@phdthesis{Franke1995, author = {Franke, Fabian}, title = {Produktion und Zerfall von Neutralinos im Nichtminimalen Supersymmetrischen Standardmodell}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25666}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1995}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine umfassende Analyse von Erzeugung und anschließenden Zerf{\"a}llen von Neutralinos im Nichtminimalen Supersymmetrischen Standardmodell (NMSSM) speziell f{\"u}r den n{\"a}chsten verf{\"u}gbaren Elektron-Positron-Speicherring LEP2 am CERN mit einer voraussichtlichen Schwerpunktsenergie von 190 GeV. Das NMSSM ist die einfachste Erweiterung des Minimalen Supersymmetrischen Standardmodells MSSM mit einem Singlett-Superfeld, so dass der Higgs-Sektor insgesamt sieben physikalische Higgs-Teilchen enth{\"a}lt, und zwar drei neutrale skalare, zwei pseudoskalare und zwei geladene. Weiterhin enth{\"a}lt das NMSSM f{\"u}nf Neutralinos gegen{\"u}ber vier im MSSM. In dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentieren wir die 5 x 5 Neutralinomischungsmatrix, stellen die Eigenwertgleichung auf und analysieren das Massenspektrum und die Parameterabh{\"a}ngigkeit m{\"o}glicher masseloser Zust{\"a}nde. F{\"u}r die Untersuchung von Neutralinoproduktion und -zerfall wurden verschiedene Szenarien gew{\"a}hlt, in denen das leichteste Neutralino eine Masse von 10 GeV und eine Singlettkomponente von {\"u}ber 90\% besitzt oder in denen das leichteste Neutralino bis zu 50 Gev schwer ist und sich der Singlettanteil auf die beiden leichtesten Neutralinos verteilt. Die Wirkungsquerschnitte f{\"u}r die Neutralinoproduktion wurden in den gew{\"a}hlten Szenarien f{\"u}r Schwerpunktsenergien von 100 GeV bis 600 GeV berechnet, also bis zu einem Bereich, den ein geplanter Elektron-Positron-Linearbeschleuniger erreichen kann. Typische Wirkungsquerschnitte f{\"u}r die direkte Produktion vorwiegend singlettartiger Neutralinos liegen im Bereich von 100 fb. Selbst wenn das leichteste Neutralino sehr leicht ist, kann das n{\"a}chste bereits so schwer sein, dass bei LEP2 nur die nicht nachtweisbare Paarproduktion des leichtesten supersymmetrischen Teilchens m{\"o}glich ist. Somit ist bei LEP2 keine Erh{\"o}hung der unteren Neutralinomassengrenzen im NMSSM zu erwarten, falls kein Neutralino gefunden wird. In Szenarien mit leichten singlettartigen Neutralinos k{\"o}nnen sehr oft auch sehr leichte Higgs-Bosonen mit Massen unterhalb der im MSSM vorhandenen Grenzen existieren. Somit kann in allen unseren Szenarien der Neutralinozerfall in ein skalares oder pseudoskalares Higgs-Boson m{\"o}glich sein und dann Verweigungsverh{\"a}ltnisse bis zu fast 100\% erreichen. Wir berechnen in dieser Arbeit f{\"u}r die bei LEP2 produzierbaren Neutralinos die Verwzeigungsverh{\"a}ltnisse f{\"u}r die Zweik{\"o}rperzerf{\"a}lle in Higgs-Bosonen, die Dreik{\"o}rperzerf{\"a}lle in zwei Fermionen und den Schleifenzerfall in ein Photon. In allen F{\"a}llen befindet sich im Endzustand außerdem das unsichtbare leichteste Neutralino, dass sich experimentell als fehlende Energie niederschl{\"a}gt. Zur Bestimmung der Signaturen betrachten wir außerdem die anschließenden Zerfallsmodi der leichten Higgs-Bosonen. Der Nachweis von leichten singlettartigen Neutralinos im NMSSM kann einerseits unm{\"o}glich sein, wenn entweder die schweren Neutralinos bei der verf{\"u}gbaren Schwerpunktsenergie nicht produziert werden k{\"o}nnen oder {\"u}ber Higgs-Bosonen vollkommen in das LSP zerfallen, andererseits aber auch durch klare Signaturen mit einem Photon oder mit Jets im Endzustand erleichtert werden. Bei LEP2 sollten also durchaus Chancen bestehen, auch im Rahmen des NMSSM ein Neutralino zu entdecken. Zumindest werden sich weitere Einschr{\"a}nkungen des Parameterraums ergeben. Der Dissertation ist ein Anhang beigef{\"u}gt, der eine vollst{\"a}ndige Liste aller Feynman-Regeln des NMSSM enth{\"a}lt, die sich von denjenigen des MSSM unterscheiden.}, subject = {Supersymmetrie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Voelker2003, author = {V{\"o}lker, Roland}, title = {Staubzerst{\"o}rung durch interstellare Stoßfronten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7707}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Ein Teil der interstellaren Materie (ISM) liegt in Form von winzigen Festk{\"o}rpern vor, die mit dem interstellaren Gas vermischt sind. Diese Teilchen werden als interstellarer Staub bezeichnet. Obwohl der Staubanteil an der Gesamtmasse der ISM nur etwa 1\% betr{\"a}gt, kann sein Einfluß auf das interstellare Strahlungsfeld und die Dynamik des Gases nicht vernachl{\"a}ssigt werden. So ist er die Hauptursache f{\"u}r Extinktion, Streuung und Polarisation von Licht. Außerdem stellt der Staub ein wichtiges K{\"u}hlmittel f{\"u}r das interstellare Medium dar und beeinflußt die chemischen Prozesse innerhalb der ISM. Staubpartikel unterliegen Wachstums- und Zerst{\"o}rungsprozessen. So k{\"o}nnen sie Molek{\"u}le aus der Umgebung an ihrer Oberfl{\"a}che anlagern (Akkretion) oder sich mit anderen Partikeln zu gr{\"o}ßeren Staubteilchen verbinden (Koagulation). Durch die Wechselwirkung mit Ionen kann Oberfl{\"a}chenmaterial abgetragen werden (Sputtering) und das Kollidieren von Staubpartikeln f{\"u}hrt zu deren Zerschlagung in kleinere Teilchen oder (Shattering) deren Vaporisation. Außerdem sind Staubpartikel an das Gas gekoppelt und werden von diesem mitgerissen. Der Schwerpunkt der Vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung der dynamischen Prozesse, denen Staubpartikel bei der Durchquerung von interstellaren Stoßfronten unterworfen sind. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen vorallem die destruktiven Prozesse und die Kopplung an das Gas eine wichtige Rolle. Es wurden Gleichungen eingef{\"u}hrt, die die {\"A}nderung einer Staubverteilung durch diese Vorg{\"a}nge beschreiben. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Modellen werden die Staubteilchen darin nicht allein durch ihre Masse, sondern auch durch ihre Geschwindigkeit charakterisiert. Auf diese Weise kann die Impulserhaltung bei einer Partikelkollision gew{\"a}hrleistet werden und es ist beispielsweise m{\"o}glich auch St{\"o}ße gleich schwerer Partikel zu beschreiben. Die Gleichungen der Staub- und Hydrodynamik wurden f{\"u}r den Fall von station{\"a}ren, eindimensionalen Stoßwellen numerisch gel{\"o}st, wobei die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gas und Staub ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurden. Mit Hilfe des Modells wurden die Wirkung verschieden starker Stoßwellen auf eine Staubverteilung untersucht. Dabei wurden verschiedene Staubmaterialien zugrunde gelegt.}, subject = {Interstellarer Staub}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jacobs2003, author = {Jacobs, Arne}, title = {Andreev-Streuung, Josephson-Bloch-Oszillationen und Zener-Tunneln in Heterokontakten aus Normal- und Supraleitern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-9237}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet verschiedene Aspekte des Ladungstransports in Heterokontakten aus Normal- (N) und Supraleitern (S) im Rahmen des Bogoliubov-de Gennes-Formalismus. Dabei ist der bestimmende Prozeß die Andreev-Streuung: die Streuung von Elektronen in L{\"o}cher, bzw. umgekehrt, an r{\"a}umlichen Variationen des supraleitenden Paarpotentials unter Erzeugung, bzw. Vernichtung, eines Cooperpaares und damit der Induktion eines Suprastroms. Befindet sich ein Supraleiter zwischen zwei normalleitenden Bereichen, so wandelt sich der an der einen NS-Phasengrenze durch Andreev-Streuung induzierte Suprastrom an der anderen NS-Phasengrenze wieder in einen durch Quasiteilchen getragenen Strom um. Diese Umwandlung erfolgt durch den Einfall eines Quasiteilchens, dessen Charakter dem des auf der gegen{\"u}berliegenden Seite des Supraleiters einfallenden Quasiteilchens entgegengerichtet ist, wie anhand von Wellenpaket-Rechnungen explizit gezeigt wird. Ersetzt man den Supraleiter durch einen mesoskopischen SNS-Kontakt, ist die Vielteilchen-Konfiguration in der mittleren N-Schicht phasenkoh{\"a}rent und daher verschieden von den unkorrelierten Quasiteilchen-Anregungen, die die verschobene Fermi-Kugel in den normalleitenden Zuleitungen bilden. Die Josephson-Str{\"o}me, die durch die Quasiteilchen in der mittleren N-Schicht getragen werden, werden unter zwei verschiedenen Modellannahmen berechnet: Im einen Fall werden nur Streuzust{\"a}nde als Startzust{\"a}nde betrachtet, im anderen, bei gleichzeitiger Ber{\"u}cksichtigung eines normalstreuenden Potentials, nur gebundene Zust{\"a}nde. Der SNS-Kontakt wird durch eine supraleitend/halbleitende Heterostruktur modelliert, deren Parameter-Werte sich an den Experimenten der Gruppe von Herbert Kroemer in Santa Barbara orientieren. Wenn die supraleitenden Bereiche ohne normalleitende Zuleitungen direkt mit einem Reservoir von Cooperpaaren verbunden sind, fallen nur Quasiteilchen in Streuzust{\"a}nden aus den supraleitenden B{\"a}nken auf die NS-Phasengrenzen des Kontaktes ein. Mit den Normalleiter-Wellenfunktionen, die sich bei Anlegen einer Spannung V aus diesen Startzust{\"a}nden entwickeln, wird die Josephson-Wechselstromdichte in der Mitte der N-Schicht bei der Temperatur T = 2,2 K berechnet. Die Stromdichte weist spannungsabh{\"a}ngige Oszillationen in der Zeit auf, deren Periode das Inverse der Josephson-Frequenz ist. Alle Stromdichten zeigen bei kleinen Spannungen einen steilen Anstieg ihres Betrages, der durch Quasiteilchen zustandekommt, die durch das elektrische Feld aus dem Kondensat kommend in den Paarpotentialtopf hineingezogen werden und dort bei kleinen Spannungen eine große Zahl von Andreev-Streuungen erfahren, wobei sie bei jedem Elektron-Loch-Zyklus die Ladung 2e durch die N-Schicht transportieren. Im zweiten betrachteten Fall wird unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Normalstreuung der Gesamtzustand des Systems zu jedem Zeitpunkt durch eine Superposition von gebundenen Zust{\"a}nden ausgedr{\"u}ckt. Die Energie dieser gebundenen Zust{\"a}nde ist abh{\"a}ngig von der Phasendifferenz Phi zwischen den supraleitenden Schichten. F{\"u}r Werte der Phasendifferenz von ganzzahligen Vielfachen von Pi sind Zust{\"a}nde entgegengerichteter Impulse paarweise entartet. Das normalstreuende Potential mischt diese Zust{\"a}nde, hebt ihre Entartung auf und f{\"u}hrt zu Energiel{\"u}cken: Es bilden sich Energieb{\"a}nder im Phi-Raum, die formal den Bloch-B{\"a}ndern von Kristallen im Wellenzahlraum entsprechen. Wird eine {\"a}ußere Spannung angelegt, so {\"a}ndert sich die Phasendifferenz gem{\"a}ß der Josephson-Gleichung mit der Zeit und die Quasiteilchen oszillieren in ihren jeweiligen Phi-Bloch-B{\"a}ndern: Diese Josephson-Bloch-Oszillationen ergeben den "normalen" Josephson-Wechselstrom, der zwischen positiven und negativen Werten schwingt und im zeitlichen Mittel Null ist. Zus{\"a}tzlich k{\"o}nnen die Quasiteilchen durch Zener-Tunneln --- wie der analoge Prozeß in der Halbleiterphysik genannt wird --- in h{\"o}here B{\"a}nder {\"u}bergehen. W{\"a}hrend sich die Richtung der Josephson-Stromdichte zu den Zeiten minimaler Energiel{\"u}cke umkehrt, hat die Zener-Tunnel-Stromdichte nach einem Tunnel-Prozeß das gleiche Vorzeichen, das die Josephson-Stromdichte vor dem Tunnel-Prozeß hatte. Wenn die angelegte Spannung hinreichend groß ist und gen{\"u}gend Quasiteilchen in das h{\"o}here Band tunneln, {\"u}berkompensiert die Zener-Tunnel-Stromdichte in der Halbperiode nach dem Tunnel-Prozeß die Josephson-Stromdichte, und die Gesamtstromdichte schwingt wieder in dieselbe Richtung wie vor dem Zener-Tunneln. Somit hat sich gewissermaßen die Periode halbiert: Die Gesamtstromdichte schwingt mit der doppelten Josephson-Frequenz. Allen untersuchten Aspekten des Ladungstransports durch Heterokontakte aus Normal- und Supraleitern ist eines gemein: Der f{\"u}r ihr Verst{\"a}ndnis fundamentale Prozeß ist die Andreev-Streuung.}, subject = {Supraleiter}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kneiske2004, author = {Kneiske, Tanja}, title = {Wechselwirkung von Gammastrahlung mit dem metagalaktischen Strahlungsfeld}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11479}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Effekte der Paarbildung durch Wechselwirkung von hochenergetischer Gammastrahlung mit dem metagalaktischen FIR-UV Strahlungsfeld (MRF) untersucht. Einerseits hat die Paarbildung Folgen f"ur die beobachteten Spektren aktiver Galaxienkerne, andererseits hat sie auch einen gro"sen Einflu"s auf den extragalaktischen Gammastrahlungshintergrund. Es wurde ein verbesserte Version f"ur das Modell des FIR-UV Strahlungsfelds vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe aus beobachteten Daten intrinsische Blazarspektren ermittelt wurden. Im weiteren wurde ein auf EGRET-Blazaren basierendes Modell f"ur den Gammastrahlungshintergrund berechnet, in dem besonderer Wert auf die korrekte Beschreibung der Absorption prim"arer und der daraus resultierenden sekund"aren Gammastrahlung gelegt wurde. Schlie"slich wurde gezeigt, da"s der Beitrag von BL Lac Objekten zum Gammahintergrund nicht nur der fehlende Flu"s, sondern auch die spektrale Form der aus EGRET Beobachtungen gewonnenen Daten erkl"art werden kann, ohne den gegenw"artigen TeV-Daten zu widersprechen.}, subject = {Metagalaxis}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bechmann2004, author = {Bechmann, Michael}, title = {Dynamics in quantum spin glass systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12519}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This thesis aims at a description of the equilibrium dynamics of quantum spin glass systems. To this end a generic fermionic SU(2), spin 1/2 spin glass model with infinite-range interactions is defined in the first part. The model is treated in the framework of imaginary-time Grassmann field theory along with the replica formalism. A dynamical two-step decoupling procedure, which retains the full time dependence of the (replica-symmetric) saddle point, is presented. As a main result, a set of highly coupled self-consistency equations for the spin-spin correlations can be formulated. Beyond the so-called spin-static approximation two complementary systematic approximation schemes are developed in order to render the occurring integration problem feasible. One of these methods restricts the quantum-spin dynamics to a manageable number of bosonic Matsubara frequencies. A sequence of improved approximants to some quantity can be obtained by gradually extending the set of employed discrete frequencies. Extrapolation of such a sequence yields an estimate of the full dynamical solution. The other method is based on a perturbative expansion of the self-consistency equations in terms of the dynamical correlations. In the second part these techniques are applied to the isotropic Heisenberg spin glass both on the Fock space (HSGF) and, exploiting the Popov-Fedotov trick, on the spin space (HSGS). The critical temperatures of the paramagnet to spin glass phase transitions are determined accurately. Compared to the spin-static results, the dynamics causes slight increases of T_c by about 3\% and 2\%, respectively. For the HSGS the specific heat C(T) is investigated in the paramagnetic phase and, by way of a perturbative method, below but close to T_c. The exact C(T)-curve is shown to exhibit a pronounced non-analyticity at T_c and, contradictory to recent reports by other authors, there is no indication of maximum above T_c. In the last part of this thesis the spin glass model is augmented with a nearest-neighbor hopping term on an infinite-dimensional cubic lattice. An extended self-consistency structure can be derived by combining the decoupling procedure with the dynamical CPA method. For the itinerant Ising spin glass numerous solutions within the spin-static approximation are presented both at finite and zero temperature. Systematic dynamical corrections to the spin-static phase diagram in the plane of temperature and hopping strength are calculated, and the location of the quantum critical point is determined.}, subject = {Spinglas}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eckl2004, author = {Eckl, Thomas}, title = {Phenomenological phase-fluctuation model for the underdoped cuprates}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12115}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this thesis, a phenomenological phase-fluctuation model for the pseudogap regime of the underdoped cuprates was discussed. The key idea of the phase-fluctuation scenario in the high-T_c superconductors is the notion that the pseudogap observed in a wide variety of experiments arises from phase fluctuations of the superconducting gap. In this scenario, below a mean-field temperature scale T_c^{MF}, a d_{x^2-y^2}-wave gap amplitude is assumed to develop. However, the superconducting transition is suppressed to a considerably lower transition temperature T_c by phase fluctuations. In the intermediate temperature regime between T_c^{MF} and T_c, phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter give rise to the pseudogap phenomena. The phenomenological phase-fluctuation model discussed in this thesis consists of a two-dimensional BCS-like Hamiltonian where the phase of the pairing-amplitude is free to fluctuate. The fluctuations of the phase were treated by a Monte Carlo simulation of a classical XY model. First, the density of states was calculated. The quasiparticle tunneling conductance (dI/dV) obtained from our phenomenological phase fluctuation model was able to reproduce characteristic and salient features of recent scanning-tunneling studies of Bi2212 and Bi2201 suggesting that the pseudogap behavior observed in these experiments arises from phase fluctuations of the d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing gap. In calculating the single-particle spectral weight, we were further able to show how phase fluctuations influence the experimentally observed quasiparticle spectra in detail. In particular the disappearance of the BCS-Bogoliubov quasiparticle band at T_c and the change from a more V-like superconducting gap to a rather U-like pseudogap above T_c can be explained in a consistent way by assuming that the low-energy pseudogap in the underdoped cuprates is due to phase fluctuations of a local d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing gap with fixed magnitude. Furthermore, phase fluctuations can explain why the pseudogap starts closing from the nodal points, whereas it rather fills in along the anti-nodal directions and they can also account for the characteristic temperature dependence of the superconducting (pi,0)-photoemission-peak. Next, we have shown that the "violation" of the low-frequency optical sum rule recently observed in the SC state of underdoped Bi2212, which is associated with a reduction of kinetic energy, can be related to the role of phase fluctuations. The decrease in kinetic energy is due to the sharpening of the quasiparticle peaks close to the superconducting transition at T_c == T_{KT}, where the phase correlation length xi diverges. A detailed analysis of the temperature and frequency dependence of the optical conductivity sigma(omega)=sigma_1(omega)+i sigma_2(omega) revealed a superconducting scaling of sigma_2(omega), which starts already above T_c, exactly as observed in high-frequency microwave conductivity experiments on Bi2212. On the other hand, our model was only able to account for the characteristic peak, which is observed in sigma_1(omega) close to the superconducting transition, after the inclusion of an additional marginal-Fermi-liquid scattering-rate in the optical conductivity formula. Finally, we calculated the static uniform diamagnetic susceptibility. It turned out that the precursor effects of the fluctuating diamagnetism above T_c are very small and limited to temperatures close to T_c in a phase-fluctuation scenario of the pseudogap. Instead, the temperature dependence of the uniform static magnetic susceptibility is dominated by the Pauli spin susceptibility, which displayed a very characteristic temperature dependence, independent of the details of the gap function used in our model. This temperature dependence is qualitatively very similar to the experimentally observed change of the Knight-shift as a function of temperature in underdoped Bi2212.}, subject = {Hochtemperatursupraleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Deppisch2004, author = {Deppisch, Frank}, title = {Towards a reconstruction of the SUSY seesaw model}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12757}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this work, we studied in great detail how the unknown parameters of the SUSY seesaw model can be determined from measurements of observables at or below collider energies, namely rare flavor violating decays of leptons, slepton pair production processes at linear colliders and slepton mass differences. This is a challenging task as there is an intricate dependence of the observables on the unknown seesaw, light neutrino and mSUGRA parameters. In order to separate these different influences, we first considered two classes of seesaw models, namely quasi-degenerate and strongly hierarchical right-handed neutrinos. As a generalisation, we presented a method that can be used to reconstruct the high energy seesaw parameters, among them the heavy right-handed neutrino masses, from low energy observables alone.}, subject = {Supersymmetrie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kittel2004, author = {Kittel, Olaf}, title = {CP violation in production and decay of supersymmetric particles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12767}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir CP verletzende Effekte von MSSM-Phasen in Produktion und Zwei-Teilchen-Zerfaellen von Neutralinos, Charginos und Sfermionen. Fuer verschiedene supersymmetrische Prozesse definieren und berechnen wir CP-ungerade Asymmetrien, welche auf Spatprodukten basieren. Wir zeigen numerische Ergebnisse fuer Elektron-Positron-Kollisionen an einem zukuenftigen Linearbeschleuniger mit einer Energie von 500 - 800 GeV, hoher Luminositaet und longitudinal polarisierten Strahlen.}, subject = {Supersymmetrisches Teilchen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Redelbach2004, author = {Redelbach, Andreas}, title = {SUSY Seesaw model and phenomenological implications for leptonic processes at low energies and leptogenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this work the supersymmetric seesaw model and its effects on low-energy leptonic observables and thermal leptogenesis have been systematically investigated. Precision measurements will increase the sensitivity on lepton-flavor violating decays, particularly on Br(l_j->l_i gamma) and also on electric and magnetic dipole moments in the near future. In order to improve also the accuracy of theoretical predictions for these processes, we have performed a full one-loop calculation of the underlying supersymmetric processes taking into account the lepton masses. Since the mechanism of soft supersymmetry breaking (SSB) is completely unknown, a novel analysis beyond the often studied minimal Supergravity scenarios has been performed. This way it has been demonstrated that in the considered mSUGRA, AMSB, GMSB and gaugino mediated scenarios, the ongoing search for Br(mu->e gamma) can constrain fundamental SSB parameters and/or the seesaw parameters. On the other hand, the basic parameters of thermal leptogenesis, such as the CP asymmetry in the decays of the lightest right-handed Majorana neutrino, provide probes of the unknown complex orthogonal R-matrix of the seesaw model.}, subject = {Supersymmetrie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dahnken2004, author = {Dahnken, Christopher}, title = {Spectral properties of strongly correlated electron systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12238}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {We investigate the single particle static and dynamic properties at zero temperature within the Hubbard an three-band-Hubbard model for the superconducting copper oxides. Based on the recently proposed self-energy functional approach (SFA) [M.Potthoff, Eur. Phys. J. B 32 429 (2003)], we present an extension of the cluster-perturbation theory (CPT) to systems with spontaneous broken symmetry. Our method accounts for both short-range correlations and long-range order. Short-range correlations are accurately taken into account via the exact diagonalization of finite clusters. Long-range order is described by variational optimization of a ficticious symmetry-breaking field. In comparison with related cluster methods, our approach is more flexible and, for a given cluster size, less demanding numerically, especially at zero temperature. An application of the method to the antiferromagnetic phase of the Hubbard model at half-filling shows good agreement with results from quantum Monte-Carlo calculations. We demonstrate that the variational extension of the cluster-perturbation theory is crucial to reproduce salient features of the single-particle spectrum of the insulating cuprates. Comparison of the dispersion of the low-energy excitations with recent experimental results of angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) allows us to fix a consistent parameter set for the one-band Hubbard model with an additional hopping parameter t' along the lattice diagonal. The doping dependence of the single-particle excitations is studied within the t-t-U Hubbard model with special emphasis on the electron doped compounds. We show, that the ARPES results on the band structure and the Fermi surface of Nd{2-x}Ce_xCuOCl_{4-\delta} are naturally obtained within the t-t-U Hubbard model without further need for readjustment or fitting of parameters, as proposed in recent theoretical considerations. We present a theory for the photon energy and polarization dependence of ARPES intensities from the CuO2 plane in the framework of strong correlation models. The importance of surface states for the observed experimental facts is considered. We show that for electric field vector in the CuO_2 plane the 'radiation characteristics' of the O 2p_{\sigma} and Cu 3d_{x^2-y^2} orbitals are strongly peaked along the CuO_2 plane, i.e. most photoelectrons are emitted at grazing angles. This suggests that surface states play an important role in the observed ARPES spectra, consistent with recent data from Sr_2CuCl_2O_2. We show that a combination of surface state dispersion and Fano resonance between surface state and the continuum of LEED-states may produce a precipitous drop in the observed photoelectron current as a function of in-plane momentum, which may well mimic a Fermi-surface crossing. This effect may explain the simultaneous 'observation' of a hole-like and an electron-like Fermi surfaces in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} at different photon energies.}, subject = {Hochtemperatursupraleiter}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Volkmann2004, author = {Volkmann, Thorsten}, title = {Lattice gas models and simulations of epitaxial growth}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this PhD thesis, we develop models for the numerical simulation of epitaxial crystal growth, as realized, e.g., in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The basic idea is to use a discrete lattice gas representation of the crystal structure, and to apply kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations for the description of the growth dynamics. The main advantage of the KMC approach is the possibility to account for atomistic details and at the same time cover MBE relevant time scales in the simulation. In chapter 1, we describe the principles of MBE, pointing out relevant physical processes and the influence of experimental control parameters. We discuss various methods used in the theoretical description of epitaxial growth. Subsequently, the underlying concepts of the KMC method and the lattice gas approach are presented. Important aspects concerning the design of a lattice gas model are considered, e.g. the solid-on-solid approximation or the choice of an appropriate lattice topology. A key element of any KMC simulation is the selection of allowed events and the evaluation of Arrhenius rates for thermally activated processes. We discuss simplifying schemes that are used to approximate the corresponding energy barriers if detailed knowledge about the barriers is not available. Finally, the efficient implementation of the MC kinetics using a rejection-free algorithm is described. In chapter 2, we present a solid-on-solid lattice gas model which aims at the description of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces like CdTe(001). The model accounts for the zincblende structure and the relevant surface reconstructions of Cd- and Te-terminated surfaces. Particles at the surface interact via anisotropic nearest and next nearest neighbor interactions, whereas interactions in the bulk are isotropic. The anisotropic surface interactions reflect known properties of CdTe(001) like the small energy difference between the c(2x2) and (2x1) vacancy structures of Cd-terminated surfaces. A key element of the model is the presence of additional Te atoms in a weakly bound Te* state, which is motivated by experimental observations of Te coverages exceeding one monolayer at low temperatures and high Te fluxes. The true mechanism of binding excess Te to the surface is still unclear. Here, we use a mean-field approach assuming a Te* reservoir with limited occupation. In chapter 3, we perform KMC simulations of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) of CdTe(001). We study the self-regulation of the ALE growth rate and demonstrate how the interplay of the Te* reservoir occupation with the surface kinetics results in two different regimes: at high temperatures the growth rate is limited to one half layer of CdTe per ALE cycle, whereas at low enough temperatures each cycle adds a complete layer. The temperature where the transition between the two regimes occurs depends mainly on the particle fluxes. The temperature dependence of the growth rate and the flux dependence of the transition temperature are in good qualitative agreement with experimental results. Comparing the macroscopic activation energy for Te* desorption in our model with experimental values we find semiquantitative agreement. In chapter 4, we study the formation of nanostructures with alternating stripes during submonolayer heteroepitaxy of two different adsorbate species on a given substrate. We evaluate the influence of two mechanisms: kinetic segregation due to chemically induced diffusion barriers, and strain relaxation by alternating arrangement of the adsorbate species. KMC simulations of a simple cubic lattice gas with weak inter-species binding energy show that kinetic effects are sufficient to account for stripe formation during growth. The dependence of the stripe width on control parameters is investigated. We find an Arrhenius temperature dependence, in agreement with experimental investigations of phase separation in binary or ternary material systems. Canonical MC simulations show that the observed stripes are not stable under equilibrium conditions: the adsorbate species separate into very large domains. Off-lattice simulations which account for the lattice misfit of the involved particle species show that, under equilibrium conditions, the competition between binding and strain energy results in regular stripe patterns with a well-defined width depending on both misfit and binding energies. In KMC simulations, the stripe-formation and the experimentally reported ramification of adsorbate islands are reproduced. To clarify the origin of the island ramification, we investigate an enhanced lattice gas model whose parameters are fitted to match characteristic off-lattice diffusion barriers. The simulation results show that a satisfactory explanation of experimental observations within the lattice gas framework requires a detailed incorporation of long-range elastic interactions. In the appendix we discuss supplementary topics related to the lattice gas simulations in chapter 4.}, subject = {Kristallwachstum}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueck2004, author = {M{\"u}ck, Alexander}, title = {The standard model in 5D : theoretical consistency and experimental constraints}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10591}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The four-dimensional Minkowski space is known to be a good description for space-time down to the length scales probed by the latest high-energy experiments. Nevertheless, there is the viable and exciting possibility that additional space-time structure will be observable in the next generation of collider experiments. Hence, we discuss different extensions of the standard model of particle physics with an extra dimension at the TeV-scale. We assume that some of the gauge and Higgs bosons propagate in one additional spatial dimension, while matter fields are confined to a four-dimensional subspace, the usual Minkowski space. After compactification on an S^1/Z_2 orbifold, an effective four-dimensional theory is obtained where towers of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes, in addition to the standard model fields, reflect the higher-dimensional structure of space-time. The models are elaborated from the 5D Lagrangian to the Feynman rules of the KK modes. Special attention is paid to an appropriate generalization of the Rxi-gauge and the interplay between spontaneous symmetry breaking and compactification. Confronting the observables in 5D standard model extensions with combined precision measurements at the Z-boson pole and the latest data from LEP2, we constrain the possible size R of the extra dimension experimentally. A multi-parameter fit of all relevant input parameters leads to bounds for the compactification scale M=1/R in the range 4-6 TeV at the 2 sigma confidence level and shows how the mass of the Higgs boson is correlated with the size of an extra dimension. Considering a future linear e+e- collider, we outline the discovery potential for an extra dimension using the proposed TESLA specifications as an example. As a consistency check for the various models, we analyze Ward identities and the gauge boson equivalence theorem in W-pair production and find that gauge symmetry is preserved by a complex interplay of the Kaluza-Klein modes. In this context, we point out the close analogy between the traditional Higgs mechanism and mass generation for gauge bosons via compactification. Beyond the tree-level, the higher-dimensional models studied extensively in the literature and in the first part of this thesis have to be extended. We modify the models by the inclusion of brane kinetic terms which are required as counter terms. Again, we derive the corresponding 4D theory for the KK towers paying special attention to gauge fixing and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Finally, the phenomenological implications of the new brane kinetic terms are investigated in detail.}, subject = {Standardmodell }, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuernberger2004, author = {N{\"u}rnberger, Dieter}, title = {The Galactic Starburst Region NGC 3603 : exciting new insights on the formation of high mass stars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10440}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2004}, abstract = {One of the most fundamental, yet still unsolved problems in star formation research is addressed by the question "How do high mass stars form?". While most details related to the formation and early evolution of low mass stars are quite well understood today, the basic processes leading to the formation of high mass stars still remain a mystery. There is no doubt that low mass stars like our Sun form via accretion of gas and dust from their natal environment. With respect to the formation of high mass stars theorists currently discuss two possible scenarios controversely: First, similar to stars of lower masses, high mass stars form by continuous (time variable) accretion of large amounts of gas and dust through their circumstellar envelopes and/or disks. Second, high mass stars form by repeated collisions (coalescence) of protostars of lower masses. Both scenarios bear difficulties which impose strong constrains on the final mass of the young star. To find evidences for or against one of these two theoretical models is a challenging task for observers. First, sites of high mass star formation are much more distant than the nearby sites of low mass star formation. Second, high mass stars form and evolve much faster than low mass star. In particular, they contract to main sequence, hydrogen burning temperatures and densities on time scales which are much shorter than typical accretion time scales. Third, as a consequence of the previous point, young high mass stars are usually deeply embedded in their natal environment throughout their (short) pre-main sequence phase. Therefore, high mass protostars are rare, difficult to find and difficult to study. In my thesis I undertake a novel approach to search for and to characterize high mass protostars, by looking into a region where young high mass stars form in the violent neighbourhood of a cluster of early type main sequence stars. The presence of already evolved O type stars provides a wealth of energetic photons and powerful stellar winds which evaporate and disperse the surrounding interstellar medium, thus "lifting the courtains" around nearby young stars at a relatively early evolutionary stage. Such premises are given in the Galactic starburst region NGC 3603. Nevertheless, a large observational effort with different telescopes and instruments -- in particular, taking advantage of the high angular resolution and high sensitivity of near and mid IR instruments available at ESO -- was necessary to achieve the goals of my study. After a basic introduction on the topic of (high mass) star formation in Chapter 1, a short overview of the investigated region NGC 3603 and its importance for both galactic and extragalactic star formation studies is given in Chapter 2. Then, in Chapter 3, I report on a comprehensive investigation of the distribution and kinematics of the molecular gas and dust associated with the NGC 3603 region. In Chapter 4 I thoroughly address the radial extent of the NGC 3603 OB cluster and the spatial distribution of the cluster members. Together with deep Ks band imaging data, a detailed survey of NGC 3603 at mid IR wavelengths allows to search the neighbourhood of the cold molecular gas and dust for sources with intrinsic mid IR excess (Chapter 5). In Chapter 6 I characterize the most prominent sources of NGC 3603 IRS 9 and show that these sources are bona-fide candidates for high mass protostars. Finally, a concise summary as well as an outlook on future prospects in high mass star formation research is given in Chapter 7.}, subject = {Starburst-Galaxie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siddiki2005, author = {Siddiki, Afif}, title = {Model calculations of current and density distributions in dissipative Hall bars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-15100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In this work we examine within the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Poisson approach the low-temperature screening properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) subjected to strong perpendicular magnetic fields. In chapter 3, numerical results for the unconfined 2DEG are compared with those for a simplified Hall-bar geometry realized by two different confinement models. It is shown that in the strongly nonlinear-screening limit of zero temperature the total variation of the screened potential is related by simple analytical expressions to the amplitude of an applied harmonic modulation potential and to the strength of the magnetic field. In chapter 4 we study the current and charge distribution in a two-dimensional electron system, under the conditions of the integer quantized Hall effect, on the basis of a quasilocal transport model, that includes nonlinear screening effects on the conductivity via the self-consistently calculated density profile. The existence of "incompressible strips" with integer Landau level filling factor is investigated within a Hartree-type approximation, and nonlocal effects on the conductivity along those strips are simulated by a suitable averaging procedure. This allows us to calculate the Hall and the longitudinal resistance as continuous functions of the magnetic field B, with plateaus of finite widths and the well-known, exactly quantized values. We emphasize the close relation between these plateaus and the existence of incompressible strips, and we show that for B values within these plateaus the potential variation across the Hall bar is very different from that for B values between adjacent plateaus, in agreement with recent experiments. We have improved on the previous chapter by a critical investigation of the impurity potential profiles and obtained reasonable estimates of the range and the amplitude of the potential fluctuations. We added a harmonic perturbation potential to the confining potential in order to generate the long-range-part of the overall impurity potential in the translation invariant model. This treatment of the long-range fluctuations allowed us to resolve apparent discrepancies such as the dependence of the QH plateau width on the mobility and to understand the crossing values of the high and low temperature Hall resistances. An interesting outcome of this model is that, it predicts different crossing values depending on the sample width and mobility. In chapter 6 we brie y report on theoretical and experimental investigations of a novel hysteresis effect that has been observed on the magneto-resistance (MR) of quantum-Hall (QH) bilayer systems in magnetic field (B) intervals, in which one layer is in a QH-plateau while the other is near an edge of a QH-plateau. We extend a recent approach to the QH effect, based on the Thomas-Fermi-Poisson theory and a local conductivity model to the bilayer system. This approach yields very different density and potential landscapes for the B-values at different edges of a QH plateau. Combining this with the knowledge about extremely long relaxation times to the thermodynamic equilibrium within the plateau regime, we simulate the hysteresis in the "active" current-carrying layer by freezing-in the electron density in the other, "passive", layer at the profile corresponding to the low-B edge of its QH plateau as B is swept up, and to the profile at the high-B edge as B is swept down. The calculated MR hysteresis is in good qualitative agreement with the experiment. If we use the equilibrium density profile, we obtain excellent agreement with an "equilibrium" measurement, in which the system was heated up to ~ 10K and cooled down again at each sweep step.}, subject = {Elektronengas}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pahlen2005, author = {Pahlen, Federico von der}, title = {Polarization and Spin Effects in Production and Decay of Charginos and Neutralinos at a Muon Collider}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-18421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking is essential to provide masses to the W and Z gauge bosons and fermions of the SM. We hope to elucidate this mechanism at the next generation of colliders. While the SM has been tested with astonishing precision it is believed to be an effective theory of a more fundamental Great Unified Theory. SUSY is one of the most attractive extensions of the SM of particle physics. Therefore, the search for SUSY is a top priority at the next generation of colliders. Once Higgs bosons are discovered, a precise determination of their properties is necessary to differentiate between different models, in particular the MSSM. A muon collider, running at center of mass energies around the neutral Higgs boson resonances, would allow precise measurements of masses and widths, as well as the couplings to their decay products. In particular their couplings to supersymmetric particles are essential to probe SUSY. Therefore, we study the decays of the heavier CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons into lighter chargino or neutralino pairs. In this thesis we have analyzed the polarization effects of the beams and the charginos and neutralinos produced in mu+ mu- annihilation around the center of mass energies of the Higgs boson resonances H and A. For the production of equal charginos we have shown that the ratio of H-chargino and A-chargino couplings can be precisely determined independently of the chargino decay mechanism. This method avoids reference to other experiments and makes only a few model-dependent assumptions. Here we have analyzed the effect of the energy spread and of the error from the non-resonant channels, including an irreducible standard model background contribution. For small tan(beta) the process yields large cross sections of up to a pb. For the production of two different charginos we have shown that the H-A interference can be analyzed using asymmetries of the charge conjugated processes. The asymmetries depend on the muon longitudinal beam polarizations and vanish for unpolarized beams. For the chargino pair production with subsequent two-body decay of one of the charginos we have shown that charge and beam polarization asymmetries in the energy distributions of the decay particles are sensitive to the interference of scalar exchange channels with different CP quantum numbers. This process provides unique information on the interference of overlapping Higgs boson resonances. The effect is larger for regions of parameter space with intermediate values of tan(beta) and light sleptons or LSP neutralinos. For the chargino pair production with subsequent two-body decays of both charginos we have defined energy distribution and angular asymmetries in the final particles, in order to analyze the spin-spin correlations of the charginos. The transverse polarizations of the charginos are sensitive to the CP quantum number of the exchanged Higgs bosons and can thus be used to separate overlapping resonances, as well as to determine the CP quantum number of a single resonance. For equal charginos, these asymmetries are not sensitive to the interference of CP-even and CP-odd Higgs exchange channels. For the neutralino pair production in mu+ mu- annihilation we study similar processes as for chargino production. Line shape measurements of neutralino pair production allow to precisely determine the ratio of H-neutralino and A-neutralino couplings. Neutralino pair production with subsequent two-body decay of one of the neutralinos in the intermediate tan(beta) region is sensitive to the interference of H and A and may be measured with a large statistical significance. The Majorana nature of the neutralinos implies that the beam polarization asymmetries vanish for the remaining production channels. For neutralino pair production with subsequent two-body decays of both neutralinos we analyze similar observables as in chargino production. The main difference consists in the intrinsic relative CP quantum number of the neutralino pair, which depends on the chosen scenario. We have thus shown that the interaction of the Higgs bosons to the gaugino-higgsino sector can be probed at a muon collider in chargino and neutralino pair production, both analyzing the production line-shape around the resonances as well as studying the chargino and neutralino polarizations via their decays.}, subject = {Neutralino}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Joestingmeier2005, author = {J{\"o}stingmeier, Martin}, title = {On the competition of superconductivity, antiferromagnetism and charge order in the high-Tc compounds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13036}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit l{\"a}ßt sich in zwei grobe Abschnitte gliedern. Der erste Teil umfaßt die Kapitel 1-3, in denen drei verschiedene Konzepte beschrieben werden, die zum Verst{\"a}ndis stark korrelierter Vielteilchen-Systeme dienen. Dies sind zun{\"a}chst einmal die SO(5)-Theorie in Kapitel 3, die den allgemeinen Rahmen vorgibt und auf der numerischen Seite die Stochastische Reihen Entwicklung (SSE) in Kapitel 1 und der Contractor Renormierungsgruppen Ansatz (CORE), s.Kapitel 2). Die zentrale Idee dieser Dissertationsschrift besteht darin, diese verschiedenen Konzepte zu kombinieren, um ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis der Hochtemperatursupraleiter zu erhalten. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit (Kap. 4 und Kap. 5) werden die so gewonnenen Ergebnisse dargestellt. Die zentrale Idee dieser Arbeit, d.h. die Kombination der SO(5)-Theorie mit den F{\"a}higkeiten bosonischer Quanten-Monte-Carlo Verfahren und den {\"u}berlegungen der Renormierungsgruppe, hat sich sich am Beispiel der Physik der Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter als sehr tragf{\"a}hig erwiesen. Die numerischen Simulationen reproduzieren bei den behandelten Modelle eine Reihe wichtiger experimenteller Daten. Die Grundlage f{\"u}r eine k{\"u}nftige weitere schrittweise Erweiterung des Modells wurde so geschaffen. Eine offene Frage ist z.B. die Restaurierung der SO(5)-Symmetrie an einem multi-kritischen Punkt, wenn die l{\"a}ngerreichweitigen Wechselwirkungen mit in das Modell einbezogen sind.}, subject = {Hochtemperatursupraleitung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brunner2005, author = {Brunner, Raimund}, title = {Analyse optischer Heterodynsignale zur dynamischen Charakterisierung von Diodenlasern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17195}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die stetige Degradation von Halbleiterlasern, speziell bei Bleichalkogenidlasern, erfordert in spektroskopischen Systemen eine regelm{\"a}ßige {\"U}berwachung typischer Eigenschaften wie Abstimmcharakteristik und Linienbreite. Im Hinblick auf einen m{\"o}glichst hohen Automatisierungsgrad wird langfristig eine Online-Analysemethode zur {\"U}berwachung notwendig sein. Die {\"u}blicherweise verwendete Methode, den Laserarbeitspunkt {\"u}ber zugrunde liegende Modenkarten einzustellen, hat den gravierenden Nachteil, dass solche Modenkarten in der Regel nicht unter dynamischen Modulationsbedingungen vermessen wurden. Gerade im dynamischen Fall sind diese Karten empfindlich abh{\"a}ngig gegen{\"u}ber Ver{\"a}nderungen durch Zyklieren und Degradieren des Lasers. Etalons (Etalonsignale) sind bez{\"u}glich der Abstimmcharakteristik nicht zuverl{\"a}ssig genug und von daher f{\"u}r eine w{\"u}nschenswerte Automatisierung nicht ausreichen. Modenspr{\"u}nge oder schwache R{\"u}ckkopplungseffekte lassen sich im Interferogramm nicht ohne weiteres identifiziert. Eine erweiterte Analyse der St{\"o}rungen dieser Interferogramme im Zeit-Frequenzbereich mittels einer AOK(Adaptive Optimal Kernel)-Transformation erwies sich speziell bei Signalen mit wenigen Perioden als deutlich aussagekr{\"a}ftiger. Mittels optischer Homodynmischung wurde die Linienbreite von Bleichalkogenidlasern ermittelt. Bei inkoh{\"a}renter {\"U}berlagerung entspricht die spektrale Verteilung der Mischung der Faltung der urspr{\"u}nglichen Verteilung mit sich selbst. Der Laser wird dabei nicht abgestimmt, die optische Laufzeitverz{\"o}gerung wurde mittels integrierter White-Zelle realisiert. Es wurde beobachtet, dass je nach Grad des Rauschens des Injektionsstroms, das Linienbreitenprofil von Lorentz nach Gauß {\"u}berging. Mit einem externen CO2-Laser als lokalen Oszillator wurden Heterodynmessungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Linienbreite eines CO2-Lasers ist mit wenigen kHz im Vergleich zu derjenigen eines Bleichalkogenidlasers vernachl{\"a}ssigbar und die {\"U}berlagerung erfolgt absolut inkoh{\"a}rent. Gemessen wurden spektrale Verteilungen mit typischem Lorentzprofil von 10 MHz bis zu 100 MHz und dar{\"u}ber hinaus. Auff{\"a}llig waren h{\"a}ufig symmetrische Nebenpeaks, die in den Bereichen der Seitenflanken des Lorentzprofils auftraten. Anhand einer numerischen Simulation eines Modells einer Laserdiode, basierend auf Ratengleichungen mit f{\"u}r Bleichalkogenidlasern typischen Parameterwerten, konnte verdeutlicht werden, dass sich durch das nichtlineare Lasermodell ausgepr{\"a}gte Vielfache von Resonanzen bereits im Abstand von 25 MHz ausbilden k{\"o}nnen. Derartige Resonanzen tauchen im E-Feld-Spektrum als typische Relaxationsoszillationen in den Seitenb{\"a}ndern wieder auf und erkl{\"a}ren die in der Messung beobachteten Nebenpeaks innerhalb der spektralen Verteilung. Die St{\"a}rke der Seitenb{\"a}nder ist ein Maß f{\"u}r die Korrelation zwischen Phasen- und Amplitudenfluktuationen. Das Modell f{\"u}r die numerische Berechnung des E-Feldes wurde mit einem thermischen Verhalten erweitert. Eine umfassende Charakterisierungsmethode zur automatisierten Einstellung eines modulierten Lasersystems muss dynamisch und zeitaufgel{\"o}st erfolgen. Die Auswertung optischer Mischfrequenzen beschr{\"a}nkt sich dabei nicht mehr auf die direkte Interpretation von einzelnen Spektren, sondern erweitert sich auf die Analyse im Zeit-Frequenzraum. F{\"u}r eine direkte und schnelle Zeitfrequenztransformation bietet sich ein „Gefensterte Fouriertransformation" (STFT) an, die sich außerdem relativ einfach in moderne Signalprozessortechnik implementieren l{\"a}sst. Sie erweist sich als sehr robust und f{\"u}r die hier erforderliche Analyse von Heterodynsignalen als ausreichend. Mit der Festlegung des Analysefensters innerhalb einer STFT ist die Aufl{\"o}sung in Zeit und Frequenz fest definiert. Analysen von Mischsignalen mit einer kontinuierlichen Wavelettransformation haben vergleichsweise gezeigt, dass Details im Zeitfrequenzraum zwar besser herausgearbeitet werden k{\"o}nnen, jedoch ist der Rechenaufwand durch die variable Skalierung und somit stark redundante Analyse und ihre Darstellung unverh{\"a}ltnism{\"a}ßig gr{\"o}ßer. Eine Analyse des Linienbreitenprofils erfolgt dabei {\"u}ber die Entwicklung der Skalierung eines Signals. Die {\"u}ber Heterodynsignale ermittelte effektive Linienbreite bei einer modulierten Abstimmung sollte eher als „dynamische" oder „intrinsische" Laserlinienbreite bezeichnet werden. Eine direkte Korrelation der Frequenzvariation des Lasers mit dem Stromrauschen des Injektionsstroms ist offensichtlich. Die wirksame Bandbreite des Stromrauschens wird durch die Systemelektronik einerseits und die Modulationsbandbreite des Lasers andererseits begrenzt. Außer den wichtigen Parametern wie Abstimmung und Linienbreite lassen sich {\"u}ber die dynamische Zeitfrequenzanalyse von Heterodynsignalen dar{\"u}ber hinaus weitere Ph{\"a}nomene wie R{\"u}ckkopplung, Moden{\"u}berlagerung oder Einschwingverhalten aufgrund direkter Kopplung zwischen Intensit{\"a}ts­ und Frequenzmodulation beobachten.}, subject = {Laserdiode}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Csallner2006, author = {Csallner, Sigrun}, title = {Produktion und Nachweis schwerer Selektronen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22433}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Wir studieren die Produktion und den Nachweis von Selektronen mit Massen jenseits der Schwelle zur Paarerzeugung an k{\"u}nftigen Linearbeschleunigern mit Schwerpunktsenergien von 500 GeV und 800 GeV. Hierzu betrachten wir die Produktion von linken und rechten Selektronen in Assoziation mit dem jeweils leichtesten Neutralino oder Chargino durch Elektron-Elektron-, Elektron-Positron- und Elektron-Photon-Streuung im Rahmen des MSSM. Die Produktion durch Elektron-Elektron-Streuung untersuchen wir zus{\"a}tzlich in zwei erweiterten Modellen, dem NMSSM und einem E6-Modell mit einem zus{\"a}tzlichen U(1)-Eichfaktor.}, subject = {Linearbeschleuniger}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bretz2006, author = {Bretz, Thomas}, title = {Observations of the Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES1218+304 with the MAGIC-telescope}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-19240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The astronomical exploration at energies between 30\,GeV and \$\lesssim\$\,350\,GeV was the main motivation for building the \MAGIC-telescope. With its 17\,m \diameter\ mirror it is the worldwide largest imaging air-Cherenkov telescope. It is located at the Roque de los Muchachos at the Canary island of San Miguel de La Palma at 28.8\$^\circ\$\,N, 17.8\$^\circ\$\,W, 2200\,m a.s.l. The telescope detects Cherenkov light produced by relativistic electrons and positrons in air showers initiated by cosmic gamma-rays. The imaging technique is used to powerfully reject the background due to hadronically induced air showers from cosmic rays. Their inverse power-law energy-distribution leads to an increase of the event rate with decreasing energy threshold. For \MAGIC this implies a trigger rate in the order of 250\,Hz, and a correspondingly large data stream to be recorded and analyzed. A robust analysis software package, including the general framework \MARS, was developed and commissioned to allow automation, necessary for data taken under variable observing conditions. Since many of the astronomical sources of high-energy radiation, in particular the enigmatic gamma-ray bursts, are of a transient nature, the telescope was designed to allow repositioning in several tens of seconds, keeping a tracking accuracy of \$\lesssim\,\$0.01\$^\circ\$. Employing a starguider, a tracking accuracy of \$\lesssim\,\$1.3\,minutes of arc was obtained. The main class of sources at very high gamma-ray energies, known from previous imaging air-Cherenkov telescopes, are Active Galactic Nuclei with relativistic jets, the so-called high-peaked Blazars. Their spectrum is entirely dominated by non-thermal emission, spanning more than 15 orders of magnitude in energy, from radio to gamma-ray energies. Predictions based on radiation models invoking a synchrotron self-Compton or hadronic origin of the gamma-rays suggest, that a fairly large number of them should be detectable by \MAGIC. Promising candidates have been chosen from existing compilations, requiring high (synchrotron) X-ray flux, assumed to be related to a high (possibly inverse-Compton) flux at GeV energies, and a low distance, in oder to avoid strong attenuation due to pair-production in interactions with low-energy photons from the extragalactic background radiation along the line of sight. Based on this selection the first \AGN, emitting gamma-rays at 100\,GeV, 1ES\,1218+304 at a redshift of \$z=0.182\$, was discovered, one of the two farthest known \AGN emitting in the TeV energy region. In this context, the automated analysis chain was successfully demonstrated. The source was observed in January 2005 during six moonless nights for 8.2\,h. At the same time the collaborating \KVA-telescope, located near the \MAGIC site, observed in the optical band. The lightcurve calculated showed no day-to-day variability and is compatible with a constant flux of \$F(\$\,\$>\$\,\$100\,\mbox{GeV})=(8.7\pm1.4) \cdot 10^{-7}\,\mbox{m}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\$ within the statistical errors. A differential spectrum between 87\,GeV and 630\,GeV was calculated and is compatible with a power law of \$F_E(E) = (8.1\pm 2.1) \cdot 10^{-7}(E/\mbox{250\,GeV})^{-3.0\pm0.4}\,\mbox{TeV}^{-1}\,\mbox{m}^{-2}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\$ within the statistical errors. The spectrum emitted by the source was obtained by taking into account the attenuation due to pair-production with photons of the extragalactic background at low photon energies. A homogeneous, one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model has been fitted to the collected multi-wavelength data. Using the simultaneous optical data, a best fit model could be obtained from which some physical properties of the emitting plasma could be inferred. The result was compared with the so-called {\em Blazar sequence}.}, subject = {Aktiver galaktischer Kern}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruttor2006, author = {Ruttor, Andreas}, title = {Neural Synchronization and Cryptography}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23618}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Neural networks can synchronize by learning from each other. For that purpose they receive common inputs and exchange their outputs. Adjusting discrete weights according to a suitable learning rule then leads to full synchronization in a finite number of steps. It is also possible to train additional neural networks by using the inputs and outputs generated during this process as examples. Several algorithms for both tasks are presented and analyzed. In the case of Tree Parity Machines the dynamics of both processes is driven by attractive and repulsive stochastic forces. Thus it can be described well by models based on random walks, which represent either the weights themselves or order parameters of their distribution. However, synchronization is much faster than learning. This effect is caused by different frequencies of attractive and repulsive steps, as only neural networks interacting with each other are able to skip unsuitable inputs. Scaling laws for the number of steps needed for full synchronization and successful learning are derived using analytical models. They indicate that the difference between both processes can be controlled by changing the synaptic depth. In the case of bidirectional interaction the synchronization time increases proportional to the square of this parameter, but it grows exponentially, if information is transmitted in one direction only. Because of this effect neural synchronization can be used to construct a cryptographic key-exchange protocol. Here the partners benefit from mutual interaction, so that a passive attacker is usually unable to learn the generated key in time. The success probabilities of different attack methods are determined by numerical simulations and scaling laws are derived from the data. If the synaptic depth is increased, the complexity of a successful attack grows exponentially, but there is only a polynomial increase of the effort needed to generate a key. Therefore the partners can reach any desired level of security by choosing suitable parameters. In addition, the entropy of the weight distribution is used to determine the effective number of keys, which are generated in different runs of the key-exchange protocol using the same sequence of input vectors. If the common random inputs are replaced with queries, synchronization is possible, too. However, the partners have more control over the difficulty of the key exchange and the attacks. Therefore they can improve the security without increasing the average synchronization time.}, language = {en} }