@phdthesis{Demmig2008, author = {Demmig, Stefanie}, title = {Zelladh{\"a}sionsblockade von U937- Zellen an aktivierten HUVEC- Zellen durch hLysII/IV-FucTVI}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43613}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In CHO-FucTVI- Zellen wurde hLysII/IV stabil transfiziert, mit Puromycin selektioniert und hLysII/IV-FucTVI von den stabil transfizierten CHO-FucTVI- Zelle {\"u}berexprimiert. Durch Immunaffinit{\"a}tschromatographie und Ultrafiltration wurde das {\"u}berexprimierte hLysII/IV-FucTVI aufgereinigt und aufkonzentriert. Durch den Lysozymtest nach Osserman und Lawlor und einen ELISA konnte die Lysozymmenge in den unterschiedlichen Schritten bestimmt werden. Im anschließenden Zelladh{\"a}sionsassay konnten bei Konzentrationen von 1 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml und 100 ng/ml hLysII/IV-FucTVI signifikante Reduktionen der Zelladh{\"a}sion von U937- Zellen an HUVEC- Zellen festgestellt werden. Die ermittelte mittlere Hemmkonzentration (IC50) von hLysII/IV-FucTVI liegt bei 7*10-12 M. Dies entspricht bei einem Molekulargewicht von 30 kDa der Menge von 0,21 ng/ml und hLysII/IV-FucTVI w{\"a}re damit der st{\"a}rkste bisher bekannte E-Selektin-Antagonist. In dieser Funktion k{\"o}nnte hLysII/IV-FucTVI im Rahmen einer antiinflammatischen oder antineoplastischen Therapie eingesetzt werden.}, subject = {Zelladh{\"a}sion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Drechsler2008, author = {Drechsler, Patrick Hans}, title = {Mechanics of adhesion and friction in stick insects and tree frogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26836}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Many arthropods and vertebrates can cling to surfaces using adhesive pads on their legs. These pads are either smooth and characterised by a specialised, soft cuticle or they are hairy, i.e. densely covered with flexible adhesive setae. Animals climbing with adhesive organs are able to control attachment and detachment dynamically while running. The detailed mechanisms of how tarsal pads generate adhesive and frictional forces and how forces are controlled during locomotion are still largely unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the attachment mechanism of smooth adhesive pads as present in many insects and tree frogs. To understand the function of these fluid-based adhesive systems, I characterized their performance under standardized conditions. To this end, experiments were conducted by simultaneously measuring adhesion, friction, and contact area in single adhesive pads. The first result of this study showed that friction in stick insect attachment pads is anisotropic: Attachment pads regularly detached when slid away from the body. Further analyses of "immobilized" arolia revealed that this anisotropy is not caused by an increased shear stress in the proximal direction, but by the instability of the tarsus when pushed distally. In the second part of this study, I analysed the role of the pad secretion present in insects and tree frogs. In stick insects, shear stress was largely independent of normal force and increased with velocity, seemingly consistent with the viscosity effect of a continuous fluid film. However, measurements of the remaining force two minutes after a sliding movement showed that adhesive pads could sustain considerable static friction in insects and tree frogs. Repeated sliding movements and multiple consecutive pull-offs of stick insect single legs to deplete adhesive secretion showed that on a smooth surface, friction and adhesion strongly increased with decreasing amount of fluid in insects. In contrast, stick insect pull-off forces significantly decreased on a rough substrate. Thus, the secretion does not generally increase attachment but does so only on rough substrates, where it helps to maximize contact area. When slides with stick insect arolia were repeated at one position so that secretion could accumulate, sliding shear stress decreased but static friction remained clearly present. This suggests that static friction in stick insects, which is biologically important to prevent sliding, is based on non-Newtonian properties of the adhesive emulsion rather than on a direct contact between the cuticle and the substrate. \% Analogous measurements in toe pads of tree frogs showed that they are also able to generate static friction, even though their pads are wetted by mucus. In contrast to the mechanism proposed for insects, static friction in tree frogs apparently results from the very close contact of toe pads to the substrate and boundary lubrication. In the last section of this study, I investigated adhesive forces and the mode of detachment by performing pull-off measurements at different velocities and preloads. These experiments showed that preload has only an increasing effect on adhesion for faster pull-offs. This can be explained by the viscoelastic material properties of the stick insect arolium, which introduce a strong rate-dependence of detachment. During fast pull-offs, forces can spread over the complete area of contact, leading to forces scaling with area. In contrast, the pad material has sufficient time to withdraw elastically and peel during slow detachments. Under these conditions the adhesive force will concentrate on the circumference of the contact area, therefore scaling with a length, supporting models such as the peeling theory. The scaling of single-pad forces supported these conclusions, but large variation between pads of different stick insects did not allow statistically significant conclusions. In contrast, when detachment forces were quantified for whole insects using a centrifuge, forces scaled with pad contact area and not with length.}, subject = {Biomechanik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Abele2009, author = {Abele, Marion}, title = {Die Bedeutung des Zwei-Partner-Sekretionssystems f{\"u}r die Adh{\"a}renz von Meningokokken an Epithelzellen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-45369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Das two-partner secretion-system (TPS-System) ist ein unter Gram-negativen Bakterien weit verbreiteter Weg der Proteinsekretion. Die als TpsA bezeichneten Exoproteine des TPS Systems ben{\"o}tigen ein spezifisches Partnerprotein (genannt TpsB) in Form eines kanalbildenden Transporters. Im sequenzierten Genom des Meningokokkenstammes MC58 finden sich f{\"u}nf putative tpsA Gene, die als hemagglutinin/hemolysin-related protein (hrps) bezeichnete werden. Neben MC58 finden sich auch in den anderen sequenzierten Meningokokkenst{\"a}mmen (FAM18, Z2491, alpha14) hrps. Diese weisen N-terminal Homologien zum filament{\"o}sen H{\"a}magglutinin (FHA) von B. pertussis auf, das als TpsA-Protein des two-partner-secretion-system (TPS) aus der Zelle transportiert wird. In dieser Arbeit werden die hrps als hrpA Gene bzw. HrpA-Proteine bezeichnet. Alle sequenzierten Meningokokkenst{\"a}mme verf{\"u}gen {\"u}ber tpsB homologe Gene (hrpB), die jeweils in enger Nachbarschaft zu den hrpA Genen zu finden sind. Das Vorhandensein von hrpA und hrpB Genen deutet darauf hin, dass auch Meningokokken {\"u}ber ein funktionales TPS-System verf{\"u}gen. Bei einer Dot-Blot-Analyse von 830 Meningokokkenst{\"a}mmen aus einer bayerischen Tr{\"a}gerstudie mit Sonden spezifisch f{\"u}r die C-terminalen Bereiche der im Stamm MC58 gefundenen hrpA Gene hybridisierten 80\% der ausgewerteten St{\"a}mme mit mindestens einer der Sonden. St{\"a}mme der hypervirulenten klonalen Komplexen (ST-8, ST-11, ST32, ST-44) zeigten sogar in {\"u}ber 99\% eine positive Reaktion. Dagegen wiesen die nicht-hypervirulenten klonalen Komplexe zu 29\% im Dot Blot kein hrpA auf, das homolog zu den hrpA Genen von Stamm MC58 ist, wobei es sich hierbei mehrheitlich (82\%) um cnl St{\"a}mme handelte, so dass sich nur in 10\% der untersuchten Kapsel-null-locus-St{\"a}mme (cnl) ein zu den hrpA Genen von MC58 homologes Gen nachweisen ließ. Mit der Hypothese, dass auch diese St{\"a}mme ein hrpA besitzen, welches sich im C-terimalen Anteil von denen des MC58 unterscheidet wurden in dieser Arbeit Dot Blots durchgef{\"u}hrt, deren Sonde spezifisch f{\"u}r das hrpB NMC0443 war. 97,6\% der mit dieser Sonde untersuchten St{\"a}mme zeigten die Anwesenheit eines hrpB Homologs. Um die Vermutung zu best{\"a}tigen, dass allen hrpB Genen ein zugeh{\"o}riges hrpA Gen benachbart liegt, wurden repr{\"a}sentativ PCRs von h{\"a}ufigen klonalen Komplexen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein TPS-System sowohl in den hypervirulenten als auch den nicht-hypervirulenten klonalen Komplexen der Meningokokken vorkommt. Die vielf{\"a}ltigen Funktionen von bereits untersuchten TpsA Proteinen sind zumeist mit der Pathogenit{\"a}t der Bakterien assoziiert. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein m{\"o}glicher Einfluss der HrpA Proteine auf die Adh{\"a}sion der Bakterien an humane Zellen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl eine kapsellose, als auch eine kapsellose, LPS-trunkierte hrpA Deletionsmutante signifikant schlechter an Epithelzellen adh{\"a}riert als die parentalen Vergleichsst{\"a}mme. Ebenso zeigten die analog durchgef{\"u}hrten Infektionsversuche mit der hrpB Deletionsmutante einen Adh{\"a}renzverlust, der jedoch nur f{\"u}r die unbekapselte und LPS trunkierte hrpB Deletionsmutante signifikant war. In dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen das HrpB Protein des Stammes 2120 in E. coli zu exprimieren und aufzureinigen, sodass die Entwicklung eines gegen HrpB gerichteten Antik{\"o}rpers in Auftrag gegeben werden konnte. Mit Hilfe dieses Antik{\"o}rpers sollen noch offene Fragen zur Synthese und dem Transport des HrpB Transportproteins beantwortet werden. Außerdem k{\"o}nnen weitere Untersuchungen zur Lage und Verteilung der HrpBs in der Meningokokkenmembran dazu beitragen, weiteren Aufschluss {\"u}ber die Komplexit{\"a}t von Pathogenit{\"a}t und Virulenz von N. meningitidis zu geben.}, subject = {W{\"u}rzburg / Institut f{\"u}r Hygiene und Mikrobiologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Troge2012, author = {Troge, Anja}, title = {Studien am Flagellensystem des Escherichia coli Stammes Nissle 1917 (EcN) im Hinblick auf seine Funktion als Probiotikum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) geh{\"o}rt zu den am besten untersuchten und charakterisierten probiotischen Bakterienst{\"a}mmen. Seit Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts wird er als Medikament eingesetzt, um verschiedene Darmerkrankungen wie z.B. Diarrh{\"o}e, entz{\"u}ndliche Darmerkrankungen und Verstopfung zu behandeln. Die Flagelle des EcN vermittelt Beweglichkeit und kann die Produktion von humanem β-Defensin 2 (hBD2) durch Epithelzellen induzieren. Somit ist dieses Organell direkt in die probiotische Funktion des EcN involviert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Flagellen anderer Bakterien, wie z.B. dem probiotischen Stamm Bacillus cereus CH oder den pathogenen St{\"a}mmen Pseudomonas aeruginosa und Clostridium difficile, die Adh{\"a}sion an intestinalen Mucus, welcher von Epithelzellen sekretiert wird, vermitteln. Allerdings blieb unklar, welcher Teil der Flagelle an welche Mucuskomponente bindet. Die F{\"a}higkeit effizient an Wirtgewebe zu adh{\"a}rieren wird als wichtiges Attribut eines probiotischen Stammes angesehen. Ex vivo Adh{\"a}sionsstudien mit Kryoschnitten humaner Darmbiopsien haben gezeigt, dass die Flagelle des EcN in die effiziente Adh{\"a}sion an humanes Darmgewebe involviert sein muss. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit die Funktion der Flagelle des EcN als Adh{\"a}sin untersucht. Zun{\"a}chst wurde die hyperflagellierte Variante EcN ATHF isoliert und durch verschiedene Experimente, z.B. Schw{\"a}rmagartests und Elektronenmikroskopie, charakterisiert. Weitere ex vivo Adh{\"a}sionsstudien mit EcN ATHF zeigten eine h{\"o}here Adh{\"a}sionseffizienz dieser hyperflagellierten Variante und best{\"a}tigten damit die Rolle der Flagelle bei der effizienten Adh{\"a}sion von EcN an die Kryoschnitte der humanen Darmbiopsien. Interessanterweise fungierte die Flagelle in in vitro Studien mit den humanen Epithelzellen Caco-2 und T24 nicht als Adh{\"a}sin. Diese Unterschiede zwischen den in vitro und ex vivo Studien f{\"u}hrten zu der Annahme, dass die Flagelle des EcN in vivo die Adh{\"a}sion an Mucus vermittelt, welcher von den Caco-2- und T24-Zellen nicht produziert wird, aber in den Kryoschnitten der Darmbiopsien nachgewiesen wurde. Diese Vermutung wurde durch in vitro Adh{\"a}sionsstudien mit der Mucin-produzierenden Epithelzelllinie LS174-T best{\"a}tigt, da die Flagellen f{\"u}r eine effektive Adh{\"a}sion an diese Zellen essentiell waren. Zudem reduzierte die Pr{\"a}inkubation flagellierter EcN-St{\"a}mme mit Mucin2 ihre Adh{\"a}sionseffizienz an Kryoschnitte humaner Darmbiopsien. Um die direkte Interaktion zwischen Flagellen des EcN Wildtyps und Mucus zu zeigen, wurde ein ELISA etabliert. Es konnte eine direkte konzentrationsabh{\"a}ngige Interaktion zwischen isolierten Flagellen des EcN Wildtyps und Mucin2, bzw. humanem Mucus (Kolon) beobachtet werden. Interessanterweise konnte keine Interaktion zwischen isolierten Flagellen des EcN Wildtyps und murinem Mucus (Duodenum, Ileum, Caecum, Colon) festgestellt werden. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Mucuszusammensetzung zwischen verschiedenen Spezies variiert. Verschiedene Kohlenhydrate, welche bekannte Mucusbestandteile sind, wurden auf ihre Interaktion mit der Flagelle von EcN getestet und Gluconat wurde als ein Rezeptor identifiziert. Die Pr{\"a}inkubation isolierter Flagellen mit Gluconat reduzierte ihre Interaktion mit Mucin2, bzw. humanem Mucus signifikant. Zudem wurde die oberfl{\"a}chenexponierte Dom{\"a}ne D3 des Flagellins, der Hauptuntereinheit der Flagelle, als m{\"o}glicher Interaktionspartner von Mucin2, bzw. humanem Mucus ausgeschlossen. Flagellen, die aus einer Dom{\"a}ne D3 Deletionsmutante isoliert wurden, zeigten sogar eine effizientere Bindung an Mucin2, bzw. humanen Mucus. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass {\"A}nderungen des pH-Wertes signifikante Effekte auf die Interaktion zwischen Mucus und isolierten Flagellen hatten, vermutlich aufgrund von Konformations{\"a}nderungen. Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Arbeit die Flagelle als neues und scheinbar wichtigstes Adh{\"a}sin in vivo f{\"u}r den probiotischen Stamm EcN identifiziert. Hierf{\"u}r wurden sowohl eine hyperflagellierte Variante, eine ΔfliC Mutante, sowie der dazugeh{\"o}rige komplementierte Stamm verwendet. EcN ist zudem der erste probiotische Stamm f{\"u}r den eine direkte Bindung der Flagellen an humanen Mucus nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Mucuskomponente Gluconat konnte dabei als wichtiger Rezeptor identifiziert werden. Da einige pathogene Bakterien ihre Flagelle zur Adh{\"a}sion an Wirtsgewebe nutzen, k{\"o}nnte dieses Organell EcN dazu bef{\"a}higen, mit Pathogenen um die erfolgreiche Kolonisierung des Darms zu konkurrieren, was als wichtige Eigenschaft eines Probiotikums betrachtet wird.}, subject = {Escherichia coli}, language = {de} } @article{PilsKoppPetersonetal.2012, author = {Pils, Stefan and Kopp, Kathrin and Peterson, Lisa and Tascon, Julia Delgado and Nyffenegger-Jann, Naja J. and Hauck, Christof R.}, title = {The Adaptor Molecule Nck Localizes the WAVE Complex to Promote Actin Polymerization during CEACAM3-Mediated Phagocytosis of Bacteria}, series = {PLoS One}, volume = {7}, journal = {PLoS One}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0032808}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131747}, pages = {e32808}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: CEACAM3 is a granulocyte receptor mediating the opsonin-independent recognition and phagocytosis of human-restricted CEACAM-binding bacteria. CEACAM3 function depends on an intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-like sequence that is tyrosine phosphorylated by Src family kinases upon receptor engagement. The phosphorylated ITAM-like sequence triggers GTP-loading of Rac by directly associating with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Vav. Rac stimulation in turn is critical for actin cytoskeleton rearrangements that generate lamellipodial protrusions and lead to bacterial uptake. Principal Findings: In our present study we provide biochemical and microscopic evidence that the adaptor proteins Nck1 and Nck2, but not CrkL, Grb2 or SLP-76, bind to tyrosine phosphorylated CEACAM3. The association is phosphorylation-dependent and requires the Nck SH2 domain. Overexpression of the isolated Nck1 SH2 domain, RNAi-mediated knock-down of Nck1, or genetic deletion of Nck1 and Nck2 interfere with CEACAM3-mediated bacterial internalization and with the formation of lamellipodial protrusions. Nck is constitutively associated with WAVE2 and directs the actin nucleation promoting WAVE complex to tyrosine phosphorylated CEACAM3. In turn, dominant-negative WAVE2 as well as shRNA-mediated knock-down of WAVE2 or the WAVE-complex component Nap1 reduce internalization of bacteria. Conclusions: Our results provide novel mechanistic insight into CEACAM3-initiated phagocytosis. We suggest that the CEACAM3 ITAM-like sequence is optimized to co-ordinate a minimal set of cellular factors needed to efficiently trigger actin-based lamellipodial protrusions and rapid pathogen engulfment.}, language = {en} } @article{MayerRabindranathBoerneretal.2013, author = {Mayer, Matthias and Rabindranath, Raman and B{\"o}rner, Juliane and H{\"o}rner, Eva and Bentz, Alexander and Salgado, Josefina and Han, Hong and B{\"o}se, Holger and Probst, J{\"o}rn and Shamonin, Mikhail and Monkman, Gereth J. and Schlunck, G{\"u}nther}, title = {Ultra-Soft PDMS-Based Magnetoactive Elastomers as Dynamic Cell Culture Substrata}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {8}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {10}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0076196}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128246}, pages = {e76196}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Mechanical cues such as extracellular matrix stiffness and movement have a major impact on cell differentiation and function. To replicate these biological features in vitro, soft substrata with tunable elasticity and the possibility for controlled surface translocation are desirable. Here we report on the use of ultra-soft (Young's modulus <100 kPa) PDMS-based magnetoactive elastomers (MAE) as suitable cell culture substrata. Soft non-viscous PDMS (<18 kPa) is produced using a modified extended crosslinker. MAEs are generated by embedding magnetic microparticles into a soft PDMS matrix. Both substrata yield an elasticity-dependent (14 vs. 100 kPa) modulation of alpha-smooth muscle actin expression in primary human fibroblasts. To allow for static or dynamic control of MAE material properties, we devise low magnetic field (approximate to 40 mT) stimulation systems compatible with cell-culture environments. Magnetic field-instigated stiffening (14 to 200 kPa) of soft MAE enhances the spreading of primary human fibroblasts and decreases PAX-7 transcription in human mesenchymal stem cells. Pulsatile MAE movements are generated using oscillating magnetic fields and are well tolerated by adherent human fibroblasts. This MAE system provides spatial and temporal control of substratum material characteristics and permits novel designs when used as dynamic cell culture substrata or cell culture-coated actuator in tissue engineering applications or biomedical devices.}, language = {en} } @article{LeichWeissbachKleinetal.2013, author = {Leich, E. and Weißbach, S. and Klein, H.-U. and Grieb, T. and Pischimarov, J. and St{\"u}hmer, T. and Chatterjee, M. and Steinbrunn, T. and Langer, C. and Eilers, M. and Knop, S. and Einsele, H. and Bargou, R. and Rosenwald, A.}, title = {Multiple myeloma is affected by multiple and heterogeneous somatic mutations in adhesion- and receptor tyrosine kinase signaling molecules}, series = {Blood Cancer Journal}, volume = {3}, journal = {Blood Cancer Journal}, number = {e102}, doi = {10.1038/bcj.2012.47}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128663}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Multiple myeloma (MM) is a largely incurable plasma cell malignancy with a poorly understood and heterogeneous clinical course. To identify potential, functionally relevant somatic mutations in MM, we performed whole-exome sequencing of five primary MM, corresponding germline DNA and six MM cell lines, and developed a bioinformatics strategy that also integrated published mutational data of 38 MM patients. Our analysis confirms that identical, recurrent mutations of single genes are infrequent in MM, but highlights that mutations cluster in important cellular pathways. Specifically, we show enrichment of mutations in adhesion molecules of MM cells, emphasizing the important role for the interaction of the MM cells with their microenvironment. We describe an increased rate of mutations in receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and associated signaling effectors, for example, in EGFR, ERBB3, KRAS and MAP2K2, pointing to a role of aberrant RTK signaling in the development or progression of MM. The diversity of mutations affecting different nodes of a particular signaling network appears to be an intrinsic feature of individual MM samples, and the elucidation of intra- as well as interindividual redundancy in mutations that affect survival pathways will help to better tailor targeted therapeutic strategies to the specific needs of the MM patient.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heinemann2013, author = {Heinemann, Elena}, title = {Abrasions- und Adh{\"a}siv-Verhalten fließf{\"a}higer Komposite im Rahmen der kieferorthop{\"a}dischen Langzeitretention}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-81228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden acht fließf{\"a}hige Komposite auf das Abrasions und Abscherverhalten von fließf{\"a}higen Kompositen untersucht. Die Materialien Filtek Supreme XT, Transbond LR, Transbond Supreme LV, Tetric EvoFlow, Venus Diamond Flow, Vertise Flow, Gradia Direct LoFlo sind im ersten Teil auf Volumenverlust und Tiefenverlust sowohl nach 150.000 als auch nach 300.000 Zyklen getestet worden. Durch die Drei-Medien-Abrasion wurden die fließf{\"a}higen Komposite von einem Mohn-Wasser-Gemisch abradiert. Filtek Supreme XT, Transbond LR und Transbond Supreme LV erwiesen sich als besonders abrasionsstabil in Hinblick auf die Langzeitretenion im Mund. In dem zweiten Teil wurden diese acht Materialien auf die Abscherwiderst{\"a}nde untersucht. Es sollte der Einfluss von Temperaturwechseln im Sinne einer k{\"u}nstlichen Alterung gekl{\"a}rt werden und ob eine Zwischenschicht aus niedervisk{\"o}sem Komposit (Adh{\"a}siv) bei fließf{\"a}higen Kompositen notwendig ist. Nach Durchf{\"u}hrung des Versuches und Auswertung der Ergebnisse erreichten die Komposite mit einem geringeren F{\"u}llstoffanteil ohne Adh{\"a}siv ebenso gute Werte wie mit Adh{\"a}siv. Dagegen erzielten Komposite mit hohem F{\"u}llstoffanteil und geringer Viskosit{\"a}t, h{\"o}here Haftwerte mit Adh{\"a}siv als Zwischenschicht. Besonders das Material Transbond LR best{\"a}tigt diese Aussage und erreicht als hochgef{\"u}lltes Komposit mit einer Zwischenschicht aus Adh{\"a}siv Spitzenwerte von 27,5MPa.}, subject = {Zahnmedizin}, language = {de} } @article{EmmertWitzelHeinrich2016, author = {Emmert, M. and Witzel, P. and Heinrich, D.}, title = {Challenges in tissue engineering - towards cell control inside artificial scaffolds}, series = {Soft Matter}, volume = {12}, journal = {Soft Matter}, number = {19}, doi = {10.1039/c5sm02844b}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191341}, pages = {4287-4294}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Control of living cells is vital for the survival of organisms. Each cell inside an organism is exposed to diverse external mechano-chemical cues, all coordinated in a spatio-temporal pattern triggering individual cell functions. This complex interplay between external chemical cues and mechanical 3D environments is translated into intracellular signaling loops. Here, we describe how external mechano-chemical cues control cell functions, especially cell migration, and influence intracellular information transport. In particular, this work focuses on the quantitative analysis of (1) intracellular vesicle transport to understand intracellular state changes in response to external cues, (2) cellular sensing of external chemotactic cues, and (3) the cells' ability to migrate in 3D structured environments, artificially fabricated to mimic the 3D environment of tissue in the human body.}, language = {en} } @article{CollenburgBeyersdorfWieseetal.2017, author = {Collenburg, Lena and Beyersdorf, Niklas and Wiese, Teresa and Arenz, Christoph and Saied, Essa M. and Becker-Flegler, Katrin Anne and Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle and Avota, Elita}, title = {The activity of the neutral sphingomyelinase is important in T cell recruitment and directional migration}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, number = {1007}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2017.01007}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158944}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Breakdown of sphingomyelin as catalyzed by the activity of sphingomyelinases profoundly affects biophysical properties of cellular membranes which is particularly important with regard to compartmentalization of surface receptors and their signaling relay. As it is activated both upon TCR ligation and co-stimulation in a spatiotemporally controlled manner, the neutral sphingomyelinase (NSM) has proven to be important in T cell activation, where it appears to play a particularly important role in cytoskeletal reorganization and cell polarization. Because these are important parameters in directional T cell migration and motility in tissues, we analyzed the role of the NSM in these processes. Pharmacological inhibition of NSM interfered with early lymph node homing of T cells in vivo indicating that the enzyme impacts on endothelial adhesion, transendothelial migration, sensing of chemokine gradients or, at a cellular level, acquisition of a polarized phenotype. NSM inhibition reduced adhesion of T cells to TNF-α/IFN-γ activated, but not resting endothelial cells, most likely via inhibiting high-affinity LFA-1 clustering. NSM activity proved to be highly important in directional T cell motility in response to SDF1-α, indicating that their ability to sense and translate chemokine gradients might be NSM dependent. In fact, pharmacological or genetic NSM ablation interfered with T cell polarization both at an overall morphological level and redistribution of CXCR4 and pERM proteins on endothelial cells or fibronectin, as well as with F-actin polymerization in response to SDF1-α stimulation, indicating that efficient directional perception and signaling relay depend on NSM activity. Altogether, these data support a central role of the NSM in T cell recruitment and migration both under homeostatic and inflamed conditions by regulating polarized redistribution of receptors and their coupling to the cytoskeleton.}, language = {en} } @article{KiserPoppSchmittBoehreretal.2019, author = {Kiser, Dominik P. and Popp, Sandy and Schmitt-B{\"o}hrer, Angelika G. and Strekalova, Tatyana and van den Hove, Daniel L. and Lesch, Klaus-Peter and Rivero, Olga}, title = {Early-life stress impairs developmental programming in Cadherin 13 (CDH13)-deficient mice}, series = {Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology \& Biological Psychiatry}, volume = {89}, journal = {Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology \& Biological Psychiatry}, doi = {10.1016/j.pnpbp.2018.08.010}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325859}, pages = {158-168}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective Cadherin-13 (CDH13), a member of the calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecule family, has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) disorders, but also to depression. In the adult brain, CDH13 expression is restricted e.g. to the presynaptic compartment of inhibitory GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus and Cdh13 knockout mice show an increased inhibitory drive onto hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, leading to a shift in excitatory/inhibitory balance. CDH13 is also moderating migration of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, establishing projections preferentially to the thalamus and cerebellum during brain development. Furthermore, CDH13 is upregulated by chronic stress as well as in depression, suggesting a role in early-life adaptation to stressful experience. Here, we therefore investigated the interaction between Cdh13 variation and neonatal maternal separation (MS) in mice. Methods Male and female wild-type (Cdh13+/+), heterozygous (Cdh13+/-) and homozygous (Cdh13-/-) knockout mice exposed to MS, or daily handling as control, were subjected to a battery of behavioural tests to assess motor activity, learning and memory as well as anxiety-like behaviour. A transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus was performed in an independent cohort of mice which was exposed to MS or handling, but remained na{\"i}ve for behavioural testing. Results MS lead to increased anxiety-like behaviour in Cdh13-/- mice compared to the other two MS groups. Cdh13-/- mice showed a context-dependent effect on stress- and anxiety-related behaviour, impaired extinction learning following contextual fear conditioning and decreased impulsivity, as well as a mild decrease in errors in the Barnes maze and reduced risk-taking in the light-dark transition test after MS. We also show sex differences, with increased locomotor activity in female Cdh13-/- mice, but unaltered impulsivity and activity in male Cdh13-/- mice. Transcriptome analysis revealed several pathways associated with cell surface/adhesion molecules to be altered following Cdh13 deficiency, together with an influence on endoplasmic reticulum function. Conclusion MS resulted in increased stress resilience, increased exploration and an overall anxiolytic behavioural phenotype in male Cdh13+/+ and Cdh13+/- mice. Cdh13 deficiency, however, obliterated most of the effects caused by early-life stress, with Cdh13-/- mice exhibiting delayed habituation, no reduction of anxiety-like behaviour and decreased fear extinction. Our behavioural findings indicate a role of CDH13 in the programming of and adaptation to early-life stress. Finally, our transcriptomic data support the view of CDH13 as a neuroprotective factor as well as a mediator in cell-cell interactions, with an impact on synaptic plasticity.}, language = {en} } @article{AlzheimerSvenssonKoenigetal.2020, author = {Alzheimer, Mona and Svensson, Sarah L. and K{\"o}nig, Fabian and Schweinlin, Matthias and Metzger, Marco and Walles, Heike and Sharma, Cynthia M.}, title = {A three-dimensional intestinal tissue model reveals factors and small regulatory RNAs important for colonization with Campylobacter jejuni}, series = {PLoS Pathogens}, volume = {16}, journal = {PLoS Pathogens}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1008304}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229454}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The Gram-negative Epsilonproteobacterium Campylobacter jejuni is currently the most prevalent bacterial foodborne pathogen. Like for many other human pathogens, infection studies with C. jejuni mainly employ artificial animal or cell culture models that can be limited in their ability to reflect the in-vivo environment within the human host. Here, we report the development and application of a human three-dimensional (3D) infection model based on tissue engineering to study host-pathogen interactions. Our intestinal 3D tissue model is built on a decellularized extracellular matrix scaffold, which is reseeded with human Caco-2 cells. Dynamic culture conditions enable the formation of a polarized mucosal epithelial barrier reminiscent of the 3D microarchitecture of the human small intestine. Infection with C. jejuni demonstrates that the 3D tissue model can reveal isolate-dependent colonization and barrier disruption phenotypes accompanied by perturbed localization of cell-cell junctions. Pathogenesis-related phenotypes of C. jejuni mutant strains in the 3D model deviated from those obtained with 2D-monolayers, but recapitulated phenotypes previously observed in animal models. Moreover, we demonstrate the involvement of a small regulatory RNA pair, CJnc180/190, during infections and observe different phenotypes of CJnc180/190 mutant strains in 2D vs. 3D infection models. Hereby, the CJnc190 sRNA exerts its pathogenic influence, at least in part, via repression of PtmG, which is involved in flagellin modification. Our results suggest that the Caco-2 cell-based 3D tissue model is a valuable and biologically relevant tool between in-vitro and in-vivo infection models to study virulence of C. jejuni and other gastrointestinal pathogens.}, language = {en} }