@inproceedings{OPUS4-31720, title = {Abstracts of the Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023}, editor = {Neumann, Isabel and Gado, Sabrina and K{\"a}thner, Ivo and Hildebrandt, Lea and Andreatta, Marta}, edition = {korrigierte Auflage}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31720}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317203}, pages = {76}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023 was initiated to bring together researchers from many fields who use VR/AR/XR. There was a focus on applied XR and social VR. In this conference band, you can find the abstracts of the two keynotes, the 34 posters and poster pitches, the 29 talks and the four workshops.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OPUS4-31528, title = {Abstracts of the Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023}, editor = {Neumann, Isabel and Gado, Sabrina and K{\"a}thner, Ivo and Hildebrandt, Lea and Andreatta, Marta}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31528}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-315285}, pages = {76}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Wuertual Reality XR Meeting 2023 was initiated to bring together researchers from many fields who use VR/AR/XR. There was a focus on applied XR and social VR. In this conference band, you can find the abstracts of the two keynotes, the 34 posters and poster pitches, the 29 talks and the four workshops.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shiban2013, author = {Shiban, Youssef}, title = {Attenuating Renewal following Exposure Therapy : Mechanisms of Exposure in Multiple Contexts and its Influence on the Renewal of Fear: Studies in Virtual Reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {„Renewal" bezeichnet das Wiederauftreten von Angst nach erfolgreicher Expositionstherapie in Folge einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem phobischen Stimulus in einem neuen, sich vom Expositionskontext unterscheidenden Kontext. Bouton (1994) zufolge deutet diese Angstr{\"u}ckkehr durch einen Kontextwechsel darauf hin, dass die Angst nicht gel{\"o}scht wurde. Stattdessen wurde w{\"a}hrend der Expositionssitzung eine neue Assoziation gelernt, die das gef{\"u}rchtete Objekt mit „keiner Angst", also den konditionierten Reiz (conditioned stimulus, CS) mit „keinem unkonditionierten Reiz" (no unconditioned stimulus, no US), verbindet. Bouton argumentiert weiter, dass diese Assoziation kontextabh{\"a}ngig ist, wodurch Effekte wie Angst-Renewal erkl{\"a}rt werden k{\"o}nnen. Da in einem neuen Kontext die CS-no US-Assoziation nicht aktiviert wird, wird die Angst auch nicht gehemmt. Die Kontextabh{\"a}ngigkeit der CS-no US-Assoziation wurde in mehreren Studien belegt (Balooch \& Neumann, 2011; Siavash Bandarian Balooch, Neumann, \& Boschen, 2012; Culver, Stoyanova, \& Craske, 2011; Kim \& Richardson, 2009; Neumann \& Kitlertsirivatana, 2010). Aktuell konzentriert sich die Forschung zur Therapie von Angstst{\"o}rungen auf die Frage, wie Angst reduziert und gleichzeitig ein R{\"u}ckfall verhindert werden kann. Hierzu werden verschiedene Expositionsprotokolle untersucht, wie zum Beispiel (1) Exposition in mehreren Kontexten (multiple contexts exposure, MCE), um Renewal zu reduzieren (z.B. Balooch \& Neumann, 2011); (2) verl{\"a}ngerte Exposition (prolonged exposure, PE), um die hemmende Assoziation w{\"a}hrend des Extinktionslernes zu st{\"a}rken (z.B. Thomas, Vurbic, \& Novak, 2009) und (3) Rekonsolidierungs-Updates (reconsolidation update, RU), die den Rekonsolidierungsprozess durch eine kurze Exposition des CS+ vor der eigentlichen Exposition aktualisieren sollen (Schiller et al., 2010). Bisher liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien vor, die diese neuen Expositionsprotokolle an klinischen Stichproben untersucht haben, und - soweit bekannt - keine Studie, welche die Wirkmechanismen dieser Protokolle an einer klinischen Stichprobe erforscht. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat drei Ziele. Das erste Ziel besteht darin zu pr{\"u}fen, ob Expositionstherapie in multiplen Kontexten die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Renewal reduziert. Das zweite Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Mechanismen, die dem Effekt der Exposition in multiplen Kontexten zugrunde liegen und das dritte ist den Kontext im Zusammenhang mit Konditionierung und Extinktion zu konzeptualisieren. Insgesamt wurden drei Studien durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die erste Studie untersuchte den Effekt von Exposition in multiplen Kontexten auf Renewal, die zweite und dritte Studie die Wirkmechanismen von MCE. In der ersten Studie wurden spinnenphobische Probanden (N = 30) viermal mit einer virtuellen Spinne konfrontiert. Die Expositionstrials wurden entweder in einem gleichbleibenden Kontext oder in vier verschiedenen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Am Ende der Sitzung absolvierten alle Teilnehmer einen virtuellen Renewaltest, bei dem die virtuelle Spinne in einem neuen Kontext gezeigt wurde, und einen in vivo Verhaltensvermeidungstest (behavioral avoidance test, BAT) mit einer echten Spinne. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Probanden, welche die vier Expositionstrials in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erfuhren, weniger Angst, sowohl im virtuellen Renewaltest als auch im BAT, erlebten. In dieser Studie konnte die Wirksamkeit von MCE f{\"u}r die Reduktion von Renewal erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden. Studie 2 (N = 35) untersuchte die Wirkmechanismen von MCE in einem differentiellen Konditionierungsparadigma. Die Extinktion wurde in multiplen Kontexten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei war das Ziel, eine {\"a}hnliche Verminderung von Renewal wie in Studie 1 nachzuweisen. Der Extinktion folgten zwei Tests, mit dem Ziel m{\"o}gliche hemmende Effekte des Kontexts, die w{\"a}hrend der Extinktionsphase erworben wurden, aufzudecken. Bez{\"u}glich des Effektes von MCE wurden drei Hypothesen aufgestellt: (1) Der Extinktionskontext wird mit der Exposition assoziiert, fungiert folglich w{\"a}hrend der Extinktion als Sicherheitssignal und konkurriert daher mit dem Sicherheitslernen des CS. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einem verminderten Extinktionseffekt auf den CS, wenn die Extinktion nur in einem Kontext durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. (2) Die Elemente im Extinktionskontext (z.B. Raumfarbe, M{\"o}bel) stehen im Zusammenhang mit der CS-no US-Assoziation und erinnern daher an die Extinktion, was zu einer gr{\"o}ßeren Angsthemmung f{\"u}hrt, wenn sie w{\"a}hrend eines Tests gezeigt werden. (3) Nach der emotionalen Prozesstheorie (emotional process theory; Bouton, 1994; Foa et al., 1996) bestimmen die Therapieprozessfaktoren die St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Beispielsweise korrelieren initiale Angstaktivierung, Aktivierung in und zwischen den Sitzungen mit der St{\"a}rke des Renewals. Jedoch waren in dieser Studie keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen im Renewaltest zu beobachten, weswegen die Ergebnisse der zwei Nachtests nicht zu interpretieren sind. Das Ziel von Studie 3 (N = 61) war es, das Konzept des Kontexts im Rahmen von Konditionierung und Exposition zu definieren. In Studie 3 wurde das Auftreten der Generalisierungsabnahme (generalization decrement) genutzt, bei der eine konditionierte Reaktion infolge eines Kontextwechsels nur reduziert auftritt. Auf diesem Weg kann Kontext{\"a}hnlichkeit quantifiziert werden. Nach einer Akquisitonsphase in einem Kontext wurden die Teilnehmer in einem von drei verschiedenen Kontexten getestet. Zwei dieser Kontexte unterschieden sich nur in einer Dimension (Anordnung der Objekte vs. Objekteigenschaften). Die dritte Gruppe wurde im Akquisitonskontext getestet und diente als Kontrollgruppe. Es fanden sich jedoch keine Unteschiede zwischen den Gruppen in den Testphasen. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung ist die Neuartigkeit des Testkontextes. Teilnehmer, die nach der Extinktion einem neuen Kontext ausgesetzt waren, erwarteten in einem anderen Kontext eine zweite Extinktionsphase und zeigten daher mehr statt weniger Angst als erwartet.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Winter2022, author = {Winter, Carla}, title = {Evaluation der Verwendung von Virtueller Realit{\"a}t (VR) als Erg{\"a}nzung zum Laufbandtraining im Rahmen der Behandlung von Gangst{\"o}rungen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose (MS) und Schlaganfall}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28054}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Rehabilitation von Gangst{\"o}rungen bei Patienten mit MS und Schlaganfall erfolgt h{\"a}ufig mithilfe eines konventionellen Laufbandtrainings. Einige Studien haben bereits gezeigt, dass durch eine Erweiterung dieses Trainings um eine virtuelle Realit{\"a}t die Motivation der Patienten gesteigert und die Therapieergebnisse verbessert werden k{\"o}nnen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine immersive VR-Anwendung (unter Verwendung eines HMD) f{\"u}r die Gangrehabilitation von Patienten evaluiert. Hierbei wurden ihre Anwendbarkeit und Akzeptanz gepr{\"u}ft sowie ihre Kurzzeiteffekte mit einer semi-immersiven Pr{\"a}sentation (unter Verwendung eines Monitors) und mit einem konventionellen Laufbandtraining ohne VR verglichen. Der Fokus lag insbesondere auf der Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit beider Systeme und der Auswirkungen auf die Laufgeschwindigkeit und Motivation der Benutzer. Im Rahmen einer Studie mit Innersubjekt-Design nahmen zun{\"a}chst 36 gesunde Teilnehmer und anschließend 14 Patienten mit MS oder Schlaganfall an drei experimentellen Bedingungen (VR {\"u}ber HMD, VR {\"u}ber Monitor, Laufbandtraining ohne VR) teil. Sowohl in der Studie mit gesunden Teilnehmern als auch in der Patientenstudie zeigte sich in der HMD-Bedingung eine h{\"o}here Laufgeschwindigkeit als beim Laufbandtraining ohne VR und in der Monitor-Bedingung. Die gesunden Studienteilnehmer berichteten {\"u}ber eine h{\"o}here Motivation nach der HMD-Bedingung als nach den anderen Bedingungen. Es traten in beiden Gruppen keine Nebenwirkungen im Sinne einer Simulator Sickness auf und es wurden auch keine Erh{\"o}hungen der Herzfrequenzen nach den VR-Bedingungen detektiert. Die Bewertungen des Pr{\"a}senzerlebens waren in beiden Gruppen in der HMD-Bedingung h{\"o}her als in der Monitor-Bedingung. Beide VR-Bedingungen erhielten hohe Bewertungen f{\"u}r die Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Die meisten der gesunden Teilnehmer (89 \%) und Patienten (71 \%) pr{\"a}ferierten das HMD-basierte Laufbandtraining unter den drei Trainingsformen und die meisten Patienten k{\"o}nnten sich vorstellen, es h{\"a}ufiger zu nutzen. Mit der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine strukturierte Evaluation der Anwendbarkeit eines immersiven VR-Systems f{\"u}r die Gangrehabilitation gepr{\"u}ft und dieses erstmals in den direkten Vergleich zu einem semi-immersiven System und einem konventionellen Training ohne VR gesetzt. Die Studie best{\"a}tigte die Praktikabilit{\"a}t der Kombination eines Laufbandtrainings mit immersiver VR. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Benutzerfreundlichkeit und der geringen Nebenwirkungen scheint diese Trainingsform besonders f{\"u}r Patienten geeignet zu sein, um deren Trainingsmotivation und Trainingserfolge, wie z. B. die Laufgeschwindigkeit, zu steigern. Da immersive VR-Systeme allerdings nach wie vor spezifische technische Installationsprozeduren erfordern, sollte f{\"u}r die spezifische klinische Anwendung eine Kosten-Nutzen-Bewertung erfolgen.}, subject = {Multiple Sklerose}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{vonEitzen2024, author = {von Eitzen, Ingo Martin}, title = {Faktoren zur Akzeptanz von Virtual Reality Anwendungen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34632}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346326}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Immersive Technologien, wie Augmented und Virtual Reality, k{\"o}nnen bestehende Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle entweder verbessern oder gef{\"a}hrden. Jedoch kann sich das f{\"o}rderliche Potential nur entfalten, wenn die Anwender:innen die Technologien akzeptieren und letztendlich auch nutzen. In dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, was Akzeptanz ist und welche Einflussgr{\"o}ßen (Faktoren) f{\"u}r die Akzeptanz von Virtual Reality besonders relevant sind. Anschließend ist, basierend auf der diskutierten Fachliteratur, ein neuartiges, holistisches Akzeptanzmodell f{\"u}r Virtual Reality entworfen und mit drei Studien {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft worden. In der ersten Studie wurden 129 Personen gebeten entweder in Augmented oder Virtual Reality ein Schulungsszenario oder ein Mini-Spiel auszuprobieren (2x2-Design). In beiden Anwendungen sollten Flaschen von einem virtuellen Fließband entfernt werden. Im Fokus der Untersuchung stand die Immersion, die N{\"u}tzlichkeit, das empfundene Vergn{\"u}gen (Hedonismus) und die Zufriedenheit. Die Ergebnisse ergaben zum einen, dass sich die Immersion zwischen Augmented und Virtual Reality unterscheidet, und zum anderen, dass das empfundene Vergn{\"u}gen und die N{\"u}tzlichkeit signifikante Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r die Zufriedenheit darstellen. An der zweiten Studie nahmen 62 Personen teil. Sie wurden gebeten das Schulungsszenario erneut zu absolvieren, wobei dieses mit auditiven Inhalten und animierten Figuren angereicht wurde, sowie {\"u}ber eine etwas bessere Grafikqualit{\"a}t verf{\"u}gte. Die Daten wurden mit den Virtual Reality Szenarien aus der ersten Studie verglichen, um den Einfluss der Pr{\"a}senz auf den Hedonismus zu untersuchen. Obwohl kein relevanter Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen festgestellt wurde, konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Pr{\"a}senz Hedonismus signifikant vorhersagt. An der dritten Studie beteiligten sich insgesamt 35 Personen. Untersuchungsgegenstand der Studie war die virtuelle Darstellung der eigenen Person in der virtuellen Realit{\"a}t (Verk{\"o}rperung) und dessen Einfluss auf den Hedonismus. Die Versuchspersonen wurden gebeten das Schulungsszenario erneut zu durch-laufen, wobei sie diesmal das Eingabeger{\"a}t (Controller) der Visieranzeige (head-mounted display) zur Steuerung benutzen. In der ersten Studie erfolgte die Bedienung {\"u}ber eine Gestensteuerung. Die Analyse dieser Manipulation offenbarte keinerlei Auswirkungen auf die Verk{\"o}rperung. Allerdings stellte die Verk{\"o}rperung einen signifikanten Pr{\"a}diktor f{\"u}r den Hedonismus dar. Im Anschluss an die Studien ist das Modell mit den Daten aus den Virtual Reality Gruppen der ersten Studie beurteilt worden, wobei es sich weitgehend best{\"a}tigt hat. Abschließend werden die Befunde in Bezug auf die Fachliteratur eingeordnet, m{\"o}gliche Ursachen f{\"u}r die Ergebnisse diskutiert und weitere Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt.}, subject = {Akzeptanz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ewald2014, author = {Ewald, Heike}, title = {Influence of context and contingency awareness on fear conditioning - an investigation in virtual reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111226}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fear conditioning is an efficient model of associative learning, which has greatly improved our knowledge of processes underlying the development and maintenance of pathological fear and anxiety. In a differential fear conditioning paradigm, one initially neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with an aversive event (unconditioned stimulus, US), whereas another stimulus does not have any consequences. After a few pairings the NS is associated with the US and consequently becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS+), which elicits a conditioned response (CR). The formation of explicit knowledge of the CS/US association during conditioning is referred to as contingency awareness. Findings about its role in fear conditioning are ambiguous. The development of a CR without contingency awareness has been shown in delay fear conditioning studies. One speaks of delay conditioning, when the US coterminates with or follows directly on the CS+. In trace conditioning, a temporal gap or "trace interval" lies between CS+ and US. According to existing evidence, trace conditioning is not possible on an implicit level and requires more cognitive resources than delay conditioning. The associations formed during fear conditioning are not exclusively associations between specific cues and aversive events. Contextual cues form the background milieu of the learning process and play an important role in both acquisition and the extinction of conditioned fear and anxiety. A common limitation in human fear conditioning studies is the lack of ecological validity, especially regarding contextual information. The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is a promising approach for creating a more complex environment which is close to a real life situation. I conducted three studies to examine cue and contextual fear conditioning with regard to the role of contingency awareness. For this purpose a VR paradigm was created, which allowed for exact manipulation of cues and contexts as well as timing of events. In all three experiments, participants were guided through one or more virtual rooms serving as contexts, in which two different lights served as CS and an electric stimulus as US. Fear potentiated startle (FPS) responses were measured as an indicator of implicit fear conditioning. To test whether participants had developed explicit awareness of the CS-US contingencies, subjective ratings were collected. The first study was designed as a pilot study to test the VR paradigm as well as the conditioning protocol. Additionally, I was interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Results provided evidence, that eye blink conditioning is possible in the virtual environment and that it does not depend on contingency awareness. Evaluative conditioning, as measured by subjective ratings, was only present in the group of participants who explicitly learned the association between CS and US. To examine acquisition and extinction of both fear associated cues and contexts, a novel cue-context generalization paradigm was applied in the second study. Besides the interplay of cues and contexts I was again interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Two different virtual offices served as fear and safety context, respectively. During acquisition, the CS+ was always followed by the US in the fear context. In the safety context, none of the lights had any consequences. During extinction, a additional (novel) context was introduced, no US was delivered in any of the contexts. Participants showed enhanced startle responses to the CS+ compared to the CS- in the fear context. Thus, discriminative learning took place regarding both cues and contexts during acquisition. This was confirmed by subjective ratings, although only for participants with explicit contingency awareness. Generalization of fear to the novel context after conditioning did not depend on awareness and was observable only on trend level. In a third experiment I looked at neuronal correlates involved in extinction of fear memory by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Of particular interest were differences between extinction of delay and trace fear conditioning. I applied the paradigm tested in the pilot study and additionally manipulated timing of the stimuli: In the delay conditioning group (DCG) the US was administered with offset of one light (CS+), in the trace conditioning group (TCG) the US was presented 4s after CS+ offset. Most importantly, prefrontal activation differed between the two groups. In line with existing evidence, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) was activated in the DCG. In the TCG I found activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which might be associated with modulation of working memory processes necessary for bridging the trace interval and holding information in short term memory. Taken together, virtual reality proved to be an elegant tool for examining human fear conditioning in complex environments, and especially for manipulating contextual information. Results indicate that explicit knowledge of contingencies is necessary for attitude formation in fear conditioning, but not for a CR on an implicit level as measured by FPS responses. They provide evidence for a two level account of fear conditioning. Discriminative learning was successful regarding both cues and contexts. Imaging results speak for different extinction processes in delay and trace conditioning, hinting that higher working memory contribution is required for trace than for delay conditioning.}, subject = {Klassische Konditionierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LangeneSoehnchen2020, author = {Lange [n{\´e} S{\"o}hnchen], Bastian}, title = {Influence of social anxiety on social attention and corresponding changes in action patterns}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18900}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189001}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {People who suffer Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) are under substantial personal distress and endure impaired normal functioning in at least some parts of everyday life. Next, to the personal suffering, there are also the immense public health costs to consider, as SAD is the most common anxiety disorder and thereby one of the major psychiatric disorders in general. Over the last years, fundamental research found cognitive factors as essential components in the development and maintenance of social fears. Following leading cognitive models, avoidance behaviors are thought to be an important factor in maintaining the developed social anxieties. Therefore, this thesis aims to deepen the knowledge of avoidance behaviors exhibited in social anxiety, which allows to get a better understanding of how SAD is maintained. To reach this goal three studies were conducted, each using a different research approach. In the first study cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR) equipment was used to immerse participants in a virtual environment. In this virtual setting, High Socially Anxious (HSA) individuals and matched controls had to execute a social Approach-Avoidance Task (AAT). In the task, participants had to pass a virtual person displaying neutral or angry facial expressions. By using a highly immersive VR apparatus, the first described study took the initial step in establishing a new VR task for the implicit research on social approach-avoidance behaviors. By moving freely through a VR environment, participants experienced near real-life social situations. By tracking body and head movements, physical and attentional approach-avoidance processes were studied. The second study looked at differences in attention shifts initiated by gaze-cues of neutral or emotional faces. Comparing HSA and controls, enabled a closer look at attention re-allocation with special focus on social stimuli. Further, context conditioning was used to compare task performance in a safe and in a threatening environment. Next to behavioral performance, the study also investigated neural activity using Electroencephalography (EEG) primarily looking at the N2pc component. In the third study, eye movements of HSA and Low Socially Anxious (LSA) were analyzed using an eye-tracking apparatus while participants executed a computer task. The participants' tasks consisted of the detection of either social or non-social stimuli in complex visual settings. The study intended to compare attention shifts towards social components between these two tasks and how high levels of social anxiety influence them. In other words, the measurements of eye movements enabled the investigation to what extent social attention is task-dependent and how it is influenced by social anxiety. With the three described studies, three different approaches were used to get an in-depth understanding of what avoidance behaviors in SAD are and to which extent they are exhibited. Overall, the results showed that HSA individuals exhibited exaggerated physical and attentional avoidance behavior. Furthermore, the results highlighted that the task profoundly influences attention allocation. Finally, all evidence indicates that avoidance behaviors in SAD are exceedingly complex. They are not merely based on the fear of a particular stimulus, but rather involve highly compound cognitive processes, which surpass the simple avoidance of threatening stimuli. To conclude, it is essential that further research is conducted with special focus on SAD, its maintaining factors, and the influence of the chosen research task and method.}, subject = {Sozialangst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gromer2021, author = {Gromer, Daniel}, title = {Mechanisms Underlying Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Specific Phobias}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is an effective cognitive-behavioral treatment for anxiety disorders that comprises systematic confrontations to virtual representations of feared stimuli and situations. However, not all patients respond to VRET, and some patients relapse after successful treatment. One explanation for this limitation of VRET is that its underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood, leaving room for further improvement. On these grounds, the present thesis aimed to investigate two major research questions: first, it explored how virtual stimuli induce fear responses in height-fearful participants, and second, it tested if VRET outcome could be improved by incorporating techniques derived from two different theories of exposure therapy. To this end, five studies in virtual reality (VR) were conducted. Study 1 (N = 99) established a virtual environment for height exposure using a Computer Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) and investigated the effects of tactile wind simulation in VR. Height-fearful and non-fearful participants climbed a virtual outlook, and half of the participants received wind simulation. Results revealed that height-fearful participants showed stronger fear responses, on both a subjective and behavioral level, and that wind simulation increased subjective fear. However, adding tactile wind simulation in VR did not affect presence, the user's sense of 'being there' in the virtual environment. Replicating previous studies, fear and presence in VR were correlated, and the correlation was higher in height-fearful compared to non-fearful participants. Study 2 (N = 43) sought to corroborate the findings of the first study, using a different VR system for exposure (a head-mounted display) and measuring physiological fear responses. In addition, the effects of a visual cognitive distractor on fear in VR were investigated. Participants' fear responses were evident on both a subjective and physiological level---although much more pronounced on skin conductance than on heart rate---but the virtual distractor did not affect the strength of fear responses. In Study 3 (N = 50), the effects of trait height-fearfulness and height level on fear responses were investigated in more detail. Self-rated level of acrophobia and five different height levels in VR (1 m--20 m) were used as linear predictors of subjective and physiological indices of fear. Results showed that subjective fear and skin conductance responses were a function of both trait height-fearfulness and height level, whereas no clear effects were visible for heart rate. Study 4 (N = 64 + N = 49) aimed to advance the understanding of the relationship between presence and fear in VR. Previous research indicates a positive correlation between both measures, but possible causal mechanisms have not yet been identified. The study was the first to experimentally manipulate both presence (via the visual and auditive realism of the virtual environment) and fear (by presenting both height and control situations). Results indicated a causal effect of fear on presence, i.e., experiencing fear in a virtual environment led to a stronger sense of `being there' in the virtual environment. However, conversely, presence increased by higher scene realism did not affect fear responses. Nonetheless, presence seemed to have some effects on fear responding via another pathway, as participants whose presence levels were highest in the first safe context were also those who had the strongest fear responses in a later height situation. This finding indicated the importance of immersive user characteristics in the emergence of presence and fear in VR. The findings of the first four studies were integrated into a model of fear in VR, extending previous models and highlighting factors that lead to the emergence of both fear and presence in VR. Results of the studies showed that fear responses towards virtual heights were affected by trait height-fearfulness, phobic elements in the virtual environment, and, at least to some degree, on presence. Presence, on the other hand, was affected by experiencing fear in VR, immersion---the characteristics of the VR system---and immersive user characteristics. Of note, the manipulations of immersion used in the present thesis, visual and auditory realism of the virtual environment and tactile wind simulation, were not particularly effective in manipulating presence. Finally, Study 5 (N = 34) compared two different implementations of VRET for acrophobia to investigate mechanisms underlying its efficacy. The first implementation followed the Emotional Processing Theory, assuming that fear reduction during exposure is crucial for positive treatment outcome. In this condition, patients were asked to focus on their fear responses and on the decline of fear (habituation) during exposures. The second implementation was based on the inhibitory learning model, assuming that expectancy violation is the primary mechanism underlying exposure therapy efficacy. In this condition, patients were asked to focus on the non-occurrence of feared outcomes (e.g., 'I could fall off') during exposure. Based on predictions of the inhibitory learning model, the hypothesis for the study was that expectancy-violation-based exposure would outperform habituation-based exposure. After two treatment sessions in VR, both treatment conditions effectively reduced the patients' fear of heights, but the two conditions did not differ in their efficacy. The study replicated previous studies by showing that VRET is an effective treatment for acrophobia; however, contrary to the assumption, explicitly targeting the violation of threat expectancies did not improve outcome. This finding adds to other studies failing to provide clear evidence for expectancy violation as the primary mechanism underlying exposure therapy. Possible explanations for this finding and clinical implications are discussed, along with suggestions for further research.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rubo2019, author = {Rubo, Marius}, title = {Social Attention in the Laboratory, in Real Life and in Virtual Reality}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18845}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Social attention is a ubiquitous, but also enigmatic and sometimes elusive phenomenon. We direct our gaze at other human beings to see what they are doing and to guess their intentions, but we may also absorb social events en passant as they unfold in the corner of the eye. We use our gaze as a discrete communication channel, sometimes conveying pieces of information which would be difficult to explicate, but we may also find ourselves avoiding eye-contact with others in moments when self-disclosure is fear-laden. We experience our gaze as the most genuine expression of our will, but research also suggests considerable levels of predictability and automaticity in our gaze behavior. The phenomenon's complexity has hindered researchers from developing a unified framework which can conclusively accommodate all of its aspects, or from even agreeing on the most promising research methodologies. The present work follows a multi-methods approach, taking on several aspects of the phenomenon from various directions. Participants in study 1 viewed dynamic social scenes on a computer screen. Here, low-level physical saliency (i.e. color, contrast, or motion) and human heads both attracted gaze to a similar extent, providing a comparison of two vastly different classes of gaze predictors in direct juxtaposition. In study 2, participants with varying degrees of social anxiety walked in a public train station while their eye movements were tracked. With increasing levels of social anxiety, participants showed a relative avoidance of gaze at near compared to distant people. When replicating the experiment in a laboratory situation with a matched participant group, social anxiety did not modulate gaze behavior, fueling the debate around appropriate experimental designs in the field. Study 3 employed virtual reality (VR) to investigate social gaze in a complex and immersive, but still highly controlled situation. In this situation, participants exhibited a gaze behavior which may be more typical for real-life compared to laboratory situations as they avoided gaze contact with a virtual conspecific unless she gazed at them. This study provided important insights into gaze behavior in virtual social situations, helping to better estimate the possible benefits of this new research approach. Throughout all three experiments, participants showed consistent inter-individual differences in their gaze behavior. However, the present work could not resolve if these differences are linked to psychologically meaningful traits or if they instead have an epiphenomenal character.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Madeira2022, author = {Madeira, Octavia}, title = {The Human-Experimental Virtual Elevated Plus-Maze as an Anxiety Model}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-28147}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281478}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Anxiety research is one of the major psychological research domains and looks back on decades of research activity. Traditionally, novel theories and approaches are tested utilizing animal models. One way to study inherent anxiety in rodents is the elevated plus-maze (EPM). The EPM is a plus-shaped platform with two closed, i.e., walled, arms and two open unwalled arms. If given the opportunity to freely explore the apparatus, rodents instinctively avoid the open arms to protect themselves from predators. Hence, they spent less time on open and more time on closed arms, which is behaviorally associated with general anxiety. In the course of the pharmacological validation, it was found that this exploratory pattern can be reversed by anxiolytic substances, e.g., benzodiazepines, or potentiated by anxiogenics. One of the significant advantages of the EPM is that no prior training session is required in contrast to conditioning studies, thus allowing to observe natural behavior. Therefore, together with the economic and uncomplicated setup, the EPM has become a standard preclinical rodent anxiety test over the decades. In order to validate these rodent anxiety tests, there have recently been attempts to retranslate them to humans. A paramount of cross-species validation is not only the simple transferability of these animal tests but also the observation of anxiety behaviors that are evolutionarily conserved across species. Accordingly, it could be possible to conclude various factors associated with the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders in humans. So far, convincing translations of the EPM to humans are still lacking. For that reason, the primary aim of this dissertation is to retranslate the EPM throughout three studies and to evaluate cross-species validity critically. Secondly, the undertaken studies are set out to observe ambulatory activity equivalent to rodent EPM behavior, i.e., open arm avoidance. Thirdly, the undertaken studies aimed to assess the extent to which trait anxiety influences human exploratory activity on the platform to associate it with the assumption that rodent EPM-behavior is a reflection of general anxiety. Finally, virtual reality (VR) was the method of choice to maintain the economic advantage and adjust the EPM size to humans. Study 1 (N = 30) was set up to directly transfer the rodent EPM regarding test design and experimental procedure using a Computer Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). The results revealed that humans unlike rodents display a general open arms approach during free exploration. However, open arm avoidance was associated with high trait anxiety and acrophobia (fear of height), which was initially assessed as a control variable due to the virtual platform height. Regression analyses and subjective anxiety ratings hinted at a more significant influence of acrophobia on open arm avoidance. In addition, it was assumed that the open arms approach might have resulted from claustrophobic tendencies experienced in the closed arms due to the high walls. Study 2 (N = 61) sought to differentiate the influence of trait anxiety and acrophobia and adapt the virtual EPM to humans. Therefore, parts of the platform held a semi-transparent grid-floor texture, and the wall height on the closed arms was reduced to standard handrail level. Moreover, participants were priorly screened to exclude clinically significant levels of acrophobia, claustrophobia, and agoraphobia. The data on general exploratory activity showed no arm preference. Regression analyses confirmed that acrophobia is related to open arm avoidance, corroborating the finding of Study 1. Surprisingly, for trait anxiety, the result of Study 1 could not be replicated. Instead, for trait anxiety, no significant effect was found indicating that predominantly fear of heights shapes human EPM behavior even on a subclinical stage. In Study 3 (N = 57), the EPM was embedded into a city setting to 1) create a more natural human environment and 2) eliminate height. Furthermore, a head-mounted display was utilized for VR presentation, and arousal ratings were introduced. Participants were screened for high and low levels of trait anxiety and agoraphobia, and claustrophobia. Replicating the findings of Study 2, no difference in open and closed arm activity was observed, and no effect was found in relationship with trait anxiety. The data on anxiety ratings and claustrophobia suggest a positive correlation indicating that in this city EPM, claustrophobic tendencies might play a role in closed arm avoidance. In summary, this thesis added valuable insights into the retranslation of a well-established standard anxiety test used in rodents. However, it also majorly challenges current findings on the cross-species validity of the EPM. Various explanatory models for the results are critically discussed and associated with clinical implications concerning future research.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cronje2024, author = {Cronj{\´e}, Johrine}, title = {Trust towards Virtual Humans in Immersive Virtual Reality and Influencing Factors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34814}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348143}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Virtual humans (VHs) hold immense potential for collaboration in social virtual reality (VR). As VR technology advances, it's vital to assess the psychological effects on VH trust and user privacy to build meaningful social interactions in VR. In social VR, users must be able to trust the VHs they interact with as they navigate through socio-cultural activities. The evaluation of trustworthiness in VHs profoundly impacts interaction quality and user willingness to engage. Conversely, untrustworthy VHs can harm user experiences, privacy, and VR engagement. To address this, we conducted immersive VR studies, exploring how psychological factors influence user's VH trust evaluation under various psychological conditions. This research is pivotal for developing strategies to enhance user privacy, establish secure VR environments, and create a foundation of trust that supports immersive socio-cultural experiences in VR. To date, there are no established interpersonal trust measurement tools specifically for VHs in VR. In study 1 (the familiarity study) of the current thesis the VR-adjusted version of the social conditioned place preference paradigm (SCPP) by Kiser et al., (2022) was identified as a potential trust measurement tool. We tested whether the familiarity of a VH influenced trust as measured with the SCPP paradigm and other self-defined outcome measures, in a Computer Augmented Virtual Environment (CAVE). The CAVE is a VR system that combines immersive VR with real-world elements. It consists of a room-sized space where the walls are used as projection screens to display virtual scenes and objects. In this within - subject design (n = 20), half of the participants were familiarized with one VH and tasked to explore and interact in a realistic looking virtual art museum environment. The participant's evaluation of the VH's trustworthiness was measured as well as their subsequent trust behaviours. Results revealed no significant differences in the evaluation of the VH's trustworthiness nor any behavioural differences between conditions. The findings of the impact of a VH's familiarity on trust is inconclusive due to the major limitations of the paradigm. We concluded that the SCPP paradigm needs further validation and the proposed proxies of trust need to be re-evaluated. The findings were considered in the following study. The virtual maze paradigm design of Hale, (2018) was identified as a potential trust measurement tool, however several limitations are associated with its use to measure trust in VR. In study 2 (a validation study), improvements were made to the virtual maze paradigm of Hale, (2018) and a variant of this paradigm was implemented. We conducted a validation study with 70 participants in a between-subject design with VH trustworthiness as the between-subject factor. Participants wore a head-mounted display (HMD), to deliver an immersive VR experience. In our version of the virtual maze, it was the task of the users (the trustors) to navigate through a maze in VR, where they could interact with a VH (the trustee). They could choose to ask for advice and follow the advice from the VH if they wanted to. The number of times participants asked and followed advice and the time it took to respond to the given advice served as behavioural proxies/measures of trust. The two conditions (trustworthy vs. untrustworthy) did not differ in the content of the advice but in the appearance, tone of voice and engagement of the trustees (allegedly an avatar controlled by other participants). Results indicated that the experimental manipulation was successful, as participants rated the VH as more trustworthy in the trustworthy condition compared with the VH in the untrustworthy condition. Importantly, this manipulation affected the trust behaviour of participants, who, in the trustworthy condition, asked for advice and followed advice more often, indicating that the paradigm is sensitive to differences in VH's trustworthiness. Thus, our paradigm can be used to measure differences in interpersonal trust towards VHs and may serve as a valuable research tool for researchers who study trust in VR. Therefore, study 2 fills the gap in the literature, for an interpersonal trust measurement tool specifically for VHs in VR. Two experimental studies, with a sample size of 50 participants each, utilized the virtual maze paradigm where participants entered 12 rooms under different conditions. We examined the influence of cognitive load (CL) on trust towards VH in VR in study 3 (Cognitive load study), and the influence of emotional affect (Emotional affect study) on trust towards VH in VR in study 4 (EA study). In both studies, we assessed participant's evaluation of a VH's trustworthiness, along with three behavioural indicators of trust in the maze task: 1) frequency of advice asked, 2) frequency of advice followed, and 3) the time taken by participants to execute the received advice. In study 3, the CL was manipulated with the auditory 1-back task in the high cognitive load condition (HCL). In study 4, the Autobiographical Emotional Memory Task (AEMT) was used to manipulate the EA of participants in the negative emotional affect (NEA) condition. As an additional manipulation, while participants were immersed in VR, they were exposed to 12 negative pictures and sounds that was presented simultaneously to strengthen the initial manipulation. The manipulation of the within-subject factors (CL and EA) was successful in both studies, as significant differences between conditions were observed in both studies (higher CL in the HCL condition and a more negative EA in the NEA condition). However, only CL influenced participant's evaluation of the VH's trustworthiness. The VH were evaluated as significantly more trustworthy after the HCL condition. Despite the difference in trust evaluation, there was no difference in advice asking or following. Participants in study 4 asked and followed advice due to their trust in the VH and asked and followed advice equally often in both conditions. Importantly, significant differences were observed in the participants response times in both studies. In study 3 during the HCL condition participants followed advice quicker. The order in which the conditions were presented influenced the experience of CL. Participants experienced higher levels of CL and responded to advice significantly faster when low cognitive load (LCL) was presented as the first condition compared with LCL as the second condition. In study 4 participants in the NEA condition followed advice slower similar to the findings of study 3. The order in which the conditions were presented had a significant effect on the EA. Participants asked and followed advice less when the NEA condition was presented first compared with when it is presented second. Possible explanations for the findings are discussed in the thesis. Overall, this thesis offers a novel tool for trust measurement (the virtual maze paradigm) and contributes to understanding the role of psychological factors in trust towards virtual humans in virtual reality.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grossekathoefer2022, author = {Großekath{\"o}fer, Jonas David}, title = {Virtually Valid? On the Importance of Ecological Validity and Virtual Reality for Social Attention Research}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-26041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260417}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Gazes are of central relevance for people. They are crucial for navigating the world and communicating with others. Nevertheless, research in recent years shows that many findings from experimental research on gaze behavior cannot be transferred from the laboratory to everyday behavior. For example, the frequency with which conspecifics are looked at is considerably higher in experimental contexts than what can be observed in daily behavior. In short: findings from laboratories cannot be generalized into general statements. This thesis is dedicated to this matter. The dissertation describes and documents the current state of research on social attention through a literature review, including a meta-analysis on the /gaze cueing/ paradigm and an empirical study on the robustness of gaze following behavior. In addition, virtual reality was used in one of the first studies in this research field. Virtual reality has the potential to significantly improve the transferability of experimental laboratory studies to everyday behavior. This is because the technology enables a high degree of experimental control in naturalistic research designs. As such, it has the potential to transform empirical research in the same way that the introduction of computers to psychological research did some 50 years ago. The general literature review on social attention is extended to the classic /gaze cueing/ paradigm through a systematic review of publications and a meta-analytic evaluation (Study 1). The cumulative evidence supported the findings of primary studies: Covert spatial attention is directed by faces. However, the experimental factors included do not explain the surprisingly large variance in the published results. Thus, there seem to be further, not well-understood variables influencing these social processes. Moreover, classic /gaze cueing/ studies have limited ecological validity. This is discussed as a central reason for the lack of generalisability. Ecological validity describes the correspondence between experimental factors and realistic situations. A stimulus or an experimental design can have high and low ecological validity on different dimensions and have different influences on behavior. Empirical research on gaze following behavior showed that the /gaze cueing/ effect also occurs with contextually embedded stimuli (Study 2). The contextual integration of the directional cue contrasted classical /gaze cueing/ studies, which usually show heads in isolation. The research results can thus be transferred /within/ laboratory studies to higher ecologically valid research paradigms. However, research shows that the lack of ecological validity in experimental designs significantly limits the transferability of experimental findings to complex situations /outside/ the laboratory. This seems to be particularly the case when social interactions and norms are investigated. However, ecological validity is also often limited in these studies for other factors, such as contextual embedding /of participants/, free exploration behavior (and, thus, attentional control), or multimodality. In a first study, such high ecological validity was achieved for these factors with virtual reality, which could not be achieved in the laboratory so far (Study 3). Notably, the observed fixation patterns showed differences even under /most similar/ conditions in the laboratory and natural environments. Interestingly, these were similar to findings also derived from comparisons of eye movement in the laboratory and field investigations. These findings, which previously came from hardly comparable groups, were thus confirmed by the present Study 3 (which did not have this limitation). Overall, /virtual reality/ is a new technical approach to contemporary social attention research that pushes the boundaries of previous experimental research. The traditional trade-off between ecological validity and experimental control thus becomes obsolete, and laboratory studies can closely inherit an excellent approximation of reality. Finally, the present work describes and discusses the possibilities of this technology and its practical implementation. Within this context, the extent to which this development can still guarantee a constructive classification of different laboratory tests in the future is examined.}, subject = {Aufmerksamkeit}, language = {en} }