapsin I was higher in these brain slices compared to mice infected with a pneumococcal strain which is not capable of producing pneumolysin, illustrating a clear role for the toxin in the reduction of dendritic spines. The fact that the seen effects weren´t abolished under calcium free conditions clarifies that not only the influx of calcium through the pneumolysin-pore is responsible for the alterations. These findings were further supported by calcium imaging experiments, where an inhibitor of the NMDA receptor was capable of delaying the time point, when the maximum of calcium influx upon PLY challenge was reached. Additionally, we were able to observe the dendritic beadings with the help of immunohistochemistry with an antibody against MAP2, a neuron-specific cytoskeletal protein. These observations also connect pneumolysin´s mode of action to excitotoxicity, as several studies mention the aggregation of MAP2 in dendritic beadings in response to excitotoxic stimuli. All in all, this is the first study connecting pneumolysin to excitotoxic events, which might be a novel chance to tie in other options of treatment for patients suffering from pneumococcal meningitis.}, subject = {Nervenzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wimmer2023, author = {Wimmer, Franziska}, title = {Implications of self-targeting by type I CRISPR-Cas systems}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28777}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287771}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {CRISPR-Cas systems are highly diverse and canonically function as prokaryotic adaptive immune systems. The canonical resistance mechanism relies on spacers that are complementary to the invaders' nucleic acids. By accidental incorporation or other mechanisms, prokaryotes can also acquire self-targeting spacers that are complementary to their own genome. As self-targeting commonly leads to lethal autoimmunity, the existence of self-targeting spacers poses a paradox. In Chapter 1, we provide an overview of the prevalence of self-targeting spacers, summarize how they can be incorporated, and which means can be employed by the host to evade lethal self-targeting. In addition, we outline alternative functions of CRISPR-Cas systems that are associated with self-targeting spacers. Whether CRISPR-Cas systems can efficiently target their own genome depends heavily on the presence of protospacer adjacent motifs (PAMs) next to the target region. In Chapter 2, we developed a method to determine PAM requirements. Thereby, we specifically focused on type I systems that engage multi-protein complexes, which are challenging to assess. Using the cell-free transcription-translation (TXTL) system, we developed an enrichment-based binding assay and validated its reliability by examining the well-known PAM requirements of the E. coli type I-E system. In Chapter 3, we applied the TXTL-based PAM assay to assess 16 additional CRISPR-Cas systems. These 16 systems included three CRISPR-Cas associated transposons (CASTs). CASTs are recently discovered transposons that employ CRISPR-Cas systems in a non-canonical function for the directed integration of the transposon. To further characterize CASTs in TXTL outside their PAM requirements, we reconstituted the transposition of CASTs in TXTL. In Chapter 4, we turned to non-canonical self-targeting CRISPR-Cas systems, which were already discussed in Chapter 1. While investigating how the plant pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans survives self-targeting by its two endogenous CRISPR-Cas systems, we identified multiple putative anti-CRISPR proteins (Acrs) in the genome of X. albilineans. Two of the Acrs, named AcrIC11 and AcrIF12Xal, inhibited degradation by their respective CRISPR-Cas systems but still retained Cascade-binding ability, and appear responsible for the lack of autoimmunity in X. albilineans. In summary, we developed new technologies that eased the investigation of non-canonical multi-component systems and, if applied to additional systems, might reveal unique properties that could be implemented in new CRISPR-Cas based tools.}, subject = {CRISPR/Cas-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wilhelm2018, author = {Wilhelm, Christian}, title = {Die Rolle von Chronophin bei Schlaganfall-induziertem Funktionsverlust der Blut-Hirn-Schranke}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der isch{\"a}mische Schlaganfall ist mit einer j{\"a}hrlichen Inzidenz von 200/100 000 Einwohnern die h{\"a}ufigste Gef{\"a}ßerkrankung in Deutschland. Atherothrombose, arterielle Hypertonie und Embolien unterschiedlichen Ursprungs sind die wesentlichen Ursachen des isch{\"a}mischen Schlaganfalls. Die neurologischen Defizite nach einem Schlaganfall resultieren aus einem gest{\"o}rten zerebralen Blutfluss und somit einer insuffizienten Sauerstoffversorgung. Zus{\"a}tzlich ist die {\"O}dembildung, welche von einer gesteigerten Permeabilit{\"a}t der Blut-Hirn-Schranke verursacht wird, am neuronalen Zelltod beteiligt. Chronophin ist eine Aktinzytoskelett-regulierende Serin-Phosphatase. In einem isch{\"a}mischen Schlaganfall-Modell konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass der globale Verlust von Chronophin zu einer vermehrten {\"O}dembildung und einem aggravierten neurologischen Zustand der M{\"a}use im Vergleich zu wildtypischen Kontrollen f{\"u}hrte. Hirnlysate von wildtypischen M{\"a}usen zeigten verringerte Chronophin-Level in der vom Schlaganfall betroffenen Hemisph{\"a}re. Jedoch konnten initiale immunhistochemische und zellbiologische Untersuchungen weder Chronophin-abh{\"a}ngige Ver{\"a}nderungen der Blut-Hirn-Schranke feststellen noch einen zerebralen Zelltyp identifizieren, der f{\"u}r den sch{\"u}tzenden Effekt von Chronophin verantwortlich ist. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf einen komplexen, vielzelligen Mechanismus hin, dem die sch{\"u}tzende Rolle von Chronophin im isch{\"a}mischen Schlaganfall unterliegt. Die Entschl{\"u}sselung dieses Mechanismus ist Aufgabe k{\"u}nftiger Untersuchungen.}, subject = {Schlaganfall}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wiesner2020, author = {Wiesner, Miriam}, title = {Stem Cell-based Adipose Tissue Engineering - Engineering of Prevascularized Adipose Tissue Constructs In Vitro \& Investigation on Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication in Adipose-derived Stem Cells}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18500}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185005}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In reconstructive and plastic surgery, there exists a growing demand of adequate tissue implants, since currently available strategies for autologous transplantation are limited by complications including transplant failure and donor site morbidity. By developing in vitro and in vivo autologous substitutes for defective tissue sites, adipose tissue engineering can address these challenges, although there are several obstacles to overcome. One of the major limitations is the sufficient vascularization of in vitro engineered large constructs that remains crucial and demanding for functional tissues. Decellularized jejunal segments may represent a suitable scaffolding system with preexisting capillary structures that can be repopulated with human microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs), and a luminal matrix applicable for the adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs). Hence, co-culture of these cells in jejunal segments, utilizing a custom-made bioreactor system, was characterized in terms of vascularization and adipose tissue development. Substantial adipogenesis of hASCs was demonstrated within the jejunal lumen in contrast to non-induced controls, and the increase of key adipogenic markers was verified over time upon induction. The development of major extracellular matrix components of mature adipose tissue, such as laminin and collagen IV, was shown within the scaffold in induced samples. Successful reseeding of the vascular network with hMVECs was demonstrated in long-term culture and co-localization of vascular structures and adipogenically differentiated hASCs was observed. Therefore, these results represent a novel approach for in vitro engineering of vascularized adipose tissue constructs that warrants further investigations in preclinical studies. Another still existing obstacle in adipose tissue engineering is the insufficient knowledge about the applied cells, for instance the understanding of how cells can be optimally expanded and differentiated for successful engineering of tissue transplants. Even though hASCs can be easily isolated from liposuction of abdominal fat depots, yielding low donor site morbidity, huge numbers of cells are required to entirely seed complex and large 3D matrices or scaffolds. Thus, cells need to be large-scale expanded in vitro on the premise of not losing their differentiation capacity caused by replicative aging. Accordingly, an improved differentiation of hASCs in adipose tissue engineering approaches remains still desirable since most engineered constructs exhibit an inhomogeneous differentiation pattern. For mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), it has been shown that growth factor application can lead to a significant improvement of both proliferation and differentiation capacity. Especially basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) represents a potent mitogen for MSCs, while maintaining or even promoting their osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation potential. As there are currently different contradictory information present in literature about the applied bFGF concentration and the explicit effect of bFGF on ASC differentiation, here, the effect of bFGF on hASC proliferation and differentiation capacity was investigated at different concentrations and time points in 2D culture. Preculture of hASCs with bFGF prior to adipogenic induction showed a remarkable effect, whereas administration of bFGF during culture did not improve adipogenic differentiation capacity. Furthermore, the observations indicated as mode of action an impact of this preculture on cell proliferation capacity, resulting in increased cellular density at the time of adipogenic induction. The difference in cell density at this time point appeared to be pivotal for increased adipogenic capacity of the cells, which was confirmed in a further experiment employing different seeding densities. Interestingly, furthermore, the obtained results suggested a cell-cell contact-mediated mechanism positively influencing adipogenic differentiation. As a consequence, subsequently, studies were conducted focusing on intercellular communication of these cells, which has hardly been investigated to date. Despite the multitude of literature on the differentiation capacity of ASCs, little is reported about the physiological properties contributing to and controlling the process of lineage differentiation. Direct intercellular communication between adjacent cells via gap junctions has been shown to modulate differentiation processes in other cell types, with connexin 43 (Cx43) being the most abundant isoform of the gap junction-forming connexins. Thus, in the present study we focused on the expression of Cx43 and gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) in hASCs, and its significance for adipogenic differentiation of these cells. Cx43 expression in hASCs was demonstrated histologically and on the gene and protein expression level and was shown to be greatly positively influenced by cell seeding density. Functionality of gap junctions was proven by dye transfer analysis in growth medium. Adipogenic differentiation of hASCs was shown to be also distinctly elevated at higher cell seeding densities. Inhibition of GJIC by 18α-glycyrrhetinic acid significantly compromised adipogenic differentiation, as demonstrated by histology, triglyceride quantification, and adipogenic marker gene expression. Flow cytometry analysis showed a lower proportion of cells undergoing adipogenesis when GJIC was inhibited, further indicating the importance of GJIC in the differentiation process. Altogether, these results demonstrate the impact of direct cell-cell communication via gap junctions on the adipogenic differentiation process of hASCs and may contribute to further integrate direct intercellular crosstalk in rationales for tissue engineering approaches.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiese2022, author = {Wiese, Teresa}, title = {Pharmacological targeting of acid sphingomyelinase increases CD4\(^+\) Foxp3\(^+\) regulatory T cell subsets in patients with major depression}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23347}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233471}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Lack of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity, either through genetic deficiency or through pharmacological inhibition, is linked with increased activity and frequency of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) among cluster of differentiation (CD) 4+ T cells in mice in vivo and in vitro1. Thus, pharmacological blockade of ASM activity, which catalyzes the cleavage of sphingomyelin to ceramide and phosphocholine, might be used as a new therapeutic mechanism to correct numeric and/ or functional Treg de-ficiencies in diseases like multiple sclerosis or major depression. In the present study, the effect of pharmacological inhibition of ASM in humans, in vitro and in vivo, was analyzed. In the in vitro experiments, peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells (PBMC) of healthy human blood donors were treated with two widely prescribed antidepressants with high (sertraline, Ser) or low (citalopram, Cit) capaci-ty to inhibit ASM activity. Similar to the findings in mice an increase in the frequency of Treg among human CD4+ T cells upon inhibition of ASM activity was observed. For the analysis in vivo, a prospective study of the composition of the CD4+ T cell com-partment of patients treated for major depression was done. The data show that pharmacological inhibition of ASM activity was superior to antidepressants with little or no ASM-inhibitory activity in increasing CD45RA- CD25high effector Treg (efTreg) frequencies among CD4+ T cells to normal levels. Independently of ASM inhibition, correlating the data with the clinical response, i.e. improvement of the Hamilton rat-ing scale for depression (HAMD) by at least 50 per cent (\%) after four weeks of treatment, it was found that an increase in efTreg frequencies among CD4+ cells dur-ing the first week of treatment identified patients with a clinical response. Regarding the underlying mechanism, it could be found that the positive effect of ASM inhibition on Treg required CD28 co-stimulation suggesting that enhanced CD28 co-stimulation was the driver of the observed increase in the frequency of Treg among human CD4+ T cells. Inhibition of ASM activity was further associated with changes in the expression and shuttling of CTLA-4, a key inhibitory molecule ex-pressed by Treg, between cellular compartments but the suppressive activity of CTLA-4 through its transendocytosis activity was unaffected by the inhibition of ASM activity. In summary, the frequency of (effector) Treg among CD4+ T cells in mice and in hu-mans is increased after inhibition of ASM activity suggesting that ASM blockade might beneficially modulate autoimmune diseases and depression-promoting in-flammation.}, subject = {Treg}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiese2015, author = {Wiese, Katrin Evelyn}, title = {Sensing supraphysiological levels of MYC : mechanisms of MIZ1-dependent MYC-induced Apoptosis in Mammary Epithelial Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132532}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Deregulated MYC expression contributes to cellular transformation as well as progression and maintenance of human tumours. Interestingly, in the absence of additional genetic alterations, potentially oncogenic levels of MYC sensitise cells to a variety of apoptotic stimuli. Hence, MYC-induced apoptosis has long been recognised as a major barrier against cancer development. However, it is largely unknown how cells discriminate physiological from supraphysiological levels of MYC in order to execute an appropriate biological response. The experiments described in this thesis demonstrate that induction of apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells depends on the repressive actions of MYC/MIZ1 complexes. Analysis of gene expression profiles and ChIP-sequencing experiments reveals that high levels of MYC are required to invade low-affinity binding sites and repress target genes of the serum response factor SRF. These genes are involved in cytoskeletal dynamics as well as cell adhesion processes and are likely needed to transmit survival signals to the AKT kinase. Restoration of SRF activity rescues MIZ1- dependent gene repression and increases AKT phosphorylation and downstream function. Collectively, these results indicate that association with MIZ1 leads to an expansion of MYC's transcriptional response that allows sensing of oncogenic levels, which points towards a tumour-suppressive role for the MYC/MIZ1 complex in epithelial cells.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wiegner2016, author = {Wiegner, Armin}, title = {Auswirkungen der gepaarten Stimulation des H{\"o}rnerven und des Nervus vagus auf die spektrale Plastizit{\"a}t im auditorischen Kortex der mongolischen W{\"u}stenrennmaus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135887}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Cochlea-Implantat (CI) erm{\"o}glichte bereits >300 000 hochgradig h{\"o}rgesch{\"a}digten Menschen weltweit eine grunds{\"a}tzlich wiederhergestellte H{\"o}rfunktion. Es wird angenommen, dass sich das Sprachverst{\"a}ndnis von CI-Tr{\"a}gern verbessert, wenn die funktionale Trennung der CI-Kan{\"a}le erh{\"o}ht wird. Neben verschiedenen auf die auditorische Peripherie beschr{\"a}nkten Ans{\"a}tzen gibt es {\"U}berlegungen, eine verbesserte Kanaltrennung durch die Rehabilitation taubheitsinduzierter Degenerationen in der spektralen Verarbeitung im zentralen auditorischen System zu erreichen. Es konnte in ertaubten Tieren bislang allerdings kein ad{\"a}quates CI-Stimulationsmuster beschrieben werden, dass es erlaubte, eine gezielte neuronale Plastizit{\"a}t in der spektralen Verarbeitung zu induzieren. Die Arbeitsgruppe um M.P. Kilgard (UT Dallas, USA) zeigte in mehreren Studien in h{\"o}renden Tieren, dass auditorische Stimulation gepaart mit elektrischer Vagusnerv-Stimulation (VNS) zu einer gezielten kortikalen Plastizit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. Diese gepaarte Stimulation konnte die spektrale Verarbeitung von Signalen im auditorischen Kortex (AC) gezielt beeinflussen und so z.B. pathologisch verbreiterte Repr{\"a}sentationen von T{\"o}nen wieder verfeinern. Dieses hochgradige Potential f{\"u}r gezielte Plastizit{\"a}t im AC durch die gepaarte VNS scheint eine vielversprechende L{\"o}sung darzustellen, um die durch verbreiterte Repr{\"a}sentation im ertaubten AC verminderte CI-Kanaltrennung zu verbessern. Vor diesem Hintergrund sollte in der vorliegenden Promotion die {\"U}bertragbarkeit dieses hochgradigen Potentials auf das ertaubte und CI-stimulierte auditorische System evaluiert werden. Um die CI-Kanaltrennung zu untersuchen, wurde ein Multikanal-CI f{\"u}r die Mongolische W{\"u}stenrennmaus (Gerbil) entwickelt. Trotz der kleinen Ausmaße von Cochlea und AC im Gerbil und der generell breiten neuronalen Erregung durch intracochle{\"a}re elektrische Stimulation konnte eine tonotop organisierte und selektive Repr{\"a}sentation der neuronalen Antworten f{\"u}r mehrere CI-Kan{\"a}le im AC nachgewiesen werden. F{\"u}r die gepaarte CI/VN-Stimulation wurden die Tiere zus{\"a}tzlich mit einer Manschettenelektrode um den linken zervikalen Nervus vagus (VN) implantiert. Die chronischen Implantate erlaubten {\"u}ber mehrere Wochen hinweg eine stabile und zuverl{\"a}ssige elektrische Stimulation im frei-beweglichen Gerbil. Damit kombiniert das in dieser Promotion entwickelte Multikanal-CI-VNS-Modell die Vorteile einer tonotop selektiven und stabilen neuronalen Aktivierung mit den ethischen, kostenrelevanten und entwicklungsbezogenen Vorteilen, die der Einsatz von Kleinnagern bietet. Als n{\"a}chster Schritt wurde das grunds{\"a}tzliche Potential der gepaarten CI/VN-Stimulation f{\"u}r gezielte plastische Ver{\"a}nderungen im AC des Gerbils getestet. Engineer et al. (2011) hatten bereits in akustischen Studien in h{\"o}renden Ratten die kortikale {\"U}berrepr{\"a}sentation eines einzelnen chronisch mit VNS gepaarten Tones gezeigt. In der vorliegenden Promotion wurde versucht, die Ergebnisse aus der akustischen Studie in h{\"o}renden Ratten in zwei verschiedenen Studien im Gerbil zu reproduzieren. Analog zur gepaarten Ton/VN-Stimulation in der Ratte untersuchten wir zuerst in ertaubten Gerbils die Auswirkungen einkanaliger CI-Stimulation gepaart mit VNS. Im AC des Gerbils konnten keine Ver{\"a}nderung der zentralen Repr{\"a}sentation des VNS gepaarten CI-Kanals festgestellt werden. Um speziesspezifische (Ratte vs. Gerbil) und stimulusspezifische (akustisch vs. elektrisch) Unterschiede zwischen den Studien als m{\"o}gliche Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r das Ausbleiben der VNS induzierten Plastizit{\"a}t auszuschließen, wurde nun die gepaarte Ton/VN-Stimulation (Engineer et al., 2011) im h{\"o}renden Gerbil wiederholt. Eine kortikale {\"U}berrepr{\"a}sentation des VNS gepaarten Signals konnte aber auch im h{\"o}renden Gerbil nicht reproduziert werden. M{\"o}gliche Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die Diskrepanz zwischen unseren Ergebnissen im Gerbil und den publizierten Ergebnissen in der Ratte werden diskutiert. Die generelle Funktionsf{\"a}higkeit der VNS in den chronisch stimulierten Tieren wurde durch die Ableitung VNS evozierter Potentiale (VNEP) kontrolliert. Ein speziesspezifischer Unterschied erscheint bei der biologischen N{\"a}he von Ratte und mongolischer W{\"u}stenrennmaus unwahrscheinlich, kann allerdings durch die vorliegenden Studien nicht vollst{\"a}ndig ausgeschlossen werden. Eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des plastischen Potentials der gepaarten VNS von der Stimulationsintensit{\"a}t ist bekannt. Da Ratten und Gerbils {\"a}hnliche VNEP-Schwellen zeigten und mit identischen VNS-Amplituden stimuliert wurden, gehen wir davon aus, dass Unterschiede im plastischen Potential gepaarter VNS zwischen beiden Spezies nicht auf die verwendete Stimulationsintensit{\"a}t zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Die beschriebene Diskrepanz im Potential f{\"u}r kortikale Plastizit{\"a}t durch gepaarte VNS weckt Zweifel an der {\"U}bertragbarkeit des f{\"u}r die Ratte publizierten Potentials auf andere Spezies, einschließlich des Menschen.}, subject = {H{\"o}rrinde}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Widmaier2023, author = {Widmaier, Louis}, title = {Die Regulation des Chemokinrezeptors CXCR4 durch Chemotherapeutika in Myelomzelllinien}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34568}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345682}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Untersucht wurde der Einfluss mehrerer Chemotherapeutika auf den Chemokinrezeptor CXCR4 in Myelomzelllinien auf Ebene des Promotors, der mRNA und der Rezeptorverteilung, wobei drei Substanzen (Etoposid, Bortezomib und Dexamethason) als potenzielle Suppressoren des Promotors ausgemacht werden konnten. Abh{\"a}ngig vom Myelom-Zelltyp und der Dosierung k{\"o}nnen so evtl. R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die beobachtete Suppression von CXCR4 bei erkrankten Patienten mit hoher CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t (hier: Malignes Myelom) durch die begleitende Chemotherapie gezogen werden, welche eine Diagnostik und Therapie bei diesen Patienten erschwert. Hintergrund: Hintergrund f{\"u}r diese Arbeit waren Beobachtungen in klinischen Fallstudien von Lapa et al. am Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg, die sich auf CXCR4 bezogen, welches u.a. bei Patienten mit Multiplem Myelom {\"u}berexprimiert wird und dadurch bereits als Target f{\"u}r Diagnostik und Therapie in der Klinik Anwendung findet. Dabei konnte bei PET-CT Untersuchungen in der Nuklearmedizin beobachtet werden, dass es durch die begleitende Chemotherapie der Patienten zu einer Suppression des markierten CXCR4-Signals kam, so dass es nicht mehr zur Verlaufsbeobachtung und vor allem nicht mehr zur Radiotherapie und Therapiekontrolle verwendet werden konnte. Um den Einfluss und m{\"o}gliche Interaktionen der Chemotherapeutika auf CXCR4 zu untersuchen, war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, ein vergleichbares Szenario in-vitro nachzustellen und Einfl{\"u}sse messbar zu machen, um so m{\"o}gliche Ans{\"a}tze und Verbesserungsvorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die klinische Anwendung zu liefern. Methoden/Ergebnisse: Hierf{\"u}r wurden im ersten Teil INA-6 (Myelomzellen) und Mesenchymale Stammzellen (MSC) kultiviert, in Ko-Kultur gebracht und nach einer bestimmten Zeit wieder getrennt, um anschließend den gegenseitigen Einfluss in Bezug auf CXCR4 zu messen. Zudem wurde der Einfluss von Dexamethason untersucht. Es zeigte sich eine enge Bindung zwischen INA-6 und MSC sowie eine hohe CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t bei INA-6, jedoch konnte keine Induktion der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t in MSC durch INA-6-Kontakt oder Dexamethason quantifiziert werden. Die Immunzytologie erwies sich aufgrund einer schweren Anf{\"a}rbbarkeit von CXCR4 - auch mit verschiedensten Antik{\"o}rpern und sogar Liganden-gekoppeltem Farbstoff- als kaum auswertbar, wobei eine Darstellung von CXCR4 generell aber gelang. Der CXCR4-Promotor wurde mittels Software genauer analysiert, wobei einige relevante Bindestellen, u.a. f{\"u}r Glukokortikoide und NFkB gefunden wurden. Die Herstellung eines CXCR4- pGl4.14-Promotor-Konstrukts war erfolgreich, ebenso dessen Einschleusung in Myelomzellen. Auch gelang die Herstellung stabiler transfizierter INA-6, sodass mit diesen anschließend konstantere Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten. Im gr{\"o}ßten Teil der Arbeit wurden geeignete Chemotherapeutika-Konzentrationen ermittelt und in Viabilit{\"a}ts- und Apoptose-Versuchen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die Stimulationsversuche mit diesen zeigten variable Effekte abh{\"a}ngig vom Zelltyp (INA-6, MM1S), jedoch konnten Bortezomib, Etoposid und Dexamethason konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngig als starke Suppressoren der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t ausgemacht werden, was sich v.a. auf Ebene der Promotoraktivit{\"a}t - gemessen mittels Luciferase - zeigte. Interpretation: In-vitro konnten somit drei potenzielle Suppressoren der CXCR4-Aktivit{\"a}t ausgemacht werden: Etoposid, Bortezomib und Dexamethason. Zumindest beim INA-6-Zelltyp fiel dieser Effekt deutlich aus, wobei in der Klinik der entsprechende Zelltyp sowie die Dosierung der Medikamente ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden m{\"u}ssen. Hinzu kommen weitere Einflussfaktoren des menschlichen K{\"o}rpers, die nicht ber{\"u}cksichtig werden konnten. Die genauen Mechanismen der Suppression k{\"o}nnten sich aus den Bindestellen des Promotors erkl{\"a}ren, die von uns analysiert wurden, aber auf die in weiteren Arbeiten noch n{\"a}her eingegangen werden muss.}, subject = {Bortezomib}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{WeyhmuellerReboredo2014, author = {Weyhm{\"u}ller Reboredo, Jenny}, title = {Tissue Engineering eines Meniskus - Vom Biomaterial zum Implantat}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Der Meniskus, ein scheibenf{\"o}rmiger Faserknorpel, spielt im Kniegelenk eine bedeutende Rolle, weil er Kr{\"a}fte und Druck im Kniegelenk gleichm{\"a}ßig verteilt, St{\"o}ße d{\"a}mpft sowie der Kraft{\"u}bertragung und Stabilisierung dient. Durch die Entfernung des Gewebes, der sogenannten Totalmeniskektomie, nach einer Meniskusverletzung oder einem Riss, ver{\"a}ndern sich die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Gelenks stark und verursachen durch die erh{\"o}hte Belastung der Gelenkfl{\"a}chen Arthrose. Arthrose ist weltweit die H{\"a}ufigste aller Gelenkerkrankungen. Der Erhalt der k{\"o}rperlichen Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit und Mobilit{\"a}t bis ins hohe Alter sowie die Bewahrung der Gesundheit von Herz-Kreislauf- und Stoffwechselorganen z{\"a}hlen aufgrund des demografischen Wandels zu den großen medizinischen Herausforderungen. Die Erkrankung des muskuloskelettalen Systems stellte 2010 im Bundesgebiet die am h{\"a}ufigsten vorkommende Krankheitsart dar. W{\"a}hrend Risse in den {\"a}ußeren Teilen des Meniskus aufgrund des Anschlusses an das Blutgef{\"a}ßsystem spontan heilen k{\"o}nnen, k{\"o}nnen sie dies in tieferen Zonen nicht. Durch die begrenzte Heilungsf{\"a}higkeit des Knorpels bleibt langfristig der Einsatz eines Ersatzgewebes die einzige therapeutische Alternative. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde als therapeutische Alternative erfolgreich ein vaskularisiertes Meniskusersatzgewebe mit Methoden des Tissue Engineering entwickelt. Es soll in Zukunft als Implantat Verwendung finden. Tissue Engineering ist ein interdisziplin{\"a}res Forschungsfeld, in dem Gewebe außerhalb des K{\"o}rpers generiert werden. Schl{\"u}sselkomponenten sind Zellen, die aus einem Organismus isoliert werden, und Tr{\"a}gerstrukturen, die mit Zellen besiedelt werden. Die Biomaterialien geben den Zellen eine geeignete Umgebung, die die Extrazellul{\"a}re Matrix (EZM) ersetzen soll, um die Funktion der Zellen beizubehalten, eigene Matrix zu bilden. Zum Erhalt eines funktionelles Gewebes werden oftmals dynamische Kultursysteme, sogenannte Bioreaktoren, verwendet, die nat{\"u}rliche Stimuli wie beispielsweise den Blutfluss oder mechanische Kompressionskr{\"a}fte w{\"a}hrend der in vitro Reifungsphase des Gewebes, zur Verf{\"u}gung stellen. Das Gewebekonstrukt wurde auf Basis nat{\"u}rlicher Biomaterialien aufgebaut, unter Verwendung ausschließlich prim{\"a}rer Zellen, die sp{\"a}ter direkt vom Patienten gewonnen werden k{\"o}nnen und damit Abstoßungsreaktionen auszuschließen sind. Da der Meniskus teilvaskularisiert ist und die in vivo Situation des Gewebes bestm{\"o}glich nachgebaut werden sollte, wurden Konstrukte mit mehreren Zelltypen, sogenannte Ko-Kulturen aufgebaut. Neben mikrovaskul{\"a}ren Endothelzellen (mvEZ) und Meniskuszellen (MZ) erfolgten Versuche mit mesenchymalen Stammzellen (MSZ). Zur Bereitstellung einer zelltypspezifischen Matrixumgebung, diente den mvEZ ein St{\"u}ck Schweinedarm mit azellularisierten Gef{\"a}ßstrukturen (BioVaSc®) und den MZ diente eine geeig- nete Kollagenmatrix (Kollagen Typ I Hydrogel). Die Validierung und Charakterisierung des aufgebauten 3D Meniskuskonstrukts, welches in einem dynamischen Perfusions-Bioreaktorsystem kultiviert wurde, erfolgte mit knorpeltypischen Matrixmarkern wie Aggrekan, Kollagen Typ I, II und X sowie mit den Transkriptionsfaktoren RunX2 und Sox9, die in der Knorpelentstehung von großer Bedeutung sind. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfolgten Auswertungen mit endothelzellspezifischen Markern wie vWF, CD31 und VEGF, um die Vaskularisierung im Konstrukt nachzuweisen. Analysiert wurden auch die Zellvitalit{\"a}ten in den Konstrukten. Aufgrund einer nur geringen Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von MZ wurden Kulturans{\"a}tze mit alternativen Zellquellen, den MSZ, durchgef{\"u}hrt. Daf{\"u}r erfolgte zun{\"a}chst deren Isolation und Charakterisierung und die Auswahl einer geeigneten 3D Kollagenmatrix. Die beste Zellintegration der MSZ konnte auf einer eigens hergestellten elektrogesponnenen Matrix beobachtet werden. Die Matrix besteht aus zwei unterschiedlichen Kollagentypen, die auf insgesamt f{\"u}nf Schichten verteilt sind. Die Fasern besitzen weiter unterschiedliche Ausrichtungen. W{\"a}hrend die Kollagen Typ I Fasern in den {\"a}ußeren Schichten keiner Ausrichtung zugeh{\"o}ren, liegen die Kollagen Typ II Fasern in der mittleren Schicht parallel zueinander. Der native Meniskus war f{\"u}r den Aufbau einer solchen Kollagen-Tr{\"a}gerstruktur das nat{\"u}rliche Vorbild, das imitiert werden sollte. Nach der Besiedelung der Matrix mit MSZ, konnte eine Integration der Zellen bereits nach vier Tagen bis in die Mittelschicht sowie eine spontane chondrogene Differenzierung nach einer insgesamt dreiw{\"o}chigen Kultivierung gezeigt werden. Das Biomaterial stellt in Hinblick auf die Differenzierung der Zellen ohne die Zugabe von Wachstumsfaktoren eine relevante Bedeutung f{\"u}r klinische Studien dar. Zur Kultivierung des 3D Meniskuskonstrukts wurde ein Bioreaktor entwickelt. Mit diesem k{\"o}nnen neben Perfusion der Gef{\"a}ßsysteme zus{\"a}tzlich Kompressionskr{\"a}fte sowie Scherspannungen auf das Ersatzgewebe appliziert und die Differenzierung von MZ bzw. MSZ w{\"a}hrend der in vitro Kultur {\"u}ber mechanische Reize stimuliert werden. Ein anderes Anwendungsfeld f{\"u}r den neuartigen Bioreaktor ist seine Verwendung als Pr{\"u}ftestsystem f{\"u}r die Optimierung und Qualit{\"a}tssicherung von Gewebekonstrukten.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wetzel2013, author = {Wetzel, Andrea}, title = {The role of TrkB and NaV1.9 in activity-dependent axon growth in motoneurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-92877}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend der Entwicklung des Nervensystems lassen sich bei Motoneuronen aktivit{\"a}tsabh{\"a}ngige Kalziumstr{\"o}me eobachten, die das Axonwachstum regulieren. Diese Form der neuronalen Spontanaktivit{\"a}t sowie das Auswachsen von Axonen sind bei Motoneuronen, die aus Tiermodellen der Spinalen Muskelatrophie isoliert werden, gest{\"o}rt. Experimente aus unserer Arbeitsgruppe haben gezeigt, dass spontane Erregbarkeit und aktivit{\"a}tsabh{\"a}ngiges Axonwachstum von kultivierten Motoneuronen auch unter Verwendung von Toxinen beeintr{\"a}chtigt sind, welche die Aktivit{\"a}t von spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen Natriumkan{\"a}len blockieren. In diesen Versuchen war die Wirkung von Saxitoxin effizienter als die Wirkung von Tetrodotoxin. Wir identifizierten den Saxitoxin-sensitiven/Tetrodotoxin-insensitiven spannungsabh{\"a}ngigen Natriumkanal NaV1.9 als Trigger f{\"u}r das {\"O}ffnen spannungsabh{\"a}ngiger Kalziumkan{\"a}le. Die Expression von NaV1.9 in Motoneuronen konnte {\"u}ber quantitative RT-PCR nachgewiesen werden und antik{\"o}rperf{\"a}rbungen offenbarten eine Anreicherung des Kanals im axonalen Wachstumskegel sowie an Ranvier'schen Schn{\"u}rringen von isolierten Nervenfasern wildtypischer M{\"a}use. Motoneurone von NaV1.9 knock-out M{\"a}usen zeigen reduzierte Spontanaktivit{\"a}t und eine Reduktion des Axonwachstums, welche durch NaV1.9 {\"U}berexpression normalisiert werden kann. In Motoneuronen von Smn-defizienten M{\"a}usen konnte keine Abweichung der NaV1.9 Proteinverteilung nachgewiesen werden. K{\"u}rzlich wurden Patienten identifiziert, die eine missense-Mutation im NaV1.9 kodierenden SCN11A Gen tragen. Diese Patienten k{\"o}nnen keinerlei Schmerz empfinden und leiden zudem an Muskelschw{\"a}che in Kombination mit einer verz{\"o}gerten motorischen Entwicklung. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit konnten molekularbiologische Untersuchungen an M{\"a}usen, welche die Mutation im orthologen Scn11a Gen tragen, zur Aufkl{\"a}rung des Krankheitsmechanismus beitragen. Die Kooperationsstudie zeigte, dass eine gesteigerte Funktion von NaV1.9 diese spezifische Kanalerkrankung ausl{\"o}st, was die Wichtigkeit von NaV1.9 in menschlichen Motoneuronen unterstreicht. Eine fr{\"u}here Studie beschrieb an hippocampalen Neuronen, dass die Rezeptortyrosinkinase tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) den NaV1.9 Kanal {\"o}ffnen kann. Im Wachstumskegel von Motoneuronen ist TrkB nachweisbar und folglich in r{\"a}umlicher N{\"a}he zu NaV1.9 zu finden. Um zu pr{\"u}fen, ob TrkB in die spontane Erregbarkeit von Motoneuronen involviert ist, wurden TrkB knock-out M{\"a}use untersucht. Isolierte Motoneurone von TrkB knock-out M{\"a}usen weisen eine Reduktion der Spontanaktivit{\"a}t und eine Verringerung des Axonwachstums auf. Ob TrkB und NaV1.9 hierbei funktionell gekoppelt sind, ist Gegenstand k{\"u}nftiger Forschung.}, subject = {Motoneuron}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Westermann2014, author = {Westermann, Alexander J.}, title = {Dual RNA-seq of pathogen and host}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112462}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The infection of a eukaryotic host cell by a bacterial pathogen is one of the most intimate examples of cross-kingdom interactions in biology. Infection processes are highly relevant from both a basic research as well as a clinical point of view. Sophisticated mechanisms have evolved in the pathogen to manipulate the host response and vice versa host cells have developed a wide range of anti-microbial defense strategies to combat bacterial invasion and clear infections. However, it is this diversity and complexity that makes infection research so challenging to technically address as common approaches have either been optimized for bacterial or eukaryotic organisms. Instead, methods are required that are able to deal with the often dramatic discrepancy between host and pathogen with respect to various cellular properties and processes. One class of cellular macromolecules that exemplify this host-pathogen heterogeneity is given by their transcriptomes: Bacterial transcripts differ from their eukaryotic counterparts in many aspects that involve both quantitative and qualitative traits. The entity of RNA transcripts present in a cell is of paramount interest as it reflects the cell's physiological state under the given condition. Genome-wide transcriptomic techniques such as RNA-seq have therefore been used for single-organism analyses for several years, but their applicability has been limited for infection studies. The present work describes the establishment of a novel transcriptomic approach for infection biology which we have termed "Dual RNA-seq". Using this technology, it was intended to shed light particularly on the contribution of non-protein-encoding transcripts to virulence, as these classes have mostly evaded previous infection studies due to the lack of suitable methods. The performance of Dual RNA-seq was evaluated in an in vitro infection model based on the important facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and different human cell lines. Dual RNA-seq was found to be capable of capturing all major bacterial and human transcript classes and proved reproducible. During the course of these experiments, a previously largely uncharacterized bacterial small non-coding RNA (sRNA), referred to as STnc440, was identified as one of the most strongly induced genes in intracellular Salmonella. Interestingly, while inhibition of STnc440 expression has been previously shown to cause a virulence defect in different animal models of Salmonellosis, the underlying molecular mechanisms have remained obscure. Here, classical genetics, transcriptomics and biochemical assays proposed a complex model of Salmonella gene expression control that is orchestrated by this sRNA. In particular, STnc440 was found to be involved in the regulation of multiple bacterial target mRNAs by direct base pair interaction with consequences for Salmonella virulence and implications for the host's immune response. These findings exemplify the scope of Dual RNA-seq for the identification and characterization of novel bacterial virulence factors during host infection.}, subject = {Transkriptomanalyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Werthmann2009, author = {Werthmann, Ruth}, title = {Echtzeit-Untersuchungen zur Thrombin-abh{\"a}ngigen {\"A}nderung der cAMP-Konzentration in lebenden Endothelzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46066}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Das Endothel bildet eine einschichtige Zellbarriere zwischen Blut und interstitiellem Gewebe, deren Durchl{\"a}ssigkeit entscheidend durch die sekund{\"a}ren Botenstoffe Ca2+ und cAMP reguliert wird. W{\"a}hrend Ca2+ durch eine verst{\"a}rkte Kontraktion der Endothelzellen die Permeabilit{\"a}t erh{\"o}ht, f{\"o}rdert cAMP die Adh{\"a}sion der Zellen und unterst{\"u}tzt somit die Barrierefunktion. Es ist bekannt, dass Thrombin durch einen Anstieg der intrazellul{\"a}ren Ca2+-Konzentration und vermutlich auch durch eine Hemmung der cAMP-Konzentration zu einer Permeabilit{\"a}tserh{\"o}hung f{\"u}hrt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Thrombin-induzierte {\"A}nderungen der cAMP-Konzentration in Echtzeit in lebenden Endothelzellen mittels Fluorescence-Resonance-Energy-Transfer (FRET) zu untersuchen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden Human-Umbilical-Vein-Endothelial-Cells (HUVECs) mit dem FRET-basierten cAMP-Sensor Epac1-camps transfiziert. Die Bindung von cAMP an Epac1-camps f{\"u}hrt zu einer Konformations{\"a}nderung des Sensors und damit zu einer Abschw{\"a}chung des FRET. Mit Hilfe dieses Sensors kann die cAMP-Konzentration mit hoher zeitlicher Aufl{\"o}sung in einzelnen lebenden Zellen gemessen werden. Untersucht wurde der Effekt von Thrombin auf die cAMP-Konzentration in Endothelzellen, deren cAMP-Konzentration durch Stimulierung endogener \&\#946;-Rezeptoren erh{\"o}ht war. Thrombin erniedrigte Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngig die cAMP-Konzentration um ca. 30 \%. Dieser Abfall der cAMP-Konzentration folgte zeitlich verz{\"o}gert dem Thrombin-induzierten Ca2+-Signal. Die cAMP-Konzentration erreichte ca. 30 s nach der Thrombinzugabe ein Minimum und stieg danach wieder an. Durch die Herunterregulierung der durch Ca2+ direkt inhibierten Adenylatzyklase 6 (AC6) mittels siRNA wurde die Thrombin-induzierte Abnahme der cAMP-Konzentration vollst{\"a}ndig aufgehoben. Dies best{\"a}tigte, dass Thrombin durch die Ca2+-vermittelte Inhibierung der AC6 eine Abnahme der cAMP-Konzentration verursacht. Ohne \&\#946;-adrenerge Stimulation f{\"u}hrte die Applikation von Thrombin zu einem langsamen Anstieg der cAMP-Konzentration, der mehrere Minuten anhielt. Dieser cAMP-Konzentrationsanstieg beruhte auf der Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Aktivierung der Phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Diese setzt Arachidons{\"a}ure aus Membranphospholipiden frei, die als Substrat f{\"u}r die Synthese verschiedener Prostaglandine dient. Durch die pharmakologische Beeinflussung von Zyklooxygenasen und Prostazyklinrezeptoren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Synthese von Prostazyklin und die anschließende Stimulation Gs-gekoppelter Prostazyklinrezeptoren zum Thrombin-induzierten Anstieg der cAMP-Konzentration f{\"u}hrte. Da die Physiologie der Endothelzellen im Gef{\"a}ß stark von Faktoren aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung beeinflusst wird, ist die Messung der {\"A}nderungen der cAMP-Konzentration in Endothelzellen, die sich innerhalb eines Gewebes befinden, von sehr großer Bedeutung. Deshalb war die Generierung transgener M{\"a}use mit einer gewebespezifischen Expression des FRET-Sensors Epac1-camps in Endothelzellen ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit. Durch Anwendung eines Cre-Rekombinase/loxP-Ansatzes konnten transgene M{\"a}use generiert werden, die Epac1-camps spezifisch in Endothelzellen exprimierten. An isolierten pulmon{\"a}ren Endothelzellen konnte die Funktionalit{\"a}t des transgen exprimierten Sensors Epac1-camps nachgewiesen werden. Die Echtzeitmessung der Thrombin-induzierten {\"A}nderungen der cAMP-Konzentration verdeutlichte ein zeitlich sehr komplexes Wechselspiel zwischen Ca2+- und cAMP-Signalen, das die Barrierefunktion des Endothels maßgeblich beeinflussen wird. Die transgene Expression von Epac1-camps in Endothelzellen erm{\"o}glicht in Zukunft die Untersuchung der Thrombin-verursachten {\"A}nderungen der cAMP-Konzentration und der Permeabilit{\"a}t innerhalb eines intakten Gef{\"a}ßes.}, subject = {Cyclo-AMP}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Werner2014, author = {Werner, Christian}, title = {Effect of autoantibodies targeting amphiphysin or glutamate decarboxylase 65 on synaptic transmission of GABAergic neurons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-105648}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The number of newly detected autoantibodies (AB) targeting synaptic proteins in neurological disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) is steadily increasing. Direct interactions of AB with their target antigens have been shown in first studies but the exact pathomecha-nisms for most of the already discovered AB are still unclear. The present study investigates pathophysiological mechanisms of AB-fractions that are associated with the enigmatic CNS disease Stiff person syndrome (SPS) and target the synaptically located proteins amphiphysin or glutamate decarboxylase 65 (GAD65). In the first part of the project, effects of AB to the presynaptic endocytic protein amphiphysin were investigated. Ultrastructural investigations of spinal cord presynaptic boutons in an es-tablished in-vivo passive-transfer model after intrathecal application of human anti-amphiphysin AB showed a defect of endocytosis. This defect was apparent at high synaptic activity and was characterized by reduction of the synaptic vesicle pool, clathrin coated vesi-cles (CCVs), and endosome like structures (ELS) in comparison to controls. Molecular inves-tigation of presynaptic boutons in cultured murine hippocampal neurons with dSTORM microscopy after pretreatment with AB to amphiphysin revealed that marker proteins involved in vesicle exocytosis (synaptobrevin 2 and synaptobrevin 7) had an altered expression in GA-BAergic presynapses. Endophilin, a direct binding partner of amphiphysin also displayed a disturbed expression pattern. Together, these results point towards an anti-amphiphysin AB-induced defective organization in GABAergic synapses and a presumably compensatory rearrangement of proteins responsible for CME. In the second part, functional consequences of SPS patient derived IgG fractions containing AB to GAD65, the rate limiting enzyme for GABA synthesis, were investigated by patch clamp electrophysiology and immunohistology. GABAergic neurotransmission at low and high activity as well as short term plasticity appeared normal but miniature synaptic potentials showed an enhanced frequency with constant amplitudes. SPS patient IgG after preabsorption of GAD65-AB using recombinant GAD65 still showed specific synaptic binding to neu-rons and brain slices supporting the hypothesis that additional, not yet characterized AB are present in patient IgG responsible for the exclusive effect on frequency of miniature potentials. In conclusion, the present thesis uncovered basal pathophysiological mechanisms underlying paraneoplastic SPS induced by AB to amphiphysin leading to disturbed presynaptic architec-ture. In idiopathic SPS, the hypothesis of a direct pathophysiological role of AB to GAD65 was not supported and additional IgG AB are suspected to induce distinct synaptic malfunction.}, subject = {Autoaggressionskrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wermser2019, author = {Wermser, Charlotte}, title = {Morphology, regulation and interstrain interactions in a new macrocolony biofilm model of the human pathogen \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16593}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165931}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The role of multicellularity as the predominant microbial lifestyle has been affirmed by studies on the genetic regulation of biofilms and the conditions driving their formation. Biofilms are of prime importance for the pathology of chronic infections of the opportunistic human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The recent development of a macrocolony biofilm model in S. aureus opened new opportunities to study evolution and physiological specialization in biofilm communities in this organism. In the macrocolony biofilm model, bacteria form complex aggregates with a sophisticated spatial organization on the micro- and macroscale. The central positive and negative regulators of this organization in S. aureus are the alternative sigma factor σB and the quorum sensing system Agr, respectively. Nevertheless, nothing is known on additional factors controlling the macrocolony morphogenesis. In this work, the genome of S. aureus was screened for novel factors that are required for the development of the macrocolony architecture. A central role for basic metabolic pathways was demonstrated in this context as the macrocolony architecture was strongly altered by the disruption of nucleotide and carbohydrate synthesis. Environmental signals further modulate macrocolony morphogenesis as illustrated by the role of an oxygen-sensitive gene regulator, which is required for the formation of complex surface structures. A further application of the macrocolony biofilm model was demonstrated in the study of interstrain interactions. The integrity of macrocolony communities was macroscopically visibly disturbed by competitive interactions between clinical isolates of S. aureus. The results of this work contribute to the characterization of the macrocolony biofilm model and improve our understanding of developmental processes relevant in staphylococcal infections. The identification of anti-biofilm effects exercised through competitive interactions could lead to the design of novel antimicrobial strategies targeting multicellular bacterial communities.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wendlinger2023, author = {Wendlinger, Simone Alice}, title = {Function of Peripheral Blood Eosinophils in Melanoma}, publisher = {Cancers (Basel)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30119}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301194}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Despite accounting for only a small proportion of all skin cancers, malignant melanoma displays a serious health risk with increasing incidence and high mortality rate. Fortunately, advances in the treatment of malignant melanoma now prolong survival and enhance response and treatment efficacy. Established biomarkers help evaluate disease progression and facilitate choosing appropriate and individual treatment options. However, the need for easily accessible and reliable biomarkers is rising to predict patient-specific clinical outcome. Eosinophil infiltration into the tumor and high peripheral eosinophil counts prior and during treatment have been associated with better response in patients for various cancer entities, including melanoma. An analysis of a heterogeneous study cohort reported high serum ECP levels in non-responders. Hence, eosinophil frequency and serum ECP as a soluble eosinophil-secreted mediator were suggested as prognostic biomarkers in melanoma. We examined whether melanoma patients treated with first-line targeted therapy could also benefit from the effects of eosinophils. In total, 243 blood and serum samples from patients with advanced melanoma were prospectively and retrospectively collected before and after drug initiation. To link eosinophil function to improved clinical outcome, soluble serum markers and peripheral blood counts were used for correlative studies using a homogeneous study cohort. In addition, functional and phenotypical characterizations provided insights into the expression profile and activity of freshly isolated eosinophils, including comparisons between patients and healthy donors. Our data showed a significant correlation between high pre-treatment blood eosinophil counts and improved response to targeted therapy and by trend to combinatorial immunotherapy in patients with metastatic melanoma. In accordance with previous studies our results links eosinophil blood counts to better response in melanoma patients. High pre-treatment ECP serum concentration correlated with response to immunotherapy but not to targeted therapy. Eosinophils from healthy donors and patients showed functional and phenotypical similarities. Functional assays revealed a strong cytotoxic potential of blood eosinophils towards melanoma cells in vitro, inducing apoptosis and necrosis. In addition, in vitro cytotoxicity was an active process of peripheral eosinophils and melanoma cells with bidirectional features and required close cell-cell interaction. The extent of cytotoxicity was dose-dependent and showed susceptibility to changes in physical factors like adherence. Importantly, we provide evidence of an additive tumoricidal function of eosinophils and combinatorial targeted therapy in vitro. In summary, we give valuable insights into the complex and treatment-dependent role of eosinophils in melanoma. As a result, our data support the suggestion of eosinophils and their secreted mediators as potential prognostic biomarkers. It will take additional studies to examine the molecular mechanisms that underlie our findings.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wencker2022, author = {Wencker, Freya Dorothea Ruth}, title = {The methionine biosynthesis operon in \(Staphylococcus\) \(aureus\): Role of concerted RNA decay in transcript stability and T-box riboswitch turnover}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20712}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207124}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Methionine is the first amino acid of every newly synthesised protein. In combination with its role as precursor for the vital methyl-group donor S-adenosylmethionine, methionine is essential for every living cell. The opportunistic human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is capable of synthesising methionine de novo, when it becomes scarce in the environment. All genes required for the de novo biosynthesis are encoded by the metICFE-mdh operon, except for metX. Expression is controlled by a hierarchical network with a methionyl-tRNA-specific T-box riboswitch (MET-TBRS) as centrepiece, that is also referred to as met leader (RNA). T-box riboswitches (TBRS) are regulatory RNA elements located in the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of genes. The effector molecule of T-box riboswitches is uncharged cognate tRNA. The prevailing mechanism of action is premature termination of transcription of the nascent RNA in the absence of the effector (i.e. uncharged cognate tRNA) due to formation of a hairpin structure, the Terminator stem. In presence of the effector, a transient stabilisation of the alternative structure, the Antiterminator, enables transcription of the downstream genes ('read-through'). Albeit, after the read-through the thermodynamically more stable Terminator eventually forms. The Terminator and the Antiterminator are two mutually exclusive structures. Previous work of the research group showed that in staphylococci the MET-TBRS ensures strictly methionine-dependent control of met operon expression. Uncharged methionyl-tRNA that activates the system is only present in sufficient amounts under methionine-deprived conditions. In contrast to other bacterial TBRS, the staphylococcal MET-TBRS has some characteristic features regarding its length and predicted secondary structure whose relevance for the function are yet unkown. Aim of the present thesis was to experimentally determine the structure of the met leader RNA and to investigate the stability of the met operon-specific transcripts in the context of methionine biosynthesis control. Furthermore, the yet unknown function of the mdh gene within the met operon was to be determined. In the context of this thesis, the secondary structure of the met leader was determined employing in-line probing. The structural analysis revealed the presence of almost all highly conserved T-box riboswitch structural characteristics. Furthermore, three additional stems, absent in all T-box riboswitches analysed to date, could be identified. Particularly remarkable is the above average length of the Terminator stem which renders it a potential target of the double-strand-specific endoribonuclease III (RNase III). The RNase III-dependent cleavage of the met leader could be experimentally verified by the use of suitable mutants. Moreover, the exact cleavage site within the Terminator was determined. The unusual immediate separation of the met leader from the met operon mRNA via the RNase III cleavage within the Terminator stem induces the rapid degradation of the met leader RNA and, most likely, that of the 5'-region of the met mRNA. The met mRNA is degraded from its 5'-end by the exoribonuclease RNase J. The stability of the met mRNA was found to vary over the length of the transcript with an instable 5'-end (metI and metC) and a longer half-life towards the 3'-end (metE and mdh). The varying transcript stability is reflected by differences in the available cellular protein levels. The obtained data suggest that programmed mRNA degradation is another level of regulation in the complex network of staphylococcal de novo methionine biosynthesis control. In addition, the MET-TBRS was studied with regard to a future use as a drug target for novel antimicrobial agents. To this end, effects of a dysregulated methionine biosynthesis on bacterial growth and survival were investigated in met leader mutants that either caused permanent transcription of the met operon ('ON') or prevented operon transcription ('OFF'), irrespective of the methionine status in the cell. Methionine deprivation turned out to be a strong selection pressure, as 'OFF' mutants acquired adaptive mutations within the met leader to restore met operon expression that subsequently re-enabled growth. The second part of the thesis was dedicated to the characterisation of the Mdh protein that is encoded by the last gene of the met operon and whose function is unknown yet. At first, co-transcription and -expression with the met operon could be demonstrated. Next, the Mdh protein was overexpressed and purified and the crystal structure of Mdh was solved to high resolution by the Kisker research group (Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum W{\"u}rzburg). Analysis of the structure revealed the amino acid residues crucial for catalytic activity, and zinc was identified as a co-factor of Mdh. Also, Mdh was shown to exist as a dimer. However, identification of the Mdh substrate was, in the context of this thesis, (still) unsuccessful. Nevertheless, interactions of Mdh with enzymes of the met operon could be demonstrated by employing the bacterial two-hybrid system. This fact and the high conservation of mdh/Mdh on nucleotide and amino acid level among numerous staphylococcal species suggests an important role of Mdh within the methionine metabolism that should be a worthwhile subject of future research.}, subject = {Staphylococcus aureus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weissflog2011, author = {Weißflog, Lena}, title = {Molecular Genetics of Emotional Dysregulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a genetically complex childhood onset neurodevelopmental disorder which is highly persistent into adulthood. Several chromo-somal regions associated with this disorder were identified previously in genome-wide linkage scans, association (GWA) and copy number variation (CNV) studies. In this work the results of case-control and family-based association studies using a can-didate gene approach are presented. For this purpose, possible candidate genes for ADHD have been finemapped using mass array-based SNP genotyping. The genes KCNIP4, CDH13 and DIRAS2 have been found to be associated with ADHD and, in addition, with cluster B and cluster C personality disorders (PD) which are known to be related to ADHD. Most of the associations found in this work would not withstand correction for multiple testing. However, a replication in several independent populations has been achieved and in conjunction with previous evidence from linkage, GWA and CNV studies, it is assumed that there are true associations between those genes and ADHD. Further investigation of DIRAS2 by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) revealed expression in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and cerebellum of the human brain and a significant increase in Diras2 expression in the mouse brain during early development. In situ hybrid-izations on murine brain slices confirmed the results gained by qPCR in the human brain. Moreover, Diras2 is expressed in the basolateral amygdala, structures of the olfactory system and several other brain regions which have been implicated in the psychopatholo-gy of ADHD. In conclusion, the results of this work provide further support to the existence of a strong genetic component in the pathophysiology of ADHD and related disorders. KCNIP4, CDH13 and DIRAS2 are promising candidates and need to be further examined to get more knowledge about the neurobiological basis of this common disease. This knowledge is essential for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the emergence of this disorder and for the development of new treatment strategies.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2021, author = {Weiß, Neele}, title = {Bedeutung des MEK5/ERK5-Signalwegs in der zielgerichteten Melanomtherapie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21907}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In dieser Dissertation wird der MEK5/ERK5- Signalweg als m{\"o}glicher Angriffspunkt in der zielgerichteten Melanomtherapie identifiziert. Die Adressierung von ERK5 bietet eine Alternative, um einer Resistenzentwicklung gegen{\"u}ber Inhibitoren des MAPK- Signalwegs entgegenzuwirken. Das maligne Melanom ist ein hochaggressiver Tumor mit steigender Inzidenz. Zunehmende Sonnenstunden im Rahmen des Klimawandels mit erh{\"o}hter Belastung der Haut durch UV-Strahlung werden die Problematik des malignen Melanoms f{\"u}r den Menschen in den n{\"a}chsten Jahren weiter zunehmen lassen. Die Aktivierung des MEK5/ERK5- Signalwegs scheint eine Reaktion von Tumorzellen auf Therapiestress zu sein. Diese Aktivierung liefert den Melanomzellen einen {\"U}berlebensvorteil und verhindert ein langfristiges Therapieansprechen. ERK5 beeinflusst den Zellzyklus von Melanomzellen und ist somit m{\"o}glicherweise von wichtiger Bedeutung in der Tumorgenese des malignen Melanoms. Patienten mit NRAS- Mutation profitieren auffallend weniger von einer gezielten MEKi-Therapie als solche mit BRAF Mutation. F{\"u}r ersteres Patientenkollektiv steht aktuell lediglich die Immuntherapie zur Verf{\"u}gung, wodurch oft nur ein kurzes, progressionsfreies Intervall erreicht werden kann und die Patienten h{\"a}ufig unter schweren Nebenwirkungen leiden. Grund f{\"u}r die problematische Behandlung k{\"o}nnte das h{\"a}ufige Auftreten einer basalen ERK5- Aktivierung in NRAS- mutierten Melanomen sein. Diese Arbeit liefert eine positive Prognose {\"u}ber den Nutzen einer ERK5- Inhibition als Erweiterung des Therapieschemas. Diese These gilt auch f{\"u}r Melanompatienten mit einer BRAF- Mutation. Patienten, die an einem malignen Melanom erkrankt sind, weisen zu 80\% eine Mutation in einem dieser beschriebenen Onkogene auf. Die Arbeit l{\"a}sst darauf schließen, dass eine ERK5- Inhibition in der Therapie von beiden Gruppen erfolgreich sein k{\"o}nnte und somit das Leben nahezu aller Melanompatienten betrifft.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weiss2020, author = {Weiß, Martin}, title = {The neural principles of behavior modification using socioemotional facial feedback cues in economic decision-making}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208654}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present dissertation aims to shed light on different mechanisms of socio-emotional feedback in social decision-making situations. The objective is to evaluate emotional facial expressions as feedback stimuli, i.e., responses of interaction partners to certain social decisions. In addition to human faces, artificial emojis are also examined due to their relevance for modern digital communication. Previous research on the influence of emotional feedback suggests that a person's behavior can be effectively reinforced by rewarding stimuli. In the context of this dissertation, the differences in the feedback processing of human photographs and emojis, but also the evaluation of socially expected versus socially unexpected feedback were examined in detail in four studies. In addition to behavioral data, we used the electroencephalogram (EEG) in all studies to investigate neural correlates of social decision-making and emotional feedback. As the central paradigm, all studies were based on a modified ultimatum game. The game is structured as follows: there is a so-called proposer who holds a specific amount of money (e.g., 10 cents) and offers the responder a certain amount (e.g., 3 cents). The responder then decides whether to accept or reject the offer. In the version of the ultimatum game presented here, different types of proposers are introduced. After the participants have accepted or rejected in the role of the responder, the different proposers react to the participant's decision with specific emotional facial expressions. Different feedback patterns are used for the individual experiments conducted in the course of this dissertation. In the first study, we investigated the influence of emotional feedback on decision-making in the modified version of the ultimatum game. We were able to show that a proposer who responds to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face achieves more accepted offers overall than a control proposer who responds to both accepted and rejected offers with a neutral facial expression. Consequently, the smile served as a positive reinforcement. Similarly, a sad expression in response to a rejected offer also resulted in higher acceptance rates as compared to the control identity, which could be considered an expression of compassion for that proposer. On a neuronal level, we could show that there are differences between simply looking at negative emotional stimuli (i.e., sad and angry faces) and their appearance as feedback stimuli after rejected offers in the modified ultimatum game. The so-called feedback-related negativity was reduced (i.e., more positive) when negative emotions appeared as feedback from the proposers. We argued that these findings might show that the participants wanted to punish the proposers by rejecting an offer for its unfairness and therefore the negative feedback met their expectations. The altered processing of negative emotional facial expressions in the ultimatum game could therefore indicate that the punishment is interpreted as successful. This includes the expectation that the interaction partner will change his behavior in the future and eventually make fairer offers. In the second study we wanted to show that smiling and sad emojis as feedback stimuli in the modified ultimatum game can also lead to increased acceptance rates. Contrary to our assumptions, this effect could not be observed. At the neural level as well, the findings did not correspond to our assumptions and differed strongly from those of the first study. One finding, however, was that the neural P3 component showed how the use of emojis as feedback stimuli particularly characterizes certain types of proposers. This is supported by the fact that the P3 is increased for the proposer who rewards an acceptance with a smile as well as for the proposer who reacts to rejection with a sad emoji compared to the neutral control proposer. The third study examined the discrepancy between the findings of the first and second study. Accordingly, both humans and emojis representing the different proposers were presented in the ultimatum game. In addition, emojis were selected that showed a higher similarity to known emojis from common messenger services compared to the second study. We were able to replicate that the proposers in the ultimatum game, who reward an acceptance of the offer with a smile, led to an increased acceptance rate compared to the neutral control proposers. This difference is independent of whether the proposers are represented by emojis or human faces. With regard to the neural correlates, we were able to demonstrate that emojis and human faces differ strongly in their neural processing. Emojis showed stronger activation than human faces in the face-processing N170 component, the feedback-related negativity and the P3 component. We concluded that the results of the N170 and feedback-related negativity could indicate a signal for missing social information of emojis compared to faces. The increased P3 amplitude for emojis might imply that emojis appear unexpectedly as reward stimuli in a social decision task compared to human faces. The last study of this project dealt with socially unexpected feedback. In comparison to the first three studies, new proposer identities were implemented. In particular, the focus was on a proposer who reacted to the rejection of an offer unexpectedly with a smile and to the acceptance with a neutral facial expression. According to the results, participants approach this unexpected smile through increased rejection, although it is accompanied by financial loss. In addition, as reported in studies one and three, we were able to show that proposers who respond to the acceptance of an offer with a smiling face and thus meet the expectations of the participants have higher offer acceptance rates than the control proposer. At the neuronal level, especially the feedback from the socially unexpected proposer led to an increased P3 amplitude, which indicates that smiling after rejection is attributed a special subjective importance. The experiments provide new insights into the social influence through emotional feedback and the processing of relevant social cues. Due to the conceptual similarity of the studies, it was possible to differentiate between stable findings and potentially stimulus-dependent deviations, thus creating a well-founded contribution to the current research. Therefore, the novel paradigm presented here, and the knowledge gained from it could also play an important role in the future for clinical questions dealing with limited social competencies.}, subject = {Entscheidungsverhalten}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2023, author = {Weiß, Lukas Johannes}, title = {Thrombozytenfunktionsanalyse bei Patienten mit Sepsis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-30203}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302030}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Sepsis ist eine dysregulierte Reaktion des Organismus auf eine Infektion. Bei Sepsis werden oft Blutungs- und Thromboseereignisse beobachtet, welche in einer Disseminierten Intravasalen Gerinnung (DIG) gipfeln k{\"o}nnen. Thrombozyten sind die Schl{\"u}sselzellen von Thrombose und H{\"a}mostase. Bei Sepsis und DIG kommt es h{\"a}ufig zu einem Abfall der Thrombozytenzahl, doch Blutungs- und Thromboseereignisse k{\"o}nnen unabh{\"a}ngig von der Thrombozytenzahl auftreten, was zus{\"a}tzlich eine Ver{\"a}nderung der Thrombozytenfunktion nahelegt. In dieser Arbeit wurde deshalb die Thrombozytenfunktion bei 15 Patienten mit Sepsis zu drei Zeitpunkten im Krankheitsverlauf untersucht. Es konnte bei unauff{\"a}lliger Rezeptorexpression keine Voraktivierung der Thrombozyten mittels Durchflusszytometrie festgestellt werden. Jedoch war die Aktivierung nach Stimulation mit multiplen Agonisten signifikant reduziert. Besonders ausgepr{\"a}gt war die Hyporeaktivit{\"a}t bei Stimulation des Kollagen-Rezeptors GPVI mit dem Agonisten CRP-XL. Es wurde gezeigt, dass nach GPVI-Stimulation eine reduzierte Phosphorylierung der nachgeschalteten Proteine Syk und LAT im Vergleich zum Gesundspender induziert wird. In Kreuzinkubationsexperimenten hatte die (Co )Inkubation von Thrombozyten in Plasma von Sepsispatienten oder mit Bakterienisolaten aus Sepsis-Blutkulturen keinen Effekt auf die Thrombozytenreaktivit{\"a}t. Allerdings konnte durch Sepsis-Vollblut eine signifikante GPVI-Hyporeaktivit{\"a}t in Thrombozyten von gesunden Probanden induziert werden, was einen zellul{\"a}ren Mediator als Ursache des Defekts nahelegt. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass insbesondere die GPVI-Signalkaskade bei Sepsis massiv beeintr{\"a}chtigt ist. Der Immunorezeptor GPVI ist ein vielversprechendes Zielmolek{\"u}l, um die Pathogenese der Sepsis, des Capillary Leak und die immunregulatorische Rolle von Thrombozyten besser zu verstehen. Die GPVI-Hyporeaktivit{\"a}t k{\"o}nnte als zuk{\"u}nftiger Biomarker f{\"u}r die Sepsis-Fr{\"u}hdiagnose genutzt werden.}, subject = {Sepsis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weiss2021, author = {Weiß, Esther}, title = {Host-pathogen interactions of natural killer cells and Aspergillus fumigatus: Relevance of immune cell cross-talk and fungal recognition receptors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20607}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206077}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The human pathogen Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus is a fungal mold that can cause severe infections in immunocompromised hosts. Pathogen recognition and immune cell cross-talk are essential for clearing fungal infections efficiently. Immune cell interactions in particular may enhance individual cell activation and cytotoxicity towards invading pathogens. This study analyzed the reciprocal cell activation of natural killer (NK) cells and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) after stimulation with A. fumigatus cell wall fractions and whole-cell lysates. Furthermore, the impact of the on moDCs expressed fungal receptors Dectin-1 and TLR-2 on NK cell activation was analyzed. Stimulation of moDCs with ligands for Dectin-1 and TLR-2 and transfer of soluble factors on autologous NK cells showed that moDCs could induce NK cell activation solely by secreting factors. In summary, both cell types could induce reciprocal cell activation if the stimulated cell type recognized fungal morphologies and ligands. However, moDCs displayed a broader set of A. fumigatus receptors and, therefore, could induce NK cell activation when those were not activated by the stimulus directly. Consequently, new fungal receptors should be identified on NK cells. The NK cell characterization marker CD56 was reduced detected in flow cytometry after fungal co-culture. Notably, this decreased detection was not associated with NK cell apoptosis, protein degradation, internalization, or secretion of CD56 molecules. CD56 was shown to tightly attach to hyphal structures, followed by its concentration at the NK-A. fumigatus interaction site. Actin polymerization was necessary for CD56 relocalization, as pre-treatment of NK cells with actin-inhibitory reagents abolished CD56 binding to the fungus. Blocking of CD56 suppressed fungal mediated NK cell activation and secretion of the immune-recruiting chemokines MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and RANTES, concluding that CD56 is functionally involved in fungal recognition by NK cells. CD56 binding to fungal hyphae was inhibited in NK cells obtained from patients during immune-suppressing therapy after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). Additionally, reduced binding of CD56 correlated with decreased actin polymerization of reconstituting NK cells challenged with the fungus. The immune-suppressing therapy with corticosteroids negatively influenced the secretion of MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and RANTES in NK cells after fungal stimulation ex vivo. Similar results were obtained when NK cells from healthy donors were treated with corticosteroids prior to fungal co-culture. Thus, corticosteroids were identified to have detrimental effects on NK cell function during infection with A. fumigatus.}, subject = {Nat{\"u}rliche Killerzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weisert2024, author = {Weisert, Nadine}, title = {Characterization of telomere-associated proteins in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35273}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The unicellular pathogen Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of African trypanosomiasis, an endemic disease prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma brucei alternates between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. The extracellular parasite survives in the mammalian bloodstream by periodically exchanging their ˈvariant surface glycoproteinˈ (VSG) coat to evade the host immune response. This antigenic variation is achieved through monoallelic expression of one VSG variant from subtelomeric ˈbloodstream form expression sitesˈ (BES) at a given timepoint. During the differentiation from the bloodstream form (BSF) to the procyclic form (PCF) in the tsetse fly midgut, the stage specific surface protein is transcriptionally silenced and replaced by procyclins. Due to their subtelomeric localization on the chromosomes, VSG transcription and silencing is partly regulated by homologues of the mammalian telomere complex such as TbTRF, TbTIF2 and TbRAP1 as well as by ˈtelomere-associated proteinsˈ (TelAPs) like TelAP1. To gain more insights into transcription regulation of VSG genes, the identification and characterization of other TelAPs is critical and has not yet been achieved. In a previous study, two biochemical approaches were used to identify other novel TelAPs. By using ˈco-immunoprecipitationˈ (co-IP) to enrich possible interaction partners of TbTRF and by affinity chromatography using telomeric repeat oligonucleotides, a listing of TelAP candidates has been conducted. With this approach TelAP1 was identified as a novel component of the telomere complex, involved in the kinetics of transcriptional BES silencing during BSF to PCF differentiation. To gain further insights into the telomere complex composition, other previously enriched proteins were characterized through a screening process using RNA interference to deplete potential candidates. VSG expression profile changes and overall proteomic changes after depletion were analyzed by mass spectrometry. With this method, one can gain insights into the functions of the proteins and their involvement in VSG expression site regulation. To validate the interaction of proteins enriched by co-IP with TbTRF and TelAP1 and to identify novel interaction proteins, I performed reciprocal affinity purifications of the four most promising candidates (TelAP2, TelAP3, PPL2 and PolIE) and additionally confirmed colocalization of two candidates with TbTRF via immunofluorescence (TelAP2, TelAP3). TelAP3 colocalizes with TbTRF and potentially interacts with TbTRF, TbTIF2, TelAP1 and TelAP2, as well as with two translesion polymerases PPL2 and PolIE in BSF. PPL2 and PolIE seem to be in close contact to each other at the telomeric ends and fulfill different roles as only PolIE is involved in VSG regulation while PPL2 is not. TelAP2 was previously characterized to be associated with telomeres by partially colocalizing with TbTRF and cells show a VSG derepression phenotype when the protein was depleted. Here I show that TelAP2 interacts with the telomere-binding proteins TbTRF and TbTIF2 as well as with the telomere-associated protein TelAP1 in BSF and that TelAP2 depletion results in a loss of TelAP1 colocalization with TbTRF in BSF. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that characterizing potential TelAPs is effective in gaining insights into the telomeric complex's composition and its role in VSG regulation in Trypanosoma brucei. Understanding these interactions could potentially lead to new therapeutic targets for combatting African trypanosomiasis.}, subject = {Telomer }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weirather2014, author = {Weirather, Johannes}, title = {Role of CD4+ T lymphocytes in cardiac wound healing and remodeling after experimental myocardial infarction in mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-107225}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cardiac healing after myocardial infarction (MI) represents the cardinal prerequisite for proper replacement of the irreversibly injured myocardium. In contrast to innate immunity, the functional role of adaptive immunity in postinfarction healing has not been systematically addressed. The present study focused on the influence of CD4+ T lymphocytes on wound healing and cardiac remodeling after experimental myocardial infarction in mice. Both conventional and Foxp3+ regulatory CD4+ T cells (Treg cells) became activated in heart draining lymph nodes after MI and accumulated in the infarcted myocardium. T cell activation was strictly antigen-dependant as T cell receptor-transgenic OT-II mice in which CD4+ T cells exhibit a highly limited T cell receptor repertoire did not expand in heart-draining lymph nodes post-MI. Both OT-II and major histocompatibility complex class II-deficient mice lacking a CD4+ T cell compartment showed a fatal clinical postinfarction outcome characterized by disturbed scar tissue construction that resulted in impaired survival due to a prevalence of left-ventricular ruptures. To assess the contribution of anti-inflammatory Treg cells on wound healing after MI, the Treg cell compartment was depleted using DEREG mice that specifically express the human diphtheria toxin receptor in Foxp3-positive cells, resulting in Treg cell ablation after diphtheria toxin administration. In a parallel line of experiments, a second model of anti-CD25 antibody-mediated Treg cell immuno-depletion was used. Treg cell ablation prior to MI resulted in adverse postinfarction left-ventricular dilatation associated with cardiac deterioration. Mechanistically, Treg cell depletion resulted in an increased recruitment of pro-inflammatory neutrophils and Ly-6Chigh monocytes into the healing myocardium. Furthermore, Treg cell-ablated mice exhibited an adverse activation of conventional non-regulatory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that showed a reinforced infiltration into the infarct zone. Increased synthesis of TNFα and IFNγ by conventional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in hearts of Treg cell-depleted mice provoked an M1-like macrophage polarization characterized by heightened expression of healing-compromising induced NO synthase, in line with a reduced synthesis of healing-promoting transglutaminase factor XIII (FXIII), osteopontin (OPN) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1). Therapeutic Treg cell activation by a superagonistic anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody stimulated Treg cell accumulation in the infarct zone and led to an increased expression of mediators inducing an M2-like macrophage polarization state, i.e. interleukin-10, interleukin-13 and TGFβ1. M2-like macrophage differentiation in the healing infarct was associated with heightened expression of scar-forming procollagens as well as scar-stabilizing FXIII and OPN, resulting in improved survival due to a reduced incidence of left-ventricular ruptures. Therapeutic Treg cell activation and the induction of a beneficial M2-like macrophage polarization was further achieved by employing a treatment modality of high clinical potential, i.e. by therapeutic administration of IL-2/ anti-IL-2 monoclonal antibody complexes. The findings of the present study suggest that therapeutic Treg cell activation and the resulting improvement of healing may represent a suitable strategy to attenuate adverse infarct expansion, left-ventricular remodeling, or infarct ruptures in patients with MI.}, subject = {Antigen CD4}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{WeinstockgebPattschull2019, author = {Weinstock [geb. Pattschull], Grit}, title = {Crosstalk between the MMB complex and YAP in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle genes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17086}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The Myb-MuvB (MMB) multiprotein complex is a master regulator of cell cycle-dependent gene expression. Target genes of MMB are expressed at elevated levels in several different cancer types and are included in the chromosomal instability (CIN) signature of lung, brain, and breast tumors. This doctoral thesis showed that the complete loss of the MMB core subunit LIN9 leads to strong proliferation defects and nuclear abnormalities in primary lung adenocarcinoma cells. Transcriptome profiling and genome-wide DNA-binding analyses of MMB in lung adenocarcinoma cells revealed that MMB drives the expression of genes linked to cell cycle progression, mitosis, and chromosome segregation by direct binding to promoters of these genes. Unexpectedly, a previously unknown overlap between MMB-dependent genes and several signatures of YAP-regulated genes was identified. YAP is a transcriptional co-activator acting downstream of the Hippo signaling pathway, which is deregulated in many tumor types. Here, MMB and YAP were found to physically interact and co-regulate a set of mitotic and cytokinetic target genes, which are important in cancer. Furthermore, the activation of mitotic genes and the induction of entry into mitosis by YAP were strongly dependent on MMB. By ChIP-seq and 4C-seq, the genome-wide binding of MMB upon YAP overexpression was analyzed and long-range chromatin interaction sites of selected MMB target gene promoters were identified. Strikingly, YAP strongly promoted chromatin-association of B-MYB through binding to distal enhancer elements that interact with MMB-regulated promoters through chromatin looping. Together, the findings of this thesis provide a so far unknown molecular mechanism by which YAP and MMB cooperate to regulate mitotic gene expression and suggest a link between two cancer-relevant signaling pathways.}, subject = {Krebs }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiland2010, author = {Weiland, Romy}, title = {Facial reactions in response to gustatory and olfactory stimuli in healthy adults, patients with eating disorders, and patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-51759}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The aim of this project was to investigate whether reflex-like innate facial reactions to tastes and odors are altered in patients with eating disorders. Qualitatively different tastes and odors have been found to elicit specific facial expressions in newborns. This specificity in newborns is characterized by positive facial reactions in response to pleasant stimuli and by negative facial reactions in response to unpleasant stimuli. It is, however, unclear, whether these specific facial displays remain stable during ontogeny (1). Despite the fact that several studies had shown that taste-and odor-elicited facial reactions remain quite stable across a human's life-span, the specificity of research questions, as well as different research methods, allow only limited comparisons between studies. Moreover, the gustofacial response patterns might be altered in pathological eating behavior (2). To date, however, the question of whether dysfunctional eating behavior might alter facial activity in response to tastes and odors has not been addressed. Furthermore, changes in facial activity might be linked to deficient inhibitory facial control (3). To investigate these three research questions, facial reactions in response to tastes and odors were assessed. Facial reactions were analyzed using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS, Ekman \& Friesen, 1978; Ekman, Friesen, \& Hager, 2002) and electromyography.}, subject = {Mimik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weigl2023, author = {Weigl, Franziska}, title = {Correlation of FluidFM® Technology and Fluorescence Microscopy for the Visualization of Cellular Detachment Steps}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29876}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298763}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis aimed the development of a correlated device which combines FluidFM® with Fluorescence Microscopy (FL) (FL-FluidFM®) and enables the simultaneous quantification of adhesion forces and fluorescent visualization of mature cells. The implementation of a PIFOC was crucial to achieve a high-resolution as well as a stable but dynamic focus level. The functionality of SCFS after hardware modification was verified by comparing two force-curves, both showing the typical force progression and measured with the optimized and conventional hardware, respectively. Then, the integration of FL was examined by detaching fluorescently labeled REF52 cells. The fluorescence illumination of the cytoskeleton showed the expected characteristic force profile and no evidence of interference effects. Afterwards a corresponding correlative data analysis was addressed including manual force step fitting, the identification of visualized cellular unbinding, and a time-dependent correlation. This procedure revealed a link between the area of cytoskeletal unbinding and force-jumps. This was followed by a comparison of the detachment characteristics of intercellular connected HUVECs and individual REF52 cells. HUVECs showed maximum detachment forces in the same order of magnitude as the ones of single REF52 cells. This contrasted with the expected strong cohesiveness of endothelial cells and indicated a lack of cell-cell contact formation. The latter was confirmed by a comparison of HUVECs, primary HBMVECs, and immortalized EA.hy926 cells fluorescently labeled for two marker proteins of intercellular junctions. This unveiled that both the previous cultivation duration and the cell type have a major impact on the development of intercellular junctions. In summary, the correlative FL FluidFM® represents a powerful novel approach, which enables a truly contemporaneous performance and, thus, has the potential to reveal new insights into the mechanobiological properties of cell adhesion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weigel2019, author = {Weigel, Tobias Maximilian}, title = {Entwicklung von 3D-Herzschrittmacher-Elektroden auf Basis von Kohlenstoffnanofasern}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17636}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176362}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Herzschrittmachersysteme sind eine weitverbreitete M{\"o}glichkeit Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zu behandeln. Wegen der nat{\"u}rlichen Reaktion des Immunsystems auf Fremdk{\"o}rper, erfolgt aber eine fortschreitende Verkapselung der Herzschrittmacherelektrode. Die Folge ist eine ansteigende Verminderung der Stimulationseffizienz durch Erh{\"o}hung der Anregungsschwelle. Die Integration der Elektrode in das Gewebe ist dabei mangelhaft und wird bestimmt durch Implantateigenschaften wie Gr{\"o}ße, Flexibilit{\"a}t und Dimensionalit{\"a}t. Um die Integration zu verbessern, stellen dreidimensionale (3D) bzw. gewebeartige Elektroden eine Alternative zu den derzeit verwendeten planaren Metallelektroden dar. Zur Entwicklung einer leitf{\"a}higen, 3D und faserf{\"o}rmigen Elektrode wurden in dieser Arbeit Kohlenstoff-Nanofaser-Scaffolds {\"u}ber Elektrospinnen hergestellt. Durch die Modifikation des Faserger{\"u}stes mit Natriumchlorid (NaCl) w{\"a}hrend der Scaffoldherstellung, konnte das Fasernetzwerk aufgelockert und Poren generiert werden. Die Kohlenstofffaser-Elektroden zeigten einen effizienten Energie{\"u}bertrag, welcher vergleichbar mit heutigen Titannitrid (TiN) -Elektroden ist. Die Auflockerung des Fasergewebes hatte eine verbesserte Flexibilit{\"a}t des Faserscaffolds zu Folge. Neben der Flexibilit{\"a}t, konnte auch die Infiltration von Zellen in das por{\"o}se Faserscaffold erheblich verbessert werden. Dabei konnten Fibroblasten durch das gesamte Scaffold migrieren. Die Kompatibilit{\"a}t mit kardialen Zellen, die Grundvoraussetzung von Herzschrittmacherelektroden, wurde in vitro nachgewiesen. Durch die Kombination aus dem 3D-Elektrodenger{\"u}st mit einer Co-Kultur aus humanen Kardiomyozyten, mesenchymalen Stammzellen und Fibroblasten, erfolgte eine Einbettung der Elektrode in funktionelles kardiales Gewebe. Dadurch konnte ein lebender Gewebe-Elektroden-Hybrid generiert werden, welcher m{\"o}glicherweise die Elektrode vor Immunzellen in vivo abschirmen kann. Eine Zusammenf{\"u}hrung der hybriden Elektrode mit einen Tissue-Engineerten humanen kardialen Patch in vitro, f{\"u}hrte zu Bildung einer nahtlosen Elektronik-Gewebe-Schnittstelle. Die fusionierte Einheit wurde abschließend auf ihre mechanische Belastbarkeit getestet und konnte {\"u}ber einen Elektroden-Anschluss elektrisch stimuliert werden.}, subject = {Herzschrittmacher}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{WeigelverhHoffmann2024, author = {Weigel [verh. Hoffmann], Mathis Leonard}, title = {Thrombozytenfunktionsanalyse als potenzielles Instrument zur Fr{\"u}herkennung von Sepsis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35819}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358193}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Sepsis ist ein h{\"a}ufiges und akut lebensbedrohliches Syndrom, das eine Organfunktionsst{\"o}rung in Folge einer dysregulierten Immunantwort auf eine Infektion beschreibt. Eine fr{\"u}hzeitige Diagnosestellung und Therapieeinleitung sind von zentraler Bedeutung f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Patient:innen. In einer Pilotstudie konnte unsere Forschungsgruppe mittels Durchflusszytometrie eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Hyporeaktivit{\"a}t der Thrombozyten bei Sepsis nachweisen, die einen potenziell neuen Biomarker zur Sepsis-Fr{\"u}herkennung darstellt. Zur Evaluation des Ausmaßes und Entstehungszeitpunktes der detektierten Thrombozytenfunktionsst{\"o}rung wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit zus{\"a}tzlich zu Patient:innen mit Sepsis (SOFA-Score ≥ 2; n=13) auch hospitalisierte Patient:innen mit einer Infektion ohne Sepsis (SOFA-Score < 2; n=12) rekrutiert. Beide Kohorten wurden zu zwei Zeitpunkten (t1: <24h; t2: Tag 5-7) im Krankheitsverlauf mittels Durchflusszytometrie und PFA-200 untersucht und mit einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe (n=28) verglichen. Ph{\"a}notypische Auff{\"a}lligkeiten der Thrombozyten bei Sepsis umfassten: (i) eine ver{\"a}nderte Expression verschiedener Untereinheiten des GPIb-IX-V-Rezeptorkomplexes, die auf ein verst{\"a}rktes Rezeptor-Shedding hindeutet; (ii) ein ausgepr{\"a}gtes Mepacrin-Beladungsdefizit, das auf eine zunehmend reduzierte Anzahl von δ-Granula entlang des Infektion-Sepsis Kontinuums hinweist; (iii) eine Reduktion endst{\"a}ndig gebundener Sialins{\"a}ure im Sinne einer verst{\"a}rkten Desialylierung. Die funktionelle Analyse der Thrombozyten bei Sepsis ergab bei durchflusszytometrischer Messung der Integrin αIIbβ3-Aktivierung (PAC-1-Bindung) eine ausgepr{\"a}gte generalisierte Hyporeaktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber multiplen Agonisten, die abgeschw{\"a}cht bereits bei Infektion nachweisbar war und gem{\"a}ß ROC-Analysen gut zwischen Infektion und Sepsis diskriminierte (AUC >0.80 f{\"u}r alle Agonisten). Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten Thrombozyten bei Sepsis und Analyse mittels PFA-200 unter Einfluss physiologischer Scherkr{\"a}fte eine normale bis gar beschleunigte Aggregation. Die Reaktivit{\"a}tsmessung von Thrombozyten mittels Durchflusszytometrie stellt weiterhin einen vielversprechenden Biomarker f{\"u}r die Sepsis-Fr{\"u}herkennung dar. F{\"u}r weitere Schlussfolgerungen ist jedoch eine gr{\"o}ßere Kohorte erforderlich. In nachfolgenden Untersuchungen sollten zudem mechanistische Ursachen der beschriebenen ph{\"a}notypischen und funktionellen Auff{\"a}lligkeiten von Thrombozyten bei Infektion und Sepsis z.B. mittels Koinkubationsexperimenten untersucht werden.}, subject = {Sepsis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{WeigelgebSchneider2022, author = {Weigel [geb. Schneider], Verena}, title = {Entwicklung eines \(in\) \(vitro\) Modells f{\"u}r Verbrennungen ersten Grades zur Testung einer zellbasierten Wundauflage}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26151}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261514}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Mit j{\"a}hrlich circa 11 Millionen F{\"a}llen weltweit, stellen schwere Brandwunden bis heute einen großen Anteil an Verletzungen dar, die in Kliniken behandelt werden m{\"u}ssen. W{\"a}hrend leichte Verbrennungen meist problemlos heilen, bedarf die Behandlung tieferer Verbrennungen medizinischer Intervention. Zellbasierte Therapeutika zeigen hier bereits große Erfolge, aufgrund der eingeschr{\"a}nkten {\"U}bertragbarkeit von Ergebnissen aus Tiermodellen ist jedoch sowohl die Testung neuer Produkte, als auch die Erforschung der Wundheilung bei Brandwunden noch immer schwierig. Aufgrund dessen wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei Ziele verfolgt: Die Etablierung von Methoden, um ein zellbasiertes Therapeutikum produzieren zu k{\"o}nnen und die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Untersuchung von Verbrennungswunden. Zun{\"a}chst wurden hierf{\"u}r die Kulturbedingungen und -protokolle zur Isolation und Expansion von Keratinozyten so angepasst, dass sie g{\"a}ngigen Regularien zur Produktion medizinischer Produkte entsprechen. Hier zeigten die Zellen auch in anschließenden Analysen, dass charakteristische Merkmale nicht verloren hatten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus gelang es, die Zellen mithilfe verschiedener protektiver Substanzen erfolgreich einzufrieren und zu konservieren. Des Weiteren konnte ein Modell etabliert werden, das eine Verbrennung ersten Grades widerspiegelt. {\"U}ber einen Zeitraum von zwei Wochen wurde seine Regeneration hinsichtlich verschiedener Aspekte, wie der Histomorphologie, dem Metabolismus und der Reepithelialisierungsrate, untersucht. Die Modelle zeigten hier viele Parallelen zur Wundheilung in vivo auf. Um die Eignung der Modelle zur Testung von Wirkstoffen zu ermitteln wurde außerdem eine Behandlung mit 5\% Dexpanthenol getestet. Sie resultierte in einer verbesserten Histomorphologie und einer erh{\"o}hten Anzahl an proliferativen Zellen in den Modellen, beschleunigte jedoch die Reepithelialisierung nicht. Zusammengefasst konnten in dieser Arbeit zun{\"a}chst Methoden etabliert werden, um ein medizinisches Produkt aus Keratinozyten herzustellen und zu charakterisieren. Außerdem wurde ein Modell entwickelt, anhand dessen die Wundheilung und Behandlung von Verbrennungen ersten Grades untersucht werden kann und welches als Basis zur Entwicklung von Modellen von tieferen Verbrennungen dienen kann.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weigand2021, author = {Weigand, Isabel}, title = {Consequences of Protein Kinase A mutations in adrenocortical cells and tumours}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-16064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-160646}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adrenal Cushing's Syndrome (CS) is a rare but life-threatening disease and therefore it is of great importance to understand the pathogenesis leading to adrenal CS. It is well accepted that Protein Kinase A (PKA) signalling mediates steroid secretion in adrenocortical cells. PKA is an inactive heterotetramer, consisting of two catalytic and two regulatory subunits. Upon cAMP binding to the regulatory subunits, the catalytic subunits are released and are able to phosphorylate their target proteins. Recently, activating somatic mutations affecting the catalytic subunit a of PKA have been identified in a sub-population of cortisol-producing adenomas (CPAs) associated with overt CS. Interestingly, the PKA regulatory subunit IIb has long been known to have significantly lower protein levels in a sub-group of CPAs compared to other adrenocortical tumours. Yet, it is unknown, why these CPAs lack the regulatory subunit IIb, neither are any functional consequences nor are the underlying regulation mechanisms leading to reduced RIIb levels known. The results obtained in this thesis show a clear connection between Ca mutations and reduced RIIb protein levels in CPAs but not in other adrenocortical tumours. Furthermore, a specific pattern of PKA subunit expression in the different zones of the normal adrenal gland is demonstrated. In addition, a Ca L206R mutation-mediated degradation of RIIb was observed in adrenocortical cells in vitro. RIIb degradation was found to be mediated by caspases and by performing mutagenesis experiments of the regulatory subunits IIb and Ia, S114 phosphorylation of RIIb was identified to make RIIb susceptible for degradation. LC-MS/MS revealed RIIb interaction partners to differ in the presence of either Ca WT and Ca L206R. These newly identified interaction partners are possibly involved in targeting RIIb to subcellular compartments or bringing it into spatial proximity of degrading enzymes. Furthermore, reducing RIIb protein levels in an in vitro system were shown to correlate with increased cortisol secretion also in the absence of PRKACA mutations. The inhibiting role of RIIb in cortisol secretion demonstrates a new function of this regulatory PKA subunit, improving the understanding of the complex regulation of PKA as key regulator in many cells.}, subject = {Cushing-Syndrom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidner2018, author = {Weidner, Magdalena Theodora}, title = {Brain serotonin throughout development - for better and for worse}, publisher = {Magdalena T. Weidner}, address = {Maastricht, the Netherlands}, isbn = {978-94-6233-940-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The work presented in this thesis covers the effects of early-life adversity in the context of altered serotonin (5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine) system functioning in mice. The main body is focussing on a screening approach identifying molecular processes, potentially involved in distinct behavioural manifestations that emerge from or are concomitant with early adversity and, with regard to some behavioural manifestations, dependent on the functioning of the 5-HT system.}, subject = {Gehirn}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weichhold2023, author = {Weichhold, Jan Lukas}, title = {Injectable calcium phosphate-based bone replacement cements}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32661}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-326616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The human body has very good self-healing capabilities for numerous different injuries to a variety of different tissues. This includes the main human mechanical framework, the skeleton. The skeleton is limited in its healing without additional aid by medicine mostly by the defect size. When the defect reaches a size above 2.5 cm the regeneration of the defect ends up faulty. Here is where implants, defect fillers and other support approaches developed in medicine can help the body to heal the big defect still successfully. Usually sturdy implants (auto-/allo-/xenogenic) are implanted in the defect to bridge the distance, but for auto- and allogenic implants a suitable donor site must be found and for all sources the implant needs to be shaped into the defect specific site to ensure a perfect fit, the best support and good healing. This shaping is very time consuming and prone to error, already in the planning phase. The use of a material that is moldable and sets in the desired shape shortly after applying negates these disadvantages. Cementitious materials offer exactly this property by being in a pasty stage after the powder and liquid components have been mixed and the subsequently hardening to a solid implant. These properties also enable the extrusion, and therefore may also enable the injection, of the cement via a syringe in a minimal invasive approach. To enable a good injection of the cement modifications are necessary. This work aimed to modify commonly used calcium phosphate-based cement systems based on α-TCP (apatitic) and β-TCP (brushitic). These have been modified with sodium phytate and phytic acid, respectively. Additionally, the α-TCP system has been modified with sodium pyrophosphate, in a second study, to create a storable aqueous paste that can be activated once needed with a highly concentrated sodium orthophosphate solution. The powder phase of the α-TCP cement system consisted of nine parts α-TCP and one part CDHA. These were prepared to have different particle sizes and therefore enable a better powder flowability through the bimodal size distribution. α-TCP had a main particle size of 20 μm and CDHA of 2.6 μm. The modification with sodium phytate led to an adsorption of phytate ions on the surface of the α-TCP particles, where they started to form complexes with the Ca2+ ions in the solution. This adsorption had two effects. The first was to make the calcium ions unavailable, preventing supersaturation and ultimately the precipitation of CDHA what would lead to the cement hardening. The second was the increase of the absolute value of the surface charge, zeta potential, of the powder in the cement paste. Here a decrease from +3 mV to -40 mV could be measured. A strong value for the zeta potential leads to a higher repulsion of similarly charged particles and therefore prevents powder agglomeration and clogging on the nozzle during injection. These two modifications (bimodal particles size distribution and phytic acid) lead to a significant increase in the paste injectability. The unmodified paste was injectable for 30 \% only, where all modified pastes were practically fully injectable ~90 \% (the residual paste remained in the nozzle, while the syringe plunger already reached the end of the syringe). A very similar observation could be made for the β-TCP system. This system was modified with phytic acid. The zeta potential was decreased even stronger from -10 ± 1.5 mV to -71.5 ± 12 mV. The adsorption of the phytate ions and subsequent formation of chelate complexes with the newly dissolved Ca2+ ions also showed a retarding effect in the cements setting reaction. Where the unmodified cement was not measurable in the rheometer, as the reaction was faster than the measurement setup (~1.5 min), the modified cements showed a transition through the gel point between 3-6 min. This means the pastes stayed between 2 and 4 times longer viscous than without the modification. Like with the first cement system also here the effects of the phytate addition showed its beneficial influence in the injectability measurement. The unmodified cement was not injectable at all, due to the same issue already encountered at the rheology measurements, but all modified pastes were fully injectable for at least 5 min (lowest phytate concentration) and at least 10 min (all other concentrations) after the mixing of powder and liquid. The main goal of the last modification with sodium pyrophosphate was to create a paste that was stable in aqueous environment without setting until the activation takes place, but it should still show good injectability as this was the desired way of application after activation. Like before also the zeta potential changed after the addition of pyrophosphate. It could be lowered from -22 ± 2mV down to -61 to -68 ± 4mV (depending on the pyrophosphate concentration). The pastes were stored in airtight containers at room temperature and checked for their phase composition over 14 days. The unmodified paste showed a beginning phase conversion to hydroxyapatite between 7 and 14 days. All other pastes were still stable and unreacted. The pastes were activated with a high concentrated (30 wt\%) sodium orthophosphate solution. After the activation the pastes were checked for their injectability and showed an increase from -57 ± 11\% for the unmodified paste to -89 ± 3\% (practically fully injectable as described earlier) for the best modified paste (PP005). It can be concluded that the goal of enabling full injection of conventional calcium phosphate bone cement systems was reached. Additional work produced a storage stable paste that still ensures full injectability. Subsequent work already used the storable paste and modified it with hyaluronic acid to create an ink for 3D extrusion printing. The first two cement systems have also already been investigated in cell culture for their influence on osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The next steps would have to go more into the direction of translation. Figuring out what properties still need to be checked and where the modification needs adjustment to enable a clinical use of the presented systems.}, subject = {Calciumphosphat}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wegner2015, author = {Wegner, Julia}, title = {Restoring tissue-like functionality in circulating CD8 T-cells: mechanistic studies and application in immunomonitoring of cancer patients}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124177}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are the only source of human lymphoid cells routinely available for immunologic research and for immunomonitoring of T-cell responses to microbial and tumor-associated antigens. However the large majority of human T-cells resides in tissues, especially in lymphatic organs, while only 1 \% of the body's T-cells circulate in the blood stream. Previous work in mice and humans had indicated that CD4 T-cells transiently lose antigen sensitivity when cellular contacts are lost, e.g. by leaving lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes (LNs) and entering the circulation. In this study, these findings were extended to CD8 T-cells. Thus, CD8 T-cell responses of the human tonsil show a significant drop in sensitivity to viral antigens if tissue-exit was simulated by keeping cells in dispersed culture at body temperature for two hours. Conversely, tissue-like functionality in blood-derived CD8 T-cells was restored by applying the simple and robust RESTORE protocol. Indeed, application of the RESTORE protocol, i.e. pre-culturing PBMCs for two days at a high cell density before initiation of antigenic stimulation, demonstrated that CD8 T-cell responses to a broad range of viral and to tumor-associated antigens are greatly underestimated, and sometimes even remain undetected if conventional, unprocessed PBMC cultures are used. The latter finding is particularly striking with regard to the appearance of Wilms tumor 1 (WT1)-specific CD8 T-cell responses in leukemia patients after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. My studies on the mechanism of the RESTORE protocol show that HD preculture of PBMCs does not involve antigen-or cytokine-driven clonal expansion of T-cells. Moreover, the gain in antigen sensitivity cannot be explained by a decreased activity of regulatory T-cells during the preculture step. The increased antigen sensitivity of CD8 T-cells from HD precultures of PBMCs is associated with tonic T-cell receptor signaling as indicated by enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the CD3 ζ chains and the tyrosine kinase Lck, thereby preparing T-cells for full responses. The upregulation of genes involved in aerobic glycolysis in "restored" CD8 memory T-cells relative to fresh cells might be an essential requirement for increased T-cell functionality including the regulation of IFN-γ production. Taken together, the RESTORE protocol, which was initially described for the CD4 T-cell response to the antibody TGN1412 permits a more meaningful monitoring of CD8 T-cell responses to viral infections and tumors. Furthermore, when generating T-cell lines for adoptive T-cell therapy, the RESTORE protocol allows the generation of CD8 T-cell lines with an improved representation of clones responding to low antigen concentrations.}, subject = {Antigen CD8}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wedel2018, author = {Wedel, Carolin}, title = {The impact of DNA sequence and chromatin on transcription in \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173438}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {For cellular viability, transcription is a fundamental process. Hereby, the DNA plays the most elemental and highly versatile role. It has long been known that promoters contain conserved and often well-defined motifs, which dictate the site of transcription initiation by providing binding sites for regulatory proteins. However, research within the last decade revealed that it is promoters lacking conserved promoter motifs and transcribing constitutively expressed genes that constitute the majority of promoters in eukaryotes. While the process of transcription initiation is well studied, whether defined DNA sequence motifs are required for the transcription of constitutively expressed genes in eukaryotes remains unknown. In the highly divergent protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, most of the proteincoding genes are organized in large polycistronic transcription units. The genes within one polycistronic transcription unit are generally unrelated and transcribed by a common transcription start site for which no RNA polymerase II promoter motifs have been identified so far. Thus, it is assumed that transcription initiation is not regulated but how transcription is initiated in T. brucei is not known. This study aimed to investigate the requirement of DNA sequence motifs and chromatin structures for transcription initiation in an organism lacking transcriptional regulation. To this end, I performed a systematic analysis to investigate the dependence of transcription initiation on the DNA sequence. I was able to identify GT-rich promoter elements required for directional transcription initiation and targeted deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z, a conserved component during transcription initiation. Furthermore, nucleosome positioning data in this work provide evidence that sites of transcription initiation are rather characterized by broad regions of open and more accessible chromatin than narrow nucleosome depleted regions as it is the case in other eukaryotes. These findings highlight the importance of chromatin during transcription initiation. Polycistronic RNA in T. brucei is separated by adding an independently transcribed miniexon during trans-splicing. The data in this work suggest that nucleosome occupancy plays an important role during RNA maturation by slowing down the progressing polymerase and thereby facilitating the choice of the proper splice site during trans-splicing. Overall, this work investigated the role of the DNA sequence during transcription initiation and nucleosome positioning in a highly divergent eukaryote. Furthermore, the findings shed light on the conservation of the requirement of DNA motifs during transcription initiation and the regulatory potential of chromatin during RNA maturation. The findings improve the understanding of gene expression regulation in T. brucei, a eukaryotic parasite lacking transcriptional Regulation.}, subject = {Transkription}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wech2012, author = {Wech, Tobias}, title = {Compressed Sensing in der funktionellen kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77179}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die MRT des Herzens wird aufgrund hoher Reproduzierbarkeit und geringer Variabilit{\"a}t als Referenzstandard f{\"u}r die Bestimmung der kardialen Funktion betrachtet. Auch in der pr{\"a}klinischen Forschung bietet die MRT eine ausgezeichnete Charakterisierung der kardialen Funktion und erm{\"o}glicht eine exzellente Analyse modellierter Krankheitsbilder. In beiden F{\"a}llen besteht jedoch weiterhin Optimierungsbedarf. Die klinische Herz-MRT stellt ein aufwendiges Verfahren mit relativ langer Messzeit dar und ist dadurch mit hohen Untersuchungskosten verbunden. In der pr{\"a}klinischen Kleintierbildgebung m{\"u}ssen zum Erreichen der notwendigen h{\"o}heren Orts- und Zeitaufl{\"o}sung ebenfalls lange Aufnahmezeiten in Kauf genommen werden. Um die kardiale MRT dort routinem{\"a}ßig in großen Studienkollektiven anwenden zu k{\"o}nnen, ist eine schnellere Bildgebung essentiell. Neben einer Verbesserung der Tomographen-Hardware und der Optimierung von Bildgebungssequenzen standen im letzten Jahrzehnt vermehrt informationstheoretische Ans{\"a}tze zur Beschleunigung der MR-Datenakquisition im Fokus der Entwicklung. W{\"a}hrend zu Beginn des Jahrtausends die Parallele Bildgebung (PI) einen Forschungsschwerpunkt repr{\"a}sentierte, spielte sich in den letzten f{\"u}nf Jahren vermehrt die von Donoho und Cand{\`e}s eingef{\"u}hrte Compressed Sensing (CS) Theorie in den Vordergrund. Diese erm{\"o}glicht eine Signalrekonstruktion aus unvollst{\"a}ndig gemessenen Koeffizienten einer linearen Messung (z.B. Fouriermessung) unter Ausnutzung der Sparsit{\"a}t des Signals in einer beliebigen Transformationsbasis. Da sich die MRT hervorragend f{\"u}r den Einsatz von CS eignet, wurde die Technik in der Forschung bereits vielfach angewendet. Die zur Rekonstruktion unterabgetasteter Aufnahmen n{\"o}tigen CS-Algorithmen haben jedoch eine signifikante Ver{\"a}nderung des Bildgebungsprozesses der MRT zur Folge. Konnte dieser zuvor in guter N{\"a}herung als linear und station{\"a}r betrachtet werden, so repr{\"a}sentiert die CS-Rekonstruktion eine nichtlineare und nichtstation{\"a}re Transformation. Objektinformation wird nicht mehr ortsunabh{\"a}ngig und proportional zur Intensit{\"a}t in die Abbildung transportiert. Das Bild ist viel mehr das Ergebnis eines Optimierungsprozesses, der sowohl die Konsistenz gegen{\"u}ber der unterabgetasteten Messung als auch die Sparsit{\"a}t des Signals maximiert. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschreibt eine Methode, die eine objektive Einsch{\"a}tzung der Bildqualit{\"a}t CS-rekonstruierter MR-Bilder erm{\"o}glicht. Die CS-Beschleunigung verspricht eine Verk{\"u}rzung der Messzeit ohne Verlust an Bildqualit{\"a}t, wobei letztere bisher gr{\"o}ßtenteils qualitativ bzw. quantitativ nur unzureichend beurteilt wurde. Konnte der Bildgebungsprozess der klassischen MRT (linear und station{\"a}r) durch die Bestimmung einer Punktspreizfunktion (PSF) robust und effektiv validiert und optimiert werden, erlauben die CS-Algorithmen aufgrund ihres nichtlinearen und nichtstation{\"a}ren Verhaltens ohne Weiteres keine {\"a}quivalente Analyse. Um dennoch eine entsprechende Evaluierung des CS-Bildgebungsprozesses zu erm{\"o}glichen, wurde die Anwendung einer lokalen Punktspreizfunktion (LPSF) f{\"u}r den in der Folge verwendeten Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithmus untersucht. Die LPSF ber{\"u}cksichtigt die Ortsabh{\"a}ngigkeit der CS-Rekonstruktion und muss daher f{\"u}r jeden Ort (Pixel) eines Bildes bestimmt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde die LPSF im linearen Bereich der CS-Transformation ermittelt. Dazu wurde das zu bewertende Bild nach Anwenden einer kleinen lokalen St{\"o}rung rekonstruiert. Die Breite des Hauptmaximums der LPSF wurde schließlich verwendet, um ortsaufgel{\"o}ste Aufl{\"o}sungsstudien durchzuf{\"u}hren. Es wurde sowohl der Einfluss typischer Unterabtastschemata f{\"u}r CS als auch der Einsatz diskreter Gradienten zur Sparsifizierung eines Phantombildes untersucht. Anschließend wurde die Prozedur zur Bestimmung der r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Aufl{\"o}sung in der Herzbildgebung getestet. In allen Beispielen erm{\"o}glichte das vorgeschlagene Verfahren eine solide und objektive Analyse der Bildaufl{\"o}sung CS-rekonstruierter Aufnahmen. Wurde zuvor meist ausschließlich auf Vergleiche mit einer vollst{\"a}ndig abgetasteten Referenz zur Qualit{\"a}tsbeurteilung zur{\"u}ckgegriffen, so stellt die vorgestellte Aufl{\"o}sungsbestimmung einen Schritt in Richtung einer standardisierten Bildanalyse bei der Verwendung der Beschleunigung mittels CS dar. Die Analyse der Abtastmuster zeigte, dass auch bei der Anwendung von CS die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der nominell h{\"o}chsten Frequenzen k_max unerl{\"a}sslich ist. Fr{\"u}here Publikationen schlagen Abtastfolgen mit einer teils starken Gewichtung der Messpunkte zum k-Raum-Zentrum hin vor. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit relativieren ein derartiges Vorgehen, da zumindest bei den durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchungen ein Aufl{\"o}sungsverlust bei analoger Vorgehensweise zu verzeichnen war. Ebenso zeigten sich dynamische Aufnahmen, die unter Verwendung des x-f-Raums als sparse Basis rekonstruiert wurden, durchaus anf{\"a}llig f{\"u}r zeitliches Blurring. Dieses resultiert aus der Unterdr{\"u}ckung hoher zeitlicher Frequenzen und konnte durch die ortsaufgel{\"o}sten Aufl{\"o}sungskarten sichtbar gemacht werden. Neben der Aufl{\"o}sung ist f{\"u}r eine umfassende Analyse der Bildqualit{\"a}t auch die Untersuchung potentieller Aliasing-Artefakte sowie des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verh{\"a}ltnisses (SNR) notwendig. W{\"a}hrend Aliasing mit Hilfe der Eintr{\"a}ge der LPSF außerhalb des Hauptmaximums untersucht werden kann, wurde in Kap. 5 eine Modifikation der Multi-Replika-Methode von Robson et al. zur Rauschanalyse bei Verwendung nichtlinearer Algorithmen vorgestellt. Unter Einbeziehung aller genannten Qualit{\"a}tsparameter ist eine robuste Bewertung der Bildqualit{\"a}t auch bei einer Verwendung von CS m{\"o}glich. Die differenzierte Evaluierung ebnet den Weg hin zu einem objektiven Vergleich neuer Entwicklungen mit bisherigen Standard-Techniken und kann dadurch den Einzug von CS in die klinische Anwendung vorantreiben. Nach den theoretischen Betrachtungen der Bildqualit{\"a}t behandelt die Dissertation die erstmalige Anwendung von CS zur Beschleunigung der funktionellen Herzdiagnostik in der pr{\"a}klinischen MR-Kleintierbildgebung. Diese Studien wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit der British Heart Foundation Experimental Magnetic Resonance Unit (BMRU) der University of Oxford durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Algorithmen f{\"u}r eine Beschleunigung mittels der CS-Theorie wurden anhand der dort am 9,4T Tomographen gemessenen (unterabgetasteten) Datens{\"a}tze entwickelt und optimiert. Zun{\"a}chst wurde eine Beschleunigung ausschließlich mittels CS untersucht. Dazu wurde die segmentierte, EKG- und Atemgetriggerte kartesische Cine-Aufnahme in Phasenkodierrichtung unterabgetastet und mittels CS rekonstruiert. Die sparse Darstellung wurde durch Ermitteln zeitlicher Differenzbilder f{\"u}r jede Herzphase erhalten. Durch Variation der Abtastmuster in der zeitlichen Dimension konnte ein vollst{\"a}ndig abgetastetes zeitliches Mittelbild bestimmt werden, das anschließend von jedem einzelnen Herzphasenbild subtrahiert wurde. In einer Validierungsphase wurden an der Maus vollst{\"a}ndig aufgenommene Cine-Akquisitionen retrospektiv unterabgetastet, um die maximal m{\"o}gliche Beschleunigung mittels CS zu ermitteln. Es wurden u.a. funktionelle Herz-Parameter f{\"u}r jede Gruppe des jeweiligen Beschleunigungsfaktors bestimmt und mittels einer statistischen Analyse verglichen. Die Gesamtheit aller Ergebnisse zeigte die M{\"o}glichkeit einer dreifachen Beschleunigung ohne eine Degradierung der Genauigkeit der Methode auf. Die ermittelte Maximalbeschleunigung wurde in einer unterabgetastet gemessenen Bilderserie mit anschließender CS-Rekonstruktion validiert. Die Abtastschemata wurden dazu mit Hilfe der Transformations-Punktspreizfunktion weiter optimiert. In einer Erweiterung der Studie wurde zum Zweck einer noch h{\"o}heren Beschleunigung die CS-Technik mit der PI kombiniert. Erneut fand eine Unterabtastung der Phasenkodierrichtung einer kartesischen Trajektorie statt. Die Messungen erfolgten mit einer 8-Kanal-M{\"a}usespule an einem 9,4T Tomographen. Um das Potential beider Beschleunigungstechniken auszunutzen, wurden die Methoden CS und PI in serieller Weise implementiert. F{\"u}r die PI-Beschleunigung wurde der vollst{\"a}ndig abgetastete k-Raum zun{\"a}chst gleichm{\"a}ßig unterabgetastet. Auf dem resultierenden Untergitter wurde zus{\"a}tzlich eine Unterabtastung nach Pseudo-Zufallszahlen durchgef{\"u}hrt, um eine Beschleunigung mittels CS zu erm{\"o}glichen. Die entwickelte Rekonstruktion erfolgte ebenfalls seriell. Zun{\"a}chst wurde mittels CS das {\"a}quidistante Untergitter rekonstruiert, um anschließend mittels GRAPPA die noch fehlenden Daten zu berechnen. Um eine zus{\"a}tzliche Messung zur Kalibrierung der GRAPPA-Faktoren zu umgehen, wurde das {\"a}quidistant unterabgetastete Untergitter von Herzphase zu Herzphase um je einen Phasenkodierschritt weitergeschoben. Dieses Vorgehen erlaubt die Ermittlung eines vollst{\"a}ndig abgetasteten k-Raums mit einer geringeren zeitlichen Aufl{\"o}sung, der die notwendige Bestimmung der Wichtungsfaktoren erm{\"o}glicht. Folgende Kombinationen von Beschleunigungsfaktoren wurden mittels retrospektiver Unterabtastung eines vollst{\"a}ndig aufgenommenen Datensatzes untersucht: R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 2 und 3 x 3. Die Analyse des Bildrauschens, des systematischen Fehlers und der Aufl{\"o}sung f{\"u}hrte zu dem Schluss, dass eine sechsfache Beschleunigung mit Hilfe der hybriden Rekonstruktionstechnik m{\"o}glich ist. W{\"a}hrend mit steigender CS-Beschleunigung der systematische Fehler leicht anstieg, f{\"u}hrte ein h{\"o}herer PI-Beschleunigungsfaktor zu einer leichten Verst{\"a}rkung des statistischen Fehlers. Der statistische Fehler zeigte jedoch ebenfalls eine Verringerung bei steigender Beschleunigung mittels CS. Die Fehler waren allerdings stets auf einem Niveau, das durchaus auch Beschleunigungen bis R_CS x R_PI =3 x 3 zul{\"a}sst. Die LPSF-Analyse zeigte einen Verlust der r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung von ca. 50 \% bei R=6 sowie einen mittleren Verlust von 64 \% bei R=9. Offensichtlich ging die ebenfalls beobachtete Minimierung des Bildrauschens durch den CS-Algorithmus im Falle der relativ stark verrauschten Kleintieraufnahmen zu Lasten der Bildaufl{\"o}sung. Die mit zunehmender Beschleunigung st{\"a}rker geblurrten Grenzen zwischen Blutpool und Myokardgewebe erschweren die Segmentierung und stellen eine m{\"o}gliche Fehlerquelle dar. Unter Beachtung aller Ergebnisse ist eine sechsfache Beschleunigung (R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 3, 3 x 2) vertretbar. Die Hinzunahme der PI erm{\"o}glicht somit im Vergleich zur alleinigen Verwendung von CS eine weitere Beschleunigung um einen Faktor von zwei. Zusammenfassend erm{\"o}glicht der Einsatz von CS in der pr{\"a}klinischen funktionellen Herzbildgebung am Kleintier eine deutliche Reduktion der Messzeit. Bereits ohne Vorhandensein von Mehrkanalspulen kann die notwendige Datenmenge ohne signifikante Beeinflussung der Messergebnisse auf ein Drittel reduziert werden. Ist der Einsatz von Spulenarrays m{\"o}glich, kann die mit PI m{\"o}gliche dreifache Beschleunigung um einen weiteren Faktor zwei mittels CS auf R=6 erweitert werden. Dementsprechend kann CS einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass das Potential Herz-MRT am Kleintier in großen Studienkollektiven effektiver abgerufen werden kann. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Technik f{\"u}r die funktionelle klinische MR-Herzbildgebung entwickelt. Hier wurde eine Beschleunigung mittels CS verwendet, um die Aufnahme des gesamten Herzens innerhalb eines Atemstillstandes des Patienten zu erm{\"o}glichen. Bei der derzeitigen Standardmethode werden {\"u}blicherweise 10-15 2D-Schichten des Herzens akquiriert, wobei jede einzelne Aufnahme einen Atemstillstand des Patienten erfordert. F{\"u}r die notwendige Beschleunigung wurde eine unterabgetastete 3D-Trajektorie verwendet. Durch Phasenkodierung einer Richtung sowie radiale Projektionen in den beiden anderen Dimensionen konnte eine effiziente Aufnahme unterhalb des Nyquist-Kriteriums erreicht werden. Die Sparsifizierung erfolgte, wie bereits in der beschriebenen pr{\"a}klinischen Anwendung, durch die Subtraktion eines zeitlichen Mittelbildes. In einer Simulation anhand eines retrospektiv unterabgetasteten Datensatzes konnte die theoretische Funktionalit{\"a}t der Rekonstruktionstechnik bei einer Beschleunigung bez{\"u}glich der Nyquist-Abtastung von R ~ 10 validiert werden. Die Unterschiede zum vollst{\"a}ndig abgetasteten Datensatz waren vernachl{\"a}ssigbar klein, so dass die vorgeschlagene Abtastfolge am Tomographen implementiert wurde. Mit dieser Sequenz wurde anschließend eine funktionelle Bilderserie an einem gesunden Probanden mit vollst{\"a}ndiger Herzabdeckung innerhalb eines Atemstopps aufgenommen. Fehlende Daten wurden analog zur Simulation mit Hilfe des vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus rekonstruiert. Im Vergleich zur Simulation ergaben sich aufgrund des Schichtprofils der 3D-Slab-Anregung zus{\"a}tzliche Aliasing-Artefakte in den {\"a}ußeren Partitionen. Die f{\"u}r radiale Aufnahmen typischen Streifenartefakte waren im rekonstruierten Bild, wenn auch mit sehr geringer Amplitude, noch erkennbar. Davon abgesehen wurde die Dynamik jedoch {\"u}ber das gesamte Herz hinweg gut dargestellt. Der hohe Kontrast zwischen Myokard und Blutpool bescheinigt den Bildern eine hervorragende Eignung f{\"u}r die Bestimmung funktioneller Herzparameter mittels einer Segmentierung. Zusammengefasst erlaubt die entwickelte Methode aufgrund der drastischen Reduktion der notwendigen Atemstopps des Patienten einen deutlich erh{\"o}hten Patientenkomfort sowie einen schnelleren Durchsatz aufgrund der verk{\"u}rzten Messzeit.}, subject = {Kernspintomografie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weber2024, author = {Weber, Justus C.}, title = {Development and preclinical assessment of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells for the treatment of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-310399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Adoptive immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells is an effective treatment for hematological malignancies that are refractory to conventional chemotherapy. To address a wider variety of cancer entities, there is a need to identify and characterize additional target antigens for CAR-T cell therapy. The two members of the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor family, ROR1 and ROR2, have been found to be overexpressed on cancer cells and to correlate with aggressive cancer phenotypes. Recently, ROR1-specific CAR-T cells have entered testing in phase I clinical trials, encouraging us to assess the suitability of ROR2 as a novel target for CAR-T cell therapy. To study the therapeutic potential of targeting ROR2 in solid and hematological malignancies, we selected two representative cancer entities with high unmet medical need: renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. Our data show that ROR2 is commonly expressed on primary samples and cell lines of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multiple myeloma. To study the efficacy of ROR2-specific CAR T cell therapy, we designed two CAR constructs with 10-fold binding affinity differences for the same epitope of ROR2. We found both cell products to exhibit antigen-specific anti-tumor reactivity in vitro, including tumor cell lysis, secretion of the effector cytokines interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFNγ), and T cell proliferation. In vivo studies revealed ROR2 specific CAR-T cells to confer durable responses, significant survival benefits and long-term persistence of CAR-expressing T cells. Overall, there was a trend towards more potent anti-tumor efficacy upon treatment with T cells that expressed the CAR with higher affinity for ROR2, both in vitro and in vivo. We performed a preclinical safety and toxicology assessment comprising analyses of ROR2 expression in healthy human and murine tissues, cross-reactivity, and adoptive T cell transfer in immunodeficient mice. We found ROR2 expression to be conserved in mice, and low-level expression was detectable in the male and female reproductive system as well as parts of the gastrointestinal tract. CAR-T cells targeting human ROR2 were found to elicit similarly potent reactivity upon recognition of murine ROR2. In vivo analyses showed transient tissue-specific enrichment and activation of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in organs with high blood circulation, such as lung, liver, or spleen, without evidence for clinical toxicity or tissue damage as determined by histological analyses. Furthermore, we humanized the CAR binding domain of ROR2-specific CAR-T cells to mitigate the risk of adverse immune reactions and concomitant CAR-T cell rejection. Functional analyses confirmed that humanized CARs retained their specificity and functionality against ROR2-positive tumor cells in vitro. In summary, we show that ROR2 is a prevalent target in RCC and MM, which can be addressed effectively with ROR2-specific CAR-T cells in preclinical models. Our preliminary toxicity studies suggest a favorable safety profile for ROR2-specific CAR-T cells. These findings support the potential to develop ROR2-specific CAR-T cells clinically to obtain cell products with broad utility.}, subject = {CAR-T-Zell-Therapie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2014, author = {Weber, David}, title = {Hey target gene regulation in embryonic stem cells and cardiomyocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101663}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Notch signaling pathway is crucial for mammalian heart development. It controls cell-fate decisions, coordinates patterning processes and regulates proliferation and differentiation. Critical Notch effectors are Hey bHLH transcription factors (TF) that are expressed in atrial (Hey1) and ventricular (Hey2) cardiomyocytes (CM) and in the developing endocardium (Hey1/2/L). The importance of Hey proteins for cardiac development is demonstrated by knockout (KO) mice, which suffer from lethal cardiac defects, such as ventricular septum defects (VSD), valve defects and cardiomyopathy. Despite this clear functional relevance, little is known about Hey downstream targets in the heart and the molecular mechanism by which they are regulated. Here, I use a cell culture system with inducible Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL expression to study Hey target gene regulation in HEK293 cells, in murine embryonic stem cells (ESC) and in ESC derived CM. In HEK293 cells, I could show that genome wide binding sites largely overlap between all three Hey proteins, but HeyL has many additional binding sites that are not bound by Hey1 or Hey2. Shared binding sites are located close to transcription start sites (TSS) where Hey proteins preferentially bind to canonical E boxes, although more loosely defined modes of binding exist. Additional sites only bound by HeyL are more scattered across the genome. The ability of HeyL to bind these sites depends on the C-terminal part of the protein. Although there are genes which are differently regulated by HeyL, it is unclear whether this regulation results from binding of additional sites by HeyL. Additionally, Hey target gene regulation was studied in ESC and differentiated CM, which are more relevant for the observed cardiac phenotypes. ESC derived CM contract in culture and are positive for typical cardiac markers by qRT PCR and staining. According to these markers differentiation is unaffected by prolonged Hey1 or Hey2 overexpression. Regulated genes are largely redundant between Hey1 and Hey2. These are mainly other TF involved in e.g. developmental processes, apoptosis, cell migration and cell cycle. Many target genes are cell type specifically regulated causing a shift in Hey repression of genes involved in cell migration in ESC to repression of genes involved in cell cycle in CM. The number of Hey binding sites is reduced in CM and HEK293 cells compared to ESC, most likely due to more regions of dense chromatin in differentiated cells. Binding sites are enriched at the proximal promoters of down-regulated genes, compared to up-or non-regulated genes. This indicates that up-regulation primarily results from indirect effects, while down-regulation is the direct results of Hey binding to target promoters. The extent of repression generally correlates with the amount of Hey binding and subsequent recruitment of histone deacetylases (Hdac) to target promoters resulting in histone H3 deacetylation. However, in CM the repressive effect of Hey binding on a subset of genes can be annulled, likely due to binding of cardiac specific activators like Srf, Nkx2-5 and Gata4. These factors seem not to interfere with Hey binding in CM, but they recruit histone acetylases such as p300 that may counteract Hey mediated histone H3 deacetylation. Such a scenario explains differential regulation of Hey target genes between ESC and CM resulting in gene and cell-type specific regulation.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wanzek2016, author = {Wanzek, Katharina}, title = {The investigation of the function of repair proteins at G-quadruplex structures in \(Saccharomyces\) \(cerevisiae\) revealed that Mms1 promotes genome stability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142547}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {G-quadruplex structures are highly stable alternative DNA structures that can, when not properly regulated, impede replication fork progression and cause genome instability (Castillo Bosch et al, 2014; Crabbe et al, 2004; Koole et al, 2014; Kruisselbrink et al, 2008; London et al, 2008; Lopes et al, 2011; Paeschke et al, 2013; Paeschke et al, 2011; Piazza et al, 2015; Piazza et al, 2010; Piazza et al, 2012; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sabouri et al, 2014; Sarkies et al, 2012; Sarkies et al, 2010; Schiavone et al, 2014; Wu \& Spies, 2016; Zimmer et al, 2016). The aim of this thesis was to identify novel G-quadruplex interacting proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to unravel their regulatory function at these structures to maintain genome integrity. Mms1 and Rtt101 were identified as G-quadruplex binding proteins in vitro via a pull-down experiment with subsequent mass spectrometry analysis. Rtt101, Mms1 and Mms22, which are all components of an ubiquitin ligase (Rtt101Mms1/Mms22), are important for the progression of the replication fork following fork stalling (Luke et al, 2006; Vaisica et al, 2011; Zaidi et al, 2008). The in vivo binding of endogenously tagged Mms1 to its target regions was analyzed genome-wide using chromatin-immunoprecipitation followed by deep-sequencing. Interestingly, Mms1 bound independently of Mms22 and Rtt101 to G-rich regions that have the potential to form G-quadruplex structures. In vitro, formation of G-quadruplex structures could be shown for the G-rich regions Mms1 bound to. This binding was observed throughout the cell cycle. Furthermore, the deletion of MMS1 caused replication fork stalling as evidenced by increased association of DNA Polymerase 2 at Mms1 dependent sites. A gross chromosomal rearrangement assay revealed that deletion of MMS1 results in a significantly increased genome instability at G-quadruplex motifs compared to G-rich or non-G-rich regions. Additionally, binding of the helicase Pif1, which unwinds G4 structures in vitro (Paeschke et al, 2013; Ribeyre et al, 2009; Sanders, 2010; Wallgren et al, 2016), to Mms1 binding sites was reduced in mms1 cells. The data presented in this thesis, together with published data, suggests a novel mechanistic model in which Mms1 binds to G-quadruplex structures and enables Pif1 association. This allows for replication fork progression and genome integrity.}, subject = {Quadruplex-DNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wangorsch2013, author = {Wangorsch, Gaby}, title = {Mathematical modeling of cellular signal transduction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87746}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A subtly regulated and controlled course of cellular processes is essential for the healthy functioning not only of single cells, but also of organs being constituted thereof. In return, this entails the proper functioning of the whole organism. This implies a complex intra- and inter-cellular communication and signal processing that require equally multi-faceted methods to describe and investigate the underlying processes. Within the scope of this thesis, mathematical modeling of cellular signaling finds its application in the analysis of cellular processes and signaling cascades in different organisms. ...}, subject = {Mathematische Modellierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2014, author = {Wang, Ying}, title = {Immune and peripheral endogenous opioid mechanisms of electroacupuncture analgesia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A precious treasure in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture played a vital and irreplaceable role in contributing to people's health in the thousands of years of Chinese history, and in 2010 was officially added to the "Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by the United Nations. Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain, and the risks of dependency, acupuncture has been widely accepted as one of the most important alternative choice therapies for treating varieties of acute and chronic pain-related disorders. The clinical application and scientific mechanism research of acupuncture have therefore increased intensively in the last few decades. Besides hand acupuncture, other treatment approaches e.g. electroacupuncture (EA) have been widely accepted and applied as an important acupuncture-related technique for acupuncture analgesia (AA) research. The involvement of opioid peptides and receptors in acute AA has been shown via pre-EA application of opioid receptor/peptide antagonists. However, existing publications still cannot illuminate the answer to the following question: how does sustained antinociception happen by EA treatment? The hypothesis of opioid peptide-mediated tonic AA might be able to answer the question. In the first part of this thesis, the institution of a reproducible acupuncture treatment model as well as the endogenous opioid-related mechanisms was demonstrated. An anatomically-based three-dimensional (3D) rat model was established to exhibit a digital true-to-life organism, accurate acupoint position and EA treatment protocol on bilateral acupoint GB-30 Huantiao. The optimal EA treatment protocol (100 Hz, 2-3 mA, 0.1 ms, 20 min) at 0 and 24 h after induction of inflammatory pain by complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) on conscious free-moving rats was then established. EA elicited significant sustained mechanical and thermal antinociception up to 144 h. Post-EA application of opioid receptors (mu opioid receptor, MOR; delta opioid receptor, DOR) antagonists naloxone (NLX) and naltrindole (NTI), or opioid peptide antibodies anti-beta-endorphin (anti-END), met-enkephalin (anti-ENK) or -dynorphin A (anti-DYN) could also block this effect at a late phase (96 h) of CFA post-EA, which suggested opioid-dependent tonic analgesia was produced by EA. Meanwhile, EA also reduced paw temperature and volume at 72-144 h post CFA indicating anti-inflammatory effects. Nociceptive thresholds were assessed by paw pressure threshold (Randall-Sellito) or paw withdrawal latency (Hargreaves) and an anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated by measurement of plantar temperature and volume of inflamed paw. The second part of the thesis further suggests the correlation between the chemokine CXCL10 (= interferon-gamma inducible protein 10, IP-10) and opioid peptides in EA-induced antinociception. Based on a comprehensive Cytokine Array of 29 cytokines, targeted cytokines interleukin (IL)-1alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-4, interleukin (IL)-13, interferon (IFN)-gamma as well as CXCL10 were selected and quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) quantification confirmed upregulation of CXCL10 mRNA at both 72 and 96 h. The following hyperalgesic assessment suggested the antinociceptive effect of CXCL10. The double immunostaining localizing opioid peptides with macrophages expressed the evident upregulation of CXCR3-receptor of CXCL10 in EA treated samples as well as the significant upregulation or downregulation of opioid peptides by repeated treatment of CXCL10 or antibody of CXCL10 via behavioral tests and immune staining. Subsequent immunoblotting measurements showed non-alteration of opioid receptor level by EA, indicating that the opioid receptors did not apparently contribute to AA in the present studies. In vitro, CXCL10 did not directly trigger opioid peptide END release from freshly isolated rat macrophages. This might implicate an indirect property of CXCL10 in vitro stimulating the opioid peptide-containing macrophages by requiring additional mediators in inflammatory tissue. In summary, this project intended to explore the peripheral opioid-dependent analgesic mechanisms of acupuncture with a novel 3D treatment rat model and put forward new information to support the pivot role of chemokine CXCL10 in mediating EA-induced tonic antinociception via peripheral opioid peptides.}, subject = {Elektroakupunktur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Walz2014, author = {Walz, Susanne}, title = {DNA-Bindung von Myc und Miz1 und transkriptionelle Regulation ihrer Zielgene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106249}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Deregulation des Transkriptionsfaktors Myc ist ein charakteristisches Merkmal f{\"u}r eine Vielzahl von humanen Tumoren. Durch die transkriptionelle Aktivierung von Genen, die im Zusammenhang mit Metabolismus, Translation und Proliferation stehen, wird dadurch das Tumorwachstum beg{\"u}nstigt. Myc bildet zudem mit dem Zinkfinger-Protein Miz1 einen Komplex, der hemmend auf die Transkription von Zielgenen wirkt. Bisher sind nur wenige Myc/Miz1-reprimierte Zielgene bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten genomweit die DNA-Bindestellen von Myc und Miz1 durch Chromatin-Immunpr{\"a}zipitationen gefolgt von Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung in einer Zervixkarzinomzelllinie bestimmt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Myc an Promotoren aller drei RNA-Polymerasen sowie in enhancer-Regionen bindet, w{\"a}hrend Miz1 Kernpromotoren von RNA-Polymerase II- und III-transkribierten Genen besetzt. reChIP-Experimente zeigten, dass Myc und Miz1 als Komplex an Promotoren von Zielgenen binden. Zudem wurde ein Miz1-DNA-Bindemotiv identifiziert und der transaktivierende Einfluss von Miz1 auf Gene mit diesem Motiv nachgewiesen. Das {\"u}berwiegende Vorhandensein von Myc/Max-Komplexen f{\"u}hrt zu einer Transaktivierung von E-Box-haltigen Promotoren. Andererseits erfolgt die transkriptionelle Repression von Myc/Miz1-Zielgenen an Promotoren, an denen der Myc/Miz1-Komplex vorherrscht. In aktuellen Publikationen konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach mitogener Stimulation von Lymphozyten es zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der Myc-Expression kommt, wodurch Myc als ein genereller Transkriptionsaktivator fungiert, der alle Gene gleichermaßen induziert. Trotz hoher Myc-Mengen in Tumorzellen konnte die generelle Myc-vermittelte Transaktivierung nicht nachgewiesen werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zur Myc-abh{\"a}ngigen Transaktivierung von E-Box-haltigen Genen, z. B. beteiligt an Translation und RNA-Prozessierung, und der Miz1-vermittelten transkriptionellen Aktivierung von Genen mit Miz1-Motiv (z. B. involviert in Autophagie), konnte entgegen dem Modell der generellen Genamplifikation durch Myc eine Myc/Miz1-abh{\"a}ngige Repression von Zielgenen belegt werden. Die neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse des Bindeverhaltens des Myc/Miz1-Komplexes und der daraus resultierenden transkriptionellen Regulation von Myc/Miz1-Zielgenen erm{\"o}glichen ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis der Myc-Funktion in Tumorzellen und k{\"o}nnte zur Verbesserung von Tumortherapien f{\"u}hren.}, subject = {Myc}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{WalterverhRaab2023, author = {Walter [verh. Raab], Bettina Nicoletta}, title = {Systolische und diastolische myokardiale Deformation: Referenzwerte und Einfluss kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikofaktoren - Ergebnisse der populationsbasierten STAAB Kohortenstudie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321575}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Kontraktion und Relaxation sind die beiden entscheidenden energieverbrauchenden Prozesse der Herzarbeit, die sich unter anderem mit modernen echokardiographischen Techniken, wie dem Strain Imaging, quantifizieren lassen. An 1818 Probanden (52\% weibliche Probanden, mittleres Alter 54 ±12 Jahre) der populationsbasierten W{\"u}rzburger STAAB Kohortenstudie leiteten wir unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Alter und Geschlecht der Probanden Referenzwerte f{\"u}r globale und segmentale systolische und diastolische Deformationsparameter mittels 2D Speckle Echo-Tracking ab. Wir fanden, dass sich die myokardiale Suszeptibilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r klassische kardiovaskul{\"a}re Risikofaktoren bei M{\"a}nnern und Frauen unterscheidet. Insgesamt war die Auswertbarkeit gut (67\% des globalen Strain, 82\% der systolischen und fr{\"u}hdiastolischen Strain Rate und 83\% der diastolischen Strain Rate). Arterieller Hypertonus und Dyslipid{\"a}mie wirkten sich insbesondere auf das weibliche Myokard ung{\"u}nstig aus, wohingegen der Risikofaktor Adipositas bei beiden Geschlechtern negativ mit systolischer und fr{\"u}hdiastolischer Deformation assoziiert war. Weder Diabetes mellitus noch Rauchen schienen die myokardiale Deformation zu beeinflussen. Die fr{\"u}hdiastolische Relaxation wurde durch Hypertonus negativ bei Frauen beeinflusst, obwohl die Pr{\"a}valenz in der m{\"a}nnlichen Gruppe h{\"o}her war. Die systolische Strain Rate war zudem signifikant von arteriellem Hypertonus, Dyslipid{\"a}mie und Adipositas bei Frauen beeinflusst. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren eine geschlechtsabh{\"a}ngige Sensitivit{\"a}t des Myokards auf individuelle Risikofaktoren. Die Vulnerabilit{\"a}t des weiblichen Myokards auf hypertone Blutdruckwerte mit konsekutiver Alteration der aktiven fr{\"u}hdiastolischen Relaxation stellt somit eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r den gr{\"o}ßeren Anteil an Frauen mit HFpEF (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction) in der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung dar. Ein negativer Einfluss durch Nikotinkonsum war in unserem Ansatz hingegen nicht nachweisbar, in dem nicht das Ausmaß des Nikotinkonsums, sondern nur die Assoziation der bin{\"a}ren Variable „Raucherstatus" mit Strain-Parameternuntersucht wurde. Dahingehend ist eine dosisabh{\"a}ngige myokardiale Sch{\"a}digung nicht auszuschließen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde erstmalig der individuelle Effekt jedes Hauptrisikofaktors auf systolische und diastolische Strain-Parameter in einer populationsbasierten und nach Geschlecht und Alter stratifizierten Kohorte untersucht. Auf Basis der Studienergebnisse ist jetzt eine objektive Absch{\"a}tzung von Effektgr{\"o}ßen und der Power f{\"u}r k{\"u}nftige Studienplanung m{\"o}glich und es lassen sich Studien zur Einordnung der myokardialen Deformation in bestimmten Patientengruppen objektivierbar vergleichen. Unsere Ergebnisse unterstreichen zudem die Notwendigkeit von Studien bez{\"u}glich Prim{\"a}rpr{\"a}vention asymptomatischer kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikopatienten mittels nichtinvasiver Methoden. Eine wichtige Rolle kommt dabei auch der Standardisierung von Softwaresystemen zu, die die Anwendung im klinischen Alltag und die globale Anwendung von Referenzwerten bzw. deren pathologischer Abweichung vereinfachen wird.}, subject = {Transthorakale Echokardiographie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wallstabe2022, author = {Wallstabe, Lars}, title = {Development and preclinical evaluation of tumour-reactive T cells expressing a chemically programmable chimeric antigen receptor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17907}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179071}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The genetic modification of T cells for the expression a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) endows them with a new specificity for an antigen. Adoptive immunotherapy with CD19-CAR T cells has achieved high rates of sustained complete remissions in B cell malignancies. However, the downregulation or loss of the targeted antigen after mono-specific CAR T cell therapy, e.g. against CD19 or CD22, has been reported. Targeting multiple antigens on tumour cells, sequentially or simultaneously, could overcome this limitation. Additionally, targeting multiple antigens with CAR T cells could drive the translation from hematologic malignancies to prevalent solid cancers, which often express tumour-associated antigens heterogeneously. We hypothesised that expression of a universal CAR, which can be programmed with hapten-like molecules, could endow T cells with specificities for multiple antigens. In this study we introduce a novel chemically programmable CAR (cpCAR) based on monoclonal antibody h38C2. Our data show, that cpCARs form a reversible chemical bond to molecules containing a diketone-group and therefore can be programmed to acquire multiple specificities. We programmed cpCAR T cells with hapten-like compounds against integrins αvβ3 and α4β1 as well as the folate receptor. We observed tumour cell lysis, IFN ɣ and IL-2 production and proliferation of programmed cpCAR T cells against tumour cells expressing the respective target antigen in vitro. As a reference to cpCARs programmed against αvβ3, we further introduced novel conventional αvβ3-CARs. These CARs, based on humanised variants of monoclonal antibody LM609 (hLM609), directly bind to integrin αvβ3 via their scFv. The four αvβ3-CAR constructs comprised either an scFv with higher affinity (hLM609v7) or lower affinity (hLM609v11) against αvβ3 integrin and either a long (IgG4 hinge, CH2, CH3) or short (IgG4 hinge) extracellular spacer. We selected the hLM609v7-CAR with short spacer, which showed potent anti-tumour reactivity both in vitro and in a murine xenograft model, for comparison with the cpCAR programmed against αvβ3. Our data show specific lysis of αvβ3-positive tumour cells, cytokine production and proliferation of both hLM609-CAR T cells and cpCAR T cells in vitro. However, conventional hLM609-CAR T cells mediated stronger anti-tumour effects compared to cpCAR T cells in the same amount of time. In line with the in vitro data, complete destruction of tumour lesions in a murine melanoma xenograft model was only observed for mice treated with conventional αvβ3-CAR T cells. Collectively, we introduce a cpCAR, which can be programmed against multiple tumour antigens, and hLM609-CARs specific for the integrin αvβ3. The cpCAR technology bears the potential to counteract current limitations, e.g. antigen loss, of current monospecific CAR T cell therapy. Targeting αvβ3 integrin with CAR T cells could have clinical applications in the treatment of solid malignancies, because αvβ3 is not only expressed on a variety of solid malignancies, but also on tumour-associated vasculature and fibroblast.}, subject = {Tumorimmunologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wallstabe2020, author = {Wallstabe, Julia}, title = {Induktion von GvHD-artigen Gewebesch{\"a}den an humanen artifiziellen Hautmodellen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-15396}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153966}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD) stellt einen h{\"a}ufigen, den Gesamterfolg einer allogenen h{\"a}matopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation limitierenden Faktor dar. Bei dieser Komplikation attackieren vor allem alloreaktive T-Lymphozyten des Stammzellspenders gesunde K{\"o}rperzellen des Patienten. Infolgedessen kommt es zu Gewebesch{\"a}den in den Zielorganen Haut, Leber und Darm. Die Behandlung der GvHD erfordert eine effektive Immunsuppression, was wiederum Graft-versusTumor-Effekte kompromittiert und den R{\"u}ckfall der malignen Grunderkrankung bedingen kann. Viele Patienten sprechen aus bisher ungekl{\"a}rten Gr{\"u}nden nicht auf die klassische immunsuppressive Therapie mit Steroiden oder second-line Therapien an. Neue zellul{\"a}re Therapien zur Behandlung der refrakt{\"a}ren GvHD sind auf dem Vormarsch, bed{\"u}rfen aber einer weiterf{\"u}hrenden klinischen Testung, auch um die exakten Wirkungsmechanismen zu verstehen. Idealerweise k{\"o}nnten neue Testsysteme das GvHD-Potential von allogenen Stammzellpr{\"a}paraten oder aber das immunsuppressive Potential von neuen GvHD-Therapien vorhersagen, bevor diese in klinischen Studien eingesetzt werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein erstes, in multiplen Replikaten einsetzbares, humanes organotypisches Gewebemodell zur Simulation einer GvHD-Reaktion am Beispiel der Haut zu etablieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden artifizielle humane Hautmodelle unter statischen (KollagenHautmodelle) und dynamischen Kulturbedingungen (vaskularisierte Hautmodelle) generiert. Die Injektion unstimulierter PBMCs (engl. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) f{\"u}hrte zu keinen histomorphologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen in den KollagenHautmodellen. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die Injektion vorstimulierter allogener PBMCs eine Zerst{\"o}rung der epidermalen Strukturen der Kollagen-Hautmodelle zur Folge, welche vergleichbar waren mit Gewebesch{\"a}den bei einer akuten GvHD der Haut. Dieselben Sch{\"a}digungen der Epidermis wurden durch die Injektion von Medium{\"u}berst{\"a}nden vorstimulierter PBMCs in die Kollagen-Hautmodelle erreicht. Im Kulturmedium der Kollagen-Hautmodelle wurden hohe Konzentrationen von Interleukin 2 und 17, Interferon gamma sowie Tumornekrosefaktor alpha gemessen, wodurch auf die Beteiligung von Zytokinen an der inflammatorischen Reaktion geschlossen werden konnte. Auch im komplexeren vaskularisierten Hautmodell verursachte die Injektion vorstimulierter PBMCs histomorphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen entsprechend einer akuten Haut-GvHD sowie einen zeitabh{\"a}ngigen Anstieg proinflammatorischer Zytokine. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Resultate dieser Arbeit, dass die Induktion einer starken Inflammations- und Immunreaktion in artifiziellen humanen Hautmodellen, welche histomorphologisch eine GvHD imitiert, m{\"o}glich ist. Dieses Modell k{\"o}nnte als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines klinisch relevanten Testsystems zur Bestimmung des GvHD-Restpotentials oder zur Festlegung der immunsuppressiven Kapazit{\"a}t innovativer Zellpr{\"a}parate dienen. Somit k{\"o}nnten humane artifizielle GvHDModelle in klinischen Studien eingesetzt werden und die Erfahrungen aus Tiermodellen erg{\"a}nzen sowie erste in vitro Ergebnisse im humanen System liefern, welche dann mit dem tats{\"a}chlichen klinischen Resultat verglichen werden k{\"o}nnten.}, subject = {Graft-versus-host-disease}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Waider2012, author = {Waider, Jonas}, title = {The effects of serotonin deficiency in mice: Focus on the GABAergic system}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Based on genetic association and functional imaging studies, reduced function of tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) has been shown to be critically involved in the pathophysiology of anxiety-disorders and depression. In order to elucidate the impact of a complete neuronal 5-HT deficiency, mice with a targeted inactivation of the gene encoding Tph2 were generated. Interestingly, survival of Tph2-/- mice, the formation of serotonergic neurons and the pathfinding of their projections was not impaired. Within this thesis, I investigated the influence of 5-HT deficiency on the γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) system. The GABAergic system is implicated in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. Therefore, measurement of GABA concentrations in different limbic brain regions was carried out. These measurements were combined with immunohistochemical estimation of GABAergic cell subpopulations in the dorsal hippocampus and amygdala. In Tph2-/- mice GABA concentrations were increased exclusively in the dorsal hippocampus. In heterozygous Tph2+/- mice concentrations of GABA were increased in the amygdala compared to Tph2-/- and wt control mice, while the reverse was found in the prefrontal cortex. The changes in GABA concentrations were accompanied by altered cell density of GABAergic neurons within the basolateral complex of the amygdala and parvalbumin (PV) neurons of the dorsal hippocampus and by adaptational changes of 5-HT receptors. Thus, adaptive changes during the development on the GABA system may reflect altered anxiety-like and depressive-like behavior in adulthood. Moreover, chronic mild stress (CMS) rescues the depressive-like effects induced by 5-HT deficiency. In contrast, 5-HT is important in mediating an increased innate anxiety-like behavior under CMS conditions. This is in line with a proposed dual role of 5-HT acting through different mechanisms on anxiety and depressive-like behavior, which is influenced by gene-environment interaction effects. Further research is needed to disentangle these complex networks in the future.}, subject = {Knockout }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2021, author = {Wagner, Rabea Marie}, title = {The Bacterial Exo- and Endo-Cytoskeleton Spatially Confines Functional Membrane Microdomain Dynamics in \(Bacillus\) \(subtilis\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cellular membranes form a boundary to shield the inside of a cell from the outside. This is of special importance for bacteria, unicellular organisms whose membranes are in direct contact with the environment. The membrane needs to allow the reception of information about beneficial and harmful environmental conditions for the cell to evoke an appropriate response. Information gathering is mediated by proteins that need to be correctly organized in the membrane to be able to transmit information. Several principles of membrane organization are known that show a heterogeneous distribution of membrane lipids and proteins. One of them is functional membrane microdomains (FMM) which are platforms with a distinct lipid and protein composition. FMM move within the membrane and their integrity is important for several cellular processes like signal transduction, membrane trafficking and cellular differentiation. FMM harbor the marker proteins flotillins which are scaffolding proteins that act as chaperones in tethering protein cargo to FMM. This enhances the efficiency of cargo protein oligomerization or complex formation which in turn is important for their functionality. The bacterium Bacillus subtilis contains two flotillin proteins, FloA and FloT. They form different FMM assemblies which are structurally similar, but differ in the protein cargo and thus in the specific function. In this work, the mobility of FloA and FloT assemblies in the membrane was dissected using live-cell fluorescence microscopy techniques coupled to genetic, biochemical and molecular biological methods. A characteristic mobility pattern was observed which revealed that the mobility of both flotillins was spatially restricted. Restrictions were bigger for FloT resulting in a decreased diffusion coefficient compared to FloA. Flotillin mobility depends on the interplay of several factors. Firstly, the intrinsic properties of flotillins determine the binding of different protein interaction partners. These proteins directly affect the mobility of flotillins. Additionally, binding of interaction partners determines the assembly size of FloA and FloT. This indirectly affects the mobility, as the endo-cytoskeleton spatially restricts flotillin mobility in a size-dependent manner. Furthermore, the extracellular cell wall plays a dual role in flotillin mobility: its synthesis stimulates flotillin mobility, while at the same time its presence restricts flotillin mobility. As the intracellular flotillins do not have spatial access to the exo-cytoskeleton, this connection is likely mediated indirectly by their cell wall-associated protein interaction partners. Together the exo- and the endo-cytoskeleton restrict the mobility of FloA and FloT. Similar structural restrictions of flotillin mobility have been reported for plant cells as well, where the actin cytoskeleton and the cell wall restrict flotillin mobility. These similarities between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells indicate that the restriction of flotillin mobility might be a conserved mechanism.}, subject = {Heubacillus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2019, author = {Wagner, Martin}, title = {Chronic Kidney Disease as an Important Co-morbid Condition in Coronary Heart Disease Patients}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175498}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) the control of the modifiable "traditional" cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, achieving/maintaining normal body weight and smoking cessation is of major importance to improve prognosis. Guideline recommendations for secondary CHD prevention include specific treatment targets for blood pressure, lipid levels, and markers of glucose metabolism for both younger and older patients. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been identified as a "non-traditional" risk factor for worse outcome in CHD patients, as it is associated with a markedly increased risk for subsequent CV events and mortality. The specific objectives of the current thesis-project are to investigate (a) the quality of care in a recent sample of German CHD patients and to investigate variation of risk factor control between younger and elder patients (≤70 versus >70 years), (b) to analyze the prevalence of CKD across Europe in stable CHD patients in the outpatient setting and during a hospital stay for CHD, (c) to investigate the level of awareness of CKD in German CHD patients and their treating physicians. Data from the European-wide EUROASPIRE IV study were used that include data on 7998 CHD patients in the ambulatory setting (study visit) and during a hospital stay for CHD (index). The German EUROASPIRE IV study center in W{\"u}rzburg recruited 536 patients in 2012-2013. Risk factor control was compared against the current recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology. CKD was described by stages of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albuminuria. German patients were asked in an additional kidney specific module whether they have ever been told by a physician about renal impairment. The fact that CKD or acute kidney injury (AKI) was mentioned in prominent parts of the hospital discharge letter as well as correct ICD-coding of CKD or AKI served as a proxy for physician's awareness of CKD. The majority of German CHD patients was treated with the recommended drug therapies including e.g. β-blockers, anti-platelets and statins. However, treatment targets for blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol levels were not achieved in many patients (45\% and 53\%, respectively) and glycemic control in diabetic CHD patients with HbA1-levels <7\% was insufficient (61\%). A minority of patients reported on current smoking (10\%), but unhealthy life-styles e.g. overweight/obesity (85\%/37\%) were frequent. Patterns of care differed between younger and older CHD patients while older patients were less likely to receive the recommended medical CHD-therapy, were more likely to have uncontrolled blood pressure and also to be diabetic. However, a greater proportion of diabetic patients >70 years was achieving the HbA1c target, and less elder patients were current smokers or were obese. About 17\% of patients on average had CKD (eGFR< 60 ml/min/1.73m²) in the entire European sample at the study visit, and an additional 10\% had albuminuria despite preserved eGFR, with considerable variation among countries. Impaired kidney function was observed in every fifth patient admitted for CHD in the entire European dataset of the EUROASPIRE IV study. Of the German CHD patients with CKD at the study visit, only a third were aware of their renal impairment. A minority of these patients was being seen by nephrologists, however, with a higher likelihood of CKD awareness and specialist care in more advanced stages of CKD. About a third of patients admitted for CHD showed either CKD or AKI during the hospital stay, but the discharge letter mentioned chronic or acute kidney disease only in every fifth of these patients. In contrast, correct ICD coding of CKD or AKI was more complete, but still suboptimal. In summary, quality of secondary prevention in German CHD patients indicates considerably room for improvement, with life-style modifications may become an even greater factor in prevention campaigns than medical treatment into certain target ranges. Preventive therapies should also consider different needs in older individuals acknowledging physical and mental potential, other comorbidities and drug-interactions with co-medication. CKD is common in CHD patients, not only in the elderly. Since CHD and CKD affect each other and impact on worse prognosis of each other, raising the awareness of CKD among patients and physicians and considering CKD in medical therapy may improve prognosis and slow disease progression of CHD as well as CKD.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wagner2015, author = {Wagner, Julia}, title = {Untersuchung von Rezeptoren und G-Proteinen mittels Einzelmolek{\"u}lfluoreszenztechniken}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118281}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden Einzelmolek{\"u}ltechniken zur Untersuchung von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCR) und G-Proteinen in der Zellmembran lebender Zellen etabliert und angewendet. GPCR stellen die gr{\"o}ßte Familie membrangebundener Rezeptoren dar und leiten Signale {\"u}ber heterotrimere G-Proteine in das Zellinnere weiter. Auch wenn j{\"u}ngst sowohl inaktive, als auch aktive Konformationen von GPCR und G-Proteinen mittels R{\"o}ntgenstrukturanalyse aufgel{\"o}st werden konnten, sind die Dynamiken ihrer Aktivierung und Deaktivierung bisher nur bruchst{\"u}ckhaft bekannt. In der Vergangenheit wurden die Schritte der Signalkaskade, beginnend mit der Bindung des Rezeptorliganden bis hin zur Bildung von sekund{\"a}ren Botenstoffen, erfolgreich mit Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer-Techniken aufgekl{\"a}rt. Diesen experimentell bestimmten Aktivierungszeiten stehen Daten aus Modellierungsstudien gegen{\"u}ber, die sehr viel schnellere Konformations{\"a}nderungen vorhersagen, welche bereits in Studien mittels Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie nachgewiesen werden konnten. Folglich ist anzunehmen, dass die Zeitdom{\"a}ne, innerhalb der die Aktivierung der GPCR stattfindet, sehr breit gef{\"a}chert ist. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, diese mehrere Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen umfassenden Zeitskalen der GPCR-Aktivierung, welche in der Literatur beschrieben werden, mittels bildgebender Einzelmolek{\"u}lverfolgung (SPT) und Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie (FCS) zu untersuchen. Beide Verfahren liefern durch Einzelmolek{\"u}lspuren oder Korrelationskurven eine Art Fingerabdruck des dynamischen Verhaltens des untersuchten Systems, was jeweils mit Vor- und Nachteilen verbunden ist. Die St{\"a}rke der Techniken zeigte sich bei dem vorliegenden Projekt vor allem in ihrer Kombination: Die klassische FCS bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit, Dynamiken {\"u}ber einen weiten Zeitraum von Mikrosekunden bis Sekunden auszuwerten, allerdings nur innerhalb eines kleinen, optisch definierten Detektionsvolumens. Die bildgebende Einzelmolek{\"u}lverfolgung liefert hingegen ein großes Sichtfeld und erm{\"o}glicht somit die parallele Analyse vieler Einzelmolek{\"u}lereignisse {\"u}ber die Zelle verteilt, jedoch auf Kosten der Zeitaufl{\"o}sung. Durch die Anwendung von SPT und FCS konnte in dieser Arbeit ein Zeitbereich der Rezeptor- (und G-Protein-) Dynamiken von Mikrosekunden bis Sekunden gefunden und diskutiert werden. Um die selektive Anregung der Plasmamembran zu gew{\"a}hrleisten, wurde die Interne Totalreflexionsfluoreszenzanregung verwendet. Diese eignet sich ideal als Grundlage f{\"u}r die sp{\"a}tere Analyse mittels SPT und FCS, welche komplement{\"a}r nutzbar sind und mit dem gleichen zellul{\"a}ren Assay und unter Verwendung der gleichen Fluoreszenzmarker betrieben werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Studie am Beispiel der α2A- und β2-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie des Gαi1-Proteins demonstrierte das enorme Potential dieser Einzelmolek{\"u}ltechniken f{\"u}r die Untersuchung von GPCR und skizziert die Komplexit{\"a}t deren Dynamik, wie sie auch durch neueste Modellierungsstudien vorhergesagt wird.}, subject = {G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Voegtle2014, author = {V{\"o}gtle, Timo}, title = {Studies on receptor signaling and regulation in platelets and T cells from genetically modified mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97114}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Receptors with tyrosine-based signaling motifs control essential functions of hematopoietic cells, including lymphocytes and platelets. Downstream of the platelet receptor glycoprotein (GP) VI and the T cell receptor (TCR) the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) initiates a signaling cascade that involves kinases, adapter and effector proteins and finally leads to cellular activation. This thesis summarizes the results of three studies investigating different aspects of receptor signaling and regulation in platelets and T cells. In the first part, the impact of constitutive Ca2+ influx on TCR signaling and T cell physiology was investigated using a transgenic mouse line with a mutation in the Ca2+ sensor stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1). The elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ level resulted in an altered phosphorylation pattern of the key enzyme phospholipase (PL) Cγ1 in response to TCR stimulation, but without affecting its enzymatic activity. Withdrawal of extracellular Ca2+ or inhibition of the phosphatase calcineurin restored the normal phosphorylation pattern. In addition, there was a decrease in the release of Th2-type cytokines interleukin 4, 5 and 13 upon stimulation in vitro. The second part of the thesis deals with the role of the adapter protein growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) in platelets using a megakaryocyte/platelet-specific knockout mouse line. Loss of Grb2 severely impaired signaling of GPVI and C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2), a related hemITAM receptor. This was attributed to defective stabilization of the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) signalosome and resulted in reduced adhesion, aggregation, Ca2+ mobilization and procoagulant activity downstream of (hem)ITAM-coupled receptors in vitro. In contrast, the signaling pathways of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and the integrin αIIbβ3, which do not utilize the LAT signalosome, were unaffected. In vivo, the defective (hem)ITAM signaling caused prolonged bleeding times, however, thrombus formation was only affected under conditions where GPCR signaling was impaired (upon acetylsalicylic acid treatment). These results establish Grb2 as an important adapter protein in the propagation of GPVI- and CLEC-2-induced signals. Finally, the proteolytic regulation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif (ITSM)-bearing receptor CD84 in platelets was investigated. This study demonstrated that in mice CD84 is cleaved by two distinct and independent proteolytic mechanisms upon platelet activation: shedding of the extracellular part, which is exclusively mediated by a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 10 and cleavage of the intracellular C-terminus by the protease calpain. Finally, the analysis of soluble CD84 levels in the plasma of transgenic mice revealed that shedding of CD84 by ADAM10 occurs constitutively in vivo.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vaeth2011, author = {V{\"a}th, Martin}, title = {Regulation der peripheren immunologischen Toleranz durch die Transkriptionsfaktoren ICER, NFAT und Foxp3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67527}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Unterscheidung zwischen k{\"o}rpereigenen und k{\"o}rperfremden Strukturen ist eine grundlegende Herausforderung der spezifischen Immunantwort. Pathologische Ver{\"a}nderungen dieser Abgrenzung k{\"o}nnen zu schwerwiegenden Autoimmunerkrankungen wie beispielsweise Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatischer Arthritis oder Multipler Sklerose f{\"u}hren. Um unerw{\"u}nschte (Auto-) Immunreaktionen zu verhindern, existieren verschiedene Formen von peripheren Toleranzmechanismen, die durch viele Transkriptionsfaktoren wie z. B. ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor), NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) und Foxp3 (forkhead box protein p3) kontrolliert werden. Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) sind spezialisierte immun-suppressive Lymphozyten, welche die Aktivierung anderer Immunzellen unterdr{\"u}cken k{\"o}nnen. Einer der m{\"o}glichen Mechanismen ist der Transfer zyklischen Adenosin-Monophosphats (cAMP) von Tregs in konventionelle T- und B-Lymphozyten. Die erh{\"o}hte intrazellul{\"a}re Konzentration an cAMP f{\"u}hrt in Effektorzellen zur Induktion und Kerntranslokation von ICER. Der transkriptionelle Repressor ICER supprimiert die Expression vieler NFAT-regulierter Gene und hemmt dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Induktion der NFATc1/αA-Isoform selbst. Diese Isoform wird speziell in pro-inflammatorischen Effektorzellen hochreguliert und ist maßgeblich an deren spezifischem transkriptionellen Programm beteiligt. Foxp3 ist ein zentraler Faktor f{\"u}r die Bildung und Funktion sowohl Thymus-generierter nTregs als auch peripher (TGFβ-) induzierter iTregs. Die Kontrolle des Foxp3-Gens wird in iTregs - {\"u}berraschenderweise aber nicht in nTregs - durch NFAT-Faktoren reguliert. Allerdings hemmt Foxp3 durch eine negative R{\"u}ckkopplung wiederum die Induktion und Aktivit{\"a}t von NFATc1/αA. Dies stellt somit ein weiteres Regulativ dar, wobei Foxp3 nicht nur die Plastizit{\"a}t, sondern auch die Funktion von immun-suppressiven T-Zellen steuert. Zus{\"a}tzlich regulieren die verschiedenen NFAT-Faktoren auch die Antigen pr{\"a}sentierenden dendritischen Zellen (DCs). W{\"a}hrend NFATc1 und NFATc2 die Differenzierung und Proliferation von DCs beeinflussen, reguliert NFATc3 deren Zytokinexpression und steuert indirekt auch die nachfolgende T-Zell-Immunantwort. Die Kontrolle der Genregulation in Immunzellen durch die Transkriptionsfaktoren ICER, NFAT und Foxp3 erf{\"u}llt somit spezifische Funktionen der Immunit{\"a}t, reguliert aber gleichzeitig wichtige Aspekte der peripheren Toleranz, um sch{\"a}dliche (Auto-) Immunreaktionen zu verhindern.}, subject = {Immunologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{VoulgariKokota2020, author = {Voulgari Kokota, Anna}, title = {Microbiota interactions and dynamics in megachilid bee nests}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18249}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182493}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insect microbiota plays an essential role on the hosts' health and fitness, regulating their development, nutrition and immunity. The natural microbiota of bees, in particular, has been given much attention, largely because of the globally reported bee population declines. However, although the worker honey bee has been associated with distinctive and specialized microbiota, the microbiota of solitary bees has not been examined in detail, despite their enormous ecological importance. The main objectives of the present thesis were a) the bacterial community description for various solitary bee species, b) the association of the solitary bee microbiota with ecological factors such as landscape type, c) the relation of the bee foraging preferences with their nest bacterial microbiota, d) the examination of the nest building material contribution to the nest microbiota, e) the isolation of bacterial strains with beneficial or harmful properties for the solitary bee larvae and f) the pathological investigation of bacteria found in deceased solitary bee larvae. The findings of the present study revealed a high bacterial biodiversity in the solitary bee nests. At the same time, the bacterial communities were different for each bee host species. Furthermore, it was shown that the pollen bacterial communities underwent compositional shifts reflecting a reduction in floral bacteria with progressing larval development, while a clear landscape effect was absent. The examination of the nest pollen provisions showed different foraging preferences for each included bee species. Both the pollen composition and the host species identity had a strong effect on the pollen bacteria, indicating that the pollen bacterial communities are the result of a combinatory process. The introduced environmental material also contributed to the nest natural microbiome. However, although the larval microbiota was significantly influenced by the pollen microbiota, it was not much associated with that of the nest material. Two Paenibacillus strains isolated from O. bicornis nests showed strong antifungal activities, while several isolated strains were able to metabolize various oligosaccharides which are common in pollen and nectar. Screening for potential pathogenic bacteria in the nests of O. bicornis unveiled bacterial taxa, which dominated the bacterial community in deceased larvae, while at the same time they were undetectable in the healthy individuals. vi Finally, larvae which were raised in vitro developed distinct bacterial microbiomes according to their diet, while their life span was affected. The present thesis described aspects of the microbiota dynamics in the nests of seven megachilid solitary bee nests, by suggesting which transmission pathways shape the established bacterial communities and how these are altered with larval development. Furthermore, specific bacterial taxa were associated with possible services they might provide to the larvae, while others were related with possible harmful effects. Future studies should integrate microbiota examination of different bee generations and parallel investigation of the microbiota of the nests and their surrounding environment (plant community, soil) to elucidate the bacterial transmission paths which establish the nest microbiota of solitary bees. Functional assays will also allow future studies to characterize specific nest bacteria as beneficial or harmful and describe how they assist the development of healthy bees and the fitness of bee populations.}, subject = {Bienen }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonWardenburg2021, author = {von Wardenburg, Niels Oliver}, title = {Investigations into the Pathogenic Antibody-Antigen-Interference of Glycine Receptor Autoantibodies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24721}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247217}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Anti-glycine receptor (GlyR) autoantibodies belong to the novel group of autoantibodies that target neuronal cell-surface antigens (NCS), which are accompanied with various neurologic and neuropsychiatric conditions. The inhibitory ionotropic GlyR is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors and therefore involved in maintaining homeostasis of neuronal excitation levels at brain stem and spinal cord. Anti-GlyR autoantibodies are associated with progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus or stiff person syndrome. These neuromotor disorders are characterized by exaggerated startle, muscle stiffness, and painful spasms, leading to immobility and fatal outcome in some cases. It was hypothesized that imbalance of motoneuronal inhibition by functional impairment of GlyR and receptor internalization are direct consequences of antibody-antigen interference. Here, serum samples of four patients were tested for anti-GlyR autoantibodies and were used for the analysis of the functional impact on the electrophysiological properties of recombinant GlyRs, transiently expressed in HEK293 cells. Furthermore, the recognition pattern of anti- GlyR autoantibodies to human, zebrafish and chimeric GlyRα1 located the epitope to the far N-terminal region. The pathogenicity of anti-GlyR autoantibodies and thereby the autoimmunologic etiology of the disease was confirmed by passive transfer of patient serum to zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae, that yielded an abnormal escape response - a brain stem reflex that corresponds to the exaggerated startle of afflicted patients. The phenotype was accompanied by profound reduction of GlyR clusters in spinal cord cryosections of treated zebrafish larvae. Together, these novel insights into the pathogenicity of GlyR autoantibodies confirm the concept of a novel neurologic autoimmune disease and might contribute to the development of innovative therapeutic strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonHayn2010, author = {von Hayn, Kathrin}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngigen Regulation von cAMP in intakten vaskul{\"a}ren Myocyten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Regulation des Tonus glatter Muskelzellen wird entscheidend von den beiden antagonistisch wirkenden second messengern cAMP und Ca2+ beeinflusst. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war herauszufinden, ob diese beiden Botenstoffe auch direkten Einfluss aufeinander haben k{\"o}nnen und welche Enzyme in diesem Fall an den Prozessen beteiligt sind. cAMP-Signale in intakten Zellen konnten wir in Echtzeit mit Hilfe des FRET-basierten cAMP-Sensors Epac1-camps beobachten; Ca2+-Signale durch Markieren der Zellen mit Fura-2. Anstiege der intrazellul{\"a}ren Ca2+-Konzentration in VSMCs wurden durch Aktivierung von endogen exprimierten, Gq-gekoppelten P2Y6-Rezeptoren mit Uridindiphosphat (UDP) ausgel{\"o}st. Durch eine zus{\"a}tzliche in-vitro Kalibrierung des Epac1-camps konnten dar{\"u}ber hinaus absolute cAMP-Konzentrationen in einzelnen lebenden Zellen berechnet werden. W{\"a}hrend ein Anstieg der Ca2+-Konzentration auf nicht vorstimulierte VSMCs keinen signifikante Einfluss auf die intrazellul{\"a}ren cAMP-Konzentrationen hatte, bewirkte die Aktivierung der purinergen Rezeptoren einen deutlichen R{\"u}ckgang der intrazellul{\"a}ren cAMP-Konzentration in mit Isoproterenol vorstimulierten VSMCs. Dieser Effekt konnte sowohl durch die Komplexierung von Ca2+ mit BAPTA-AM als auch durch die {\"U}berexpression der Ca2+-insensitiven AC4 antagonisiert werden. Adenylatcyclase-Aktivit{\"a}ts-Assays in VSMC-Membranen zeigten ebenfalls einen R{\"u}ckgang der Cyclaseaktivit{\"a}t nach Zugabe von 2 und 5 \&\#956;M freiem Ca2+. Die Hemmung der einzigen Ca2+-regulierbaren PDE1 mit dem selektiven PDE1-Inhibitor 8-Methoxymethyl-IBMX (8-MM-IBMX) hatte im Gegensatz dazu keinen Einfluss auf die durch UDP verursachte {\"A}nderung der cAMP-Konzentration in vorstimulierten VSMCs. Schließlich bewirkte die Herunterregulation der Ca2+-inhibierbaren AC5 und 6 mit siRNA einen signifikante Hemmung des durch UDP verursachten Effekts. Fasst man alle diese Ergebnisse zusammen, so l{\"a}sst sich folgende Schlussfolgerung ziehen: Der durch purinerge Stimulation verursachte R{\"u}ckgang der cAMP-Konzentration in mit Isoproterenol vorstimulierten VSMCs wird durch eine Hemmung der Ca2+-hemmbaren AC5 und 6 vermittelt. Dadurch sind zwei f{\"u}r die Regulation des Tonus wichtige Signalwege in VSMCs miteinander verbunden, die sich somit gegenseitig entscheidend beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen. Ein weiterer Bestandteil dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines transgenen Mausmodells, das glattmuskelspezifisch den cAMP-Sensor Epac1-camps exprimiert. Mit Hilfe eines solchen Tiermodells k{\"o}nnten in Zukunft cAMP-{\"A}nderungen in intakten Geweben und vielleicht sogar in lebenden Tieren beobachtet werden. Durch Anwendung des Cre-loxP-Rekombinationssystems gelang es eine glatt¬muskelspezifische, f{\"u}r den Epac1-camps transgene Mauslinie zu generieren. Mit isolierten VSMCs dieser Tiere konnten bereits erste FRET-Messungen durchgef{\"u}hrt und agonistinduzierte cAMP-{\"A}nderungen beobachtet werden.}, subject = {Glatte Muskulatur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Volz2020, author = {Volz, Julia}, title = {Studies on the influence of platelets on vascular integrity in primary tumors and the role of BIN2 in platelet calcium signaling}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21742}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217427}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Maintenance of tumor vasculature integrity is indispensable for tumor growth and thus affects tumor progression. Previous studies have identified platelets as major regulators of tumor vascular integrity, as their depletion selectively renders tumor vessels highly permeable, causing massive intratumoral hemorrhage. While these results establish platelets as potential targets for anti-tumor therapy, depletion is not a treatment option due to the essential role of platelets for hemostasis. This thesis demonstrates for the first time that functional inhibition of glycoprotein (GP) VI on the platelet surface rapidly induces tumor hemorrhage and diminishes tumor growth similar to complete platelet depletion but without inducing systemic bleeding complications. Both, the intratumoral bleeding and tumor growth arrest could be reverted by depletion of Ly6G+ cells confirming them to be responsible for the induction of bleeding and necrosis within the tumor. In addition, GPVI inhibition increased intra-tumoral accumulation of co-administered chemotherapeutic agents, thereby resulting in a profound anti-tumor effect. In summary, this thesis manifests platelet GPVI as a key regulator of vascular integrity specifically in growing tumors, serving as a potential basis for the development of anti-tumor strategies. In the second part of this thesis, light is shed on the modulating role of bridging integrator 2 (BIN2) in platelet Ca2+ signaling. Stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) mediated store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) is the major route of Ca2+ influx in platelets, triggered by inositol trisphosphate receptor (IP3R)-dependent Ca2+ store release. In this thesis, the BAR domain superfamily member BIN2 was identified as the first Ca2+ signaling modulator, interacting with both, STIM1 and IP3R in platelets. Deletion of BIN2 resulted in reduced Ca2+ store release and Ca2+ influx in response to all tested platelet agonists. These defects were a consequence of impaired IP3R function in combination with defective STIM1-mediated SOC channel activation, while Ca2+ store content and agonist-induced IP3 production were unaltered. These results establish BIN2 as a central regulator of platelet Ca2+ signaling. The third part of this thesis focuses on the effect of the soluble neuronal guidance protein Sema7A on platelet function. Rosenberger et al. discovered that Sema7A cleavage from red blood cells increases the formation of platelet-neutrophil complexes, thereby reinforcing thrombo-inflammation in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MIRI). This thesis establishes soluble Sema7A as a stimulator of platelet thrombus formation via its interaction with platelet GPIbα, thereby reinforcing PNC formation. Thus, interfering with the GPIb-Sema7A interaction during MIRI represents a potential strategy to reduce cardiac damage and improve clinical outcome following MI.}, subject = {Thrombozyt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Volpato2021, author = {Volpato, Daniela}, title = {Bitopic Ligands and their molecular fragments for the study of the M1 Muscarinic Receptor}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24881}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The past decades have witnessed the development of new pharmaceutical compounds that modulate receptor function by targeting allosteric sites. Allosteric sites are, by definition, domains topographically distinct from the orthosteric binding pocket where the natural ligand binds. Exploring the possibilities of linking orthosteric and allosteric pharmacophores in one compound to yield 'bitopic' compounds is a strategy derived from the "message-address" concept by Schwyzer , first applied to GPCRs by Portoghese et al. This concept explicitly underlines the orthosteric/allosteric combination, in opposite to the more general umbrella term bivalent. The broad possibilities of bitopic ligands in the pharmaceutical field are under continuous study. Bitopic compounds are promising pharmaceutical tools for taking advantage of the allosteric binding to achieve subtype selectivity while preserving high affinity at the receptor. The development of bitopic ligands, based on the idea of combining high affinity (via orthosteric sites) with high selectivity (via allosteric sites), have led to the development of highly selective bivalent ligands for GPCRs , such as for the opioid receptors , muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs), serotonin receptors, cannabinoid receptors, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors. This concept has even been extended to other receptors, for examples nicotinic receptors and other proteins, such as acetylcholinesterases and the tyrosine kinase receptors TrkA and TrkC. The reasons to pursue a bitopic ligand approach are various. An improved affinity for the target GPCR and/or an improved selectivity either at the level of receptor subtype, or at the level of signaling pathway. Another advantage of bitopic ligands over purely allosteric ligands is that the former rely on the appropriate presence of endogenous agonist tone to mediate their effects, whereas a bitopic ligand would engage the orthosteric site irrespective of the presence or absence of endogenous tone. By way of introduction to the hybrid approach, a review of the concept of hybrids compounds targeting the cholinergic system is presented in section A of this thesis. Recent updates in hybrid molecule design as a strategy for selectively addressing multiple target proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is here reported . This represents the potential and the growing interest in hybrid compound as pharmacological tools to achieve receptor subtype selectivity and/or, to study the overall functional activity of the receptor. Until now, muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) have proved to be a particularly fruitful receptor model for the development and characterization of bitopic ligands. In this thesis, several examples of new muscarinic bitopic approach are reported in the results section. A study of bipharmacophoric ligands composed of the muscarinic positive allosteric modulators (BQCAderived compounds) linked with chain of various lengths to different orthosteric building blocks is reported in the result part 1. Synthesis and examination of the potential pharmacological characteristic of Oxotremorine-BQCAd compounds and Xanomeline-BQCAd hybrid derivatives are described in results parts 2 and 4, respectively. Moreover, the bitopic concept has even been extended to other proteins, such as acetylcholinesterase. In the result part 5 an overview of the new Tacrine-Xanomeline hybrids aiming to improve the inhibitory potency of the acetylcholinesterase and simultaneously to increase the cholinergic tone, via the xanomelinic portion acting on the M1 receptor is given. A new trivalent approach is presented for the first time to deepen the study of the M1 muscarinic receptor in the result part 6. Moreover, the synthesis of a new series of iperoxo-derived alkane, bis(ammonio)alkane-type and rigidified chain ligands is given in the result part 7 together with some prospects for further research.}, subject = {Ligand }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vollmuth2021, author = {Vollmuth, Nadine}, title = {Role of the proto-oncogene c-Myc in the development of Chlamydia trachomatis}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20365}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-203655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Chlamydia trachomatis, an obligate intracellular human pathogen, is the world's leading cause of infection related blindness and the most common, bacterial sexually transmitted disease. In order to establish an optimal replicative niche, the pathogen extensively interferes with the physiology of the host cell. Chlamydia switches in its complex developmental cycle between the infectious non-replicative elementary bodies (EBs) and the non-infectious replicative reticulate bodies (RBs). The transformation to RBs, shortly after entering a host cell, is a crucial process in infection to start chlamydial replication. Currently it is unknown how the transition from EBs to RBs is initiated. In this thesis, we could show that, in an axenic media approach, L glutamine uptake by the pathogen is crucial to initiate the EB to RB transition. L-glutamine is converted to amino acids which are used by the bacteria to synthesize peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan inturn is believed to function in separating dividing Chlamydia. The glutamine metabolism is reprogrammed in infected cells in a c-Myc-dependent manner, in order to accomplish the increased requirement for L-glutamine. Upon a chlamydial infection, the proto-oncogene c-Myc gets upregulated to promote host cell glutaminolysis via glutaminase GLS1 and the L-glutamine transporter SLC1A5/ASCT2. Interference with this metabolic reprogramming leads to limited growth of C. trachomatis. Besides the active infection, Chlamydia can persist over a long period of time within the host cell whereby chronic and recurrent infections establish. C. trachomatis acquire a persistent state during an immune attack in response to elevated interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels. It has been shown that IFN-γ activates the catabolic depletion of L-tryptophan via indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), resulting in the formation of non-infectious atypical chlamydial forms. In this thesis, we could show that IFN-γ depletes the key metabolic regulator c-Myc, which has been demonstrated to be a prerequisite for chlamydial development and growth, in a STAT1-dependent manner. Moreover, metabolic analyses revealed that the pathogen de routs the host cell TCA cycle to enrich pyrimidine biosynthesis. Supplementing pyrimidines or a-ketoglutarate helps the bacteria to partially overcome the persistent state. Together, the results indicate a central role of c-Myc induced host glutamine metabolism reprogramming and L-glutamine for the development of C. trachomatis, which may provide a basis for anti-infectious strategies. Furthermore, they challenge the longstanding hypothesis of L-tryptophan shortage as the sole reason for IFN-γ induced persistence and suggest a pivotal role of c-Myc in the control of the C. trachomatis dormancy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Volkert2015, author = {Volkert, Julia}, title = {Identifikation kognitiver Subgruppen bei der bipolaren St{\"o}rung und Evaluation eines kognitiven Remediationsprogramms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116695}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die bipolare St{\"o}rung ist eine psychische Erkrankung, die sich durch wiederkehrende depressive und (hypo-) manische Phasen auszeichnet. Neben Stimmungsschwankungen leiden viele Patienten unter kognitiven Beeintr{\"a}chtigungen, die nicht nur w{\"a}hrend akuter Episoden, sondern auch in der Remission, d.h. in euthymer Stimmungslage persistieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit den klinischen Korrelaten von kognitiven Defiziten und der Effektivit{\"a}t eines kognitiven Trainings bei bipolaren Patienten (BP). In der ersten Teilstudie wurde untersucht, wie sich die kognitive Leistung der Patienten von der akuten Phase bis zur Remission ver{\"a}ndert. Dazu wurden 55 akut depressive und (hypo-) manische BP und 55 gesunde Kontrollpersonen wiederholt mit einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie untersucht. 29 Patienten konnten nach mindestens 3-monatiger Remission erneut getestet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die akut kranken BP dom{\"a}nen{\"u}bergreifend kognitive St{\"o}rungen im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollen aufweisen, wobei die depressiven Patienten eher in der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit, der Aufmerksamkeit und dem Ged{\"a}chtnis beeintr{\"a}chtigt waren. Die akut manischen Patienten hatten hingegen auff{\"a}llige Defizite in den exekutiven Funktionen. Die Performanz der BP besserte sich zwar in der Remission, es waren aber weiterhin im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen Defizite in der psychomotorischen Geschwindigkeit, dem Arbeitsged{\"a}chtnis und dem verbalen Ged{\"a}chtnis festzustellen. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass die Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit, die Aufmerksamkeit und das verbale Ged{\"a}chtnis in Zusammenhang mit subdepressiven Symptomen und Schlafst{\"o}rungen standen, wohingegen die exekutiven Testmaße nicht mit diesen „State"-Faktoren assoziiert waren. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die exekutiven Funktionen als Trait-Merkmale der bipolaren St{\"o}rung in Frage kommen, wohingegen Aufmerksamkeit und Ged{\"a}chtnis durch das Vorliegen von Residualsymptomen beeintr{\"a}chtigt sind. Ziel des zweiten Teils dieser Arbeit war es, eine kognitive Defizit- vs. Nondefizit Subgruppe innerhalb der BP zu identifizieren, um herauszufinden welche soziodemographischen oder krankheitsrelevanten Charakteristika mit kognitiven St{\"o}rungen in Zusammenhang stehen. Dazu wurde die neuropsychologische Testleistung von 79 euthymen BP und 70 gesunden Kontrollen verglichen. Es zeigte sich erwartungsgem{\"a}ß, dass die BP in der psychomotorischen Geschwindigkeit, der Aufmerksamkeit, dem Arbeitsged{\"a}chtnis, dem verbalen Ged{\"a}chtnis, der Wortfl{\"u}ssigkeit und dem probleml{\"o}senden Denken trotz stabiler Remission signifikant schlechtere Leistungen erbrachten als die gesunden Kontrollen. Im Anschluss wurde die bipolare Stichprobe anhand ihrer Testleistung in eine Defizit- und eine Nondefizit Gruppe aufgeteilt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 54\% der BP in allen Tests eine v{\"o}llig normgerechte Leistung erbrachten. Die Studie best{\"a}tigte demnach, dass nicht alle Patienten kognitive Defizite aufweisen, sondern Subgruppen bestehen, die sich in verschiedenen Variablen voneinander unterscheiden: Die Defizit-Subgruppe berichtete signifikant mehr subdepressive Symptome und es lagen h{\"a}ufiger persistierenden Schlafst{\"o}rungen und die Diagnose einer komorbiden Erkrankung vor (Angstst{\"o}rung, ADHS und Migr{\"a}ne). Zudem zeigte sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen Polypharmazie und kognitiven Defiziten. Diese Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass ein Teil der kognitiven St{\"o}rungen bei BP durch eine nicht vollst{\"a}ndige Remission und sekund{\"a}re Symptome bedingt sind. Es ergab sich keine Assoziation zwischen kognitiver Leistung und krankheitsrelevanten Variablen, wie z.B. Anzahl der Phasen, Bipolar-Subtyp oder Ersterkrankungsalter. Diese Daten widersprechen zwar nicht der Hypothese, dass kognitive St{\"o}rungen durch neurodegenerative Prozesse bedingt sind, sie weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass bei der bipolaren St{\"o}rung h{\"a}ufig Residualsymptome vorliegen, welche im Rahmen von Studie als auch bei der therapeutischen Arbeit st{\"a}rker als bisher ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden m{\"u}ssen. In beiden Teilstudien zeigte sich zudem, dass kognitive St{\"o}rungen mit einem reduzierten psychosozialen Funktionsniveaus in Verbindung stehen. Dieses Ergebnis steht in Einklang mit bisherigen Untersuchungen, die berichten, dass Patienten mit kognitiven Defiziten soziale und berufliche Einschr{\"a}nkungen aufweisen, die wiederum mit einem schlechteren Krankheitsverlauf assoziiert ist. Aufgrund dessen wurde von einigen Autoren vorgeschlagen, mit Hilfe spezieller Interventionen wie der kognitiven Remediation (KR) die geistigen Funktionen zu rehabilitieren. In der vorliegenden Interventionsstudie wurde deshalb der Frage nachgegangen, ob die neurokognitive Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit und das psychosoziale Funktionsniveau der bipolaren Stichprobe durch KR verbessert werden kann. Zudem sollte untersucht werden, inwiefern kognitives Training zu Ver{\"a}nderungen der pr{\"a}frontalen Hirnaktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt. Daf{\"u}r wurde vor und nach dem Training eine Messung mit der Methode der funktionellen Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (fNIRS) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Das 3-monatige KR-Programm bestand aus einem computerisierten kognitiven Training und der Vermittlung von kognitiven Skills im Rahmen von 12-w{\"o}chentlichen Gruppensitzungen. Im Anschluss an das Training wurden die Teilnehmer (26 bipolare und als Vergleichsgruppe 13 unipolare Patienten) im Rahmen einer Post-Messung wiederholt untersucht. Zudem wurde zum Vergleich eine Kontrollgruppe von 10 BP im Abstand von 3 Monaten untersucht, die keine Intervention, sondern die Standardbehandlung erhielt. Aufgrund zahlreicher Drop-Outs konnten am Ende des Erhebungszeitraums die Daten von 16 bipolaren und 10 unipolar depressiven Patienten ausgewertet werden. Die Trainingsteilnehmer erbrachten im Gegensatz zu der Kontrollgruppe signifikante Leistungssteigerungen in den Tests zur Erfassung der psychomotorischen Geschwindigkeit, dem Arbeitsged{\"a}chtnisses, dem verbalen Ged{\"a}chtnis und dem probleml{\"o}senden Denken. Zudem zeigte sich nach dem Training eine Verbesserung des psychosozialen Funktionsniveaus und eine Reduktion der subdepressiven Symptomatik. Eine Ver{\"a}nderung der pr{\"a}frontalen Hirnaktivierung konnte jedoch nicht verifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse lassen demnach schlussfolgern, dass Patienten mit affektiven St{\"o}rungen von einem kognitiven Training profitieren, wobei die damit einhergehenden funktionalen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Hirnaktivit{\"a}t in Studien mit gr{\"o}ßeren Stichproben untersucht werden m{\"u}ssen.}, subject = {Manisch-depressive Krankheit}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vogg2023, author = {Vogg, Nora Johanna}, title = {Mass spectrometry-based quantification of steroids for the diagnostic workup of adrenal tumors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29343}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293438}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Tumors of the adrenal gland belong to the most frequent neoplasms in humans with a prevalence of 3-10 \% in adults. The aim of the diagnostic workup is the identification of potentially hormone-secreting and / or malignant tumors, because most of these tumors will require surgical resection. Malignant adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) are very rare and associated with a poor prognosis in advanced stages, therefore, an early and accurate diagnosis is crucial. Within this thesis, two liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods for the quantification of steroids in different biomaterials were developed to improve the diagnostic workup of adrenal tumors. First, an LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of cortisol and dexamethasone in serum samples after dexamethasone suppression test (DST) was developed, validated, and applied to 400 clinical samples. Newly established method-specific threshold concentrations for cortisol and dexamethasone increased DST specificity from 67.5 \% to 92.4 \% while preserving 100 \% sensitivity. Second, an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of eleven urinary steroids was developed and validated to improve the differentiation between ACC and adrenocortical adenomas (ACA). A decision tree requiring only two steroids was trained for classification and tested based on 24 h urine samples from 268 patients with adrenal tumor. Malignancy was excluded with a negative predictive value of 100 \% in an independent validation cohort of 84 samples of 24-h urine. A newly proposed simplified diagnostic workflow with urinary steroid profiling as first tier test could obviate additional adrenal-specific imaging in 42 of 64 patients with ACA. The new DST method is already in clinical use at the University Hospital W{\"u}rzburg, whereas the classification model based on urinary steroid profiling will require prospective validation in a larger cohort.}, subject = {Nebennierentumor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vitale2023, author = {Vitale, Maria Rosaria}, title = {Excitatory/inhibitory balance in iPSC-derived glutamatergic/GABAergic neuronal networks: differential Cadherin-13 genotype effects}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28789}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287895}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {While the healthy brain works through balanced synaptic communication between glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons to coordinate excitation (E) and inhibition (I), disruption of E/I balance interferes with synaptic communication, information processing, and ultimately cognition. Multiple line of evidence indicates that E/I imbalance represents the pathophysiological basis of a wide spectrum of mental disorders. Genetic screening approaches have identified Cadherin-13 (CDH13). as a risk gene across neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. CDH13 regulates several cellular and synaptic processes in brain development and neuronal plasticity in adulthood. In addition to other functions, it is specifically localized at inhibitory synapses of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons. In support of CDH13's function in moderating E/I balance, electrophysiological recordings of hippocampal slices in a CDH13-deficient mouse model revealed an increase in basal inhibitory but not excitatory synaptic transmission. Moreover, the search for genetic variants impacting functional expression of the CDH13 gene identified SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)) rs2199430 in intron 1 to be associated with differential mRNA concentrations in human post-mortem brain across the three genotypes CDH13G/G, CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A . This work therefore aimed to further validate these findings in a complementary human model by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The application of human iPSCs in research has replaced the use of embryonic cells, resolving the ethical conflict of destructive usage of human embryos. Investigating CDH13's mode of action in inhibitory synapses was predicted to facilitate mechanistic insight into the effects of CDH13 gene variants on E/I network activity, which can then be targeted to reinstate balance. Genome-wide association studies have identified rare copy number variants (CNVs) resulting in a deletion (or duplication) of CDH13. To reduce genetic background variance, a set of isogenic iPSC lines with a gene dose-dependent deficiency of CDH13 (CDH13-/- and CDH13+/- ) was generated by using the Clustered Regulatory Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system. These CRISPRed iPSCs carrying a single or two allele(s) with CDH13 inactivation facilitate investigation of CDH13 function in cellular processes, at inhibitory synapses and in neuronal network activity. In addition, iPSCs carrying allelic SNP rs2199430 variants were used to study the effects of common genetic variation of CDH13. These cell lines were differentiated into pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons and co-cultured to generate neuronal networks allowing its activity to be measured and correlated with electrophysiological signatures of differential CDH13 genotypes. The work towards assessment of neuronal network activity of the iPSC lines was subdivided into three major steps: first, generating rtTA/Ngn2 and rtTA/Ascl1-positive iPSCs via a lentivirus-mediated approach; second, differentiating pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons from the genetically transduced iPSCs and co-culturing of pure glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in a pre-established ratio (65:35) by direct differentiation upon supplementation with doxycycline and forskolin on a microelectrode array (MEA) chip; and, finally, recording of neuronal network activity of iPSC lines after 49 days in vitro, followed by extraction and analyses of multiple MEA parameters. x Based on the MEA parameters, it was confirmed that complete CDH13 knockout as well as heterozygous deficiency influence E/I balance by increasing inhibition. It was further revealed that common SNP variation alters the signature of neuronal network activity. Specifically, CDH13 deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in network burst duration (NBD), reduced number of detected spikes within a network burst and reduction in network burst rate (NBR) compared to the control (CDH13G/G). CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A showed similarities with the CRISPRed CDH13-deficient networks by showing a significant reduction in the NBD and a reduced number of detected spikes within a network compared to CDH13G/G. Strikingly. there was a significant increase in the NBR of the CDH13A/G and CDH13A/A compared to CDH13G/G networks. CDH13A/G networks exhibited significant differences in both parameters. At the cellular level, this indicates that signalling pathways which determine the length and frequency of network bursts differ among allelic variants of SNP rs2199430, thus confirming functional relevance of this intronic SNP. In summary, CDH13-deficient isogenic iPSC lines were generated using CRISPR/Cas9, iPSCs were genetically transduced via a lentivirus approach, direct differentiation of glutamatergic/GABAergic neurons derived from transduced iPSCs were used to establish a scalable co-culture system, and network activity was recorded by MEA using pre-established parameters to extract and analyze activity information. The results indicate that iPSC-derived neuronal networks following CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated CDH13 inactivation, as well as networks with allelic SNP variants of CDH13, moderate E/I balance, thus advancing understanding of CDH13 function at inhibitory synapses and elucidating the effects of rare and common CDH13 gene variation.}, subject = {Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Viswanathan2022, author = {Viswanathan, Aravindan}, title = {Biochemical and structural characterisation of modules within the SMN complex}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19474}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-194749}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cellular proteome profiling revealed that most biomolecules do not exist in isolation, but rather are incorporated into modular complexes. These assembled complexes are usually very large, consisting of 10 subunits on an average and include either proteins alone, or proteins and nucleic acids. Consequently, such macromolecular assemblies rather than individual biopolymers perform the vast majority of cellular activities. The faithful assembly of such molecular assemblies is often aided by trans-acting factors in vivo, to preclude aggregation of complex components and/or non-cognate interactions. A paradigm for an assisted assembly of a macromolecular machine is the formation of the common Sm/LSm core of spliceosomal and histone-mRNA processing U snRNPs. The key assembly factors united in the Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) and the Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) complexes orchestrate the assembly of the Sm/LSm core on the U snRNAs. Assembly is initiated by the PRMT5-complex subunit pICln, which pre-arranges the Sm/LSm proteins into spatial positions occupied in the mature U snRNPs. The SMN complex subsequently binds these Sm/LSm units, displaces pICln and catalyses the Sm ring closure on the Sm-site of the U snRNA. The SMN complex consists of the eponoymous SMN protein linked in a modular network of interactions with eight other proteins, termed Gemins 2-8 and Unrip. Despite functional and structural characterisation of individual protein components and/or sub-complexes of this assembly machinery, coherent understanding of the structural framework of the core SMN complex remained elusive. The current work, employing a combined approach of biochemical and structural studies, aimed to contribute to the understanding of how distinct modules within the SMN complex coalecse to form the macromolecular SMN complex. A novel atomic resolution (1.5 {\AA}) structure of the human Gemin8:7:6 sub-complex, illustrates how the peripheral Gemin7:6 module is tethered to the SMN complex via Gemin8's C-terminus. In this model, Gemin7 engages with both Gemin6 and Gemin8 via the N- and C-termini of its Sm-fold like domain. This highly conserved interaction mode is reflected in the pronounced sequence conservation and identical biochemical behaviour of similar sub-complexes from divergent species, namely S. pombe and C. elegans. Despite lacking significant sequence similarity to the Sm proteins, the dimeric Gemin7:6 complex share structural resemblance to the Sm heteromers. The hypothesis that the dimeric Gemin7:6 functions as a Sm-surrogate during Sm core assembly could not be confirmed in this work. The functional relevance of the structural mimicry of the dimeric Gemin7:6 sub-complex with the Sm heterodimers therefore still remains unclear. Reduced levels of functional SMN protein is the cause of the devastating neurodegenerative disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). The C-terminal YG-zipper motif of SMN is a major hot-spot for most SMA patient mutations. In this work, adding to the existing inventory of the human and fission yeast YG-box models, a novel 2.2 {\AA} crystal structure of the nematode SMN's YG-box domain adopting the glycine zipper motif has been reported. Furthermore, it could be assessed that SMA patient mutations mapping to this YG-box domain greatly influences SMN's self-association competency, a property reflected in both the human and nematode YG-box biochemical handles. The shared molecular architecture and biochemical behaviour of the nematode SMN YG-box domain with its human and fission yeast counterparts, reiterates the pronounced conservation of this oligomerisation motif across divergent organisms. Apart from serving as a multimerization domain, SMN's YG-box also acts as interaction platform for Gemin8. A systematic investigation of SMA causing missense mutations uncovered that Gemin8's incorporation into the SMN complex is influenced by the presence of certain SMA patient mutations, albeit independent of SMN's oligomerisation status. Consequently, loss of Gemin8 association in the presence of SMA patient mutations would also affect the incorporation of Gemin7:6 sub-complex. Gemin8, therefore sculpts the heteromeric SMN complex by bridging the Gemin7:6 and SMN:Gemin2 sub-units, a modular feature shared in both the human and nematode SMN complexes. These findings provide an important foundation and a prospective structural framework for elucidating the core architecture of the SMN complex in the ongoing Cryo-EM studies.}, subject = {Proteom}, language = {en} }