@article{PaethPollinger2019, author = {Paeth, Heiko and Pollinger, Felix}, title = {Changes in mean flow and atmospheric wave activity in the North Atlantic sector}, series = {Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}, volume = {145}, journal = {Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}, number = {725}, doi = {10.1002/qj.3660}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208079}, pages = {3801-3818}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In recent years, the midlatitudes are characterized by more intense heatwaves in summer and sometimes severe cold spells in winter that might emanate from changes in atmospheric circulation, including synoptic-scale and planetary wave activity in the midlatitudes. In this study, we investigate the heat and momentum exchange between the mean flow and atmospheric waves in the North Atlantic sector and adjacent continents by means of the physically consistent Eliassen-Palm flux diagnostics applied to reanalysis and forced climate model data. In the long-term mean, momentum is transferred from the mean flow to atmospheric waves in the northwest Atlantic region, where cyclogenesis prevails. Further downstream over Europe, eddy fluxes return momentum to the mean flow, sustaining the jet stream against friction. A global climate model is able to reproduce this pattern with high accuracy. Atmospheric variability related to atmospheric wave activity is much more expressed at the intraseasonal rather than the interannual time-scale. Over the last 40 years, reanalyses reveal a northward shift of the jet stream and a weakening of intraseasonal weather variability related to synoptic-scale and planetary wave activity. This pertains to the winter and summer seasons, especially over central Europe, and correlates with changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation as well as regional temperature and precipitation. A very similar phenomenon is found in a climate model simulation with business-as-usual scenario, suggesting an anthropogenic trigger in the weakening of intraseasonal weather variability in the midlatitudes.}, language = {en} } @article{YangYaoLietal.2022, author = {Yang, Xuting and Yao, Wanqiang and Li, Pengfei and Hu, Jinfei and Latifi, Hooman and Kang, Li and Wang, Ningjing and Zhang, Dingming}, title = {Changes of SOC content in China's Shendong coal mining area during 1990-2020 investigated using remote sensing techniques}, series = {Sustainability}, volume = {14}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {12}, issn = {2071-1050}, doi = {10.3390/su14127374}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278939}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Coal mining, an important human activity, disturbs soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and decomposition, eventually affecting terrestrial carbon cycling and the sustainability of human society. However, changes of SOC content and their relation with influential factors in coal mining areas remained unclear. In the study, predictive models of SOC content were developed based on field sampling and Landsat images for different land-use types (grassland, forest, farmland, and bare land) of the largest coal mining area in China (i.e., Shendong). The established models were employed to estimate SOC content across the Shendong mining area during 1990-2020, followed by an investigation into the impacts of climate change and human disturbance on SOC content by a Geo-detector. Results showed that the models produced satisfactory results (R\(^2\) > 0.69, p < 0.05), demonstrating that SOC content over a large coal mining area can be effectively assessed using remote sensing techniques. Results revealed that average SOC content in the study area rose from 5.67 gC·kg\(^{-1}\) in 1990 to 9.23 gC·kg\(^{-1}\) in 2010 and then declined to 5.31 gC·Kg\(^{-1}\) in 2020. This could be attributed to the interaction between the disturbance of soil caused by coal mining and the improvement of eco-environment by land reclamation. Spatially, the SOC content of farmland was the highest, followed by grassland, and that of bare land was the lowest. SOC accumulation was inhibited by coal mining activities, with the effect of high-intensity mining being lower than that of moderate- and low-intensity mining activities. Land use was found to be the strongest individual influencing factor for SOC content changes, while the interaction between vegetation coverage and precipitation exerted the most significant influence on the variability of SOC content. Furthermore, the influence of mining intensity combined with precipitation was 10 times higher than that of mining intensity alone.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tran2011, author = {Tran, Nam Binh}, title = {Climate change assessment in Southeast Asia and implications for agricultural production in Vietnam}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64570}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Seit vielen Jahren ist die Erforschung von Klimawandel und -schwankungen das zentrale Thema der Klimatologie. Besonderes deutlich wird dies anhand der IPCC-Berichte, ebenso wie der zahlreichen Einzelstudien zur Entwicklung des Klimas auf unterschiedlichsten raum-zeitlichen Skalen. Insbesondere seit den 1980er Jahren befassen sich zahlreiche Forschungsgruppen weltweit mit der systematischen Sammlung, Aufbereitung und auch Auswertung von Klimadaten. Diese Datengrundlage erlaubt Analysen zur Entwicklung der globalen Lufttemperatur, des Niederschlags und anderer Klimaelemente (Jones et al., 1986; Hansen und Lebedeff, 1987; Vinnikov et al., 1987, 1990). Das wichtigste {\"u}bergreifende Ergebnis dieser Untersuchungen ist die Feststellung einer globalen Erw{\"a}rmung w{\"a}hrend des 20. Jahrhunderts, die sich in den beiden letzten Jahrzehnten besonders intensivierte. Absch{\"a}tzungen {\"u}ber die Art und St{\"a}rke des Klimawandels auf gr{\"o}ßeren, planungsrelevanten Massst{\"a}ben sind jedoch nach wie vor mit großen Unsicherheiten verbunden. F{\"u}r eine detailliertere Erforschung der Auswirkungen der globalen Erw{\"a}rmung auf regionaler oder gar lokaler Ebene besteht daher noch großer Forschungsbedarf. In dieser Dissertation wird zu diesem Zweck ein statistischer Ansatz verfolgt. Dieser erlaubt die Identifikation systematischer Unterschiede zwischen den Auspr{\"a}gungen klimatologischer Feldgr{\"o}ßen (bodennahe Lufttemperatur und Niederschlag) wie sie von sogenannten General Circulation Models (GCMs) simuliert werden im Vergleich zu den betreffenden Parametern aus Beobachtungsdaten. Als Beobachtungsdaten werden die NCEP Reanalysen, die statistisch interpolierten Datens{\"a}tze der CRU sowie Stationsdaten aus Vietnam verwendet. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die aktuellen Klimamodelle die r{\"a}umlichen Muster der betrachteten Variablen in befriedigender Weise reproduzieren. Die Analyse des regionalen Klimawandels in S{\"u}dost-Asien erfolgt durch die Auswertung von Klimamodellrechnungen. Diese wurden von verschiedenen GCMs durchgef{\"u}hrt, wobei unterschiedliche Annahmen {\"u}ber die zuk{\"u}nftigen Treibhausgasemissionen ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurden. Der Fokus dieser Dissertation ist die Analyse der projizierten zeitlichen Entwicklung von bodennaher Temperatur und Niederschlag im 21. Jahrhundert. Hierbei werden sowohl j{\"a}hrliche als auch saisonale Mittelwerte bzw. Summen ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Neben diesen rein physikalisch-klimatologischen Betrachtungen behandelt diese Dissertation auch einen angewandten Aspekt, n{\"a}mlich den Impakt des Klimawandels auf die Landwirtschaft, exemplarisch untersucht am Beispiel Vietnams. F{\"u}r die Absch{\"a}tzung der Vulnerabilit{\"a}t dieses essentiellen Wirtschaftsbereiches wird ein statistisches Modell entwickelt in das an klimatischen Parametern die bodennahe temperatur sowie der Niederschlag einfliessen. Diese Untersuchung leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Wissenstand {\"u}ber die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in den niederen Breiten. Die sozio-{\"o}konomische Entwicklung jedes Staates der Erde wird von den Folgen des Klimawandels beeinflusst, allerdings variiert der Grad der Beeintr{\"a}chtigung erheblich. Vermutlich werden Entwicklungsl{\"a}nder wie Vietnam die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels besonders stark zu sp{\"u}ren bekommen. Die Ursachen f{\"u}r diese hohe Vulnerabilit{\"a}t liegen unter anderem in der Wirtschaftsstruktur: der allgemein hohe Stellenwert nat{\"u}rlicher Ressourcen und eine geringe Diversit{\"a}t verringern hier die M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Adaption an die beobachteten und projizierten Ver{\"a}nderungen. Die vorliegende Dissertation gliedert sich wie folgt: In Kapitel 1 stellt eine allgemeine Einf{\"u}hrung zur Thematik dar. Die Begriffe Klima und Klimawandel sowie einige {\"u}bliche Modelle zum Klimawandel, verbunden mit einer Abw{\"a}gung der spezifischen Vor- und Nachteile, werden erl{\"a}utert. Kapitel 2 besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Methodik. Hier werden die r{\"a}umliche Interpolation sowie die angewendeten explorativen und inferentiellen statistischen Verfahren diskutiert. Die Kapitel 3 und 4 beschreiben die Datengrundlage und die betrachtete Region. Im Kapitel 5 werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse dargelegt. In Kapitel 6 erfolgt die Abschlussbetrachtung und ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft. Am Ende der Dissertation finden sich die verwendeten Quellen sowie ein Appendix mit landwirtschaftlichen Daten.}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @article{RinawatiSteinLindner2013, author = {Rinawati, Fitria and Stein, Katharina and Lindner, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Climate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis}, series = {Diversity}, volume = {5}, journal = {Diversity}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/d50100114}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131866}, pages = {114-123}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Climate change has created potential major threats to global biodiversity. The multiple components of climate change are projected to affect all pillars of biodiversity, from genes over species to biome level. Of particular concerns are "tipping points" where the exceedance of ecosystem thresholds will possibly lead to irreversible shifts of ecosystems and their functioning. As biodiversity underlies all goods and services provided by ecosystems that are crucial for human survival and wellbeing, this paper presents potential effects of climate change on biodiversity, its plausible impacts on human society as well as the setting in addressing a global crisis. Species affected by climate change may respond in three ways: change, move or die. Local species extinctions or a rapidly affected ecosystem as a whole respectively might move toward its particular "tipping point", thereby probably depriving its services to human society and ending up in a global crisis. Urgent and appropriate actions within various scenarios of climate change impacts on biodiversity, especially in tropical regions, are needed to be considered. Foremost a multisectoral approach on biodiversity issues with broader policies, stringent strategies and programs at international, national and local levels is essential to meet the challenges of climate change impacts on biodiversity.}, language = {en} } @article{AichAkhundzadahKnuerretal.2017, author = {Aich, Valentin and Akhundzadah, Noor Ahmad and Knuerr, Alec and Khoshbeen, Ahmad Jamshed and Hattermann, Fred and Paeth, Heiko and Scanlon, Andrew and Paton, Eva Nora}, title = {Climate change in Afghanistan deduced from reanalysis and coordinated regional climate downscaling experiment (CORDEX)—South Asia Simulations}, series = {Climate}, volume = {5}, journal = {Climate}, number = {2}, issn = {2225-1154}, doi = {10.3390/cli5020038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198024}, pages = {38}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Past and the projected future climate change in Afghanistan has been analyzed systematically and differentiated with respect to its different climate regions to gain some first quantitative insights into Afghanistan's vulnerability to ongoing and future climate changes. For this purpose, temperature, precipitation and five additional climate indices for extremes and agriculture assessments (heavy precipitation; spring precipitation; growing season length (GSL), the Heat Wave Magnitude Index (HWMI); and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)) from the reanalysis data were examined for their consistency to identify changes in the past (data since 1950). For future changes (up to the year 2100), the same parameters were extracted from an ensemble of 12 downscaled regional climate models (RCM) of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-South Asia simulations for low and high emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5). In the past, the climatic changes were mainly characterized by a mean temperature increase above global level of 1.8 °C from 1950 to 2010; uncertainty with regard to reanalyzed rainfall data limited a thorough analysis of past changes. Climate models projected the temperature trend to accelerate in the future, depending strongly on the global carbon emissions (2006-2050 Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5/8.5: 1.7/2.3 °C; 2006-2099: 2.7/6.4 °C, respectively). Despite the high uncertainty with regard to precipitation projections, it became apparent that the increasing evapotranspiration is likely to exacerbate Afghanistan's already existing water stress, including a very strong increase of frequency and magnitude of heat waves. Overall, the results show that in addition to the already extensive deficiency in adaptation to current climate conditions, the situation will be aggravated in the future, particularly in regard to water management and agriculture. Thus, the results of this study underline the importance of adequate adaptation to climate change in Afghanistan. This is even truer taking into account that GSL is projected to increase substantially by around 20 days on average until 2050, which might open the opportunity for extended agricultural husbandry or even additional harvests when water resources are properly managed.}, language = {en} } @article{UphusLuepkeYuanetal.2021, author = {Uphus, Lars and L{\"u}pke, Marvin and Yuan, Ye and Benjamin, Caryl and Englmeier, Jana and Fricke, Ute and Ganuza, Cristina and Schwindl, Michael and Uhler, Johannes and Menzel, Annette}, title = {Climate effects on vertical forest phenology of Fagus sylvatica L., sensed by Sentinel-2, time lapse camera, and visual ground observations}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {19}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13193982}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248419}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Contemporary climate change leads to earlier spring phenological events in Europe. In forests, in which overstory strongly regulates the microclimate beneath, it is not clear if further change equally shifts the timing of leaf unfolding for the over- and understory of main deciduous forest species, such as Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech). Furthermore, it is not known yet how this vertical phenological (mis)match — the phenological difference between overstory and understory — affects the remotely sensed satellite signal. To investigate this, we disentangled the start of season (SOS) of overstory F.sylvatica foliage from understory F. sylvatica foliage in forests, within nine quadrants of 5.8 × 5.8 km, stratified over a temperature gradient of 2.5 °C in Bavaria, southeast Germany, in the spring seasons of 2019 and 2020 using time lapse cameras and visual ground observations. We explained SOS dates and vertical phenological (mis)match by canopy temperature and compared these to Sentinel-2 derived SOS in response to canopy temperature. We found that overstory SOS advanced with higher mean April canopy temperature (visual ground observations: -2.86 days per °C; cameras: -2.57 days per °C). However, understory SOS was not significantly affected by canopy temperature. This led to an increase of vertical phenological mismatch with increased canopy temperature (visual ground observations: +3.90 days per °C; cameras: +2.52 days per °C). These results matched Sentinel-2-derived SOS responses, as pixels of higher canopy height advanced more by increased canopy temperature than pixels of lower canopy height. The results may indicate that, with further climate change, spring phenology of F. sylvatica overstory will advance more than F. sylvatica understory, leading to increased vertical phenological mismatch in temperate deciduous forests. This may have major ecological effects, but also methodological consequences for the field of remote sensing, as what the signal senses highly depends on the pixel mean canopy height and the vertical (mis)match.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leingaertner2013, author = {Leing{\"a}rtner, Annette}, title = {Combined effects of climate change and extreme events on plants, arthropods and their interactions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Global climate change directly and indirectly influences biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. Changes in abiotic ecosystem components caused by climate change comprise temperature increases, precipitation changes and more frequently occurring extreme events. Mediated by these abiotic changes, biotic ecosystem components including all living organisms will also change. Expected changes of plants and animals are advanced phenologies and range shifts towards higher latitudes and altitudes which presumably induce changes in species interactions and composition. Altitudinal gradients provide an optimal opportunity for climate change studies, because they serve as natural experiments due to fast changing climatic conditions within short distances. In this dissertation two different approaches were conducted to reveal species and community responses to climate change. First, species richness and community trait analyses along an altitudinal gradient in the Bavarian Alps (chapters II, III) and second, climate change manipulation experiments under different climatic contexts (chapters IV, V, IV). II. We performed biodiversity surveys of butterfly and diurnal moth species on 34 grassland sites along an altitudinal gradient in the National Park Berchtesgaden. Additionally, we analysed the dominance structure of life-history traits in butterfly assemblages along altitude. Species richness of butterflies and diurnal moths decreased with increasing altitude. The dominance of certain life-history-traits changed along the altitudinal gradient with a higher proportion of larger-winged species and species with higher egg numbers towards higher altitudes. However, the mean egg maturation time, population density and geographic distribution within butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing altitude. Our results indicate that butterfly assemblages were mainly shaped by environmental filtering. We conclude that butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes will presumably lack adaptive capacity to future climatic conditions, because of specific trait combinations. III. In addition to butterfly and diurnal moth species richness we also studied plant species richness in combination with pollination type analyses along the altitudinal gradient. The management type of the alpine grasslands was also integrated in the analyses to detect combined effects of climate and management on plant diversity and pollination type. Plant species richness was highest at intermediate altitudes, whereby the management type influenced the plant diversity with more plant species at grazed compared to mown or non-managed grasslands. The pollination type was affected by both the changing climate along the gradient and the management type. These results suggest that extensive grazing can maintain high plant diversity along the whole altitudinal gradient. With ongoing climate change the diversity peak of plants may shift upwards, which can cause a decrease in biodiversity due to reduced grassland area but also changes in species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. IV. We set up manipulation experiments on 15 grassland sites along the altitudinal gradient in order to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events (extreme drought, advanced and delayed snowmelt) and elevation on the nutritional quality and herbivory rates of alpine plants. The leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratio and the plant damage through herbivores were not significantly affected by the simulated extreme events. However, elevation influenced the CN ratios and herbivory rates of alpine plants with contrasting responses between plant guilds. Furthermore, we found differences in nitrogen concentrations and herbivory rates between grasses, legumes and forbs, whereas legumes had the highest nitrogen concentrations and were damaged most. Additionally, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Contrasting altitudinal responses of grasses, legumes and forbs presumably can change the dominance structure among these plant guilds with ongoing climate change. V. In this study we analysed the phenological responses of grassland species to an extreme drought event, advanced and delayed snowmelt along the altitudinal gradient. Advanced snowmelt caused an advanced beginning of flowering, whereas this effect was more pronounced at higher than at lower altitudes. Extreme drought and delayed snowmelt had rather low effects on the flower phenology and the responses did not differ between higher and lower sites. The strongest effect influencing flower phenology was altitude, with a declining effect through the season. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data suggest that plant species at higher altitudes may be more affected by changes in snowmelt timing in contrast to lowland species, as at higher altitudes more severe changes are expected. However, the risk of extreme drought events on flowering phenology seems to be low. VI. We established soil-emergence traps on the advanced snowmelt and control treatment plots in order to detect possible changes in abundances and emergence phenologies of five arthropod orders due to elevation and treatment. Additionally, we analysed the responses of Coleoptera species richness to elevation and treatment. We found that the abundance and species richness of Coleoptera increased with elevation as well as the abundance of Diptera. However, the abundance of Hemiptera decreased with elevation and the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera showed no elevational patterns. The advanced snowmelt treatment increased the abundances of Araneae and Hymenoptera. The emergence of soil-hibernating arthropods was delayed up to seven weeks at higher elevations, whereas advanced snowmelt did not influence the emergence phenology of arthropods immediately after snowmelt. With climate change earlier snowmelt will occur more often, which especially will affect soil-hibernating arthropods in alpine regions and may cause desynchronisations between species interactions. VII. In conclusion, we showed that alpine ecosystems are sensitive towards changing climate conditions and extreme events and that many alpine species in the Bavarian Alps are endangered. Many alpine species could exist under warmer climatic conditions, however they are expected to be outcompeted by more competitive lowland species. Furthermore, host-parasite or predator-prey interactions can be disrupted due to different responses of certain guilds to climate change. Understanding and predicting the complex dynamics and potential risks of future climate change remains a great challenge and therefore further studies analysing species and community responses to climate change are needed.}, subject = {Insekten}, language = {en} } @article{JoschinskiHovestadtKrauss2015, author = {Joschinski, Jens and Hovestadt, Thomas and Krauss, Jochen}, title = {Coping with shorter days: do phenology shifts constrain aphid fitness?}, series = {PeerJ}, volume = {3}, journal = {PeerJ}, number = {e1103}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.1103}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148382}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Climate change can alter the phenology of organisms. It may thus lead seasonal organisms to face different day lengths than in the past, and the fitness consequences of these changes are as yet unclear. To study such effects, we used the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum as a model organism, as it has obligately asexual clones which can be used to study day length effects without eliciting a seasonal response. We recorded life-history traits under short and long days, both with two realistic temperature cycles with means differing by 2 °C. In addition, we measured the population growth of aphids on their host plant Pisum sativum. We show that short days reduce fecundity and the length of the reproductive period of aphids. Nevertheless, this does not translate into differences at the population level because the observed fitness costs only become apparent late in the individual's life. As expected, warm temperature shortens the development time by 0.7 days/°C, leading to faster generation times. We found no interaction of temperature and day length. We conclude that day length changes cause only relatively mild costs, which may not decelerate the increase in pest status due to climate change.}, language = {en} } @article{DitzelKoenigMusembietal.2022, author = {Ditzel, Pia and K{\"o}nig, Sebastian and Musembi, Peter and Peters, Marcell K.}, title = {Correlation between coral reef condition and the diversity and abundance of fishes and sea urchins on an East African coral reef}, series = {Oceans}, volume = {3}, journal = {Oceans}, number = {1}, issn = {2673-1924}, doi = {10.3390/oceans3010001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284503}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Coral reefs are one of the most diverse marine ecosystems, providing numerous ecosystem services. This present study investigated the relationship between coral reef condition and the diversity and abundance of fishes, on a heavily fished East African coral reef at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Underwater visual censuses were conducted on thirty 50 × 5 m belt transects to assess the abundance and diversity of fishes. In parallel, a 25-m length of each of the same transects was recorded with photo-quadrats to assess coral community structure and benthic characteristics. For statistical analyses, multi-model inference based on the Akaike Information Criterion was used to evaluate the support for potential predictor variables of coral reef and fish diversity. We found that coral genus richness was negatively correlated with the abundance of macroalgae, whereas coral cover was positively correlated with both the abundance of herbivorous invertebrates (sea urchins) and with fish family richness. Similarly, fish family richness appeared mainly correlated with coral cover and invertebrate abundance, although no correlates of fish abundance could be identified. Coral and fish diversity were very low, but it appears that, contrary to some locations on the same coast, sea urchin abundance was not high enough to be having a negative influence on coral and fish assemblages. Due to increasing threats to coral reefs, it is important to understand the relationship among the components of the coral reef ecosystem on overfished reefs such as that at Gazi Bay.}, language = {en} } @article{RedlichZhangBenjaminetal.2022, author = {Redlich, Sarah and Zhang, Jie and Benjamin, Caryl and Dhillon, Maninder Singh and Englmeier, Jana and Ewald, J{\"o}rg and Fricke, Ute and Ganuza, Cristina and Haensel, Maria and Hovestadt, Thomas and Kollmann, Johannes and Koellner, Thomas and K{\"u}bert-Flock, Carina and Kunstmann, Harald and Menzel, Annette and Moning, Christoph and Peters, Wibke and Riebl, Rebekka and Rummler, Thomas and Rojas-Botero, Sandra and Tobisch, Cynthia and Uhler, Johannes and Uphus, Lars and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf}, title = {Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services—A multi-scale experimental design}, series = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {13}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.13759}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258270}, pages = {514-527}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Climate and land-use change are key drivers of environmental degradation in the Anthropocene, but too little is known about their interactive effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Long-term data on biodiversity trends are currently lacking. Furthermore, previous ecological studies have rarely considered climate and land use in a joint design, did not achieve variable independence or lost statistical power by not covering the full range of environmental gradients. Here, we introduce a multi-scale space-for-time study design to disentangle effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The site selection approach coupled extensive GIS-based exploration (i.e. using a Geographic information system) and correlation heatmaps with a crossed and nested design covering regional, landscape and local scales. Its implementation in Bavaria (Germany) resulted in a set of study plots that maximise the potential range and independence of environmental variables at different spatial scales. Stratifying the state of Bavaria into five climate zones (reference period 1981-2010) and three prevailing land-use types, that is, near-natural, agriculture and urban, resulted in 60 study regions (5.8 × 5.8 km quadrants) covering a mean annual temperature gradient of 5.6-9.8°C and a spatial extent of ~310 × 310 km. Within these regions, we nested 180 study plots located in contrasting local land-use types, that is, forests, grasslands, arable land or settlement (local climate gradient 4.5-10°C). This approach achieved low correlations between climate and land use (proportional cover) at the regional and landscape scale with |r ≤ 0.33| and |r ≤ 0.29| respectively. Furthermore, using correlation heatmaps for local plot selection reduced potentially confounding relationships between landscape composition and configuration for plots located in forests, arable land and settlements. The suggested design expands upon previous research in covering a significant range of environmental gradients and including a diversity of dominant land-use types at different scales within different climatic contexts. It allows independent assessment of the relative contribution of multi-scale climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Understanding potential interdependencies among global change drivers is essential to develop effective restoration and mitigation strategies against biodiversity decline, especially in expectation of future climatic changes. Importantly, this study also provides a baseline for long-term ecological monitoring programs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mutz2013, author = {Mutz, Sebastian}, title = {Dynamic Statistical Modelling of Climate-Related Mass Balance Changes in Norway}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114799}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The glaciers in Norway exert a strong influence on Norwegian economy and society. Unlike many glaciers elsewhere and despite ongoing climate change and warming, many of them showed renewed advances and positive net mass changes in the 1980's and 1990's, followed by rapid retreats and mass losses since 2000. This difference in behaviour may be attributed to differences and shifts in the glaciological regime - the differences in the magnitude of impacts of climatic and non-climatic geographical factors on the glacier mass. This study investigates the influence of various atmospheric variables on mass balance changes of a selection of glaciers in Norway by means of Pearson correlation analyses and cross-validated stepwise multiple regression analyses. The analyses are carried out for three time periods (1949-2008, 1949-1988, 1989-2008) separately in order to take into consideration the possible shift in the glaciological regime in the 1980's. The atmospheric variables are constructed from ERA40 and NCEP/NCAR re-analysis datasets and include regional means of seasonal air temperature and precipitation rates and atmospheric circulation indices. The multiple regression models trained in these time periods are then applied to predictors reconstructed from the CMIP3 climate model dataset to generate an estimate for mass changes from the year 1950 to 2100. The temporal overlap of estimates and observations is used for calibration. Finally, observed atmospheric states in seasons that are characterised by a particularly positive or negative mass balance are categorised into time periods of modelled climate by the application of a Bayesian classification procedure. The strongest influence on winter mass balance is exerted by different indices of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Northern Annular Mode (NAM) and precipitation. The correlation coefficients and explained variances determined from the multiple regression analyses reveal an East-West gradient, suggesting a weaker influence of the NAO and NAM on glaciers underlying a more continental regime. The highest correlation coefficients and explained variances were obtained for the 1989-2008 time period, which might be due to a strong and predominantly positive phase of the NAO. Multi-model ensemble means of the estimates show a mass loss for all three eastern glaciers, while the estimates for the more maritime glaciers are ambivalent. In general, the estimates show a greater sensitivity to the training time period than to the greenhouse gas emission scenarios according to which the climates were simulated. The average net mass change by the end of 2100 is negative for all glaciers except for the northern Engabreen. For many glaciers, the Bayesian classification of observed atmospheric states into time periods of modelled climate reveals a decrease in probability of atmospheric states favouring extremes in winter, and an increase in probability of atmospheric states favouring extreme mass loss in summer for the distant future (2071-2100). This pattern of probabilities for the ablation season is most pronounced for glaciers underlying a continental and intermediate regime.}, subject = {Norwegen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoiss2013, author = {Hoiß, Bernhard}, title = {Effects of climate change, extreme events and management on plants, pollinators and mutualistic interaction networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {I. Climate change comprises average temperatures rise, changes in the distribution of precipitation and an increased amount and intensity of extreme climatic events in the last decades. Considering these serious changes in the abiotic environment it seems obvious that ecosystems also change. Flora and fauna have to adapt to the fast changing conditions, migrate or go extinct. This might result in shifts in biodiversity, species composition, species interactions and in ecosystem functioning and services. Mountains play an important role in the research of these climate impacts. They are hotspots of biodiversity and can be used as powerful natural experiments as they provide, within short distances, the opportunity to research changes in the ecosystem induced by different climatic contexts. In this dissertation two approaches were pursued: i) surveys of biodiversity, trait dominance and assembly rules in communities depending on the climatic context and different management regimes were conducted (chapters II and III) and ii) the effects of experimental climate treatments on essential ecosystem features along the altitudinal gradient were assessed (chapters IV, V and VI). II. We studied the relative importance of management, an altitudinal climatic gradient and their interactions for plant species richness and the dominance of pollination types in 34 alpine grasslands. Species richness peaked at intermediate temperatures and was higher in grazed grasslands compared to non-managed grasslands. We found the climatic context and also management to influence the distribution and dominance structures of wind- and insect-pollinated plants. Our results indicate that extensive grazing maintains high plant diversity over the full subalpine gradient. Rising temperatures may cause an upward shift of the diversity peak of plants and may also result in changed species composition and adaptive potential of pollination types. III. On the same alpine grasslands we studied the impact of the climatic context along an altitudinal gradient on species richness and community assembly in bee communities. Species richness and abundance declined linearly with increasing altitude. Bee species were more closely related at high altitudes than at low altitudes. The proportion of social and ground-nesting species, as well as mean body size and altitudinal range of bees, increased with increasing altitude, whereas the mean geographic distribution decreased. Our results suggest that community assembly at high altitudes is dominated by environmental filtering effects, while the relative importance of competition increases at low altitudes. We conclude that ongoing climate change poses a threat for alpine specialists with adaptations to cool environments but low competitive capacities. IV. We determined the impacts of short-term climate events on flower phenology and assessed whether those impacts differed between lower and higher altitudes. For that we simulated advanced and delayed snowmelt as well as drought events in a multi site experiment along an altitudinal gradient. Flower phenology was strongly affected by altitude, however, this effect declined through the season. The manipulative treatments caused only few changes in flowering phenology. The effects of advanced snowmelt were significantly greater at higher than at lower sites, but altitude did not influence the effect of the other treatments. The length of flowering duration was not significantly influenced by treatments. Our data indicate a rather low risk of drought events on flowering phenology in the Bavarian Alps. V. Changes in the structure of plant-pollinator networks were assessed along an altitudinal gradient combined with the experimental simulation of potential consequences of climate change: extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt. We found a trend of decreasing specialisation and therefore increasing complexity in networks with increasing altitude. After advanced snowmelt or drought networks were more specialised especially at higher altitudes compared to control plots. Our results show that changes in the network structures after climate manipulations depend on the climatic context and reveal an increasing susceptibility of plant-pollinator networks with increasing altitude. VI. The aim of this study was to determine the combined effects of extreme climatic events and altitude on leaf CN (carbon to nitrogen) ratios and herbivory rates in different plant guilds. We found no overall effect of climate manipulations (extreme drought events, advanced and delayed snowmelt) on leaf CN ratios and herbivory rates. However, plant guilds differed in CN ratios and herbivory rates and responded differently to altitude. CN ratios of forbs (legume and non-legume) decreased with altitude, whereas CN ratios of grasses increased with altitude. Further, CN ratios and herbivory rates increased during the growing season, indicating a decrease of food plant quality during the growing season. Insect herbivory rates were driven by food plant quality. Contrasting altitudinal responses of forbs versus grasses give reason to expect changed dominance structures among plant guilds with ongoing climate change. VII. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of factors that determine the composition and biotic interactions of communities in different climates. The results presented indicate that warmer climates will not only change species richness but also the assembly-rules for plant and bee communities depending on the species' functional traits. Our investigations provide insights in the resilience of different ecosystem features and processes towards climate change and how this resilience depends on the environmental context. It seems that mutualistic interactions are more susceptible to short-term climate events than flowering phenology and antagonistic interactions such as herbivory. However, to draw more general conclusions more empirical data is needed.}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @article{VillagomezNuernbergerRequieretal.2021, author = {Villagomez, Gemma N. and N{\"u}rnberger, Fabian and Requier, Fabrice and Schiele, Susanne and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingo}, title = {Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the seasonal timing of Western honey bee colonies and an early spring flowering plant}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {11}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.7616}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258770}, pages = {7834-7849}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Temperature and photoperiod are important Zeitgebers for plants and pollinators to synchronize growth and reproduction with suitable environmental conditions and their mutualistic interaction partners. Global warming can disturb this temporal synchronization since interacting species may respond differently to new combinations of photoperiod and temperature under future climates, but experimental studies on the potential phenological responses of plants and pollinators are lacking. We simulated current and future combinations of temperature and photoperiod to assess effects on the overwintering and spring phenology of an early flowering plant species (Crocus sieberi) and the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera). We could show that increased mean temperatures in winter and early spring advanced the flowering phenology of C. sieberi and intensified brood rearing activity of A. mellifera but did not advance their brood rearing activity. Flowering phenology of C. sieberi also relied on photoperiod, while brood rearing activity of A. mellifera did not. The results confirm that increases in temperature can induce changes in phenological responses and suggest that photoperiod can also play a critical role in these responses, with currently unknown consequences for real-world ecosystems in a warming climate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Machwitz2010, author = {Machwitz, Miriam}, title = {Eine raum-zeitliche Modellierung der Kohlenstoffbilanz mit Fernerkundungsdaten auf regionaler Ebene in Westafrika}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55136}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der Klimawandel und insbesondere die globale Erw{\"a}rmung geh{\"o}ren aktuell zu den gr{\"o}ßten Herausforderungen an Politik und Wissenschaft. Steigende CO2-Emissionen sind hierbei maßgeblich f{\"u}r die Klimaerw{\"a}rmung verantwortlich. Ein regulierender Faktor beim CO2-Austausch mit der Atmosph{\"a}re ist die Vegetation, welche als CO2-Senke aber auch als CO2-Quelle fungieren kann. Diese Funktionen k{\"o}nnen durch Analysen der Landbedeckungs{\"a}nderung in Kombination mit Modellierungen der Kohlenstoffbilanz quantifiziert werden, was insbesondere von aktuellen und zuk{\"u}nftigen politischen Instrumenten wie CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) oder REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) gefordert wird. Vor allem in Regionen mit starker Landbedeckungs{\"a}nderung und hoher Bev{\"o}lkerungsdichte sowie bei geringem Wissen {\"u}ber die Produktivit{\"a}t und CO2-Speicherpotentiale der Vegetation, bedarf es einer Erforschung und Quantifizierung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffspeicher. Eine Region, f{\"u}r die dies in besonderem Maße zutrifft, ist Westafrika. J{\"u}ngste Studien haben gezeigt, dass sich einerseits die Folgen des Klimawandels und Umweltver{\"a}nderungen sehr stark in Westafrika auswirken werden und andererseits Bev{\"o}lkerungswachstum eine starke {\"A}nderung der Landbedeckung f{\"u}r die Nutzung als agrarische Fl{\"a}che bewirkt hat. Folglich sind in dieser Region die terrestrischen Kohlenstoffspeicher durch Ausdehnung der Landwirtschaft und Waldrodung besonders gef{\"a}hrdet. Große Fl{\"a}chen agieren anstelle ihrer urspr{\"u}nglichen Funktion als CO2-Senke bereits als CO2-Quelle. [...]}, subject = {Carbon dioxide capture and storage}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mayr2021, author = {Mayr, Antonia Veronika}, title = {Following Bees and Wasps up Mt. Kilimanjaro: From Diversity and Traits to hidden Interactions of Species}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18292}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182922}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Chapter 1 - General Introduction One of the greatest challenges of ecological research is to predict the response of ecosystems to global change; that is to changes in climate and land use. A complex question in this context is how changing environmental conditions affect ecosystem processes at different levels of communities. To shed light on this issue, I investigate drivers of biodiversity on the level of species richness, functional traits and species interactions in cavity-nesting Hymenoptera. For this purpose, I take advantage of the steep elevational gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro that shows strong environmental changes on a relatively small spatial scale and thus, provides a good environmental scenario for investigating drivers of diversity. In this thesis, I focus on 1) drivers of species richness at different trophic levels (Chapter 2); 2) seasonal patterns in nest-building activity, life-history traits and ecological rates in three different functional groups and at different elevations (Chapter 3) and 3) changes in cuticular hydrocarbons, pollen composition and microbiomes in Lasioglossum bees caused by climatic variables (Chapter 4). Chapter 2 - Climate and food resources shape species richness and trophic interactions of cavity-nesting Hymenoptera Drivers of species richness have been subject to research for centuries. Temperature, resource availability and top-down regulation as well as the impact of land use are considered to be important factors in determining insect diversity. Yet, the relative importance of each of these factors is unknown. Using trap nests along the elevational gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro, we tried to disentangle drivers of species richness at different trophic levels. Temperature was the major driver of species richness across trophic levels, with increasing importance of food resources at higher trophic levels in natural antagonists. Parasitism rate was both related to temperature and trophic level, indicating that the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down forces might shift with climate change. Chapter 3 - Seasonal variation in the ecology of tropical cavity-nesting Hymenoptera Natural populations fluctuate with the availability of resources, presence of natural enemies and climatic variations. But tropical mountain seasonality is not yet well investigated. We investigated seasonal patterns in nest-building activity, functional traits and ecological rates in three different insect groups at lower and higher elevations separately. Insects were caught with trap nests which were checked monthly during a 17 months period that included three dry and three rainy seasons. Insects were grouped according to their functional guilds. All groups showed strong seasonality in nest-building activity which was higher and more synchronised among groups at lower elevations. Seasonality in nest building activity of caterpillar-hunting and spider-hunting wasps was linked to climate seasonality while in bees it was strongly linked to the availability of flowers, as well as for the survival rate and sex ratio of bees. Finding adaptations to environmental seasonality might imply that further changes in climatic seasonality by climate change could have an influence on life-history traits of tropical mountain species. Chapter 4 - Cryptic species and hidden ecological interactions of halictine bees along an elevational Gradient Strong environmental gradients such as those occurring along mountain slopes are challenging for species. In this context, hidden adaptations or interactions have rarely been considered. We used bees of the genus Lasioglossum as model organisms because Lasioglossum is the only bee genus occurring with a distribution across the entire elevational gradient at Mt. Kilimanjaro. We asked if and how (a) cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC), which act as a desiccation barrier, change in composition and chain length along with changes in temperature and humidity (b), Lasioglossum bees change their pollen diet with changing resource availability, (c) gut microbiota change with pollen diet and climatic conditions, and surface microbiota change with CHC and climatic conditions, respectively, and if changes are rather influenced by turnover in Lasioglossum species along the elevational gradient. We found physiological adaptations with climate in CHC as well as changes in communities with regard to pollen diet and microbiota, which also correlated with each other. These results suggest that complex interactions and feedbacks among abiotic and biotic conditions determine the species composition in a community. Chapter 5 - General Discussion Abiotic and biotic factors drove species diversity, traits and interactions and they worked differently depending on the functional group that has been studied, and whether spatial or temporal units were considered. It is therefore likely, that in the light of global change, different species, traits and interactions will be affected differently. Furthermore, increasing land use intensity could have additional or interacting effects with climate change on biodiversity, even though the potential land-use effects at Mt. Kilimanjaro are still low and not impairing cavity-nesting Hymenoptera so far. Further studies should address species networks which might reveal more sensitive changes. For that purpose, trap nests provide a good model system to investigate effects of global change on multiple trophic levels and may also reveal direct effects of climate change on entire life-history traits when established under different microclimatic conditions. The non-uniform effects of abiotic and biotic conditions on multiple aspects of biodiversity revealed with this study also highlight that evaluating different aspects of biodiversity can give a more comprehensive picture than single observations.}, subject = {land use}, language = {en} } @article{RothHackerHeidrichetal.2021, author = {Roth, Nicolas and Hacker, Herrmann Heinrich and Heidrich, Lea and Friess, Nicolas and Garc{\´i}a-Barroas, Enrique and Habel, Jan Christian and Thorn, Simon and M{\"u}ler, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Host specificity and species colouration mediate the regional decline of nocturnal moths in central European forests}, series = {Ecography}, volume = {44}, journal = {Ecography}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1111/ecog.05522}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258731}, pages = {941-952}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The high diversity of insects has limited the volume of long-term community data with a high taxonomic resolution and considerable geographic replications, especially in forests. Therefore, trends and causes of changes are poorly understood. Here we analyse trends in species richness, abundance and biomass of nocturnal macro moths in three quantitative data sets collected over four decades in forests in southern Germany. Two local data sets, one from coppiced oak forests and one from high oak forests included 125K and 48K specimens from 559 and 532 species, respectively. A third regional data set, representing all forest types in the temperate zone of central Europe comprised 735K specimens from 848 species. Generalized additive mixed models revealed temporal declines in species richness (-38\%), abundance (-53\%) and biomass (-57\%) at the regional scale. These were more pronounced in plant host specialists and in dark coloured species. In contrast, the local coppiced oak forests showed an increase, in species richness (+62\%), while the high oak forests showed no clear trends. Left and right censoring as well as cross validation confirmed the robustness of the analyses, which led to four conclusions. First, the decline in insects appears in hyper diverse insect groups in forests and affects species richness, abundance and biomass. Second, the pronounced decline in host specialists suggests habitat loss as an important driver of the observed decline. Third, the more severe decline in dark species might be an indication of global warming as a potential driver. Fourth, the trends in coppiced oak forests indicate that maintaining complex and diverse forest ecosystems through active management may be a promising conservation strategy in order to counteract negative trends in biodiversity, alongside rewilding approaches.}, language = {en} } @article{DietzConradKuenzeretal.2014, author = {Dietz, Andreas J. and Conrad, Christopher and Kuenzer, Claudia and Gesell, Gerhard and Dech, Stefan}, title = {Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {6}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {12}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs61212752}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114470}, pages = {12752-12775}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Central Asia consists of the five former Soviet States Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, therefore comprising an area of similar to 4 Mio km(2). The continental climate is characterized by hot and dry summer months and cold winter seasons with most precipitation occurring as snowfall. Accordingly, freshwater supply is strongly depending on the amount of accumulated snow as well as the moment of its release after snowmelt. The aim of the presented study is to identify possible changes in snow cover characteristics, consisting of snow cover duration, onset and offset of snow cover season within the last 28 years. Relying on remotely sensed data originating from medium resolution imagers, these snow cover characteristics are extracted on a daily basis. The resolution of 500-1000 m allows for a subsequent analysis of changes on the scale of hydrological sub-catchments. Long-term changes are identified from this unique dataset, revealing an ongoing shift towards earlier snowmelt within the Central Asian Mountains. This shift can be observed in most upstream hydro catchments within Pamir and Tian Shan Mountains and it leads to a potential change of freshwater availability in the downstream regions, exerting additional pressure on the already tensed situation.}, language = {en} } @article{AkhundzadahSoltaniAich2020, author = {Akhundzadah, Noor Ahmad and Soltani, Salim and Aich, Valentin}, title = {Impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Kunduz River Basin, Afghanistan}, series = {Climate}, volume = {8}, journal = {Climate}, number = {10}, issn = {2225-1154}, doi = {10.3390/cli8100102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213199}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The Kunduz River is one of the main tributaries of the Amu Darya Basin in North Afghanistan. Many communities live in the Kunduz River Basin (KRB), and its water resources have been the basis of their livelihoods for many generations. This study investigates climate change impacts on the KRB catchment. Rare station data are, for the first time, used to analyze systematic trends in temperature, precipitation, and river discharge over the past few decades, while using Mann-Kendall and Theil-Sen trend statistics. The trends show that the hydrology of the basin changed significantly over the last decades. A comparison of landcover data of the river basin from 1992 and 2019 shows significant changes that have additional impact on the basin hydrology, which are used to interpret the trend analysis. There is considerable uncertainty due to the data scarcity and gaps in the data, but all results indicate a strong tendency towards drier conditions. An extreme warming trend, partly above 2 °C since the 1960s in combination with a dramatic precipitation decrease by more than -30\% lead to a strong decrease in river discharge. The increasing glacier melt compensates the decreases and leads to an increase in runoff only in the highland parts of the upper catchment. The reduction of water availability and the additional stress on the land leads to a strong increase of barren land and a reduction of vegetation cover. The detected trends and changes in the basin hydrology demand an active management of the already scarce water resources in order to sustain water supply for agriculture and ecosystems in the KRB.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seybold2003, author = {Seybold, Marc}, title = {Internationale Umweltregime - neue Formen der Konfliktbearbeitung in der internationalen Politik? Untersuchungen am Beispiel des Klimaschutzregimes : eine integrative regimetheoretische Untersuchung zum Einfluß von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Wissenschaftlicher Gemeinschaften auf das internationale Klimaschutzregime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12403}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs)und Wissenschaftlicher Gemeinschaften auf Internationale Regime. Ausgehend vom Kooperationsproblem in einer anarchischen Staatenwelt wird der Leistungsbeitrag der beiden nichtstaatlichen Akteure auf das Zustandekommen von Kooperation analysiert und seine schwankende Rolle im Verlauf des Regimeprozesses untersucht. Das Fallbeispiel bildet dabei das internationale Klimaschutzregime, wobei der Untersuchungszeitraum von den ersten Anf{\"a}ngen der Thematisierung des Klimawandels bis hin zu der in Marrakesch erreichten Ausformulierung des Kyoto-Protokolls reicht.}, subject = {Umweltschutz}, language = {de} } @misc{Streckel2013, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Streckel, Christian}, title = {Migration im Kontext von Umwelteinfl{\"u}ssen und Klimawandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Klimawandelbedingte bzw. potenziell klimawandelbedingte Umweltmigration ist ein sehr komplexes und breites Feld. Es existiert eine F{\"u}lle von Studien, die sich in ihrer Herangehensweise unterscheiden, weshalb hier ein Systematisierungsvorschlag aufgezeigt wird. Mittels einer an den Richtlinien der Grounded Theory orientierten Analyse wurden Studien auf zentrale gemeinsame Kategorien hin untersucht und als Modell pr{\"a}sentiert. Dieses stellt jedoch kein abgeschlossenes System dar, sondern dient durch seine Offenheit als Ger{\"u}st, das mit Ergebnissen aus weiteren Fallstudien gefestigt werden kann.}, subject = {Anthropogene Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {de} }