@phdthesis{KarabegneeLee2014, author = {Karabeg, n{\´e}e Lee, Margherita Maria}, title = {Differences and Similarities in the Impact of Different Types of Stress on Hippocampal Neuroplasticity in Serotonin Transporter Deficient Mice}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Stress has been shown to influence neuroplasticity and is suspected to increase the risk for psychiatric disorders such as major depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, the short variant of the human serotonin transporter (5-HTT) length polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) is suggested to increase the risk for the development of such disorders. While stress as well as serotonergic signaling are not only discussed to be involved in the development of psychiatric disorders, they are also known to influence hippocampal adult neurogenesis (aN). Therefore, it has long been suspected that aN is involved in the etiology of these illnesses. The exact role of aN in this context however, still remains to be clarified. In the present doctoral thesis, I am introducing two different studies, which had been carried out to assess possible changes in neuroplasticity and behavior as a result of 5-HTT genotype by stress interactions. In both studies, animals of the 5-HTT knock-out (5-HTT-/-) mouse line were used, which have been found to exhibit increased anxiety- and depression-related behavior, an altered stress response and decreased aggressive behavior. The aim of the first study, the so-called Spatial Learning study, had been to evaluate whether mice with altered levels of brain 5-HT as a consequence of lifelong 5-HTT deficiency perform differently in two spatial memory tests, the Morris Water Maze (WM) and the Barnes Maze (BM) test prospectively differing in aversiveness. Mice of the Spatial Learning study were of male sex and six months of age, and where subjected to a total of 10 (BM) or 15 (WM) trials. My particular interest was to elucidate if there are genotype by treatment interactions regarding blood plasma corticosterone levels and, if neurobiological equivalents in the brain to the found behavioral differences exist. For this purpose I carried out a quantitative immunohistochemistry study, investigating stem cell proliferation (via the marker Ki67) and aN (via the immature neuron marker NeuroD), as well as expression of the two immediate early genes (IEGs) Arc and cFos as a markers for neuronal activity in the hippocampus. The aim of the second study, the chronic mild stress (CMS) study had been to evaluate whether the innate divergent depression-like and anxiety-like behavior of mice with altered levels of brain 5-HT as a consequence of 5-HTT-deficiency is altered any further after being subjected to a CMS paradigm. Two cohorts of one-year-old female mice had been subjected to a variety of unpredictable stressors. In order to exclude possible interfering influences of behavioral testing on corticosterone levels and the outcome of the quantitative immunohistochemistry study the first cohort had been behaviorally tested after CMS while the second one had remained behaviorally untested. The objective of my part of the study was to find out about possible genotype by treatment interactions regarding blood plasma corticosterone as well as regarding aN in the hippocampus of the mice that had been subjected to CMS. For this purpose I performed a quantitative immunohistochemistry study in order to investigate the phenomenon of adult neurogenesis (via Ki67, NeuroD and the immature neuron marker DCX). Both studies led to interesting results. In the CMS study, we could not replicate the increased innate anxiety- and depression-like behavior in 5-HTT-/- mice known from the literature. However, with regard to the also well documented reduced locomotor activity, as well as the increased body weight of 5-HTT-/- mice compared to their 5-HTT+/- and 5-HTT+/+ littermates, we could demonstrate that CMS leads to increased explorative behavior in the Open Field Test and the Light/Dark Box primarily in 5-HTT+/- und 5-HTT+/+ mice. The Spatial learning study revealed that increased stress sensitivity of 5-HTT-/- mice leads to a poorer performance in the WM test in relation to their 5-HTT+/+ and 5-HTT+/- littermates. As the performance of 5-HTT-/- mice in the less aversive BM was undistinguishable from both other genotypes, we concluded that the spatial learning ability of 5-HTT-/- mice is comparable to that of both other genotypes. As far as stress reactivity is concerned, the experience of a single trial of either the WM or the BM resulted in increased plasma corticosterone levels, irrespective of the 5-HTT genotype. After several trials 5-HTT-/- mice exhibited higher corticosterone concentrations compared with both other genotypes in both tests. Blood plasma corticosterone levels were highest in 5-HTT-/- mice tested in the WM indicating greater aversiveness of the WM and a greater stress sensitivity of 5-HTT deficient mice. In the CMS study, the corticosterone assessment of mice of cohort 1, which had undergone behavioral testing before sacrifice, resulted in significantly elevated corticosterone levels in 5-HTT-/- mice in relation to their 5-HTT+/+ controls. Contrary, corticosterone levels in mice of cohort 1, which had remained behaviorally untested, were shown to be elevated / increased after CMS experience regardless of the 5-HTT genotype. Regarding neuroplasticity, the Spatial Learning study revealed higher baseline levels of cFos- and Arc-ir cells as well as more proliferation (Ki67-ir cells) and higher numbers of neuronal progenitor cells (NeuroD-ir cells) in 5-HTT-/- compared to 5-HTT+/+ mice. Moreover, in 5-HTT-/- mice we could demonstrate that learning performance in the WM correlates with the extent of aN. The CMS study, in which aN (DCX-ir cells), has also been found to be increased in 5-HTT-/- mice compared to their 5-HTT+/+ littermates, yet only in control animals, did show hampered proliferation (Ki67-ir cells) in the hippocampus of all 5-HTT genotypes following CMS experience. Interestingly, the number of immature neurons (DCX-ir cells) was diminished exclusively in 5-HTT-/- mice in response to CMS. From the Spatial Learning study we concluded, that increased IEG expression and aN levels observed in the hippocampus of 5-HTT deficient mice can be the neurobiological correlate of emotion circuit dysfunction and heightened anxiety of these mice and that 5-HTT-/- animals per se display a "stressed" phenotype as a consequence of long-life 5-HTT deficiency. Due to the different age and sex of the mice in the two studies, they cannot be compared easily. However, although the results of the CMS study seem to contradict the results of the Spatial Learning study at the first glance, they do support the conclusion of the Spatial Learning study by demonstrating that although CMS does have an impact on 5-HTT-/- mice on the neurobiological level (e.g. manifesting in a decrease of DXC-ir cells following CMS) CMS experience cannot add onto their heightened inborn stress-level and is almost ineffective regarding further changes of the behavior of 5-HTT-deficient mice. I thus propose, that 5-HTT-/- mice as a result of lifelong altered 5-HT signaling display a stressed phenotype which resembles a state of lethargy and is paralleled by baseline heightened IEG expression and aN. It cannot be altered or increased by CMS, but it becomes most visible in stressful situations such as repeated spatial learning tests like the WM in which locomotor activity is required.}, subject = {Serotonin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KuklovskyformerFinke2024, author = {Kuklovsky [former Finke], Valerie}, title = {Are some bees smarter than others? An examination of consistent individual differences in the cognitive abilities of honey bees}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32301}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323012}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Cognition refers to the ability to of animals to acquire, process, store and use vital information from the environment. Cognitive processes are necessary to predict the future and reduce the uncertainty of the ever-changing environment. Classically, research on animal cognition focuses on decisive cognitive tests to determine the capacity of a species by the testing the ability of a few individuals. This approach views variability between these tested key individuals as unwanted noise and is thus often neglected. However, inter-individual variability provides important insights to behavioral plasticity, cognitive specialization and brain modularity. Honey bees Apis mellifera are a robust and traditional model for the study of learning, memory and cognition due to their impressive capabilities and rich behavioral repertoire. In this thesis I have applied a novel view on the learning abilities of honey bees by looking explicitly at individual differences in a variety of learning tasks. Are some individual bees consistently smarter than some of her sisters? If so, will a smart individual always perform good independent of the time, the context and the cognitive requirements or do bees show distinct isolated 'cognitive modules'? My thesis presents the first comprehensive investigation of consistent individual differences in the cognitive abilities of honey bees. To speak of an individual as behaving consistently, a crucial step is to test the individual multiple times to examine the repeatability of a behavior. I show that free-flying bees remain consistent in a visual discrimination task for three consecutive days. Successively, I explored individual consistency in cognitive proficiency across tasks involving different sensory modalities, contexts and cognitive requirements. I found that free-flying bees show a cognitive specialization between visual and olfactory learning but remained consistent across a simple discrimination task and a complex concept learning task. I wished to further explore individual consistency with respect to tasks of different cognitive complexity, a question that has never been tackled before in an insect. I thus performed a series of four experiments using either visual or olfactory stimuli and a different training context (free-flying and restrained) and tested bees in a discrimination task, reversal learning and negative patterning. Intriguingly, across all these experiments I evidenced the same results: The bees' performances were consistent across the discrimination task and reversal learning and negative patterning respectively. No association was evidenced between reversal learning and negative patterning. After establishing the existence of consistent individual differences in the cognitive proficiency of honey bees I wished to determine factors which could underlie these differences. Since genetic components are known to underlie inter-individual variability in learning abilities, I studied the effects of genetics on consistency in cognitive proficiency by contrasting bees originating from either from a hive with a single patriline (low genetic diversity) or with multiple patrilines (high genetic diversity). These two groups of bees showed differences in the patterns of individually correlated performances, indicating a genetic component accounts for consistent cognitive individuality. Another major factor underlying variability in learning performances is the individual responsiveness to sucrose solution and to visual stimuli, as evidenced by many studies on restrained bees showing a positive correlation between responsiveness to task relevant stimuli and learning performances. I thus tested whether these relationships between sucrose/visual responsiveness and learning performances are applicable for free-flying bees. Free-flying bees were again subjected to reversal learning and negative patterning and subsequently tested in the laboratory for their responsiveness to sucrose and to light. There was no evidence of a positive relationship between sucrose/visual responsiveness and neither performances of free-flying bees in an elemental discrimination, reversal learning and negative patterning. These findings indicate that relationships established between responsiveness to task relevant stimuli and learning proficiency established in the laboratory with restrained bees might not hold true for a completely different behavioral context i.e. for free-flying bees in their natural environment. These results show that the honey bee is an excellent insect model to study consistency in cognitive proficiency and to identify the underlying factors. I mainly discuss the results with respect to the question of brain modularity in insects and the adaptive significance of individuality in cognitive abilities for honey bee colonies. I also provide a proposition of research questions which tie in this theme of consistent cognitive proficiency and could provide fruitful areas for future research.}, subject = {Lernen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Saumweber2011, author = {Saumweber, Timo}, title = {Mechanism of Learning and Plasticity in Larval Drosophila}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66354}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {According to a changing environment it is crucial for animals to make experience and learn about it. Sensing, integrating and learning to associate different kinds of modalities enables animals to expect future events and to adjust behavior in the way, expected as the most profitable. Complex processes as memory formation and storage make it necessary to investigate learning and memory on different levels. In this context Drosophila melanogaster represents a powerful model organism. As the adult brain of the fly is still quite complex, I chose the third instar larva as model - the more simple the system, the easier to isolate single, fundamental principles of learning. In this thesis I addressed several kinds of questions on different mechanism of olfactory associative and synaptic plasiticity in Drosophila larvae. I focused on short-term memory throughout my thesis. First, investigating larval learning on behavioral level, I developed a one-odor paradigm for olfactory associative conditioning. This enables to estimate the learnability of single odors, reduces the complexity of the task and simplify analyses of "learning mutants". It further allows to balance learnability of odors for generalization-type experiments to describe the olfactory "coding space". Furthermore I could show that innate attractiveness and learnability can be dissociated and found finally that paired presentation of a given odor with reward increase performance, whereas unpaired presentations of these two stimuli decrease performance, indicating that larva are able to learn about the presence as well as about the absence of a reward. Second, on behavioral level, together with Thomas Niewalda and colleagues we focussed on salt processing in the context of choice, feeding and learning. Salt is required in several physiological processes, but can neither be synthesized nor stored. Various salt concentrations shift the valence from attraction to repulsion in reflexive behaviour. Interestingly, the reinforcing effect of salt in learning is shifted by more than one order of magnitude toward higher concentrations. Thus, the input pathways for gustatory behavior appear to be more sensitive than the ones supporting gustatory reinforcement, which is may be due to the dissociation of the reflexive and the reinforcing signalling pathways of salt. Third, in cooperation with Michael Schleyer we performed a series of behavioral gustatory, olfactory preference tests and larval learning experiments. Based on the available neuroanatomical and behavioral data we propose a model regarding chemosensory processing, odor-tastant memory trace formation and the 'decision' like process. It incorporates putative sites of interaction between olfactory and gustatory pathways during the establishment as well as behavioral expression of odor-tastant memory. We claim that innate olfactory behavior is responsive in nature and suggest that associative conditioned behavior is not a simple substitution like process, but driven more likely by the expectation of its outcome. Fourth, together with Birgit Michels and colleagues we investigated the cellular site and molecular mode of Synapsin, an evolutionarily conserved, presynaptic vesicular phosphoprotein and its action in larval learning. We confirmed a previously described learning impairment upon loss of Synapsin. We localized this Synapsin dependent memory trace in the mushroom bodies, a third-order "cortical" brain region, and could further show on molecular level, that Synapsin is as a downstream element of the AC-cAMP-PKA signalling cascade. This study provides a comprehensive chain of explanation from the molecular level to an associative behavioral change. Fifth, in the main part of my thesis I focused on molecular level on another synaptic protein, the Synapse associated protein of 47kDa (Sap47) and its role in larval behavior. As a member of a phylogenetically conserved gene family of hitherto unknown function. It is localized throughout the whole neuropil of larval brains and associated with presynaptic vesicles. Upon loss of Sap47 larvae exhibit normal sensory detection of the to-be-associated stimuli as well as normal motor performance and basic synaptic transmission. Interestingly, short-term plasticity is distorted and odorant-tastant associative learning ability is reduced. This defect in associative function could be rescued by restoring Sap47 expression. Therefore, this report is the first to suggest a function for Sap47 and specifically argues that Sap47 is required for synaptic as well as for behavioral plasticity in Drosophila larva. This prompts the question whether its homologs are required for synaptic and behavioral plasticity also in other species. Further in the last part of my thesis I contributed to the study of Ayse Yarali. Her central topic was the role of the White protein in punishment and relief learning in adult flies. Whereas stimuli that precede shock during training are subsequently avoided as predictors for punishment, stimuli that follow shock during training are later on approached, as they predict relief. Concerning the loss of White we report that pain-relief learning as well as punishment learning is changed. My contribution was a comparison between wild type and the white1118 mutant larvae in odor-reward learning. It turned out that a loss of White has no effect on larval odorant-tastant learning. This study, regarding painrelief learning provides the very first hints concerning the genetic determinants of this form of learning.}, subject = {Taufliege}, language = {en} }