@phdthesis{Brohm2024, author = {Brohm, Katharina Andrea}, title = {(Differential-) Diagnostik bei prim{\"a}rem Hyperaldosteronismus: Ermittlung eines LC-MS/MS-spezifischen Aldosterongrenzwerts f{\"u}r den Kochsalzbelastungstest und Evaluation des Orthostasetests hinsichtlich der Differenzierung von Subgruppen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-36938}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-369382}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der prim{\"a}re Hyperaldosteronismus (PA) stellt aktuell den h{\"a}ufigsten Grund f{\"u}r das Vorliegen einer sekund{\"a}ren Hypertonie dar. Der in der Best{\"a}tigungsdiagnostik verwendete Kochsalzbelastungstest basiert dabei auf einem fehlenden Absinken der Aldosteronkonzentration im Testverlauf bei Patient:innen mit PA im Vergleich zu Patient:innen mit essentieller Hypertonie (EH). Die Konzentrationsbestimmung erfolgte bisher mittels Immunoassay. Mit der LC-MS/MS steht jedoch mittlerweile eine weitere wichtige analytische Methode in der quantitativen Bestimmung von Steroidhormonen zur Verf{\"u}gung, welche in dieser Arbeit im Hinblick auf den Kochsalzbelastungstest untersucht wurde. Hohe Bedeutung kommt außerdem der Subtypdifferenzierung des PA zu, da die {\"A}tiologie der Erkrankung wegweisend f{\"u}r die Art der Therapie ist. Das Ziel dieser Studie war einerseits die Ermittlung eines LC-MS/MS-spezifischen Aldosteron-Cut-off-Wertes im Kochsalzbelastungstest und die Evaluation des Nutzens der Bestimmung von Steroidprofilen in der Diagnostik des PA. Zum anderen wurde der diagnostische Nutzen des Orthostasetests zur Unterscheidung von unilateraler und bilateraler Genese bei vorliegendem PA untersucht. Im Rahmen dieser Studien wurden 187 bzw. 158 Patient:innen analysiert, die zwischen 2009 und 2019 bei Verdacht auf oder Vorliegen eines PA im Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg vorstellig wurden. Die Diagnose wurde gem{\"a}ß der aktuellen Leitlinie anhand der Ergebnisse des Kochsalzbelastungstests, NNVKs, Bildgebung und postoperativen Outcomes gestellt. Mithilfe der LC-MS/MS wurden erneut die Aldosteronkonzentrationen der aufbewahrten Serumproben des Kochsalzbelastungstests, sowie ein erweitertes Steroidpanel bestimmt. Unter Verwendung einer ROC-Analyse wurden die jeweils bestehenden Cut-off-Werte optimiert bzw. neu ermittelt. Die mittels Immunoassay bestimmten Aldosteronkonzentrationen lagen um 28 ng/L h{\"o}her als die mittels LC-MS/MS bestimmten Konzentrationen. Trotzdem lag der neu ermittelte LC-MS/MS-spezifische Aldosteron-Cut-off-Wert f{\"u}r den Kochsalzbelastungstest bei 69 ng/L und damit h{\"o}her als der f{\"u}r den Immunoassay geltende, optimierte Aldosteron-Cut-off von 54 ng/L. Unter Verwendung des LC-MS/MS- spezifischen Cut-off-Werts erreichte der Kochsalzbelastungstest eine Sensitivit{\"a}t von 78,6\% bei einer Spezifit{\"a}t von 89,3\%. Die Sensitivit{\"a}t des Immunoassay-spezifischen Cut-off-Werts betrug 95,2\% bei einer Spezifit{\"a}t von 86,9\%. Das Bestimmen des gesamten Steroidprofils f{\"u}hrte zu keiner zus{\"a}tzlichen diagnostischen Information bei Durchf{\"u}hrung des Kochsalzbelastungstests. Bei Betrachtung der gesamten Patient:innenkohorte erreichte der Orthostasetest, basierend auf einem Absinken der Plasmaaldosteronkonzentration nach 4h in Orthostase um ≥ 28\% eine Sensitivit{\"a}t von 36,7\% bei einer Spezifit{\"a}t von 100\%. Wurde das Vorliegen eines g{\"u}ltigen Tests (Cortisolabfall nach 4h ≥ 10\%) oder das Vorliegen einer unilateralen Raumforderung in der Bildgebung vorausgesetzt, stieg die Sensitivit{\"a}t des Orthostasetests auf 51,4\% bzw. 51,6\% bei gleichbleibend hoher Spezifit{\"a}t von 100\% an. Abschließend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass der Orthostasetest keine Alternative zum NNVK darstellt, jedoch als einfache, nicht invasive Methode der zus{\"a}tzlichen Orientierung zur Untersuchung der {\"A}tiologie des PAs dienen kann. Eine prospektive Evaluation der jeweils neu ermittelten Cut-off-Werte wird notwendig sein, um deren Anwendbarkeit im klinischen Alltag zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen. Außerdem k{\"o}nnte die Bestimmung der Hybridsteroide 18-Oxocortisol und 18-Hydroxycortisol wegweisend f{\"u}r die Genese des PA sein.}, subject = {Aldosteronismus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dekant2024, author = {Dekant, Raphael H.}, title = {Species-differences in the \(in\) \(vitro\) biotransformation of trifluoroethene (HFO-1123)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31403}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-314035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {1,1,2-trifluoroethene (HFO-1123) is intended for use as a refrigerant. Inhalation studies on HFO-1123 in rats suggested a low potential for toxicity, with no-observed-adverse-effect levels greater then 20,000 ppm. However, single inhalation exposure of Goettingen Minipigs and New Zealand White Rabbits resulted in mortality. It was assumed that conjugation of HFO-1123 with glutathione, via glutathione S-transferase, gives rise to S-(1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)-L-glutathione (1123-GSH), which is then transformed to the corresponding cysteine S-conjugate (S-(1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)-L-cysteine, 1123-CYS). Subsequent beta-lyase mediated cleavage of 1123-CYS may result in monofluoroacetic acid, a potent inhibitor of aconitase. Species-differences in 1123-GSH formation and 1123-CYS cleavage to MFA may explain species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. This study was designed to test the hypothesis, that GSH-dependent biotransformation and subsequent beta-lyase mediated formation of monofluoroacetic acid, a potent inhibitor of aconitase in the citric acid cycle, may play a key role in HFO-1123 toxicity and to evaluate if species-differences in the extent of MFA formation may account for the species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. The overall objective was to determine species-differences in HFO-1123 biotransformation in susceptible vs. less susceptible species and humans as a basis for human risk assessment. To this end, in vitro biotransformation of HFO-1123 and 1123-CYS was investigated in renal and hepatic subcellular fractions of mice, rats, humans, Goettingen Minipigs and NZW Rabbits. Furthermore, cytotoxicity and metabolism of 1123-CYS was assessed in cultured renal epithelial cells. Enzyme kinetic parameters for beta-lyase mediated cleavage of 1123-CYS in renal and hepatic cytosolic fractions were determined, and 19F-NMR was used to identify fluorine containing metabolites arising from 1123-CYS cleavage. Quantification of 1123-GSH formation in hepatic S9 fractions after incubation with HFO-1123 was performed by LC-MS/MS and hepatic metabolism of HFO-1123 was monitored by 19F-NMR. Rates of 1123-GSH formation were increased in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit compared to human and Goettingen hepatic S9, indicating increased GSH dependent biotransformation in rats, mouse and NZW Rabbits. NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 exhibited increased 1123-GSH formation in the presence compared to the absence of acivicin, a specific gamma-GT inhibitor. This indicates increased gamma-GT mediated cleavage of 1123-GSH in NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 compared to the other species. 19F-NMR confirmed formation of 1123-GSH as the main metabolite of GSH mediated biotransformation of HFO-1123 in hepatic S9 fractions next to F-. Increased F- formation was detected in NZW Rabbit and Goettingen Minipig hepatic S9 in the presence of an NADPH regenerating system, indicating a higher rate of CYP-450 mediated metabolism in these species. Based on these findings, it is possible that CYP-450 mediated metabolism may contribute to HFO-1123 toxicity. In contrast to the increased formation of 1123-GSH in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit hepatic S9 (compared to human and Goettingen Minipig), enzyme kinetic studies revealed a significantly higher beta-lyase activity towards 1123-CYS in renal cytosol of Goettingen Minipigs compared to cytosol from rats, mice, humans and NZW Rabbits. However, beta-lyase cleavage in renal NZW Rabbit cytosol was slightly increased compared to rat, mouse and human renal cytosols. 19F-NMR analysis confirmed increased time-dependent formation of MFA in renal Goettingen Minipig cytosol and NZW Rabbit (compared to human and rat cytosolic fractions). Three structurally not defined MFA-derivatives were detected exclusively in NZW Rabbit and Goettingen Minipig cytosols. Also, porcine kidney cells were more sensitive to cytotoxicity of 1123-CYS compared to rat and human kidney cells. Overall, increased beta-lyase mediate cleavage of 1123-CYS to MFA in Goettingen Minipig and NZW Rabbit kidney (compared to human and rat) may support the hypothesis that enzymatic cleavage by beta-lyases may account for the species-differences in HFO-1123 toxicity. However, the extent of GST mediated biotransformation in the liver as the initial step in HFO-1123 metabolism does not fully agree with this hypothesis, since 1123-GSH formation occurs at higher rates in rat, mouse and NZW Rabbit S9 as compared to the Goettingen Minipig. Based on the inconsistencies between the extent of GST and beta-lyase mediated biotransformation of HFO-1123 obtained by this study, a decisive statement about an increased biotransformation of HFO-1123 in susceptible species with a direct linkage to the species-specific toxicity cannot be drawn. Resulting from this, a clear and reliable conclusion regarding the risk for human health originating from HFO-1123 cannot be made. However, considering the death of Goettingen Minipigs and NZW Rabbits after inhalation exposure of HFO-1123 at concentrations great than 500 ppm and greater than 1250 ppm, respectively, this indicates a health concern for humans under peak exposure conditions. For a successful registration of HFO-1123 and its use as a refrigerant, further in vitro and in vivo investigations addressing uncertainties in the species-specific toxicity of HFO-1123 are urgently needed.}, subject = {Biotransformation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muelek2015, author = {M{\"u}lek, Melanie}, title = {Distribution and metabolism of constituents and metabolites of a standardized maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol®) in human serum, blood cells and synovial fluid of patients with severe osteoarthritis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128085}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Dietary polyphenols have been related to beneficial effects on humans' health. Pycnogenol®, a dietary polyphenol-rich food supplement complies with the monograph "Maritime pine extract" in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and has demonstrated effects in different diseases. Several human trials concerning knee osteoarthritis have shown significant improvement of the symptoms like reducing the pain and the stiffness of the joint(s) upon intake of Pycnogenol®. After oral intake of multiple doses of Pycnogenol® previously low concentrations in the nanomolar range of monomeric extract constituents have been found in human plasma as well as a bioactive metabolite, δ-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-γ-valerolactone (M1), which is formed by the human intestinal flora from the procyanidins' catechin units. It is not clear yet which compound(s) of the complex extract is (are) mainly responsible for the described clinical effects of Pycnogenol®. To gain deeper insights into the in vivo fate of the pine bark extract the distribution of its constitutents and metabolites was closer investigated in the present thesis. Initial in vitro experiments suggested a facilitated cellular uptake of M1 into human erythrocytes, possibly via GLUT-1 transporter. For elucidating further the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of M1 in human blood cells, a metabolomic approach was performed using UPLC-ESI-qTOF-MSE analysis, which revealed a comprehensive and rapid metabolism of M1 to a variety of biotransformation products in human blood cells. Predominant metabolites were found to be conjugates of glutathione (GSH) isomers, namely M1-S-GSH and M1-N-GSH. Further sulfur-containing biotransformation products of M1 were conjugates with oxidized glutathione (M1-GSSG) and cysteine (M1-CYS) and the sulfated derivative of M1 (M1-sulfated). Other in vitro biotransformation products constituted the open-chained ester form of M1 (M1-COOH), hydroxybenzoic acid and the methylated (M1-methylated), acetylated (M1-acetylated), hydroxylated (M1-hydroxylated) and ethylated (M1-ethylated) derivatives of M1. Indeed, six of these in vitro metabolites, respectively M1-COOH, M1-sulfated, hydroxybenzoic acid, M1-S-GSH, M1-methylated and M1-acetylated, were also identified in vivo in blood cells of human volunteers after ingestion of Pycnogenol®. Related reference material was synthesized for reliable confirmation of the metabolites M1-GSH, M1-GSSG, M1-CYS and M1-COOH. In the course of a randomized controlled clinical trial patients suffering from severe osteoarthritis ingested multiple doses of 200 mg/day Pycnogenol® for three weeks before they were scheduled for an elective knee replacement surgery. Various biological specimen, respectively blood cells, synovial fluid and serum samples, were to be analyzed to investigate the distribution and disposition of possibly bioactive constituents and metabolites. Therefore, highly sensitive methods were developed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)- technology because of the expected low concentrations of the analytes in the related matrices. Initially, for each matrix different sample preparation techniques (protein precipitation, liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction and useful combinations thereof) were compared to achieve maximum detection sensitivity of the analytes that were of highest interest, namely M1, ferulic acid and taxifolin. By comparing 32 various sample clean-up procedures in human serum, the highest recovery of the metabolite M1 was achieved using a liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate and tert-butyl methyl ether at a serum pH-value of 3.2. A similar extraction method was also chosen for analyte detection in human synovial fluid after comparing 31 different sample preparation techniques. Whole blood or blood cells are difficult to handle because of their high viscosity and strong coloration. The QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe) approach which was originally developed for the food safety and thus for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables yielded the highest total recovery rate of M1 in human blood cells when assessing 18 different sample clean-up techniques. By applying the QuEChERS method for the first time for the simultaneous and highly sensitive quantification of selected polyphenols in human blood cells it was demonstrated that this fast and inexpensive technique can be applied in clinical fields for cleaning-up highly complex and thus challenging biological matrices. All developed methods for the different biological specimen were optimized to achieve maximum sensitivity of the target analytes. The determined lower limits of quantification (LLOQs) were sufficient for the quantification of the study samples. The LLOQs ranged from 113 pg/mL for taxifolin to 48 ng/mL for caffeic acid in blood cells and from 80 pg/mL for taxifolin to 3 ng/mL for caffeic acid in synovial fluid. In human serum the LLOQs even ranged down to 35 pg/mL for taxifolin and up to 8 ng/mL for caffeic acid. All analytical methods were subjected to a full validation according to current EMA and FDA guidelines and fulfilled those criteria, showing excellent performance and reliability of the developed and optimized methods. Serum, blood cells and synovial fluid samples of the osteoarthritis patients were all processed with an enzymatic incubation with ß-glucuronidase/sulfatase to hydrolyse conjugates (phase-II-metabolism) prior the actual sample preparation. Additionally, serum samples of the osteoarthritis patients were prepared without enzymatic hydrolysis to determine the individual degree of conjugation with sulfate and glucuronic acid of the analytes. All determined concentrations in the patients' samples were in the lower ng/mL range. Notably, highest total concentrations of the polyphenols were not detected in serum, in which the degree of analyte conjugation with sulfate and glucuronic acid ranged from 54.29 ± 26.77\% for catechin to 98.34 ± 4.40\% for M1. The flavonoids catechin and taxifolin mainly partitioned into blood cells, whereas the metabolite M1, ferulic and caffeic acid primarily resided in the synovial fluid. The concentration of M1 in the blood cells was low, however, this could be explained by the previously observed extensive and rapid intracellular metabolism in vitro. This was now supported by the in vivo evidence in samples of patients who received Pycnogenol® in which the open-chained ester form of M1 (M1-COOH) as well as the glutathione conjugate of M1 (M1-GSH) were identified, indicating that M1 does not accumulate in its original form in vivo. Possibly, a variety of bioactive metabolites exist which might play an important role for the clinical effects of Pycnogenol®. Although the study participants were requested to avoid polyphenol-rich food and beverages within the last two days before the blood samplings this was obviously difficult for most of the patients. Hence, no statistically significantly difference was observed in the mean polyphenol concentrations in serum, blood cells and synovial fluid between the intervention and the control group. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify marker compounds for Pycnogenol® intake under real life conditions with occasional or regular consumption of polyphenol-rich foods and beverages. Thereby, ferulic acid was found in serum samples exclusively after intake of Pycnogenol®, confirming that ferulic acid is a suitable marker of consumption of French maritime pine bark extract. Taxifolin was present in serum and synovial fluid exclusively in the intervention group indicating a role as further marker of Pycnogenol® intake. Taxifolin, ferulic acid and caffeic acid were detected in both serum and synovial fluid only in the intervention group. Moreover, the metabolite M1, taxifolin and ferulic acid were only detected simultaneously in all matrices (serum, blood cells and synovial fluid) after ingestion of Pycnogenol®. Thus, deeper insights into the distribution of bioactive constituents and metabolites of Pycnogenol® into serum, blood cells and synovial fluid after oral administration to patients with severe osteoarthritis were gained. The present study provides the first evidence that polyphenols indeed distribute into the synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis where they might contribute to clinical effects.}, subject = {Pycnogenol}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JakobRodamer2014, author = {Jakob-Rodamer, Verena}, title = {Development and validation of LC-MS/MS methods to determine PK/PD parameters of anti-infectives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109215}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In the present thesis the development and validation of bioanalytical LC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of erythromycin A, erythromycin ethylsuccinate, roxithromycin, clarithromycin, 14 hydroxy clarithromycin, flucloxacillin, piperacillin and moxifloxacin in human plasma and human urine (piperacillin) is introduced. All methods were applied to analyze human plasma and urine samples from clinical trials and therefore, have been validated according to international guidelines. The methods were reliable in these studies and fulfilled all regulatory requirements known at the time of the study conduct. Moreover, the validation data of the macrolides were compared on three different mass spectrometers (API III Plus, API 3000™, API 5000™). The new innovations in the ion source (horizontal versus vertical electrospray), the ionpath (skimmer, QJet) and the diameter of the orifice resulted in better sensitivity and a larger linearity range for the majority of the analytes. Sensitivity was improved up to a factor of 12 (for clarithromycin) between API III Plus to API 3000™ and up to a factor of 8 (for erythromycin and roxithromycin) between API 3000™ and API 5000™, keeping the accuracy and precision data at about the same level. The high sensitivity was a benefit for example for the flucloxacillin study, because concentrations from all subject samples were detectable up to approximately eight half-lives, i.e. no concentrations needed to be reported below the quantification limit. Also the linearity range were extended from two orders of magnitude to up to four orders of magnitude, which increases the likelihood to allow to analyze all samples from a pharmacokinetic study in the same run. This is especially useful if a large concentration range needs to be analysed, for example, if the method shall be applied in an ascending dose study. Then, all low concentrations from the beginning of the study can be determined, as well as all high concentrations, without the need to dilute and analyse single samples repeatedly. The pharmacokinetic data were compared to previously reported literature data and correlated graphically with MIC values of popular microorganisms which might be a starting point for further PK/PD investigations. The PK/PD theory is a very helpful tool for prediction of the efficacy of given drugs against certain micro-organisms. Depending on the pharmacodynamic processes, e. g. the mode of action, three classes of drugs have been identified. In the same way this applies to adverse effects, which need to be minimised by reducing plasma concentrations. These coherences are not well-investigated, yet, and are not discussed further in this thesis. Still, a lot of research has to be done in this interdisciplinary field to minimise uncertainty in single values, like an AUC/MIC. These include: Improve accuracy and precision of bioanalytical methods determining total and free concentration data in biological matrices for calculation of AUC and Cmax These parameters are related to the MIC in pharmacodynamic considerations. Since the determination of the MIC often underlies significant variations and also differences between microbiological laboratories, the determination of concentrations of anti-infectives is particular important, being achievable by scientific exact techniques. Finally, from the volume of distribution of antibiotics can be used to derive information about intracellular concentrations and effectivity of antiinfectives.}, subject = {Antimikrobieller Wirkstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rodamer2011, author = {Rodamer, Michael}, title = {Development of practice-oriented LC-MS/MS methods for the determination of important drugs and their application for building PK/PD concepts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70809}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis eight robust and reliable LC-MS/MS methods were developed and validated to analyze atorvastatin, clopidogrel, furosemide, itraconazole, loratadine, naproxen, nisoldipine and sunitinib in human plasma. The active metabolites 2-hydroxyatorvastatin, 4-hydroxyatorvastatin, hydroxyitraconazole, descarboethoxy-loratadine, 4-hydroxynisoldipine and N-desethylsunitinib were also included in the corresponding methods. Due to the different physical, chemical and pharmacokinetic properties of the analytes a wide spectrum regarding sample preparation techniques, chromatography and mass spectrometric detection was covered. Protein precipitation methods were developed for furosemide, itraconazole, naproxen, nisoldipine and sunitinib. Liquid-liquid extraction methods were developed for atorvastatin, clopidogrel and loratadine. Criteria to choose protein precipitation or liquid-liquid extraction were the final plasma concentrations of the drugs, which are mainly dependant on the dose, bioavailability and t1/2 and of course cost-effectiveness. Altogether, the methods have a concentration range from 0.001 ng/mL (LLOQ of clopidogrel) to 50000 ng/mL (highest calibration point for naproxen), covering 5 x 107 orders of magnitude. The runtime of the methods ranged from 2 to 4 minutes, facilitating a high sample throughput. All developed methods were validated according to recent guidelines as they were used to analyze sampes from clinical trials. Excellent linearity, intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy were observed in the validated calibration ranges. Hemolyzed, lipemic and different batches of human plasma as well as sample dilution did not affect the determiantion of the analytes. Clopidogrel, loratadine, nisoldipine and sunitinib and if available their metabolites were subjected to a matrix effect test, resulting in no influence of different batches of human plasma on the analytical methods. Noteworthy is clopidogrel that shows a slight effect on one of the two used mass spectrometers. However, that effect was reproducible and did therefore not affect clopidogrel determination. No evidence of instability during chromatography, extraction and sample storage processes for all analytes except 4-hydroxyatorvastatin was found, for which a significant decrease was observed after three months. During incurred sample reanalysis of study samples 95 \% of the samples were within ±15 \% with respect to the first analysis. Moreover, the atorvastatin, loratadine and clopidogrel method were compared on two generations of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, the API 3000™ and the API 5000™. The new ion source and the changes in the ion path of the API 5000™ provided higher sensitivity, the extend depending on the substance. However, the API 3000™ had very good precision in the performed system comparison. The validated methods showed excellent performance and quality data during routine sample analysis of eight clinical trials. Moreover, they are suitable for high sample throughput due to their short run times.}, subject = {LC-MS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vogl2011, author = {Vogl, Silvia}, title = {Investigation of individual differences in the metabolic elimination of drugs by the polymorphic enzymes CYP2C9, 2C19 and 2D6 based on metabolite profiling by LC-MS/MS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67216}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Mit der vorliegenden Studie sollte zu dem wichtigen Forschungsfeld der Pharmakogenetik beigetragen werden, indem zum einen eine einfache und sichere kombinierte Ph{\"a}notypisierung der drei zuvor erw{\"a}hnten CYPs (CYP2D6, CYP2C9 und CYP2C19) entwickelt, und zum anderen die Vorhersagekraft des Genotyps f{\"u}r den gemessenen Ph{\"a}notyp n{\"a}her untersucht werden sollte. Es ist uns gelungen eine sichere, einfache, schnelle und kombinierte Ph{\"a}notypisierung der beiden wichtigen Monooxygenasen CYP2D6 und CYP2C9 zu etablieren. Zun{\"a}chst wurden dazu Wechselwirkungsstudien mit den ausgew{\"a}hlten Testsubstanzen Dextromethorphan (DEX, CYP2D6), Flurbiprofen (FLB, CYP2C9) und Omeprazole (OME, CYP2C19) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DEX und FLB als Kombination verabreicht werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Gabe von OME gemeinsam mit FLB ver{\"a}ndert jedoch das Ergebnis der CYP2C9 Ph{\"a}notypisierung. Dies ist eine neue Erkenntnis, denn noch 2004 wurde ein Ph{\"a}notypisierungscocktail ver{\"o}ffentlicht, der die Kombination von FLB und OME enthielt. Bei der genannten Studie wurden jedoch, unseres Wissens nach, keine Wechselwirkungsstudien zu den einzelnen Testsubstanz-Kombinationen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die von uns entwickelte Ph{\"a}notypisierungsmethode wurde durch Wechselwirkungsstudien verifiziert. Sie ist jedoch auch in anderen Bereichen den bisher ver{\"o}ffentlichten ph{\"a}notypisierungscocktails {\"u}berlegen. Zum einen wurden nur sehr kleine Dosen sicherer Testsubstanzen verwendet. Dies wurde durch Entwicklung neuer, sensitiver LC-MS/MS Methoden erm{\"o}glicht. Zum anderen ist diese neue Prozedur schnell und nicht-invasiv durchf{\"u}hrbar. Nach Verabreichung der Testsubstanz muss der Urin nur f{\"u}r zwei Stunden gesammelt werden. Zudem weisen unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die normalerweise durchgef{\"u}hrte, aufwendige Glucuronidspaltung des CYP2D6 abh{\"a}ngigen DEX-Metaboliten, Dextrorphan, vermutlich vernachl{\"a}ssigt werden kann. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind jedoch die Einblicke, die in die Vorhersagekraft der CYP2D6 und CYP2C9 Genotypen f{\"u}r die entsprechenden Ph{\"a}notypen gewonnen werden konnten. Fast 300 ph{\"a}notypisierte Kaukasier wurden auch in Hinsicht auf die wichtigsten varianten Allele von CYP2D6, CYP2C9 und CYP2C19 mithilfe bekannter und neu etablierter Methoden genotypisiert. Aufgrund der parallelen Ph{\"a}no- und Genotypisierung konnten Geno- und Ph{\"a}notyp direkt korreliert werden. Mit linearen Modellen war es m{\"o}glich, allen detektierten varianten CYP2D6- und CYP2C9-Allelen Aktivit{\"a}tskoeffizienten zuzuweisen. Diese k{\"o}nnen nun verwendet werden, um den Beitrag der einzelnen Allele zur resultierenden Enzymaktivit{\"a}t zu bestimmen, wodurch sich die Vorhersage dieser Aktivit{\"a}t ausgehend vom Genotyp verbessern lassen sollte. Besonders f{\"u}r CYP2D6 erm{\"o}glicht das neue Korrelationsmodel pr{\"a}zisere Vorhersagen des Ph{\"a}notyps als bisher ver{\"o}ffentlichte Modelle. Zusammengefasst leistet diese Studie durch die Entwicklung eines sicheren und einfachen Ph{\"a}notypisierungsprozesses f{\"u}r CYP2D6 und CYP2C9 und durch die Bestimmung von Aktivit{\"a}tskoeffizienten f{\"u}r alle einbezogenen CYP2D6 und CYP2C9 Allele und der damit verbundenen pr{\"a}ziseren Vorhersage des Ph{\"a}notyps ausgehend vom Genotyp einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Forschungsfeld der Pharmakogenetik.}, subject = {Pharmakogenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steinhauer2002, author = {Steinhauer, Sven}, title = {Erhebung pharmakokinetischer Daten von Cisaprid, SC-72393, Haloperidol, Linezolid, Methotrexat und Ketoprofen nach Methodenentwicklung und Validierung durch LC-MS/MS-Detektion}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5803}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Zur Bestimmung von geringen Wirkstoffkonzentrationen in biologischen, speziell human-biologischen Matrizes wie Blut, Urin oder Mikrodialysat bedarf es einer Analysentechnik, die den Wirkstoff mit einem H{\"o}chstmaß an Selektivit{\"a}t, Spezifit{\"a}t und Pr{\"a}zision bestimmen kann. Daneben muß die verwendetete Methode eine hohe Geschwindigkeit aufweisen und sehr robust sein, da bei der heutigen marktwirtschaftlichen Lage Analysensysteme eine optimale Auslastung erfahren m{\"u}ssen. Aus diesem Grund ist der Umbau oder die Umstellung der Methode von einem zum anderen Wirkstoff ohne nennenswerten Zeitverlust ein maßgeblicher Faktor. Als Technik, die diese Anforderungen optimal erf{\"u}llt, hat sich in den letzten Jahren die LC-MS/MS-Technik etabliert. Sie ist den bislang {\"u}berwiegenden Methoden, wie GC-MS-Techniken oder HPLC-UV-Detektion bzw. Fluoreszenztechniken in Bezug auf die oben genannten Parameter deutlich {\"u}berlegen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden f{\"u}r die Wirkstoffe Cisaprid, SC-72393, Haloperidol, Linezolid, Methotrexat und Ketoprofen LC-MS/MS-Methoden entwickelt oder via unabh{\"a}ngiger Laborvalidierung auf die lokalen Gegebenheiten transferiert und zur Bestimmung pharmakokinetischer Parameter zur Anwendung gebracht. Ziel der Methodenentwicklung war es die hohe Selektivit{\"a}t und Empfindlichkeit des Detektors zu nutzten, um bei geringen Probenvolumina eine Bestimmungsgrenze zu erreichen, die es erm{\"o}glichte ausreichend viele Meßwerte zu bestimmen, um die pharmakokinetischen Parameter der Wirkstoffe zu berechnen. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde eine Maximierung des Probendurchsatzes und eine Minimierung des personellen und materiellen Aufwandes angestrebt ohne dabei einen Qualit{\"a}tsverlust der Methode zu erleiden. Eine gelungene Methoden-entwicklung bedurfte daher der Optimierung der Probenaufarbeitung, die sich neben den chemisch-physikalischen Eigenschaften des Wirkstoffes haupts{\"a}chlich an der Menge der zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Probe orientierte. Das chromato-graphische System hingegen hing weitestgehend von den chemischen Eigenschaften des Analyten und von den massenspektroskopischen Bedingungen ab, die verdampfbare Puffer im Fließmittel erforderten. Diese drei zu optimierenden Teilbereiche, die miteinander interagieren, wurden jeweils sorgsam aufeinander abgestimmt, um eine Methode zu entwickeln, die die zu erwartenden Wirkstoffkonzentrationen in der jeweiligen Matrix sicher und robust bis hin zum Quantifizierungslimit bestimmen konnte.}, subject = {Wirkstoff}, language = {de} }