@phdthesis{Boeck2018, author = {B{\"o}ck, Thomas}, title = {Multifunctional Hyaluronic Acid / Poly(glycidol) Hydrogels for Cartilage Regeneration Using Mesenchymal Stromal Cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155345}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Improved treatment options for the degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis (OA) are of major interest, since OA is one of the main sources of disability, pain, and socioeconomic burden worldwide [202]. According to epidemiological data, already 27 million people suffer from OA in the US [23]. Moreover, the WHO expects OA to be the fourth most common cause of disability in 2020 [203], illustrating the need for effective and long-lasting therapy options of severe cartilage defects. Despite numerous clinically available products for the treatment of cartilage defects [62], the development of more cartilage-specific materials is still at the beginning. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a major component of the cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) and inherently creates a cell-friendly niche by providing cell attachment and migration sites. Furthermore, it is known that the functional groups of HA are well suited for chemical modification. These characteristics render HA an attractive material for hydrogel-based tissue engineering approaches. Poly(glycidol) (PG) as chemical crosslinker basically features similar chemical characteristics as the widely used poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), but provides additional side groups at each repeating unit that can be further chemically functionalized. With the introduction of PG as multifunctional crosslinker for HA gels, a higher cross-linking density and, accordingly, a greater potential for biomimetic functionalization may be achieved. However, despite the mentioned potential benefits, PG has not been used for cartilage regeneration approaches so far. The initial aim of the study was to set up and optimize a HA-based hydrogel for the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), using different amounts and variations of cross-linkers. Therefore, the hydrogel composition was optimized by the utilization of different PEG diacrylate (PEGDA) concentrations to cross-link thiol-modified HA (Glycosil, HA-SH) via Michael addition. We aimed to generate volumestable scaffolds that simultaneously enable a maximum of ECM deposition. Histological and biochemical analysis showed 0.4\% PEGDA as the most suitable concentration for these requirements (Section 5.1.2). In order to evaluate the impact of a differently designed cross-linker on MSC chondrogenesis, HA-SH was cross-linked with PEGTA (0.6\%) and compared to PEGDA (0.4\%) in a next step. Following this, acrylated PG (PG-Acr) as multifunctional cross-linker alternative to acrylated PEG was evaluated. It provides around five times more functional groups when utilized in PG-Acr (0.6\%) HA-SH hydrogels compared to PEGTA (0.6\%) HA-SH hydrogels, thus enabling higher degrees of biomimetic functionalization. Determination of cartilage-specific ECM components showed no substantial differences between both cross-linkers while the deposition of cartilaginous matrix appeared more homogeneous in HA-SH PG-Acr gels. Taken together, we were able to successfully increase the possibilities for biomimetic functionalization in the developed HA-SH hydrogel system by the introduction of PG-Acr as cross-linker without negatively affecting MSC chondrogenesis (Section 5.1.3). The next part of this thesis focused extensively on the biomimetic functionalization of PG-Acr (0.6\%) cross-linked HA-SH hydrogels. Here, either biomimetic peptides or a chondrogenic growth factor were covalently bound into the hydrogels. Interestingly, the incorporation of a N-cadherin mimetic (HAV), a collagen type II binding (KLER), or a cell adhesion-mediating peptide (RGD) yielded no improvement of MSC chondrogenesis. For instance, the covalent binding of 2.5mM HAV changed morphology of cell nuclei and reduced GAG production while the incorporation of 1.0mM RGD impaired collagen production. These findings may be attributed to the already supportive conditions of the employed HA-based hydrogels for chondrogenic differentiation. Most of the previous studies reporting positive peptide effects on chondrogenesis have been carried out in less supportive PEG hydrogels or in significantly stiffer MeHA-based hydrogels [99, 101, 160]. Thus, the incorporation of peptides may be more important under unfavorable conditions while inert gel systems may be useful for studying single peptide effects (Section 5.2.1). The chondrogenic factor transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-b1) served as an example for growth factor binding to PG-Acr. The utilization of covalently bound TGF-b1 may thereby help overcome the need for repeated administration of TGF-b1 in in vivo applications, which may be an advantage for potential clinical application. Thus, the effect of covalently incorporated TGF-b1 was compared to the effect of the same amount of TGF-b1 without covalent binding (100nM TGF-b1) on MSC chondrogenesis. It was successfully demonstrated that covalent incorporation of TGF-b1 had a significant positive effect in a dose-dependent manner. Chondrogenesis of MSCs in hydrogels with covalently bound TGF-b1 showed enhanced levels of chondrogenesis compared to hydrogels into which TGF-b1 was merely mixed, as shown by stronger staining for GAGs, total collagen, aggrecan and collagen type II. Biochemical evaluation of GAG and collagen amounts, as well as Western blot analysis confirmed the histological results. Furthermore, the positive effect of covalently bound TGF-b1 was shown by increased expression of chondrogenic marker genes COL2A1, ACAN and SOX9. In summary, covalent growth factor incorporation utilizing PG-Acr as cross-linker demonstrated significant positive effects on chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs (Section 5.2.2). In general, PG-Acr cross-linked HA hydrogels generated by Michael addition represent a versatile hydrogel platform due to their high degree of acrylate functionality. These hydrogels may further offer the opportunity to combine several biological modifications, such as the incorporation of biomimetic peptides together with growth factors, within one cell carrier. A proof-of-principle experiment demonstrated the suitability of pure PG gels for studying single peptide effects. Here, the hydrogels were generated by the utilization of thiol-ene-click reaction. In this setting, without the supportive background of hyaluronic acid, MSCs showed enhanced chondrogenic differentiation in response to the incorporation of 1.0mM HAV. This was demonstrated by staining for GAGs, the cartilage-specific ECM molecules aggrecan and type II collagen, and by increased GAG and total collagen amounts shown by biochemical analysis. Thus, pure PG gels exhibit the potential to study the effects and interplay of peptides and growth factors in a highly modifiable, bioinert hydrogel environment. The last section of the thesis was carried out as part of the EU project HydroZONES that aims to develop and generate zonal constructs. The importance of zonal organization has attracted increased attention in the last years [127, 128], however, it is still underrepresented in tissue engineering approaches so far. Thus, the feasibility of zonal distribution of cells in a scaffold combining two differently composed hydrogels was investigated. A HA-SH(FMZ) containing bottom layer was generated and a pure PG top layer was subsequently cast on top of it, utilizing both times thiol-ene-click reaction. Indeed, stable, hierarchical constructs were generated that allowed encapsulated MSCs to differentiate chondrogenically in both zones as shown by staining for GAGs and collagen type II, and by quantification of GAG amount. Thus, the feasibility of differently composed zonal hydrogels utilizing PG as a main component was successfully demonstrated (Section 5.4). With the first-time utilization and evaluation of PG-Acr as versatile multifunctional cross-linker for the preparation of Michael addition-generated HA-SH hydrogels in the context of cartilage tissue engineering, a highly modifiable HA-based hydrogel system was introduced. It may be used in future studies as an easily applicable and versatile toolbox for the generation of biomimetically functionalized hydrogels for cell-based cartilage regeneration. The introduction of reinforcement structures to enhance mechanical resistance may thereby further increase the potential of this system for clinical applications. Additionally, it was also demonstrated that thiol-ene clickable hydrogels can be used for the generation of cell-laden, pure PG gels or for the generation of more complex, coherent zonal constructs. Furthermore, thiol-ene clickable PG hydrogels have already been further modified and successfully been used in 3D bioprinting experiments [204]. 3D bioprinting, as part of the evolving biofabrication field [205], offers the possibilities to generate complex and hierarchical structures, and to exactly position defined layers, yet at the same time alters the requirements for the utilized hydrogels [159, 206-209]. Since a robust chondrogenesis of MSCs was demonstrated in the thiol-ene clickable hydrogel systems, they may serve as a basis for the development of hydrogels as so called bioinks which may be utilized in more sophisticated biofabrication processes.}, subject = {Hyalurons{\"a}ure}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berberich2024, author = {Berberich, Oliver}, title = {Lateral Cartilage Tissue Integration - Evaluation of Bonding Strength and Tissue Integration \(in\) \(vitro\) Utilizing Biomaterials and Adhesives}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-346028}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Articular cartilage defects represent one of the most challenging clinical problem for orthopedic surgeons and cartilage damage after trauma can result in debilitating joint pain, functional impairment and in the long-term development of osteoarthritis. The lateral cartilage-cartilage integration is crucial for the long-term success and to prevent further tissue degeneration. Tissue adhesives and sealants are becoming increasingly more popular and can be a beneficial approach in fostering tissue integration, particularly in tissues like cartilage where alternative techniques, such as suturing, would instead introduce further damage. However, adhesive materials still require optimization regarding the maximization of adhesion strength on the one hand and long-term tissue integration on the other hand. In vitro models can be a valuable support in the investigation of potential candidates and their functional mechanisms. For the conducted experiments within this work, an in vitro disc/ring model obtained from porcine articular cartilage tissue was established. In addition to qualitative evaluation of regeneration, this model facilitates the implementation of biomechanical tests to quantify cartilage integration strength. Construct harvesting for histology and other evaluation methods could be standardized and is ethically less questionable compared to in vivo testing. The opportunity of cell culture technique application for the in vitro model allowed a better understanding of cartilage integration processes. Tissue bonding requires chemical or physical interaction of the adhesive material and the substrate. Adhesive hydrogels can bind to the defect interface and simultaneously fill the gap of irregularly shaped defect voids. Fibrin gels are derived from the physiological blood-clot formation and are clinically applied for wound closure. Within this work, comparisons of different fibrin glue formulations with the commercial BioGlue® were assessed, which highlighted the need for good biocompatibility when applied on cartilage tissue in order to achieve satisfying long-term integration. Fibrin gel formulations can be adapted with regard to their long-term stability and when applied on cartilage disc/ring constructs improved integrative repair is observable. The kinetic of repairing processes was investigated in fibrin-treated cartilage composites as part of this work. After three days in vitro cultivation, deposited extracellular matrix (ECM) was obvious at the glued interface that increased further over time. Interfacial cell invasion from the surrounding native cartilage was detected from day ten of tissue culture. The ECM formation relies on molecular factors, e.g., as was shown representatively for ascorbic acid, and contributes to increasing integration strengths over time. The experiments performed with fibrin revealed that the treatment with a biocompatible adhesive that allows cartilage neosynthesis favors lateral cartilage integration in the long term. However, fibrin has limited immediate bonding strength, which is disadvantageous for use on articular cartilage that is subject to high mechanical stress. The continuing aim of this thesis was to further develop adhesive mechanisms and new adhesive hydrogels that retain the positive properties of fibrin but have an increased immediate bonding strength. Two different photochemical approaches with the advantage of on-demand bonding were tested. Such treatment potentially eases the application for the professional user. First, an UV light induced crosslinking mechanism was transferred to fibrin glue to provide additional bonding strength. For this, the cartilage surface was functionalized with highly reactive light-sensitive diazirine groups, which allowed additional covalent bonds to the fibrin matrix and thus increased the adhesive strength. However, the disadvantages of this approach were the multi-step bonding reactions, the need for enzymatic pretreatment of the cartilage, expensive reagents, potential UV-light damage, and potential toxicity hazards. Due to the mentioned disadvantages, no further experiments, including long-term culture, were carried out. A second photosensitive approach focused on blue light induced crosslinking of fibrinogen (RuFib) via a photoinitiator molecule instead of using thrombin as a crosslinking mediator like in normal fibrin glue. The used ruthenium complex allowed inter- and intramolecular dityrosine binding of fibrinogen molecules. The advantage of this method is a one-step curing of fibrinogen via visible light that further achieved higher adhesive strengths than fibrin. In contrast to diazirine functionalization of cartilage, the ruthenium complex is of less toxicological concern. However, after in vitro cultivation of the disc/ring constructs, there was a decrease in integration strength. Compared to fibrin, a reduced cartilage synthesis was observed at the defect. It is also disadvantageous that a direct adjustment of the adhesive can only be made via protein concentration, since fibrinogen is a natural protein that has a fixed number of tyrosine binding sites without chemical modification. An additional cartilage adhesive was developed that is based on a mussel-inspired adhesive mechanism in which reactivity to a variety of substrates is enabled via free DOPA amino acids. DOPA-based adhesion is known to function in moist environments, a major advantage for application on water-rich cartilage tissue surrounded by synovial liquid. Reactive DOPA groups were synthetically attached to a polymer, here POx, to allow easy chemical modifiability, e.g. insertion of hydrolyzable ester motifs for tunable degradation. The possibility of preparing an adhesive hybrid hydrogel of POx in combination with fibrinogen led to good cell compatibility as was similarly observed with fibrin, but with increased immediate adhesive strength. Degradation could be adjusted by the amount of ester linkages on the POx and a direct influence of degradation rates on the development of integration in the in vitro model could be shown. Hydrogels are well suited to fill defect gaps and immediate integration can be achieved via adhesive properties. The results obtained show that for the success of long-term integration, a good ability of the adhesive to take up synthesized ECM components and cells to enable regeneration is required. The degradation kinetics of the adhesive must match the remodeling process to avoid intermediate loss of integration power and to allow long-term firm adhesion to the native tissue. Hydrogels are not only important as adhesives for smaller lesions, but also for filling large defect volumes and populating them with cells to produce tissue engineered cartilage. Many different hydrogel types suitable for cartilage synthesis are reported in the literature. A long-term stable fibrin formulation was tested in this work not only as an adhesive but also as a bulk hydrogel construct. Agarose is also a material widely used in cartilage tissue engineering that has shown good cartilage neosynthesis and was included in integration assessment. In addition, a synthetic hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (HA SH/P(AGE/G)) was used. The disc/ring construct was adapted for such experiments and the inner lumen of the cartilage ring was filled with the respective hydrogel. In contrast to agarose, fibrin and HA-SH/P(AGE/G) gels have a crosslink mechanism that led to immediate bonding upon contact with cartilage during curing. The enhanced cartilage neosynthesis in agarose compared to the other hydrogel types resulted in improved integration during in vitro culture. This shows that for the long-term success of a treatment, remodeling of the hydrogel into functional cartilage tissue is a very high priority. In order to successfully treat larger cartilage defects with hydrogels, new materials with these properties in combination with chemical modifiability and a direct adhesion mechanism are one of the most promising approaches.}, subject = {Knorpel}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stuckensen2016, author = {Stuckensen, Kai}, title = {Fabrication of hierarchical cell carrier matrices for tissue regeneration by directional solidification}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145510}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The key hypothesis of this work represented the question, if mimicking the zonal composition and structural porosity of musculoskeletal tissues influences invading cells positively and leads to advantageous results for tissue engineering. Conventional approaches in tissue engineering are limited in producing monolithic "scaffolds" that provide locally variating biological key signals and pore architectures, imitating the alignment of collagenous fibres in bone and cartilage tissues, respectively. In order to fill this gap in available tissue engineering strategies, a new fabrication technique was evolved for the production of scaffolds to validate the hypothesis. Therefore, a new solidification based platform procedure was developed. This process comprises the directional solidification of multiple flowable precursors that are "cryostructured" to prepare a controlled anisotropic pore structure. Porous scaffolds are attained through ice crystal removal by lyophilisation. Optionally, electrostatic spinning of polymers may be applied to provide an external mesh on top or around the scaffolds. A consolidation step generates monolithic matrices from multi zonal structures. To serve as matrix for tissue engineering approaches or direct implantation as medical device, the scaffold is sterilized. An Adjustable Cryostructuring Device (ACD) was successively developed; individual parts were conceptualized by computer aided design (CAD) and assembled. During optimisation, a significant performance improvement of the ACDs accessible external temperature gradient was achieved, from (1.3 ± 0.1) K/mm to (9.0 ± 0.1) K/mm. Additionally, four different configurations of the device were made available that enabled the directional solidification of collagenous precursors in a highly controlled manner with various sample sizes and shapes. By using alginate as a model substance the process was systematically evaluated. Cryostructuring diagraphs were analysed yielding solidification parameters, which were associated to pore sizes and alignments that were determined by image processing. Thereby, a precise control over pore size and alignment through electrical regulation of the ACD could be demonstrated. To obtain tissue mimetic scaffolds for the musculoskeletal system, collagens and calcium phosphates had to be prepared to serve as raw materials. Extraction and purification protocols were established to generate collagen I and collagen II, while the calcium phosphates brushite and hydroxyapatite were produced by precipitation reactions. Besides the successive augmentation of the ACD also an optimization of the processing steps was crucial. Firstly, the concentrations and the individual behaviour of respective precursor components had to be screened. Together with the insights gained by videographic examination of solidifying collagen solutions, essential knowledge was gained that facilitated the production of more complex scaffolds. Phenomena of ice crystal growth during cryostructuring were discussed. By evolutionary steps, a cryostructuring of multi-layered precursors with consecutive anisotropic pores could be achieved and successfully transferred from alginate to collagenous precursors. Finally, very smooth interfaces that were hardly detectable by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) could be attained. For the used collagenous systems, a dependency relation between adjustable processing parameters and different resulting solidification morphologies was created. Dehydrothermal-, diisocyanate-, and carbodiimide- based cross linking methods were evaluated, whereby the "zero length" cross linking by carbodiimide was found to be most suitable. Afterwards, a formulation for the cross linking solution was elaborated, which generated favourable outcomes by application inside a reduced pressure apparatus. As a consequence, a pore collapse during wet chemical cross linking could be avoided. Complex monolithic scaffolds featuring continuous pores were fabricated that mimicked structure and respective composition of different areas of native tissues by the presence of biochemical key stimulants. At first, three types of bone scaffolds were produced from collagen I and hydroxyapatite with appropriate sizes to fit critical sized defects in rat femurs. They either featured an isotropic or anisotropic porosity and partly also contained glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Furthermore, meniscus scaffolds were prepared by processing two precursors with biomimetic contents of collagen I, collagen II and GAGs. Here, the pore structures were created under boundary conditions, which allowed an ice crystal growth that was nearly orthogonal to the external temperature gradient. Thereby, the preferential alignment of collagen fibres in the natural meniscus tissue could be mimicked. Those scaffolds owned appropriate sizes for cell culture in well plates or even an authentic meniscus shape and size. Finally, osteochondral scaffolds, sized to either fit well plates or perfusion reactors for cell culture, were fabricated to mimic the composition of subchondral bone and different cartilage zones. Collagen I and the resorbable calcium phosphate brushite were used for the subchondral zone, whereas the cartilage zones were composed out of collagen I, collagen II and tissue mimetic contents of GAGs. The pore structure corresponded to the one that is dominating the volume of natural osteochondral tissue. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and SEM were used to analyse the composition and pore structure of the individual scaffold zones, respectively. The cross section pore diameters were determined to (65 ± 25) µm, (88 ± 35) µm and(93 ± 42) µm for the anisotropic, the isotropic and GAG containing isotropic bone scaffolds. Furthermore, the meniscus scaffolds showed pore diameters of (93 ± 21) µm in the inner meniscus zone and (248 ± 63) µm inside the outer meniscus zone. Pore sizes of (82 ± 25) µm, (83 ± 29) µm and (85 ± 39) µm were present inside the subchondral, the lower chondral and the upper chondral zone of osteochondral scaffolds. Depending on the fabrication parameters, the respective scaffold zones were also found to feature a specific micro- and nanostructure at their inner surfaces. Degradation studies were carried out under physiological conditions and resulted in a mean mass loss of (0.52 ± 0.13) \%, (1.56 ± 0.10) \% and (0.80 ± 0.10) \% per day for bone, meniscus and osteochondral scaffolds, respectively. Rheological measurements were used to determine the viscosity changes upon cooling of different precursors. Micro computer tomography (µ-CT) investigations were applied to characterize the 3D microstructure of osteochondral scaffolds. To obtain an osteochondral scaffold with four zones of tissue mimetic microstructure alignment, a poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) mesh was deposited on the upper chondral zone by electrostatic spinning. In case of the bone scaffolds, the retention / release capacity of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) was evaluated by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Due to the high presence of attractive BMP binding sites, only less than 0.1 \% of the initially loaded cytokine was released. The suitability of combining the cryostructuring process with 3D powder printed calcium phosphate substrates was evaluated with osteochondral scaffolds, but did not appear to yield more preferable results than the non-combined approach. A new custom build confined compression setup was elaborated together with a suitable evaluation procedure for the mechanical characterisation under physiological conditions. For bone and cartilage scaffolds, apparent elastic moduli of (37.6 ± 6.9) kPa and (3.14 ± 0.85) kPa were measured. A similar behaviour of the scaffolds to natural cartilage and bone tissue was demonstrated in terms of elastic energy storage. Under physiological frequencies, less than 1.0 \% and 0.8 \% of the exerted energy was lost for bone and cartilage scaffolds, respectively. With average relaxation times of (0.613 ± 0.040) sec and (0.815 ± 0.077) sec, measured for the cartilage and bone scaffolds, they respond four orders of magnitude faster than the native tissues. Additionally, all kinds of produced scaffolds were able to withstand cyclic compression at un-physiological frequencies as high as 20 Hz without a loss in structural integrity. With the presented new method, scaffolds could be fabricated whose extent in mimicking of native tissues exceeded the one of scaffolds producible by state of the art methods. This allowed a testing of the key hypothesis: The biological evaluation of an anisotropic pore structure in vivo revealed a higher functionality of immigrated cells and led finally to advantageous healing outcomes. Moreover, the mimicking of local compositions in combination with a consecutive anisotropic porosity that approaches native tissue structures could be demonstrated to induce zone specific matrix remodelling in stem cells in vitro. Additionally, clues for a zone specific chondrogenic stem cell differentiation were attained without the supplementation of growth factors. Thereby, the hypothesis that an increased approximation of the hierarchically compositional and structurally anisotropic properties of musculoskeletal tissues would lead to an improved cellular response and a better healing quality, could be confirmed. With a special focus on cell free in situ tissue engineering approaches, the insights gained within this thesis may be directly transferred to clinical regenerative therapies.}, subject = {Tissue Engineering}, language = {en} }