@phdthesis{MuellerScholden2021, author = {M{\"u}ller-Scholden, Lara}, title = {Einfluss spezifischer kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikofaktoren und ihrer Kombination auf die Karotis-Intima-Media-Dicke und Erstellung von Normwerten - Ergebnisse der STAAB Kohortenstudie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Primary prevention in cardiovascular diseases is becoming more and more important as they are still the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Many cardiovascular events may even occur in clinically asymptomatic patients. The atherosclerosis as underlying pathogenesis is increasingly well understood and risk factors with a harmful influence are identified. However, by measuring the carotid-intima-media-thickness (CIMT) via B-mode ultrasound there is a widely accepted, safe, noninvasive, sensitive and reproducible technique to assess subclinical vascular diseases. The CIMT is established as a surrogate marker for atherosclerosis and its increase is associated with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. The basic prerequisite for further risk stratification, according to the level of arteriosclerosis represented by the CIMT, is to define gender-, age- and region-specific reference values. The latest version of the international guidelines for cardiovascular risk prediction do no longer recommend the use of CIMT for cardiovascular risk prediction in the general population. This may be attributed to the fact, that the experts refer to studies in which only the measurement of a single segment was considered. Thus the aim of the present study was to assess a potential segment-specific impact of particular cardiovascular risk factors on the CIMT. Furthermore the goal was to evaluate the relevance of the existing models for risk prediction and to discuss the current recommendations for the use of CIMT. Additionally, reference values were developed from data of a representative group of the general population of W{\"u}rzburg and the reproducibility of the data collection was examined. Subjects derived from the population-based STAAB (Characteristics and Course of Heart Failure Stages A-B and Determinants of Progression) cohort study, that included people of the general population of W{\"u}rzburg aged 30 to 79 years [12]. CIMT was measured on the far wall of both sides in three different predefined locations: common carotid artery (CCA), bulb, and internal carotid artery (ICA). Diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking and obesity were considered as risk factors. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, odds ratios of risk factors per location were estimated for the endpoint of individual age- and sex-adjusted 75th percentile of CIMT. These thresholds were derived from the standard values of the general population. An apparently healthy subpopulation was formed to generate these reference values, which consists only of people that did not exhibit any of the above mentioned risk factors or manifest cardiovascular diseases. 2492 subjects were included in the analysis. Segment-specific CIMT was highest in the bulb, followed by CCA, and lowest in the ICA. The reproducibility between the investigators was overall weaker than in comparable studies, therefore a potential improvement of the training protocol for inexperienced persons was assumed. Moreover, the results of the reproducibility analysis illustrate the need for a standardized, internationally recognized protocol for the training of CIMT investigators and an exact measurement protocol. The reference values of the apparently healthy population were consistent with values from other authors collected in a comparable way and formed the basis for further investigations. CIMT increases with age and independently with the number of risk factors. Dyslipidemia, hypertension, and smoking were associated with higher CIMT, but diabetes and obesity were not (OR (95\% CI) between 1.28 (0.98 - 1.65), ACC, and 1.86 (1.53 - 2.27), bulb). We observed no segment-specific association between the three different locations and risk factors, except for a possible interaction between smoking and ICA. As no segment-specific association between cardiovascular risk factors and CIMT became evident, one simple measurement of one location may suffice to assess the cardiovascular risk of an individual. In addition, the identified risk factors are reflected in the current models for risk prediction and prevention, so that the added value of the use of CIMT in the general population loses importance.}, subject = {Arteriosklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weiss2021, author = {Weiß, Claire Rachel}, title = {Einfluss adjuvanter Therapien des initial hormonrezeptorpositiven Mammakarzinoms auf die Entwicklung einer Rezeptorkonversion im Rezidiv}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22181}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221814}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgte eine retrospektive Auswertung der Daten von 2078 Patienten mit Erstdiagnose eines prim{\"a}r hormonrezeptorpositivem Mammakarzinoms, bez{\"u}glich der Entwicklung einer Rezeptorkonversion im Rezidiv. 196 Frauen entwickelten ein Rezidiv, wovon 29,1\% eine Rezeptorver{\"a}nderung im {\"O}strogen-, Progesteron-, oder HER2-neu-Rezeptor zeigten. Ein niedriger Tumordifferenzierungsgrad und eine axill{\"a}re Lymphknotenbeteiligung zeigten ein erh{\"o}htes Risiko f{\"u}r das Auftreten einer Rezeptorkonversion. Eine pr{\"a}menopausale Tamoxifentherapie oder die Applikation einer Chemotherapie war mit einem geringerem Risiko f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines {\"o}strogenrezeptornegativen Rezidivs assoziiert. Der Verlust der Rezeptorpositivit{\"a}t zeigte einen Trend zu einem geringeren Gesamt{\"u}berleben.}, subject = {Adjuvante Therapie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Borst2021, author = {Borst, Peter}, title = {Praktische Aspekte der perioperativen {\"U}berbr{\"u}ckung einer oralen Antikoagulation (Bridging) in der Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221024}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Anzahl von Patienten mit einer dauerhaften oralen Antikoagulation sowie einer elektiven Operation steigt kontinuierlich. Meist erfolgt die perioperative Umstellung auf ein niedermolekulares Heparin, das sogenannte Bridging. Bisher gibt es keine evidenzbasierte Leitlinie. In der aktuellen Literatur zeigt sich, dass das perioperative Bridging das Risiko einer postoperativen Blutung erh{\"o}ht. Ziel der Studie war es, das Blutungsrisiko beim Bridging und die Leitlinienadh{\"a}renz bei viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen zu untersuchen. Es handelt sich um eine retrospektive, monozentrische Studie. Die Patientenselektion erfolgte mit dem Krankenhausinformationssystem f{\"u}r den Zeitraum 01. Januar 2011 bis 31. Dezember 2014. Eingeschlossen wurden Patienten mit einer dauerhaften oralen Antikoagulation, verf{\"u}gbaren Patientenakte und einem elektiven operativen Eingriff. Ausschlusskriterien waren Notfalleingriffe, bariatrische Eingriffe und Gef{\"a}ßoperationen. Erfasst wurden Komorbidit{\"a}ten, die perioperative Dosierung und Pausierung des Bridging sowie postoperative Komplikationen. Insgesamt konnten 263 F{\"a}lle ausgewertet werden, wobei in 58 F{\"a}llen postoperative Blutungen auftraten (22,1\%; 30 subkutane H{\"a}matome, 17 lokale Blutungen, 5 H{\"a}maskos, 3 peranale Blutungen, 3 Sonstige), in 68 F{\"a}llen erfolgten Transfusionen (26\%) und in 40 F{\"a}llen Revisionsoperationen (15\%). Das Risiko f{\"u}r Blutungen war erh{\"o}ht beim Bridging in einer therapeutischen Dosierung (2x1mg/kgEnoxaparin;N=51/189,27\%) im Vergleich zur halb- therapeutischen (1x1mg/kg; N=3/26, 12\%) und prophylaktischen Dosierung (1x40mg; N=4/49, 8\%; P=0,007). Thromboembolische Ereignisse traten bei 2 Patienten auf (0,8\%; Apoplex, Lungenembolie). Eine falsche Risikobewertung f{\"u}hrte bei 28 Patienten (11\%) zu einem nicht indizierten therapeutischen Bridging, wobei hier 7 Blutungen auftraten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus war die perioperative Pausierung des Bridging bei der Mehrzahl der F{\"a}lle zu kurz. Die pr{\"a}operative Pausierung korrelierte mit dem Risiko f{\"u}r Bluttransfusionen (P=0,028). Die Leitlinie wurde bei 96\% der Patienten nicht befolgt. Patienten mit einem Bridging in einer therapeutischen Dosierung unterliegen einem hohen Risiko f{\"u}r postoperative schwere Blutungskomplikationen. In der Praxis wird die Indikation zum Bridging oftmals nicht ausreichend differenziert und die perioperative Pausierung nicht eingehalten. Die Indikation zum perioperativen Bridging muss mit Hilfe einer individuellen pr{\"a}operativen Risikostratifizierung f{\"u}r das perioperative Blutungs- und Thromboembolierisiko gestellt werden.}, subject = {bridging}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lehmann2021, author = {Lehmann, Martin}, title = {Postoperative Ver{\"a}nderungen der regionalen Ventilation unter Spontanatmung bei Patienten nach Lungenresektion}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22221}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Die pulmonale elektrische Impedanztomographie (EIT) stellt die regionale Ventilation der Lunge dar. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die postoperative Umverteilung der regionalen Ventilation nach lungenchirurgischen Eingriffen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Operationsseite und deren Zusammenhang mit der forcierten Vitalkapazit{\"a}t zu untersuchen. Methoden: In dieser Beobachtungsstudie wurden Patienten untersucht, die sich rechts- und linksseitig offenen und videothorakoskopischen Eingriffen unterzogen. Es wurden Messungen mit EIT und Spirometrie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Jeweils 13 links- und 13 rechtsseitig operierte erwachsene Patienten, wurden pr{\"a}operativ, sowie am dritten postoperativen Tag untersucht. Der Center of Ventilation (COV) innerhalb einer 32 x 32 Matrix wurde aus den EIT-Daten berechnet. COVx (links/rechts) wurde zu COVx' (ipsilateral/kontralateral) mit invertiertem Vektor der perioperativen Ver{\"a}nderung bei rechtsseitiger Operation modifiziert, um den Effekt der Zeit und der Seite der Operation in beiden Gruppen mit Two-way ANOVA f{\"u}r wiederholte Messungen zu testen. Ergebnisse: Die perioperative Verschiebung von COVx' war abh{\"a}ngig von der Operationsseite (p=0,007) und war um -1,97 Matrixpunkte (p<0,001) bei rechtsseitiger und -0,61 Matrixpunkte (p=0,425) bei linksseitiger Operation von der Operationsseite weg gerichtet. Die forcierte Vitalkapazit{\"a}t (\%vom Soll) verringerte sich von 94 (83-109) \% [Median (Perzentile)] (linksseitig) und 89 (80-97) \% (rechtsseitig) auf 61 (59-66) \% bzw. 62 (40-72) \% (p<0,05) und korrelierte mit COVx' f{\"u}r beide Gruppen. Schlussfolgerung: Nur nach rechtsseitiger Lungenoperation konnte die EIT eine reduzierte Ventilation auf der Seite der Operation zeigen, w{\"a}hrend die Vitalkapazit{\"a}t in beiden Gruppen deutlich reduziert war.}, subject = {Impedanztomografie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dose2021, author = {Dose, Titus}, title = {Balance Problems for Integer Circuits and Separations of Relativized Conjectures on Incompleteness in Promise Classes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22220}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222209}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we contribute to a working program initiated by Pudl{\´a}k (2017) who lists several major complexity theoretic conjectures relevant to proof complexity and asks for oracles that separate pairs of corresponding relativized conjectures. Among these conjectures are: - \(\mathsf{CON}\) and \(\mathsf{SAT}\): coNP (resp., NP) does not contain complete sets that have P-optimal proof systems. - \(\mathsf{CON}^{\mathsf{N}}\): coNP does not contain complete sets that have optimal proof systems. - \(\mathsf{TFNP}\): there do not exist complete total polynomial search problems (also known as total NP search problems). - \(\mathsf{DisjNP}\) and \(\mathsf{DisjCoNP}\): There do not exist complete disjoint NP pairs (coNP pairs). - \(\mathsf{UP}\): UP does not contain complete problems. - \(\mathsf{NP}\cap\mathsf{coNP}\): \(\mathrm{NP}\cap\mathrm{coNP}\) does not contain complete problems. - \(\mathrm{P}\ne\mathrm{NP}\). We construct several of the oracles that Pudl{\´a}k asks for. In the second part we investigate the computational complexity of balance problems for \(\{-,\cdot\}\)-circuits computing finite sets of natural numbers (note that \(-\) denotes the set difference). These problems naturally build on problems for integer expressions and integer circuits studied by Stockmeyer and Meyer (1973), McKenzie and Wagner (2007), and Glaßer et al. (2010). Our work shows that the balance problem for \(\{-,\cdot\}\)-circuits is undecidable which is the first natural problem for integer circuits or related constraint satisfaction problems that admits only one arithmetic operation and is proven to be undecidable. Starting from this result we precisely characterize the complexity of balance problems for proper subsets of \(\{-,\cdot\}\). These problems turn out to be complete for one of the classes L, NL, and NP.}, subject = {NP-vollst{\"a}ndiges Problem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Waltermann2021, author = {Waltermann, Leopold-Maximilian Johannes}, title = {Charakterisierung und Standardisierung eines in-vitro Modells der oralen Mukosa f{\"u}r die pr{\"a}klinische Forschung}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22203}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222032}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bisherige per Tissue Engineering hergestellte Testsysteme der Mundschleimhaut basieren in der Regel auf allogenen und teils dysplastischen Keratinozyten. Dies schm{\"a}lert die Aussagekraft der gewonnenen Ergebnisse hinsichtlich des Anspruchs, Nativgewebe bestm{\"o}glich nachzubilden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher ein am Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin entwickeltes Protokoll zur Herstellung dreidimensionaler epidermaler Oralmukosa{\"a}quivalente auf Basis autologer Keratinozyten auf seine Eigenschaften und Einsatzm{\"o}glichkeit als in-vitro Testsystem untersucht werden. Nach erfolgreicher Isolierung und Kultivierung im Monolayer konnten insgesamt 420 Modelle zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten (Passagen) aufgebaut werden. Die Untersuchung von Histologie, Viabilit{\"a}t und Barrierefunktion mittels MTT, TEER und Natriumfluoresceinpermeabilit{\"a}t konnte einen suffizienten Aufbau von verhorntem, mehrschichtigen oralen Plattenepithel nachweisen. Gleichzeitig konnte eine Abnahme der Epithelqualit{\"a}t mit steigendem Keratinozytenalter festgestellt werden. Eine sich anschließende Untersuchung von 14 Cytokeratinen sowie Apoptosemarkern per effizienzkorrigierter und normalisierter RT-qPCR konnte die {\"U}berlegenheit der dreidimensionalen autologen Oralmukosa{\"a}quivalente gegen{\"u}ber der zweidimensionalen Monolayerkultur auf Genebene zeigen.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lauton2021, author = {Lauton, Felix}, title = {Three Essays on the Procurement of Essential Medicines in Developing Countries}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22063}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220631}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The first problem is that of the optimal volume allocation in procurement. The choice of this problem was motivated by a study whose objective was to support decision-making at two procurement organizations for the procurement of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA), an injectable contraceptive. At the time of this study, only one supplier that had undergone the costly and lengthy process of WHO pre-qualification was available to these organizations. However, a new entrant supplier was expected to receive WHO qualification within the next year, thus becoming a viable second source for DMPA procurement. When deciding how to allocate the procurement volume between the two suppliers, the buyers had to consider the impact on price as well as risk. Higher allocations to one supplier yield lower prices but expose a buyer to higher supply risks, while an even allocation will result in lower supply risk but also reduce competitive pressure, resulting in higher prices. Our research investigates this single- versus dual-sourcing problem and quantifies in one model the impact of the procurement volume on competition and risk. To support decision-makers, we develop a mathematical framework that accounts for the characteristics of donor-funded global health markets and models the effects of an entrant on purchasing costs and supply risks. Our in-depth analysis provides insights into how the optimal allocation decision is affected by various parameters and explores the trade-off between competition and supply risk. For example, we find that, even if the entrant supplier introduces longer leads times and a higher default risk, the buyer still benefits from dual sourcing. However, these risk-diversification benefits depend heavily on the entrant's in-country registration: If the buyer can ship the entrant's product to only a selected number of countries, the buyer does not benefit from dual sourcing as much as it would if entrant's product could be shipped to all supplied countries. We show that the buyer should be interested in qualifying the entrant's product in countries with high demand first. In the second problem we explore a new tendering mechanism called the postponement tender, which can be useful when buyers in the global health industry want to contract new generics suppliers with uncertain product quality. The mechanism allows a buyer to postpone part of the procurement volume's allocation so the buyer can learn about the unknown quality before allocating the remaining volume to the best supplier in terms of both price and quality. We develop a mathematical model to capture the decision-maker's trade-offs in setting the right split between the initial volume and the postponed volume. Our analysis shows that a buyer can benefit from this mechanism more than it can from a single-sourcing format, as it can decrease the risk of receiving poor quality (in terms of product quality and logistics performance) and even increase competitive pressure between the suppliers, thereby lowering the purchasing costs. By considering market parameters like the buyer's size, the suppliers' value (difference between quality and cost), quality uncertainty, and minimum order volumes, we derive optimal sourcing strategies for various market structures and explore how competition is affected by the buyer's learning about the suppliers' quality through the initial volume. The third problem considers the repeated procurement problem of pharmacies in Kenya that have multi-product inventories. Coordinating orders allows pharmacies to achieve lower procurement prices by using the quantity discounts manufacturers offer and sharing fixed ordering costs, such as logistics costs. However, coordinating and optimizing orders for multiple products is complex and costly. To solve the coordinated procurement problem, also known as the Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP) with quantity discounts, a novel, data-driven inventory policy using sample-average approximation is proposed. The inventory policy is developed based on renewal theory and is evaluated using real-world sales data from Kenyan pharmacies. Multiple benchmarks are used to evaluate the performance of the approach. First, it is compared to the theoretically optimal policy --- that is, a dynamic-programming policy --- in the single-product setting without quantity discounts to show that the proposed policy results in comparable inventory costs. Second, the policy is evaluated for the original multi-product setting with quantity discounts and compared to ex-post optimal costs. The evaluation shows that the policy's performance in the multi-product setting is similar to its performance in the single-product setting (with respect to ex-post optimal costs), suggesting that the proposed policy offers a promising, data-driven solution to these types of multi-product inventory problems.}, subject = {Entwicklungsl{\"a}nder}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2021, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Markus Manfred}, title = {Lokale elektrophoretische Abscheidung keramischer Partikel in station{\"a}ren inhomogenen elektrischen Feldern in polaren und unpolaren L{\"o}semitteln und deren Mischungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22080}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220803}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Elektrophoretische Abscheidung (EPD) ist ein zweistufiger Prozess, bei dem geladene Partikel zun{\"a}chst aufgrund eines elektrischen Feldes in einer Suspension bewegt und anschließend auf einer Oberfl{\"a}che abgeschieden werden. Aufgrund der M{\"o}glichkeit zur kosteng{\"u}nstigen Massenproduktion von Filmen auf Oberfl{\"a}chen sowie darauf basierenden dreidimensionalen Mehrschichtsystemen, ist die EPD f{\"u}r die Industrie und die Medizin von großem Interesse. Der 3D-Druck ist dagegen weniger zur Massenproduktion, sondern vielmehr zur Herstellung von Prototypen in niedriger St{\"u}ckzahl geeignet, was ihn jedoch nicht weniger interessant f{\"u}r Industrie und Medizin macht. Beim 3D-Druck wird das Material zum Aufbau einer dreidimensionalen Struktur lokal zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt, weshalb er den additiven Herstellungsverfahren zugeordnet werden kann. Eine Kombination beider Verfahren er{\"o}ffnet neue M{\"o}glichkeiten zum Aufbau dreidimensionaler Strukturen. Da EPD theoretisch mit jedem geladenen Objekt, Material oder Molek{\"u}l m{\"o}glich ist, ließe sich das Potenzial des 3D-Drucks durch eine Kombination mit EPD signifikant steigern. Prototypen k{\"o}nnten aus einer Vielzahl an Materialien in einem schnellen und kosteng{\"u}nstigen additiven Herstellungsverfahren entstehen, wodurch die M{\"o}glichkeit zum Einsatz als Massenproduktionsverfahren gegeben ist. Eine Nutzung der EPD als 3D-Druck-Verfahren ist jedoch nur m{\"o}glich, wenn es gelingt, die Abscheidung der Partikel lokal zu fokussieren und somit den Aufbau der dreidimensionalen Struktur zu steuern und zu kontrollieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob lokale Abscheidung von keramischen Partikeln durch EPD realisierbar ist und welche Bedingungen dazu vorliegen m{\"u}ssen. Insbesondere werden die Bewegungen der geladenen Partikel im inhomogenen elektrischen Feld analysiert und der Einfluss der Polarit{\"a}t des Suspensionsmediums auf die Partikelbewegung und die Partikelablagerung in einer selbstentwickelten Mikro-Flusskammer untersucht. Im unpolaren Medium Cyclohexan steigt die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit der Partikel linear mit der angelegten Spannung, respektive der elektrischen Feldst{\"a}rke. Die Bewegungsrichtung der Partikel erfolgt entsprechend ihrer positiven Ladung in Richtung der Kathode. Die Partikel scheiden sich als st{\"a}bchenf{\"o}rmige Deposition verteilt auf der Kathodenoberfl{\"a}che ab. Die H{\"a}ufigkeit der Ablagerung ist dabei an der Elektrodenspitze, also im Bereich der h{\"o}chsten Feldst{\"a}rke am gr{\"o}ßten. Die Stabilisierung der Partikel in einem unpolaren L{\"o}semittel wird durch eine Oberfl{\"a}chenbeschichtung mit verschiedenen, struktur{\"a}hnlichen Dispergatoren realisiert. Alle verwendeten Dispergator-Partikel-Systeme zeigen n{\"a}herungsweise gleiches elektrophoretisches Verhalten. In Wasser bewegen sich die positiv geladenen Partikel bei einer angelegten Spannung von unter 3 V entgegen der elektrostatischen Kr{\"a}fte in Richtung Anode, deren Oberfl{\"a}che sie jedoch nicht erreichen, da sie vorher abgelenkt werden. Somit erfolgt keine Abscheidung der Partikel auf keiner der beiden Elektroden. Ab einer Spannung von 3 V beginnen sich Partikel im polaren Medium in Form einer dendritischen Struktur an der Kathodenspitze abzuscheiden. Bei Spannungen von mehr als 17 V beginnt in Wasser eine sichtbare Bildung von Gasblasen an der Anodenoberfl{\"a}che. Beim Abriss der Blasen von der Oberfl{\"a}che wird die vorhandene dendritische Struktur zerst{\"o}rt. In Mischungen aus Ethanol und Cyclohexan wird die Spannung von 5 V konstant gehalten und das Mischungsverh{\"a}ltnis der beiden L{\"o}semittel, und somit die Polarit{\"a}t der Suspension, variiert. Bereits bei 0,1 Vol.-\% Ethanol-Anteil, sowie ab 30 Vol.-\% Ethanol findet eine Partikelbewegung in Richtung der Anode, also entgegen der elektrostatischen Kr{\"a}fte, statt. Da die Partikel die Anodenoberfl{\"a}che aufgrund der repulsiven Wechselwirkungen nicht erreichen, findet keine Abscheidung statt. Nur bei einem Ethanol-Anteil von 7,5 Vol.-\% bis etwa 30 Vol.-\% bewegen sich die Partikel in Richtung Kathode, wo sie sich auch abscheiden. Die merkw{\"u}rdigen Bewegungsph{\"a}nomene der Partikel in der Mikro-Flusskammer konnten nicht mit Sicherheit aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Induced-charge electroosmotic flow oder andere elektrokinetische Effekte k{\"o}nnten wirken und so die elektrophoretische Partikelbewegung {\"u}berlagern oder beeinflussen. Gezeigt werden konnte jedoch, dass eine lokale Abscheidung von Partikeln mittels EPD m{\"o}glich ist. Dazu ist unter den beschriebenen experimentellen Bedingungen in Wasser eine Spannung im Bereich zwischen 3 V und 17 V n{\"o}tig, um lokal eine dendritische Struktur abzuscheiden. In reinem Cyclohexan und f{\"u}r bestimmte Mischungsverh{\"a}ltnisse von Ethanol und Cyclohexan erfolgt die Abscheidung bei jedem untersuchten Spannungswert. Anders als in Wasser ist die st{\"a}bchenf{\"o}rmige Abscheidung jedoch an mehreren Stellen auf der Elektrodenoberfl{\"a}che zu beobachten. Dennoch kann auch hier von einer lokalen Abscheidung gesprochen werden, da die Wahrscheinlichkeit f{\"u}r die Abscheidung an der Elektrodenspitze am gr{\"o}ßten ist, was nach einiger Zeit zu einer lokal erh{\"o}hten Schichtdicke f{\"u}hrt.}, subject = {Elektrophorese}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Volpp2021, author = {Volpp, Miriam}, title = {Bestimmung der Plasmaproteinbindung von niedrig affinen Liganden am Beispiel der Ephedra-Alkaloide}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21961}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219619}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Zur Bestimmung der Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t von Liganden zu den Plasmaproteinen, insbesondere Albumin, wurden {\"u}ber die Jahre zahlreiche Methoden entwickelt. Die Grundlage dieser Arbeit war die Bestimmung der Plasmaproteinbindung der Ephedra-Alkaloide unter Verwendung einzelner dieser etablierten Methoden. Aufgrund ihres Anwendungsgebiets als Notfallmedikation bei An{\"a}sthesie-bedingter Hypotonie und den damit verbundenen Anforderungen an die Pharmakokinetik, sollten die Ephedra-Alkaloide niedrig-affine Liganden der Plasmaproteine darstellen. In der Literatur und in vorhergehenden Arbeiten wurden f{\"u}r die Ephedra-Alkaloide jedoch sehr unterschiedliche, teilweise der Indikation widersprechende Affinit{\"a}ten bestimmt. Daher sollte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das Ausmaß der Plasmaproteinbindung der Ephedra-Alkaloide weiter untersucht und die Affinit{\"a}t zu Albumin bzw. anderen Plasmaproteinen im humanen Serum bestimmt werden. Neben der Affinit{\"a}t sollte auch die Stereoselektivit{\"a}t der Bindung genauer betrachtet werden, die bei der Bindung vieler Wirkstoffe eine Rolle spielt. Als Referenzmethode diente die kontinuierliche Ultrafiltration, die auch schon bei H{\"o}rst verwendet wurde. Folgende Schlussfolgerungen konnten aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit gezogen werden: 1) Die Ergebnisse der kontinuierlichen Ultrafiltration zeigten, dass die Ephedra-Alkaloide, Ephedrin und Pseudoephedrin, ein nur geringes Ausmaß an Plasmaprotein-bindung von 4 - 9 \% gegen{\"u}ber bovinem und humanem Serumalbumin zeigen. Eine deutlich h{\"o}here Plasmaproteinbindung von 19 - 37 \% konnte hingegen bei der Verwendung von humanem Serum bestimmt werden. Die Affinit{\"a}t von Pseudoephedrin war dabei jeweils geringer als die von Ephedrin. 2) Diese Ergebnisse mit humanem Serum und die Tatsache, dass Albumin vorwiegend saure Stoffe bindet, legen nahe, dass die Ephedra-Alkaloide vermehrt an andere Plasmaproteine in Serum binden. Erste Messergebnisse mit saurem α1 Glykoprotein best{\"a}tigen diese Vermutung. 3) Eine Stereoselektivit{\"a}t konnte nur in geringem Maß bei (+) Ephedrin beobachtet werden, wobei der Unterschied nur im Serum signifikant ist. Pseudoephedrin dagegen zeigte keinerlei Stereoselektivit{\"a}t. Diese Beobachtung passt zu den Schlussfolgerungen der Pfeiffer'schen Regel zur Stereoselektivit{\"a}t einer Bindung. 4) Andere Sympathomimetika mit einer zus{\"a}tzlichen Phenolgruppe im Molek{\"u}l zeigen eine {\"a}hnlich niedrige Affinit{\"a}t zu Albumin von ca. 10 \%. Eine zus{\"a}tzliche Phenolgruppe scheint die sauren Eigenschaften des Liganden nicht ausreichend zu erh{\"o}hen, um die Affinit{\"a}t zu Albumin signifikant zu steigern. 5) Das terti{\"a}re Kohlenstoffatom am Stickstoff des Ephedrins scheint in gewisser Weise an der Bindung zu Albumin beteiligt zu sein. Sympathomimetika mit einer zus{\"a}tzlichen Methylgruppe an diesem Kohlenstoffatom, wie Ephedrin, Pseudoephedrin und Oxilofrin, zeigen eine gr{\"o}ßere Streuung der Messergebnisse. Eine zus{\"a}tzliche Methylgruppe in dieser Position scheint die Bindung daher sterisch zu hindern. 6) Die Ergebnisse der diskontinuierlichen Ultrafiltration best{\"a}tigen weitestgehend die Ergebnisse der kontinuierlichen Ultrafiltration 7) Eine Bestimmung des Ausmaßes der Plasmaproteinbindung von niedrig-affinen Stoffen ist mit den anderen orthogonalen Methoden ACE, NMR und iTC nicht m{\"o}glich. Diese drei verwendeten Methoden trennen nicht wie die klassischen Methoden den gebundenen vom ungebundenen Wirkstoff, sondern beruhen auf einer Ver{\"a}nderung bestimmter Messparameter: bei der ACE die Migrationszeit, bei der NMR-Spektroskopie die chemische Verschiebung der Signale bzw. der Diffusionskoeffizient und bei der iTC die frei werdende Bindungsw{\"a}rme. Bei allen drei Methoden war die {\"A}nderung der Messgr{\"o}ße aufgrund der niedrigen Plasmaproteinbindung zu gering, um auswertbar zu sein. 8) Eine St{\"o}rgr{\"o}ße bei die orthogonalen Methoden war vielfach auch das Albumin selbst bzw. dessen Eigenschaften. Bei der Affinit{\"a}ts-Kapillarelektrophorese sind physiologische HSA-Konzentrationen wegen des starken Basislinienrauschens nicht messbar. Zudem bewirkt der Albuminzusatz im Trennpuffer eine Viskosit{\"a}ts{\"a}nderung, die den EOF verlangsamt und so die Messung st{\"o}rt. Bei der NMR-Spektroskopie k{\"o}nnen wegen der {\"U}berlagerung der Signale durch die breiten Albuminbanden weder Ver{\"a}nderungen in der chemischen Verschiebung noch des Diffusionskoeffizienten zuverl{\"a}ssig bestimmt werden. In der iTC erschwerte die Schaumbildung der L{\"o}sung, die durch die Oberfl{\"a}chenaktivit{\"a}t des Albumins verursacht wird, die Messung. In dieser Arbeit konnte somit das Ausmaß der Plasmaproteinbindung der Ephedra-Alkaloide mit verschiedenen Methoden erfolgreich bestimmt werden. Damit best{\"a}tigte diese Arbeit, dass die Ephedra-Alkaloide, wie deren Indikation vermuten l{\"a}sst, zu den niedrig affinen Liganden des Albumins z{\"a}hlen. Um genauer eingrenzen zu k{\"o}nnen durch welche Plasmaproteine im Blutserum die Ephedra-Alkaloide transportiert werden, sollten die Untersuchungen zum sauren α1-Glykoprotein fortgesetzt und gegebenenfalls durch weitere Bestimmungen mit anderen Plasmaproteinen erg{\"a}nzt werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit haben auch gezeigt, dass viele der unz{\"a}hligen Methoden zur Untersuchung der Plasmaproteinbindung bei der Bestimmung von niedrig affinen Liganden ihre Grenzen haben. Nach wie vor sind zur Bestimmung einer niedrigen Bindungsaffinit{\"a}t weiterhin die klassischen Methoden, wie die kontinuierliche Ultrafiltration, Mittel der Wahl. Nicht zuletzt deshalb erfreuen sich diese Methoden auch heute noch großer Beliebtheit.}, subject = {Proteinbindung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Heidrich2021, author = {Heidrich, Lea}, title = {The effect of environmental heterogeneity on communities}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22178}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {How diversity of life is generated, maintained, and distributed across space and time is the central question of community ecology. Communities are shaped by three assembly processes: (I) dispersal, (II) environ-mental, and (III) interaction filtering. Heterogeneity in environmental conditions can alter these filtering processes, as it increases the available niche space, spatially partitions the resources, but also reduces the effective area available for individual species. Ultimately, heterogeneity thus shapes diversity. However, it is still unclear under which conditions heterogeneity has positive effects on diversity and under which condi-tions it has negative or no effects at all. In my thesis, I investigate how environmental heterogeneity affects the assembly and diversity of diverse species groups and whether these effects are mediated by species traits. In Chapter II, I first examine how much functional traits might inform about environmental filtering pro-cesses. Specifically, I examine to which extent body size and colour lightness, both of which are thought to reflect the species thermal preference, shape the distribution and abundance of two moth families along elevation. The results show, that assemblages of noctuid moths are more strongly driven by abiotic filters (elevation) and thus form distinct patterns in colour lightness and body size, while geometrid moths are driven by biotic filters (habitat availability), and show no decline in body size nor colour lightness along elevation. Thus, one and the same functional trait can have quite different effects on community assembly even between closely related taxonomic groups. In Chapter III, I elucidate how traits shift the relative importance of dispersal and environmental filtering in determining beta diversity between forests. Environmental filtering via forest heterogeneity had on aver-age higher independent effects than dispersal filtering within and among regions, suggesting that forest heterogeneity determines species turnover even at country-wide extents. However, the relative importance of dispersal filtering increased with decreasing dispersal ability of the species group. From the aspects of forest heterogeneity covered, variations in herb or tree species composition had overall stronger influence on the turnover of species than forest physiognomy. Again, this ratio was influenced by species traits, namely trophic position, and body size, which highlights the importance of ecological properties of a taxo-nomic group in community assembly. In Chapter IV, I assess whether such ecological properties ultimately determine the level of heterogeneity which maximizes species richness. Here, I considered several facets of heterogeneity in forests. Though the single facets of heterogeneity affected diverse species groups both in positive and negative ways, we could not identify any generalizable mechanism based on dispersal nor the trophic position of the species group which would dissolve these complex relationships. In Chapter V, I examine the effect of environmental heterogeneity of the diversity of traits itself to evalu-ate, whether the effects of environmental heterogeneity on species richness are truly based on increases in the number of niches. The results revealed that positive effects of heterogeneity on species richness are not necessarily based on an increased number of niches alone, but proposedly also on a spatially partition of resources or sheltering effects. While ecological diversity increased overall, there were also negative trends which indicate filtering effects via heterogeneity. In Chapter VI, I present novel methods in measuring plot-wise heterogeneity of forests across continental scales via Satellites. The study compares the performance of Sentinel-1 and LiDar-derived measurements in depicting forest structures and heterogeneity and to their predictive power in modelling diversity. Senti-nel-1 could match the performance of Lidar and shows high potential to assess free yet detailed infor-mation about forest structures in temporal resolutions for modelling the diversity of species. Overall, my thesis supports the notion that heterogeneity in environmental conditions is an important driv-er of beta-diversity, species richness, and ecological diversity. However, I could not identify any general-izable mechanism which direction and form this effect will have.}, subject = {Heterogenit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @misc{Wu2021, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Wu, Dong}, title = {Aspects of Gender in The Unofficial History of the Scholars}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21920}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219202}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The present study focuses on Rulin waishi 儒林外史 (The Unofficial History of the Scholars), a well-known Qing novel, from the perspective of gender. It attempts to contribute to the discussion about Chinese masculinity by identifying the representation of the scholars' masculinity in Rulin waishi and offer a better understanding of the novel's position regarding femininity and women. This project shows that the novel nevertheless reflects rather than challenges gender ideologies of its time. The ideal manhood showed in the novel comprises real virtues and authentic learning. It goes against the traditional, orthodox Confucian masculinity which advocates that officialdom is the glorious path to fulfill a learned man's masculinity. It is mainly due to Wu Jingzi's own failure in the civil service examinations and official careers. Regarding the relation of masculinity and sexuality, the novel reveals that a masculine man is not tempted by female charm but can enjoy a harmonious and companionate marriage. Besides, scholars show great anxiety about their masculinity since they are in a marginal position in society. Their manliness is challenged by officials, merchants, and even commoners, as well as their colleagues. Through a careful examination of stories of Pinniang, Miss Lu, and Mrs. Wang, it reveals that the novel holds a conventional opinion on women although it criticizes widow suicide and shows an egalitarian husband-wife relationship. It praises Confucian womanly virtues, such as following and serving the husband, managing the household, and keeping chastity. Female sexuality is blamed as an evil temptation to lead men to go astray. Women's learning gains legitimacy when serving to fulfill domestic responsibilities. It carries the Confucian message that men should take the lead and maintain order in the household and reinforces the rightful patriarchy. In a word, rather than go ahead of its time, Rulin waishi holds a conservative attitude towards gender issues.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roth2021, author = {Roth, Magnus Ulrich Maria}, title = {Die persistierende periprothetische Kniegelenkinfektion - Nutzen der Synovia-Analyse bei einliegendem Zement-Spacer}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22027}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der zweizeitige Endoprothesenwechsel gilt als Goldstandard der Therapie periprothetischer Gelenkinfektionen. Ein sicherer Ausschluss einer Infektpersistenz ist f{\"u}r den Therapieerfolg essentiel. Es wurde der diagnostische Nutzen synovialer Marker zum Ausschluss einer Infektpersistenz bei einliegendem Kniegelenksspacer untersucht. Weder mikrobiologische noch zytologische Synovia-Analysen sind zum Ausschluss einer Infektpersistenz im Rahmen des zweizeitigen Knieendoprothesenwechsels geeignet.}, subject = {Knie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grebinyk2021, author = {Grebinyk, Anna}, title = {Synergistic Chemo- and Photodynamic Treatment of Cancer Cells with C\(_{60}\) Fullerene Nanocomplexes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22207}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222075}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Recent progress in nanotechnology has attracted interest to a biomedical application of the carbon nanoparticle C60 fullerene (C60) due to its unique structure and versatile biological activity. In the current study the dual functionality of C60 as a photosensitizer and a drug nanocarrier was exploited to improve the efficiency of chemotherapeutic drugs towards human leukemic cells. Pristine C60 demonstrated time-dependent accumulation with predominant mitochondrial localization in leukemic cells. C60's effects on leukemic cells irradiated with high power single chip LEDs of different wavelengths were assessed to find out the most effective photoexcitation conditions. A C60-based noncovalent nanosized system as a carrier for an optimized drug delivery to the cells was evaluated in accordance to its physicochemical properties and toxic effects. Finally, nanomolar amounts of C60-drug nanocomplexes in 1:1 and 2:1 molar ratios were explored to improve the efficiency of cell treatment, complementing it with photodynamic approach. A proposed treatment strategy was developed for C60 nanocomplexes with the common chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin, whose intracellular accumulation and localization, cytotoxicity and mechanism of action were investigated. The developed strategy was revealed to be transferable to an alternative potent anticancer drug - the herbal alkaloid Berberine. Hereafter, a strong synergy of treatments arising from the combination of C60-mediated drug delivery and C60 photoexcitation was revealed. Presented data indicate that a combination of chemo- and photodynamic treatments with C60-drug nanoformulations could provide a promising synergetic approach for cancer treatment.}, subject = {cancer}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beykan2021, author = {Beykan, Seval}, title = {Implementation and Optimization of Dosimetry for Theranostics in Radiopeptide Therapies}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19955}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199553}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is a molecular targeted radiation therapy involving the systemic administration of radiolabeled somatostatin receptor binding peptides designed to target with high affinity and specificity receptors overexpressed on tumors. Peptides are applied which either target as agonist (with internalization) or antagonist (little to no internalization). Recently, two novel antagonistic agents have been developed for clinical use: OPS202 and OPS201. 68Ga-labelled OPS202 is used for diagnostic purposes with positron emission tomography and 177Lu-labelled OPS201 is used for the therapy in patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Both agents are presently under clinical evaluation. Despite the very low internalization rate, the use of somatostatin receptor antagonists which target more binding sites on receptors are expected to result in higher specificity, more favorable pharmacokinetics and higher tumor retention and better visualization than the agonists. The main goal of this thesis was analyzing the biodistribution, biokinetics and internal dosimetry of the recently developed somatostatin receptor antagonists (OPS201 and OPS202) for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes in different species (mice, pigs and patients). In addition, an analysis of the influence of image quantification and the integration of time activity curves on kidney dosimetry in a pig model was carried out. Furthermore, extrapolation methods, which are used for predicting organ absorbed doses for humans based on preclinical animal models, were systematically compared for blood, liver, and kidneys of OPS201 injected species. Based on the OPS202 injected patients' investigations, 68Ga-OPS202 shows promising biodistribution and imaging properties with tumor contrast which is optimal one hour after injection of the radiotracer. OPS202 is well tolerated and delivers absorbed doses to organs that are lower than those by 18F-FDG and similar to other 68Ga-labeled somatostatin receptor ligands. As a result of 68Ga OPS202 injection, the highest absorbed doses were observed in the urinary bladder (0.10 mGy/MBq) and kidneys (0.84 mGy/MBq). The calculated mean effective dose coefficient of 68Ga-OPS202 injected patients was 0.024 mSv/MBq (3.6 mSv for 150 MBq 68Ga-OPS202 injection) which is similar to other 68Ga-labeled compounds. Based on the OPS201 biokinetics and dosimetry investigations, after the injection of 177Lu-OPS201, a fast blood clearance of the compound is observed in the first phase (half-life: 1.83 h) for each species. 10 min after injection, less than 5\% of the injected activity per milliliter of blood circulates in pigs and humans. The analysis of the mice, pig and preliminary patient data provides evidence that, patients enrolled in a phase 1 177Lu-OPS201 trial would not be at risk of overexposure. Based on our results, for 177Lu labelled studies, late time points after 72 h have a great impact on absorbed dose calculations. That is why follow-up times especially at late time points (more than 72 h) are required for the time-integrated activity coefficient (TIAC) calculations in order to represent the area under the curve appropriately and to analyze both biokinetics and dosimetry accurately. In addition, to find the most adequate extrapolation methods that minimize the interspecies differences of dosimetry data, several extrapolation methods from animal to human have been tested. For OPS201 time scaling or combination of relative mass and time scaling results in most similar TIAC values, if the organ mass ratios between the species are high. In time scaling, the scan/sampling time is scaled by using the ratio of the whole body masses of the respective species. In relative mass scaling, the TIACs are scaled based on the ratio of the whole body and organ mass of respective species. Other methods tested showed higher deviations. For the study on the influence of image quantification and the choice of the optimal scanning time points, a study in a pig model, which was performed in collaboration with Aalborg University and Octreopharm Sciences GmbH, was reanalyzed. As kidneys are organs-at-risk in PRRT with 177Lu labelled peptides, several quantification methods, based on 2D and 3D quantitative imaging were chosen. For this purpose, a 3D printed pig kidney phantom was prepared and measured with/without background activities representing the activities in the pig SPECT/CT scans. The phantom dosimetry data based on multiple SPECT/CT images and based on multiple planar images in combination with one SPECT/CT scan (MP1S Imaging) were compared to the pig dosimetry. The calculated TIACs of the phantom with background based on multiple SPECT/CT and MP1S imaging were quite similar to the multiple SPECT/CT based pig TIAC. In addition, in order to investigate the effect of late time points on dosimetry and absorbed dose values in 177Lu therapies, the difference, associated with eliminating the late two scan time points, on the TIACs was analyzed. When the TIACs (including all time points) of the pig based on multiple SPECT/CT and MP1S imaging were investigated, the use of MP1S imaging results in considerably lower TIAC values to the kidney (by a factor of 1.4). With eliminating late time points from the created time activity curve, the factor increases up to 2.4 times with a corresponding increase in TIAC uncertainties. As a consequence, further evaluation of 68Ga-OPS202 for PET/CT imaging and 177Lu-OPS201 for the treatments of NET patients is necessary. In particular, a head-to-head comparison of agonists and OPS peptides with respect to biokinetics, biodistribution and dosimetry would be helpful. In addition, the influence of the late scan time points on dosimetry needs further attention in particular for kidney dosimetry}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weiss2021, author = {Weiß, Neele}, title = {Bedeutung des MEK5/ERK5-Signalwegs in der zielgerichteten Melanomtherapie}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21907}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In dieser Dissertation wird der MEK5/ERK5- Signalweg als m{\"o}glicher Angriffspunkt in der zielgerichteten Melanomtherapie identifiziert. Die Adressierung von ERK5 bietet eine Alternative, um einer Resistenzentwicklung gegen{\"u}ber Inhibitoren des MAPK- Signalwegs entgegenzuwirken. Das maligne Melanom ist ein hochaggressiver Tumor mit steigender Inzidenz. Zunehmende Sonnenstunden im Rahmen des Klimawandels mit erh{\"o}hter Belastung der Haut durch UV-Strahlung werden die Problematik des malignen Melanoms f{\"u}r den Menschen in den n{\"a}chsten Jahren weiter zunehmen lassen. Die Aktivierung des MEK5/ERK5- Signalwegs scheint eine Reaktion von Tumorzellen auf Therapiestress zu sein. Diese Aktivierung liefert den Melanomzellen einen {\"U}berlebensvorteil und verhindert ein langfristiges Therapieansprechen. ERK5 beeinflusst den Zellzyklus von Melanomzellen und ist somit m{\"o}glicherweise von wichtiger Bedeutung in der Tumorgenese des malignen Melanoms. Patienten mit NRAS- Mutation profitieren auffallend weniger von einer gezielten MEKi-Therapie als solche mit BRAF Mutation. F{\"u}r ersteres Patientenkollektiv steht aktuell lediglich die Immuntherapie zur Verf{\"u}gung, wodurch oft nur ein kurzes, progressionsfreies Intervall erreicht werden kann und die Patienten h{\"a}ufig unter schweren Nebenwirkungen leiden. Grund f{\"u}r die problematische Behandlung k{\"o}nnte das h{\"a}ufige Auftreten einer basalen ERK5- Aktivierung in NRAS- mutierten Melanomen sein. Diese Arbeit liefert eine positive Prognose {\"u}ber den Nutzen einer ERK5- Inhibition als Erweiterung des Therapieschemas. Diese These gilt auch f{\"u}r Melanompatienten mit einer BRAF- Mutation. Patienten, die an einem malignen Melanom erkrankt sind, weisen zu 80\% eine Mutation in einem dieser beschriebenen Onkogene auf. Die Arbeit l{\"a}sst darauf schließen, dass eine ERK5- Inhibition in der Therapie von beiden Gruppen erfolgreich sein k{\"o}nnte und somit das Leben nahezu aller Melanompatienten betrifft.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bunzmann2021, author = {Bunzmann, Nikolai Eberhard}, title = {Excited State Pathways in 3rd Generation Organic Light-Emitting Diodes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22078}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220786}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This work revealed spin states that are involved in the light generation of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that are based on thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF). First, several donor:acceptor-based TADF systems forming exciplex states were investigated. Afterwards, a TADF emitter that shows intramolecular charge transfer states but also forms exciplex states with a proper donor molecule was studied. The primary experimental technique was electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), in particular the advanced methods electroluminescence detected magnetic resonance (ELDMR), photoluminescence detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) and electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR). Additional information was gathered from time-resolved and continuous wave photoluminescence measurements.}, subject = {Elektronenspinresonanz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ming2021, author = {Ming, Wenbo}, title = {Synthesis of α‑Aminoboronates and PBP Pincer Palladium Boryl Complexes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19832}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The first Borono-Strecker reaction has been developed to synthesize α-aminoboronates via a multicomponent reaction of readily available carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones), amines and B2pin2. The preparation of α-amino cyclic boronates can be achieved via multicomponent coupling of salicylaldehydes, amines, and B2(OH)4. In addition, the diazaborole-based PBP pincer palladium chloride and the diazaborole-based PBP pincer palladium trifluoromethanesulfonate complexes were synthesized and fully characterized for the first time, and used as catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boettcher2021, author = {B{\"o}ttcher, Jan Frederic}, title = {Fate of Topological States of Matter in the Presence of External Magnetic Fields}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22045}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220451}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The quantum Hall (QH) effect, which can be induced in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas by an external magnetic field, paved the way for topological concepts in condensed matter physics. While the QH effect can for that reason not exist without Landau levels, there is a plethora of topological phases of matter that can exist even in the absence of a magnetic field. For instance, the quantum spin Hall (QSH), the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH), and the three-dimensional (3D) topological insulator (TI) phase are insulating phases of matter that owe their nontrivial topology to an inverted band structure. The latter results from a strong spin-orbit interaction or, generally, from strong relativistic corrections. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the fate of these preexisting topological states of matter, when they are subjected to an external magnetic field, and analyze their connection to quantum anomalies. In particular, the realization of the parity anomaly in solid state systems is discussed. Furthermore, band structure engineering, i.e., changing the quantum well thickness, the strain, and the material composition, is employed to manipulate and investigate various topological properties of the prototype TI HgTe. Like the QH phase, the QAH phase exhibits unidirectionally propagating metallic edge channels. But in contrast to the QH phase, it can exist without Landau levels. As such, the QAH phase is a condensed matter analog of the parity anomaly. We demonstrate that this connection facilitates a distinction between QH and QAH states in the presence of a magnetic field. We debunk therefore the widespread belief that these two topological phases of matter cannot be distinguished, since they are both described by a \$\mathbb{Z}\$ topological invariant. To be more precise, we demonstrate that the QAH topology remains encoded in a peculiar topological quantity, the spectral asymmetry, which quantifies the differences in the number of states between the conduction and valence band. Deriving the effective action of QAH insulators in magnetic fields, we show that the spectral asymmetry is thereby linked to a unique Chern-Simons term which contains the information about the QAH edge states. As a consequence, we reveal that counterpropagating QH and QAH edge states can emerge when a QAH insulator is subjected to an external magnetic field. These helical-like states exhibit exotic properties which make it possible to disentangle QH and QAH phases. Our findings are of particular importance for paramagnetic TIs in which an external magnetic field is required to induce the QAH phase. A byproduct of the band inversion is the formation of additional extrema in the valence band dispersion at large momenta (the `camelback'). We develop a numerical implementation of the \$8 \times 8\$ Kane model to investigate signatures of the camelback in (Hg,Mn)Te quantum wells. Varying the quantum well thickness, as well as the Mn-concentration, we show that the class of topologically nontrivial quantum wells can be subdivided into direct gap and indirect gap TIs. In direct gap TIs, we show that, in the bulk \$p\$-regime, pinning of the chemical potential to the camelback can cause an onset to QH plateaus at exceptionally low magnetic fields (tens of mT). In contrast, in indirect gap TIs, the camelback prevents the observation of QH plateaus in the bulk \$p\$-regime up to large magnetic fields (a few tesla). These findings allowed us to attribute recent experimental observations in (Hg,Mn)Te quantum wells to the camelback. Although our discussion focuses on (Hg,Mn)Te, our model should likewise apply to other topological materials which exhibit a camelback feature in their valence band dispersion. Furthermore, we employ the numerical implementation of the \$8\times 8\$ Kane model to explore the crossover from a 2D QSH to a 3D TI phase in strained HgTe quantum wells. The latter exhibit 2D topological surface states at their interfaces which, as we demonstrate, are very sensitive to the local symmetry of the crystal lattice and electrostatic gating. We determine the classical cyclotron frequency of surface electrons and compare our findings with experiments on strained HgTe.}, subject = {Topologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eissler2021, author = {Eißler, Christoph Marcel}, title = {Assessment of the left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in rats using electrocardiogram-gated cardiac positron emission tomography}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21976}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219765}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {DD is a cardiac disturbance, which has gained increasing importance in recent years due to its important role in different cardiac disease and cardiomyopathies including ischemic cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension and diabetic cardiomyopathy. ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET is an imaging technique, that can distinguish between districts of myocardial viability and myocardial scars and further provides information of great interest on the efficacy of experimental approaches designed to improve the cardiac function and/or myocardial metabolism in experimental small animal models. However, ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET is a technique whose feasibility in the assessment of the LV diastolic function in small animals has not been a subject of study. In this thesis, the ability of the ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET for the assessment of both the systolic and diastolic function in eight control rats and in seven ZDF rats, which are an experimental animal model mimicking T2DM conditions and diabetic related complications in humans including DCM, has been investigated The ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET imaging was performed under hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamping and the data were stored in list mode files and retrospectively reconstructed. The systolic and diastolic parameters were achieved from the time/volume and the time/filling curve calculated from the software HFV. Additionally, the influence of the number of gates per cardiac cycle on the LV volumes and function parameters has been studied. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp procedure and blood glucose measurement did confirm the development of a manifest diabetes in the ZDF rats at the timepoint of the experiments. Regarding the systolic parameters, no significant difference could be detected between the ZDF and ZL rats. The values for the CO were similar in both groups, which demonstrates a similar LV systolic function in the ZDF and the ZL rats at the age of 13 weeks. Values for the systolic parameters are in good line with previous PET, MRI and cardiac catheterization-based studies in diabetic rats. The main finding of this study was that by using in vivo ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET and the software HFV, reliable diastolic parameters could be calculated. Moreover, it was possible to detect the presence of a mild impaired diastolic filling in the ZDF rats in absence of any systolic alteration. This impaired diastolic function in an early stage of diabetes could also be detected by other investigators, who used echocardiography or cardiac catheterization. Therefore, this is the first study showing, that the assessment of the diastolic function in rats can be carried out by ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET imaging. In conclusion, additionally to calculating LV volumes and LV EF, ECG-gated 18F-FDG PET can evaluate the diastolic function of healthy and diabetic rats and is able to detect a DD in ZDF rats.}, subject = {Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie}, language = {en} } @article{KokicHillenTegunovetal.2021, author = {Kokic, Goran and Hillen, Hauke S. and Tegunov, Dimitry and Dienermann, Christian and Seitz, Florian and Schmitzova, Jana and Farnung, Lucas and Siewert, Aaron and H{\"o}bartner, Claudia and Cramer, Patrick}, title = {Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 polymerase stalling by remdesivir}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {12}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-020-20542-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220979}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Remdesivir is the only FDA-approved drug for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The active form of remdesivir acts as a nucleoside analog and inhibits the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2. Remdesivir is incorporated by the RdRp into the growing RNA product and allows for addition of three more nucleotides before RNA synthesis stalls. Here we use synthetic RNA chemistry, biochemistry and cryoelectron microscopy to establish the molecular mechanism of remdesivir-induced RdRp stalling. We show that addition of the fourth nucleotide following remdesivir incorporation into the RNA product is impaired by a barrier to further RNA translocation. This translocation barrier causes retention of the RNA 3ʹ-nucleotide in the substrate-binding site of the RdRp and interferes with entry of the next nucleoside triphosphate, thereby stalling RdRp. In the structure of the remdesivir-stalled state, the 3ʹ-nucleotide of the RNA product is matched and located with the template base in the active center, and this may impair proofreading by the viral 3ʹ-exonuclease. These mechanistic insights should facilitate the quest for improved antivirals that target coronavirus replication.}, language = {en} }