@phdthesis{Basile2009, author = {Basile, Rebecca}, title = {Thermoregulation and Resource Management in the Honeybee (Apis mellifera)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Ein grundlegender Faktor, der f{\"u}r das {\"U}berleben einer Kolonie sozialer Insekten ausschlaggebend ist, liegt in der F{\"a}higkeit Nahrung durch sogenannte „Trophallaxis" auszutauschen. Diese F{\"u}tterungskontakte sorgen f{\"u}r die gleichm{\"a}ßige Verteilung der Nahrung innerhalb der Kolonie und werden als einer der Grundpfeiler der Sozialit{\"a}t der Staatenbildenden Insekten erachtet. Im Fall der Honigbienen finden diese Kontakte in vollkommener Dunkelheit statt. Damit es in dieser Situation {\"u}berhaupt zum Nahrungsaustausch kommen kann, sind die Antennen von großer Wichtigkeit. Ein erster Schritt in den Verhaltensweisen, die der Rezipient eines trophallaktischen Kontaktes zeigt, ist der Kontakt einer Antennenspitze mit den Mundwerkzeugen des Donoren, da sich dort die regurgitierte Nahrung befindet. Diese Ber{\"u}hrung hat aufgrund der gustatorischen Sensibilit{\"a}t der Antenne den Zweck, das angebotene Futter zu „erschmecken". Die rechte Antenne wird vom Rezipienten eines trophallaktischen Kontakts signifikant h{\"a}ufiger eingesetzt als die linke Antenne. Die Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r die rechte Antenne bleibt dabei auch erhalten, wenn ein Teil der Antennengeisel abgetrennt wurde, also die sensorischen F{\"a}higkeiten der rechten Antenne stark beeintr{\"a}chtigt wurden. Der Grund f{\"u}r die Pr{\"a}ferenz der rechten Antenne k{\"o}nnte ihrer erh{\"o}hten Sensibilit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Zuckerwasser zugrunde liegen, da die rechte Antenne im Laborversuch signifikant st{\"a}rker auf Stimulationen mit Zuckerwasser verschiedener Konzentrationen reagierte als die linke. Trophallaktische Kontakte sichern Individuen innerhalb einer Kolonie den Zugang zur lebenswichtigen Nahrung. Im Beispiel der Honigbienen ist st{\"a}ndige Zugriff auf Nahrung besonders wichtig, da es sich um ein heterothermes Tier handelt, das die F{\"a}higkeit besitzt, aktiv seine K{\"o}rpertemperatur zu regulieren. Obgleich jedes Individuum in der Lage ist, seine K{\"o}rpertemperatur den eigenen Bed{\"u}rfnissen anzupassen, ist diese F{\"a}higkeit streng durch den in der Nahrung aufgenommenen Zucker reguliert. Im Gegensatz zu den S{\"a}ugetieren oder V{\"o}geln, die f{\"u}r eine Erh{\"o}hung des Blutzuckerspiegels auch auf Fett- oder Eiweißressourcen zur{\"u}ckgreifen k{\"o}nnen, ist die Honigbiene auf die Glucose aus der aufgenommenen Nahrung angewiesen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass der Zuckergehalt der aufgenommenen Nahrung positiv mit der Thoraxtemperatur der Bienen korreliert. Dieser Zusammenhang tritt auf, selbst wenn keine W{\"a}rmeerzeugung f{\"u}r die Brutpflege oder f{\"u}r das Erw{\"a}rmen der Wintertraube notwendig ist und die Tiere außerhalb des Stockes ohne eigentliche Notwendigkeit f{\"u}r die W{\"a}rmeerzeugung in einem K{\"a}fig gehalten werden. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass die Rezipienten beim Nahrungsaustausch eine signifikant h{\"o}here Thoraxtemperatur haben als die Donoren. Außerdem zeigen die Rezipienten nach der F{\"u}tterung signifikant h{\"a}ufiger Brutw{\"a}rmeverhalten als die Donoren. Letztere haben eine signifikant niedrigere Thoraxtemperatur als die Rezipienten und zeigen eine Verhaltenstendenz, h{\"a}ufig zwischen Brutbereich und Honiglager hin- und her zu pendeln. Dabei nehmen sie im Honiglager Honig in ihren Kropf auf und f{\"u}ttern mit dieser Nahrung danach Bienen im Brutbereich. Außerdem zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass es einen w{\"a}rmegesteuerten Ausl{\"o}semechanismus gibt, der den Donoren und Rezipienten des trophallaktischen Kontakts dazu verhilft, trotz der Dunkelheit des Stocks praktisch verz{\"o}gerungsfreie Nahrungs{\"u}bertragung am Ort des h{\"o}chsten Energieverbrauchs zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Das Hervorw{\"u}rgen von Nahrung angesichts einer W{\"a}rmequelle k{\"o}nnte seinen Ursprung in einer Beschwichtigungsgeste haben. Aggressive Tiere zeigen neben sichtbaren aggressiven Verhalten auch durch ihre erh{\"o}hte K{\"o}rpertemperatur, dass sie bereit sind sich auf einen Kampf einzulassen. Die Temperaturerh{\"o}hung eines aggressiven Tieres beruht dabei auf der erh{\"o}hten Muskelaktivit{\"a}t, die vor allem bei Insekten dazu n{\"o}tig ist, einen entsprechende Reaktion im Falle eines Kampfes oder der Flucht zeigen zu k{\"o}nnen. Wird ein Individuum mit Aggression konfrontiert, so bleibt ihm die Wahl sich auf einen Kampf einzulassen, zu fl{\"u}chten oder durch eine Beschwichtigungsgeste eine Deeskalation der Situation einzuleiten. Besonders h{\"a}ufig wird f{\"u}r diesen Zweck Nahrung regurgitiert und dem dominanteren Tier angeboten, um einem Konflikt aus dem Weg zu gehen. Die F{\"a}higkeit, Arbeiterinnen mit kleinen Portionen konzentrierter Nahrung zu versorgen tr{\"a}gt zu einer {\"o}konomischen Verteilung der Ressourcen bei, die mit den physiologischen Bed{\"u}rfnissen der Honigbienen konform geht und die {\"o}kologischen Erfordernisse des Stockes erf{\"u}llt. Das daraus resultierende Managementsystem, welches sparsam mit den Ressourcen haushaltet und auf die individuellen Bed{\"u}rfnisse jeder einzelnen Biene einzugehen vermag, k{\"o}nnte ein Grund f{\"u}r die F{\"a}higkeit der Honigbienen zur Entwicklung mehrj{\"a}hriger Kolonien sein, die, anders als Hummeln oder Wespen, auch den Winter in gem{\"a}ßigten Zonen als Gemeinschaft zu {\"u}berstehen verm{\"o}gen.}, subject = {Biene}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoecherl2015, author = {H{\"o}cherl, Nicole}, title = {Nesting behaviour of the paper wasp Polistes dominula - with special focus on thermoregulatory mechanisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Wasps of the genus Polistes comprise over 200 species and are nearly cosmopolitan. They show a lack of physiological caste differentiation and are therefore considered as primitively eusocial. Furthermore, paper wasps are placed between the solitary living Eumenidae and the highly social organized Vespinae. Hence, they are often called a "key genus" for understanding the evolution of sociality. Particularly, Polistes dominula, with its small easy manageable nests and its frequent occurrence and wide distribution range is often the subject of studies. In Europe, the invasion of this species into northern regions is on the rise. Since little was known about the nesting behaviour of P. dominula in Central Europe, the basic principles about nesting were investigated in W{\"u}rzburg, Germany (latitude 49°) by conducting a comprehensive field-study spanning three consecutive years. Furthermore, the thermoregulation of individual wasps in their natural habitat had not yet been investigated in detail. Therefore, their ability to respond to external hazards with elevated thorax temperatures was tested. In addition, different types of nest thermoregulation were investigated using modern methods such as infrared thermography and temperature data logger. In the present work, the investigation of basic nesting principles revealed that foundress groups (1-4 foundresses) and nests are smaller and that the nesting season is shorter in the W{\"u}rzburg area than in other regions. The mean size of newly founded nests was 83 cells and the average nesting season was around 4.6 months. The queens neither preferred single (54\%) nor multiple founding (46\%) in this study. The major benefit of multiple founding is an increased rate of survival. During the three years of observation, only 47\% of single-foundress colonies survived, whereas 100\% of colonies that were built by more than two queens, survived. However, an influence of the number of foundresses on the productivity of colonies in terms of number of cells and pupae per nest has not shown up. However, the length of the nesting season as well as the nest sizes varied strongly depending on the climatic conditions of the preceding winter during the three consecutive years. In order to investigate the thermoregulatory mechanisms of individual adult P. dominula wasps, I presented artificial threats by applying smoke or carbon dioxide simulating fire and predator attacks, respectively, and monitored the thorax temperature of wasps on the nest using infrared thermography. The results clearly revealed that P. dominula workers recognized smoke and CO2 and reacted almost instantaneously and simultaneously with an increase of their thorax temperature. The maximal thorax temperature was reached about 65 s after the application of both stressors, but subsequently the wasps showed a different behaviour pattern. They responded to a longer application of smoke with moving to the exit and fled, whereas in case of CO2 the wasps started flying and circling the nest without trying to escape. No rise of the thorax temperature was detectable after an air blast was applied or in wasps resting on the nest. Additionally, the thorax temperatures of queens were investigated during dominance battles. I found that the thorax temperature of the dominant queens rose up to 5°C compared to that of subordinate queens that attacked the former. The study of active mechanisms for nest thermoregulation revealed no brood incubation or clustering behaviour of P. dominula. Furthermore, I found out that wing fanning for cooling the nest was almost undetectable (4 documented cases). However, I could convincingly record that water evaporation is most effective for nest cooling. By the direct comparison of active (with brood and adults) and non-active (without brood and adults) nests, the start of cooling by water evaporation was detected above maximum outside temperatures of 25°C or at nest temperatures above 35°C. The powerful role of water in nest cooling was manifested by an average decrease of temperature of a single cell of about 8°C and a mean duration of 7 min until the cell reached again its initial temperature. The investigation of passive thermoregulatory mechanisms revealed that the nest site choice as well as nest orientation appears to be essential for P. dominula wasps. Furthermore, I was able to show that the architecture of the nests plays an important role. Based on the presented results, it can be assumed that the vertical orientation of cells helps maintaining the warmth of nests during the night, whereas the pedicel assists in cooling the nest during the day.}, subject = {Franz{\"o}sische Feldwespe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidenmueller2001, author = {Weidenm{\"u}ller, Anja}, title = {From individual behavior to collective structure}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-2448}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The social organization of insect colonies has long fascinated naturalists. One of the main features of colony organization is division of labor, whereby each member of the colony specializes in a subset of all tasks required for successful group functioning. The most striking aspect of division of labor is its plasticity: workers switch between tasks in response to external challenges and internal perturbations. The mechanisms underlying flexible division of labor are far from being understood. In order to comprehend how the behavior of individuals gives rise to flexible collective behavior, several questions need to be addressed: We need to know how individuals acquire information about their colony's current demand situation; how they then adjust their behavior according; and which mechanisms integrate dozens or thousands of insect into a higher-order unit. With these questions in mind I have examined two examples of collective and flexible behavior in social bees. First, I addressed the question how a honey bee colony controls its pollen collection. Pollen foraging in honey bees is precisely organized and carefully regulated according to the colony's needs. How this is achieved is unclear. I investigated how foragers acquire information about their colony's pollen need and how they then adjust their behavior. A detailed documentation of pollen foragers in the hive under different pollen need conditions revealed that individual foragers modulate their in-hive working tempo according to the actual pollen need of the colony: Pollen foragers slowed down and stayed in the hive longer when pollen need was low and spent less time in the hive between foraging trips when pollen need of their colony was high. The number of cells inspected before foragers unloaded their pollen load did not change and thus presumably did not serve as cue to pollen need. In contrast, the trophallactic experience of pollen foragers changed with pollen need conditions: trophallactic contacts were shorter when pollen need was high and the number and probability of having short trophallactic contacts increased when pollen need increased. Thus, my results have provided support for the hypothesis that trophallactic experience is one of the various information pathways used by pollen foragers to assess their colony's pollen need. The second example of collective behavior I have examined in this thesis is the control of nest climate in bumble bee colonies, a system differing from pollen collection in honey bees in that information about task need (nest climate parameters) is directly available to all workers. I have shown that an increase in CO2 concentration and temperature level elicits a fanning response whereas an increase in relative humidity does not. The fanning response to temperature and CO2 was graded; the number of fanning bees increased with stimulus intensity. Thus, my study has evidenced flexible colony level control of temperature and CO2. Further, I have shown that the proportion of total work force a colony invests into nest ventilation does not change with colony size. However, the dynamic of the colony response changes: larger colonies show a faster response to perturbations of their colony environment than smaller colonies. Thus, my study has revealed a size-dependent change in the flexible colony behavior underlying homeostasis. I have shown that the colony response to perturbations in nest climate is constituted by workers who differ in responsiveness. Following a brief review of current ideas and models of self-organization and response thresholds in insect colonies, I have presented the first detailed investigation of interindividual variability in the responsiveness of all workers involved in a collective behavior. My study has revealed that bumble bee workers evidence consistent responses to certain stimulus levels and differ in their response thresholds. Some consistently respond to low stimulus intensities, others consistently respond to high stimulus intensities. Workers are stimulus specialists rather than task specialists. Further, I have demonstrated that workers of a colony differ in two other parameters of responsiveness: response probability and fanning activity. Response threshold, response probability and fanning activity are independent parameters of individual behavior. Besides demonstrating and quantifying interindividual variability, my study has provided empirical support for the idea of specialization through reinforcement. Response thresholds of fanning bees decreased over successive trials. I have discussed the importance of interindividual variability for specialization and the collective control of nest climate and present a general discussion of self-organization and selection. This study contributes to our understanding of individual behavior and collective structure in social insects. A fascinating picture of social organization is beginning to emerge. In place of centralized systems of communication and information transmission, insect societies frequently employ mechanisms based upon self-organization. Self-organization promises to be an important and unifying principle in physical, chemical and biological systems.}, subject = {Hummeln}, language = {en} }