@article{PoethkeHovestadtMitesser2003, author = {Poethke, Hans-Joachim and Hovestadt, Thomas and Mitesser, Oliver}, title = {Local extinction and the evolution of dispersal rates: Causes and correlations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-47718}, year = {2003}, abstract = {We present the results of individual-based simulation experiments on the evolution of dispersal rates of organisms living in metapopulations. We find conflicting results regarding the relationship between local extinction rate and evolutionarily stable (ES) dispersal rate depending on which principal mechanism causes extinction: if extinction is caused by environmental catastrophes eradicating local populations, we observe a positive correlation between extinction and ES dispersal rate; if extinction is a consequence of stochastic local dynamics and environmental fluctuations, the correlation becomes ambiguous; and in cases where extinction is caused by dispersal mortality, a negative correlation between local extinction rate and ES dispersal rate emerges. We conclude that extinction rate, which both affects and is affected by dispersal rates, is not an ideal predictor for optimal dispersal rates.}, subject = {Ausbreitung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hein2004, author = {Hein, Silke}, title = {The survival of grasshoppers and bush crickets in habitats variable in space and time}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die zunehmende Nutzung von Landschaften f{\"u}hrt zu einer steigenden Fragmentierung sch{\"u}tzenswerter Fl{\"a}chen. Damit verbunden ist eine Zerschneidung von großen Populationen in Metapopulationen. In solchen F{\"a}llen bestimmt das Gleichgewicht zwischen Aussterben und Besiedlung von Habitaten die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Arten. Um diese bestimmen, braucht man ein gutes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Habitatanspr{\"u}che der Arten, sowie Informationen {\"u}ber ihr Ausbreitungsverhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, geeignete Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer Landschaft identifizieren zu k{\"o}nnen, sowie einen Beitrag zur Quantifizierung der Erreichbarkeit einzelner Fl{\"a}chen durch Individuen zu leisten. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Quantifizierung der Habitateignung von Fl{\"a}chen f{\"u}r Heuschrecken. Dazu habe ich statistische Habitateignungsmodelle mittels logistischer Regression erstellt, evaluiert und validiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die Habitatwahl der Heuschrecken auf einer mittleren r{\"a}umlichen Skalenebene erfolgt. Dies steht mit der beobachteten Ausbreitungsdistanz der Tiere im Einklang. Neben dem nur grob klassifizierten Landschaftsfaktor „Biotoptyp" korrelieren vor allem strukturelle Faktoren sowie abiotische Faktoren mit dem Vorkommen der Heuschreckenarten. Bei der Bestimmung eines gemeinsamen Models f{\"u}r alle drei Heuschreckenarten erwies sich das Model der Art S. lineatus mit den Parametern Biotoptyp und Vegetationsh{\"o}he als am besten geeignet zur Vorhersage der Vorkommen der anderen Heuschreckenarten. Um zu testen, ob auch die Vorkommen von Arten unterschiedlicher Tiergruppen mittels eines gemeinsamen Modells vorhergesagt werden k{\"o}nnen, habe ich sowohl die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose von Faltervorkommen getestet, als auch Modelle f{\"u}r Falter auf Heuschrecken {\"u}bertragen. Dabei erwiesen sich die Heuschreckenmodelle zur Prognose der anderen Arten weniger geeignet als das Modell f{\"u}r das Widderchen Z. carniolica in das der Anteil an geeignetem Habitat sowie die Vorkommen der beiden Saugpflanzen C. jacea und S. columbaria einfließen. Diese Art wird als standorttreu eingestuft und repr{\"a}sentiert damit auch die anderen Arten, die typisch f{\"u}r S{\"a}ume und Halbtrockenrasen sind. Die erh{\"o}hte Mobilit{\"a}t von Z. carniolica im Vergleich zu den Heuschrecken garantiert gleichzeitig auch die Erreichbarkeit aller geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen im Gebiet und damit ein Modell, das nur unwesentlich durch Zufallseffekte bei der Besiedlung beeinflusst wird. Neben der Habitatqualit{\"a}t/-quantit{\"a}t spielt vor allem der Austausch zwischen Fl{\"a}chen eine entscheidende Rolle f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben der Metapopulation. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich mich sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch, mit dem Ausbreitungsverhalten von Heuschrecken besch{\"a}ftigt. In Freilandexperimenten konnte ich zeigen, dass die Annahme eines dichotomen Bewegungsverhaltens f{\"u}r Heuschrecken in einer realen Landschaft nicht zutrifft. Vielmehr wird die Bewegung in einer Fl{\"a}che besser als Kontinuum beschrieben das durch strukturelle Resistenz, Temperatur, Mortalit{\"a}tsrisiko und Ressourcenverf{\"u}gbarkeit bestimmt wird. Die jeweilige Kombination dieser Parameter veranlasst die Tiere dann zu einem entsprechenden Bewegungsmuster, das sich zwischen den beiden Extremen gerichteter und zuf{\"a}lliger Lauf bewegt. In Experimenten zum Grenzverhalten von Heuschrecken best{\"a}tigte sich dieses Ergebnis. F{\"u}r verschiedene Grenzstrukturen konnte ich unterschiedliche {\"U}bertrittswahrscheinlichkeiten nachweisen. Weiterhin konnte ich feststellen, dass Heuschrecken geeignete Habitate aus einer gewissen Entfernung detektieren k{\"o}nnen. Da das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Tieren in theoretischen Modellen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, k{\"o}nnen diese empirischen Daten zur Parametrisierung dieser Modelle verwendet werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich zum Einfluss des Laufmusters der Tiere auf die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Habitate, zeigte sich in den von mir durchgef{\"u}hrten Simulationsstudien deutlich, dass der landschaftliche Kontext, in dem die Ausbreitung stattfindet, die Erreichbarkeit einzelner Habitate beeinflusst. Dieser Effekt ist zus{\"a}tzlich abh{\"a}ngig von der Mortalit{\"a}tsrate beim Ausbreitungsvorgang. Mit den Ergebnissen aus den Untersuchungen zur Habitateignung lassen sich die f{\"u}r Heuschrecken geeigneten Habitate in einer Landschaft identifizieren. Somit l{\"a}sst sich die potentielle Eignung einer Fl{\"a}che als Habitat, basierend auf Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die {\"A}nderung des Biotoptyps durch ein Managementverfahren, vorhersagen. Diese Information allein reicht aber nicht aus, um die regionale {\"U}berlebenswahrscheinlichkeit einer Art bestimmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Meine Untersuchungen zum Ausbreitungsverhalten zeigen deutlich, dass die Erreichbarkeit geeigneter Fl{\"a}chen von der r{\"a}umlichen Anordnung der Habitate und der Struktur der Fl{\"a}chen, die zwischen Habitaten liegen, abh{\"a}ngt. Zus{\"a}tzlich spielen individuenspezifische Faktoren wie Motivation und physiologische Faktoren eine ausschlaggebende Rolle f{\"u}r die Erreichbarkeit von geeigneten Fl{\"a}chen.}, subject = {Naturschutzgebiet Hohe Wann}, language = {en} } @article{GrosHovestadtPoethke2006, author = {Gros, Andreas and Hovestadt, Thomas and Poethke, Hans Joachim}, title = {Evolution of local adaptions in dispersal strategies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-45406}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The optimal probability and distance of dispersal largely depend on the risk to end up in unsuitable habitat. This risk is highest close to the habitat's edge and consequently, optimal dispersal probability and distance should decline towards the habitat's border. This selection should lead to the emergence of spatial gradients in dispersal strategies. However, gene flow caused by dispersal itself is counteracting local adaptation. Using an individual based model we investigate the evolution of local adaptations of dispersal probability and distance within a single, circular, habitat patch. We compare evolved dispersal probabilities and distances for six different dispersal kernels (two negative exponential kernels, two skewed kernels, nearest neighbour dispersal and global dispersal) in patches of different size. For all kernels a positive correlation between patch size and dispersal probability emerges. However, a minimum patch size is necessary to allow for local adaptation of dispersal strategies within patches. Beyond this minimum patch area the difference in mean dispersal distance between center and edge increases linearly with patch radius, but the intensity of local adaptation depends on the dispersal kernel. Except for global and nearest neighbour dispersal, the evolved spatial pattern are qualitatively similar for both, mean dispersal probability and distance. We conclude, that inspite of the gene-flow originating from dispersal local adaptation of dispersal strategies is possible if a habitat is of sufficient size. This presumably holds for any realistic type of dispersal kernel.}, subject = {Ausbreitung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gros2008, author = {Gros, Andreas}, title = {Interactions in the evolution of dispersal distance and emigration probability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29226}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Chapter 1 - Evolution of local adaptations in dispersal strategies The optimal probability and distance of dispersal largely depend on the risk to end up in unsuitable habitat. This risk is highest close to the habitat's edge and consequently, optimal dispersal probability and distance should decline towards the habitat's border. This selection should lead to the emergence of spatial gradients in dispersal strategies. However, gene flow caused by dispersal itself is counteracting local adaptation. Using an individual based model I investigate the evolution of local adaptations of dispersal probability and distance within a single, circular, habitat patch. I compare evolved dispersal probabilities and distances for six different dispersal kernels (two negative exponential kernels, two skewed kernels, nearest neighbour dispersal and global dispersal) in patches of different size. For all kernels a positive correlation between patch size and dispersal probability emerges. However, a minimum patch size is necessary to allow for local adaptation of dispersal strategies within patches. Beyond this minimum patch area the difference in mean dispersal distance between center and edge increases linearly with patch radius, but the intensity of local adaptation depends on the dispersal kernel. Except for global and nearest neighbour dispersal, the evolved spatial pattern are qualitatively similar for both, mean dispersal probability and distance. I conclude, that inspite of the gene-flow originating from dispersal local adaptation of dispersal strategies is possible if a habitat is of sufficient size. This presumably holds for any realistic type of dispersal kernel. Chapter 2 - How dispersal propensity and distance depend on the capability to assess population density We analyze the simultaneous evolution of emigration probability and dispersal distance for species with different abilities to assess habitat quality (population density) and which suffer from distance dependent dispersal costs. Using an individual-based model I simulate dispersal as a multistep (patch to patch) process in a world consisting of habitat patches surrounded by lethal matrix. Our simulations show that natal dispersal is strongly driven by kin-competition but that consecutive dispersal steps are mostly determined by the chance to immigrate into patches with lower population density. Consequently, individuals following an informed strategy where emigration probability depends on local population density disperse over larger distances than individuals performing density-independent emigration; this especially holds when variation in environmental conditions is spatially correlated. However, already moderate distance-dependent dispersal costs prevent the evolution of long-distance dispersal irrespectively of the chosen dispersal strategy. Chapter 3 - Evolution of sex-biased dispersal: the role of sex-specific dispersal costs, demographic stochasticity, and inbreeding Inbreeding avoidance and asymmetric competition over resources have both been identified as factors favouring the evolution of sex- biased dispersal. It has also been recognized that sex-specific costs of dispersal would promote selection for sexspecific dispersal, but there is little quantitative information on this aspect. In this paper I explore (i) the quantitative relationship between cost-asymmetry and a bias in dispersal, (ii) the influence of demographic stochasticity on this effect, and (iii) how inbreeding and cost-asymmetry interact in their effect on sex-specific dispersal. I adjust an existing analytical model to account for sex-specific costs of dispersal. Based on numerical calculations I predict a severe bias in dispersal already for small differences in dispersal costs. I corroborate these predictions in individualbased simulations, but show that demographic stochasticity generally leads to more balanced dispersal. In combination with inbreeding, cost asymmetries will usually determine which of the two sexes becomes the more dispersive. Chapter 4 - Evolution of sex-biased dispersal: the role of sex-specific dispersal costs, demographic stochasticity, and inbreeding Inbreeding depression, asymmetries in costs or benefits, and the mating system have been identified as potential factors underlying the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. We use individual-based simulations to explore how the mating system and demographic stochasticity influence the evolution of sex-specific dispersal in a metapopulation with females competing over breeding sites, and males over mating opportunities. Comparison of simulation results for random mating with those for a harem system (locally, a single male sires all offspring) reveal that even extreme variance in local male reproductive success (extreme male competition) does not induce a male bias in dispersal. The latter evolves if between-patch variance in reproductive success is larger for males than females. This can emerge due to demographic stochasticity if habitat patches are small. More generally, members of a group of individuals experiencing higher spatio-temporal variance in fitness expectations may evolve to disperse with greater probability than others.}, subject = {Theoretische {\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chaianunporn2012, author = {Chaianunporn, Thotsapol}, title = {Evolution of dispersal and specialization in systems of interacting species}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76779}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A metacommunity approach will be a useful framework to assess and predict changes in biodiversity in spatially structured landscapes and changing environments. However, the relationship between two core elements of metacommunity dynamics, dispersal and species interaction are not well understood. Most theoretical studies on dispersal evolution assume that target species are in isolation and do not interact with other species although the species interactions and community structure should have strong interdependence with dispersal. On the one hand, a species interaction can change the cost and benefit structure of dispersing in relation to non-dispersing individuals. On the other hand, with dispersal, an individual can follow respectively avoid species partners. Moreover, it is also important to explore the interdependence between dispersal and species interaction with spatial and temporal heterogeneity of environment because it would allow us to gain more understanding about responses of community to disturbances such as habitat destruction or global climate change, and this aspect is up to now not well-studied. In this thesis, I focus on the interactive and evolutionary feedback effects between dispersal and various types of interspecific interactions in different environmental settings. More specifically, I contrast dispersal evolution in scenarios with different types of interactions (chapter 2), explore the concurrent evolution of dispersal and habitat niche width (specialization) in spatial heterogeneous landscape (chapter 3) and consider (potential) multidimensional evolutionary responses under climate change (chapter 4). Moreover, I investigate consequences of different dispersal probability and group tolerance on group formation respectively group composition and the coexistence of 'marker types' (chapter 5). For all studies, I utilize individual-based models of single or multiple species within spatially explicit (grid-based) landscapes. In chapter 5, I also use an analytical model in addition to an individual-based model to predict phenomenon in group recognition and group formation. ...}, subject = {Tiergesellschaft}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kubisch2012, author = {Kubisch, Alexander}, title = {Range border formation in the light of dispersal evolution}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Understanding the emergence of species' ranges is one of the most fundamental challenges in ecology. Early on, geographical barriers were identified as obvious natural constraints to the spread of species. However, many range borders occur along gradually changing landscapes, where no sharp barriers are obvious. Mechanistic explanations for this seeming contradiction incorporate environmental gradients that either affect the spatio-temporal variability of conditions or the increasing fragmentation of habitat. Additionally, biological mechanisms like Allee effects (i.e. decreased growth rates at low population sizes or densities), condition-dependent dispersal, and biological interactions with other species have been shown to severely affect the location of range margins. The role of dispersal has been in the focus of many studies dealing with range border formation. Dispersal is known to be highly plastic and evolvable, even over short ecological time-scales. However, only few studies concentrated on the impact of evolving dispersal on range dynamics. This thesis aims at filling this gap. I study the influence of evolving dispersal rates on the persistence of spatially structured populations in environmental gradients and its consequences for the establishment of range borders. More specially I investigate scenarios of range formation in equilibrium, periods of range expansion, and range shifts under global climate change ...}, subject = {Areal}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heidinger2015, author = {Heidinger, Ina M. M.}, title = {Beyond metapopulation theory: Determinants of the dispersal capacity of bush crickets and grasshoppers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135068}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Habitat fragmentation and destruction due to anthropogenic land use are the major causes of the increasing extinction risk of many species and have a detrimental impact on animal populations in numerous ways. The long-term survival and stability of spatially structured populations in fragmented landscapes largely depends on the colonisation of habitat patches and the exchange of individuals and genes between patches. The degree of inter-patch dispersal, in turn, depends on the dispersal ability of a species (i.e. the combination of physiological and morphological factors that facilitate dispersal) and the landscape structure (i.e. the nature of the landscape matrix or the spatial configuration of habitat patches). As fragmentation of landscapes is increasing and the number of species is continuously declining, a thorough understanding of the causes and consequences of dispersal is essential for managing natural populations and developing effective conservation strategies. In the context of animal dispersal, movement behaviour is intensively investigated with capture-mark-recapture studies. For the analysis of such experiments, the influence of marking technique, handling and translocation of marked animals on movement pattern is of crucial importance since it may mask the effects of the main research question. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a capture-mark-recapture study investigating the effect of translocation on the movement behaviour of the blue-winged grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens. Transferring individuals of this grasshopper species to suitable but unfamilliar sites has a significant influence on their movement behaviour. Translocated individuals moved longer distances, showed smaller daily turning angles, and thus their movements were more directed than those of resident individuals. The effect of translocation was most pronounced on the first day of the experiment, but may persist for longer. On average, daily moved distances of translocated individuals were about 50 \% longer than that of resident individuals because they have been transferred to an unfamiliar habitat patch. Depending on experiment duration, this leads to considerable differences in net displacement between translocated and resident individuals. In summary, the results presented in chapter 2 clearly point out that translocation effects should not be disregarded in future studies on arthropod movement, respectively dispersal. Studies not controlling for possible translocation effects may result in false predictions of dispersal behaviour, habitat detection capability or habitat preferences. Beside direct field observations via capture-mark-recapture methods, genetic markers can be used to investigate animal dispersal. Chapter 3 presents data on the genetic structure of populations of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing-dimorphic bush cricket, in a spatially structured landscape with patches of suitable habitat distributed within a diverse matrix of different habitat types. Using microsatellite markers, the effects of geographic distance and different matrix types on the genetic differentiation among 24 local populations was assessed. The results of this study clearly indicate that for M. bicolor the isolation of local populations severely depends on the type of surrounding matrix. The presence of forest and a river running through the study area was positively correlated with the extent of genetic differentiation between populations. This indicates that both matrix types severely impede gene flow and the exchange of individuals between local populations of this bush cricket. In addition, for a subsample of populations which were separated only by arable land or settlements, a significant positive correlation between pairwise genetic and geographic distances exists. For the complete data set, this correlation could not be found. This is most probably due to the adverse effect of forest and river on gene flow which dominates the effect of geographic distance in the limited set of patches investigated in this study. The analyses in chapter 3 clearly emphasize the differential resistance of different habitat types on dispersal and the importance of a more detailed view on matrix 'quality' in metapopulation studies. Studies that focus on the specific dispersal resistance of different matrix types may provide much more detailed information on the dispersal capacity of species than a mere analysis of isolation by distance. Such information is needed to improve landscape oriented models for species conservation. In addition to direct effects on realised dispersal (see chapter 3), landscape structure on its own is known to act as an evolutionary selection agent because it determines the costs and benefits of dispersal. Both morphological and behavioural traits of individuals and the degree to which a certain genotype responds to environmental variation have heritable components, and are therefore expected to be able to respond to selection pressures. Chapter 4 analyses the influence of patch size, patch connectivity (isolation of populations) and sand dynamics (stability of habitat) on thorax- and wing length as proxies for dispersal ability of O. caerulescens in coastal grey dunes. This study revealed clear and sex-specific effects of landscape dynamics and patch configuration on dispersal-related morphology. Males of this grasshopper species were smaller and had shorter wings if patches were larger and less connected. In addition, both sexes were larger in habitat patches with high sand dynamics compared to those in patches with lower dynamics. The investments in wing length were only larger in connected populations when sand dynamics were low, indicating that both landscape and patch-related environmental factors are of importance. These results are congruent with theoretical predictions on the evolution of dispersal in metapopulations. They add to the evidence that dispersal-related morphology varies and is selected upon in recently structured populations even at small spatial scales. Dispersal involves different individual fitness costs like increased predation risk, energy expenditure, costs of developing dispersal-related traits, failure to find new suitable habitat as well as reproductive costs. Therefore, the decision to disperse should not be random but depend on the developmental stage or the physiological condition of an individual just as on actual environmental conditions (context-dependent dispersal, e.g. sex- and wing morph-biased dispersal). Biased dispersal is often investigated by comparing the morphology, physiology and behaviour of females and males or sedentary and dispersive individuals. Studies of biased dispersal in terms of capture-mark-recapture experiments, investigating real dispersal and not routine movements, and genetic proofs of biased dispersal are still rare for certain taxa, especially for orthopterans. However, information on biased dispersal is of great importance as for example, undetected biased dispersal may lead to false conclusions from genetic data. In chapter 5 of this thesis, a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses was used to investigate biased dispersal of M. bicolor. The presented results not only show that macropterous individuals are predestined for dispersal due to their morphology, the genetic data also indicate that macropters are more dispersive than micropters. Furthermore, even within the group of macropterous individuals, males are supposed to be more dispersive than females. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, the morphological data were compared with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are proved to be very good flyers. Based on the morphological data presented here, one can assume a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed in natural populations.}, subject = {Heuschrecken <{\"U}berfamilie>}, language = {en} }