@phdthesis{Haeming2010, author = {H{\"a}ming, Marc}, title = {Electronic Many-Body Effects in organic Thin-Films and Interfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The results of this thesis contribute to the understanding of the electronic properties of organic thin-films and interfaces. It is demonstrated that photoemission spectroscopy is very useful for studying surfaces and interfaces. Additionally it is shown, that many-body effects can be relevant for organic thin films, in particular at interfaces with strong interaction. These effects can have general implications for the material properties. In the first part of this thesis a systematic series of polyacene molecules is investigated with NEXAFS spectroscopy. The comparison of the data with core level and IPES data indicates that core excitations and core excitons need to be understood as many-body excitations. This finding implies for example that a high exciton binding energy is not necessarily associated with strong localization of the excited electron at the hole. As these effects apply also for valence excitons they can be relevant for the separation of charges and for the electron-hole recombination at interfaces. In the next chapter some fundamental effects in organic multilayer films and at organic-metal interfaces are studied with core level and NEXAFS spectroscopy. In this context a series of selected molecules is investigated, namely BTCDA, BTCDI, PTCDA and PTCDI. It is shown that in case of strong interface interaction a density of adsorbate-substrate states is formed which can lead to significant charge transfer satellites in the PES and NEXAFS spectra, similar to what is known for transition metal compounds. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the data can be modeled qualitatively by a basic approach which fuses the single impurity Anderson model with the description of charge transfer satellites by Sawatzky et al. This approach, which is equivalent to that of Gunnarsson and Sch{\"o}nhammer, allows even a relatively simple semi-quantitative analysis of the experimental data. The comparison of different adsorbate layers indicates that these many-body effects are particularly strong in case of partial occupation of the LUMO derived DOS. In the third part an organic multilayer film (SnPc), an organic-metal interface with strong coupling (SnPc/Ag) and an organic-organic interface (SnPc/PTCDA/Ag) are studied exemplarily with resonant Auger spectroscopy. The comparison of the data gives evidence for the contribution of many-body effects to the autoionization spectra. Furthermore, it is found that the electron-vibration coupling and the substrate-adsorbate charge transfer occurs on the time scale of the core hole life time. Moreover, the interaction at the organic-organic interface is weak, comparable to the intermolecular interaction in the multilayer films, despite a considerable rigid level shift for the SnPc layer. Furthermore, weak but significant electron-electron correlation is found for the molecular frontier orbitals, which are important for the substrate-adsorbate charge transfer. Therefore, these strongly coupled adsorbate films are briefly discussed within the context of the Hubbard model in the last part of this thesis. From the data derived in this work it can be estimated that such monolayer films are in the regime of medium correlations. Consequently one can expect for these adsorbate films properties which are related to the extraordinary behavior of strongly correlated materials, for which Mott metal-insulator transitions, sophisticated magnetic properties and superconductivity can be observed. Additionally some results from the investigation of alkyl/Si self-assembled monolayers are briefly discussed in the appendix. It is demonstrated exemplarily for the alkyl chains that the electronic band structure of short, finitely repeating units can be well modeled by a comparatively simple quantum well approach. In principle this approach can also be applied to higher dimensional systems, which makes it very useful for the description of E(k) relations in the regime of repeating units of intermediate length. Furthermore, the photoelectron and NEXAFS spectra indicate strong interaction at the alkyl/Si interface. It was found that the interface states can be modified by moderate x-ray irradiation, which changes the properties for charge transport through the SAM.}, subject = {Organischer Stoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seibel2016, author = {Seibel, Christoph}, title = {Elektronische Struktur von Halbleiteroberfl{\"a}chen mit starker Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung: Topologie, Spinpolarisation und Robustheit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber elektronische Eigenschaften von Festk{\"o}rpern legen den Grundstein f{\"u}r innovative Anwendungen der Zukunft. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind insbesondere die Eigenschaften der Elektronenspins. Um diese besser zu verstehen, befasst sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der experimentellen Analyse der elektronischen Struktur von topologischen Isolatoren (Sb\$_2\$Te\$_3\$ , Bi\$_2\$Se\$_x\$Te\$_{3-x}\$, Bi\$_{1.5}\$Sb\$_{0.5}\$Te\$_{1.8}\$Se\$_{1.2} und Bi\$_{1.4}\$Sb\$_{1.1}\$Te\$_{2.2}\$S\$_{0.3}\$) und Kristallen mit starker Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung (BiTeI) mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie. Zu Beginn werden die zum Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser Arbeit ben{\"o}tigten Grundlagen erkl{\"a}rt sowie die unterschiedlichen zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken eingef{\"u}hrt. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit teilt sich in drei Forschungsschwerpunkte. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit den elektronischen Eigenschaften der Valenzbandstruktur von Sb2Te3 und den auftretenden Oberfl{\"a}chenzust{\"a}nden. Durch gezielte Variation der Energie der anregenden Strahlung wird der Charakter der Wellenfunktion des topologischen Oberfl{\"a}chenzustands und dessen Wechselwirkung mit Valenzzust{\"a}nden erforscht. Dabei spielt die Topologie der Volumenbandstruktur eine grundlegende Rolle. Der zus{\"a}tzliche Vergleich zu Photoemissionsrechnungen erm{\"o}glicht detaillierte Einblicke in die Wechselwirkung zwischen Oberfl{\"a}chen- und Volumenzust{\"a}nden und gibt Aufschluss dar{\"u}ber, wie diese vermittelt werden. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird durch die Analyse des gemessenen Photoelektronenspins das Zusammenspiel der Spintextur des Grundzustands und Endzust{\"a}nden in Bi2Te3 untersucht. Dabei treten, im Gegensatz zu Grundzustandsrechnungen, Radialkomponenten des Polarisationsvektors in nichtsymmetrischer Messgeometrie auf. Sowohl deren Energieabh{\"a}ngigkeit als auch deren Auftreten in Photoemissionsrechnungen (1-Schritt-Modell) deutet darauf hin, dass diese ihren Ursprung in {\"U}bergangsmatrixelementen des Photoemissionsprozesses haben. Dieses Ergebnis wird mit Spinpolarisationsmessungen am Oberfl{\"a}chenzustand des nicht-topologischen Schichtsystems BiTeI verglichen. Im dritten Teil werden Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Manipulationen der untersuchten Materialien auf deren elektronische Eigenschaften beschrieben. Die Adsorption von Bruchteilen einer monoatomaren Lage des Alkalimetalls Caesium auf die Oberfl{\"a}che des topologischen Isolators Sb2Te3 wird systematisch untersucht. Dadurch kann dessen intrinsische p-Dotierung teilweise abgebaut werden, wobei die Valenzbandstruktur trotz der Reaktivit{\"a}t des Adsorbats intakt bleibt. Des Weiteren werden Auswirkungen von {\"A}nderungen der Kristallst{\"o}chiometrie durch Volumendotierung vergleichend diskutiert. Ausblickend befasst sich das Kapitel mit dem Verhalten geringer Mengen ferromagnetischer Materialen (Fe, Ni) auf den Oberfl{\"a}chen der topologischen Isolatoren. F{\"u}r die verschiedenen Adsorbate werden Trends aufgezeigt, die von Temperatur und Zusammensetzung des Substratkristalls abh{\"a}ngen.}, subject = {Elektronenstruktur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoell2003, author = {Sch{\"o}ll, Achim}, title = {High-resolution investigation of the electronic structure of organic thin films}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10809}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der elektronischen Struktur organischer D{\"u}nnfilme. Eine zentrale Frage dabei ist der Einfluss der Wechselwirkung zwischen den Molek{\"u}len in der kondensierten Phase und der Wechselwirkung an metall-organischen Grenzfl{\"a}chen auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften. Dazu wurden die experimentellen Methoden Photoelektronenspektroskopie (PES) und R{\"o}ntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (NEXAFS) mit h{\"o}chster Energieaufl{\"o}sung angewandt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden ab initio Rechnungen zur theoretischen Simulation von NEXAFS Spektren durchgef{\"u}hrt. Haupts{\"a}chlich wurden d{\"u}nne, vakuumsublimierte Filme aromatischer Modellmolek{\"u}le mit sauerstoffhaltigen funktionellen Gruppen (NTCDA, PTCDA, NDCA, BPDCA und ANQ) auf Ag(111) Oberfl{\"a}chen untersucht. Die ausgew{\"a}hlten Molek{\"u}le besitzen wegen ihrer großen delokalisierten p-Elektronensysteme sehr interessante Eigenschaften f{\"u}r die Anwendung in elektronischen Bauelementen. Dank der hohen Energieaufl{\"o}sung von Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen der dritten Generation war es erstmals m{\"o}glich, die Schwingungsfeinstruktur in den NEXAFS Spektren dieser kondensierten großen Molek{\"u}le sichtbar zu machen. Der Vergleich der Daten verschiedener Molek{\"u}le liefert dabei interessante Einblicke in den Kopplungmechanismus zwischen dem elektronischen {\"U}bergang und der Schwingungsanregung. Obwohl die Molek{\"u}le eine Vielzahl verschiedener Schwingungsmoden besitzen, kann man in deren NEXAFS Spektren beobachten, dass die elektronischen {\"U}berg{\"a}nge jeweils an haupts{\"a}chlich eine Schwingungsmode koppeln. Die hochaufgel{\"o}sten XPS Spektren der Molek{\"u}le NTCDA, PTCDA, NDCA, BPDCA und ANQ zeigen bestimmte systematische Unterschiede, so dass diese Spektren als Fingerabdruck f{\"u}r die jeweilige Substanz verwendet werden k{\"o}nnen. Durch die vergleichende Auswertung der Spektren konnten die 1s Bindungsenergien aller chemisch unterschiedlichen Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoffatome bestimmt werden. Zus{\"a}tzliche Strukturen in den Spektren k{\"o}nnen shake-up Satelliten zugeschrieben werden. Die f{\"u}nf Molek{\"u}le stellen ein ideales Modellsystem dar, um fundamentale Aspekte der Rumpfelektronenspektroskopie zu untersuchen, wie Anfangs- und Endzustandseffekte und Satelliten, die durch die intramolekulare und intermolekulare Elektronendichteverteilung im Grund- und rumpfionisierten Zustand beeinflusst werden. Ein wichtiger Punkt dieser Dissertation sind spektroskopische Untersuchungen strukturell unterschiedlicher NTCDA Monolagenphasen auf Ag(111), deren Existenz aus vorangegangenen Arbeiten bekannt ist. Deutliche Unterschiede in der elektronischen Struktur der verschiedenen Phasen, die auf die Metall-Adsorbat Wechselwirkung zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind, konnten sowohl mittels XPS als auch mittels NEXAFS aufgezeigt werden. Sowohl f{\"u}r die komprimierte also auch f{\"u}r die relaxierte NTCDA Monolage kann die Bindung ans Substrat als schwach chemisorptiv charakterisiert werden, was eindeutig aus der Analyse der Satellitenstrukturen in den O 1s und C 1s XPS Spektren hervorgeht, die durch die dynamische Abschirmung durch Ladungstransfer vom Substrat erzeugt werden. Die NEXAFS Daten zeigen konsistent eine teilweise Besetzung des NTCDA LUMOs. Sowohl f{\"u}r die komprimierte als auch f{\"u}r die relaxierte NTCDA Monolage finden hochinteressante Phasen{\"u}berg{\"a}nge in ungeordnete Tieftemperaturphasen beim Abk{\"u}hlen auf 160 K statt. Dabei wird die Adsorbat-Substrat Wechselwirkung st{\"a}rker und das LUMO wird vollst{\"a}ndig besetzt. Dies kann in den NEXAFS Spektren anhand des Verschwindens der zugh{\"o}rigen {\"U}berg{\"a}nge beobachtet werden. Die XPS Spektren zeigen gleichzeitig eine deutliche Abnahme der Intensit{\"a}t schlecht abgeschirmter Photoemissionszust{\"a}nde, was auf die nun effektivere Ladungstransferabschirmung zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. F{\"u}r den Phasen{\"u}bergang der relaxierten Monolage konnte mittels temperaturabh{\"a}ngiger NEXAFS Messungen eindeutig ein Hystereseverhalten gezeigt und die Hysteresekurve bestimmt werden. Die Hysterese betr{\"a}gt etwa 20 K. Des weiteren wurde aus SPA-LEED Messungen die Aktivierungsenergie f{\"u}r den Phasen{\"u}bergang der relaxierten Monolage beim Abk{\"u}hlen auf ca. 60 meV bestimmt. Schließlich wurden NEXAFS Untersuchungen an Poly{\"a}thylenproben mit verschiedenem Komonomergehalt durchgef{\"u}hrt. Unterschiede in den Absorptionsspektren von Proben mit unterschiedlichem Komonomeranteil konnten eindeutig auf die unterschiedliche Kristallinit{\"a}t der Proben zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden, indem eine hochkristalline Probe in situ bis zur Schmelztemperatur geheizt wurde. Ab initio Rechnungen an einer Modelmatrix aus Butanmolek{\"u}len zeigen, dass die Spektren von kristallinem und amorphem Poly{\"a}thylen aufgrund der intermolekularen Wechselwirkung deutliche Unterschiede haupts{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r Resonanzen mit starkem Rydberg Charakter aufweisen. Damit lassen sich die Unterschiede in den Poly{\"a}thylenspektren durch die {\"U}berlagerung der Signaturen der kristallinen und amorphen Anteile erkl{\"a}ren, die je nach Kristallinit{\"a}t der Probe in unterschiedlichen Verh{\"a}ltnissen vorliegen.}, subject = {D{\"u}nne Schicht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nuber2011, author = {Nuber, Andreas}, title = {Intrinsische und extrinsische Einfl{\"u}sse auf zweidimensionale elektronische Zust{\"a}nde}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden mit Hilfe von hochaufgel{\"o}ster ARPES die Auswirkungen verschiedener intrinsischer und extrinsischer Einfl{\"u}sse auf zweidimensionale elektronische Zust{\"a}nde untersucht: Eine {\"A}nderung der Morphologie aufgrund einer (2 × 1)-Rekonstruktion bewirkt beim OFZ von Au(110) im Vergleich zur nicht-rekonstruierten Oberfl{\"a}che eine Verschiebung der Bindungsenergie von ca. 700meV. Dieses Verhalten wurde in LDA-slab-layer-Rechungen reproduziert und durch gezielte Modifikation der Oberfl{\"a}chenstruktur sowie kontrollierte Beeinflussung des OFZ durch die Adsorbate Ag, Na und Au verstanden. Eine Linienbreitenanalyse der sehr scharfen Minorit{\"a}ts-QWS in d{\"u}nnen Fe- Filmen auf W(110) erm{\"o}glichte eine Absch{\"a}tzung der Elektron-Elektron- Wechselwirkung und eine Bestimmung der Elektron-Phonon-Kopplungskonstanten. Die starke Anisotropie der Dispersion der QWS ist des weiteren durch den Vergleich mit GGA-slab-layer-Rechnungen als intrinsische Eigenschaft dieser Zust{\"a}nde identifiziert worden. Mit Hilfe eines erweiterten PAM wurde zudem die k⊥-Dispersion des, den QWS zugrunde liegenden Volumenbandes, bestimmt. Die spinabh{\"a}ngigen Einflussfaktoren Spin-Orbit- und Austausch-Wechselwirkung sowie deren Kombination wurden am Beispiel des OFZ von d{\"u}nnen Au-Filmen auf Ni(111), sowie an QWS in d{\"u}nnen Ni-Filmen auf W(110) untersucht. Die in SPR-KKR-Photoemissionrechungen gefundene leichte Asymmetrie der spinaufgel{\"o}sten Dispersion wurde in den spinintegrierten ARPESMessungen nicht beobachtet. Ab 9ML Au-Bedeckung konnte die Rashba- Aufspaltung des OFZ aufgel{\"o}st werden. Eine durch das W(110)-Substrat induzierte Rashba-Aufspaltung wurde bei sp-artigen QWS in d{\"u}nnen Ni- Filmen beobachtet, welche jedoch mit weiteren Strukturen hybridisieren, was eine eindeutige Aussage {\"u}ber die tats{\"a}chliche Natur der Aufspaltung erschwert.}, subject = {Niederdimensionales System}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lang2010, author = {Lang, Thomas C.}, title = {Quantum Monte Carlo methods and strongly correlated electrons on honeycomb structures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53506}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this thesis we apply recently developed, as well as sophisticated quantum Monte Carlo methods to numerically investigate models of strongly correlated electron systems on honeycomb structures. The latter are of particular interest owing to their unique properties when simulating electrons on them, like the relativistic dispersion, strong quantum fluctuations and their resistance against instabilities. This work covers several projects including the advancement of the weak-coupling continuous time quantum Monte Carlo and its application to zero temperature and phonons, quantum phase transitions of valence bond solids in spin-1/2 Heisenberg systems using projector quantum Monte Carlo in the valence bond basis, and the magnetic field induced transition to a canted antiferromagnet of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice. The emphasis lies on two projects investigating the phase diagram of the SU(2) and the SU(N)-symmetric Hubbard model on the hexagonal lattice. At sufficiently low temperatures, condensed-matter systems tend to develop order. An exception are quantum spin-liquids, where fluctuations prevent a transition to an ordered state down to the lowest temperatures. Previously elusive in experimentally relevant microscopic two-dimensional models, we show by means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the SU(2) Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice, that a quantum spin-liquid emerges between the state described by massless Dirac fermions and an antiferromagnetically ordered Mott insulator. This unexpected quantum-disordered state is found to be a short-range resonating valence bond liquid, akin to the one proposed for high temperature superconductors. Inspired by the rich phase diagrams of SU(N) models we study the SU(N)-symmetric Hubbard Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice to investigate the reliability of 1/N corrections to large-N results by means of numerically exact QMC simulations. We study the melting of phases as correlations increase with decreasing N and determine whether the quantum spin liquid found in the SU(2) Hubbard model at intermediate coupling is a specific feature, or also exists in the unconstrained t-J model and higher symmetries.}, subject = {Monte-Carlo-Simulation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElKareh2014, author = {El-Kareh, Lydia}, title = {Rashba-type spin-split surface states: Heavy post transition metals on Ag(111)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112722}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In the framework of this thesis, the structural and electronic properties of bismuth and lead deposited on Ag(111) have been investigated by means of low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-STM) and spectroscopy (STS). Prior to spectroscopic investigations the growth characteristics have been investigated by means of STM and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) measurements. Submonolayer coverages as well as thick films have been investigated for both systems. Subsequently the quantum well characteristics of thick Pb films on Ag(111) have been analyzed and the quantum well character could be proved up to layer thicknesses of N ≈ 100 ML. The observed characteristics in STS spectra were explained by a simple cosine Taylor expansion and an in-plane energy dispersion could be detected by means of quasi-particle interferences. The main part of this work investigates the giant Rashba-type spin-split surface alloys of (√3 × √3)Pb/Ag(111)R30◦ and (√3 × √3)Bi/Ag(111)R30◦. With STS experiments the band positions and splitting strengths of the unoccupied (√3 × √3)Pb/Ag(111)R30◦ band dispersions could be resolved, which were unclear so far. The investigation by means of quasi-particle interferences resulted in the observation of several scattering events, which could be assigned as intra- and inter-band transitions. The analysis of scattering channels within a simple spin-conservation-approach turned out to be incomplete and led to contradictions between experiment and theory. In this framework more sophisticated DFT calculations could resolve the apparent deviations by a complete treatment of scattering in spin-orbit-coupled materials, which allows for constructive interferences in spin-flip scattering processes as long as the total momentum J_ is conserved. In a similar way the band dispersion of (√3 × √3)Bi/Ag(111)R30◦ was investigated. The STS spectra confirmed a hybridization gap opening between both Rashba-split bands and several intra- and inter-band scattering events could be observed in the complete energy range. The analysis within a spin-conservation-approach again turned out to be insufficient for explaining the observed scattering events in spin-orbit-coupled materials, which was confi by DFT calculations. Within these calculations an inter-band scattering event that has been identified as spin-conserving in the simple model could be assigned as a spin-flip scattering channel. This illustrates evidently how an incomplete description can lead to completely different indications. The present work shows that different spectroscopic STM modes are able to shed light on Rashba-split surface states. Whereas STS allowed to determine band onsets and splitting strengths, quasi-particle interferences could shed light on the band dispersions. A very important finding of this work is that spin-flip scattering events may result in constructive interferences, an eff which has so far been overlooked in related publications. Additionally it has been found that STM measurements can not distinguish between spin-conserving scattering events or spin-flip scattering events, which prevents to give a definite conclusion on the spin polarization for systems with mixed orbital symmetries just from the observed scattering events.}, subject = {Silber}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Meyer2015, author = {Meyer, Frank}, title = {Soft X-ray Spectroscopic Study of Amino Acid and Salt Solutions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124295}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis focuses on the investigation of the electronic structure of amino acids and salts in aqueous solution using X-ray spectroscopic methods. Both material groups are of fundamental importance with regards to many physiological reactions, especially for the Hofmeister effect which describes the solubility of proteins in salt solutions. Hence, the investigation of the electronic structure of amino acids and the influence of ions on the hydrogen bonding network of liquid water are important milestones to a deeper understanding of the Hofmeister series. Besides investigating the electronic structure of amino acids in aqueous solution, the spectra were used to develop a building block model of the spectral fingerprints of the functional groups and were compared to spectral signatures of suitable reference molecules. In the framework of this thesis, it is shown that the building block approach is a useful tool with allows the interpretation of spectral signatures of considerably more complex molecules In this work, the focus lies on the investigation of the occupied and unoccupied electronic states of molecules in solid state, as well as in aqueous solution. Hereby, different X-ray spectroscopic methods were applied. X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) was used to probe the occupied electronic structure of the solution, while the unoccupied electronic structure was addressed by using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Finally, resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) as a combination of XAS and XES measurements provides the combined information about the unoccupied and occupied molecular levels. The element specific character of the three measurement methods is a feature which allows the investigation of the local electronic structure of a single functional group. With RIXS, also non-equivalent atoms of the same element can be addressed separately. Within this thesis firstly, a library of the XE spectra of all 20 proteinogenic amino acids in zwitterionic form is presented. From this sample-set XES fingerprints of the protonated alpha-amino group NH3+ and the deprotonated carboxylic group COO- were evaluated and used to identify the XES fingerprints of the nitrogen and oxygen containing functional groups of the side chains of the amino acids. The data is discussed based on a building block approach. Furthermore, the XE spectra of the functional groups of lysine and histidine, namely the NH2 group and the C3N2H4 ring structure, are both compared to XE spectra of suitable reference molecules (imidazole, ammonia and methylamine). It is found that the XE and RIXS spectra of the side chains of lysine and histidine show large similarities to the XE spectra of the reference molecules. This agreement in the XE and RIXS spectra allows a qualitative investigation of XE and RIXS spectra of more complex amino acids using the XE and RIXS spectra of suitable reference molecules. The chemical structure of histidine and proline is quite different from the structures of the other proteinogenic amino acids. Due to the unique chemical structure of the side chain which in both cases consists of a heterocyclic ring structure, these two amino acids were investigated in more detail. Zubavichus et al. [1] have shown that amino acids are decomposing while exposed to X-ray radiation of the experiment. The damage is irreversible and molecular fragments can adsorb on the membrane of the experimental setup. This contamination can also create a spectral signature which then overlaps with the signal of the solution and which complicates the interpretation of the data. To record spectra which are free from contributions of adsorbed molecular fragments on the membrane, the adsorption behavior was investigated. In contrast to the solid phase in which the amino acids are present as salts in one electronic conformation, the charge state of the amino acids can be manipulated in aqueous solution by tuning the pH-value. By doing this, all possible charge states are accessible (cation, anion, zwitterion). In this work it is shown that also the spectra of the different charge states can be modeled by the spectra of suitable reference molecules using the building block approach. The spectral changes occurring upon protonation and deprotonation of the functional groups are explored and verified by comparing them to theoretical calculations. The comparison with measurements of pyrrolidine show that the electronic structure which surrounds the nitrogen atom of proline is strongly influenced by the ring structure of the side chain. Furthermore, the proline, pyrrolidine, and histidine molecules are also degrading during the liquid sample measurements. This can be observed by the detection of a new spectral component which increases with the measurement time originating from the window membrane. In all cases, the speed of the agglomeration of molecular fragments at the membrane was observed to be highly sensitive to the pH value of the solution. To understand the Hofmeister series, also the impact of the salt ions have to be investigated. In this study the influence of potassium chloride (KCl) on the hydrogen bond network of water was studied by using non-resonantly excited XES as well as RIXS. A decreased dissociation of hydrogen molecules and changes in the molecular vibrations could be detected. These changes were interpreted with a molecular reorganization of the water molecules and a decreased number of hydrogen bonds.}, subject = {Aminos{\"a}uren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuchs2009, author = {Fuchs, Oliver}, title = {Soft x-ray spectroscopy of organic molecules and liquids}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-37055}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In this thesis, soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) studies of the electronic structure of selected organic molecules and liquids were carried out. The first part focuses on the used experimental techniques and the development of the instrumentation necessary for these studies, namely a soft x-ray spectrometer, and a temperature-controlled flow-through liquid cell. The former was optimized by a special analytical ray tracing method developed exclusively for this purpose. Due to its high transmission, the spectrometer facilitates a novel experimental approach of recording comprehensive 'RIXS maps', which are 2-dimensional plots of x-ray scattering intensities as a function of both, excitation and emission photon energy. The liquid cell extends these possibilities to the study of liquids, especially the interaction of molecules in liquids and their chemical reactions under well-controlled conditions. Organic molecules have attracted considerable attention in the last decade. The intense research activities related to these materials have two main motivations: on the one hand, organic molecules have a technological application as building blocks of organic semiconductors, while, on the other hand, organic molecules are the functional elements in biological systems. In order to cost-effectively produce optimized organic electronic devices, a fundamental knowledge of the electronic properties of the organic molecules interface is necessary. Therefore, many studies of the electronic structure of potential candidates for organic electronics exist. Two of these candidates, namely C60 and well-ordered multilayers PTCDA on a Ag(111) surface are investigated in this thesis. For the study of C60 molecules, a comprehensive 'RIXS map' was recorded and analyzed. The RIXS map taken in only 25 minutes allows a quantitative analysis of energy losses, yielding for example the HOMO-LUMO distance. It also identifies a core-excitonic state and facilitates a quantitative comparison of its binding energy with that of valence excitons in C60. Furthermore, decay channel-selective partial fluorescence yield XAS spectra can be extracted from the RIXS map, yielding information on the population of the core-excitonic state as a function of excitation energy. As a second model system of organic molecules relevant for organic electronics, PTCDA was chosen. The complex electronic structure of the occupied states of a highly ordered, flat-lying PTCDA multilayer on a Ag(111) surface was investigated by symmetry-resolved resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy. The rapidly occurring beam damage effects were characterized on the basis of irradiation-time dependent series of C and O x-ray emission spectra. Upon varying the excitation energy and emission geometry, atom- and symmetry-specific carbon K emission spectra with negligible beam damage effects were obtained that allow to distinguish between electronic states with sigma and pi symmetry. A density functional theory calculation of the PTCDA molecule reproduces the energy positions of the most prominent emission features remarkably well. In addition, the energy positions of the sigma and pi emissions agree well with the calculated energies of the respective orbitals. In order to shed light on the second aspect of organic molecules, namely their role in biological systems, first a detailed investigation of the electronic structure and proton dynamics of liquid water as the medium of most chemical and biochemical reactions was carried out. Therefore, a comprehensive oxygen K RIXS map of liquid water was recorded and analyzed in great detail. A temperature-dependent comparison with XAS and RIXS data of D2O, NaOH, and NaOD leads to the conclusion, that ultra-fast dissociation takes place in liquid water on the timescale of the oxygen 1s core hole lifetime, resulting in a characteristic spectral contribution in the RIXS spectra. The dissociation is promoted by intact hydrogen bonds with neighboring molecules. In consequence, the rate of dissociation directly depends on the initial hydrogen bond configuration. In the next step towards biologically relevant systems, the nitrogen K edges of the amino acids glycine and histidine were investigated in powderous form as well as in their native environment, namely in aqueous solution. X-ray absorption and emission spectra of the aqueous solutions were analyzed at pH-values of 6 and for glycine also at pH 12 and compared to the spectra of powders. A pH-value of 12 causes deprotonation of the amino group, leading to significant changes in the nitrogen spectra as compared to pH 6. The results from these four examples demonstrate that a wealth of novel information can be obtained by using the new experimental tools developed in this thesis, namely a highly sensitive x-ray spectrometer and a flow-through liquid cell.}, subject = {Organisches Molek{\"u}l}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bentmann2012, author = {Bentmann, Hendrik}, title = {Spin-Bahn-Kopplung in Grenzschichten: Mikroskopische Zusammenh{\"a}nge und Strategien zur Manipulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76963}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss der Spin-Bahn-Kopplung (SBK) auf die zweidimensionale elektronische Struktur von Festk{\"o}rperoberfl{\"a}chen und -grenzfl{\"a}chen. Aufgrund der strukturellen Inversionsasymmetrie kann die SBK in derartigen Systemen eine Spinaufspaltung der elektronischen Zust{\"a}nde herbeif{\"u}hren und eine charakteristische impulsabh{\"a}ngige Spinstruktur induzieren (Rashba-Effekt). Die Studien in dieser Arbeit sind zum einen darauf gerichtet, das physikalische Verst{\"a}ndnis der mikroskopischen Zusammenh{\"a}nge, die die Spinaufspaltung und die Spinorientierung elektronischer Zust{\"a}nde an Grenzfl{\"a}chen bestimmen, zu verbessern. Des Weiteren sollen M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Manipulation der SBK durch kontrollierte Variationen chemischer und struktureller Grenzfl{\"a}chenparameter erforscht werden. Als Modellsysteme f{\"u}r diese Fragestellungen dienen die isostrukturellen Oberfl{\"a}chenlegierungen BiCu2 und BiAg2, deren elektronische Struktur mittels winkelaufgel{\"o}ster Photoelektronenspektroskopie (ARPES) und spinaufgel{\"o}ster ARPES untersucht wird. Die Resultate der Experimente werden mithilfe von ab initio-Rechnungen und einfacheren Modellbetrachtungen interpretiert. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer ausblickenden Pr{\"a}sentation von Experimenten zu dem topologischen Isolator Bi2Se3(0001). Vergleichende ARPES-Messungen zu BiAg2/Ag(111) und BiCu2/Cu(111) zeigen, dass bereits geringe Unterschiede in der Grenzschichtmorphologie die Gr{\"o}ße der Spinaufspaltung in der elektronischen Struktur um ein Vielfaches ver{\"a}ndern k{\"o}nnen. Zudem belegen spinaufgel{\"o}ste Experimente eine invertierte Spinorientierung der elektronischen Zust{\"a}nde in BiCu2 im Vergleich mit dem Referenzsystem Au(111). Beide Resultate k{\"o}nnen durch eine theoretische Analyse des Potentialprofils und der elektronischen Ladungsverteilung senkrecht zu der Grenzfl{\"a}che in Kombination mit einfachen Modellbetrachtungen verstanden werden. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Asymmetrien in der Ladungsverteilung das direkte mikroskopische Bindeglied zwischen der Spinstruktur des elektronischen Systems und den strukturellen und chemischen Parametern der Grenzschicht bilden. Weitergehende ARPES-Experimente zeigen, dass die spinabh{\"a}ngige elektronische Struktur zudem signifikant durch die Symmetrie des Potentials parallel zu der Grenzfl{\"a}chenebene beeinflusst wird. Eine Manipulation der SBK wird in BiCu2 durch die Deposition von Adatomen erreicht. Hierdurch gelingt es, die Spinaufspaltung sowohl zu vergr{\"o}ßern (Na-Adsorption) als auch zu verringern (Xe-Adsorption). ARPES-Experimente an dem tern{\"a}ren Schichtsystem BiAg2/Ag/Au(111) belegen erstmalig eine Kopplung zwischen elektronischen B{\"a}ndern mit entgegengesetztem Spincharakter in einem zweidimensionalen System mit Spinaufspaltung (Interband-Spin-Bahn-Kopplung). Der zugrundeliegende Kopplungsmechanismus steht in bemerkenswerter Analogie zu den Auswirkungen der SBK auf die spinpolarisierte elektronische Struktur in ferromagnetischen Systemen. Variationen in der Schichtdicke des Ag-Substratfilms erlauben es, die St{\"a}rke der Interband-SBK zu manipulieren.}, subject = {Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung}, language = {de} }