@phdthesis{Chowdhury2018, author = {Chowdhury, Suvagata Roy}, title = {The Role of MicroRNAs in \(Chlamydia\) Infection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agent of trachoma related blindness and the sexually transmitted pelvic inflammatory disease. Being an obligate intracellular pathogen, C. trachomatis has an intricate dependency on the survival of the host cell. This relationship is indispensible owing to the fact that the pathogen spends a considerable fraction of its biphasic lifecycle within a cytoplasmic vacuole inside the host cell, the so-called chlamydial inclusion. The cellular apoptotic-signalling network is governed by several finely tuned regulatory cascades composed of pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins that respond to changes in the cellular homeostasis. In order to facilitate its intracellular survival, Chlamydia has been known to inhibit the premature apoptosis of the host cell via the stabilization of several host anti-apoptotic proteins such as cIAP2 and Mcl-1. While the pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins are the major regulators of the host apoptotic signalling network, a class of the small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) has increasingly gained focus as a new level of regulatory control over apoptosis. This work investigates the changes in the host miRNA expression profile post Chlamydia infection using a high throughput miRNA deep sequencing approach. Several miRNAs previously associated with the modulation for apoptotic signalling were differentially expressed upon Chlamydia infection in human endothelial cells. Of the differentially regulated miRNAs, miR-30c-5p was of particular interest since it had been previously shown to target the tumor suppressor protein p53. Our lab and others have previously demonstrated that Chlamydia can downregulate the levels of p53 by promoting its proteasomal degradation. This work demonstrates that Chlamydia infection promotes p53 downregulation by increasing the abundance of miR-30c-5p and a successful infection cycle is hindered by a loss of miR-30c-5p. Over the last decade, dedicated research aimed towards a better understanding of apoptotic stimuli has greatly improved our grasp on the subject. While extrinsic stress, deprivation of survival signals and DNA damage are regarded as major proponents of apoptotic induction, a significant responsibility lies with the mitochondrial network of the cell. Mitochondrial function and dynamics are crucial to cell fate determination and dysregulation of either is decisive for cell survival and pathogenesis of several diseases. The ability of the mitochondrial network to perform its essential tasks that include ATP synthesis, anti-oxidant defense, and calcium homeostasis amongst numerous other processes critical to cellular equilibrium is tied closely to the fission and fusion of individual mitochondrial fragments. It is, thus, 8 unsurprising that mitochondrial dynamics is closely linked to apoptosis. In fact, many of the proteins involved regulation of mitochondrial dynamics are also involved in apoptotic signalling. The mitochondrial fission regulator, Drp1 has previously been shown to be transcriptionally regulated by p53 and is negatively affected by a miR- 30c mediated inhibition of p53. Our investigation reveals a significant alteration in the mitochondrial dynamics of Chlamydia infected cells affected by the loss of Drp1. We show that loss of Drp1 upon chlamydial infection is mediated by the miR-30c-5p induced depletion of p53 and results in a hyper-fused architecture of the mitochondrial network. While it is widely accepted that Chlamydia depends on the host cell metabolism for its intracellular growth and development, the role of mitochondria in an infected cell, particularly with respect to its dynamic nature, has not been thoroughly investigated. This work attempts to illustrate the dependence of Chlamydia on miR-30c-5p induced changes in the mitochondrial architecture and highlight the importance of these modulations for chlamydial growth and development.}, subject = {Chlamydienkrankheit}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fueller2008, author = {F{\"u}ller, Jochen}, title = {Analysis of the binding properties of the kinase C-RAF to mitochondria and characterization of its effects on the cellular and molecular level}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35096}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The proteins of the RAF family (A-RAF, B-RAF, and C-RAF) are serine/threonine-kinases that play important roles in development, mature cell regulation and cancer. Although it is widely held that their localization on membranes is an important aspect of their function, there are few data addressing this aspect of their mode of action. Here, we report that each member of the RAF family exhibits a specific distribution at the level of cellular membranes, and that C-RAF is the only isoform that directly targets mitochondria. We find that the RAF kinases exhibit intrinsic differences in terms of mitochondrial affinity, and that C-RAF is the only isoform that binds this organelle efficiently. This affinity is conferred by the C-RAF amino-terminal domain, and does not depend on the presence of RAS GTPases on the surface of mitochondria. Furthermore, we analyze the consequences of C-RAF activation on the cellular and molecular level. C-RAF activation on mitochondria dramatically changes their morphology and their subcellular distribution. On the molecular level, we examine the role of C-RAF in the regulation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member BAD. This protein exhibits the original mode of regulation by phosphorylation. Although several reports addressed the regulation of BAD by C-RAF, the exact mode of action as well as the consequences of C-RAF activation on BAD are still not completely understood. We show that the inducible activation of C-RAF promotes the rapid phosphorylation of BAD on Serine-112 (Ser-75 in the human protein), through a cascade involving the kinases MEK and RSK. Our findings reveal a new aspect of the regulation of BAD protein and its control by the RAF pathway: we find that C-RAF activation promotes BAD poly-ubiquitylation in a phosphorylation-dependent fashion, and increases the turn-over of this protein through proteasomal degradation.}, subject = {Apoptosis}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gupta2007, author = {Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis}, title = {Nitric oxide in plants: Investigation of synthesispathways and role in defense against avirulent Pseudomonas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25545}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Die Zahl der physiologischen Prozesse in Pflanzen, die scheinbar durch NO reguliert werden, hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. NO {\"u}bernimmt wichtige Rollen f{\"u}r die Steuerung von Wachstum und Entwicklung, f{\"u}r die Pathogenresistenz und bei abiotischem Stress, sowohl in unterirdischen als auch in oberirdischen Organen. In Pflanzen wurden bisher eine Reihe verschiedener enzymatischer und einige wenige nichtenzymatische Synthesewege f{\"u}r NO vorgeschlagen. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit bestand nun darin, die NO Produktion von Pflanzen und speziell von Wurzeln m{\"o}glichst quantitativ zu erfassen und die beteiligten Enzyme zu identifizieren. Dieses Ziel sollte vor allem durch Chemilumineszenz-Messung von NO in der Gasphase (= direkte Chemilumineszenz) erreicht werden, aber auch durch die indirekte Chemilumineszenz, bei welcher Spuren von NO-Oxidationsprodukten wie Nitrat und Nitrit erfasst werden. Als Versuchspflanzen wurden verwendet: Wildtypen von Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi oder cv. Gatersleben; Nitratreduktase-freie, auf Ammonium-N angezogene Mutanten, die keine Nitratreduktase (NR) induzieren; WT Pflanzen, die auf Wolframat angezogen wurden um die Synthese funktionaler MoCo-Enzyme zu unterbinden; eine NO-{\"u}berproduzierende, Nitritreduktase (NiR)-freie Transformante, sowie gelegentlich Gerste, Reis und Erbsen. Eine hypersensitive Reaktion (HR) von Tabak wurde erzeugt durch Druckinfiltration von avirulenten Bakterien des Stammes Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Bei Sauerstoffkonzentrationen \&\#8804;1\% wurde exogenes Nitrit auch von v{\"o}llig NR-freien Wurzeln zu NO reduziert. Folglich war NR nicht die einzige NO-Quelle von Wurzeln. Im Gegensatz dazu waren NR-freie Blattstreifen nicht in der Lage, Nitrit zu NO umzusetzen. Die NO-Bildung von Wurzeln wurde außerdem durch Hemmstoffe des mitochondrialen Elektronentransportes, Myxothiazol und Salicylhydroxams{\"a}ure (SHAM) gehemmt, w{\"a}hrend die NO-Produktion von NR-exprimierenden Blattstreifen gegen diese Inhibitoren unempfindlich war. Damit stimmte auch {\"u}berein, dass gereinigte Mitochondrien aus Wurzeln, aber nicht die aus Bl{\"a}ttern Nitrit mit Hilfe von NADH zu NO reduzieren konnten. Die Inhibitor-Wirkung l{\"a}sst darauf schließen, dass in Wurzelmitochondrien beide terminalen Oxidasen and der NO-Bildung beteiligt sind, und dass selbst in NR-haltigen Wurzeln ein großer Teil der Reduktion von Nitrit zu NO durch die Mitochondrien bewerkstelligt wird, und weniger durch NR selbst. Die Unterschiedliche F{\"a}higkeit von Blatt-und Wurzelmitochondrien zur anaeroben Nitrit:NO-Reduktion wurde nicht nur bei Tabak, sondern auch bei Arabidopsis, Gerste und Erbse gefunden. Sie scheint also eine generelle Eigenschaft h{\"o}herer Pflanzen zu sein. Die Nitrit:NO Reduktion wurden auch direkt als Nitrit- bzw. NADH-Verbrauch gemessen. Die Reaktion war außerdem exklusiv mit der Membranfraktion der Mitochondrien assoziert, ohne jede Beteiligung von Matrixkomponenten. Es wurde auch gepr{\"u}ft, ob Wurzelmitochondrien und- gereinigte Membranen NO ausschließlich aus Nitrit produzierten, oder eventuell auch {\"u}ber eine NO-Synthase (NOS). Außerdem wurde untersucht, ob und in welchem Umfang die NO-Messungen durch eine NO-Oxidation verf{\"a}lscht werden konnten. Zus{\"a}tzlich zur Chemilumineszenz wurden Fluoreszenzmessungen mit Diaminofluoreszeinen (DAF) zum Vergleich herangezogen. In Luft produzierten Mitochondrien ja kein Nitrit-abh{\"a}ngiges NO, und eine NOS-Aktivit{\"a}t konnte weder durch direkte noch durch indirekte Chemilumineszenz nachgewiesen werden. Mit DAF-2 oder DAR-4M wurde jedoch eine L-Arginin-abh{\"a}ngige Fluoreszenzerh{\"o}hung beobachtet. Diese scheinbare NOS-Aktivit{\"a}t wurde mit kommerzieller iNOS verglichen und zeigte dabei sehr untypische Antworten auf NOS-Inhibitoren, Substrate und Kofaktoren. Sie wird deshalb als Artefakt beurteilt. Bei Verwendung von iNOS wurden ca. 2/3 des insgesamt produzierten NO zu (Nitrit+Nitrat) oxidiert. Mitochondrien scheinen NO zu verbrauchen, ohne jedoch die Oxidation von NO zu (Nitrit+Nitrat) zu erh{\"o}hen. Vermutlich wird dabei ein fl{\"u}chtiges Intermediat gebildet (eventuell N2O3). In unserer Gruppe wurde k{\"u}rzlich gezeigt, dass der pilzliche Elicitor Cryptogein eine hypersensitive Reaktion (HR) bei Tabak hervorrief, die v{\"o}llig unabh{\"a}ngig von der Gegenwart oder Abwesenheit von NR war. Eine Schlussfolgerung daraus war, dass die NR-abh{\"a}ngige NO-Bildung f{\"u}r die HR keine Rolle spielte. Hier pr{\"a}sentieren wir Hinweise darauf, dass dieses Szenario Cryptogein-spezifisch sein k{\"o}nnte. Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola wurde in Tabakbl{\"a}tter des Wildtyps und derNiR-defizienten, NO-{\"u}berproduzierenden Mutante (clone 271) infiltriert, die entweder auf Ammonium oder auf Nitrat angezogen waren. Es wurde die Entwicklung der L{\"a}sionen, das Bakterienwachstum und die Zuckerkonzentrationen in den Bl{\"a}ttern und im Blattapoplasten verfolgt. Die L{\"a}sionen-Entwicklung war positiv, und das Bakterienwachstum negativ korreliert mit der Nitrat-Ern{\"a}hrung und einer eventuellen NO-Produktion. Das Bakterienwachstum war positiv korreliert mit einer Ammonium-Ern{\"a}hrung und mit apoplastischen Zuckerkonzentrationen. Der Gesamtgehalt an freier + konjugierter Salicyls{\"a}ure (SA) war durch bakterielle Infektion immer drastisch gesteigert, aber ohne klare Korrelation mit einer NO-Produktion. In Gegenwart von Cryptogein war das Wachstum von Pseudomonas fast v{\"o}llig gehemmt. Diese Beobachtungen deuten darauf hin, dass die vermutete gegenseitige Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Bakterienwachstum, NO-Produktion und der HR sehr komplex ist und nicht auf einfache unifaktorielle Beziehungen reduziert werden kann.}, subject = {Pflanzen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunz2021, author = {Kunz, Tobias C.}, title = {Expansion Microscopy (ExM) as a tool to study organelles and intracellular pathogens}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22333}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223330}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The resolution of fluorescence light microscopy was long believed to be limited by the diffraction limit of light of around 200-250 nm described in 1873 by Ernst Abbe. Within the last decade, several approaches, such as structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stimulated emission depletion STED and (direct) stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (d)STORM have been established to bypass the diffraction limit. However, such super-resolution techniques enabling a resolution <100 nm require specialized and expensive setups as well as expert knowledge in order to avoid artifacts. They are therefore limited to specialized laboratories. Recently, Boyden and colleagues introduced an alternate approach, termed expansion microscopy (ExM). The latter offers the possibility to perform superresolution microscopy on conventional confocal microscopes by embedding the sample into a swellable hydrogel that is isotropically expanded. Since its introduction in 2015, expansion microscopy has developed rapidly offering protocols for 4x, 10x and 20x expansion of proteins and RNA in cells, tissues and human clinical specimens. Mitochondria are double membrane-bound organelles and crucial to the cell by performing numerous tasks, from ATP production through oxidative phosphorylation, production of many important metabolites, cell signaling to the regulation of apoptosis. The inner mitochondrial membrane is strongly folded forming so-called cristae. Besides being the location of the oxidative phosphorylation and therefore energy conversion and ATP production, cristae have been of great interest because changes in morphology have been linked to a plethora of diseases from cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, to aging and infection. However, cristae imaging remains challenging as the distance between two individual cristae is often below 100 nm. Within this work, we demonstrate that the mitochondrial creatine kinase MtCK linked to fluorescent protein GFP (MtCK-GFP) can be used as a cristae marker. Upon fourfold expansion, we illustrate that our novel marker enables visualization of cristae morphology and localization of mitochondrial proteins relative to cristae without the need for specialized setups. Furthermore, we show the applicability of expansion microscopy for several bacterial pathogens, such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Simkania negevensis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Staphylococcus aureus. Due to differences in bacterial cell walls, we reveal important aspects for the digestion of pathogens for isotropic expansion. We further show that expansion of the intracellular pathogens C. trachomatis and S. negevensis, enables the differentiation between the two distinct developmental forms, catabolic active reticulate bodies (RB) and infectious elementary bodies (EB), on a conventional confocal microscope. We demonstrate the possibility to precisely locate chlamydial effector proteins, such as CPAF or Cdu1, within and outside the chlamydial inclusion. Moreover, we show that expansion microscopy enables the investigation of bacteria, herein S. aureus, within LAMP1 and LC3-II vesicles. With the introduction of the unnatural α-NH2-ω-N3-C6-ceramide, we further present the first approach for the expansion of lipids that may also be suitable for far inaccessible molecule classes like carbohydrates. The efficient accumulation and high labeling density of our functionalized α-NH2-ω-N3-C6-ceramide in both cells and bacteria enables in combination with tenfold expansion nanoscale resolution (10-20 nm) of the interaction of proteins with the plasma membrane, membrane of organelles and bacteria. Ceramide is the central molecule of the sphingolipid metabolism, an important constituent of cellular membranes and regulates many important cellular processes such as differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Many studies report about the importance of sphingolipids during infection of various pathogens. While the transport of ceramide to Chlamydia has been reported earlier, one of the unanswered questions remaining was if ceramide forms parts of the outer or inner bacterial membrane. Expansion of α-NH2-ω-N3-C6-ceramide enabled the visualization of ceramide in the inner and outer membrane of C. trachomatis and their distance was determined to be 27.6 ± 7.7 nm.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kutschka2024, author = {Kutschka, Ilona}, title = {Activation of the integrated stress response induces remodeling of cardiac metabolism in Barth Syndrome}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35818}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Barth Syndrome (BTHS) is an inherited X-chromosomal linked disorder, characterized by early development of cardiomyopathy, immune system defects, skeletal muscle myopathy and growth retardation. The disease displays a wide variety of symptoms including heart failure, exercise intolerance and fatigue due to the muscle weakness. The cause of the disease are mutations in the gene encoding for the mitochondrial transacylase Tafazzin (TAZ), which is important for remodeling of the phospholipid cardiolipin (CL). All mutations result in a pronounced decrease of the functional enzyme leading to an increase of monolysocardiolipin (MLCL), the precursor of mature CL, and a decrease in mature CL itself. CL is a hallmark phospholipid of mitochondrial membranes, highly enriched in the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). It is not only important for the formation of the cristae structures, but also for the function of different protein complexes associated with the mitochondrial membrane. Reduced levels of mature CL cause remodeling of the respiratory chain supercomplexes, impaired respiration, defects in the Krebs cycle and a loss of mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) protein. The defective Ca2+ handling causes impaired redox homeostasis and energy metabolism resulting in cellular arrhythmias and defective electrical conduction. In an uncompensated situation, blunting mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake provokes increased mitochondrial emission of H2O2 during workload transitions, related to oxidation of NADPH, which is required to regenerate anti-oxidative enzymes. However, in the hearts and cardiac myocytes of mice with a global knock-down of the Taz gene (Taz-KD), no increase in mitochondrial ROS was observed, suggesting that other metabolic pathways may have compensated for reduced Krebs cycle activation. The healthy heart produces most of its energy by consuming fatty acids. In this study, the fatty acid uptake into mitochondria and their further degradation was investigated, which showed a switch of the metabolism in general in the Taz-KD mouse model. In vivo studies revealed an increase of glucose uptake into the heart and decreased fatty acid uptake and oxidation. Disturbed energy conversion resulted in activation of retrograde signaling pathways, implicating overall changes in the cell metabolism. Upregulated integrated stress response (ISR) was confirmed by increased levels of the downstream target, i.e., the activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4). A Tafazzin knockout mouse embryonal fibroblast cell model (TazKO) was used to inhibit the ISR using siRNA transfection or pharmaceutical inhibition. This verified the central role of II the ISR in regulating the metabolism in BTHS. Moreover, an increased metabolic flux into glutathione biosynthesis was observed, which supports redox homeostasis. In vivo PET-CT scans depicted elevated activity of the xCT system in the BTHS mouse heart, which transports essential amino acids for the biosynthesis of glutathione precursors. Furthermore, the stress induced signaling pathway also affected the glutamate metabolism, which fuels into the Krebs cycle via -ketoglutarate and therefore supports energy converting pathways. In summary, this thesis provides novel insights into the energy metabolism and redox homeostasis in Barth syndrome cardiomyopathy and its regulation by the integrated stress response, which plays a central role in the metabolic alterations. The aim of the thesis was to improve the understanding of these metabolic changes and to identify novel targets, which can provide new possibilities for therapeutic intervention in Barth syndrome.}, subject = {Herzmuskelkrankheit}, language = {en} }