@phdthesis{Fei2023, author = {Fei, Lin}, title = {Optogenetic regulation of osmolarity and water flux}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32309}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323092}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Optogenetics is a powerful technique that utilizes light to precisely regulate physiological activities of neurons and other cell types. Specifically, light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes are expressed in cells to enable their regulation by illumination, thus allowing for precise control of biochemical signaling pathways. The first part of my study involved the construction, optimization, and characterization of two optogenetic tools, KCR1 and NCR1. Elena Govorunova et al. discovered a lightgated potassium channel, KCR1, in the protozoan Hyphochytrium catenoides. Traditional potassium ion channels are classified as either ligand-gated or voltage-gated and possess conserved pore-forming domains and K+ -selective filters. However, KCR1 is unique in that it does not contain the signature sequence of previously known K+ channels and is a channelrhodopsin. We synthesized the KCR1 plasmid according to the published sequence and expressed it in Xenopus oocytes. Due to the original KCR1 current being too small, I optimized it into KCR1 2.0 to improve its performance by fusing LR (signal peptide LucyRho, enhances expression) at the N-terminal and T (trafficking signal peptide) and E (ER export signal peptide) at the C-terminal. Additionally, I investigated the light sensitivity, action spectrum, and kinetics of KCR1 2.0 in Xenopus oocytes. The potassium permeability of KCR1 2.0, PK/Pna  24, makes KCR1 2.0 a powerful hyperpolarizing tool that can be used to inhibit neuronal firing in animals. Inspired by KCR1, we used the KCR1 sequence as a template for gene sequence alignment with the sequences in H. catenoides. We found that NCR1 and KCR1 have similar gene sequences. NCR1 was characterized by us as a light-gated sodium channel. This NCR1 was also characterized and published by Govorunova et al. very recently, with the name HcCCR. Due to the original NCR1 current being too small, I optimized it into NCR1 2.0 to improve its performance by fusing LR at the N-terminal and T and E at the C-terminal, which significantly improved the expression level and greatly increased the current amplitude of NCR1. Full-length NCR1 2.0 contains 432 amino acids. To test whether the number of amino acids changes the characteristics of NCR1 2.0, we designed NCR1 2.0 (330), NCR1 2.0 (283), and NCR1 2.0 (273) by retaining the number of amino acids at 330, 280, and 273 in NCR1 2.0, respectively. As the number of amino acids decreased, the current in NCR1 2.0 increased. I also investigated the light sensitivity, action spectrum, and kinetics of NCR1 2.0 (273) in the Xenopus Abstract 2 oocytes. We performed four point mutations at amino acid positions 133 and 116 of NCR1 2.0 and analyzed the reversal potentials of the mutants. The mutations were as follows: NCR1 2.0 (273 D116H), NCR1 2.0 (273 D116E), NCR1 2.0 (283 V133H), and NCR1 2.0 (283 D116Q). The second part of this study focuses on light-induced water transport using optogenetic tools. We explored the use of optogenetic tools to regulate water flow by changing the osmolarity in oocytes. Water flux through AQP1 is driven by the osmotic gradient that results from concentration differences of small molecules or ions. Therefore, we seek to regulate ion concentrations, using optogenetic tools to regulate the flux of water noninvasively. To achieve this, I applied the light-gated cation channels XXM 2.0 and NCR1 2.0 to regulate the concentration of Na+ , while K + channel KCR1 2.0 was used to regulate K + concentration. As Na+ flows into the Xenopus oocytes, the membrane potential of the oocytes becomes positive, and Clcan influx through the light-gated anion channel GtACR1. By combining these optogenetic tools to regulate NaCl or KCl concentrations, I can change the osmolarity inside the oocytes, thus regulating the flux of water. I co-expressed AQP1 with optogenetic tools in the oocytes to accelerate water flux. Overall, I designed three combinations (1: AQP1, XXM 2.0 and GtACR1. 2: AQP1, NCR1 2.0 and GtACR1. 3: AQP1, KCR1 2.0 and GtACR1) to regulate the flow of water in oocytes. The shrinking or swelling of the oocytes can only be achieved when AQP1, light-gated cation channels (XXM 2.0/NCR1 2.0/KCR1 2.0), and light-gated anion channels (GtACR1) are expressed together. The illumination after expression of either or both alone does not result in changes in oocyte morphology. In sum, I demonstrated a novel strategy to manipulate water movement into and out of Xenopus oocytes, non-invasively through illumination. These findings provide a new avenue to interfere with water homeostasis as a means to study related biological phenomena across cell types and organisms.}, subject = {Osmolarit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eckert2000, author = {Eckert, Martin}, title = {Zur Regulation und Expression von Aquaporinen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des pflanzlichen Wasserhaushaltes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1114}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Die Methodik und Technik der Gaswechselmessung von Pflanzen wurde f{\"u}r den Modellorganismus Arabidopsis thaliana optimiert und f{\"u}r Untersuchungen zur Beteiligung des Aquaporins PIP1b an Wassertransportvorg{\"a}ngen w{\"a}hrend der Stoma{\"o}ffnung verwendet. Die Messungen der Transpirationsraten von PIP1b-Antisense-Pflanzen ergaben keine Hinweise auf Ver{\"a}nderungen des zeitlichen Verlaufs der Stoma{\"o}ffnung. Die Wasserpermeabilit{\"a}ten von Schließzell-Plasmamembranen scheinen somit nicht von der Expression des Aquaporins PIP1b beeinflußt zu sein. - Gaswechselmessungen an Nicotiana tabacum NtAQP1-Antisense-Pflanzen zeigten eine Verringerung der Transpirationsraten im Licht und eine geringere Grundtranspiration im Dunkeln. Dies deutet auf eine Beteiligung von NtAQP1 am Wassertransport hin. - Ausgew{\"a}hlte Arabidopsis thaliana-Mutanten wurden hinsichtlich ihrer stomat{\"a}ren Antwort auf Rot- und Rot-/Blaulicht-Bestrahlung analysiert. Hierf{\"u}r wurde ein Doppelbestrahlungs-Protokoll entwickelt. Vergleiche mit den Wildtypen ergaben signifikante Unterschiede bei der Phytochrom-Mutante phyA-103, der Abscisins{\"a}ure-Mutante aba3-2 und der Auxin-resistenten Mutante axr1-3. Ferner zeigte die Mutante npq1-2 nicht die beschriebene Abweichung der stomat{\"a}ren Antwort auf Blaulicht. - Die Expressionsmuster eines PIP1b-GFP-Reportergens in transgenen Arabidopsis thaliana-Pflanzen wurden analysiert. Hohe Promotor-Aktivit{\"a}ten konnten in meristematischen Bereichen von Wurzel und Sproß, in Elementen der Leitb{\"u}ndel, in jungen Kotyledonen und in Staubbl{\"a}ttern beobachtet werden. Es zeigte sich eine enge Korrelation zwischen PIP1b-Promotoraktivit{\"a}t und Streckungswachstum. - Eine Sequenzanalyse des NtAQP1-Promotors ergab {\"U}bereinstimmungen mit spezifischen Bindungsmotiven von MYB-{\"a}hnlichen Transkriptionsfaktoren. Mit Promotor-Reportergenen konnte die Beteiligung eines dieser Sequenzmotive an der GA- und ABA-induzierten Aktivierung des NtAQP1-Promotors gezeigt werden. Zur Analyse der Phytohormon-Wirkungen auf deletierte Promotorbereiche wurde ein duales Vektorsystem entwickelt und bei der transienten Transformation von BY2-Protoplasten eingesetzt. - Die Expression eines GFP::NtAQP1-Fusionsgens in BY2-Zellen zeigte die subzellul{\"a}re Lokalisation des Aquaporins in der Zytoplasmamembran. Ferner wurde Fusionsprotein in Vesikel-{\"a}hnlichen Strukturen beobachtet.}, subject = {Pflanzen}, language = {de} }