@phdthesis{LourencodosReis2024, author = {Louren{\c{c}}o dos Reis, Sara Cristina}, title = {An interoceptive role for glycinergic periaqueductal grey neurons during defensive states}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32751}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327516}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Fear and anxiety are fundamental emotional states that are critical for survival. These states are characterized by a variety of coordinated responses, including behavioral and autonomic changes, that need to be properly integrated. For the past decades, most studies have separated the behavioral and autonomic elements, generating a gap in understanding their integrative nature. In this thesis, a framework analysis is presented that allows for the integration of cardiac, behavioral, and neuronal readouts in freely moving mice during different emotional states. Furthermore, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that a vital component of these states is the physiological report of bodily states, or interoception, which allows for quick adaptation to changing situations. A set of distinctive interoceptive pathways has been described from the periphery to the brainstem; however, the circuits that process and integrate cardiac interoceptive signals in higher orders are poorly understood. The midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a region crucially involved in defensive states through its modulation of both, cardiac and behavioral components. Preliminary studies demonstrate an anatomical connection between the major cardiac interoception brainstem area, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and the PAG; however, the functional characterization and the specific neuronal substrates responsible for interoception in this area have not been described. An interesting particularity of the PAG is that the ventro-lateral subcolumn is the highest order of the neuraxis where inhibitory neurons that express the glycine can be found. In the lower brainstem and spinal cord, glycinergic inhibitory neurons have demonstrated a role in processing sensory and autonomic signals from the periphery, raising the question of whether the PAG glycinergic neurons could be involved in integrating cardiac interoceptive signals as part of a defensive state. In this thesis, using virally mediated trans-synaptic retrograde tracing, I showed that glycinergic PAG neurons receive inputs from cardiac regulatory areas in the brainstem and project massively to forebrain and midbrain regions. By employing advanced techniques such as deep brain calcium imaging with a miniaturized microscope and optogenetics, this study provides compelling evidence for the involvement of glycinergic PAG neurons in controlling heart rate and maintaining cardiac macrostate dynamics within physiological levels. The results of the optogenetic manipulation further revealed that a change in the heart rate macrostate caused by the glycinergic PAG neurons leads to anxiety-like behaviors, providing further evidence for the role of these neurons in regulating defensive states. Overall, by unraveling the neural circuitry underlying interoception in the PAG, our study paves the way to better understand fear and anxiety disorders.}, subject = {Nervenzelle}, language = {en} } @article{DohrmannEdgarSendtneretal.1986, author = {Dohrmann, Ulrike and Edgar, David and Sendtner, Michael and Thoenen, Hans}, title = {Muscle-derived factors that support survival and promote fiber outgrowth from embryonic chick spinal motor neurons in culture}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72862}, year = {1986}, abstract = {The purpose of the experiments reported is to provide an unambiguous demonstration that embryonie skeletal muscle contains factors that act directly on embryonie spinal motor neurons both to support their survival and to stimulate the outgrowth of neurites. Cells of lumbar and brachial ventral spinal cords from 6-day-old chick embryos were separated by centrifugation in a two-step metrizamide gradient, and a motor neuron enriched fraction was obtained. Motor neurons were identified by retrogradely labeling with rhodamine isothiocyanate, and were enriched fourfold in the motor neuron fraction relative to unfractionated cells. In culture, the isolated motor neurons died within 3-4 days unless they were supplemented with embryonie chick skeletal muscle extract. Two functionally distinct entities separable by ammonium sulfate precipitation were responsible for the effects of muscle extracts on motor neurons. The 0-25\% ammonium sulfate precipitate contained molecules that alone bad no effect on neuronal survival but when bound to polyornithine-coated culture substrata, stimulated neurite outgrowth and potentiated the survival activity present in muscle. Most of this activity was due to a laminin-like molecule being immunoprecipitated with antisera against laminin, and immunoblotting demonstrated the presence of both the A and B chains of laminin. A long-term survival activity resided in the 25-70\% ammonium sulfate fraction, and its apparent total and specific activities were strongly dependent on the culture substrate. In contrast to the motor neurons, the cells from the other metrizamide fraction (including neuronal cells) could be kept in culture for a prolonged time without addition of exogenous factor(s).}, subject = {Nervenzelle}, language = {en} }