@article{ZhanStanciauskasStigloheretal.2014, author = {Zhan, Hong and Stanciauskas, Ramunas and Stigloher, Christian and Dizon, Kevin K. and Jospin, Maelle and Bessereau, Jean-Luis and Pinaud, Fabien}, title = {In vivo single-molecule imaging identifies altered dynamics of calcium channels in dystrophin-mutant C. elegans}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {5}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {4974}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms5974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121125}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Single-molecule (SM) fluorescence microscopy allows the imaging of biomolecules in cultured cells with a precision of a few nanometres but has yet to be implemented in living adult animals. Here we used split-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusions and complementation-activated light microscopy (CALM) for subresolution imaging of individual membrane proteins in live Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). In vivo tissue-specific SM tracking of transmembrane CD4 and voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels (VDCC) was achieved with a precision of 30 nm within neuromuscular synapses and at the surface of muscle cells in normal and dystrophin-mutant worms. Through diffusion analyses, we reveal that dystrophin is involved in modulating the confinement of VDCC within sarcolemmal membrane nanodomains in response to varying tonus of C. elegans body-wall muscles. CALM expands the applications of SM imaging techniques beyond the petri dish and opens the possibility to explore the molecular basis of homeostatic and pathological cellular processes with subresolution precision, directly in live animals.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZeeshangebMajeed2014, author = {Zeeshan [geb. Majeed], Saman}, title = {Implementation of Bioinformatics Methods for miRNA and Metabolic Modelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Dynamic interactions and their changes are at the forefront of current research in bioinformatics and systems biology. This thesis focusses on two particular dynamic aspects of cellular adaptation: miRNA and metabolites. miRNAs have an established role in hematopoiesis and megakaryocytopoiesis, and platelet miRNAs have potential as tools for understanding basic mechanisms of platelet function. The thesis highlights the possible role of miRNAs in regulating protein translation in platelet lifespan with relevance to platelet apoptosis and identifying involved pathways and potential key regulatory molecules. Furthermore, corresponding miRNA/target mRNAs in murine platelets are identified. Moreover, key miRNAs involved in aortic aneurysm are predicted by similar techniques. The clinical relevance of miRNAs as biomarkers, targets, resulting later translational therapeutics, and tissue specific restrictors of genes expression in cardiovascular diseases is also discussed. In a second part of thesis we highlight the importance of scientific software solution development in metabolic modelling and how it can be helpful in bioinformatics tool development along with software feature analysis such as performed on metabolic flux analysis applications. We proposed the "Butterfly" approach to implement efficiently scientific software programming. Using this approach, software applications were developed for quantitative Metabolic Flux Analysis and efficient Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis (MIDA) in metabolic modelling as well as for data management. "LS-MIDA" allows easy and efficient MIDA analysis and, with a more powerful algorithm and database, the software "Isotopo" allows efficient analysis of metabolic flows, for instance in pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Listeria). All three approaches have been published (see Appendices).}, subject = {miRNS}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zdzieblo2014, author = {Zdzieblo, Daniela}, title = {Das Polycomb group Protein PCGF6 ist ein neuer und essentieller Faktor der iPS Reprogrammierung und kann in Kombination mit Oct4, Klf4 und c-Myc den Transkriptionsfaktor Sox2 ersetzen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106870}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Embryonale Stammzellen (ESCs) sind durch zwei charakteristische Eigenschaften definiert. Neben einer kontinuierlichen Selbsterneuerungskapazit{\"a}t weisen ESCs die F{\"a}higkeit auf, in alle Zelltypen der drei Keimbl{\"a}tter differenzieren zu k{\"o}nnen. Diese Eigenschaften werden unter anderem durch ein Netzwerk wichtiger Pluripotenzfaktoren als auch durch epigenetische Mechanismen reguliert, welche die Transkription von Pluripotenz- und Differenzierungsgenen kontrollieren. In murinen ESCs sind an der Repression von Differenzierungsgenen auch Polycomb group (PcG) Proteine beteiligt. Diese Proteine bauen zwei Chromatin-modifizierende Komplexe auf, die als Polycomb repressive complex 1 bzw. 2 (PRC1 bzw. PRC2) bezeichnet werden. Nach dem klassischen Modell der Polycombfunktion, katalysieren PRC1 und PRC2 gemeinsam zwei charakteristische Histonmodifikationen, die zur Repression PRC-spezifischer Zielgene beitragen. Zahlreiche Studien in den letzten Jahren belegen, dass der Proteinaufbau der PRC1 Komplexe stark variieren kann, wobei die Familie der Polycomb group RING finger (Pcgf) Proteine eine wichtige Rolle spielt. In diesem Zusammenhang definieren einzelne Pcgf Paraloge (Pcgf1 - 6) verschiedene PRC1 Varianten (PRC1.1 - 1.6), die Komplex-spezifische Bindestellen im Genom aufweisen. Diese Erkenntnisse lassen auf unterschiedliche Mechanismen der PRC1 Varianten und Pcgf Paralog-spezifische Funktionen schließen, die zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nur wenig erforscht sind. F{\"u}r manche Pcgf Paraloge sind wichtige Rollen in verschiedenen Stammzelltypen und w{\"a}hrend der iPS Reprogrammierung bekannt. Pcgf1 (Nspc1), Pcgf2 (Mel18) und Pcgf4 (Bmi1) zeigen eine Funktion in verschiedenen adulten Stammzellen. Pcgf4 spielt dar{\"u}ber hinaus eine wichtige Rolle in der murinen iPS Reprogrammierung. F{\"u}r Pcgf6 (Mblr) wird eine Pluripotenz-assoziierte Funktion angenommen, denn Pcgf6 ist das einzige Pcgf Paralog, das eine erh{\"o}hte Expression in murinen ESCs aufweist, die jedoch im Verlauf der ESC-Differenzierung absinkt. Außerdem zeigen murine Pcgf6 KD ESCs eine verminderte Expression der Pluripotenzgene Oct4, Sox2 und Nanog, eine De-Repression mesodermaler und Testes-spezifischer Gene als auch eine erh{\"o}hte Tendenz zur h{\"a}matopoetischen Differenzierung. Wie genau Pcgf6 an der Regulation dieser Prozesse in murinen ESCs beteiligt ist, ist nicht bekannt. In der hier vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Funktion von Pcgf6 in der murinen iPS Reprogrammierung untersucht. Da bereits f{\"u}r Pcgf4 eine Rolle in der Reprogrammierung somatischer Zellen gezeigt wurde und Pcgf6 eine erh{\"o}hte Expression in ESCs aufweist, wurde auch f{\"u}r Pcgf6 eine Funktion in der iPS Reprogrammierung angenommen. Zun{\"a}chst konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Pcgf6 w{\"a}hrend der iPS Reprogrammierung verst{\"a}rkt exprimiert wird und in iPS Zellen eine ESC-{\"a}hnliche Expression aufweist. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte Pcgf6 in Kombination mit Oct4, Klf4 und c-Myc spezifisch den Transkriptionsfaktor Sox2 in der iPS Reprogrammierung ersetzen. Zudem wurden f{\"u}r OPKM-induzierte iPS Zellen charakteristische Eigenschaften pluripotenter Zellen nachgewiesen. Außerdem konnte eine Rolle von Pcgf6 als Enhancer-Faktor f{\"u}r die iPS Reprogrammierung ausgeschlossen werden, da die {\"U}berexpression von Pcgf6 zusammen mit den OSKM Faktoren keine additiven Effekte auf die Reprogrammierungseffizienz erzielte. Im Gegensatz dazu f{\"u}hrte der Knockdown (KD) von Pcgf6 in embryonalen Mausfibroblasten (MEFs) zu verminderten Effizienzen nach OSKM Reprogrammierung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus handelte es sich bei der Mehrheit der AP+ Kolonien, die unter Pcgf6 KD Konditionen entstanden, um partiell-reprogrammierte iPS Zellen. Zusammengefasst zeigen die Ergebnisse der hier vorliegenden Arbeit, dass Pcgf6 ein neuer und essentieller Faktor der iPS Reprogrammierung ist, der in Kombination mit Oct4, Klf4 und c-Myc spezifisch den Transkriptionsfaktor Sox2 ersetzen kann.}, subject = {Stammzelle}, language = {de} } @article{YilmazAksoyCamlitepeetal.2014, author = {Yilmaz, Ayse and Aksoy, Volkan and Camlitepe, Yilmaz and Giurfa, Martin}, title = {Eye structure, activity rhythms, and visually-driven behavior are tuned to visual niche in ants}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {8}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00205}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119595}, pages = {205}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Insects have evolved physiological adaptations and behavioral strategies that allow them to cope with a broad spectrum of environmental challenges and contribute to their evolutionary success. Visual performance plays a key role in this success. Correlates between life style and eye organization have been reported in various insect species. Yet, if and how visual ecology translates effectively into different visual discrimination and learning capabilities has been less explored. Here we report results from optical and behavioral analyses performed in two sympatric ant species, Formica cunicularia and Camponotus aethiops. We show that the former are diurnal while the latter are cathemeral. Accordingly, F. cunicularia workers present compound eyes with higher resolution, while C. aethiops workers exhibit eyes with lower resolution but higher sensitivity. The discrimination and learning of visual stimuli differs significantly between these species in controlled dual-choice experiments: discrimination learning of small-field visual stimuli is achieved by F. cunicularia but not by C. aethiops, while both species master the discrimination of large-field visual stimuli. Our work thus provides a paradigmatic example about how timing of foraging activities and visual environment match the organization of compound eyes and visually-driven behavior. This correspondence underlines the relevance of an ecological/evolutionary framework for analyses in behavioral neuroscience.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xu2014, author = {Xu, Jiajia}, title = {A high-complexity lentiviral shRNA screen identifies synthetic lethal interactions with deregulated N-Myc in neuroblastoma cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103157}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In contrast to c-Myc, a deregulated expression of the MYCN gene is restricted to human neuroendocrine tumours. In most cases, the excessive activity of N-Myc results from a MYCN amplification. In neuroblastoma, amplification of MYCN is a predictor of poor prognosis and resistance to therapy. The inability to target the N-Myc protein directly necessitates the search for alternative targets. This project aimed at identifying genes specifically required for growth and survival of cells that express high levels of N-Myc using high-throughput shRNA screening combined with next generation sequencing. The identification and analysis of these genes will shed light on functional interaction partners of N-Myc. We screened a shRNA library containing 18,327 shRNAs and identified 148 shRNAs, which were selectively depleted in the presence of active N-Myc. In addition, shRNAs targeting genes that are involved in p53 and ARF turnover and apoptosis were depleted in the cell population during the screen. These processes are known to affect N-Myc-mediated apoptosis. Consequently, these results biologically validated the screen. The 148 shRNAs that showed a significant synthetic lethal interaction with high levels of N-Myc expression were further analysed using the bioinformatics program DAVID. We found an enrichment of shRNAs that target genes involved in specific biological processes. For example, we validated synthetic lethal interactions for genes such as, THOC1, NUP153 and LARP7, which play an important role in the process of RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription elongation. We also validated genes that are involved in the neddylation pathway. In the screen we identified Cullin 3, which is a component of the BTB-CUL3-Rbx1 ubiquitin ligase that is involved in the turnover of Cyclin E. Depletion of cullin 3 and activation of N-Myc was found to synergistically increase Cyclin E expression to supraphysiological levels, inducing S-phase arrest and a strong DNA damage response. Together with results from a proteomics analysis of N-Myc associated proteins, our results lead us to the following hypothesis: In a neuroblastoma cell, the high levels of N-Myc result in a conflict between RNA polymerase II and the replication machinery during S-phase. The newly identified interaction partners of N- Myc are required to solve this conflict. Consequently, loss of the interaction leads to a massive DNA damage and the induction of apoptosis. In addition, inhibition or depletion of the essential components of the neddylation pathway also results in an unresolvable problem during S-phase.}, subject = {Neuroblastom}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xian2014, author = {Xian, Yibo}, title = {Identification of essential genes and novel virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by transposon mutagenesis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-102659}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a human-specific pathogen that causes gonorrhea. It is defined as a super bacterium by the WHO due to the emergence of gonococci that are resistant to a variety of antibiotics and a rapidly increasing infection incidence. Genome-wide investigation of neisserial gene essentiality and novel virulence factors is urgently required in order to identify new targets for anti-neisserial therapeutics. To identify essential genes and new virulence factors, a high-density mutant library in N. gonorrhoeae MS11 was generated by in vitro transposon mutagenesis. The transposon library harbors more than 100,000 individual mutants, a density that is unprecedented in gonococcal research. Essential genes in N. gonorrhoeae were determined by enumerating frequencies of transposon insertion sites (TIS) with Illumina deep sequencing (Tn-seq). Tn-seq indicated an average distance between adjacent TIS of 25 bp. Statistical analysis unequivocally demonstrated 781 genes that were significantly depleted in TIS and thus are essential for Neisseria survival. A subset of the genes was experimentally verified to comprise essential genes and thus support the outcome of the study. The hereby identified candidate essential genes thus may constitute excellent targets for the development of new antibiotics or vaccines. In a second study, the transposon mutant library was applied in a genome-scale "negative-selection strategy" to identify genes that are involved in low phosphate-dependent invasion (LPDI). LPDI is dependent on the Neisseria porin subtype PorBIA which acts as an epithelial cell invasin in absence of phosphate and is associated with severe pathogenicity in disseminated gonococcal infections (DGI). Tn-seq demonstrated 98 genes, which were involved in adherence to host cells and 43 genes involved in host cell invasion. E.g. the hypothetical protein NGFG_00506, an ABC transporter ATP-binding protein NGFG_01643, as well as NGFG_04218 encoding a homolog of mafI in N. gonorrhoeae FA1090 were experimentally verified as new invasive factors in LPDI. NGFG_01605, a predicted protease, was identified to be a common factor involved in PorBIA, Opa50 and Opa57-mediated neisserial engulfment by the epithelial cells. Thus, this first systematic Tn-seq application in N. gonorrhoeae identified a set of previously unknown N. gonorrhoeae invasive factors which demonstrate molecular mechanisms of DGI.}, subject = {Neisseria gonorrhoeae}, language = {en} } @article{WaeschkeHardgeHancocketal.2014, author = {W{\"a}schke, Nicole and Hardge, Kerstin and Hancock, Christine and Hilker, Monika and Obermaier, Elisabeth and Meiners, Torsten}, title = {Odour Environments: How Does Plant Diversity Affect Herbivore and Parasitoid Orientation?}, series = {PlOS ONE}, volume = {9}, journal = {PlOS ONE}, number = {1}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0085152}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117687}, pages = {e85152}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Plant diversity is known to affect success of host location by pest insects, but its effect on olfactory orientation of non-pest insect species has hardly been addressed. First, we tested in laboratory experiments the hypothesis that non-host plants, which increase odour complexity in habitats, affect the host location ability of herbivores and parasitoids. Furthermore, we recorded field data of plant diversity in addition to herbivore and parasitoid abundance at 77 grassland sites in three different regions in Germany in order to elucidate whether our laboratory results reflect the field situation. As a model system we used the herb Plantago lanceolata, the herbivorous weevil Mecinus pascuorum, and its larval parasitoid Mesopolobus incultus. The laboratory bioassays revealed that both the herbivorous weevil and its larval parasitoid can locate their host plant and host via olfactory cues even in the presence of non-host odour. In a newly established two-circle olfactometer, the weevils capability to detect host plant odour was not affected by odours from non-host plants. However, addition of non-host plant odours to host plant odour enhanced the weevils foraging activity. The parasitoid was attracted by a combination of host plant and host volatiles in both the absence and presence of non-host plant volatiles in a Y-tube olfactometer. In dual choice tests the parasitoid preferred the blend of host plant and host volatiles over its combination with non-host plant volatiles. In the field, no indication was found that high plant diversity disturbs host (plant) location by the weevil and its parasitoid. In contrast, plant diversity was positively correlated with weevil abundance, whereas parasitoid abundance was independent of plant diversity. Therefore, we conclude that weevils and parasitoids showed the sensory capacity to successfully cope with complex vegetation odours when searching for hosts.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wurster2014, author = {Wurster, Sebastian}, title = {Die Bedeutung von LIN9 f{\"u}r die Regulation der Genexpression, die genomische Stabilit{\"a}t und die Tumorsuppression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114967}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Pocket proteins and E2F transcription factors regulate the expression of cell cycle associated genes and play a central role in the coordination of cell division, differentiation, and apoptosis. Disorders of these pathways contribute to the development of various human tumor entities. Despite intensive research in the field of cell cycle regulation many details are not yet understood. The LIN complex (LINC / DREAM) is a recently discovered human multiprotein complex, which dynamically interacts with pocket proteins and E2F transcription factors. An essential component of the LIN complex is the LIN9 protein. In order to obtain a better insight into the function of this protein in cell cycle regulation and tumorigenesis, a conditional Lin9 knockout mouse model was established in our laboratory. The primary objective of this study was the phenotypic characterization of embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from these mice. Shortly after inactivation of Lin9 cell proliferation was massively impaired. Multiple types of mitotic defects such as structural abnormalities of the spindle apparatus, aberrant nuclei, failed nuclear segregation and cytokinesis failure have been observed in Lin9-depleted cells leading to a dramatic increase in polyploid and aneuploid cells. Ultimately these serious aberrations result in premature cellular senescence. If the senescence of Lin9-deficient cells is overcome by the Large T antigen the cells can adhere to the loss of Lin9, but show severe genomic instability and grow anchorage-independently in soft-agar as a sign of oncogenic transformation. In the second part of the thesis the gene expression of Lin9-deficient cells was assessed by quantitative real time PCR analyses to determine, whether the mitotic abnormalities are caused by transcriptional defects. Here a significant reduction of mitotic gene expression was observed in Lin9-depleted cells. Additionally chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments were performed to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms. Compared to control cells epigenetic alterations at the promoters of mitotic target genes with regard to activating histone modifications were found in Lin9-deficient MEFs. In the last section of this study, the effects of Lin9 heterozygosity were analyzed. Lin9 heterozygous MEFs showed normal proliferation, although expression of different mitotic genes was slightly reduced. It appeared, however, that the mitotic spindle checkpoint of Lin9 heterozygous MEFs is weakened and thus over several cell generations an increase in polyploid cells was observed. Soft-agar assays showed that Lin9 heterozygosity contributes to oncogenic transformation. Taken together, these results document a crucial role of LIN9 in the regulation of cell cycle-associated gene expression. LIN9 is an essential factor for cell proliferation on one hand, while at the same time it functions as a tumor suppressor.}, subject = {Zellzyklus}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wolter2014, author = {Wolter, Steve}, title = {Single-molecule localization algorithms in super-resolution microscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-109370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist eine Methodenklasse der superaufl{\"o}senden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, deren Methoden sich durch stochastische zeitliche Isolation der Fluoreszenzemission auszeichnen. Das Blinkverhalten von Fluorophoren wird so ver{\"a}ndert, dass gleichzeitige Aktivierung von einander nahen Fluorophoren unwahrscheinlich ist. Bekannte okalisationsmikroskopische Methoden umfassen dSTORM, STORM, PALM, FPALM, oder GSDIM. Lokalisationsmikroskopie ist von hohem biologischem Interesse, weil sie die Aufl{\"o}sung des Fluoreszenzmikroskops bei minimalem technischem Aufwand um eine Gr{\"o}ßenordnung verbessert. Der verbundene Rechenaufwand ist allerdings erheblich, da Millionen von Fluoreszenzemissionen einzeln mit Nanometergenauigkeit lokalisiert werden m{\"u}ssen. Der Rechen- und Implementationsaufwand dieser Auswertung hat die Verbreitung der superaufl{\"o}senden Mikroskopie lange verz{\"o}gert. Diese Arbeit beschreibt meine algorithmische Grundstruktur f{\"u}r die Auswertung lokalisationsmikroskopischer Daten. Die Echtzeitf{\"a}higkeit, d.h. eine Auswertegeschwindigkeit oberhalb der Datenaufnahmegeschwindigkeit an normalen Messaufbauten, meines neuartigen und quelloffenen Programms wird demonstriert. Die Geschwindigkeit wird auf verbrauchermarktg{\"a}ngigen Prozessoren erreicht und dadurch spezialisierte Rechenzentren oder der Einsatz von Grafikkarten vermieden. Die Berechnung wird mit dem allgemein anerkannten Gaussschen Punktantwortmodell und einem Rauschmodell auf Basis der gr{\"o}ßten Poissonschen Wahrscheinlichkeit durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die algorithmische Grundstruktur wird erweitert, um robuste und optimale Zweifarbenauswertung zu realisieren und damit korrelative Mikroskopie zwischen verschiedenen Proteinen und Strukturen zu erm{\"o}glichen. Durch den Einsatz von kubischen Basissplines wird die Auswertung von dreidimensionalen Proben vereinfacht und stabilisiert, um pr{\"a}zisem Abbilden von mikrometerdicken Proben n{\"a}her zu kommen. Das Grenzverhalten von Lokalisationsalgorithmen bei hohen Emissionsdichten wird untersucht. Abschließend werden Algorithmen f{\"u}r die Anwendung der Lokalisationsmikroskopie auf verbreitete Probleme der Biologie aufgezeigt. Zellul{\"a}re Bewegung und Motilit{\"a}t werden anhand der in vitro Bewegung von Myosin-Aktin-Filamenten studiert. Lebendzellbildgebung mit hellen und stabilen organischen Fluorophoren wird mittels SNAP-tag-Fusionsproteinen realisiert. Die Analyse des Aufbaus von Proteinklumpen zeigt, wie Lokalisationsmikroskopie neue quantitative Ans{\"a}tze jenseits reiner Bildgebung bietet.}, subject = {Fluoreszenzmikroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{WirthGlushakovaScheuermayeretal.2014, author = {Wirth, Christine C. and Glushakova, Svetlana and Scheuermayer, Matthias and Repnik, Urska and Garg, Swatl and Schaack, Dominik and Kachman, Marika M. and Weißbach, Tim and Zimmerberg, Joshua and Dandekar, Thomas and Griffiths, Gareth and Chitnis, Chetan E. and Singh, Shallja and Fischer, Rainer and Pradel, Gabriele}, title = {Perforin-like protein PPLP2 permeabilizes the red blood cell membrane during egress of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes}, series = {Cellular Microbiology}, volume = {16}, journal = {Cellular Microbiology}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1111/cmi.12288}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120895}, pages = {709-33}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Egress of malaria parasites from the host cell requires the concerted rupture of its enveloping membranes. Hence, we investigated the role of the plasmodial perforin-like protein PPLP2 in the egress of Plasmodium falciparum from erythrocytes. PPLP2 is expressed in blood stage schizonts and mature gametocytes. The protein localizes in vesicular structures, which in activated gametocytes discharge PPLP2 in a calcium-dependent manner. PPLP2 comprises a MACPF domain and recombinant PPLP2 has haemolytic activities towards erythrocytes. PPLP2-deficient [PPLP2(-)] merozoites show normal egress dynamics during the erythrocytic replication cycle, but activated PPLP2(-) gametocytes were unable to leave erythrocytes and stayed trapped within these cells. While the parasitophorous vacuole membrane ruptured normally, the activated PPLP2(-) gametocytes were unable to permeabilize the erythrocyte membrane and to release the erythrocyte cytoplasm. In consequence, transmission of PPLP2(-) parasites to the Anopheles vector was reduced. Pore-forming equinatoxin II rescued both PPLP2(-) gametocyte exflagellation and parasite transmission. The pore sealant Tetronic 90R4, on the other hand, caused trapping of activated wild-type gametocytes within the enveloping erythrocytes, thus mimicking the PPLP2(-) loss-of-function phenotype. We propose that the haemolytic activity of PPLP2 is essential for gametocyte egress due to permeabilization of the erythrocyte membrane and depletion of the erythrocyte cytoplasm.}, language = {en} } @article{WiegeringKorbThalheimeretal.2014, author = {Wiegering, Armin and Korb, Doreen and Thalheimer, Andreas and K{\"a}mmerer, Ulrike and Allmanritter, Jan and Matthes, Niels and Linnebacher, Michael and Schlegel, Nicolas and Klein, Ingo and Erg{\"u}n, S{\"u}leyman and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Otto, Christoph}, title = {E7080 (Lenvatinib), a Multi-Targeted Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Demonstrates Antitumor Activities Against Colorectal Cancer Xenografts}, doi = {10.1016/j.neo.2014.09.008}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111165}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Clinical prognosis of metastasized colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is still not at desired levels and novel drugs are needed. Here, we focused on the multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor E7080 (Lenvatinib) and assessed its therapeutic efficacy against human CRC cell lines in vitro and human CRC xenografts in vivo. The effect of E7080 on cell viability was examined on 10 humanCRCcell lines and humanendothelial cells (HUVEC). The inhibitory effect of E7080 on VEGF-induced angiogenesis was studied in an ex vivo mouse aortic ring angiogenesis assay. In addition, the efficacy of E7080 against xenografts derived fromCRC cell lines and CRC patient resection specimenswithmutated KRASwas investigated in vivo. Arelatively low cytotoxic effect of E7080 on CRC cell viabilitywas observed in vitro. Endothelial cells (HUVEC)weremore susceptible to the incubation with E7080. This is in line with the observation that E7080 demonstrated an anti-angiogenic effect in a three-dimensional ex vivo mouse aortic ring angiogenesis assay. E7080 effectively disrupted CRC cell-mediated VEGF-stimulated growth of HUVEC in vitro. Daily in vivo treatment with E7080 (5 mg/kg) significantly delayed the growth of KRAS mutated CRC xenografts with decreased density of tumor-associated vessel formations and without tumor regression. This observation is in line with results that E7080 did not significantly reduce the number of Ki67-positive cells in CRC xenografts. The results suggest antiangiogenic activity of E7080 at a dosage thatwas well tolerated by nudemice. E7080 may provide therapeutic benefits in the treatment of CRC with mutated KRAS.}, language = {en} } @article{WiegeringIsbertDietzetal.2014, author = {Wiegering, Armin and Isbert, Christoph and Dietz, Ulrich A. and Kunzmann, Volker and Ackermann, Sabine and Kerscher, Alexander and Maeder, Uwe and Flentje, Michael and Schlegel, Nicolas and Reibetanz, Joachim and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Klein, Ingo}, title = {Multimodal therapy in treatment of rectal cancer is associated with improved survival and reduced local recurrence - a retrospective analysis over two decades}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2407-14-816}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-110606}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Background The management of rectal cancer (RC) has substantially changed over the last decades with the implementation of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, adjuvant therapy and improved surgery such as total mesorectal excision (TME). It remains unclear in which way these approaches overall influenced the rate of local recurrence and overall survival. Methods Clinical, histological and survival data of 658 out of 662 consecutive patients with RC were analyzed for treatment and prognostic factors from a prospectively expanded single-institutional database. Findings were then stratified according to time of diagnosis in patient groups treated between 1993 and 2001 and 2002 and 2010. Results The study population included 658 consecutive patients with rectal cancer between 1993 and 2010. Follow up data was available for 99.6\% of all 662 treated patients. During the time period between 2002 and 2010 significantly more patients underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (17.6\% vs. 60\%) and adjuvant chemotherapy (37.9\% vs. 58.4\%). Also, the rate of reported TME during surgery increased. The rate of local or distant metastasis decreased over time, and tumor related 5-year survival increased significantly with from 60\% to 79\%. Conclusion In our study population, the implementation of treatment changes over the last decade improved the patient's outcome significantly. Improvements were most evident for UICC stage III rectal cancer.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wenzel2014, author = {Wenzel, Jens}, title = {Regulation of TLR-induced macrophage responses by cytoskeleton-associated phosphoproteins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98843}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Toll-like receptors (TLR) are pattern recognition receptors (PRR) by which macrophages (M{\O}) sense pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The recognition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the PAMP of gram negative bacteria, by TLR4 triggers signaling cascades and leads to the pro-inflammatory activation of the cells. A recent quantitative and kinetic analysis of the phosphoproteome of LPS-activated primary macrophages highlighted the cytoskeleton as a cell compartment with an enriched protein phosphorylation. In total 44 cytoskeleton-associated proteins were regulated by this post-translational modification and thus might be involved in the control and regulation of key macrophage functions like spreading, motility and phagocytosis. To investigate the control of cytoskeleton-associated cell functions by TLR4 activation, we first developed a method to quantitatively measure the spreading response of bone marrow M{\O} after stimulation with LPS. Fluorescence microscopy was used for cell imaging and visualisation of the M{\O} contact area. In collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute Erlangen, we developed and validated a software tool for the semi-automated segmentation and quantitation of M{\O} fluorescence microscopy data, which allowed fast, robust and objective image analysis. Using this method, we observed that LPS caused time-dependent spreading, which was detectable after 1-2 h and maximal after 24 h. Next, the impact of genetic or pharmacological inhibition of known TLR signaling components was investigated. Deficiency in the adapter protein MYD88 strongly reduced spreading activity at the late time points, but had no impact early after LPS-stimulation. A similar effect was observed upon pharmacological inhibition of ERK1/2 signaling, indicating that ERK1/2 mediates MYD88-dependent M{\O} spreading. In contrast, M{\O} lacking the MAPK p38 were impaired in the initial spreading response but responded normally 8-24 h after stimulation. The genetic deletion of the MAPK phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP16 resulted in impaired late spreading, corroborating the essential role for functional MAPK signaling in TLR4-driven M{\O} spreading. To identify the contribution of other cytoskeletal phosphoproteins to M{\O} spreading, siRNA knockdown of selected candidate genes in primary murine M{\O} was employed and combined with automated quantitative image analysis. These experiments revealed a functional role for the Myosins MYO1e and MYO1f in M{\O} spreading. These motor proteins are strongly phosphorylated in LPS-activated M{\O}. Because of their ability to simultaneously bind to actin filaments and cell membrane or other proteins, we investigated their role in phagocytosis, cytokine production and antigen presentation. Phagocytosis and killing of bacteria were not affected in Myo1e-/- macrophages. However, MYO1e plays a role in chemokine secretion and antigen presentation processes. MCP1 (CCL2) release was selectively increased in Myo1e-deficient M{\O} and dendritic cells (DC), while cytokine secretion was unaffected. Furthermore, macrophages and DCs lacking MYO1e showed lower levels of MHC-II on the cell surface. However, mRNA levels of CCL2 and of MHC-II were unaltered. These data suggest a role for MYO1e in the transport of selected chemokines and of MHC-II molecules to the cell surface. MHC-II-restricted antigen presentation assays revealed an impaired capacity of macrophages and DC lacking MYO1e to stimulate antigen-specific T cells, suggesting that the reduced MHC-II expression is functionally relevant. Taken together, in this study first a quantitative image analysis method was developed which allows the unbiased, robust and efficient investigation of the macrophage spreading response. Combination of this method with siRNA knockdown of selected cytoskeleton-associated phosphoproteins led to the identification of MYO1e and MYO1f as regulators of macrophage spreading. Furthermore, we identified MYO1e in M{\O} and DC to be essential for the intracellular transport of CCL2 and MHC-II to the cell surface and for optimal stimulation of antigen-specific CD4 T cells.}, subject = {Toll-like-Rezeptoren}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wende2014, author = {Wende, Beate}, title = {Diversity of saproxylic beetles and host tree specialisation in differently managed forests across Germany}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-107049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Chapter I The gradual turnover of dead organic material into mineral nutrients is a key ecological function, linking decomposition and primary production, the essential parts of the nutrient-energy cycle. However, disturbances in terms of species or resource losses might impair the equilibrium between production and decomposition. Humanity has converted large proportions of natural landscapes and intensified land-use activity for food production. Globally, only very few areas are totally unaffected by human activity today. To ensure the maintenance of both essential ecosystem services, knowledge about the interplay of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning as well as effects of intensified management on both is crucial. The vast majority of terrestrial biomass production as well as decomposition take place in forest ecosystems. Though forestry has a long sustainable history in Europe, its intensification during the last century has caused severe impacts on forest features and, consequently, on the associated biota, especially deadwood dependent organisms. Among these, saproxylic beetles are the most diverse group in terms of species numbers and functional diversity, but also most endangered due to habitat loss. These features classify them as ideal research organisms to study effects of intensified forestry on ecosystem services. The BELONGDEAD project located in Germany aimed to investigate deadwood decay and functional consequences of diversity changes in the associated fauna on the decomposition process from the initialisation of deadwood decay to complete degradation. As part of the BeLongDead project, this dissertation focussed on saproxylic beetle species, thereby evaluating (1) regionally effects of tree species identity of fresh deadwood and (2) forest management of varying intensities on the diversity, abundance and community composition of saproxylic beetles (chapter II); (3) the specialisation degree of different trophic guilds of saproxylic beetles, and thus the stability and robustness of their interaction networks against disturbances (chapter III); (4) the impact of environmental features of local to regional spatial scales on species richness of saproxylic beetles differing in their habitat niche in terms of deadwood decay stages (chapter IV). Chapter II The vast majority of European forest ecosystems have been anthropogenically affected, leaving less than 1\% of the about 1 milliard hectare as natural forests. A long history of forestry and especially the technological progress during the last century have caused massive habitat fragmentation as well as substantial loss of essential resources in European forest ecosystems. Due to this, the substrate-dependent group of saproxylic beetles has experienced severe species losses. Thus, investigations concerning saproxylic diversity and deadwood volume were badly needed. However, the importance of different deadwood in terms of tree species identity for the colonization by saproxylic beetles under different local and regional management regimes is poorly understood. Therefore, we studied possible regional differences in colonization patterns of saproxylic beetle species in a total of 688 fresh deadwood logs of 13 tree species in 9 sites of managed conifer and beech forests, and unmanaged beech forests, respectively. We found that tree species identity was an important driver in determining saproxylic species composition and abundance within fresh deadwood. However, saproxylic species showed different colonization patterns of deadwood items of the same tree species among the study regions. Regionally consistent, conifer forests were most diverse. We attribute the latter result to the historically adaption of saproxylic beetle species to semi-open forests, which conditions are actually best reflected by conifer forests. To preserve a diverse local species pool of early successional saproxylic beetles, we suggest an equal high degree of deadwood diversity in a tree species context in due consideration of regional differences. Chapter III The extinction risk of a particular species corresponds with its species-specific requirements on resources and habitat conditions, in other words with the width of the species` ecological niche. Species with a narrow ecological niche are defined as specialists. Members of this group experience higher extinction risk by resource limitation than generalists, which are able to utilize a variety of resources. For the classification of species as specialists or generalists, thus evaluating possible extinction risks, ecologists use the concept of interaction networks. This method has often been applied for mutualistic or antagonistic plant-animal interactions, but information for networks of detritivores is scarce. Therefore, saproxylic beetle species sampled as described in chapter II were categorised according to their larval diet; additionally their interaction networks (N=108) with 13 dead host tree species were analysed. Specialisation degree was highest for wood-digesting beetles and decreased with increasing trophic level. Also the network indices evaluating robustness and generality indicated a higher susceptibility to species extinctions for xylophagous than for mycetophagous and predatory beetles. The specialisation of xylophagous species on specific tree species might be an adaption to tree species specific ingredients stored for defence against pathogens and pests. However, we conclude that the high specialisation degree of xylophages and thus their higher extinction risk by resource loss harbours certain dangers for ecosystem function and stability as species diversity is positively linked to both. Chapter IV Populations depend on individual emigration and immigration events to ensure genetic exchange. For successful migration it is of utmost importance that spatially separated populations are obtainable by specimen. Migratory success depends on the one hand on the species dispersal abilities and on the other on the availability of suitable habitats in the surrounding landscape in which the distinct host populations exist. However, consequences of intensive forest management correspond not only to severe reduction of local deadwood amount, but, among others, also a change in tree species composition and high levels of fragmentation in the surrounding forest area. Saproxylic beetle species differ in their dispersal behaviour according to the temporal availability of their preferred habitat. Generally, early successional saproxylic beetles are able to disperse over large distances, whereas beetles inhabiting advanced decayed wood often remain close to their larval habitat. Due to this, environmental factors might affect saproxylic beetle guilds differently. We classified the saproxylic beetles sampled as described in chapter II according to their calculated habitat niche as early, intermediate or late successional saproxylic beetles. For the different guilds the effects of 14 environmental factors on different spatial scales (stand factors at 0.1 km radius, landscape composition at 2 km radius, and regionally differing abiotic factors in 400 km to 700 km distance) were investigated. Consistently for all guilds, species richness decreased with fragmentation at local and landscape scale, and increased in warmer climate. However, we found contradictory results between the guilds to some extent. We relate this to guild specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetles. Therefore, for the development of appropriate conservation practices guild-specific requirements saproxylic beetles have to be considered not only locally but on larger spatial scales. Chapter V In conclusion, this dissertation identified main drivers of early successional saproxylic beetle species richness on various spatial scales. Our results emphasize the importance to develop management schemes meeting species-specific and guild-specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetle fauna at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, short-term actions suggested for sustainable forest management should be the focus on a diverse tree species composition consisting of indigenous tree species with respect to regional differences. Moreover, senescent trees, fallen and standing deadwood should remain in the forests, and some tree individuals should be allowed to grow old. Long-term actions should involve the reduction of forest fragmentation and the connection of spatial widely separated forest fragments. Furthermore, to fully understand the effects of forest management long-term research should be conducted to compare habitat requirements of intermediate and late successional beetles with the results presented in this dissertation.}, subject = {Saproxylophage}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2014, author = {Weber, David}, title = {Hey target gene regulation in embryonic stem cells and cardiomyocytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101663}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Notch signaling pathway is crucial for mammalian heart development. It controls cell-fate decisions, coordinates patterning processes and regulates proliferation and differentiation. Critical Notch effectors are Hey bHLH transcription factors (TF) that are expressed in atrial (Hey1) and ventricular (Hey2) cardiomyocytes (CM) and in the developing endocardium (Hey1/2/L). The importance of Hey proteins for cardiac development is demonstrated by knockout (KO) mice, which suffer from lethal cardiac defects, such as ventricular septum defects (VSD), valve defects and cardiomyopathy. Despite this clear functional relevance, little is known about Hey downstream targets in the heart and the molecular mechanism by which they are regulated. Here, I use a cell culture system with inducible Hey1, Hey2 or HeyL expression to study Hey target gene regulation in HEK293 cells, in murine embryonic stem cells (ESC) and in ESC derived CM. In HEK293 cells, I could show that genome wide binding sites largely overlap between all three Hey proteins, but HeyL has many additional binding sites that are not bound by Hey1 or Hey2. Shared binding sites are located close to transcription start sites (TSS) where Hey proteins preferentially bind to canonical E boxes, although more loosely defined modes of binding exist. Additional sites only bound by HeyL are more scattered across the genome. The ability of HeyL to bind these sites depends on the C-terminal part of the protein. Although there are genes which are differently regulated by HeyL, it is unclear whether this regulation results from binding of additional sites by HeyL. Additionally, Hey target gene regulation was studied in ESC and differentiated CM, which are more relevant for the observed cardiac phenotypes. ESC derived CM contract in culture and are positive for typical cardiac markers by qRT PCR and staining. According to these markers differentiation is unaffected by prolonged Hey1 or Hey2 overexpression. Regulated genes are largely redundant between Hey1 and Hey2. These are mainly other TF involved in e.g. developmental processes, apoptosis, cell migration and cell cycle. Many target genes are cell type specifically regulated causing a shift in Hey repression of genes involved in cell migration in ESC to repression of genes involved in cell cycle in CM. The number of Hey binding sites is reduced in CM and HEK293 cells compared to ESC, most likely due to more regions of dense chromatin in differentiated cells. Binding sites are enriched at the proximal promoters of down-regulated genes, compared to up-or non-regulated genes. This indicates that up-regulation primarily results from indirect effects, while down-regulation is the direct results of Hey binding to target promoters. The extent of repression generally correlates with the amount of Hey binding and subsequent recruitment of histone deacetylases (Hdac) to target promoters resulting in histone H3 deacetylation. However, in CM the repressive effect of Hey binding on a subset of genes can be annulled, likely due to binding of cardiac specific activators like Srf, Nkx2-5 and Gata4. These factors seem not to interfere with Hey binding in CM, but they recruit histone acetylases such as p300 that may counteract Hey mediated histone H3 deacetylation. Such a scenario explains differential regulation of Hey target genes between ESC and CM resulting in gene and cell-type specific regulation.}, subject = {Transkriptionsfaktor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vona2014, author = {Vona, Barbara C.}, title = {Molecular Characterization of Genes Involved in Hearing Loss}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-98031}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The auditory system is an exquisitely complex sensory organ dependent upon the synchronization of numerous processes for proper function. The molecular characterization of hereditary hearing loss is complicated by extreme genetic heterogeneity, wherein hundreds of genes dispersed genome-wide play a central and irreplaceable role in normal hearing function. The present study explores this area on a genome-wide and single gene basis for the detection of genetic mutations playing critical roles in human hearing. This work initiated with a high resolution SNP array study involving 109 individuals. A 6.9 Mb heterozygous deletion on chromosome 4q35.1q35.2 was identified in a syndromic patient that was in agreement with a chromosome 4q deletion syndrome diagnosis. A 99.9 kb heterozygous deletion of exons 58-64 in USH2A was identified in one patient. Two homozygous deletions and five heterozygous deletions in STRC (DFNB16) were also detected. The homozygous deletions alone were enough to resolve the hearing impairment in the two patients. A Sanger sequencing assay was developed to exclude a pseudogene with a high percentage sequence identity to STRC from the analysis, which further solved three of the six heterozygous deletion patients with the hemizygous, in silico predicted pathogenic mutations c.2726A>T (p.H909L), c.4918C>T (p.L1640F), and c.4402C>T (p.R1468X). A single patient who was copy neutral for STRC and without pathogenic copy number variations had compound heterozygous mutations [c. 2303_2313+1del12 (p.G768Vfs*77) and c.5125A>G (p.T1709A)] in STRC. It has been shown that STRC has been previously underestimated as a hearing loss gene. One additional patient is described who does not have pathogenic copy number variation but is the only affected member of his family having hearing loss with a paternally segregating translocation t(10;15)(q26.13;q21.1). Twenty-four patients without chromosomal aberrations and the above described patient with an USH2A heterozygous deletion were subjected to a targeted hearing loss gene next generation sequencing panel consisting of either 80 or 129 hearing-relevant genes. The patient having the USH2A heterozygous deletion also disclosed a second mutation in this gene [c.2276G>T (p.C759F)]. This compound heterozygous mutation is the most likely cause of hearing loss in this patient. Nine mutations in genes conferring autosomal dominant hearing loss [ACTG1 (DFNA20/26); CCDC50 (DFNA44); EYA4 (DFNA10); GRHL2 (DFNA28); MYH14 (DFNA4A); MYO6 (DFNA22); TCF21 and twice in MYO1A (DFNA48)] and four genes causing autosomal recessive hearing loss were detected [GJB2 (DFNB1A); MYO7A (DFNB2); MYO15A (DFNB3), and USH2A]. Nine normal hearing controls were also included. Statistical significance was achieved comparing controls and patients that revealed an excess of mutations in the hearing loss patients compared to the control group. The family with the GRHL2 c.1258-1G>A mutation is only the second family published worldwide with a mutation described in this gene to date, supporting the initial claim of this gene causing DFNA28 hearing loss. Audiogram analysis of five affected family members uncovered the progressive nature of DFNA28 hearing impairment. Regression analysis predicted the annual threshold deterioration in each of the five family members with multiple audiograms available over a number of years.}, subject = {Molekularbiologie}, language = {en} } @article{VolceanovHerbstBiniosseketal.2014, author = {Volceanov, Larisa and Herbst, Katharina and Biniossek, Martin and Schilling, Oliver and Haller, Dirk and N{\"o}lke, Thilo and Subbarayal, Prema and Rudel, Thomas and Zieger, Barbara and H{\"a}cker, Georg}, title = {Septins Arrange F-Actin-Containing Fibers on the Chlamydia trachomatis Inclusion and Are Required for Normal Release of the Inclusion by Extrusion}, series = {MBIO}, volume = {5}, journal = {MBIO}, number = {5}, issn = {2150-7511}, doi = {10.1128/mBio.01802-14}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115421}, pages = {e01802-14}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular human pathogen that grows inside a membranous, cytosolic vacuole termed an inclusion. Septins are a group of 13 GTP-binding proteins that assemble into oligomeric complexes and that can form higher-order filaments. We report here that the septins SEPT2, -9, -11, and probably -7 form fibrillar structures around the chlamydial inclusion. Colocalization studies suggest that these septins combine with F actin into fibers that encase the inclusion. Targeting the expression of individual septins by RNA interference (RNAi) prevented the formation of septin fibers as well as the recruitment of actin to the inclusion. At the end of the developmental cycle of C. trachomatis, newly formed, infectious elementary bodies are released, and this release occurs at least in part through the organized extrusion of intact inclusions. RNAi against SEPT9 or against the combination of SEPT2/7/9 substantially reduced the number of extrusions from a culture of infected HeLa cells. The data suggest that a higher-order structure of four septins is involved in the recruitment or stabilization of the actin coat around the chlamydial inclusion and that this actin recruitment by septins is instrumental for the coordinated egress of C. trachomatis from human cells. The organization of F actin around parasite-containing vacuoles may be a broader response mechanism of mammalian cells to the infection by intracellular, vacuole-dwelling pathogens. IMPORTANCE Chlamydia trachomatis is a frequent bacterial pathogen throughout the world, causing mostly eye and genital infections. C. trachomatis can develop only inside host cells; it multiplies inside a membranous vacuole in the cytosol, termed an inclusion. The inclusion is covered by cytoskeletal "coats" or "cages," whose organization and function are poorly understood. We here report that a relatively little-characterized group of proteins, septins, is required to organize actin fibers on the inclusion and probably through actin the release of the inclusion. Septins are a group of GTP-binding proteins that can organize into heteromeric complexes and then into large filaments. Septins have previously been found to be involved in the interaction of the cell with bacteria in the cytosol. Our observation that they also organize a reaction to bacteria living in vacuoles suggests that they have a function in the recognition of foreign compartments by a parasitized human cell.}, language = {en} } @article{VerghoKneitzRosenwaldetal.2014, author = {Vergho, Daniel and Kneitz, Susanne and Rosenwald, Andreas and Scherer, Charlotte and Spahn, Martin and Burger, Maximilian and Riedmiller, Hubertus and Kneitz, Burkhard}, title = {Combination of expression levels of miR-21 and miR-126 is associated with cancer-specific survival in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2407-14-25}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-110061}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Background Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is marked by high mortality rate. To date, no robust risk stratification by clinical or molecular prognosticators of cancer-specific survival (CSS) has been established for early stages. Transcriptional profiling of small non-coding RNA gene products (miRNAs) seems promising for prognostic stratification. The expression of miR-21 and miR-126 was analysed in a large cohort of RCC patients; a combined risk score (CRS)-model was constructed based on expression levels of both miRNAs. Methods Expression of miR-21 and miR-126 was evaluated by qRT-PCR in tumour and adjacent non-neoplastic tissue in n = 139 clear cell RCC patients. Relation of miR-21 and miR-126 expression with various clinical parameters was assessed. Parameters were analysed by uni- and multivariate COX regression. A factor derived from the z-score resulting from the COX model was determined for both miRs separately and a combined risk score (CRS) was calculated multiplying the relative expression of miR-21 and miR-126 by this factor. The best fitting COX model was selected by relative goodness-of-fit with the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Results RCC with and without miR-21 up- and miR-126 downregulation differed significantly in synchronous metastatic status and CSS. Upregulation of miR-21 and downregulation of miR-126 were independently prognostic. A combined risk score (CRS) based on the expression of both miRs showed high sensitivity and specificity in predicting CSS and prediction was independent from any other clinico-pathological parameter. Association of CRS with CSS was successfully validated in a testing cohort containing patients with high and low risk for progressive disease. Conclusions A combined expression level of miR-21 and miR-126 accurately predicted CSS in two independent RCC cohorts and seems feasible for clinical application in assessing prognosis.}, language = {en} } @article{VerghoKneitzKalogirouetal.2014, author = {Vergho, Daniel Claudius and Kneitz, Susanne and Kalogirou, Charis and Burger, Maximilian and Krebs, Markus and Rosenwald, Andreas and Spahn, Martin and L{\"o}ser, Andreas and Kocot, Arkadius and Riedmiller, Hubertus and Kneitz, Burkhard}, title = {Impact of miR-21, miR-126 and miR-221 as Prognostic Factors of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Tumor Thrombus of the Inferior Vena Cava}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0109877}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113633}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) characterized by a tumor thrombus (TT) extending into the inferior vena cava (IVC) generally indicates poor prognosis. Nevertheless, the risk for tumor recurrence after nephrectomy and thrombectomy varies. An applicable and accurate prediction system to select ccRCC patients with TT of the IVC (ccRCC/TT) at high risk after nephrectomy is urgently needed, but has not been established up to now. To our knowledge, a possible role of microRNAs (miRs) for the development of ccRCC/TT or their impact as prognostic markers in ccRCC/TT has not been explored yet. Therefore, we analyzed the expression of the previously described onco-miRs miR-200c, miR-210, miR-126, miR-221, let-7b, miR-21, miR-143 and miR-141 in a study collective of 74 ccRCC patients. Using the expression profiles of these eight miRs we developed classification systems that accurately differentiate ccRCC from non-cancerous renal tissue and ccRCC/TT from tumors without TT. In the subgroup of 37 ccRCC/TT cases we found that miR-21, miR-126, and miR-221 predicted cancer related death (CRD) accurately and independently from other clinico-pathological features. Furthermore, a combined risk score based on the expression of miR-21, miR-126 and miR-221 was developed and showed high sensitivity and specificity to predict cancer specific survival (CSS) in ccRCC/TT. Using the combined risk score we were able to classify ccRCC/TT patients correctly into high and low risk cases. The risk stratification by the combined risk score (CRS) will benefit from further cohort validation and might have potential for clinical application as a molecular prediction system to identify high- risk ccRCC/TT patients.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Varagnolo2014, author = {Varagnolo, Linda}, title = {PRC2 inhibition counteracts the culture-associated loss of engraftment potential of human cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Cord blood hematopoietic stem cells (CB-HSCs) are an outstanding source for the treatment of a variety of malignant and non-malignant disorders. However, the low amount of cells collected per donor is often insufficient for treatment of adult patients. In order to make sufficient numbers of CB-HSCs available for adults, expansion is required. Different approaches were described for HSC expansion, however these approaches are impeded by the loss of engrafting potential during ex vivo culture. Little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. Epigenetic mechanisms play essential roles in controlling stem cell potential and fate decisions and epigenetic strategies are considered for HSC expansion. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize global and local epigenotypes during the expansion of human CB-CD34+, a well established CB progenitor cell type, to better understand the molecular mechanisms leading to the culture-associated loss of engrafting potential. Human CB-CD34+ cells were cultured using 2 different cytokine cocktails: the STF cocktail containing SCF, TPO, FGF-1 and the STFIA cocktail, which combines STF with Angiopoietin-like 5 (Angptl5) and Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2 (IGFBP2). The latter expands CB-HSCs ex vivo. Subsequently, the NOD-scid gamma (NSG) mouse model was used to study the engraftment potential of expanded cells. Engraftment potential achieved by fresh CB-CD34+ cells was maintained when CB-CD34+ cells were expanded under STFIA but not under STF conditions. To explore global chromatin changes in freshly isolated and expanded CB-CD34+ cells, levels of the activating H3K4me3 and the repressive H3K27me3 histone marks were determined by chromatin flow cytometry and Western blot analyses. For analysis of genome-wide chromatin changes following ex vivo expansion, transcriptome profiling by microarray and chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) were performed. Additionally, local chromatin transitions were monitored by ChIP analyses on promoter regions of developmental and self-renewal factors. On a global level, freshly isolated CD34+ and CD34- cells differed in H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 levels. After 7 days of expansion, CD34+ and CD34- cells adopted similar levels of active and repressive marks. Expanding the cells without IGFBP2 and Angptl5 led to a higher global H3K27me3 level. ChIP-seq analyses revealed a cytokine cocktail-dependent redistribution of H3K27me3 profiles. Chemical inhibition of the H3K27 methyltransferase EZH2 counteracted the culture-associated loss of NSG engraftment potential. Collectively, the data presented in this study revealed that by adding epigeneticly active compounds in the culture media we observed changes on a chromatin level which counteracted the loss of engraftment potential. H3K27me3 rather than H3K4me3 may be critical to establish a specific engraftment supporting transcriptional program. Furthermore, I identified a critical function for the Polycomb repressive complex 2-component EZH2 in the loss of engraftment potential during the in vitro expansion of HPSCs. Taken together this thesis provides a better molecular understanding of chromatin changes upon expansion of CB-HSPCs and opens up new perspectives for epigenetic ex vivo expansion strategies.}, subject = {Epigenetik}, language = {en} }