@phdthesis{Wippel2012, author = {Wippel, Carolin}, title = {Alterations of brain dendrite and synapse structure by the Streptococcus pneumoniae neurotoxin pneumolysin - Insights and pharmacological modulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72016}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) is one of the leading causes of childhood meningitis,pneumonia and sepsis. Despite the availability of childhood vaccination programs and antimicrobial agents, childhood pneumococcal meningitis is still a devastating illness with mortality rates among the highest of any cause of bacterial meningitis. Especially in low-income countries, where medical care is less accessible, mortality rates up to 50 \% have been reported. In surviving patients, neurological sequelae, including hearing loss, focal neurological deficits and cognitive impairment, is reported in 30 to 50 \%. Growing resistance of pneumococci towards conventional antibiotics emphasize the need for effective therapies and development of effective vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae. One major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the protein toxin Pneumolysin (PLY). PLY belongs to a family of structurally related toxins, the so-called cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs). Pneumolysin is produced by almost all clinical isolates of the bacterium. It is expressed during the late log phase of bacterial growth and gets released mainly through spontaneous autolysis of the bacterial cell. After binding to cholesterol in the host cell membranes, oligomerization of up to 50 toxin monomers and rearrangement of the protein structure, PLY forms large pores, leading to cell lysis in higher toxin concentrations. At sub-lytic concentrations, however, PLY mediates several other effects, such as activation of the classic complement pathway and the induction of apoptosis. First experiments with pneumococcal strains, deficient in pneumolysin, showed a reduced virulence of the organism, which emphasizes the contribution of this toxin to the course of bacterial meningitis and the urgent need for the understanding of the multiple mechanisms leading to invasive pneumococcal disease. The aim of this thesis was to shed light on the contribution of pneumolysin to the course of the disease as well as to the mental illness patients are suffering from after recovery from pneumococcal meningitis. Therefore, we firstly investigated the effects of sub-lytic pneumolysin concentrations onto primary mouse neurons, transfected with a GFP construct and imaged with the help of laser scanning confocal microscopy. We discovered two major morphological changes in the dendrites of primary mouse neurons: The formation of focal swellings along the dendrites (so-called varicosities) and the reduction of dendritic spines. To study these effects in a more complex system, closer to the in vivo situation, we established a reproducible method for acute brain slice culturing. With the help of this culturing method, we were able to discover the same morphological changes in dendrites upon challenge with sub-lytic concentrations of pneumolysin. We were able to reverse the seen alterations in dendritic structure with the help of two antagonists of the NMDA receptor, connecting the toxin´s mode of action to a non-physiological stimulation of this subtype of glutamate receptors. The loss of dendritic spines (representing the postsynapse) in our brain slice model could be verified with the help of brain slices from adult mice, suffering from pneumococcal meningitis. By immunohistochemical staining with an antibody against synapsin I, serving as a presynaptic marker, we were able to identify a reduction of synapsin I in the cortex of mice, infected with a pneumococcal strain which is capable of producing pneumolysin. The reduction of synapsin I was higher in these brain slices compared to mice infected with a pneumococcal strain which is not capable of producing pneumolysin, illustrating a clear role for the toxin in the reduction of dendritic spines. The fact that the seen effects weren´t abolished under calcium free conditions clarifies that not only the influx of calcium through the pneumolysin-pore is responsible for the alterations. These findings were further supported by calcium imaging experiments, where an inhibitor of the NMDA receptor was capable of delaying the time point, when the maximum of calcium influx upon PLY challenge was reached. Additionally, we were able to observe the dendritic beadings with the help of immunohistochemistry with an antibody against MAP2, a neuron-specific cytoskeletal protein. These observations also connect pneumolysin´s mode of action to excitotoxicity, as several studies mention the aggregation of MAP2 in dendritic beadings in response to excitotoxic stimuli. All in all, this is the first study connecting pneumolysin to excitotoxic events, which might be a novel chance to tie in other options of treatment for patients suffering from pneumococcal meningitis.}, subject = {Nervenzelle}, language = {en} } @article{SegererHadamekZundleretal.2016, author = {Segerer, Gabriela and Hadamek, Kerstin and Zundler, Matthias and Fekete, Agnes and Seifried, Annegrit and Mueller, Martin J. and Koentgen, Frank and Gessler, Manfred and Jeanclos, Elisabeth and Gohla, Antje}, title = {An essential developmental function for murine phosphoglycolate phosphatase in safeguarding cell proliferation}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {6}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/srep35160}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181094}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Mammalian phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGP) is thought to target phosphoglycolate, a 2-deoxyribose fragment derived from the repair of oxidative DNA lesions. However, the physiological role of this activity and the biological function of the DNA damage product phosphoglycolate is unknown. We now show that knockin replacement of murine Pgp with its phosphatase-inactive Pgp\(^{D34N}\) mutant is embryonically lethal due to intrauterine growth arrest and developmental delay in midgestation. PGP inactivation attenuated triosephosphate isomerase activity, increased triglyceride levels at the expense of the cellular phosphatidylcholine content, and inhibited cell proliferation. These effects were prevented under hypoxic conditions or by blocking phosphoglycolate release from damaged DNA. Thus, PGP is essential to sustain cell proliferation in the presence of oxygen. Collectively, our findings reveal a previously unknown mechanism coupling a DNA damage repair product to the control of intermediary metabolism and cell proliferation.}, language = {en} } @incollection{CantoreggiGuptaLutz1993, author = {Cantoreggi, S. and Gupta, R. C. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {An improved 32P-postlabelling assay for detection and quantitation of styrene 7,8-oxide-DNA adducts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86305}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Using DNA modified with [7-3H]styrene 7,8-oxide (SO) in vitro we have standardized the 32P-postlabelling assay for detecting SO-DNA adducts. Nuclease P 1-enriched adducts were 32P-labelled and purified by high-salt ( 4.0 M ammonium formate, pH 6.1} C1s reverse-phase TLC. After elution from the layer with 2-butoxyethanol:H20 (4:6), adducts were separated by two-dimensional PEI cellulose TLC in non-urea solvents (2.0 M ammonium formate, pH 3.5, and 2.7 M sodium phosphate, pH 5.6). One major, three minor and several trace adducts were detected. The efficiency of the kinase reaction depended on the ATP concentration. Use of standard labelling conditions (['Y· 32P]ATP, <3000 Ci/mmol; <2 Mikromol) resulted in poor ( 4-7\%) adduct recovery. An ATP concentration of 40 Mikromol, however, increased the labeJling efficiency by a factor of 5-8 (35-55\% based on 3H-SO labelied DNA). The results indicate that the new separation technique is suitable for the relatively polar SO-DNA adducts and that high labelling efficiency can be achieved.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{StopperKoerberSpenceretal.1993, author = {Stopper, Helga and K{\"o}rber, C. and Spencer, D. L. and Kirchner, S. and Caspary, W.J. and Schiffmann, D.}, title = {An investigation of micronucleus and mutation induction by oxazepam in mammalian cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63404}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Tbe benzodiazepines are a class of d.rugs that are widely used in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders. One member of um ~' oxazepam, is also a common metabolite of sevmd other benzod.iazepines. Since the evidence for the genetic toxicity and carcinogenic properties of these compounds is incol:lsb1ent, we investigated the oxazepam-induced fonnation of micronuclei in Syrian Hamster embryo fibroblast (SHE) cells, human amniotic fluid fibroblast-like (AFFL) cells and LS178Y mouse cells. A dose-dependent increase in micronucleus fractions was found in all tbree ceU llnes. The time course of micronucleus induction in L5178Y cells showed a maximum at 5 h after treatment, suggesting that the micronuclei were fonned in the first mitosis after treatment. Kinetochore staining (CREST -antiserum) revealed the presence of kinetochores in -SO\% of the micronuclei in aU tbree ceU types. ThJs resu1t was further confinned by in situ bybridization in LS178Y cells and indicates tbe presence of wbole Chromosomes or centric fragments as weU as acentric fragments in the oxazepam-induced micronuclei. The LS178Y cells did not show a mutagenic response to oxazepam at any of the doses or expression times used.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Froelich2012, author = {Fr{\"o}lich, Nadine}, title = {Analyse der µ-Opiatrezeptoraktivierung und Signaltransduktion in lebenden Zellen mittels FRET-Mikroskopie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Der Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer ist ein Ph{\"a}nomen, welches erstmals 1948 von Theodor F{\"o}rster beschrieben wurde. Mit der Entwicklung von Fluoreszenzproteinen konnten in Kombination mit Mikroskopietechniken Einblicke in zellbiologische Vorg{\"a}nge gewonnen werden, die durch biochemische oder physiologische Experimente nicht m{\"o}glich sind. Dabei spielt die hohe zeitliche und r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung eine wichtige Rolle. Auf dem Forschungsgebiet der GPCR, welche die gr{\"o}ßte Gruppe von Membranproteinen bei den S{\"a}ugetieren darstellen, wurden insbesondere Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber Konformations{\"a}nderungen der Rezeptoren, die Kinetik der Rezeptoraktivierung und die Interaktion mit intrazellul{\"a}ren Signalproteinen gewonnen. Der µ-Opioidrezeptor geh{\"o}rt zur Familie der GPCR und stellt aufgrund seiner analgetischen Wirkungen eine wichtige pharmakologische Zielstruktur dar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war sowohl den Rezeptor als auch seine Signalwege mittels FRET-Mikroskopie zu untersuchen. Zun{\"a}chst sollte ein intramolekularer FRET-Sensor des µ-Opioidrezeptors entwickelt werden, dazu wurden basierend auf den Kenntnissen {\"u}ber die Terti{\"a}rstruktur und dem Aufbau bereits bekannter GPCR-Sensoren verschiedene Rezeptorkonstrukte kloniert. Bei den Konstrukten wurden entweder zwei Fluoreszenzproteine oder ein Fluoreszenzprotein und ein Fluorophor-bindendes Tetracysteinmotiv kombiniert. Auch die Positionen der eingef{\"u}gten Sequenzen wurden in den intrazellul{\"a}ren Dom{\"a}nen variiert, da der Rezeptor auf die Modifikationen mit beeintr{\"a}chtigter Membranlokalisation reagierte. Durch die Optimierung wurden Rezeptoren konstruiert, die an der Zellmembran lokalisiert waren. Jedoch zeigte keines der Rezeptorkonstrukte Funktionalit{\"a}t im Hinblick auf die Rezeptoraktivierung. Im zweiten Teil wurden die pharmakologischen Effekte der Metabolite von Morphin am humanen µ-Opioidrezeptor systematisch analysiert. Dazu wurde die F{\"a}higkeit der Metabolite, Gi-Proteine zu aktivieren und β-Arrestin2 zu rekrutieren, mittels FRET-basierter Messungen an lebenden Zellen untersucht. Außerdem wurde die Affinit{\"a}t der Metabolite zum humanen µ Opioidrezeptor anhand der Verdr{\"a}ngung eines radioaktiven Liganden analysiert. Meine Experimente identifizierten eine Gruppe mit stark agonistischen und eine mit schwach agonistischen Eigenschaften. Die starken Partialagonisten aktivieren den Rezeptor bereits bei nanomolaren Konzentrationen, w{\"a}hrend die schwachen Metabolite den Rezeptor erst bei Konzentrationen im mikromolaren Bereich aktivieren. Die Metabolite Normorphin, Morphin-6-Glucuronid und 6-Acetylmorphin zeigen geringere Potenz als Morphin bei der Gi-Aktivierung aber {\"u}berraschenderweise h{\"o}here Potenz und Effizienz f{\"u}r die β-Arrestin-Rekrutierung. Dies deutet auf eine bevorzugte Aktivierung von β-Arrestin2 hin. Die aus diesen Studien gewonnenen Ergebnisse liefern Hinweise darauf, welche Metabolite bei der Signalverarbeitung am µ Opioidrezeptor in vivo beteiligt sind.}, subject = {Opiatrezeptor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Riese2014, author = {Riese, Thorsten}, title = {Analysen zur potentiellen Gentoxizit{\"a}t von Terahertzstrahlung in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden immortalisierte humane Keratinozyten (HaCaT-Zelllinie) {\"u}ber eine Dauer von 24 Stunden mit Terahertzstrahlung der Frequenz 0,106 THz und einer Leistungsflussdichte von 2 mW/cm² behandelt und anschließend mittels „cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay" ausgewertet. Ferner wurden Proben der gleichen Zelllinie {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 24 Stunden Temperaturen zwischen 37 °C und 42 °C ausgesetzt und zum einen auf Hinweise f{\"u}r Gentoxizit{\"a}t mit Hilfe des Mikrokerntests untersucht und zum anderen mittels Western Blot die Expressionsrate von Hitzeschockproteinen der 70 kDa Familie bestimmt. Die der Terahertzstrahlung ausgesetzten Zellen zeigten gegen{\"u}ber den Kontrollen keine signifikanten Ver{\"a}nderungen der Marker f{\"u}r chromosomale Aberrationen oder der Zellteilung. Die der erh{\"o}hten Temperatur ausgesetzten Zellen zeigten einen signifikanten Anstieg der Mikrokernraten und weiterer Marker f{\"u}r Gentoxizit{\"a}t sowie eine damit korrelierende Zunahme der synthetisierten Proteinmenge der Hsp70 Proteine im Rahmen der Hitzeschockreaktion.}, subject = {Terahertzbereich}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bertelsmann2022, author = {Bertelsmann, Dietmar}, title = {Analysis of the Frequency of Kidney Toxicity in Preclinical Safety Studies using the eTOX Database}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25710}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257104}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This research aimed to obtain reliable data on the frequency of different types of renal toxicity findings in 28-day oral gavage studies in Wistar rats, their consistency across species and study duration, as well as the correlation between histopathological endpoints and routinely used clinical chemistry parameters indicative of kidney injury. Analysis of renal histopathological findings was carried out through extraction of information from the IMI eTOX database. Spontaneous renal histopathological findings in 28-day oral gavage studies in control Wistar rats and beagle dogs confirmed tubular basophilia and renal dilation as the most frequent incidental findings in controls, whereas necrosis and glomerulosclerosis were not identified at all or only rarely as a background lesion. Histopathological evidence of necrosis and glomerulosclerosis was associated with changes in clinical chemistry parameters in 28-day oral gavage Wistar rat studies. Necrosis was frequently accompanied by a statistically significant rise in serum creatinine and serum urea, whereas serum albumin was frequently found to decrease statistically significantly in treatment groups in which necrosis was recorded. In contrast to necrosis, glomerulosclerosis was not associated with statistically significant changes in serum creatinine and urea in any of the 28-day oral gavage Wistar rat treatment groups, but appears to be best reflected by a pattern of statistically significantly lowered serum albumin and serum protein together with a statistically significant increase in serum cholesterol. As might have been expected based on the high background incidences of tubular basophilia and dilation, no consistent changes in any of the clinical chemistry parameters were evident in animals in which renal lesions were con� fined to renal tubular basophilia or dilation. In summary, the routinely provided clinical chemistry parameters are rather insensitive - novel kidney biomarkers such as Cystatin C, β-trace protein and Kidney injury molecule 1 should further be evaluated and integrated into routine preclinical and clinical practice. However, evaluation of clinical chemistry data was limited by the lack of individual animal data. Even though an extensive amount of preclinical studies is accessible through the eTOX database, comparison of consistency across time was limited by the limited number of shorter- and longer term studies conducted with the compounds identified as causing renal histopathological changes within a 28- day study in rats. A high consistency across time for both treatment-related tubular basophilia and treatment-related dilation cannot be confirmed for either of the two effects as these two findings were both induced only rarely in studies over a different treatment-duration other than 28 days after administration of the compounds which provoked the respective effect in a 28-day study. For the finding of necrosis consistency across time was low with the exception of "AZ_GGA_200002321", in which renal papillary necrosis was identified consist� ently throughout different treatment durations (2, 4, 26, 104 weeks). No shorter and longer-term studies were available for the compounds identified as causing glomerulosclerosis within a 28-day study in rats. No consistent findings of the selected histopathological endpoints were identified in any of the corresponding 28-day oral gavage beagle dog studies after treatment with the identical compounds, which caused the respective ef� fect after 28-day treatment in rats. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, beagle dogs were administered lower doses in these studies in compar� ison to the corresponding 28-day Wistar rat studies. Searching the eTOX database yielded no 28-day oral gavage studies in Wistar and Wistar Han rats in which accumulation of hyaline droplets, tubular atrophy or hyperplasia was recorded. Only one 28-day oral gavage Wistar rat study was identified with the histopathological result of neutrophilic inflammation. Consequently, evaluation of these four renal findings in relation to clinical chemistry parameters and consistency across time and species cannot be made. In summary, this work contributes knowledge through mining and evaluating the eTOX database on a variety of specific renal endpoints that frequently occur after administration of trial substances in 28-day oral gavage studies in Wistar rats in the field of preclinical toxicity with specific focus on their frequency relation to background findings, as well as consistency across time and species. Targeted statistical evaluation of in vivo data within joint research ventures such as the eTOX project, presents an enormous opportunity for an innovative future way of aiding preclinical research towards a more efficient research in the preclinical stage of drug development. This could be achieved through the aug� mentation of methodological strategies and possibly novel software tools in order to predict in vivo toxicology of new molecular entities by means of information that is already available before early stages of the drug development pipeline begin.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnaudov2017, author = {Arnaudov, Theresa Irina}, title = {Anthocyane - Modulation oxidativen Stresses in vivo und in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Die menschliche Nahrung enth{\"a}lt antioxidative Stoffe, die den Menschen m{\"o}glicherweise vor oxidativem Stress und seinen Konsequenzen sch{\"u}tzen k{\"o}nnen. Im Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit standen Anthocyane, die als vielversprechende antioxidative Pflanzenstoffe in unterschiedlichen Obst- und Gem{\"u}sesorten zu finden sind. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden in einem HT-29-Zellkulturmodell die zwei wichtigsten Vertreter der Anthocyanidine, Delphinidin und Cyanidin, untersucht. Es galt zu pr{\"u}fen, ob beide Pflanzenstoffe in geringen Konzentrationen in humanen Zellen antioxidativ wirken und oxidativen Genomschaden verhindern k{\"o}nnen. Im Comet-Assay reduzierten sowohl Delphinidin (ab 3,2 µM) als auch Cyanidin (ab 1 µM) signifikant die durch 100 µM Wasserstoffperoxid induzierten DNA-Sch{\"a}den in den HT-29-Zellen. Im Comet-Assays mit FPG-Enzym wurde deutlich, dass eine Pr{\"a}inkubation mit Cyanidin wirksam die Oxidation der DNA-Basen verringert. Die Auswirkungen auf den Glutathionspiegel wurden mit Hilfe des Glutathion-Recycling-Assays nach Tietze untersucht. Die Pr{\"a}inkubation mit Cyanidin f{\"u}hrte hierbei zu keinen signifikanten Ver{\"a}nderungen. Um die Auswirkungen der Anthocyanidine auf die intrazellul{\"a}re ROS-Produktion zu beobachten, wurde der fluoreszierenden Farbstoffs DHE verwendet. Sowohl Delphinidin (10 und 15 µM) als auch Cyanidin (10 und 20 µM) senkten signifikant die durch 25 µM Antimycin A angeregte ROS-Produktion. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein anthocyanreicher roter Fruchtsaft in einer 10-w{\"o}chigen Interventionsstudie am Menschen getestet. Hieran nahmen sowohl 19 Fibromyalgiepatienten als auch 10 gesunde Probanden teil. Es sollte die Hypothese gepr{\"u}ft werden, dass die konzentrierte und andauernde Einnahme des Saftes messbar oxidative Stressparameter im Blut ver{\"a}ndert. Außerdem sollten m{\"o}gliche Unterschiede im oxidativen Stresslevel zwischen Patienten und gesunden Probanden aufgedeckt werden. Nach jeder Studienphase erfolgte eine Befragung nach klinischen Symptomen und die Abgabe einer Urin- und Blutprobe in der Schmerzambulanz der Uniklinik W{\"u}rzburg (2 Wochen Einwaschphase, 4 Wochen Fruchtsaftphase mit je 750 ml Saft t{\"a}glich, 4 Wochen Auswaschphase). Das ROS-Level wurde mit 2 Methoden in den mononukle{\"a}ren Blutzellen untersucht: In der photometrischen NBT-Messung konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen oder Zeitpunkten beobachtet werden. Bei der durchflusszytometrischen Messung mit Hilfe des fluoreszierenden DCF-Farbstoffes lag das ROS-Level der Patientengruppe vor Fruchtsafteinnahme signifikant h{\"o}her als das der Kontrollgruppe. Zur Messung der antioxidativen Kapazit{\"a}t wurde die Eisen-Reduktionsf{\"a}higkeit (FRAP) im Plasma untersucht. In der Patientengruppe zeigte sich eine Steigerung der antioxidativen Kapazit{\"a}t nach Einnahme des Fruchtsaftes. Die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen waren gering. Sowohl das Gesamtglutathion als auch die oxidierte und reduzierte Form wurden in den Erythrozyten der Probanden mit dem Glutathion-Recycling-Assay gemessen. Nach der Fruchtsafteinnahme stieg die Konzentration des Gesamtglutathions in der Patientengruppe an. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Delphinidin und Cyanidin auch in geringen Konzentrationen (1µM - 20µM) einen antioxidativer Effekt in HT-29-Zellen haben und vor oxidativem DNA-Schaden sch{\"u}tzen k{\"o}nnen. Die Ergebnisse der Interventionsstudie unterschieden sich teilweise in den einzelnen Endpunkten. Es war nicht m{\"o}glich, den Fibromyalgiepatienten ein h{\"o}heres oxidatives Stresslevel nachzuweisen. Ein Grund f{\"u}r die geringeren Effekte des Fruchtsaftes k{\"o}nnte in der eher geringen Bioverf{\"u}gbarkeit der Anthocyane liegen. Außerdem k{\"o}nnte die Heterogenit{\"a}t der Fibromyalgieerkrankung genauso wie andere endogene oder exogene Faktoren wie etwa Alter oder Medikamenteneinnahme die teilweise großen interindividuellen Schwankungen der Messergebnisse hinsichtlich der oxidativen Stressparameter bedingen. Klinisch profitierten einige der Fibromyalgiepatienten von der Fruchtsafteinnahme insbesondere hinsichtlich der Reizdarmsymptomatik. Dieses Volksleiden k{\"o}nnte ein interessanter Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r Folgeuntersuchungen mit einem anthocyanreichen Produkt sein.}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {de} } @article{KannenHintzscheZanetteetal.2012, author = {Kannen, Vinicius and Hintzsche, Henning and Zanette, Dalila L. and Silva Jr., Wilson A. and Garcia, Sergio B. and Waaga-Gasser, Anna Maria and Stopper, Helga}, title = {Antiproliferative Effects of Fluoxetine on Colon Cancer Cells and in a Colonic Carcinogen Mouse Model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75879}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The antidepressant fluoxetine has been under discussion because of its potential influence on cancer risk. It was found to inhibit the development of carcinogen-induced preneoplastic lesions in colon tissue, but the mechanisms of action are not well understood. Therefore, we investigated anti-proliferative effects, and used HT29 colon tumor cells in vitro, as well as C57BL/6 mice exposed to intra-rectal treatment with the carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as models. Fluoxetine increased the percentage of HT29 cells in the G0/G1 phase of cell-cycle, and the expression of p27 protein. This was not related to an induction of apoptosis, reactive oxygen species or DNA damage. In vivo, fluoxetine reduced the development of MNNG-induced dysplasia and vascularization-related dysplasia in colon tissue, which was analyzed by histopathological techniques. An anti-proliferative potential of fluoxetine was observed in epithelial and stromal areas. It was accompanied by a reduction of VEGF expression and of the number of cells with angiogenic potential, such as CD133, CD34, and CD31-positive cell clusters. Taken together, our findings suggest that fluoxetine treatment targets steps of early colon carcinogenesis. This confirms its protective potential, explaining at least partially the lower colon cancer risk under antidepressant therapy.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{JarzinaDiFioreEllingeretal.2022, author = {Jarzina, Sebastian and Di Fiore, Stefano and Ellinger, Bernhard and Reiser, Pia and Frank, Sabrina and Glaser, Markus and Wu, Jiaqing and Taverne, Femke J. and Kramer, Nynke I. and Mally, Angela}, title = {Application of the adverse outcome pathway concept to in vitro nephrotoxicity assessment: kidney injury due to receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload as a case study}, series = {Frontiers in Toxicology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Toxicology}, issn = {2673-3080}, doi = {10.3389/ftox.2022.864441}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284796}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Application of adverse outcome pathways (AOP) and integration of quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (QIVIVE) may support the paradigm shift in toxicity testing to move from apical endpoints in test animals to more mechanism-based in vitro assays. Here, we developed an AOP of proximal tubule injury linking a molecular initiating event (MIE) to a cascade of key events (KEs) leading to lysosomal overload and ultimately to cell death. This AOP was used as a case study to adopt the AOP concept for systemic toxicity testing and risk assessment based on in vitro data. In this AOP, nephrotoxicity is thought to result from receptor-mediated endocytosis (MIE) of the chemical stressor, disturbance of lysosomal function (KE1), and lysosomal disruption (KE2) associated with release of reactive oxygen species and cytotoxic lysosomal enzymes that induce cell death (KE3). Based on this mechanistic framework, in vitro readouts reflecting each KE were identified. Utilizing polymyxin antibiotics as chemical stressors for this AOP, the dose-response for each in vitro endpoint was recorded in proximal tubule cells from rat (NRK-52E) and human (RPTEC/TERT1) in order to (1) experimentally support the sequence of key events (KEs), to (2) establish quantitative relationships between KEs as a basis for prediction of downstream KEs based on in vitro data reflecting early KEs and to (3) derive suitable in vitro points of departure for human risk assessment. Time-resolved analysis was used to support the temporal sequence of events within this AOP. Quantitative response-response relationships between KEs established from in vitro data on polymyxin B were successfully used to predict in vitro toxicity of other polymyxin derivatives. Finally, a physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model was utilized to transform in vitro effect concentrations to a human equivalent dose for polymyxin B. The predicted in vivo effective doses were in the range of therapeutic doses known to be associated with a risk for nephrotoxicity. Taken together, these data provide proof-of-concept for the feasibility of in vitro based risk assessment through integration of mechanistic endpoints and reverse toxicokinetic modelling.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jonas2008, author = {Jonas, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Arsen-induzierte Zyto- und Gentoxizit{\"a}t sowie deren Modulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Arsen ist daf{\"u}r bekannt, dass es mutagen und kanzerogen wirkt und ein gentoxisches Potential besitzt. Die Mechanismen, durch die diese Effekte ausge{\"u}bt werden, sind noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig aufgekl{\"a}rt. Es konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass Parameter, die mit der Freisetzung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), z.B. Superoxiddismutaseaktivit{\"a}t und H{\"a}moxygenase-Genexpression, und Ver{\"a}nderungen des epigenetischen Musters der DNA, z.B. Depletion von S-Adenosylmethionin, in Zusammenhang stehen, durch Arsen beeinflusst werden. In dieser Studie wurde versucht, das gentoxische Potential von Arsen mit Hilfe des Comet Assay, eines Standard-Gentoxizit{\"a}tstests, zu charakterisieren sowie zu pr{\"u}fen, ob dieser Test eine geeignete Messmethode f{\"u}r die gentoxische Wirkung von Arsen darstellt. Dies wurde unter Heranziehung verschiedener additiver Messgr{\"o}ßen wie der Vitalit{\"a}t und der Proliferation sowie der parallelen Quantifizierung der Mitose-, C-Mitose-, Mikrokern- und Apoptosefrequenzen der verwendeten murinen L5178Y-Zellen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Des Weiteren wurde der den Arsen-bedingten DNA-Sch{\"a}den zugrundeliegende Mechanismus genauer beleuchtet. Unter Zuhilfenahme verschiedener Modulatoren wurden durch Arsen induzierter oxidativer Stress und durch Arsen induzierte Ver{\"a}nderung der epigenetischen DNA-Struktur untersucht. Ferner wurde gepr{\"u}ft, inwieweit die Inhibition von oxidativem Stress und Hypomethylierung der DNA zur Verringerung von potenziellen Folgen wie der Entstehung unnat{\"u}rlicher Mitosemorphologien und chromosomaler Aberrationen beitragen k{\"o}nnen, die wiederum eventuell in der Entstehung von Karzinomen resultieren k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Modulation der Freisetzung von ROS wurden als prooxidative Substanz 4-Nitrochinolin-1-Oxid und als Antioxidantien Benfotiamin (Vitamin-B1-Prodrug), N-Acetylcystein (NAC) und \&\#945;-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) ausgew{\"a}hlt. Das Methylierungs¬muster der DNA sollte durch das hypomethylierende Agens 5-Azacytidin und durch die potenziell hypermethylierenden Verbindungen S-Adenosylmethionin (SAM) und Folat beeinflusst werden. Die Untersuchungen bez{\"u}glich des gentoxischen Potentials von Arsen und die Eignung des Comet Assay f{\"u}r dessen Quantifizierung ergaben, dass unter Miteinbeziehung der erw{\"a}hnten additiven Parameter und der Quantifizierung nach Behandlung mit unterschiedlichen Arsen-Konzentrationen nach unterschiedlich langen Behandlungszeiten die im Comet Assay erzielten Werte als korrekt und zuverl{\"a}ssig angesehen werden k{\"o}nnen. Des Weiteren zeigten die Untersuchungen der Freisetzung von ROS und der Ver{\"a}nderung des DNA-Methylierungsmusters mit Hilfe von Modulatoren, dass beide Mechanismen an den Arsen-induzierten Effekten beteiligt sind. Nicht nur konnte mit Hilfe der Modulatoren jeweils die Inhibition der Freisetzung von ROS und der DNA-Hypomethylierung erreicht werden, es konnte zudem gezeigt werden, dass die Substanzen auch die Reduktion der erh{\"o}hten Anzahl unnat{\"u}rlicher Mitosemorphologien und chromosomaler Aberrationen bewirkten. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte in dieser Studie zum ersten Mal aufgezeigt werden und k{\"o}nnte im Hinblick auf die potenzielle Erniedrigung der Krebsinzidenzen durch Supplementierung der Bev{\"o}lkerung in Gebieten mit Arsen-belastetem Trinkwasser mit den genannten Modulatoren von Bedeutung sein.}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {de} } @article{JochmannElkenaniMohamedetal.2019, author = {Jochmann, Svenja and Elkenani, Manar and Mohamed, Belal A. and Buchholz, Eric and Lbik, Dawid and Binder, Lutz and Lorenz, Kristina and Shah, Ajay M. and Hasenfuß, Gerd and Toischer, Karl and Schnelle, Moritz}, title = {Assessing the role of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 in volume overload-induced cardiac remodelling}, series = {ESC Heart Failure}, volume = {6}, journal = {ESC Heart Failure}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1002/ehf2.12497}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212735}, pages = {1015 -- 1026}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Aims Volume overload (VO) and pressure overload (PO) induce differential cardiac remodelling responses including distinct signalling pathways. Extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), key signalling components in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, modulate cardiac remodelling during pressure overload (PO). This study aimed to assess their role in VO-induced cardiac remodelling as this was unknown. Methods and results Aortocaval fistula (Shunt) surgery was performed in mice to induce cardiac VO. Two weeks of Shunt caused a significant reduction of cardiac ERK1/2 activation in wild type (WT) mice as indicated by decreased phosphorylation of the TEY (Thr-Glu-Tyr) motif (-28\% as compared with Sham controls, P < 0.05). Phosphorylation of other MAPKs was unaffected. For further assessment, transgenic mice with cardiomyocyte-specific ERK2 overexpression (ERK2tg) were studied. At baseline, cardiac ERK1/2 phosphorylation in ERK2tg mice remained unchanged compared with WT littermates, and no overt cardiac phenotype was observed; however, cardiac expression of the atrial natriuretic peptide was increased on messenger RNA (3.6-fold, P < 0.05) and protein level (3.1-fold, P < 0.05). Following Shunt, left ventricular dilation and hypertrophy were similar in ERK2tg mice and WT littermates. Left ventricular function was maintained, and changes in gene expression indicated reactivation of the foetal gene program in both genotypes. No differences in cardiac fibrosis and kinase activation was found amongst all experimental groups, whereas apoptosis was similarly increased through Shunt in ERK2tg and WT mice. Conclusions VO-induced eccentric hypertrophy is associated with reduced cardiac ERK1/2 activation in vivo. Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of ERK2, however, does not alter cardiac remodelling during VO. Future studies need to define the pathophysiological relevance of decreased ERK1/2 signalling during VO.}, language = {en} } @article{BittnerBoonDelbancoetal.2022, author = {Bittner, Nataly and Boon, Andy and Delbanco, Evert H. and Walter, Christof and Mally, Angela}, title = {Assessment of aromatic amides in printed food contact materials: analysis of potential cleavage to primary aromatic amines during simulated passage through the gastrointestinal tract}, series = {Archives of Toxicology}, volume = {96}, journal = {Archives of Toxicology}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1007/s00204-022-03254-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324697}, pages = {1423-1435}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent analyses conducted by German official food control reported detection of the aromatic amides N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)acetamide (NDPA), N-acetoacetyl-m-xylidine (NAAX) and 3-hydroxy-2-naphthanilide (Naphthol AS) in cold water extracts from certain food contact materials made from paper or cardboard, including paper straws, paper napkins, and cupcake liners. Because aromatic amides may be cleaved to potentially genotoxic primary amines upon oral intake, these findings raise concern that transfer of NDPA, NAAX and Naphthol AS from food contact materials into food may present a risk to human health. The aim of the present work was to assess the stability of NDPA, NAAX and Naphthol AS and potential cleavage to 2,4-dimethylaniline (2,4-DMA) and aniline during simulated passage through the gastrointestinal tract using static in vitro digestion models. Using the digestion model established by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM, Bilthoven, NL) and a protocol recommended by the European Food Safety Authority, potential hydrolysis of the aromatic amides to the respective aromatic amines was assessed by LC-MS/MS following incubation of the aromatic amides with digestive fluid simulants. Time-dependent hydrolysis of NDPA and NAAX resulting in formation of the primary aromatic amine 2,4-DMA was consistently observed in both models. The highest rate of cleavage of NDPA and NAAX was recorded following 4 h incubation with 0.07 M HCl as gastric-juice simulant, and amounted to 0.21\% and 0.053\%, respectively. Incubation of Naphthol AS with digestive fluid simulants did not give rise to an increase in the concentration of aniline above the background that resulted from the presence of aniline as an impurity of the test compound. Considering the lack of evidence for aniline formation from Naphthol AS and the extremely low rate of hydrolysis of the amide bonds of NDPA and NAAX during simulated passage through the gastrointestinal tract that gives rise to only very minor amounts of the potentially mutagenic and/or carcinogenic aromatic amine 2,4-DMA, risk assessment based on assumption of 100\% cleavage to the primary aromatic amines would appear to overestimate health risks related to the presence of aromatic amides in food contact materials.}, language = {en} } @article{DekantBridges2016, author = {Dekant, Wolfgang and Bridges, James}, title = {Assessment of reproductive and developmental effects of DINP, DnHP and DCHP using quantitative weight of evidence}, series = {Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology}, volume = {81}, journal = {Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology}, doi = {10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.09.032}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186750}, pages = {397-406}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Quantitative weight of evidence (QWoE) methodology utilizes detailed scoring sheets to assess the quality/reliability of each publication on toxicity of a chemical and gives numerical scores for quality and observed toxicity. This QWoE-methodology was applied to the reproductive toxicity data on diisononylphthalate (DINP), di-n-hexylphthalate (DnHP), and dicyclohexylphthalate (DCHP) to determine if the scientific evidence for adverse effects meets the requirements for classification as reproductive toxicants. The scores for DINP were compared to those when applying the methodology DCHP and DnHP that have harmonized classifications. Based on the quality/reliability scores, application of the QWoE shows that the three databases are of similar quality; but effect scores differ widely. Application of QWoE to DINP studies resulted in an overall score well below the benchmark required to trigger classification. For DCHP, the QWoE also results in low scores. The high scores from the application of the QWoE methodology to the toxicological data for DnHP represent clear evidence for adverse effects and justify a classification of DnHP as category 1B for both development and fertility. The conclusions on classification based on the QWoE are well supported using a narrative assessment of consistency and biological plausibility.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jarzina2022, author = {Jarzina, Sebastian Oskar}, title = {Assessment of systemic toxicity in vitro using the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept: nephrotoxicity due to receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload and inhibition of mtDNA polymerase-ɣ as case studies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26484}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-264842}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The US National Research Council (NRC) report "Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a strategy (Tox21)", published in 2007, calls for a complete paradigm shift in tox-icity testing. A central aspect of the proposed strategy includes the transition from apical end-points in in vivo studies to more mechanistically based in vitro tests. To support and facilitate the transition and paradigm shift in toxicity testing, the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept is widely recognized as a pragmatic tool. As case studies, the AOP concept was ap-plied in this work to develop AOPs for proximal tubule injuries initiated by Receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload and Inhibition of mtDNA polymerase-. These AOPs were used as a mechanistic basis for the development of in vitro assays for each key event (KE). To experimentally support the developed in vitro assays, proximal tubule cells from rat (NRK-52E) and human (RPTEC/TERT1) were treated with model compounds. To measure the dis-turbance of lysosomal function in the AOP - Receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload, polymyxin antibiotics (polymyxin B, colistin, polymyxin B nonapeptide) were used as model compounds. Altered expression of lysosomal associated membrane protein 1/2 (LAMP-1/2) (KE1) and cathepsin D release from lysosomes (KE2) were determined by im-munofluorescence, while cytotoxicity (KE3) was measured using the CellTiter-Glo® cell via-bility assay. Importantly, significant differences in polymyxin uptake and susceptibility be-tween cell lines were observed, underlining the importance of in vitro biokinetics to determine an appropriate in vitro point of departure (PoD) for risk assessment. Compared to the in vivo situation, distinct expression of relevant transporters such as megalin and cubilin on mRNA and protein level in the used cell lines (RPTEC/TERT1 and NRK-52E) could not be con-firmed, making integration of quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolations (QIVIVE) neces-sary. Integration of QIVIVE by project partners of the University of Utrecht showed an im-provement in the modelled biokinetic data for polymyxin B. To assess the first key event, (KE1) Depletion of mitochondrial DNA, in the AOP - Inhibition of mtDNA polymerase-, a RT-qPCR method was used to determine the mtDNA copy number in cells treated with mod-el compounds (adefovir, cidofovir, tenofovir, adefovir dipivoxil, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate). Mitochondrial toxicity (KE2) was measured by project partners using the high-content imaging technique and MitoTracker® whereas cytotoxicity (KE3) was determined by CellTiter-Glo® cell viability assay. In contrast to the mechanistic hypothesis underlying the AOP - Inhibition of mtDNA polymerase-, treatment with model compounds for 24 h resulted in an increase rather than a decrease in mtDNA copy number (KE1). Only minor effects on mitochondrial toxicity (KE2) and cytotoxicity (KE3) were observed. Treatment of RPT-EC/TERT1 cells for 14 days showed only a slight decrease in mtDNA copy number after treatment with adefovir dipivoxil and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, underscoring some of the limitations of short-term in vitro systems. To obtain a first estimation for risk assessment based on in vitro data, potential points of departure (PoD) for each KE were calculated from the obtained in vitro data. The most common PoDs were calculated such as the effect concentra-tion at which 10 \% or 20_\% effect was measured (EC10, EC20), the highest no observed effect concentration (NOEC), the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC), the benchmark 10 \% (lower / upper) concentrations (BMC10, BMCL10, BMCU10) and a modelled non-toxic con-centration (NtC). These PoDs were then compared with serum and tissue concentrations de-termined from in vivo studies after treatment with therapeutic / supratherapeutic doses of the respective drugs in order to obtain a first estimate of risk based on in vitro data. In addition, AOPs were used to test whether the quantitative key event relationships between key events allow prediction of downstream effects and effects on the adverse outcome (AO) based on measurements of an early key event. Predictions of cytotoxicity from the mathematical rela-tionships showed good concordance with measured cytotoxicity after treatment with colistin and polymyxin b nonapeptide. The work also revealed uncertainties and limitations of the ap-plied strategy, which have a significant impact on the prediction and on a risk assessment based on in vitro results.}, language = {en} } @article{ShephardSchlatterLutz1987, author = {Shephard, S. E. and Schlatter, C. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Assessment of the risk of formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds from dietary precursors in the stomach}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60925}, year = {1987}, abstract = {A literature review has shown that the daily intakes of various N -nitroso-precursor classes in a typical European diet span five orders of magnitude. Amides in the form of protein, and guanidines in the form of creatine and creatinine, are the nitrosatable groups found most abundantly in the diet, approaching Ievels of 100 g/day and 1 gjday, respectively. Approximately 100 mg of primary amines and amino acids are consumed daily, whereas aryl amines, secondary amines and ureas appear to lie in the 1-10 mg range. The ease of nitrosation of each precursor was estimated, the reactivities being found to span seven orders of magnitude, with ureas at the top and amines at the bottom of the scale. From this infonnation and an assessment of the carcinogenicity of the resulting N-nitroso derivatives, the potential health risk due to gastric in vivo nitrosation was calculated. The combined effects of these risk variables were analysed using a simple mathematical model: Risk = [daily intake of precursor] x [gastric concentration of nitrite]\(^n\) x [nitrosatability rate constant} x [carcinogenicity of derivative]. The risk estimates for the various dietary components spanned nine orders of magnitude. Dietary ureas and aromatic amines combined with a high nitrite burden could pose as great a risk as the intake of preformed dimethylnitrosamine in the diet. In contrast, the risk posed by the in vivo nitrosation of primary and secondary amines is probably negligib1y small. The risk contribution by amides (including protein), guanidines and primary amino acids is intermediate between these two extremes. Thus three priorities for future work are a comprehensive study of the sources and Ievels of arylamines and ureas in the diet, determination of the carcinogenic potencies of key nitrosated products to replace the necessarily vague categories used so far, and the development of short-term in situ tests for studying the alkylating power or genotoxicity of N-nitroso compounds too unstable for inclusion in long-term studies.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{SalingerHuLiuetal.2018, author = {Salinger, Tim and Hu, Kai and Liu, Dan and Taleh, Scharoch and Herrmann, Sebastian and Oder, Daniel and Gensler, Daniel and M{\"u}ntze, Jonas and Ertl, Georg and Lorenz, Kristina and Frantz, Stefan and Weidemann, Frank and Nordbeck, Peter}, title = {Association between Comorbidities and Progression of Transvalvular Pressure Gradients in Patients with Moderate and Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis}, series = {Cardiology Research and Practice}, journal = {Cardiology Research and Practice}, doi = {10.1155/2018/3713897}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227291}, pages = {3713897, 1-7}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background. Fast progression of the transaortic mean gradient (P-mean) is relevant for clinical decision making of valve replacement in patients with moderate and severe aortic stenosis (AS) patients. However, there is currently little knowledge regarding the determinants affecting progression of transvalvular gradient in AS patients. Methods. This monocentric retrospective study included consecutive patients presenting with at least two transthoracic echocardiography examinations covering a time interval of one year or more between April 2006 and February 2016 and diagnosed as moderate or severe aortic stenosis at the final echocardiographic examination. Laboratory parameters, medication, and prevalence of eight known cardiac comorbidities and risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, peripheral artery occlusive disease, cerebrovascular disease, renal dysfunction, body mass index >= 30 Kg/m(2), and history of smoking) were analyzed. Patients were divided into slow (P-mean < 5 mmHg/year) or fast (P-mean >= 5 mmHg/year) progression groups. Results. A total of 402 patients (mean age 78 +/- 9.4 years, 58\% males) were included in the study. Mean follow-up duration was 3.4 +/- 1.9 years. The average number of cardiac comorbidities and risk factors was 3.1 +/- 1.6. Average number of cardiac comorbidities and risk factors was higher in patients in slow progression group than in fast progression group (3.3 +/- 1.5 vs 2.9 +/- 1.7; P = 0.036). Patients in slow progression group had more often coronary heart disease (49.2\% vs 33.6\%; P = 0.003) compared to patients in fast progression group. LDL-cholesterol values were lower in the slow progression group (100 +/- 32.6 mg/dl vs 110.8 +/- 36.6 mg/dl; P = 0.005). Conclusion. These findings suggest that disease progression of aortic valve stenosis is faster in patients with fewer cardiac comorbidities and risk factors, especially if they do not have coronary heart disease. Further prospective studies are warranted to investigate the outcome of patients with slow versus fast progression of transvalvular gradient with regards to comorbidities and risk factors.}, language = {en} } @article{ChenGassnerBoerneretal.2012, author = {Chen, Wen and Gaßner, Birgit and B{\"o}rner, Sebastian and Nikolaev, Viacheslav O. and Schlegel, Nicolas and Waschke, Jens and Steinbronn, Nadine and Strasser, Ruth and Kuhn, Michaela}, title = {Atrial natriuretic peptide enhances microvascular albumin permeability by the caveolae-mediated transcellular pathway}, series = {Cardiovascular Research}, volume = {93}, journal = {Cardiovascular Research}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1093/cvr/cvr279}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126562}, pages = {141-151}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Aims Cardiac atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) participates in the maintenance of arterial blood pressure and intravascular volume homeostasis. The hypovolaemic effects of ANP result from coordinated actions in the kidney and systemic microcirculation. Hence, ANP, via its guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) receptor and intracellular cyclic GMP as second messenger, stimulates endothelial albumin permeability. Ultimately, this leads to a shift of plasma fluid into interstitial pools. Here we studied the role of caveolae-mediated transendothelial albumin transport in the hyperpermeability effects of ANP. Methods and results Intravital microscopy studies of the mouse cremaster microcirculation showed that ANP stimulates the extravasation of fluorescent albumin from post-capillary venules and causes arteriolar vasodilatation. The hyperpermeability effect was prevented in mice with conditional, endothelial deletion of GC-A (EC GC-A KO) or with deleted caveolin-1 (cav-1), the caveolae scaffold protein. In contrast, the vasodilating effect was preserved. Concomitantly, the acute hypovolaemic action of ANP was abolished in EC GC-A KO and Cav-1-/- mice. In cultured microvascular rat fat pad and mouse lung endothelial cells, ANP stimulated uptake and transendothelial transport of fluorescent albumin without altering endothelial electrical resistance. The stimulatory effect on albumin uptake was prevented in GC-A- or cav-1-deficient pulmonary endothelia. Finally, preparation of caveolin-enriched lipid rafts from mouse lung and western blotting showed that GC-A and cGMP-dependent protein kinase I partly co-localize with Cav-1 in caveolae microdomains. Conclusion ANP enhances transendothelial caveolae-mediated albumin transport via its GC-A receptor. This ANP-mediated cross-talk between the heart and the microcirculation is critically involved in the regulation of intravascular volume.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vidal2013, author = {Vidal, Marie}, title = {b-adrenergic receptors and Erk1/2-mediated cardiac hypertrophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-83671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Chronische Aktivierung von b-Adrenorezeptoren (b-ARs) durch Katecholamine ist ein Stimulus f{\"u}r kardiale Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz. Ebenso f{\"u}hrt die Expression von b1-ARs oder Gas-Proteinen in genetisch modifizierten M{\"a}usen zu Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz. Allerdings f{\"u}hrt die direkte Aktivierung dem Gas nachgeschalteten Komponenten des b-adrenergen Signalwegs wie z.B. die Aktivierung der Adenylylcyclase (AC) oder der Proteinkinase A (PKA) nicht im signifikanten Ausmaß zur Herzhypertrophie. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass zus{\"a}tzlich zu dem klassischen Signalweg, auch weitere durch Gas-Proteine aktivierte Komponenten in die b-adrenerg vermittelte Hypertrophieentwicklung involviert sind. Interessanterweise wurde vor kurzem ein hypertropher Signalweg beschrieben, der eine direkte Involvierung von Gbg-Untereinheiten bei der Induktion von Herzhypertrophie durch die extrazellul{\"a}r-regulierten Kinasen 1 und 2 (ERK1/2) zeigt: Nach Aktivierung Gaq-gekoppelter Rezeptoren binden Gbg-Untereinheiten an die aktivierte Raf/Mek/Erk Kaskade. Die Bindung der freigesetzten Gbg-Untereinheiten an Erk1/2 f{\"u}hrt zu einer Autophosphorylierung von Erk1/2 an Threonin 188 (bzw. Thr208 in Erk1; im folgenden ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung genannt), welche f{\"u}r die Vermittlung kardialer Hypertrophie verantwortlich ist. In dieser Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass auch die Aktivierung von b-ARs in M{\"a}usen sowie von isolierten Kardiomyozyten zur Induktion von ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung f{\"u}hrt. Dar{\"u}berhinaus f{\"u}hrte die {\"U}berexpression von Erk2 Mutanten (Erk2T188S und Erk2T188A), die nicht an Threonin 188 phosphoryliert werden k{\"o}nnen, zu einer deutlich reduzierten Hypertrophieantwort von Kardiomyozyten auf Isoproterenol. Auch die kardiale Expression der Erk2T188S Mutante im M{\"a}usen verminderte die Hypertrophieantwort auf eine 2-w{\"o}chige Isoproterenol-Behandlung deutlich: Die linksventrikul{\"a}re Wanddicke, aber auch interstitielle Fibrose und Herzinsuffizienzmarker wie z.B. BNP waren signifikant reduziert. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass tats{\"a}chlich ein Zusammenspiel von Ga und Gbg-vermittelten Signalen zur Induktion von ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung und damit zur Induktion von b-adrenerg vermittelter Hypertrophie notwendig ist. W{\"a}hrend die Hemmung von Gbg-Signalen mit dem C-Terminus der GRK2 oder die Hemmung von Adenylylzyklase eine ErkThr188-Phosphorylierung und eine Hypertrophieantwort nach Isoprenalingabe effektiv reduzierten, f{\"u}hrt die alleinige Aktivierung von Adenylylzyklase nicht zu einer Hypertrophieantwort. Diese Ergebnisse k{\"o}nnten bei der Entwicklung neuer m{\"o}glicher therapeutischen Strategien zur Therapie b-adrenerg induzierter Herzhypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz helfen.}, subject = {Adrenerger Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @article{WippelMaurerFortschetal.2013, author = {Wippel, Carolin and Maurer, Jana and Fortsch, Christina and Hupp, Sabrina and Bohl, Alexandra and Ma, Jiangtao and Mitchell, Timothy J. and Bunkowski, Stephanie and Br{\"u}ck, Wolfgang and Nau, Roland and Iliev, Asparouh I.}, title = {Bacterial Cytolysin during Meningitis Disrupts the Regulation of Glutamate in the Brain, Leading to Synaptic Damage}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {9}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1003380}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130462}, pages = {e1003380}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Abstract Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcal) meningitis is a common bacterial infection of the brain. The cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin represents a key factor, determining the neuropathogenic potential of the pneumococci. Here, we demonstrate selective synaptic loss within the superficial layers of the frontal neocortex of post-mortem brain samples from individuals with pneumococcal meningitis. A similar effect was observed in mice with pneumococcal meningitis only when the bacteria expressed the pore-forming cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin. Exposure of acute mouse brain slices to only pore-competent pneumolysin at disease-relevant, non-lytic concentrations caused permanent dendritic swelling, dendritic spine elimination and synaptic loss. The NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists MK801 and D-AP5 reduced this pathology. Pneumolysin increased glutamate levels within the mouse brain slices. In mouse astrocytes, pneumolysin initiated the release of glutamate in a calcium-dependent manner. We propose that pneumolysin plays a significant synapto- and dendritotoxic role in pneumococcal meningitis by initiating glutamate release from astrocytes, leading to subsequent glutamate-dependent synaptic damage. We outline for the first time the occurrence of synaptic pathology in pneumococcal meningitis and demonstrate that a bacterial cytolysin can dysregulate the control of glutamate in the brain, inducing excitotoxic damage. Author Summary Bacterial meningitis is one of the most devastating brain diseases. Among the bacteria that cause meningitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common. Meningitis predominantly affects children, especially in the Third World, and most of them do not survive. Those that do survive often suffer permanent brain damage and hearing problems. The exact morphological substrates of brain damage in Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis remain largely unknown. In our experiments, we found that the brain cortex of patients with meningitis demonstrated a loss of synapses (the contact points among neurons, responsible for the processes of learning and memory), and we identified the major pneumococcal neurotoxin pneumolysin as a sufficient cause of this loss. The effect was not direct but was mediated by the brain neurotransmitter glutamate, which was released upon toxin binding by one of the non-neuronal cell types of the brain - the astrocytes. Pneumolysin initiated calcium influx in astrocytes and subsequent glutamate release. Glutamate damaged the synapses via NMDA-receptors - a mechanism similar to the damage occurring in brain ischemia. Thus, we show that synaptic loss is present in pneumococcal meningitis, and we identify the toxic bacterial protein pneumolysin as the major factor in this process. These findings alter our understanding of bacterial meningitis and establish new therapeutic strategies for this fatal disease.}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzJakobsetal.1985, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Jakobs, K. H. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Barbiturates are selective antagonists at A\(_1\) adenosine receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60187}, year = {1985}, abstract = {Barbiturates in pharmacologically relevant . concentrations inhibit binding of (R)-\(N^6\)-phenylisopropyl[\(^3\)H]adenosine ([\(^3\)H]PIA) to solubilized A\(_1\) adenosine receptors in a concentration-dependent, stereospecific, and competitive manner. K\(_i\) values are similar to those obtained for membrane-bound receptors and are 31 \(\mu\)M for ( ± )-5-(1 ,3-dimethyl)-5-ethylbarbituric acid [( ± )DMBB] and 89 \(\mu\)M for ( ± )-pentobarbital. Kinetic experiments demoostrate that barbiturates compete directly for the binding site of the receptor. The inhibition of rat striatal adenylate cyclase by unlabelled (R)-\(N^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine [(R)-PIA] is antagonized by barbiturates in the same concentrations that inhibit radioligand binding. The Stimulation of adenylate cyclase via A\(_2\) adenosine receptors in membranes from NIE 115 neuroblastoma cells is antagonized only by 10-30 times higher concentrations of barbiturates. lt is concluded that barbiturates are selective antagonists at the A1 receptor subtype. In analogy to the excitatory effects of methylxanthines it is suggested that A\(_1\) adenosine receptor antagonism may convey excitatory properties to barbiturates. Key Words: Adenosine receptors-Barbiturates - Adenylate cyclase-Receptor solubilization-[3H]PIA binding-N1E 115 cells. Lohse M. J. et al. Barbiturates are selective antagonists at A1 adenosine receptors.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cirkel2018, author = {Cirkel, Nanett Christin}, title = {Beeinflussung des oxidativen Stress-Status in einem Rattenmodell: Effekt von Selenmangel auf Niere und Leber}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163631}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das Spurenelement Selen und Vitamin E reduzieren reaktive Sauerstoff Spezies (ROS). Bei Mangel dieser wichtigen Stoffe erh{\"o}ht sich die Konzentration an ROS und der oxidative Stress steigt. Unter erh{\"o}hten ROS entstehen vermehrt DNA-Sch{\"a}den und Lipidperoxidationen. Das ROS Wasserstoffperoxid wird zu Wasser {\"u}ber das Enzym Gluthationperxoidase reduziert. Dessen Aktivit{\"a}t steigert Selen um den Faktor 100-1.000. Das Aktivit{\"a}tsmaximum des Enzyms liegt bei einer t{\"a}glichen Selenaufnahme von 60-80 Mikrogramm/Tag. Dadurch wird die Menge an ROS reduziert und der oxidative Stress in der Zelle nimmt ab. Vitamin E fungiert als Radikalf{\"a}nger. Sein Derivat alpha- Tocopherol besitzt die h{\"o}chste antioxidative Wirkung und kann Lipidperoxidationen unterbrechen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Auswirkungen von oxidativem Stress, den ein Mangel von Selen und Vitamin E in der Nahrung bei 6 Monate und 12 Monate alten Tieren auf Leber und Niere verursacht. Der Nachweis von oxidativem Stress erfolgte {\"u}ber sogenannte Hitzeschockproteine HSP70 und H{\"a}moxygenase 1. HSP 70 wird auch unter physiologischen Bedingungen exprimiert. Es wirkt als Chaperon und ist u.a. f{\"u}r die korrekte Faltung und Stabilisierung von Proteinen zust{\"a}ndig. Die Versuche zeigten, dass im Alter in der Niere die HSP70 Konzentration ansteigt und die Zelle unter vermehrtem oxidativen Stress leidet. Entsprechende Literaturergebnisse wurden best{\"a}tigt. Die H{\"a}moxygenase 1 (HO-1) ist ein Schl{\"u}sselenzym, das vermehrt bei oxidativem Stress gebildet wird. Hoch reaktionsfreudige und freie Blutbestandteile katalysiert die H{\"a}moxygenase. Einen Abfall der HO- 1 Konzentration zeigten Untersuchungen von Leber und Niere bei Selen, - Vitamin E Mangel und h{\"o}herem Lebensalter. Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r die verminderte Expression sind noch wenig erforscht. Die vermehrte Anreicherung von Superoxidanionradikalen wurde in den Geweben von Leber und Niere {\"u}ber Dihydroethidium (DHE) F{\"a}rbung nachgewiesen. Die Hypothese wurde best{\"a}tigt, dass bei Selen, -Vitamin E Mangelnahrung und h{\"o}herem Alter vermehrter oxidativer Stress entsteht. Selenmangel beg{\"u}nstigt die Entstehung verschiedener Krankheiten, z.B. Krebs, koronale Herzerkrankung und vor allem die Keshan-Krankheit, die den Herzmuskel bef{\"a}llt. Selen nimmt positiven Einfluss auf K{\"o}rperfunktionen: Fertilit{\"a}t, embryonalen Entwicklung und Entwicklung eines Neugeborenen. Einige Fragen bleiben ungekl{\"a}rt: Welche physiologischen Entwicklungsprozesse f{\"o}rdert Selen? Nimmt Selen eine wichtige Funktion bei der Befruchtung der Eizelle ein? Wie beeinflusst Selen die Entwicklung des Gehirns? Dem Spurenelement Selen kommen offensichtlich neben seiner Bedeutung zur Minderung des oxidativen Stresses noch weitere wichtige Funktionen zu, die bisher wenig untersucht wurden.}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Haake2005, author = {Haake, Monika}, title = {Belastungen durch Passivrauchen im Kindesalter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Passivrauchen ist nicht nur als kanzerogen f{\"u}r den Menschen eingestuft, sondern verursacht auch verschiedene andere Erkrankungen. Oft wird dabei der Passivrauchbelastung von Kindern im h{\"a}uslichen Bereich zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt. In dieser Arbeit wurde deswegen der Zusammenhang zwischen Passivrauchen auf der einen Seite und atopischen Erkrankungen, Erkrankungen der oberen Atemwege und Gentoxizit{\"a}t auf der anderen Seite untersucht. Methoden: Die Daten von {\"u}ber 100 Kindern zwischen 1 und 15 Jahren wurden mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens erhoben und zusammen mit den Krankenakten ausgewertet. Zur Pr{\"u}fung der Gentoxizit{\"a}t wurden Mikrokernraten und Schwesterchromatidenaustausche in peripheren Lymphozyten bestimmt. Der Erfassung der inneren Exposition dienten H{\"a}moglobinaddukte von 4-Aminobiphenyl, welches in Zigarettenrauch vorkommt und als krebserzeugend f{\"u}r den Menschen eingestuft ist. Ergebnisse: Bei Untersuchung der Mikrokernraten zeigten die rauchbelasteten Kinder h{\"o}here Mikrokernraten (Mittelwert: 12,7/1000 zweikernige Lymphozyten) als die unbelasteten (Mittelwert: 11,7 Mikrokerne/1000 zweikernige Lymphozyten). Der Unterschied war aber nicht signifikant (p = 0,344). Außerdem hatten die Vorschulkinder mit rauchenden Eltern signifikant h{\"o}here Mikrokernraten (Mittelwert: 14,2/1000 zweikernige Lymphozyten) als die Schulkinder (Mittelwert: 9,2/1000 zweikernige Lymphozyten; p = 0,031). Die Analyse der 4-Aminobiphenyl-H{\"a}moglobinaddukte der 1,25- bis 4,0-J{\"a}hrigen ergab leicht h{\"o}here Werte f{\"u}r Kinder mit rauchenden Eltern (Mittelwert: 66,52 pg/g Hb) als f{\"u}r Kinder, deren Eltern nicht zu Hause rauchten, und deren Werte (Mittelwert: 56,18 pg/g Hb) waren h{\"o}her als die der unbelasteten Kinder (Mittelwert: 49,60 pg/g Hb). Der Unterschied war nicht signifikant. Bei Betrachtung der atopischen Erkrankungen war der Anteil der Atopiker bei der rauchexponierten Gruppe h{\"o}her (31,3 \%) als bei der nicht exponierten (16,3 \%), obwohl die genetische Vorbelastung in der rauchbelasteten Gruppe etwas geringer war als in der unbelasteten. Bei den Kindern mit Erkrankungen der oberen Atemwege zeigte sich ein h{\"o}herer Anteil rauchexponierter Kinder (61,3 \%) als in der Gruppe der Kinder mit Erkrankungen, die wahrscheinlich nicht mit postnataler Passivrauchexposition in Zusammenhang stehen (44,8 \%). Schlussfolgerung: Diese Arbeit unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Passivrauchen im Hinblick auf atopische Erkrankungen und Erkrankungen der oberen Atemwege bei Kindern. Gerade die h{\"a}usliche Passivrauch-Belastung im Vorschulalter und ihre Auswirkung auf das Erbgut sollten hinsichtlich der erh{\"o}hten Mikrokernraten mehr Beachtung finden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gaerttner2005, author = {G{\"a}rttner, Carola}, title = {Beta-adrenerge Signaltransduktion in kardial differenzierten embryonalen Stammzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18923}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die kardial differenzierten embryonalen Stammzellen (ES-Zellen) mittels der von Wobus et al. entwickelten Tr{\"o}pfchentechnik gewonnen. Eine Optimierung der kardialen Ausbeute konnte durch eine Selektionsmethode erreicht werden, die auf der Expression eines Resistenzgens in den kardial differenzierten ES-Zellen beruht. Hierdurch wurde eine reproduzierbar hohe Anreicherung von ES-Kardiomyozyten erzielt. Die erstmalig durchgef{\"u}hrte quantitative Bestimmung der endogenen \&\#946;-adrenergen Rezeptorexpression in ES-Kardiomyozyten zeigte eine Subtyp-Verteilung, die mit derjenigen in adulten Maus-Kardiomyozyten {\"u}bereinstimmt, wobei eine h{\"o}here endogene Expression in ES-Kardiomyozyten vorlag. Ferner konnte durch eine \&\#946;-adrenerge Stimulation in 16 Tage alten ES-Kardiomyozyten eine positive chronotrope Reaktion sowie eine Aktivierung der Adenylatzyklase-Aktivit{\"a}t hervorgerufen werden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ES-Kardiomyozyten am 16. Differenzierungstag einen vollst{\"a}ndig ausgereiften \&\#946;-adrenergen Signalweg aufweisen und hinsichtlich der physiologischen Effekte vergleichbare Merkmale mit adulten Maus-Kardiomyoyzten haben. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die F{\"a}higkeit eines adenoviralen Gentransfers in ES-Kardiomoyzten zu untersuchen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Gentransfer mittels rekombinanten Adenoviren eine sehr effiziente und durchf{\"u}hrbare Methode zur Expression von Transgenen in ES-Kardiomyozyten ist. Weiterhin konnte die funktionelle Kopplung der adenoviral {\"u}berexprimierten \&\#946;1-adrenergen Rezeptoren nachgewiesen werden. Die {\"U}berexpression hatte eine ausgepr{\"a}gte Sensitivierung der Rezeptorantwort zur Folge, w{\"a}hrend die maximale Isoprenalin-induzierte cAMP-Produktion nur wenig erh{\"o}ht wurde. Dies entspricht Befunden an transgenen Mausmodellen mit einer \&\#946;1-adrenergen Rezeptor-{\"u}berexpression. Eine Sensitivierung des chronotropen Effektes konnte dagegen nicht gezeigt werden. M{\"o}glicherweise f{\"u}hrte die Transfektion der ES-Kardiomyozyten-Zellverb{\"a}nde nur zu einem oberfl{\"a}chlich begrenzten Gentransfer, der keinen Einfluss auf die Gesamtheit des funktionellen Synzytiums hatte. Außerdem wurde in dieser Arbeit der Einfluss einer unterschiedlichen Phosducin-Expression auf die kardiale Differenzierungsf{\"a}higkeit in transgenen ES-Zellen untersucht. Dabei konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied in der kardialen Differenzierung sowie in der Basalfrequenz von homozygoten und heterozygoten Phosducin Knock-out Klonen beziehungsweise von Phosducin {\"u}berexprimierenden Zellklonen festgestellt werden.}, language = {de} } @article{ProppingLorenzMicheletal.2016, author = {Propping, Stefan and Lorenz, Kristina and Michel, Martin C. and Wirth, Manfred P. and Ravens, Ursula}, title = {beta-Adrenoceptor-mediated Relaxation of Urinary Bladder Muscle in beta 2-Adrenoceptor Knockout Mice}, series = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Pharmacology}, number = {118}, doi = {10.3389/fphar.2016.00118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165245}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background and Objective: In order to characterize the β-adrenoceptor (AR) subtypes involved in agonist-stimulated relaxation of murine urinary bladder we studied the effects of (-)-isoprenaline and CL 316,243 on tonic contraction and spontaneous contractions in detrusor strips of wild-type (WT) and β2-AR knockout (β2-AR KO) mice. Materials and Methods: Urinary bladders were isolated from male WT and β2-AR KO mice. β-AR subtype expression was determined with quantitative real-time PCR. Intact muscle strips pre-contracted with KCl (40 mM) were exposed to cumulatively increasing concentrations of (-)-isoprenaline or β3-AR agonist CL 316,243 in the presence and absence of the subtype-selective β-AR blockers CGP 20712A (β1-ARs), ICI 118,551 (β2-ARs), and L748,337 (β3-ARs). Results: Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed lack of β2-AR expression in bladder tissue from β2-AR KO mice. In isolated detrusor strips, pre-contraction with KCl increased basal tone and enhanced spontaneous activity significantly more in β2-AR KO than in WT. (-)-Isoprenaline relaxed tonic tension and attenuated spontaneous activity with similar potency, but the concentrations required were two orders of magnitude higher in β2-AR KO than WT. The concentration-response curves (CRCs) for relaxation were not affected by CGP 20712A (300 nM), but were shifted to the right by ICI 118,551 (50 nM) and L748,337 (10 μM). The -logEC50 values for (-)-isoprenaline in WT and β2-AR KO tissue were 7.98 and 6.00, respectively, suggesting a large receptor reserve of β2-AR. (-)-CL 316,243 relaxed detrusor and attenuated spontaneous contractions from WT and β2-AR KO mice with a potency corresponding to the drug's affinity for β3-AR. L743,337 shifted the CRCs to the right. Conclusion: Our findings in β2-AR KO mice suggest that there is a large receptor reserve for β2-AR in WT mice so that this β-AR subtype will mediate relaxation of tone and attenuation of spontaneous activity under physiological conditions. Nevertheless, upon removal of this reserve, β3-AR can also mediate murine detrusor relaxation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Konrad2021, author = {Konrad, Charlotte}, title = {Biochemische Charakterisierung von cAMP-Gradienten - Einfluss von Phosphodiesterasen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20572}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-205728}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cyclisches Adenosinmonophosphat ist ein ubiquit{\"a}rer zweiter Botenstoff zahlreicher Signalwege im menschlichen K{\"o}rper. Auf eine Vielzahl verschiedenster extrazellul{\"a}rer Signale folgt jedoch eine Erh{\"o}hung desselben intrazellul{\"a}ren Botenstoffs - cAMP. Nichtsdestotrotz schafft es die Zelle, Signalspezifit{\"a}t aufrecht zu erhalten. Ein anerkanntes, wenn auch bisher unverstandenes Modell, um dieses zu erm{\"o}glichen, ist das Prinzip der Kompartimentierung. Die Zelle besitzt demnach Areale verschieden hoher cAMP-Konzentrationen, welche lokal begrenzt einzelne Signalkaskaden beeinflussen und somit eine differenzierte Signal{\"u}bertragung erm{\"o}glichen. Eine m{\"o}gliche Ursache f{\"u}r die Ausbildung solcher Bereiche geringerer cAMP- Konzentrationen (hier als Dom{\"a}nen bezeichnet), ist die hydrolytische Aktivit{\"a}t von Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs), welche als einzige Enzyme die F{\"a}higkeiten besitzen, cAMP zu degradieren. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss der cAMP-Hydrolyse verschiedener PDEs auf die Gr{\"o}ße dieser Dom{\"a}nen evaluiert und mit denen der PDE4A1 verglichen, welche bereits durch unsere Arbeitsgruppe aufgrund ihrer Gr{\"o}ße als Nanodom{\"a}nen definiert wurden. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Einfluss von kinetischen Eigenschaften der Phosphodiesterasen gelegt. So werden eine PDE mit hoher Umsatzgeschwindigkeit (PDE2A3) und eine PDE mit hoher Substrataffinit{\"a}t (PDE8A1) verglichen. Mithilfe sogenannter Linker, Abstandshaltern definierter L{\"a}nge, werden zus{\"a}tzlich die Nanodom{\"a}nen ausgemessen, um einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen Gr{\"o}ße und kinetischer Eigenschaft anzugeben. Die Zusammenschau der Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die maximale Umsatzgeschwindigkeit der Phosphodiesterasen direkt mit der Gr{\"o}ße der Nanodom{\"a}nen korreliert. Durch den unmittelbaren Vergleich der gesamten PDE mit ihrer katalytischen Dom{\"a}ne wird zus{\"a}tzlich der Einfluss von regulatorischen Dom{\"a}nen evaluiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese cAMP-Gradienten modulieren k{\"o}nnen. Bei der PDE2A3 geschieht die Modulation u.a. durch Stimulation mit cGMP, welche h{\"o}chstwahrscheinlich dosisabh{\"a}ngig ist und somit graduell verl{\"a}uft. Hiermit pr{\"a}sentieren sich die Dom{\"a}nen als dynamische Bereiche, d.h. sie k{\"o}nnen in ihrer Auspr{\"a}gung reguliert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Hypothese best{\"a}tigt, dass Phosphodiesterasen eine wichtige Rolle in der Kompartimentierung von cAMP spielen, die Gruppe jedoch inhomogener ist, als bislang angenommen. Die Gradienten-Bildung l{\"a}sst sich nicht bei jeder Phosphodiesterase darstellen (PDE8A1). Einige Phosphodiesterasen (PDE2A3) jedoch bilden Kompartimente, die durch externe Stimuli in ihrer Gr{\"o}ße reguliert werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Arbeit legt den Grundstein zur breiteren Charakterisierung des spezifischen Einflusses weiterer PDEs auf cAMP-Kompartimentierung, welches nicht nur das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Kompartimentierungs-Strategien voranbringt, sondern auch essentiell f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Pathophysiologie zahlreicher Krankheitsbilder, aber auch f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis bereits angewandter aber auch potentiell neuer Medikamente ist.}, subject = {Cyclo-AMP}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zink2023, author = {Zink, Christoph}, title = {Biochemische und strukturbiologische Charakterisierung der Inhibition der Pyridoxal 5´-Phosphat Phosphatase durch 7,8-Dihydroxyflavon}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25151}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphat Phosphatase (PDXP), auch bekannt als Chronophin (CIN), ist eine HAD-Phosphatase, die beim Menschen ubiquit{\"a}r exprimiert wird und eine entscheidende Rolle im zellul{\"a}ren Vitamin-B6-Metabolismus einnimmt. PDXP ist in der Lage Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphat (PLP), die co-enzymatisch aktive Form von Vitamin B6, zu dephosphorylieren. In-vivo Studien mit M{\"a}usen zeigten, dass die Abwesenheit von PDXP mit verbesserten kognitiven Leistungen und einem verringerten Wachstum von Hirntumoren assoziiert ist. Dies begr{\"u}ndet die gezielte Suche nach einem pharmakologischen Inhibitor f{\"u}r PDXP. Ein Hochdurchsatz-Screen legte nahe, dass 7,8-Dihydroxyflavon (7,8-DHF) hierf{\"u}r ein potenzieller Kandidat ist. Zahlreiche Studien beschreiben bereits vielf{\"a}ltige positive neurologische Effekte nach in-vivo Administration von 7,8-DHF, allerdings bleibt der genaue Wirkmechanismus umstritten und wird bis dato nicht mit PDXP in Zusammenhang gebracht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Inhibition von PDXP durch 7,8-DHF n{\"a}her zu charakterisieren und damit einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage zu leisten, ob PDXP an den 7,8-DHF-induzierten Effekten beteiligt ist. Hierzu wurde der Effekt von 7,8-DHF auf die enzymatische Aktivit{\"a}t von rekombinant hergestelltem, gereinigtem PDXP in in-vitro Phosphatase-Assays charakterisiert. Um die Selektivit{\"a}t von 7,8-DHF gegen{\"u}ber PDXP zu untersuchen, wurden f{\"u}nf weitere HAD-Phosphatasen getestet. Unter den analysierten Phosphatasen zeigte einzig die dem PDXP nah verwandte Phosphoglykolat Phosphatase (PGP) eine geringer ausgepr{\"a}gte Sensitivit{\"a}t gegen 7,8-DHF. Ein Vergleich von 7,8-DHF mit sechs strukturell verwandten, hydroxylierten Flavonen zeigte, dass 7,8-DHF unter den getesteten Substanzen die h{\"o}chste Potenz und Effektivit{\"a}t aufwies. Außerdem wurde eine Co-Kristallisation von PDXP mit 7,8-DHF durchgef{\"u}hrt, deren Struktur bis zu einer Aufl{\"o}sung von 2,0 {\AA} verfeinert werden konnte. Die in der Kristallstruktur identifizierte Bindungsstelle von 7,8-DHF an PDXP wurde mittels verschiedener, neu generierter PDXP-Mutanten enzymkinetisch best{\"a}tigt. Zusammenfassend zeigen die hier beschriebenen Ergebnisse, dass 7,8-DHF ein direkter, selektiver und vorwiegend kompetitiver Inhibitor der PDXP-Aktivit{\"a}t ist, mit einer IC50 im submikromolaren Bereich. Die Ergebnisse dieser in-vitro Untersuchungen motivieren zu weiterer Forschung bez{\"u}glich der 7,8-DHF-vermittelten Inhibition der PDXP-Aktivit{\"a}t in Zellen, um die Frage beantworten zu k{\"o}nnen, ob PDXP auch in-vivo ein relevantes Target f{\"u}r 7,8-DHF darstellt.}, subject = {Pyridoxalphosphat}, language = {de} } @article{KlaunigDekantPlotzkeetal.2016, author = {Klaunig, James E. and Dekant, Wolfgang and Plotzke, Kathy and Scialli, Anthony R.}, title = {Biological relevance of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) induced rat uterine endometrial adenocarcinoma tumorigenesis: Mode of action and relevance to humans}, series = {Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology}, volume = {74}, journal = {Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology}, number = {Supplement}, doi = {10.1016/j.yrtph.2015.06.021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190952}, pages = {S44-S56}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) is a cyclic siloxane used in the production and formulation of consumer products with potential exposure to manufacturing workers, consumer, and the general public. Following a combined 2-year inhalation chronic bioassay performed in Fischer 344 (F344) rats, an increase in uterine endometrial adenocarcinomas was noted at the highest concentration to which animals were exposed. No other neoplasms were detected. In this study, a dose of 160 ppm produced an incidence of 8\% endometrial adenocarcinomas. Based on a number of experimental studies with D5, the current manuscript examines the biological relevance and possible modes of action for the uterine endometrial adenocarcinomas observed in the rat following chronic exposure to D5. Variable rates of spontaneous uterine endometrial adenocarcinomas have been reported for untreated F344 CrIBr rats. As such, we concluded that the slight increase in uterine endometrial adenocarcinomas observed in the D5 chronic bioassay might not be the result of D5 exposure but may be related to variability of the spontaneous tumor incidence in this strain of rat. However, if the uterine endometrial adenocarcinomas are related to D5-exposure, alteration in the estrous cycle in the aging F344 rat is the most likely mode of action. D5 is not genotoxic or estrogenic. The alteration in the estrous cycle is caused by a decrease in progesterone with an increase in the estrogen:progesterone ratio most likely induced by a decrease in prolactin concentration. Available data support that exposure to D5 influences prolactin concentration. Although the effects on prolactin concentrations in a number of experiments were not always consistent, the available data support the conclusion that D5 is acting via a dopamine receptor agonist-like mechanism to alter the pituitary control of the estrous cycle. In further support of this mode of action, studies in F344 aged animals showed that the effects of D5 on estrous cyclicity produced a response consistent with a dopamine-like effect and further suggest that D5 is accelerating the aging of the reproductive endocrine system in the F344 rat utilized in this study. This mode of action for uterine endometrial adenocarcinoma tumorigenesis is not relevant for humans.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopp2009, author = {Kopp, Eva Katharina}, title = {Biotransformation and Toxicokinetics of Acrylamide in Humans}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37273}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The widely used chemical acrylamide (AA) has been classified as a probable human carcinogen. This classification was based on positive results in rodent carcinogenicity studies as well as on a number of in vitro mutagenicity assays. In 2002, AA was discovered to be formed during the preparation of starch-containing foods. According to the latest FDA exposure assessment (2006), the average daily intake has been estimated from AA levels in foodstuffs and from nutritional habits to be around 0.4 µg/kg b.w. with a 90th percentile of 0.95 µg/kg b.w.. In children and adolescents however, the daily AA intake is about 1.5 times higher, due to lower body weight and differing consumption patterns. Apart from the diet, humans may be exposed to AA during the production or handling of monomeric AA, from AA residues in polyacrylamides, and from cigarette smoke. After oral administration, AA is readily absorbed and distributed throughout the organism. AA is metabolized to the reactive epoxide glycidamide (GA) via the CYP 450 isoenzyme CYP 2E1. Both, AA and GA are conjugated with glutathione. After enzymatic processing, the mercapturic acids N-Acetyl-S-(2-carbamoylethyl)-L-cysteine (AAMA) as well as the regioisomers N-Acetyl-S-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-L-cysteine (GAMA) and N-Acetyl-S-(1-carbamoyl-2-hydroxy-ethyl)-L-cysteine (iso-GAMA) are excreted with urine. An additional pathway for the metabolic conversion of GA is the epoxide hydrolase mediated hydrolysis to the diol compound glyceramide. Following administration of AA at doses exceeding the daily dietary intake by a factor of 1000 - 6000 to human subjects, a new urinary metabolite was found, which could be identified as the S-oxide of AAMA (AAMA-sulfoxide). In general, data from animal studies are used for risk assessment of (potential) human carcinogens. However, inter-species differences in toxicodynamics or toxicokinetics, e.g. in biotransformation may lead to under- or overestimation of human risk. The objective of this work was to establish a highly specific and sensitive analytical method to quantify the major urinary metabolites of AA. Other aims apart from measurements concerning the human background exposure were the evaluation of biotransformation and toxicokinetics of AA in humans and rats after oral administration of 13C3-AA. The obtained data was intended to help avoid linear extrapolation from animal models for future risk assessments of AA carcinogenicity.}, subject = {Acrylamid}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuster2009, author = {Schuster, Paul Xaver}, title = {Biotransformation of trans-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropene, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and 1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43716}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {trans-1,1,1,3-Tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234ze) and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) are non-ozone-depleting fluorocarbon replacements with low global warming potentials and short atmospheric lifetimes. They are developed as foam blowing agent and refrigerant, respectively. Investigations on biotransformation in different test species and in vitro systems are required to assess possible health risks of human exposure and needed for commercial development. The biotransformation of HFO-1234ze and HFO-1234yf was therefore investigated after inhalation exposure. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to air containing 2 000; 10,000; or 50,000 ppm (n=5/concentration) HFO-1234ze or HFO-1234yf. Male B6C3F1 mice were only exposed to 50,000 ppm HFO-1234ze or HFO-1234yf. Due to lethality observed in a developmental study with rabbits after exposure to high concentrations of HFO-1234yf, the metabolic fate of the compound was tested by whole body inhalation exposure of female New Zealand White rabbits to air containing 2 000; 10,000; or 50,000 ppm (n=3/concentration) HFO-1234yf. All inhalation exposures were conducted for 6 h in a dynamic exposure chamber. After the end of the exposures, animals were individually housed in metabolic cages and urines were collected at 6 or 12 h intervals for 48 h (rats and mice) or 60 h (rabbits). For metabolite identification, urine samples were analyzed by 1H-coupled and 1H-decoupled 19F-NMR and by LC/MS-MS or GC/MS. Metabolites were identified by 19F-NMR chemical shifts, signal multiplicity, 1H-19F coupling constants and by comparison with synthetic reference compounds. Biotransformation of HFO-1234ze in rats exposed to 50,000 ppm yielded S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-trans-propenyl)mercaptolactic acid as the predominant metabolite which accounted for 66\% of all integrated 19F-NMR signals in urines. No 19F-NMR signals were found in spectra of rat urine samples collected after inhalation exposure to 2 000 or 10,000 ppm HFO-1234ze likely due to insufficient sensitivity. S-(3,3,3-Trifluoro-trans-propenyl)-L-cysteine, N-acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-trans-propenyl)-L-cysteine, 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid and 3,3,3-trifluorolactic acid were also present as metabolites in urine samples of rats and mice at the 50,000 ppm level. A presumed amino acid conjugate of 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid was the major metabolite of HFO-1234ze in urine samples of mice exposed to 50,000 ppm and related to 18\% of total integrated 19F-NMR signals. Quantitation of three metabolites in urines of rats and mice was performed, using LC/MS-MS or GC/MS. The quantified amounts of the metabolites excreted with urine in both mice and rats, suggest only a low extent (<<1\% of dose received) of biotransformation of HFO-1234ze and 95\% of all metabolites were excreted within 18 h after the end of the exposures (t1/2 approx. 6 h). Due to its low boiling point of \&\#8722;22 °C, most of the inhaled HFO-1234ze is expected to be readily exhaled. Moreover, steric and electronic factors may decrease the reactivity of the parent compound with soft nucleophiles such as glutathione. The obtained results suggest that HFO-1234ze is subjected to an addition-elimination reaction with glutathione and to a cytochrome P450-mediated epoxidation at low rates. The extent of a direct addition reaction of HFO-1234ze with glutathione is negligible, compared to that of the observed addition-elimination reaction. The results of in vivo testing of HFO-1234ze could not be supported by in vitro investigations, since HFO-1234ze was not metabolized in incubations with either liver microsomes or subcellular fractions from rat and human. Regarding the structures delineated in the biotransformation scheme of HFO-1234ze, 1,1,1,3-tetrafluoroepoxypropane and 3,3,3-trifluoropropionic acid are toxic intermediates which, however, are not supposed to display toxicity in the species after exposure to HFO-1234ze, due to the low extent of formation and an efficient detoxification of the epoxide by hydrolysis and glutathione conjugation. The findings of biotransformation of HFO-1234ze in rats and mice correlate with the absence of adverse effects in the toxicity testings and indicate their innocuousness to a human exposure. Biotransformation of HFO-1234yf yielded N-acetyl-S-(3,3,3-trifluoro-2-hydroxypropanyl)-L-cysteine as predominat metabolite which accounted for approx. 44, 90 and 32\% (50,000 ppm) of total 19F-NMR signal intensities in urine samples from rabbits, rats and mice, respectively. S-(3,3,3-Trifluoro-2-hydroxypropanyl)mercaptolactic acid and the sulfoxides of mercapturic acid and mercaptolactic acid S-conjugate were identified as minor metabolites of HFO-1234yf in urine samples from rabbits, rats and mice, whereas trifluoroacetic acid, 3,3,3-trifluorolactic acid and 3,3,3-trifluoro-1-hydroxyacetone were present as minor metabolites only in urine samples from rats and mice. The absence of these metabolites in rabbit urine samples...}, subject = {Biotransformation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2013, author = {Schmidt, Tobias}, title = {Biotransformation of trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78579}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The novel refrigerant 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) as well as the novel foam blowing and precision cleaning agent trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (trans-HCFO-1233zd) are both chlorofluorocarbon replacements with low GWPs and a short atmospheric life time. Whereas the hydrofluoroolefin HFO-1234yf has no negative effect on stratospheric ozone due to the lack of chlorine in its structure, the hydrochlorofluoroolefine trans-HCFO-1233zd exhibits a very low potential for ozone depletion (ODP). This is approximately 100 times lower than the ozone depletion potential of precursor compounds such as 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113). Principle aims of this thesis were to investigate the unknown metabolism of the new solvent trans-HCFO-1233zd and to further investigate a possible biotransformation based toxicity of HFO-1234yf observed in rabbits. Therefore study specimens of different in vitro and in vivo studies with trans-HCFO-1233zd and HFO-1234yf were analyzed for metabolites using 19FNMR spectroscopy, LC-MS/MS spectrometry and GC/MS spectrometry. Metabolites were identified by comparison with purchased or synthesized standard substances. Excretion kinetics of the predominant metabolites were determined by LC-MS/MS quantification,inorganic fluoride was determined by potentiometry. Moreover cytochrome P-450 2E1 and 3A4 liver enzyme activities were measured in a multi-exposure study with HFO-1234yf. ...}, subject = {Propenderivate}, language = {en} } @article{JeanclosKnoblochHoffmannetal.2020, author = {Jeanclos, Elisabeth and Knobloch, Gunnar and Hoffmann, Axel and Fedorchenko, Oleg and Odersky, Andrea and Lamprecht, Anna-Karina and Schindelin, Hermann and Gohla, Antje}, title = {Ca\(^{2+}\) functions as a molecular switch that controls the mutually exclusive complex formation of pyridoxal phosphatase with CIB1 or calmodulin}, series = {FEBS Letters}, volume = {594}, journal = {FEBS Letters}, number = {13}, doi = {10.1002/1873-3468.13795}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217963}, pages = {2099 -- 2115}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) is an essential cofactor for neurotransmitter metabolism. Pyridoxal phosphatase (PDXP) deficiency in mice increases PLP and γ-aminobutyric acid levels in the brain, yet how PDXP is regulated is unclear. Here, we identify the Ca\(^{2+}\)- and integrin-binding protein 1 (CIB1) as a PDXP interactor by yeast two-hybrid screening and find a calmodulin (CaM)-binding motif that overlaps with the PDXP-CIB1 interaction site. Pulldown and crosslinking assays with purified proteins demonstrate that PDXP directly binds to CIB1 or CaM. CIB1 or CaM does not alter PDXP phosphatase activity. However, elevated Ca\(^{2+}\) concentrations promote CaM binding and, thereby, diminish CIB1 binding to PDXP, as both interactors bind in a mutually exclusive way. Hence, the PDXP-CIB1 complex may functionally differ from the PDXP-Ca\(^{2+}\)-CaM complex.}, language = {en} } @article{CalebiroMaiellaro2014, author = {Calebiro, Davide and Maiellaro, Isabella}, title = {cAMP signaling microdomains and their observation by optical methods}, series = {Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience}, issn = {1662-5102}, doi = {10.3389/fncel.2014.00350}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118252}, pages = {350}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a major intracellular mediator of many hormones and neurotransmitters and regulates a myriad of cell functions, including synaptic plasticity in neurons. Whereas cAMP can freely diffuse in the cytosol, a growing body of evidence suggests the formation of cAMP gradients and microdomains near the sites of cAMP production, where cAMP signals remain apparently confined. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of such microdomains are subject of intensive investigation. The development of optical methods based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), which allow a direct observation of cAMP signaling with high temporal and spatial resolution, is playing a fundamental role in elucidating the nature of such microdomains. Here, we will review the optical methods used for monitoring cAMP and protein kinase A (PKA) signaling in living cells, providing some examples of their application in neurons, and will discuss the major hypotheses on the formation of cAMP/PKA microdomains.}, language = {en} } @article{MaiellaroLohseKitteetal.2016, author = {Maiellaro, Isabella and Lohse, Martin J. and Kitte, Robert J. and Calebiro, Davide}, title = {cAMP Signals in Drosophila Motor Neurons Are Confined to Single Synaptic Boutons}, series = {Cell Reports}, volume = {17}, journal = {Cell Reports}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.090}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162324}, pages = {1238-1246}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) plays an important role in synaptic plasticity. Although there is evidence for local control of synaptic transmission and plasticity, it is less clear whether a similar spatial confinement of cAMP signaling exists. Here, we suggest a possible biophysical basis for the site-specific regulation of synaptic plasticity by cAMP, a highly diffusible small molecule that transforms the physiology of synapses in a local and specific manner. By exploiting the octopaminergic system of Drosophila, which mediates structural synaptic plasticity via a cAMP-dependent pathway, we demonstrate the existence of local cAMP signaling compartments of micrometer dimensions within single motor neurons. In addition, we provide evidence that heterogeneous octopamine receptor localization, coupled with local differences in phosphodiesterase activity, underlies the observed differences in cAMP signaling in the axon, cell body, and boutons.}, language = {en} } @article{GunzShephardLutz1993, author = {Gunz, D. and Shephard, S. E. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Can nongenotoxic carcinogens be detected with the lacI transgenic mouse mutation assay?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60707}, year = {1993}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{vanCalkerSteberKlotzetal.1991, author = {van Calker, D. and Steber, R. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Greil, W.}, title = {Carbamazepine distinguishes between adenosine receptors that mediate different second messenger responses}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60392}, year = {1991}, abstract = {The mechanism of the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of carbamazepine (CBZ) in affective psychoses is unknown but may in part be related to the potent competitive interaction of CBZ with adenosine-binding sites in the brain. The antioonvulsant and sedative properties of CBZ are reminiscent of the effects evoked by adenosine-agonists and contrast sharply with the opposite aclions of adenosine-antagonists like caffeine. However. indirect evidence suggests an antagonist- rather than an agonist-like activity of CBZ at adenosi11e-receptors. We have used various model systems, in which adenosine receptor subtypes mediate different second messenger-responses, to investigate this apparent paradox. CBZ was found to antagonize the A\(_1\) receptor-mediated inhibition of cydic AMP accumulation in cultured astroblasts and in GH3-cells. Furthermore, CBZ also inhibits the adenosine-induced increase in the level of cyclic AMP in cultured astroblasts, which is mediated by low-affinity A\(_{2b}\)-receptors. ln contrast, CBZ does not block the inhibition elicited by adenosine-agonists of the agonist-induced increased formation of inositolphosphates in human neutrophils, which is mediated by high-affinity A\(_{2a}\)-receptors. The specific antagonism by CBZ of A\(_1\)- but not of high-affinity A\(_{2a}\)-receptors was further supported by binding experiments using rat brain membranes. These results suggest tbat the paradox of CBZ's antagonistic effects at adenosine-receptors might be at least partially reconciled by a selective antagonistic action of CBZ at A\(_1\)recertors but not at high-affinity A\(_{2a}\)-receptors.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{StopperMetzler1991, author = {Stopper, Helga and Metzler, M.}, title = {Carcinogenic oestrogens induce respiration deficiency mutation in yeast}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63466}, year = {1991}, abstract = {In addition to hormonal activity, genetic darnage has been proposed as an important factor in oestrogen-mediated carcinogenesis. However, as short-term tests for oestrogens usually fail to show DNA mutations, lesions other than dassie nuclear DNA mutation have to be considered. Oestrogeninduced mitochondrial darnage was studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Stilbene-type, but not steroidal, oestrogens were found to induce respiration-dcficient petite mutation. The effect was inversely correlated with cytotoxicity and required aromatic hydroxyl groups at the stilbene molecule. It only occurred under growth conditions and apparently was not due to the A TPase inhibitory qualities of stilbene oestrogens. Other studies have shown that petite mutation clones, which can be induced by a variety of substances, contain altered mitochondrial DNA. The mechanism of petite mutation induction might be important in tumorigenesis by also acting on nuclear DNA or facilitating carcinogenesis by disturbance of mitochondrial function.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{TolstikAliGuoetal.2022, author = {Tolstik, Elen and Ali, Nairveen and Guo, Shuxia and Ebersbach, Paul and M{\"o}llmann, Dorothe and Arias-Loza, Paula and Dierks, Johann and Schuler, Irina and Freier, Erik and Debus, J{\"o}rg and Baba, Hideo A. and Nordbeck, Peter and Bocklitz, Thomas and Lorenz, Kristina}, title = {CARS imaging advances early diagnosis of cardiac manifestation of Fabry disease}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {10}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms23105345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284427}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Vibrational spectroscopy can detect characteristic biomolecular signatures and thus has the potential to support diagnostics. Fabry disease (FD) is a lipid disorder disease that leads to accumulations of globotriaosylceramide in different organs, including the heart, which is particularly critical for the patient's prognosis. Effective treatment options are available if initiated at early disease stages, but many patients are late- or under-diagnosed. Since Coherent anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) imaging has a high sensitivity for lipid/protein shifts, we applied CARS as a diagnostic tool to assess cardiac FD manifestation in an FD mouse model. CARS measurements combined with multivariate data analysis, including image preprocessing followed by image clustering and data-driven modeling, allowed for differentiation between FD and control groups. Indeed, CARS identified shifts of lipid/protein content between the two groups in cardiac tissue visually and by subsequent automated bioinformatic discrimination with a mean sensitivity of 90-96\%. Of note, this genotype differentiation was successful at a very early time point during disease development when only kidneys are visibly affected by globotriaosylceramide depositions. Altogether, the sensitivity of CARS combined with multivariate analysis allows reliable diagnostic support of early FD organ manifestation and may thus improve diagnosis, prognosis, and possibly therapeutic monitoring of FD.}, language = {en} } @article{StopperKirchnerSchiffmannetal.1994, author = {Stopper, Helga and Kirchner, S. and Schiffmann, D. and Poot, M.}, title = {Cell cycle disturbance in relation to micronucleus formation induced by the carcinogenic estrogen diethylstilbestrol}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82250}, year = {1994}, abstract = {In addition to its tumor-promoting activity in honnone-receptive tissue, the carcinogenic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) has been found to induce cell transformation, aneuploidy and micronucleus formation in mammalian cells. The majority of these micronuclei contained whole chromosomes and were fonned during mitosis. Here a possible relationship between a disturbance in cell cycle progression and micronucleus fonnation is investigated by exposing Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells to DES. Continuous bromodeoxyuridine labeling followed by bivariate Hoechst 33258/ethidium bromide flow cytometry was employed for analysis of cell cycle transit and related to the time course of micronucleus formation. Treatment of SHE cells with DES resulted in delayed and impaired cell activation (exit from the GO/G 1 phase), impaired S-phase transit and, mainly, G2-phase traverse. Cells forming micronuclei, on the other hand, were predominantly in G2 phase during DES treatment. These results suggest that impairment of Sand G2 transit may involve a process ultimately leading to micronucleus formation.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{BankogluSchueleStopper2021, author = {Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel and Schuele, Carolin and Stopper, Helga}, title = {Cell survival after DNA damage in the comet assay}, series = {Archives of Toxicology}, volume = {95}, journal = {Archives of Toxicology}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1007/s00204-021-03164-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265339}, pages = {3803-3813}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The comet assay is widely used in basic research, genotoxicity testing, and human biomonitoring. However, interpretation of the comet assay data might benefit from a better understanding of the future fate of a cell with DNA damage. DNA damage is in principle repairable, or if extensive, can lead to cell death. Here, we have correlated the maximally induced DNA damage with three test substances in TK6 cells with the survival of the cells. For this, we selected hydrogen peroxide (H\(_{2}\)O\(_{2}\)) as an oxidizing agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) as an alkylating agent and etoposide as a topoisomerase II inhibitor. We measured cell viability, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and micronucleus frequency on the following day, in the same cell culture, which had been analyzed in the comet assay. After treatment, a concentration dependent increase in DNA damage and in the percentage of non-vital and apoptotic cells was found for each substance. Values greater than 20-30\% DNA in tail caused the death of more than 50\% of the cells, with etoposide causing slightly more cell death than H\(_{2}\)O\(_{2}\) or MMS. Despite that, cells seemed to repair of at least some DNA damage within few hours after substance removal. Overall, the reduction of DNA damage over time is due to both DNA repair and death of heavily damaged cells. We recommend that in experiments with induction of DNA damage of more than 20\% DNA in tail, survival data for the cells are provided.}, language = {en} } @article{StopperKoerberSchiffmannetal.1993, author = {Stopper, Helga and K{\"o}rber, C. and Schiffmann, D. and Caspary, W. J.}, title = {Cell-cycle dependent micronucleus formation and mitotic disturbances induced by 5-azacytidine in mammalian cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63411}, year = {1993}, abstract = {5-Azacytidine was originally developed to treat human myelogenous leukemia. However, interest in this compound has expanded because of reports of its ability to affect cell differentiation and to alter eukaryotic gene expression. In an ongoing attempt to understand the biochemical effects of this compound, we examined the effects of 5-azacytidine on mitosis and on micronucleus formation in mammalian cells. In L5178Y mouse cells, 5-azacytidine induced micronuclei at concentrations at which we and others have already reported its mutagenicity at the tk locus. Using CREST staining and C-banding studies, we showed that the induced micronuclei contained mostly chromosomal fragments although some may have contained whole chromosomes. By incorporating BrdU into the DNA of SHE cells, we determined that micronuclei were induced only when the compound was added while the cells were in S phase. Microscopically visible effects due to 5-azacytidine treatment were not observed until anaphase of the mitosis following treatment or thereafter. 5-Azacytidine did not induce micronuclei via interference with formation of the metaphase chromosome arrangement in mitosis, a common mechanism leading to aneuploidy. SupravitalUV microscopy revealed that chromatid bridges were observed in anaphase and, in some cases, were sustained into interphase. In the first mitosis after 5-azacytidine treatment we observed that many cells were unable to perform anaphase separation. All of these observations indicate that 5-azacytidine is predominantly a clastogen through its incorporation into DNA.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerSadekDybkovaetal.2021, author = {Wagner, Michael and Sadek, Mirna S. and Dybkova, Nataliya and Mason, Fleur E. and Klehr, Johann and Firneburg, Rebecca and Cachorro, Eleder and Richter, Kurt and Klapproth, Erik and Kuenzel, Stephan R. and Lorenz, Kristina and Heijman, Jordi and Dobrev, Dobromir and El-Armouche, Ali and Sossalla, Samuel and K{\"a}mmerer, Susanne}, title = {Cellular mechanisms of the anti-arrhythmic effect of cardiac PDE2 overexpression}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {22}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {9}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms22094816}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285888}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: Phosphodiesterases (PDE) critically regulate myocardial cAMP and cGMP levels. PDE2 is stimulated by cGMP to hydrolyze cAMP, mediating a negative crosstalk between both pathways. PDE2 upregulation in heart failure contributes to desensitization to β-adrenergic overstimulation. After isoprenaline (ISO) injections, PDE2 overexpressing mice (PDE2 OE) were protected against ventricular arrhythmia. Here, we investigate the mechanisms underlying the effects of PDE2 OE on susceptibility to arrhythmias. Methods: Cellular arrhythmia, ion currents, and Ca\(^{2+}\)-sparks were assessed in ventricular cardiomyocytes from PDE2 OE and WT littermates. Results: Under basal conditions, action potential (AP) morphology were similar in PDE2 OE and WT. ISO stimulation significantly increased the incidence of afterdepolarizations and spontaneous APs in WT, which was markedly reduced in PDE2 OE. The ISO-induced increase in I\(_{CaL}\) seen in WT was prevented in PDE2 OE. Moreover, the ISO-induced, Epac- and CaMKII-dependent increase in I\(_{NaL}\) and Ca\(^{2+}\)-spark frequency was blunted in PDE2 OE, while the effect of direct Epac activation was similar in both groups. Finally, PDE2 inhibition facilitated arrhythmic events in ex vivo perfused WT hearts after reperfusion injury. Conclusion: Higher PDE2 abundance protects against ISO-induced cardiac arrhythmia by preventing the Epac- and CaMKII-mediated increases of cellular triggers. Thus, activating myocardial PDE2 may represent a novel intracellular anti-arrhythmic therapeutic strategy in HF.}, language = {en} } @article{FoertschHuppMaetal.2011, author = {F{\"o}rtsch, Christina and Hupp, Sabrina and Ma, Jiangtao and Mitchell, Timothy J. and Maier, Elke and Benz, Roland and Iliev, Asparouh I.}, title = {Changes in Astrocyte Shape Induced by Sublytic Concentrations of the Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysin Pneumolysin Still Require Pore-Forming Capacity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69084}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common pathogen that causes various infections, such as sepsis and meningitis. A major pathogenic factor of S. pneumoniae is the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin, pneumolysin. It produces cell lysis at high concentrations and apoptosis at lower concentrations. We have shown that sublytic amounts of pneumolysin induce small GTPase-dependent actin cytoskeleton reorganization and microtubule stabilization in human neuroblastoma cells that are manifested by cell retraction and changes in cell shape. In this study, we utilized a live imaging approach to analyze the role of pneumolysin's pore-forming capacity in the actin-dependent cell shape changes in primary astrocytes. After the initial challenge with the wild-type toxin, a permeabilized cell population was rapidly established within 20-40 minutes. After the initial rapid permeabilization, the size of the permeabilized population remained unchanged and reached a plateau. Thus, we analyzed the non-permeabilized (non-lytic) population, which demonstrated retraction and shape changes that were inhibited by actin depolymerization. Despite the non-lytic nature of pneumolysin treatment, the toxin's lytic capacity remained critical for the initiation of cell shape changes. The non-lytic pneumolysin mutants W433F-pneumolysin and delta6-pneumolysin, which bind the cell membrane with affinities similar to that of the wild-type toxin, were not able to induce shape changes. The initiation of cell shape changes and cell retraction by the wild-type toxin were independent of calcium and sodium influx and membrane depolarization, which are known to occur following cellular challenge and suggested to result from the ion channel-like properties of the pneumolysin pores. Excluding the major pore-related phenomena as the initiation mechanism of cell shape changes, the existence of a more complex relationship between the pore-forming capacity of pneumolysin and the actin cytoskeleton reorganization is suggested.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{GonzalezCaleroCuberoKlotz1991, author = {Gonzalez-Calero, G. and Cubero, A. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert}, title = {Characterization and photoaffinity labeling of A1 adenosine receptors in coated visicles form bovine brain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86004}, year = {1991}, abstract = {The antagonist (3 II ) DPCPX exhi bitcd a Kd of 0. 4 nM at coalcd vcsicles from bovine brain. Agonist compelition for ( 3 11) DPCPX bind in~ revcaled two affini ty slales for gonists. The pholoaffinity probe I25 I -AHPIA specifically labelled a band with a molecular weight of 35 Kd.}, subject = {Pharmakologie}, language = {en} } @article{LohseKlotzUkenaetal.1984, author = {Lohse, M. J. and Klotz, K.-N. and Ukena, D. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Characterization of \([^3H]\)Phenobarbital Binding to Rat Brain Membranes}, series = {Neuroscience Letters}, volume = {52}, journal = {Neuroscience Letters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127894}, pages = {97-101}, year = {1984}, abstract = {The binding of \([^3H]\)phenobarbital to rat brain membranes was studied in order to determine its characteristics and specificity. The binding reaction was rapid and occurred at sites of low affinity. \((K_d = 700 μM)\) and very high density \((B_{max} = 2.7 nmoll/mg protein)\). It was unaffected by temperature changes from O°C to 95°C and was maximal at pH 5. Detergents in low concentrations markedly decreased the binding, apparently without solubilizing the binding sites. It is concluded that the binding of \([^3H]\) phenobarbital is a rather non-specific interaction with the plasma membrane.}, language = {en} } @article{SpielmanKlotzArendetal.1992, author = {Spielman, William S. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Arend, Lois J. and Olson, Barbara A. and LeVier, David G. and Schwabe, Ulrich}, title = {Characterization of adenosine A1 receptor in a cell line (28A) derived from the rabbit collecting tubule}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86083}, year = {1992}, abstract = {We have previously reported that in several renal cell types, adenosine receptor agonists inhibit adenylyl cyclase and activate phospholipase C via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein. In the present study, in 28A cells, both uf these adenosine receptor-mediated responses were inhibited by 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX). a highly selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonist. The binding characteristics of the adenosine A 1 receptor in the 28A renal cell line were studied using the radiolabeled antagonist f:1H]DPCPX to determine whether two separate binding sites could account for these responses. Saturation binding of [: 1H]DPCPX to 28A cell membranes revealed a single class of A1 binding sites with an apparent Kd value of 1.4 nM and maximal binding capacity of 64 fmol/mg protein. Competition experiments with a variety of adenosine agonists gave biphasic displacement curves with a pharmacological profile characteristic of A1 receptors. Comparison of [: 1H]DPCPX competition binding data from 28A cell membranes with rabbit brain membranes, a tissue with well-characterized A1 receptors, reveals that the A 1 receptor population in 28A cells has similar agonist binding affinities to the receptor population in brain but has a considerably lower density. Addition of guanosine ;)' -triphosphate ( 100 ,uM) to 28A cell membranes caused the competition curves to shift from biphasic to monophasic. indicating that the A1 receptors exist in two interconvertible affinity states because of their coupling to G proteins. In the absence of evidence for subpopulations of the A1 receptor, it appears that in 28A cells. A single A1 receptor population. As defined by ligand binding characteristics, couples via one or more pertussis toxin-sensitive guanine nucleotide binding proteins to two different biological signaling mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schlippverh:Woelfel2011, author = {Schlipp [verh.: W{\"o}lfel], Angela}, title = {Characterization of anti-beta1-adrenoceptor antibodies with F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67162}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) represents an important subgroup of patients suffering from heart failure. The disease is supposed to be associated with autoimmune mechanisms in about one third of the cases. In the latter patients functionally active conformational autoantibodies directed against the second extracellular loop of the β1-adrenergic receptor (AR, β1ECII-aabs) have been detected. Such antibodies chronically stimulate the β1-AR thereby inducing the adrenergic signaling cascade in cardiomyocytes, which, in the long run, contributes to heart failure progression. We analyzed the production of cAMP after aab-mediated β1-AR activation in vitro using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay. This assay is based on HEK293 cells stably expressing human β1-AR as well as the cAMP-sensor Epac1-camps. The assay showed a concentration-dependent increase in intracellular cAMP upon stimulation with the full agonist (-) isoproterenol. This response was comparable to results obtained in isolated adult murine cardiomyocytes and was partially blockable by a selective β1-AR antagonist. In the same assay poly- and monoclonal anti-β1ECII-abs (induced in different animals) could activate the adrenergic signaling cascade, whereas isotypic control abs had no effect on intracellular cAMP levels. Using the same method, we were able to detect functionally activating aabs in the serum of heart failure patients with ischemic and hypertensive heart disease as well as patients with DCM, but not in sera of healthy control subjects. In patients with DCM we observed an inverse correlation between the stimulatory potential of anti-β1-aabs and left ventricular pump function. To adopt this assay for the detection of functionally activating anti-β1ECII-aabs in clinical routine we attempted to establish an automated large-scale approach. Neither flow cytometry nor FRET detection with a fluorescence plate reader provided an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio. It was possible to detect (-) isoproterenol in a concentration-dependent manner using two different FRET multiwell microscopes. However, due to focus problems large-scale detection of activating anti-β1ECII-abs could not be implemented. Neutralization of anti-β1-aabs with the corresponding epitope-mimicking peptides is a possible therapeutic approach to treat aab-associated autoimmune DCM. Using our FRET assay we could demonstrate a reduction in the stimulatory potential of anti-β1ECII-abs after in vitro incubation with β1ECII-mimicking peptides. Cyclic (and to a lesser extent linear) peptides in 40-fold molar excess acted as efficient ab-scavengers in vitro. Intravenously injected cyclic peptides in a rat model of DCM also neutralized functionally active anti-β1ECII-abs efficiently in vivo. For a detailed analysis of the receptor-epitope targeted by anti-β1ECII-abs we used sequentially alanine-mutated β1ECII-mimicking cyclic peptides. Our data revealed that the disulfide bridge between the cysteine residues C209 and C215 of the human β1-AR appears essential for the formation of the ab-epitope. Substitution of further amino acids relevant for ab-binding in the cyclic scavenger peptide by alanine reduced its affinity to the ab and the receptor-activating potential was blocked less efficiently. In contrast, the non-mutant cyclic peptide almost completely blocked ab-induced receptor activation. Using this ala-scan approach we were able to identify a "NDPK"-epitope as essential for ab binding to the β1ECII. In summary, neutralization of conformational activating anti-β1ECII-(a)abs by cyclic peptides is a plausible therapeutic concept in heart failure that should be further exploited based on the here presented data.}, subject = {Adrenerger Rezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Anton2021, author = {Anton, Selma}, title = {Characterization of cAMP nanodomains surrounding the human Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor using FRET-based reporters}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19069}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190695}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), the ubiquitous second messenger produced upon stimulation of GPCRs which couple to the stimulatory GS protein, orchestrates an array of physiological processes including cardiac function, neuronal plasticity, immune responses, cellular proliferation and apoptosis. By interacting with various effector proteins, among others protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (Epac), it triggers signaling cascades for the cellular response. Although the functional outcomes of GSPCR-activation are very diverse depending on the extracellular stimulus, they are all mediated exclusively by this single second messenger. Thus, the question arises how specificity in such responses may be attained. A hypothesis to explain signaling specificity is that cellular signaling architecture, and thus precise operation of cAMP in space and time would appear to be essential to achieve signaling specificity. Compartments with elevated cAMP levels would allow specific signal relay from receptors to effectors within a micro- or nanometer range, setting the molecular basis for signaling specificity. Although the paradigm of signaling compartmentation gains continuous recognition and is thoroughly being investigated, the molecular composition of such compartments and how they are maintained remains to be elucidated. In addition, such compartments would require very restricted diffusion of cAMP, but all direct measurements have indicated that it can diffuse in cells almost freely. In this work, we present the identification and characterize of a cAMP signaling compartment at a GSPCR. We created a F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based receptor-sensor conjugate, allowing us to study cAMP dynamics in direct vicinity of the human glucagone-like peptide 1 receptor (hGLP1R). Additional targeting of analogous sensors to the plasma membrane and the cytosol enables assessment of cAMP dynamics in different subcellular regions. We compare both basal and stimulated cAMP levels and study cAMP crosstalk of different receptors. With the design of novel receptor nanorulers up to 60nm in length, which allow mapping cAMP levels in nanometer distance from the hGLP1R, we identify a cAMP nanodomain surrounding it. Further, we show that phosphodiesterases (PDEs), the only enzymes known to degrade cAMP, are decisive in constraining cAMP diffusion into the cytosol thereby maintaining a cAMP gradient. Following the discovery of this nanodomain, we sought to investigate whether downstream effectors such as PKA are present and active within the domain, additionally studying the role of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) in targeting PKA to the receptor compartment. We demonstrate that GLP1-produced cAMP signals translate into local nanodomain-restricted PKA phosphorylation and determine that AKAP-tethering is essential for nanodomain PKA. Taken together, our results provide evidence for the existence of a dynamic, receptor associated cAMP nanodomain and give prospect for which key proteins are likely to be involved in its formation. These conditions would allow cAMP to exert its function in a spatially and temporally restricted manner, setting the basis for a cell to achieve signaling specificity. Understanding the molecular mechanism of cAMP signaling would allow modulation and thus regulation of GPCR signaling, taking advantage of it for pharmacological treatment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Segerer2019, author = {Segerer, Gabriela}, title = {Characterization of cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase AUM}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123847}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Mammalian haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-type phosphatases are a large and ubiquitous family of at least 40 human members. Many of them have important physiological functions, such as the regulation of intermediary metabolism and the modulation of enzyme activities, yet they are also linked to diseases such as cardiovascular or metabolic disorders and cancer. Still, most of the mammalian HAD phosphatases remain functionally uncharacterized. This thesis reveals novel cell biological and physiological functions of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase PGP, also referred to as AUM. To this end, PGP was functionally characterized by performing analyses using purified recombinant proteins to investigate potential protein substrates of PGP, cell biological studies using the spermatogonial cell line GC1, primary mouse lung endothelial cells and lymphocytes, and a range of biochemical techniques to characterize Pgp-deficient mouse embryos. To characterize the cell biological functions of PGP, its role downstream of RTK- and integrin signaling in the regulation of cell migration was investigated. It was shown that PGP inactivation elevates integrin- and RTK-induced circular dorsal ruffle (CDR) formation, cell spreading and cell migration. Furthermore, PGP was identified as a negative regulator of directed lymphocyte migration upon integrin- and GPCR activation. The underlying mechanisms were analyzed further. It was demonstrated that PGP regulates CDR formation and cell migration in a PLC- and PKC-dependent manner, and that Src family kinase activities are required for the observed cellular effects. Upon integrin- and RTK activation, phosphorylation levels of tyrosine residues 1068 and 1173 of the EGF receptor were elevated and PLCγ1 was hyper-activated in PGP-deficient cells. Additionally, PGP-inactivated lymphocytes displayed elevated PKC activity, and PKC-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling was accelerated upon loss of PGP activity. Untargeted lipidomic analyses revealed that the membrane lipid phosphatidylserine (PS) was highly upregulated in PGP-depleted cells. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the accumulation of PS in the plasma membrane leads to a pre-assembly of signaling molecules such as PLCγ1 or PKCs that couple the activation of integrins, EGF receptors and GPCRs to accelerated cytoskeletal remodeling. Thus, this thesis shows that PGP can affect cell spreading and cell migration by acting as a PG-directed phosphatase. To understand the physiological functions of PGP, conditionally PGP-inactivated mice were analyzed. Whole-body PGP inactivation led to an intrauterine growth defect with developmental delay after E8.5, resulting in a gradual deterioration and death of PgpDN/DN embryos between E9.5 and E11.5. However, embryonic lethality upon whole-body PGP inactivation was not caused by a primary defect of the (cardio-) vascular system. Rather, PGP inactivated embryos died during the intrauterine transition from hypoxic to normoxic conditions. Therefore, the potential impact of oxygen on PGP-dependent cell proliferation was investigated. Analyses of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) generated from E8.5 embryos and GC1 cells cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions revealed that normoxia (~20\% O2) causes a proliferation defect in PGP-inactivated cells, which can be rescued under hypoxic (~1\% O2) conditions. Mechanistically, it was found that the activity of triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), an enzyme previously described to be inhibited by phosphoglycolate (PG) in vitro, was attenuated in PGP-inactivated cells and embryos. TPI constitutes a critical branch point between carbohydrate- and lipid metabolism because it catalyzes the isomerization of the glycolytic intermediates dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP, a precursor of the glycerol backbone required for triglyceride biosynthesis) and glyceraldehyde 3'-phosphate (GADP). Attenuation of TPI activity, likely explains the observed elevation of glycerol 3-phosphate levels and the increased TG biosynthesis (lipogenesis). Analyses of ATP levels and oxygen consumption rates (OCR) showed that mitochondrial respiration rates and ATP production were elevated in PGP-deficient cells in a lipolysis-dependent manner. However under hypoxic conditions (which corrected the impaired proliferation of PGP-inactivated cells), OCR and ATP production was indistinguishable between PGP-deficient and PGP-proficient cells. We therefore propose that the inhibition of TPI activity by PG accumulation due to loss of PGP activity shifts cellular bioenergetics from a pro-proliferative, glycolytic metabolism to a lipogenetic/lipolytic metabolism. Taken together, PGP acts as a metabolic phosphatase involved in the regulation of cell migration, cell proliferation and cellular bioenergetics. This thesis constitutes the basis for further studies of the interfaces between these processes, and also suggests functions of PGP for glucose and lipid metabolism in the adult organism.}, subject = {Phosphoglykolatphosphatase}, language = {en} } @article{KochDegerKlotzetal.1986, author = {Koch, R. and Deger, A. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Schenzle, D. and Kr{\"a}mer, H. and Kelm, S. and M{\"u}ller, G. and Rapp, R. and Weber, U.}, title = {Characterization of solubilized insulin receptors from rat liver microsomes. Existence of two receptor species with different binding properties}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60215}, year = {1986}, abstract = {Insulin receptors were solubilized from rat liver microsomes by the nonionic detergent Triton X-100. After gel filtration of the extract on Sepharose CL-6B, two insulin-binding species (peak I and peak li) were obtained. The structure and binding properties of both peaks were characterized. Gel filtration yielded Stokes radii of 9.2 nm (peak I) and 8.0 nm (peak Il). Both peaks were glycoproteins. At 4°C peak 1 showed optimal insulin binding at pH 8.0 and high ionic strength. In contrast, peak li bad its binding optimum at pH 7.0 and low ionic strength, where peak I bindingwas minimal. For peak I the change in insulin binding under different conditions of pH and ionic strength was due to a change in receptor affinity only. For peak 11 an additional change in receptor number was found. Both peaks yielded non-linear Scatchard plots under most of the buffer conditions examined. At their binding optima at 4 oc the high affinity dissociation constants were 0.50 nM (peak I) and 0.55 nM (peak II). Sodium dodecyl sulfatejpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of peak I revealed five receptor bands with Mr 400000, 365000, 320000, 290000, and 245000 under non-reducing conditions. For peak II two major receptor bands with M\(_r\) 210000 and 115000 were found. The peak II receptor bands were also obtained aftermild reduction of peak I. After complete reduction both peaks showed one major receptor band with M\(_r\) 130000. The reductive generation of the peak II receptor together with molecular mass estimations suggest that the peak I receptor is the disulfide-linked dimer of the peak II receptor. Thus, Triton extracts from rat liver microsomes contain two receptor species, which are related, but differ considerably in their size and insulin-binding properties.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{TawfikSchlieperKlotzKreyeetal.1989, author = {Tawfik-Schlieper, H. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Kreye, V. A. W. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Characterization of the K\(^+\)-channel-coupled adenosine receptor in guinea pig atria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60333}, year = {1989}, abstract = {In the present work we studied the pharmacological profile of adenosine receptors in guinea pig atria by investigating the effect of different adenosine analogues on 86Rb + -efflux from isolated left atria and on binding of the antagonist radioligand 8-cyclopentyl-1 ,3-[\(^3\)H]dipropylxanthine ([\(^3\)H]DPCPX) to atrial membrane preparations. The rate of \8^{86}\)Rb\(^+\) -effiux was increased twofold by the maximally effective concentrations of adenosine receptor agonists. The EC50-values for 2-chloro-N\(^6\)-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), R-N\(^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine (R-PIA), 5'-Nethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA), and S-N\(^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine (S-PIA) were 0.10, 0.14, 0.24 and 12.9 \(\mu\)M, respectively. DPCPX shifted the R-PIA concentration-response curve to the right in a concentration-dependent manner with a K\(_B\)-value of 8.1 nM, indicating competitive antagonism. [\(^3\)H]DPCPX showed a saturable binding to atrial membranes with a Bmax·value of 227 fmol/mg protein and a K\(_D\)-value of 1.3 nM. Competition experiments showed a similar potency for the three agonists CCPA, R-PIA and NECA. S-PIA is 200 times less potent than R-PIA. Our results suggest that the K\(^+\) channel-coupled adenosine receptor in guinea pig atria is of an A\(_1\) subtype.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{KlotzLohseSchwabe1986, author = {Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Lohse, M. J. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Characterization of the solubilized A\(_1\) adenosine receptor from rat brain membranes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60222}, year = {1986}, abstract = {A\(_1\) adenosine receptors from rat brain membranes were solubilized with the zwitterionic detergent 3-[3-( cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. The solubilized receptors retained all the characteristics of membrane-bound A\(_1\) adenosine receptors. A high and a low agonist affinity state for the radiolabelled agonist (R)-\(N^6\)-[\(^3\)H]phenylisopropyladenosine([\(^3\)H]PJA) with K\(_D\) values of 0.3 and 12 nM, respectively, were detected. High-affinity agonist binding was regulated by guanine nucleotides. In addition agonist binding was still modulated by divalent cations. The solubilized A\(_1\) adenosine receptors could be labelled not only with the agonist [\(^3\)H]PIA but also with the antagonist I ,3-diethyi-8-[\(^3\)H]phenylxanthine. Guanine nucleotides did not affect antagonist binding as reported for membrane-bound receptors. These results suggest that the solubilized receptors are still coupled to the guanine nucleotide binding protein N; and that all regulatory functions are retained on solubilization. Key Words: A1 adenosine receptors - Solubilization- Rat brain membranes. Klotz K.-N. et al. Characterization of the solubilized A1 adenosine receptor from rat brain membranes. J. Neurochem. 46, 1528-1534 (1986).}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaestner2023, author = {Kaestner, Alexandra Annika Nadine}, title = {Charakterisierung pharmakologischer Phosphoglykolatphosphatase-Inhibitoren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-27239}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-272394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit geht es um die Phosphoglykolatphosphatase (PGP), die als Phosphatase vom Haloazid Dehalogenase-Typ (HAD-Phosphatase) zu der ubiquit{\"a}r vorkommenden Superfamilie der HAD-Hydrolasen geh{\"o}rt. In der Literatur ist eine in vitro Phosphatase-Aktivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber 2-Phospho-L-Laktat (2PL), 4-Phospho-D-Erythronat (4PE), Phosphoglykolat (PG) und Glycerol-3-Phosphat (G3P) beschrieben. 2PL und 4PE entstehen in Nebenreaktionen w{\"a}hrend der Glykolyse und hemmen bei Akkumulation die Glykolyse bzw. den Pentosephosphatweg. PG kann auch in einer Nebenreaktion w{\"a}hrend der Glykolyse oder im Rahmen der Reparatur von oxidativen DNA-Sch{\"a}den entstehen. G3P entsteht aus Dihydroxyacetonphosphat und bildet das Kohlenhydratger{\"u}st der Triacylglyceride (TAG). Zellul{\"a}re Studien konnten Hinweise auf die Regulierung des epidermalen wachstumsfaktor-(EGF-)induzierten Zytoskelettumbaus durch die PGP liefern und die Untersuchung von M{\"a}usen mit PGP-Inaktivierung zeigte einen Einfluss auf die Zellproliferation und embryonale Entwicklung. Die Regulation der PGP-Expression f{\"u}hrte zu Ver{\"a}nderungen im Kohlenhydrat- und Fettstoffwechsel. Die Untersuchung der PGP-Funktionen erfolgte bislang ausschließlich mit genetischen Ans{\"a}tzen. Aufgrund von m{\"o}glichen Kompensationsmechanismen und Off-Target-Effekten m{\"u}ssen genetische und pharmakologische Methoden als sich erg{\"a}nzende Ans{\"a}tze verstanden werden. Um die Funktionen der PGP besser zu verstehen, fokussiert sich die vorliegende Arbeit auf die gezielte pharmakologische PGP-Inhibition. In Vorarbeiten wurden 41.000 Molek{\"u}le gescreent und f{\"u}nf potentielle Inhibitoren identifiziert. Ziele dieser Arbeit waren zum einen die Implementierung der Inhibitor \# 1-Behandlung in der Zellkultur, zum anderen die Charakterisierung der PGP-Hemmung durch Inhibitor \# 48 und die Durchf{\"u}hrung erster Selektivit{\"a}tstestungen mit Inhibitor \# 48. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass Inhibitor \# 1 in der Lage ist, die endogene PGP in Zelllysaten der murinen spermatogonialen Zelllinie (GC1) zu hemmen. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen f{\"u}hrte die Inhibitor \# 1-Behandlung der GC1-Zellen zur Hemmung der PGP. Erste Analysen zellul{\"a}rer Inhibitoreffekte konnten eine Steigerung der TAG-Konzentration in behandelten GC1-Zellen nachweisen. Die PGP-Hemmung durch Inhibitor \# 48 wurde als unkompetitive Inhibition charakterisiert und es zeigten sich keine relevanten Inhibitoreffekte auf die HAD-Phosphatasen Magnesium-abh{\"a}ngige Phosphatase 1 (MDP1), Lysin-Histidin-Pyrophosphat-Phosphatase (LHPP) und Polynukleotidase 5'-Kinase/3'-Phosphatase (PnkP). Dagegen konnte eine Aktivit{\"a}tssteigerung von Phospho 2 beobachtet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert somit erste Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Anwendung des PGP-Inhibitors \# 1 in der Zellkultur und schafft die Grundlage f{\"u}r nachfolgende Untersuchungen mit Inhibitor \# 48. Weitere Experimente sind notwendig, die die Inhibitorbehandlung in der Zellkultur optimieren und die Selektivit{\"a}t weiter charakterisieren, um mithilfe der Inhibitoren neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die physiologische und pathophysiologische Rolle der PGP gewinnen zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Phosphoglykolatphosphatase}, language = {de} } @article{LutzSchlatter1992, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, J.}, title = {Chemical carcinogens and overnutrition in diet-related cancer [commentary]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60712}, year = {1992}, abstract = {The intake of known dietary carclnogens was compiled and the cancer risk was estlmated on the basis of carcinogenic potencies in animals as derived from the Carcinogenic Potency Database by Gold and co-workers. The total cancer risk was compared with the number of cancer cases attributed by epidemiologists to dietary factors (one-third of all cancer cases, i.e. -80 000 per one million Jives). Except for alcohol, the known dietary carcinogens could not account for more than a few bundred cancer cases. Tbis was seen both with tbe DNA-reactive carcinogens (beterocyclic aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, N-nitroso compounds, estragole, aflatoxin B., ethyl carbamate, to name the most important factors) as wen as with those carclnogens wbich have not been shown to react with DNA (e.g. caffelc acid and the carcinogeruc metals arsenic and cadmium). Residues and contaminants turned out to be negligible. Among the various pmsibilities to explain the discrepancy we investigated the roJe of ovemutritlon. Dietary restriction in animals is weil known for its strong reducing effect on spontaneous tumor formation. These data can be used to derive a carcinogenic potency for excess macronutrients: tbe tumor incidence seen with the restrlcted animals is taken as a control value and the increased tumor incidence in the animals fed ad libitum is attributed to the additional feed iotake. For excess standard diet in rats, a carcinogenic potency TD50 of 16 glkg/day was deduced from a recent study. Ovemutrition in Switzerland, estimated to be 5.5 kcallkg/day, was converted to excess food (1.9 g/kg/day) and tbe cancer incidence was calculated. The result, 60 000 cancer cases per one million Jives, is provocatively close to the number of cases not explained by the known dietary chemical carcinogens. Mechanistic studies will be required to test our hypothesis and investigate the role of different types of macronutrients in ovemutrition.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{KlotzLohseSchwabe1988, author = {Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Lohse, M. J. and Schwabe, U.}, title = {Chemical modification of A\(_1\) adenosine receptors in rat brain membranes - evidence for histidine in different domains of the ligand binding site}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60295}, year = {1988}, abstract = {Chemical modification of amino acid residues was used to probe the ligand recognition site of A\(_1\) adenosine receptors from rat brain membranes. The effect of treatment with group·specific reagents on agonist and antagonist radioligand binding was investigated. The histidine-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) induced a loss of binding of the agonist R-N\(^6\)-[\(^3\)H]phenylisopropyladenosine ([\(^3\)H]PIA), which could be prevented in part by agonists, but not by antagonists. DEP treatment induced also a loss of binding of the antagonist [\(^3\)H]8- cyclopentyl-1 ,3-dipropylxanthine ([\(^3\)H]DPCPX). Antagonists protected A\(_1\) receptors from this inactivation while agonists did not. This result provided evidence for the existence of at least 2 different histidine residues involved in ligand binding. Consistent with a modification of the binding site, DEP did not alter the affinity of [\(^3\)H]DPCPX, but reduced receptor number. From the selective protection of [\(^3\)H] PIA and [\(^3\)H]DPCPX binding from inactivation, it is concluded that agonists and antagonists oocupy different domains at the binding site. Sulfhydryl modifying reagents did not influence antagonist binding, but inhibited agonist binding. This effect is explained by modification of tbe inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding protein. Pyridoxal 5-phosphate inactivated both [\(^3\)H]PIA and [\(^3\)H]DPCPX binding, but the receptors could not be protected from inactivation by ligands. Therefore, no amino group seems to be located at the Iigand binding site. In addition, it was shown that no further amino acids witb polar side chains are present. The absence of bydrophilic amino acids frout the recognition site of the receptor apart from histidine suggests an explanation for the lack of hydrophilic ligands with high affinity for A\(_1\) receptors.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{FreyGassenmaierHofmannetal.2020, author = {Frey, Anna and Gassenmaier, Tobias and Hofmann, Ulrich and Schmitt, Dominik and Fette, Georg and Marx, Almuth and Heterich, Sabine and Boivin-Jahns, Val{\´e}rie and Ertl, Georg and Bley, Thorsten and Frantz, Stefan and Jahns, Roland and St{\"o}rk, Stefan}, title = {Coagulation factor XIII activity predicts left ventricular remodelling after acute myocardial infarction}, series = {ESC Heart Failure}, volume = {7}, journal = {ESC Heart Failure}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1002/ehf2.12774}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236013}, pages = {2354-2364}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Aims Acute myocardial infarction (MI) is the major cause of chronic heart failure. The activity of blood coagulation factor XIII (FXIIIa) plays an important role in rodents as a healing factor after MI, whereas its role in healing and remodelling processes in humans remains unclear. We prospectively evaluated the relevance of FXIIIa after acute MI as a potential early prognostic marker for adequate healing. Methods and results This monocentric prospective cohort study investigated cardiac remodelling in patients with ST-elevation MI and followed them up for 1 year. Serum FXIIIa was serially assessed during the first 9 days after MI and after 2, 6, and 12 months. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed within 4 days after MI (Scan 1), after 7 to 9 days (Scan 2), and after 12 months (Scan 3). The FXIII valine-to-leucine (V34L) single-nucleotide polymorphism rs5985 was genotyped. One hundred forty-six patients were investigated (mean age 58 ± 11 years, 13\% women). Median FXIIIa was 118 \% (quartiles, 102-132\%) and dropped to a trough on the second day after MI: 109\%(98-109\%; P < 0.001). FXIIIa recovered slowly over time, reaching the baseline level after 2 to 6 months and surpassed baseline levels only after 12 months: 124 \% (110-142\%). The development of FXIIIa after MI was independent of the genotype. FXIIIa on Day 2 was strongly and inversely associated with the relative size of MI in Scan 1 (Spearman's ρ = -0.31; P = 0.01) and Scan 3 (ρ = -0.39; P < 0.01) and positively associated with left ventricular ejection fraction: ρ = 0.32 (P < 0.01) and ρ = 0.24 (P = 0.04), respectively. Conclusions FXIII activity after MI is highly dynamic, exhibiting a significant decline in the early healing period, with reconstitution 6 months later. Depressed FXIIIa early after MI predicted a greater size of MI and lower left ventricular ejection fraction after 1 year. The clinical relevance of these findings awaits to be tested in a randomized trial.}, language = {en} } @article{StopperKuehnelPodschun1994, author = {Stopper, Helga and K{\"u}hnel, A. and Podschun, B.}, title = {Combination of the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil with an inhibitor of its catabolism results in increased micronucleus induction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63383}, year = {1994}, abstract = {The rate limiting step in 5-fluorouracil catabolism is catalyzed by the enzyme dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase. Since degradation of 5-fluorouracil decreases its efficacy in chemotherapy, the inhibition of its catabolism is a promising tool. We investigated the formation of micronuclei in vitro in mouse L5178Y cells. 5-fluorouracil induced an increase in micronucleus frequency, which could significantly be enhanced by the concurrent application of 2,6-dihydroxypyridine, an inhibitor of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase. The 5-fluorouracil concentration necessary to reach maximal genotoxic effects could be reduced to half in the presence of inhibitor. 2,6-Dihydroxypyridine alone and the naturally occuring enzyme substrate uracil did not induce micronucleus formation. Combined application of the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil and an inhibitor of its could reduce side-effects by lowering the effective dose of the active drug. With this study we provide further support for the usefulness of this concept.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{JaggiLutzSchlatter1979, author = {Jaggi, W. and Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Comparative studies on the covalent binding of the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene to DNA in various model systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61131}, year = {1979}, abstract = {The covalent binding of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene (BP) to DNA has been determined in rat liver in vivo, in rat liver perfused in situ, after incubation of BP with liver single cells, with liver homogenate, with liver microsomes and DNA, with fibroblasts from a rat granulorna pouch, and with · 2 cell lines. Li ver single cells were found to be a valuable compromise between the rnost sensitive system (microsomal incubation of BP with DNA) and the biologically most relevant system (in vivo ).}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{KlotzVogtTawfikSchlieper1991, author = {Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Vogt, H. and Tawfik-Schlieper, H.}, title = {Comparison of A\(_1\) adenosine receptors in brain from different species by radioligand binding and photoaffinity labelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60388}, year = {1991}, abstract = {Radioligand binding to A\(_1\) adenosine receptors at brain membranes from seven species was investigated. The antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1 ,3-[\(^3\)H]dipropylxanthine ([\(^3\)H]DPCPX) bound with affinities between 0.17 nM in sheep brain and 2.1 nM in guinea pig brain. Competition of several antagonists for [\(^3\)H]DPCPX binding showed that the most potent compounds were DPCPX with K\(_i\) values of 0.05 nM in bovine brain and 1.1 nM in guinea pig brain and xanthine amine congener (XAC) with K\(_i\) values of 0.03 nM in bovine brain and 5.5 nM in guinea pig brain. The differences in affinity of the agonist radio Iigand 2-chloro-N\(^6\) -[\(^3\)H]cyclopen tyladenosine ([\(^3\)H]CCP A) were less pronounced, rauging from a K\(_D\) value of 0.12 nM (hamster brain) to 0.42 nM (guinea pig brain). Agonist competition for [\(^3\)H]DPCPX binding of photoaffinity labelling, however, exhibited marked species differences. N-Ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) and S-N\(^6\)-phenylisopropyladenosine (S-PIA) showed 20 to 25-fold different K\(_D\) values in different species. NECA had a particularly high affinity in guinea pig brain and was only two-fold less potent than R-PIA. Thus, the difference from the "classical" A\(_1\) receptor profile (R-PIA > -NECA > S-PIA) is not sufficient to speculate that A\(_1\) receptor subtypes may exist that are coupled to different effector systems. Our data show that these difference can easily be explained by species differences.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{SchanbacherHermannsLorenzetal.2023, author = {Schanbacher, Constanze and Hermanns, Heike M. and Lorenz, Kristina and Wajant, Harald and Lang, Isabell}, title = {Complement 1q/tumor necrosis factor-related proteins (CTRPs): structure, receptors and signaling}, series = {Biomedicines}, volume = {11}, journal = {Biomedicines}, number = {2}, issn = {2227-9059}, doi = {10.3390/biomedicines11020559}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304136}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Adiponectin and the other 15 members of the complement 1q (C1q)/tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related protein (CTRP) family are secreted proteins composed of an N-terminal variable domain followed by a stalk region and a characteristic C-terminal trimerizing globular C1q (gC1q) domain originally identified in the subunits of the complement protein C1q. We performed a basic PubMed literature search for articles mentioning the various CTRPs or their receptors in the abstract or title. In this narrative review, we briefly summarize the biology of CTRPs and focus then on the structure, receptors and major signaling pathways of CTRPs. Analyses of CTRP knockout mice and CTRP transgenic mice gave overwhelming evidence for the relevance of the anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects of CTRPs in autoimmune diseases, obesity, atherosclerosis and cardiac dysfunction. CTRPs form homo- and heterotypic trimers and oligomers which can have different activities. The receptors of some CTRPs are unknown and some receptors are redundantly targeted by several CTRPs. The way in which CTRPs activate their receptors to trigger downstream signaling pathways is largely unknown. CTRPs and their receptors are considered as promising therapeutic targets but their translational usage is still hampered by the limited knowledge of CTRP redundancy and CTRP signal transduction.}, language = {en} } @article{GuthHueserRothetal.2021, author = {Guth, Sabine and H{\"u}ser, Stephanie and Roth, Angelika and Degen, Gisela and Diel, Patrick and Edlund, Karolina and Eisenbrand, Gerhard and Engel, Karl-Heinz and Epe, Bernd and Grune, Tilman and Heinz, Volker and Henle, Thomas and Humpf, Hans-Ulrich and J{\"a}ger, Henry and Joost, Hans-Georg and Kulling, Sabine E. and Lampen, Alfonso and Mally, Angela and Marchan, Rosemarie and Marko, Doris and M{\"u}hle, Eva and Nitsche, Michael A. and R{\"o}hrdanz, Elke and Stadler, Richard and van Thriel, Christoph and Vieths, Stefan and Vogel, Rudi F. and Wascher, Edmund and Watzl, Carsten and N{\"o}thlings, Ute and Hengstler, Jan G.}, title = {Contribution to the ongoing discussion on fluoride toxicity}, series = {Archives of Toxicology}, volume = {95}, journal = {Archives of Toxicology}, number = {7}, issn = {0340-5761}, doi = {10.1007/s00204-021-03072-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-307161}, pages = {2571-2587}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Since the addition of fluoride to drinking water in the 1940s, there have been frequent and sometimes heated discussions regarding its benefits and risks. In a recently published review, we addressed the question if current exposure levels in Europe represent a risk to human health. This review was discussed in an editorial asking why we did not calculate benchmark doses (BMD) of fluoride neurotoxicity for humans. Here, we address the question, why it is problematic to calculate BMDs based on the currently available data. Briefly, the conclusions of the available studies are not homogeneous, reporting negative as well as positive results; moreover, the positive studies lack control of confounding factors such as the influence of well-known neurotoxicants. We also discuss the limitations of several further epidemiological studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria of our review. Finally, it is important to not only focus on epidemiological studies. Rather, risk analysis should consider all available data, including epidemiological, animal, as well as in vitro studies. Despite remaining uncertainties, the totality of evidence does not support the notion that fluoride should be considered a human developmental neurotoxicant at current exposure levels in European countries.}, language = {en} } @article{AlldrickLutz1989, author = {Alldrick, A. J. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Covalent binding of [2-\(^{14}\)C]2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]-quinoxaline (MeIQx) to mouse DNA in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60832}, year = {1989}, abstract = {Fernale BALB/c mice were administered intragastrically with equimolar amounts of either [2-\(^{14}\)C]2-amino-3,8-dimethyi[ 4,5-J]qulnoxaline (MeiQx) or 2-acetylamino[9-\(^{14}\)C]fluorene (2AAF). DNA was isolated from tissues of mice killed either 6 or 24 h after administration. Analysis of liver DNA nucleotide digests by HPLC analysis revealed that all of the radioactivity was attributable to adduct formation. Tbe specific activities of DNA samples were converted to covalent bindlog indices (CBI, J.LIDOI adduct per mol DNA nucleotides/mmol chemical app6ed per kg animal body weight). CBI values of 25 and 9 were detennined for 2AAF and MeiQx in tbe llvers of mice killed 6 h after dosing. The values were in general agreement with the moderate carcinogenic potency of these compounds. The specific activities of DNA preparations obtained from the lddneys, spleens, stomachs, small intestines and large intestlnes of mice treated witb MeiQx and killed 6 h after doslng were S- to 35-times less tban those obtained witb the llver. DNA isolated from tbe lungs (a target organ for MeiQx tumorigenicity) of MeiQx-treated mice was not radiolabeUed at tbe limit of detection (CBI <0.3). With tbe exception of tbe gastrolntestinal tract, the specific activities of DNA samples isolated from mice killed 6 h after administration were higher than those from mice killed after 24 h.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{MarinovichLutz1985, author = {Marinovich, M. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Covalent binding of aflatoxin B\(_1\) to liver DNA in rats pretreated with ethanol}, series = {Experientia}, volume = {41}, journal = {Experientia}, number = {10}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55237}, pages = {1338 -- 1340}, year = {1985}, abstract = {Male Fischer F-344 rats were given ethanol in the drinking water and/or by single oral administration. Following this, the animals received p.o. 100 ng/kg of the hepatocarcinogen eHJaflatoxin BI (AFBI)' 24 h later, the level of DNA-bound AFBI was determined in the liver and was found not to be affected by any type of ethanol pretreatment. A cocarcinogenic effect of ethanol in the liver is therefore unlikely to be due to an effect on the metabolic activation and inactivation processes governing the formation of DNA-binding AFBI metabolites.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzJaggiSchlatter1982, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Jaggi, W. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Covalent binding of diethylstilbestrol to DNA in rat and hamster liver and kidney [Short Communication]}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61066}, year = {1982}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{JaggiLutzSchlatter1978, author = {Jaggi, W. and Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {Covalent binding of ethinylestradiol and estrone to rat liver DNA in vivo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61162}, year = {1978}, abstract = {Thecovalent bindingof [6,7-\(^3\)H]ethinylestradiol (EE)and [6,7-\(^3\)H]estrone (E) to liver DNA of 200 g female ratswas measured 8 h after the administration of 80 \(\mu\)g (9.2 mCi) estrogen by gavage. The binding is 1.5 for EE and 1.1 for E, expressedas binding to DNA/dose, in units of \(\mu\)mol hormonefmol DNA phosphate/mmole honnone/kg body wt. It is in the same order of magnitude as for benzene and about 10 000 tim es below the binding of typical liver carcinogens, such as aflatoxin B\(_1\) or N,N-dimethylnitrosamine.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{EpeHarttigStopperetal.1990, author = {Epe, B. and Harttig, U. and Stopper, Helga and Metzler, M.}, title = {Covalent binding of reactive estrogen metabolites to microtubular protein as a possible mechanism of aneuploidy induction and neoplastic cell transformation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63478}, year = {1990}, abstract = {Neoplastic cell transfonnation induced by estrogens and some other carcinogen\& such as benzene appears to involve the induction of mitotic aneuploidy rather than DNA damage and point mutations. As metabolic activation may also play an important roJe in the mechanism of carcinogenesis of these nongenotoxic compounds, we have studied the Interaction of reactive quinone metabolites of various estrogens and of benzene with the major microtubular protein, tubulin, in a cell-free system. Covalent binding of the radioactively labeled metabolites to the a- and 13-subunit of tubulin was found to depend on the structure of the metabolite. When the adducted tubulins were tested in vitro for their ability to polymerize to microtubules, Inhibition of microtubule assembly was obsened in every case, although to varying extents. It is proposed that the fonnation of covalent tubulin adducts may impair the formation of mitotic spindies and thus contribute to chromosomal nondisjunction and aneuploidy induction.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{CantoreggiLutz1993, author = {Cantoreggi, S. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Covalent binding of styrene to DNA in rat and mouse}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60693}, year = {1993}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{LutzWinklerDunitz1971, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Winkler, F. K. and Dunitz, J. D.}, title = {Crystal structure of the antibiotic monensin similarities and differences betweeen free acid and metal complex}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61228}, year = {1971}, abstract = {The structure of monensin, C36H620 11 , has been deterrnined by X-ray analysis of its crystalline monohydrate (orthorhombic, a = 15.15, b = 23.61, c = 10.65 A, Z = 4, space group P212121). Phases were assigned by direct methods, malring use of the 'tangent formula'. Although the conformation of the free acid resembles that of the silver salt in being cyclic, there are differences in the hydrogen bonding pattern. These featurcs are discussed in relation to the cornplexation of metal ions by m.onensin.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{VoglLutzSchoenfelderetal.2015, author = {Vogl, Silvia and Lutz, Roman W. and Sch{\"o}nfelder, Gilbert and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {CYP2C9 genotype vs. metabolic phenotype for individual drug dosing - a correlation analysis using flurbiprofen as probe drug}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0120403}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148783}, pages = {e0120403}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Currently, genotyping of patients for polymorphic enzymes responsible for metabolic elimination is considered a possibility to adjust drug dose levels. For a patient to profit from this procedure, the interindividual differences in drug metabolism within one genotype should be smaller than those between different genotypes. We studied a large cohort of healthy young adults (283 subjects), correlating their CYP2C9 genotype to a simple phenotyping metric, using flurbiprofen as probe drug. Genotyping was conducted for CYP2C9*1, *2, *3. The urinary metabolic ratio MR (concentration of CYP2C9-dependent metabolite divided by concentration of flurbiprofen) determined two hours after flurbiprofen (8.75 mg) administration served as phenotyping metric. Linear statistical models correlating genotype and phenotype provided highly significant allele-specific MR estimates of 0.596 for the wild type allele CYP2C9*1, 0.405 for CYP2C9*2 (68 \% of wild type), and 0.113 for CYP2C9*3 (19 \% of wild type). If these estimates were used for flurbiprofen dose adjustment, taking 100 \% for genotype *1/*1, an average reduction to 84 \%, 60 \%, 68 \%, 43 \%, and 19\% would result for genotype *1/*2, *1/*3, *2/*2, *2/*3, and *3/*3, respectively. Due to the large individual variation within genotypes with coefficients of variation >= 20\% and supposing the normal distribution, one in three individuals would be out of the average optimum dose by more than 20 \%, one in 20 would be 40\% off. Whether this problem also applies to other CYPs and other drugs has to be investigated case by case. Our data for the given example, however, puts the benefit of individual drug dosing to question, if it is exclusively based on genotype.}, language = {en} } @article{KirchnerStopperPappetal.1993, author = {Kirchner, S. and Stopper, Helga and Papp, T. and Eckert, I. and Yoo, H. J. and Vig, B. K. and Schiffmann, D.}, title = {Cytogenetic changes in primary, immortalized and malignant mammalian cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63439}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Some chromosomes in transformed rat cells and somatic cell hybrids fail to display the presence of kinetochore proteins as detected by antikinetochore antibodies. Suchchromosomes (K- Chromosomes) may constitute a novel mechanism for the genesis of aneuploidy. Wehave analyzed primary~ immortalized and malignant marnmalian cells for the presence of kinetochore proteins and micronuclei. Our resuJts suggest a correlation of the K- chromosome and micronucleus frequency with the variability in chromosome number. Upon in situ hybridization with the minor satellite and alpha satellite sequences some Kchromosomes showed a signal. This indicates that the observed lack of kinetocbores is not necessarily due to a lack of centromeric DNA. We conclude that dislocated K- chromosomes may become incorporated into micronuclei which are prone to loss. Such events would be associated with the generation of aneuploidy.}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @article{JesaitisKlotz1993, author = {Jesaitis, A. J. and Klotz, Karl-Norbert}, title = {Cytoskeletal regulation of chemotactic receptors: Molecular complexation of N-formyl peptide receptors with G proteins and actin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79673}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Signal transduction via receptors for N-formylmethionyl peptide chemoattractants (FPR) on human neutrophils is a highly regulated process. It involves direct interaction of receptors with heterotrimeric G-proteins and may be under thc control of cytoskeletal clemcnts. Evidencc exists suggesting that thc cytoskeleton and/or the membrane ske1eton determines the distribution of FPR in the plane of the plasma membrane, thus controlling FPR accessibility to different protcins in functionally distinct membrane domains. In desensitized cells, FPR are restricted to domains which are depleted of G proteins but enriched in cytoskeletal proteins such as actin and fodrin. Thus, the G protein signal transduction partners of FPR become inacccssible to the agonist-occupied receptor, preventing cell activation. We are investigating the molecular basis for the interaction of FPR with the membrane skeleton, and our results suggest that FPR, and possibly other receptors, may directly bind to cytoskeletal proteins such as actin.}, subject = {Immunologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reiser2023, author = {Reiser, Pia}, title = {Das Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) - Konzept als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklung mechanistischer tierversuchsfreier Ans{\"a}tze: Eine Fallstudie {\"u}ber Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t initiiert durch rezeptorvermittelte Endozytose und lysosomalen Overload}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31804}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Zur Verbesserung der Pr{\"u}fung und Risikobewertung der zunehmenden Menge von Chemikalien und Arzneimitteln, gilt es neue Alternativen in Form von in vitro Pr{\"u}fmethoden mit mechanistisch relevanten Endpunkten zu finden. Einen solchen Rahmen bietet das konzeptionelle Konstrukt des Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP)- Konzepts. Es erzeugt auf der Basis bestehenden Wissens einen mechanistischen und kausalen Zusammenhang mit Hilfe von mehreren Schl{\"u}sselereignissen (Key Event [KE]) zwischen einem initierenden molekularen Ereignis (Molecular Initiating Event [MIE]) und einem adversen Effekt (Adverse Outcome [AO]) auf biologischer Ebene. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der AOP „Rezeptorvermittelte Endozytose und lysosomaler Overload f{\"u}hren zu Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t" am Zellkulturmodell proximaler Nierentubuluszellen weiterentwickelt. Es wurden in vitro Assays f{\"u}r die Zelllinien RPTEC/TERT1 (Mensch) und NRK-52 E (Ratte) f{\"u}r jedes KE etabliert. In dem AOP wird die Initiierung der Sch{\"a}digung des Nierengewebes durch rezeptorvermittelte Endozytose der Substanzen (MIE) mit folgendem lysosomalem Overload (KE 1) und der lysosomalen Membranruptur (KE 2) beschrieben. Es kommt zur Zellsch{\"a}digung (KE 3) und endet mit einem Schaden auf Organebene (AO). F{\"u}r KE 1 erfolgte die Visualisierung des lysosomal-assoziierten Membranproteins (lysosomal-associated Membranprotein [LAMP]) und in KE 2 die Darstellung der Protease Cathepsin D (CTSD) mittels Immunfluoreszenz. F{\"u}r KE 3 wurden spezifische Toxizit{\"a}tsdaten der Testsubstanzen mit dem CellTiter-Glo® Lumineszenz-Zellviabilit{\"a}tstest generiert. Gew{\"a}hlte Stressoren f{\"u}r den AOP war die Gruppe der Polymyxin-Antibiotika (Polymyxin B, Colistin, Polymyxin B Nonapeptid), das Aminoglykosid Gentamicin, das Glykopeptid Vancomycin sowie Cadmiumchlorid. In Zusammenschau der Ergebnisse der drei KEs war die Rangfolge der Auswirkungen der drei Polymyxin-Derivate {\"u}ber alle KEs konsistent. Polymyxin B erwies sich als aktivste Substanz, w{\"a}hrend Polymyxin B Nonapeptid die geringsten Auswirkungen zeigte. Als Ausblick in weiterf{\"u}hrenden Analysen der Arbeitsgruppe konnten bei Cadmiumchlorid trotz einer signifikanten Zytotoxizit{\"a}t (KE 3) nur geringe Auswirkungen in der LAMPExpression (KE 1) aufgezeigt werden. Des Weiteren erfolgte die Erstellung von Response-Response-Analysen, um mittels vorgeschalteter Schl{\"u}sselereignisse nachfolgende Effekte vorhersagen zu k{\"o}nnen. Projektpartner der Universit{\"a}t Utrecht entwickelten dar{\"u}ber hinaus eine quantitative in vitro in vivo Extrapolation (QIVIVE) mittels eines physiologisch basierten pharmakokinetischen (PBPK) Modells.}, subject = {Nephrotoxizit{\"a}t}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vietinghoff2003, author = {Vietinghoff, Sibylle von}, title = {Das Ecdysonsystem zur induzierbaren Genexpression in Herzen von transgenen M{\"a}usen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7101}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Zusammenfassung Systeme zur induzierbaren Transgenexpression sind wichtige Werkzeuge, um die Funktion einzelner Gene in vitro und in vivo zu untersuchen. Sie bestehen aus drei Grundkomponenten, einem zu regulierenden Zielgen, einem "Schalter" und einem Liganden, der diesen Schalter bedient. In dieser Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen am Ecdysonsystem durchgef{\"u}hrt, das als Schalter den Insektensteroidhormonrezeptor f{\"u}r das Verpuppungshormon Ecdyson verwendet. Zun{\"a}chst wurde ein neuer Rezeptor mit der Ligandenbindedom{\"a}ne des Ecdysonrezeptors (EcR) des Seidenspinners Bombyx mori konstruiert, dessen Eigenschaften in der Zellkultur mit einem DrosophilaEcR-Konstrukt, das f{\"u}r mammalische Expression optimiert ist, verglichen wurden. Mit dem BombyxEcR konnte die Transgenexpression durch den nichtsteroidalen Liganden Tebufenozid gesteuert werden, was beim DrosophilaEcR nicht m{\"o}glich war. Damit ist man in diesem Expressionssystem nicht wie beim DrosophilaEcR auf teure steroidale Liganden wie Ponasteron angewiesen. Außerdem mußte beim BombyxEcR der Heterodimerisierungspartner RXR nicht kotransfiziert werden. In Bezug auf erreichbaren Induktionsfaktor und Kinetik der Genexpression zeigten sich f{\"u}r die beiden Systeme vergleichbare Ergebnisse. Weiterhin wurden durch Pronukleusinjektion transgene M{\"a}use erzeugt, die den BombyxEcR unter einem herzspezifischen Promotor (aMHC) exprimieren. Als Zielgen wurde die b2a-Untereinheit des L-Typ-Calciumkanals eingebracht, die mit dem neuen Schaltsystem herzspezifisch gesteuert werden sollte. Die Bioverf{\"u}gbarkeit des Agonisten Tebufenozid nach intraperitonealer Injektion wurde in einem in-vitro Assay in HEK293-Zellen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Es ergaben sich hinreichende Wirkstoffspiegel im Serum der M{\"a}use, um das Reportergen zu induzieren. Auch wenn bei der transgenen Maus nach der Induktion mit Tebufenozid kein immunologischer Nachweis erh{\"o}hter Expression der b2a-Untereinheit gelang,konnte doch in Herzkatheteruntersuchungen eine ver{\"a}nderte Herzfunktion nachgewiesen werden. Bei transgenen M{\"a}usen f{\"u}hrte die intraperitoneale Applikation von Tebufenozid f{\"u}r bis zu sieben Tage zu einem signifikanten Anstieg des systolischen Blutdrucks und der maximalen linksventrikul{\"a}ren Kontraktionsgeschwindigkeit, der bei nicht-transgenen Kontrolltieren nicht beobachtet wurde. Diese Befunde deuten erstmals in vivo darauf hin, daß die b2a-Untereinheit des L-Typ-Calciumkanals am Herzen eine positiv inotrope Wirkung vermitteln kann. Systeme zur induzierbaren Genexpression m{\"u}ssen weiterentwickelt werden, um die Ideale der pr{\"a}zisen Steuerung ohne Nebenwirkungen sowohl f{\"u}r die Grundlagenforschung als auch f{\"u}r eine in weiterer Zukunft liegende Verwendung in der Gentherapie zu erreichen.}, language = {de} } @article{BankogluArnoldHeringetal.2018, author = {Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel and Arnold, Charlotte and Hering, Ilona and Hankir, Mohammed and Seyfried, Florian and Stopper, Helga}, title = {Decreased chromosomal damage in lymphocytes of obese patients after bariatric surgery}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {11195}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-29581-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177090}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The number of bariatric surgeries being performed worldwide has markedly risen. While the improvement in obesity-associated comorbidities after bariatric surgery is well-established, very little is known about its impact on cancer risk. The peripheral lymphocyte micronucleus test is a widely used method for the monitoring of chromosomal damage levels in vivo, and micronucleus frequency positively correlates with cancer risk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the micronucleus frequency before and after bariatric surgery in obese subjects. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected from 45 obese subjects before and at two time-points after bariatric surgery (6 and 12 months) to assess spontaneous micronucleus frequency. Consistent with the increased cancer risk previously shown, bariatric surgery-induced weight loss led to a significant reduction in lymphocyte micronucleus frequency after 12 months. Interestingly, comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome further seemed to have an impact on the lymphocyte micronucleus frequency. Our findings may indicate a successful reduction of cancer risk in patients following weight loss caused by bariatric surgery.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bieber2010, author = {Bieber, Daniela}, title = {Der A2B-Adenosinrezeptor und MAP-Kinase Aktivit{\"a}t in MDA-MB-231 Brustkrebszellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Sowohl MAPK als auch Adenosin werden mit Tumorproliferation und Angiogenese in Verbindung gebracht. MDA-MB-231 {\"O}strogenrezeptor-negative Brustkrebszellen zeigen eine sehr starke Expression des A2BAR, der außerdem der einzige von dieser Zelllinie exprimierte Adenosinrezeptor ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass MDA-MB-231-Brustkrebszellen eine hohe basale MAPK-Aktivit{\"a}t aufweisen, welche durch Stimulation mit FCS nicht weiter gesteigert werden kann. Diese hohe basale MAPK-Aktivit{\"a}t wird durch die src-Kinase und Her2 verursacht, da eine Inhibition dieser beiden Tyrosinkinasen eine Hemmung der basalen ERK-Phosphorylierung induziert. Interessanterweise f{\"u}hrt die Stimulation des A2BAR der MDA-MB-231-Brustkrebszellen mit dem unselektiven Agonisten NECA zu einer zeitanh{\"a}ngigen Inhibition der ERK-1/2-Phosphorylierung. Eine Behandlung der Brustkrebszelllinie mit 10 µM CGS 21680 zeigten keinen Einfluss auf die ERK-Aktivit{\"a}t, weshalb davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die zeitabh{\"a}ngige Inhibition der ERK-1/2-Phosphorylierung durch den A2BAR vermittelt wird. Eine Beteiligung von cAMP an der MAPK-Signaltransduktion des A2BAR scheint insofern wahrscheinlich, als sowohl eine Behandlung der Zellen mit Forskolin als auch der Kombination aus cAMP-AM und dem PDE4-Inhibitor Rolipram eine zeitabh{\"a}ngige Hemmung der ERK-1/2-Phosphorylierung induzieren. Jedoch scheint weder die PKA noch die PI3K an dieser Signaltransduktion des A2BAR beteiligt zu sein, da die A2BAR-vermittelte Inhibition der MAPK auch in Anwesenheit von PKA- und PI3K-Inhibitoren bestehen bleibt. Auch scheinen cAMP-GEFs wie beispielsweise Epac in diesem Zusammenhang keine Rolle zu spielen. In Gegenwart des PLC-Inhibitors U-73122 und des Ca2+-Chelators BAPTA verschwand die NECA-induzierte Hemmung der ERK-1/2-Phosphorylierung, was f{\"u}r eine Beteiligung der PLC und des Ca2+ an der A2BAR-vermittelten Hemmung der MAPK-Aktivit{\"a}t spricht. Letzten Endes konnte jedoch kein Mechanismus eruiert werden, welcher diese A2BAR-vermittelte, Ca2+-abh{\"a}ngige MAPK-Hemmung mediiert, da weder eine Inhibition der PKC, der CamKII oder des Calcineurins Einfluss auf die NECA-induzierte MAPK-Hemmung hatten. Was Wachstum und Proliferation der {\"O}strogenrezeptor-negativen Brustkrebszelllinie MDA-MB-231 anbelangt, so konnte gezeigt werden, dass der unselektive Agonist NECA zu einer signifikanten Wachstumshemmung dieser Brustkrebszelllinie f{\"u}hrt. Allerdings kommt es aufgrund einer Desensitisierung der A2BAR in MDA-MB-231-Brustkrebszellen lediglich zu einem transienten proliferationshemmenden Effekt nach Stimulation mit NECA.}, subject = {Adenosinrezeptor}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{ZinkgebSondergeld2015, author = {Zink [geb. Sondergeld], Thomas Gerd}, title = {Der Cofilin-Signalweg im Glioblastoma multiforme - Ursachen f{\"u}r den Verlust von Chronophin und Einfluss von LIM-Kinase-Inhibitoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Das invasive Potential maligner Gliome beeinflusst maßgeblich die schlechte Prognose dieser Tumorentit{\"a}t. Migration und Invasion von Tumorzellen werden entscheidend durch die Cofilin-vermittelte Umstrukturierung des Aktin-Zytoskeletts gepr{\"a}gt, die durch die Aktivit{\"a}t antagonistischer Cofilin-Kinasen und -Phosphatasen reguliert wird. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ein progressiver Expressionsverlust der Cofilin-Phosphatase Chronophin mit ansteigendem Malignit{\"a}tsgrad astrozyt{\"a}rer Gliome aufgezeigt werden, der mit einer Zunahme der Phosphorylierung von Cofilin einhergeht. In den entsprechenden Gewebeproben gelang gleichzeitig der Nachweis einer gesteigerten Expression der Cofilin-Kinase LIMK-2. Genetische und epigenetische Analysen des Chronophin-Locus konnten eine Hypermethylierung im Bereich der Promotorregion der Phosphatase identifizieren, die m{\"o}glicherweise dem Verlust von Chronophin in Glioblastom-Gewebeproben zugrunde liegt. In Glioblastom-Zelllinien, die unterschiedliche Expressionsmuster von Chronophin aufwiesen, konnten hingegen keine molekularen Alterationen festgestellt werden. Untersuchungen des Einflusses von ROCK- und LIMK-Inhibitoren auf Glioblastomzellen konnten ausgepr{\"a}gte Ver{\"a}nderungen der Zellmorphologie dokumentieren, wobei erstmals die Induktion eines stellate cell-Ph{\"a}notyps unter Einfluss des LIMK-Inhibitors BMS-5 beschrieben wird. W{\"a}hrend ROCK- und LIMK-Inhibitoren keinen Einfluss auf die 2D-Motilit{\"a}t der Tumorzellen hatten, wiesen die Glioblastomzellen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit ihrer basalen Cofilin-Aktivit{\"a}t eine verst{\"a}rkte bzw. verminderte 3D-Invasivit{\"a}t auf. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit unterstreichen die Bedeutung des Cofilin-Signalweges f{\"u}r die Migration und Invasion von Gliomzellen, zeigen neue Angriffspunkte in der Therapie maligner Gliome auf und warnen zugleich vor einem unkritischen Einsatz neuer Wirkstoffe.}, subject = {Cofilin}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kahlert2016, author = {Kahlert, Katrin}, title = {Der Einfluss von RKIP auf die Progression von Herzinsuffizienz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139191}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {GRK2 vermittelt {\"u}ber die Phosphorylierung und Inaktivierung kardialer β1-Rezeptoren eine verminderte kardiale Kontraktilit{\"a}t. RKIP als GRK2-Inhibitor spielt eine Rolle in der GPCR-Signalgebung. Die {\"U}berexpression des Proteins f{\"u}hrt zu einer verbesserten Herzfunktion. Dieser Effekt wird m{\"o}glicherweise {\"u}ber die GRK2-Inhibition vermittelt und er{\"o}ffnet die Diskussion {\"u}ber weitere durch RKIP vermittelte protektive Effekte im Herzen. In dieser Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass die kardiale RKIP-Expression in M{\"a}usen und humanem Herzgewebe bei Herzinsuffizienz gesteigert ist. Zudem beschrieb ich den protektiven Effekt einer gesteigerten Expression von RKIP in murinen Herzen im Hinblick auf die Auspr{\"a}gung typischer struktureller und morphologischer Zeichen von Herzinsuffizienz. Echokardiographische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass RKIP die Herzfunktion positiv beeinflusst. RKIP-tg-M{\"a}use wiesen eine gesteigerte Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion und einen dauerhaft hyperkontraktilen Ph{\"a}notyp auf. Trotz fehlenden Einflusses auf die kardiale Hypertrophie bewirkte die chronische linksventrikul{\"a}re Druckbelastung durch TAC in RKIP-tg-M{\"a}usen eine geringere kardiale Dilatation und den Erhalt einer st{\"a}rkeren Kontraktilit{\"a}t als in Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen. Die Ligation der Aorta transversa bewirkte bei Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen zudem strukturelle und molekulare Ver{\"a}nderungen, die typisch f{\"u}r einen herzinsuffizienten Ph{\"a}notyp sind. Der Anteil fibrotischen Gewebes und die Apoptose im Herzen nahmen zu. Strukturelle Ver{\"a}nderungen des Herzgewebes sind ein Korrelat f{\"u}r ein herzinsuffizientes Herz. RKIP-tg-M{\"a}use zeigten diese Ver{\"a}nderungen in einem deutlich geringeren Ausmaß und weisen auf eine protektive Wirkung einer kardialen RKIP-{\"U}berexpression hin. Interessanterweise war die mRNA-Expression der Fibrosemarker CTGF und TGFß nach chronischer linksventrikul{\"a}rer Druckbelastung sowohl bei Wildtyp-M{\"a}usen als auch bei RKIP-transgenen M{\"a}usen erh{\"o}ht. Die Ursache f{\"u}r das Fehlen eines signifikanten Unterschiedes k{\"o}nnte sein, dass diese Marker nicht spezifisch f{\"u}r die kardiale Fibrosierung sind, sondern deren Expression auch mit der kardialen Hypertrophie zusammenh{\"a}ngt. Eine weitere Beobachtung war der Anstieg der mRNA-Expression der Herzinsuffizienz-Marker BNP und ANF nach chronischer Druckbelastung in Wildtyp- und RKIP-tg-M{\"a}usen. Die Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigten, dass BNP spezifischer f{\"u}r die durch chronische linksventrikul{\"a}re Druckerh{\"o}hung verursachte Herzinsuffizienz zu sein scheint. Ich beobachtete eine gesteigerte RKIP-Expression bei Herzinsuffizienz und kardialer Hypertrophie. Herzbiopsien herzinsuffizienter und an Aortenstenose erkrankter Patienten wiesen im Vergleich zu Kontrollen eine erh{\"o}hte RKIP-Proteinexpression auf. Auch C57BL/6J-M{\"a}use wiesen nach chronischer linksventrikul{\"a}rer Druckbelastung eine gesteigerte kardiale RKIP-Expression im Vergleich zu Kontrollen auf. Die Hochregulation der RKIP-Expression k{\"o}nnte als protektiver feedback-Mechanismus interpretiert werden. Resultat dieser Arbeit ist, dass RKIP eine protektive Wirkung bei der Progression von durch chronische linksventrikul{\"a}re Druckbelastung induzierte Herzinsuffizienz hat, am ehesten durch seine Funktion als GRK2-Inhibitor und seine Rolle bei der GPCR-Signalgebung.}, subject = {Herzinsuffizienz}, language = {de} } @article{TanBabakVenkatesanetal.2019, author = {Tan, Aaron and Babak, Maria V. and Venkatesan, Gopalakrishnan and Lim, Clarissa and Klotz, Karl-Norbert and Herr, Deron Raymond and Cheong, Siew Lee and Federico, Stephanie and Spalluto, Giampiero and Ong, Wei-Yi and Chen, Yu Zong and Loo, Jason Siau Ee and Pastorin, Giorgia}, title = {Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of New Indolylpyrimidylpiperazines for Gastrointestinal Cancer Therapy}, series = {Molecules}, volume = {24}, journal = {Molecules}, number = {20}, issn = {1420-3049}, doi = {10.3390/molecules24203661}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193271}, pages = {3661}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Human A3 adenosine receptor hA3AR has been implicated in gastrointestinal cancer, where its cellular expression has been found increased, thus suggesting its potential as a molecular target for novel anticancer compounds. Observation made in our previous work indicated the importance of the carbonyl group of amide in the indolylpyrimidylpiperazine (IPP) for its human A2A adenosine receptor (hA2AAR) subtype binding selectivity over the other AR subtypes. Taking this observation into account, we structurally modified an indolylpyrimidylpiperazine (IPP) scaffold, 1 (a non-selective adenosine receptors' ligand) into a modified IPP (mIPP) scaffold by switching the position of the carbonyl group, resulting in the formation of both ketone and tertiary amine groups in the new scaffold. Results showed that such modification diminished the A2A activity and instead conferred hA3AR agonistic activity. Among the new mIPP derivatives (3-6), compound 4 showed potential as a hA3AR partial agonist, with an Emax of 30\% and EC50 of 2.89 ± 0.55 μM. In the cytotoxicity assays, compound 4 also exhibited higher cytotoxicity against both colorectal and liver cancer cells as compared to normal cells. Overall, this new series of compounds provide a promising starting point for further development of potent and selective hA3AR partial agonists for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers.}, language = {en} } @article{HegiSagelsdorffLutz1989, author = {Hegi, M.E. and Sagelsdorff, P. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {Detection by \(^{32}\)P-postlabeling of thymidine glycol in gamma-irradiated DNA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60863}, year = {1989}, abstract = {No abstract available}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nikolaev2005, author = {Nikolaev, Viacheslav}, title = {Development and application of fluorescent cAMP und cGMP biosensors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are two ubiquitous important second messengers, which regulate diverse physiological responses from vision and memory to blood pressure and thrombus formation. They act in cells via cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA and GK), cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and Epac. Although the concept of cyclic nucleotide signalling is well developed based on classical biochemical studies, these techniques have not allowed to analyze cAMP and cGMP in live cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. In the present study fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to develop a technique for visualization of cAMP and cGMP in live cells and in vitro by means of fluorescent biosensors. Ligand-induced conformational change in a single nucleotide-binding domain flanked with green fluorescent protein mutants was used for dynamic, highly sensitive measurements of cAMP and cGMP. Such biosensors retained binding properties and chemical specificity of unmodified domains, allowing to image cyclic nucleotides in a physiologically relevant range of concentrations. To develop cAMP-sensors, binding domains of PKA, Epac and cAMP-gated HCN-channel were used. cGMP-sensors were based on single domains of GK and phosphodiesterases (PDEs). Sensors based on Epac were used to analyze spatio-temporal dynamics of cAMP in neurons and macrophages, demonstrating that cAMP-gradients travel with a high speed (~ 40 \&\#956;m/s) throughout the entire cytosol. To understand the mechanisms of cAMP-compartmentation, kinetics properties of phosphodi-esterase (PDE2) were, next, analyzed in aldosterone producing cells. PDE2 is able to rapidly hydrolyze extensive amounts of cAMP, so that the speed of cAMP-hydrolysis is much faster than that of its synthesis, which might serve as a basis of compartmentation. cAMP-sensors were also used to develop a clinically relevant diagnostic method for reliable detection of \&\#946;1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in cardiac myopathy patients, which has allowed to significantly increase the sensitivity of previously developed diagnostic approaches. Conformational change in a single binding domain of GK and PDE was, next, used to create novel fluorescent biosensors for cGMP. These sensors demonstrated high spatio-temporal resolution and were applied to analyze rapid dynamics of cGMP production by soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclases as well as to image cGMP in mesangial cells. In summary, highly sensitive biosensors for cAMP and cGMP based on single cyclic nucleotide-binding domains have been developed and used in various biological and clinically relevant applications.}, subject = {Cyclo-AMP}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Simon2006, author = {Simon, Karoline}, title = {Development and Evaluation of a Generic HPLC-Tandem MS Screening Method for the Detection of Potential Biomarkers for Reactive Intermediates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Conjugation of reactive intermediates of drugs with proteins or DNA may result in toxic effects such as hepatotoxicity, agranulocytosis, allergies, tumors, etc. From 1975 to 1999, 2.9\% of drugs were withdrawn from the market due to such severe adverse drug reactions. Thus, formation of chemically reactive intermediates is a widely discussed problem in drug development processes. Early detection of potentially toxic compounds is required for drug discovery and drug development. Conjugation of such electrophilic compounds with glutathione (GSH) is one of the most important detoxifying reactions in vivo. Processing of these GSH-conjugates ultimately leads to the formation of renally cleared mercapturic acids, which may also be oxidized to sulfoxides. Thus, mercapturic acids may be generated and detected in vitro and non-invasively in vivo in urine to assess the reactivity of a compound in early stages of drug development processes. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop and evaluate a HPLC-MS/MS screening method for simple and rapid detection and characterization of known and unknown mercapturic acids and application of the method to several different matrices. Based on the common constant neutral loss (CNL) of 129 Da of all mercapturic acids tested (in negative ion mode), a CNL survey scan was performed using a linear ion trap instrument and was combined with two enhanced product ion (EPI) scans with different collision energies to characterize the detected signals. The CNL resulted from the cleavage between the sulfur and the carbon atom in the N-acetyl-L-cysteine moiety. After optimization of the experimental parameters, the detection limits of the reference substances in rat urine ranged from 0.3 to 15.5 pmol on column (i.e. 20 ng/ml to 800 ng/ml). For in vitro evaluation of the method, the model compounds acetaminophen, diclofenac, bifonazole, clozapine, troglitazone, carbamazepine, and bisphenol A were screened for formation of reactive intermediates and, hence, detection of the corresponding mercapturic acids. To determine possible species- and tissue-specific toxicities, the model compounds were incubated with stimulated neutrophils and with liver microsomes from rats and humans. Species-specific differences were observed in incubations of acetaminophen and diclofenac with rat and human hepatic microsomes. Tissue-specific differences in biotransformation of the model compounds in incubations with human neutrophils and human liver microsomes were observed for diclofenac, carbamazepine, clozapine, and bifonazole. The developed HPLC-MS/MS method was also evaluated in vivo by analysis of rat and human urine. Drug-related mercapturic acids were detected in urine of rats orally treated with acetaminophen (20 mg/kg and 640 mg/kg b.w.) or diclofenac (10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg b.w.). Human urine samples were analyzed before and after oral administration of a clinically used dose of 500 mg and 50 mg of acetaminophen. Besides detection of the mercapturic acid of N-acetylbenzoquinoneimine (AAP-MA), a second mercapturic acid with m/z 327 occurred dose-dependently in rat and human urine samples after administration of acetaminophen. Further investigations on identification of this metabolite using authentic compounds and comparing their MS/MS mass spectra demonstrated oxidation of AAP-MA to stereoisomeric sulfoxides in vivo. For diclofenac, a novel mercapturic acid with m/z 441 was detected in rat urine samples that was identical to a metabolite obtained in incubations with human neutrophils before. The in vivo formation of this diclofenac metabolite is described here for the first time. In addition, three endogenously formed mercapturic acids were detected and identified. In conclusion, the results of the in vitro and in vivo evaluation demonstrate the advantages of the rapid and generic HPLC-MS/MS screening method for the detection of mercapturic acids, that can be obtained with a minimum of sample preparation and a high throughput in diverse matrices.}, subject = {Acetylcysteinderivate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stumpf2015, author = {Stumpf, Anette D.}, title = {Development of fluorescent FRET receptor sensors for investigation of conformational changes in adenosine A1 and A2A receptors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Adenosine receptors that belong to the rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a lot of regulatory processes and are widely distributed throughout the body which makes them an attractive target for drugs. However, pharmacological knowledge of these receptors is still limited. A big advance regarding the structural knowledge of adenosine receptors was the development of the first crystal structure of the adenosine A2A receptor in 2008. The crystal structure revealed the amino acids that form the ligand binding pocket of the receptor and depicted the endpoint of receptor movement in the ligand binding process. Within the scope of this work two members of the adenosine receptor family were investigated, namely the adenosine A1 and the A2A receptor (A1R, A2AR). A1R was generated on base of the previously developed A2AR. Receptors were tagged with fluorophores, with the cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) at the C-terminal end of receptor and the Fluorescein Arsenical Hairpin binder (FlAsH) binding sequence within the third intracellular loop of receptors. Resulting fluorescent receptor sensors A1 Fl3 CFP and A2A Fl3 CFP were investigated with help of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements within living cells. FRET experiments enable the examination of alteration in the distance of two fluorophores and thus the observation of receptor dynamical movements. For comparison of A1R and A2AR regarding receptor dynamical movement upon ligand binding, fluorescent receptor sensors A1 Fl3 CFP and A2A Fl3 CFP were superfused with various ligands and the outcomes of FRET experiments were compared regarding signal height of FRET ratio evoked by the distinct ligand that is correlated to the conformational change of receptor upon ligand binding. Beside the different direction of FRET ratio upon ligand binding at A1R and A2AR sensor, there were differences observable when signal height and association and dissociation kinetics of the various ligands investigated were compared to each other. Differences between the adenosine receptor subtypes were especially remarkable for the A1R subtype selective agonist CPA and the A2AR subtype selective agonist CGS 21680. Another part of the project was to investigate the influence of single amino acids in the ligand binding process within the fluorescent A1R sensor. Amino acid positions were derived from the crystal structure of the A2AR forming the ligand binding pocket and these amino acids were mutated in the A1R structure. Investigation of the A1R sensor and its mutants regarding confocal analysis showed involvement of some amino acids in receptor localization. When these amino acids were mutated receptors were not expressed in the plasma membrane of cells. Some amino acids investigated were found to be involved in the ligand binding process in general whereas other amino acids were found to have an influence on the binding of distinct structural groups of the ligands investigated. In a further step, A1R and A2AR were N-terminally tagged with SNAP or CLIP which allowed to label receptor sensors with multiple fluorophores. With this technique receptor distribution in cells could be investigated with help of confocal analysis. Furthermore, ligand binding with fluorescent adenosine receptor ligands and their competition with help of a non-fluorescent antagonist was examined at the SNAP tagged A1R and A2AR. Finally the previously developed receptor sensors were combined to the triple labeled receptor sensors SNAP A1 Fl3 CFP and SNAP A2A Fl3 CFP which were functional regarding FRET experiments and plasma membrane expression was confirmed via confocal analysis. In the future, with the help of this technique, interaction between fluorescent ligand and SNAP tagged receptor can be monitored simultaneously with the receptor movement that is indicated by the distance alteration between FlAsH and CFP. This can lead to a better understanding of receptor function and its dynamical movement upon ligand binding which may contribute to the development of new and more specific drugs for the A1R and A2AR in the future.}, subject = {Adenosinrezeptor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rother2001, author = {Rother, Tobias}, title = {Die Plasmamembran-Kalzium-ATPase im Myokard}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-916}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Die Plasmamembran Kalzium-ATPase (PMCA) ist ein in den meisten eukaryontischen Zellen exprimiertes Enzym. Sie katalysiert den Transport von Kalziumionen aus der Zelle und besitzt gegen{\"u}ber Kalzium eine hohe Affinit{\"a}t jedoch geringe Transportkapazit{\"a}t. Trotz der guten biochemischen Charakterisierung der Pumpe ist ihre Funktion in Zellen wie Kardiomyozyten, die zus{\"a}tzlich {\"u}ber andere Kalzium-Transportsysteme wie den Natrium/Kalzium-Austauscher verf{\"u}gen, weiterhin unklar. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem eigenen Labor an PMCA-{\"u}berexprimierenden L6-Myoblasten zeigten einen Einfluss des Enzyms auf deren Wachstum und Differenzierung. Um diese Erkenntnisse auf den Herzmuskel zu {\"u}bertragen war im Vorfeld ein transgenes Rattenmodel generiert worden, welches die hPMCA4CI unter einem myokardspezifischen Promotor {\"u}berexprimierte. Dieses Modell stand f{\"u}r die vorliegende Arbeit zur weiteren Charakterisierung zur Verf{\"u}gung. Untersucht wurde zun{\"a}chst das Wachstumsverhalten von Prim{\"a}rkulturen neonataler Kardiomyozyten unter Stimulation mit fetalem K{\"a}lberserum, Noradrenalin und dem Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB, jeweils im Vergleich zwischen transgenen und Wildtyp-Kardiomyozyten. Dabei zeigte sich ein beschleunigtes Wachstum der PMCA-{\"u}berexprimierenden Zellen. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurden Untersuchungen angestellt, um die subzellul{\"a}re Lokalisation der PMCA innerhalb der Herzmuskelzelle aufzudecken. Dabei wurden im Speziellen die Caveolae als Ort der m{\"o}glichen Lokalisation untersucht, kleine, ca. 50-100 nm große Einst{\"u}lpungen der Plasmamembran, mit charakteristischer Lipid- und Proteinzusammensetzung, darunter auch viele Rezeptoren und Signaltransduktionsmolek{\"u}le. Insgesamt konnte mit den Methoden der Detergenzextraktion, Doppelimmunfluoreszenz, Pr{\"a}paration Caveolae-reicher Membranen und Immunpr{\"a}zipitation gezeigt werden, dass die PMCA zu einem großen Teil in Caveolae lokalisiert ist. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnte in der Immunpr{\"a}zipitation eine Interaktion der PMCA mit dem Caveolae-assoziierten Zytoskelettprotein Dystrophin dargestellt werden. Zusammenfassend deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die PMCA {\"u}ber eine Steuerung der lokalen Kalziumkonzentration im Bereich der Caveolae modulierend in wachstumsregulierende Signaltransduktionswege von Kardiomyozyten eingreifen kann.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Deiss2012, author = {Deiß, Katharina}, title = {Die Regulation des Kinasemodulators Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein (RKIP): Einfluss von Phosphorylierung und Dimerisierung auf die Interaktion mit Raf1 und G Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptorkinase 2 (GRK2)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73884}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {RKIP reguliert Proteinkinasen der Signaltransduktionskaskaden von G Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren, der Raf/MEK/ERK-MAPK, des Transkriptionsfaktors NFκB und von GSK3β. Unklar war bisher, wie die spezifische Interaktion von RKIP mit seinen mannigfaltigen Interaktionspartnern erm{\"o}glicht und reguliert wird. Raf1 und GRK2 sind die einzigen bekannten direkten Interaktionspartner von RKIP und wurden deshalb gew{\"a}hlt, um die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen dieser Interaktion genauer zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass RKIP nach PKC-vermittelter Phosphorylierung von Serin153 dimerisiert und dass diese Dimerisierung f{\"u}r die RKIP/Raf1-Dissoziation und die RKIP/GRK2-Interaktion essentiell ist. Co-Immunpr{\"a}zipitationsexperimente mit einer phosphorylierungsdefizienten Mutante zeigten, dass f{\"u}r diese Dimerisierung die Phosphorylierung von beiden RKIP-Molek{\"u}len notwendig ist. Als Dimerinteraktionsfl{\"a}che wurden die Aminos{\"a}uren 127-146 von RKIP identifiziert, da das Peptid RKIP127-146 die Dimerisierung von RKIP spezifisch und effizient hemmte. Um die Bedeutung dieser phosphorylierungsinduzierten Dimerisierung von RKIP f{\"u}r seine Interaktion mit Raf1 und GRK2 zu untersuchen, wurden eine phosphomimetische Mutante (RKIPSK153/7EE) und eine Mutante von RKIP generiert, welche bereits unphosphoryliert dimerisiert (RKIP∆143-6). Folgende Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Dimerisierung von RKIP f{\"u}r die spezifische Interaktion mit Raf1 bzw. GRK2 entscheidend ist: (i) Die Dimerisierung von phosphoryliertem RKIP ging mit der Dissoziation von RKIP und Raf1 und der Assoziation von RKIP und GRK2 einher; (ii) die Mutanten RKIPSK153/7EE und RKIP∆143-6, die bereits in unstimulierten Zellen eine starke Dimerisierung zeigten, hatten eine h{\"o}here Affinit{\"a}t zu GRK2 als zu Raf1; (iii) die Hemmung der RKIP-Dimerisierung interferierte nur mit der RKIP/GKR2- aber nicht mit der RKIP/Raf1-Interaktion; (iv) in vitro und in Mausherzen konnte ein RKIP- und GRK2-immunreaktiver Komplex nachgewiesen werden; (v) Untersuchungen zur RKIP-vermittelten Hemmung der Kinaseaktivit{\"a}t von GRK2 und Raf implizierten, dass dimerisiertes RKIP nur die Aktivit{\"a}t von GRK2, nicht aber von Raf hemmt. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die phosphorylierungsinduzierte Dimerisierung von RKIP die spezifische Interaktion von RKIP mit Raf1 und GRK2 koordiniert. Die Aufkl{\"a}rung dieses Mechanismus erweitert unser Verst{\"a}ndnis der spezifischen Interaktion von Kinasen mit ihren Regulatorproteinen.}, subject = {Signaltransduktion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Makiol2014, author = {Makiol, Christian}, title = {Die Rolle der durch NADPH-Oxidasen produzierten reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) in der Pathophysiologie von Hypertonie und Alterung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109901}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Reaktive Sauerstoffradikale spielen eine große Rolle bei der Entstehung von Karzinomen, im Alterungsprozess und bei kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Erkrankungen (Valko et al., 2007). Solche Sauerstoffradikale k{\"o}nnen unter anderem durch die NADPH-Oxidase gebildet werden (Finkel and Holbrook, 2000). Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Rolle von ROS im Alterungsprozess und bei Bluthochdruck aufzuzeigen. Daf{\"u}r wurden zwei Tiermodelle, eines mit einer geringen ROS-Konzentration und eines mit einer hohen ROS-Konzentration, verwendet. Zum einen handelt es sich um ein p47-Knockout-Mausmodell f{\"u}r die geringere ROS-Konzentration, im Vergleich zu alten und jungen Wildtyp-Tieren. F{\"u}r die Rolle von ROS bei der Alterung wurden junge mit alten Wildtyp-Tieren verglichen. Um die Rolle der NOX2 in den ROS-Spiegeln der Organe zu ermitteln wurden gleichaltrige Wildtyp- mit p47-Knockout-Tieren verglichen. Zum anderen nutzten wir ein ren2-Tiermodell f{\"u}r die hohe ROS-Konzentration. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Bluthochdruckmodell, in dem der Blutdruck mit Medikamenten normalisiert werden kann. Die Tiere wurden daher mit Ramipril (ACE-Inhibitor), Apocynin (NADPH-Oxidase-Inhibitor) und Tempol (Radikalf{\"a}nger) behandelt. Als Maß f{\"u}r die ROS-Konzentration wurden die Superoxidionenspiegel mithilfe einer Dihydroethidium-F{\"a}rbung ermittelt. Die DNA-Doppelstrangbr{\"u}che wurden mit einer γH2AX-Antik{\"o}rper-F{\"a}rbung nachgewiesen und die Expression von Sirtuin1 und Hsp70, welche als Anti-Aging Proteine bekannt sind, mittels Western Blot bestimmt.}, subject = {Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Philipp2002, author = {Philipp, Melanie}, title = {Die Rolle von alpha2-adrenergen Rezeptoren w{\"a}hrend der Embryonalentwicklung der Maus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Alpha2-Rezeptoren, die weiter in alpha2A, alpha2B und alpha2C unterteilt werden, geh{\"o}ren zur Gruppe der adrenergen Rezeptoren innerhalb der Klasse der G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren. Sie sind maßgeblich an der Regulation vieler physiologischer Prozesse beteiligt. Vieles, was heute {\"u}ber alpha2-Rezeptoren bekannt ist, wurde mithilfe von alpha2-defizienten M{\"a}usen, sogenannten „Knock-Out"-M{\"a}usen (KO) herausgefunden, von denen bislang drei Einzel-KOs und der Doppel-KO der Subtypen A und C existieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden durch Kreuzung der vorhandenen KO-Linien Mauslinien generiert, die defizient f{\"u}r alpha2A und alpha2B, f{\"u}r alpha2B und alpha2C oder alle drei alpha2-Rezeptoren sind. W{\"a}hrend alpha2AB-KO-M{\"a}use ungef{\"a}hr entsprechend der Mendelschen Verteilung geboren wurden, zeigte sich, dass alpha2BC-KO-M{\"a}use teilweise und alpha2ABC-KO-M{\"a}use sogar komplett embryonal letal waren. Die morphologischen Unter-suchungen legten den Zeitpunkt der embryonalen Letalit{\"a}t der alpha2ABC-KO-M{\"a}use auf den Tag E10,5 der Embryonalentwicklung fest und konnten zeigen, dass diese Letalit{\"a}t in einem Vaskularisierungsdefekt innerhalb der extraembryonalen Organe Plazenta und Dottersack begr{\"u}ndet lag. Diese Organe stellen die Versorgung des Embryos mit N{\"a}hrstoffen und Sauerstoff sicher und sorgen somit f{\"u}r dessen Entwicklung. Durch RT-PCR-Experimente konnte die mRNS f{\"u}r alle drei alpha2-Rezeptorsubtypen an Tag E10,5 sowohl im Embryo als auch in Plazenta und Dottersack nachgewiesen werden. Autoradiographische Experimente und Radioligandenbindungsstudien an Plazenten machten deutlich, dass der Großteil an alpha2-Rezeptoren im embryonalen Teil der Plazenta exprimiert wird, n{\"a}mlich in den Riesenzellen und in der sich daran anschließenden Spongiotrophoblastschicht, und dass hierbei alpha2-Rezeptoren vom B-Subtyp vorherrschen. In den genannten Zellen konnte mittels Immunhistochemie eine alpha2-Rezeptor-vermittelte Phosphorylierung der MAP-Kinasen ERK1/2 gezeigt werden, die auch in kultivierten WT-Dotters{\"a}cken beobachtet werden konnte. Unter basalen Bedingungen zeigte sich, dass die ERK1/2-Phosphorylierung in Gewebe von alpha2ABC-KO-Embryonen drastisch vermindert war, w{\"a}hrend andere Signalwege, die von alpha2-Rezeptoren angestoßen werden k{\"o}nnen, nicht beeintr{\"a}chtigt waren. Versuche in einem Zellkulturmodell und mit kultivierten WT-Dotters{\"a}cken ergaben eine physiologisch relevante Wechselwirkung zwischen dem alpha2B-Rezeptor und dem PDGFbeta-Rezeptor, einer Rezeptortyrosinkinase, als deren Mechanismus sich in Co-Kultur-Experimenten mit alpha2B-Rezeptor-transfizierten Zellen und alpha2ABC-defizienten Dotters{\"a}cken die Transaktivierung von Rezeptortyrosinkinasen herausstellte. In dieser Arbeit konnte demonstriert werden, dass a2-Rezeptoren bei der Maus {\"u}ber eine Transaktivierung von ERK1/2 die Vaskularisierung der Plazenta und des Dottersacks bedingen und damit eine normale Embryonalentwicklung sicherstellen.}, subject = {Maus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fischer2010, author = {Fischer, Thomas Horst}, title = {Die transkriptionelle Regulation der microRNA-21 im Herzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-50702}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {MicroRNAs sind kleine, nicht kodierende RNA-Molek{\"u}le, die posttranskriptionell die Genexpression regulieren. Sie binden hierf{\"u}r spezifisch an 3'-UTRs von messenger-RNAs und f{\"u}hren entweder direkt zu deren Abbau oder inhibieren deren Translation. {\"U}ber die Mechanismen, die die Expression von microRNAs regulieren, ist jedoch noch wenig bekannt. Die Tatsache, dass sie als lange Vorl{\"a}ufermolek{\"u}le (pri-microRNAs) durch die RNA-Polymerase-II transkribiert werden, legt die Existenz eines Promotorbereiches nahe, der dem proteinkodierender Gene {\"a}hnelt. Mit Hilfe von microRNA-Arrays konnten wir im linksventrikul{\"a}ren Myokard mehrere bei Herzinsuffizienz deutlich ver{\"a}ndert exprimierte microRNAs identifizieren. Die microRNA-21 ist dabei bereits im Fr{\"u}hstadium der Herzinsuffizienz verst{\"a}rkt exprimiert (Northern Blot). Auch in prim{\"a}ren, kardialen Zellen (Fibroblasten, Kardiomyozyten) wird die microRNA-21 nach Induktion einer Hypertrophie verst{\"a}rkt exprimiert. Weiterf{\"u}hrendes Ziel dieser Arbeit war es nun, diejenigen Mechanismen aufzukl{\"a}ren, die der starken Induktion der microRNA-21 im erkrankten Myokard zu Grunde liegen. Durch bioinformatische Analyse des zugeh{\"o}rigen Promotorbereiches (Trans-Spezies-Konservierung) und Klonierung danach ausgerichteter Fragmente in Luciferase-basierte Reporter-Plasmide konnte ein 118 Basen langer Bereich identifiziert werden, der maßgeblich die Expression der microRNA-21 im Herzen bedingt. Durch Deaktivierung einzelner cis-Elemente konnte die kardiale Expression auf zwei essentielle Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsstellen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Es handelt sich dabei um Erkennungssequenzen f{\"u}r die im Herz bedeutsamen Transkriptionsfaktoren CREB und SRF. Sie liegen in enger r{\"a}umlicher Nachbarschaft ungef{\"a}hr 1150 bp vor der Transkriptionsstartstelle. Die Suppression der Expression dieser beiden Transkriptionsfaktoren mittels geeigneter siRNAs f{\"u}hrte jeweils zu einer signifikanten Aktivit{\"a}tsminderung des microRNA-21-Promotors und konnte somit die vorangehenden Ergebnisse validieren. Durch Generierung einer transgenen Tierlinie, die lacZ unter der Kontrolle des microRNA-21-Promotors exprimiert, werden in naher Zukunft n{\"a}here Aufschl{\"u}sse {\"u}ber die gewebsspezifische Verteilung der microRNA-21-Expresssion in vivo m{\"o}glich sein. Zusammenfassend beschreiben wir hier erstmals den Mechanismus der transkriptionellen Regulation der microRNA-21 im Herzen. Dieser Mechanismus bedingt wahrscheinlich die starke Induktion dieser microRNA bei kardialer Hypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz.}, subject = {Small RNA}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Berlin2017, author = {Berlin, Christopher}, title = {Die Untersuchung der kardialen Folgen einer ubiquit{\"a}ren Deletion von RKIP in M{\"a}usen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152882}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Die Herzinsuffizienz, eine der h{\"a}ufigsten chronischen Krankheiten in der westlichen Welt, ist als Folge einer Myokardsch{\"a}digung durch eine verschlechterte Pumpfunktion des Herzens charakterisiert, die der K{\"o}rper durch verschiedene Kompensationsmechanismen zur Kontraktilit{\"a}tssteigerung auszugleichen versucht. Wichtiger Mechanismus hierf{\"u}r ist die Kontraktilit{\"a}ts- und Frequenzsteigerung {\"u}ber ß-adrenerge Rezeptorsignale, welche bei langfristiger Stimulation allerdings zu einer Abnahme der Funktionalit{\"a}t und Minderexpression eben dieses Rezeptorsystems, sowie der gleichzeitigen Verschlechterung der Herzinsuffizienz f{\"u}hrt. Interessanterweise wird parallel zur verminderten Rezeptorexpression bei Herzinsuffizienzpatienten eine Zunahme der GRK-Aktivit{\"a}t beobachtet. Diese Kinase ist in der Lage, ß-adrenerge GPCR-Signale durch Phosphorylierung des membranst{\"a}ndigen Rezeptors herunterzuregulieren. Durch einen PKC-abh{\"a}ngigen switch von Raf1 zu GRK2 konnte mit RKIP ein kardialer, endogener Inhibitor der GRK2 identifiziert werden. Es wurde in vitro und in vivo in M{\"a}usen mit myokardialer {\"U}berexpression von RKIP gezeigt, dass RKIP f{\"a}hig ist, die kontraktile Funktion von Herzmuskelzellen zu verbessern, negative kardiale Langzeitfolgen wie eine Verschlechterung der Insuffizienz, Remodeling-Prozesse wie Zunahme der Fibrosierung und eine gesteigerte Apoptoserate, sowie kardiale Rhythmusst{\"o}rungen protektiv zu beeinflussen. Um die endogene Rolle von RKIP weiter zu er{\"o}rtern, wurde in dieser Arbeit der Knockout von RKIP unter basalen Bedingungen, als auch nach transverser Aortenkonstriktion (TAC) untersucht. Zur Untersuchung physiologischer Parameter wie der Verk{\"u}rzungsfraktion, oder dem linksventrikul{\"a}rem diastolischen Durchmesser wurden echokardiographische Verfahren herangezogen. In diesen Untersuchungen zeigte sich nach dreiw{\"o}chiger TAC eine Verschlechterung der Pumpfunktion, sowie eine verst{\"a}rkte Dilatation des linken Ventrikels in RKIP-/--M{\"a}usen. Gest{\"u}tzt wurden diese Ergebnisse durch einen erh{\"o}hten pulmonalen Blutr{\"u}ckstau in RKIP-/--M{\"a}usen nach chronischer Druckbelastung. Zudem wurde an isolierten Kardiomyozyten die Kinetik von Kalzium als f{\"u}r die Kontraktion verantwortlichen Botenstoff durch intrazellul{\"a}re Fluoreszenz-Echtzeit-Messungen, sowie die Kontraktion und Relaxation auf Zell- und Sarkomerebene durch ein optisches Kamerasystem untersucht. Hier zeigte sich ohne den Einfluss β-adrenerger Stimulantien {\"a}quivalent zum basalen Ph{\"a}notyp dieser Tiere in RKIP-/--Kardiomyozyten keine Ver{\"a}nderung der Kalzium-Kinetik, sowie der Kontraktion und Relaxation auf Zell- und Sarkomerebene. Des Weiteren wurden mittels realtime PCR die Expressionslevels von Insuffizienzmarkern wie BNP und ANP, sowie von Kollagen 3 bestimmt. Der Grad der Fibrosierung wurde zus{\"a}tzlich durch Quantifizierung der fibrosierten Areale in histologischen Querschnitten untersucht. Apoptotische Ver{\"a}nderungen wurden mittels TUNEL-Assay auf histologischer Ebene bestimmt. In all diesen Untersuchungen zeigte sich ein fortgeschrittenes kardiales Remodeling in RKIP-/--M{\"a}usen nach TAC im Vergleich zu Wildtyptieren. Hand in Hand mit dem Bild einer fortgeschrittenen Herzinsuffizienz in RKIP-/--M{\"a}usen nach TAC konnte zudem in diesen Tieren eine gesteigerte Mortalit{\"a}t nach chronischer Hochdruckbelastung festgestellt werden. In Kombination mit den protektiven Eigenschaften einer kardialen RKIP-{\"U}berexpression, sowie dem positiven Effekt einer retroviralen RKIP-Transfektion sprechen diese Ergebnisse f{\"u}r RKIP als einen interessanten k{\"o}rpereigenen Angriffspunkt f{\"u}r die kontraktilit{\"a}tssteigernde Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz, den es in weiteren klinischen Studien zu untersuchen gilt.�}, subject = {RKIP}, language = {de} } @article{JanevskiChohStopperetal.1993, author = {Janevski, J. and Choh, V. and Stopper, Helga and Schiffmann, D. and De Boni, U.}, title = {Diethylstilbestrol alters the morphology and calcium levels of growth cones of PC12 cells in vitro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86858}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a synthetic estrogen with carcinogenic properties. DES is known to alter cytoskeletal components, including the organization of actin stress fibres in C6 rat glioma cells. ln a test of the hypothesis that DES disrupts actin Filaments of growth cones in neuron-like cells, DES-induced changes in filopodial lengths were quantified in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells in vitro. DES significantly altered growth cone morphology, with collapse of growth cone filopodia and neurite retraction invariably occurring at a concentration of 10 MikroM. At 5 MikroM DES, transient reductions in total filopodiallengths occurred. At DES concentrations of 0.1 nM and 1 nM, reductions in total filopodiallengths occurred in a fraction of growth cones. Evidence exists which shows that growth cone activity and morphology are intimately linked to Ieveis of intracellular, free calcium and that DES increases such levels. Measurements of free intracellular calcium levels by fluorescence microscopy, at times concurrent with the DES-induced reduction in total filopodial lengths, showed that calcium levels were indeed significantly increased by 10 MirkoM DES. Labelling of filamentaus actin (f-actin) with FITC-phalloidin showed that the f-actin distribution in growth cones exposed to DES could not be differentiated from the distribution found in spontaneously retracting growth cones. Tagether with evidence which showed that growth cone motility was not affected, the results are taken to indicate that DES, rather than acting directly on the cytoskeleton, exerts its effects indirectly, by a calcium-induced destabilization of actin filaments in the growth cone.}, subject = {Calcium}, language = {en} } @article{WeigandRonchiRizkRabinetal.2017, author = {Weigand, Isabel and Ronchi, Cristina L. and Rizk-Rabin, Marthe and Dalmazi, Guido Di and Wild, Vanessa and Bathon, Kerstin and Rubin, Beatrice and Calebiro, Davide and Beuschlein, Felix and Bertherat, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Fassnacht, Martin and Sbiera, Silviu}, title = {Differential expression of the protein kinase A subunits in normal adrenal glands and adrenocortical adenomas}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {7}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {49}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-017-00125-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157952}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Somatic mutations in protein kinase A catalytic α subunit (PRKACA) were found to be causative for 30-40\% of cortisol-producing adenomas (CPA) of the adrenal gland, rendering PKA signalling constitutively active. In its resting state, PKA is a stable and inactive heterotetramer, consisting of two catalytic and two regulatory subunits with the latter inhibiting PKA activity. The human genome encodes three different PKA catalytic subunits and four different regulatory subunits that are preferentially expressed in different organs. In normal adrenal glands all regulatory subunits are expressed, while CPA exhibit reduced protein levels of the regulatory subunit IIβ. In this study, we linked for the first time the loss of RIIβ protein levels to the PRKACA mutation status and found the down-regulation of RIIβ to arise post-transcriptionally. We further found the PKA subunit expression pattern of different tumours is also present in the zones of the normal adrenal cortex and demonstrate that the different PKA subunits have a differential expression pattern in each zone of the normal adrenal gland, indicating potential specific roles of these subunits in the regulation of different hormones secretion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EmamiNemini2012, author = {Emami-Nemini, Alexander Darius}, title = {Differential parathyroid hormone receptor signaling directed by adaptor proteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) regulates numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes. Hence GPCRs are of significant interest for pharmacological therapy. Embedded into cytoplasmic membranes, GPCRs represent the core of large signaling complexes, which are critical for transduction of exogenous stimuli towards activation of downstream signaling pathways. As a member of the GPCR family B, the parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR) activates adenylyl cyclases, phospholipases C β as well as mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent signaling pathways, thereby mediating endocrine and paracrine effects of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), respectively. This regulates, calcium homeostasis, bone metabolism and bone development. Paradoxically, PTH is able to induce both catabolic and anabolic bone metabolism. The anabolic effect of PTH is successfully applied in the therapy of severe osteoporosis. Domination of anabolic or catabolic bone-metabolism is entailed by temporal and cell-type specific determinants. The molecular bases are presumably differential arrangements of adaptor proteins within large signaling complexes that may lead to differential activation of signaling pathways, thereby regulating physiological effects. The molecular mechanisms are largely unclear; thus, there is significant interest in revealing a better understanding of PTHR-related adaptor proteins. To identify novel adaptor proteins which direct PTHR signaling pathways, a proteomic screening approach was developed. In this screening, vav2, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for small GTPases which regulates cytoskeleton reorganization, was found to interact with intracellular domains of PTHR. Evidence is provided that vav2 impairs PTH-mediated phospholipase C β (PLCβ) signaling pathways by competitive interactions with G protein αq subunits. Vice versa, PTH was shown to regulate phosphorylation and subsequent GEF activity of vav2. These findings may thus shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of PTH on bone metabolism by PLC-signaling, cell migration and cytoskeleton organization. In addition to the understanding of intracellular molecular signaling processes, screening for ligands is a fundamental and demanding prerequisite for modern drug development. To this end, ligand binding assays represent a fundamental technique. As a substitution for expensive and potentially harmful radioligand binding, fluorescence-based ligand-binding assays for PTHR were developed in this work. Based on time-resolved fluorescence, several assay variants were established to facilitate drug development for the PTHR.}, subject = {G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren}, language = {en} } @article{PaisdziorDimitriouSchoepeetal.2020, author = {Paisdzior, Sarah and Dimitriou, Ioanna Maria and Sch{\"o}pe, Paul Curtis and Annibale, Paolo and Scheerer, Patrick and Krude, Heiko and Lohse, Martin J. and Biebermann, Heike and K{\"u}hnen, Peter}, title = {Differential signaling profiles of MC4R mutations with three different ligands}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {21}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {4}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms21041224}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285108}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) is a key player in hypothalamic weight regulation and energy expenditure as part of the leptin-melanocortin pathway. Mutations in this G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) are the most common cause for monogenetic obesity, which appears to be mediated by changes in the anorectic action of MC4R via G\(_S\)-dependent cyclic adenosine-monophosphate (cAMP) signaling as well as other signaling pathways. To study potential bias in the effects of MC4R mutations between the different signaling pathways, we investigated three major MC4R mutations: a G\(_S\) loss-of-function (S127L) and a G\(_S\) gain-of-function mutant (H158R), as well as the most common European single nucleotide polymorphism (V103I). We tested signaling of all four major G protein families plus extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and β-arrestin2 recruitment, using the two endogenous agonists, α- and β-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), along with a synthetic peptide agonist (NDP-α-MSH). The S127L mutation led to a full loss-of-function in all investigated pathways, whereas V103I and H158R were clearly biased towards the G\(_{q/11}\) pathway when challenged with the endogenous ligands. These results show that MC4R mutations can cause vastly different changes in the various MC4R signaling pathways and highlight the importance of a comprehensive characterization of receptor mutations.}, language = {en} } @article{HuppFoertschWippeletal.2013, author = {Hupp, Sabrina and F{\"o}rtsch, Christina and Wippel, Carolin and Ma, Jiangtao and Mitchell, Timothy J. and Iliev, Asparouh I.}, title = {Direct Transmembrane Interaction between Actin and the Pore-Competent, Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysin Pneumolysin}, series = {Journal of Molecular Biology}, volume = {425}, journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmb.2012.11.034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132297}, pages = {636-646}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The eukaryotic actin cytoskeleton is an evolutionarily well-established pathogen target, as a large number of bacterial factors disturb its dynamics to alter the function of the host cells. These pathogenic factors modulate or mimic actin effector proteins or they modify actin directly, leading to an imbalance of the precisely regulated actin turnover. Here, we show that the pore-forming, cholesterol-dependent cytolysin pneumolysin (PLY), a major neurotoxin of Streptococcus pneumoniae, has the capacity to bind actin directly and to enhance actin polymerisation in vitro. In cells, the toxin co-localised with F-actin shortly after exposure, and this direct interaction was verified by F{\"o}rster resonance energy transfer. PLY was capable of exerting its effect on actin through the lipid bilayer of giant unilamellar vesicles, but only when its pore competence was preserved. The dissociation constant of G-actin binding to PLY in a biochemical environment was 170-190 nM, which is indicative of a high-affinity interaction, comparable to the affinity of other intracellular actin-binding factors. Our results demonstrate the first example of a direct interaction of a pore-forming toxin with cytoskeletal components, suggesting that the cross talk between pore-forming cytolysins and cells is more complex than previously thought.}, language = {en} } @article{HarnošCanizalJuraseketal.2019, author = {Harnoš, Jakub and Ca{\~n}izal, Maria Consuelo Alonso and Jur{\´a}sek, Miroslav and Kumar, Jitender and Holler, Cornelia and Schambony, Alexandra and Han{\´a}kov{\´a}, Kateřina and Bernat{\´i}k, Ondřej and Zdr{\´a}hal, Zbyn{\^e}k and G{\"o}m{\"o}ryov{\´a}, Krist{\´i}na and Gybeľ, Tom{\´a}š and Radaszkiewicz, Tomasz Witold and Kravec, Marek and Trant{\´i}rek, Luk{\´a}š and Ryneš, Jan and Dave, Zankruti and Fern{\´a}ndez-Llamazares, Ana Iris and V{\´a}cha, Robert and Tripsianes, Konstantinos and Hoffmann, Carsten and Bryja, V{\´i}tězslav}, title = {Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-09651-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227837}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Dishevelled (DVL) is the key component of the Wnt signaling pathway. Currently, DVL conformational dynamics under native conditions is unknown. To overcome this limitation, we develop the Fluorescein Arsenical Hairpin Binder- (FlAsH-) based FRET in vivo approach to study DVL conformation in living cells. Using this single-cell FRET approach, we demonstrate that (i) Wnt ligands induce open DVL conformation, (ii) DVL variants that are predominantly open, show more even subcellular localization and more efficient membrane recruitment by Frizzled (FZD) and (iii) Casein kinase 1 ɛ (CK1ɛ) has a key regulatory function in DVL conformational dynamics. In silico modeling and in vitro biophysical methods explain how CK1ɛ-specific phosphorylation events control DVL conformations via modulation of the PDZ domain and its interaction with DVL C-terminus. In summary, our study describes an experimental tool for DVL conformational sampling in living cells and elucidates the essential regulatory role of CK1ɛ in DVL conformational dynamics.}, language = {en} } @article{MaurerHuppBischoffetal.2017, author = {Maurer, Jana and Hupp, Sabrina and Bischoff, Carolin and Foertsch, Christina and Mitchell, Timothy J. and Chakraborty, Trinad and Iliev, Asparouh I.}, title = {Distinct neurotoxicity profile of listeriolysin O from \(Listeria\) \(monocytogenes\)}, series = {Toxins}, volume = {9}, journal = {Toxins}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/toxins9010034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172130}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) are protein toxins that originate from Gram-positive bacteria and contribute substantially to their pathogenicity. CDCs bind membrane cholesterol and build prepores and lytic pores. Some effects of the toxins are observed in non-lytic concentrations. Two pathogens, \(Streptococcus\) \(pneumoniae\) and \(Listeria\) \(monocytogenes\), cause fatal bacterial meningitis, and both produce toxins of the CDC family—pneumolysin and listeriolysin O, respectively. It has been demonstrated that pneumolysin produces dendritic varicosities (dendrite swellings) and dendritic spine collapse in the mouse neocortex, followed by synaptic loss and astrocyte cell shape remodeling without elevated cell death. We utilized primary glial cultures and acute mouse brain slices to examine the neuropathological effects of listeriolysin O and to compare it to pneumolysin with identical hemolytic activity. In cultures, listeriolysin O permeabilized cells slower than pneumolysin did but still initiated non-lytic astrocytic cell shape changes, just as pneumolysin did. In an acute brain slice culture system, listeriolysin O produced dendritic varicosities in an NMDA-dependent manner but failed to cause dendritic spine collapse and cortical astrocyte reorganization. Thus, listeriolysin O demonstrated slower cell permeabilization and milder glial cell remodeling ability than did pneumolysin and lacked dendritic spine collapse capacity but exhibited equivalent dendritic pathology.}, language = {en} } @article{FischerBelandLutz1993, author = {Fischer, W. H. and Beland, P. E. and Lutz, Werner K.}, title = {DNA adducts, cell proliferation and papilloma latency time in mouse skin after repeated dermal application of DMBA and TPA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60673}, year = {1993}, abstract = {'lbe mouse skin tumor model was used to investigate whether the Ievel of DNA 8dducts and/or the rate of cell division in the epidermis are indicators of the risk of cancer formation for an individual in an outbred animal popul8tion. A high risk was considered to be reftected by 8 short latency period for the 8ppearance of 8 papilloma. Fernale NMRI mice were treated twice weekly with 2.5 nmol 7 ,12-dimethylbenz[a]antbracene (DMBA) and 3 nmoi12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- 8cetate (TPA) and the appearance of papillomas was registered. The first papilloma 8ppeared after 7.5 weeks. After 17 weeks, when 12 of 14 mice bad 8t least one papilloma, an osmotic minipump deliverlog 5-bromo-2'deoxyuridine (BrdU) was implanted into eacb mouse for 24 h. The mice were killed after 24 h ~d the epidermis was analyzed for D:MBA-nucleotide 8dducts by 32p.postlabeling, for the cell number per unit skin length, and for the labeling index for DNA synthesls. Unexpectedly, D:MBA-nucleotide 8dduct Ievels were highest in those anima1s wbich showed the Iongest latency periods. Adduct Ievels were negatively correlated with the 18beling index, indicating that dilution of adducts by cell division was a predominant factor in determining average adduct concentrations. Individual tumor-latency time was not corTelated with either cell ntunber or labeling index. This could be due to the fact that the measurements only provided 8veraged data and gave no infonnation on the specific situation in clones of premalignant cells. Under the conditions of tbis assay, therefore, neither DNA adduct Ievels nor information on the average kinetics of cell division bad a predidive value for the individual amcer risk withln a group of outbred animals receiving the same treatment}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} } @incollection{LutzCantoreggiVelic1993, author = {Lutz, Werner K. and Cantoreggi, S. and Velic, I.}, title = {DNA binding and stimulation of cell division in the carcinogenicity of styrene 7,8-oxide}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71597}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1993}, abstract = {[7-3H)Styrene 7,8-oxide was administered by oral gavage to male CD rats at a dose of 1.3 mg/kg. After 4 h, the forestomach was excised, DNA was isolated, purified to constant specific radioactivity and degraded nzymatically to the 3 '-nucleotides. Highperformance liquid chromatography fractions with the normal nucleotides contained most of the radiolabel, but a minute level of adduct label was also detccted. Using the units of the covalent binding index (micromoles adduct per mole DNA nucleotide)/(millimole chemical administered per kilogram body weight), a DNA binding potency of 1.0 was derived. A comparison of the covalent binding indices and carcinogenic potencies of other genotoxic forestarnach carcinogens showed that the tumorigenic activity of styrene oxide is unlikely to be purely genotoxic. Therefore, styrene oxide was compared with 3-tbutylhydroxyanisole (BHA) with respect to stimulation of cell proliferation in the forestomach. Male Fischer 344 rats were treated for four weeks at three dose levels of styrene oxide (0, 137, 275 and 550 mg/kg, three times per week by oral gavage) and BHA (0, 0.5, 1 and 2\% in the diet); the highest doses had been reported to result in 84\% and 22\% carcinomas in the forestomach, respectively. Cell proliferation was assessed by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into DNA and immunohistochemical analysis. An increase in the lablling indexwas found in a11 treated animals. In the prefundic region of the forestomach, the labeHing index increased significantly, from 42\% (controls) to 54\% with styrene oxide and from 41 to 55\% with BHA. Rats treated with BHA also had severe hyperplastic lesions in the prefundic region, i.e., at the location of BHA-induced forestomach carcinomas. The number of cells per millimetre of section length was increased up to 19 fold. Hyperplastic lesions were not seen with styrene oxide, despite the higher tumour incidence reported with this compound. We conclude that the carcinogenicity of styrene oxide to the forestomach most probably involves a mechanism in which marginal genotoxicity is combined with promotion by increased cell proliferation.}, subject = {Styrol}, language = {en} } @article{SchuppStopperHeidland2016, author = {Schupp, Nicole and Stopper, Helga and Heidland, August}, title = {DNA Damage in Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation of Clinical Biomarkers}, series = {Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity}, volume = {2016}, journal = {Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity}, number = {3592042}, doi = {10.1155/2016/3592042}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166569}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) exhibit an increased cancer risk compared to a healthy control population. To be able to estimate the cancer risk of the patients and to assess the impact of interventional therapies thereon, it is of particular interest to measure the patients' burden of genomic damage. Chromosomal abnormalities, reduced DNA repair, and DNA lesions were found indeed in cells of patients with CKD. Biomarkers for DNA damage measurable in easily accessible cells like peripheral blood lymphocytes are chromosomal aberrations, structural DNA lesions, and oxidatively modified DNA bases. In this review the most common methods quantifying the three parameters mentioned above, the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay, the comet assay, and the quantification of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine, are evaluated concerning the feasibility of the analysis and regarding the marker's potential to predict clinical outcomes.}, language = {en} } @article{EpeHaeringRamaiahetal.1993, author = {Epe, Bernd and H{\"a}ring, Martin and Ramaiah, Danaboyina and Stopper, Helga and Abou-Elzahab, Mohamed M. and Adam, Waldemar and Saha-M{\"o}ller, Chantu R.}, title = {DNA damage induced by furocoumarin hydroperoxides plus UV (360 nm)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86870}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Wben irradiated at 360 nm, furocoumarins with a hydroperoxide group in a side chain effciently give rise to a type of DNA damage that can best be explained by a photoinduced generation of hydroxyl radicals from the excited pbotosensitizers. The observed DNA damage profiles, i.e. the ratios of single-strand breaks, sites of base loss (AP sites) and base modifications sensitive to fonnamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (FPG protein) and endonuclease m, are similar to the DNA damage profile produced by hydroxyl radicals generated by lonizing radiation or by xanthine and xanthine oxidase in the presence of Fe(III)-EDTA. No such damage is observed with the corresponding furocoumarin alcohols or in the absence of near-UV radiation. The damage caused by the photo-excited hydroperoxides is not influenced by superoxide dismutase (SOD) or catalase or by D2O as solvent. The presence of t-butanol, however, reduces both the formation of single-strand breaks and of base odifications sensitive to FPG protein. The cytotoxicity caused by one of the hydroperoxides in L5178Y mome lymphoma cells is found to be dependent on the near-UV irradiation and to be much higher than that of the corresponding alcohol. Therefore the new type of photoinduced damage occurs inside cells. Intercalating photosensitizers with an attached hydroperoxide group might represent a novel and versatile class of DNA damaging agents, e.g. for phototherapy.}, subject = {DNS-Sch{\"a}digung}, language = {en} } @article{SagelsdorffLutzSchlatter1988, author = {Sagelsdorff, P. and Lutz, Werner K. and Schlatter, C.}, title = {DNA methylation in rat liver by daminozide, 1,1-dimethylhydrazine, and dimethylnitrosamine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60875}, year = {1988}, abstract = {DNA Methylation in Rat Li ver by Daminozide, 1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine, and Dimethylnitrosamine. SAGELSDORFF, P., LUTZ, W. K., AND ScHLAITER C. (1988). Fundam. Appl. Toxico/. 11, 723-730. [methyP4C]Daminozide (succinic acid 2',2'-dimethylhydrazide; 37 mgjkg), l,l( 14C]dimethylhydrazine (UDMH; 19 mgtkg), and (14C]dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA; 0.1 mg/ kg) were administered by oral gavage to male Sprague-Dawley rats. After 24 hr, the animals were killed and DNA was purified from the livers to constant specific radioactivity. After enzymatic degradation of the DNA to the 3'-deoxynucleotides the Ievel of DNA methylation was determined by HPLC analysis. Radiolabeled 7-methylguanine (7mG) was identified by cochromatography with unlabeled 7mG added as standard after acidic depurination of DNA and HPLC analysis ofpurines and apurinic acid. All three compounds were found to methylate DNA. The relative potencies were 1:47:4900 for daminozide:UDMH:DMNA. With [methyPH]UDMH, the formation of7mG was investigated as a function of dose administered, at 20, 2, and 0.2 mgj kg. The methylation ofDNA was strictly proportional to the dose. The data were used to compare the Ievel of DNA alkylation derived from residues of daminozide and UDMH in treated apple with the genotoxicity of the intake of N-nitroso compounds in Germany and Japan. It is estimated that these residues could Iead to a DNA methylation in the Ii ver of about 6\% of an average exposure to DMNA}, subject = {Toxikologie}, language = {en} }