@phdthesis{Finkenberg2018, author = {Finkenberg, Frank}, title = {Flipped Classroom im Physikunterricht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In der Unterrichtsmethode Flipped Classroom sind schulische und h{\"a}usliche Aktivit{\"a}ten vertauscht. Instruktionale Elemente werden in online verf{\"u}gbare Lernvideos ausgelagert, welche die Sch{\"u}ler als h{\"a}usliche Vorbereitung ansehen. Im Unterricht stehen dann sch{\"u}lerzentrierte T{\"a}tigkeiten im Vordergrund, in denen die Sch{\"u}ler ihr Wissen anwenden und vertiefen k{\"o}nnen. Durch die Auslagerung von Inputphasen wandelt sich die Rolle des Lehrers vom Instructor zum Lernbegleiter. Die vorliegende quasi-experimentelle Studie im Pre-/Postdesign mit Kontrollgruppe untersuchte die Wirkungen des Flipped Classroom in Physikkursen der Oberstufe (Grundkursniveau) an zwei deutschen Gymnasien mit N = 151 Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}lern. Acht Physikkurse der 11. Jahrgangsstufe nahmen an der Studie teil, die sich {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von zwei Schuljahren erstreckte (2015/16 und 2016/17). Vier der f{\"u}nf teilnehmenden Lehrkr{\"a}fte unterrichteten sowohl einen Kontroll- als auch einen Treatmentkurs. S{\"a}mtliche Lernvideos wurden von den Lehrkr{\"a}ften selbst erstellt. Dabei integrierten sie reale Experimente, um dem Anspruch physikauthentischen Unterrichts gerecht zu werden. Die Forschungsfragen richteten sich sowohl auf die Leistung in einem Fachwissenstest als auch auf affektive Lernmerkmale wie die Motivation, das Interesse und das Selbstkonzept. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden die wahrgenommene Lehrerunterst{\"u}tzung und das Hausaufgabenverhalten untersucht. Die Anwendung von Flipped Classroom im Physikunterricht zeigte gr{\"o}ßtenteils positive Effekte. Die Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler im Flipped Classroom hatten einen h{\"o}heren kognitiven Lernzuwachs und ein besseres Selbstkonzept als ihre Mitsch{\"u}ler, die traditionell unterrichtet wurden. Das Leistungsniveau und das Geschlecht der Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler hatten dabei keinen Einfluss auf diese Effekte. W{\"a}hrend die Motivation, sich mit Physik zu besch{\"a}ftigen, in der Kontrollgruppe sank, blieb sie in der Treatmentgruppe auf konstantem Niveau. Bei genauerem Blick zeigte sich, dass die Motivation bei Sch{\"u}lerinnen im Flipped Classroom anstieg, bei Sch{\"u}lerinnen im traditionellen Unterricht jedoch abnahm. Das Interesse am Unterrichtsfach Physik wurde in beiden Gruppen geringer. Sowohl die wahrgenommene Lehrerunterst{\"u}tzung als auch die Hausaufgabendauer blieben in beiden Gruppen zwischen Pre- und Posttest unver{\"a}ndert. Die Hausaufgabendisziplin war im Flipped Classroom jedoch deutlich h{\"o}her, was zeigt, dass die Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler eher bereit waren, sich instruktionale Lernvideos anzusehen als klassische Hausaufgaben zu bearbeiten.}, subject = {Physikunterricht}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Muenchow2016, author = {M{\"u}nchow, Hannes}, title = {I feel, therefore I learn - Effectiveness of affect induction interventions and possible covariates on learning outcomes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148432}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Affective states in the context of learning and achievement can influence the learning process essentially. The impact of affective states can be both directly on the learning performance and indirectly mediated via, for example, motivational processes. Positive activating affect is often associated with increased memory skills as well as advantages in creative problem solving. Negative activating affect on the other hand is regarded to impair learning outcomes because of promoting task-irrelevant thinking. While these relationships were found to be relatively stable in correlation studies, causal relationships have been examined rarely so far. This dissertation aims to investigate the effects of positive and negative affective states in multimedia learning settings and to identify potential moderating factors. Therefore, three experimental empirical studies on university students were conducted. In Experiment 1, N = 57 university students were randomly allocated to either a positive or negative affect induction group. Affects were elicited using short film clips. After a 20-minute learning phase in a hypertext-based multimedia learning environment on "functional neuroanatomy" the learners' knowledge as well as transfer performance were measured. It was assumed that inducing positive activating affect should enhance learning performance. Eliciting negative activating affect on the other hand should impair learning performance. However, it was found that the induction of negative activating affect prior to the learning phase resulted in slight deteriorations in knowledge. Contrary to the assumptions, inducing positive activating affect before the learning phase did not improve learning performance. Experiment 2 induced positive activating affect directly during learning. To induce affective states during the entire duration of the learning phase, Experiment 2 used an emotional design paradigm. Therefore, N = 111 university students were randomly assigned to learn either in an affect inducing multimedia learning environment (use of warm colours and round shapes) or an affectively neutral counterpart (using shades of grey and angular shapes) on the same topic as in Experiment 1. Again, knowledge as well as transfer performance were measured after learning for 20 minutes. In addition, positive and negative affective states were measured before and after learning. Complex interaction patterns between the treatment and initial affective states were found. Specifically, learners with high levels of positive affect before learning showed better transfer performance when they learned in the affect inducing learning environment. Regarding knowledge, those participants who reported high levels of negative activating affect prior to the learning period performed worse. However, the effect on knowledge did not occur for those students learning in the affect inducing learning environment. For knowledge, the treatment therefore protected against poorer performance due to high levels of negative affective states. Results of Experiment 2 showed that the induction of positive activating affect influenced learning performance positively when taking into account affective states prior to the learning phase. In order to confirm these interaction effects, a conceptual replication of the previous experiment was conducted in Experiment 3. Experiment 3 largely retained the former study design, but changed the learning materials and tests used. Analogous to Experiment 2, N = 145 university students learning for 20 minutes in either an affect inducing or an affectively neutral multimedia learning environment on "eukaryotic cell". To strengthen the treatment, Experiment 3 also used anthropomorphic design elements to induce affective states next to warm colours and round shapes. Moreover, in order to assess the change in affective states more exactly, an additional measurement of positive and negative affective states after half of the learning time was inserted. Knowledge and transfer were assessed again to measure learning performance. The learners' memory skills were used as an additional learning outcome. To control the influence of potential confounding variables, the participants' general and current achievement motivation as well as interest, and emotion regulation skills were measured. Contrary to the assumptions, Experiment 3 could not confirm the interaction effects of Experiment 2. Instead, there was a significant impact of positive activating affect prior to the learning phase on transfer, irrespective of the learners' group affiliation. This effect was further independent of the control variables that were measured. Nevertheless, the results of Experiment 3 fit into the picture of findings regarding "emotional design" in hypermedia learning settings. To date, the few publications that have used this approach propose heterogeneous results, even when using identical materials and procedures.}, subject = {Affekt}, language = {en} } @incollection{WeinertHelmkeSchneider1990, author = {Weinert, Franz E. and Helmke, Andreas and Schneider, Wolfgang}, title = {Individual differences in learning Performance and in school achievement: Plausible parallels and some unexplained discrepancies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71210}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {1990}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Lernerfolg}, language = {en} } @misc{Hofmann2023, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Hofmann, Deborah}, title = {Ressourcenbezogene Lernstrategien von Sch{\"u}ler:innen w{\"a}hrend des Covid-19 bedingten Fernunterrichts.}, isbn = {978-3-945459-47-8}, issn = {1867-9994}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-32727}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327272}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {70}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit internen bzw. externen ressourcenbezogenen Lernstrategien als Moderatoren zwischen Stresserleben und Lernerfolg w{\"a}hrend des durch die Covid-19-Pandemie bedingten Fernunterrichts im Jahr 2020. Theoretisch wird angenommen, dass interne ressourcenbezogene Lernstrategien (intrinsische und extrinsische Motivation, Zeitmanagement und Aufmerksamkeit) bzw. externe ressourcenbezogene Lernstrategien (Lernumgebung, nicht-personale Hilfen und personale Hilfen) den negativen Zusammenhang zwischen Stresserleben und Lernerfolg w{\"a}hrend des durch Covid-19 bedingten Fernunterrichts moderieren. Die Ergebnisse der moderierten Regressionsanalysen bei N = 96 Sch{\"u}ler:innen sind nicht signifikant. Folgerungen der Befunde werden diskutiert.}, subject = {Covid-19}, language = {de} }